Behind exoskeleton the future

The PISCES (Performance Improving Self Contained Exoskeleton for Swimming) project is dedicated to creating a suit that will help a person swim as easily and naturally as penguins, sea turtles, dolphins and other animals that feel freely in this element.
Military researchers have long been designing mechanical costumes (exoskeletons) that provide super power and superhuman endurance:

XOS by Sarcos (Raytheon)
HULC by Lockheed Martin

Next step: an underwater exoskeleton that turns the wearer into a giant fish or a cyborg penguin.
Moreover, the underwater version can offer more benefits in the short term.

If you believe the military engineers, then this exoskeleton really will be something out of the ordinary. Currently, there are two versions of this device: for the "lower" and for the "upper" parts of the body. The first version is powered by a silver-zinc rechargeable battery with a mass of 2,4 kg and allows you to reach the speed of 1 m / s, while the source of energy for the "upper" exoskeleton is the actual muscle strength of the person.

The potential advantages of the principle of biological movers (penguins, fish, turtles) in the aquatic environment are obvious.

Stealth is significantly increased (unlike screw devices, unmasking facts are no different from background noise),
This project will undoubtedly radically change the order of conducting underwater military operations, whether they are related to the observation of objects or direct sabotage. At the moment, the project is at the development stage, so it’s too early to talk about the cost of one such suit, as well as when they will appear in service.

Peter Neuhaus says that their underwater exoskeleton is still under development, recently it has focused on the lower body of the exoskeleton, which will allow disabled people to walk.

Cyberdyne Inc. this Japanese firm that seeks to leverage the achievements of Professor Sankai and his laboratory at the University of Tsukuba. "HAL": Hybrid Control System. HAL has two control systems that work closely together.

Behind exoskeleton the future

When a person tries to pass, the brain sends electrical impulses to the muscles. when they reach the muscles, weak bio-electrical signals appear on the surface of the skin.

Weak bio-electrical signals observed on the skin surface are read by the control system, transmitted to the analyzer, and based on these signals, the power supply units (drive) generate torque and power the limbs.

Human movements can be considered as a combination of several elementary movements, such as a sentence, which
which consists of a few words. For a given movement (for example, get up from a chair).

HAL collects small movements from a database, then combines them to form a movement.
Using the database (which is also automatically supplemented with information that the sensors collect from the body) "HAL" autonomously coordinates each movement with the help of a smooth power supply.

HAL-5 Type-B
Specification Type: Wearable Robot
Height 1600 mm Weight Full about 23 kg (bottom approx. 15 kg)
Battery (AC100V) Continuous operation time Approximately 2 hours 40 minutes
Application: Daily activities (standing from a chair, walking, climbing stairs),
holding and lifting heavy objects and much more ... is able to increase your strength up to 10 times from the norm.
Hybrid control system Indoor and outdoor environments

Exoskeletons are ready:

The company intends a device for rehabilitation and physical training for medical purposes, to help people with disabilities, to alleviate hard work in factories, to carry out rescue work in disaster areas, as well as for entertainment purposes (rental of $ 2,200 / day + deposit).
In 2012, a robotic suit will appear in the markets of Japan to help elderly farmers (harvesting fruits and vegetables, eliminating back pain and spasms).

PAS has been in development for almost 15 years, and eventually it will see the real world in 2012, after being put into production this year. Its price will be $ 11 000. Developed by Professor Shigeki Toyama and his team from Tokyo University of Agriculture.

Mention of the underwater exoskeleton in the novel by David Bryn Sundiver 1979, the character whale Waldoes
For the first time, the concept of armor with an exoskeleton was outlined in the novel "Tom Swift and His Jetmarine", published in 1954 year.
The best-known work describing the military use of the exoskeleton is Robert Heinlein’s novel Star Trekking (1959 Year).
The exoskeleton can be seen in computer games like StarCraft, Fallout, STALKER, Crysis; in the films of the Starship Troop, the Cobra's Cast, Iron Man, District No. XXUMX
Video from Cyberdyne Inc.

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  1. Dust
    April 25 2012 07: 59
    Until there are reliable sources of power - it's all garbage! And with the sources, I’ve strained ...
    1. snek
      April 25 2012 13: 56
      Progress does not stand still. Here, for example, promising graphene batteries
      1. guessed
        April 25 2012 20: 39
        Firstly, according to Chinese scientists. And secondly, for exoskeletons, the current is required not in hundredths of amperes, and not even in tenths, but whole amperes.
        The current is quite large and so far chemical batteries are capable of this. acid and alkaline. and their replacement is not foreseeable in the foreseeable future.
        Even if such a revolution does happen, then the need for exoskeletons will never become. Humanoid robots will be able to perform the simplest mechanical movements.
    2. -1
      April 25 2012 17: 03
      Yes, how to say. There are lots of promising developments in this area. It seems years 5-10 - and already go to the series
  2. Sarus
    April 25 2012 08: 28
    Bullshit is not bullshit but it's already something ...
    And power supplies will eventually appear ..
    1. +2
      April 25 2012 22: 21
      From where ... people have a strange property .... to believe in Perpetuum Mobile, despite the fact that it cannot be proven ... My specialty is nuclear energy, and so I responsibly declare a miniature sized energy source for this thing not yet soon.
      1. snek
        April 25 2012 23: 04
        The perpetual motion machine is a little different. As for the power sources - well, Japanese work 2 hours and 40 minutes - not so bad in my opinion. Over time, this time will gradually increase (even without technological breakthroughs, technological evolution is present).
        1. 0
          April 26 2012 01: 08
          it's a battery ... they also have their limits of development and are directly dependent on the load.
  3. Sergl
    April 25 2012 08: 37
    The first airplanes were also made of rails, fabrics and cables.
  4. SectoR
    April 25 2012 09: 03
    The company intends the device for rehabilitation and physical training for medical purposes, to help people with disabilities, to facilitate hard work in factories, to carry out rescue operations in disaster areas, as well as for entertainment purposes
    who didn’t remember the film Surrogates? probably this is the beginning ...
  5. schta
    April 25 2012 09: 09
    Americans make cyborgs, Russians equip EMI ammunition immediately after tracer laughing
  6. alanz
    April 25 2012 10: 01
    in the stalker outplayed wassat
    1. Tiberium
      April 25 2012 10: 50
      Exoskeleton is a very real thing. Do not treat him so frivolously.
  7. -1
    April 25 2012 10: 20
    Shooting in Macedonian from the PKT is ours, in the studio Pajalsta !!!!
  8. Dmitry.V
    April 25 2012 11: 40
    The exoskeleton is a good thing, but in the RF Armed Forces this is most likely not to be seen, so far it is not profitable.
    1. AER_69
      April 25 2012 16: 48
      In fact, we are already working on this. Since 2008, if I’m not mistaken.
      1. +1
        April 25 2012 23: 46
        Quote: AER_69
        In fact, we are already working on this. Since 2008, if I’m not mistaken.

        - I'll do it if you give me some reference ... smile
        Not a single such fact occurred. Russia forever slows down until others specifically go ahead No. So it was with active armor, so it happened with UAVs. As the active armor as caught up, the UAV frantically trying ...
        Here and here - and what prevents to allocate a little money and not to investigate? Not so expensive it's a pleasure
  9. vylvyn
    April 25 2012 12: 27
    The verdict is more than obvious - the future lies with the skeletons. And today the skeletons are sitting on people (learning the basic movements), and tomorrow these skeletons themselves will run around the battlefield.
  10. dred
    April 25 2012 12: 38
    Yes, without sources, these are useless discs.
  11. Salavat
    April 25 2012 13: 11
    Cyberdyne ... the title is just like the Terminator movie.
  12. USNik
    April 25 2012 13: 40
    Next step: an underwater exoskeleton that turns the owner into a giant fish or cyborg penguin.

    Imagine a poor saboteur dressed as a cyber penguin No.
    Micro ICE may be suitable as an energy source, but there immediately the principle of operation of the entire exoskeleton changes. Such walkers allowed a heavily loaded person to run for 5-6 hours without getting tired.
  13. snek
    April 25 2012 13: 58
    At the moment, there will be a very effective thing in logistics (loading and unloading ammunition, for example). With the advent of an autonomous power source, the prospects are simply unbelievable.
  14. Mr. Truth
    April 25 2012 14: 52
    From the comments, you can immediately see who is in the clouds. There are no prospects for the exoskeleton in military affairs. To treat the "oporniks" and prepare the muscles of the astronauts for the return is yes. And the infantryman has a future in the other direction.
    1. snek
      April 25 2012 15: 12
      Many said about planes in the beginning that these fragile structures are suitable only for the amusement of the public, and in the war they have no place.
      1. Mr. Truth
        April 25 2012 15: 52
        Quote: snek

        Many said about planes in the beginning that these fragile structures are suitable only for the amusement of the public, and in the war they have no place.

        Well, if so, then come on, your vision of the exoskeleton in the weapon system and staff structure
        1. snek
          April 25 2012 16: 03
          Quote: Mr. Truth
          come on, your vision of the exoskeleton in the weapon system and staff structure

          Today - this is the use in parts involved in logistics. Exoskeletons with a stationary power source (powered by cable) can greatly simplify and speed up the unloading / loading of various equipment and equipment.
          In the long term, with the development of power sources, such as graphene batteries (which I wrote about here a little higher) or other exoskeletons, they can significantly increase the mobility of infantry. Soldiers will be able to fully equip themselves in bulletproof jackets to overcome considerable distances over the crushed terrain, staying in a sufficiently vigorous state for fighting.
          1. Mr. Truth
            April 25 2012 18: 42
            For mobility of the infantry there are armored cars, armored personnel carriers and helicopters, and the supply and technical support will become the main problem and these disadvantages will devour all the advantages, whatever they are.
            Regarding power armor, this is retrofuturism, it is an extremely ineffective attempt to increase the fighter’s defense, he will definitely lose mobility and flexibility, his weight will be at least two centners.
            1. snek
              April 25 2012 18: 53
              Quote: Mr. Truth
              Regarding power armor, this is retrofuturism, it is an extremely ineffective attempt to increase the fighter’s defense, he will definitely lose mobility and flexibility, his weight will be at least two centners.

              About power armor, I spoke below only to clarify the terminology, showing that it and exoskeletons are two different things. Exoskeleton increases mobility rather than defense.
              Quote: Mr. Truth
              For mobility of the infantry there are armored cars, armored personnel carriers and helicopters, and the supply and technical support will become the main problem and these disadvantages will devour all the advantages, whatever they are.

              Well, it’s clear that you are a supporter of conservative thinking. So with almost all the innovations there was - state loading - there were those who said that it would weaken and complicate the gun too much (and in the first place it was), armor on ships? rusts quickly and the ship becomes slow and slow, etc.
              1. Mr. Truth
                April 25 2012 19: 18
                Quote: snek
                proponent of conservative thinking

                No. I am a big dissident futurologist. wink
                I know that exoskeletons and power armor are from different categories, I just do not see any other application except for medical and research purposes.
                All the same, tactical mobility will not increase, but operational and strategic will decrease. Enhancing tactical mobility is no longer possible. There are helicopters, there is a second generation of light tactical cars. You need to increase strategic mobility, so it’s better not to think about the exe, but about a heavy transport aircraft with a nuclear power plant, or even an airship)
                1. snek
                  April 25 2012 19: 41
                  Quote: Mr. Truth
                  about a heavy transport aircraft with a nuclear power plant, or even about an airship)

                  Someone here spoke about retro-futurism laughing
                  1. Mr. Truth
                    April 25 2012 23: 49
                    Quote: snek
                    Someone here spoke about retro-futurism

                    I like the idea of ​​an airplane with YaSu. An airship is just for greasy.)
                2. 0
                  April 26 2012 00: 10
                  Quote: Mr. Truth
                  Enhancing tactical mobility is no longer possible. There are helicopters, there is a second generation of light tactical cars
                  - what about mountains and jungle? If the spirits are mainly grazing there, then they must be destroyed there. But the helicopter will not fly (unless MI-8), the car will not reach. Stealth is also difficult to achieve.
                  If it is possible to create a powerful autonomous power source, then the exoskeleton is a very necessary thing for those commandos. Okay, body armor, say no? And you ask the soldiers. And why:
                  Quote: Mr. Truth
                  this is an extremely ineffective attempt to increase the fighter’s defense, he will definitely lose mobility and flexibility, his weight will be at least two centners.
                  - Physics taught? For some reason, you are talking about two centners, silently implying that all this will be hung on a person who is not reinforced by any auxiliary constructions. In this case, he, of course, will catastrophically lose mobility and flexibility. But the whole joke is that of these two centners, at least one centner is of the ACTIVE mass, which significantly increases the power of a person. Here the same effect - here is a man (we mean athletic people, without fat) one and a half, and even twice as heavy as women. But at the same time, he surpasses it in mobility, and is not much inferior in flexibility. Notice, it’s one and a half to two times harder! What's the matter? Yes, it is precisely in the fact that a man is heavier than just the very active mass, which adds mobility, speed and mobility. So be fooled yourself and fool others. Learn the materiel.
                  And yet - the commandos now, going to a special operation, are forced to choose from their arsenal only the most necessary, based on the nature of the planned operation. But something can always go wrong, and you will need exactly what the fighter was forced to leave at the base, hoping that everything will work out as it should. And he was forced to leave just because of the fact that without an exoskeleton a person has a very limited carrying capacity.
                  I can not stand it when people get smart here, who did not serve in the army. They didn’t even make a single march in their life. And he would have done it - he would have quickly realized that even the minimum supply taken with him - AKM, two rounds of ammunition, an overcoat roll, a gas mask, two grenades, a flask of water and a backpack with dishes (a bowler hat and a pair of leggings) - already weigh well. At the fifth kilometer, I already want to use the exoskeleton. But the commandos, in addition to the above, need more than two ammunition cartridges, plus a bunch of special equipment. And no one will carry his car to the venue of the special operation, at best they will fly a helicopter over two dozen kilometers so as not to burn. And these two tens of kilometers out of nowhere will a donkey appear and drag the fighter to the target?
                  1. Mr. Truth
                    April 26 2012 00: 31
                    Quote: aksakal

                    It is impossible to substitute concepts, one thing is a special operation, another thing is a combined-arms operation.
                    Quote: aksakal
                    Okay, body armor, say no? And you ask the soldiers.

                    I did not write this, re-read the posts.
                    Quote: aksakal
                    and inferior in flexibility

                    It is one thing to compare flesh and flesh, another flesh and metal. The flesh is elastic, but the metal is not. Any servo is inconvenient, until they invent a replacement for servos, exoskeletons will be an extra burden.
                    Quote: aksakal
                    I hate it when people get smart here, who did not serve in the army

                    I also don’t like it that way, but I got used to it quickly, I myself was like that too.
                    Quote: aksakal
                    donkey will appear

                    Or a horse, a time-tested traction vehicle. In the states in the mountain rifle brigades there are two dozen horses.
                    A march throw is a physical exercise, in a DB it is done on an APC, it is better than in an exoskeleton.
                    1. 0
                      April 26 2012 11: 13
                      Quote: Mr. Truth
                      A march throw is a physical exercise, in a DB it is done on an APC, it is better than in an exoskeleton.
                      - For some reason, you have a stable stereotype that - an exoskeleton - is another extra useless load. There are not all links, there is one link where a man pulls 90 kg with his HANDS, as if they weigh nothing, and the nickname exoskeleton does not interfere, he does not feel discomfort. If good software, then you will not feel this exoskeleton of Nick. Only unusual ease of movement. How is this achieved? Did you hear non-invasive electromyography? Using sensors from this electromyography
                      you get a map of signals from your muscles. And in accordance with this map, the on-board computer turns on the servos exactly with the same speed and stack of the same force (in proportion, of course) as you planned the movement. Therefore, you will not feel this exoskeleton in any way, no discomfort and heaviness from it, it is essentially your body that learns. On an armored personnel carrier, you can't get anywhere near the enemy, even in combined-arms operations. If the enemy sits deep in the greenery, you will have to pick it out on foot, the armored personnel carrier does not walk on the greenery.
                      Quote: Mr. Truth
                      It is one thing to compare flesh and flesh, another flesh and metal. The flesh is elastic, but the metal is not. Any servo is inconvenient, until they invent a replacement for servos, exoskeletons will be an extra burden.
                      - from exosleeta and plasticity is not required. His job is if you started to bend your arm at the elbow, just at that moment in time, connect the appropriate servo drive, which will work at exactly the same speed as you bend your arm. You will not feel any hindrances, any misunderstanding. But if you bent your hand, lifting something weighty, you will feel that doing it with an exoskeleton is much easier.
                      You are very conservative and prone to stereotypes. The problem of exoskeletons is in autonomous power supply of sufficient capacity and power. Everything else is already done, and this is a really good topic.
                      1. Mr. Truth
                        April 26 2012 11: 28
                        Quote: aksakal
                        An armored personnel carrier doesn’t go around greenbacks.

                        On zelenok howitzer division will pass.
                        Quote: aksakal
                        You are very conservative and prone to stereotypes.

                        Just you are very conservative in this regard. Exoskeletons in the current level of technology and in the foreseeable 20 years will not appear, and when they appear to be useless, military art will move to another level. Although they can be used as a cargo vehicle, but in no case as a combat vehicle.
                3. postman
                  April 26 2012 21: 53
                  Quote: Mr. Truth
                  and about a heavy transport aircraft with a nuclear power plant,

                  A plane with YaSU (Atomolet) is certainly a wonderful thing, you can fly until the provisions are over, or the WC is full, but the topic has long been closed.
                  An insurmountable contradiction between the weight of radiation protection and the weight of an empty plane.
                  Convair NB-36H (X-6): "the weight of the required radiation protection of the reactor exceeded the design capacity of the future aircraft."
                  "A protective capsule weighing 12 tons with a cockpit was located in the forward fuselage."

                  weight and dimensions of the reactor itself (it is not possible to reduce the dimensions)
                  Prototype nuclear engine
                  Fast-neutron 1 MW reactor with a diameter of 1,2 m and a weight of 16 tons
                  The problem of radiation protection of ground personnel after the landing of a nuclear aircraft: "The landed aircraft with a muffled reactor was towed to a special platform. Here the YSU was removed from the aircraft and lowered into a deep shaft and placed in a room equipped with radiation protection. The first test flights of the X-6 were planned for 1956- y. "
                  Plus contamination of vast territories in the event of an accident.
  15. snek
    April 25 2012 16: 20
    A small comment on the final part of the article. In Starship Troopers (book), Starcraft and Fallout games, there is what is called Power Armor (can be translated as "power armor") - this is a combination of armor and an exoskeleton. For now, we are only talking about the exoskeleton itself, without the armor component.
  16. +2
    April 25 2012 16: 39
    Well, when inventing the appropriate power sources, the corresponding power, nothing prevents hanging the armor, by that time the armor itself will have other properties of the material. All this together allows us to make a rather formidable combat unit out of an infantryman, firepower will definitely increase, due to the ability to carry either more powerful weapons, or a complex of weapons by one soldier. Will increase and mobility will change the style of warfare, etc. etc. The prospects are tempting and can not be ignored.
    1. 0
      April 26 2012 00: 19
      Quote: Syrdon
      It will definitely increase due to the ability to carry either more powerful weapons or a complex of weapons by one fighter.
      - yeah, machine gun "Kord" 12,7 mm in the left hand, automatic grenade launcher - in the right, on the forehead - a compact guidance and fire control system, a fighter in a powerful exoskeleton is going to assault laughing laughing laughing
      Although, seriously, the heavy cavalry (I forgot what they called. Uhlans? Dragoons?), It was foolish to attack the hussars too — they were simply crumbled with broadswords, and the whole business. So with the advent of powerful, ultra-high-capacity, compact and silent power supplies, heavy infantry will be.
      Rogozin, you need to at least a little work out this front of work with exoskeletons. to at least just be in a trend, in a topic, and if necessary, quickly fuck up
  17. ghetto89
    April 25 2012 17: 17
    Interesting information on the topic
    1. postman
      April 25 2012 19: 24
      Quote: Getto89
      Interesting information

      Yes impressed. Especially economic calculations.
  18. 0
    28 February 2015 14: 22
    The thing is necessary for both the military and the doctors, and the fact that the project is raw does not matter, 100 years ago, airplanes also seemed ridiculous, but the word robot did not exist at all.