How many seconds fly "Petrel" and "Zircon"



3 January 2018 of the year, winter storm.

In the murky waters of the Channel, the valuable cargo of the Nikifor Begichev ship is getting wet. The party of anti-aircraft missiles 40H6, designed for C-400 complexes, which are in service with the PRC.

A year later, in February, 2019, the details of the unfortunate incident are becoming known from the words of the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, during a speech at the IDEX-2019 exhibition. A batch of damaged missiles must be destroyed entirely. The missiles will be made anew, and therefore the fulfillment of the “Chinese” contract has been delayed for three years and must now be completed before the end of 2020.

Bad thing, someone else's negligence ... However story with wet rockets it acquires completely unexpected shades, if you look at the situation in a logical way:

1. How could the rockets in hermetic transport and launch containers get wet?

2. For what climatic conditions is the S-400 air defense system designed? How stable is the anti-aircraft complex against precipitation in the form of rain and sleet? Is it possible to use it effectively in conditions different from those of the Atacama desert — the driest place on the planet, where the norm of precipitation does not exceed 50 mm per year.

3. How high are the risks when transporting goods by sea? If any winter storm so easily destroys ultra-protected military equipment, then how is the mass delivery of other, relatively fragile cargoes by sea. Cars, household and computer equipment, production equipment lines?

4. Why did it take rocket shipments from Russia to China across the Atlantic?

* * *

Missiles in a sealed transport and launch container (TLC) can not get wet in the domestic circumstances. This is the purpose of the WPK. Protected to the highest standards "packaging" with a filled, sealed in the factory and ready to launch with a rocket that does not require maintenance for decades. Relatively speaking, a WPK with a rocket can be dipped into a swamp, then removed and used for its intended purpose.

TPK provides the maximum level of protection against all kinds of shocks, vibrations, precipitation, etc., and adverse environmental conditions, inevitable when transporting multi-ton rocket in combat conditions. Including over rough terrain. Such a construction is extremely difficult to crush with the help of incompetence, negligence and improvised means. To do this, you need to hook the TPK with a crane and how to “attach” it to the launcher from a height. Wet the container, just doused it with sea water - this does not fit into the framework of decency. In this case, not one rocket got wet in any defective container, but the entire party.

The extra-long-range anti-aircraft missile 40H6 is a key component of the C-400 system. It is she who should provide the complex with the declared range of interception of 400 km with the possibility of providing missile defense in near space. According to the data presented, the two-stage rocket is capable of reaching a maximum speed of up to 3 kilometers per second in flight, and has a combined aiming at the target, incl. using its own active homing head.

The development and adoption of the 40H6 air defense system was somewhat delayed by 10 years. Last time news Testing this missile sounded in March 2017, when Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced at a conference call about reviewing the results of state tests of “long-range advanced missile defense”. Earlier, in 2012, the commander of the air defense forces-PRO, Major General Andrei Dyomin, reported on the successful tests of the “long-range missile for the C-400”.

Given all the paradoxes and difficulties in the development of 40H6, the strange incident in the English Channel, the strange choice of supply route and the strange consequences of the accident, in which everyone involved pretend that nothing much happened, we can draw a single conclusion. There were no missiles on the ship.

It is possible that the time will come, and my favorites - “Zircon” with “Petrel” - will also “get wet”.

* * *

For months now, passions have been raging around the "hypersonic RCC" and "nuclear-powered cruise missiles." The sensation is that official media at the highest level talked about the readiness to adopt equipment that only a couple of years ago featured in works of science fiction.

Read comments on the latest topics. weapons and you feel that many simply do not represent all the paradoxes and values ​​of this moment. For many, the Zircon and the Petrel are simply the newest rockets that fly faster and farther than their predecessors.

However, these are not just rockets. We have reached a new, revolutionary milestone in the development of science and progress. This happens for the first time in history. two developed countrieswho were still yesterday on the same technical levelthe next morning were separated by an impassable technological abyss. So that yesterday both sides used bows and arrows, and today, some continue to run with bows, while others have a machine gun.

Sorry, some create a subsonic LRASM rocket, and here we have a hypersonic 9-flywheel "Zircon".

The sudden appearance of super technologies raises questions. Simply put, no one imagines how this has become possible.

The emergence of any technology is always preceded by discussions in scientific circles, as well as intermediate results. German "V-2" did not appear on an empty place. The first working sample of the LRE was built by the American R. Goddard in 1926, the legendary GIRD dealt with this topic, and the basis was based on the reactive motion formulas obtained by N. Zhukovsky and K. Tsiolkovsky.

Aviation The Dagger complex is based on the use of ammunition from the proven Iskander OTRK, and air-based ballistic missiles themselves have been known for at least half a century (for example, the Soviet X-15).

The hypersonic glider Avangard is another successful attempt to maneuver at space speeds in the upper atmosphere. Prior to this, there were "Spiral", "BOR", "Buran". Acceleration to speed 27 Makhov using ICBMs also raises no questions. The usual speed of warheads in the over-atmospheric phase of flight.

They often cite the example of the Squall torpedo, which, according to foreign experts, allegedly violated physical laws and as a result proved that the impossible is possible. This is just a beautiful legend. The phenomenon of supercavitation has been studied on both sides of the ocean. In the US, the greatest authority on this topic in 1960. enjoyed the work of Marshall Tulin (this is the name, not the title); tests were conducted speed submarine ammunition (RAMICS). However, the military was not interested in unguided underwater weapons - neither slow nor high-speed.

And here we come to the creation of the 9 flywheel "Zircon". Absolute record. None of the RCCs that existed before him could even develop the 1 / 3 of the specified speed.

In the case of the "Petrel" we are talking about the creation of a nuclear installation, which is 25 times more thermal power than all known small-sized nuclear reactors. We are talking about reactors for spacecraft ("Topaz" and BES-5 "Buk"), the closest in weight and size "analogues" of the power plant "Burevestnik".

A subsonic rocket retaining the dimensions of the Caliber and flying at a speed of 270 m / s, according to the laws of nature, will require an engine of at least 4 MW. In reserve, the designers have only about half a ton left for the installation of the NRE (instead of the usual TRD and fuel reserves).

The most powerful and perfect small-sized reactors (“Topaz”) that were created in practice with their own weight of 320 kg had a thermal capacity of 150 kW. This is all that could be achieved at the current level of technical development.

How many seconds fly "Petrel" and "Zircon"

The 25 multiple power difference translates further conversation into a frivolous plane. It's like trying to build a truck without having anything more powerful than a lawnmower engine.

There are still a lot of fun moments. For example, heat transfer methods in a nuclear jet engine. Passing an air stream through the hot zone of the reactor is useless. With a flight speed of 270, m / s air will conduct in the working chamber thousands of fractions of a second, for which it simply does not have time to heat up. Its thermal conductivity is too low. To be convinced of what has been said, it is enough to hold your hand over the switched on plate for a second.

In conventional TRD, fuel particles are mixed with the working fluid — air. When the mixture ignites, hot exhaust gases are generated, creating jet thrust. In the case of a turbojet, spend a significant part of the engine mass on an evaporating ablative coating working area. Hot particles in the form of a suspension (or vapor) must be mixed with the air flow and heated to temperatures of a thousand degrees, forming jet thrust. Due to the presence of radioactive particles, the exhaust will be deadly. Those who launch such a rocket risk dying before it reaches the enemy.

Is it possible to do without evaporation by providing heat transfer directly - when the walls of the core are in contact with air? Can. However, this requires completely different conditions.

American projects began 60's. solved the problem due to speed 3Mthat allowed to literally "push through" the air between the fuel assemblies of a nuclear ramjet heated to 1600 ° C. At lower speeds, the working fluid (air) could not overcome the resulting resistance with this engine design.

Due to a different principle of operation and colossal energy costs, the SLAM rocket (the “Pluto” project, “Tori-IIC”) turned out to be a genuine monster with a starting mass of 27 tons. it other area of ​​technology, nothing in common with the displayed shots of the "Petrel", which show subsonic rockets with the dimensions of the usual "Caliber".

So far, no official explanations have been made about how the problem with the flight tests of a "disposable" nuclear reactor was solved at the time of the inevitable fall of the rocket.

Subsonic KRs are a threat due to massive use. In other conditions, a single super-expensive nuclear-powered KR, circling in the air for hours, will become easy prey for the enemy. The idea of ​​a subsonic nuclear missile is devoid of any practical and military sense. Of the achieved benefits - only turtle speed and increased vulnerability in comparison with existing ICBMs.

These are all trivialities, the main problem is in creating a compact nuclear installation with an 25 power greater than that of Topaz, and sufficient reserves of evaporating core coverage for long hours of flight.

* * *

Supporters of the “Petrel” appeal to the achievements of technical progress, believing that modern technology is ten times greater than the results of the developments of the last century. And this, unfortunately, is not so.

In the science fiction novels of that era, astronauts called Earth from Mars, twirling a telephone disk. Like Belyaev: "Erg Noor sat at the levers of the counting machine." Alas, none of the science fiction writers have guessed the direction of progress, which has turned to the path of improving microelectronics. As for nuclear power, aviation and space technology, we are actually at the same technological level. Only marginally increasing efficiency and safety, while seeking to reduce the cost of structures.

Above, the radioisotope thermoelectric generator of the Apollo 14 mission; in the bottom illustration, the RTG of the New Horizons probe (launch of 2006), one of the most powerful and sophisticated RTGs ever created in practice. NASA with its stations and rovers in this regard - great entertainers. On the contrary, the direction with RTGs was not a priority, for reconnaissance satellites with radars, completely different capacities were required, so the rate was on reactors. Hence the results, such as Topaz.

What is the essence of these illustrations?

The first RTG had an electrical power of 63 W, a modern one that already produces 240 W. Not because it is four times more perfect, but simply corny larger and contains 11 kg of plutonium, versus 3,7 kg of plutonium in portable SNAP-27 come from distant 60's.

This requires a little explanation. Thermal power - the amount of heat generated by the reactor itself. Electric power - how much heat as a result is converted into electricity. energy. For RTGs, both values ​​are very small.

RTG, despite its compactness, is completely unsuitable for the role of a nuclear jet engine. In contrast to the controlled chain reaction, the “nuclear battery” uses the energy of the natural decay of isotopes. Hence, the scanty thermal power is quite small: at the “New Horizons” RTG - only about 4 kW, 35 times less than that of the Topaz space reactor.

The second point is the relatively low temperature of the surface of the RTG active elements heated to only a few hundred ° C. For comparison, the active sample of the Thori-IIC SSWARD has the core temperature 1600 ° С. Another thing is that the "Tori" was barely placed on the railway platform.

Due to its simplicity, RTGs are widely distributed. Now you can create a microscopic "nuclear batteries." In past discussions, I was cited as an example of RTG Angel as an obvious achievement of progress. The RTG is cylinder-shaped with a diameter of 40 mm and a height of 60 mm; and contains all 17 grams of plutonium dioxide at an electrical power of about 0,15 watts. Another thing is how does this example compare with a cruise missile 4-megawatt nuclear engine?

The weak energy of the RTGs is redeemed by their simplicity, reliability and the absence of moving parts. The benefit of the existing spacecraft does not require much energy. The power of the Voyager transmitter is 18 W (like a light bulb in a refrigerator), but this is enough for communication sessions from a distance of 18 billion km.

Domestic and foreign scientists are working to increase the electrical efficiency of the “batteries”, instead of introducing a thermocouple with the 3% efficiency, a more efficient Stirling engine (Kilopower, 2017 year) is being introduced. But no one has yet managed to increase the heat output without increasing the size. Modern science has not yet learned how to change the half-life of plutonium.

As for these small-sized reactors, Topaz has demonstrated the capabilities of such systems at the current level. At best, one and a half to two hundred kilowatts - with a mass of installation in the 300 area of ​​kg.

* * *

It is time to pay attention to the second hero of this review. PKR "Zircon".

The project of a hypersonic cruise missile was initially of real interest at first, until an abrupt increase in speed began. From the original 5-6, Mach to 8, now 9! The project has become a regular exhibition of the absurd.

Do such statements at least understand what a catastrophic difference lies with these values ​​when flying in the atmosphere? Hypersonic aircraft at speed 9M should be radically different on design and energy from the original 5 flywheel, and the dependency is far from linear.

How aircraft designs differ with increasing speed, even at much more modest values ​​(from Mach alone to 2,6M), is clearly seen in the examples of ZM14 Caliber and 3М55 "Onyx" cruise missiles.

The diameter of the subsonic "Caliber" is 0,514 m, the starting mass is ≈2300 kg, the mass of the warhead is ≈500 kg. “Dry” mass of the engine 82 kg, max. 0,45 tons of tons.

The diameter of the supersonic "Onyx" - 0,67 meters, the starting weight 3000 kg, the weight of the warhead 300 kg (-40% compared to "Caliber"). The dry weight of the engine 200 kg (more in 2,4 times). Max. 4 tons of tons (higher 8,8 times), with the corresponding fuel consumption.

Flight distance of these missiles at low altitude differ somewhere in 15 times.

None of the known technical solutions do not allow any closer to the stated characteristics of the "Zircon". The speed is up to 9М, the flight range, according to various data, is from 500 to 1000 km. With limited dimensions, allowing the placement of "Zircon" in the vertical shaft of the ship shooting complex 3С14, intended for "Onyxes" and "Caliber".

This fully explains the reluctance to share any details about the "Zircon", there is not even approximate information about its appearance (despite the fact that the "Dagger" and "Peresvet" "shine" in all details). The publication of any specifics will immediately raise questions from specialists who cannot be given a clear answer. It is impossible to explain all this with existing technologies.

It must be a UFO on some completely new physical principles.

Hypersonic studies in practice, the results of which were made publicly available, showed the following. The X-51 “Waverider” with a hypersonic ramjet accelerated to 5,1M and overcame 400 km at this speed. It is worth noting that the Americans dispersed the 1,8-ton "pig", the bulk of the mass of which were spent on thermal protection. Without any hint of a warhead, folding console or homing head, which are in combat missiles. The launch was made onboard the B-52 at a speed of 900 km / h in rarefied atmospheric layers, which significantly reduced the requirements for the mass and size of the starting accelerator. Based on the analysis of various types of rocket weapons, only a ton of less was saved on the booster.

The latest news came from China - the test of the hypersonic Star Sky-2 glider. As it turned out, not “Wavewider”. This is a hypersonic glider-airship, gaining speed 5,5M with the help of a ballistic missile and, further, planning by inertia, gradually slowing down in dense layers of the atmosphere. "The younger brother" of the domestic "Avangard". Our eastern neighbors were able to provide the necessary thermal protection and the operation of control elements in hypersound, but the creation of a scramjet does not even speak. The glider has no engine.

* * *

Explanation of the paradox? I can’t even imagine how the story with super rockets will end. In principle, it will end in the most obvious way, like the "wet" anti-aircraft missiles from the Chinese contract. Another thing is how it will be explained to the public, who piously believed in the existence of such weapons. Everything will be easier with NI's foreign experts, they are still not able to distinguish the airframe from the aircraft with a scramjet, for them all the “threat” that you do not show.

“Zircon” with “Petrel” overcame all reasonable barriers and continue to navigate intersonic space. Most likely, they will repeat the path of the legends of the beginning of the zero - the plasma "stealth generator" and the X-90 Koala rocket - the heroes of the publication of those years. However, from the "Koala", going to the goal at an altitude of 90 km, at least some calculations and even a mock-up remained.
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  1. +7
    6 March 2019 15: 18
    Putin’s speech is very similar to Ronald Reagan’s speech when he announced the SDI program.
    I think that the truth is about 50%. Everything is aimed at making the United States spend even more money on defense.
    1. +1
      6 March 2019 17: 00
      Most likely it is, to calm the electorate, above all the Russian one.
    2. -2
      6 March 2019 19: 23
      Well, yes, of course there is a reason. Show the cartoon scare mattresses, they are scared (although they were already scared judging by the military budget), and let them fill up their economy! The only question is that they will quickly make an alternative, plus everything else, and in terms of missile defense, they will switch to lasoei. For the best practices they had left were in financing. And when, by the year 2023, it turns out that in Russia there is nothing advertised for putting into service, but in the states they were blinded and delivered? Very sensible course of the great helmsman VERY!
      1. +6
        6 March 2019 19: 39
        Zircon rate is directly proportional to retirement age laughing

        How will make the output in 100 years - zircon reaches superluminal
        1. +6
          6 March 2019 22: 19
          in the USA, the retirement age is raised to 67, and at 65 they left 100 years ago ... so why is this American achievement not inspiring you to write numerous comments? Why does our retirement age, 65, which will reach only the 28th year, cause so many moans of the public very concerned about this, most of which has nothing to do with Russia, but leaves at 65 or 67 in Europe and America?
          1. +19
            6 March 2019 23: 57
            A) Because life expectancy in Europe and America is higher by a quarter than in Russia. They will soon be going to 80, and live on average to 100

            B) Why copy the most negative aspects of capitalism, but if they decided, it might be worth starting with the standard of living, or progressive taxation. or revision of the credit system under the accepted% in the west. But they decided to start by raising another
            1. -7
              7 March 2019 00: 07
              Life expectancy in Russia has now reached 72, in Europe and America about 78-80 ... not a quarter. Who will live how long "soon" - we'll see. I think Arabs with blacks will greatly spoil the statistics in Europe laughing By the way, what was the life expectancy in the USA IN 1926? And they already retired at 65.
              B. The standard of living rises, I personally see it. If anyone else - I advise you to think more with your head and be less lazy - and life will immediately become better .. Progressive taxation - so far they decided not to introduce it, because there will be more negative consequences. We now need to return our elite home, and not push it with high taxes. Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance to a layman. A cook can rule the state, of course, but not for long - after the imminent disappearance of it after its leadership.
              1. +1
                7 March 2019 07: 26
                Quote: Strannik777
                By the way, what was the life expectancy in the USA IN 1926? And they already retired at 65.

                And in Russia then there were no pensions at all.
                1. +8
                  7 March 2019 18: 46
                  The most interesting thing is that Ilyich never said that "every cook must govern the state," he said "must learn to govern ...
                  1. 0
                    12 March 2019 01: 03
                    He said that, in principle, with talents, she was capable. In contrast to the whites, who said that the children of cooks (90% of the population) are not people from birth and, in principle, they cannot be allowed into high society.
                    1. 0
                      12 March 2019 16: 02
                      Quote: NG inform
                      In contrast to the whites, who said that the children of cooks (90% of the population) are not people from birth and, in principle, they cannot be allowed into high society.

                      Recall which of the white (who fought with the Bolsheviks) said this?
                      Or maybe the head of the ousted Provisional Government, Social Revolutionary Kerensky ??
              2. +15
                7 March 2019 08: 43
                Quote: Strannik777
                We now need to bring our elite back home

                In doing so, use the experience of China. Stole - escaped - returned - shot ...
              3. +4
                7 March 2019 11: 38
                The standard of living is rising, I personally see it. If anyone else - I advise you to think more with your head and be less lazy - and life will immediately become better .. Progressive taxation - so far they decided not to introduce it, because there will be more negative consequences.
                How do you see this? Express your thoughts more clearly - do you personally have a higher standard of living? If so, do not tell me in what area you work, unless of course you work. And as to being less lazy, can you tell me what kind of shock work all sorts of promissory notes with Abramovich get their extra profit? If you compare their income with mine, it seems that they work around the clock without ever closing their eyes, and in the amount of several tens of thousands of copies at the same time ... Do not tell me how to clone myself, according to their example, at least five times, so that the standard of living is at least a little bring closer to the above characters? In short, don’t tell me what to do and I won’t tell you where to go ...
                1. +7
                  7 March 2019 11: 56
                  He’s nothing, this balabol will not answer. One can only hear from these: it is necessary to work, it is necessary to work. He can’t see that many of us in two or three jobs are laborers for pennies, like real slaves.
              4. +2
                7 March 2019 14: 38
                While the queues for subsidies are rising. And as Golikova said at the United Russia Congress in Russia, 20.3 million people live below the poverty line. Such is the rising standard of living.
              5. -1
                8 March 2019 10: 25
                Quote: Strannik777
                Life expectancy in Russia has now reached 72, in Europe and America around 78-80 ... not a quarter.

                The song was before. "Who told you, well, who told you ..." Kremlin old-man storyteller? So our economy is rushing upward at an unprecedented pace. And the reality is somewhat different. The average life expectancy for men is around 54,5 years. This is for the moment. And the forecast for those born in 2008 is the same. Some time ago I already wrote about this. Gave links to scientific papers. Don't read the Kremlin bulletins. You will be healthier. Power is saturated with lies.
                1. -1
                  12 March 2019 01: 05
                  The fact is simple - those who blame everything on power are simply inadequate. The primary problems in the country are precisely because of these.
          2. +5
            7 March 2019 08: 41
            Quote: Strannik777
            in the USA, the retirement age is raised to 67, and at 65 they left 100 years ago ... so why is this American achievement not inspiring you to write numerous comments? Why does our retirement age, 65, which will reach only the 28th year, cause so many moans that the public is very concerned about,

            It's simple ... I now doubt very much that in damned states it is necessary to take a turn to the hospital on Monday until 7 a.m. in order to get a ticket for an appointment with a doctor for the whole week, and a turn for a specialist in a month. For ten years now there have been no free examinations at all ... For a simple ultrasound line in SEVERAL months! Great medicine !! You can work up to 100 years!
            1. +3
              7 March 2019 11: 09
              And you would not be superfluous, really ask how this is in the states. And how much of this pleasure is there before trying to throw on the fan.
              1. +2
                7 March 2019 11: 44
                And you would not be superfluous, really ask how this is in the states. And how much of this pleasure is there before trying to throw on the fan.
                For your information, for those who work in the states, there is medical insurance, which covers all these medical services. So for a working person, treatment in the states is free (within the limits of insurance). And in the Russian Federation, whether you work or not - one hell will stand in line on a common basis. If you don't want a queue or don't have the opportunity to stand in it, go to a paid clinic and pay for treatment out of your pocket. So you are the one who "throws in" here.
                1. +6
                  7 March 2019 11: 52
                  I asked you to delve deeper into the health insurance in the states, its cost and the list of services provided for it. And also when you can visit a doctor. Find out more about how much insurance you have and what it covers. Find out why Trump-Obama srach under the insurance medicine program and to whom it is available. Medicine in the states is of high quality, but very, very expensive.
                  1. 0
                    7 March 2019 19: 24
                    Medicine in the states:
                    - free and legally obligated assistance in an ambulance;

                    - free for children;

                    - free, for military and civil servants, members of trade unions. Applies to all family members. Departmental insurance

                    - free, by queues and coupons, for drug addicts, homeless people and various Mexican illegal immigrants at the expense of state / charity support programs; just not die in the country of the first world will not allow)))

                    - free, for the poor and blacks who could move to the state. insurance;

                    - high-class medicine for rich white people, all inclusive from the therapist to acupuncture sessions - 300 ... 500 per month from the snout. Lot? Well, do not worry about these people))

                    - The issue of payment is solved 2 ways.
                    A) Insurance
                    B) no way. Huge sums are for the financial departments of hospitals and insurance, they warm each other as much as they can. No one would seriously hope that the patient would pay 50 for an apppensite. He will send doctors to three. Such amounts do not apply to mere mortals, these are systemic problems.

                    Unpaid medical bills, as a rule, do not fall into the credit history.
                    1. 0
                      12 March 2019 01: 09
                      [quoteUnpaid medical bills, as a rule, do not fall into credit history.] [/ quote] Well, these are fairy tales, I knew an American hard worker who became a homeless person in the literal sense of the word for an appendectomy operation))) The house was on credit (mortgage) just arrived and thrown out onto the street))) Yes, he didn’t have insurance, he quit from one job, but he still didn’t apply for another, in short, he was unlucky)))
            2. +4
              7 March 2019 18: 51
              In European Latvia, everything is exactly the same with medicine.
            3. +1
              8 March 2019 15: 21
              Well, don't lie so blatantly, at "7 in the morning ...", for a long time they make an appointment with doctors sitting at home via the Internet, and there is a queue for an ultrasound scan for two or three weeks. As a child, my mother did not teach that to lie, and even so brazenly, is this not good? However, if an adherent of the methods of Dr. Goebbels, then everything is correct - the more impudent the lie, the more chances that they will believe in it.
              1. 0
                12 March 2019 01: 08
                Svidomo wrote. As usual, he looked in the mirror and attributed what he saw to the opponent.
            4. 0
              12 March 2019 01: 06
              If you don’t have insurance there, then you simply won’t have any medicine :) And insurance costs money inaccessible to about a third or half of the population.
          3. -1
            8 March 2019 20: 21
            Quote: Strannik777
            in the US, the retirement age is raised to 67,

            This only applies to the state pension. You can retire earlier than 67 - you will receive a reduced state pension. If you go later, you will get an enlarged one. But the main thing is that the state (as they say "social") pension is only an insignificant part of the pension income, 1000 dollars a month, you still cannot survive on them. 3/4 of the income is from the employer's pension fund and the personal pension fund. When applying for a job, an American signs a contract, which stipulates mandatory and voluntary contributions to such a fund, and the firm doubles these contributions. Usually about 5% is paid by the American himself + 5% by the company. For 40 years of work, taking into account the cumulative annual percentage, an American accumulates about 10 annual salaries. With an annual percentage of 6%, he thus has 60% of his average salary + social pension 1000 per month, on average it is about 3-5 thousand per month. But if, for example, he thinks that 30% of the usual annual salary is enough for him, please, he can retire at least at 40, complete freedom of action. Also, he can save not 5%, but more, say the standard 5 + 5 from the employer plus his 10% in a separate fund in the bank. Then he, too, can retire at the age of 50 and do without social. After university, Americans are already planning how and how much they will save for their retirement income. Complete freedom of choice. You can go to the sea every summer, you can retire 10 years earlier.
          4. -1
            10 March 2019 02: 57
            "in the US, the retirement age is raised to 67, and at 65 they left it 100 years ago ... so why doesn't this American achievement inspire you to write numerous comments? Why is our retirement age, 65, which will only reach 28 year, causes so many groans of a very concerned public, most of which has nothing to do with Russia, but comes out at 65 or 67 in Europe and America? "
            Because Strange 777:
            if a person works in the FSA, then he has everything okay ...
            And if he works for us, then he is trying not to die on his salary! ...
            Hurry Over, cookies to the nulland, or to the kremyll is far from the strange 777, otherwise all of you not s.r.ann.yh may not be the rest ...
        2. +25
          6 March 2019 22: 48
          The author obviously heard and even mentioned the X-90 Koala, but it is also obvious that he did not go deep into the topic and did not even bother to get acquainted with the purely technical (open) part of the Cold program. But it was on this that the ideology of the X-90 was built, which is obviously a continuation of the amazing imagination of the author "Zircon". The idea realized in "Koala" is a thermochemical reaction on a catalyst with high heat absorption. The water in the water-kerosene mixture is split into free oxygen and hydrogen, absorbing the excess heat of aerodynamic heating, and at the same time significantly increasing the calorific value of the fuel. There are no contradictions to the laws of physics and chemistry, on the contrary - a very elegant solution - the use of thermal energy of aerodynamic heating to increase engine thrust and fuel calorific value.
          This is what was in open sources about the Cold program. The Americans know this, because they received its materials in the 90s and even tried to implement it in their X-51. It didn't work out. Well, duck, and we did not come to the closure of the program, to practical tests and correction of errors - Gorbaty tried.
          So no fiction.
          And yet, the author would not hurt to look at the summary tables of the ramjet fuel efficiency depending on the speed - the fuel efficiency grows in direct proportion to the speed increase. That is, the higher the speed, the more economical the ramjet engine has, and the consumption for overcoming one conventional kilometer decreases. Based on this, the range of the Zircon in comparison with the same Onyx looks quite natural - greater. And more precisely to those values ​​that were announced to us - "over a thousand kilometers." I was generally surprised by the reasoning about 400 km. different "experts".
          The problem of creating hypersonic vehicles in the THERMAL BARRIER !!! It is this PROBLEM that the authors of the Zircon program have so elegantly solved.

          And the answer to "wet" or "drowned" missiles should be sought not in the quality of containers, and not in the "absence in nature" of such missiles, but in the specifics of Russian-Chinese relations. This is purely my personal opinion. After all, what happens? We supply China with the latest weapons - Su-35, S-400, and China with passion and even a certain delight is involved in the sanctions war against Russia! By the decision of the Chinese authorities, Russian companies and bank branches in China are being closed! Even those who are residents of China are registered on its territory! It is impossible not only to conduct transactions, but also banal exchange rubles or dollars for yuan or withdraw money from the card! Just a JESUITIC form of friendship and cooperation. Therefore, a storm is a good force majeure - an element, what to take from it? It will take at least a year to make a new batch - a good time to put in order all the "roughness" in trade, cooperation, mutual settlements, freedom of entrepreneurship, capital movement ... The element is this, it can repeat itself in a year ... Otherwise You cannot carry - an explosive cargo - there is nothing to endanger Trans-Sib.

          And with "Petrel" the same - no violations of the laws of physics. You, the author, please do not confuse the electric power industry with a banal TVEL - except for heating the air at a speed, no other worries are prescribed for it. And the principle of such an engine was described by Kazantsev in "The Burning Island".

          So that the “partners” are fussing is quite justified - everything stated is not a bluff. And the fact that agents were activated to collect / provoke information leaks is natural and understandable. “I don’t know, I don’t understand”, “Putinfsevret”, “this is the bluffmysgolymzadom” ... Is it worth pouring water on the enemy's mill? What do you think, the author?
          1. -1
            7 March 2019 00: 11
            I wonder how they solved the problem of pointing in a cloud of plasma?
            1. +4
              7 March 2019 00: 32
              If you are talking about "Zircon", then everything depends on the flight altitude, at 50 - 80 km there may be no plasma at all, or you can make a "slide" to get out of the dense layer. And everything has been worked out there - the Americans have it on the Pershing-2, we have it on our own.
              If you are talking about "Vanguard", then when gliding, the plasma cloud will not always be ... But this is how I am, I am reasoning from myself. And how they decided in practice - this is a great secret - the State.
              1. +6
                7 March 2019 00: 41
                Quote: bayard
                If you are talking about "Zircon", then it all depends on the flight altitude, no plasma can be at 50 - 80 km

                The maximum height for the air traffic control at which it can at least theoretically work is 45 km
                1. -2
                  7 March 2019 08: 18
                  Ramjet - yes, for scramjet the optimal stratosphere heights, that is, to space in American style. At least in calculations and theory.
                2. 0
                  8 March 2019 19: 45
                  For those who do not understand the difference between ramjet and scramjet - before poking in minus google differences, performance characteristics, etc. otherwise your cons look at least not smart.
              2. +1
                7 March 2019 19: 23
                Quote: bayard
                And everything has been worked out there - the Americans on the Pershing-2

                Actually, the Americans do not have it very worked out. "Pershing-2" really seemed to be able to distinguish large details of the relief with the radar, but then, when descending, due to the heating of the heat-resistant cap, the radar's work was interrupted. And again it turned on at an altitude of 8 km, where the speed was of the order of Mach 5-6, not Mach 9 (of course, all guidance was carried out only by large relief details, no one stuttered about targeting ships). In addition, even the aforementioned opportunities were not experienced by the Americans. They launched the Pershing 2 to the maximum range from Cape Canaveral and aimed at the water. There is no relief on the sea, so they only checked the accuracy of the INS. And for some reason they fired at the land range with only one stage, i.e. half the range. This means that the flight altitude was less, the speed was also lower, the heating was also less. And he would have hit the target with the specified accuracy at the highest heating - no one knows for sure, the rockets were cut faster than they could check. It is possible that radar guidance in the end in real conditions could only be used with a reduced firing range.
                1. +1
                  7 March 2019 20: 07
                  Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
                  It is possible that radar guidance in the end under real conditions could be used only with a reduced firing range.

                  Not a fact, rather radar guidance would be only in the transatmospheric section and at the beginning of heating, then - by inertia, in uncontrolled. Accuracy would be worse, but would not affect the range. KVO 20 m. - a very high bar for that time, in reality it could be much more. But it was the time of the Great Bluff - Star Wars, missiles in Europe, provocations in the Far East, activation of the 5th column, Grenada ... The political leadership of the USSR was frightened and encouraged to surrender.
            2. 0
              7 March 2019 06: 02
              In a plasma cloud, it is enough to apply a magnetic field of the desired configuration, and get a transparent "window" for microwave. The desired range. Such work has been going on for a long time. The same effect (MHD) is used to control an apparatus in a plasma cloud.
              I listened to reports on these topics about 10 years ago at major conferences. And - how cut off ... Well, I think ...
              1. +3
                7 March 2019 22: 54
                Eugene, did not fall to the office
              2. 0
                8 March 2019 10: 43
                Quote: Mountain Shooter
                In a plasma cloud, it is enough to apply a magnetic field of the desired configuration, and get a transparent "window" for microwave.

                Interesting idea. But the dependence of the decrease of the magnetic field on the distance is \ if I remember correctly \ the cubic character. And to create a magnetic field of decent tension at a distance of tens of centimeters, that is still a task. Especially if Tesla units are required.
          2. 0
            8 March 2019 05: 19
            good Great and competent comment! I absolutely agree with him. +++ ps and disputes about the age of retirement flight time "Zircon" and DO NOT DECREASE.
          3. 0
            8 March 2019 15: 27
            Everything is correct, with such an attitude of China to Russia, in words allies, but in fact on the side of the United States, not only missiles, but also all interstate relations will become wet. Strategic benefits are for the sake of tactical ones, but it can come back to haunt them dearly, to have the United States as a "partner" is more dear to them.
          4. 0
            9 March 2019 11: 40
            That's all right. The heavy "Almaz", in addition to the reactor, carried a system with a coolant and simply could not but have huge radiators - after all, a space system, to which you cannot add seawater cooling. And actually there was only 11 kg of uranium, i.e. about half a liter in physical volume. The same is with the contrived problem of heat transfer: an ordinary 60-watt incandescent light bulb successfully delivers a megawat of thermal power per square meter of filament - and this is without any forced blowing. Of course, there are many problems, probably the main one - the erosion of fuel rods in a supersonic flow, but they do not look technically insoluble. But with ablation, the author wrote the first-class nonsense.
            By the way, the quote with which he ascribes to Belyaev belongs to Ivan Efremov. And this speaks of negligence, bordering on spit. To the reader.
          5. +2
            10 March 2019 13: 44
            Thanks! At least one competent comment, a lot of dirt addressed to our designers and the government at the same time. I am sure that no one would have remembered a nuclear-powered rocket if it had not been in the project. So there is for Poseidon and for a cruise missile. True, I have heard something else about Zircon. This is the same "Dagger" but launched from ships. He has a "solid" engine. It takes off and goes to an altitude of over 40 km. Where it becomes invulnerable from air defense systems. From there he plans to the target and already at the target includes "afterburner" and dives at the target at 9M. No "straight lines" are needed. Neither the amers nor us did it with a ramjet engine. But these are rumors, I don't know the truth.
            1. 0
              10 March 2019 13: 49
              Well, I'm about the same. These exaggerations just look ridiculous. Moreover, most techies know each other (and they drink vodka in Santa Monica, after conferences). And project managers are in constant contact.
        3. +4
          7 March 2019 11: 13
          Zircon rate is directly proportional to retirement age

          Why write articles and express opinions about what you do not understand and do not know?
        4. +1
          7 March 2019 13: 45
          The author, did the Americans fly to the moon?
      2. +1
        11 March 2019 09: 12
        As far as I know, the defense order for the United States is the basis of the economy! The more he is, the better! Putin’s statements bring the Senate, Congress and the public to hysteria, thereby preserving or even increasing the allocation of funds for the defense industry, which generally improves the US economy!) wassat IMHO
      3. -1
        14 May 2019 20: 50
        "scare the mattresses" - aha! America is in shock, Europe is shaking, Britain is scared. It is foolish to consider yourself smart and everyone around you as fools. All these cartoons and stories are purely for internal use so that "Hurray patriots" are proud and grow above themselves. And they can afford the military budget, this is a rich country! F35 alone (5th generation) 3323 pcs. and 188 F22 against two prototypes Su57 and Su35 - 70 pcs. It remains only to scare with cartoons.
    3. 0
      12 March 2019 14: 34
      Quote: BerBer
      Everything is aimed at making the United States spend even more money on defense.

      Most likely. BUT, the US HAS money for it. Obviously, by increasing R&D expenses, they will achieve certain results. And where will the adventures with Zircon and others be? As a result, you can get involved in a real arms race, the means for which the Russian Federation does not have (annual budgets differ 20 times). And citizens have a chance to be in a situation of the late 80s ...
  2. +24
    6 March 2019 15: 19
    To the author, Learn the mathematical part, and do not engage in verbiage
    1. 0
      6 March 2019 15: 46
      The expression "materiel" is used by a small number of operators; designers and manufacturers have long had the concepts of "technical specifications" and "characteristics" of a "product". Since the 30s kstmti. By the way, even in the manuals for the operation of the Red Army for a rifle of the 1891/1930 model, this expression also did not appear.
      1. -1
        6 March 2019 22: 13
        Quote: viskonzas

        The expression "materiel" is used by a small number of operators; designers and manufacturers have long had the concepts of "technical specifications" and "characteristics" of a "product".

        Mat. teach part more diligently and everything will work out, and do not write about anything.
      2. mvg
        7 March 2019 00: 09
        Domestic and foreign scientists are working to increase the electrical efficiency of “batteries”, instead of using a thermocouple with an efficiency of 3%, they introduce a more efficient Stirling engine (Kilopower, 2017). But, no one has yet managed to increase the thermal power without increasing the dimensions. Modern science has not yet learned how to change the half-life of plutonium

        Wrong numbers. Thermocouple efficiency up to 12-18%, Stirling efficiency up to 33%. And the power of small-sized nuclear reactors for satellite is somewhat different than 4kW. Oleg, why lie so? At least 4 options for converting thermal energy into electrical energy .. Stirling is only one of them ... Next google and 3-5 minutes ...
        PS ,: the topic was raised last week at VO, in the comments. The article is about Petrel.
    2. +5
      6 March 2019 15: 47
      To the author. Are you a machine gunner or machine gunner? For example, I am an expert in the field of automation. If you are in another field, try to challenge in PM
    3. +2
      6 March 2019 15: 48
      Quote: Nick
      To the author, Learn the mat

      I agree ... I read to the required (according to the author) power for cr .. 4mW ..?! And then how much power is the icebreaker reactor?
      The P95-300 product develops a thrust of 400 kgf 1 hp (0.9 W) = 75 kgf.m / s, i.e. at 1 ms the speed is achieved by a force of 75 kgf
      1. +6
        6 March 2019 19: 41
        This is 4 megawatt
        Power = thrust * speed

        Ps / power of SU icebreakers measured in tens of megawatts
        1. +1
          6 March 2019 19: 44
          Quote: Santa Fe
          4 megawatts

          Well, if the megawatt .. then yes .. give up .... probably was wrong ...
          So offhand ... similarly flying piston monoplans of the late forties accelerated to 800 km .. having 1500 strong engines ... I dare to ask. 1500 hp is this 4 megawatts?
          1. +8
            6 March 2019 20: 14
            piston monoplanes of the late forties accelerated to 800km .. having 1500 strong engines ... I dare ask .. 1500 hp this is 4 migawatta?

            1500 hp = 1,1 MW
            To convert values, simply multiply the hp. on 736

            Monaplane with hp 1500 engine didn't develop 800 km / h

            4 mw - this is the result of the Caliber engine thrust, with the 0,45 thrust and the speed of 270 m / s
            1. mvg
              7 March 2019 00: 26
              1500 hp = 1,1 MW
              To convert values, simply multiply the hp. on 736

              Where is it from? And what horsepower is it? Metric, electric, hydraulic, mechanical? Stop fooling people.
              For example, the Kursk OK-650V nuclear submarine has 2 reactors of 190 MW each and a shaft power of 2x50000 hp.
              Approximately corresponds to the American Chester Nimitz
          2. 0
            6 March 2019 22: 23
            from 1500 l from the monoplanes of those years they accelerated to about 650 (with water cooling), and to reach 800, power is needed for that avionics level of about 3200
            1. +8
              6 March 2019 23: 59
              1500 (1,1 MW) - net power

              Efficiency gasoline engine = 25%

              Engine thermal power = is obtained in the 4 area of ​​MW, so we again come to the mentioned value
        2. 0
          6 March 2019 19: 55
          Quote: Santa Fe
          Ps / power of SU icebreakers measured in tens of megawatts

          Yes .. only they have more than one reactor .. In general, I suppose .. do you agree in cr weighing about a ton of two .. cram a 4mw reactor?
          1. +7
            7 March 2019 00: 00
            Quote: dvina71
            Do you agree to a cr weighing about a ton of two ... sneak in the 4mgwt reactor?

            Strongly disagree, and ready to prove any known examples.
    4. -1
      6 March 2019 15: 52
      The fact is that this resource is under the scrutiny of everyone and everything. American generals in the field and in the sky shed crocodile tears and brandish their fists, sending threats, contradicting everything and everyone. So, like Sivkov, this article is also a counterweight to our "partners". By the way, our former fellow citizens have become quiet and even somehow I want to make a scandal, they think all nonsense about us. laughing
    5. +7
      6 March 2019 19: 39
      Quote: Nick
      Learn mat.chast, and do not engage in verbiage

      And what are your arguments against what Kaptsov has? In addition to these words "teach materiel", of course.
      1. +4
        7 March 2019 12: 03
        The unfortunate patriots have one argument - since Vova said with the nuclear engine, it is so. But Vova dofiga what he said, he said a mastiff, but what to do?
    6. -2
      7 March 2019 14: 40
      Do you know the materiel?
  3. 0
    6 March 2019 15: 22
    Russia and China have a land border. By land it is not much more expensive to transport missiles than by sea, bypassing the Mainland. We need to consider the way of transporting such goods by land.
    1. 0
      6 March 2019 16: 17
      It's all about the dimensions. Or one flight of the ship or several trains.
      1. +3
        7 March 2019 14: 48
        Everything can be explained. You know that from time to time units of antiaircraft missiles go to firing ranges to shoot with their own equipment. And nothing cope w / d. And we also have in the composition of the railway troops parts for providing rail transportation. Loading, unloading, security on the way. And more time. At one time, the train went from the Far East to the SaryShagan training ground for 10 days, with stops at all the stations. Steamboat no less than a month. Yes, even go through the Gulf of Aden and other Indian Oceans where the flotilla of pirates and those who mow under them. So you need accompaniment. The cost of transportation increases many times
        1. +1
          7 March 2019 16: 02
          Quote: YOUR
          Steamboat no less than a month. Yes, even go through the Gulf of Aden and other Indian Oceans where the flotilla of pirates and those who mow under them. So you need accompaniment. The cost of transportation increases many times

          The fact of the matter is that the justification "transported by sea - it got wet" does not stand up to criticism. obviously, something is not clean.
          1. -1
            8 March 2019 02: 07
            According to the Wind Alert portal, which provides weather reports for sailors, meteorologists recorded severe weather deterioration in the Strait on December 27. The storm lasted several days, the height of the waves ranged from 2 to 4 m.
            As a result, the cargo was deformed, and the captain decided to return.
            In principle, the storm is not so big. And they saw it better. Most likely the load was improperly secured, it began to chat, knock on each other, Or something voluminous and heavy tore off, while they caught on a train on the hold, knocked on everything that reached out.
            As for not clean.
            You don’t even have to think. Money.
            It is worth seeing what kind of company was involved in the transportation, the sea agency Baltic Trans-port, which does not have its own transport, but is chartered by someone else's. But the transportation was very cool, both sea and railway, air and auto. In a search engine it is worth typing "Baltic Trans-Port maritime agency" and reading information about it. Interesting things show through.
  4. +27
    6 March 2019 15: 24
    Like Belyaev: "Erg Noor sat down at the levers of the calculating machine."

    Erg Noor - this is Ivan Efremov
    1. +8
      6 March 2019 16: 00
      I did not read uv. Oleg is neither the one nor the other author.
      But somewhere and once heard. For a blogger (and other synonymous names) - this is more than enough to start broadcasting with an undeniable look.
  5. -7
    6 March 2019 15: 28
    Everything is simple! We are a decade ahead.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  6. -3
    6 March 2019 15: 32
    It’s already good that there are adequate people who distinguish the outright lies of some and do not understand anything in the physics of the process of body movement in the elastic media of others. And again I will repeat that processes that are highly dynamic in transformation must be analyzed with new mathematical technologies based on the function of a constant value of a number.
    1. +12
      6 March 2019 16: 31
      Excuse me, who are you talking to now? hi
      But on the merits of the voiced problems and questions posed, is there anything to say?
      And just like in the youth of my parents - we did not read Pasternak, but we condemn!
      1. +22
        6 March 2019 17: 25
        It was a bot. Software that generates logical texts on the topic of discussion. The sentences are absolutely correct in terms of grammar, logic and terms, but meaningless in content. Someone is polishing software.
        1. +2
          6 March 2019 20: 18
          Quote: voyaka uh
          It was a bot.

          How can this be so, Alex? No.
        2. +5
          6 March 2019 22: 36
          functions of a constant value of a number.

          It seems like a program crash, with the term obvious problems.
          but actually these texts are from 2012.
          and judging by the number of pluses that he was instructed, the Turing test completely passed. The Loebner Prize is secured.
          Or the advantages that put him this test did not pass. what
        3. -1
          6 March 2019 22: 47

          from here? what
    2. +1
      6 March 2019 22: 28
      Are new mathematical technologies based on a floating variable suitable for analyzes of highly dynamic processes in transformation? feel
  7. 0
    6 March 2019 15: 35
    "... There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of .."
    The reference to falsification is somehow not convincing.
    1. +7
      6 March 2019 16: 13
      And Kaptsov is a merikansky shpien! Everything inquires and sniffs out, provokes secrets to issue.
      1. -1
        6 March 2019 17: 32
        Quote: mark1
        And Kaptsov is a merikansky shpien! Everything inquires and sniffs out, provokes secrets to issue.

        No, he is a brilliant detective!
        Here is his "true face"! (under the mask ...)
        Just imagine ... the FBI, the American military intelligence ... in general, sharashka with a staff of a thousand employees and a budget (hundreds?, Tens?) Of milion dollars could not figure out the Russian deception! No ... of course they tried! But, somehow, not very convincing ... (like: "Yes, it can't be!" ... "Russians are such dreamers!" ... "If we couldn't, then who can?") And then and generally speaking ! Surrendered! And even introduced their own identifiers! And reports began to be printed, where "with an accuracy of a mulimeter" they indicated how many successful and unsuccessful tests had been carried out! And then Kaptsov appears! Like Mephistopheles (with a sinister laugh ..!.)
        ... And throws a bucket of tar into a barrel of a cocktail of Russian vodka and American bourbon! Without getting up from the couch, he single-handedly breaks off the buzz "both ours and yours"! With the help of "Klava" he exposes the tales of the FSB / GRU and the incompetence of the FBI! Guys! I'm afraid for him! Well, okay, our FSB officers ... well, they will ask for a loan until payday a couple of "lemons" ... and they will stay behind until the next one ... And thousands of FBRO members on pain of losing their jobs and miles of wages? They will gnaw the Yakut diamond mines! All dumps for 200 years of gold-bearing mines in Kolyma will be dug up! Atlantis in the Arctic will be found ... and all this to get Kaptsov!
        PS No ... he really is a brave man! He was not afraid (was he not ashamed?) To express his doubts and arguments about the "tightness of the S-400 missile TPK ..."! Didn't he know what awaited him? At least my "illustrative" example ... I expressed similar arguments (doubts) about the same thing ... How I was then harassed with minuses "gifted a little above the knee"! Really Oleg doesn't read the comments? And if, nevertheless, he reads ... no, he is definitely a brave man! hi
        1. +2
          6 March 2019 23: 23
          Bravo Vladimir!
          It’s better than you, to characterize this opus is perhaps impossible!
          But it seems to me that Oleg is not so simple. It seems that the author provokes knowledgeable site visitors to the leak of classified information ... The guy plays with fire ...
          1. +1
            7 March 2019 12: 09
            american military intelligence

            But just their intelligence works fine, their experts have long been laughing at Vovinoy cartoons. And by the way, they draw benefit, frightening their layman and demand more money for the war, i.e. on a cut, not forgetting yourself.
            1. 0
              7 March 2019 16: 43
              They just work, and they don’t laugh for a long time - they really missed a lot. Too wide range of new weapons, for which there are no countermeasures, no mirror response in the form of analogues. All these samples still have Soviet roots, the Soviet backlog of an excellent scientific and design school ... And at least 20 years of work have been carried out in modern Russia - now we see the result, on a bunch of positions right away. Already taken into service or complete the test (successfully completing the entire main cycle).
              So missed
              Quote: Fan-Fan
              just their intelligence

              , knew something, but did not attach importance or did not believe that everything would not be limited to prototypes.
              From me the assessment is a C grade. Even with a minus on some positions.
              Quote: Fan-Fan
              long laugh at Vovinoy cartoons.

              our liberal bloggers, patriotic sentries and those who missed SUCH official profile specialists of the United States (attempts at self-justification, which ended there long ago). Our "former" members of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union are also actively, but not effectively.

              You read their serious analytics, the Internet allows you to translate. Everything is very serious and collected there.

              And they (of course) will cut, of course, but if with the same enthusiasm as to this day, then we have nothing to fear at all.
    2. -1
      6 March 2019 17: 24
      Indeed, "our wise men never dreamed ..."
      Humanity, with all its knowledge, still does not know how Baalbek, or Tiwanaku and Machu Picchu was built.
      And if someone has learned more about physics than everyone else until then, this does not mean that the new will immediately become public.
      So we, as always, can only speculate and argue.
      "All the knowledge of mankind is just crumbs of being ..."
      Something was remembered.
  8. +3
    6 March 2019 15: 37
    Why did you post an article on VO? You have solid questions. Contact the developers. Read articles by eccentrics with VO they have no time IMHO. Yes, and answer the curious too.
  9. +9
    6 March 2019 15: 41
    How could the wet missiles in airtight transport and launch containers get wet?
    I heard about the damages, that all the damages consisted of "getting wet" for the first time.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  10. -3
    6 March 2019 15: 53
    >> drown in a swamp to wash and fse <

    Is there no increased pressure in the swamp? It is one thing when the rain flows down to the designated surfaces, another when water and dirt creeps into all the slots and capillaries that are not designed for this.

    Also at sea in a storm. If the rockets were fixed on the deck, then in a good storm they were beaten by waves of salt water with efforts of hundreds and thousands of kilograms. Do you think the designer calculated such options for land missiles?
    1. +3
      8 March 2019 00: 35
      Piled rockets on the deck, in the bow,

      Blockbuster "Carrier"
      1. 0
        10 March 2019 20: 10
        Quote: Santa Fe
        Blockbuster "Carrier"

        As a source of material for the article. Yes
  11. -4
    6 March 2019 16: 00
    Another dull skipper

    And so we come to the creation of the 9-fly Zircon. The absolute record. None of the existing anti-ship missiles could develop even 1/3 of the indicated speed

    A lot of them. The first thing that came to mind was the same X-32. After this lie I didn’t even read further
    1. +2
      6 March 2019 22: 49
      X-32 - not anti-ship missiles.
      1. -2
        7 March 2019 10: 52
        Quote: Avior
        X-32 - not anti-ship missiles.

        If you seriously carry such nonsense, then you are crazy
  12. +6
    6 March 2019 16: 02
    As for damaged missiles. Information has been published that indicators in agriculture have been greatly overestimated. According to the muddy missile delivery scheme by sea (T-34 from Laos was brought by rail) I would like to ask: was there a boy? I mean, maybe the missiles were not in containers on the ship? And this is the usual Russian scheme of honest money withdrawal.
    1. +8
      6 March 2019 17: 05
      At the expense of missiles in the English Channel, the author is right, this is complete nonsense from Shoigu. Why weren’t we taken a railroad, because we have a common border with China that Shoigu did not know this? They go crazy as always, and I'm starting to believe what they say in the West, saying that Putin and his team are nonsense. And why did Putin show these cartoons about super-duper missiles? Usually, all the latest weapons are kept secret, and then here you’ll be a prodigy for the whole world. Something here is not clean. Or is it a giant bluff or a self-PR in front of our electorate, which believes in all anti-scientific rubbish, such as Khibin, which the entire destroyer turned off.
      1. 0
        6 March 2019 22: 40
        About retirement age forgot to write lol
      2. +1
        6 March 2019 23: 50
        Do not confuse warm and soft at the expense of rockets. Force majeure was needed - they were taken by sea into a storm. "The missiles have been damaged and have already been disposed of." So it should be. Because there is nothing to impose sanctions on Russia, which are even more sophisticated than the Western ones. We mean to them the latest weapons - Su-35, S-400, and they are closing Russian companies in China, banning transactions, lending to trade operations, banal currency exchange (rubles or dollars in yuan from tourists and business travelers) and withdrawing money from cards.
        The sea is an element, especially in a storm. This is force majeure. And at least a year to make a new party - there is time to think about friendship and cooperation, business ethics, international politics, what is good and what is bad, and why the second is worse than the first, sanctions in the end ... And then after a year again a storm can happen ...

        There is time to think. To think, having shit in soup to a neighbor and sitting on the shore, waiting for the enemy's floating corpse, "am I so safe?" ... when did the missiles sink? And "how many times will they drown while I'm in my neighbor's soup?"
        1. 0
          7 March 2019 12: 16
          Your explanation does not fit. Although we have not seen this contract, I dare to assume that failure to fulfill the contract on time requires payment of a penalty. That we have a lot of money so as not to endlessly deliver goods to them?
          1. +1
            7 March 2019 17: 02
            I repeat - the sea element in the form of a storm is force majeure. China was offered either short-range missiles from the availability, or to wait for the manufacture of a new batch. Force majeure does not provide for compensation; it provides for the fulfillment of obligations after the elimination of force majeure. Total - there is a year for reflection.
            Quote: Fan-Fan
            That we have a lot of money so as not to endlessly deliver goods to them?

            Why endlessly? A lot can happen in a year ...
  13. -2
    6 March 2019 16: 06
    Somehow I watched a video where physicists discussed their affairs, at some point, the speaker interrupted his speech with the words that this was not on camera. And there they just applied not the formulas that are generally available, there was a different interpretation of the known laws, and as a result, other results. Unfortunately, I can’t do it in more detail, I looked about 2 years ago. Based on this, I can admit a lot.
  14. +3
    6 March 2019 16: 09
    Yes, comparing RTGs and a nuclear engine is strong.
    Ukrainian blogger, it seems.
    We don’t have a bridge to the Crimea either.
    1. +2
      6 March 2019 22: 50
      he did not compare, but analyzed both of them from the point of view of the possibility of using this missile.
  15. +2
    6 March 2019 16: 24
    Another thing, as this will be explained to the public, who sacredly believed in the existence of such weapons.

    If the regime survives, they will come up with a new fairy tale for the crowd, since the RAM is short.)))
  16. +7
    6 March 2019 16: 51
    By Zircon:
    1. The higher the pitch, the lower the speed of sound. Those. 5M and 9M in absolute numbers there are lower than they are on the ground. Yes, and air resistance is also lower. For hypersound, just grace.
    2. The dagger is also called "hypersonic". Formally, this is so (at the top of the trajectory, it flies faster than 5M for this height). But the Dagger is a ballistic missile, i.e. a long-established and familiar technology. It has nothing to do with wave-planes with their scramjet engines. He does not "wade" through the dense layers of the atmosphere, like Onyx or Waverrider, but stupidly flies along a ballistic trajectory.
    3. Vanguard does so in general 27M. Without an engine. But this is in the upper layers. The ICBM brings it there, and then he simply plans as a Spiral or BOR.
    Conclusion: Zircon is a ballistic missile. Perhaps she has a detaching gliding warhead. It is possible to call Zircon "hypersonic" de jure, but technically it is not entirely competent (although for propaganda purposes it will do well).
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +3
        6 March 2019 17: 37
        Or so, it will be more accurate.
    2. 0
      6 March 2019 18: 12
      It always seemed that the speed is measured from some kind of hard parameters, and the differences are
      1. +2
        6 March 2019 18: 35
        And there is. Speed ​​is m / s. Or km / h, if you like.
        But the terms "supersonic" and "hypersonic" define the speed relative to the speed of sound, and it just changes in height.
        According to this amiable table provided, in order to become hypersonic near the ground, it is necessary to issue at least 1702 m / s. But at an altitude of 20 km, 1476 m / s will be enough for this.
        1. +5
          6 March 2019 19: 49
          The difference in 15% does not explain the one and a half to two times increase in speed
          1. +2
            7 March 2019 07: 29
            Onyx length 8-9 meters, diameter 0,67 meters, starting weight 3000 kg, maximum speed at an altitude of 14 km of about 750 m / s, which corresponds to M2,5 ... 2,6 for this height.
            And now compare with the Japanese SS-520 rocket. Length 9-10 meters, diameter 0,52 meters, starting weight 2600 kg. That is, the weight and size parameters are similar.
            And where is SS-520? This is an ultra-light class launch vehicle, and not RCC at all.
            And here's what. The Japanese Constitution prohibits the development of MRBMs, but you still want to have them. So the Japanese took advantage of the advanced experience of the North Koreans: to disguise the MRBM as carrier rockets. During tests, the SS-520 threw a payload into a near-earth orbit (altitude over 180 km), and for this it was necessary to accelerate to the 1st space, that is, up to 7910 m / s. This is 10,5 times faster than Onyx. And more than 5 times faster than hypersound (at Onyx's flight altitude). With vertical launches, the SS-520 climbed above 1000 km. How far can it fly on a ballistic trajectory? After all, any launch vehicle can be a ballistic missile (the history of the King's "seven" is a confirmation of this).
            The conclusion is clear: It is quite possible to create a BRDS in the dimensions of Onyx and UKKS. And Zircon is exactly BRDS.
  17. +1
    6 March 2019 16: 51
    According to the Petrel:
    1. Indeed, a nuclear ramjet requires tremendous speed, an evaporating core, it is dangerous, it pollutes the atmosphere and all that. And the Petrel is clearly subsonic. So, it has a different type of engine.
    2. For example an electric jet engine. Electricity is generated by a small reactor (Topaz type) and drives a turbine. The working fluid that creates the jet thrust is ordinary atmospheric air. Perhaps a bit still "flavored" with consumable fuel, which makes the range physically limited, but still orders of magnitude higher than that of conventional missile launchers, i.e. practically unlimited.
    3. How to test without radiation pollution? Yes Easy. After completing the flight mission, the rocket descends by parachute (instead of the warhead). Since during combat launches a warhead can only be nuclear, the accuracy of such "parachute" tests is quite sufficient.
    4. Vulnerability? In fact, CDs with nuclear warheads arrive after ICBMs and SLBMs, i.e. to already suppressed air defense. Radar in this case is difficult due to ionization of the atmosphere. And in general, maybe the Petrel is a tactical nuclear weapons (that is, it is needed to defeat targets on the battlefield, and not in the depths of enemy territory)?
    1. 0
      6 March 2019 18: 17
      Quote: Pushkowed
      And in general, maybe the Petrel is a tactical nuclear weapons (that is, it is needed to hit targets on the battlefield, and not in the depths of enemy territory)?

      Well, about TNW is a bust fool
    2. +3
      6 March 2019 19: 53
      Electricity is generated by a small-sized reactor (such as Topaz)

      Everything still rests on the issue of creating a YSU with a capacity of 25 times greater than that of Topaz. 4 000 000 W for rocket flight at speed 270 m / s

      You can, of course, reduce the power requirements by reducing the speed to the level of a biplane-maize, but what then is the practical meaning
      1. +3
        7 March 2019 16: 07
        Honestly, I don’t understand what is the apple of discord. Here is the engine data.
        Technical data TRDD-50AT:
        Maximum traction - 450 kgf.
        The specific fuel consumption at maximum mode is 0,71 kg / kgf * h.
        Diameter - 330 mm.
        Length - 850 mm.
        Dry weight - 82 kg.
        The oil used is VT-301.
        The fuel used is T-1 (aviation kerosene), T-6, T-10 (decylin), TS-1, RT.

        Based on them, I can assume that the numbers that are appealing here are too high. An example of a thrust of 450 kgf is about 1000 hp, and the rocket flies at a cruising speed of 200 m / s, and here they write 4 MW / 5840 l / s of required power, I don’t understand.
        1. +4
          8 March 2019 00: 27
          , and here they write 4MW / 5840л / with the required power, I do not understand.

          Efficiency, dear, forgot?
          From this, the reactor turns out 4 MW
          1. 0
            8 March 2019 02: 50
            Quote: Santa Fe
            Efficiency, dear, forgot?
            From this, the reactor turns out 4 MW

            Dear Oleg!

            For a rocket, the thermal power of the reactor core is important. Efficiency arises when N (heat.) Is converted to N (el.). And further. Do you specialize in nuclear physics?
            1. +1
              8 March 2019 07: 27
              Quote: asv363
              Efficiency occurs when converting N (warm) to N (el.).

              В any useful power
              Efficiency - the ratio of useful work (energy) to the expended energy

              The reactor thermal power 4 MW as a jet engine. What is its useful power?

              Efficiency of nuclear power plants - 32 ... 34%

              The efficiency of the best turbofan engines around 30%

              Also, keep in mind that as the size of the reactor decreases, the ratio of its surface area to volume increases; therefore, the heat loss of compact reactors assigned to a unit volume will be higher.
              1. 0
                8 March 2019 17: 30
                Quote: Santa Fe
                Efficiency of nuclear power plants - 32 ... 34%

                Two units are currently operating at the Beloyarsk NPP: BN-600 (No. 3) and BN-800 (No. 4). They have an efficiency of 40%.

                Another thing is important. If we pass air through the active zone of a nuclear power plant for heat removal from fuel elements in a cunning way, i.e. not directly, the effect of maintaining the movement of the rocket can be achieved. The main difficulty will be the achievement of parameters for the coolant (in our case, air), which will provide heat exchange sufficient for the integrity of the TVEL shells.

                Thus, Oleg, in order to refute the model with a nuclear power plant operating in air, which enters through the air intakes, you need to calculate the volume of air, the flow rate of which is necessary to maintain a certain abstract subsonic speed, say 800 km / h at different levels.
  18. +1
    6 March 2019 16: 57
    CNBC sprinkles ash on its head: Kaptsov and Navalny exposed Putin
    1. 0
      7 March 2019 00: 17
      A good link is just for the author.
  19. +6
    6 March 2019 17: 24
    Yes, it is clear that these missiles are just information weapons. This is clear. Not with our technological level to talk about this seriously. Their task is to draw the West, first of all, the States into the arms race, put it on a false track and distract from our specific other developments. Of which, the secret is understandable ... It's like a story with Reagan and his SDI. We pecked, the result is known ...
    1. 0
      6 March 2019 17: 28
      Then why should the West expose Putin, who said in the Message of 2018 that he is not bluffing? With so many exploration costs? And why is Hayten nervous about the fact that the pier does not exist?
      1. +1
        8 March 2019 19: 46
        Quote: Serjio
        Then why should the West expose Putin,

        They said so.

        US called Putin's statement on nuclear missiles “propaganda”

        The Department of State emphasizes that the President of the Russian Federation is trying to divert attention from violations of the INF Treaty
        The United States on Wednesday commented on a statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscow would respond to the deployment of US nuclear missiles near Russian borders, calling it propaganda aimed at diverting attention from violations of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, which Washington accuses of it.
        “The comments of President Putin are a continuation of Russia's propaganda efforts to avoid responsibility for its actions in violation of the INF Treaty,” said a State Department spokesman.

        "Voice of America"
    2. +1
      7 March 2019 22: 39
      Quote: Anton Sokolov
      Their task is to draw the West, first of all, the States into the arms race, to launch a false trail

      Almost certainly so. But maybe not. Confusingly, the X-51 "waverider" appeared before the rumors about the "Zircon". The Americans gave it some ominous name, something like "global rapid precision strike." Russian generals most likely interpreted this as destroying, they say, all quickly and immediately. That will raise hundreds of commercials two B-52s at once, as three thousand "waveriders" will shy away and the whole country will be destroyed in one fell swoop, without nuclear weapons. The reality was more modest. Perhaps this idea was born after an unsuccessful special forces raid in Mogadishu in 1993. A spy told the Americans the whereabouts of General Aidid, who was going to hold a meeting in one of the private houses in the city. No matter how quickly the special forces reached the helicopters, no matter how fast the helicopters flew, they were still late, Aydid talked to whoever he needed and left, and the scoundrel also thought to leave an ambush. Then, following the results of the operation, a thought came to someone's bright general's head, but if we had a rocket that flies to the target for two or three minutes, but it hits plus or minus a meter, then no fuss is needed, I pressed the button - it's done ... The idea was at first glance beautiful, but practice was not viable. To have an initial acceleration, a hypersonic missile had to be launched from a strategic bomber. Imagine: a spy reports the location of General Aidid or Saddam Hussein or bin Laden, and we need somewhere in Guam to prepare a bomber just for takeoff. While he is taxiing to the runway, while taking off, while flying to the launch line, while accelerating and gaining altitude. The reaction time is already hours, many times more than just shooting a Tomahawk from the nearest destroyer. The advantage of the X-51 is that it is much less vulnerable to air defense than the Tomahawk, but for the Third World countries and the Tomahawk is a difficult target for air defense, and in the event of a nuclear war with China or Russia, ICBMs will be more useful - are also invulnerable, but at the same time have a much shorter reaction time. Thus, there is no need for hypersonic missiles. Hovering is even worse. Due to heating in a thousand degrees, the use of your own radar, video camera is clearly excluded. Reception of the LPS signals is also likely to be impossible or difficult due to heating and thermal noise from the antenna and due to the plasma layer. Even INS guidance revealed a problem with strong overloads when trying to maneuver, as several missiles collapsed during tests, trying only to correct the course. Those. accuracy could probably be achieved no better than a hundred or two meters, guidance to moving targets is excluded. Thus, the "waverider" in all respects was inferior to the "Tomahawk" or the new JASSM, which can be guided with an accuracy of a meter, due to the low altitude, they are also hardly vulnerable to air defense, and in JASSM there is also stealth technology. The Americans quickly realized, they did not play with these toys for a long time, they abandoned them, and so far they do not return to this nonsense.

      Perhaps, if he really is a fiction, the Zircon is a bluff to rekindle the American interest in hypersonic weapons, to make them fork out for futile expenses. But it is possible, and vice versa, maybe the Americans deceived everyone, advertised, made a fuss, mind you, they hardly hide any secrets, in the end they forced the Russians and Chinese to spend money.
  20. +1
    6 March 2019 17: 38
    Quote: Fan-Fan
    At the expense of missiles in the English Channel, the author is right, this is complete nonsense from Shoigu. Why weren’t we taken a railroad, because we have a common border with China that Shoigu did not know this?
    But I’ve heard that neither Shoigu nor the Defense Ministry headed by him have anything to do with arms supplies to China. And I will never believe that you do not know this. So the question is. Why did you drag Shoigu to this story?
    1. +2
      6 March 2019 18: 40
      Or maybe the missiles suddenly became desperately needed elsewhere, and China would be smashed around, satisfied with an apology and a postponement of time?

      1. 0
        6 March 2019 22: 48
        in Venezuela, for example ... feel in the regular PU S-300 they should get up
  21. 0
    6 March 2019 17: 40
    How many revealing b.u.p.o.v.o ... And meanwhile, in the West, for three years now they have been discussing what Russia uses alien technologies! Who to believe?
    1. +1
      6 March 2019 22: 28
      So Putin has already invented superlight technologies. There are no aliens within the solar system. And the nearest star is 5 light years away. For 20 years - these are two messages, they could only say hello in time. And we must also agree on the alphabet.
      1. +2
        6 March 2019 23: 34
        They immediately handed over the Great Encyclopedia of Alpha Centauri and the Galaxy Guide for Hitchhikers.
  22. +5
    6 March 2019 17: 57
    And how to put a minus for the article?
    1. 0
      6 March 2019 20: 54
      No, it doesn’t matter, Kaptsov is just a pseudonym under which meaningless custom articles with emotions instead of facts are published. Here is the previous one:
    2. 0
      6 March 2019 22: 51
      On the monitor with a marker, and fatter lol the minuses on all resources were removed - the authors are very vulnerable psyche, from this their volatility decreases, and this is not an ice for the resource
  23. 0
    6 March 2019 18: 02
    "(p.) Explanation of the paradox? I can't even imagine how the story with super missiles will end. In principle, it will end in the most obvious way, like the" wet "anti-aircraft missiles from the Chinese contract. Another thing is how this will be explained to the public, who piously believed into the existence of such weapons. " - I did not understand the meaning of the article, again a song on the topic of all-propolipolymers?
    1. +1
      6 March 2019 18: 20
      Quote: Flame
      like “wet” anti-aircraft missiles

      Do you really believe that the Chinese bought a pig in a poke?
  24. +2
    6 March 2019 18: 08
    All of these are now curious). Tell everyone, show and provide drawings ...
    As one American blurted out - "Because Putin stood up against the" civilized world "because he contacted aliens! .. How).
    So, gentlemen, seekers of truth and justice, consider that these same technologies were thrown by those same aliens))) ... I mean, you’ll guess what and how!
  25. +3
    6 March 2019 18: 33
    They grunted that the Crimean bridge is MosTfilm.

    They grunt that "Vanguard", "Poseidon", "Petrel", etc. - Soyuzmultfilm ...

    And let it be!

    A surprise to them, then, will be ... while they stand in line at the US Embassy for grants.

  26. +3
    6 March 2019 19: 06
    Oleg, sometimes it seems to me that you will not die your death. Pah-pah!
    And the article is just a block! Bomb good
  27. +3
    6 March 2019 19: 59
    Doubt is the criterion of truth. From this point of view, the article is good in itself. But I do not really believe that Zircon and Petrel are a swindle. If only because the Americans and others like them do not talk about this. Sort of. Perhaps some characteristics correspond only to some limited operating modes.
    With C400 missiles, it’s really somehow unclear why they should be sent across the English Channel. But, as an option, they sent those who received a bribe for this, with the aim of further capture by some adversary. The result is really unclear, whether they were captured, or they managed to spoil them. Or maybe they didn’t send it in reality, but there was some kind of special operation.
    1. 0
      6 March 2019 20: 34
      Yeah don't say
      1. 0
        6 March 2019 22: 03
        It is not clear what you are proving. I said that the Americans do not write that new weapons are insolvent or swindle, therefore, this can confirm them, these new weapons, and are viable. There is not a word about this in your links either (I haven’t read on Twitter whether they’ll write anything on social networks). So what do you prove?
        1. +1
          6 March 2019 22: 05
          I prove that the author of the article discussed here is engaged in fabrications. "This cannot be, because it can never be!"
  28. +2
    6 March 2019 20: 34
    Do you think there was a meteorite, or avant-garde, or zircon over Chelyabinsk in 2013? Everyone forgot about it. Although there was a noise for six months and everyone knew that it was ours who had experienced something, but they didn’t tell us, it was sooo interesting. There was more than enough indirect information in the network, now there is nothing, where did it go? (what are you talking about?). In the fall of 2017 - a scandal with ruthenium for the whole of Europe, again near Chelyabinsk, does anyone remember? Permanent earthquakes in trehgorny (again, the Urals) on Mondays, did anyone hear? I just took this region, because everything is in front of my eyes, I think something is happening in other places too, few people know about, or do not attach any importance. All modern weapons are real and made of our iron, if they were not seen then they still exist. It is necessary to notice what is happening around, understanding comes later. And rightly so, that they do silently, weapons like money love silence.
  29. +1
    6 March 2019 20: 42
    4 MW is the 5480 HP:
    - then at a consumption of 0,2 kg / hp. "Caliber" will eat 1100 kg of fuel per hour (with an onboard supply of 500 kg);
    - or the maximum flight range of "Caliber" will be 400 km (within the onboard fuel supply).
    Our American author, are you a medical assistant by diploma? laughing

    Now, regarding the Burevestnik nuclear power plant: damn it, was it really so difficult to Google the word "atomolet" and get acquainted with the Soviet AN-22PLO or the American NB-36? Their YSU with a hollow heat exchanger (a substitute for a combustion chamber in a theater / turbojet engine) worked like clockwork without any RITEGs - and no one buzzed about the alleged impossibility of organizing the required heat exchange between the coolant of a nuclear reactor and the air pumped through the engine.
    It’s another matter that the weight of the biological protection on a manned reusable (with a post-flight reactor serviced on the ground) plane and the weight of the main pipelines for transferring the coolant from the central reactor to the underwing engines went off scale - in this regard, the aircraft did not live up to expectations.
    "Burevestnik" is an unmanned disposable aerial vehicle with a reactor unattended after flight and a linear arrangement of the reactor, heat exchanger and turbojet engine (without main pipelines for pumping the coolant), which multiplies the weight of the nuclear power plant. Therefore, "Burevestnik" went into business, but atomic aircraft - no.

    As for the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile, the only problem with such aircraft is the instability of fuel combustion in the supersonic combustion chamber of a ramjet engine (onyx-type supersonic cruise missiles use a ramjet engine with a subsonic combustion chamber). Therefore, all the previous hypersonic cruise missiles (Soviet, Russian and American) could ensure the operability of the scramjet engine only within 1 minute.
    Apparently, the Russian engineers at the Zircon scramjet engine have solved this problem: and here's how - you will find out in due time (so that your American engineers do not relax trying to catch up with ours).
    1. +6
      6 March 2019 21: 04
      4 MW is the 5480 HP:

      But what about the three magic letters efficiency?

      The thermal power of a nuclear taxiway is not equal to its useful power.

      NB-36 was not an atomizer.
      He simply carried a nuclear reactor on board, with a take-off mass of 160 tons. It was set in motion by ordinary piston and jet engines.
      1. -3
        6 March 2019 21: 21
        Then why in the article it was necessary to give the thermal power of the Burevestnik reactor: like - and now we are all looking for the thermal power of the Calibra turbojet engine until we turn blue?

        And again, the Burevestnik's power plant is not a dead radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RITEG), but a nuclear reactor of the same type as the Poseidon YSU (as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces said earlier and repeatedly confirmed by the RF Ministry of Defense) ...
        So the staff doesn’t have to try to misinform your CIA with our rites - it already has a park laughing

        It’s another matter that the number of heat circuits in a disposable reactor is most likely equal to one (radiation pollution of the heat exchanger does not bother anyone), which further reduces the weight of the nuclear power station, and liquid metal is quite possibly the coolant (to minimize the dimensions of the reactor and heat exchanger), but whether it’s true or not, we will all know at the estimated time bully
    2. +1
      7 March 2019 12: 56
      Do you seriously think that the author will be able to understand the difference between power plants?
      After comparing the performance characteristics of "Caliber" and "Onyx"? The author is somehow very strange comparing apparently "Caliber" performed (sea-land) and "Onyx" with (sea-sea). The first has a range of about 2500 km, the second about 600. And what would be worth then comparing the same anti-ship "Caliber" with a range of about 300 km, why ........ people will swallow it anyway.
      That's about the rest of everything the same. This is as in one "interesting" disclosure from the oval, it all started with sneakers, and here with the missiles "wet". And the fact that China successfully shot the S400 and was satisfied ....... well, why talk about it ........
  30. -4
    6 March 2019 21: 40
    Quote: Santa Fe
    The NB-36 was not an atomic ship; it simply carried a nuclear reactor on board

    Not only the reactor, but the heat exchanger in question; In any case, to hell with your NB36 - taste our AN-22PLO.
    1. +3
      6 March 2019 23: 05
      AN-22PLO also never flew using a reactor.
      The reactor was there for the same purposes as the Americans, or on the Tu-95- just to test the possibility of the reactor working in flight.
      it didn’t go beyond that.
      There were other projects, but they all died out at a different stage.
  31. -5
    6 March 2019 21: 43
    Oh Oleg, as always, bravo

    Billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery
    RAMBLER + MORE 6 2 hours ago

    Israeli billionaire Ehud Arie Laniado died in Paris during a penis enlargement operation, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.
    65-year-old Laniado suffered a heart attack during an operation that was carried out in an elite clinic on the Champs Elysees. The businessman’s death was confirmed in the company Laniado Omega Diamonds, which he headed.
    Tabloid Mirror, referring to the friends of the entrepreneur, writes that he was fixated on his appearance and complexed due to small growth. According to friends, the businessman forgot about his slight growth only when the accountant read to him his bank statement. This happened several times a day.
    1. -4
      6 March 2019 22: 58
      Really so increased? feel
  32. -5
    6 March 2019 21: 53
    According to the author, there is no dagger. If the Jews cannot come up with, this does not mean that someone else can solve the problem. As I understand it, when the author eats a hat for the furrow.
    1. +3
      6 March 2019 22: 53
      You did not read the article very carefully.
      He writes the opposite.
      Dagger - an aeroballistic missile. He writes that they have been known for a long time.
      The Dagger aircraft complex is based on the use of ammunition from the proven Iskander OTRK, and air-based ballistic missiles themselves have been known for at least half a century (for example, the Soviet X-15).
  33. 0
    6 March 2019 22: 33
    Yes, a lot is strange in the new weapon. But the VPC engine is progressing. It’s ridiculous to compare us with the Chinese. They still can’t repeat the AL 41F. Although the technology was sold to them back in the 90s. And they can’t beat the 30th product at all. Although we ourselves They haven’t finished it yet. Already 3 times kits with measurements are coming. But it flies! And many said that everything that can be done from the turbojet engine is already gone. But no, we went the other way. So the Amerokos again catch us for 20 years. So believe it or not to believe everyone’s business. But in every joke there is a fraction of a joke.
  34. -1
    6 March 2019 23: 13
    Quote: Avior
    AN-22PLO also never flew using a reactor

    "The reactor was launched on the ground and in the air", -
    1. +3
      7 March 2019 04: 53
      Quote: Operator
      Quote: Avior
      AN-22PLO also never flew using a reactor

      "The reactor was launched on the ground and in the air", -

      The reactor can be started on the train. In the fifth car. And the engine is lucky
      1. -2
        7 March 2019 18: 09
        Quote: Tlauicol
        The reactor can be started on the train

        "Railway" YSU HTRE-3 - single-circuit, closed type, with a liquid-metal coolant (sodium), main pipelines and heat exchangers located in turbojet engines

  35. +6
    6 March 2019 23: 28
    I agree with the article in all points.

    I will add about the feasibility of guidance systems.

    Our eastern neighbors were able to provide the necessary thermal protection

    And "Zircon" is even more brilliant. It has no thermal protection. Putin said that the rocket is like ice cream: it flies and melts, melts and flies. A rocket floating in flight is amazing. But the main thing is that it does not just melt - it is also anti-ship. Those. on it, the radar is still working inside the molten metal - it should look phantasmagorically.

    Well, let it not be about the non-existent "Zircon", let there be a "Dagger" and the rocket does not melt and does not fly at a speed of 9M. Could she then get into a ship a thousand kilometers away? How will she find this ship? A TV or IR camera is understandably useless. The radar remains. Millimeter and centimeter ranges will not cover this distance either. At best, the decimeter range remains. The diameter of the "Dagger" is 970 mm. Let's say the antenna diameter is 0.8 m. Let the antenna be parabolic. The directivity factor for a parabolic is approximately = 70. Wavelength = 0.1 m. The beam width is thus = 70 x 0.1 / 0.8 = 8,8 degrees. Find a permit on the ground:
    1000 x 6.28 x 8,8 / 360 = 153 km. If you are a hundred kilometers from an aircraft carrier, any other ship, a piece of shore, a floating boat - for a rocket they will merge into one target, and it will aim at a stretch of water halfway between them.

    I foresee an objection: the missile turns on the radar only near the target itself, and until that moment receives corrections to the course from the AWACS aircraft. In this case, it must be assumed that the enemy allows our AWACS aircraft to be 400 km from its ships for quite some time. Those. or we have air supremacy, or the enemy is dumb and disorderly. If so, then we can easily pull the strategic bomber to the same distance. It is much easier than making rockets with a range of 1000 km with a radio control channel, making supersonic aircraft with a range of 400 km, without any extra radio channel. As an example: Indian Brahmos, which can even be launched from the Su-30.

    Another thing is that the "Dagger" is designed as "air-to-ground", no "anti-ship" in it has never been provided. At an enemy airfield with previously known coordinates, you can shoot a cluster warhead with inertial or satellite guidance without any help from AWACS aircraft. Well, about the "Zircon" with a radar in molten metal - generally keep quiet.
  36. -5
    7 March 2019 00: 04
    When the "Petrels" carry their packages overseas, no one will care if they contaminate the air during their flight or not.

    They will only be launched if Russia has already been attacked and they are, in fact, a weapon of retaliation for sending enemies to hell.
  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. +6
    7 March 2019 00: 18
    What was not even required to be proved to any rational person who mastered physics of the 8th grade ... to the quite obvious and uncomplicated questions / conclusions of the author, the entire patriotic elite of the site, who had been throwing turbo-hypersonic missiles in all directions for a year now, did not find out what to answer in essence ... reminds the scene of the boy who shouted ... And the king is naked ..) ... all hope is for the Nexus ...
    1. -1
      7 March 2019 03: 29
      Articles of this type are not ordered by the CIA to reveal secrets, but by psychiatrists to identify. Everything has already been noted. Looks like Kaptsov will soon shoot at another resource.
    2. 0
      7 March 2019 12: 38
      all hope is for the Nexus.

      But he is gone and there is no one to intercede for the next wunderwaffle.
  39. 0
    7 March 2019 05: 28
    "It must be a UFO based on some completely new physical principles." - So VVP has been telling you how much that weapons will appear on new physical principles. Well, that's it!
    1. 0
      7 March 2019 12: 39
      How easy it is to fool you.
  40. -3
    7 March 2019 11: 03
    How stable is the anti-aircraft complex against precipitation in the form of rain and sleet? Is it possible to use it effectively in conditions different from those of the Atacama desert — the driest place on the planet, where the norm of precipitation does not exceed 50 mm per year.

    Most likely they are resistant to both rain and snow. But sea water and salt fog is a completely different performance. "Freezing" the complexes just implies resistance to these factors. Violation of transportation conditions is no longer a problem of the complex, but a problem of logisticians.
    1. -1
      7 March 2019 15: 20
      It could be much easier.
      The container is sealed, but with what? Almost paper (otherwise there would be problems upon exit).
      Further: The rocket in the container is practically not held by anything (again - otherwise there are problems during launch).
      Another point: When transporting TPKs lie horizontally.

      From this it can be assumed that during the rocking, the rockets themselves could tear off the sealing. And then salt water and humidity did the trick.
  41. +1
    7 March 2019 11: 23
    A subsonic rocket retaining the dimensions of the Caliber and flying at a speed of 270 m / s, according to the laws of nature, will require an engine of at least 4 MW. In reserve, the designers have only about half a ton left for the installation of the NRE (instead of the usual TRD and fuel reserves).

    Where does the 4 MW engine come from? 150 kilowatts is more than 200 hp and the whole 320 kg includes almost unlimited fuel. With this engine, each student will make you an aircraft capable of flying for years without landing. The start will be with accelerators and when attacking the target, you can reset part of the krill.
    1. -1
      7 March 2019 18: 25
      dude 320 kg is only a warhead
  42. +1
    7 March 2019 11: 25
    Why should Zircon fly with 9 M near the earth, and not in the stratosphere?
  43. -2
    7 March 2019 14: 09
    Quote: Strannik777
    I wonder how they solved the problem of pointing in a cloud of plasma?

    Why are you interested in Dear?
    Are you from a competing design bureau?
  44. +2
    7 March 2019 17: 07
    Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
    And "Zircon" is even more brilliant. It has no thermal protection. Putin said that the rocket is like ice cream: it flies and melts, melts and flies. A rocket floating in flight is amazing. But the main thing is that it does not just melt - it is also anti-ship. Those. on it, the radar is still working inside the molten metal - it should look phantasmagorically ..

    Well, Vladimir Vladimirovich says a lot. Most often, what they write to him. And to draw a conclusion from his comparison of the rocket with ice cream that the rocket does not have thermal protection - well, just brilliant. Have you heard such a respected term - ABLATION HEAT PROTECTION? Here is a comparison with ice cream - well, you can remotely take it for ablative heat protection. So there’s nothing amazing here ...

    Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
    I foresee an objection: the missile turns on the radar only near the target itself, and until that moment receives corrections to the course from the AWACS aircraft. In this case, it must be assumed that the enemy allows our AWACS aircraft to be 400 km from its ships for quite some time. Those. or we have air supremacy, or the enemy is dumb and disorderly. If so, then we can easily pull the strategic bomber to the same distance. It is much easier than making rockets with a range of 1000 km with a radio control channel, making supersonic aircraft with a range of 400 km, without any extra radio channel. As an example: Indian Brahmos, which can even be launched from the Su-30 ..

    The missile does not receive any course correction from the AWACS aircraft. In theory, only the carrier can receive course corrections. And guidance on the final section - only with the help of its homing system. But it will work only after the speed of the "Dagger" drops to a speed lower than plasma formation, that is, to supersonic in dense layers ...
    The range of the AWACS aircraft - up to 650 km, depending on the nature of the target

    Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
    Another thing is that the "Dagger" is designed as "air-to-ground", no "anti-ship" in it has never been provided. At an enemy airfield with previously known coordinates, you can shoot a cluster warhead with inertial or satellite guidance without any help from AWACS aircraft. Well, about the "Zircon" with a radar in molten metal - generally keep quiet.

    And no one said that the "Dagger" has an exclusively "anti-ship" orientation. About the results of well-known tests, we can say that he fired at the range at a distance of 800 km. Whether he was "taught" to act on naval targets is unknown
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      7 March 2019 22: 57
      Quote: Old26
      Have you heard such a respected term - ABLATION HEAT PROTECTION?

      An interesting assumption, but I still think Putin meant literally a rocket melting away like ice cream, because this roughly corresponds to expectations at a speed of 9 max. He even added that the skin temperature is like the sun. If like the Sun, then perhaps he is right - no thermal protection will help anymore.

      Quote: Old26
      No correction for the course of the rocket from the AWACS aircraft does not receive

      I agree.

      Quote: Old26
      The range of the AWACS aircraft - up to 650 km, depending on the nature of the target

      Well, if we are talking about a ship, then this plane needs to climb 26 km in height.

      Quote: Old26
      Whether he was "taught" to act on naval targets is unknown

      Yes, there was not a single official accurate message. But for some reason everyone fantasized.
  45. 0
    7 March 2019 18: 22
    why do knowledgeable people write so little, if I have doubts with the petrel, I frankly believed and rejoiced in zircon, but now I don’t even know
  46. +1
    8 March 2019 14: 07
    Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
    Quote: Old26
    Have you heard such a respected term - ABLATION HEAT PROTECTION?

    An interesting assumption, but I still think Putin meant literally a rocket melting away like ice cream, because this roughly corresponds to expectations at a speed of 9 max. He even added that the skin temperature is like the sun. If like the Sun, then perhaps he is right - no thermal protection will help anymore.

    Nm once Putin did not mention the temperature close to the temperature of the Sun. The maximum that he said is that the surface temperature will be in the range of 1500-2000 degrees. And this is 4000 degrees less than the temperature of the Sun. And there was never any talk that the rocket would "melt like ice cream." This is a "rehash" on the topic. And a speed of 9M (which is 2,25 km / s or 8100 km / h) at an altitude of 40 km - there will not be any plasma yet. And "going down" "Zircon" will be decelerated to supersonic speed, for some time, of course, walking in a plasma cocoon ...

    Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
    Quote: Old26
    The range of the AWACS aircraft - up to 650 km, depending on the nature of the target

    Well, if we are talking about a ship, then this plane needs to climb 26 km in height ..

    Why did it happen?

    Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
    Quote: Old26
    Whether he was "taught" to act on naval targets is unknown

    Yes, there was not a single official accurate message. But for some reason everyone fantasized.

    And we like to fantasize. No sooner had Putin announced the speed of 9M at an altitude of 40 km, when specialists were immediately found, multiplying the speed of sound at sea altitude by 9 and starting to assert that the Zircon's speed was as much as 11000 km. At the same time, they made a mistake by 3000 km / h, but for them, these analysts, this is a trifle
  47. -1
    8 March 2019 15: 35
    Well, everything is clear with the author of the article, from the cohort of those who have been shouting for 25 years - there is nothing, everything is gone, Russia is a colossus on pillars of clay and it's time to surrender to the mercy of the "partners". But it’s just common sense that it has long been clear that if this were the case, the “partners” would have dealt with us a long time ago by the method of Serbia or or Iraq, while some people so want to “figure it out” and put an end to the “Russian issue”.
  48. 0
    8 March 2019 19: 30
    Quote: the most important

    It's simple ... I now doubt very much that in damned states it is necessary to take a turn to the hospital on Monday until 7 a.m. in order to get a ticket for an appointment with a doctor for the whole week, and a turn for a specialist in a month. For ten years now there have been no free examinations at all ... For a simple ultrasound line in SEVERAL months! Great

    Well, in the states the way it is ..... you wrote about the states ??
  49. -1
    8 March 2019 20: 08
    Good article. All competently. Almost no technical jambs.
    And popular science.
    P.S. From myself I will add. Solving problems with zircon and a yard for it would require at least 5-10 Nobel Prizes on this topic. Well, from the experience of the development of science ...
  50. 0
    9 March 2019 14: 28
    Let the FSB write comments on such articles! There are simply no words.
  51. 0
    9 March 2019 16: 45
    Don’t worry, everyone is playing tricks right now and by the age of 25-27 everyone will definitely be blind...
  52. 0
    9 March 2019 19: 48
    There’s only one thing I’m interested in - in the light of the new law on the truthfulness of information, how will the gentlemen checking the “purity of the truth” look at this kind of articles?
    1. 0
      9 March 2019 19: 52
      And who will measure the degree of fakeness? laughing Academy of Sciences, which ones? Or Cheka.
      1. 0
        9 March 2019 19: 55
        I think that “Comrade Major” will measure it, and then it’s a matter of technique)))
  53. 0
    10 March 2019 07: 36
    I finished reading it, looked at the author, and I’m not surprised. It’s just strange that the author forgot about the editors with a metal heat sink, taking into account the fact that bioprotection will be minimal or limited, and therefore the weight of the installation. Again, there are already a lot of new materials and how many more there will be, but the author forgot to add about controlling the plasma; it’s difficult to hold it when creating high pressure, but not to direct it. And it’s very good that the majority do not have an understanding of those. processes, the enemy will take longer to invent.
  54. 0
    10 March 2019 14: 00
    kaptsov you're blabbering
  55. 0
    10 March 2019 15: 38
    I thought Navalny wrote an article, he also claims that zircon is a bluff. It turned out that Oleg Kaptsov. As far as I understand, the author also believes that there is no missile for the S-400? then what is in our complexes that has been adopted for service?
  56. 0
    10 March 2019 17: 15
    The respected author began to analyze and verify the available facts. Let's say that all his arguments that he listed are correct and all the weapons that he listed do not exist. We look at the enemy: he (the enemy) has not yet confirmed this. Even more than that, he assured that the Burevestnik missile was supposedly even lost during testing once. Does the enemy have means of objective control? (it is very likely that there is.) One of the main characteristics of Zircon is what? - speed. It can and probably was controlled by means of control - probably. That is why they are silent when they receive the control results. But the Author cannot remain silent; he must write something.
  57. Egg
    10 March 2019 19: 21
    Quote: Sasha_rulevoy
    There are no aliens within the solar system.

    Are you absolutely sure about this? 100%?
    I think you've heard the story about the gopher. laughing
  58. 0
    11 March 2019 15: 56
    The person has a problem with the theory. Mixing a nuclear rocket engine with an RTG and comparing Calibers with hypersonic missiles is like a Mercedes with an aquarium. Look at the info about KB Raduga x-90 and this garbage flew... The speed was approximately 5000 km/h. Americans launched the X-15 in the late 60s. There are certain difficulties with combustion control in direct-flow VR engines. There are very difficult boundary conditions, but in modern conditions they can be solved. It is not at all correct to compare the power of a Kalibr turbojet engine with an Onyx turbojet engine. The direct-flow machine has a very simple design and control circuit; only the elements of this design must be made with micron precision. There is also a question about the Chinese glider: To what altitude does the rocket take it? If the output goes to an altitude of more than 120 km. , then for this you need a speed close to 1st cosmic speed and such a glider will fall at the appropriate speed. If it is taken to an altitude of 80-100 km and accelerated to 5 km/s, then its thermal protection is not enough for higher speeds and it will fall accordingly.
    In the field of heat-protective coatings, excuse me, the USA and the USSR were approximately equal. China is just now catching up.
    Now there is one more nuance:
    It is also necessary to shout louder so that the Americans themselves begin to spend funds on counteraction, and large amounts by orders of magnitude...
    At the same time, when articles on certain topics disappear from scientific journals (as in the second half of the 70s, work on reducing radar signature disappeared from American scientific journals), it means that the greatest attention should be paid to these areas.
    1. +1
      13 March 2019 19: 46
      Where and when did the X-90 fly?

      X-15 - rocket plane,
      ballistics without any ramjet engines
  59. 0
    11 March 2019 16: 02
    With reactors on spacecraft and electrical power, a completely different problem arises - the problem of cooling the refrigerator, necessary to obtain an EMF. This is difficult in space - there is no atmosphere, there is nothing to cool it with. That’s why they used relatively low-power “batteries”.
  60. 0
    15 March 2019 06: 04
    <<<Explanation of the paradox? I can’t even imagine how the story with super rockets will end. >>>
    About the same as with the Almaty ..
    People will cheer a little and then they will slowly merge this topic..
  61. 0
    April 6 2019 03: 18
    Erg Noor is not from Belyaev, but from Efremov.
    “This is a classic, you need to know it!”
  62. +1
    April 13 2019 10: 05
    Voyager's transmitter power is 18 W (like a light bulb in a refrigerator), but this is enough for communication sessions from a distance of 18 billion km.
    It seems to me, dear man, that the Voyager flight is the same crap as the Apollo program with the landing on the Moon. The power of the transmitter field will decrease as it moves away from the source in direct proportion to the square of the distance..
    So 18 W for 18 billion km. even with the assumption that the sensitivity of the receiver is nano and even picovolts, taking into account the noise of the air and internal receivers, is very insufficient.
    In addition, I recently read that plutonium in Ya.R. only lasts for a few years, not decades. So, these are the next films from S. Kubrick with an expedition to Mars and beyond the solar system. Pluto, panimash, they flew by belay fellow
  63. 0
    April 18 2019 14: 52
    There may be dozens of reasons for the delay in deliveries - from technical to political... But the author wanted to put an owl on the globe. There are such fans. They have the right. It’s just disgusting to read.
  64. -1
    21 May 2019 16: 21
    How many seconds do Zircon and Vanguard fly? Take a stopwatch and watch Putin's favorite cartoon.
  65. 0
    1 June 2019 11: 33
    Interestingly, they probably forgot about Buran. It was also from the realm of fantasy. Automatic flight and landing. This has never happened anywhere in the world!!! And computers didn’t exist before either, but they did appear.