My humble experience (survival instruction)

My humble experience (survival instruction)For a long time I asked myself the question: “Do I have the right to write instructions for the practice of survival in the event of the arrival of a northern animal?” After all, I did not survive a nuclear strike, I don’t know much about survival in forests, steppes, seas and other places. By and large, I have only experience of survival in the conditions of war. Little experience. Very modest, but this experience was collected by me bit by bit, not on the bookshelves, but in real danger.

I do not claim the role of the Messiah or the harsh, experienced survivor, as well as what I can share with you, can not be called the only survival benefit. As you know, my dear readers, at this time I am writing a story on a subject close to us all. And so, now I decided in parallel with the story to start writing and a small survival manual.

I was pushed into contact with Chester, Zhivchik, Orgies, the Doctor, the March Cat, the Alchemist and other comrades in the site I wish my friends good health and will try to convey to them my modest experience. If during the war and other “minor” inconveniences this experience will help them survive, I will be unspeakably happy !!!! So let's get started.

Part One- "Psychology of Survival"

Any cataclysm does not begin spontaneously. His arrival is accompanied by all sorts of signs, which, in fact, can determine the arrival of this cataclysm. But fundamentally, man is a lazy being, doubting, and most importantly, subject to panic and rumors. Example: the war in Chechnya was long and stubbornly spoken in Grozny by everyone, but prepared for it as a cataclysm - only a few. The rest, including your humble servant, did not reach further chatter.

It was later that those who could survive said that it was not reported, it was not known where to run, there were no means, etc. But later, but at that moment there were many prerequisites for understanding that war was inevitable. This and failure to pay wages for several years, and the deterioration of the situation in the city and the republic, this and a constant hint of war on TV, in short, the "bells" was more than enough, but the people preferred not to see or hear about a possible war.

And even the fact that, right before the beginning of the war, patriotic films and programs began to be played on television, was perceived only as another whim of the government. Even when planes began to fly over the city, people still did not believe that there would be a war, and only the first bombings made people believe in the fact of war.

Conclusion: until they specifically bombed, until bricks and fragments began to fall on their heads, until the first dead and wounded appeared, people did not believe that there would be a war, or rather, they did not want to believe. For, believing, it is necessary to prepare, but there is no money for preparation, everything is spent on food. Isn't the same thing happening now?

Immediately after the bombing began, quiet at first, and then complete panic. Anyone who could, rushed out of the city. Even those who seemed to be prepared, all the same succumbed to her highness to panic. They left the whole blocks. Throwing everything on the way. Just to get away. Those who could not leave, remained in the surrounded city to die. But they also sought refuge in cellars and cellars. Needless to say, panic, having lasted for a relatively short time, brought confusion and chaos into the lives of residents who could have left the city much earlier.

Try to pick up and transport much more. People who until recently lived in the illusions of the world, succumbing to panic, simply fled. Without anything. Instead of finding out where to run in advance, then they simply ran to “nowhere”.

From this general conclusion: do not try to hide the truth from yourself, do not try to live to the last with the realities of the world. No matter how much you prepare for a cataclysm, anyway, panic and confusion will push you to rash decisions and actions. It is these first friends of yours that will prove to be the most destructive for you, but do not try to sit around for a long time either. Long "thinking" - the path to inaction.

At the same time, do not try to cover the entire expected list of disasters in preparation. This will lead to the fact that with sufficient probability you are not prepared for any. Do not spray forces and funds on discussions and preparation for a variety of options, prepare for a universal scenario. And by means, and by possibilities, it is much easier.

Basically, you have to survive in your house, so use the knowledge of your yard to adapt to the conditions that have arisen.

First: do not try to collect a bunch of things. There are things necessary, but there are things that just hinder. So, a knife is a very necessary thing, but not when you have about a dozen knives and everything is needed for something. In traveling conditions, and survival in the city, even in your house during a disaster, is fraught with the fact that you can be on the street, and then you will not need special knives for cutting everything and everything. Therefore, postpone them until calmer times.

Hide them together with extra dishes and things in the barn, and use one or two. It seems that this is not such an important point, but practice has shown that in the event of an attack by marauders, the abundance of cutting and stabbing at hand does not help, and sometimes interferes with defense. In addition, the abundance of knives in the house can lead to the fact that during the struggle the enemy will grab your own knife, which lies on the table, and will apply against you. So better let the knife be one and in your hands.

Often in the event of the threat of an attack on a housing, a man in the street places high hopes on the presence of an ax in the house. It would seem that this item has a lot of merit - it can be heavy and sharp, and you can shake it with a butt, but, tested by time, the ax in the house - weapon a person who knows how to use it in a limited space. For the average man, the ax is usually useless, and sometimes dangerous, because it gives too much confidence, but it does not give skill. Question: how will you use it in case of an attack?

Most of the neighbors I interviewed said that they would wave in front of them in order not to let the enemy close. But please show me this process, at best, to damage the furniture and walls in the house, and at worst, to minor injuries, such as bumps, bruises, cuts. Consequently, a person who has taken an ax in his hands must at least learn to own it. At the same time it is important to learn how to own an ax within the intended place of use. Simply speaking, what prevents to take a small hatchet and walk in advance, waving it around the rooms?

He himself will “tell you” where and how it will be necessary to act, where to swing and strike in full force, and where it is better to poke at the enemy without any swing in the chest or face. It will only remain to remember the order of movements in certain places of the apartment, this will not only give you the opportunity not to get lost, but also help prevent the criminal from imposing his will on you.

In general, any object in your home can serve as a weighty argument in your hands. Especially if your life and your relatives are at stake. So do not hesitate, go through the rooms with various household items. Let your wife laugh at the fact that you walk around the rooms with an extension cord, fork or rolling pin, give her such pleasure. Walking through the house, try to touch various objects, as if you are grabbing a chair, or a hanger for clothes.

After a short excursion you will realize that you don’t know your place of residence, and you simply didn’t guess how to use some things in defense. Example: one of my acquaintances, a man of about fifty, a rather complete and ordinary man suffering from shortness of breath, was able to resist the pressure of two young marauders in their attempt to profit in his own apartment. Moreover, one of the attackers was armed with a gun, however, as it turned out, not charged, and the other held a knife in his hand.

The man successfully used a coat hanger in the corridor, knocked out one of the attackers' eyes and blew the second in the blood. When he drove them out of the apartment to the landing, the neighbors intervened. Robbery not only managed to prevent, but also to stop the criminal follow-up actions of these people.

I do not argue that the presence of a gun in the house is a positive factor for the defender. Especially if it is a multiply-charged Saiga. But even the presence of a gun at home does not completely save, but only increases the chance of the defender's success. The main thing is to walk around the rooms with the gun in advance and find the most successful places for defense. It also does not hurt to notice for itself the sector of shelling of the attackers from the windows and to consider options that prevent reciprocal firing.

Example: your humble servant long before the war, it was necessary for this to happen, with the father went around all the rooms and "shot" myself all sectors of the shelling. During the war, thank God only once, this experience really came in handy. At the same time, the old 12 single-column caliber was in service, but even this “caramultuka” was enough with its head.

When there were three of them from the extreme window towards the attackers, shots began to be heard, and the defensive person did not bring back fire, the marauders, first bypassing the house, climbed over the fence, and after I continued firing from another window overlooking the courtyard, just retired. In the morning I discovered an uncovered empty barn, but it was empty before they arrived. But in the house itself, on the advice of a seasoned man, I would be afraid to fire. Because there is an option to get into their relatives. In this case, reloading a single-barreled shotgun in a short fight is not real.

Now I want to touch on the topic of marauders.
At first, there are few marauders. Before the war and at its very beginning, the authorities still pay attention to them, catch and shoot them, but as the conflict drags on, the number of looters grows. Most marauders are loners who are driven by hunger to looting. They are mostly looking for empty houses, take food and water.

These people, basically, are either not armed, or their weapons are not working properly. They are very afraid of law enforcement agencies and do not go to the places inhabited by people. Usually, food is taken away, and only that which can be carried in the hands. But with the growth of the conflict and the weakening of the attention of the authorities, with a decrease in the amount of food left during the flight, and most importantly, with an increase in the number of marauders themselves and with the appearance of captured weapons, loners, fearful and not arrogant, begin to gather in groups of five to ten and attack homes. Such groups are no longer afraid of the authorities, because the authorities do not, they are not afraid of the average man, because there are many of them, usually come during the day, disguised as soldiers of the army and the police.

These groups are much more dangerous. It is almost useless for a single family to fight such a group. The creation of a self-defense group from the residents of the quarter, in the private sector, or one multi-storey building helps. At the same time, the population already has weapons, and even a large group of marauders in a collision becomes difficult to fight. Do not forget, the marauders are basically the same peaceful people who came to plunder, first from hunger, and later for the sake of profit.

Imagine, the transport is checked by the troops and the police, the military will still respond to long-term shooting within the same area, if only because there is a possibility of a breakthrough to the rear of the enemy, residents do not give up their goods for free. Heavy and ungrateful job marauder. His constant tactics: quick “hitting” and no less fast “rollback”, and with luck or with a bullet in my head, this is already as lucky. Therefore, children or women are usually sent for exploration during the day. And only when they receive complete data on the availability of weapons and the number of people, the gang decides whether they will produce a raid or not.

Residents can also be advised to immediately create a self-defense detachment, arm themselves and think over fortifications blocking the entrance to the courtyard territory or to the territory of the quarter. Usually, both the military and the police are quite favorably disposed towards this method of policing. There are several reasons for this favor, firstly: the duty to protect law and order is partially removed from the military and the police; secondly: they receive a detachment capable of detaining both the perpetrator and the infiltrator, and in certain circumstances also signal a breakthrough on their opponent’s section; thirdly, the barricades of the self-defense detachments are excellent for emergency defense in the event of an enemy breakthrough.

Therefore, in such cases, the military and the police, “through their fingers,” look for the presence of unregistered weapons, and sometimes they themselves bring outdated and broken ones for sale to the detachment. In addition, the self-defense detachment is usually assigned the functions of locating the arrived units for the waiting room, as well as providing food. In addition to the above, the creation of a detachment is used to bind a mutual responsibility to the front and rear.

The construction of barriers that prevent marauders from entering the private sector: at the beginning and end of the quarter barricades are built from scrap materials. This takes into account the factor of using the road for the transportation of parts or ammunition. In the corner houses have places of rest for members of the detachment, as well as a place for cooking and correcting natural needs. Two to four people are on duty at the entrances, the rest are located at home. After a certain time, the guards are replaced. There were cases when there were only three rifles and one revolver in the arsenal of a detachment of ten people, but seeing the sentries with their weapons, even large gangs of marauders did not dare to attack the block.

The device of obstacles for the difficulty of penetration of marauders into the territory of the courtyard of a multi-storey building is almost the same as the above mentioned one. The only difference is in the material. In the barrier of high-rise buildings, more furniture is used than planks, logs, sandbags.

People often ask the question: why a gun, if there is a shaft of ownerless weapons around? I will answer a question with a question: have you often met ownerless weapons in working condition, and even with cartridges and in your own name? After entering the city, the gun was taken away by the Russian units, not much was scolded and released, but the guys who had guns or ammunition for them found themselves in the filtration camp for a long time. Many after that either did not return, or returned, but were disabled.

Another frequently asked question concerns whether I myself participated in marauding raids? I will answer directly - you will want to eat, go. He always took only food, water, medicines. He passed several checks for the presence of stolen goods, but he was never afraid, because he knew that there was nothing besides products.

Everything is good, but apart from the marauders, there is a threat of being hit by bombing or shelling. To reduce the likelihood of death from bombs and shells need to prepare shelter. So, the next topic of our conversation.

Probably, I will not reveal to you a secret if I say that the neighborhood with the warring opponents is detrimental to a peaceful inhabitant. All the “gifts” that fell to the wrong address go to the civilian population. If we add to this the fact that an ordinary person is not familiar with the sound of a mine, does not distinguish by hearing a bullet flying past, does not know where the weapon is coming from and what kind of weapon is fired, then the picture is just deplorable. For every soldier killed, there are five to six civilians killed.

And sometimes the correctly chosen shelter saved the lives of not one or two people. Not many people can boast that they either already have a shelter, or they have funds for an emergency erection of it, therefore I offer for your consideration a device of shelters in outbuildings. The first is, of course, the cellar.

The cellar is located in the house, and this makes it the first family refuge in the event of war. It would seem easier than light, just opened the lid, started a family, brought products, closed the lid and order. But not once observed the picture: people who were in the cellar died of suffocation, an explosion, a house collapse, and carbon monoxide. The causes of death are many. Therefore, let us consider ways of preparing the cellar in the simplest, but rather durable and comfortable shelter. So, first: the walls of the cellar should be made of brick. And the thicker the wall, the greater the chance of salvation. The roof of the cellar should never serve as a floor in the room.

Conclusion: the roof of the cellar should be as strong as possible. As an example, we lay pipes on brick walls, fasten formwork from below, fill it with concrete half a meter thick, after the concrete has hardened, the ground is filled with at least half a meter thick. It follows from this that the cellar should be initially deep. And even such a strengthening of the cellar does not give a full guarantee of salvation. From the cellar there must be an emergency exit to the street.

In the case of my house it was an iron pipe with a diameter of half a meter. I do not know who dug it and why, but this “emergency exit allowed me to live to write this book. The shelves in the cellar should be located in view of the fact that during the bombing they turn into places for people. When building a cellar, it is imperative to consider a small niche for toilet and water. The toilet function in my cellar was performed by a bucket with a lid. After the bombing, it was emptied into the outdoor toilet.

A forty-liter flask was fitted for water storage. Also in the cellar should be for the previously conducted ventilation. In the case of my house, a pipe with a diameter of one hundred and fifty, coming out of the cellar at a distance of half a meter from the walls of the house served as ventilation. The cellar floor, which was originally earthen, was covered with boards for heat. In the corner was a small oven-stove. The chimney was held in advance outside the house. I overlaid a piece of the floor under the stove with a brick to eliminate the possibility of a floor ignition when it was fired. These are the measures taken by me in advance, helped me significantly strengthen and equip the cellar.

In many southern areas of the cellar is not built, but in the courtyard, usually under the barn, you can always find a basement. And so, the next topic: the basement.

The basement is usually lined with brick during construction, as its walls also serve as the foundation of the building under which it is located. The ceiling of the basement is also usually reinforced in advance, as well as in advance during construction provided ventilation. Typically, basements are used as a natural refrigerator, so the depth of the basement is quite large. The entrance to the basement is located near the entrance to the building, down is a brick or wooden staircase.

Since the basement is mostly fortified, we will pay attention to its interior decoration. The basement shelves, unlike the cellar shelves, were initially wider and deeper, since in peacetime the basement is the main storage place for household food stocks. So they do not require alterations. All that remains is to prepare the place for the stove, to warm the basement walls, for example, with plywood, to place a primitive bathroom and place for water storage, to install furniture, to warm the doors with heat insulating, non-combustible material.

Well, when a person has his own house! What should a person living in a high-rise building do? Basements are usually flooded with water, all kinds of living creatures, cockroaches, fleas, mice, rats are found in them. And is there enough space in general, a basement for all residents of the house? There are many questions, but the answer is one: if you have time to prepare, then even in cramped quarters, you can survive. I tell you as a person who saw with his own eyes the inhabitants of multi-storey buildings who survived in the basement, more than once descended into these basements and, despite the fact that they were not prepared, hundreds of people quietly survived in them. Imagine if these people had thrown off in advance and jointly prepared their basement for the next stay. So, the next topic: the basement in a high-rise building.

I’ll make a reservation right away, I didn’t live in a multi-storey building, I don’t have any experience, just from all the basements under multi-storey buildings, I saw only one, more or less well-equipped, but even this rather primitive arrangement, for several months allowed the residents to live with a sufficient , for wartime, comfort. Judge for yourself. Example: a nine-storey building, an eight-access building, of course, eight exits, all exits are open, and there are openings in the basement walls between the entrances. According to residents, this is done so that when the destruction of one of the sections of the people, they can get into the other and escape.

It’s not easy to heat such a basement, so there was no talk of heating, but the residents were cooking on the rims of a truck. These improvised stoves stood in several places in the basement near the windows. That is, fueled "black." These furnaces were used to illuminate the basement. Along the walls were mattresses, folding and mesh beds of residents. Naturally, solitude was out of the question; too many people sought salvation in this basement.

The windows outside were covered with sandbags. When I was asked about lighting and natural ventilation, I was told that I had to sacrifice lighting and ventilation because of constantly flying fragments and bullets. After the death of several people, under the constant fire, the remaining residents sealed the windows with sandbags, and threw trash on top. Only those windows that were on the side opposite to the shelling, let in light and smoke from the fires. Products were also common, residents simply allocated one room for food and charged the old men to protect it. Water poured from the pipes in the improvised dishes.

And replenished whenever possible the melted snow and mined from the broken houses of the private sector located behind the house. In the same place, in rare moments, lulls produced products together. Food was carried out by the whole world. Cooking was laid on several women. Thus, the community was able to survive, despite the fact that the house was under constant shelling, part of the house was destroyed by a fallen air bomb, it did not reach the basement, it exploded on the upper floors. Lucky. In the yard I counted seventeen graves. These were the graves of the inhabitants who died during the first bombings.

Two more enemies of a peaceful city resident during the war. It is hunger and lack of water. The second, perhaps more important, since there is still food in the city, even during a siege. Let her a little, let her get at risk for life, but still, the lack of water is much harder tolerated by man. Next topic: water.

Although the events taken by me for analysis occurred in winter, but the lack of water was felt everywhere. Therefore, dear reader, I ask you to take a few tips on how to detect life-giving moisture, storage, collection and cleaning.

First: during a disaster, remember that the water is not clean does not happen. All those places from which you are accustomed to take water may either be in the sphere of influence of one of the warring parties, which means that access to the source will be extremely difficult, or it may be located in the immediate combat zone, which means that going for water may cost life, or water in the source may not be suitable for use. The first thing you should pay attention to is the separation of dishes for water.

Highlight utensils for drinking water and dishes for water technical. Drinking water is best kept in metal forty-liter flasks. The lid of such a flask is tightly closed, and the garbage does not fall inside, the same factor affects the avoidance of water loss. Already at the first bombings, the water supply ceased to give water, and, as a result, it froze altogether. Therefore, it was necessary to search for sources of water, as well as methods of its transportation.

Any car passing through the territory occupied by the enemy automatically becomes enemy. No matter what signs you put on it, no matter how you try to pass unnoticed, but sooner or later you will be requisitioned for the needs of the front, or you will come under fire, sometimes arranged only in your honor. Therefore, a bicycle and a car are your reliable allies and helpers.

The presence in the house, apartment, cars in general is in itself already luck. This simple vehicle will help you in many of your affairs, such as: the extraction of water and food, transportation of things, transportation of the wounded, transportation of finished furnace material. But from the laudatory ode to the wheelbarrow we move on to the places of water storage. There are several places in any city: fire departments, hospitals, sanitary and epidemiological stations, technical wells, military units, city reservoirs.

In any fire department, the hospital has special water storage, underground tanks. The water in them is usually disinfected. Constantly updated and at the time of occurrence of emergencies is usually intended for distribution to the population, but distribution usually does not occur due to the fact that these places are first captured by the military, and access to water is blocked. The same confusion awaits the seeker of water in military units. There remains, as a rule, a sanitary epidemiological station, a fire reserve of schools, not all schools have it, and natural sources of drinking and technical water.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Station
Usually, people are not serious about this very important and serious institution, but in vain. It was the sanitary epidemiological station of the city that was in the area of ​​my residence that became, if not the only, but a reliable source of drinking water. Although the stock in the sanitary epidemiological station is smaller and the stock of underground tanks of fire fighting units, this organization is more serious about decontamination and subsequent storage than even the Ministry of Health, because the fight against the occurrence and spread of epidemics is a direct responsibility of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Example: when drinking water brought from fire tanks even after boiling, there was some discomfort in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, pain, but when you consumed water brought from the SES, even without boiling, nothing like that was felt.

The next source of water during a war is wells, wells, and springs. Water from these natural sources is divided into: useable and technical.

Unfortunately, in the area of ​​my residence there was only a well with technical water. Under normal conditions, this water is of little use as it is mineral, but with a general deficiency, this water was also well used. Do not forget that in the water pipes, after turning off the pumps, there is a decent amount of water. This is especially noticeable in the case of a person living in a valley. This water is also usable, and it is important to be able to reach it.

I managed it so. After the life-giving trickle ceased to flow from the tap, I climbed into the well supplying water from the yard to the house and, having unscrewed the input to the house from the tap, for some time I was drawing water directly from the pipe. Since my house was not located in the very lowland, I had enough water pressure for two weeks. For technical needs, such as washing, washing floors, flushing the toilet, bathing, I collected rainwater and snow. For these purposes, there were barrels around my house under the gutters. Using this water, even if not very clean, I was able to maintain order in the house and save such precious clean water.

No matter how much you have accumulated food supplies before the war, sooner or later, supplies are depleted. Consider ways to replenish supplies. The first way is going to the store. No, do not think that during the war the stores do not work, but this does not mean at all that there are no products in it. No one advises you to break into the shops in the district on the first day of the war. It is just that during the war, air bombs and shells hit the buildings themselves, and a destroyed building is no longer a store, but not just ruins.

So, your humble servant, being a heavy smoker and especially suffering from a lack of tobacco, became the proud owner of two full boxes of “Belomor” just by visiting a broken casket. Since you are not one of those who came up with the happy idea of ​​shopping at such an inappropriate time, then you risk, at best, just face empty shelves and utility rooms. But even if so, do not despair.

Stroll through the store again, and fortune can reward you for attentiveness. For example, I managed to find a box of matches, a box of candles, three packs of salt, several packs, even if a wet, but completely preserved detergent powder, and, as if in mockery, left to me, unarmed, sawn off a double-barreled gun sixteenth caliber. This outing substantially complemented my exhausted reserves.

But you always need to take into account that in such premises all sorts of "surprises" are possible, left to you by past visitors of the store. So, in one store, after a careful examination, I removed three stretch marks and one grenade launcher. In the case of haste and carelessness, I would expect a fate, at best, a cripple. In addition to stores, to replenish the grocery and shopping baskets, various bases are of interest.

But it is necessary to take into account the factor that the idea of ​​looting comes to mind not only to you, and people will rush to take away food and household goods much earlier than you, while seeing the danger of being killed. Basically, the bases and vaults are looted right during the hostilities or immediately after they cease.

Residents of nearby streets, who suffered from shelling and bombing more than you, who have completely exhausted their reserves, will quickly attack you on an “unowned oasis”. Sometimes, by paying a very “expensive price,” everything that is most valuable will be brought out of this “oasis,” but even after such a quick and greedy robbery, much remains either unnoticed or left as second-rate. Example: after the base was repeatedly attacked by marauders, I managed to get a bag of flour and a bag of peas, and when I came back, another box of caramel sweets and two boxes of bottled kerosene. That, too, decently replenished my reserves. A significant addition to the diet is the meat of killed farm animals mined in the minefields.
So, for helping the owner in pulling a wounded cow from a minefield, the animal, frightened by explosions and shooting, broke through the shed door and ran away, but on the way it hit the minefield, after joint carcass I got the leg and the ribs. And after the shells and bombs began to fly to the streets of the “upper suburb” at night it came to me to “ask for political asylum” a flock of goats and sheep. Naturally, their urgent request was satisfied by me. Since there were very few people left on the street, mostly old men and women, all these “gifts of nature” were divided into all.

Lake and sea fishing
Many people represent it on the bank with a fishing rod in their hands, but the wartime fishing is very different from the fishing time of peace. The first difficulty is that reservoirs suitable for fishing are often on the other side of the front from a fisherman. But even if the reservoir is right next to it, then it is quite likely that it will be under fire. If this is not the case, then the fishermen in uniform should be afraid.

Many parts standing on the banks of reservoirs did not disdain to diversify their diet with fish. But there could be no talk of fishing poles. The absence of fishing rods was compensated by the presence of grenades and grenade launchers. The whole process took place as follows: a truck or an armored personnel carrier drove up to the water. Participants went fishing. Grenades were thrown into the water. Young guys raked around a bank of muffled fish, usually two or three sacks, a group of fishermen got into the car and drove away to the location of a part or a roadblock. The whole process took no more than half an hour.

That's all military fishing. “And where is the romance, where is the ear and everything that is attached to it?” The reader will ask, and the romance was given to the local residents. Being buried in high reeds, the local fisherman waits for the departure of the military fishermen and, making sure that his presence has not been detected and that the military have retired far enough, on a hastily collected raft or on a leaky boat, sets off in search of fish from the coast.

He risks getting a bullet or a shard, he risks drowning or catching a cold, but the desire to at least somehow replenish his depleted reserves pushes him to search for fish. After the explosion of three or five grenades stunned fish a lot. Soldiers take only the largest, and all trifles, the middle peasant are usually ignored. It is behind this little thing that a desperate fisherman is swimming. For a bag of fish, a hungry person is willing to take risks.

So I, yielding to the persuasion of the neighbor boy, his description of the ease and effectiveness of the attack, riding my bike in the company of three neighbors, went on such a fishing trip. As we drove around the debris and roadblocks I will not describe, they will be discussed separately. Arriving at the shore of the pond and sowing into the reeds, we waited for the military.

It was not long to wait. About half an hour later, an armored troop carrier rolled up to the shore. After shooting for loyalty on the reeds of a machine gun, five people left it. After the departure of the BTR, we pushed the boat into the water and sailed to collect fish. During such fishing, no one noticed the arrival of the next batch of fishermen. Imagine a picture in the middle of a lake boat. There are four people on the boat. Fog is an obligatory attribute of the reservoir in February in those regions. And on the shore of the wary soldiers who came for the fish.

Hearing the splashing of the oars and not understanding what was happening, these militant fishermen began to concentrate on watering the lake from the machine guns. We froze. The gunfire rushed in some five meters. But after the soldiers began to shoot from the grenade launcher at the sound, as best they could, all four were buried to the opposite shore. Nevertheless, I brought two bags of fish home, but after such a shake-up I did not go fishing anymore.

After the bases are devastated, and the war does not end, we have to go home to find food. Naturally, at first you pay attention to the destroyed houses. Getting into such a house is not difficult, difficult to find, edible, because besides you, about fifty people have already climbed into this house. Therefore, gradually or you stop looking and you are content with what you brought in advance, or you start thinking to replace the military with food.

After that, looting takes a different direction. Someone climbs into the house in search of treasure, and someone, like your humble servant, begins to steal up to the winery. By this time, one of the opposing sides had left the plant, but as usual, she did not inform the enemy about her departure. And so, on no-man's territory is the coveted alcohol. Hundreds of people strive to get to him. Dozens of it works out. So, two flasks of alcohol and several boxes of brandy and wine appeared in my house.

Alcohol in the war - good! Having drunk a glass of alcohol in the evening you can finally fall asleep. And you will not be woken up either by a skirmish under the windows, nor by a hustle in the courtyard of marauders, nor even by hitting a mine or shell in the house. In addition, alcohol is the currency! At the same time - the currency is hard! For alcohol, you can exchange everything from dry rations and ending with captured weapons. I was not interested in weapons, but very much for diesel lamps, food, and cigarettes. At the same time, I was able to replace alcohol and free passage through several roadblocks. So great is the power of alcohol during the war.

In many survival forums, the topic of workwear is touched. Therefore, the next topic of my story is clothing. So, when it comes to all kinds of overalls, protective jackets, pants, boots with high berets, I cite just one argument. If you were a sniper, how would you treat a man in a protective form in the crosshairs of your sight? Would you have time and desire to consider a peaceful person in a stranger?

Most likely, you would have shot at first, and only then they would understand, is it a peaceful person, or not. For the same reason, I always caution about putting any marking on the garment. Anything that catches your eye will most likely cause your death. My clothes were simple: an old winter jacket, old pants, a sweater and a hat. The more natural you look, the more chance you have of not being targeted.

I have repeatedly found corpses, stripped naked. Usually, the marauders and the military simply piled off the thing they liked ...
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  1. +15
    21 June 2012 07: 24
    Very helpful instruction. Especially for us Russians. After all, we live by the principle: "until a roasted cock pecked in the ass." Well, everyone knows about "thunder" and "cross" too. Today's life is sad for most. And it can become even sadder if the trend of strangling the people continues. Therefore +.
  2. +15
    21 June 2012 07: 32
    Thanks to the author, but the city itself is a trap. Taiga, a winter hut with a knife and an ax. Yes and much more. Here is the best method.
    1. 755962
      21 June 2012 09: 52
      Who knows, who knows ... The Bible says about the end of the world as follows, - "People will stand knee-deep in water and die of thirst and survivors will envy the dead!"
  3. Vanek
    21 June 2012 07: 41
    A necessary and useful article. To author +
  4. Odinplys
    21 June 2012 07: 43
    We’ll not die alive ... but we’ll bury them so dead ... and thanks for that ...
    1. Vanek
      21 June 2012 07: 45
      Quote: OdinPlys
      and die so they will bury.

      The main thing is humanly, Christianly. Well, in the sense of not sitting like Arabs.
  5. +4
    21 June 2012 08: 05
    The article is wonderful. But staying in the village is fraught, it’s better to get out of the city. I would advise you to buy some hut in the region of Perm or Surgut in the village. I would notarize copies of all documents (passport, military man, etc.) and would hide in such a house. Naturally the presence of trunks, Saiga or Boar absolutely necessary things.
    1. +6
      21 June 2012 09: 43
      Why buy! Come into the taiga and build your own hut, whatever you want. Only write down the forest first in the leshoz, from which you will build everything. The taiga is big, there is enough room for everyone.
    2. survivor
      21 June 2012 10: 41
      there is a very large segment of the population, which simply has no place to go. In addition, there are options. There is even where, but it is not possible to leave the city. The article is written specifically for this category of the population. In no case is the article a step-by-step instruction for action!
      about weapons ... for frequent, it only attracts attention and leads to the death of the owner.
      and about a nuclear strike .... well, no one will argue, but they will not bomb all the same. The invader needs our territories, not a scorched, radioactive desert. therefore, this fate may fall to megacities, but not to small and medium-sized cities.
  6. ivagulin
    21 June 2012 08: 41
    and what this article has come from now, is being prepared !?
    1. survivor
      21 June 2012 10: 42
      always need to prepare. in life, the supply has not yet hindered anyone.
  7. +3
    21 June 2012 08: 42
    An interesting and informative article.
  8. +2
    21 June 2012 08: 45
    Thanks to the author. Well done.
    Only if that very "northern animal" comes, then something like the following will happen
    1. Nuclear strikes will be carried out on all major cities and military facilities. Those. He will be able to apply his experience somewhere in the Siberian taiga or northern tundra, where no one will crave.
    But this will not last long either because the radioactive clouds, which will begin to walk on the planet solely by the will of the wind, will make the Creator a creature who, as in the immortal book about some treasures on the island, will envy the dead.
    Well, if biological weapons are also launched, then, respectively, generally seams. Both the knife and the ax, so to speak, will be needed exclusively for the beloved, so that through their help they can move to a more calm and peaceful world.
    Hence the conclusion that the entire experience of the author’s survival can be useful exclusively in science fiction, in which for some reason people continue to exist after a nuclear war.
    Well, what do you take authors from them? They apparently did not even serve in the Army. They probably do not know what the consequences of a nuclear explosion are.
    And I am generally silent about the global war.
    1. +5
      21 June 2012 09: 37
      Greetings, Andrey! I completely agree with you in the case of a full-fledged atomic war. However, the author described his feelings from the so-called "conventional" war, when bio and chemical weapons and nuclear charges are not used. In a "conventional war" on a local scale, everything described by Magomed takes place, the example of Iraq, Afghanistan and today's Syria or Lebanon.
    2. 755962
      21 June 2012 09: 38
      Quote: volkan
      the author’s survival experience can only be useful in science fiction

      You’re probably right. Well, you’ll survive, and then what? Slowly die ... I doubt that there will be a discussion of a more or less suitable life. It’s better NARAZ... and do not suffer. For even in the scripture it was said .. "And the survivors will envy the dead."
      1. survivor
        21 June 2012 10: 47
        First of all, try to establish a way of life and restore your country !!! it’s human nature to fight for life until the last breath, otherwise we have long died out as a species
      2. Vidok
        25 November 2013 17: 29
        And you remember the parable about two mice in a jar with sour cream.
    3. survivor
      21 June 2012 10: 45
      "Hence the conclusion that the entire experience of the author's survival can be useful only in science fiction literature, in which people for some reason continue to exist after a nuclear war."
      My experience was gained in Grozny in the first Chechen one. There is no smell of fiction here. in other matters, whoever wants to survive this himself, and then write better.) I do not pretend to infallibility.
      1. bachast
        21 June 2012 14: 56
        And as whom did you gain experience in Grozny? How old were you? I apologize for the question of course ...
        1. survivor
          21 June 2012 18: 14
          I lived with my mother and father in the city of Grozny, studied in the third year of the Faculty of Philology and worked as an auxiliary worker at a construction site. I was 22 years old.
          1. bachast
            21 June 2012 19: 43
            Thanks for the answer! I wanted to ask a few questions, but changed my mind (I would ask in a single)
            A photo in your subject?
            1. survivor
              21 June 2012 19: 54
              and what prevents to ask in PM? no. the picture is not mine. ask questions. as far as you can see, I answer questions and comments
              1. bachast
                21 June 2012 20: 00
                Not in PM, but in person, it’s more accurate and truthful (I think it’s clear what I mean?) .. By the way, why did you put this photo (and not your cache)? This hut is so illiterate that it doesn’t fit with your theme
                1. survivor
                  21 June 2012 20: 16
                  I myself like to speak live.) just no forum or site will give a complete picture of a person. I didn't stick the hut), as far as you can see, my topic does not at all touch upon the nuances of survival in the forest. I truthfully told at the beginning of the article.) I try to write only about what I saw myself. I hate people who know everything. It was not in vain that Socrates said, "I know that I do not know anything." so I'm not offended when I am accused of sucking it out of my finger. at least, I myself know that I'm not lying. this is enough for me)))
                  1. bachast
                    21 June 2012 20: 36
                    The normal answer. I do not condemn it at all, but I can’t fully grasp the line that is oppressive .. It seems that all these tips are objective and useful, but the form of publication, for me personally, leaves questions. One of them asked on the forum.
                    I would also very much like to see the reserves of matches, salt, water, alcohol, which were made by the participants of this topic, those who approvely nod, say, YES! All this is worth a lot!
                    Someone publish your blanks (photos and all that). Let’s not today, but in a while. Will you start to prepare tomorrow? ... Advice after all, are they sensible? Until the cock pecked ....

                    my theme does not affect the nuances of survival in the forest at all

                    Well, this is somehow strange ... Survival, but under certain conditions - "Not in the woods"
                    Namely, in the forest, and you need!
                    (ax, fishing, hut and all that))
                    1. survivor
                      21 June 2012 20: 40
                      from the canned meat stocks 10 cans (home-made) next time I will roll, I will make a separate article) three blocks of prima, but what to show them? salt, two packs, matches three packs, I use very little alcohol, and that one, homemade, but it wasn’t me, comrade. and that's it .... nothing more. I try to get by small.))).
                  2. welder
                    24 June 2012 23: 34
                    Listen to the survivor, what’s your second login, and .... to whom you push this bullshit, the script is definitely on a sucker. A normal guy and without your advice knows what to do, I don’t understand those sheep who put you pluses ... Matches , barrel, water for the toilet - such as you come up with scripts for new glamorous films that are funny to watch
                    1. survivor
                      25 June 2012 00: 33
                      if you are a smart man, then where did you see what I listed? Well, I will consider you a smart man, you will survive yourself! where am I, you, such a coolest warrior to dictate anything, but to tell? I humbly shut up, if SUCH MASTER of survival is registered here .......... the only question is, where did this master learn to survive? .... I said where, judging by the fact that I was alive, it worked ... ...... but, chew me .... I am silent ... where can I ..........
                      1. survivor
                        25 June 2012 01: 02
                        there is no desire to spend strength and knowledge on unnecessary and non-binding polemics; each stays with his own opinion. what my foundation is based on is not visible with the naked eye, but if it is not visible. it may be glory to God. Well, I respect your opinion and do not demand my respect), it is an opinion, it does not need it. I don’t want to bury the topic for srach and flood. having ears. yeah hears!
                      2. Region65
                        22 October 2012 16: 08
                        you do not pay attention to him) he has the whole NZ in the event of an emergency will consist entirely of alcohol
    4. Vidok
      25 November 2013 17: 09
      The article deals with the wars that were fought, are being fought now and will be fought. Nuclear war is real, but "lokalki" are much more real. The author wanted to tell about the principle of survival in such wars. And he told, as they say, simply and tastefully, intelligibly and vitally, without the pathos of a life safety instructor. For which he and the article bold "+"
    5. VARCHUN
      2 December 2013 00: 45
      I’ll tell you so, firstly, knowledge and preparation didn’t bother anyone else, and secondly, which aggressor will not strike with biological or nuclear weapons in the places where he will be located since this is for years or maybe for centuries. resources and territory, think for yourself. good
  9. welder
    21 June 2012 09: 13
    Bullshit .... the author himself was confused in his essay
    1. bachast
      21 June 2012 09: 25
      Real boys are always on treason wink the author is no exception. gee ...
      1. survivor
        21 June 2012 10: 48
        Of course on treason, the scared crow of the bush is afraid! wink
    2. survivor
      21 June 2012 10: 47
      someone like ... you can’t put a handkerchief on someone else’s mouth.
      1. welder
        21 June 2012 16: 38
        Surviving !!! so it’s you who wrote chtol? I usually don’t look at the authors, I kind of rely on my gut .... I doubt ... I doubt what is written, and what about your personality too .... sorry if that
        1. survivor
          21 June 2012 18: 22
          doubts are so inherent in man))), there’s nothing to apologize for .... I’m not the Koran or the Bible
  10. +4
    21 June 2012 09: 40
    In fact, even after the exchange of nuclear strikes, the whole village in the country will survive, because even the Yankees will not be able to shoot at half-empty villages, and I don’t feel like hara-kiri, having learned that there are no cities left, for example, I would have survived a bit
    1. survivor
      21 June 2012 10: 49
      +100000 but it is important not only to survive, it is not an end in itself, but to revive what is called the Homeland
      1. bachast
        21 June 2012 15: 22
        but it’s important not only to survive,it is not an end in itself


        and to revive what is called Homeland

        Cried crying
        1. survivor
          21 June 2012 18: 24
          when you treat survival as an end in itself, then you don’t think about what awaits you after., and when you live, you start to think ....
  11. Kaa
    21 June 2012 10: 07
    My recipe is simpler - documents, "emergency case" in the teeth - in the VC and at the collection point. Anyway, after any blow, they will be somewhere. And there - in peace and death is red. Families are worse off, but I have reserve officers in my family. Like rats to flounder through pipes and loot, does not smile. And the notorious "nuclear clouds" do not immediately kill, if they did not immediately burn, 500 R did not grab - you will have time to do something useful.
    1. survivor
      21 June 2012 10: 50
      many people will survive just like rats. and they will survive! why? yes because in the desire to live we are all equal!
      1. SIA
        21 June 2012 13: 40
        To the author minus for the article, which did not find discussion on the forum, and all its similar topics. Topics have been removed from the forum.
        Now he decided to dump his "creation" here. Let's see how long.
        1. survivor
          21 June 2012 13: 51
          well . we will see. since such topics are not of interest. they will simply be deleted! if there is interest, they will leave it.
          "Now he decided to dump his" creation "here." - they throw out something else, it will be said outside of society. I posted the article. at least no one here asks me if I'm Russian by nationality ...
          This article was posted on many resources and not everywhere I laid it out myself. someone is reading. someone is not. you can not initially approach a person biased. (((. if there is a section on the forum and site (by the way it was very surprising that the forum and site differ in rating and material), why not lay out?
          1. SIA
            21 June 2012 13: 58
            survivor,, here no one asks me if I'm Russian by nationality
            I did not ask you about nationality. If there will be a flood like on a forum, I will delete everything.
            1. survivor
              21 June 2012 14: 02
              I did not flood on the forum. you didn't ask. if the short word "no" can be called a flood, then delete ((((. I have not been on the forum for so long to flood. and here I am not doing this (((
              1. SIA
                21 June 2012 15: 00
                You have created 4 topics on the forum that nobody really responded to. This can be considered a flood, they were deleted. Your 4 topics were enough to find out how long you have been on the forum. As for the rest, I told you.
  12. +4
    21 June 2012 11: 03
    The author correctly said - The worst thing in an emergency is to think long. The decision must be made as my grandfather spoke during 7 breaths. Useful article.
    1. survivor
      21 June 2012 13: 39
  13. Hauptmannzimermann
    21 June 2012 11: 57
    Surviving, you are well done, I support you, you always need to hold on to the last. good
    1. survivor
      21 June 2012 13: 37
      You can write a lot of scripts, but not one is useful. But the action is always what the thread will lead to
  14. Odessa
    21 June 2012 13: 10
    It is thanks to this experience that you have a guy roamed? You plus +!
    Remember once and for all, panic is a bad adviser. But for Israel, instructions of this kind are unacceptable, today we have a new joke of the day, the service of the rear of the leaflet spreads about receiving gas masks, they can even send them out as a messenger, only the life of gas masks has expired, but that's another question. With a screw cutter, you can’t protect yourself from a cloud of radioactive particles, not a dugout, not a basement, not effective!
    1. survivor
      21 June 2012 13: 39
      I don’t panic, although it was scary ..........
    2. welder
      24 June 2012 23: 38
      You are bred Dear Esther, this is a flood !!!
  15. +3
    21 June 2012 21: 50
    I believe that for residents of border cities, and even more so for Ossetia, Abkhazia and the Far East - the instruction, although somewhat naive, is useful. We are in the capital and near we will die quickly, I hope, but the rest will have to survive and fight.
  16. survivor
    25 June 2012 00: 40
    Of course flood!
  17. -3
    27 June 2012 21: 04
    Author Gazdiev Mohammed

    Mohammed, this nonsense (I can not say otherwise) even in a textbook on NVP is not suitable. The author is 100000.

    If you were a sniper, how would you react to a person in protective form at the crosshairs of your sight?

    Mohammed, I specially answer you. I (as a sniper) have a task. And what the enemy pulled on himself does not affect at all. If there is an order, I will shoot at a woman with a baby. Though in camouflage, even without. Aha?
    1. survivor
      27 June 2012 21: 16
      Well, did they shoot the same? fine!!! you shot, I was hiding. you, as a sniper, have your own opinion. I can’t argue with him, I try not to argue on those topics in which I don’t. I have my own opinion, based on the fact that once I managed to do, survive. Before writing this topic, I consulted with the guys. there were no snipers among them, but there were guys who passed both Chechen ones. but this is not a reason for me to argue with you at the mouth. -1000000? yes to health. I would like to talk with you on this topic when you have to survive as well. Like me. (God forbid) for koment, thank you very much. good luck and health.
      1. -1
        27 June 2012 21: 25
        You have your own truth, I have my own. Illiterate tips, for the most part. And in some places they are criminal. Good luck and health!
        1. survivor
          27 June 2012 21: 28
          same to you. history, frivolous lady, who knows how she will turn next time?
  18. -1
    27 June 2012 21: 31
    Before writing this topic, I consulted with the guys. there were no snipers among them

    Then why these stupid tips on how to escape from a sniper?
  19. survivor
    27 June 2012 21: 46
    have you read the article carefully? if yes, then maybe you read this too? - "I do not pretend to be a messiah or a harsh, experienced survivor, just like what I can share with you cannot be called the only survival guide."
    if you are talking about it- "In many survival forums, the topic of workwear is touched upon. Therefore, the next topic of my story is clothing. So, when it comes to all kinds of overalls, protective jackets, pants, high-top boots, I give just one argument. If you were a sniper, how would you react to a person in protective uniform in the crosshairs of your scope? Would you have the time and desire to see a peaceful person in a stranger? " so note, this is reasoning and not advice. reasoning has the right to be subjective. I did find people naked to the naga with a very characteristic hit. I don’t presume to judge why and who killed them.
    and as for the people with whom I consulted, they are. although they were not snipers, but the sniper’s work was not seen on TV or in pictures, so they could give good advice.
    what else criminal did you find besides a little discussion about clothes?
    maybe I wrote something wrong on how to get water? or screwed up something else?))).
    I repeat, I'm not a military man. it’s excusable for me to make such mistakes. I didn’t own weapons, I didn’t shoot at civilians ... I don’t understand you, professionals. In other matters, as you do to me. the fact that I am writing here already says that I am alive.
    excuse me, in which wars did you personally hone your skills?
    1. -5
      27 June 2012 21: 55
      Then why write here? You still write an article about the deactivation of mine explosive devices. I myself was not, but I know how ...
  20. survivor
    27 June 2012 22: 08
    First of all, you and I did not drink at brotherhood, so it’s not “you,” but “you,” no one has canceled politeness. secondly, after the article was published, I wrote a question to the moderator, do I need such an article on the resource? judging by the fact that it takes place, then, as you understand, they gave me a positive answer. thirdly, in principle I don’t write what I don’t know. in the article, apart from a small chapter about clothing, where the word "sniper" is mentioned once or twice, there is not a word about the professional work of a military man. I don’t know, I don’t write. again, he deliberately omitted the premises of the conflict, historical references and other details.
    mind you, I try to answer your questions in detail, but never received an answer to my question.
    again, you speak for all snipers. including in this list and snipers militants, and "white tights". Let me ask again, and on the basis of what do you draw such conclusions ?. Please voice your combat experience!
    1. -4
      28 June 2012 17: 24
      You speak for all snipers. including in this list and snipers, fighters, and "white tights".

      Exactly. Both "white tights", and militants, and I studied the same program. Therefore, I speak for everyone. According to the law, I have no right to voice my combat experience, and even more so on such a resource, you must understand this.
      1. survivor
        28 June 2012 19: 07
        secrecy? mmm, I understand. but how old are you? I hope it's not a secret. and the actions of the "white tights" I have seen more than once ...........
        By the way, and the fact that you are a sniper, is it not secret information, since you are so bold, in fact, on every corner, you disclose it? oh, is it not all calm in Baghdad? wink
        1. -2
          29 June 2012 14: 39
          I’m 34 years old. I haven’t been an active sniper for a long time, I celebrate every year in my RVC. There is no secrecy, otherwise we would not talk at this forum.
        2. VARCHUN
          26 October 2013 15: 13
          The electrician himself worked, a former sapper, well, and whoever needs it will find and apply it, if necessary, and so what the hell is secrecy. The man was a sniper for example in motorized rifle and what ?.
  21. IGR
    27 June 2012 22: 45
    To the author +.
    This is his opinion and his experience. Respect in any way.
    The topic is painfully sensitive, personal and somewhat provocative. Anything is better than the dominance of showmen "post-one phrase" on the site.
  22. survivor
    27 June 2012 23: 04
    thanks for the tip. this topic has been hard-won. 95. The city of Grozny. I'm a boy, a studio. I managed to send my father and mother to Nazran. my mother was afraid that nothing of our beggar would remain, so I stayed. I saved it, but at a high price. I wrote after many years of silence. the topic is very painful. hard to remember all this and clothe it in a digestible "wrapper" (((
    not in vain and nickname SUCH chose ............
  23. +2
    25 July 2012 22: 02
    I read the article. I want to tell the author: "Well, you, man, have seen a lot of everything, if you could work out such advice and try it on yourself." The article, of course, is useful, but I would not like to go through all this on myself ...
  24. ahtung: partizan
    25 July 2012 22: 56
    The paradox is that the professional military attacked the civilian "bespectacled" philologist for the fact that he survived when they "fired a line over the reeds for loyalty." So whose interests are protected by the family of the Armed Forces after that ???
    1. 0
      29 July 2012 16: 37
      Did you serve? For those who did not serve, I answer. I have an order. Who gave it - figure it out for yourself (in my case - all questions to the late Mr. Yeltsin). The relatives of the Armed Forces are subordinate to the head of state, who is elected every 4 years. And they "pounced" because the person is not a dick in the subject, but gives smart advice. I wish you good health.
      1. sapulid
        15 August 2012 03: 34
        Andrey, if, on "you", is this a burden for you? I served. Edge hooked Afghan.
        Now, if possible, about non-disclosure. Usually, such an excuse is given in order to avoid uncomfortable questions that will reveal the speaker’s lies.
        If we take into account your words about the identity of the training of "white tights", militants and military snipers, then immediately doubts arise about your competence in this matter.
        Attacking the author for his advice to dress inconspicuously and not stand out so as not to bring in an extra bullet, you did not refute his thesis, but stated that you would shoot leprosy at all. Oh, without an order? If someone suddenly appears in front of you in a wall gap in NATO camouflage, then he is 70% more likely to catch a bullet before finding out the fact that he has a weapon than a man in a quilted jacket and earflaps. Kill, either by mistake, or, for camouflage. They remove the things they like, usually from the dead. Hassle less.
    2. Vidok
      25 November 2013 18: 06
      As a professional military man (by the way, who was engaged in training snipers and not only), I want to say that, apparently, it is not the professionals who attack the author, but at best the contractors of the first contract ... and I hope the latter.
  25. mutagentic
    13 August 2012 23: 57
    Anyway, we will know at least something if that.
  26. sapulid
    15 August 2012 03: 07
    To the author, plus and above all, that he survived and is trying to convey his successful experience. The article is informative. Apparently, hunger did not bother him much. Either traded, or .... About trade, not a word, though, this is the most important way of survival. I could have casually touched on this topic.
    By the way, in Stalingrad and Leningrad, cases of cannibalism were not uncommon. God forbid. I do not call for it. I state a fact. People go to great lengths to survive and save loved ones. Conclusion: trust only yourself in an extreme environment. There will be no way to fix the error.
  27. 0
    9 November 2012 14: 17
    We all have our own opinion, and each of us has the right to decide whether he likes this article or not. For myself, I picked up some points, I disagree with some. Therefore, I thank the author for the article.
  28. major1976
    18 December 2012 22: 45
    Thanks Mohammed for the excellent material! And do not listen to the grief-professionals who are sitting in the warmth and comfort scribbling slogans! Respect and respect!
  29. ermak05
    24 January 2013 19: 10
    Not bad. Why didn’t I try to defend my homeland during the war? It’s strange.
  30. 0
    2 February 2013 18: 54
    The author is well done. great stuff. health to him and his family.
  31. +3
    3 October 2013 16: 02
    The article is correct. Nobody says that this is the only option for survival. For everyone, he is brightly individual. The author voices his story. The one he lived. Unlike pseudo-theoreticians and pseudo-military ones that are rude to him in the comments (which naturally does not paint them, but only discredit). Accusations of various kinds are expressed against the author. For example, "nothing is said about trading." Read carefully. The article writes about the most important "currency" in alcohol and mentions what it changed for.
    About clothes. Quite right. The slightest suspicion that you belong to the opposite camp is immediately embodied in a "lead shower" weighing 3,2-9,2 grams of each "drop". And even what is heavier ...
    Very helpful article. None of the inhabitants knew anything. Now even a little imagines what is happening in a similar situation. And besides, I personally appreciated the benefit of the article in that it dynamically shows the transformation and degradation of society.
    In addition, I cannot but note the worthy behavior of the author who does not stoop to the level of some individual members of the forum. For all my nationalism (which at one time appeared not from scratch and developing as the years went by), I rejected the negativity of the author. Especially after comparing his behavior on the forum and his opponents, alas, not shining with high moral principles ...
    About orders ... Not a single order will force me (as during the military intelligence service and in the future) to shoot women and children. All this is from the field of degradation (or initial underdevelopment) of a person ...
    26 October 2013 15: 16
    I completely agree with the article, but still, if you already have such a situation, you must be able to kill in an emergency, I didn’t do it myself, but I hope everyone will get such an ability when they bake. It's bad when not with myself, but with family.
  33. npetrov45
    12 January 2014 03: 14
    Interesting story.
  34. 0
    12 January 2015 04: 28
    To the author "+". Thank you for no moralizing, but only a description of a small interval of life (in places with logical reasoning). And about the "sniper" and clothes. A convoy (belonging to the military, the militia, a gang of marauders, anyone) is going through the city. And in the line of sight a person is observed. There is a high probability that for a person dressed in peaceful civilian rags, they will simply fire a volley over his head, they say, disappear. Or maybe they will not even spend a cartridge - you will not have enough ammunition for all residents. And how many chances not get a bullet from someone dressed in army camouflage? The same is with a guarded stationary object. Of course, if you don't run into complete scumbags .. Here, neither karate, nor a machine gun, nor a Hollywood smile, nor fast legs will help you. They will catch up, and kick these legs...
  35. +1
    15 July 2017 16: 44
    Thank you buddy for the article. The experience is valuable, the supply is affordable, the info is useful. Please write more, share your thoughts. It happens that the daughter will ask a question on this topic, but the answer is complicated, but then everything is simple and of high quality. A bow to work and a wish for many years.
    1. 0
      11 August 2017 11: 54
      hello comrade. and your name is not Igor?