US world domination strategy

8 January 1918, Washington proposed its new world order. This plan went into history as "xnumx points of wilson".

In essence, Washington was proposing a new post-war world order. This the plan included:

- Open peace treaties, openly discussed, after which there will be no secret international agreements of any kind, and diplomacy will act openly and in front of everyone. This was a blow to the secret diplomacy of the old Western powers: Germany, France and Britain, which were to give first place to the American superpower, the new leader of the Western world. England and France at the beginning of the war concluded production sharing agreements, now they had to coordinate their positions with the United States.

- The absolute freedom of merchant shipping in peacetime and wartime; eliminating barriers to international trade. These points destroyed the economic autonomy of countries and led to the establishment of US economic domination - the most powerful economy in the world. American products, as better (most often) and cheaper, supplanted and destroyed competitors. "Freedom of the seas" finally destroyed the former hegemony of England, showed the US claims to supremacy in world trade. We see all this in the modern world, when the USA did everything to destroy and seize the markets of the countries of the former socialist bloc and the USSR-Russia. After that, these countries became financial and economic colonies and donor countries (suppliers of cheap resources) for the USA and other countries of the core of the capitalist (parasitic and predatory) system.

- Fair guarantees that national weapons will be reduced to the maximum minimum compatible with state security. That is, the United States (the claimant to world domination) has offered other states to disarm. In peacetime, the United States could have minimal armed forces (especially land forces), since they had no comparable rivals on land (the American continent), and the Atlantic and Pacific oceans defended them from other great powers. At the same time, in wartime, relying on a powerful and advanced economy, the United States could quickly build up its military potential. And their weaker competitors in the economic and technological plans could not do this. They needed time and great effort.

In the modern world, all this is repeated. The United States and its junior partners and satellites offer other national states to disarm, abandon weapons mass destruction, abandon the development programs of nuclear and missile technologies. The countries of the second or third world should remain in the past, and not develop advanced technologies. In the case of disobedience - sanctions and military operations. For example, in recent years, the situation with the DPRK (North Korea) and Iran has been following this scenario. There is also pressure on Russia to give up its “redundant” arsenals and especially nuclear missiles.

- Free, sincere and absolutely impartial resolution of all colonial disputes, based on strict adherence to the principle that in resolving all disputes concerning sovereignty, the interests of the population should have equal weight compared to the just demands of the government whose rights should be defined.

A very cynical and cunning proposal for a “free, frank and absolutely impartial resolution of all colonial disputes” from the American predator. Washington was late for the "colonial pie" section. The main pieces went to France, England, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, etc. The USA began to gradually crush the old predators and now offered to freely resolve "colonial disputes", that is, to put American capital and goods in their possession-colonies. The owners of the United States required new markets, sources of raw materials. Therefore, Washington launched an attack on the old colonial world. The masters of the West, who made the United States their new "command post" transferred the planet to the "rails" of neocolonialism, the frank colonial system, based mainly on power priority, was becoming a thing of the past. The control was now based on information (knowledge), education and upbringing of local indigenous elites, technology, finance, and economics. A new colonial order is being built; externally, countries and peoples receive "freedom", in fact, the "chains" are preserved. But slavery is hidden, in a more cunning, sophisticated form. For thousands of years the masters of the West have been building the same “new world order” - a global slave, slave-owning civilization.

- Germany had to liberate all the occupied territories. It vaguely promised to resolve all issues affecting Russia.

- The liberation and restoration of Belgium; the return of France to Alsace and Lorraine, the purification and restoration of the French regions; correction of the borders of Italy on the basis of national borders; autonomy of the peoples of Austria-Hungary; evacuation of the German army from Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, providing Serbia with access to the sea; the autonomy of the peoples of Turkey, the opening of the Dardanelles for the courts of all countries; the creation of an independent Poland with access to the sea and the annexation of territories inhabited by Poles.

- The United States proposed to create a union of nations on the basis of special statutes in order to create a mutual guarantee of political independence and territorial integrity of both large and small states.

That is, Washington proposed to create a prototype of "world government", where all the trumps in the end should have remained with the owners of the United States. The rant slogan about the creation of the League of Nations, as a barrier to future wars, was false. The “world community” was created as a guard of the world system that would emerge after the war. That is, to consolidate an unjust world order built on the ruins of the former, including the ruins of Russian civilization - plundered, divided into spheres of influence and colonial “independent” Bantustans.

The entire world press, including the newspapers of the Second International, praised the "democratic" character of Wilson's points. But Wilson himself admitted that his points were advanced, among other things, as a response to the socialist revolution in Russia. For the first time in history, although in modern “democratic” and “capitalist” Russia they prefer to keep quiet about it, mankind was offered an alternative world order - social justice, the absence of oppression by a small layer of the “chosen” masses, access to knowledge and education for all. The monopoly of the “new world order” —the slaveholdings that the Western “masons” built were broken.

“The poison of Bolshevism,” Wilson noted, “was only because it became so widespread that it was a protest against system governing the world. Now it's our turn, we must defend a new order at a peace conference, if possible - good, if necessary - evil! ”

Thus, Wilson's "14 points" were essentially covered up with hypocritical phrases by the predatory, expansionist program of Washington's hosts. At the turn of the XIX — XX centuries. The USA was turned into the main “command post” of the Western world. Britain, although resisting, gave way to America (the process went on until the end of World War II, when the USA finally came out on top), becoming the junior partner in the tandem of the “golden elite” (financial international) of England and the USA.

Banking and usurious monopolies of the USA and England (with the participation of "financial houses" from other Western countries) have enslaved two-thirds of the world. They created the most effective parasitic system of global robbery of countries and peoples - financial imperialism and neo-colonialism. A bunch of global parasites claimed world domination, built a huge slave-holding "pyramid".

The United States has become the main "base" of world parasites. It was they who unleashed a world war to destroy and seize the markets of the old monarchical empires: Russia, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Turkey. At the same time, the “Russian question” was resolved - the thousand-year confrontation between the West and Russia, two centers with concepts and possibilities for creating a global world order, was completed. The masters of the USA were monstrously enriched during World War II, they drank the "blood" of the warring powers. Now the US claimed world domination with the help of "democratic values", "human rights" and financial and economic priority. The Russian empire has already collapsed, Austria-Hungary, Germany and Turkey were on the verge of collapse. Washington decided it was time to get the fruits of victory. The United States claimed the seizure of world markets through the demands of absolute freedom of merchant shipping and the destruction of obstacles to world trade.

US world domination strategy

US President Woodrow Wilson

Back in 1916, among the owners of the United States was born so-called. "House Plan". He was named in honor of the "gray cardinal" W. Wilson - Edward Mandela House (House). The American politician, diplomat, adviser to President Wilson was known by the nickname "Colonel House", although he had no relation to the US Army: the title of colonel in this case is an honorable respectful title to an honored state citizen adopted in the American South. House actually directed and regulated the policy of the American president. He crushed under him the entire State Department, the White House apparatus and, without undue modesty, said “I am the power behind the throne”. And through the House itself, the real masters of the United States acted — financial oligarchs. No wonder Wilson was called the “Rothschild puppet” (and their henchmen in the United States — Morgan, Schiff, Baruch, etc.).

Russia House, like other owners of the United States, hated, considering America’s main rival. When the world war began, the owners of the United States relied on the victory of the Entente, but without Russia. The United States, or rather, their real masters (the common people in the majority died in poverty and hopelessness), were fabulously enriched in the war. States from the debtor of the world have become a world lender. The economic potential of the leading great European powers, Germany, Russia and France, was undermined. Much of the Old World has become a battlefield. British positions have also been weakened. And in America, military orders caused an economic boom — new factories and plants were built, powerful military-industrial complex was created. At the same time, Washington was preparing to enter the war: a strong land army was being formed, a huge navy was being built. The US population is growing at the expense of people fleeing from the war, including skilled workers, engineers, scientists, representatives of the creative intelligentsia. America receives a powerful influx of creative, scientific and technical personnel and cheap labor.

The essence of the "House strategy" (it is clear that the author was not one, but a team of representatives of the American elite) - establishing US world domination. At the same time, this task was supposed to be solved mainly not by the military, but by political, financial-economic and informational-ideological methods.

After the United States reaped the fruits of neutrality, it was necessary to reap the fruits of victory. America should have entered the war after the fall of the Russian autocracy and the Russian Empire. The term was determined for the spring 1917 of the year. Russia had to withdraw from the war, having lost its place in the camp of winners and sharing the plight of the vanquished. Moreover, finally fall, having lost the status of the age-old enemy of the collective West. Russia was planning to dismember, turning its wreckage into raw materials appendages and markets for the United States.

After the fall of the Russian Empire, the position of the Entente powers was complicated. The central powers could gather all the forces on the Western Front and deliver a new decisive blow to France, England and Italy. The French, the British and the Italians now had to hope for help no longer from the Russians, but only from the Americans. And the United States did not suffer wide gusts of the soul. Naked calculation, pragmatism and cynicism. That is, the United States was given the opportunity to dictate any conditions to the allies. The powers of the Old World had to give in, since they needed the support of powerful American industry, the American fleet and army to end the war with victory, without dragging it on to new campaigns.

The United States hoped to defeat Germany and its allies not so much with military as with information methods. Exhausted by a protracted and bloody war, the countries planned to blow out from within. As before, Russia. They staked on various “democratic and progressive”, national, revolutionary elements that were supposed to finish off their own monarchies. As a result, the United States avoided large military losses and expenses, in contrast to the long-warring powers. And after the victory in the collapsed monarchical empires, “democratic” regimes were established, which America gladly took under its wing.

After the victory, the project of “actual revision of the system of international relations” was put forward. The United States previously traditionally adhered to the policy of “isolationism”, limiting its sphere of influence to the American continent and did not go into the affairs of the Old World. Gained strength and experience. And the European powers were bound by a complex system of mutual interests and contradictions, treaties and agreements, including secret ones. It was proposed to destroy all this - hence the slogan of “the abolition of secret diplomacy”. The old diplomacy was declared “bad”, destroyed and discarded, in order to build a new one in its place, taking into account the US dominance in the world.

The main strategic partner of the United States in achieving the "new world order" was Great Britain, which gave way to the position of the main "command post" of the western project of its former colony. It is clear that the British were strangers, they could put sticks in the wheels, but on the whole they had no way out. England lost the status of "world workshop" and "mistress of the seas." In this case, the Americans blatantly demolished the British colonial empire, penetrating into its sphere of influence.

Thus, the owners of the United States (the global parasite) built a “new world order”. And with the formation of a “world government”, the United States became the world leader. At the same time, the illusion of the victory of "freedom" and "democratic values" was created. Slaves were to rejoice at the new chains. All the disasters of World War II were explained by the aggressive essence of absolutism, the old monarchies, the insufficient "democracy" of the Teutons and the Russian barbarians. “Genuine democracy” (and the States were its beacon) was supposed to prevent a new catastrophe in the future. In this case, the USA received the role of the world teacher of democracy — the world arbiter. America could crawl the internal affairs of other countries, assess their "democracy." All this we see in the modern world.

American politician Edward Mandel House
41 comment
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  1. +1
    22 January 2018 06: 47
    And sadly, we must pay tribute, the United States is purposefully moving towards its goal ...
  2. +1
    22 January 2018 06: 51
    The pompous slogan of creating the League of Nations as a barrier to future wars was false. The "World Community" was created as a guardian of the world system that will take shape after the war. That is, to consolidate the unjust world order built on the ruins of the former, including on the ruins of Russian civilization - looted, divided into spheres of influence and colonial "independent" bantustans.

    What is false and against which one can object (from the Charter of the League of Nations ::
    The High Contracting Parties, taking into account that for the development of cooperation between peoples and for the guarantee of their peace and security, it is important

    accept some obligations not to resort to war,

    maintain in full transparency international relations based on justice and honor,

    strictly comply with the requirements of international law, now recognized as the valid rule of conduct for governments,

    establish the rule of justice and conscientiously observe all obligations imposed by the Treaties in the mutual relations of organized peoples,

    accept this Statute which establishes the League of Nations
    Article 12.

    All members of the League agree that if a dispute arises between them that could lead to a break, they will undergo either arbitration or consideration of the Council. They also agree that in no case should they resort to war.

    Everything was correctly indicated. But the League of Nations did not have Russia, the largest country in the world, so it did not work. But it was not because of Brest betrayal.
    Thus, Wilson's “14 points” were essentially covered by a hypocritical phrase with a predatory, expansionist program Washington hosts.

    Yeah, so the US ..... did not enter the League of Nations! lol
    1. +10
      22 January 2018 09: 05
      Olgovich Today, 06: 51 New
      Everything was correctly indicated. But the League of Nations did not have Russia, the largest country in the world, so it did not work. But it was not because of Brest betrayal.
      Smoked again in the morning? Why was the USSR afraid of the League of Nations?
      USSR (joined on September 18, 1934; expelled on December 14, 1939)

      As for the Brest Peace, then you fool 100500 times already explained, but not in horse feed. As they say teach fool cancer, only spoil. laughing
      1. +2
        22 January 2018 09: 31
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        Smoked again in the morning? Why was the USSR afraid of the League of Nations?
        USSR (joined 18 September 1934; expelled December 14, 1939)
        League of Nations formed in 1920 g. The difference since 1934, do not you catch?
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        As for the Brest Peace, you have already been explained 100500 times, but not in horse feed. As they say to learn cancer, only to spoil.

        Here horses and feed your nonsense: it is funny to people.
        PS Buy something more expensive boyars hi
        1. dSK
          22 January 2018 11: 54
          Even if the Zionists restore in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, instead of a mosque, their temple "Solomon" and put on the throne of the "king of the world" their The Messiah, it will not be long 3-4 years, second coming of Christ put everything on own seats. "Apocalypse" of John the Divine.
          1. +4
            22 January 2018 12: 25
            "... the throne of the" king of the world "of his Messiah, it will not be long 3-4 years" ////

            We will probably wait with the Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount. recourse
            No need to rush ... stop
            1. dSK
              22 January 2018 23: 08
              Quote: voyaka uh
              No need to rush ...
              The Apostle Paul has in Romans: 11: 24-27 "For if you are cut off from a wild olive by nature and not naturally grafted into a good olive, all the more so these natural ones will graft themselves in their olive tree. For I do not want to leave you, brethren, in ignorance about this secret, - so that you do not dream about yourself, - that bitterness occurred in Israel, in part, before the full number of Gentiles entered; and so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: the Deliverer will come from Zion, and he will turn wickedness away from Jacob. And this covenant to them from Me, when I take away their sins from them. "
              The Holy Fathers say that before the second coming of Christ, many Jews sincerely repent and become Christians.
              1. dSK
                22 January 2018 23: 13
                One of the two thieves who were crucified next to Jesus - Luke 23: 41-43 "and we are rightly condemned, because we have received the worthy according to our deeds, but He has done nothing wrong. And he said to Jesus: Remember me, Lord, when you come to Your Kingdom! And Jesus said to him: Verily I say unto you, now you shall be with me in paradise. "
                Holy Fathers - Judas could also be forgiven by the mercy of God, but he did not find the strength in himself for sincere repentance.
          2. +1
            22 January 2018 20: 10
            Quote from dsk
            it will not be long 3-4 years

            more precisely, 3,5 years without three weeks (1260 days = 42 30-day months)
  3. +1
    22 January 2018 07: 15
    I look at the photo of Woodrow Wilson and I apologize, maybe out of place, with something he looks like Lavrov. especially the lower part of the face ...
    I do not want to offend anyone, but maybe distant relatives
  4. +3
    22 January 2018 07: 26
    Wilson laid the foundations for the Cold War and containment policies.
  5. +3
    22 January 2018 09: 31
    Managing the new world order for today looks like this: (
    1. +10
      22 January 2018 12: 36
      I have a small question: what is Sweden doing in the world occult government? belay
      How many times have been at their meetings - I swear! - there were no Swedes there.
      And if you think that the Jews there are the most important ... Alas, if. sad
      (These reptilians crushed us - they don’t let us breathe with their vile orders: “take out more oxygen from the Earth”, “give us the most beautiful women on Nibiru, and not just anyone” am ).
      1. +1
        22 January 2018 13: 19
        Quote: voyaka uh
        And if you think that the Jews there are the most important ...

        I do not think that the Jews are the most important. Jews are using. There is a wonderful “Snow Show” by Glory Polunin, telling how, after the flood, the surviving Atlantists chose one of the many feral tribes and, after giving them some knowledge, made them biorobots. Here is part of this show:
        1. +2
          22 January 2018 13: 41
          "Jews use" ////

          And how! I wrote about the meetings of the World Government ...
          Shame and shame! negative
        2. +1
          23 January 2018 00: 38
          And who are the main ones, let me clarify, if not Jews?
          I’m already somehow used to the fact that the Jews are the main ones in this conspiracy, I even calmed down, and here a new turn is not to fall asleep just now.
          1. 0
            23 January 2018 07: 27
            Quote: sd68
            And who are the main ones, let me clarify, if not Jews?

            Survivors of the Atlanta Flood. In the diagram, they are presented at the very top of the pyramid in the form of 22 raffants.
          2. +4
            23 January 2018 10: 48
            Boris55 knows all this according to the scheme (they scribbled there ... of course),
            and I - from the inside. Me at these meetings (World Government)
            I have to sit, listen to the mura about our world domination.
            And the main ones are guys from Nibiru - antipaths are green negative but they have technology plates
            flying (Boris call them "Atlanteans")
            Take a picture there is prohibited, of course, but look: reptiloids from nibiru bully
            1. +1
              23 January 2018 13: 22
              it would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
              turning VO into a platform for psycho-lovers of theories of a world conspiracy is too much.
              For this we have separate forums, newspapers, hospitals - depending on the progression of the disease.
      2. 0
        22 January 2018 18: 54
        Quote: voyaka uh
        And if you think that the Jews there are the most important ... Alas, if.
        (These reptilians crushed us - they don’t let us breathe with their vile orders: “take out more oxygen from the Earth”, “give us the most beautiful women on Nibiru, and not just anyone”

        come on! "poor fellow" all cry.
        all the finances were grabbed by their burlap, robbed the peoples and let the crocodile cry that the "anti-Semites damned" tortured you, they honestly do not let you live ...
      3. +1
        22 January 2018 20: 12
        Quote: voyaka uh
        what does Sweden do in the world occult government

        Like the USA - got rich in someone else's misfortune during World War 2 am (and before the WWII there were complete rogues)
        1. +1
          23 January 2018 00: 34
          Conspiroluchia is a strong science.
          From 1890 to 1900, cast iron production in the United States increased by 8 times, coal production - by 10, steelmaking - by 150 times. The total value of industrial production tripled, almost 3 times increased the number of industrial workers ....
          Particularly fast pace developed heavy industries. For 1860-1900 total industrial production grew 7 times. The United States accounted for 47% of global steelmaking, 45% for coal mining, and 82% for oil. New industries developed rapidly: electric power, oil refining, automotive, chemical.
          Beggars, yeah ...
    2. 0
      22 January 2018 18: 50
      Quote: Boris55
      Managing the new world order for today looks like this: (

      Nightmare!! solid Judaists ...
  6. +2
    22 January 2018 11: 44
    Our song is good, start from the beginning.
    1. +2
      22 January 2018 12: 34
      The article is superficial. About the matrix and the Vatican, the author forgot to mention. Perhaps next time it will be finalized. By the way, I got a dog, called Benjamin. I’m trying to teach her to react correctly to the sounds of Cyrius and Caliber. But instead of growling and barking, the stupid animal makes a puddle and hides.
      1. +1
        22 January 2018 13: 04
        What breed?
        1. 0
          22 January 2018 14: 28
          "Dirty Mexican" sneeze, which is probably why he does not want to stand up for the protection of Aryan values. It was necessary to take the Aryan griffin, the more aggressive one.
          1. 0
            22 January 2018 16: 48
            Yes, a kind of choice. But this dog cannot be called stupid for sure. "Differ in intelligence and quick wit."
  7. +5
    22 January 2018 12: 21
    "This plan went down in history as" Wilson's 14 points. "" ////

    All items are sound and sensible. Thanks to the author for bringing them (in part).
    And their conspiracy theological interpretation is typical of the author.
    We at VO have already firmly learned that all international events from the pharaohs to our
    of time: "an insidious conspiracy of the Anglo-Saxons against Russia."
    It's like: "the sun rises in the east." smile
  8. +5
    22 January 2018 12: 35
    Baby talk, not an article. I was engaged in such analytics in the post-puberty age - I divided the world into black and white, those who do not dream, that is against us, etc. Simplified to primitivism, the perception of economic and political processes, coupled with terrible tendentiousness, dressing for patriotism.
    So let's go through the points, not just the way the author does it, but on the contrary.
    - Open peace treaties, openly discussed, after which there will be no secret international agreements of any kind, and diplomacy will act openly and in full view of everyone.
    Of course, it was necessary to defend the need for exclusively secret negotiations, to keep all diplomatic movements in deep secret, including from their own peoples. This, of course, would destroy the hegemony of the United States in the bud.
    - Absolute freedom of merchant shipping in peacetime and wartime; eliminating obstacles to international trade.
    Nothing more harmful and you can’t come up with. Probably, it was necessary to block the sea trade routes so that, God forbid, people would not trade with each other. And why, right, what he himself produced - use it, but if there are no legs - there are no cartoons. Fair!
    - Fair guarantees that national armaments will be reduced to the utmost minimum compatible with national security.
    And it was necessary like this: "Workers of all countries, arm yourself!" "More weapons, good and different!" With such a formulation of the question, the United States, of course, would have remained at the margins of the world.
    - Free, sincere and absolutely impartial resolution of all colonial disputes,
    No, well, you have to come up with such nonsense! Colonies should remain colonies, and not the natives should decide how they will live, that is, the white masters. There is no night there!
    - Germany should have liberated all occupied territories.
    Germany to leave everything! Where there are German soldiers - there is Germany.
    It was vaguely promised to resolve all issues affecting Russia.
    Wilson's paragraph on Russia was formulated as follows:
    The liberation of all Russian territories and such a resolution of all issues affecting Russia that guarantees her the most complete and free assistance from other nations in obtaining a complete and unhindered opportunity to make an independent decision regarding her own political development and her national policy and ensuring her a warm welcome in the community free nations in the form of government that she chooses for herself. And more than a reception, also all sorts of support in everything that she needs and what she desires for herself. The attitude towards Russia from the side of nations, its sisters, in the coming months will be a touchstone of their good feelings, their understanding of their needs and the ability to separate them from their own interests, as well as an indicator of their wisdom and disinterestedness of their sympathies.
    . So, do not be this! Damned capitalists, what are you thinking! Hands off Russia!
    - The liberation and restoration of Belgium; the return of France to Alsace and Lorraine, the purification and restoration of the French regions; correction of Italy's borders based on national borders; autonomy of the peoples of Austria-Hungary; evacuation of the German army from Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, providing Serbia with access to the sea; autonomy of the peoples that make up Turkey, the opening of the Dardanelles for ships of all countries; creation of independent Poland with access to the sea and accession of territories inhabited by Poles.
    No boundaries on the principle of nationality living! Hungarians must live in Italy, Belgians in France, Poles in Germany and vice versa! The only way! And the Dardanelles with the Bosporus belong to Turkey! Do not open your mouth to another's loaf.
    - The United States proposed to create a union of nations on the basis of special statutes in order to create a mutual guarantee of political independence and territorial integrity of both large and small states.
    Here are the blissful ideas! We do not need any international bodies, only to breed lice there. We can handle it ourselves. They wouldn’t have created the League of Nations, the word of honor of the USA would have been in ruin for 100 years.
    wassat wassat wassat
    The author needs to remember one simple truth. US world domination was not prepared in the office of Wilson, House or Rottweiler, ugh, you, Rockefeller, it was prepared in factories, factories and shipyards, the hard and fruitful work of ordinary Americans. And these same 14 points of Wilson are a blow to the old, obsolete economic model of the world, an open proposal to build a new world for everyone who wants to take part in this, including Russia, which the United States did not consider the enemy then, and among the American masses Russia was rather positive.
    It is not necessary to primitively and simplistically, I would even say, stupidly, rudely and unceremoniously transmit today's geopolitical realities to the events of a hundred years ago.
    1. +2
      22 January 2018 13: 33
      Michael, I am sorry for your efforts spent on the analysis of this opus. A really interesting topic from the point of view of history is used to create information chewing gum. Obviously, this is inevitable at this stage of development of society.
      1. +1
        22 January 2018 17: 23
        And no one objected, what a pity request I, in a sinful affair, thought of breaking the polemic ... Did everyone agree with my comment? And who puts the advantages of the article?
    2. +4
      22 January 2018 13: 47
      You apparently have not read the previous articles. One cannot argue with a mantra.
      It needs to be repeated 111,111 times as in Orthodox Buddhists, and enlightenment comes.
      When you read 111,111 of such articles, you will agree with each letter in any combination thereof.
  9. +4
    22 January 2018 12: 38
    Supporters of the former USSR are very fond of a variety of conspiracy theories. Moreover, the mythologization on such a high quality is so thoughtful and logical that this product of the “restless mind” would honor any creative project dedicated to the magical world of fantasy. Warhammer FB and 40k, A Song of Ice and Fire, of course the work of Professor D.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" and "The Silmarilleon." I think that “The Lord of the Rings” with Bilbo-Lenin and Frodo-Stalin in the lead roles especially influenced the work of Alexander Samsonov.
    1. +5
      22 January 2018 13: 09
      I think that Samsonov’s work is mainly influenced by the stomach. I want to eat. And nobody will feed for nothing. We need money, in this case, fees. And whoever pays, as you know, also orders songs. So we see the work of akyn of the world behind the scenes.
  10. +3
    22 January 2018 13: 55
    Quote: Curious
    I think that Samsonov’s work is mainly influenced by the stomach. I want to eat.

    And that too.
  11. +6
    22 January 2018 15: 51
    Quote: voyaka uh
    And if you think that the Jews there are the most important ... Alas, if.

    Che, really the Armenians? belay belay
  12. +2
    22 January 2018 15: 54
    Quote: Curious
    I think that Samsonov’s work is mainly influenced by the stomach. I want to eat. And nobody will feed for nothing. We need money, in this case, fees. And whoever pays, as you know, also orders songs. So we see the work of akyn of the world behind the scenes.

    Well, you shouldn’t believe in conspiracy theories, in all sorts of conspiracies the Masonic and world-reptilian government. Very reassuring you know. laughing laughing laughing
    1. +1
      22 January 2018 16: 17
      Whom how. On the contrary, it excites many. A hamster can tear to pieces.
  13. +2
    22 January 2018 16: 59
    Quote: Curious
    Whom how. On the contrary, it excites many. A hamster can tear to pieces.

    Well, yes, especially if we say that reptilians are at least 4 main species-transnational, military-industrial, banking and oil and gas. And the freemasons are Zionists, non-conformists, globalists, neo-Catholicists, well, you can continue to add what you need. laughing laughing
  14. +4
    22 January 2018 19: 53
    In the words of Comrade Stalin: "Many people believe that democracy is the power of the people — we specify — democracy is the power of the American people." Therefore, I would like to recommend to them a place where they can cram their democracy ...