Manual machine gun "Browning" М1919А6

The combat rate of fire of the BAR machine guns did not meet modern requirements, and effective fire support by the combination of heavy machine-guns and manual squads did not work. In the opinion of the Infantry Committee, the development, testing, and production of new systems would take a long time. In this regard, it was decided to limit "the translation of the M1919А4 into manual ones" (an attempt to repeat the path of the "manual" machine guns of the First World War - the Soviet MT and the German MG.08 / 19). The result did not meet expectations.

The “Tel” М1919А4 was added: a metal butt (weight 790 g, the shape was more designed for support on the shoulder, but not for the stop), a carrying handle, adjustable bipods, a conical flame arrester М7. In addition, the trigger mechanism was changed, to facilitate disassembly and loading, the return spring of the bolt was loosened and the lid of the box lid was simplified, the lower side for the shoulder strap was attached to the bottom of the back plate and the casing. Stopper shutter removed. In February, the 43 of the M1916А6 was adopted as a branch machine gun, and in April, after some revision, it was launched into production.

Despite the fact that the barrel was lightened (it was assumed that the firing intensity would be lower than that of the mounted machine gun), the М1919А6 light machine gun was bulky, had a bad balance, did not have mounts for the cartridge box, which made it difficult to carry a charged weapons. To replace the barrel, it was necessary to unscrew the flame arrester and unscrew it. At the same time, the handle did not participate in this process, therefore an asbestos mitten was required. The displacement of the handle from the center of gravity added inconvenience when carrying the machine gun.

Manual machine gun "Browning" М1919А6

According to American historians, the M1919А6 “Browning” machine gun “caused hostility in anyone who used it,” the bipod and butt were removed from it, again turning it into M1919А4, putting it on a tripod machine. Therefore, BAR remained a branch machine gun. Sometimes machine gunners preferred to shoot from the usual M1919А4 from the hands (from the hip), removing it from the machine - this method did not give accuracy, but allowed to provide a high density of fire at short distances.

Despite this, they released 43479 machine guns М1919А6, and officially they remained in service until the beginning of the 60s. A part of the Ml919-6 machine guns was transferred to the “not causing (those years) suspicions” regimes of the United States. For example, they came to Pakistan, Turkey, Cuba and Taiwan. Currently, it can manifest itself in various countries, especially in Central America. Probably, the rapid spread of the not very successful single machine gun МNNUMX was caused by the memory of the unsuccessful М60А1919.

Specifications machine gun M1919A6:
Caliber - 7,62 mm;
Patron - 30-06 US;
The mass of weapons - 14,94 kg (with bipod, without ammunition);
The full length of the weapon is 1346 mm;
Barrel length - 610 mm;
Grooves - 4 right;
Initial bullet speed - 853 m / s;
Sighting range of shooting - 1600 yards (1463 m);
Effective range - 800 m;
The power supply system is a cloth tape with a capacity of 250 cartridges;
The rate of fire - 500 shots per minute.
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  1. Dust
    29 May 2012 08: 22
    Well, men, I hope you understand what I could write here? wink
    Say again that my allegations are unfounded?
    It's just scary to get another batch of accusations of Americanism ...
    1. Kibb
      29 May 2012 09: 54
      Why, this machine gun is clear paleotiv, but again, not only Americans suffered from this
    2. Knowing
      29 May 2012 11: 21
      Quote: Dust
      It's just scary to get another batch of accusations of Americanism ...

      I personally love America, or rather its culture, films, humor, etc.
      (Russia is certainly stronger.)
      1. Dust
        29 May 2012 14: 15
        And I will soon completely hate their popular culture!
        Do you speak English so much in the American version that you appreciate their humor? Just wondering...
        And the question itself is WHAT exactly to consider American culture is quite complicated ...
  2. borisst64
    29 May 2012 11: 43
    "was bulky, had a poor balance, did not have mounts for a cartridge box, which made it difficult to carry a loaded weapon"

    I understand that having these shortcomings, he nevertheless confidently destroyed the enemy’s manpower.
    1. George IV
      29 May 2012 13: 22
      So you can say about the shovel.
      1. Dust
        29 May 2012 14: 16
        And more about the shovel!
  3. Kibb
    29 May 2012 11: 51
    Quote: borisst64
    nevertheless, he confidently destroyed the enemy’s manpower

    ePaststvenno, and was reliable, but here is once an option when the disadvantages outweigh the advantages
  4. +2
    29 May 2012 17: 54
    15 kilos for a light machine gun, and this is the weight without cartridges!
    some easel weighed as much.
    About ergonomics in general, it is better to be silent.
    They could have tried, brought Johnson to mind, converted him to a tape feed.
    1. Kibb
      29 May 2012 19: 00
      Quote: bazilio
      bring to mind johnson

      In the end, they took the M60, not Johnson, but there is also from him - that’s really UG, it was not for nothing that the Belgians later took it.