"The role of the ram penetrating the thickest German defense, we will get ..."

"The role of the ram penetrating the thickest German defense, we will get ..."

Russian society on the eve of 1917, was already fully prepared for the huge explosion. However, the big bang needed a detonator, a detonator. To blow up Russia, it was necessary to reveal all the deep-seated contradictions of the Romanov empire. Disrupt the economic development of the country, exacerbate more than the usual calamity of ordinary people, destabilize national suburbs and push the tip of the empire to a conspiracy. In the role of such a detonator made the First World War!

An example has already been - the Japanese campaign. When the war with Japan allowed to initiate the so-called. The first Russian revolution, to raise to the struggle against autocracy the most diverse forces: from liberals to social revolutionaries, anarchists and nationalists. At the same time, a significant part of society was indifferent or even hostile to war with Japan, did not understand its goals. For the majority of the people, Zheltorossiya, like the adventures in Korea and China, did not mean anything. So in the First World War for the peasant majority of Russia the straits (Bosphorus and Dardanelles) will mean nothing.

However, the war with Japan, in fact, was a rehearsal for the demolition of the Russian Empire. The war was at a remote theater, distracted only part of the Russian army and could not shake the empire so that cause its collapse. Need more powerful conflict. He became the war with Germany. To go to war with a powerful, industrially developed enemy, with an excellent army and military-industrial complex was for Russia of that time suicide. Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin understood this perfectly well, and many other reasonable people, especially many of them, were among the right-wing traditionalists (their liberals were recorded as “Black Hundreds”). Even the Russian peasant Grigory Rasputin understood this (no wonder his British intelligence was destroyed by the hands of the degenerated Russian aristocrats).

Russia had to fight for the interests of Britain and France, for their loans. There were no fundamental contradictions between Germany and Russia. Only an insignificant part of the German elite demanded a campaign to the East to expand the “living space”. Only after the start of the war, these slogans in Germany will become a program to justify a war with Russia. The main opponents of Germany were France and England. France, the Germans wanted to defeat, to once and for all show who is the master in Europe. But Britain interfered with the global advancement of German economic interests. That is, it was a conflict within the Western world. Russia did not have to climb into it. It was enough to find a common language with Germany, get a quiet rear in Western Europe and go about their business. It is obvious that Germany even having broken the union of England and France (which was doubtful, since, behind them stood the USA), could not establish world domination. The Germans did not have the opportunity to completely swallow and destroy France and England, and especially the United States. In the western project there were two hostile blocs: Germanic (Germany and Austria-Hungary) and Romano-Anglo-Saxon (France, England and the USA). Italy would maneuver between them.

Russia, at this time, made a breakthrough in education and science (eliminating illiteracy, general primary, and then secondary education), start accelerated industrialization, develop agriculture, strengthen defense in the most dangerous areas, pull new railroads, highway, develop North , Siberia, the Far East, Turkestan, go with the goods to the East, etc.

With Germany, Russia could live in the world and cooperate with each other mutually (as with Japan). However, the Germans and the Russians strained them, as before the Japanese and Russians. This is well written in the interesting books of Sergey Kremlev: “Russia and Germany: Bleed! From Versailles Wilhelm to Versailles Wilson. A new look at the old war "; “Russia and Germany: together or apart? USSR Stalin and Hitler's Reich "; "Russia and Germany: the path to the pact"; "Russia and Japan: Bleed!"

In fact, Petersburg was held. The Anglophilian and Francopheic parts of the ruling elite of the empire set up the people and the country. The pro-Western "elite" disrupted all attempts at the natural convergence of Germans and Russians. She torpedoed the Björk Treaty, which was signed during the meeting of Emperor Nicholas II with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in July 1905, near the Baltic island of Björké, on board the imperial yacht Polaris. Emperor Nicholas II could save the empire from great misfortune. But the king's initiative met with resistance from Russian dignitaries and the Foreign Ministry. VN Lamzdorf and S. Yu. Witte managed to convince the emperor of the need to terminate the agreement. The emperor expressed weakness and succumbed to this pressure in the interests of England and France. In return, Russia was finally dragged into the Anglo-French military bloc, the Entente, and tied with large loans.

The danger of war with Germany to the tsar was reported not only to P. Stolypin. Former Minister of the Interior and Member of the State Council Pyotr Nikolayevich Durnovo shortly before World War I warned Nicholas II against speaking out against Germany, believing that this war would be disastrous for the monarchy. This is reflected in the famous “Note of Durnovo” of February 1914. Durnovo accurately predicted the course of the World War, indicating that Russia would get the main burden of the war and “the role of a battering ram breaking through the very thickness of the German defense”, just as accurately noting “the insufficiency of our military reserves” (which gave rise to the “shell and gun hunger” of 1914-1915. ) Durnovo noted that in the event of defeat, Russia would fall into "hopeless anarchy, the outcome of which is difficult to foresee." No wonder in historical Durnovo’s note to journalism is called “prophetic”: it is believed that all the main predictions of the former minister came true.

P.N. Durnovo (1845 — 1915)

Durnovo noted: “The central factor in the period of world history that we are experiencing is the rivalry between England and Germany. This rivalry must inevitably lead to an armed struggle between them, the outcome of which, in all probability, will be fatal for the defeated side. The interests of these two states are too incompatible ... ” It was a long-standing clash of the "continent" and the "sea". The power of Britain was based "on dominion over the seas, world trade and countless colonies." And Germany defied this power, claiming a place in the first violin in a concert of the Western powers. The Germans quickly developed the fleet, the British tried to maintain superiority at sea. German goods everywhere crowded the British, undermining the economic prosperity of England. However, given the power of German industry, sooner or later the Germans would have taken up this rivalry.

Thus, between England and Germany, the struggle is inevitable not for life, but for death. However, neither England nor Germany could deal a killing blow to each other. The Germans could try to cause an uprising in Ireland, Persia, India, economically press the British in Latin America. The German fleet, especially underwater, could by blockade create some economic difficulties for the English metropolis. But the powerful British fleet interfered with the landing of the German army in England and could block the sea communications of the Second Reich and capture the German colonies. With the greatest luck, the British could have drowned the German fleet in a decisive battle. But this forced Germany to the world was impossible. England, as it has already been in history more than once, requires “cannon fodder”.

For the British on the continent were to fight the French and Russian. France, after the war 1870-1871, had strong contradictions with Germany, dreamed of revenge. In addition, France and Germany (Prussia) were traditional rivals in Europe. For France, Russia's support was of paramount importance, diverting significant forces of the German army on the Russian (Eastern) front. Germany could not by all means pounce on France. The British army strengthened the French. The English and French fleets together could carry out a naval blockade of Europe. The French and British economies, the colonial empires had more resources than the powers of Central Europe.

Russia was the traditional opponent of the Anglo-Saxons. It was England and the United States that pushed Japan into the war with the Russian Empire. As Durnovo rightly noted: “In essence, Russia and Japan are created to live in peace, since they have absolutely nothing to divide. All the tasks of Russia in the Far East, correctly understood, are completely compatible with the interests of Japan. ... Too wide scope of the fantasies of overblown executors who had no basis for the real interests of the state - on the one hand, excessive nervousness and impressionability of Japan, which mistakenly took these fantasies for a consistently carried out plan, on the other hand, caused a clash that more skillful diplomacy could have avoided ". Thus, the mistakes of St. Petersburg and the skillful policy of England led to a clash between Russia and Japan. In reality, the world and close cooperation between Japan and Russia in the Far East is a completely natural process.

In other regions, Russia and England were rivals. Our interests clashed in Tibet, Persia, Turkey and the Balkans. The British were afraid of the penetration of Russians into India, although Petersburg did not show interest in South Asia. Moreover, the rapprochement between Russia and Britain sharply aggravated relations with Germany. The status quo was broken. Germany was forced to aggravate, while it was possible to turn the tide in their favor.

As Durnovo wrote: “It cost, however, we set out on the path of close rapprochement with England, as immediately followed the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which could be so easily and painlessly implemented in 1905 or 1906, then the Albanian question arose and a combination with Prince Weed. Russian diplomacy tried to respond to the Austrian intrigues with the formation of the Balkan Union, but this combination, as one would expect, turned out to be completely ephemeral. In theory, directed against Austria, she immediately turned against Turkey and fell apart on the division of captured from this last prey. As a result, there was only the final attachment of Turkey to Germany, in which, not without reason, she sees her only patron. Indeed, the Russian-English rapprochement, obviously, for Turkey is tantamount to England abandoning its traditional closure policy for us the Dardanelles, and education, under the auspices of Russia, of the Balkan Union was a direct threat to the continued existence of Turkey as a European state. ” As a result, the Anglo-Russian rapprochement did not bring anything useful for us, intensified Austria’s actions in the Balkans, increased discord among the Balkan states, led Turkey into the German bloc and in the future led to war with Germany.

Durnovo correctly determined that the Ottoman Empire would side with Germany. Italy will seek to expand its territory, due to political and economic interests, and will not speak for Germany. And the expansion of the land and the sphere of influence of Italy can be made only at the expense of Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Therefore, “the possibility of Italy acting on the side of the anti-German coalition, if the lot of the war was inclined in its favor, in the form of securing the most favorable conditions for participating in the subsequent division, is not excluded.” In this, Italy’s position is similar to Romania. Bucharest will remain neutral “until the scales of happiness lean on one side or the other.” Then Romania, guided by political egoism, will join the winners in order to be rewarded either at the expense of Russia or at the expense of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Serbia and Montenegro will undoubtedly oppose Austria. Bulgaria will oppose Serbia, that is, on the side of the German bloc. "Greece, in all likelihood, will remain neutral or take the side opposing Turkey, but only when the outcome is more or less predetermined." Indeed, Greece entered the First World War on the side of the Entente 2 July 1917 of the year, before that it remained neutral. America and Japan will be hostile to Germany. And the weakening of Russia, its diversion to the West from the East, meets Japanese and American interests. Moreover, the possibility of the United States and Japan opposing Germany, with the aim of seizing the “badly lying German colonies,” is not excluded.

Further Durnovo noted: ““ Under such conditions, the struggle against Germany presents enormous difficulties for us and will require innumerable victims. The war will not take the enemy by surprise, and the degree of his readiness will probably exceed our most exaggerated expectations. ” At the same time, Germany itself does not strive for war, since it can achieve its goals peacefully. But "Germany will not retreat before the war and, of course, will even try to call it, choosing the most advantageous moment for itself."

Durnovo accurately indicated that The main burden of the war will undoubtedly fall on Russia, since “England is hardly capable of accepting wide participation in the continental war, and France, poor in human material, with the enormous losses that will accompany the war under modern conditions of military equipment, is likely to adhere to strictly defensive tactics. The role of the battering ram, penetrating the thickest German defense, we will get and meanwhile, how many factors will be against us and how much we will have to spend on them both effort and attention. ”

Among the unfavorable factors that will be intensified during the war, the Russian statesman noted: “An explosion of hostility against us in Persia, the possible unrest among Muslims in the Caucasus and Turkestan, the possibility of speaking out against us is not excluded, in connection with the latter, Afghanistan, finally very unpleasant complications should be foreseen in Poland and Finland. ” ... “As for Poland, we should expect that we will not be able to hold it in our hands during the war. And now, when she finds herself in the grip of the opponents, they will undoubtedly make an attempt to cause an uprising, in substance, for us, and not very dangerous, but which will still have to be taken into account among the factors unfavorable to us, especially since the influence of our allies to encourage us to take such steps in the field of our relations with Poland, which are more dangerous for us than any open uprising. ” So in reality will happen. In Turkestan there will be an unpleasant uprising. Poland against us is first used by Germany and Austria-Hungary, and then our "allies" in the Entente. Finland will again be a stronghold of the revolution. The Caucasus during the war will be destabilized and after the revolution there will be an explosion on the basis of nationalism and banditry.

Durnovo also accurately noted that although Russia was preparing for a new war after the war with Japan, but not enough was done “with those unprecedented dimensions in which a future war would inevitably flow.” “To a large extent, our young legislative institutions, amateurishly interested in our defense, but far from imbued with all the seriousness of the political situation, are to blame for this insufficiency,” which Russia found itself due to the actions of the Foreign Ministry, which was actively pursuing an alliance with Britain and France, with the "patriotic" mood of society. First of all it should be noted “The insufficiency of our military reserves,” as the procurement plans were not fulfilled due to the “low productivity of our factories.” The problem of the army’s ammunition "is of greater importance because, in the embryonic state of our industry, during the war, we will not be able to replenish the nedochvats with home remedies. ” At the same time, the enemy blocks communications in the Baltic and Black Seas during the war, which will worsen the supply of necessary materials to Russia.

Quite rightly noted excessive dependence of Russian defense on foreign industry, our shortage of heavy artillery and machine guns, the significance of which was proved by the experience of the war with Japan. The network of strategic railways is insufficient, and the railways have rolling stock sufficient for normal movement in peacetime, but inadequate to the enormous demands that will be made to us in the event of a major European war. Also “we should not lose sight of the fact that in the upcoming war the most cultural, technically advanced nations will fight. Every war has always been accompanied by a hitherto new word in the field of military equipment, and the technical backwardness of our industry does not create favorable conditions for us to assimilate new inventions. ”

To be continued ...
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  1. +5
    23 November 2016 06: 51
    Facts are stubborn: on August 1, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia, on August 6, Austria-Hungary declared war on the Russian Empire. There was nowhere to go, fight or surrender. Nicholas II tried to avoid war to the last.On July 29, the emperor sent a telegram to Wilhelm II with a proposal “to convey the Austro-Serbian issue to the Hague Conference”.But the German emperor was sure: England would not enter the battle, the Germans would easily defeat France, and then crush Russia ... The Austrians were the main opponent of Russia in the battles.
    1. +11
      23 November 2016 07: 47
      Facts are stubborn things: 1 August 1914 Germany declared war on Russia, 6 August Austria-Hungary declared war on the Russian Empire.

      For the author, no, not at all stubborn. Everything was fine with him in Russia and Germany, but the cunning Englishmen simply "played off" them, "nudged" them like unreasonable cretins.
      BATTERING FACTS, author, where? Where are these inciting Germany to Russia lol diplomats, dispatches, tycoons, according to names and documents?

      But there is evidence of the Germans about why they climbed onto Russia: it was rapidly becoming the strongest power in Europe, so it had to be stopped and discarded, as a competitor, at the same time and seized living space for the excess population of Germany .:

      In February 1914 d (6 months before the war) the official newspapers of the German Foreign Ministry declared the need PREVENTIVE WAR WITH RUSSIA - this is how the so-famous "newspaper war" began

      Reich Chancellor Theobald von Betman-Holweg:, June 1914: “The future belongs to Russia, which is growing and growing, and which is increasingly pressing us, like some kind of dark spirit”

      In 1914 year, the head of the General Staff Helmut von Moltke, said that in two or three years Russia will arm itself, and then Germany will not be able to resist. Therefore, nothing else remains "How to start a preventive war and defeat the enemy, while we are still able to withstand this struggle to a certain extent."

      In the "September program of the Reichskanler of Germany Bethmann-Hollweg" August Thyssen, the owner of steel enterprises, demanded the expansion of the German sphere of influence in the east to the Crimea and the Caucasus in order to "be able to reach Asia Minor and Persia by land." given its significant reserves of iron ore, it is essential for Germany. ”Heinrich Klass, influential chairman of the right-wing extremist Pan-German Union: "Push Russia to the borders of the times of Peter the Great." The local population must leave the annexed areas and give way to German settlers. http://www.zeit.de/zeit-geschichte/2015/03/erster
      -weltkrieg-krim-ostexpansion-paul-von-hindenburg /

      The author is embarrassed to explain: how so peaceful lol the Germans in their plan Schlieffen three weeks after the start of the war planned rout of RUSSIA after a blitzkrieg in France?

      Absurd, in my opinion, is the assertion that, in the Far East, Russia is ..... ..... had no contradictions with Japan. belay lol . Yes, if it weren’t for the Trans-Siberian Railway built by Russia, the Far East and Eastern Stiberi would not exist in Russia for a long time. The author would recall how hard Entente with the United States, under the threat of international isolation, managed to push yupps from the Far East only by 1922.

      You can recall today's fierce debate about the Kuril Islands.
      1. +8
        23 November 2016 08: 52
        Aleksander is far from a secret that all states have strategic plans for waging a war! You my friend did not go far from Rezun (Suvorov), only he is smarter! lol
        1. +6
          23 November 2016 11: 48
          Uncle Murzik, and yet, it looks like an insult. If you think that Alexander is wrong to express your point of view, we will see what Alexander will answer. In every dispute truths are born, but we need A ARGUMENTS and FACTS
          1. +4
            23 November 2016 12: 10
            dear Mr. Monarchist, I repeat my argument once again, in every general headquarters of any state there are plans for an attack and defense depending on the situation! This reminded me when a traitor rezun in one of the books about the USSR’s attack plans on Germany!
            1. +3
              23 November 2016 21: 05
              What was Germany going to do when Nicholas entered into an alliance with its enemies with France and England.
              By the way, the same Wilhelm said that Nikolai had no reason to fight for the straits, he would have easily got them from the hands of Germany.
              Maybe of course he lied, but the fact is that he said this.
              1. +1
                24 November 2016 06: 38
                Sit on the 5th point evenly and not start your aggressive war. The union was defensive ...
                in you - do not engage in Germanic demagogy.
                and what did he only say? and why did Geben and Breslau pass through them on the contrary?
                1. +3
                  24 November 2016 11: 59
                  Do not confuse salty with square. "Goeben" and "Breslau" entered the straits when Russia was already in the anti-German alliance. It is strange not to notice such a difference.
                  1. +3
                    24 November 2016 18: 16
                    Yes, let him. Well, a person does not know the topic, but I want to say.
                  2. +1
                    24 November 2016 22: 59
                    No need to confuse everything at all ...
                    It is strange again not to notice that the alliance was not anti-German but defensive.
                    1. 0
                      5 December 2016 11: 07
                      Quote: Simpsonian
                      It is strange again not to notice that the alliance was not anti-German but defensive.

                      It is strange not to notice that it was Russia in the WWII that launched the full-scale invasion of its armies on the territory of Austria-Hungary and Germany, and it was prepared in advance long before the political crisis around the incident in Sarajevo.
                  3. 0
                    5 December 2016 11: 05
                    Let me remind you that in real history the flight of "Goeben" and "Breslau" was largely an improvisation, an attempt to escape to the Atlantic was quite expected.
                    When they approached the Dardanelles, having a chase behind their backs, their status was not yet determined - it was considered incl. the option of internment, and only the formal transfer of the German cruisers of the Ottoman Empire solved the problem.
                2. +2
                  24 November 2016 18: 15
                  Thanks for having fun.
                  1. 0
                    24 November 2016 23: 00
                    Did you bend your finger?
            2. +1
              24 November 2016 06: 41
              plans maybe, this is not an argument ... there were concrete actions.
              Germans attacked Russia because it simply developed peacefully.
              the second time they went just specifically for the slaves ...
      2. +4
        23 November 2016 18: 09
        for Aleksander:
        It seems to me that the truth is somewhere in between your arguments
        and the opinion of Durnovo.
        Indeed, in Germany at that time violent militaristic and
        imperial sentiments, including anti-Russian ones.
        But it’s also true that France longed for revenge for the loss of Franco-Prussia
        war and actively pushed Russia to war against Germany.
        What was Russia to do? An alliance with France (Entente) was preferable.
        But the Russian army was not technologically ready for active offensive military operations.
        Although industrialization (including military) by Alexander the Third and Nikolai was carried out, its pace lagged behind the German. In Germany there was a real powerful breakthrough in chemistry and mechanical engineering.
        T. is there really Russia was able to delay part of the German troops without active
        action. France, of course, was not enough.
        Well, the result is the gradual depletion of military resources, the discontent of the peasants, the revolutionary situation that the radicals took advantage of ...
        1. +3
          23 November 2016 21: 07
          What was to be done? Do not enter into an alliance with anyone and stay away. Or act as the United States, get involved in the war at the last moment on the side of the winner and get all the benefits from it.
          1. +1
            24 November 2016 06: 43
            USA beyond the Ocean, far from Germany ...
    2. +1
      23 November 2016 08: 18
      The war of Russia was declared a trailer. And hostilities on the eastern front were forced to begin only when France was frightened of the rapid advance of the Germans to Paris.
      1. 0
        5 December 2016 11: 10
        Have you forgotten to look at the dates of the events? The East Prussian operation was already launched on August 4 by a full-scale invasion of two armies at once, and the preparation of this operation was carried out even before the incident in Sarajevo.
  2. +7
    23 November 2016 06: 58
    Well, to become a German vassal is the best that could happen to Russia, the assumption that having destroyed France the Germans would treat Russians as equals, nonsense.
    1. 0
      5 December 2016 11: 11
      First, the Germans had to cope with France and England, which in reality turned out to be an impossible task for them.
  3. +6
    23 November 2016 07: 57
    The Germans did not have the opportunity to completely absorb and destroy France and England, and especially the United States.
    ... So they didn’t have such a goal .. When Germany, as a young imperialist predator, entered the international arena, it turned out that the best pieces had already been captured, Germany got a small kusmantchik ... but I wanted more, but France and Great Britain with their colonies and zones of influence were not in a hurry to share, who didn’t have time, he was late .. But later, taking into account the appetites of Germany, the West directed German aggression to the USSR, they say there are a lot of resources, the territories are crowded, and according to your racial theory, Russians are almost as sub-black as human beings, take just don’t choke ...
    1. +3
      23 November 2016 11: 27
      After the collapse of the British Empire, its audit was conducted, which showed that it was a completely unprofitable enterprise for the metropolis itself.
  4. +4
    23 November 2016 09: 04
    Durnovo was a shrewd man and the "owner of the Russian land" should have listened to the opinion of Peter Nikolaevich. However, history has no subjunctive mood. "Consent is a product with complete non-resistance of the parties," a literary "fitter" declared to a literary "great combinator". Complete non-resistance in 1914 did not exist in Russian society itself, this was only confirmed by February 1917.
  5. +8
    23 November 2016 10: 33
    Again the pro-German stream of consciousness. If Russia played the role of a battering ram, what role did the USSR play when its allies deigned to open a second front only after the defeat of the Nazi armies in 1944?
    Regarding the Bosphorus, the seizure of the straits promised unhindered trade with the countries of Southern Europe, including the export of food produced by the peasantry. So the straits were objectively needed.
    1. avt
      23 November 2016 10: 58
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      Again the pro-German stream of consciousness.

      bully Is this about Nicky # 2? Well, about the one who wrote the questionnaire on the census, he saw this list himself, "the owner of the Russian land", the language of home communication - "German"? Well, about how he and his cousin Willie "somewhere in the skerries signed an agreement of love and friendship some kind of admiral certified, well, under the cognac and shashlik, very tasty", which then poheriliiiiii .... oh! Disavowed! bully Durnovo, the man is not stupid, painted without the "Battle of the Psychics", a fairly accurate analytical forecast of the development of events in the event of engaging in the world massacre of Russia on the side of the Entente. But the question - Could it have been avoided? There is no answer. As well as quite the same selfish question - And the Germans would give refinancing so that the francs would not squeeze debt obligations, forcing alternately the orchestras to play "Marseillaise" and "Kolslaven" and "God Save the Tsar" ??? At the very least, it was necessary to remove the Entente's noose from debt, so as not to fall into the war. There was, however, another option for resolving this issue - an internal loan. It was money - in Moscow merchants drunk champagne on the paths in front of the taverns - so as not to dust. BUT! For this, this "owner of the Russian land", at least had to put on a par with his camarilla of merchants, well, at least like Petsya # 1, But Niki # 2 did not condescend to appear with his wife at those who rolled in his honor and therefore waited for him to solve some of the issues, the ball of the merchants in Moscow. For which he paid in February 1917, organized with the direct participation of the greatbrita intelligence, under the direct control of their resident.
      1. +10
        23 November 2016 11: 23
        My dear, I would like to ask you to more respectfully name the legitimate rulers of Russia, without distorting their names. The stream of consciousness is the text of a claimed article. German loans? You are joking? This is after the already imposed enslaving trade agreement of 1904?
        As for merchants, it’s funny to read. You do not compare a couple of boxes of champagne with interstate lending.
        1. avt
          23 November 2016 11: 38
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          As for merchants, it’s funny to read.

          You’ll just laugh at it, but exactly until the moment when you really begin to learn the materiel, and not list the names of the kings in exaltation with exaltation.
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          You do not compare a couple of boxes of champagne with interstate lending.

          My dear, well, at least FULLY read my post. I'm talking about the fact that
          Quote: avt
          There was really another solution to this issue - an internal loan

          What Stalin actually did to restore the national economy by issuing and distributing government bonds in the country among the population when he refused the conditions of the Bilderberg Conference.
          1. +7
            23 November 2016 12: 24
            Yeah. You want to say that the merchants of Moscow were richer than the leading states of the planet?
            There was an internal loan in the USSR, and it was only in the USSR that there was a planned economy, sharpened for military needs and loans were a little not so voluntary.
            And do not think that the Institute of Internal Loan was not used in RI.
        2. +2
          23 November 2016 12: 45
          Lieutenant, you should know that if a merchant pours champagne on the road, then he has terrible billions of dinings. So says comrade avt. Perhaps it is affected by the current prices of champagne, and then they were meager and the then wine was not a couple of the current.
          1. +7
            23 November 2016 13: 31
            You have correctly noticed this. However, the pro-Soviet way of thinking and not such tricks gives out ...
          2. avt
            23 November 2016 15: 05
            Quote: Monarchist
            Lieutenant, you should know that if a merchant pours champagne on the road, then he has terrible billions of dinings. So says comrade avt.

            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            You have correctly noticed this.

            When the doll of the rooster finishes praising, I propose once again to re-read my post in a voice
            Quote: avt
            But Niki # 2 did not condescend to appear with his wife at those who rolled in his honor and therefore were waiting for him to resolve some issues, the merchants' ball in Moscow

            And to know the difference between Moscow and Moscow. Well, if the materiel is reluctant to learn
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Yeah. You want to say that the merchants of Moscow were richer than the leading states of the planet?

            Read at least Gilyarovsky and make sure that the ministers did not hesitate to ask for help from the merchants "ignorance" from the serfs who left the peasants.
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            And do not think that the Institute of Internal Loan was not used in RI.

            Read carefully
            Quote: avt
            Stalin did the issuance and distribution of government bonds in the country among the population when he refused the conditions of the Bilderberg Conference.

            I’m talking about the TOOL that Stalin used and by the way Petya No. 1 is quite successful for himself and I DO NOT NEED ANYWHERE
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            There was an internal loan in the USSR, and it was only in the USSR that there was a planned economy, sharpened for military needs and loans were a little not so voluntary.

            , since I talked about this
            Quote: avt
            , issue and distribution of government bonds in the country among the population

            Nicky No. 2 HAS A CHANCE to solve financial problems relying on domestic capital, but neither his mind nor his heart was enough. Although they were WAITING from him when they organized this ball - a gangway with an invitation to him, just like recognition and the start of a kind of NEP. But perhaps it can realize a rally
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            However, the pro-Soviet way of thinking and not such tricks gives out ...

            it was an intellectual with a Soviet education, when analyzing the facts, then in the USSR they gave such a sum of knowledge that every cook, naturally a well-educated student, could run the state. Well, the Unified State Examinationists will have enough of the fact that they can read the inscriptions on the icons of the neo "holy family". By the way, did many healings in Petropavlovka happen at the burial site? At least some "Feast of St. Jorgen" would be arranged, well, at least in Ganina pit "what eh.
      2. +5
        23 November 2016 13: 56
        Quote: avt
        I saw this sheet myself, "the owner of the Russian land", the language of home communication is "German"

        Where did you see him?

        It says Russian
        1. +6
          23 November 2016 14: 26
          But how did Nicholas Holstein-Gottorp communicate with his wife Alice of Hesse if she spoke Russian poorly!
          1. +4
            23 November 2016 15: 28
            with wife Alice of Hesse communicated

            Lenin - Blank and Stalin - Dzhugashvilli somehow communicated, although half of the sounds were not pronounced correctly, well, so the husband will always understand his wife.
            1. +4
              23 November 2016 21: 23
              Nonsense, why talk? It's time for tea to go out of childhood. All contemporaries, without exception, said that Lenin was an excellent speaker and everyone understood his speeches at rallies of many thousands and at congresses.
              The same thing about Stain, that although he spoke with a slight accent, he spoke the correct Russian language. However, there are records of his speeches, for example, at that very legendary parade on November 7, 1941.
              Some kind of kindergarten.
              You are trying in vain for a young man, a flea cannot kick a lion.
          2. +3
            23 November 2016 16: 14
            I asked a simple and clear question, in response to a simple and clear statement. So where?
          3. +6
            23 November 2016 21: 13
            Do you have evidence that she did not speak Russian well? Do you have memoirs of contemporaries, newspaper articles with accusations? Or is it again your unfounded fabrication?
            1. +2
              24 November 2016 09: 33
              Lieutenant Teterin here is the proof laughing The accession to the throne of the new sovereign stirred up a whole wave of hopes in society for the liberalization of the country's life. On January 17, 1395, Nicholas received a deputation from the nobility, zemstvos and cities in the Anichkov Palace. The emperor was very worried, his voice trembled, he kept looking into the folder with the text of the speech. But the words that sounded in the hall were far from uncertainty: “I know that lately in some zemstvo meetings the voices of people carried away by senseless dreams about the participation of zemstvo representatives in the affairs of internal government have been heard. Let everyone know that I, devoting everything strength to the good of the people, I will protect the beginning of autocracy as firmly and unswervingly as my unforgettable late parent guarded it. " From excitement, Nikolai could not cope with his voice and uttered the last phrase very loudly, switching to a shout. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna did not understand Russian well and, alarmed, asked the grand duchesses who were standing nearby: "What did he say?" “He explains to them that they are all,” one of the august relatives replied calmly. The society very quickly became aware of the incident, they said that in the present text of the speech "baseless dreams" were written, but the king could not read the words plainly. It was also said that the leader of the nobility of the Tver province Utkin, frightened by Nikolai's scream, dropped a golden tray of bread and salt from his hands. "This was considered a bad omen for the coming reign. Four months later, magnificent coronation celebrations took place in Moscow. On May 14, 1896, in Uspensky Cathedral of the Kremlin, Nicholas II and his wife were married to the kingdom. wassat Well, who is a dreamer?
              1. +6
                24 November 2016 11: 06
                Give a source. What is it? Book? Memoirs? Thesis research?
        2. avt
          23 November 2016 14: 50
          Quote: Dart2027
          Where did you see him?

          At the archival exhibition, together with a selection of telegrams and handwritten "denials" of both Romanovs, written in the specific ink of that time, which over time become similar to writing in pencil.
          1. +2
            23 November 2016 16: 19
            Quote: avt
            Written by then specific ink

            You see, in the then census there was no such thing as "home language", there was a column "native language", but these are different things. So the question arises about the authenticity of these archives.
            1. avt
              23 November 2016 16: 57
              Quote: Dart2027
              You see, in the then census there was no such thing as a "language of home communication"

              I don’t remember the name of the graph, but here it was clearly cut. As well as the telegram of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Ural to the Council, the text is almost literal - “We agree with your decision.” And what is interesting - THIS telegram was exchanged from the archives of Sokolov and publicly given access to it, but the telegram of the Ural Soviet with the decision, well, with which Moscow agrees and which did not leave for emigration, but lies somewhere in the archive, was not published. And to the question - so what was there? The answer is ... amazing - well, so kill and that's it. Everyone they say they know. And to the question - well, so if everyone knows, well, it is necessary to declassify it? The answer is - why? Well, after all, and so it is clear - they killed the pier. bully So the words of either Lenin or Sverdlov - “Nobody will ever know what was done to them.” They are still relevant today.
              1. +4
                23 November 2016 17: 20
                Quote: avt
                I don’t remember the name of the count as a memory, but it crashed clearly

                Russian Tsar wrote German in his native language? But doesn’t it seem strange to say the least? Photocopies that can be viewed on the network speak differently, above I laid out the picture.
                1. avt
                  23 November 2016 18: 14
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  Photocopies that you can watch online say something else,

                  I looked at the documents that were posted not on the Internet, but quite to myself by Rosarchiv and not in the form of photocopies, but live, of course under glass and on stands, exactly under the burial and after the investigation of Solovyov. Literally a few days were exhibited. By the way, if you look closely at some of the telegrams, there were also ... questions. Even their appearance differed in the texture of the paper, the font on the ribbons, much like printing on a typewriter on plain paper from a laser printer on chalk. But this is already for a criminalist, but let's say a questionnaire, letters, well, to the Chief of the General Staff, and the following is neat, with strokes at the end of sentences to the fields, so that it is not possible to enter something, the written abdication of the throne and regency of the bratelnik, already like then at first glance they inspired the similarity that they were written as something real at the same time, the menu is by the way for lunch too. And what is interesting is that I DID NOT SEE more of such a selection of documents in such quantities and freely available in Moscow. Moreover, the documents of Sokolov's investigation were the basis. Of course, these are MY words and you have the right not to believe, especially since, as I said above, I cannot send you to a real open exhibition of documents, and not a virtual one. request
                  1. +3
                    23 November 2016 20: 06
                    Well, I also can’t get into the archives, so here we are on an equal footing. But if you think about it, I don’t remember something among the accusations of the then revolutionaries of all stripes that the tsar supposedly considers German his native language. But they would not have missed such an opportunity, for propaganda. Did you accidentally confuse his wife with his wife? If I am not mistaken, then she was the second.
                    1. avt
                      23 November 2016 20: 59
                      Quote: Dart2027
                      But if you think about it, I don’t remember something among the accusations of the then revolutionaries of all stripes that the tsar supposedly considers German his native language. But they would not have missed such an opportunity, for propaganda. Did you accidentally confuse his wife with his wife? If I am not mistaken, then she was the second.

                      No. In general, the revolutionaries knew by their phalos what language Niki No. 2 said, for them, the international and the translation of the imperialist war into civilian, well, for the real ones, who, if they took money from the Angles and Germans, then in the end they showed them a real cookie. The topic of German espionage was troubled by customers who did not jump out from under the Saxo-Saxons in February 1917 and surrendered the country to the real revolutionaries - the Bolsheviks. These February ones really peddled Germanophilia and Tsaritsa and Lenin. Up to the accusations of both Rasputin and the direct line with Berlin
                      1. +1
                        23 November 2016 21: 13
                        Quote: avt
                        In general, the revolutionaries had a phalos in what language Niki # 2 spoke, for them the international
                        They were good propagandists and would hardly have missed such a convenient excuse.
                        Quote: avt
                        The topic of German espionage was troubled by customers who never jumped out from under the Saxon Saxons in February 1917 and surrendered the country to real revolutionaries.

                        I specifically wrote
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        then revolutionaries of all stripes

                        They accused the tsarina, but again not a word about the language of Nicholas II. And how they tried to pour mud on him.
                      2. +1
                        23 November 2016 21: 20
                        Well, for the real ones, who, if they took money from the Angles and Germans, then in the end they showed a real cookie

                        Well, why are cookies, the shipment of gold indemnities began from the royal gold treasury. This is not a cookie at all.
                    2. +4
                      23 November 2016 21: 27
                      No, of course, we are not talking about the fact that Nicholas considered German as his native language, the matter is that German was the language of communication for him in the family.
        3. +2
          23 November 2016 21: 18
          It says which language is native. For Nikolai, naturally Russian. and for his wife German. There is no question about the language of communication in the questionnaire.
    2. +3
      23 November 2016 11: 01
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      Regarding the Bosphorus - the capture of the straits promised unhindered trade

      Promising "mountains of gold" and then "cheating" is a trademark of the West. While they needed RI as a "plaster" for Germany, promises flowed like water, but only at the moment when Germany began to run out of steam did the Entente give the go-ahead for a democratic revolution.
      1. +9
        23 November 2016 11: 24
        Guessed about it. It was not in vain that the year 18 was scheduled for the commissioning of two large saltpetre factories - the calculation was clearly on a possible confrontation with former allies.
        1. +3
          23 November 2016 14: 18
          Lieutenant Teterin, well, the ampirator wanted to launch a rocket! Well, dreamers! lol
          1. +7
            23 November 2016 18: 47
            We have fantasies here. the most amiable industry - no source has yet been submitted, except for speculation.
            1. +2
              24 November 2016 09: 35
              The accession to the throne of the new sovereign stirred up a whole wave of hopes in society for the liberalization of the country's life. On January 17, 1395, Nicholas received a deputation from the nobility, zemstvos and cities in the Anichkov Palace. The emperor was very worried, his voice trembled, he kept looking into the folder with the text of the speech. But the words that sounded in the hall were far from uncertainty: “I know that lately in some zemstvo meetings the voices of people carried away by senseless dreams about the participation of zemstvo representatives in the affairs of internal government have been heard. Let everyone know that I, devoting everything strength to the good of the people, I will protect the beginning of autocracy as firmly and unswervingly as my unforgettable late parent guarded it. " From excitement, Nikolai could not cope with his voice and uttered the last phrase very loudly, switching to a shout. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna understood Russian BADLY and, alarmed, asked the Grand Duchesses who were standing nearby: "What did he say?" “He explains to them that they are all,” one of the august relatives replied calmly. The society very quickly became aware of the incident, they said that in the present text of the speech "baseless dreams" were written, but the king could not read the words plainly. It was also said that the leader of the nobility of the Tver province Utkin, frightened by Nikolai's scream, dropped a golden tray of bread and salt from his hands. "This was considered a bad omen for the coming reign. Four months later, magnificent coronation celebrations took place in Moscow. On May 14, 1896, in Uspensky Cathedral of the Kremlin, Nicholas II and his wife were married to the kingdom.
        2. 0
          5 December 2016 11: 24
          This despite the fact that until 1917, Russia received about 30% of the ammunition from these allies - and each intensification of hostilities at the front immediately led to another shortage of ammunition.

          Dreaming is not bad, but not enough. Russia in the WWII was too deep in technological and technical dependence on its industrially developed allies to be capable of independent actions.
    3. +2
      23 November 2016 11: 30
      In the US war against Great Britain, the USSR played on the side of the United States, and Germany on the side of Great Britain.
      In that war, the United States achieved almost all of its goals.
      Except one. I had to wait until 1991.
    4. +2
      23 November 2016 11: 32
      There is a point of view that "Goeben" played a much more significant role than "Aurora".
    5. +1
      23 November 2016 20: 36
      The straits were needed for a narrow group of grain merchants who would receive large profits from increased grain exports. The expression of their interests was P. N. Milyukov. The people did not get anything from this, therefore these straits were not needed, the whole subsequent century showed that Russia can quite easily develop without straits. Moreover, when did Turkey enter the war against Russia? October 14th. What straits could be in August 14th?
      1. +1
        23 November 2016 21: 23
        The people did not get anything from this, therefore these straits were not needed, the whole subsequent century showed that Russia can quite easily develop without straits.

        Russia is now selling oil. Does the people get anything. Yes, it does. Oil workers pay taxes, hence they pay pensions, build schools and roads. The same story with bread and everything else
      2. +3
        23 November 2016 21: 41
        No one would ever give up the straits of Russia.
        I have already said that Churchill, being the first sea lord at that time, said that in no case should Russia be allowed to "sit down on the straits with its cast-iron backside."
        When Churchill noticed that one should not talk about an ally like that, he answered with a laugh - what is an ally, such is the attitude.
        It was from here that the German battle cruiser Goeben and the light Breslau entered Istanbul, although the British squadron in the Mediterranean could easily block Admiral Souchon with his ships.
        1. 0
          5 December 2016 11: 20
          Quote: Ulan
          An English squadron in the Mediterranean could easily block Admiral Souchon

          Not so easy.
          The British were bound by the date of the official entry of their country into the war, moreover, they expected the Souchon to break through into the Atlantic through Gibraltar, and the Goeben's shelling of French territory seemed to confirm this version. The error was realized too late and was not corrected, although attempts were made.
    6. +3
      23 November 2016 21: 12
      Alas, the export of food from RI is not a product of peasant farms. The products of landowners and church enterprises were exported. Those. large commodity production.
      The production of peasant farms was mainly consumed by the same farms.
      That is why Stolypin tried to organize large-scale farms, and the Bolsheviks - collective farms, state farms and artels.
    7. 0
      5 December 2016 11: 15
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      straits were objectively needed.

      And they were subjectively profaned by the Nikolaev diplomacy in 1912, when the Balkan Slavic countries and Orthodox Greece almost fulfilled the goal officially proclaimed by Russia - and Russia turned its back on them, offended for the "disobedience" and the unwillingness of the Balkan union to act on the tsar's orders against Austria-Hungary ...
  6. +4
    23 November 2016 15: 12
    To enter the war with a powerful, industrially developed enemy, with an excellent army and military-industrial complex was suicide for then-Russia.

    Russia has not entered this war alone. She had the richest allies. Maritime power Britain and aviation power France. But for Germany it was a suicide.
    1. 0
      5 December 2016 11: 16
      Quote: Hupfri
      She had the richest allies.

      "we plowed," said the fly, sitting on the horns of the ox (C).
  7. +4
    23 November 2016 15: 16
    The French and Russians were to fight for the British on the continent

    Britain did not withdraw from the war on the continent, just the army in England was always weak. The British took on a huge German fleet.
  8. +3
    23 November 2016 15: 24
    Russia was a traditional enemy of the Anglo-Saxons

    Fundamentally wrong statement.
    England and Poland are our natural allies. England is a counterweight against Germany or France, Poland is a shield against European aggression. With the exception of the war in Crimea, we never fought with the British. Wars with Poland - all from the category of rebellion, the last serious warrior was in the 17th century. Because of Ukraine.
    We have always been allies
    1. +4
      23 November 2016 16: 20
      Quote: Hupfri
      England and Poland are our natural allies. England is a counterweight against Germany or France, Poland is a shield against European aggression.

      Well, Poland and Isam dreamed of becoming this aggression, England is nothing personal but business, and the British did not need competitors in Asia.
      1. +3
        23 November 2016 21: 31
        England has always fought against Russia by proxy. However, in other wars, she always did this. Some of the British prime ministers said - why bark (fight) yourself, if there are European "dogs" for this.
      2. +2
        23 November 2016 21: 31
        Well Poland Isama dreamed of becoming this aggression

        Well, you never know what anyone dreamed about.
        England is nothing personal only business,

        So Russia did business with England. Russia supplied timber, iron bread. England - machines, equipment, steam locomotives ....
        And it always has been.
    2. +1
      23 November 2016 16: 26
      But what about then in 1920? And other events
      1. +1
        23 November 2016 21: 26
        But what about then in 1920? And other events

        Part of the civil war. No more. The events of the 39th year cannot be called a war.
  9. +5
    23 November 2016 16: 22
    Here Uncle Murzik declares that Nikolai was unable to reform the army, etc. Therefore, he is byak, but in 1941 the Soviet Union was also in the process of reforming the army, so what about Stalin and we will blame circles. Add here our fifth column, the sharp impoverishment of a significant part of the population. It was easier for Nikolai: at least 50% couldn’t imagine how to disobey the Tsar, but now ... you know
  10. +5
    23 November 2016 16: 53
    Quote: Hupfri
    By the end of the rutted "strategist" reign Russia lay in ruins

    Do not compose. It was a time of restoration of the country and rapid development, moving forward.
    1. +2
      23 November 2016 21: 34
      . It was a time of restoration of the country and rapid development, moving forward.

      Is it in the early 20s? There, in my opinion, there was a terrible famine in the Volga region, also for me moving forward.
  11. +5
    23 November 2016 16: 54
    Quote: Zmicerz
    I repeat, war with Germany was inevitable. Germany has been preparing for this war for a quarter of a century, if not more, and was not going to retreat. The actions of the military and political command of the Russian Empire were absolutely logical and thought out, yes, mistakes were made, yes, there were failures, but no one makes mistakes and does not fail, only he who does nothing.

    That is, the destruction of the Warsaw UR, which was built and modernized for 80 years, with the abolition of Ivangorod in 1910-1913 and the feverish restoration of the fortifications of Ivangorod in 1914 - this absolutely logical and thoughtful actions? what
    Quote: Zmicerz
    By 1917, everything possible was done to win: shell hunger was satisfied, problems with supply were solved, and even more people were mobilized into the army than was necessary.

    Unfortunately, "produced by the industry" and "supplied by the allies" are not at all the same as "in parts." Yes, in terms of production and purchases, the picture was quite blissful. Exactly until it became clear that what was supplied by the Allies through Arkhangelsk was deposited in local warehouses due to the impossibility of ensuring export. These warehouses were enough for the Reds for the first year, then the British had to destroy what was not taken out by the Reds while leaving the Russian North, and the Whites held out with the remnants of their former luxury for a couple of years.
    The supply problems were not just resolved - the railway transport to 1917 was on the verge of death:
    The number of active locomotives continued to fall. In 1916, there were no more than 16000 of them. In February and March 1917, only 10 healthy steam locomotives from the number of those registered in the state of 215 remained in service 1916. The mobilization plan (No. 20) stipulated the need for 239 commodity and 19 passenger locomotives, and there were 19 commodity and 856 passenger locomotives on all roads
    In 1914, the country had 539 549 freight and passenger cars, in 1915 - 575 611, in 1916 this number dropped to 434 419 cars, and at the beginning of 1917 only 166 684 healthy cars from 590 remained in service. 000 listed on the balance sheet.

    The consequences were not long in coming:
    Disruptions in supplies led to the fact that the supply of food in the army began to decline sharply. If in 1915 it ranged from 18 to 30-day needs, then already in 1916 it dropped to 12-16 days, and in 1917 to 6-10 days. There were days when a two-day supply remained on separate fronts. In 1917, the troops switched to the 800-gram norm of bread and then to the 400-gram norm. There were reports to Petersburg that the situation with the supply of troops with bread was close to a disaster.
    1. +4
      23 November 2016 20: 01
      Quote: Alexey RA
      The supply problems were not just resolved - the railway transport to 1917 was on the verge of death:

      Yes, yes, but in Germany everything was, of course, in chocolate: instead of 2-3 days of delivery of goods in 1915, in 1917 the delivery took 12-13 days, and even more.
    2. +2
      23 November 2016 21: 33
      Few people know what the allies and locomotives supplied to RI. For example, the Americans are locomotives of the Ea and Em series, which in the USA have received the nickname - "Russian decapod".
  12. +8
    23 November 2016 18: 42
    uncle Murzik,
    No, you definitely have a fad regarding genetics. And again, in the style of the Nazis accursed by all of humanity, you stubbornly calculate the proportion of blood. What for? Are you a supporter of theories condemned in Nuremberg? Personally, I do not care about the nationality of a person - if only he worked for the good of my Motherland and my people.
  13. +8
    23 November 2016 18: 44
    as I understand it, it makes no sense to ask questions to this comrade - you won’t get all the answers.
  14. +4
    23 November 2016 18: 57
    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
    And yes, here's the horror, I was hunting a raven during a walk. Either the people's leader Lenin’s business! Here's what Krupskaya writes about his hunt:
    "In late autumn, when there was sludge (fine ice) on the Yenisei, we went to the island for hares. The hares will already turn white. There is nowhere to go from the island, they run around like sheep. Our hunters used to shoot a whole boat." Source: http://www.nexplorer.ru/news__11954.htm

    Thanks for the interesting comparison!
    The hare is a game animal. Lenin, like a real hunter, shot as much as he could carry. Surely he gave it to the owners with whom he lodged or to neighbors. Pay attention - "the hares have already turned white", that is, the skin was business. Which of the Siberian neighbors would have acted differently? After all, these are not modern fishermen, they will catch and release, catch and release.

    And what did Nicholas II do with cats and crows, give out to the courtiers or eat himself?
    1. +8
      23 November 2016 20: 53
      No, are you serious now? What about the courtiers? He fired at Zaitsev, pay attention, on an island from which there is nowhere for animals to disappear. Your will, this is not hunting, hunting is called the process in which the animal has a chance to leave the hunter.
      1. +2
        23 November 2016 21: 23
        This is the excuse for modern sports hunters. He looks through the telescopic sight and talks about "that the beast should have a chance." Quite a hypocritical statement.
        If "honestly" - go out on a moose or a hare without a weapon. Weak?

        In Siberia in those days, hunting was utilitarian, like going to a grocery store.
        They, horror, also caught fish with a net.
      2. +1
        23 November 2016 21: 25
        By the way, you did not answer, where did the cats and the raven shot down by Nicholas II go?
        1. +4
          27 November 2016 16: 20
          Are you so worried about their fate? I suppose the palace service was cleaning. Where - for well-known reasons, I can not ask them.
      3. +3
        23 November 2016 21: 35
        Have you noticed the difference? Lenin actually hunted while in exile, and not at the headquarters of the supreme command.
    2. +3
      23 November 2016 21: 38
      Lenin, like a real hunter, shot as much as he could carry

      Well, he had nothing to do, state affairs did not wait for him. Unlike Nikolai, who could not leave his office for a long time. When Lenin finally had to work, he immediately rode his head.
      1. +2
        24 November 2016 06: 49
        immediately he went a long time ago and from syphilis ... and then he went completely bully
    3. +1
      24 November 2016 06: 47
      in the flood it is poaching, and in any quantities ... Yes and he didn’t shoot, and experiencing excitement and pleasure, filled them with a butt, then he threw half of the boat out because it almost (unfortunately) did not drown
      crowhunting, on the contrary, has a very specific purpose.
  15. +3
    23 November 2016 20: 59
    And on this resource the mysterious disappearance of entire branches of comments in the order of things, I understand correctly?
  16. +3
    24 November 2016 11: 10
    Quote: Hupfri
    . It was a time of restoration of the country and rapid development, moving forward.

    Is it in the early 20s? There, in my opinion, there was a terrible famine in the Volga region, also for me moving forward.

    Before the revolution, famine happened periodically.
    1. +1
      26 November 2016 11: 42
      Before the revolution, famine happened periodically

      Periodically. After the revolution, hunger became a constant factor. Volga 21g, then 28-29, then 31g, then famine during the war, then famine after the 46-year war, there was always famine, Brezhnev bought bread in Canada. There was such a thing as rations. Special distributor. Cards.
  17. 0
    24 November 2016 11: 39
    Quote: pussamussa
    Quote: Hupfri
    . It was a time of restoration of the country and rapid development, moving forward.

    Is it in the early 20s? There, in my opinion, there was a terrible famine in the Volga region, also for me moving forward.

    Before the revolution, famine happened periodically.

    It should be noted that over the course of fifteen years the country has survived three revolutions and three wars.
    1. +1
      26 November 2016 11: 51
      It should be noted that over the course of fifteen years the country has survived three revolutions and three wars.

      Revolutions did not happen by themselves, but as a result of the subversive actions of the "revolutionary element". As well as the civil one that followed the coup ... This is a consequence of certain events, not least inspired by the "new type party". Hence the hunger, cold, stagnation of the 20s, the failure of the first five-year plan.
  18. 0
    24 November 2016 13: 43
    And yet Durnovo was not quite right. The main burden of hostilities fell precisely on the Western Front, and the Franks were not going to sit on the defensive, but they themselves went to conquer their land.
  19. +4
    24 November 2016 14: 50
    Quote: Hupfri
    Well, he had nothing to do, state affairs did not wait for him. Unlike Nikolai, who could not leave his office for a long time. When Lenin finally had to work, he immediately rode his head.

    In a hundred years, kicking Lenin, lying on the couch and having done nothing in life, these are not bags tossing and turning.
    1. +2
      24 November 2016 15: 29
      Quote: pussamussa
      Quote: Hupfri
      Well, he had nothing to do, state affairs did not wait for him. Unlike Nikolai, who could not leave his office for a long time. When Lenin finally had to work, he immediately rode his head.

      In a hundred years, kicking Lenin, lying on the couch and having done nothing in life, these are not bags tossing and turning.

      After a hundred years of kicking Nikolai 2, lying on the sofa and having done nothing in life, these are not bags tossing and turning.
    2. 0
      26 November 2016 11: 36
      lying on the couch and having done nothing in life

      Where do you get such information about me from? If you are a loafer this does not mean that everyone is like that. I go to the site from the tablet, notice quite irregularly, because there is still a lot to do in life and there is no time to dive with you.
      As for Lenin, the results of his "work" are known. Hunger, devastation, epidemics, millions of victims. None of the goals set, including the main one - the building of communism, were achieved
      1. 0
        5 December 2016 10: 58
        Quote: Hupfri
        None of the goals set, including the main one - the building of communism, were achieved

        None, yeah yeah lol

        1. The socialist proletarian revolution in Russia.
        2. Victory in the civil war, the expulsion of the interventionists.
        3. The eradication of illiteracy.
        4. Economic recovery.
        5. The creation of mass secondary, technical and higher education.
        6. The creation of the USSR from the wreckage of most of the Russian Empire.
        7. Overcoming international isolation, resolving the issue of royal debts.

        Have you done more in your life, considering your exploit on the forum from a tablet your feat? lol laughing
  20. +1
    24 November 2016 15: 34
    Quote: Trapper7
    After a hundred years of kicking Nikolai 2, lying on the sofa and having done nothing in life, these are not bags tossing and turning.

    I did not kick Nikolai Alexandrovich, as did Vladimir Ilyich. These are the leaders of our state, this is our story.
  21. 0
    26 November 2016 09: 38
    I’ve read the article only now. I haven’t thought about the topic yet. But I want to add the following. Yesterday (and this week probably) on the history of the program about Lenin, Stalin, Japan ..... One of them said that the Bolsheviks did not see enemies in the Germans, on the contrary, were thinking about exporting the Revolution to Germany.
    In the article, for me, fundamentally new information. Also, comments.
    1. 0
      26 November 2016 11: 28
      .. In one of them it was said that the Bolsheviks did not see enemies in the Germans,

      The Weimar Republic, with the impoverishment of the masses and a strong communist movement, was a weak link in the capitalist "ring of enemies." So a socialist revolution was more than likely. Each party had a fighting wing. CA for the Nazis, the Front for the Communists, Spartak, Rote Fan ...
  22. 0
    30 November 2016 15: 25
    Worse than the war and the Anglo-Saxons have only peace with them
  23. 0
    5 December 2016 10: 48
    It was England and the United States that pushed Japan to war with the Russian Empire.

    Nobody pushed Japan to war with Russia as strongly as Russia itself did, beginning with the "triple intervention" of 1895. Only after a long and very gross disregard for Japanese attempts to find a diplomatic solution, the Japanese were forced in 1902. turn to England and conclude an agreement with her.

    Russian diplomacy tried to answer Austrian machinations by forming the Balkan Union, but this combination, as one would expect, turned out to be completely ephemeral. In theory, directed against Austria, she immediately turned against Turkey and broke up at the divide taken from this last booty.

    Here tsarist diplomacy led to the collapse of boorish arrogance towards small countries, which she tried to consider as errand servants, and not full allies, and openly ignored their own interests.

    As a result, during the Balkan wars, the awkward policies of Nikolaev Russia were destroyed, in just a few months, all the achievements of the previous efforts of Russian diplomacy and military force in about a couple of previous centuries.

    excessive dependence of Russian defense on foreign industry was noted

    Moreover, the saddest thing is that it is immediately dependent on all developed powers, each of which could turn out to be (and from time to time turn out) hostile to Russia.
    As a result, for example, the potentially strong design battle cruisers of the Izmail class remained at least half of the design for all 5 years from their laying to the collapse of the Russian Empire.

    the technical backwardness of our industry does not create favorable conditions for our assimilation of new inventions
    golden words, which even then were deeply secret for "leavened patriots", and still remain just as secret for today's like * especially talented personalities *.