“Armatu”, it turns out, is waiting. With laser and railgun

Finally, we opened our eyes to simple truths, which for some reason did not open before. And the eyes did not open, and the truths were hidden by darkness. Maybe from a lack of education, and maybe from some unknown disease of these very eyes. Not so important, in principle, it is important that among the Russian media there are still rays of light in the dark kingdom.

And these rays will show us the true path and will not allow misunderstanding to drown in the darkness.

Let's start yelling, as expected, in order. It turns out that everything that our weapons designers are developing and introducing into production today is utter nonsense and old stuff!

By the way, the same applies to combat officers and generals who develop the tactics and strategy of modern combat. All their notions - the last century! Twentieth, and even with a stretch.

And in the yard like the century twenty-first, so we draw the appropriate conclusions. On the complete obsolescence of everything and everything.

Aircraft? Tanks? Assault rifles and other rifle weapon? Fighting machines? All last century. Something from the age of Pithecanthropus. Modern war will be a war of machines. And the soldiers will sit for a couple of thousand kilometers and move the “tanchiki” joystick.

Well, just like in the Ghoul and Ghoul aircraft.

And to us, the commanders said that the object is considered captured only after the nickel-chrome-vanadium testicles of the ordinary Seryoga Shishkin hang over the trench of the defenders.

Notice, not a tank will pass or the plane will fly, but a simple motorized infantry soldier will clear the enemy trench.

One feels that someone is outdated. Moral and thought.

Our insight came after reading the article in one fairly well-known edition. The author, undoubtedly owning the material, talks about why our new weapon systems today, even without putting them on the conveyor, must be sent to a landfill.

It turns out that we don’t need Armata tanks and vehicles based on them at all. And everything else, too. Billions of rubles in the furnace. New machines - in the furnace. New armored vehicles - in the furnace. New aircraft - there too. In the sense, something to melt down, and something just burn in the drawings as useless.

Today, very different ideas are fashionable.

Idea Robot-soldier, robot tank, robot plane taken from there. Modern warfare is a war of robots! But I wonder why those who are now fighting in various parts of the world, in various countries and in various armies do not know about this? Why weren't they told?

Why does a sniper with red eyes strain for days on positions? Wet, frozen, perhaps under the gun of an enemy sniper. Simply send the robot. Put a dozen cameras and one unit with a rifle. I saw - shot ...

After all, even invent nothing. Computers sea. Programs by which the robot will choose the target. - also. Self-propelled robots capable of shooting, invented and used for a long time. Put the sniper in a warm dugout away from the front line and let him fight with a joystick.

And for some reason he lies in the position ... Lies and terrifies the enemy with his accurate shots. Moreover, it destroys robotic opponents, whose “brain” is hundreds, thousands of times faster than human.

And the answer is given many decades ago! The human brain does not work the way even the most powerful computer works. The sniper does not analyze every blade of grass or every bush on the subject of determination. The sniper determines the location of the possible appearance of the enemy.

The number of operations per unit of time will never give an advantage to the machine. Man can not win. Of course, if it is a good professional. A person will always find an "antidote" from any car.

Another interesting point that we noticed is an atomic tank! Not in the sense of a tank firing nuclear weapons. Atomic engine tank! Imagine such a military phenomenon?

"And he goes to himself, goes ... And he doesn’t recognize your barking at all ..." Tank, which has such an installation that provides energy for any systems. This is a fortress, which is impossible to take.

And if there instead of a gun to put a railgun? That same electromagnetic gun? And not the first, also outdated version for a long time, and the second, promising. Shooting not projectiles, and electromagnetic pulses!

Babah - and all enemy high-precision weapons destroyed or struck. Depending on the distance, the brains are burned or the roof has gone.

And even better, and the films are more well-known thing, put laser weapons. Can you imagine the Peresvet laser on a tank?

The tank, and behind three "KamAZ" with electrical installation. Although, with a nuclear installation instead of an engine, why should a KamAZ tank? The reactor will give a hundred kilowatts, even without straining.

True, against the tanks, this thing does not trample. There anti-tank gun "from Pithecanthropists" need. Armor all the same. But on the aircraft may well be punched.

The story of what kind of weapon will be tomorrow, you can continue indefinitely. It's easier to watch any fantastic film about the conquest of humanity by aliens from a more developed planet. But why?

Why do we talk about what we would like to invent? And why does this new weapon begin its life from the fact that it is at war with the old?

We remember the most recent stories about the Soviet 60’s "obsolete" air defense missiles. About the ancient "Maxims" and ZSU-23-2. About retro mortars of the Second World War. We remember and see that it is precisely these weapons that are today one of the most formidable.

What is the deadliest weaponry today? Not in perspective, but in reality? We at one time gave an answer to this question. Mortars! Including "self-made". And that is typical, without a single e-rubbish.

Okay, not mortars. People. People who control all this metal armada interspersed with silicon and other electronics.

It is clear that the development of new weapons systems is necessary. Moreover, without this work there is no future for the Russian army. But why throw out what has already been achieved is not clear. Why do we have to abandon the "Almaty" and combat vehicles at its base? Just because it is expensive?

Weapons are generally expensive. Therefore, they invented the principle of necessary sufficiency. Do we need thousands of "Armat"? Not. Do we need thousands of Su-57? Also no. And not thousands? Looking for!

And then, who said (and in the TOI article about this is not a word) that robots and atomic tanks with loho ... excuse me, will the railguns be cheaper?

And in the end we will return to that very infantry Seryoga. Let's return to remind what was said at the beginning of the article. He, and only he takes the city, strong points. Frees civilians. Dies first and comes first winner.

That's about who we must first take care of ... He needs new infantry fighting vehicles, new tanks, a new machine gun, a new bulletproof vest.
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  1. 0
    29 November 2018 05: 53
    Today, not an autonomous robot is relevant, but a robot to help people.
    For example, a robot reduces the gunner’s tank crew.
    The robot will allow you to aim weapons at the most vulnerable places of the target for the target designation of the commander.
    Reduce tank reaction time. Automatically detect, classify and aim weapons at the target and, upon confirmation of the commander, destroy them.
    1. Oml
      29 November 2018 17: 06
      Quote: riwas
      Today, not an autonomous robot is relevant, but a robot to help people.
      For example, a robot reduces the gunner’s tank crew.
      The robot will allow you to aim weapons at the most vulnerable places of the target for the target designation of the commander.
      Reduce tank reaction time. Automatically detect, classify and aim weapons at the target and, upon confirmation of the commander, destroy them.

      The commander has a more important task: not to destroy someone, but to not destroy the crew.
  2. +1
    29 November 2018 06: 13
    The military seems to be talking about the excessive redundancy of new products on Armata for a given period of time ... the details are not known and you can hypothetically talk about anything as much as you like. what
    1. 0
      29 November 2018 06: 36
      they’re not that they are unnecessary, but rather they make an too expensive car, and the very expression of the MBT and the mass tank simply disappear. They simply can’t be built in the quantities that we would like and the operation and training of crews will also become extremely costly. The Germans are the same with their budgets are not able to even keep 2/3 of the park in working condition, and God forbid they do A7 in a piece a month.
  3. +1
    29 November 2018 06: 38
    Is a nuclear engine like a steam engine with heated rods? How is it in a tank?
    1. +3
      29 November 2018 08: 03
      Quote: Konstantin Shevchenko
      How is it in a tank?

      Yes, okay, in general. Especially with a compact nuclear power plant, such back in the 70s they did for satellites. Operation does not look transcendental - no one will climb into the reactor with a wrench.
      Another thing is the destruction of the reactor, which is quite likely for a combat vehicle, followed by radioactive contamination of the area.
      1. +1
        29 November 2018 12: 32
        Quote: Gray Brother
        Another thing is the destruction of the reactor, which is quite likely for a combat vehicle, followed by radioactive contamination of the area.

        To do this, it is necessary to blow up this reactor, which is unlikely to succeed with modern security systems. In 99 percent of cases, a damaged reactor will shut off automatically. Such an artillery system will save more than a dozen compositions with shells.

        The article perfectly conveys the point of view of the oligarchs - why do we need a new weapon, if money can be stolen, and let the soldiers cover the country from invasion with their meat.
        1. +1
          29 November 2018 12: 34
          Quote: Metlik
          To do this, it is necessary to blow up this reactor, which is unlikely to succeed with modern security systems.

          Scrap subcaliber in it will be planted or a cumulative stream, the samovar itself can be destroyed.
          In all measure you need to know.
          1. -1
            29 November 2018 13: 02
            Quote: Gray Brother
            Scrap scrap

            Scrap will not reach 20-30 km. And even if there is a hit in the rods - this will not necessarily lead to an explosion.
            1. +4
              29 November 2018 13: 05
              Quote: Metlik
              And even if there is a hit in the rods - this will not necessarily lead to an explosion.

              But I’m not talking about the explosion, the coolant will flow highly active - lithium, for example, or it will break the slowing down stems and melt the case.
              1. 0
                29 November 2018 16: 09
                And another important question - how to provide logistics to the front? This is the second world train calmly drove all that is needed across the country. If the railway stations will be under fire from the Tomahawks - how do you deliver the shells to Kaliningrad? A railgun with a reactor can shoot for months without supplies.
                1. -1
                  29 November 2018 17: 37
                  Quote: Metlik
                  How do you deliver the shells to Kaliningrad?

                  Yes, there will be no tomahawks, and if they are, then ICBMs will fly back to return. Because such actions are very similar to a nuclear strike.
      2. 0
        29 November 2018 18: 20
        The satellites did not install exactly that. Yes, and about the "compact installation" for the tank ... It needs at least a megawatt of energy .. What compactness for a tank?
        1. +1
          29 November 2018 20: 24
          Quote: 210ox

          They put on satellites not quite that.

          Yes, almost something. There, simply thermal energy was converted using thermoelectric elements, and they are low-efficient.
          You can screw the turbine and generate electricity, in a ton, I think it will fit.
          There were mobile nuclear power plants based on the T-10 tank, only there the reactor was larger because external consumers needed to be fed, but here it was only necessary to power themselves.
      3. 0
        3 February 2019 14: 51
        Americans have already designed a tank with a nuclear power plant. Then they thought better of it. The mass of the tank and dimensions were outrageous.
  4. +14
    29 November 2018 06: 44
    So much to describe a certain article, but not leave a link, is this normal?
    And then a continuous stream of consciousness: robots, snipers, Kamashka, armats, everything mixed up in Venigret.
    A typical article for "analytics" or "opinion", but in the armament of this creativity is clearly out of place.
    1. +1
      29 November 2018 09: 40
      "Typical article for" analytics "or" opinion ", but in the armament of this creativity is clearly out of place."
      I have already asked here why some articles from Andrey's series from Chelyabinsk about "Varyag" fall into the weapons section, and others into history, in general, these are admin jokes.
      And this article is more just a set of emotions of the author on the obvious delirium of one of the "couch bloggers".
      The emotions are correct and understandable, but it wasn’t worth the effort.
  5. +10
    29 November 2018 07: 50
    What kind of stream of consciousness have I just read? You should drink less.
  6. -1
    29 November 2018 08: 31
    It turns out that we do not need Armata tanks and vehicles based on them at all.

    Tanks really are not needed, but otherwise I do not agree with them.
    1. 0
      29 November 2018 13: 07
      Quote: professor
      Tanks really aren't needed

      Infantry does not tolerate ionizing radiation, tanks can not do without.
    2. Alf
      29 November 2018 21: 06
      Quote: professor
      Tanks really don't need

      Did the Israel Defense Forces abandon the tanks?
      1. +1
        29 November 2018 22: 58
        Quote: Alf
        Quote: professor
        Tanks really don't need

        Did the Israel Defense Forces abandon the tanks?

        Almost yes. The number of armored brigades is significantly reduced.
        1. Alf
          30 November 2018 21: 26
          Quote: professor
          Quote: Alf
          Quote: professor
          Tanks really don't need

          Did the Israel Defense Forces abandon the tanks?

          Almost yes. The number of armored brigades is significantly reduced.

          And the number of tanks?
          1. +1
            1 December 2018 08: 44
            Quote: Alf
            And the number of tanks?

            And the number of tanks is reduced.
            1. Alf
              1 December 2018 17: 56
              Quote: professor
              Quote: Alf
              And the number of tanks?

              And the number of tanks is reduced.

              This is AOI’s business, we won’t cut it, and when it comes to business, we'll see.
              1. +1
                1 December 2018 18: 07
                Quote: Alf
                Quote: professor
                Quote: Alf
                And the number of tanks?

                And the number of tanks is reduced.

                This is AOI’s business, we won’t cut it, and when it comes to business, we'll see.

                You have already cut. How many are planned to be adopted by having no equivalents?
  7. +1
    29 November 2018 08: 49
    Promising developments in the part of laser weapons, electric transmission, electrochemical cannon and liquid propellant cannon, railgun must be carried out now. But the time until the moment when these developments "are cast in the metal" can pass quite a lot. Many developments that have gone into the series are the developments of the 60-80s.
  8. +1
    29 November 2018 09: 10
    The irony of the author is understandable, but not substantiated. Railguns, however strange it may sound, are also needed. We need promising developments, and this is known to be a very difficult and costly way.
    You can suggest the author to change from the T-90 to the T-34-75, if you follow the logic of the article. And "Armata" probably would not have appeared. As a result, progress does not stand still and we need to stay ahead of the foe in military science and technology.
    The only thing I agree with is that until the soldier’s foot has stepped on the territory of the enemy, it is not considered released.
  9. +3
    29 November 2018 10: 06
    Usually "infantry" is called "Vanya", hehe ...
  10. +4
    29 November 2018 10: 18
    But did the author invent such a convenient idiot opponent?
    Or someone even so blurted out something incomprehensible - is that an occasion to write an article? essentially with general philosophical spreading
  11. +4
    29 November 2018 11: 46
    Something you guys really suffered. It is difficult to make a claim to the content, but the form is strange. The language and emotions of tipsy lieutenant colonel pre-pensioner in the bath. In my youth I drove a lot of them home and often listened to very similar speeches, then there was no new technology at all, and the rest was word for word. You are still not on the Volga’s service heading home from the bathhouse, bringing up the driver’s conscript on the way, and publishing an article in the media. It is somehow accepted literary or something to express. Read the same Andrei from Chelyabinsk or something. Simple language, short sentences, but the impression is completely different.
  12. 0
    29 November 2018 11: 52
    The flow of emotions in response to the flow of non-mind. Although there is common sense in the answer, and even in the message, grains can be found. And the truth, as usual, is unclear and is in a wide range, called "in the middle" ... recourse
  13. +1
    29 November 2018 12: 14

    There is a double-edged sword. Possibly a "machine uprising" if you rely on AI robots. laughing
  14. 0
    29 November 2018 12: 38
    Well, generally speaking, robotic drones are capable of a lot of things, with proper application of the technical base
    Some reasoning of the First Officer of the 1st Article
    Land_Air carrier "instead of BMPT.

    1. The disadvantages of BMPT, its tactical limitations.
    2. Requirements for CA and its composition.
    3. Requirements for the SA wing and its armament.
    4. Fighting vehicles, basic for SA. The crew of the SA, the functions of the military.
    5. Simplified algorithm of combat work and maintenance of SA.

    BMPT "Terminator" is based on the MBT chassis, operates in battle formations of tanks.
    1.1. Hence its vulnerability, comparable to the vulnerability of MBT in the battle space.
    1.2. The BMPT crew (4-5 people, of which 2-3 "arrows") - controls / fires, simplified, 2-3 targets / sectors.
    1.3. The view from which the BMPT shooters are observing / shooting is (simplified) similar to the view from which the tankers supported by it are also observing.
    1.4. The trajectories of any BMPT shells - (simplified) are similar to the trajectories of weapons supported by MBT, when operating in cramped conditions (forest, development).
    1.5. BMPT is more expensive than MBT - both in humans and in iron.

    2. Land carrier (hereinafter SA).
    2.1. CA must be DISTRIBUTED - instead of compartments / decks / services, separate machines:
    - KM = command vehicle
    - MU = aircraft wing control machine (one or more)
    - TZPM = transport-loading-launch vehicles, "hives" (two or more)
    - MO = support machines
    2.2. CA must be ROBOTIZED:
    - not_ contain / not_ carry inhabited aircraft.
    - the winged drones independently launch from the TZPM, get to the combat zone, attack under the control of the Pilots, then independently go to their launch point with an accuracy of half a meter.
    - all TZPM are also unmanned - they independently launch drones on command from the CM, copy the route of the TZPM-"predecessor", pick up on it (from the ground) sat down drones at the launch points previously transmitted by the "predecessor", diagnose / discard damaged ones, charge their batteries, arm , launch the drones on command from the CM, transmit the launch coordinates to the "follower".

    2.3. CA must be TACTICAL:
    - the depth of attack of drones SA does not exceed tactical (10-30km)
    Otherwise, a significant increase in the dimensions / cost of drones.

    2.4. A CA must be HIDDEN: its vehicles must not stand out from other second-tier combat vehicles.
    The layout in the form of an armored train is also possible - it will provide a more massive attack, but it will worsen stealth and tactical flexibility.
    3.1. Aircraft SA consists of absolutely identical drones.
    3.2. Each drone = quadrocopter vertical takeoff / launch and landing.
    3.3. Like the BEES, each drone is designed for one "bite".
    3.4. However, the drone is NOT a one-time one - it returns to its place of launch after an attack on its own, while maintaining its orientation as at_start.
    3.5. Dimensions: 0,7x0,7x0,1 meters (chassis unarmed) - must allow passage between trees, into window / doorways, breaks in the building.
    3.6. The cost of the "chassis" does not exceed 2-5 tons. (equal in value to the adjustable artillery shell); chassis are available for mass production.
    3.7. Chassis stacked in a cassette / magazine TZPM without additional devices, have an automated connector for charging batteries from TZPM, and diagnostics.
    3.8. The drone is armed with one or two aviation NURSs of cumulative fragmentation action, on an external sling; NURSs themselves are simpler / cheaper than aviation ones, because firing distance is almost "pistol", in line of sight of the sight. Instead of fuel, it is better to add a b.part.
    3.9. Automatic grip for NURS / pair_NURSov (or guides_with_fixation?) On the "belly" of the chassis, with vertical guidance and launch at the command of the Pilot.
    3.10. An armed drone (which has not used up its NURS / NURSs) cannot automatically / unmanned land (for the safety of separate storage of the chassis and ammunition). A pilot can land it remotely (e.g. for an ambush).
    3.11. Surveillance Devices:
    - panoramic / panoramic camera on the front-lower quarter of the sphere,
    - a thermal imaging sight, synchronized vertically with the NURS suspension, while horizontal aiming is carried out by turning the entire chassis. (trimming the entire chassis is dangerous, but you can twist it)
    - acoustic / laser raster "air_sounder" on the front (horizontal) semicircle to avoid collisions.
    - A simple altimeter for landing and movement along the terrain.
    - upper sensor of the presence / orientation of the bottom opening of the TZPM above the lying drone, for "parking_take off".
    (the last three devices DO NOT have access to the Pilot, they are needed for automated movements).
    4. Platforms for the entire composition of the CA are unified on the basis of existing armored personnel carriers / infantry fighting vehicles. The use of obsolete machines is acceptable. Everything "dangerous" (NURS, lithium_battery) = in unmanned vehicles, or in the 3rd echelon.
    4.1. Functions of the team machine (KM):
    - general battle management, communication with a superior unit
    - liaison with supported units
    - communication with the machine / aircraft wing control machines
    - management of the TZPM, currently carrying out launches of drones
    - Commander_CA, Driver, Signalman, Operator / s, + all necessary communication equipment.
    - there is no own armament, either lightweight models, or an anti-aircraft machine gun for self-defense.
    - a compact personal weapon (PP-90?) in the cartridge at the back door.
    4.2. Air wing control machine (MU):
    - Signalman, Driver, 6-9 Pilot workplaces (instead of motorized riflemen) with their equipment (monitor + motion_handle + fire_handle)
    - it is possible that the workplace of the ZakKOMSA or the Operator (free) will increase the combat stability of the SA control.
    - an antenna farm providing remote control of 6-9 drones currently operating in the combat zone.
    - there is no own armament, either lightweight models, or an anti-aircraft machine gun for self-defense.
    - a compact personal weapon (PP-90?) in the cartridge at the back door.
    4.3. TZPM is performed on the same chassis, but:
    - uninhabited!
    - has a sunroof / opening in the bottom for picking / parking landing drones.
    - has an automated rack / magazine / cassette FIFO (first in, first out) in the reserved volume for storing the chassis of drones, in the amount of 12-18 pcs.
    - diagnoses the drone chassis during storage / transportation, charges their batteries = automated connectors by the number of storage units.
    - the rejected landing gear is dropped through the lower hatch "into the street".
    - has a cassette with NURSs and their automated feeding to the armament post of the drone. Ammunition NURS = 2-3 sorties with a full set of drones.
    - equips the drone with a NURS (pair of NURS?) in automatic mode.
    - Launching a pack of charged and armed drones on command from KM (upper_lyuk? catapult?)
    - independently and exactly repeats the trajectory of the TZPM predecessor for the selection of landing drones.
    - on a command from KM independently leaves for the Third Echelon, finds support vehicles for picking / repair / replenishment of the ammunition kit (by the repair team).
    - own weapons are absent, or lightweight models.
    4.4. Support Machines (MO). Identical to vehicles of the THIRD echelon of host units.
    - carry equipped drone cartridges, equipped NURS cartridges.
    - carry repair kits for drones and SA vehicles, and repair teams of specialists.
    - carry fuel for all CA vehicles.
    - have handling equipment for reloading cassettes.
    5.CA moves in the SECOND echelon of the supported unit, along with its infantry on the BMP / BTR.
    In the THIRD echelon, only CA support vehicles move.
    5.1. Upon reaching launch line (2-5km behind the tanks), the commander orders the start of the equipped drones.
    5.2. Operators (remotely) set the primary drone trajectory and the line of attack, remotely launch a swarm from the nearest (or several) moving TZPM, in the amount corresponding to the Pilot staff + planned_losses.
    5.3. When drones automatically exit to attack line - Pilots take control of them and fight in the interests of the supported unit (tanks, infantry). At the same time, Pilots can disperse, concentrate, and perform roundabout / flank / rear maneuvers in azimuth and altitude.
    !! HERE is superior to BMPTs operating in tank orders: a drone / swarm can attack enemy anti-tank forces from ANY direction.
    5.4. The pilot of the drone that fired his shot (used up the ammunition set ??), or was shot down by the enemy - forgets about him, shouts "Free Cash!" takes control of the next vehicle from the attack_line (in the air).
    5.5. In this case, the chassis of the drone that fired its shot (used up ammunition ??) automatically (straight to the point? The reverse GLONASS track?) Flies to the place of its launch, where it lands in the same orientation.
    5.6. TZPM, which has used up its set of drones, receives from the Operators the exact trajectory of the TZPM predecessor, repeats it in detail (already autonomously), collecting the shrunken chassis of the drones. The rejected chassis is laid on the ground through the receiving hatch and transmits the coordinates to the supply machine. Charges, arms them on the go, and starts them again at the Operator's need / command.
    5.7. TZPM, which has used up the NURS ammunition or (up to the "irreducible_residue") fuel - independently moves to the third echelon and finds (out of the_ ready_ to_work) a support vehicle, where RemGroup changes the drone and NURS cassettes, refueling the TZPM - after which the TZPM goes under the control of the Operator) start_fire.
    5.8. At the end of the battle, RemGroup collects downed / rejected drones according to the received coordinates (downed = from Pilot, rejected = from ТЗПМ) for their repair / cannibalization.

    1. +1
      29 November 2018 14: 16
      You can immediately see the professional from the General Staff, I put everything on the shelves)
  15. +2
    29 November 2018 14: 55
    I would share the topic. There is an idea of ​​using the "wunderwaffe" for propaganda purposes and there is an idea of ​​using weapons based on new physical principles.
    A variety of "wunderwaffe" for propaganda purposes is exactly all "in the world of analogue" weapons, some of which are so terrible that they are not even shown to anyone. And some, on the contrary, show everyone.
    And railguns, robots, drones ... In any case, humanity will rearm at some stage. Whether it will be robots, or clubs and spears with a silicon tip - this is a separate issue.
    1. -1
      29 November 2018 14: 57
      Quote: Decimam
      silicon-tipped spears

      With flint, though.
      1. +2
        29 November 2018 15: 02
        Silicic. Unlike Cro-Magnons, in the future, "neo-primitive" people will use man-made sources. Therefore, to distinguish them, I write silicon.
        1. 0
          1 December 2018 15: 25
          Quote: Decimam
          Unlike Cro-Magnons, in the future, "neo-primitive" people will use man-made sources. Therefore, to distinguish them, I write silicon

          Funny interpretation, I’ll remember laughing
  16. +4
    29 November 2018 21: 36
    > And the answer was given many decades ago! The human brain does not work like even the most powerful computer does. The sniper does not analyze every blade of grass or every bush for targeting. The sniper determines the places of possible appearance of the enemy.
    Well what nonsense ??
  17. 0
    2 December 2018 08: 59
    And the answer is given many decades ago! The human brain does not work the way even the most powerful computer works. The sniper does not analyze every blade of grass or every bush on the subject of determination. The sniper determines the location of the possible appearance of the enemy.

    An example of chess players shows that a computer analyzes every blade of grass already faster than a person determines places .... and programs have appeared that, in addition to analyzing each blade of grass, also do what a sniper does. A matter of time and technological progress.
  18. 0
    4 January 2019 18: 51
    Authors are inimitable.

    Started for health, ended for peace.


  19. 0
    6 January 2019 17: 24
    People who published the magazine Military Review under the Alliance would now be honoring all this dregs.
  20. 0
    6 February 2019 21: 35
    It’s funny. No more.
    There were laser weapons on the gooseneck platform. Railgun is something from the category of talking after a bath. Robotization on "Armata" is present in sufficient volume. The very fact of the presence of an uninhabited tower already speaks, at least, of a serious movement in this direction. And here they are waiting for the T-14 with the 2A82-1M cannon with the declared characteristics ... And here there are a number of points, which, however, circulate mainly through the "army telegraph".
    In short, the weapon does not satisfy in terms of wear resistance due to the use of ammunition of increased power. We are talking about a tank shot "Vacuum". And all because we were so carried away by the newfangled tendency that we put all the domestic open-hearth furnaces under the knife as unnecessary, and then you just have your grandmother and St. George's Day. How much I would like to hear from specialists. One thing is clear, a tank for a lot of money and with a barrel that does not correspond to the declared performance characteristics, this is a serious application for a minuscule in two breakdowns.