Is Russia a militant country? It's a lie!

There is a strong opinion that Russia is the most warlike country in the world: they say, it fought in its stories most. However, it is not!

On this occasion, there are scientific historical studies. So, in [1] it is shown that Russia during its thousand-year history spent 57 wars in the wars of its existence, while France waged 80 in the wars, and England waged wars during 72% of its history. (This refers to wars in their usual sense when states use armed forces.)

With regard to the present war should be classified according to their types. The main types of wars can be wars with the use of armed forces, which, in turn, can be divided into wars with the use of conventional weapons, war with the use of weapons of mass destruction (limited or full-scale). It is also possible to single out economic, commercial, ideological, religious, diplomatic, cybernetic, terrorist, velvet, network (network-centric) or hybrid wars.

In this article we will very briefly consider some aspects of the information war, and only that part of it that concerns the individual consciousness of a person and social consciousness.

In the general case, according to Karl Clausewitz, "war is an act of violence, with the aim of forcing the enemy to fulfill our will." Therefore, it does not matter how the opposing sides achieve this goal. And in the conditions of parity of means of armed struggle, the means of unarmed confrontation are being put in the forefront.

This article is devoted not so much to the theory of the organization and conduct of the information war, but to an explanation of some of the fundamental elements that any adult and socially responsible citizen should know and a leader invested with power.

To establish mutual understanding between the author and the reader, very briefly, consider the theoretical foundations of the assimilation and processing of information. We will assume that a person is what he was taught, and not only what he eats. And how is the learning process?

Common wisdom says that the world is given to us in sensations. Let's see if this is so.

Imagine human consciousness in the form of an information system.

z = S (x, y), where

x and y are input signals, S is the conversion being performed, z is the output signal. It is clear that the input signals are a lot of independent of the flow of information. But with the output signal is not so simple. If z is a probabilistic state in an unbounded domain, then the transformation S does not make sense. The transformation S makes sense if and only if z is preassigned, i.e. is the objective function of the information system. In other words, S is what happens in your head in the process of achieving the goal set / chosen, from among the many available, goal z, while you are awake.

The process of working with information is described in detail in [2]. Here we make extracts from this article that will help you understand the principles of information warfare and achieve victory in it.

The current instantaneous state of mind and soul is complemented by memory, that baggage of knowledge that a person can reach at a particular moment.

Any knowledge becomes knowledge only within a certain model. If there is no model, then knowledge becomes invisible, there is no information about it, since nothing happens in the consciousness.

Work information system (consciousness) makes the goal. In order for the goal to leave consciousness alone, it must be achieved. Then the goal will become a rule that can be destroyed either by a new goal, or by a fact that contradicts the goal.

Information systems live in a world that is very different from the physical world. For information systems there can be no way back. This is what the ancient philosopher said in the dictum “You can’t enter the same river twice.” In the Russian interpretation: "The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out, you will not catch it."

Consciousness is a dynamic information structure of the relationship of the internal knowledge of the carrier of mind with the external environment.

The incoming information is compared with the images and concepts possessed by the human intellect. This happens every moment, so the personality of a person is constantly changing. After all, our ideas about the external environment, about the world are constantly changing.

But if this process were uncontrollable and unlimited, there would be no individual differences between people in their intelligence. However, each person has his own internal principles, target attitudes. Their preservation, which is equivalent to the concept of life force, is identical to the concept of "will." The will balances the external pressure on the individual consciousness, while maintaining the uniqueness of the individual.

Now we can refute the conventional wisdom of "the world given to man in sensations." According to the above, the world is given to man in images and concepts. Some of them are given to man at the genetic level, absorbing the memory of ancestors. Another part is born in the process of acquiring human knowledge about the world. In various ways. In a developed society, knowledge is given to a person through education and upbringing. In other cases, a person comes to all that he needs by trial and error, gaining positive and bitter experience in life universities.

Let us return to the sample of knowledge entering the input of consciousness. It is this sample that is educational. The information coming through the channels of social communications forms the individual consciousness. The closer to reality the reports about events in the world, about the structure of the world, the more adequate the human consciousness to this world. Moreover, the correct life installation will be chosen by a person from among the many options offered to him by life. But if you give false information, replacing the target installation, the consciousness is transformed into a given pathological structure.

Now you can proceed to the principles of information warfare.

So, the first thing that the attacker does in the information war is the side: sets a target before the victim. To do this, people are brought to carefully selected facts, which to one degree or another contain a bit of truth. In this case, the facts will not be rejected by consciousness, because there is information in the memory of them. Now this information is “enriched” with new details. For example, “Yanukovych is corrupt,” and the facts are listed. It doesn’t matter that some of them are half-truths, others are pure lies. In the future, the proportion of lies gradually increases, and the goal becomes a rule: a sufficient part of society “boiled” from outrage by the behavior of its president.

Time to set a new goal: “Gang get out!” The seed fell on the manure soil: Maidan, coup, exile of the president, character loyal to the attacking side in the role of the new president. Intermediate goal achieved. "Someone" took possession of the country without the use of armed forces. They write that “to someone” this campaign cost $ 5,0 billion, which is not much for a country like Ukraine.

But it was the intermediate goal of the information war. The strategic goal is to use the conquered people in the geopolitical struggle with Russia. To do this, you should bring the people to a beggarly state, accusing Russia of all troubles. We will not describe this campaign in detail - it has passed before our eyes and is continuing now.

Remark: political shows on domestic central channels with the participation of invited Ukrainian “experts and political scientists” are among the events of the information war. But already against us. This goal is to create tension, and then hostility towards the Ukrainians and Ukraine as a whole on our part. There is no alternative rational justification for this statement.

This is evidenced by such facts as inviting guests with obviously false, according to our foundations, positions, as well as the lack of goodwill of the parties in the search for compromises. Virtually all such talk shows turn into a marketplace curse with a maximum voltage of the vocal cords, and sometimes they turn into physical assault. In the light of such talk shows, the words of the President of the Russian Federation that the Russian and Ukrainian people are, in essence, a united people, look, to put it mildly, unconvincing. In more detail these talk shows were described, more precisely, “spaced apart”, in the article [3].

The current goal of the information war in Ukraine is to create such conditions when it is possible to recruit a volunteer army for an armed attack on Russia. In other words, heat the heat with someone else's hands.

On the other fronts of the information war, events are also intense. The technology is as follows: creating an informational occasion of any nature: “Russia's attack on Georgia”, Malaysian Boeing, “chemical attacks” in Syria, “Russian hackers”, interference in the US presidential elections, Skripal, etc. All this is being done to accuse Russia of all sins: its violation of the principles of democracy, disregard of international law, aggressive nature, continuous atrocities that come personally from the leader of the nation.

Thus, the public consciousness of Western countries is intensively processed in order to prepare it for real aggression against Russia. The blackening of the Russian president is one of the main elements in this campaign, since it turned out that this president personifies the nation to such an extent that it is supported by the overwhelming majority of citizens, including those residing in the territories of western countries. Moreover, a substantial part of the population of Western countries also respects our leader, which causes genuine fury of the Western elites.

It is worth noting another factor of the importance of the role and place of information wars in the modern versions of the strategic confrontation between the largest geopolitical players. We are talking about network-centric wars. Information about this kind of war was also published on this resource, but it was in 2013 year. Therefore, let us refresh its main principles in memory, since the publication of the goal has not reached - the state of the information space of Russia has not changed for the better.

A model of network or network-centric wars was developed by a participant in the planning for Operation Desert Storm, Colonel of the United States Air Force, John Warden, giving it the name “Effects-Based Operations”. In his concept, Warden proceeded from the model of the five concentric circles of the modern state. The inner circle is the national power, the outer is the armed forces. Warden's strategy was that inner circles could be hit without colliding with the outer ring. This approach was defined as “war from the inside to the outside”. One of the methods of defeating the enemy was considered the technology of "strategic paralysis". It consisted in creating an imbalance in the system of the enemy, as a result of which he was not able to offer resistance to external influence. The model fully met expectations during the Iraq war.

The theory of network-centric wars was developed in the development of US Vice Admiral Arthur Sebrovski. His article, co-authored with United Headquarters analyst John Garst, “Network-centric War: Its Origin and Future” (1998) is evaluated as a classic model for understanding wars of the new type. The authors depart from the purely military definition of modern wars, considering that war is carried out at the intersection of three spheres - physical, social, informational, and cognitive. Moreover, the emphasis is on information and cognitive components. According to Sebrovski, all victories and defeats occur in our brain. The same, by the way, was claimed by the hero of the “Heart of a Dog” M. Bulgakov, prof. Transfiguration, speaking of the devastation in the young Soviet republic.

Worden's work was continued by American General David Dentula. A systematic analysis of all factors contributed to the shift of focus from the armed forces to other components of government. Representatives of the humanities — sociologists, ethnographers, and linguists — began to be actively invited to the military department (which was not there before). One of the areas of work of analysts was focused on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of religious and ethnic systems that have their points of vulnerability. The subject of analysis were, for example, ethnic characteristics and fears.

Identifying vulnerabilities in government systems, analyzing statistical data, working with opinion leaders, developing event scenarios, and creating information content began to occupy one of the main places in analytical centers and in the leadership of the US armed forces [4].

How to effectively fight on the information fronts in the current conditions?

First: Only those representatives of Ukraine who are looking for points of contact, a constructive way out of the current situation, should be allowed to broadcast on political talk shows. The more authoritative such representatives are, the better for both parties.

The second: to expel from the same talk show Western political scientists, allegedly presenting an "alternative point of view" as evidence of "freedom of speech" on Russian television. In fact, the "alternative point of view" cripples people's consciousness, plunging them into enmity. In fact, this “freedom of speech” creates the conditions, but here we have it, for provoking an armed conflict between Russia and the West. Compare: clever Dmitry Symes and militant incompetence Greg Weiner. After all, there is someone to invite to search for compromises.

Third: in the information war there is no concept of "defense", there is only an offensive. The first word is more expensive than the second. The justifying party always looks guilty, which is what the information aggressor is seeking. In particular, he is seeking a stream of excuses for the victim of information aggression, which reinforces the "culpability" of Russia in the minds of Western society.

Fourth: since the “rules” of the current information war actually consist in the absence of any moral rules and norms, as it was established by the initiator of the information war, then it should be dealt with in a similar, and better, more rigid way. It should be borne in mind that we are accused of initiating an information war. And since the social masses of Western countries have already believed this, then it is too late to make excuses, this will only aggravate the situation.

Fifth: informational confrontation must be continuous and proactive until the enemy asks for mercy. To do this, we have all the forces and means and there is no need to be afraid of anything, since there will be no better. And it will only get worse, even if we ask for mercy. Therefore it is necessary to ensure that the mercy they requested. Especially since the truth is on our side. So, God is with us.

The sixth: A very strong argument in the information war is humor, including black. Of course, where it is appropriate. Humor can nullify any act of informational aggression by turning such an act against the aggressor itself. And given the lightning speed of such a reception through social networks, he can acquire more power than the attack itself.

Humor can be used in comments to aggressive acts, this will be the only way to conduct effective defense in an information war. It should be noted that the humor factor is well understood in Western circles, so often in American talk shows, the current US president is mocked at any opportunity.

Seventh: The information policy of state-owned TV channels is subject to a radical revision: from immoral talk shows and the domination of shooting cinemas to serious programs such as those that are increasingly appearing on the channels Kultura, History, and 2.0 Science.

Eighth: with respect to cultural figures, theaters that receive support from the state, “soft power” should be used, for example, using the method of targeted financing of socially useful programs and projects and leaving social projects without financing.

Ninth: finally, implement a decisive educational reform by transferring school education from the category of “state educational services” to the category of training and education of the young generation.

Tenth: persistently revive projects such as DOSAAF, the mass sports movement, military sports games, the study of the native land. And where are the TRP badges?

All of these points are among the measures to protect the country from information aggression in its various forms - from Hollywood fighters to crude provocations with an incredibly deceitful campaign in the Western media.

Complete me!

Let us turn to the system of informational relations in the internal environment - between the state and society. In the article [5], the author proposed to create a fourth branch of government in the system of public administration — public authority in addition to the classical branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The main and only function of such a power should be feedback in the system of government.

And as it was not, and no. But after all, it is important for the management bodies to know the state of the object of management - the Russian society. It is also necessary to understand how to manage it, in this case to communicate. These my statements are confirmed by the facts highlighted in the information space in the Kemerovo tragedy. The governor, a typical representative of regional power, asked for forgiveness for what happened not from the people, but from the president.

This indicates that on a regional scale, the “object of management”, i.e. the local public is not present at all in the area of ​​attention of government bodies. This is primarily due to the fact that the fate of the official’s career does not depend on the public will. This means that there is no feedback in the state administration system, one of the main attributes of the governance system, therefore this system itself is flawed.

Damage: this is how public opinion assessed the behavior of the governor of the Kemerovo region in the tragedy that had been played out. Moreover, the delay in the resignation decision led to a series of clumsy and inappropriate remarks by the seemingly honored head of the region, minimizing his reputation with resignation.

At the same time, according to some experts, the delay was due to the fact that the authorities allegedly could not succumb to the pressure of public opinion. This will indicate a weakness of power. A rather strange argument in the light of the fact that, according to theory, the state exists in order for society to have order and justice. Then why delay the establishment of order and the establishment of justice?

In fact, just the opposite: clumsiness in the matter of accounting for public opinion speaks of the weakness of power, its imperfection. Prompt solution of social problems is one of the factors of strong power. That is why public authority is needed, and with authority over the fate of representatives of other branches of government. If it were so, then the governor would apologize first of all from people whose relatives were killed, and only then from the president, whom he “framed” after the triumphal elections.

It should be noted that there is another factor in the need to create public authority. Depressed at all levels and in a large number of regions, the fight against systemic corruption, in particular, led to an unexpected phenomenon. This strange phenomenon is that economic development has slowed down, innovation has collapsed altogether, new projects fall under the cloth if they are not coordinated at the very top. Officials are afraid of independence, few are willing to take on at least some responsibility for the decisions, especially if they look even if not radical, but at least new.

On the other hand, the budget is allocated, and it must somehow be mastered. That is where things stand still, even if funds are available for development. Therefore, we have reached a level where it is necessary to entrust a part of the authority to public initiative, and the demand for the state of affairs is more to be translated into an assessment of the activities of the authorities by the public.

Why did the author tied the issue of public authority to the information war? Yes, because the public authorities must fully act in the information field of the country. And on its cleanliness will depend on the effectiveness of government in general. Therefore, it should be cleared, if not from streams of lies, we do not have enough money for this, then at least technologies: people should understand what they are doing with the information space and be able to distinguish lies and slander from truth.

And, oddly enough, the omnipresent V.V. Putin at a meeting of diplomatic workers in June 2016 of the year, repeating the well-known phrase: "Who owns the information, he owns the world." It is necessary to understand that he meant reliable information.

Then people will not go under the banner of the enemies of Russia, they will not sign up as sects and will accept the sorcerers, they will not believe the Western preachers who have come in large numbers, they will not watch political talk shows distorting the real world view.

In the context of the information war being waged against Russia, a war without rules, it is necessary to emphasize once again the vital need for the country's transition to a new technological order, including digitalization. For some reason, they don’t like it on this resource - even in articles covering the scenarios of the destruction of Russia, digitalization is attributed to the invention of the liberals. Quite strange, if not to say obscurantist opinion about progress. Following this logic, the locomotive, aircraft, television, telephone, Internet, mobile communications, etc. should be attributed to the inventions of the liberals.

In fact, in case of refusal from digitalization or delay in its implementation, or in the case of implementation with vices, as our corrupt corrupt officials plan, Russia will remain on the margins of history. In this case, it will not be necessary to destroy it, it will collapse by itself ...

We looked at some aspects of the information warfare, starting with the basics of awareness of consciousness. In the illustrative examples, they saw how the technologies of controlling consciousness and public opinion are used to achieve political goals without using armed forces. Acquainted with the views of the author on the methods and means of countering information aggression, as well as the main objectives of the state in the field of information security.

Now we are somewhat ready from another angle to look at the events taking place in the “box”, to analyze the many-sided content walking through cyberspace. They did not touch the advertisement, but this is a separate song.

1. Serebryakov V.V. Wars of Russia. M .: Scientific world, 1998.
2. Lukashev A.V. Awareness of consciousness //
3. Spacing the first. Feel sick! //
4. Contactless and network wars //
5. The collapse from the inside. Where is the way to salvation? //
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  1. +6
    April 6 2018 05: 41
    In the article, everything is intelligible and laid out on the shelves. Basically, the article can be called positive. Everyone will have their own opinion, their consent, disagreement with the author, this is inevitable.
    1. +6
      April 6 2018 05: 59
      Humor can be used in comments on aggressive acts, this will be the only way to conduct effective defense in an information war.
      Well, here at VO we try ... Yes And yes, Russia is not a belligerent country, but it knows how to pour "lyuley" well to anyone, which is proved by History .....
      "Fear to wake up the Russian. You don’t know how his awakening will end for you. You can trample it in the mud, mix it with shit, mock, humiliate, despise, insult. And at the moment when it seems to you that you defeated the Russian, you destroyed , have been stigmatized forever, erased into powder - suddenly something unusual will happen to you, he will come to your house. He will tiredly fall on a chair, put on his knees an automaton and look into his eyes. He will stink of gunpowder, blood, death , and it will be in your house. The Russian will ask you only one question: “What is the strength, brother?” At that very moment, you will regret 1000 times that you are not a brother to the Russian, because he will forgive his brother and never the enemy. "The Russian lives in justice. The Western citizen lives in false briefings and crafty press conferences. As long as justice is alive in his heart, the Russian will rise from the mud, from the darkness, from hell. And you can’t do anything about it." S. Klimkovich
    2. +1
      April 6 2018 08: 38
      Quote: aszzz888
      In the article, everything is intelligible and laid out on shelves

      On the shelves ... some strange shelves in the article. For example, the first two:
      First: Only those representatives of Ukraine who are looking for common ground, a constructive way out of the current situation, are allowed to go on the air in political talk shows.
      The second: expel from the same talk shows Western political scientists who allegedly set forth an “alternative point of view” as evidence of “freedom of speech” on Russian television.

      The author seems to be an elf from the country of pink ponies, because he does not know that on the talk show specially invited are those characters who arrange hype to raise ratings, and receive a salary for their "anti-Russian position". From the Russian channels.
      Well, the rest of nonsense, in the same spirit.
      1. luk
        April 6 2018 11: 16
        Troll in the service of the Department of State Lie
  2. +1
    April 6 2018 06: 36
    Public opinion is easily programmed by the media, including the network. And they are mostly controlled not at all by friends of Russia and the Russian people. See for example the series Sleepers. And if you add rumor control - a terrible weapon ... See. Furmanov: Rebellion.
  3. +2
    April 6 2018 06: 51
    There is a strong opinion that Russia is the most warlike country in the world: they say that it has fought the most in its history. However, it is not!
    Still, in our territory there were NO "Centennial Wars", unlike some "peaceful" ones.
    And generally speaking:

    And of course ...
  4. 0
    April 6 2018 06: 56
    The first and only question is who decided to call us the most warlike country in the world? We defended more than attacked someone! fool
  5. +3
    April 6 2018 07: 13
    z = S (x, y)
    It turns out what kind of human consciousness it is.
  6. 0
    April 6 2018 08: 48
    And on the topic of the article, in addition to the first two paragraphs, there was nothing to say?
  7. BAI
    April 6 2018 09: 36
    So, the first thing the attacker does in the information war: sets a goal for the victim. To do this, carefully selected facts are brought to people that, to one degree or another, contain a fraction of the truth. In this case, the facts will not be rejected by consciousness, because there is information in their memory.

    Well, this exactly describes the cycle of "articles" "Poisoned Feather."
    I already wrote once that the same method works in advertising:
    "Tell the truth, say a lot of truth, never tell the whole truth."
    And on the account of the television show. Something incomprehensible is going on there. I had to look specially.
    The transfer of time will show from 12. 01. Discuss the topic - Putin proposed to return the Ukrainian ships to Ukraine, and the Ukrainian leadership does not seem to want this at all. The topic is generally muddy. Military equipment was not given to Ukraine because of the war in the Donbass. That the war is over today?
    First, Bandera and the Pole were allowed to speak. And then they gave the floor to a Ukrainian woman named Tatyana, who has been struggling with Bandera over the past few years.
    MODERATOR - What do you say about this?
    And Tatyana looked at him so sadly and says
    TATIANA - Aren't you tired of mocking the decaying corpse of Ukraine and making public relations on it? You left us and now you are laughing at us?
    MODERATOR - How did you quit? What kind of you should we go to fight with Bandera?
    TATIANA - YOU RECOGNIZED ALL THIS SCRIP. Could you at least not recognize them?
    And then Tatyana attacked and Bandera from the audience and the frantic Pole and OUR POLICY.

    Everything is just like that. All united!
  8. +2
    April 6 2018 10: 34
    The difference is that Russia fought in the liberation wars (liberated its territory, and freed all kinds of oppressed people), and the West mainly poured foreign blood in colonial and pirate ones. angry
  9. +1
    April 6 2018 12: 28
    must know as any adult and socially responsible citizen, and a leader in authority

    Well said, i.e. “a leader in authority”, not necessarily an “adult and socially responsible citizen”
  10. 0
    April 6 2018 14: 08
    It goes without saying that Russia is the most warlike country. After all, 57% of her story she fought, reflecting the invasion of any unfinished conquerors (which you meant), that from the west, that from the east!
  11. +1
    April 6 2018 17: 52
    France spent 80 percent in wars, and England waged war for 72 percent of its history.
    and most of these percentages between themselves ...
    but it is not indicated that the Western wars are still different when they climb into Russia in a crowd recourse
    I love the world ... but I know how to fight better than anyone (s)
  12. +2
    April 6 2018 21: 47
    The situation is lousy. The foreign policy situation is worse than at the height of the Cold War. Inside - corruption, officials who think only about their own well-being and 20 million poor citizens. And the authorities, who mourn over the poor, scold, but protect officials and hang noodles on the ears of citizens about the coming victories. That is why Russia is losing. You don’t believe anyone already. And how to deal with a simple Russian person with both the external and internal enemy?
  13. 0
    April 7 2018 16: 32
    Quote: aszzz888
    In the article, everything is intelligible and laid out on the shelves. Basically, the article can be called positive. Everyone will have their own opinion, their consent, disagreement with the author, this is inevitable.

    I don’t agree. Russia just fought almost all of its existence and often simultaneously on several fronts. The last 400 years are accurate. And as for the earlier period, alas, there is absolutely absolutely no exact data for those times. Not all wars are included in the annals and legends. And not all chronicles survived to this day.
    As for the rest of the article’s content, there are a lot of letters and very little meaning. In the era of the Internet, it is impossible to counteract information warfare. The advantage is over who hit first. Whatever the country's ideology, but if at least one of a close group of ten people If it is inadequate, then its inadequacy will be transferred to his other friends over time.
  14. 0
    April 11 2018 12: 32
    Is Russia a militant country? It's a lie!

    And whoever disagrees with this will charge the tambourine laughing
    1. 0
      April 11 2018 19: 54
      Well, if you believe the stickers on many machines, "We can repeat," then there are plenty of people who want to fight with us. This is especially characteristic of the owners of German foreign cars)))
  15. 0
    April 15 2018 08: 24
    Complete me!

    Good article. Maybe not everything is so clearly described, but on the whole everything is vital.
    The only thing I wanted to say on the “supplement me” account was that it was necessary not only to become isolated within the borders of our country. It so happens that Western countries are now trying to form an alliance of the whole world against us, including countries that do not want this. Therefore, information wars must be waged not only in Russia, but also abroad. Moreover, there are more than enough reasons for this, because the United States and its allies have so actively intervened and are interfering in the activities of foreign countries around the world, that only have time to cover it.
    And you can even light up with a profit. So instead of financing the US government by buying debt from them, for this money, for example, you can make a bunch of feature films about the intervention of Western countries. More than enough:
    - Colleen Powell with a test tube at the UN
    - bombering of Yugoslavia
    - war of England over the Falkland Islands
    - The bombing of Dresden by the Americans during the 2 MB.
    - the only use by the Americans of atomic weapons against Japan (because we have a lot of films about the Holocaust - everyone apparently wants to get an Oscar for this, but the Japanese say about this heinous crime that the Russians committed it)
    etc. etc.
    That is, every country against which the Americans committed military operations has a completely conscious reason for not loving them for it.
    For the sake of interest, I looked at Wikipedia how many times the United States fought, and it turns out that they fought more than 200 times in their history, despite the fact that the country has officially existed since 1775. Although I counted less, but still impressive ..
    So the whole world has reasons to hate the United States, and this can and should be used wisely, and even for the benefit of oneself.