How Romanian executioners exterminated Russian soldiers

The Romanian ruling elite was eager to profit at the expense of Russia, in which the distemper was in full swing. As a result, Romania, with the full support of the powers of the German bloc and the Entente, went to occupy Bessarabia.

Romanian Front after October

The situation on the Romanian front, as on other fronts, showed that the Provisional Government does not really have support from the people and the army. Of the four armies (8-I, 9-I, 4-I and 6-I), which held positions from the Black Sea to Bukovina, there were no troops to be sent to Moscow. The High Command requested 6 battalions, 6 hundreds of cavalry and 18 guns. For the front numbering hundreds of thousands of fighters, this was quite a bit. But the headquarters did not receive a single soldier. On the Romanian front, as opposed to the Socialist-Revolutionary and Menshevik committees, Bolshevik committees are actively being created. Soldiers approvingly of the decrees on peace and earth. No longer wanted to fight.

Central Executive Committee of the Councils of the Romanian Front, Black Sea fleet and Odessa (Rumcherod) also became Bolshevik. The 2nd Front and Regional Congress of Soviets in Odessa on December 10-23, 1917 (December 23, 1917 - January 5, 1918) recognized Soviet power and elected a new 180-member Rumcheroda. The new convocation included 70 Bolsheviks, 55 Left SRs, 23 representatives of peasant organizations and 32 representatives from other factions. The chairman of Rumcheroda was the Bolshevik Vladimir Yudovsky.

Front Commander DG Shcherbachev did not accept October. With the consent of the French, he began separate from Brest-Litovsk, negotiations with the enemy. The Romanian command supported him. The negotiations ended on November 26 (December 9) 1917 of the year in Focsani with the conclusion of a truce between the combined Russian-Romanian and German-Austrian troops. In order to preserve military power, the departure of the soldiers of the most revolutionary units to their collapse was encouraged. Those parts, which could count "white", tried to save. It was planned to form a corps of Russian volunteers to be sent to the Don, where opponents of Soviet power flowed. In addition, on the Romanian front actively created national units - Ukrainian, Moldavian, Polish, Belarusian, Georgian, Armenian, Cossack. Thus, there was a split in the soldier’s mass on a national basis.

In November, 1917, Shcherbachev supported the decision of the Ukrainian Central Rada, which proclaimed the independence of Ukraine, to unite the forces of the South-Western and Romanian fronts into the “Ukrainian Front” and was appointed commander of this “front”. The Bolsheviks opposed these treacherous actions. Then Shcherbachev appealed to the Romanian leadership with a request to help defeat the "Bolshevik nest" in Sokol. Diplomatic representatives and military missions of the Entente in Iasi supported Shcherbachev. The Romanian government, on the night of 8 on December 9, held a meeting and agreed. At dawn, the Falcon station, where the Russian railway brigade was located, was blocked by Romanian troops. The Romanians disarmed the Russian soldiers, shooting those who resisted.

It was only the first step in the final destruction of the Russian Romanian front, as an organized force. After the truce, Russian divisions were removed from the front one by one. It seemed that you just need to miss the troops tired of the war and eagerly rushing home. The Romanian leadership was still afraid of the Russian army. The Romanians were ready to “agree” with the Austro-German leadership. And the departure of the Russian troops to the rear, where they fell under the influence of the Bolsheviks, struck plans for both the Romanian elite, which was already eager to profit at the expense of Russia, which was in full swing, and the Entente and the "white" movement, who wants to regain power. In addition, the Romanians wanted to profit at the expense of Russian troops. Weapon, ammunition, ammunition, various materials, all this was of great importance in the ongoing war and future intervention.

The rulers of France, England and the United States were interested in inciting the Civil War in Russia, and tried to support all the anti-Bolshevik centers of resistance - white and nationalist. The masters of the West have already divided Russia into spheres of influence, the future semi-colonies-bantustans, and now they had to fill the Russian land with blood, to bleed the Russian people, to destroy the Russian communists, who had a project to create Soviet Russia.

December 11 Moldova, with the exception of Iasi, was divided into 8 military zones under the control of the General Staff and Shcherbachev. The Romanians knew very well about the movement of the Russian troops during the withdrawal and even about their plans. When the Russian headquarters were authorized Romanians from Siguranz (secret police), who reported on each step of the retreating Russian divisions and regiments. Quantitatively, the Russian army was stronger, but no one expected such a surprise from the "allies." Russian soldiers only wanted free access and food. Revolutionary committees also wanted to settle the matter with the world, underestimating the threats. Thus, the 6 Army Committee even sent its representatives to the Romanian king. Delegates talked with Ferdinand and the head of the headquarters of the Romanian army, Presan. They were assured that the Romanians "do not interfere in the affairs of the Russian army." But these were just words that made Russians talk. So that the Russians could not organize resistance. In the meantime, the Romanians detained supplies destined for the Russians, the main roads were occupied by selected troops. The Romanian troops had an order from Shcherbachev to disarm the retreating Russian divisions.

As a result, the stunned Russian troops, who were set up by their own command and the "allied" Romanians, did not dare to resist and fight through to their homes. “Why ... After all, in fact, didn't the Bolsheviks declare war on the war? Didn't they tell you to fraternize with enemies? After all, the Romanian soldiers are the same peasants as the Russians. The “compassionate” comrades got entangled in this matter, ”wrote L. Degtyarev, a participant in those events. They laid down their weapons, believing the promises of the Romanian command that they would be allowed to go home. Some were disarmed and driven to concentration camps. Many people were shot, others were severely beaten. Others died of hunger and cold. The rest, left without weapons and food, were forced to go to Russia in a severe frost. It is clear that the retreat of a completely demoralized, deadly tired, hungry and freezing army had nothing to do with the march of a disciplined army. There were various unpleasant excesses. And the Romanians tried in every way to stir up the conflict and trumpeted to the whole world about the “robberies”, “riots” and “violence” of the Russian troops to justify the massacre of former allies and the future seizure of Bessarabia.

How Romanian executioners exterminated Russian soldiers

The commander of the Romanian front Dmitry G. Shcherbachev

Soviet government actions

The Soviet government received only irregular and fragmentary information about the events that took place on the Romanian front. Having received news of the seizure by Romanian troops of several villages in Bessarabia, the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs (NCID) 16 of December 1917 of the year issued a note of protest and demanded “punish the criminal elements from the Romanian officers and the Romanian bureaucracy”. The appeal of the Supreme Commander N.V. Krylenko of 25 on December 1917 of the year said: “Inside the country, hiding behind the words about the defense of Ukraine’s independence, Kaledin’s accomplices from the Central Council are allied with the deserters-officers, the rebel Shcherbachev and the executioners of the Romanian government who were shooting on the Romanian front the very soldiers who shed blood in their defense were all united against the Soviet government and the government of the people's commissars. ” Krylenko called on Russian troops to make a systematic withdrawal from Romania. The command passed into the hands of the committees. Russian troops, in the event of a clash with the Romanians, were ordered to pave the way with weapons in their hands.

31 December 1917, the Soviet government, referring to its incomplete data, noted: the Romanian authorities seized fodder destined for the 49 Russian division; The 194 th Trinity Sergius regiment is surrounded, disarmed and relegated to the rear; the committee of the 195 regiment was arrested, etc. The Soviet government demanded the release of those arrested, the cessation of lawlessness, the punishment of the guilty, and the guarantee that such actions would not be repeated. The Council of People's Commissars took under arrest members of the military and diplomatic missions of Romania, headed by Envoy Diamandi. True, due to the pressure of diplomats from other countries, Lenin soon reversed that decision. But this peace-loving policy did not bring any benefit. And then SNK 13 January 1918 of the year adopted a resolution on breaking diplomatic relations with Romania. “The Romanian oligarchy covered with crimes,” it was noted in the document, “dug out military actions against the Russian Republic.”

Kick to Chisinau

After the October Revolution, Bessarabia itself formed its own parliament - Sfatul Tarii (“Council of the Country”), which began its work on December 3. 1917. The parliament was formed by local nationalists and Social Revolutionaries. The chairman was Social Revolutionary I.K. Inkulets, the vice-chairman was the nationalist, the leading ideologue of the union of Bessarabia with Romania, P.N. Khalippa. The executive body was the Board of Directors General (Directorate), consisting of nine ministers headed by P. Erhan. Following the example of the Central Rada, Sfatul Tarii 15 of December 1917 of the year adopted a declaration proclaiming the formation of the Moldavian People's Republic within Russia.

The leaders of Sfatul Tarii began secret negotiations with the Romanian government on the introduction of troops, which caused a protest of the population. The majority of the population of Bessarabia was focused on Russia. In addition, the majority of the population were Russians (including Little Russians), Gagauz, Bulgarians, Jews who did not want to live under the authority of Romania. At a secret meeting, the Directorate (Government) of December 19 decided to ask Shcherbachev and the Romanians for help in counteracting "anarchy." The next day, at a closed meeting, Sfatul Tarii, a majority against the votes of the deputies of the peasant faction, approved this decision. On December 24, the Romanian government agreed to the “request” of Sfatul Tarii to send troops to Bessarabia.

The “invitation” caught the Romanian occupiers on the way. Romanian troops illegally invaded Bessarabia more 7 December 1917, under the pretext of purchasing food, guarding military and food warehouses. Then two regiments of the Romanian army crossed the Prut, occupied Leovo and several border villages. The disarmament of the Russian divisions of the Romanian front, which could stop the invasion and occupation of Bessarabia, was going on. The “invitation” was used as a formal pretext for occupation. It was reported that in agreement with the “government of the Moldavian Republic of Bessarabia and General Shcherbachov and to prevent the army from starving,” Romanian troops entered this area. The “Comfront” Shcherbachev, surrounded by French officers and guarded by Romanian rangers, no longer had real power. But he could give another screen for the invasion. Therefore, Shcherbachev agreed to invade Bessarabia.

At first the Romanians tried to take Bessarabia with small forces. From the rear, the units formed in the rear near Kiev from captured Transylvanians were to attack. Part of the front of the Rumcherod and Moldovan troops, which were sent to support the Romanian troops by the government of Bessarabia, but went over to the side of the Bolsheviks, opposed them. They disarmed Transylvanians and sent to Odessa. In addition, 6 January 1918, the Romanian troops arrived at the station Gidigich and were about to move to Chisinau. A few versts from the city, they were repulsed by Soviet troops and local militia. The Romanians retreated to Prut. Here they were blocked, but the Romanian troops with the help of reinforcements from behind the Prut were able to escape from the encirclement. The leaders of Sfatul Tarii began to deny their involvement in the intervention and even signed a “protest” telegram to Shcherbachev and the Romanian government. For a while, the traitors lurked and disappeared from the political arena. Residence Sfatul Tariya was occupied by Soviet units. Romanian officers, members of the “inter-allied food procurement commission,” who were engaged not only in their direct duties, but also in intelligence, were arrested and sent to Odessa.

The Appeal of the Revolutionary Headquarters for the Protection of Bessarabia, January 1918

Making sure that Bessarabia was not easy to take, the Romanian elite embarked on a large-scale operation. Four divisions moved through the Prut. From 8 to 12 in January, 1918 was fought on the outskirts of Chisinau. Not being able to resist a massive invasion, the revolutionary headquarters left Chisinau and on January 13 it was occupied by Romanian troops. January 15 Sfatul Tarii, at the initiative of Inkulets, held a solemn meeting in honor of the reception of the Romanian General E. Broshtyanu. In his statements, Sfatul Tarius assured the population that the Romanian troops had come only to combat anarchy and protect the railways and warehouses. At this time, the north of the Moldovan Democratic Republic, up to Edinet and Donduseni, was occupied by Austro-Hungarian troops, and the Romanian troops, who had occupied the rest of Moldova, provided a corridor for the redeployment of German troops to Odessa.

22 January 1918, Minister Erhan informed Sfatul Tarii that the Ukrainian People’s Republic declared independence. At a meeting on the night of 23 on 24 in January, while Sfatul Tarii was deployed on the territory of the Republic of Romania, Sfatul Tarii proclaimed independence.

In the meantime, the population of the Moldavian Democratic Republic continued active resistance to the invaders. Especially fierce battles were under Bender, in Izmail, Kiliye, Akkerman, Vilkovo and in the north of Bessarabia. So, in January 1918, an open uprising of Romanian sailors and workers took place in New Kiliya. The river fleet was evacuated to this small Russian fishing village on the Danube and to Izmail at the end of 1916. The arsenal from Galati was evacuated to Kiliya, along with the workers and soldiers that made up its personnel. 13 January fleet in New Kiliya, Ismail and Vilkovo rebelled. On the masts of 13 ships raised red flags. The authorities took over the Revolutionary Committee. The Romanian command had to move ships from Staraya Kiliya, while troops marched overland from the north and west. While the sailors rallied, government forces occupied New Kiliya with the help of 25 officers in January.

But in Vilkovo revolutionary sailors put up stubborn resistance. The local residents, fishermen and peasants, hated the Romanian authorities, so they actively helped the rebels, organized a Red Guard detachment of 500 fighters. Also, the rebels were supported by the landing of Russian sailors. For several days they fought for the villages around Vilkovo. January 28 began fighting with the insurgent ships. On the same day, a telegram arrived from the famous A. Zheleznyakov, sent by a detachment of sailors to help the revolutionary forces in southern Russia. The telegram said: “Hold on, comrades. Help is coming ... ". Soon Zheleznyakov himself arrived on the destroyer Kerch with 50 gunners, and behind them was a transport with a detachment of Baltic people. A few more days the battle continued. Only after the encirclement on land and on the Danube almost closed, did the Russian ships retreat along the Ochakov Canal.

The fighting for Bessarabia continued for some time. 23 January, Soviet troops launched an operation to free Bender. Red Guards and sailors forced the Dniester and in a stubborn battle fought off the city. At the same time, local people actively supported the Reds. 22-I Romanian brigade was defeated. Two days later, pulling up reinforcements and bombarding the city with artillery fire, the Romanian invaders again broke into Bender. Romanians cruelly avenged the local population. Their blood-thirstyness was struck by the son and adjutant of General Shcherbachev: “Having poured out their anger, they returned to the city, and the cruelties committed by them there are beyond description. Persons who for some reason did not like the Romanians disappeared, and after a few days they were found in the Dniester, under the bridge. ”

However, the attempts of the Romanian troops to advance further across the Dniester to Tiraspol did not lead to success. On the left bank were already quite large Soviet forces. In Ukraine, the Reds were winning up. The “independent” Central Rada fled from Kiev. On the Romanian direction, a Special Army was formed under the command of A.I. Egorov. The Romanian division, trying to cross the Dniester at Rybnitsa, was defeated. In the north of Bessarabia invaders also encountered serious resistance. The remnants of the 8 of the Russian army, the hastily formed Red Guard units and the local militia fought for every inch of land. The Austro-German troops at this time held a benevolent neutrality towards Romania, allowing the Romanian army to occupy Bessarabia.

The Romanians, faced with serious resistance, were forced to negotiate with the Soviet government. With the help of Entente diplomats, negotiations began. The Soviet side demanded to clear Bessarabia; return seized property; skip the returning Russian troops; to give out Shcherbachev and participants in the execution of Russian soldiers and sailors in Izmail. 5 March 1918, the new Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Romania, General A. Averescu was forced to sign an agreement on the purification of Bessarabia. February 24 (March 9) this document was signed by the Soviet representatives. The main points were as follows: Romania pledged to clear Bessarabia in two months; there was only 10-th. squad for the protection of railways and Romanian military warehouses; administrative and judicial functions immediately transferred to local elected bodies; law enforcement was carried out by local police; Romanians refused to interfere in internal affairs and the right to make arrests. The Romanian government has pledged not to take any hostile actions against Soviet Russia and not to support those if they are done from any side.

Averescu, who was distinguished by rationality and caution, argued his move in the following way: “Russia is sick, no doubt, she is very sick, but Russia has not disappeared, and she will recover. In a small country, it is not proper to use this state of paralysis in which a neighbor is located. ”

However, soon the Romanian authorities were able to refuse this agreement. The Central Rada, who fled from Kiev, turned to the Germans for help. The invasion of Austro-German troops to Ukraine began. At the same time, the Germans violated the truce with Soviet Russia and moved troops to Petrograd. The Soviet government was forced to go to the hard world of Brest.

Declaration on the unification of Bessarabia and Romania


Long "independence" of Moldova did not last. The Romanian occupiers destroyed the deputies who most actively opposed the annexation of Bessarabia to Romania. Many deputies, fearing a similar fate, fled from Bessarabia. 27 March (9 April) 1918, at the Sfatul Tarii meeting, the question was raised about uniting Bessarabia with Romania. The voting took place under Romanian pressure: the building where Sfatul Tarii sat was surrounded by Romanian troops with machine guns, and the Romanian military was present at the very voting. The vote, despite the protests of some deputies, was open, not secret. Representatives of the German, Bulgarian and Gagauz minorities said they abstain from voting. The representative of the peasant faction V. Tsyganko and the representative of the Russian Cultural League A. Grekulov stated that the question of unification can be solved only by a nationwide referendum. However, their arguments were not heeded, and an open vote was taken. 86 deputies voted for the accession, against - 3, abstained - 36, were absent at the meeting - 25. Mass strikes and uprisings began in the region, but they were suppressed.

During the preparations for the Paris Peace Conference, the Romanian government organized the convening of Sfatul Tarii with the aim of deciding on the unconditional unification of Bessarabia with Romania without any conditions of autonomy. At a meeting of 25 — 26 in November 1918 of the year, in the absence of a 36 quorum, a decision was made about unconditional affiliation of Bessarabia to Romania, eliminating all the conditions of the act of 27 in March of 1918. Shortly after this decision was made, Sfatul Tarii ceased to exist.

On December 29, 1919, the Romanian parliament passed a law on the annexation of Transylvania, Bukovina and Bessarabia to Romania. On October 28, 1920, England, France, Italy and Japan signed the Paris Protocol with Romania, according to which these countries “believing that from the point of view of geographical, ethnographic, historical and the economic accession of Bessarabia to Romania is fully justified, ”recognized the sovereignty of Romania over Bessarabia.

Representatives of the RSFSR and the USSR 1 on November 1920 declared that "they cannot recognize as valid any agreement concerning Bessarabia without their participation, and that they in no way consider themselves bound by an agreement concluded on this subject by other governments" .

Thus, Soviet Russia did not recognize the occupation of Bessarabia by Romania and qualified it as an annexation. However, the region could not immediately return. On maps produced in the USSR until the 1940 year, Bessarabia was designated as the territory occupied by Romania. 26 June 1940 of the USSR presented Romania with an ultimatum demanding the return of Bessarabia, as well as the transfer of Northern Bukovina to the USSR. Romania was forced to accept these demands and withdraw its troops from these areas. Historical justice has triumphed.

It is worth noting that at present these events are somehow repeated. Again Russia was in turmoil. Moldova became independent. Romania is heading for the annexation of the former Bessarabia. The bulk of the population of Moldova traditionally adheres to pro-Russian sentiments. However, most of the Moldovan "elite" wants to become part of the Romanian elite, part of the "enlightened Europe" and betrays the interests of ordinary people.

Map of the Moldavian ASSR with indication of the Romanian occupation of Bessarabia
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  1. +4
    12 February 2018 07: 04
    Now they are white and fluffy ... And then ... And we have forgiven them all ... However, they have more than enough imperial ambitions ... Moldova ... Ukraine ...
    1. +2
      12 February 2018 10: 47
      Quote: Vard
      And we forgave them all.

      Well, nevertheless, in our area the saying still walks, dead Romanians.
      The warriors are still those where someone is weaker, and as soon as, so immediately hands uphill.
      1. 0
        14 June 2018 09: 52
        Quote: urman
        The warriors are still those where someone is weaker, and as soon as, so immediately hands uphill.

        What do you! Romanians are the best soldiers in the world: together with Hitler they reached Stalingrad, and together with Stalin - to Berlin! laughing
        If Romania and Italy entered the World War and ended it on the same side, then they betrayed twice!
  2. +3
    12 February 2018 07: 06
    That's right, history repeats itself! Moldova was again at the forefront. The Romanians now supported by the US State Department are eager to restore their rule, Great Romania. The Romanians also actively supported the Nazis during the Second World War. There is a lot of photo material about the cruelty towards Soviet prisoners of war. But this is separate story.
  3. +3
    12 February 2018 07: 52
    V.V. Mayakovsky wrote about the annexation of Bessarabia: Rome is a city and stands on the Tiber. The Romanians are looking to stiffen.
    1. +3
      12 February 2018 10: 52
      I immediately remember the old people that they survived the occupation in childhood,
      how the Germans drove them (I do not justify these), but nevertheless, if the locals complained about the Romanians, the Germans raised them with their boots, they did not consider such a misunderstanding as people.
  4. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      12 February 2018 16: 18
      No, it’s about the neo-Vlasov’s created by the Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, ukroreich, etc.
      1. +1
        12 February 2018 16: 23
        The top of the CPSU, as well as the KGB of the USSR-neovlasovtsy? Wonders!
        1. +3
          12 February 2018 16: 38
          Sleight of hand and absolute fraud. Vlasov himself was a general of the Red Army, and became a general of the ROA. Putin was a lieutenant colonel of the KGB of the USSR, and became a portfolio holder of Sobchak, and then TA-DAM! Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, and after the President Nothing wonderful.
          1. +2
            12 February 2018 17: 03
            That is, "enemies crept into the Politburo" laughing
            But how did they end up there ?! Yes, in the most prominent places ?!
            In principle, the genesis of this human foam is best prescribed by I.L. Solonevich in his book "Russia in a concentration camp." As a Soviet official, the author literally watched with his own eyes the birth of the future "elite" of the Soviet state. Which lasted exactly as long as the cadres were created, created back in tsarist Russia or brought up by people who had formed in tsarist Russia.
  5. +2
    12 February 2018 10: 06
    The author did not focus on the main thing: everything that happened to Bessarabia happened AFTER the thief and became the DIRECT result of the thief.
    Even MPR formed after her, being conventional Russian province without any signs of separatism.
    As long as the Provisional Government, lawful and recognized by ALL, existed, Romania did not even think of Bessarabia. And it would not have arisen, had it existed, and then - US.
    In the conditions of the overthrow of the legitimate authority, everyone around them considered themselves free from obligations towards Russia and began tearing its pieces-Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Romania. It was always and everywhere.
    Carrying out the BOP, the Leninists hoped for a chain reaction of revolutions throughout Europe, but turned out to be unrecognized by anyone (except the occupiers) outcastswho doomed the country to endless conflicts with its neighbors.
    The author writes:
    In November 1917, Shcherbachev supported the decision of the Ukrainian Central Council, proclaiming independence of Ukraine,

    But this is not true: UCR did NOT proclaim independence in November, it did not recognize the October coup.
    After the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly of Russia by the Bolsheviks, the UPR declared independence — this is how the Bolsheviks provoked a civil war and the collapse of the country.
    On June 26, 1940, the USSR presented an ultimatum to Romania demanding the return of Bessarabia, as well as the transfer of Northern Bukovina to the USSR.

    The Bessarabian province became the last Russian province turned by the Bolsheviks in 1940 from Russian multinational province in nationala "republic" with a predominant Moldovan population, where over time they raised nationalists.
    Moreover, None of the Bessarabians about this even did not ask...
    1. +2
      12 February 2018 10: 16
      Bessararabs also did not ask for their release.
      1. +4
        12 February 2018 11: 38
        Quote: Merin
        Bessararabs also did not ask for their release.

        Asked and as requested. You would also know about the Tatarbunasr uprising, Bendery and Khotinsky-against the invaders, about the tens of thousands of fighters against the invaders, shot by them, half a million Bessarabians who left Bessarabia under Romanians and Bessarabian societies in exile. Etc.
        When study basis, then say. In the meantime, you have illiterate nonsense.
        1. +1
          12 February 2018 13: 10
          Half a million shot? Where do these numbers come from? Or did you find agitation of 30 years?
          Tatarbunar, Khotinsky and Bendery uprising are Soviet provocations. With Soviet troops and agents who crossed the Dniester.
          You might as well write a million shot ones. And of course, only Russians.
          1. +5
            12 February 2018 13: 41
            Quote: Merin
            Half a million shot? Where do these numbers come from? Or did you find agitation of 30 years?

            Learn Russian so as not to ask stupid questions: about tens of thousands fighters against the invaders, shot by them. Next is a comma and:half a million Bessarabians, who left Bessarabia under the Romanians. They escaped from a “good” life, yes.
            Quote: Merin
            Tatarbunar, Khotinsky and Bendery uprising are Soviet provocations. With Soviet troops and agents who crossed the Dniester.

            What is the Dniester in Tatarbunary? lol
            The Khotinsky and Bender revolts were against the Romanians BEFORE Bessarabia joined the Romanian Empire. As there were many battles against them in December 17-March 18 throughout the territory of Bessarabia.
            As was their resistance to 22 year occupationand - during this time tens of thousands perished at the hands of Sigurvins.
            THE WHOLE world defended the rebels of Tatarbunar against the invaders, learn history
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. 0
              12 February 2018 23: 29
              And if you read like this:
              - Would you still know about the Tatarbunasr uprising, Bendery and Khotinsky-against the invaders, about tens of thousands of fighters against the invaders,
              - half a million Bessarabians shot by them,
              - those who left Bessarabia under the Romanians and the Bessarabian societies in exile. Etc.

              In my opinion, it is consistent with the grammar of the Russian language. So it depends on how you put the emphasis.
              And yes, please tell us about the Bessarabian communities in exile. Where were they?
              As far as I know, since 1897, the year of the Russian census and 1930, the year of the Romanian census, the population of Bessarabia has grown by 930 thousand. Approximately 47%. For 33 years. Having survived the First World War and a little civil war. Russian and Ukrainian population together, in 1897 amounted to approximately 530 thousand. Considering that the Khotinsky, Bendery and Tatarbunar uprising took place in places where the Russians and Ukrainians made up the majority of the population, and you indicated the emigration of 500 thousand people, then by 1930 the Russian and Ukrainian population should not have remained in Bessarabia. However, according to the census of 1930, 668 thousand Russians and Ukrainians lived in Bessarabia. Then it turns out that you are either confusing something, or you are a liar.
              Further, I complicate the task for you: The fact is that the Romanians, when conducting the census of 1930, asked the Nationality of a person and the language of communication, and the Russians, when conducting the census of 1897, asked only the language of communication. So, when combining the figures of the Romanian census of 1930, it turned out that about 50 thousand Moldovans spoke Russian. And this is the most severe Romanization, as some here say. So it can be assumed that in 1897, Moldovans spoke more Russian. All the noble families of Moldavian descent were Russian speakers. As well as a good part of the city Moldavians were also Russian-speaking or at least bilingual, but during the census they were most likely indicated as Russian-speaking and whom some pass as Russian. And what are the conclusions? And the conclusion is that the Russians and Ukrainians in 1897 were a much smaller number than what the Russian census indicates.
              Further, for clarification, I recall that there were many Russian-speaking people, not only among Moldavians, but even more among other peoples living in Bessarabia: Gagauz, Bulgarians, Jews, Germans, and others. Further, what comes of this? But it turns out that there were not 1897 thousand Russians and Ukrainians by nationality in Bessarabia in 530, but with a stretch, maybe 400 thousand.
              Further, if you follow the logic, there was a mobilization in World War I where many men died, then the battles of the Civil War that affected Bessarabia, and according to you many died in battles with the Romanians. This was followed by the Bendery, Khotinsky and Tatarbunar revolts, severe suppression and emigration of 500 thousand people. The question is: how then could the number of Russians and Ukrainians grow to 668 thousand? And if you add tens of thousands killed by the Romanian Siguranza? It turns out that you are not aware of the situation at all and are engaged in agitation.
              So please tell me, who escaped from Bessarabia from a good life? Please details.
              Further, a small clarification. I summarized the number of Russians and Ukrainians to complete the picture. The fact is that the Romanians during the 1930 census tried to record the Ukrainians as Russians, in order to reduce the share of Ukrainians. And, accordingly, reduce the claims of Ukrainians to Bessarabia. But in general, the number of Russians and Ukrainians corresponds to the real one.

              You would also know about the Tatarbunasr uprising, Bendery and Khotinsky-against the invaders. So: the Bendery and Khotyn uprising took place in 1919, and Romania united Bessarabia in 1918. As you can see, you are confusing dates.
              And by a lucky chance, they took place precisely when the Bolsheviks reached the Dniester. And it was precisely in those places that rebellions broke out. What a ridiculous accident. And the Tatarbunar rebellion took place in 1924, after the failure of the negotiations on Bessarabia. And in order to get to Tatarbunary, from the union it was also necessary to cross the Dniester, well, and a little on foot. All these uprisings were organized in places where Moldovans made up a minority of the population. So the loss of population should have been mainly among the Ukrainian and Russian population.

              And in the end, about the whole world that defended the rebels of Tatarbunar. The whole world, as you say, was a group of poets and journalists of communists or sympathizers who arrived in Bessarabia on the task of the communist international. Their articles were written before coming to Romania.
              1. 0
                13 February 2018 10: 15
                Quote: Merin
                In my opinion, it is consistent with the grammar of the Russian language. So it depends on how you put the emphasis.

                DOES NOT MEET: BETWEEN the two parts of the sentence is a comma:
                executed by them, half a million Bessarabians.

                Quote: Merin
                Then it turns out that you are either confusing something, or you are a liar
                I am a liar if you accept your Nonsense:
                Quote: Merin
                If consider that the Khotinsky, Bendery and Tatarbunar uprising took place in places where the Russians and Ukrainians made up the majority of the population, and that you indicated emigration of 500 thousand peoplethen by 1930 in Bessarabia the Russian and Ukrainian population should not have remained.
                for the axiom. They emigrated mainly to MOLDOVAN.
                Quote: Merin
                Further, for clarification, I recall that there were many Russian-speaking people, not only among Moldavians, but even more among other peoples living in Bessarabia: Gagauz, Bulgarians, Jews, Germans, and others. Further, what comes of this? But it turns out that there were not 1897 thousand Russians and Ukrainians by nationality in Bessarabia in 530, but with a stretch, maybe 400 thousand.
                Further, if you follow the logic, there was a mobilization in World War I where many men died, then the battles of the Civil War that affected Bessarabia, and according to you many died in battles with the Romanians. This was followed by the Bendery, Khotinsky and Tatarbunar revolts, tough

                Why is this all? WHAT are you trying to say? request
                Quote: Merin
                And in the end, about the whole world that defended the rebels of Tatarbunar. The whole world, as you say, was a group of poets and journalists of communists or sympathizers who arrived in Bessarabia on the task of the communist international. Their articles were written before coming to Romania

                Yes, the WHOLE world has come and defended the Tatars. Articles written BEFORE that? What nonsense? lol
                1. 0
                  13 February 2018 17: 51
                  Here is a piece of the proposal we are arguing about. ...... about tens of thousands of fighters against invaders, shot by them, half a million Bessarabians, .. ,,,

                  As you can see, the phrase: Shot by them, is between TWO commas. Which one are you talking about? And why should I choose the one that you like?

                  Further, it is clear that the data of 2 censuses you call: Nonsense.
                  What then do you base the loss of over 500 thousand of the population on? Where are the casualties? The population has grown quite proportionally. What is your statement based on? Apparently you are just doing empty campaigning. There is no evidence.

                  Further, you state that: only Moldovans, 500 thousand, emigrated from Bessarabia.
                  At the Russian census of 1897, Moldovans were officially 935 thousand. Although I have already explained that this concerned the language of communication and the real number of Moldovans could reach up to 1 million inhabitants.
                  During the Romanian census of 1930, the number of Moldovans reached 1610 thousand inhabitants.
                  The number of Moldovans over 33 years increased by 610 thousand inhabitants. Not less than 60%.
                  Good gain. Add here another 500 thousand about which you say that you emigrated and you get 1110 thousand, more than double the number of inhabitants.
                  Your language apparently does not skimp on numbers. You have a problem with the arguments.

                  With all of this, I explained to you that you cannot blame someone for something if there are no arguments. I have shown you with numbers that in Bessarabia there were no sharp changes in the population. There were no huge losses during the uprisings, much less emigration.
                  But I still hope that you will show me information about: Bessarabian communities in exile. I have never heard of such people. I really want to know.

                  And about Tatarbunar, I just expressed everything. That I didn’t think you would ask something. This whole company is scribblers, they came to defame Romania. Like Western journalists if you would come to Russia now. They would have sought only the bad.
                  1. 0
                    14 February 2018 12: 14
                    Quote: Merin
                    As you can see, the phrase: Shot by them, is between TWO commas. Which one are you talking about? And why should I choose the one that you like?

                    The listing is in Russian separated by commas.
                    Quote: Merin
                    What then do you base the loss of over 500 thousand of the population on? Where are the casualties? The population has grown quite proportionally. What is your statement based on? Apparently you are just doing empty campaigning. There is no evidence.

                    Not a loss, but an EMIGRATION of 500 thousand people
                    Quote: Merin
                    You further state that: emigrated from Bessarabia only Moldavians, 500 thousand.

                    BASIC MOLDOVAN.
                    Quote: Merin
                    The number of Moldovans 33 for years increased by 610 thousand inhabitants. Not less than 60%.

                    Of these, 18 years fell on Bessarabia as part of Russia.
                    Quote: Merin
                    add here another 500 thousand about which you say that you emigrated and you get 1110 thousand,

                    Emigrated and AFTER 1930
                    Quote: Merin
                    . I have shown you with numbers that in Bessarabia there were no sharp changes in the population. There were no huge losses during the uprisings, much less emigration.

                    tens of thousands of executed, half a million emigrants, wild poverty, ruined industry, huge taxes, Nazism, persecution of the church: http: //
                    Quote: Merin
                    But I still hope that you will show me information about: Bessarabian communities in exile. I have never heard of such people. I really want to know.

                    Common propagandist illiteracy: Andfrom the history of the "Society of Bessarabians" during the years of the Romanian occupation
                    Quote: Merin
                    And about Tatarbunar, I just expressed everything. That I didn’t think you would ask something. This whole company is scribblers, they came to defame Romania. Like Western journalists if you would come to Russia now. They would have sought only the bad.

                    Albert Einstein- hacker company? fool
                    1. 0
                      14 February 2018 18: 05
                      A comma in Russian grammar is a lot to put. I showed you that. You can read this way and that.

                      Emigration is the loss of the population if it does not return. So, I showed you on my fingers that this could not be a priori. More than 100% population growth during such a period is impossible even in Africa in peacetime, especially on the earth which affected the First World War, revolution and uprisings. And your article, cheap propaganda.
                      So cheap that I’m ready to call you God if you show me the place where it says that in 1856 - 3 Bessarabian counties gave Romania for 20 years. This has never happened. Gave on completely. More precisely, they returned, not Romania, but the Moldavian Principality, which at that time had not yet united with Wallachia.
                      You use cheap notes and most likely don’t even know what to write about.
                      I can give an example, you give a link to a certain site, Izmail. And there is an article without an author that says that more than 300 thousand Bessarabians emigrated. In all the major cities of Europe, supposedly there were large Bessarabian societies. But then it turns out that these are student societies, not emigrants. And the largest of them, the Paris Association had - Already 80 members.
                      So you can argue about everything. You are presenting propaganda articles written by amateurs who have little knowledge of history.
                      And Einstein was a physicist and sympathizing with the Bolsheviks. If asked what is there with Bessarabia? He would not know where it is.
                      1. 0
                        14 June 2018 10: 02
                        Quote: Merin
                        A comma in Russian grammar is a lot to put

                        for example, in the phrase "you can’t be pardoned." For this, it is posed to exclude the possibility of divergence! Finish your rotten excuses, sharpie!
              2. 0
                14 June 2018 10: 00
                Quote: Merin
                So please tell me, who escaped from Bessarabia from a good life?

                Was it a good life in Bessarabia? wassat Yes, in all of Romania in those years. and much later, poverty was hopeless - is it from a good life that a Romanian soldier during the Second World War in occupied territory even stole doors from doors? The Germans, too, of course, robbed - but they didn’t sink so low!
            3. 0
              14 June 2018 09: 56
              Quote: Olgovich
              Learn the Russian language so as not to ask stupid questions: about tens of thousands of fighters against the invaders who were shot by them. Next is the comma and: half a million Bessarabians who left Bessarabia under the Romanians.

              Olgovich hi , Russian language this sharpie am knows - he intentionally juggles!
    2. BAI
      12 February 2018 14: 00
      Front commander D. G. Shcherbachev did not accept October. With the consent of the French, he began separate from Brest-Lithuanian, negotiations with the enemy. The Romanian command supported him. Negotiations ended on November 26 (December 9), 1917 in Focsani with a truce between the combined Russian-Romanian and German-Austrian forces. To preserve military power, the soldiers of the most revolutionary units were encouraged to go home so that their collapse occurred. Those parts that the “whites” could count on were tried to preserve.

      The obvious fact is that such negotiations from scratch for a month do not pass. Quite clearly, preliminary work was carried out - at least under the Provisional Government, and maybe even earlier.
      1. +2
        12 February 2018 16: 51
        Quote: BAI
        Obvious fact - such negotiations from scratch per month do not pass. Quite clearly, preliminary work was carried out - at least under the Provisional Government, and maybe even earlier.

        How do you shoot the Bolsheviks who concluded a truce with Germany (!) 24 November: i.e. they were still betraying to the thief Yes
        1. BAI
          13 February 2018 21: 16
          Well, you read the article. Shcherbachev concluded the world, not the Bolsheviks.
          1. 0
            14 February 2018 12: 16
            Quote: BAI
            Well, you read the article. Shcherbachev concluded the world, not the Bolsheviks.

            CEREBIA — WITH CONSENT OF ALLIES. and only on the Rum front.
            Differences, do not catch?
    3. 0
      14 June 2018 10: 29
      Quote: Olgovich
      everything that happened to Bessarabia happened AFTER the THIEF and became the DIRECT result of the THIEF.
      Even the MPR was formed after it, before that it was an ordinary Russian province without signs of separatism.

      Mdya ... geography and geopolitics in the mouth of Olgovich is something with something ... We read a scientist, about how and what happened ..
      Even the notorious Wikipedia on this account provides such information- "On December 29, 1911, Outer Mongolia declared its independence from the Qing Empire. The country was headed by the theocratic ruler of Bogdo-gegen VIII. In the period 1911-1921, Mongolia under the leadership of Bogdan Khan was an unrecognized state. protectorate of Russia, autonomy within China. In the summer of 1919, Chinese forces eliminated Mongolian autonomy, and in 1921 they were driven out by the Asian Horse Division under the command of R. F. von Ungern-Sternberg, acting under the authority of Bogdo-gegen [1]. "
      Quote: Olgovich
      Carrying out the BOP, the Leninists hoped for a chain reaction of revolutions throughout Europe, but turned out to be outcasts unrecognized by anyone (except the occupiers), condemning the country to endless conflicts with neighbors.

      Oh, how ... well, then .. So Woodrow Wilson in the eighteenth year did not want to divide Russia? Or didn’t the West get what they wanted? And Lenin saved the statehood of RUSSIA. By organizing, first of all, a military rebuff to all kinds of white bandits and to their patrons with ANTANTA?
      It should be recalled that back in December 1917, at the negotiations in Paris, France and Great Britain made an absentee division of the possessions of the fallen Russian Empire. So, the French side claimed to Ukraine, Bessarabia and Crimea, the Britons to the North of Russia, the Americans and the Japanese to the Far East.
      And this leader, and even a bam ... and puts the whole construct of the Olgovich on the shoulder "As Henry Kissinger subsequently noted, speaking of the Rapall Treaty signed by the German and Soviet parties in 1922, the Western countries themselves pushed Berlin and Moscow to reconciliation, forming around them a whole belt of small states hostile to each other, “and also through the dismemberment of both Germany and the Soviet Union.” The national humiliation through which Germany had to go through the First World War inflamed the German people with a thirst for revenge, which Adolf Hitler then played on . "
      So there Olgovich, at the expense of "hostile neighbors", who created them and for what?
      Quote: Olgovich
      But this is not true: UCR did NOT proclaim independence in November, it did not recognize the October coup.

      Bah ... that is, in Ukraine all the "governments" there are different. Out of business .. yeah, but what is it - "100 years ago, the Ukrainian People’s Republic declared independence. However, according to experts, it’s hardly possible: the independence of the UPR was declared a small part of the Ukrainian socialists in order to enlist the support of the German army in the fight against the Bolsheviks. Three months later, the Germans dispersed the Rada, transferring power to formally independent Ukraine to the hetman Skoropadsky. About the first Ukrainian independence "- in the material RThttps: / /
      Quote: Olgovich
      The Bessarabian province became the last Russian province, turned by the Bolsheviks in 1940 from the Russian multinational province into a national "republic" with a predominant Moldovan population, where they eventually raised nationalists.

      The priests of the light ... well, things ... We look at the opinion of the scientist,
      D1% 8C
      It is hard not to see the difference between Olgovich’s writings and reality.
      It is even more difficult not to see the fact that “nationalism” in Moldova, as in other now “states”, was grown by a degenerated party-nomenclature elite, well, like the same Stankevich who, with a blue eye, says “I entered the Communist Party to decompose the country.” "
      The collapse of the USSR in the late 1980s - 1991. in many ways, it took place along the lines of the division between the national clans of the CPSU, who used the "national renaissance" to justify their independence from Moscow. Moldova did not escape this fate, which was considered by the West as one of the weakest links in Soviet statehood.
      In general, more fully and in detail. Who there is what he did in Moldova, here.
      And the picture differs sharply from the notorious campaigns about the alleged malignancy of the USSR as a whole.
      In general, it’s interesting how a certain part that thinks of itself as intellectuals, directly, brazenly, and at times vilely, behaves in relation to its country.
      Quote: Olgovich
      After the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly of Russia by the Bolsheviks, the UPR declared independence — this is how the Bolsheviks provoked a civil war and the collapse of the country.

      Well, this is just another fantasy. However, sometimes it’s interesting to read science fiction on historical subjects, in the sense of the psychiatric aspect, so to speak, when, contrary to reality, the CSS did not take place at all, but was not dispersed, some are firmly convinced of its necessity and supposedly some value for Russia those years.https: //
      In general, the CSS talking room was absolutely useless for Russia at that time.
      Quote: Olgovich
      Moreover, None of the Bessarabians even asked them about this ...

      Yeah ... Quote- "Bessarabia's accession to the USSR - liberation or occupation: historians comment
      CHISINAU, Jun 28 - Sputnik. Exactly 77 years ago, on June 28, 1940, the Red Army set foot on the territory of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina without firing a shot.

      Leningraders meet Soviet soldiers
      How Soviet troops actually entered Moldova in 1940
      This date entered the history of our country as the day of liberation from the Romanian occupation and became one of the key in the process of restoring Moldavian statehood, lost in 1918 with the entry of the Moldavian Democratic Republic into the Kingdom of Romania and the subsequent liquidation of the MDR. "
      Read more:

      In general, briefly summing up such a long comment, we can say that the sir, nicknamed Olgovich, again lost his mind ... Maybe the thing is that the extreme degree of anti-Sovietism and Russophobia has caught some eyes?
  6. +2
    12 February 2018 10: 11
    The article is clearly provocative. Where are the Romanian executioners exterminating the Russians?
    And in what quantity?
    The author should be informed more about Bessarabia. A lot of information gaps. And there are specific cases of misinformation.
    For example: Russians made up the majority of the population. How can this be said? Or the fact that the population of Bessarabia historically gravitates to Russia.
    If weighed it would be part of Russia now. Although for a poorly informed layman, the most it.
    1. +3
      12 February 2018 10: 21
      Another agitation
      1. +5
        12 February 2018 11: 55
        In my opinion - no agitation, but typical Romanian behavior. We know what they did with the Bulgarian population of Dobrudja - northern from 1882 year, and southern from 1913 to 1940 year. And about the time of WWII veterans from the Odessa region can tell you. One grandfather from that district said: “The Germans asked and then beat, and the Romanians beat without asking.”
        1. +1
          12 February 2018 13: 12
          You better tell us how the Bulgarians acted with the Greeks in 1941.
          1. +3
            12 February 2018 14: 01
            And you read what the Greeks did with the Bulgarians in the 1913 year. Probably they have not heard about the first concentration camp in Europe on the island of Trikeri!
            1. 0
              12 February 2018 23: 45

              But Russians and Yugoslavs for what?
              1. +1
                13 February 2018 18: 17
                How many Russians died from the Bulgarians, compared to those who died from the Romanians in WWII?
                1. +1
                  14 February 2018 19: 50
                  Well, the Russians had a dispute with the Romanians about Bessarabia. And what did the Bulgarians not share with the Russians?
                  1. 0
                    15 February 2018 14: 13
                    And you yourself raised the question of Russian victims from the Bulgarians during WWII.
                    1. 0
                      16 February 2018 22: 45
                      So why did the Bulgarians kill the Russians and the Yugoslavs?
                      1. 0
                        19 February 2018 17: 51
                        Who are the Yugoslavs? There is no such. There are Croats, Serbs and Slovenes. The rest are invented. There is no such nation - Muslims that existed in Yugoslavia (Bosniaks). Just religious separation, i.e. some Catholics, others Orthodox, etc.
        2. +2
          12 February 2018 23: 08
          Quote: alatanas
          One grandfather from that district said: “The Germans asked and then beat, and the Romanians beat without asking.”

          my grandfather said the same thing in life. Although he was a child then. The attitude towards the Romanians is worse than towards the Germans.
    2. +1
      12 February 2018 12: 01
      Quote: Merin
      Where are the Romanian executioners exterminating the Russians?
      And in what quantity?

      Read the article: in the Falcon.
      Quote: Merin
      Or the fact that the population of Bessarabia historically gravitates to Russia.

      Before the BOR, there were no signs of septratism in the territory of Russian Bessarabia. But even after the VOR, the MDR formed in December adopted the Declaration on the MDL as “part of our GENERAL mother - Great Russian Democratic Republic "
      Quote: Merin
      If weighed it would be part of Russia now.

      A huge south was cut off from Bessarabia, with Maloyaroslavets, Tarutino, Borodino, etc. (if you understand what it is), and the remainder was turned into an almost mono-ethnic "republic", where nationalists have been carefully raised for 50 years ..
      And even after that, and even after the frantic European propaganda today, most of it is for the EAC.
      1. 0
        12 February 2018 13: 23
        I will answer you with a quote from the article: Shcherbachev turned to the Romanian leadership with a request to help defeat the "Bolshevik nest" in Sokol.
        Further in the text: Romanians disarmed Russian soldiers, shooting those who resisted.

        But the author presents it as: Russian genocide. Although I doubt that even among the shot ones there were only Russians. The usual showdown with the Bolsheviks. But a provocation on the face.

        Next, who Sliced ​​a piece of Bessarabia? Also a good question. Probably the Moldavians are glad that their historical land was taken away. They also raised nationalists. Probably these are Romanians. And in all republics of the union.
        1. +1
          12 February 2018 13: 49
          Quote: Merin
          But the author presents it as: Russian genocide. Although I doubt that even among the shot ones there were only Russians.

          Read, I once again call on the ARTICLE, it is called: How the Romanian executioners exterminated Russian soldiers. You came up with the genocide, and the soldiers of the Russian Army were called "Russian soldiers".
          Quote: Merin
          Next, who Sliced ​​a piece of Bessarabia? Also a good question. Probably the Moldavians are glad that their historical land was taken away.

          The Bolsheviks cut off, realizing their so-called "national" stupid politics, destroying everything Russian. The historically cut off part is New Russia, conquered from the Turks and created by Russia. The Tatar Horde left from there.
          Quote: Merin
          They also raised nationalists. Probably these are Romanians.

          The Bolsheviks tried
          Quote: Merin
          And in all republics of the union.
          1. 0
            12 February 2018 23: 38
            As for the Russian soldiers. Out of these Russian soldiers, a month or so later, besides the Russians grew up: Moldavian, Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Georgian and other soldiers fighting for their national republics.
            Russia at that time was not. And accordingly, the Russian army.
            And Bessarabia is the historical Moldavian land above all.
            Probably the Moldovans are thankful to Russia for the cut off part of their land?
            1. 0
              13 February 2018 10: 18
              Quote: Merin
              Russia at that time was not. And accordingly, the Russian army.

              Russia was ALWAYS, Like the Russian Army.
              Quote: Merin
              And Bessarabia is the historical Moldavian land above all.

              belay fool lol
              Quote: Merin
              Probably the Moldovans are thankful to Russia for the cut off part of their land?

              What was cut off? What cut off? Speak Russian please.
              1. 0
                13 February 2018 18: 07
                I'm not going to argue with the maniac about the obvious. At that time, there was no Russia as a state, there were no universally recognized leaders, government, territory, army, etc. Your statements humiliate you and not me. That is, Russian patriots nationalists can and is flattered by such, but deep down even they agreed that you in the discussion may not always be adequate. And normal people in general would no longer listen to your arguments.

                Further, I argued that Budzhak is part of Moldova, part of the ancient Moldavian state that Russia liberated. But at the time when Russia tore this piece from Moldova in 1940 and presented it to Ukraine, then the liberation of Bessarabia would be called into question. The fact is that it already turns out that Russia liberated part of Moldova from Moldovans. For completeness, I will explain. Suppose, for example, that Russia is under the yoke of a Mongol. Czechs liberate Russia to the Urals and include in their state. Different peoples inhabit there. And then they take the Kuban and Crimea and attach it to Slovakia, on the basis of the fact that there are few Russians and many Slovaks and Czechs.
                Question: will the Russians still consider this Liberation?
                I personally doubt it.
                1. 0
                  14 February 2018 12: 18
                  Quote: Merin
                  I'm not going to argue with maniac about the obvious

                  Come on, bye, yes!
                  Only time for a boor lost ....
                  1. 0
                    14 February 2018 17: 39
                    MANIC | Big Encyclopedic Dictionary (BES)

                    - (French. maniaque - from the Greek. mania - madness, enthusiasm, passion), a man obsessed with any mania. In a figurative sense - a person who has a strong addiction to something.


                    Your mania (obsession) is to always humiliate the Romanians as I see it. Or it's just your job. And your insult, due to the fact that it doesn’t work with me, as I am catching a lie.
                    1. 0
                      19 February 2018 16: 17
                      In what century did Romanians appear in this Bujak? About the Wallachians (and not the Romanians) they begin to mention somewhere after the 1200 year of the year A.D.
                      1. 0
                        20 February 2018 18: 44
                        Probably after the Bulgarians
                2. 0
                  14 June 2018 10: 22
                  Quote: Merin
                  Budzhak is part of Moldova, part of the ancient Moldavian state that Russia liberated.

                  What else "the ancient Moldavian state "? In what century did it arise at all - in the XV? And nothing that already in the X century. Budzhak entered the empire of Svyatoslav?
                  Bujak (tat. "corner"), of course, the word is originally Moldavian laughing
  7. 0
    17 February 2018 21: 10
    Thanks for the informative article. When serving in Bolgrad, I heard a lot about the Romanian occupation.
  8. 0
    21 February 2018 12: 59
    I don’t know, here’s a map of Bulgaria during the reign of Ivan Asen II:

    1218 - 1241 g.
    1. 0
      23 February 2018 17: 23
      Is this the one who was Romanian?
      1. 0
        23 February 2018 18: 10
        This is the romanian version. He is Romanian as much as Samuel - Macedonian! :
        Exactissima Tabula, qua tam Danubii Fluvii Pars Inferior a Belgrado Urbe usq ad ejus Ostia, et Minores in eum Influentes Fluvii, quam Regiones Adjacentes, ut Transylvania, Valachia, Bulgaria, Bessarabia et Romonia, aliiq Ucraniae ac Podoliae Tirattumtutdu Findu Amst. Bat.
        1. 0
          25 February 2018 21: 20
          The origin of the dynasty, especially the nationality of the three Asen brothers (Peter, Ivan Asen and Kaloyan) remains the subject of discussion. There are three main hypotheses regarding their origin:

          The Wallachian theory (Romanians or Aromuns) - is based on the fact that the chronicles directly state that the brothers are Vlachs.

          1. 0
            26 February 2018 16: 30
            Willow Bozhilov, Last name on Asenevtsi (1186 – 1460), 1985 - I don’t know if there is a Russian translation, but that they are Wallachians, this is the Romanian theory of Ceausescu’s time, which is thoroughly refuted in this work.
            1. 0
              1 March 2018 11: 23
              Probably Ceausescu traveled in time and wrote chronicles.
              1. 0
                1 March 2018 18: 02
                Only in the tolerance about 20 years (1180 - 1200) can you find references to the shafts south of the river. Danube in the Byzantine chronicles. Then this is no longer there. Give specific links.
                1. 0
                  2 March 2018 22: 40
                  The second (and perhaps even the first in chronological sequence of events) news of the Vlachs belongs to John Skilice, a Byzantine author of the late 976th century. Between 980 and 2 (an earlier date of these five years seems more likely to us) one of the four Komitopools who headed the revived First Bulgarian Kingdom, the eldest of the brothers - David, “died immediately, killed between Kastoria and Prespa, in the so-called Beautiful Oaks, some travelers-travelers” .XNUMX

                  their sources-x-xiii-cc
              2. +1
                4 March 2018 01: 30
                Well, depending on how you rewrote history, it is completely unnecessary to travel in time. For example, in Northern Greece, all Bulgarian cemeteries were destroyed or their tombstones were replaced in the 70s and 80s with the same in Greek. It is reliably known that in Macedonia the barriers and inscriptions about the representatives of the Komitopul dynasty considered themselves Bulgarians were destroyed, see Ivan-Vladislavov inscriptions. Ceauşesco from that opera with its imperial manners.
          2. +1
            4 March 2018 01: 19
            Really Romanians? They were told that they are of KUMAN origin. At that time, Vlah meant a shepherd.
            And as uv. atanas is enough to rewrite history.
            Maybe Prince Ivanko Bessarab was also Romanian, or Mircho Old? Very Aromanian names :)

            By the way, David was wandering by Wandering Vlachs, i.e., driving sheep flocks from the Albanian mountains to the Morava valley and Sofia field.
      2. 0
        14 June 2018 11: 11
        Quote: Merin
        Is this the one who was Romanian?

        He was a Kipchak. By the way, Moldavia and Romania were ruled mainly by Tatars (that of Basarabs, that of Cantemirs)
  9. 0
    23 February 2018 17: 22
    Perhaps these are all residents of Yugoslavia, regardless of nationality or religion. Such a country used to be.
  10. 0
    3 March 2018 18: 09
    The question is, how many territories have Romania occupied over the past 100 years and forcibly annexed itself? 0! How many territories has Rush occupied and annexed? Dozens! How many military conflicts have Romania unleashed over the past hundred years? What, again 0? What about rush? More than 50! How many peace treaties has Romania violated in the last 100 years? Damn, again 0! What about rush? Out of 52 contracts, 48 ​​were violated! In which countries did Romania wage “hybrid” wars with “ichthamnets”? In no way? Cant! What about rush? Poland, Spain, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Cuba, Nicaragua, Angola, Namibia, Vietnam, Korea, China, Moldova, Chechnya, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine! What countries do Romanians come to, get drunk, steal, rowdy, behave like pigs? There is no data? And for the Russians? Therefore, a good Russian soldier, oh, I'm sorry, “Ihtamnet” is a dead “Ihtamnet” because in this state it can be useful, unlike the one that is still alive, it will fertilize black soil! Russian "ichtamnets" in Ukraine is called "chernozem from pig farm"
    1. 0
      6 March 2018 16: 51
      What countries do Romanians come to, get drunk, steal, rowdy, behave like pigs?

      In Italy, France and Spain (most of them are gypsies from Romania).
    2. 0
      14 June 2018 11: 26
      Quote: Evgeny Tarasenko
      how many territories over the past 100 years has Romania occupied and forcibly annexed itself?

      Transylvania and Bessarabia, for example - just 100 years ago! True, in the 1940s both had to be returned - but then they gave her again for the timely betrayal of Transylvania, and now this is a constant center of separatism!
      Quote: Evgeny Tarasenko
      How many military conflicts have Romania unleashed over the past hundred years?

      Most untie - the gut was thin. But how many aggressive wars participated - the question is different!
      But Russia over the past 100 years of territories lost dofiga, and only joined the Kuril Islands and Tuva (and Tuva - quite voluntarily). It cannot be considered a conquest legal return the fact that the Finns and Romanians grabbed at 1918m, and the Estonians and Poles - at 1920m!

      And how many territories stolen Nezamozhnaya-Nezalezhnaya? In what borders did she join Russia in 1654m? The territory was 8 times smaller than the current one, no? Betrayal is a favorite national sport of Ukrainian elite over the past 600 odd years - and most betrayals were called unions - Krevskaya, Gorodelskaya. Lublin, Brest ... At 1654 you swore allegiance to the Day of the Last Judgment - and in three years you were sold to the enemy! A place for you in hell, Judas seed! : am
      Betrayal is in your blood - but before the Romanians you still have to grow and grow: only they got the Order of Victory "to receive for treason
      (sorry, for "" For the courageous act of decisively turning Romania’s policy towards a break with Hitler Germany and an alliance with the United Nations at a time when the defeat of Germany was not clearly defined ”) laughing . And the passage about the fact that in August 1944 "the defeat of Germany was not yet clearly defined" is something with something!
      Quote: Evgeny Tarasenko
      What about rush? Poland, Spain, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Cuba, Nicaragua, Angola, Namibia, Vietnam, Korea, China, Moldova, ChechnyaSerbia, Georgia, Ukraine!

      Oh, you hutspan! am Suppression of the Chechen rebellion on its own territory - a hybrid war? And help legal authorities Spain in suppressing the rebellion of the Francoists, as well as the legitimate authorities of China in repelling Japanese aggression? And Serbia is just Judas EBN am betrayed - it would be necessary to delve into his family tree, if he is not protoucr, for an hour!
    3. 0
      14 June 2018 11: 41
      Quote: Evgeny Tarasenko
      That's why a good Russian soldier, oh, I'm sorry, “Ihtamnet” is a dead “Ihtamnet”

      Familiar: "Only a dead Indian is good!" You natsik not cut am , learned a lot from your overseas hosts!
      Quote: Evgeny Tarasenko
      Russian "ichtamnets" in Ukraine is called "chernozem from pig farm"

      And we call banderlog just grateful pigs (and Gadarinsky, which included a legion of demons) - but certainly not dogs: why dogs hi insult - they, unlike you, are not capable of betrayal!