Multipurpose all-terrain vehicle "Krechet"

The development of remote areas of the country is associated with the need for off-road movement and difficult landscapes. To do this, pioneers and professionals working in such difficult conditions need equipment with the appropriate characteristics of maneuverability. In recent years, Russian enterprises have created a large number of diverse all-terrain vehicles for one purpose or another. One of the latest developments in this area is the wheeled machine "Krechet".

On the existence of the machine "Krechet" 5 March reported news agency "Weapon Of Russia. " The online edition published a photo report showing the capabilities of the machine in overcoming difficult tracks, and also announced its main characteristics. In addition, the authors of the publication briefly described the main features of the prospective sample and raised the issue of its prospects in the light of the current state of affairs with other developments in this area.

Multipurpose all-terrain vehicle "Krechet"
"Krechet" on trial

According to the Russian Weapons news agency, the project of the two-axle all-wheel-drive multipurpose all-terrain vehicle Krechet was created by Techno Impulse. By now, it is claimed, this organization has managed to start production of such machines with two- and three-axle chassis. A characteristic feature of these projects is a flexible approach to the assembly of equipment. Regardless of the configuration chosen by the customer, the all-terrain vehicle is able to navigate off-road, including deep snow or marshland. It is possible to work at air temperatures from -50 ° C to + 50 ° C.

The attentive reader may have noticed that the new all-terrain vehicle “Krechet” strongly resembles the already well-known car of a similar purpose, presented a few years ago and which has already gone into series. Back in 2011, the Ekotrans Tyumen company introduced the new multi-purpose Petrovich all-terrain vehicles. Within the existing lineup, potential customers are offered three cars with different features. The main differences of the three “Petroviches” are in the design of the chassis and power plant.

According to the available data, the further development of one of the Petrovich family projects, carried out by specialists of development companies, has so far led to the emergence of a new model. Based on the developments on the biaxial "Petrovich", a new all-terrain vehicle "Krechet" was created. As follows from the published data, the new project retains all the positive features of the previous one, but at the same time it has some advantages of one character or another.

The all-terrain vehicle “Krechet” is a two-axle bonnet-free vehicle with a large cargo-passenger compartment, adapted to travel over rough terrain. All the features of the appearance of technology are associated with the need to increase maneuverability. In particular, the engine compartment is used in a central location, the design of which allowed the use of a flat bottom with a relatively large ground clearance. Other means of increasing the permeability in the form of a suspension of the required design or the possibility of pressure changes in tires are also provided.

The basis of the “Krechet” design is the supporting frame assembled from metal pipes and profiles. All other units are installed on it, from the chassis to the cargo and passenger cabin. From the previous types of equipment, the new all-terrain vehicle “inherited” a body-van of a recognizable shape with a developed glazing and large enough volumes to accommodate passengers and cargo. A characteristic feature of the body is to use only straight panels of one form or another. Rounded parts that are more complex manufacturing, do not apply.

The body is built on the bonded design, but in its front part there is a projection of a small width necessary for the installation of lighting equipment. Behind it is a large glazing that provides the driver with a good view. The project provides for the use of a large oblique glass and two side windows placed at an angle to the axis of the machine. Thanks to this, the driver can control almost the entire front hemisphere. On top of the driver protects the sloping roof.

Behind the frontal glazing are mounted side of the hull, consisting of several main parts. The lower side plates are installed with a slight collapse outward, and the upper slightly tilted inward. In front of the boards, directly behind the glazing, there are side doors. The casing is closed from above with a curved roof, from the back - with a vertical sheet with an opening under the door. In front of the roof, just behind the driver’s seat, there is a hatch.

As with the driver, passengers can observe the terrain with several windows. A pair of glazing openings is available in the side doors. Two more smaller windows are provided in the stern of the body. The back door also has its own window. The glazing of all the side and rear windows consists of two sheets, one of which is installed movably, which allows to air habitable compartments.

In the central part of the body of the machine is placed the power unit type Hyundai D4BH. Its basis is a four-cylinder diesel engine with horsepower 80. The engine is connected to a five-speed manual gearbox. From the last torque is fed to the transfer case with a lowering differential. Also in the transmission there are axle locking and self-locking cross-axle differentials. The proposed transmission provides drive all available wheels. The vehicle is equipped with two fuel tanks with a capacity of 80 l.

All-terrain vehicle "Krechet" received an independent suspension of all four wheels, built on the basis of double wishbones and twin shock absorbers. Used disc brakes on all wheels, removed from the hubs. Wheel hubs are size 1300x700-21. The machine has an automatic tire inflation system with the ability to change pressure. This system is controlled from the driver’s workplace. Front wheels are driven. The steering system is equipped with a hydraulic booster.

Control station machines "Petrovich"

All machine controls are assembled at the driver’s workplace. The driver's seat fits in the front of the body and ensures comfortable work in various conditions. Directly in front of the driver are the instrument panel and the steering wheel. On the sides of the latter two additional panels with control and management devices are located. Control levers are located on racks to the right of the seat. The sides can be installed speakers audio systems. The driver's seat is located in the center of the front of the body with a slight shift to the left. This, in particular, facilitates landing. In addition, this arrangement allowed the installation of a small additional folding-design seat to the right of the driver. Access to the driver's seat is provided by the side doors.

The presented prototype of the Krechet car, as published photographs show, has a cargo-passenger compartment of a relatively simple configuration. On the casing of the engine compartment, located inside the cabin, it is proposed to install a sofa with soft upholstery. Two more such devices should be placed along the sides. In this case, the seats of the onboard seats are mounted hingedly: their lifting allows freeing up space for cargo. Behind the side seats provides for the installation of lightweight shelving for the transport of small loads. Access to the rear cabin volume is provided by the aft door.

According to available data, all-terrain vehicles of the Petrovich family and the new Krechet are distinguished by the possibility of choosing the complete set of the habitable compartment. Depending on the wishes and financial capabilities of the customer, the all-terrain vehicle may receive certain seats, means of transportation of goods, etc. The project provides for the use of heaters (standard and additional), insulation boards, etc. It is also possible to install audio equipment or some of the tools necessary for its subsequent installation.

Passenger cabin "Petrovich". "Krechet" can receive similar units

The length of the Krechet all-terrain vehicle is only 4,89 m, width is 2,69 m, height is 2,49 m. At the same time, clearance 600 mm and angles of entry / exit along 52 ° were obtained. Curb weight does not exceed 800-850 kg, full - less than 2 tons. At the same time, the car can take on the driver and up to six passengers or an equivalent weight.

The exact characteristics of the “Krechet” have not yet been announced, but there is reason to believe that, in terms of mobility, this car is not very different from the four-wheel all-terrain vehicle “Petrovich 204-60”. Having similar dimensions, weight and engine power, the latter is able to accelerate on the highway to 50 km / h. The sealed hull allows the “Petrovich” to float. Cranking the wheels allows overclocking to 5 km / h.

As follows from the available data, at least one prototype of a new type of all-terrain vehicle has been built to date. Now this technique is being tested, and also becoming the “hero” of new publications in the press. After completion of all necessary checks, new equipment can be presented to potential buyers.

Large wheels with the ability to change pressure, as well as a relatively high power supply, give the new Krechet all-terrain vehicle very remarkable characteristics. Multipurpose machine is able to move in various rugged areas, as well as on surfaces with a weak bearing capacity. Declared (and confirmed by photographic materials) the possibility of movement in deep snow. Also, swamps, sands, and other specific surfaces may become expensive for the “Krechet”.

In the proposed set of equipment can be used to transport people and goods. In combination with the parameters of patency available capacity allows the use of "Krechet" in various works in remote areas. For example, a machine can solve the tasks of delivering specialists and their equipment to remote sites in difficult conditions, precluding the use of other equipment. Such opportunities may be of interest to various public and private structures operating in remote areas without a developed road network. The possibility of building an all-terrain vehicle with the required equipment may be an additional advantage that can affect the customer's decision.

Having quite interesting characteristics, the newest domestic all-terrain vehicle "Krechet" can be the subject of new contracts for the supply of special equipment to one or another customers. In this case, another argument in favor of such a machine can be the success of its predecessors. So, all-terrain vehicles of the Petrovich family have already managed to enter mass production in the interests of various customers. Serial machines are used in various fields. For example, it is known that several such machines were used in the course of search operations for astronauts who returned to Earth.

Information about the new domestic project appeared only a few days ago. In this regard, potential buyers of the all-terrain vehicle while simply could not make the right choice. Therefore, in the near future we should not expect information on orders for such equipment. Nevertheless, as follows from the characteristics of the machine, its capabilities and the success of the previous development, the new "Krechet" has every chance to go into the series and enter service.

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  1. +3
    9 March 2017 06: 33
    Information about the new domestic project appeared only a few days ago. In this regard, potential buyers of the all-terrain vehicle while simply could not make the right choice. Therefore, in the near future we should not expect information on orders for such equipment. Nevertheless, as follows from the characteristics of the machine, its capabilities and the success of the previous development, the new "Krechet" has every chance to go into the series and enter service.

    What's this? Flyer? No data on the engine and transmission, on any units collected? No test results. Some kind of concept car. Moreover, I consider it a drawback, also "It is proposed to install a sofa with soft upholstery on the engine compartment cover located inside the cab." If something happens on the road, you can’t get to the engine.
    1. +2
      9 March 2017 07: 41
      Quote: Amurets
      What's this? Flyer? No data on the engine and transmission, on any units collected?

      There is generally little domestic.
      Otherwise, the usual dutikomobil concept.
      By the way, "kulibin" tuning everything and everything, in our country is not so little.
      So many off-road equipment for any tasks from the most unexpected vehicles redo.
      But not all claim to defense order wassat laughing
    2. +2
      9 March 2017 07: 56
      Quote: Amurets
      What's this? Flyer?

      They are promoting themselves through the media - but Trekol has long been firmly established in government agencies and large companies, so the new product will not take off.
      1. +1
        9 March 2017 08: 10
        Quote: Gray Brother
        long ago "Trekol" tightly registered

        That's the fact of the matter is that even the video shows that badly the dutiks cross the intersection. Their element is Mari, swamp, and a bolt with snow and sand. Ideally smooth mirror surfaces.
        A little slope / barrier is to be afraid and to slide with mats and the navigators running from a swan to a boulder and a tree.
        Non-targeted use of technology = crime against this very technology and common sense.
        Dutiki is the MOST highly specialized off-road vehicle.

        Specifically, this brook, any Urals with a load would have jumped barely noticing. The same glides and pops up. His plus became his minus.
        But much funnier these cuttlefish look on muddy clay in even the smallest rise ... There to fit in with laughter.
        1. +2
          9 March 2017 08: 27
          Quote: insular
          A little bias / barrier - to be afraid

          Not so bad - the pressure dropped and flooded. Moreover, this one, in the video, lowered the wheels altogether only from the port side to catch the shore.
          If there is a swampy area on the route, then a regular all-wheel drive will not work, since it cannot go into a swamp at all - dutiks are better, and driving a gooseneck is expensive - its resource flies away faster and you can only move on public roads with a trailer, and if there is no such thing, then you will have to scratch parallel to the highway - burning up resources and diesel fuel.
          Though go to the wheel-track base (idea by the way smile ).
          1. +1
            9 March 2017 08: 38
            Quote: Gray Brother
            Not so bad - the pressure dropped and flooded. And this one, in the video, lowered the wheels altogether only from the port side to catch on the shore

            It does not help them. They do not have a confident lug just to bite. They have other tasks, including just in order not to tear the crust on the pampas.
            Quote: Gray Brother
            If there is marshland on the route, then the usual four-wheel drive will no longer roll

            Well argues that? This is them, dutikov element.
            Quote: Gray Brother
            At least go to the wheel-track base

            No, no. In the marshy area, there is a lot of the long grass of the ants, which, confusing the gusli, directly rotates the vehicle into the crust, and further the technique claims to be a monument to stupidity.
            Need special transport. It is just to walk in such "special" areas. Otherwise, it’s better to bypass.

            Walking on the roads in the intersection is as stupid as on the traditional pampas.
            1. +2
              9 March 2017 09: 05
              Quote: insular
              In a marshland, a lot of long grass

              There, and so you can plant a little deeper and not get out, however, the obstacle shown in the MTLB video would effortlessly pass.
              However, you cannot go on a normal road in a harbor - lowering, so the dutiks are more profitable, although they are inferior at the intersection.
              1. +1
                9 March 2017 09: 21
                Quote: Gray Brother
                however, the obstacle shown on the MTLB video would effortlessly pass.
                what’s in the video is not an obstacle at all. When storming water barriers, size and weight matter (so as not to float by accident and the larger the size, the smaller the puddle) and the lug, to get to the other side (it is very difficult to get out of the water).
                Quote: Gray Brother
                However, you cannot go on a normal road in a harp - lowering, so the dutiks are more profitable,

                Yes, that’s not the point. More precisely, not so much in this as in the resource of that very harp ...
                And again, matalyga matalyge strife, like goose goose.
                Quote: Gray Brother
                dutiks are more profitable, although inferior at the intersection.

                About the intersection - this is not for the dutiks.

                Just as an example, what is a raid on real terrain, and not somewhere in ideal conditions of ideally homogeneous terrain for a specific vehicle
                Particular attention to Ford ... 54 "it's still 54" ... Under the bridge, a meter. Weight over 5 tons
                1. +2
                  9 March 2017 09: 28
                  Quote: insular
                  About the intersection - this is not for the dutiks.

                  You tell me about patency, and I tell you about money. smile
                  1. +1
                    9 March 2017 09: 47
                    Quote: Gray Brother
                    You tell me about patency, and I tell you about money.

                    So I about them darling.
                    The road, whatever it may be, even with its complete absence, is just a route from A to B. And this route in real life has a length of not 100 meters along a homogeneous surface suitable for a narrowly specialized vehicle.

                    Having traveled 1000 km on a hard surface and a couple of hundred if there is no road, partly along the mountainous terrain, with rises (streams) and or clay, slippery rises. Partially along the coastal, with boulders the size of a meter high, with pebble banks and clay river crossings, resting on the marshes and crossing it, the same thing still remains ...
                    The resource of the vehicle and its quality is inextricable and it is good to tear one from the other at landfills. In life, this does not roll.

                    The choice of vehicle is based on the terrain with the predominance of a particular coverage. Including for economic reasons. Routes are laid out for the same reasons, taking into account the availability of this route and the possibility of technology, with the most gentle operating mode.
                2. +2
                  9 March 2017 13: 56
                  Quote: insular
                  . When storming water barriers, size and weight matter (so as not to float by accident and the larger the size - the smaller the puddle)

                  Size of course matters, but not everyone can afford it!
            2. +1
              9 March 2017 11: 21
              By the way, another of the options for a caterpillar swamp.

              However, pneumatic passages are not bad to keep on a snow cover of medium density.

        2. +1
          9 March 2017 10: 47
          Crosswalks just run normally, it depends on the tread, any jeep will tell about it. And Sharpe the same freely climbs onto the ice precisely at the expense of it. And for a quagmire, you need an 8x8 circuit or pneumatic for a caterpillar

          1. 0
            9 March 2017 23: 17
            Quote: kugelblitz
            any jeeper will tell about it

            If this were so, then all the jeepers would be sitting on the dutiks and not on the boggers.
            1. +1
              10 March 2017 06: 48
              To put Schaub dutiks, too many alterations, moreover, at high speeds they behave badly. Here is a great example of the usefulness of a tread.

              And here it is clear that only the body remained from the field.

              1. 0
                11 March 2017 11: 46
                Niva cool turned out. But Niva could be a bestseller, almost without competition in its class and still with a good reputation in the West. She is small, pretty, but passable enough. In the highlands, huntsmen, farmers ... Design in general from the very first model was a success and there is not much to change. Need comfort in urban areas and on the highway, as well as a stable max. speed in min 170km / h. Well, at a modern level, a soundproofed interior, well, and in general, bring the Niva in such a way that it can be sold and will be a success.
    3. +1
      9 March 2017 11: 43
      Quote: Amurets
      What's this? Flyer?

      Stopudovo advertising on the site. I think Petrovich coughed a little)))) Could write about Sherp and compare these two devices.
  2. +1
    9 March 2017 06: 46
    I wonder why they did not implement a scheme with a breaking frame? Otherwise, if the all-terrain vehicle does not have all the wheels turning, then the turning radius will be excessively large. In principle, you can still use the option with a turn on the tank, with braking one of the sides like that of Sherpa. And so far in my opinion is the center distance.
    1. ICT
      9 March 2017 07: 04
      Quote: kugelblitz

      and it still seems to me a little heavy for the virgin snow and in general the video is not enough

      and there it is, "Petrovich" wassat

      [Quote] [/ quote]
      1. +2
        9 March 2017 09: 35
        For virgin snow "caterpillar on the ski" Nezhdanovsky. It is due to the rare-caterpillar track between the tracks that a compressed snow rectangle is formed, which perfectly holds the load even on loose snow, and even with excellent grip properties. We have already done enough homework, in addition, the Snow Cat is built on the same principle, by the way, we have experienced a lot.

  3. +8
    9 March 2017 07: 58
    ... Especially suitable for some Russian cities, for winter and spring smile
  4. +2
    9 March 2017 08: 27
    Quote: insular
    By the way, "kulibin" tuning everything and everything, in our country is not so little.

    That’s for sure, the Internet is littered with such inventions that are not bad in general. And even the release is already underway. And the main thing about the price is not a word. And it seems that it will not be affordable for the Russian citizen. I think a couple of lemons no less ???
    1. +3
      9 March 2017 11: 57
      Quote: Mar. Tira
      A.And she apparently will not be affordable for the Russian inhabitant. I think a couple of lemons no less ???

      Not only that, and it is necessary to maintain it, on the lowered they like to "eat." And fuel is now in price.
      The most not whimsical and omnivorous is the UAZ 469.
      1. 0
        9 March 2017 14: 19
        Pneumatic vehicles are the cheapest of snow and swamp vehicles, at the price of an average jeep on average with versatility. And if there is deep snow in the forests, then with the propulsion of Nezhdanovsky it would be possible to establish a series, since classic snowmobiles either drown there or devour themselves. And for open spaces, the choice is huge, from a rubber-metal caterpillar, to airways and SVP. In the swamps, too, a rubber caterpillar and pneumatic traction are preferable due to the low mass of the mover, however, I saw homemade products on pneumatics with the 8x8 formula, which also move very confidently along the bog. And the design is quite simple, the hinge between the halves, and then either chain drives or clutches directly to the wheels.
      2. 0
        10 March 2017 02: 06
        Quote: marshes
        The most not whimsical and omnivorous is the UAZ 469.

        A machine that is completely unsuitable for rugged terrain (both open and closed terrain types).
        It was not created for the assault on an impassable crossing.
        In real conditions, where an increase in clearance is required, it breaks bridges and does not have the power to rotate large wheels (not about dutiks).
        It has small dimensions and is completely incapable of storming even medium-sized water barriers, which in real conditions, it is very tied to roads and glades with bridges and fords through water barriers.
        Very low survivability, but good maintainability.
        Extremely low modernization potential.
        It is the latter that makes her popular, but no more.
  5. +1
    9 March 2017 12: 16
    The civilian version of Vodnik, or something (a little redone)?
  6. 0
    9 March 2017 17: 03
    Fantasy! Cyril surpassed himself on the written delirium. Here it is really, if there is nothing to write - damn everything.
  7. +1
    9 March 2017 18: 41
    Something of this product, strongly reminds Sherp, made somewhere with us several years ago.
  8. +1
    11 March 2017 11: 35
    Quote: insular
    Quote: Gray Brother
    however, the obstacle shown on the MTLB video would effortlessly pass.
    what’s in the video is not an obstacle at all. When storming water barriers, size and weight matter (so as not to float by accident and the larger the size, the smaller the puddle) and the lug, to get to the other side (it is very difficult to get out of the water).
    Quote: Gray Brother
    However, you cannot go on a normal road in a harp - lowering, so the dutiks are more profitable,

    Yes, that’s not the point. More precisely, not so much in this as in the resource of that very harp ...
    And again, matalyga matalyge strife, like goose goose.
    Quote: Gray Brother
    dutiks are more profitable, although inferior at the intersection.

    About the intersection - this is not for the dutiks.
    [media = https: //]
    Just as an example, what is a raid on real terrain, and not somewhere in ideal conditions of ideally homogeneous terrain for a specific vehicle
    Particular attention to Ford ... 54 "it's still 54" ... Under the bridge, a meter. Weight over 5 tons

    These are our Sakhalin jeepers! The average investment of 2 and a half million wooden rubles! Soon VIKING will go on the track, I think FORDZILE will compete!
  9. 0
    11 March 2017 11: 42
    Quote: marshes
    Quote: Mar. Tira
    A.And she apparently will not be affordable for the Russian inhabitant. I think a couple of lemons no less ???

    Not only that, and it is necessary to maintain it, on the lowered they like to "eat." And fuel is now in price.
    The most not whimsical and omnivorous is the UAZ 469.

    UAZ is a good car, but in the basic version it will be weak against FORDZILA or VIKING! IT'S SIMPLY MONSTERS, if you could put more than 2 lemons in the base model, you could probably teach the UAZ for this price!