Amphibious Humdinga II SUV and Phibian Truck

Known for their unique amphibious vehicles, Gibbs Technologies presented two new car models to the public. Recently it became known that once a New Zealand, and later a British company moved to Detroit and now bears the name of Gibbs Amphibians, nevertheless, having continued to produce equally impressive devices.

Amphibious Humdinga II SUV and Phibian Truck

From Gibbs Technologies for a long time did not receive any new products. The latest creation was the Quadski amphibious quad, released back in the 2006 year. Prior to that, the Humdinga SUV came out in 2004, and the Aquada convertible in 2003.

Now the company introduced two new products: the Phibian truck and the Humdinga II jeep, which, according to the developers, can be called the best of the high-speed amphibian family models at the moment. Both models can navigate through the water at speeds up to 26 nodes, and they need about ten seconds to go from water to land.

Phibian is representative of a brand new amphibious truck. It is equipped with a 500-strong turbo diesel, which can drive either wheels, and on the ground there is a choice of front, rear or all-wheel drive, or water jets. On board, he can take three crew members, plus 12 passengers or 1.5 tons of cargo.

Amphibious Humdinga I has a supercharged V8 horsepower 350 HP with permanent all-wheel drive. Depending on the configuration used, it can carry 5-7 people or up to 750 kg of various cargo.

Both cars are positioned as high-performance solutions for military, rescue, humanitarian tasks. So far, the cost of the models is not called, but previous models could be bought at 235 000 dollars for the first generation Humdinga and 216 000 euros for Aquada.
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  1. SIA
    13 February 2012 07: 46
    An interesting thing, and the car and the boat all together.
  2. aironfirst
    13 February 2012 09: 19
    Rather, it is a boat capable of moving on land than a floating car.
  3. 755962
    13 February 2012 10: 07
    Interesting material. None that is new under the moon. Amphibian machines were used in the war of 41-45. They really became interested in the symbiosis of a car and a boat only during World War II. In 1938, the Wehrmacht instructed Ferdinand Porsche to build on the basis of Kdf-Wagen (later Volkswagen Beetle) a universal version, more convenient than motorcycles with a sidecar, for the eastern front. So from 1940 to 1944, 14 amphibians came off the assembly line of the Volkswagen factory. The engine power of this floating car was 283 liters. with. The maximum speed on water did not exceed 25 km / h, but on land he made up for lost time. Thanks to all-wheel drive, the amphibious car had excellent cross-country ability, and on asphalt was able to accelerate to 10 km / h. German soldiers simply called him Schwimmwagen (translated from German - a floating car).

    1. 750
      13 February 2012 22: 02
      Really Das Auto.
  4. GRU Special Forces
    13 February 2012 10: 07
    It's nice to go fishing at sea))
  5. ICT
    13 February 2012 10: 33
    Quote: Special Forces of the GRU
    It's nice to go fishing at sea))

    fishing in 235 000 dollars is good (LUAZ also did not sail badly), but these cars are all the same big boats if you have a garage on the beach then get to the water for the first time and at first glance there is no winch to go to the unprepared shore. something like this
  6. SIA
    13 February 2012 11: 58
    Quote: TIT
    (our LUAZ also did not swim badly)

  7. ICT
    13 February 2012 12: 19
    Quote: SVV

    that was such

    YES NO SOLD (somewhere probably still rides and swims)
    1. - = 999 = -
      13 February 2012 22: 09
      1. ICT
        14 February 2012 08: 53
        in essence, like off-road vehicles, normal cars, like a nurse or "Volyn", but one minus on the asphalt you get tired of driving in it until you get tired of the place. they are needed in the village to go straight to the forest.
    2. dobrovollets
      14 February 2012 00: 56
      he has almost no speed on the water, and if the current is strong, then nothing at all. And on the ground, wheel drives quickly fail, they can hardly be found.
      1. ICT
        14 February 2012 08: 57
        spare parts can be found, on rapids, if you don’t get it, it floats slowly (not a boat of course)
  8. 750
    13 February 2012 17: 39
    Humdinga II and Phibian Truck

    It is rather a means for a long and quick movement than a means of overcoming the waters. barriers. But the bridge is cheaper to put
  9. ICT
    13 February 2012 19: 34
    Quote: 750
    It is rather a means for a long and quick movement than a means of overcoming the waters. barriers.

    yes probably it is
  10. Klin
    13 February 2012 23: 46
    I respect the engineers of this company. All the same, MIT is MIT.
  11. Stanter
    14 February 2012 08: 02
    I liked the device.