Types of military rocket fuel


Historical background

Rocket fuel contains fuel and an oxidizing agent and, unlike jet fuel, does not need an external component: air or water. Rocket fuels in their state of aggregation are divided into liquid, solid and hybrid. Liquid fuels are divided into cryogenic (with a boiling point of components below zero degrees Celsius) and high-boiling (the rest). Solid fuels consist of a chemical compound, solid solution or plasticized mixture of components. Hybrid fuels consist of components in a different state of aggregation; at the moment they are at the research stage.

Types of military rocket fuel

Historically, the first rocket fuel was smoke powder, consisting of a mixture of nitrate (oxidizing agent), charcoal (fuel) and sulfur (binder), which was first used in Chinese rockets in the 2 century A.D. Ammunition with a solid propellant rocket engine (RDTT) was used in the military as an incendiary and signaling device.

After the invention of smokeless gunpowder at the end of the 19th century on its basis, a one-component ballistic fuel was developed, consisting of a solid solution of nitrocellulose (fuel) in nitroglycerin (oxidizing agent). Ballistic fuel has a multiple energy compared to black powder, has high mechanical strength, is well formed, long-term chemical stability during storage, has a low cost. These qualities predetermined the widespread use of ballistic fuel in the most popular munitions equipped with solid propellant rocket propelled rockets - rockets and grenades.

The development of such scientific disciplines as gas dynamics, combustion physics, and the chemistry of high-energy compounds in the first half of the 20th century made it possible to expand the composition of rocket fuels through the use of liquid components. The first Fau-2 liquid-fuel rocket-propelled military rocket engine used a cryogenic oxidizing agent - liquid oxygen and high boiling fuel - ethyl alcohol.

After World War II rocket weapon gained priority in development compared to other types of weapons because of its ability to deliver nuclear charges to the target at any distance - from several kilometers (reactive systems) to intercontinental range (ballistic missiles). In addition, rocket weapons significantly displaced artillery in aviation, Air defense, ground forces and navy due to the lack of recoil when launching ammunition with rocket engines.

At the same time as ballistic and liquid rocket propellants, multicomponent mixed solid fuels developed as the most suitable for military use due to their wide temperature range of operation, elimination of the danger of spillage of components, lower cost of solid propellant rocket engines due to the absence of pipelines, valves and pumps, more traction per unit weight.

Main characteristics of rocket fuels

In addition to the state of aggregation of their components, rocket fuels are characterized by the following indicators:

- specific impulse of thrust;
- thermal stability;
- chemical stability;
- biological toxicity;
- density;
- smokiness.

The specific thrust impulse of rocket fuels depends on the pressure and temperature in the combustion chamber of the engine, as well as the molecular composition of the combustion products. In addition, the specific impulse depends on the degree of expansion of the engine nozzle, but this applies more to the external environment of rocket technology (air atmosphere or outer space).

The increased pressure is ensured by the use of structural materials with high strength (steel alloys for rocket engines and organoplastics for solid propellant rocket engines). In this aspect, the liquid propellant rocket engines are ahead of solid propellant rocket engines because of the compactness of their propulsion system compared to the solid-fuel engine housing, which is one large combustion chamber.

The high temperature of the combustion products is achieved by adding aluminum metal to a solid fuel or a chemical compound - aluminum hydride. Liquid fuel can use such additives only if it is thickened with special additives. The thermal protection of the rocket engine is ensured by fuel cooling, the thermal protection of the solid propellant rocket engine is achieved by firmly bonding the fuel block to the walls of the engine and the use of burnable carbon-carbon composite liners in the nozzle critical section.

The molecular composition of the products of combustion / decomposition of fuel affects the flow rate and their state of aggregation at the nozzle exit. The smaller the weight of the molecules, the greater the flow rate: the most preferred combustion products are water molecules, followed by nitrogen, carbon dioxide, chlorine and other halogen oxides; least preferred is aluminum oxide, which condenses in the engine nozzle to a solid state, thereby reducing the volume of expanding gases. In addition, the aluminum oxide fraction forces the use of conical shaped nozzles due to the abrasive wear of the most efficient Laval nozzles with a parabolic surface.

For military rocket fuels, their thermal stability is of particular importance due to the wide temperature range of operation of rocket technology. Therefore, cryogenic liquid fuels (oxygen + kerosene and oxygen + hydrogen) were used only at the initial stage of development of intercontinental ballistic missiles (P-7 and Titan), as well as for space rocket launcher launchers (Space Shuttle and Energy) designed for the launch of satellites and space weapons into near-Earth orbit.

Currently, the military sector uses exclusively high-boiling liquid fuel based on nitrogen tetraoxide (AT, an oxidizing agent) and asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH, fuel). The thermal stability of this fuel pair is determined by the boiling point of AT (+ 21 ° C), which limits the use of this fuel by missiles located in thermostated conditions of missile silos of ICBMs and SLBMs. Due to component aggressiveness, only one country in the world owned / owns the technology for their production and operation of missile tanks - the USSR / RF (Voevoda and Sarmat ICBMs, Sineva and Liner SLBMs). As an exception, the AT + UDMH is used as the fuel of the X-22 Storm cruise missile, but due to problems with ground operation, the X-22 and their next generation X-32 are planned to be replaced by Zircon cruise missiles using a jet engine using kerosene as a fuel.

The thermal stability of solid fuels is mainly determined by the corresponding property of the solvent and the polymer binder. In the composition of ballistic fuels, the solvent is nitroglycerin, which in the solid solution with nitrocellulose has an operating temperature range from minus to plus 50 ° C. In mixed fuels, various synthetic rubbers with the same operating temperature range are used as a polymer binder. However, the thermal stability of the main components of solid fuels (ammonium dinitramide + 97 ° C, aluminum hydride + 105 ° C, nitrocellulose + 160 ° C, ammonium perchlorate and octogen + 200 ° C) significantly exceeds the similar property of the known binders, and therefore relevant search for their new compounds.

The most chemically stable fuel pair is AT + UDMH, since it developed a unique domestic technology for ampulized storage in aluminum tanks under a slight excess nitrogen pressure for virtually unlimited time. All solid fuels chemically degrade over time due to spontaneous decomposition of polymers and their technological solvents, after which oligomers enter into chemical reactions with other, more stable fuel components. Therefore, solid propellant checkers need regular replacement.

The biologically toxic component of rocket fuels is UDMH, which affects the central nervous system, the mucous membranes of the eyes and digestive tract of a person, and provokes cancer. In this regard, work with UDMH is carried out in insulating suits of chemical protection using self-contained breathing apparatus.

The value of the density of the fuel directly affects the mass of the fuel tanks of the rocket engine and the solid propellant rocket hull: the higher the density, the lower the parasitic mass of the rocket. The lowest density of the hydrogen + oxygen fuel pair is 0,34 g / cu. cm, for a pair of kerosene + oxygen, the density is 1,09 g / cu. cm, AT + UDMH - 1,19 g / cu. cm, nitrocellulose + nitroglycerin - 1,62 g / cu. cm, aluminum / aluminum hydride + ammonium perchlorate / dinitramide - 1,7 g / cc, octogen + ammonium perchlorate - 1,9 g / cc see. It should be borne in mind that axial combustion solid propellant solid propellants have a fuel charge density that is about half the fuel density due to the star-shaped section of the combustion channel used to maintain a constant pressure in the combustion chamber regardless of the degree of fuel burnup. The same applies to ballistic fuels, which are formed in the form of a set of ribbons or checkers to reduce the burning time and acceleration distance of rockets and rockets. In contrast to them, the density of the fuel charge in the solid-propellant solid-propellant solid propellant solid fuel based on HMX coincides with the maximum density indicated for it.

The last of the main characteristics of rocket fuels is the smokiness of the combustion products, visually unmasking the flight of rockets and rockets. This feature is inherent in solid fuels containing aluminum, the oxides of which condense to a solid state during expansion in the nozzle of a rocket engine. Therefore, these fuels are used in solid rocket propulsion ballistic missiles, the active portion of the trajectory of which is outside the direct line of sight of the enemy. Aircraft missiles are equipped with octogen and ammonium perchlorate-based fuels, rockets, grenades and anti-tank missiles with ballistic fuels.

Rocket Fuel Energy

To compare the energy capabilities of different types of rocket fuel, it is necessary to set for them comparable combustion conditions in the form of pressure in the combustion chamber and the degree of expansion of the rocket engine nozzle - for example, 150 atmospheres and 300-fold expansion. Then, for fuel pairs / triples, the specific impulse will be:

oxygen + hydrogen - 4,4 km / s;
oxygen + kerosene - 3,4 km / s;
AT + UDMH - 3,3 km / s;
ammonium dinitramide + hydrogen hydride + octogen - 3,2 km / s;
ammonium perchlorate + aluminum + octogen - 3,1 km / s;
ammonium perchlorate + octogen - 2,9 km / s;
nitrocellulose + nitroglycerin - 2,5 km / s.

Solid fuel based on ammonium dinitramide was a domestic development of the late 1980-ies, was used as fuel of the second and third stages of the RT-23 UTTX and P-39 rockets and has still not been surpassed in energy performance by the best samples of foreign fuel based on ammonium perchlorate, used in Minuteman-3 and Trident-2 missiles. Ammonium dinitramide is an explosive that detonates even from light radiation; therefore, it is produced in rooms lit by low-power red light lamps. Technological difficulties did not allow to master the process of manufacturing rocket fuel based on it anywhere in the world, except in the USSR. It’s another matter that Soviet technology was routinely implemented only at the Pavlograd Chemical Plant, located in the Dnepropetrovsk Region of the Ukrainian SSR, and was lost in the 1990 years after the plant was reprofiled to produce household chemicals. However, judging by the tactical and technical characteristics of promising models of weapons of the RS-26 "Frontier" type, the technology was restored in Russia in the 2010-s.

An example of a highly effective composition is the composition of solid rocket fuel from Russian patent No. 2241693 owned by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Perm Plant named after CM. Kirov ":

the oxidizing agent is ammonium dinitramide, 58%;
fuel - aluminum hydride, 27%;
plasticizer - nitroisobutyl trinitrate glycerol, 11,25%;
binder - polybutadiene nitrile rubber, 2,25%;
hardener - sulfur, 1,49%;
combustion stabilizer - ultrafine aluminum, 0,01%;
additives - soot, lecithin, etc.

Prospects for the development of rocket fuels

The main areas of development of liquid rocket fuels are (in order of priority):

- the use of supercooled oxygen in order to increase the density of the oxidizing agent;
- the transition to a fuel pair of oxygen + methane, the combustible component of which has 15% more energy and 6 times better heat capacity than kerosene, given that aluminum tanks are hardened at the temperature of liquid methane;
- the addition of ozone to the composition of oxygen at the level of 24% in order to increase the boiling point and energy of the oxidizing agent (a large proportion of ozone is explosive);
- the use of thixotropic (thickened) fuel, the components of which contain suspensions of pentaborane, pentafluoride, metals or their hydrides.

Supercooled oxygen is already used in the Falcon 9 launch vehicle; oxygen + methane fuel-oil rocket engines are being developed in Russia and the USA.

The main direction of development of solid rocket fuels is the transition to active binders containing oxygen in their molecules, which improves the oxidative balance of solid fuel as a whole. The modern domestic example of such a binder is the Nika-M polymer composition, which includes cyclic groups of dinitrile dioxide and butylenediol polyether urethane, developed by the State Research Institute of Crystal (Dzerzhinsk).

Another promising area is the expansion of the range of nitramine explosives used, which have a greater oxygen balance compared to octogen (minus 22%). First of all, it is hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (Cl-20, oxygen balance minus 10%) and octanitrocubane (zero oxygen balance), the prospects of their use depend on lowering the cost of their production - currently Cl-20 is much more expensive than octogen, octonitrocuban is much more expensive than Cl -20.

In addition to improving the known types of components, research is also being carried out in the direction of creating polymer compounds whose molecules consist exclusively of nitrogen atoms interconnected by single bonds. As a result of decomposition of the polymer compound under the influence of heating, nitrogen forms simple molecules of two atoms connected by a triple bond. The energy released in this case is twice the energy of nitramine explosives. For the first time, nitrogen compounds with a diamond-like crystal lattice were obtained by Russian and German scientists in 2009 during experiments on a joint experimental setup under the influence of pressure in 1 million atmospheres and temperature in 1725 ° C. Currently, work is underway to achieve a metastable state of nitrogen polymers at ordinary pressures and temperatures.

Promising oxygen-containing chemical compounds are higher nitrogen oxides. Known nitric oxide V (a planar molecule of which consists of two nitrogen atoms and five oxygen atoms) does not represent practical value as a component of solid fuel due to its low melting point (32 ° C). Research in this direction is being carried out by searching for a method for the synthesis of nitric oxide VI (tetraazotone hexoxide), the skeleton molecule of which is in the form of a tetrahedron, at the tops of which there are four nitrogen atoms linked to six oxygen atoms located on the edges of the tetrahedron. The complete closure of the interatomic bonds in the molecule of nitric oxide VI makes it possible to predict for it increased thermal stability similar to urotropine. The oxygen balance of nitric oxide VI (plus 63%) allows you to significantly increase the specific gravity of solid rocket fuels of such high-energy components as metals, metal hydrides, nitramines and hydrocarbon polymers.
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  1. +12
    4 October 2019 05: 59
    Supercooled oxygen is already used in the Falcon 9 booster,
    In Russia, supercooled liquid oxygen was already used on the first-generation mine-based P-9 rockets.
    "By the way, it was in the silo version of the launch that another innovative idea of ​​Vasily Mishin was realized, who proposed to create a rocket on supercooled oxygen - continuous feeding of the R-9 on alert with this component. As a result, the loss of liquid oxygen was reduced to 2-3% per year. - an incredible indicator for this type of missile! And most importantly, due to this, it was possible to put into service a system that ensured the rocket stay in readiness state number one (that is, not filled with all fuel components) for one year, provided that it - without removing from the start! - the scheduled maintenance work was periodically carried out. " https://topwar.ru/112915-r-9-beznadezhno-opozdavshee-sovershenstvo-chast-vtoraya.html
  2. -14
    4 October 2019 06: 04
    For the military, only rocket fuel is suitable - solid, at + ndmg, ak-xnumx, and kerosene. Cryogenic fuel is not suitable for military missiles. The article is so-so.
  3. +6
    4 October 2019 06: 10
    It should be borne in mind that the axial combustion solid propellant solid propellant fuel mass has about two times less fuel density due to the star-shaped cross section of the combustion channel used to maintain a constant pressure in the combustion chamber, regardless of the degree of fuel burnup.

    As far as I remember, there is another unpleasant drawback in "star-like" - the possible destruction of the channel due to the arising internal stresses after pouring and plasticization.
    Therefore, for example, in 15ж45 in the RTT they returned to the cylindrical channel with some tricks, which are not worth talking about here. hi
  4. +5
    4 October 2019 06: 23
    consisting of a mixture of nitrate (oxidizing agent), charcoal (fuel) and sulfur (binder)

    What nonsense is this?
    2KNO3+2C+S---> K2S+N2+3CO2
    PS is about sulfur.
    1. +4
      4 October 2019 08: 37
      And what does the combustion equation prove, moreover, with an error?
      2KNO3 +3C + S ---> K2S + N2 + 3CO2
      Worth reading - "The role of sulfur in the powder mixture"
      1. +3
        4 October 2019 08: 59
        Thank you for correcting hi
        And in powder pulp what to bind?
      2. +6
        4 October 2019 15: 59
        Quote: thinker
        And what does the combustion equation prove, moreover, with an error?
        2KNO3+3C+S---> K2S+N2+3CO2
        Worth reading - "The role of sulfur in the powder mixture"

        The equation shows that the sulfur burns out, i.e. is not only a binder, but also a reducing agent. But there is no mistake, because even Mendeleev in his "Fundamentals of Chemistry" noted that the combustion of gunpowder is accompanied by many reactions, and the given one is one of them. And along the way I will note: rubbers in perchlorate fuels are also not only a bunch, but also a reducing agent. And it, unlike aluminum, is basic.
        In general, the article contains a lot of nonsense, disguised as military brevity and peremptory. So, instead of the dinitramide formula, the figure shows the formula of ammonium nitrate, and the phrase
        Research in this direction is being carried out by searching for a method for the synthesis of nitric oxide VI (tetraazotine hexoxide)
        struck on the spot: hexavalent nitrogen - the same fiction as a cat with wings. Polymer nitrogen also surprised: diamonds are synthesized at a pressure of 60 of thousands of atmospheres, but they are not made cheap. And here we are talking about a million atmospheres - and the author sees some prospects in this. What a fright? Prospects, if any, are not in the production of rocket fuels. Missiles are not filled with diamonds either, although they will always be cheaper than polymer nitrogen.
        1. -1
          4 October 2019 18: 15
          Quote: astepanov
          And here we are talking about a million atmospheres - and the author sees some prospects in this.

          there are different technologies, for example, radiation technologies, in which a lot of reactions go easier ... request
          people are inquisitive ... hi
          1. +4
            4 October 2019 19: 05
            Quote: ser56
            there are different technologies, for example, radiation, in which a lot of reactions go easier ... people are inquisitive ...

            What does radiation, catalysts and other influences have to do with it? If thermodynamics says that you need a million atmospheres, then at least hang yourself, but you will have to issue the required pressure. And the people - yes, inquisitive. Any inventors of perpetual motion machines, energy from vacuum and "world ether", violators of the second law of thermodynamics, experts in motion with superluminal speed and other kulibins with post-Soviet education have already gotten tired of it.
            1. 0
              4 October 2019 19: 08
              Quote: astepanov
              if thermodynamics says that you need a million atmospheres, then at least you’ll be able to, but you’ll have to give the right pressure.

              I can give you an example of the polymerization reaction, how it goes in a conventional reactor and when irradiated with ionizing radiation ...
            2. +1
              4 October 2019 19: 09
              Quote: astepanov
              All sorts of inventors of perpetual motion machines, energy from vacuum and "world ether"

              adherents of classical physics spoke about the same way at the end of the 19 century ... request
              1. +1
                4 October 2019 19: 29
                Quote: ser56
                adherents of classical physics spoke about the same way at the end of the 19 century ...

                And what, in the 20 - 21 century found the world broadcast? Thanks, it passed me by. I don’t need an example about polymers; I can give you a million of them. Do you understand the difference between chemical thermodynamics and kinetics? Are you a chemist? I am.
                1. +2
                  4 October 2019 22: 48
                  I received a letter asking why fluorine is not used as an oxidizing agent, but I accidentally deleted it without remembering the author. I ask the author of the letter to excuse me and, if not difficult, write again. I will try to answer here. I'm not special in rocket fuels, so I can only speculate. Firstly, fluorine is extremely aggressive, and the problems of corrosion of fuel tanks, combustion chambers, pump units, etc. must be very sharp. Secondly, the products of fluorine reactions (HF primarily) are extremely toxic. In the chemical industry, fluorine is never stored in large quantities, processing in the course of its receipt. However, I once read that engine designs using fluoride or oxygen fluoride were considered. It seems that Glushko was a supporter of such missiles, Korolev was an adversary. And one more thing: organoboron compounds, lithium, and other exotic were considered as fuel components.
                2. 0
                  5 October 2019 13: 28
                  Quote: astepanov
                  And what, in the 20 - 21 century found the world broadcast? Thanks, it passed me by.

                  found the core, then created quantum mechanics and it started ... even quantum chemistry .. bully
                  Quote: astepanov
                  understand between chemical thermodynamics and kinetics?

                  perfectly! but you seem to have problems ...
                  Quote: astepanov
                  Are you a chemist? I am.

                  no, I'm a physics engineer hi but I know pretty well the chemistry of high energies ... feel
                  1. 0
                    5 October 2019 21: 28
                    Quote: ser56
                    No, I’m a hi physicist, but I know the chemistry of high energies quite well ..
                    Well, then try to synthesize diamond at normal pressure (from graphite, without using seeds), or gray tin at room temperature and normal pressure. Or is it easier to get ordinary ice under normal conditions (100 kPa, 283 K). How come send me a sample. And the Nobel Committee, of course.
                    1. +1
                      7 October 2019 12: 20
                      Quote: astepanov
                      synthesize diamond at normal pressure (from graphite without using seeds

                      yes corny, they’re already doing it and I’m doing it myself .... though the size is nm .. hi
                      Quote: astepanov
                      How come send me a swatch

                      and provide funding for work? bully
                      1. 0
                        7 October 2019 13: 46
                        No need to lie. It is possible at low pressure to grow a diamond on a diamond substrate, but without it it will not work. And one more thing: the difference in Gibbs potentials for diamond and graphite is negligible - and therefore, under normal conditions, diamond is kinetically stable. For nitrogen, this difference is monstrous - and therefore there can be no talk of any stability. I have already given you an example: ice under normal conditions will not work, although for ice this task is immeasurably easier than for nitrogen.
                      2. +1
                        7 October 2019 14: 09
                        Quote: astepanov
                        Don't lie over

                        you are badly brought up and judge by yourself about others ... request
                        Quote: astepanov
                        but without it it will not work

                        not at all ... you just know little ... hi I give a hint - the synthesis of diamond-like coatings using beams of charged particles ... hi
                        Quote: astepanov
                        ice under normal conditions does not work,

                        I abstained for the first time, but got stubbornly ...
                        Quote: astepanov
                        ice under normal conditions does not work

                        ice is an aggregate state of a substance called water, aggregate states have no relation to chemistry - this is physics ... hi to school... bully
                      3. 0
                        7 October 2019 16: 24
                        Quote: ser56
                        ice is an aggregate state of a substance called water; aggregate states have no relation to chemistry - this is physics ... to school ...

                        Sir, have you noticed that we are talking about solid nitrogen with a regular lattice, that this is a polymorphic modification of nitrogen, and in thermodynamics there is no fundamental difference between states of aggregation and polymorphic modifications? That all these things have one common name - phase, and that is the only difference between them? That between the forms of nitrogen "polymer crystalline" and "gaseous" nature of the relationship is approximately the same as between ice and steam? Have you ever seen a water chart? And you're still sending me to school, ignoramus! Not only do you not know chemistry, you are drifting in the simplest physics. A victim of restructuring in education, not otherwise.
                      4. -1
                        8 October 2019 12: 25
                        Quote: astepanov
                        you didn’t notice that we are talking about solid nitrogen with

                        Quote: astepanov
                        Or is it easier to get ordinary ice under normal conditions (100 kPa, 283 K).

                        1) you probably think one thing, but write another ... request
                        2) next went the classic of juggling and juggling with terms ... bully
                        Quote: astepanov
                        there is no fundamental difference between aggregative states and polymorphic modifications?

                        Xnumx) seriously? Do you attribute the polymorphism of crystalline phases to the amorphous phase? hi
                        2) for example - I can get all phases of metal oxides at the same time, including amorphous ... for example, for aluminum oxide, the great chemist tells you something wassat
                        Quote: astepanov
                        Have you ever seen a water chart?

                        you can’t even imagine what I saw ... feel
                        Quote: astepanov
                        And you still send me to school, ignoramus

                        1) it was in school, probably you graduated from something deeply provincial, a former teacher training university, loudly declaring himself a university ... crying
                        2) against my background, you are scientifically and technically illiterate ... request
                        Quote: astepanov
                        you drift in simple physics

                        caught stupid - admit ... hi
                      5. 0
                        8 October 2019 12: 43
                        Quote: ser56
                        Do you attribute the polymorphism of crystalline phases to the amorphous phase?

                        Sir, who told you that "polymer nitrogen" is an amorphous phase? It is very crystalline, with a well-characterized lattice. Read, for example, here: https://www.rfbr.ru/rffi/ru/n_602/o_50249. Its instability is, for example, here: http://nauka21vek.ru/archives/4256.
                        Quote: ser56
                        against my background you are scientifically and technically illiterate ...
                        Quote: ser56
                        you probably finished something deeply provincial, a former teacher training university, who loudly declared himself a university ...
                        Sir, how many years have you been doing science? How many patents, articles do you have? Your degree I have four decades in my soul, more than fifty patents (including those introduced in the defense industry) and a Ph.D. I understand that all this is an external husk and usually try not to advertise such things, but you yourself started this conversation. And one more thing: in 78, universities were universities.
                      6. 0
                        8 October 2019 13: 08
                        Quote: astepanov
                        Sir, who told you that "polymer nitrogen" is an amorphous phase?

                        Didn’t you write?
                        Quote: astepanov
                        in thermodynamics there is no fundamental difference between the state of aggregation and polymorphic modifications?

                        ice has an amorphous phase ... request
                        Quote: astepanov
                        I usually try not to advertise such things, but you yourself started this conversation

                        and I don’t advertise, but remember the banality ...
                        Quote: ser56
                        against my background, you are scientifically and technically illiterate.

                        if you are curious, then write in a personal ... request
                        and I’ll note, I sent you to school, and did not give a definition like you ... hi
                        I note - the flood began ... hi
                      7. 0
                        8 October 2019 15: 56
                        Sir, the term "polymorphic modification" has nothing to do with the amorphous state or the structure at all. It is derived from the Greek words meaning "diverse" and denotes the ability of a substance to exist in various structures. Diamond, graphite, carbene, fullerenes - these are polymorphic modifications of carbon, for example. And yes, there was a mutual flood. I suggest we stop. I went through other topics that you checked in. It seems that I got excited about personal visits. I admit I'm wrong.
                      8. 0
                        8 October 2019 16: 05
                        Quote: astepanov
                        "polymorphic modification" has nothing to do with the amorphous state or structure in general

                        Quote: astepanov
                        It seems that I got excited with personal arrivals. I admit my wrong.

                        have passed! love
                3. 0
                  1 March 2020 10: 05
                  That is, you think that scientists have discovered everything that is possible, and there is no ether? wassat
        2. +1
          7 October 2019 14: 18
          Quote: astepanov
          Polymer nitrogen also surprised: diamonds are synthesized at a pressure of 60 of thousands of atmospheres, but they are not made cheap. And here we are talking about a million atmospheres - and the author sees some prospects in this. What a fright? Prospects, if any, are not in the production of rocket fuels. Missiles are not filled with diamonds either, although they will always be cheaper than polymer nitrogen.

          The author finely swims. It is necessary to immediately propose the use of metastable metallic hydrogen, in which the energy of transition to the gaseous state is 6 times greater than from the combustion of the same amount. You can completely abandon the oxidizing agent. This will radically increase the specific impulse of chemical rockets. And do not care that it was either received, or not yet, in the number of nanograms at crazy pressures, and industrial production is still pure fantasy.
          1. 0
            7 October 2019 17: 33
            Quote: Narak-zempo
            We must immediately suggest the use of metastable metallic hydrogen,
            Absolutely right. Only it will not be metastable: it will be unstable in the full program. Diamond is metastable because its lattice energy is less than that of graphite by only 1,8 kJ / mol, or 0,15 kJ / g (plus very slow kinetics). And the transition of hydrogen from metal to gas is accompanied by the release of as much 700 kJ / mol (355 kJ / g). Approximately the same picture is with nitrogen. So a waste of money - definitely.
            1. 0
              8 October 2019 12: 29
              As I understand it, the question of its metastability has not been resolved, it is up to experimental confirmation.
              But here is another.
              Let's say we learned how to make things like polymers of nitrogen or metallic hydrogen. How to control the phase transition by stretching it in time? Otherwise, it will turn out just a very powerful and incredibly expensive explosives. And will the gain in the momentum of the rocket not depreciate the weight of the installation performing such control?
              With nitrogen, another ambush is ecology. A nitrogen exhaust with a temperature of a couple of thousand degrees will give a reaction with atmospheric oxygen - hello, acid rain.
  5. +3
    4 October 2019 08: 14
    development of the State Research Institute "Crystal" (Nizhny Novgorod).

    Research Institute "Crystal" is located in Dzerzhinsk
  6. +5
    4 October 2019 09: 04
    The obvious successes of the latest generation of solid-propellant rockets indicate that we have actually received new, more energy-efficient types of solid propellants. No wonder the "Verba", with the same dimensions, added a kilometer of altitude!
  7. +6
    4 October 2019 09: 27
    Due to component aggressiveness, only one country in the world owned / owns the technology for their production and operation of missile tanks - the USSR / RF (Voevoda and Sarmat ICBMs, Sineva and Liner SLBMs)

    Not only.
    Let me remind you that the take-off stage of the Apollo lunar module had engines powered by UDMH + nitrogen tetroxide fuel pair.
    1. +1
      4 October 2019 21: 47
      Let me remind you that the take-off stage of the Apollo lunar module had engines powered by UDMH + nitrogen tetroxide fuel pair.

      And it is even more interesting that a "primitive" displacement rather than a turbo-pumping supply of components to the combustion chamber was used.
      And the author did not mention that there were "cold" type rocket engines. There was no oxidizer or fuel. Hydrogen peroxide decomposed into water (in the form of steam) and oxygen in the presence of a catalyst (an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate).
      The Germans even flew on such an engine, then a steam generator of this type was used in fuel turbo pumps.
  8. +5
    4 October 2019 10: 40
    Currently, the military sector uses exclusively high-boiling liquid fuel based on nitrogen tetraoxide (AT, an oxidizing agent) and asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH, fuel). The thermal stability of this fuel pair is determined by the boiling point of AT (+ 21 ° C), which limits the use of this fuel by missiles located in thermostated conditions of missile silos of ICBMs and SLBMs. Due to component aggressiveness, only one country in the world owned / owns the technology for their production and operation of missile tanks - the USSR / RF (Voevoda and Sarmat ICBMs, Sineva and Liner SLBMs). As an exception, the AT + UDMH is used as the fuel of the X-22 Storm cruise missile, but due to problems with ground operation, the X-22 and their next generation X-32 are planned to be replaced by Zircon cruise missiles using a jet engine using kerosene as a fuel.
    A paragraph containing 90% of facts that are not true. What did the author want to say in this paragraph?
    That AT + NDMG fuel is used only in the military field? But what about the Proton, Arian, Long March 2F, ISRO rockets? And they all fly without tanks? Or did the USA order tanks in the USSR for their "Titans"?
    When reading the article, it seems that the author has copyrighted a topic from which he is far from, since the article has many obvious mistakes other than the one described above.
    For example.
    Hybrid fuels consist of components in a different state of aggregation; at the moment they are at the research stage.
    In the research phase, they were 80 years ago. By and large, the GIRD-9 rocket, which Korolev launched in the 1933 year, can already be called hybrid. Condensed gasoline (a jelly-like solution of rosin in gasoline) was used as fuel; Oxidizer was liquid oxygen.
    SpaceShipTwo on polybutadiene + nitrogen dioxide this year almost flew into space.
    1. 0
      7 October 2019 11: 56
      Quote: Undecim
      But what about the Proton, Arian, Long March 2F, ISRO rockets? And they all fly without tanks? Or did the USA order tanks in the USSR for their "Titans"?

      Perhaps the author had in mind a system for the long-term storage of fuel components in tanks. Voivode, as I understand it, is in the mines seasoned for years. No damage to tanks and fuel system. And the missiles you listed are fueled just before launch.
      1. 0
        7 October 2019 12: 18
        ICBMs "Titan II" stood in the mines, as you say, fueled for years. From 1962 to 1987, until removed "for old age."
        1. 0
          7 October 2019 12: 27
          Quote: Undecim
          ICBMs "Titan II" stood in the mines, as you say, refueled for years.

          Well, after all, it was Titan II that had a different fuel. Not AT + UDMH. It was to ensure long-term storage that asymmetric DMG was replaced with aerosin - a mixture of symmetrical and non-symmetric DMG. And the staff members did not use nitrogen tetroxide, they had dinitrogen tetroxide.
          1. +2
            7 October 2019 12: 42
            Nitrogen tetraoxide and diazot tetraoxide, AT, amyl are different names for the same substance N2O4.
            1. +1
              8 October 2019 18: 01
              Thanks I'll know.
  9. BAI
    4 October 2019 12: 52
    The author did not mention one feature of solid fuels. It is very hygroscopic and protecting it from moisture is a big problem. I once received the VDNKh silver medal for work in this area.
    By the way, if water gets on the slag of solid fuel (what remains of it after burning), the slag spontaneously ignites. In general, it is a highly flammable material, so work with fuel is carried out not with cotton gloves, but with tarpaulin mittens - in order to immediately dump it with one movement of the hand. But still there were many injuries, in my memory there was even one death - a woman burned down.
  10. 0
    4 October 2019 18: 18
    Cognitive for the amateur (me hi ), errors were noted in the comments, sometimes too demanding for science-pop .. request
  11. +4
    4 October 2019 19: 18
    Quote: Hakka
    For the military, only rocket fuel is suitable - solid, at + ndmg, ak-xnumx, and kerosene. Cryogenic fuel is not suitable for military missiles. The article is so-so.

    Although the article describes the history of fuels quite well, of course with strokes and without going into details, but it contains a lot of blunders and assumptions far-fetched. So the article is really rather weak. But for the bulk it will be suitable as an "educational program"

    As for fuel on low-boiling components, it has not been used for half a century. It remains exclusively for space rockets ...

    Quote: Narak-zempo
    Due to component aggressiveness, only one country in the world owned / owns the technology for their production and operation of missile tanks - the USSR / RF (Voevoda and Sarmat ICBMs, Sineva and Liner SLBMs)

    Not only.
    Let me remind you that the take-off stage of the Apollo lunar module had engines powered by UDMH + nitrogen tetroxide fuel pair.

    The Chinese launch their secretaries on a rocket in which the engines run on a pair of heptyl - nitrogen tetroxide. Their ballistic missiles (liquid) also work on these components. The DPRK, Pakistan, and Iran have roughly the same situation. Unless, unlike ours, their missiles are hardly amputated.
  12. ABM
    4 October 2019 19: 31
    There is a whole cemetery in Kapustin Yar: meteorological rockets stand with their feathers up, reminiscent of crosses ... Eternal memory to the people who gave their lives when testing our rockets!
    1. 0
      4 October 2019 21: 36
      On Bulukhta, too, sticks out a lot from salt marshes, but not the color
  13. 0
    4 October 2019 21: 38
    It is surprising that the author lost sight of the latest Ukrainian rocket fuel and generally deprived Svidomo of space lol Friday humor.
  14. 0
    5 October 2019 05: 55

    Still synthesized!
    octonitrocubane is much more expensive than Cl-20.

    This is far from all the problems. It must be chemically very unstable and decompose even from sinful thoughts. Most likely with an explosion. So the prospects for octonitrocubane as a component of TPT, in my opinion, are doubtful. I won’t argue about CI-20, because it is more or less stable.
  15. +2
    5 October 2019 15: 39
    By the way, the most interesting thing in the article is the drawing under No. xx in the article. Check how attentive readers are? Or won't we?
  16. 0
    6 October 2019 09: 23
    Researching new fuels is good. But the real fuel for the military is only AT + ndmg. The problem with tank durability can be solved with light, unstable tanks on missiles that are automatically refueled from heavy, stable, ampouled permanent storage tanks. I think the scheme will be effective not only for ICBMs, but also for aircraft missiles.
    Imagine a light rocket under the wing of an airplane with a tank behind the rocket. Before starting, in a couple of minutes, fuel is pumped into the rocket tanks. The rear tank is reset when the rocket starts.
    1. +1
      7 October 2019 11: 01
      The problem with tank durability can be solved with light, unstable tanks on missiles that are automatically refueled from heavy, stable, ampouled permanent storage tanks. I think the scheme will be effective not only for ICBMs, but also for aircraft missiles.

      There is no problem with tank durability ...
      Fully seasoned with components and an ampouled rocket quietly stands on duty for decades, periodically passing the regulations. hi
      Aviation refuel before departure.