Light vehicles of the Sarmat family


Photo: Vitaliy Kuzmin, All-terrain vehicle LSTS-1943 "Sarmat-2" in the 2019 version.

In the interests of the Russian armed forces, a variety of vehicles and automotive equipment are being created. One of these projects is being developed at OKB Technika and is called Sarmat. Its task is to create a light special vehicle capable of transporting fighters or small loads on different routes. Experienced "Sarmatians" have already come to the test and have even been shown to the public.

Three projects

The appearance of the Sarmat family projects is directly related to the events of recent years. The experience of various operations has shown that the armed forces, together with other equipment, require light vehicles with high mobility and cross-country capabilities. This technique is able to provide the work of various units in different conditions.

To solve this problem, the Ministry of Defense turned to the Moscow Design Bureau "Technique". The bureau received a general technical task and began to study the look of the future army car. Despite the availability of technical specifications, the development was carried out at the expense of the design organization.

The first result of the new OCD was the design of the Sarmat-1 all-terrain vehicle. In this project, they decided to do only the preparation of design documentation. The Ministry of Defense got acquainted with it and adjusted the task for promising equipment. At this stage, new requirements for specifications appeared, as well as a clause on the use of only domestic components.

Photo: Vitaliy Kuzmin

In accordance with the new requirements, Sarmat-1 was redone, which resulted in the design of a light special vehicle LSTS-1943 Sarmat-2. This time, experimental equipment was built and tested. In addition, the prototype car was shown to the public at the Army-2018 exhibition. Based on the results of testing the prototype, the project assignment was again changed.

A new version of the specification was implemented in the form of the LSTS-1944 Sarmat-3 product. This machine is larger and heavier than its predecessor, but carries an increased payload and has other characteristics. The first show of such an all-terrain vehicle took place at the Army-2019 exhibition.

According to available data, “Sarmat-3” is now undergoing tests in the testing ground. The machine must show its characteristics and capabilities, after which the military will determine its future. OKB “Technika” expressed confidence in the success of the tests. However, accurate data on the progress of inspections are not yet available.

LSTS-1943 "Sarmat-2"

The first prototype in the new family was built according to the second project - LSTS-1943 or Sarmat-2. This project offers a lightweight two-axle four-wheel drive vehicle with extensive capabilities for transporting goods or installing weapons. At the same time, the machine is distinguished by a certain simplicity and does not need particularly complex components. It is alleged that such a design, among other things, is highly maintainable.

Photo: Vitaliy Kuzmin, Cabin "Sarmata-2" - nothing more

The car of a lightweight design is made according to the hood layout with a central cabin and a rear location of the cargo area. The cabin is made open. Length - 3,8 m, width 1,8 m, height - 2 m. Gross weight - 2100 kg with a carrying capacity of 600 kg.

The power unit is based on a VAZ-2123 gasoline engine with a capacity of 105 hp. The transmission includes center and center differential with locking. The chassis is built on the basis of axles with spring suspension. The car develops a speed of 130 km / h on the highway, a 4x4 wheel formula provides cross-country traffic.

The cabin of "Sarmat-2" can accommodate four fighters with weapons. Instead of a continuous roof, the machine uses safety bars with jumpers. They can also be used to install a particular infantry weaponry. First of all, it provides for the installation of existing machine guns of normal and large caliber, but the possibility of using other weapons is not excluded.

Photo: Vitaliy Kuzmin, Experienced Sarmat-3 at Army 2019

It is known that during the tests, the LSTS-1943 car showed rather high characteristics, but its capabilities did not fully suit the customer. The terms of reference were revised in the direction of increasing the main characteristics.

LSTS-1944 "Sarmat-3"

According to the amended assignment, we developed the LSTS-1944 Sarmat-3 project. The general architecture of such a machine remained the same, but part of the design feature changed, which led to an increase in a number of parameters. So, the car became larger and heavier, and at the same time increased its carrying capacity. The length of "Sarmat-3" increased to 3,9 m, its width - up to 2 m. Gross weight - 3,5 tons with a carrying capacity of 1,5 tons.

According to the results of tests of the previous all-terrain vehicle, the customer requested to remake the power plant. The gas engine should have been replaced by a diesel engine. Unfortunately, engines of this type with the required set of characteristics are not produced in Russia, and therefore the OKB Technika was forced to use a Chinese-made motor with a capacity of 153 hp. How this issue will be resolved in the future is unclear.

With the existing imported engine, the LSTS-1944 shows higher running characteristics. So, the maximum speed on the highway has grown to 150 km / h. Cruising range - 800 km. Mobility on rough terrain is provided by a successful chassis design and remains at the same level.

Photo: Vitaliy Kuzmin

Several housing configurations are available with varying use of available volumes. Due to this, from 2 to 8 seats can be installed on the machine. In particular, the rear of the housing can be used for mounting seats or for installing a cargo area-body. Saved devices for installing various weapons.

Tasks and prospects

Light special vehicles "Sarmat" are designed to equip various units that have special requirements for their equipment. In some situations, special units of the armed forces or other structures need not armored vehicles, but light and mobile vehicles with the required payload and some weapons.

All-terrain vehicles of the Sarmatov type can be used in all situations when fast transportation of people and cargo to a given area in any area is required. In addition, they can be used in raids on enemy rear lines or in operations on specific theater of operations. For example, in Syrian events, not only armored vehicles show themselves well, but also lightweight models.

To date, in our country several types of light vehicles for special forces and other structures have been developed at once. One of the last in this direction are two samples of the Sarmat family. Now LSTS-1944 "Sarmat-3" is undergoing the necessary tests, according to the results of which the customer will draw conclusions.

Photo: Vitaliy Kuzmin, Workplace of the driver

The developer organization believes that the third version of its all-terrain vehicle will successfully cope with the checks. Indeed, the original “Sarmat-1” was substantially reworked twice taking into account the requirements of the customer and now, most likely, meets the needs of the army as much as possible. In its current form, the LSTS-1944 machine can transport a whole detachment with weapons and cargo, as well as support it with fire.

However, the situation with engines remains unclear. The experienced Sarmat-3 is equipped with an imported diesel engine, which may require replacement. How to solve this problem is unknown. Perhaps the Ministry of Defense will allow to replace the diesel with a gasoline engine. Scenarios are also possible with the launch of the development of the necessary motor or with the mitigation of project requirements. In any case, the issue of the engine requires a solution - without this, the Sarmat-3 project will face the most serious problems.

In general, without taking into account the urgent problem of the engine, the Sarmat-2 and Sarmat-3 projects look interesting and promising. Such equipment is really needed by the Russian security forces, and in the foreseeable future it can go into series. However, for this, it is first necessary to solve the existing problems, as well as conduct tests and refinement.

Work on the Sarmat family of light vehicles has advanced far enough and yielded some of the desired results, which is cause for optimism. However, due to some difficulties, the future of the project is still not completely clear. Probably, it will be determined in the very near future.
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  1. +3
    27 December 2019 05: 31
    So copy the German 1,9 TDI engine in both the army and civilian handy.
    1. +6
      27 December 2019 05: 49
      Quote: Pessimist22
      So copy the German 1,9 TDI engine in both the army and civilian handy.

      Who will give to copy? Firstly, there is no will to commit this action. Secondly, in all our car companies "foreign" managers are sitting, who will not allow this. And we cannot spit on everything and make copies (like the Chinese).
      1. +2
        29 December 2019 04: 39
        Quote: astronom1973n
        But we can’t spit on everything and make copies (like the Chinese).

        Pride does not allow our engineers. Unlike Chinese. Therefore, we will be so without engines, without electronics and without much more. Because there is pride, but no mind.
        1. +1
          7 March 2020 07: 26
          rather, not pride, but salary laughing
    2. +9
      27 December 2019 08: 19
      With the existing imported engine LSTS-1944

      Maybe it's time to make a line "imported engine", a stop signal for any government procurement.
    3. +3
      27 December 2019 13: 57
      Quote: Pessimist22
      So copy the German 1,9 TDI engine

      ZMZ 51432 current it is necessary to finish it slightly, improve the quality of some elements and do not give a damn about environmental standards, the Euro-4 military is useless.
  2. +2
    27 December 2019 05: 42
    The machine is needed of course. The visor of the dashboard is confusing, as it looks dangerous. And I’m not catching up with what kind of lattice things on the hood, hinges or what? Maybe someone in the know ?.
    1. +7
      27 December 2019 12: 49
      There, Vladimir’s entire body was made with an ax and a sledgehammer. The crew will have to be gypsum-plated in advance to protect them from injuries. In motorsport, right angles are forbidden, but we cannot learn from other people's mistakes, we need a rake.
  3. +9
    27 December 2019 06: 15
    Somehow it all looks like one of my friends who bought a cornfield, spent three years on it, money and time, increasing the cross-country ability and indestructibility, and eventually realized that he needed an UAZ :). So here too, we started with "Niva", finished with "UAZ" (150 HP, 1.5 tons).
    Those. the military cannot decide what they still need - TPK or UAZ?
    Well, do they already have UAZ?

    Well, the corners are sharp in the "salon" - well, plastic is now cheap and affordable, what problems should you glue on a prototype made of fiberglass on foam plastic?

    But the steering wheel is "boy" :)
    1. +3
      27 December 2019 07: 43
      Well, do they already have UAZ?
      UAZ 469 or its descendants are no longer in production, stocks are not unlimited, and it is already outdated. But there is no replacement, Patriot is a SUV, besides too bulky.
      What is needed is a modern version of a lightweight, versatile vehicle like the UAZ 469, and already on its basis you can make lightly armored versions and lightweight bugs like that.
      Without a basis - serial engine, chassis, all these projects like Sarmat are doomed. They are needed in a very limited amount, no one will make engines because of such a small series, and civilian engines on military equipment are too unreliable. the army will not accept them.
      1. +1
        27 December 2019 08: 06
        You can make your own chassis for the army, it’s not so expensive, but the ICE is of course necessary on the basis of serial production, with modifications for the military.
        Or, on the contrary, on the basis of the military make a civilian, like sometimes the "bourgeois" do that.
      2. +3
        27 December 2019 10: 30
        UAZ Hunter is available. Production was resumed in 2016, as there is great demand.
      3. +3
        3 January 2020 18: 00
        ... and civilian engines on military equipment are too unreliable.

        UAZ once lived in the army with a Volgov engine in the army for so many years and did not even know about it.
        Patriot is a SUV

        What? Even commenting does not make sense.
        besides too bulky

        It’s not bulky at all, just look at all sorts of hiluxes of Báchs or army five-door DEFs to understand that Patrick is of completely ordinary size.
        Without a basis - serial engine, chassis, all these projects like Sarmat are doomed.

        This project, exclusively for all kinds of special forces, like the American buggy is a piece, often a one-time product, and not a replacement for an UAZ, in theory, you can take Chinese diesel engines too - a highly specialized equipment that was needed yesterday. In general, whether they would have taken the engine from the field, as in SARMAT-2 and did not make the brain, they will not make a compact diesel engine in Russia and are unlikely to be.
    2. +5
      27 December 2019 09: 40
      Those. the military cannot decide what they still need - TPK or UAZ?

      It seems to me that those who originally ordered, wanted the easy option, but then all these commissions, as usual: the car, of course, is good, but there would still be a machine gun to deliver. Ogh, like that, but not this one, but a large-caliber one. And let’s do a little more effort, what if the AGS is needed, the AGS is power! It turns out perfectly, but just imagine, you are driving, and a tank is coming towards you from around the corner. Maybe ATGM, where you can adapt, otherwise without it what a war.
      That weight has slowly grown, that the new engine to look for.
  4. +2
    27 December 2019 06: 28
    Instead of a fire extinguisher, put a bottle of nitrous oxide to him !!! If anything, you can drape very fast!
    1. 0
      27 December 2019 07: 28
      Quote: rocket757
      If anything, you can drape very smartly
      Set aside defeatist moods! Coming very fast! Time to laughing understand the nuances.
      1. +3
        27 December 2019 07: 50
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        Set aside defeatist moods! Coming very fast! It's time to understand the nuances.

        Just experience, "the wisdom of an old soldier"!
        It is better to advance, carefully, slowly ... "hurry slowly", it will be more whole!
        A "nimble drape" is just an element of tactics, especially important for scouts!
        By the way, such a technique is not for direct, linear battle, all the same.
        So, we start gas and GAS !!! In the right direction, of course.
        1. +1
          29 December 2019 04: 46
          Quote: rocket757
          So, we start gas and GAS !!! In the right direction, of course.

          In this case, if you are draping, then it’s better to fill the tank with something like sarin
          1. 0
            29 December 2019 07: 08
            We do not violate the Convention! If we break, then so that it would not be so.
  5. +2
    27 December 2019 08: 02
    Everything seems to be fine, well, why is she ugly laughing
  6. bar
    27 December 2019 08: 43
    What is the point of making a car for the army based on niva-shnivy aggregates that are manufactured at an enterprise owned by a NATO member? And their production is already ending. Chevrolet sold its shares to Renault, which means the "cornfield" will soon be gone. So it was necessary to immediately do it on the basis of the "duster".
    1. +2
      27 December 2019 11: 14
      What is the point of making a car for the army based on niva-shnivy aggregates that are manufactured at an enterprise owned by a NATO member? And their production is already ending. Chevrolet sold its shares to Renault, which means the "cornfield" will soon be gone. So it was necessary to immediately do it on the basis of the "duster".

      The other day, they gathered at their motorcycle club at one of the tubers, the owner of a car service. Half of the service area is made up by old Niva 21213. We talked for Niva. It turns out that now in the countryside (according to the servant), there’s some kind of boom on the old Niva. Buy, repair. He says that the villagers finally, after the euphoria about foreign cars, intuitively understood all the advantages of the Niva for driving and operating / repairing off-road in the middle lane (service, by the way, in the Tver region) ... But Shnivy, they say, sucks ... Why this is me - yes to the fact that a light SUV based on the Niva is quite vital for itself .... People can’t be fooled ...
      1. bar
        27 December 2019 11: 25
        I’m not talking about the technical side of the issue, if you don’t understand, but about business. Shniva 50/50 belongs to GM and VAZ (French). And most of the nodes for it are produced at VAZ. Once upon a time, in the days of the "classics", with which the "niva" has a lot in common, it made sense. Now these units are manufactured in small quantities on separate equipment, which is unprofitable for the French and does not make sense. Accordingly, it makes no sense to continue to produce "Niva", they also have their own "best in the world" platform B0, and there is a "super SUV" on this platform - a duster, which has the same "Niva" competitor. They would have strangled her long ago, but they had a contract with GM for shnivy. Now this is gone, and the "cornfield" does not have long to live. Instead, there will be a reworked duster with a boat following the example of the Nissan Terrano. Our people so dreamed of foreign cars ...
        1. +2
          3 January 2020 18: 04
          Well, somehow the classic Niva is not going to retire at all, but now it’s, in fact, a shniva in a different body, so don’t care if the shniva is stopped.
          1. bar
            3 January 2020 19: 01
            Or I did not write clearly enough, or one of two ...
            Once again, you correctly noted that the filling of the fields and shnivy are almost identical. And this filling is produced at the VAZ. And its release to the French is not at all interesting and even unprofitable. And all this was produced because there was a contract for the supply of this filling for shnivy, and all this went to the field "for one thing", since the production of the filling is still going on, the equipment still works, and it still needs to be maintained. Now the contract for shnivy is no longer there, the French have untied their hands, the equipment can finally be written off and breathe peacefully. And instead of cornfields / shniva, launch another duster with a boat on the hood. Something like that...
            1. +2
              3 January 2020 19: 14
              Well xs, the new plans for restyling the Niva say that no one is going to stop producing it for at least another five years. This year they were going to shoot her, but did not dare.
              1. bar
                3 January 2020 19: 26
                There is no restyling there. We were going to change the front panel, but have decided not to. And they wanted to stop the production of Niva 2121 20 years ago, when they developed 2123 instead (which was then sold to the Americans and it became shnivy). Since then, this suitcase without a handle called "fret 4x4" has been dragged along. When it was produced in parallel with shnivy, it was somehow justified. And without shnivy, 4x4 has no options to survive.
                1. +2
                  4 January 2020 10: 40
                  In fact, they are already being released from December 16 with a new interior, heater and seats.
                  1. bar
                    4 January 2020 10: 55
                    This celebration of life will last until 2023 at the most. Then the French are planning a complete transition to the B0 platform. This will also affect the "grant" family. And with "cornfield" can be dealt with even earlier.
      2. 0
        27 December 2019 18: 11
        Quote: Alexander X
        Half of the service area is made up by old Niva 21213. We talked for Niva. It turns out that now in the countryside (according to the servant), there’s some kind of boom on the old Niva.

        So Niva repairable, in contrast to which, except for Suzuki Vitara or Escudo.
        By the way, it’s strange with 1.7 flap valves 105 horses were pulled out, I remember that 8 0 horses have 23.
        1. +2
          27 December 2019 20: 17
          You can get up to 140 horses from the Nivovsky engine (injector) only if you assemble it with your DIRECT hands and not from scrap metal. The problem is that the price tag of this engine starts to catch up with the cost of a standard car. My body has already died (all spars are overcooked) went with son in the salon ask the price of a new shorty — just sadness — give almost 700 rubles in the cabin, then take it apart and add another 500 rubles during assembly. The designer is released for 40 years and only his lips are smeared when restyling.
          1. 0
            27 December 2019 20: 31
            Quote: zadorin1974
            From the Nivovsky engine (injector) you can get up to 140 horses

            It’s not possible with 8 valves, and even if 1.7 and then 90 horses will be, even if you take a German or a Japanese ..
            I already thought that 16 bugs in an oil bath began to be installed. But they are not.
            At the very different fields were for hunting, already deregistered. There engines and for 300 thousand, several times capetale.
            By the way, AvtoVAZ on the fly at the expense of boxes and gearboxes of the axles spoke out, saying that the machine park was killed because of sanctions, it is not possible to purchase. So be content with what is.
            it’s good that I have Kalina in automatic transmission, that is Japanese. But it’s cheaper than Kia, Hyundai and something like this class, because the engine is peppy and there are no failures in the speed set from the included kondeya.
            1. 0
              27 December 2019 20: 42
              It is possible, but expensive - only the block remains native. The rest is from piece production. Shafts, connecting rods, etc. Turbines are sold without problems, but due to gearboxes (especially the front ones, I have a whole collection of pairs with different defects (for example, sometimes over beginners neighing).
              1. 0
                27 December 2019 20: 54
                Quote: zadorin1974
                It is possible, but expensive - only the block remains native. The rest is from piece production. Shafts, connecting rods, etc. Turbines are sold without problems

                I had the right-handed Suzuka Escuda, with automatic transmission, Three-door .94, and then the engine 1.6, 16 valve and injector, hydrachs and 80 horses.
                Wheelbarrow on the engine and automatic transmission, you can say not killed up to 400 thousand. Only change consumables for every 100, a belt with rollers and hydraulic lifters with maslakhs.
                1. 0
                  27 December 2019 21: 04
                  I am very annoyed by machines like injectors, sometimes we climb there, as they sometimes joke that there bears are afraid to spoil (so that the less electronics and complexity, the easier it is to pull out). The last time is more on the quadric.
                  1. 0
                    27 December 2019 21: 09
                    There’s nothing to be afraid of machine guns if you live in a big city, but the mechanics for small towns and then just sat down.
                    Although they are now installing military equipment, the issue is debatable but comfort is ensured.
                    like a bicycle, two pedals. smile
                    Here's the left, for example, if she is injured resting.
                    1. 0
                      27 December 2019 21: 17
                      at the expense of riding the fifth point I agree. But at the time I was taught on the handle, once I had to saw almost 200 km to the house with a broken UAZ shifter. It's boring to drive my stick on a stick)))) Of course, every year it gets better and better in winter cleaned more often but the urals are still not Germany, houses are lower and asphalt is thinner.
                      1. 0
                        27 December 2019 21: 30
                        He himself started with a pen, 52 and 131, a Muscovite 412, a penny and a Mazda 323, then switched to the machine, although there were hunting and fishing machines on the poker, but still life forced the machine to be transferred, the town had already lived in the village. Yes he tied up with nature, although he climbed the mountains on a dead road to Suzuki, let pass the road, here the clutch didn’t burn, it’s just a brake and then the gas goes. The machine goes well, on slope 2 or 1 it slows down with the engine so that the pads do not overheat, only ride on automatic transmission. Yes, but 35-40 degree heat is digested.
  7. +2
    27 December 2019 09: 47
    Everywhere we run into engines. It’s time, probably, to open some engine center so that all types of engines can do it - at least for ships, at least for automobiles
    1. 0
      29 December 2019 01: 01
      Quote: turcom
      Everywhere we run into engines. It’s time, probably, to open some engine center so that all types of engines can do it - at least for ships, at least for automobiles

      Now if we create such a center for engines, then according to the tradition that has been developed recently, some manager will be appointed director, with the formation of a lawyer (journalist, former policeman, director of a furniture factory, etc.) and we will get the same crap as usual :
      money spent, bought at home abroad, the director’s children study in England - there is no engine, no one to blame, someone will be scolded.
  8. +3
    27 December 2019 09: 59
    We started with a cornfield, I didn’t like it, we want it as a UAZ, I don’t like it, do the military themselves know what they want? But I would have seen in a coffin to rush on this shushlayka in a 30 degree frost, or in mud and slush. A toy for the military, saigas and hares on the steppe to drive. And the natural conditions in Syria and we are somewhat different.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. bar
      27 December 2019 11: 32
      The military knows. They have all sorts of "tigers" armored in use. And these are the products of various businessmen who dream of getting a piece of the government order's pie.
      1. 0
        29 December 2019 01: 12
        Quote: bar
        ..... They have all sorts of "tigers" armored in use. And these are the products of various businessmen who dream of getting a piece of the government order's pie.

        For the army, a cheap car with good cross-country ability, a little more than an ATV, would not hurt. Do not chase the "Typhoon", "tiger" or "bear" on every occasion.
        1. bar
          29 December 2019 08: 51
          Times have changed, the army too. In kirzach and overcoats, driving in the cold in an open car, dodging bullets and fragments, the fashion passed. Hope to value people now become more expensive.
          1. 0
            29 December 2019 13: 34
            Quote: bar
            In kirzach and overcoats, driving in the cold in an open car, dodging bullets and fragments, the fashion passed. Hope to value people now become more expensive.

            Overcoat. You unfasten the strap, fasten the buttons below (on the back) and get a blanket, under which you slightly fit your legs slightly tightened.
            Boots. On a march a halt, you take off your boots, you turn your footcloths over, swaddle your feet again, your feet dry, the top of the footcloth is dried until the next stop. And which of the above can be done with a pea coat and boots?
            Transport. For the price of one "typhoon" you can buy (there was a price of 35 rubles for a "Typhoon-u"), 800 cars are easier. And the question is, which is more practical:
            10 Typhoons? or
            8 "Typhoons + 60 cars easier?"
            1. bar
              29 December 2019 14: 35
              Overcoat. You unfasten the strap, fasten the buttons below (on the back) and get a blanket, under which you slightly fit your legs slightly tightened.

              And how will this help in a small cramped jeep without doors and a roof under snow and rain?
              For the price of one "typhoon" you can buy (there was a price of 35 rubles for a "Typhoon-u"), 800 cars are easier.

              I would like to believe that in our time people have become more expensive than a piece of iron, and they began to take care. The times when "women still give birth" are over.
              1. 0
                29 December 2019 14: 45
                bar (-) Today, 14:35
                Overcoat. You unfasten the strap, fasten the buttons below (on the back) and get a blanket, under which you slightly fit your legs slightly tightened.
                And how will this help in a small cramped jeep without doors and a roof under snow and rain?

                An interesting statement of the question ...
                And how will a pea jacket and boots help when a soldier is under the armor of a "typhoon" that floats on a detached ice floe, in a stormy sea, in bad weather?
                1. bar
                  29 December 2019 14: 54
                  floating on an ice floe in a stormy sea in bad weather

                  ... in the midst of a nuclear explosion ...
                  You can dream up anything. And frosts / snow / rains / slush ordinary and frequent phenomena, prose of life. Footcloths get tired of drying. This time. And two - the car should protect at least from small arms and fragments, ideally - from undermining. People have now risen in price.
                  The other day the neighboring battalion went to the exercises, there were several "lynxes" in the convoy, a couple of "typhoons-m" and not a single UAZ. It is significant.
                  1. 0
                    29 December 2019 18: 39
                    Quote: bar
                    The other day the neighboring battalion went to the exercises, there were several "lynxes" in the convoy, a couple of "typhoons-m" and not a single UAZ. It is significant.

                    What would the products from the warehouse to the dining room bring the tank send or armored personnel carriers enough?
  9. +2
    27 December 2019 10: 06
    Niva again dismantled?
    1. +1
      27 December 2019 18: 12
      Quote: Zaurbek
      Niva again dismantled?

      Yes, a field without alterations can be sent to the army.
  10. -1
    27 December 2019 10: 15
    Bullshit is complete.
  11. +2
    27 December 2019 10: 27
    Quote: Vadmir
    Well, do they already have UAZ?
    Yes, and he is outdated already. .

    And what can become obsolete in a similar car except the engine? No power steering?
    1. bar
      27 December 2019 11: 33
      The power steering has been around for a long time.
  12. +1
    27 December 2019 12: 00
    Wheeled "Sarmat" will not take off - the size of the tires is too small and the wheel circumference is not provided for the dimensions of the body along the length (to overcome vertical obstacles). Plus, the mass of the car clearly does not correspond to the development goal - the creation of a light vehicle.
    1. 0
      27 December 2019 13: 29
      I would rather notice an absolutely unnecessary winch and the absence of at least something armored from rifle bullets along the line of the hood-body, doors; because they don’t interfere with falling out of the car urgently, and jumping into it like naked on ... well, in general, it’s not necessary
      1. +1
        27 December 2019 13: 32
        Since the car is light, there is no armor from the word at all.
        1. 0
          27 December 2019 13: 43
          this is a clear mistake, two front seats must protect completely from the rear, front and sides - with a hood and doors to the shoulders
          1. 0
            27 December 2019 13: 49
            In a lightweight car, fighters are protected only by the engine, armored seats (if any) and SIBZ.
            1. 0
              27 December 2019 13: 53
              if there are no doors - well, do not you think that they are fastened?
              1. 0
                27 December 2019 17: 45
                Why do doors when there are four-point seat belts for fighters?
    2. +2
      27 December 2019 18: 08
      And you all live in what country? Why doesn't anyone care about winter use? The point is in a raid transport, in which in a few hours after the start of the raid there will be only frozen carcasses?
  13. +1
    27 December 2019 12: 36
    Quote: bar
    The power steering has been around for a long time.

    Then why is "" obsolete? Or "outdated" like An-2? Generals need a state-owned Auris- "Kruzak on minced meat"?

    These questions are not for you - these are rhetorical questions.
    They often write: a lot of "obsolete technology". With a tank or an airplane - I understand, but how can an all-terrain command vehicle become obsolete? Stick plastic on it and get "colored orgasms". In a military situation, plastic will be the first to go to the forest in defiance of functionality.
  14. -1
    27 December 2019 13: 21
    Quote: bar
    I’m not talking about the technical side of the issue, if you don’t understand, but about business. Shniva 50/50 belongs to GM and VAZ (French). And most of the nodes for it are produced at VAZ. Once upon a time, in the days of the "classics", with which the "niva" has a lot in common, it made sense. Now these units are manufactured in small quantities on separate equipment, which is unprofitable for the French and does not make sense. Accordingly, it makes no sense to continue to produce "Niva", they also have their own "best in the world" platform B0, and there is a "super SUV" on this platform - a duster, which has the same "Niva" competitor. They would have strangled her long ago, but they had a contract with GM for shnivy. Now this is gone, and the "cornfield" does not have long to live. Instead, there will be a reworked duster with a rook on Nissan Terrano example. Our people so dreamed about foreign cars ...

    I have a Nissan Terrano in use. Only not the misunderstanding that is now driving on the roads of Russia, but the Nissan Terrano II-frame with a 3-liter turbodiesel, locks, ponizhaykoy and "honest" razdatka. Frankly, a very nice little SUV, although it has a third row of seats in the trunk. He is small compared to Padzherik on the cat. I go too. But in terms of cross-country ability, it is a little inferior to the Niva 3. Although the power is 21213 times more. Well, that's a lyrical digression.
    But hasn’t they started to produce Niva in Chechnya now? And one more thing: I think that even GM will not refuse the state order ... And in the "threatened period" the lines for the production of military equipment will be nationalized ... IMHO ...
  15. 0
    27 December 2019 14: 25
    Strange, why not amphibian? There was LuAZ, there is operational experience.
  16. +2
    27 December 2019 14: 29
    Well, this "Sarmat"
    . The designers of this "miracle" only the streets of revenge.
  17. 0
    27 December 2019 17: 01
    We already had an excellent development of the Scorpion LSA. And he passed the tests and seemed to suit everyone .... But it seems that our MO "got hooked" on "Tigers" and is not interested in anything else! They should introduce something new in technology or weapons, obviously, as "sickle on .....!" (You know yourself!)
    1. -1
      27 December 2019 18: 15
      Quote: senima56
      We already had an excellent development of the LSA "Scorpion"

      Quote: senima56
      But it seems that our MO is "hooked" on "Tigers" and is not interested in anything else! They should introduce something new in technology or weapons, obviously, as "sickle on .....!" (You know yourself!)

      There is a Polish diesel.
      1. 0
        27 December 2019 21: 33
        And then Chinese .... What is "better"? ... And for LSHA - thanks, it was a long time ago - I forgot!
  18. 0
    28 December 2019 02: 33
    Quote: Vadmir
    Patriot is a SUV

    Let me ask you, by what criteria did you define a Patriot in SUVs?
  19. -1
    28 December 2019 12: 48
    What is the idea of ​​making cars without a cab? In summer - heat, dust or rain, in winter - frost and snow. When to ride such a car?
  20. 0
    14 February 2020 14: 55
    it looks already r * but .... absolutely unstable and with an archaic rear axle-hemp and bumps to collect ..
  21. 0
    16 March 2020 17: 01
    In a warm climate, it’s suitable ...
    In fact, artisans can collect these themselves
  22. Eug
    16 March 2020 17: 04
    As for me, it is necessary to create a SYSTEM of army vehicles, unifying a diesel engine - from 4 to 12 cylinders - as a power unit (possibly with a single "pot" and a single section of the injection pump, but this is at the discretion of the developer). The main body of any type is a composite lightly armored with the possibility of mounting additional armor. Starting from a light buggy for reconnaissance teams and ending with Typhoons. Something like this.