“The social revolution, in its most extreme manifestations, is inevitable with us”

“The social revolution, in its most extreme manifestations, is inevitable with us”

In his note, Durnovo accurately noted that Russia and Germany do not have fundamental contradictions: “The vital interests of Russia and Germany nowhere collide and provide a complete basis for the peaceful coexistence of these two states.” Germany’s interests were to expand their colonies and spheres of influence in the world in order to gain new markets and stocks of raw materials. That is, first of all, the interests of Germany faced the interests of Britain and France, which had huge colonial empires. Germany received the necessary resources from peacefully, through trade, there was no need to fight.

It is clear that in Germany there were hotheads who dreamed of colonizing the Baltic states, about the “living space” in the East. However, then they were in the minority. These ideas were developed only during the war, when it became necessary to justify a heavy war.

The Russian Empire did not need to expand its territory, especially in densely populated Europe. The seizure of the Polish lands belonging to the German Empire only intensified the Polish problem in Russia itself. A similar situation was with respect to Galicia belonging to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Galicia was part of ancient Russia. However, at this time, this area lost its “living connection” with Russia. Russia could teach large communities of Poles, Jews and Ukrainianized Uniates. As noted by Durnovo: “The so-called Ukrainian or Mazepa movement is not scary now, but we should not let it grow, increasing the number of restless Ukrainian elements, since in this movement there is an undeniable embryo of extremely dangerous Little Russian separatism, under favorable conditions that can reach completely unexpected sizes ".

For a long time, the main goal of our diplomacy was to open the straits from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. For this it was necessary to defeat Turkey and take the straits from it. However, for this it was not necessary to fight with Germany. Our main enemy, which prevented Russia from solving the problem of the straits, was England. If desired, Russia could take the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles in 1878, but retreated under pressure from the British. Germany did not have strong contradictions with Russia in the Middle East. As you know, Bismarck also had a catch phrase that for Germany the Balkan question was not worth the bones of one Pomeranian grenadier. Therefore, Durnovo noted: "there is every reason to expect that the Germans would be easier than the British, would go to provide us with straits, in the fate of which they had little interest and at the cost of which our union would gladly buy."

The note by Durnovo stated that in the field of economic interests, Russian interests did not contradict German interests. It was possible to establish mutually beneficial trade relations with Germany without war. At the same time, the military defeat of the German Empire was in the economic interests of England, and in part, of France, and not of Russia. England destroyed a competitor who oppressed it in world markets, while maintaining its economic well-being and world leadership. And Russia, in the face of a devastated Germany, was losing a consumer market that is valuable to us and a source of technology, equipment necessary for the industrialization of the Russian state. “It is profitable for England to kill the German maritime trade and industry of Germany, turning it into a poor, if possible, agricultural country. It is to our advantage that Germany develops its maritime trade and the industry it serves in order to supply the remotest world markets and at the same time open up the domestic market to the products of our agriculture to supply its numerous working population. ”

The peaceful relocation of the Germans to Russia (colonization), as it was in the past, does not pose a threat to Russia. It is known that the Germans in Russia are fasting down, and so-called. “Russian Germans” are quite loyal subjects who are engaged in industrial and rural affairs and crafts. Among the Russian Germans there were many people who brought their new homeland great benefits in the field of economic development or in military affairs and in public service. The “German dominance” in the field of our economic life did not have such a danger as the penetration of French or English capital.

First, Russia was too poor in both capital and industrial enterprise, so that it could do without a wide inflow of foreign capital. And some dependence on one or another foreign capital was inevitable until Russia implemented industrialization and created national capital, which would make it possible to abandon foreign capital and foreign entrepreneurial activity.

Secondly, “German capital is more profitable for us than any other.” This capital is the cheapest of all, as content with the smallest percentage of entrepreneurial profits. Germans go to those areas that bring a relatively small income. Germans more often leave profits in Russia itself, continuing the development of production - “a greater number of Russian rubles remain in Russia.” The British and the French transfer all profits to themselves, abroad. In addition, unlike the British or French, German capitalists for the most part, together with their capital, move to Russia themselves. Therefore, in Russia there are many German industrialists, compared with the British and French. It is also worth noting that it was possible to eliminate foreign, including German, dominance in the Russian economic life without any war. It was necessary only to start accelerated industrialization, to rely on domestic sources.

Even the victory over Germany did not promise the Russian empire great economic benefits. Harm was more than good. Russia was losing its German market. The war led to huge expenses, that is, financial dependence on France and England increased even more. And utterly ruined Germany could not recover our costs. Our share would be, in comparison with the military costs, crumbs. The unfortunate outcome of the war threatened the collapse of the economy of the empire. Durnovo prophetically remarked: "The financial and economic consequences of a defeat are not amenable to accounting, nor even to foresight, and no doubt will be reflected in the complete collapse of our entire national economy. So in reality it will happen.

Durnovo also noted that Britain and France, who triumphed in Germany, undoubtedly exploited the economic difficulties and industrial and technological weakness of Russia. After the collapse of the German Empire, Russia will no longer be needed by the "allies." The Russian Empire will have to repay military loans: “we will fall into the same financial economic bondage to our creditors, compared to which our present dependence on German capital will seem ideal.”

However, the economic perspectives opening up as a result of the alliance with Britain and the war with Germany recede into the background before the political consequences of the great European war. Russia and Germany were in Europe "representatives of a conservative principle in the civilized world, the opposite of the democratic one, embodied by England and, to a much lesser extent, France. " Thus, the struggle of Russia and Germany led "to the weakening of the world conservative principle, the only reliable stronghold of which are the two great powers mentioned." The great war in Europe was deadly both for Russia and for Germany, since "in the defeated country a social revolution will inevitably break out, which, by the force of things, will spread to the victor country".

"Of course, Russia is a particularly fertile ground for social upheavals, where the masses of the people undoubtedly profess the principles of unconscious socialism. Despite the opposition of Russian society, just as unconscious as the socialism of the broad sections of the population, the political revolution in Russia is impossible, and every revolutionary movement will inevitably degenerate socialist. There is no one behind our opposition, it has no support among the people who do not see any difference between a government official and an intellectual. The Russian commoner, the peasant and the worker are equally not looking for political rights, both unnecessary and incomprehensible.

The peasant dreams of granting him a foreign land, the worker - of transferring to him all the capital and profits of the manufacturer, and beyond that their desires do not go. And it is worth only throwing these slogans widely into the population, as soon as the government power is free to allow agitation in this direction - Russia will undoubtedly be plunged into anarchy that it experienced during the memorable period of 1905 - 1906 distemper. The war with Germany will create extremely favorable conditions for such agitation. As already noted, this war is fraught with great difficulties for us and cannot be a triumphal march to Berlin. Inevitable and military setbacks, hopefully partial ones, one or the other shortcomings in our supplies will also be inevitable. With the exceptional nervousness of our society, these circumstances will be given exaggerated importance, and with the opposition of this society, everything will be blamed on the government. ” Thus, Peter Nikolaevich predicted everything that will happen during the First World War.

The Russian statesman further notes that it is good if this government does not surrender and “firmly declares that during the war no criticism of state power is permissible and will resolutely stop all opposition actions”. Strong power could have suppressed the speech of the February liberals, since they had no support among the people. The liberal-bourgeois opposition “does not represent any real power. The Russian opposition is completely intelligent, and this is its weakness, since there is a deep abyss of mutual misunderstanding and mistrust between the intelligentsia and the people. ” But in the worst case (as it will in reality), the government will make concessions and "try to enter into an agreement with the opposition." This will lead to the destabilization of the empire, anarchy, since the feminists cannot calm the people down. The peasants and workers have no confidence in the Octobrist landowners and the cadet factory workers who sit in the Duma.

According to Durnovo, “if the war ends victoriously, the pacification of the socialist movement in the end will not present insurmountable difficulties.” Agrarian unrest and labor unrest can be quenched by providing some indulgence at the same time. A completely different situation would be if Russia were defeated, then "The social revolution, in its most extreme manifestations, is inevitable here."

Consequences of the defeat in the war Durnovo sees as follows: "... begin with the fact that all the failures will be attributed to the government. A fierce campaign against him will begin in the legislative institutions, as a result of which revolutionary appearances will begin in the country. The latter will be immediately launched socialist slogans, the only ones that can lift and group the general population, first black redistribution, and then we are also the general section of all values ​​and assets. The defeated army, which, moreover, lost its most reliable cadre of personnel during the war, covered in the most part by the spontaneously common peasant desire for land, would be too demoralized to serve as a bulwark of law and order. Legislative institutions and opposition-intelligent parties deprived of real authority in the eyes of the people will not be able to contain dispersed popular waves, they also raised, and Russia will be plunged into hopeless anarchy, the outcome of which is not even predictable. "

The forecast of Durnovo for Germany itself in case of its defeat looks no less gloomy: “Germany, in case of defeat, will have to face no less social upheavals. An unsuccessful war will have a hard effect on the population too, so that its consequences do not cause the destructive aspirations deeply hidden now to surface. ... With the defeat of Germany, it will lose world markets and maritime trade, for the goal of the war, - on the part of its real instigator of England - is the destruction of German competition. With the achievement of this, deprived not only increased, but also all wages, suffered during the war, and, naturally, the embittered working masses will become the susceptible ground for anti-agrarian, and then the antisocial propaganda of the socialist parties.

In turn, these latter, given the offended patriotic feeling and the national irritation that has accumulated as a result of the war that was lost, against the deceived hopes of the population of militarism and the feudal-burgher system, are turning away from the path of a peaceful revolution, on which they have so steadfastly held on to way. Will play its role, especially in the case of socialist agrarian actions in neighboring Russia, and the landless class of agricultural farm laborers, numerous in Germany. Regardless of this, the separatist aspirations that now lurk in southern Germany will be revived, Bavaria’s concealed hostility towards Prussia’s dominion will manifest itself in its entirety, in a word, a situation that is not much inferior to Russia in its tensions. ”

Thus, Durnovo predicted that a rapprochement with England would not promise any benefits to Russia, and the pro-British orientation of Russian diplomacy is inherently deeply flawed and will eventually lead to the Romanov empire’s catastrophe. Russia in the European war will play the role of "anti-German ram", which will lead to devastating consequences in the financial, industrial and socio-political sphere. Defeat in the war will make the revolution in Russia inevitable. And the seizure of power by liberal-bourgeois circles (the Februaryists) will only increase the chaos and collapse, since the pro-Western liberal-bourgeois circles and intellectuals have nothing in common with the masses who will support the slogan of social justice.

Most The best option for Russia in foreign policy is a close rapprochement with Germany. France and Japan will be attracted to this alliance sooner or later (the latter needs Russia to fight with America in the Pacific). “Such a political combination devoid of any aggressiveness with respect to other states for many years will ensure the peaceful coexistence of cultural nations threatened not by Germany’s belligerent designs, as British diplomacy tries to prove,” but by England (and the USA) striving for global domination.
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  1. +12
    24 November 2016 05: 47
    The Director General of Russian Post Dmitry Strashnov for 2014 received a prize of 95 million rubles. The company disclosed Strasnov’s earnings data due to media reports. The company's net profit for 2014 according to RAS amounted to 1,2 billion rubles. The CEO award is approximately 8% of this indicator.

    Here really without consciously intuitively striving for a socialist revolution ...
    Samson's rights.
    1. +1
      24 November 2016 07: 49
      can help him convey? wink
      1. 0
        27 November 2016 19: 41
        I help, the burden for you is unbearable ...
        So, he participated in the intervention on the side of the Japanese troops, directly participated in the Japanese-organized repression against the Bolsheviks, personally arrested and transferred to the Japanese command.

        "1. ... 5. January 18, p. Vasily Ivanchenko at the Kraevsky junction was arrested by a Japanese detachment and executed. 6. In July 1919, a Japanese detachment seized property belonging to the peasant of the village of Arkhangelovka, the Assumption parish, the Iman district, Taras Kovalenko, for 250 thousand rubles. 7. February 8, p. was shot by a Japanese garrison in Chernihiv, Nikolsk-Ussuri Uyezd, an innocent Russian gr. Opanasenko. ... 9. February 25 this year the following people were killed and shot by Japanese troops: near the Gedike junction, repair worker Fedor Dvornyak, at st. Vyazemsky worker Ivan Bezkrovny and track guard 608 versts Gordey Tsibunsky with his wife and two children .... " The actions of the interventionists provoked resistance from the local population: only in the Amur region in the spring of 1919 there were 20 partisan detachments, numbering (according to Japanese estimates) 25 thousand soldiers.

        "innocently shot"
    2. +13
      24 November 2016 10: 21
      I would like to remind you that a "socialist revolution" is an act that falls under the qualifications of Article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Yes, and enough of these revolutions from Russia, twice already with them the country was torn apart ...
      1. avt
        24 November 2016 11: 00
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        I would like to remind you that a "socialist revolution" is an act that falls under the qualifications of Article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Yes, and enough of these revolutions from Russia, twice already with them the country was torn apart ...

        Well, calm down yourself in a search for reverence, until you yourself have passed on the same article.
        1. +9
          24 November 2016 11: 41
          But I, my dear, do not call for any coups. If you carefully read my comments, you might notice that I stand exclusively for constitutional the method of restoration of the monarchy - through the will of the people and the introduction of appropriate amendments to the Basic Law of the state - whether by referendum or by convening the Constitutional Assembly - is not important. Only the fact that, unlike the Sovietophiles, I stand for legal ways of development of Russia.
          1. +5
            24 November 2016 12: 49
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            ... I advocate exclusively for the constitutional way of restoring the monarchy - through the will of the people ...

            Do you seriously think that people who have tasted freedom can be driven into a stall again?
            1. +9
              24 November 2016 12: 56
              No, of course, therefore there will never be a return to the Soviet system.
              1. +11
                24 November 2016 12: 59
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                I stand exclusively for the constitutional way of restoring the monarchy - through the will of the people ...

                But do not dream about it, your fuss with the accession of the Naglosaksky degenerate in the country, we do not need for nothing in Russia.
                This will never happen.
                As for the Soviet project, it will be in one form or another, you will not have a place there.
                1. +12
                  24 November 2016 15: 35
                  The Soviet project, whether you like it or not, has been thrown to the sidelines of history. In the younger generation, it is good if one in a thousand is carried away with leftist ideas. And yes, if you want to accuse me of "incorrect facts" again, remember the fact how the citizens of the USSR fought for its safety in December 1991
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. +9
                      24 November 2016 16: 25
                      Speculation, speak? So maybe the red flag is over the Kremlin now, but is the Communist Party in power? Or are there no billionaires in China and liquidated private property?
                      1. +7
                        24 November 2016 16: 32
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        Speculation, speak?

                        Yes, speculation. The development spiral cannot be stopped either by evolution and revolution from above against you parasites, or riot from below, against you parasites dreaming of an English noose around the neck of the Russian people.
                        The anthem has already been changed, against your funeral march.
                        You did not succeed in breaking the symbols of VICTORY, but it will not succeed, you have no place with us.
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        Or are there no billionaires in China and liquidated private property?

                        There is what? This does not contradict socialism.
                      2. +3
                        24 November 2016 18: 07
                        changed to the International?
              2. +2
                24 November 2016 13: 09
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                No, of course, therefore there will never be a return to the Soviet system.

                What kind of Soviet system are you talking about:
                - Totzkist-Lenin, who organized the genocide of the Russian people.
                - Lenin-Stalin, restoration of the country.
                - Khrushchev-Brezhnev, killed the enthusiasm, drunk people.
                - Gorbachev-Yeltsin, did they hammer the last nail into the lid of the coffin of the USSR?
                1. +7
                  24 November 2016 15: 35
                  In any form.
                  1. +5
                    24 November 2016 16: 36
                    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                    In any form.

                    Oh, how, the brilliant statement of a Russophobe ... to erase part of the country's history with fright, having spawned black myths, so that then at every crossroads, "we need a monarchy, with an English on the throne," famously ...
                    Only now we don’t have anything, neither you, nor your disagreement with the History of our country.
                    1. +9
                      24 November 2016 16: 56
                      You know, after Lenin and his comrades tried to erase 900 years of history of my Motherland, accusations of erasing history from a supporter of the USSR are simply ridiculous. And then, you wishful thinking. I was not going to "delete" the Soviet period from history. I simply admit that it was a different state, but the history of the people - it remains unchanged regardless of the state. And victory in the Great Patriotic War, as well as a space breakthrough, are achievements peoplebut not the party that seized power.
                      1. +5
                        24 November 2016 17: 52
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        You know, after Lenin and his comrades tried to cross out 900 years of the history of my Motherland, the accusations of deleting history from a supporter of the USSR are simply ridiculous.

                        Your ridiculous lie is truly ridiculous, you always and everywhere like you clean up in the shadow of Trotsky, Pokrovsky, but all the blame is blamed on Lenin, what naughty little girls ..
                        Chauvinistic Great Russian trash.

                        Taken out of context and compiled: “a true Russian man, a Great Russian chauvinist, in essence, a scoundrel and a rapist, which is a typical Russian bureaucrat ... There is no doubt that an insignificant percentage of Soviet and Soviet workers will sink into this sea of ​​chauvinistic Great Russian trash like a fly in milk ”Where did our anti-communists and nationalists suddenly have such a love for bureaucrats and officials? Just because “they are Russian”?
                        Or because Lenin hated bureaucrats?
                        Maybe the Soviet workers were not including Russians?
                        To understand Lenin, it is necessary to know class theory, it just shows that the class division of society is not at all connected with national identity. The working class must become international, as well as the transnational corporations of modern capitalists that have already become such.

                        Not only materials of Soviet propaganda, but also documents of state bodies of the period 1916 - 1917 testify to the crisis situation in the fuel, transport, and food sectors, and the decline in production.
                        All of the above was mentioned in a memorandum to Nicholas II from the chief of staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General Alekseev, dated July 15, 1916, in a document of the Special Defense Conference on February 1, 1917, in a message from the Air Fleet Directorate to the special defense meeting on February 26, 1917, in a telegram members of the Council of State to Nicholas II of February 28, 1917. We emphasize that the Chairman of the IV State Duma M.V. Rodzianko in his note to the emperor of February 1, 1917 drew attention to the fact that "the army is not broken; it is equipped with weapons more than ever before, but behind the army, in the rear, there is such a collapse that threatens to make aimless all the victims, all the shed blood, all the unparalleled heroism and - even more - decisively tip the military scales to the side of our enemies. "
                        Will you refute this leader of that era? It’s famously for you, in a company of your kind, to deny even the opinion of the participants in those events.
                        Still add?
                      2. +1
                        24 November 2016 18: 38
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        You know, after Lenin and his comrades tried to cross out 900 years of the history of my Motherland,

                        And my history is 7524 years from the creation of the world in the year of the star temple ... By the way - Petruha stole 5508 years of the history of Russia ... Who will return?
            2. +1
              25 November 2016 13: 43
              Quote: Boris55
              Do you seriously think that people who have tasted freedom can be driven into a stall again?
              Do you seriously think that the Russian people were cattle until October 17th?
          2. +6
            24 November 2016 13: 06
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            I stand exclusively for the constitutional way of restoring the monarchy - through the will of the people

            Well, if so, then your victory is not far off. The modern school curriculum, the Unified State Exam, the Major General on Victory Day goes to the Immortal Regiment campaign with the image of the tsar.
            Yes!!! Another TV and .... the show continues
            All for you, that in 30-40 years an adequate part of the population will die out and you will be happy.

            PS Today about training was a good article
            "Russia's worst military secret"
            1. +5
              24 November 2016 13: 14
              Quote: Severomor
              ... Everything is for you, that in 30-40 years an adequate part of the population will die out and you will be happy ...

              Nothing that they will fail. As a good example, the Trump election. As the media did not try, nothing came of it. With the advent of the Internet, the exclusive right to information and its interpretation by them has been lost.
              1. +5
                24 November 2016 13: 34
                Quote: Boris55
                Nothing they can do

                With Ukraine it turned out!
                By the way, Trump is not an indicator, there for him there is a Rusurs hoo .... not from the street people came

                PS Although I also believe and hope for the best
                1. +3
                  24 November 2016 13: 39
                  Quote: Severomor
                  With Ukraine it turned out!

                  Nooo! The issue with Ukraine is not closed.

          3. Lem
            24 November 2016 14: 16
            that I stand exclusively for the constitutional way of restoring the monarchy - through the will of the people and the introduction of appropriate amendments to the Basic Law of the state - whether by referendum or by convening the Constitutional Assembly - it does not matter.

            It’s gratifying, well, sir - I need such understanding servants, yes, yes. How are you, my sweetheart, with good health and hard work? Here, I want to take a closer look, and buy, if necessary. Or, there, in the cards to win.
            1. +9
              24 November 2016 15: 57
              Yeah. Slaves. You, dear one, have some wonderful ideas about the monarchy. Try to look for slaves in modern monarchical Denmark, Norway, England, Sweden or the Netherlands. As you find - write.
              1. +6
                24 November 2016 16: 27
                A person lives in a country where a Chechen barchuk can calmly slaughter him for not being looked at so well and go away unpunished, where a status weakling or an official can calmly "squeeze out" his business, in which he put all his strength and soul, but servility for some reason he is identified with tsarist Russia.
                1. +2
                  25 November 2016 04: 02
                  So you Bulkokhrusty want to legitimize the "lawlessness" described by you, and we Imperials want to destroy it (together with you the monarchs - the liberals).
                  1. +3
                    25 November 2016 04: 35
                    But do not you fly to Mars, dear? To build a new society there ... lol to socialize their wives?
                    Well, just like a toll road with 0-la, so that before this does not destroy anything?
                    your ilyich bread crunched in your sweets.
              2. +6
                24 November 2016 16: 39
                in Spain, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia yet, it seems that there are no monarchies only in very South America


                * Andorra - co-princes Nicolas Sarkozy (with 2007) and Joan Enric Vives-i-Sicily (c 2003)
                * Belgium - King Albert II (with 1993)
                * Vatican - Pope Benedict XVI (with 2005)
                * UK - Queen Elizabeth II (with 1952)
                * Denmark - Queen Margrethe II (with 1972)
                * Spain - King Juan Carlos I (with 1975)
                * Liechtenstein - Prince Hans-Adam II (with 1989)
                * Luxembourg - Grand Duke Henri (with 2000)
                * Monaco - Prince Albert II (with 2005)
                * Netherlands - Queen Beatrix (with 1980)
                * Norway - King Harald V (with 1991)
                * Sweden - King Charles XVI Gustav (with 1973)


                * Bahrain - King Hamad Ibn Isa Al-Khalifa (with 2002, Emir in 1999 — 2002)
                * Brunei - Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (with 1967)
                * Bhutan - King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk (with 2006)
                * Jordan - King Abdullah II (with 1999)
                * Cambodia - King Norodom Siamoni (with 2004)
                * Qatar - Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani (with 1995)
                * Kuwait - Emir Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah (with 2006)
                * Malaysia - King Mizan Zaynal Abidin (with 2006)
                * United Arab Emirates UAE - President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan (with 2004)
                * Oman - Sultan Qaboos bin Saeed (with 1970)
                * Saudi Arabia - King Abdullah Ibn Abdel Aziz Al-Saud (with 2005)
                * Thailand - King Bhumibol Adulyadej (with 1946)
                * Japan - Emperor Akihito (with 1989)


                * Lesotho - King Letsie III (since 1996, the first time in 1990-1995)
                * Morocco - King Mohammed VI (since 1999)
                * Swaziland - King Mswati III (since 1986)


                * Tonga - King George Tupow V (since 2006)


                In the dominions or kingdoms of the Commonwealth, the head is the monarch of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General.


                * Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda
                * Bahamas Bahamas
                * Barbados
                * Belize
                * Grenada
                * Canada
                * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
                * Saint Kitts and Nevis
                * Saint Lucia
                * Jamaica


                * Australia
                * New Zealand
                * Niue
                * Papua New Guinea
                * Solomon islands
                * Tuvalu
              3. +5
                1 December 2016 05: 33
                Lieutenant Teterin

                Are you serious about the monarchy?

                I have already become stalemate .... neighing nimagu.

                You understand that all the principles of the monarchy are no longer subject to restoration. And all this happened not because of the October Revolution, but because of technological progress and the development of society associated with it.

                You understand that the economic system-capitalism is the root cause of the destruction of the monarchy. The British monarchy is a form of traditional government. He has no real power.

                Not the Bolsheviks destroyed the monarchy. You are not digging there.

                Wrestler with windmills.
            2. The comment was deleted.
              1. +6
                24 November 2016 16: 26
                Quote: Zmicerz
                How can you explain that the monarchy is the only guarantee of personal freedom for you?

                Freedom for whom?
                There were two wars with the Germans. One under the king, the other about Stalin. In one case, the people surrendered everything, and in the other stood to the death. Guess who the people surrendered and whom they saved.
                1. +4
                  24 November 2016 16: 37
                  Freedom for whom?

                  For you. For me. For every loyal subject. The modern monarchy is the union of the throne and the people to uphold and defend the COMMON GOOD, directed against the power of oligarchs and corporations.
                  In one case, the people surrendered everything

                  Since when did the Bolsheviks (Poles, Jews, Caucasians and Old Believers predominantly) become a people for you?
                  and in another stood to death

                  Yeah, he was dead. And 3,5 MILLION prisoners from the Germans - this is not the people, but the traitors-defectors and defectors, they all had to be shot.
                  The Russians began to "stand to death" only when they realized that the Germans were not going to liberate, but to enslave and destroy.
                  1. +4
                    24 November 2016 16: 47
                    Quote: Zmicerz
                    The modern monarchy is the union of the throne and the people

                    Then I watch how the bill of exchange in uniform with the laborers defends their rights at home laughing
                    Quote: Zmicerz
                    The Russians began to "stand to death" only when they realized that the Germans were not going to liberate, but to enslave and destroy.

                    And when the king, they were going to release us? laughing
                    "... But most of all, Marx and his friend Engels took up arms against Russia as the center of gravity of the Slavic world. Engels on this occasion exclaimed pathetically:
                    "Europe has only one alternative: either to submit to the barbaric yoke of the Slavs, or to completely destroy the center of this hostile force - Russia."
                    Do you think their attitude towards us has changed?
                    Quote: Zmicerz
                    Since when did the Bolsheviks become a people for you?
                    The Bolsheviks are those who defend the interests of the majority of the people.

                    About the Russian doll that they want to destroy:
                    1. +7
                      24 November 2016 16: 56
                      Then I watch how the bill of exchange in uniform with the laborers defends their rights at home

                      About whom and what are you, my dear?
                      And when the king, they were going to release us?

                      They went to seize our land and resources. But the enemy was more humane on one side, on the other, and there was no talk of extermination.
                      The Bolsheviks are those who defend the interests of the majority of the people.

                      The majority of the people were peasants. However, this did not prevent the Bolsheviks from robbing them and depriving them of land ownership, for which payments had been made from their ancestors for decades. Or do you think that the interests of the Russian peasantry were in ruin, landlessness, forcible resettlement in wild places? Then I’ll tell you that I haven’t met a greater hutspa in my life.
                      1. +2
                        24 November 2016 17: 07
                        Quote: Zmicerz
                        However, this did not prevent the Bolsheviks from robbing them and depriving them of land ownership, for which payments had been made from their ancestors for decades.

                        Have you heard about the land decree? What land were promised to give peasants?
                        The first who began to plunder were the Romanovs, who introduced serfdom, these were the Decembrists who tried to free the peasants from the land ... Ultimately, the tsars still freed the people from the land ... They didn’t take it from a bad mind to a healthy one.
                      2. +6
                        24 November 2016 18: 00

                        They gave not land, but collective farms and workdays,

                        Peter introduced serfdom, and he wasn’t any novels, but the son of a horse and Naryshkina with whom this freak geek had a portrait resemblance, and who spread rot all Russian.
                        as soon as the monarchy began to revert to Russian roots after 1812 (because the militia was thrown from Russia by the militia and not the Petrovdoryan army in leggings), you needed to throw it off ...
                2. 0
                  25 November 2016 18: 00
                  ... yeah, briefly and clearly! ... though ... we defended our homeland in these two wars! And defended !!!
              2. +6
                24 November 2016 16: 47
                and the first thing (for the sake of industrialization?) this otrebye rushed to give concessions and from some "social extreme" to socialize wives!
                until a former seminarian who was tired of looking at everything bully
                1. 0
                  25 November 2016 19: 15
                  Quote: Simpsonian
                  until a former seminarian who was tired of looking at everything
                  good Here you are right. Without it, the Bolsheviks, under the leadership of Comrade Trotsky, would quickly put the USSR at the service of the International.
              3. +2
                26 November 2016 04: 05
                The fact that my head is washed is good, because there is little dirt in it. But you have a lot of it. And the monarchy you adore at the beginning of the 20th century, so "well" protected the people from the tyranny of princes, industrialists, bankers, that it had to be demolished together with the monarch. We live in the 21st century, we must think of how to build a cybertronic society, and all of you are in feudalism.
            3. 0
              3 May 2017 00: 16
              Quote: Lem
              that I stand exclusively for the constitutional way of restoring the monarchy - through the will of the people and the introduction of appropriate amendments to the Basic Law of the state - whether by referendum or by convening the Constitutional Assembly - it does not matter.

              It’s gratifying, well, sir - I need such understanding servants, yes, yes. How are you, my sweetheart, with good health and hard work? Here, I want to take a closer look, and buy, if necessary. Or, there, in the cards to win.

              take away, the state will not become poor. take away.
          4. avt
            24 November 2016 17: 03
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            But I, my dear, do not call for any coups. If you carefully read my comments, you might notice that I stand exclusively for the constitutional way of restoring the monarchy - through the will of the people

            Yeah, they already were, in the Old Testament times, and I already laid out
            4 And all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel in Ramah,
            5 And they said to him: Behold, you are old, but your sons do not walk in your ways. therefore, set the king over us so that he will judge us, as among other nations.
            6 And Samuel did not like this word when they said, Give us the king to judge us. And Samuel prayed to the Lord.
            7 And the Lord said to Samuel, Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they did not reject you, but they rejected me, so that I would not reign over them;
            8 how they acted from the day on which I brought them out of Egypt, and to this day, they left me and served other gods, so they do to you;
            9 So listen to their voices; just introduce them and declare to them the rights of a king who will reign over them.
            10 And Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people asking the king from him,
            11 and said: these are the rights of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and put them in his chariots and make them horsemen, and they will run before his chariots;
            12 And he will make them his captains of thousands and Pentecostals, and that they cultivate his fields, and reap his bread, and make him military weapons and his chariot device;
            13 And he will take your daughters, so that they constitute suits, cook food and bake bread;
            14 And he will take your fields and the vineyards and oilseeds of your best, and give them to his servants;
            15 And from your crops and from your vineyards he will take a tenth of it and give it to his eunuchs and his servants;
            16 And your servants and your slaves, and your best young men, and your donkeys will take and use for their work;
            17 A tenth of your cattle will be taken, and you yourself will be his servants;
            18 And you will rise up from your king, whom you have chosen for yourself; and the Lord will not answer you then.
            19 But the people did not agree to obey the voice of Samuel, and said: no, let the king be above us,
            20 and we will be like other nations: our king will judge us, and walk before us, and wage our wars.
            21 And Samuel listened to all the words of the people, and told them aloud to the Lord.
            22 And the Lord said to Samuel, Listen to their voices and make them king.
            If you want to enroll as a slave, it's not a problem - there are already a lot of "nobles" now, so let's go with a group of like-minded people. bully
      2. +2
        24 November 2016 16: 29
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        I would like to remind you

        I remind you that your chatter here strictly fits into the framework of the existing Criminal Code
        Article 278. Violent seizure of power or violent retention of power
        Section 279. Armed Rebellion
        Article 280. Public calls for extremist activity
        Article 280.1. Public calls for the implementation of actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation
        1. +9
          24 November 2016 17: 17
          Sorry, but you just described own forum activity. hi
          PS You should at least read the comments to the Criminal Code before posting ... Or look at the definition of a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system. Changing the Constitution in a referendum or by convening the Constitutional Assembly are legal, legal ways to amend the First, Second and Ninth Chapters of the Basic Law.
          Illegal, extremist, violent methods are exactly the kind of revolution that some "comrades" here dream about.
          1. 0
            24 November 2016 18: 58
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            but you just described your own activities on the forum.

            Are you talking about yourself?
            So how is it that you are not calling for the place of the President of Russia, some kind of English bastard? So they solder you for calls for the overthrow of both the system and the Ruler.
            1. +8
              24 November 2016 19: 43
              I? I urge? Yes, you will learn to read first. Well, or return to reality from your fictional maneuver. Here only the "comrades" are calling for their revolution, while I spoke of hypothetical pretender to the throne in case of decision the multinational people of the Russian Federation (which under the Constitution is the source of power in the Russian Federation) on changing the form of government in the state.
              However, what is the point for you, the disease to explain it. Well, you all have one thing, not only in my comments, but also in the multiplication table, you will find a conspiracy of liberal reptilian geefascists and you will broadcast to the whole world how you protected the world from this threat ...
              1. +1
                24 November 2016 19: 56
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                explain this to a disease.

                Golubchik, you have made a claim to gain access to Russia, an English that the country does not need for nothing, thus, you expressed the opinion of some people like you who want to change the system in the country, the form of government to impose on the country absolutely unnecessary and not in the interests of the country.
                So there is no need to talk about "hypothetically" and your other fantasies, your zaslanets are already being cleaned everywhere connected with the claims of the monarchists for at least something in the country.
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                multiplication table

                Learn both the table and the moods of people in the country, and not just among admirers of the Echo of Moscow and other similar audience like Rain.
                Mark my words at the same time, but all of your organizations, PFRS, NTSy, other White Affairs, will be covered a bit, like organizations carrying SMUTU.
                1. +7
                  24 November 2016 20: 10
                  I tell you, go back to the real world! You've already invented a whole conspiracy from scratch, about some "zaslantsy" who "want to impose unnecessary on the country" ... Have you tried to live in the real world? They say the thing is very interesting. It seems they are not lying.
                  PS And so, yes, I have to confess to you: my name is not Poruchik Teterin, but Bond. James Bond. I performed a secret and very important task here on behalf of the Queen herself. But you, the valiant and brave citizen The Bloodthirster, alas, exposed me and all our insidious and subtle conspiracy collapsed because of your vigilance !!! But do not worry, I have already been evacuated to a secret base in Scotland, where they urgently solder tea with lemon. From there I am writing to you. And I will personally tell the Queen that her cunning plan of enslaving the world and you personally, alas, failed. wassat You just calm down and believe that the threat of a terrible conspiracy has passed. Thanks to you and only you.
      3. Cat
        24 November 2016 19: 07
        Any revolution is blood.
        In Russia, any revolution is still a civil war, and this is a sea of ​​blood.
        Conclusion, it is necessary to look for other ways in solving the issue of social justice. Yes, it is difficult and difficult, but we have a clear example of how one anointed of God "Romanov Nicholas II" missed ... lost the empire, and two other "clowns" Misha Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin ruined that for 70 years they managed collect.
        I think the present generation has been "grafted" from such decisions.
        Otherwise, if we want to, they will even help us stir up the "color revolution", even pat it on the head and give us chewing gum. But what will it cost us? An example before your eyes on an empty stomach "jumps".
        1. 0
          24 November 2016 19: 27
          Quote: Kotischa
          I think the present generation has been "grafted" from such decisions.

          As you can see, the goal of all the sympathians here, Asinka Opelsinki, Poruchik Teterin, bober1982, how not to twist and twist, is precisely to provoke another massacre. To the delight of the West.
          1. +3
            24 November 2016 22: 42
            , is precisely what would provoke another massacre.
            Only the previous massacre you began. You express dissatisfaction with the existing regime. But the provocateurs are us. The ends don't converge
        2. +1
          1 December 2016 05: 46

          Do not worry, bloody revolutions are likely to be gone.
          Capitalism will be a thing of the past. It will be successfully replaced by socialism, but not on Soviet ideological principles. There will be changes allowing you to own private property. The truth about the size of such ownership is difficult to argue.

          The transition from capitalism to socialism will ensure a universal high level of education.

          Lenin and Stalin were right when education was at the forefront of stability.
      4. +4
        25 November 2016 00: 59
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        I would like to remind you that a "socialist revolution" is an act that falls under the qualifications of Article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And enough of these revolutions from Russia, twice already with them the country was torn apart.

        The socialist revolution will not ask for your permission, it cannot be prohibited, it is objective. A revolution will happen when the lower classes do not want to live in the old way, and the upper classes cannot control in the new. And with this, everything goes with us.
        1. +1
          25 November 2016 05: 24
          And with this, everything goes with us.
          This is what you (Ukraine) have come to - the color revolution, download further.
        2. +6
          25 November 2016 06: 30
          You two revolutions were not enough? Again, want to tear the country apart?
          1. +2
            25 November 2016 20: 27
            Gentlemen, you see something you do not understand? I wrote that the revolution will not ask you.
            1. 0
              25 November 2016 20: 47
              Quote: Alexander Green
              Gentlemen, you see something you do not understand? I wrote that the revolution will not ask you.

              Dear Alexander, it is obvious that you do not understand something ... The rating of the "left" (by the way, why the left, right-wing all over the world) of parties is small, this was shown by the past elections, and this despite that. that, in contrast to the situation a hundred years ago, we now have freedom of campaigning in all fields ... And in general, there are no challenges of our time, and you don't have a Leader either ...
              1. +4
                26 November 2016 02: 51
                Leaders are not born in elections.
        3. 0
          27 November 2016 15: 15
          The revolution will happen when the lower classes do not want to live in the old way, and the upper circles cannot control in the new

          Well, this is Marxism, which, as you know, has not found practical confirmation. State security now works just miracles. Marxism was invented before the advent of the concentration camps.
          1. 0
            1 December 2016 05: 51


            How did this Marxism not find practical confirmation?

            We live one on one according to Marxist-Leninist theory.
  2. +4
    24 November 2016 06: 11
    It’s not grateful to look for the best options for what has already happened; possible alliances with Germany with weakened Russia will always lead to a subordinate position of the latter, the territory of Russia is quite self-sufficient and is itself capable of satisfying all its needs. Russia in 1914 could not boast, but today and for a long time.
    1. +4
      24 November 2016 07: 48
      and what are you measuring development?

      I had to look for alliances because Germany began to intensify excessively and pursue an aggressive policy, it then attacked twice, and both times in general because
      1. considered it in the order of things (both the government and the people),
      2. the window for the attack flickering closed.

      why did she think this in the order of things (like the French with other twenty languages ​​before) this is of course an interesting question, but if they were kind people, they would not have gone from war
      1. +3
        24 November 2016 07: 57
        and it began to intensify, not least because such "developed" Germans finally began at the beginning of the 20th century to observe elementary hygiene and sanitation, and they began to itch not here and there, but at the expense of great deeds
        in addition to drang-nah-osten, they climbed out to compete with the Anglofranzians even overseas, although they were also not happy there ... because they were not emigrants
  3. +4
    24 November 2016 06: 13
    Durnovo predicted that rapprochement with England did not bode well for Russia, and the pro-British orientation of Russian diplomacy was fundamentally mistaken and would ultimately lead to a catastrophe for the Romanov empire. (WITH)

    "We learn a lot from books,
    And truths are transmitted orally:
    “There are no prophets in his own country,”
    And in other countries - not a lot. "
    V.S. Vysotsky
    1. +3
      24 November 2016 08: 01
      Was there any kind of rapprochement?
  4. +12
    24 November 2016 07: 07
    Social standards were set by the OCTOBER REVOLUTION of 1917 so high that even abroad they were forced to at least do something, in terms of social security, at least for those working and generating income.
    The years of the SOVIET AUTHORITY have so * corrupted * us that we could not imagine that it is possible to live without social guarantees, which is why frank deception and a military coup of the 90s became possible.
    But today every year we are convinced that the US is not only deceiving, but also stealing the future of our grandchildren.
    1. +13
      24 November 2016 07: 16
      Yes, dear Vasily50, social standards were set such that the whole of Soviet society dutifully looked at how the state that had given these standards to society was taken apart. A striking social infantilism, examples of which still need to be searched in history.
      1. +5
        24 November 2016 07: 39
        not all of those were shot in 1993 and other similar events, social standards after that became even worse
        1. +11
          24 November 2016 08: 20
          Dear Simosonian, you want to say that the events of 1993 were held under the slogan of the restoration of the USSR? Or maybe millions of members of the CPSU in the morning of December 26, 1991 filled the streets of Soviet cities, demanding the cancellation of the Bialowieza conspiracy and the trial of those who committed it? Or maybe the KGB tried to arrest Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich?
          1. +2
            24 November 2016 08: 35
            in general, he arranged it all ... and the 26th was already the New Year, a year later with the prices set off - completely omitted and new
      2. +3
        24 November 2016 13: 12
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        social standards were set such that the whole of Soviet society dutifully looked at how the state that had given these standards to society was torn apart. A striking social infantilism, examples of which still need to be searched in history.

        Yes, you have succeeded in this, but you’ve been eating for 25 years and you won’t get drunk on what was done in the USSR, only you have forgotten something like that, you can deceive one person, a group of people for a long time, but you can’t deceive the people, endlessly.
        And the fact that they are already taking under your whites the pens of yours, all kinds of Ulyukaevs, is the beginning.
        1. +7
          24 November 2016 15: 38
          And again I repeat to you that I have not the slightest relation to the persons who were in the CPSU at the time of the collapse of the USSR and who began the process of "privatization"
          1. 0
            24 November 2016 17: 15
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            that I have no relation to persons

            That's right, you have nothing to do with anything, which you confirm.
            Name Unknown
            Location Unknown
            May 20 2015 09 registered: 27
            Why are you so disguised?
            1. +8
              24 November 2016 17: 19
              Have you decided to claim a person? That is, you still have no other counterarguments.
              1. +4
                24 November 2016 17: 48
                the canned blood is over ... here are all their arguments

                clearly rushes from the fact that his name is "Vlad", but about the fact that Stavropol so it could write a lie
                1. +1
                  24 November 2016 19: 00
                  What are you talking about, Canadian ignoramus?
                  What kind of truth are you writing here, do not tell your dubious sources, that is, dirty puddles where do you get the same dubious knowledge?
                  1. +2
                    24 November 2016 22: 03
                    about you "count" about you ... have you tried to be treated for hemoglobin addiction?
                2. +8
                  24 November 2016 19: 57
                  Oh well, what are you talking about. He just takes the opportunity that you can’t snitch on the face on the Internet, that’s rude to everyone.
                  1. +1
                    24 November 2016 20: 02
                    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                    you can’t snitch on the face in the Internet

                    You can snitch on the Internet.
                    So be silent already, a bunch of talkers have gathered here and are trying to lie, but here is bad luck, it’s not very hard for you to do this ..
                    At the expense of rudeness = yourself, more often, darling, look in the mirror, there is a real, refined in a lie boor, however, and not surprisingly, it is not expected from the Anglophiles otherwise.
                    1. +7
                      24 November 2016 20: 05
                      And this is what a person tells me, instead of arguments leading endless streams of insults and accusations? It is true in the people they say: arrogance is the second happiness.
                      1. +1
                        24 November 2016 20: 08
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        Lieutenant Teterin Today, 19:57 ↑
                        Oh well, what are you talking about. He just takes the opportunity that you can’t snitch on the face on the Internet, that’s rude to everyone.

                        Isn't your FALSE?
                        In addition to you and the Simpsonian, there is no one and no reason to be rude here.
                      2. +3
                        24 November 2016 22: 04
                        Quote: The Bloodthirster
                        In addition to you and the Simpsonian, there is no one and no reason to be rude here.

                        Well, are you here only busy with this ... do the others seem to be their own?
                    2. +2
                      24 November 2016 22: 50
                      here a bunch of talkers gathered and try to lie, but here is bad luck, it’s not very hard for you to do this ..

                      Here in this place it is necessary to insert an extract from the "Short Course in the History of VKPB" with diagrams and illustrations in order to finally trample the lies and provocateurs, for there is nothing more true than the Teaching of Kim ... ugh Lenin because it is omnipotent and therefore true.
                      1. +1
                        24 November 2016 23: 09
                        Quote: Hupfri
                        Here in this place you need to insert an extract

                        With an indication of the place from which you and your kind are broadcasting.
                        As well as those who are on the content of this ..
                        The Prosecutor General's Office recognized the Soros Foundation as undesirable in the country
                        The Prosecutor General's Office decided to declare the activity of two foreign non-governmental organizations funded by George Soros undesirable in the Russian Federation.
                        As it turns out, Lenin’s teachings are really true, and as regards Hayek’s teachings, it’s mediocre, it stinks of social Darwinism and nobody needs it anymore.
  5. +12
    24 November 2016 07: 12
    Another pro-German agitation. There was, therefore, a contradiction with Germany? So, but then how to interpret the trade agreement of 1904, which sharply increased import duties and put Russian exports at a disadvantage to German exports? The Germans took advantage of the 1904 war and imposed this agreement. By the way, Witte’s resignation was due, among other things, to this agreement.
    Need to break through to the Straits? Well, but for this it was necessary to strengthen its influence in the Balkans, which Austria, which was a faithful ally of Germany, opposed. Does the author really think that this is not a contradiction?
    Regarding Galicia and its population, the author apparently does not know who the Rusyns are, and how they met our troops in 1914.
    Yes, a reference to a note by Durnovo is a plus, but just remember that Durnovo belonged to the Anglo-Phobes and described only one side of international politics - the negative consequences of rapprochement with England, and he ignored the negative consequences of rapprochement with Germany. And it would be useful to recall that Durnovo’s apocalyptic forecasts came true only after a handful of conspirators removed the legitimate head of state from power.
    PS And yes, I almost forgot to say that in Germany itself before WWI they did not look at Russia as a potential ally - the Pan-German Union, just like a number of German philosophers put forward plans to "colonize" a part of the territory of Russia by seizing the Baltic and Little Russian lands. you can read more details here:
    1. +5
      24 November 2016 07: 38
      Durnovo is Durnovo ... it pretends that nothing knew about the 1000-year-old drang-nah-osten, probably it was ... non-Russian, and not even a Slav.
    2. +2
      24 November 2016 09: 25
      how is it possible about the German agitation? belay the last "Russian" empire, Holstein-Gottorp, was 100% German, so he could easily agree with his uncle Willie! wassat
      1. +7
        24 November 2016 09: 28
        And, my dear, you again get in touch with your ethnic troubles? lol
        1. +1
          24 November 2016 09: 40
          the most dear PoruchikTeterin I write with facts and not speculation! Didn’t you write about the German propaganda! lol
          1. +7
            24 November 2016 09: 47
            Yes Yes. And for some reason you never back up any of your "facts" with sources, but only valiantly avoid answering the question of how you can confirm these "facts". winked
            1. +1
              24 November 2016 10: 21
              my dear LieutenantTeterin waiting for confirmation of my post yesterday, I threw it again, deleted it yesterday! I can throw it here, but I'm afraid out of place! laughing so who is a dreamer!
              1. +6
                24 November 2016 11: 09
                I saw your "confirmation" - a huge text without indicating the source. Until I see links to what source you are using, I will really consider you a dreamer.
                1. +2
                  24 November 2016 12: 40
                  dear LieutenantTeterin, it's time for you to work your brains! laughing I threw off the text from the newspaper of that time, so you prove that this is not true!
                  1. +6
                    24 November 2016 13: 03
                    Yeah. Do you call your speculation a newspaper and in response to a question about the source, ask your opponent to prove the falsity of your fiction? And you can’t name the number and date of the newspaper? You know, according to the rules of the dispute, a refusal to name a source is equal to an admission of a false statement.
                    So again, congratulations to you, Mr. Sovramshi! hi
                  2. +2
                    24 November 2016 13: 13
                    Quote: Uncle Murzik
                    LieutenantTeterin, it's time for you to work your brains!

                    This is not the strongest feature of his thinking style.
                    1. +8
                      24 November 2016 15: 39
                      Insults have gone ... So the arguments are over.
                      1. +1
                        24 November 2016 15: 42
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        So the arguments are over.

                        Have you had any arguments? Where?
                        And insults .. well, this is your interpretation of a clear lack of mind.
                        Sorry, but you are the past, this is the first, the second you are an unnecessary present, and the third, your proclamations here for the sake of some British pretenders for something in Russia, there are directly anti-state calls, so you ... be silent.
                      2. 0
                        25 November 2016 11: 15
                        so you show your arguments! belay
                      3. 0
                        25 November 2016 17: 52
                        it's in a personal ... there with your "arguments", uncle ball, you will be measured
        2. +3
          24 November 2016 09: 43
          Yes, he’s just a racist, it’s well known that they liked to calculate the% composition of the blood, to determine the purity of the race. That’s all - a moral decline, this is the bottom.
          1. +8
            24 November 2016 09: 48
            Dear, bober1982, I completely agree with you - racism is a complete moral decline of a person and evidence of moral collapse.
            1. +3
              24 November 2016 10: 01
              And with comrade Dzhugashvili does not want to count these same%, he says everything ..... kings ...... Germans, yes Germans, yes, I agree - this is a complete moral collapse.
              1. +1
                24 November 2016 10: 16
                you are funny like all liberals, you have repeatedly posted about Lenin (form) about Stalin (Dzhugashvili)! bober1982 and your post below "In all bourgeois countries against the revolutionary leaders of the proletariat ........ In Germany - Liebknecht, .....
                Here is a photo of this very K. Liebknecht, the leader of the proletariat, is very similar to another such leader - Trotsky. "I wrote in a post that a German with a German would always agree! So which of us is a racist!
                1. +5
                  24 November 2016 10: 34
                  This is something new and original, Uncle Murzik: a liberal monarchist, with a Kolchak bias.
                  Racism will not pass, no matter how disguised it is! No apartheid! Shame on the black pages of South African history!
                  1. +3
                    24 November 2016 13: 14
                    Are you original?
                    Aren't you with a group of shamanites of the same tambourines and tricks about dubious heroes, such as skins, krasnov and other kolchaks?
                    Tell me, is there really a fundamental difference between the glorification of SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Roman Shukhevych in Ukraine and commemoration as victims of the “godless” regime - does the Soviet government mean the Nazi henchmen Krasnov and Shkuro? Both he and the others faithfully served the Third Reich in his war against the USSR, swore allegiance to the Fuhrer of the Third Reich.
                    By the way, I remember that photographic portraits of Shkuro were sent from the Kuban by certain organizations of "patriots" to the ships of the Northern Fleet as an example ... of "faithful service to the Fatherland." Here is how! Hitler's henchman is an example of faithful service to the Fatherland. Arrived!
      2. +2
        24 November 2016 16: 57
        well, he Russified, like his 3 predecessors, beginning with Alexander the 1st after 1812, you didn’t like it (the Decembrists, commoners, Narodniks, Freemasons, Socialist-Revolutionaries, temporary workers, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks) ...
        but the "monarch" Peter the 1st who spread rot on everything Russian - you, all the same, very "like"
  6. +4
    24 November 2016 07: 55
    Durnovo was right in his predictions ....
    1. 0
      24 November 2016 08: 04
      could it be plans?
      1. +1
        24 November 2016 08: 14
        Do you think that Durnovo is a German agent of influence ..?
        1. +2
          24 November 2016 08: 16
          why immediately german?
          1. +3
            24 November 2016 08: 22
            Whose then?
            1. +1
              24 November 2016 08: 36
              and what do you think?
              1. +4
                24 November 2016 08: 57
                Quote: Simpsonian
                and what do you think?

                A purely Jewish way of having a discussion.
                1. +4
                  24 November 2016 09: 27
                  V.ic and where did you see the discussion? belay in my opinion only verbal diarrhea! laughing
                  1. 0
                    24 November 2016 17: 00
                    who is talking about something at the table - both of you about your very diarrhea ...
                    sails are removed if that
              2. +1
                24 November 2016 11: 57
                I will not answer ... I do not know .. and whether he is an agent ..
                1. 0
                  24 November 2016 17: 01
                  then do not answer - he had agents with revolvers ...
  7. +8
    24 November 2016 07: 59
    Here's what to pour from empty to empty? Nicholas II ruled for 1914 years by 20. And where is the industrialization carried out? Where is universal education to grow qualified personnel for a developing industry? Where is the agrarian reform carried out? One dreams and projections! Weak attempts.
    The farther from the Russo-Japanese war, the slower the railway infrastructure expands.
    By 1914, Germany began to drive us out of European grain markets! In the Principality of Finland, German grain merchants became monopolists!
    But the same Bolsheviks, in a shorter time period and under worse starting conditions, carried out industrialization, without which they would not have won the Second World War, universal education, and much more.
    Apparently, it was no accident that after 1 MB there was not a single absolute monarchy in Europe, and then in the 20th century, and not in any large country in the world.
    The course of history was inexorable
    1. +6
      24 November 2016 08: 11
      The industry in Russia was even before Peter the Urals,
      Education was universal before
      Stolypin seems to have been shot ...
      Germany continued to import grain from Russia
      the same Bolsheviks until 1937 did what the Germans did not do with the Russians
      strange, the largest monarchy is still British, it is certainly non-absolute (then - only for a small part of the whites), like the Russian one, since the time of Nicholas I, and for all ...
      1. +2
        24 November 2016 12: 08
        the same Bolsheviks until 1937 did what the Germans did not do with the Russians
        ... Reveal the secret, but what the Germans did not do with the Russians ... And yet, is the Bolsheviks a nationality?
        1. +2
          24 November 2016 17: 06
          for example, they didn’t shoot for refusing to knock,
          the Bolsheviks-labrotrockists, together with the red Latvians, simply destroyed the Russians like cattle ...
          1. +2
            24 November 2016 17: 18
            Quote: Simpsonian
            the Bolsheviks-labrotrockists, together with the red Latvians, simply destroyed the Russians like cattle ...

            Confused with the Whites? Thinking how meager your knowledge is ...
            Hudleston Williamson. Farewell to Don. The civil war in Russia in the diaries of a British officer 1919-1920. - M., 2007. - S. 195
            “Followed the troops to Varvarovka, which was taken by the 6th Infantry Brigade last night. Two field guns, 16 machine guns and 300 prisoners were captured in the village. The prisoners were terrified because they expected - and, as it turned out, quite rightly - that they would be shot by those who captured them.

            they were taken out of the city and all shot from machine guns. So not only the Reds committed brutality. It was these battles that characterized this war. Death from a real meeting from a meeting in the midst of a battle with a bullet or shell was not such an everyday thing, but the massacre of prisoners or city dwellers, hunger and, even worse, the epidemic of typhus and cholera - these were real enemies. The impression was terrible, but the hatred generated by the Civil War excluded all mercy and, in our opinion, they didn’t ask for it, the most reasonable thing was to try not to see what was happening ”
            Private letters of the Civil War era // Unknown Russia: XX century. Part 2 / Moscow City Association of Archives. - M., 1992. - S. 235
            The White Guards intimidated the population that the Reds were slaughtering everyone and everything, but it turned out the other way around: during a 2-month stay, they gouged out 2000 women and children in Votkinsk, even buried women for being the wives of Red Army soldiers. Are they not monsters, murderers. "(Vyatka province, Votkinsk, July 25, 1919)

            Nikolay Poletika. Memoirs
            LETIKA / wospominaiya.html
            The activities of the Volunteer Counterintelligence to clean Kiev "of criminal elements: communists, commissars and other abominations" were widely deployed. All house committees and landlords were ordered to immediately inform their tenants who had moved into the apartment or house over the past month.
            An epidemic of denunciations began. Hundreds of innocent people, who seemed "suspicious", were daily driven under escort to check in counterintelligence prisons. They were interrogated "with partiality": harsh treatment, humiliation, beatings, torture, violence against arrested women, etc. With a huge number of those arrested, they did not gamble with interrogations. Many "suspicious" ones did not live to see the next day. The unloading of prisons was also done without much red tape. In this matter, military units helped counterintelligence. At the headquarters of General Glazenin, the "suspicious" were eliminated primarily on the basis of one essential feature: "Jew." The "guilty" was immediately "used up". In this way, during the month and a half of the occupation in Kiev, according to the official calculations of the Dobrarmia, 2000 "communists" and their "sympathizers" were exterminated. Kievans settled scores with their enemies - both Jews and Christians.
            1. +2
              24 November 2016 17: 39
              write that the storytelling and socialization of wives is also white ...
              you copy and paste too much "vegetarian", obviously not thinking ... your hemoglobin dropped?
              ask the grandson of "Zemlyachka" who alone killed 200 Russian people a day, let him throw it.
              the Reds approached anyone and shot for refusing to become a snitch
              1. +1
                24 November 2016 19: 02
                Quote: Simpsonian
                you copy and paste too much "vegetarian"

                Poke your matryona and if you can.
                Second, your level of knowledge is so low that communication with you causes some degree of disgust.
                1. +3
                  24 November 2016 22: 07
                  I'll poke you and yours, "vegetarian" ... with an aspen peg.

                  on the topic is to write what?
    2. +2
      24 November 2016 08: 11
      Apparently, it is no accident that after 1 MB in Europe there was not a single absolute monarchy left ....
      Everything is right - not by chance, this was the main goal of the war, Christian empires were destroyed.The course of history was inexorable. But this is if they interfere in this move.
      1. +6
        24 November 2016 08: 20
        yes, here is somewhere else the KGB / CPSU has gone and alas the USSR along with them
        there are now sitting something broadcasting about the "course of history" and "illiteracy" (incl. birch bark) smile
    3. +12
      24 November 2016 08: 15
      And at what cost did your kindly Bolsheviks carry out this industrialization? Is it worth the ruin of the village?
      But as for industrialization in Russia, it was there, and it was just starting to gain momentum. Ask why you just started? Because the climate and the remoteness of mineral deposits from places of production is a significant factor slowing down development. It was possible to force industrialization, but at the cost of a monstrous strain of all the forces of society. But in the Russian Empire, a person was put in first place, not the numbers of economic statistics.
      1. +3
        24 November 2016 08: 37
        With remoteness you are right. Now a significant part of the cost of goods is the cost of logistics. And with the then level of development of transport and transport infrastructure in general, seam.
        1. +7
          24 November 2016 08: 50
          Exactly what. And taking into account Russian distances, the laying of railways is not very fast and expensive. The same British or Germans, due to their smaller territory and higher population density, could connect railway settlements much faster and cheaper. Therefore, their industrialization began earlier.
      2. +6
        24 November 2016 08: 52
        And at what cost did your kindly Bolsheviks carry out this industrialization? Is it worth the ruin of the village?

        Ask yourself, at what cost was the industrialization in England? "Sheep ate people" reminds you of anything?
        1. +7
          24 November 2016 09: 37
          England is England. And I propose to leave the question of the price of English industrialization to the British. We are interested in Russia and the industrialization here. The imperial authorities were slowing in favor of preserving the natural dynamics of the development of public life. The Soviet authorities acted only a little softer than the British - industry here was more important than people.
          1. +4
            24 November 2016 09: 44
            Yes, I have not read any funnier arguments from Mr. Lieutenant Teterin! "England is England"
            1. +9
              24 November 2016 09: 59
              That is, apart from nit-picking words, you have no arguments? But what about the vaunted quality of Soviet education? Do you, a Soviet person, a representative of the most progressive community in the entire civilized world, do not have enough arguments in a dispute with some kind of retrograde and "crystal baker" Teterin? What a pity...
              1. +3
                24 November 2016 12: 42
                Mr. PoruchykTeterin where you instilled arguments can links? lol
                1. +6
                  24 November 2016 13: 11
                  You need sources, as they say, I have them. wink
                  A study of the dynamics of the population of Europe.
                  rope / large-detailed-old-railway-and-steamship-map
                  Map of railway and river routes for 1913.
                  Can you figure out how to independently correlate the length of the paths with population density and the number of settlements?
            2. +2
              24 November 2016 12: 10
              Uncle Murzik
              And what do you think, in England are some historical laws, in Russia are different, in China are completely different .. wink
              1. +1
                24 November 2016 17: 07
                historical laws all alone
                1. +1
                  24 November 2016 17: 20
                  Quote: Simpsonian
                  historical laws all alone

                  Then why do you interpret them differently?
                  In England, everything is correct, but in Russia, oh, oh, horror?
                  1. +1
                    24 November 2016 17: 37
                    and in Russia as in Kampuchea it was about .... you expanse.
                    1. +2
                      24 November 2016 19: 03
                      Quote: Simpsonian
                      and in Russia as in Kampuchea it was about.

                      It’s not for you to talk about Russia, and even more so about Kampuchea about which you don’t know anything at all.
                      1. +3
                        24 November 2016 22: 09
                        Klimov wrote all about you all for a long time, and before him Solonevich and Lombroso ...
      3. +2
        24 November 2016 09: 02
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        But in the Russian Empire, a person was put in first place, not the numbers of economic statistics.

        And that in RI there was no class inequality in your opinion? The nobleman imagined himself superior to the industrialist, the industrialist accordingly imagined himself superior to the worker, etc. And you only give out "beautifully liberal" slogans!
        1. +8
          24 November 2016 09: 32
          At the beginning of the 20th century, esteemed, class privileges were already more fiction than reality. But was there equality in your kind USSR? The secretary of the regional committee imagined himself a fellow worker or a peasant?
          1. +7
            24 November 2016 09: 48
            I can tell you from my life experience, my dear Mr. Teterin, builders and the second secretary of the party district committee lived in a tenement house in the times of the USSR, in the same apartment as ours! mom and father were builders! soldier
            1. +9
              24 November 2016 09: 55
              And the chairman of the regional KGB and the first secretary of the regional committee, too, probably lived with ordinary workers? And did you buy products while standing in line with department stores?
              1. +6
                24 November 2016 10: 03
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                And did you buy products while standing in line with department stores?

                Oh ... what rotten myths have come to fruition ... And now Deripaska, Abramovich, therefore, from the aunt Nyura’s shop they buy food for themselves?
                This is necessary, I really thought that wrestlers with privileges, languid for the whole head, had already died out, but no, one was drawn ...
                1. +7
                  24 November 2016 10: 24
                  So I was not the first to raise the issue of privileges.
                  1. +4
                    24 November 2016 12: 42
                    Lieutenant Teterin
                    At the beginning of the 20th century, dear, class privileges were already more fiction

                    Yeah ... that is, peasant children studied at gymnasiums along with noble children, went to universities .. And your nobility, your lordship ... your excellency turned to the nobility this way .. By the way, corporal punishment for peasants was canceled only in 1906 Mr. .. and so secly .. Access to the nobility of the non-noble population was difficult. The law of 1856 was in effect in this regard. In accordance with this law, the following procedure was established for the possibility of obtaining a noble title. To obtain the hereditary nobility, it was required to achieve the rank of a real state adviser or the rank of 4th grade, this is like a major general in the army. To receive hereditary nobility in military service it was necessary to rise to the rank of 6th grade, the rank of colonel or captain of 1st rank. There was such a form of receiving the nobility as receiving it by personal order of the emperor. Chekhov was one of those. He never disclosed this fact.
                    1. +9
                      24 November 2016 13: 17
                      As for the gymnasiums, you are not quite right. Here is the infographic on social composition
                      1. +3
                        24 November 2016 13: 41
                        And you published a myth .. And if you look ... Grammar schools, which I have in my post, you avoided this, you were a privileged educational institution ... and moreover paid .. for the nobility, the rest of the educational institutions are real schools, then paid , parish schools for other classes .. It seems to me that you are from the former propagandists .. there were such people, lectured on the ideal Soviet power, and you are in the same spirit, professing the charms of monarchist Russia ..
              2. +4
                24 November 2016 10: 28
                the most beloved Poruchik Teterin, well, in the USSR, unlike tsarist Russia, people were not sold as cattle, and they did not flog at the stables! you probably did not have to read the Russian classics Tolstoy, Chekhov, Nekrasov belay you urgently need to fill the gap
                1. +8
                  24 November 2016 11: 01
                  How is it? And are you saying that the classics described the sale of people in the 20th century? People in your darling USSR in the stables were not flogged, they were simply thrown into a bare field, taking away everything created by honest labor. And among the landowners of the 19th century, in contrast to the "people's power" of the 20th century, women in the snow in the cold did not give birth. The document was taken by me from the "Live Journal" corporatelie.livejournal.com, the author of which is studying the archival documents of the penitentiary system. And this is written by a Soviet official, and not by some "liberal".
                  1. +1
                    25 November 2016 11: 26
                    I want to say that the classics have written quite a lot about the difficult situation of the Russian people, oppressed by both the tsarist regime and the rich!
                  2. 0
                    25 November 2016 11: 28
                    According to a report at the annual session of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Empire: "Of the 6-7 million children born annually, up to 43% do not live to be 5 years old. 31% show signs of nutritional deficiency in one form or another: rickets, scurvy, pellagra, etc." Even then, the question was raised that "the general drunkenness of the poorest population disrupts the health of the child even before his birth." A separate paragraph lists the largest epidemics and the number of their victims: adults and children over 1 year old. From a report for 1912 against the words: "Almost every tenth peasant child from among those examined shows various signs of mental deficiency. But this deficiency is not only innate. A significant proportion of it stems from the fact that parents who are busy with work do not have time at least to somehow develop him, mentally and motor, according to age. And also, even with him, it is enough to talk and encourage with affection, so that the child learns to speak, walk, etc. in due time. " - in the hand of the king it is written: "It does not matter" and the highest signature is affixed. The same note is opposite the lines that "the average life span of the population of Russia is 30,8 years." According to the laws of that time, the statistics (except for the "unsung" in churches, as mentioned above) also did not include the mortality rate of children under 1 year old.
                    More information at http://voprosik.net/golod-v-rossii-pri-care/ © QUESTION
                    1. 0
                      25 November 2016 11: 30
                      data at the end of XIX - beginning. XX centuries From a report to the tsar for 1892 (especially an unfavorable and lean) year: "Only from the failure of deaths to two million Orthodox souls." Indeed, according to the laws of that time, only those who were buried in Orthodox churches were included in the statistics, and there is no evidence of the number of dead "foreigners", Old Believers, "atheists" at all. But after all, it is clear to any normal person that even in the same Vyatka province, side by side with Russian peasants, Old Believers have long lived and worked on the same land, "foreigners" like "unbaptized Mordovians and Votyaks." Catholics kept their accounts of the dead, but these data were not submitted to the general report. Report to Nicholas II for January 1902: "In the winter of 1900-01, 12 provinces with a total population of up to 42 million people were starving. From this, the death rate is 2 million 813 thousand Orthodox souls! In 1911 (after the much-praised" Stolypin reforms "): "9 provinces with a total population of up to 32 million people were starving. From this, the mortality rate is 1 million 613 thousand Orthodox souls. "
                      More information at http://voprosik.net/golod-v-rossii-pri-care/ © QUESTION
                  3. 0
                    25 November 2016 12: 20
                    Here is a testimony of a person who is difficult to blame for inadequacy, non-Russianness or dishonesty. This is the star of world literature - Leo Tolstoy. Here's how he described his trip to several dozen villages of different counties at the very end of the 19 century [1]:
                    “In all these villages, although there is no mix with bread, as was the case in 1891, but bread, although pure, does not provide plenty. Welding - millet, cabbage, potatoes, even the majority, do not have any. The food consists of grass groves, whitened if there is a cow, and unbleached, if there is none, and only bread. In all these villages, most have sold and mortgaged everything that can be sold and mortgaged.
                    From Guschina, I went to the village of Gnevyshevo, from which peasants came two days ago asking for help. This village consists, like Gubarevka, of 10 courtyards. For ten yards are four horses and four cows; almost no sheep; all houses are so old and bad that they barely stand. All are poor, and all beg to help them. “If only the guys have rested a little bit,” say the women. “Otherwise, they ask for folders (bread), but there’s nothing to give, so they will not fall asleep without having dinner” ...
                    I asked me to exchange three rubles. There was no ruble money in the whole village ... Similarly, the rich, who make up everywhere around 20%, have a lot of oats and other resources, but in addition, landless soldiers' children live in this village. The whole settlement of these inhabitants does not have land and is always poor, but now it is at the price of expensive bread and at a meager delivery of alms in terrible, terrifying poverty ...
                    From the hut, near which we stopped, a ragged dirty woman came out and walked over to a handful of something lying on the pasture and covered with a tattered and skidded caftan everywhere. This is one of her 5's children. A three-year-old girl is ill in extreme heat with something like a flu. Not that there is no speech about the treatment, but no other food, except the crusts of bread that the mother brought yesterday, leaving the children and running with the bag for exhortation ... The husband of this woman left the spring and did not return. These are about many of these families ...
                    1. +2
                      27 November 2016 15: 28
                      whom it is difficult to reproach of negligence, non-Russian or dishonesty. This is the star of world literature - Leo Tolstoy.

                      Excerpt from the article “Not the flesh, but the spirit has been molested these days ...” by Candidate of Sciences A.K. Popova (p. 165):

                      “... Count <L.N. Tolstoy> tried on his own to solve the most difficult life, religious, philosophical and creative problems without God and even against His will. He "went crazy" on them. We do not think that he became a complete psychopath, as some of the psychiatrists who watched him believed. So, the psychiatrist Rossolimo diagnosed: "Degenerative double constitution, paranoid and hysterical with the predominance of the former." No, many of the symptoms of hysterical seizures, convulsions, stomach upsets were the result of demonic control of him. "
                  4. 0
                    25 November 2016 12: 32
                    According to the observations of Korolenko, a person engaged in helping starving people, in 1907, the situation in the village did not change, on the contrary, it became noticeably worse:

                    “Now (1906 — 7 year) in starving areas, fathers sell daughters to merchants of living goods. The progress of the Russian famine is obvious. ” [2]

                    Hunger in Russia. Roofs dismantled to straw feed cattle

                    “The wave of migration movement is growing rapidly with the approach of spring. The Chelyabinsk Migration Board registered 20 walkers in February, most of the starving provinces. Typhoid fever, smallpox, and diphtheria are common among immigrants. Medical assistance is inadequate. There are only six dining rooms from Penza to Manchuria. ”The Russian Word newspaper dated March 000 (30), 17 [1907]
                    1. +2
                      25 November 2016 18: 04
                      starving does not mean starvation perished ...
                      In the USSR, after the Second World War and before the Second World War, starvation died of hunger.
                      "Even in the USA" - in the 30s, 3,7 million people died from it.
                      What else are there from the revolutionary newspapers? The dining room at each station was ...
              3. +3
                24 November 2016 10: 33
                Lieutenant Teterin, you apparently did not live at that time? but with the son of the secretary of the district committee, the parties stood in line for milk, we had a year of difference and lived in the same house, were friends, and he didn’t differ from us!
                1. +7
                  24 November 2016 11: 03
                  What about the children of higher-ranking officials? Regional and republican rank? As for the districts and cities, everything is clear - the children of mayors of small towns still study with ordinary children, you can see the municipal deputy on the bus.
              4. +4
                24 November 2016 12: 19
                I will surprise you yes .. in our house there were workers, teachers, the military commissar of the district, the head of the district department of the KGB, and you know they went to the store that was next to our house, it was not specialized ..
                1. +5
                  24 November 2016 12: 30
                  This is all district level leadership. And this is the third time I have asked about the leaders of the regional and republican levels. Did they live with ordinary people?
                  1. +2
                    24 November 2016 13: 44
                    And you want to say that the great princes lived in apartment buildings .. They rented apartments ..?
                    1. +8
                      24 November 2016 15: 41
                      So the great princes are the level of the Council of Ministers or the Politburo.
                      1. +3
                        24 November 2016 17: 22
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        So the great princes are the level of the Council of Ministers or the Politburo.

                        Really realized?
                        Well, it’s necessary, with what delay, sometimes healthy thoughts come, except for one thing, to call the Politburo the Grand Dukes, another brain twist through the back ...
            2. 0
              1 December 2016 06: 45
              Uncle Murzik

              I confirm. He also knew how the first secretary of the regional committee of our region lived.

              Exactly the same as the hard worker of the brick factory. Only the hard worker had a large family and they had a three-room "Czech". "Czech" is a panel house of a Czech project. But the First had a two-room apartment in the same neighborhood.
          2. +4
            24 November 2016 10: 05
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            At the beginning of the 20th century, dear, class privileges were already more fiction

            What are you ?! But how, then, for example, the soldiers are ordered to walk along the shady side of the street so as not to embarrass the gentlemen of the officers and their ladies on the sunny side?
            You otkel myths that draw your own?
            1. +7
              24 November 2016 10: 30
              And you "otkel" draw such delightful stories about "the confusion of gentlemen officers"? Will you name the source, or, like most of the Red Philosophers, will you get off with contemptuous and proud silence?
              1. +4
                24 November 2016 11: 05
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                Call the source, or, like most Krasnofilov escaped with contemptuous proud silence?

                Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies for the garrison of the Petrograd Military District on March 1, 1917
                7) The titles of officers are equally canceled: Your Excellency, Honor, etc., and replaced by an appeal: Mr. General, Mr. Colonel, etc.
                Rude treatment of soldiers of any military ranks and, in particular, appeal to them on the "you" is prohibited, and of any violation of this, as well as of all misunderstandings between officers and soldiers, the latter must inform the company commanders.
                If there was nothing, then why is point 7? Guess it’s not difficult with three times?
                1. +6
                  24 November 2016 11: 19
                  I see the cancellation of title in the order. I see the cancellation of the title. I see an attempt to "democratize" the army. I do not see the cancellation of the ban on using the tram. I repeat the question: where did you get the information about the prohibition of walks on a certain side of the street and the use of trams?
                  1. +2
                    24 November 2016 12: 36
                    Lieutenant Teterin “Everyone knows that I was very strict about my corps, but no one could blame me for the injustice or lack of concern for my colleagues, generals, officers, and even more so for the soldiers. I lived in the barracks against the magnificent city garden, my daily walk was along its shady wonderful alleys. These walks were shared by my fox terrier Boer. One fine day, when I entered the garden, I was struck by the newly posted paper on the gate, as usual, various orders of the authorities were posted. "The lower ranks and dogs are not allowed." I got very angry. It must be remembered that we lived on the outskirts, among the Polish, in the majority of the hostile, population. The soldiers were Russian, I looked at them as my family.

                    I whistled my Burik, turned and left. On the same day, I issued an order so that all generals and officers, along with the soldiers, would not enter this garden, because I could not allow the soldiers to offend. It was forbidden to litter, bite seeds and throw cigarette butts, pick flowers and mash grass, but to put soldiers and dogs on the same level, it was too tactless and indecent. In addition, I informed the commander of the troops about this and asked him to take measures to tame the governor. Since G.A. Skalon was not only the commander of the troops, but also the governor general, and he gave the corresponding order to cancel the order of the governor, who came to me and was very sorry that he had not consulted with me before. Subsequently, he extremely sought after me. ”
                    (Brusilov A.A. My Memoirs / Comp. V.A. Avdeev, S.G. Nelipovich. - M.: Olma-press Star World, 2004. P. 42–43)

                    “I remember how my valet Ivan, noticing my loneliness, advised me to go for a walk - either along the promenade or into the Summer Garden. It already struck me that the entrance to this garden was forbidden to “dogs and lower ranks”. Later, when I went out to the regiment, I was indignant when I found out that Vakhmister Nikolai Pavlovich should have been content to walk with his children in the dusty regimental courtyard, while in the Summer Garden, the bearded youngsters of the first year of service sat with the young ladies on cozy benches. ”
                    (Ignatiev A.A. Fifty years in service. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1986. - P.83)

                    “But not everyone had access to the coffee house. Signs were stained on the walls: “Do not drive dogs” and “No entry to the lower ranks”. laughing
                    1. +6
                      24 November 2016 13: 20
                      Wonderful. Memories of two "red" generals. Something I do not remember such information in other flashbacks.
                      1. +6
                        24 November 2016 14: 39
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        Wonderful. Memories of two "red" generals. Something I do not remember such information in other memories

                        Well, what else could they write? In the context of kommikov who wrote what he thought? They wrote what they ordered.

                        Therefore, all these ts. memoirs and uninteresting to anyone.
                      2. +1
                        24 November 2016 14: 49
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        Wonderful. Memories of two "red" generals. Something I do not remember such information in other memoirs.

                        What, in a goiter, stole breath?
                        Who is Ignatiev in military affairs, it is known, and what is two Internet velya, Teterin and Alexander, except for VO, no one knows.
                        What is behind Ignatiev, Shaposhnikov and a host of others, it’s understandable, but what’s behind the Teterins, it’s clear, an attempt to distort history, shove it into the kings of an arrogant Saxon, so what are you stirring up here, Russophobe?
                        What wrote for example Denikin, now praised?
                        And he wrote on the order of the CIA = work, how to break RUSSIA, THIS IS THE LEVEL OF YOUR "PATRIOTISM", AT LEAST WITH HELL, BUT AGAINST RUSSIA, for the sake of interests absolutely far from the interests of both Russia, the state, and the peoples of Russia
                      3. 0
                        25 November 2016 11: 36
                        dear Lieutenant Teterin
                        Every year, the Russian army lost dead, escaped, expelled to the incapable, put on trial, etc., to almost 10,5% of the available army.

                        But the main flaw of the tsarist army was not yet that. The main thing was that the soldier was powerless. Any boss, from the sergeant major to the general, could beat him with impunity. Soldiers were forbidden to ride in tramcars, since according to the concept of royal satraps, being in a carriage of a soldier and officer was at the same time an insult to officer dignity; a soldier could not visit public places, such as: zoological gardens, cafes, etc.

                        Even on the eve of World War II, at the entrance to the Petrograd Zoological Garden, there was a humiliating ad to the Russian soldier: "Dogs and lower ranks are not allowed to enter." The soldiers were not allowed to participate in the political life of the country. Young soldiers who arrived at the barracks were placed at the complete disposal of the sergeant-major, who, using their power and impunity, extorted money from the soldiers and in every possible way mocked them. The soldier could not complain. For the complaint, a new, even more cruel, reprisal awaited him. So, for example, in 1909, the company commander of the 3rd Pernovsky regiment beat the grenadier Levitin with a stick, Levitin decided to file a complaint against the commander. Upon learning of this, the commander summoned a soldier to his place and offered him a small amount of money, threateningly cursing: "Give it up, don't complain - you will get more." When the soldier refused the money, the commander wrote a report on him that Levitin had broken his stick. And the fate of the grenadier was decided. He was put on trial and sentenced to 10 years of hard labor ***** About the attitude towards soldiers in the tsarist army: and outwardly ...
                        mrpossessor.livejournal.com ›415122.html
                    2. 0
                      25 November 2016 11: 39
                      Mr. Poruchik Teterin, you are ridiculous! well, you will refute the words of the tsarist generals or red generals! I congratulate you again on lol ramshackle!
                  2. +2
                    24 November 2016 12: 37
                    You will repeat for yourself, read more.
                    So far, all myths have fallen from you here and no more.
                    1. +5
                      24 November 2016 13: 24
                      Will you tell me if I can ask questions? But don’t you take too much on yourself, my dear? VO is a free platform for communication and it is not up to you to decide who and what can help.
                      And as for the myths - so far I only observe them from the "red" side. As well as trying to avoid uncomfortable questions.
                      1. +2
                        24 November 2016 13: 56
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        Will you tell me if I can ask questions? But don’t you take too much on yourself, my dear?

                        Oh, how not to look at the wounded pride of an amateur asking stupid questions ..
                        I take exactly as much as you can not bear, immediately a squeak and a squeal is heard.
                        At the expense of avoiding uncomfortable questions, this is solely your tactics of behavior here. Uncle Murzik Today, 12: 36-the ANSWER gave you, what, nothing to say?
                        Well, then shut up, and then you’re talking about how to turn the VO site into an anti-state one, with yelling about a shabby party from Little Britain, you have enough mind, but how they tack against the wall with uncomfortable facts, they immediately hysterical, oh, they offend.
              2. +1
                24 November 2016 12: 46
                like most redophiles
                ..Are you a white-headed ..?
                1. +7
                  24 November 2016 13: 26
                  Not that yes. All the same, the White Movement carried a fair "pinkish" tint, especially in the east of the country. But if you want to know, then I am a supporter of historical Russia, and I have a negative attitude to communism.
                  1. +4
                    24 November 2016 13: 48
                    You decide .. this is not an answer Not that yes..You confidently call all those who disagree with you with the Reds ... Hang labels, but don’t want to hang a label on yourself .. What is privileged? wink
                    1. +7
                      24 November 2016 15: 44
                      I just answered you that I was not an ardent supporter of the White movement, but nevertheless I consider it the best alternative to Leninist power. And as for the labels ... Your will, if you want to hang one on me - please, your right.
                  2. +2
                    24 November 2016 13: 59
                    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                    But if you want to know, then I am a supporter of historical Russia, and I am negative about communism.

                    Oh .. well, you gotta, what is there in your understanding of "hysterical Russia", in which there is no place for the USSR? This is the history that was, and not your hysteria here on a given topic using long ago rancid myths.
                    And then I’m already watching others start talking ... having worked as teachers of the CPSU school, and now scribble books about the Swastika over the Kremlin, here it is the price of your efforts here ...
                    1. +6
                      24 November 2016 15: 47
                      What swastika is over the Kremlin, what are the teachers of the CPSU school, what are you talking about now?
                      The USSR and Historical Russia are really two different states, with a different form of government, a form of government and a political regime.
                      And the founders of the USSR themselves emphasized that they were creating a new type of state. So your pathetic exclamations are definitely not clear to me.
                      1. +2
                        24 November 2016 17: 28
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        What swastika is over the Kremlin, what are the teachers of the CPSU school, what are you talking about now?

                        How about anything, about your free or not Shpakovksky ally, his knizhentsia.
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        The USSR and Historical Russia are really two different states, with a different form of government, a form of government and a political regime.

                        Opply, what nonsense .. THIS IS ONE and the same country, territory, one and the same people, but with a different socio-economic structure, Mr. Russophobe, you would not give such frankly stupid comments ... about a different story ..
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        And the founders of the USSR themselves emphasized that they were creating a new type of state.

                        Yes, that's right, a state of a different type, the future lies with it, and not in your soaked with blood and pus, sweat and tears of capitalism.
                        It is for this form that the future, taking into account the totality of the experience of the History of Russia, and no matter how you shamanized the Angles together, it is not for you to determine our future.
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        So your pathetic exclamations are definitely not clear to me.

                        So you don’t understand much of what is in our History, and you don’t need to understand it, it will be more complete. Not in England we should be told what and how we, in our country, should do and how we should live.
      4. avt
        24 November 2016 11: 11
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        And at what cost did your kindly Bolsheviks carry out this industrialization? Is it worth the ruin of the village?

        And where was it otherwise? In what country of the world were workers massively taken from non-agriculture. How was it in Greta Brita in the fight against enclosure, you don’t want to refresh it? Was everything humanely? Another thing is that, as Stalin correctly said, we had to go through in 10 years what others did in 100, otherwise we would be crushed. Yes, and in a country passed through two meat grinders - World War I and Civil, when almost ALL the population fought and human life was not worth anything. That village and gave the class of workers and engineers. But collectivization, in fact, was the same latifundization, which in the same empire until 1917 provided the main commodity and export agricultural product.
        1. +7
          24 November 2016 11: 23
          I do not want to disappoint you, but industrialization did not start in the 20s precisely because of the actions of the Bolsheviks who destroyed the engineering personnel of imperial universities during the Civil War, and what was built in the 30s was mostly defeated by the Germans, and partly exported to the rear, and in the rear had to re-build the entire production chain. So such sacrifices ended up being in vain at least half.
          1. +3
            24 November 2016 12: 42
            [quote = Lieutenant Teterin] I do not want to disappoint you, but industrialization did not start in the 20s precisely because of the actions of the Bolsheviks, [/ quote]
            Excuse me to engage in nonsense?
            Well, tell us the PLAN of the Emperor to build something comparable to what was done in the 20-30 years. [
            quote = Lieutenant Teterin] was for the most part defeated by the Germans, and partly transported to the rear, and the entire production chain had to be rebuilt in the rear [/ quote]
            Who defeated it and took it out, if not your Bely and their ANTANTA patrons? [Quote = Lieutenant Teterin] So such victims as a result turned out to be in vain at least half. [/ Quote]
            If it were not for the activities of the Belys first, who unleashed the Civil, then their new master Hitler, they would have lived in a completely different way, so you either stop lying or admit, for which you constantly lie to the past, but fussyly keep quiet about the present, for example, about the disastrous pogrom industry in the 90s of the 20th century, by you, the same haters of Russia as those who created February, Civil and World War II.
            1. +7
              24 November 2016 13: 41
              I will answer the points:
              1. What is the plan of the emperor? In RI there was no planned economy. And, as I understand it, economic growth of 7% during the years of WWII is not an indicator for you?
              2.Antanta was the patron saint of Nazism? Yes, you are making unprecedented successes in the field of alternative history!
              3. The White Unleashed Civil? Oh really? It was they who probably seized power by force in Moscow and St. Petersburg?
              4. And about the collapse of industry in the 90s, you are bashfully silent that you did this with party cards in the pocket of the CPSU, to which, thank God, I have nothing to do!
              1. +2
                24 November 2016 14: 04
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                What is the plan of the emperor? In RI there was no planned economy.

                EVERYTHING ... nothing else to write, you are an absolute ignoramus in the subject.
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                Was the Entente the patron saint of Nazism? Yes, you are making unprecedented successes in the field of alternative history!

                What did you write now, your twists and rushes to refute yourself right there?
                You are clearly shown the sequence- "
                Quote: The Bloodthirster
                If it were not for the activities of the Belys first, who unleashed the Civil, then their new master Hitler, they would have lived in a completely different way, so you either stop lying or admit, for which you constantly lie to the past, but fussyly keep quiet about the present, for example, about the disastrous pogrom industry in the 90s of the 20th century, by you, the same haters of Russia as those who created February, Civil and World War II.

                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                Civilians unleashed White? Oh really? It was they who probably seized power by force in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

                You again signed for historical illiteracy? Well, so you write down how many times you pointed out your indestructible craving for lies.
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                And about the collapse of industry in the 90s, you are bashfully silent that you did this with party cards in the pocket of the CPSU, to which, thank God, I have nothing to do!

                Who is silent? Prokhorov and Abramovich, Gaidar and Yeltsin, sobchak and others? Yes, they rejoice, telling how they fought with the country by penetrating the party, Judean Adaptives, shifters, what to take from them.
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                to whom I, thank God, have nothing to do!

                Yet you were missing there .. however, judging by your cries here, just about the fact that you didn’t have time to go to the Deriban, and now it’s completely on the sidelines, this infuriates you, because you are giving out such a nonsense that it’s already I really start to worry, is everything all right with your health.
                1. +6
                  24 November 2016 15: 55
                  Prove the planned economy of the Republic of Ingushetia. Please wait for your evidence.
                  Regarding the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the October Revolution (as Soviet historiography called it until the 30s), who arranged it — Denikin and Kolchak? No, this is the work of Lenin, Trotsky and others like them.
                  You know, about, if not health, then about your cognitive abilities, I'm already starting to worry. You have already mentioned me several times in your comments, along with the figures who brought the country's economy to the handle in the 90s. To make it clearer for you, I will say clearly: I have never been a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and do not belong to the people who ruled the state and economy in the 90s. These people (Sobchak, Gaidar, etc.) are neither liberals nor capitalists. These are people brought to power by the Communist Party and my claims regarding the nineties are not to the "liberals", but to those who brought such people to power, that is, to the members of the CPSU.
                  I hope now you my position has become clearer.
                  1. +2
                    24 November 2016 17: 31
                    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                    Regarding the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the October Revolution (as Soviet historiography called it until the 30s), who arranged it — Denikin and Kolchak? No, this is the work of Lenin, Trotsky and others like them.

                    Who made FEBRUARY?
                    And who started the Civil, if not your Denikins and Kolchaks, the Reds and other enemies with the Angles, Franks and other Japanese / Americans?
                    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                    These people (Sobchak, Gaidar, etc.) are neither liberals nor capitalists. These are people brought to power by the Communist Party and my claims regarding the nineties are not to the "liberals",

                    Mr. liar, tell this tale to your curators, and who and how led these grief reformers is known. Yes, and the result of their "quasi-reform" is assessed, a crime on a national scale.
                    1. +6
                      24 November 2016 17: 49
                      My dear, if for you GV began in February 1917, then you can name the famous fights of the civil war in April. June, September 1917?
                      Mr. inventor, will you deny the fact that Gaidar made a career in the ranks of the CPSU? He had a membership card that the director of the CIA handed over or what? Or dispute the fact that Yegor Gaidar is the grandson of the Soviet writer Arkady Gaidar?
                      1. +1
                        24 November 2016 19: 04
                        Darling, what are you trying to tell here?
                        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                        Egor Gaidar - the grandson of the Soviet writer Arkady Gaidar?

                        Grandson? No way relatives.
                      2. +1
                        24 November 2016 22: 14
                        and the one in Ukraine is also by no means a relative ... lol
          2. +3
            24 November 2016 12: 46
            Lieutenant Teterin so industrialization did not start because of the Bolsheviks? laughing and the Bolsheviks carried out the February revolution? lol Well, I’m lying around! And they didn’t let the rocket start up! wassat Well, you just write fiction
            1. +8
              24 November 2016 13: 27
              Fiction regarding rockets and the February revolution are doing here Youdear.
              1. 0
                25 November 2016 12: 38
                the most beloved PoruchikTeterin, well, your arguments as always ended, and a wild fantasy began!
                1. +1
                  25 November 2016 18: 07
                  Tsiolkovsky, like Sikorsky, seemed to be under the Tsar ...
                  who now has violent fantasy?
          3. +2
            24 November 2016 12: 51
            and what was built in the 30s was for the most part defeated by the Germans
            .. From your words, it turns out the Germans took Novokuznetsk .. Magadan, Komsomolsk-on-Amur .. And other cities built in Siberia in the 30s .. I did not know this historical fact ..
            1. +7
              24 November 2016 13: 44
              That is, you do not know about the industrial clusters of Kiev, Donetsk and Minsk?
              1. +1
                24 November 2016 14: 07
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                That is, you do not know about the industrial clusters of Kiev, Donetsk and Minsk?

                What a clever speech .... did not "know", as well as such a talker like you do not know anything about the second industrial area.
                However, you do not know about the 70% supply of the required strategic and materials in the war industry, created before the war.
                A lot of what turns out to be not just unknown to you, and it is not necessary that you would know, sleep peacefully, your time is up.
          4. avt
            24 November 2016 17: 15
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            You will be disappointed, but industrialization did not begin in the 20s precisely because of the actions of the Bolsheviks who destroyed the engineering personnel of imperial universities during the Civil War,

            You can disappoint only the USE students of today, but not as people of Soviet education, and even knowing the history of the same Bauman Moscow State Technical University, well, the former Imperial Workshops and MTU later, and even knowing the teaching staff with its succession of generations. So hang these noodles on their ears to those who do not fully understand the name - "philosophical steamer", well, the meaning of the words does not understand who was sent on that steamer. And if you also follow Lenin's behest - "Study, study and again - to study ", then you will learn that the exodus of engineering personnel began even before the Bolsheviks, exactly under Nikolashka # 2, when for money the Russians were setting up the production of weapons in the same USA. So capacious from
            Quote: The Bloodthirster
            Excuse me to engage in nonsense?

            It’s quite suitable for definition.
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            It was built in the 30s, it was for the most part defeated by the Germans, and partly transported to the rear, and the entire production chain had to be rebuilt in the rear. So such sacrifices ended up being in vain at least half.

            This is generally at the level of a practicing specialist fool Especially by analogy with the conduct of the First World Nikolashka No. 2, but in the situation of 1941 and his "industrialization" of 1913, not that there is not enough money to buy something - in general, no one would have reached the Urals and you would be here on the keyboard for sure would not knock.
            1. +8
              24 November 2016 17: 54
              And I didn’t say that the country lost all engineers, so there was someone to teach - otherwise this industrialization would not exist at all.
              The engineers in America you are talking about are not a "cadre exodus", but assistance provided at the request of the American government.
              As for the conduct of the war by Emperor Nicholas II, please tell me - is this probably when the Germans reached the Volga and had to be driven away from Moscow? Or was it under another ruler?
              1. avt
                24 November 2016 20: 10
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                And I didn’t say that the country lost all the engineers,

                laughing Favorite switch to the back of the intellectual, when you specifically pop him for his own about vaapcha, so our intellectual right there - I said, .... but not about that in particular laughing
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                The engineers in America you are talking about are not a "cadre exodus", but assistance provided at the request of the American government.

                laughing So WAS THERE? Really !? laughing Naturally - the money grabbed by order, and then - come and do it yourself, you need it. And let's go - where to go then? The gun tragedy of 1915 had to be addressed.
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                As for the conduct of the war by Emperor Nicholas II, please tell me - is this probably when the Germans reached the Volga and had to be driven away from Moscow?

                Under the leadership of Nikolashka # 2, THE EMPIRE FUCKED! ALL! UP TO VLADIVOSTOK INCLUDING! And do not blame Lenin, he did not write to himself - "Master of the Russian land", but gathered it under his ideology for the world revolution. And Stalin limited himself to the territory of the Empire. Yes, they went to the Volga and turned to Berlin. And where was your allied France in the Entente, in 40 FORTY days ?? And where were the Germans in forty days after June 22, 1941. And indeed without the Romanovs
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                Or was it under another ruler?

                and in reality, under a different, completely self-sufficient ruler, who did not write about himself, but his entourage called him “OWNER” and even though you wipe all your teeth in anger, this was and is a medical fact.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. +1
                    24 November 2016 23: 13
                    Quote: Aleksander
                    For whom were dams and plants built?

                    Strange .. the question at the level is not even a kindergarten, but a certain institution in which ... well, in general, it’s clear what they are doing.
                    The question is, why are "unnecessary" factories, plutocards of all stripes, are they unnecessary?
                    Quote: Aleksander
                    And only 55 years after the October putsch, the Russian people, one of the fastest growing in the world, no longer reproduced themselves, by the time the comms were worn out, they were already dying out.

                    Again a lie, take care of Moldova, where they definitely survive, but do not live. And by the way, the Russian cross is the merit of your accomplices to destroy the country of Yeltsin and K.
                    1. 0
                      25 November 2016 13: 53
                      Quote: The Bloodthirster
                      Quote: AleksanderA just after 55 years after the Octpatch, the Russian people, one of the fastest growing in the world, did NOT reproduce themselves, had already died out at the time of the eruption of the commies.

                      Again a lie

                      I have already given you links, you are all our forgetting. I will give you one more time: kill yourself this, yes: Yes

                      Perevedentsev V.I. "Population of the USSR (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow)", M. 1972 ,
                      Quote: The Bloodthirster
                      , attend to Moldova where exactly survive

                      Take care of a party of used ghosts ryazhenyh clods Yes
                  2. avt
                    25 November 2016 10: 17
                    Quote: Aleksander
                    The density was 9 people / sq. 2 under Nikolay, today it is 8, 5 people / sq. 2-today. And this is with the enormous possibilities of increasing the population in the vast expanses of Russia in the 20th century

                    laughing Cheap cheaters went, since they sang for the "plost", right now I will sob and say that there were more people living in the Empire than in the USSR laughing And all your presentations, throw to the bloody drunk Nikolashka, who grabbed the post of the Supreme and shamed the Empire, and those who really could steal were picked up. , yet again
                    Quote: Aleksander
                    For whom were dams and plants built? For the Arabs? Nigerians? The Chinese?

                    For esteem for 270 millions of people, unlike 166 millions in the Empire on 1913, it is in spite of TWO world and graadansky.
                    Quote: Aleksander
                    Good hoopoes steered for 70 years, yes.

                    They steered in such a way that the hucksters are still sawing up their acquired property, and provided the opportunity for these hucksters to not just cut it - just live, and you are monarchist, who are bored with the lord's boredom and the yoke serf too.
                    1. +1
                      25 November 2016 13: 33
                      Quote: avt
                      Cheap cheaters went, since they sang for the "tightness", right now I will sob and say that there were more people living in the Empire than in the USSR who really could steer., again

                      Yesterday’s pretend that the density of a country’s population that has fallen over hundred years is the norm. They are afraid to look around the rest of the country, but how has it changed?
                      therefore All presentations are exactly the party of com led by a burr of venbolnom (in the words of Bunin) and his accomplices, who absolutely themselves ruled the country 70 years. And they are the only ones responsible for the collapse of the country in 1991 and the endangered Russian people.
                      By the way, no one ever entrusted them to steer.
                      Quote: avt
                      For esteem for 270 millions of people, unlike 166 millions in the Empire on 1913, it is in spite of TWO world and graadansky.

                      186 Millions of population was in Ingushetia in 1917 year before the comedian putsch, within the boundaries of the future of the USSR-population 141 млнwhich has grown over 70 over the years lessthan twice! In the USA, it grew during this time 4, 5 times in china in 3,2 times- while in 1917, in terms of population growth, Russia was at the level of China. About Europe, where in Belgium in 1900 was 263 person / km2-To no need, they had nowhere to grow.
                      Quote: avt
                      They steered it so that the pushers still sawing the acquired property, and they made it possible for these pushers not to to nag - just live, and you monarchy, on the lash of the lordly bored and servile yoke too.

                      Saw something, basically Natural resources Russia. Or did the comedians create them too ?! belay lol When did they do it ... belay lol
                      And the West, the poor, is dying from hunger, he did not have lumps. lol
                  3. +1
                    25 November 2016 12: 43
                    Once again, Aleksander will write to you in Africa that a lot is born too, but this does not mean that there is a high standard of living! Mortality in Russia was one of the highest, and life expectancy is 31 years
                    1. +3
                      25 November 2016 17: 56
                      Russia is not Africa, there are no tsetse flies
                      mortality in Russia was the lowest due to normal sanitation and hygiene, which almost the rest of the world until the beginning of the 20th century simply did not know
                      Americans and Europeans were not allowed even into China and Japan because they stank + insects ...
                      or forced to live off the coast on islands including bulk
                2. +2
                  24 November 2016 23: 06
                  ..... to Lenin, he did not write to himself - "Master of the Russian land", but gathered it under his ideology for the world revolution. And Stalin limited himself to the territory of the Empire. Yes, they went to the Volga and turned to Berlin. And where was your allied France

                  Where is your communism? You have not forgotten that all your bloody antics, all these breaking through the knee - everything was done in the name of communism, but they did not come close to it. On the contrary, the people lived worse than in Polar Finland. And this is over 70 years of "development". They bought bread in Canada!
                  1. +2
                    24 November 2016 23: 16
                    Quote: Hupfri
                    Where is your communism?

                    But he was not there, there was socialism, you see so illiterate that you do not understand what the difference is?
                    Quote: Hupfri
                    You have not forgotten that all your bloody tweaks, all these breaking through the knee

                    And this is yours in the sense of bloody tweaks ranging from the White with the Entente, through Hitler to Yeltsin?
                    Then everything is right, you drank a lot of blood from the country.
                    What does the consequences of Yeltsin, in terms of losses in population, material means, higher than from the invasion of Hitler, not to mention the loss of territories.

                    Quote: Hupfri
                    And this is over 70 years of "development". They bought bread in Canada!

                    Well, yes, yes, of course ... the truth is, we ate our first-class bread, but Canadian, we let livestock feed.
                  2. avt
                    25 November 2016 10: 20
                    Quote: Hupfri
                    Where is your communism?

                    Well, how many times he wrote - Learn, study and study again! Marxism properly bully For Atets said, with the building of socialism the class struggle is growing.
                    Quote: The Bloodthirster
                    But he was not there, there was socialism, you see so illiterate that you do not understand what the difference is?

                    request "While the people are illiterate, the most important of the arts for us are cinema and the circus" bully Here he is in carpet clowns and is training.
      5. +3
        24 November 2016 12: 05
        Lieutenant Teterin
        And at what cost did your kindly Bolsheviks carry out this industrialization? Is it worth the ruin of the village?..Here in more detail, how did the Bolsheviks ruin the village at that time ..? I understand correctly that after industrialization, villages ceased to exist? .. They turned out to be ruined? beggars can’t do anything .. so? .. And the last question now is there is no industrialization ... but there are no villages .. people are fleeing from there are all the consequences of the Bolsheviks’s actions, has it been going on since that time?
        1. +7
          24 November 2016 12: 35
          After industrialization, koya, if you recall, was associated with collectivization, the outflow of population from villages sharply increased. Or do you say that this is not so, and passports in collective farms were just canceled?
          The fact that the peasant ceased to be the master of his land and youth began to be disappointed in life in the countryside came to this conclusion.
          More details here: http://you1917-91.narod.ru/nikitaeva_ischez.html
          1. +1
            24 November 2016 13: 33
            I’m sure, you read everything there, but didn’t understand a damn thing, in general everything is as always like you.
            This is the same this person. Http: //refdb.ru/look/2747433-p5.html Read if you can.
            “It was extremely important for the Bolsheviks who came to power to resolve such a vital issue, which they actively used as one of the main trump cards in the struggle for power, as the question of peace. The dissertation candidate substantiates the main aspects in which the Bolsheviks tried to solve it. power functions in the country, they could not but pay the closest attention to the active army, the problems of its reorganization, the main directions of which, based on the analysis of documents, are discussed in the section.

            The political parties of Russia (except the Bolsheviks), which were rapidly losing their political authority in the country and in the army, could not realize the possibility of reaching civil agreement in society.
            The dissertation candidate believes that the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly of the Russian Democratic Federal Republic was the second stage in the consolidation of the power of the Bolsheviks. At the same time, the widespread notions that the Constituent Assembly did not recognize the Soviet power and its decrees on land and peace are not documented. "
      6. +3
        24 November 2016 13: 26
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        But in the Russian Empire, a person was put in first place, not the numbers of economic statistics.

        Yes, you sho !!! Do not fig yourself a bend with a twist, I think I can confirm this, at least somehow, dodging and swooping in flight, can you?
  8. +8
    24 November 2016 08: 11
    “Vital interests of Russia and Germany are nowhere to be confronted and give full grounds for the peaceful coexistence of these two states. ” Germany’s interests were to expand their colonies and spheres of influence in the world in order to gain new markets and stocks of raw materials. That is, first of all, the interests of Germany faced the interests of Britain and France

    Yes, being interested in the COLONIES of England and France and not having contradictions with Russia (according to the author), Germany, in the first place, attacks .... to RUSSIA! belay Then, furiously fighting (according to the author) -with the "main enemy" England, for some reason he attacks again ... to france belay What a sly mnogohodovochka looms something lol

    By the way, Germany did not attack England, its "main enemy", apparently, did not know Samsonov's theory.

    It was possible to establish mutually beneficial trade relations between Russia and Germany without war.

    What an idyll: it turns out that Germany and Russia could establish mutually beneficial trade relations with Germany without war, but with France, by no means. And with such diametrically approaches ONCE! and attacks both of them almost simultaneously, and the friendly lol Russia, even on the first .. Apparently, as a sign of special location. : Yes lol:.

    The author would read the Germans themselves, and today's historians, and they say that Germany was commanded by generals and the military-industrial complex before the war, they made decisions about the war, and on two fronts at the same time (practically), fearing that in the future they could no longer cope.
    Defeated army

    Russia won the war as a member of the Entente, while making the greatest contribution to the defeat of the invaders - the Central Powers and Turkey.

    In this case, the loss her were the smallest among the main participants in the war in Europe.

    And there was no such as in Germany, in which only hunger during the war killed 800 thousand people
    1. +4
      24 November 2016 08: 30
      Well, that’s why I needed to send someone from a Swiss resort to Russia in a car full of money ...
      in 1917 the army was already disorganized by the revolution, in 1918 it was absent as a class, but the "mighty countries" took and collapsed military defeat when the place of the Russian Empire in the anti-Kaiser coalition was taken by some ... cowboys winked just a little bit and absolutely no combat experience.
      for this, all sorts of legends were needed about how one cowboy from a pompomik killed a whole company of Fritz on the western front
      before him the truth was fought not by one Russian division, saving Paris all the way, even near Paris, and not only in 1914 in East Prussia, and urgently ...
      1. +1
        24 November 2016 09: 10
        Another of the main myths revolves around the fact that Lenin was allegedly a "German spy." A kind of "James Bond" of the 20th century, who tried to destroy the "Holy Tsarist Russia", and who managed to do it. Insidious and bloodthirsty! But first, before citing a historical fact, we will quote Comrade Stalin himself on this matter:

        “In all bourgeois countries, slanderous accusations of treason were leveled against the revolutionary leaders of the proletariat. In Germany, Liebknecht, in Russia, Lenin. said openly that they consider their leaders to be impeccable, solidarize with them and consider themselves participants in their cause "- JV Stalin, Speeches at an emergency conference of the Petrograd organization of the RSDLP (Bolsheviks), June 16-20, 1917.

        And Lenin himself, in the open press, directly accused Parvus of working for German agents. However, better than Lenin's notes is evidenced by the quotation of the same Stalin, which a dear reader could read above. For the first time, the "information stuffing" was made by the Provisional Government in June 1917. Then, the Kronstadt sailors under the leadership of Yarchuk (anarchist) staged a mass strike, which the Bolsheviks tried to turn into a peaceful demonstration. The result was the mass execution of the strikers, the pogrom of the printing houses of the Bolsheviks, as well as their persecution and arrest.

        The testimonies of one of Lenin’s accusers and the Bolsheviks of espionage, the ensign Yermolenko cut off immediately. They wanted to refer to the commercial operations of Ganetsky in Russia, which was familiar with Lenin and Parvus - but nothing came of it either, because Ganetsky was exporting finances from Russia, but not importing them. The Bolsheviks had to be released, on a symbolic guarantee ...
        Also, there is a denial of the "German espionage" in the document by George Kenon, which was called the "Kenon memorandum". There are denials by Robert Lockhart, a career diplomat and intelligence officer.

        And even the United States (!) In the 50s completely denied Lenin's involvement in German money, because the documents turned out to be fake, and all the institutions whose signatures were documents did not exist.
        1. +5
          24 November 2016 09: 27
          In all bourgeois countries against the revolutionary leaders of the proletariat ........ In Germany - Liebknecht .....
          Here is a photo of this same K. Liebknecht, the leader of the proletariat, very similar to another such leader - Trotsky.
          Would live Liebknecht to the Stalin era - from him he would have gotten an ice pick on the head.
          1. +1
            24 November 2016 11: 12
            Quote: bober1982
            the photo of this same K. Liebknecht, the leader of the proletariat, is very similar to another such leader - Trotsky

            Is it a secret for you that Karl and Rosa killed by the front-line soldiers were flesh of flesh and blood of the blood of the "chosen people"?
            Quote: bober1982
            Comrade Liebknecht would live to the Stalin era - from him he would have gotten an ice ax on the head.

            However, you have forgotten that history of the subjunctive mood has no...
            1. +3
              24 November 2016 12: 02
              Dear V.ic, how much can literally procrastinate this ... history of the subjunctive mood has no .....
              1. +2
                24 November 2016 12: 54
                So why are you, like teterins, alexander trying to procrastinate her, distracting from today's reality?
                Are you trying to live with your head rolled backward, persistently telling myths about "horrors" the day before yesterday, closing your eyes and ears to the reality of devastation from the 90s and now?
                What do you want to achieve?
                One all about privileges suffers, when now those very privileges in terms of level and quality, in general, NOTHING, against the backdrop of the boozy revelry of sons and daughters of "non-nobility", aren't you distracting the people from this?
                Well, we read what he says on the occasion of the October Revolution, for example, Ivashov
                "In the social sphere, the situation is even more complicated. The gap between the clan of the super-rich and the bulk of the population is widening. Even the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko was forced to admit that the gap between rich and poor regions reached a critical point - 43 times. There is a tightening of fiscal policy against the background of the rapid growth of corruption and the involvement of the law enforcement system. The case of Defense Minister Serdyukov became an example for dishonest governors, ministers and security officials: do not steal on trifles, steal billions and then you will not sit. I already wrote about personnel policy in Sovetskaya Rossiya, this a complete personnel default. And it looks like the authorities are doing everything necessary to make the revolutionary situation in Russia inevitable. "
                And now to your myths about October
                "As for the October Socialist Revolution, it became a vital necessity for the salvation of Russia as an integral state, as a world power. For neither the Provisional Government, nor any other real political force could preserve the united country. Decisiveness and dictatorship were needed, not talkative demagogy about democracy. Russia was already divided by the "allies" in the Entente, the country was scattered to pieces. Lenin turned out to be the man who understood the situation deeper than other politicians, chose the right strategy, outplayed his competitors. The will and eastern cunning of Stalin allowed to deal with the Trotskyists and build a powerful The policy of socialist construction. It is necessary to clearly understand: if there were no October, there would not have been May 9, 1945. And June 22, 1941 would certainly have happened, perhaps a little earlier. "
                so that all the chatter of the Teterin-Aleksander and others like them, is broken by one fact-THE TURNOVER OF FEBRUARY 17, this is the DESTRUCTION of Russia, October, its revival.
                August 1991 and the accession of Yeltsin, this is another attempt to kill Russia.
                What Putin is doing now is to see how unpleasant it is for all these Teterins, Aleksandrs and others, not in vain, on TV there are more and more political programs on the topic of SOCIAL justice, and here you are procrastinating, about the events a hundred years ago, it’s scary to see, answer many will have to commit treacherous policies for 25 years after the successors of February came to power.
                Quote: bober1982
                Well, how much can literally procrastinate this ... ...... the history of the subjunctive mood does not have .....
                1. +1
                  24 November 2016 13: 30
                  .... many will have to answer for the treacherous policy for 25 years after the heirs of February came to power.
                  You do not talk - heirs of February, monarchists and Bolsheviks, true communists and opportunists and those who joined them, K. Liebknecht with Rosa, English spies and Mannerheim’s board. You at least decide to start with the heirs, if the classics of Marxism-Leninism themselves are confused
                  1. +2
                    24 November 2016 13: 38
                    Quote: bober1982
                    You don't talk

                    This is something you should not do, weaving out the tinsel word here, covering up your ignorance.
                    I’ll throw it to you, on the subject of your efforts here with K, ...
                    A reasonable question arises: why, in fact, the glorification of the militants of the OUN-UPA and SS divisions “Galichina”, the Latvian and Estonian divisions of the SS is disgusting and disgusting, but the endless fuss with the rehabilitation of Krasnov, the endless throws into the public consciousness of attempts to rehabilitate Vlasov and Vlasovites , the declaration of Cossack traitors as innocent victims and almost the only patriots of the Fatherland, the praise of Hitler's henchmen from all kinds of “Lokot republics” - is it beautiful and delightful?
                    What is the difference between the glorification of the OUN-UPA fighters and the glorification of the so-called Russian Liberation People's Army (RONA) under the command of J. Kaminsky or the Cossack units of the Wehrmacht and the SS? Or from attempts to present Vlasov as the only and true fighter for the "freedom" of Russia, he wanted to first overthrow the Bolsheviks with the hands of the Germans, and then he was going to expel the Nazis from Russia. This RONA “became famous” not only because it served the Nazi occupation regime in the Oryol and Bryansk regions, but also because even the Germans and the SS were horrified by the cruelty of the Warsaw uprising.
                    Who do you serve?
                    This and the like?
                    So how do you differ from them or not at all?
                    1. +3
                      24 November 2016 14: 01
                      So how do you differ from them or are you completely different?
                      You are distinguished by demagogy, picked up on old party talkers. Maybe a little different, and maybe very different, but what is different is for sure, and what is different, I am not mistaken because you are different. If you say that If you’re not different, then I’ll say that you’re different, and don’t have to procrastinate, that you are not different, that’s the point, that you are different.
                      1. +2
                        24 November 2016 14: 14
                        Quote: bober1982
                        You are distinguished by demagogy, picked up on old party talkers. Maybe a little different, and maybe very different, but what is different is for sure, and what is different, I am not mistaken because you are different. If you say that If you’re not different, then I’ll say that you’re different, and don’t have to procrastinate, that you are not different, that’s the point, that you are different.

                        Verbiage as the last frontier of a cornered liberal chatterbox? What is the use of your verbiage, if you are beaten every time for your Russian community and lies?
                        But then what you and your kind of people are doing here is an anti-state policy, so at least all attempts by you like are evaluated, for example, by N. Narochnitskaya.
                        Oh, it will be much smarter and more literate than you.
              2. 0
                24 November 2016 13: 11
                Quote: bober1982
                this is ...... the history of the subjunctive mood has no .....

                ... repeat! Repeat, repeat ... good
                1. +2
                  24 November 2016 17: 34
                  two times you are not enough? what year was the last congress of the CPSU (b)?
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        24 November 2016 09: 16
        By the efforts of specialists in the psychological war against the USSR, a sealed wagon became not just a symbol of anti-Sovietism, but also a psychological catalyst prohibiting the thinking of Soviet power as the power of the people themselves.

        The Germans apparently could send their spies to Sweden only through Switzerland. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the Germans put their spies in sealed cars, transported through their territory, and then transported to Sweden.

        In Sweden, by an ordinary train, Lenin reached the border with Finland. Finland is a province of Russia, a warring state, therefore, from neutral Sweden, Lenin crossed this border illegally. He walked along the ice of the Gulf of Finland, carrying with him several suitcases with German money. He was accompanied by a whole group of German spies who helped carry money.

        The interim government of Russia, knowing that German spies were crossing the border with Lenin, apparently under the influence of the magic of the words “sealed carriage” decided to send a certain group of enemy prisoners of war to their homeland - to Germany and Austria-Hungary.

        Lenin at the Finland station in Petrograd was met by a government delegation. Nobody bothered about German spies, at least their traces are lost on the ice of the Gulf of Finland.

        Great story. Lenin illegally crosses the border of his homeland, and the government, knowing this, sends prisoners of war legally to Germany. Nothing, the zombies of false anti-Soviet propaganda believe this. laughing wassat
        1. +6
          24 November 2016 10: 33
          prohibiting thinking of Soviet power as the power of the people themselves.

          The people had nothing to do with this power, because there was nothing they could do about this power, influence it. Soviet power was based on lies and violence; there were no free elections or a free press.
          Soon after the usurpation of power, Mirbach was killed - a man who knew everything about the Bolshevik-German shura of mura.
          1. 0
            24 November 2016 11: 17
            Quote: Hupfri
            Soon after the usurpation of power, Mirbach was killed -

            Soon it is from November 1917 to July 1918?
            1. +2
              24 November 2016 17: 11
              approximately soon as Tsar Nicholas II with his Family ...
              1. 0
                24 November 2016 19: 11
                Quote: Simpsonian
                approximately soon as Tsar Nicholas II with his Family ...

                Finger to the sky ... mb. in f .... Mirbach's Socialist-Revolutionary Yasha Blumkin finished on July 6, and Nikolashka and Yasha Yurovsky's family on the night of July 16-17 ... And here and there representatives of the "chosen people" were among the executioners.
                1. +3
                  24 November 2016 22: 45
                  and his children and his wife ... so humane
                  call your children nicholas
                  1. 0
                    25 November 2016 06: 05
                    Quote: Simpsonian
                    humane so

                    You, as a representative of the "chosen people" know better ...
                    1. +2
                      25 November 2016 06: 21
                      something completely "jammed" you ... hi
    2. +5
      24 November 2016 09: 30
      Quote: Aleksander
      The author would honor the Germans themselves, and today's historians, and they say that before the war, Germany was commanded by the generals and the military-industrial complex, they made decisions about the war,

      Adolf Hitler, compared with William II, is a miserable dropout. Kaiser officers generally considered the Nazis to be arrogant ignoramuses. The Second Reich is a gigantic imperialist entity. During the war, the Kaiser even introduced socialism with labor service and coupons!
      1. +1
        24 November 2016 10: 55
        Kaiser officers generally considered the Nazis to be arrogant ignoramuses.

        Uh-huh .. at the same time, the same former Kaiser officers earnestly served the "dropout," Hitler, creating a powerful war machine.
        The Second Reich is a gigantic imperial formation.

        And what is the Third Reich? Where did the whole industry come from in Germany during Hitler's time?
        During the war, the Kaiser even introduced socialism with labor service and coupons!

        Stunned, what patented lies did not write ...
        1. +2
          24 November 2016 17: 24
          the German army fought in WWII worse than in WWI, the Red Army simply degraded even more ...

          your dog adik vehemently relied on the same bad boys from the SS ...
          and most of the officers were not earnest, and they were deceived by Goebbels propaganda, they thought that there would be an easy walk, and their friends, the unfinished dog Trotskyists would greatly help, they were almost mistaken ...
          then, as it turned out, Tolstoy’s bear didn’t read. lol
  9. +4
    24 November 2016 09: 14
    Capitalism is a parasitic system based on the worst qualities of a person, we have gone the wrong way and we will not become leaders in this race (its organizers change the rules for themselves, no matter how Putin tries). What was bad in socialism, it was necessary to correct and not destroy the system under which the USSR for several decades became a leader. And now for more than 20 years we have been marking time, eating through the legacy of the USSR.
    1. +9
      24 November 2016 09: 41
      Speak worse? That is, the desire to honestly work and earn a living by one’s work, the ability to freely exercise one’s abilities for creativity and entrepreneurship, do you think these are the worst and parasitic qualities? In other words, you are the Soviet egalitarianism and envy of those who are not lazy to work hard in the sweat for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones - this best quality?
      1. +1
        24 November 2016 10: 53
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        the ability to freely exercise their abilities for creativity and entrepreneurship

        Does anyone have such opportunities? Deripaska and Abramovich? Or a speculator from a marketer who sells not only what he has grown, but bought by the cheap?
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        In your opinion, the worst and parasitic qualities?

        Of course, it is your worst and parasitic qualities to steal, take out, steal again, which is what your population has been showing for already a year, starting with 90.
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        In other words, you are the Soviet egalitarianism and envy of those who are not lazy to work hard in the sweat for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones - these are the best qualities?

        It is your worst qualities to do nothing, but shamefully shame, all nonsense, to those whose work and its results you assign to yourself.
        1. +4
          24 November 2016 11: 09
          "Most of all, Soviet people hate what they have never seen: liberalism, democracy and capitalism."
          1. +3
            24 November 2016 11: 38
            For 25 years already, we have been witnessing how the capitalists rake everything under themselves, while the liberals justify it. How the same people win the election.
            1. +2
              24 November 2016 11: 45
              Yeah. The capitalists. With party tickets of the CPSU. And all as a selection of anti-fascist nationalities.
              What is the name of the people who stole the national treasure built by the Russians with blood and suffering? Thieves. And then the economic system will accordingly be kleptocracy, and not capitalism at all.
            2. +9
              24 November 2016 12: 39
              Dear, if these people are capitalists and liberals, then I am the Pope ...
              In other words, they have nothing to do with capitalism and liberalism.
        2. +9
          24 November 2016 11: 32
          My dear, again rude please? Actually, I didn’t mean Deripasok, but small and medium-sized businesses - bakeries, car repair shops, farms. Are these people stealing something from whom?
          I personally didn’t steal anything and didn’t take it out of the country, nor did I appropriate anything, so you got a mistake.
          And as for the appropriation, you should be reminded how in the 30s peasants were driven into collective farms, taking away what was acquired personal labor. Or maybe you forgot that the 90s privatizers from the CPSU and the Komsomol come from?
          So nonsense at you, but not at me it turns out.
        3. +2
          25 November 2016 16: 57
          Quote: The Bloodthirster
          Of course, it is your worst and parasitic qualities to steal, take out, steal again, which is what your population has been showing for already a year, starting with 90.

          We know, we swam, we saw - the motto of the Soviet worker: "Take every nail from work, you are the owner here, not the guest!" A scoop is such a scoop.
  10. +6
    24 November 2016 09: 29
    The Russian Empire did not need to expand the territory,

    What does the expansion of territory have to do with it, we have been declared war
    1. +1
      24 November 2016 11: 20
      Quote: Hupfri
      Hapfrey Today, 09:29 AM New
      "There was no need for the Russian empire to expand its territory,
      What does the expansion of territory have to do with it, we have been declared war

      Whom do you refute, sick one? And with two advantages? Who are those clever guys who "plus" nonsense?
      1. +1
        25 November 2016 17: 47
        Probably those who read at least Wikipedia where it is written that on August 1, 1914, Germany declared war on Tsarist Russia and not vice versa.
  11. +3
    24 November 2016 09: 47
    . Russia and Germany were in Europe “representatives of the conservative principle in the civilized world, the opposite of the democratic principle, embodied by England and, to a much lesser extent, France”

    A very controversial statement. England was the representative of the "coal civilization", Germany - the "gasoline and electricity", a good "conservative" country with the highest level of scientific discoveries per capita! This is a technological clash for resources
  12. +2
    24 November 2016 09: 56
    "Most The best option for the Soviet Union in foreign policy is a close rapprochement with Nazi Germany. France and Japan will sooner or later be drawn to this alliance. "Such a political combination, devoid of any aggressiveness towards other states, will ensure the peaceful coexistence of cultural nations for many years, which is not threatened by the militant designs of Nazi Germany, as British diplomacy is trying to prove," but the desire of England (and the United States) for global domination. "
    This is how it is better, more understandable for the consciousness of Soviet people, why an alliance between Russia and Germany is impossible.
    1. +2
      24 November 2016 10: 49
      Quote: Zmicerz
      "The best option for the Soviet Union in foreign policy is a close rapprochement with Nazi Germany.

      Is this in the understanding of liberal and Russophobe? Well, yes, of course, even with the devil, but against the Union, something reminds me of your writings ... well, a saying from the ancient-DEAD lion and Donkey kicks ...
      1. +4
        24 November 2016 11: 01
        Have you read the article? I just changed the words "Russia" to the Soviet Union, and added "Nazi" to Germany in the last paragraph of Mr. Samsonov. He did this so that the Soviet brains would understand that there could not be an alliance between RI and Germany, interests are completely differently directed for this.
        Russia's interests: Greater Poland, Bohemia and Moravia, the Balkans, Straits, the establishment of close trade, economic and political ties with the countries of Southern Europe, further progressive modernization and industrialization and commodity expansion.
        The interests of Germany and its allies: Poland, the same Balkans, the Baltic states, Ukraine, Belarus and the Caucasus, preventing the modernization and industrialization of Russia and its product expansion into the European market.
        This is geopolitics, its laws are as inevitable as physical laws, and dear Mr. Samsonov decisively ignores this fact in his pro-German articles.
  13. +6
    24 November 2016 10: 13
    With such a blatant stratification, injustice and further "development" of capitalism in Russia, I join the conclusion. stated in the title of the article: "The social revolution, in its most extreme manifestations, is inevitable in our country." It is necessary to build a classless, extra-class society, in the absence of private ownership of the means of production. It is necessary to build a socialist society taking into account the mistakes of the Soviet Union.
    1. +10
      24 November 2016 10: 40
      Socialist society? Again equalizing wages, searching for "Japanese spies", suppressing initiative people under the slogan "What do you want more than others?", Control of "activists" over the private life of society? No, thank you humbly, Russia does not need a second such "happiness" ...
      1. +4
        24 November 2016 12: 57
        Mr. Poruchik Teterin, China lives and develops, the second power in the world and moves the United States under the leadership of the Communist Party! Socialism is also different! and not for you to speak for all of Russia! soldier
        1. +5
          24 November 2016 14: 17
          China lives and develops, the second power in the world and moves the United States under the leadership of the Communist Party!

          There the party is only called communist. She is a trade nationalist.
        2. +1
          25 November 2016 17: 10
          Quote: Uncle Murzik
          ... and not for you to speak for all of Russia! soldier

          And certainly not for you) what percentage of those who have voted for the left parties in the last election?
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +4
    24 November 2016 11: 34
    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
    the ability to freely exercise their creativity

    Many films were made under capitalism, but many books have been written? Can you compare with the USSR? Yes, there were flaws, but it is so that the wallpaper is re-glued, the windows are changed, the facade elevated. And what did we do, we destroyed the capital building and moved to the adobe hut, which will soon be washed away by rains (crisis, war).
    1. +9
      24 November 2016 12: 46
      Movies? No less than in the last 25 years of "socialism". And this is not counting the series, including on the historical theme. And a lot of books have been written, in different genres, and not only Dontsova's detectives. And these books are also published in digital form.
      1. +2
        24 November 2016 14: 02
        Few people remember only contemporary art, but everyone who remembers what was created under the USSR.
        1. +6
          24 November 2016 14: 11
          but what was created during the USSR everyone remembers.

          I am sure that you will remember a maximum of 2-3 dozen films. And it was shot at 200 a year.
          Remember two dozen books. And printed in millions of copies of hundreds and thousands of items. Remember this phenomenon - waste book coupons
          You will not find the works of the apologists of Morgsism there.
          1. +2
            24 November 2016 14: 23
            Quote: Hupfri
            Quote: Alex66
            ... and what was created during the USSR everyone remembers

            You will not find the works of apologists of Morgsism there

            - something you skid slightly, IMHO
            - the works of "apologists of Marxism" were created when the USSR was not yet in nature, no?
            1. +2
              24 November 2016 16: 02
              - the works of "apologists of Marxism" were created when the USSR was not yet in nature, no?

              But when the USSR appeared with these works, paper mills did a plan
  16. +5
    24 November 2016 12: 19
    Maybe it's worth learning from smart people. China followed us. They practically copied our way. By the ninety-first year, they were four times behind us in terms of economic potential. Unlike us, they did not destroy anything. The same ideology, the same goals. We have carried out economic transformations and are following the same course. At the same time ahead of the rest. But we could be ahead now
    1. +2
      24 November 2016 12: 58
      here, at the grouse and the like, the brain begins to boil! laughing
    2. +3
      24 November 2016 16: 55
      . We have carried out economic transformations and are following the same course.

      Not one. They have something like NEP, and Stalin canceled it. The current Chinese comrades are right-wing deviators. And then faithful Leninists and Stalinists gathered, they are not on the way with the Chinese revisionists.
      By the way, why for 70 years communism was never built. Not enough time? Or brains?
  17. +2
    24 November 2016 14: 12
    Quote: Zmicerz
    Once again confirm the fact that the Soviet means Russophobia, once again russophobia here venturing))

    You're not right. All anti-Soviet are Russophobes.
    1. +9
      24 November 2016 16: 02
      Really? But what about Lenin's Russophobic statements, like phrases about "Great Russian chauvinism" and "the people of the Derzhimord"?
  18. +2
    24 November 2016 14: 22
    She’s much smarter and more literate than you will be.
    She’s much smarter and more literate и you also will be.
    1. 0
      24 November 2016 14: 23
      Quote: bober1982
      She is much smarter and more literate, and you will be too.

      But do I argue that she is smart?
      You are arguing with her, wallowing in stupidity.
      1. +2
        24 November 2016 14: 29
        He himself remembered her (I’m like a good friend), and you reproach me.
        1. +2
          24 November 2016 15: 04
          Quote: bober1982
          He remembered her

          Yes, I remembered, because even this clever Madame, over time, began to understand that her estimates expressed in 90 about Soviet Russia did not correspond to what the heirs of February had done to the country. And now, she gives a positive assessment to the USSR, Yes, with equivocations, yes, remembering the repressed brother of his dad, but this is a subjective and personal assessment that interferes with her, when she herself, argues with any kind of Russophobia audience in the West.
          This is what yesterday, Skomorokhov removed from the comment thread, why not? But this is an ASSESSMENT of the situation. And the assessment was given firstly by a talented poet, and secondly, the recognition of Narochnitskaya’s correctness of the Bolsheviks’ case, after the pogrom of the Februaryists.
          Maximilian Voloshin changed his views. When the country was torn to pieces, he wrote the famous lines:
          Russia is over. On the last
          We blundered her, chatted,
          Proluzgali, drank through, spit,
          Zayzgali on dirty squares,
          Sold out on the streets: Do not
          Who lands, republics and freedoms,
          Civil rights? And the people of the motherland
          He dragged himself on the pus like.
          There was still at the end:
          And an officer, unknowable by anyone,
          Looks with contempt - cold and dumb -
          In the riotous crowds a meaningless crush,
          And listening to their frantic howl,
          Annoyed that there is no at hand
          Two batteries "scatter this bastard."
          But then, when several years passed, self-interest and betrayal of the West were exposed, and the Bolsheviks began somehow to gather the country, the same Voloshin brilliantly writes about the West:
          And after the heroes and leaders
          Stealing predator greedy pack,
          To the power of Russia boundless
          Unlock and sell to enemies:
          To rot her wheat piles,
          Dishonor her heaven
          Eat wealth, burn forests
          And suck out the seas and ores ...
          Therefore, when we begin to distribute “lands” and “freedoms” in dirty areas, we must be aware of who they will ultimately get!
        2. 0
          24 November 2016 15: 36

          [media = http: // https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = n8x
          1. +2
            24 November 2016 17: 03
            Enjoying children's songs?
      2. +1
        24 November 2016 20: 22
        Bloodsucker That you argue with her, wallowing in stupidity
        I didn’t even say half a word about her, I didn’t even remember! What a dispute, and where bogging down? not in yourself?
  19. +2
    24 November 2016 14: 52
    you remind me of this with your accomplice Teterin.
    There are two. One is interested in:
    - What are you doing now?
    - I work as a nuclear scientist!
    - Do you design reactors?
    - I clean the nuclei of the Tsar Cannon!
    In exactly the same way, you and your accomplice can be called a "historian" who have nothing to do with History ... "nuclear scientists" .....
  20. +7
    24 November 2016 15: 40
    Myth, speak? That is, infographics based on the research of a doctor of historical sciences is a myth for you?
  21. +6
    24 November 2016 15: 42
    The wounded pride, it is obvious in you, since a remark about your rudeness causes you such a painful reaction.
    1. +2
      24 November 2016 15: 50
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      Injured pride, obviously you

      I have?
      I, regarding your fantasies about the constitutional monarchy with some kind of bastard from England, have a healthy laugh, and at the expense of all your chatter of pure water, pragmatics show you that you are a liar, a busoter and a person pushing absolutely anti-state ideas into society .

      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      as soon as a remark about your rudeness causes you such a painful reaction.

      At the expense of your rudeness, darling, you should be silent, because every word of lies, black myths, gossip is, yours, rudeness.
      For example, how is your link to another asphalt peasant woman, on the loss-making of collective farms, and the reality is
      And those are
      So, Mr. liar, you should still keep silent or look for a site like Censor, Echo of Moscow where the audience perceives your myths with a bang, if only they are as dirty and black as possible.
      1. +8
        24 November 2016 16: 14
        Oh, how everything is started ... That is, those facts that are not pleasing to your worldview do you declare gossip? Regarding the "bastard" - did you remember the Windsor branch? Well, Prince Harry actually legitimateborn in a registered marriage from Charles's legal wife. About fantasies - that’s what you called it theory regarding a person who can claim to be a monarch in the case of the will of the people of Russia? If so, then I am amazed at the narrowness of your attitude to the question, because it turns out that you theory can't tell from real desires person.
        As for the allegations of lies - I must say that you other forum users in the neighboring discussion threads have convicted of false information. And today you only do that you are trying to blame me for something, without bringing a single significant objection to my posts (with the exception of the last answer). All my attempts at a civilized discussion encounter endless streams of insults and accusations on your part.
        As for anti-state ideas - it's not me, but other "comrades" here express sympathy for the ideas of the "socialist revolution"
        PS I would earnestly ask you to send me to resources that are deeply alien to me, an Orthodox Christian, a conservative and a patriot of Russia. In the end, I'm not telling you that your fabrications have a place on sites like KPLO or Comstol.
  22. +8
    24 November 2016 16: 27
    Sorry, but an appeal to the opponent’s intellect throughout the civilized world is considered an insult. Maybe you think differently ...
  23. +7
    24 November 2016 16: 52
    Oh, the mantras about "spirals of development" are now in use.
    And as for private property - you would at least read Marx the same - how he treated this property ...
  24. +7
    24 November 2016 17: 42
    You yourself admit that the USSR is a state of a new type, but at the same time you call stupidity the fact that the state structure is different. Where is your logic? To make it easier for you to ask: Kaiser Germany and the GDR - is that the same state in your opinion?
    As for the future ... You, of course, can indulge yourself with dreams of a "Zemsharnaya Republic", but just won't you be kind enough to name at least one state in the world that has become socialist over the past 25 years?
  25. +7
    24 November 2016 18: 02
    You are, as always, in your repertoire. If Ulyanov hated bureaucrats, then why should he emphasize their nationality? Is it because he was still a Russophobe?
    The class theory that you are talking about is ideological poison in its essence, because instead of the idea of ​​finding a compromise between different social strata in society, it gives the idea of ​​social discord.
    The reference to Rodzianko is especially remarkable because it is a man who played one of the leading roles in the conspiracy against Nicholas II. Do you think that a month before the coup, will he be completely objective in his correspondence with the Emperor or will he exaggerate?
  26. +3
    24 November 2016 18: 11
    The bloodsucker, and here is how hieromonk Athanasius was killed from the Savior Monastery:
    They announced to him that they would shoot him, the monk knelt, prayed, then rose, blessed the killer and then was killed point blank.
    And here is how Archpriest Ornatsky, the rector of the Kazan Cathedral, was killed:
    He was taken to execution with two sons and asked Whom to kill first, you or sons? - Sons
    While the sons were being shot, the father recited a prayer. The Red Army refused to shoot the priest, then the Chinese hastily called out, too. Then the young commissar approached the priest and shot him point blank.
    1. +2
      24 November 2016 18: 41
      "In one of her last letters, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna conveyed the Tsar's last testament to the Russian people:
      "The Father asked to convey to all those who remained loyal to Him, and those on whom they may have influence, that they would not avenge him, since He forgave everyone and prays for everyone, and that they would not take revenge for themselves and remember that the evil that is now in the world will be even stronger, but that not evil will conquer evil, but only love "
      Many people ask the question: why did the church recognize Nicholas II as saints? That is why.
    2. +2
      24 November 2016 18: 52
      Quote: bober1982
      how hieromonk Athanasius was killed from the Savior Monastery:

      Link where, this time, the second one who killed and the third, do not you think that your ooh sighs, regrets clearly fit into the formula-White can kill the Reds, flog the peasants, You can’t touch any white, and even less any other enemy with your red finger ?
      You understand the stupidity of your position, the futility of your efforts to justify the killers of the population in the country, namely Belykh, their patrons ANTANTA, then various bandits, if only to further spread the black myth, saying that all the victims of the Civil are entirely guilty of the Reds. I wonder if you learn that if look at the losses of the Reds and the Whites, then the losses of the Reds are much bigger, don't you wonder why you stop crunching with buns, writing another myth about dubious nobility usefulness and nobility here ?, a considerable part of which also served Hitler later .
      At the expense of the monks. But aren't they the monks, priests and others that blessed the killings, and often they themselves took part in them?
      In total, according to various archival sources, up to 50 thousand people died from the "red" terror.
      According to V.V. Erlikhman, 300 thousand people died from the "white" terror.
      (Erlikhman V.V. “Population Losses in the 2004th Century.” Handbook - Moscow: Russian Panorama Publishing House, XNUMX.)
      There is not a single document from which it follows that repressions against the clergy were carried out because of their faith. They were shot for the participation of priests in the hostilities, for anti-Soviet agitation and calls in sermons to fight with the authorities in an armed way, there were numerous cases of murder from criminal motives. Church historian D. V. Pospelovsky (member of the board of trustees of the St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute) wrote in 1994 that "during the period from January 1918 to January 1919, the following were lost: Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev, 18 Archbishops and Bishops, 102 parish priest, 154 deacons and 94 monks of both sexes ”[136]. The accuracy of the calculations is doubtful, but it is clear that the historian did not find thousands of executed people. And where did 300 thousand priests come from, if in Russia in 1917 there were about 100 thousand clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the entire clergy with families was about 600 thousand people?
      The bulk of human losses in the Civil War (from 15 to 20 million) is associated not with the "red" and "white" terror, but with hunger, typhus, and Spanish flu. and the actions of the "green" and other military formations. It is believed that about 2-3 million people died from the actions of the regular armies of "white" and "red".
    3. 0
      24 November 2016 19: 19
      Quote: bober1982
      The Red Army refused to shoot the priest, then the Chinese hastily called out, too, and then the young commissar approached the priest and shot him dead.

      That’s what Mr. liar, read, these were your beloved WHITE and not only them who killed you.
      Mikhail Sergeyevich Zhedyaev, who was brutally tortured by the White Guards for agitation among the peasants. His campaign activities lasted only a few weeks. After the retreat of the Red Army, he became a victim of the White Guard punitive detachment. M.S. Zhedyaev was brutally beaten, stripped, and taken to Kochebakhtino in a thirty-degree frost, where they were shot.
      Olga Reneva, Head Museum of the History of Merchants Newspapers. Regional. Spark (Kungur) / 2010-01-14
      1. +6
        24 November 2016 19: 51
        Conducted agitational activities among the peasants. He incited people to kill fellow citizens and was eventually shot. If you still have a question: "Why was he shot?", Then I sincerely sympathize with you.
        1. +2
          24 November 2016 19: 58
          Metropolitan of Kiev Vladimir, 18 archbishops and bishops, 102 parish priests, 154 deacons and 94 monks of both sexes — conducted propaganda and other activities against the Legislature, were shot without sympathy.
  27. +5
    24 November 2016 18: 38
    Somebody stop Samsonov !!!!
    1. The comment was deleted.
  28. +3
    24 November 2016 19: 27
    The Polish boor recently got a face. And they were right.
    So less flicker with your Russophobia.

    In addition to banal rudeness, threats have also come into play! Fine! Great! Will you be in Smolensk - please be kind, and we will discuss our contradictions privately)
    And yes, for the time being Russophobia is the only one who is caught here, as soon as it comes from a thousand-year-old Russia, it pours out of you like from an emergency collector)
    1. +1
      24 November 2016 19: 40
      Quote: Zmicerz
      And yes, in Russophobia for the time being only you are caught

      Hahaha !!
      Where and in what place, Mr. liar, have you tried to convict me of something?
      Are you close to the Polish boor Tomashkevich that shamefully escaped to Poland yesterday with a bat?
      Or is it close to you some ignoramus by the name of Zhovnerenko, who is still not quite beaten, but who is clearly asking for it? It seems that Mikheyev will cleanse his face and will be absolutely right again.
      Kovtun, whom they are not even trying to beat, is he so miserable?
      What naughty little girls you are, your physics into yours ... and here you are still trying to lie further ..
      Where and how, you will be able to confirm, Mr. liar, your comment
      Quote: Zmicerz
      And yes, only you are caught in Russophobia for the time being, as soon as it comes from a thousand-year-old Russia

      Otherwise, you will have to admit that this collector is you, in all its ugliness.
      Quote: Zmicerz
      she is pouring out of you like an emergency collector
      1. +2
        24 November 2016 19: 42
        "Who are all these people?" laughing
  29. +7
    24 November 2016 19: 47
    Deny the fact of relationship between Yegor and Arkady Gaidar? What can I say? Just this:
    1. +2
      25 November 2016 11: 55
      When Arkady Golikov, known to everyone under the pseudonym Gaidar, married a citizen Rakhil Lazarevna Solomyanskaya, that citizen already had a three-year-old boy in her arms. History is silent about his dad. Rakhil Lazarevna never talked about him, even in Wikipedia it is somehow strange and confused written, in general, Arkady Golikov became his stepfather. True, this was not for long, since the couple soon broke up and, moreover, never saw each other again.
      Rakhil Lazarevna abandoned Arkady and fled to the secretary of the Shepetovsky Ukom of the RCP (b) Israel Mikhailovich Razin, who was later shot in 1938 on charges of participating in a counter-revolutionary organization. Her third husband was a figure skating coach, a sports journalist - Samson Wolfovich Glazer.

      Time passed, and the smart Jewish son Timur Solomyansky-Golikov, when it came time to get a passport, realized that in adulthood it would be possible to get a good job with a sonorous family name.
      And then as his own, he chose not the last name of his mother, with whom he lived all the time, not the last name of his father, not even the last name of his stepfather, but his ... literary pseudonym! The trick was a success, and the son of Rakhili Lazarevna Solomyanskaya eventually became rear admiral, not commanding a single ship for a day, he also became a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, without writing a single work of art. Dexterous boy, huh? link to give Mr. Dreamer PoruchikTeterin laughing
      1. 0
        25 November 2016 12: 08
        It is strange why Lieutenant Teterin is not aware of all this?
        1. +1
          25 November 2016 18: 12
          Well, where can you not see the relationship? the story of the popes is silent often ... and not only in Yakutia.
  30. 0
    26 November 2016 16: 04
    Well, if it interferes in alternative politics, it was generally beneficial for us to observe how the United States and enter when everyone was exhausted on favorable terms. But the trouble is that this would not have happened (there would have been no balance and Germany would have quickly erased France).
    And social revolutions always ripen, one hundred years ago what is now.
  31. +1
    1 March 2017 20: 04
    The full title of the article can transfer our current reality. The situation is now almost identical to that of 1917, but fortunately there is no war on the territory of Russia so far and there has not yet been a special “mass” activity of the masses. But the world war also did not suddenly begin, it was preceded by numerous "small" wars. And the revolutionary activity of the masses also developed gradually along with the deterioration of the situation of the people. Now in Russia, unfortunately, there is no leader at the level of F. Castro, V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin, E. Guevara, who would be for the people, and not a protege of some bunch of hucksters. The people themselves will not unite. There are fears that, as in the Outskirts, some hucksters may use popular discontent against others. People do not need this, because again deceived, as in 1991-1993 and to the present. Our main problem is the colossal stratification and polarization of our society, which is actually divided into the estates of masters and everyone else (as yet personally, but conditionally, free). In the USSR, too, the "kingdom of heaven" was not observed, i.e. one hundred percent justice, but there was certainly no such lawlessness, as it is now. Another problem that we got from 1991 and related to the first problem is the robbery of the people by squeezing out (privatizing) state and collective farm property by a bunch of former communists and Komsomol members who suddenly became democrats and entrepreneurs, denouncers of the Soviet totalitarian regime. These problems are slowly but surely pulling our long-suffering country into a new Troubles. War and devastation really do not want to. Our "partners" will immediately take advantage of this. But you cannot live on like that. If any cardinal changes are possible (an increase in the revolutionary activity of the masses, the emergence of a truly national leader, then only as a result of some kind of emergency on an all-Russian scale, when the country may be on the verge of destruction. The sluggish civil war escalated after the 1991 bourgeois coup. We must face the truth. Society is still divided into red and white and the Communists have nothing to do with it. Recently, pro-government political, pseudo-cultural figures and groups have made more and more attempts to impose on the population of Russia the idea of ​​"reconciliation" between the "red" (the majority of the population robbed since 1991) and the "white" (bourgeois, bureaucrats, "creative" intelligentsia, etc. the "elite" of society). It is felt that Military Review did not escape this trend, there are many similar conciliatory throws. This is done to maintain the existing status quo, i.e. power of the bourgeoisie over the rest of the poor population and to continue such a "banquet", a feast during the plague. The idea of ​​"reconciliation" supposedly to maintain a common country for all. We do not need a new Troubles, but unless the "elite" has peacefully surrendered the acquired back-breaking labor since 1991. The current "elite" itself will not build socialism and will not allow others. Therefore, the question of further prospects for the development of Russia remains open. Does such a country have a happy future for slaves and masters? The year 1917 showed that no. Under capitalism, Russia has one perspective - the Time of Troubles. As it is not regrettable. What should be “tomorrow” so that it, this “tomorrow” the country generally had. We need a transition to a new state system - socialism (taking into account the mistakes of the Soviet Union), the nationalization of strategic sectors of the economy, the elimination of private ownership of the means of production. It is necessary to change ideology (not superficial, official-patriotic), state system, mobilization economy and preparation of the country for a possible global war. Perhaps the blind man does not see the increasing possibility of such a war. Need a purge of society from top to bottom. And such large-scale events are possible only under socialism, if the leader of the country and his team have political will. As for the national question, about all the subjects of the federation should be equal, and not alone (republics - states within the Russian Federation) should be more equal than others (regions - mainly Russian). The state-forming and leading role of the Russian people should be recognized. You can not be Russian by nationality, but you can and should be Russian (and not "Russian") in spirit. Judging by the current domestic policy, our Guarantor is most likely part of this same "elite" or family, and it stands guard over its interests. Well, I will not believe for anything that EBN suddenly had a conscience at the end of 1999, and he decided to retire. Just the so-called elite decided to change the top manager. As for the economy, unfortunately, it is focused mainly on the export of raw materials. The economy stagnates for a long time, if it does not fall. Why do we need to develop our industry? It’s better to let foreigners start on something that has not yet been stolen and aggravate dependence on TNCs (TNBs). Import substitution is just a fiction. Replacing one import with another. According to the zombie man, they always talk about the opening of some new industries. Where is it, maybe on another planet? I don’t know how in other cities, but in my hometown (the administrative center of the subject of the Russian Federation in the NWFD) and in the region too, everything only falls below the plinth, with work getting worse and worse. The population is tense at the most I can not, as the last elections showed. Given the low turnout, the elections showed that people are more for the foreign policy of the President of the Russian Federation than for United Russia, which was covered by its popularity. EP itself is nothing, another oligarchic project with a pseudo-patriotic bias. And the rest of the Duma’s political “parties” are the same temporary artificial business projects with their specific tasks.