Dive On the causes of the death of the Romanov empire

Dive On the causes of the death of the Romanov empire

The First World War destabilized the Russian Empire, undermined the old order. Numerous contradictions broke out and developed into a full-fledged revolutionary situation. In the autumn of 1916, spontaneous unrest began in many ways in the capital of Russia. And part of the “elite” of the Russian empire (grand dukes, aristocrats, generals, Duma leaders, bankers and industrialists) at the time were making a plot against Emperor Nicholas II and the autocratic regime.

They planned to establish a constitutional monarchy following the example of England or a republic close to them, modeled on France, which would lift the restrictions of the autocratic regime and gain "freedom." The cadre army, which was the backbone of the empire and could easily sweep away the future "fevralist" destroyers, had already fallen on the fields of the First World War. The army itself became a source of distemper, and not the support of autocracy. Thus, the "elite" of Russia itself was preparing to release the genie from the bottle. Although with the active support of our Western "partners" and allies in the Entente, and official opponents from the Central Bloc.

The "fevralists" did not understand that the destruction of the autocracy would open the "Pandora's box", finally remove the brackets that hold back the deep, fundamental contradictions that were breaking the Romanov empire.

Main faults

- Under the Romanovs, an official Nikonian church was created, which crushed the “living faith”. Orthodoxy turned into a formality, the essence of the lured form, faith - empty rituals. The church became a department of the bureaucratic, state apparatus. The fall of the spirituality of the people began, the fall of the authority of the clergy. Ordinary people begin to despise the priests. The official, Nikonian orthodoxy becomes shallow, loses its connection with God, becomes an appearance. In the final we will see blown up temples and temples turned into warehouses, the destruction of monastic communities. With complete indifference of the masses.

In this case, the most healthy part of the Russian people - the Old Believers, will go into opposition to the Romanov state. ABOUTnor will they become the true heirs of the ideology of Sergius of Radonezh. Old Believers retain purity, sobriety, high morals and spirituality. They had nothing to do with the usual realities of Nikonian Russia — filth, drunkenness, laziness, and ignorance. Moreover, the official authorities long pursued the Old Believers, turned them against the state. Under the conditions when they were persecuted for two centuries, the Old Believers endured, retreated into the remote areas of the country and created their own economic, cultural structure, their own Russia. As a result, the Old Believers will become one of the revolutionary units that will destroy the Russian empire. The capitals of the industrialists and bankers of the Old Believers (who have honestly worked for centuries, accumulating national capital) will work for the revolution. Although the revolution itself will destroy the world of the Old Believers.

- The Romanovs tried to make the peripheral part of the Western world, the European civilization out of Russia, to recode the Russian civilization. It is clear that the tsars most oriented towards the people — Pavel, Nicholas I, Alexander III — tried to resist Westernism and Westernization of the social elite of the Russian Empire. But without much success. Which also became one of the main causes of the 1917 disaster. When the Westernized "elite" of the Russian Empire itself killed "historical Russia. " In 1825, Nicholas was able to suppress the rebellion of the Decembrists-Westerners. In 1917, the Februaryists were able to crush the autocracy, and at the same time they themselves killed the regime under which they flourished.

Petr Alekseevich was not the first Westerner in Russia. The turn of Russia to the West began during the reign of Boris Godunov (there were separate manifestations even during the last Rurikovichs) and the first Romanovs. Under princess Sophia and her favorite Vasily Golitsyn, he was fully formed and the project would have developed without Peter. However, it turned out that it was under Peter that Westernization became irreversible. No wonder the people believed that the king during his trip to the West was replaced.

Peter made a real cultural revolution in Russia. The meaning was not to shave the beards of the boyars, not in western clothes and morals, not in assembly assemblies. And in the planting of European culture. All the people could not recode. Therefore, the Westernized top - the aristocracy and the nobility. For this, self-government was destroyed so that the church could not resist these orders. The church became a department of the state, part of the apparatus of control and punishment. Petersburg with Western architecture, full of hidden symbols, became the capital of the new Russia.

Peter believed that Russia was lagging behind Western Europe, so it was necessary to put it on the “right path”, to modernize it to the west. And for this to become part of the Western world, European civilization. This opinion - about the “backwardness of Russia”, will become the basis of the philosophy of many generations of Westerners and liberals, up to our time. Russian civilization and the people will have to pay for this very expensive price, millions of lives destroyed and distorted.

It is clear that this view was formed by the young tsar, cut off from the traditional education of Russian sovereigns, under the influence of foreign "friends" and specialists. It was they who suggested to Peter the idea of ​​creating a “new Russia”, predetermined his understanding of the Russian state (Muscovy) as a backward country, which must be radically modernized in a Western way, Westernize the elite - the nobility to enter the "club" of the great European powers. Although the Russian kingdom had all the possibilities for independent development, without Westernization and the division of the people into a pro-Western elite and the rest of the people, enslaved peasant world.

In this way, the Russian Empire had a congenital flaw - the division of the people into two parts: the artificially derived German-French-English "elite", the nobles- "Europeans", divorced from their native culture, language and people as a whole; on a huge, mostly bonded mass, which continued to live in a communal way and preserved the foundations of Russian culture. We can distinguish the third part - the world of the Old Believers.

In the XVIII century, this division reached a higher stage, when a huge peasant mass (the overwhelming majority of the population of the Romanov empire) completely enslaved, fastened. In fact, the "Europeans" - the nobles created an internal colony, they began to parasitize on the people. At the same time, they received freedom from their head of duty - to serve and defend the country. Previously, the existence of the nobility was justified by the need to protect the homeland. They were the military-elite class, which served until death or disability. Now they were freed from this duty, they could live all their lives on the estate and laze around, hunt, ride balls, spoil the girls, etc.

The people responded to this universal injustice with the peasant war (the revolt of E. Pugachev), which almost turned into a new turmoil. Petersburg was so frightened that he threw against the insurgents the best commander, a man who retained Russianness - A. V. Suvorov. True, they managed without it. After the suppression of the peasant war, the situation stabilized. In addition, in the first half of the XIX century, the serf noose was greatly weakened. However, the peasants remembered this injustice, including the land problem. Which ultimately ended the 1917 disaster of the year. After February 1917, a new peasant war began, estates were flushed, and a “black repartition” of land began. Peasants revenged for the age-old humiliation and injustice. The peasant movement in the rear was one of the reasons for the defeat of the White movement. And the Reds with great difficulty extinguished this fire, which could destroy Russia.

- "Cannon fodder". The foreign policy of the Russian empire, thanks to the "Europeans" -the Westerners like Foreign Minister Carl Nesselrode (served as Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire longer than anyone else, from 1816 to 1856 year), had a controversial, pro-Western character, sometimes even anti-national. Thus, Russia often fought not for its own interests, but for the interests of its Western "partners", regularly providing Russian "cannon fodder" to its allies.

We all know about the brilliant military past of the Russian Empire. We are proud of the victories of the Russian army and fleet over the Swedes, Turks, Prussians and French. The battles of Poltava, near Larga and Cahul, Fokshany and Rymnik, the battles of Zorndorf and Kunersdorf, Borodino, the assault of Izmail, the heroic defense of Sevastopol and Petropavlovsk, the campaigns of Russian troops in the Caucasus, the Balkans, Italy, Germany and France - all this is our memory and pride. Like the victories of the Russian fleet under Gangut, Chesme, Navarino, Athos, Sinope, the capture of Corfu.

However, despite the brilliant feats of Russian commanders, naval commanders, soldiers and sailors, the foreign policy of the Russian Empire was in many ways not independent and other powers used Russia to their advantage. Russia carried out the most independent policy under Catherine the Great, Pavel, Nicholas and Alexander III. In other periods, Vienna, Berlin, London and Paris successfully used Russian bayonets to their advantage.

In particular, Russia's participation in the Seven Years' War (tens of thousands of dead and wounded soldiers, time and material resources) ended in nothing. The brilliant fruits of the victories of the Russian army, including Königsberg, already attached to the Russian Empire, were wasted.

In general, it is worth noting that Russia focused all its attention and resources on European affairs. (a consequence of the westernization of Russia). With minimal results, but huge costs, often aimless and meaningless. So, after the annexation of Western Russian lands during the division of the Commonwealth, Russia did not have major national tasks in Europe. It was necessary to focus on the Caucasus, Turkestan (Central Asia) with the release of Russian influence in Persia and India, in the East. It was necessary to develop their own territories - the North, Siberia, the Far East and Russian America.

In the East, Russia could have a decisive influence on the Chinese, Korean and Japanese civilizations, taking dominant positions there. Russia bordered on these great civilizations, that is, it had an advantage over the West in the Greater Far East. There was an opportunity to start the “Russian globalization”, to build its world order. However, time and opportunity were lost. Moreover, thanks to the pro-Western party in St. Petersburg, Russia lost Russian America and the potential for further development of the northern part of the Pacific region with the Hawaiian Islands and California (Fort Ross).

In the West, Russia got involved in a meaningless and extremely costly confrontation with France. But it is extremely beneficial for Vienna, Berlin and London. Pavel I realized that Russia was being dragged into a trap and tried to get out of it. They reconciled with France, it became possible to create an anti-British alliance that constrains the global ambitions of the Anglo-Saxons. However, the great sovereign was killed. Alexander I and his pro-Western environment, with the full support of England and Austria, pulled Russia into a long confrontation with France (participating in four wars with France), which ended with the death of many thousands of Russian people and the burning of Moscow. Then, instead of leaving weakened France, Russia, as a counterbalance to England, Austria and Prussia, freed Europe and France from Napoleon.

After that, Russia supported the Holy Alliance and anti-revolutionary policies in Europe, using its resources to support decaying regimes. In particular, with the support of Russia, Greece gained its freedom, where England immediately occupied the dominant positions. Russia saved the Austrian Habsburg Empire from the Hungarian revolution. All this ended in a disaster of the Eastern (Crimean) War. When our “partner and ally” —Austria — played a decisive role in defeating Russia, threatening with war, if Petersburg continues to resist.

It is also worth noting that for two centuries Western “partners” have incited Turkey to Russia. Paris, London and Vienna regularly used the “Turkish club” to restrain Russia in the southern strategic direction, in the Balkans and the Caucasus, so that the Russians would not reach the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Russia gave freedom to Serbia. Belgrade thanked him by dragging Russia into a confrontation with Austria and Germany. The Russians liberated Bulgaria. The Bulgarians planted a German dynasty around their necks and, during World War I, took the side of our enemies.

In 1904, the pro-Western party in the Russian Empire itself and the masters of the West sowed Russians and Japanese. What led to the heavy defeat of Russia and the weakening position in the Far East. In addition, Russia's attention was again focused on Europe. In the interests of London, Paris and Washington, the Russians were set against the Germans. Britain and France fought to the last Russian soldier, solving their strategic tasks and weakening their competitors — Germany and Russia.

- Resource and raw materials appendage of the West. In the global economy, Russia was a raw material periphery. Petersburg Romanovs achieved Russia's embedding in the emerging world system, but as a cultural and raw material, technically backward peripheral power, although it is a military giant. Russia was a supplier of cheap raw materials and food to the West.

Russia of the XVIII century was for the West the largest supplier of agricultural products, raw materials and semi-finished products. In the first place in the export was hemp (a strategic commodity for the British fleet), in the second place - flax. The main exports went to England and Holland. At the same time, under the conditions when the British lost the American colonies, the flow of Russian raw materials was vital for England. No wonder that when Nicholas I began a policy of protectionism, this was one of the reasons why the British launched the Eastern (Crimean) war with the idea of ​​dismembering the Russian Empire. And after the defeat, Russia immediately softened the customs barriers for England.

Russia drove raw materials to the West, and the landlords, aristocrats and merchants spent the money not on the development of domestic industry, but on overconsumption, the purchase of Western goods, luxury and foreign entertainment (the “new Russians” of the 1990-2000 model repeated this). The British were taken and loans. Not surprisingly, the Russians became the “cannon fodder” of England in the struggle against Prussia in the Seven Years' War and Napoleon’s empire for world domination (a fight within the Western project). Then the most important principle of British politics was born: "To fight for the interests of Britain to the last Russian." It lasted until the entry into the First World War, when the Russians fought with the Germans for the good of England and France.

In the first half of the XIX century, Russia exported wood, flax, hemp, hemp, lard, wool, stubble. About a third of Russian imports and about half of exports came to Britain in the middle of the century. Until the middle of the XIX century, Russia was the main supplier of grain to Europe. Thus, the economy of the Russian Empire was a resource and raw materials appendage of a booming industrial Europe (first of all, England). Russia was a supplier of cheap resources and a consumer of expensive European products, especially luxury goods.

The situation did not change much in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. England pushed Germany and France. Under Alexander III and Nicholas II, Russia somewhat strengthened its economy, industry and finances, but on the whole, it remained a dependency, it was overcome only during the Stalin five-year plans. Russia "hooked" on French loans and fully worked them out during the First World War, saving the French over and over again.

The proceeds from the sale of raw materials did not go on development. Russian "Europeans" were engaged in overconsumption. St. Petersburg high society eclipsed all European courts. Russian aristocrats and merchants lived in Paris, Baden-Baden, Nice, Rome, Berlin and London more than in Russia. They considered themselves Europeans. The main language for them was French, and then English. It is worth saying that in 1991-1993. this vicious system has been restored.

The problem of chronic industrial and technical backwardness was one of the prerequisites for defeat in the Crimean War. We know the final industrial, technical backwardness: the crisis of military supplies in 1915-1916, the lack of heavy guns, “shell hunger”, the purchase of equipment, weapons and ammunition abroad. According to the documents of those years, the Russian army lacked almost everything that was needed in a war, and first of all, rifles and cartridges.

General A.N. Kuropatkin, who became the personification of the defeat in the Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905, can be blamed, probably, for many sins, but not in the absence of intelligence, observation and pedantry in the diary entries. 27 December 1914, during the Lodz operation, he wrote the following entry in his diary: “A.I. Guchkov arrived from the leading positions. Told a lot. With food can not cope in the army. People are starving. Many have no boots. Feet wrapped panels. The loss in the infantry, in the officers is huge. There are shelves where several officers. The state of artillery stocks is especially alarming. I read the order of the corps commander not to spend more than 3-5 shells per gun per day. Our artillery does not help the infantry being showered by enemy shells. One rifle brigade did not receive the 3 staffing of the month. During the fighting, when the Germans broke out of the bag [during the Lodz operation], a man without guns sent a man to 14 000 on the right flank. This column almost went into the battle line and greatly constrained the troops. ”

It is worth noting that chronologically, this record refers to the end of the fifth month since Russia's entry into the Great War and is still far from the tragedy of the “Great Retreat”. Thus, in almost six months of the fighting, the Russian General Headquarters of the Supreme Command, headed by Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, not only failed to organize the proper functioning of the army’s rear, but also found itself in an acute crisis of supplies of ammunition and weapons - shells, rifles, cartridges.

“The spring of 1915 of the year will remain in my memory forever,” later recalled General A.I. Denikin. - The great tragedy of the Russian army - a retreat from Galicia. No ammo, no shells. Day-to-day bloody battles, day-to-day heavy transitions, endless fatigue ... I remember the battle of Peremyshl in mid-May. The eleven days of the brutal battle of the 4 th rifle division are eleven days of the terrible rumble of German heavy artillery, literally tearing down entire rows of trenches along with their defenders. We almost did not answer - nothing. The regiments, exhausted to the last degree, fought off one attack after another - with bayonets or shooting at close range; blood flowed, our ranks thinned, grave mounds grew - two regiments were almost destroyed by German artillery fire ... ”.

In early July, 1915, when the catastrophe of the Russian army had already become an accomplished fact, and the Great Retreat took place on all fronts with Germany and Austria-Hungary, the commander of the North-Western Front, General MV Alekseev, presented his report on the reasons for the never-ending lesions. Among the factors of "a detrimental effect on operational considerations and the morale of the troops" are noted: 1) lack of artillery shells - "the most important, most alarming flaw, with a disastrous effect"; 2) lack of heavy artillery; 3) lack of rifles and cartridges for them, - “chilling the initiative in operational issues and leading to the collapse in the matter of new formations, etc.

In fairness, we note that the crisis in the First World War in combat supplies experienced all, without exception, the army of the warring powers. However, it was not only in Russia that this led to temporary supply difficulties, but to a full-scale crisis, in fact, to the disruption of the military supply of the front, which was overcome by a terrible method - burning in the fire of battles of hundreds of thousands of human lives. All these are the consequences of the lack of government attention to the industrialization of the Russian Empire and the raw material nature of the economy.

As a result, in fact, the cadre imperial army burned down in the fire of war, hundreds of thousands of fighters died due to technical backwardness and Russia's dependence on the West, weak industry. The empire has lost an army that could save her from confusion. The new army was no longer a pillar of the empire and autocracy, it itself became the carrier of the virus of revolution. The peasant soldiers dreamed of returning home and resolving the land issue, intellectual officers (teachers, doctors, students, etc.) cursed the authorities and were involved in the work of the revolutionary parties.

- The national question. Petersburg was not able to establish the normal Russification of the national suburbs. Moreover, some territories (the Kingdom of Poland, Finland) received privileges and rights that the Russian people did not have a state-forming, bearing the burden of the empire. As a result, the Poles revolted twice (1830 and 1863), became one of the revolutionary units in the empire. During the First World War, Austria-Hungary and Germany, who created the Russophobic Kingdom of Poland, began to use the Poles, then England and France picked up the baton, who supported the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth against Soviet Russia.

Due to the absence of a reasonable policy in the national area, Finland has become the base and springboard of revolutionaries. And after the collapse of the empire Russophobic, Nazi state, which was going to create a "Great Finland at the expense of the Russian lands. And the most ardent Finnish Nazis planned to occupy the northern Russian lands up to the Urals and beyond.

Petersburg could not at the right time destroy the Polish influence in the Western Russian lands. He did not russify Little Russia, destroying traces of Polish rule, the germs of the ideology of Ukrainians. Also, the mistakes of the national policy can be seen in the Caucasus, in Turkestan, in the Jewish question, etc. All this was vehemently manifested during the Revolution and the Civil War.

To be continued ...
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  1. +17
    3 November 2016 06: 31
    This is very true about the division of the Russian people into the elite and "slaves". I don’t remember where the information came from, I think the teacher at school said that the Cossacks in 1812 often shot down Russian officers in the dark who were driving around the positions, taking them by conversation for the French.
    1. +1
      3 November 2016 08: 57
      Quote: V.ic
      I don’t remember where the information came from, I think the teacher at school said

      There was some kind of film. But most likely the information is true.hi
      1. +10
        3 November 2016 10: 06
        The more the Romanovs became Germans by blood, the more they became Russian in spirit.
        It just so happened that I touched (literally) the last reigning family, minimally talked with descendants and dressing for them - I took part in this work.
        What struck in fate - such a closure of the circle - they were dealt with the same way they did with Rurikovich.

        PS. Alexander, German Sloboda already existed under Grozny. Rurikovich even before it invited experts from the West: architects, doctors, engineers, warriors ... It does not follow from this that the Germans and muds had a noticeable influence on the decisions of the Rurik itself. (But, special people poisoned Rurikovich quietly. The Jesuits muddied among the boyars. Namutil.). Just as our Russian brains, which, using the current turmoil, are pumped into it in huge quantities, have no influence on the West.

        PPS Peter I executed a huge number of people. Petersburg is built on bones. The rule of the first Romanovs was also bloody. And for some reason Ivan the Terrible is called a tyrant.

        In the photo I am with skull No. 4 from the Yekaterinburg burial identified as the skull of Nicholas II. The picture was taken in the radiological department of the Children's Hospital of Yekaterinburg.
      2. +4
        3 November 2016 11: 23
        This episode is taken from L. Nikulin's book "Faithful Sons of Russia". The book is wonderful. Now such works are not published.
    2. +4
      3 November 2016 12: 20
      Under the Romanovs, an official Nikonian church was created, which crushed the "living faith." Orthodoxy has become a formality, essence has been lured by form, faith - empty rites. The church became a department of the bureaucratic, state apparatus. The decline in the spirituality of the people, the decline in the authority of the clergy. Ordinary people begin to despise priests.

      Quote: V.ic
      This is very true about the division of the Russian people into the elite and "slaves". I don’t remember where the information came from, I think the teacher at school said that the Cossacks in 1812 often shot down Russian officers in the dark who were driving around the positions, taking them by conversation for the French.

      the most healthy part of the Russian people - the Old Believers, will go into opposition to the Romanov state. They will become real heirs to the ideology of Sergius of Radonezh. Old believers will maintain purity, sobriety, high morality and spirituality. They had nothing to do with the usual realities of Nikonian Russia - dirt, drunkenness, laziness and ignorance

      arod responded to this universal injustice by the peasant war (the uprising of E. Pugachev), which almost grew into a new turmoil

      During his time on fuel, Samsonov fell a little off from traditional history and began to think independently, but naturally to certain limits, he does not go beyond the law.
      Its main provisions
      -lawful-usurping Romanov dynasty
      -criminal Peter's reforms
      -Russia -colony of the West, to serve Western interests
      perhaps everything, he did not go further.
      You can talk about Romanov criminals as much as you like, but this does not make the picture of past years clear.
      The Romanovs replaced the old religion or means the old rituals for the Nikonian reforms of the church, but this is not just a half-truth, this is a screen behind which the truth cannot be seen. Speaking of OLD Believers, Samsonov confuses them with OLD Believers, and the difference is huge and fundamental. The Old Believers are the VEDISTS believers in the RUSSIAN GODS, Rod, Lada, Perun, Svarog, Makosh, etc., and the Old Believers are Christians who send their cult according to the old rite. So the Nikonian reforms are not replacing some Christian rites with others, (two-fingered three-fingered, Jesus-Jesus, etc.), and the complete replacement of the Vedic religion with Christianity. In order to hide this transition, the "baptism of Russia" was invented in the 10th century under Vladimir and a whole bunch of reworked chronicles were written, the purpose of which was the creation of a new history of Russia, the Varangian theory, the baptism of Rus, the Tatar-Mongol yoke. The new Christian church mimicked the old Vedic, taking away the concept of ORTHODOXY, incorporating Christian holidays of veneration of saints into the "old" holidays of the Vedists. 150 years in the Russian Academy of Sciences there were almost no Russians and German "academicians" - falsifiers rewrote history and burned old chronicles, legends and books, unearthed and destroyed the mounds and everything that was in them for the sake of the new "history". There are religions of that country about which we know nothing.
      1. +2
        3 November 2016 12: 45
        The state embodying the old faith was the so-called Tartaria. This name was certainly not the name of the state, but it was most likely called MOSCOW i.e. the country of KUPOLOV-brain-MOSCOW. Only small fragments of maps, annals in the form of inconsistencies of existing annals, as well as images from broken tombstones from burials of that period reach us from that state. In general, inconsistencies between existing Christianity and former cults come to us in the form of ridiculous characters that do not hide a new painted picture, but stick out for review, for example.
        The Roman obelisk, the old Vedic symbols The trefoil is the symbol of RIGHT, YAV AND NEV, as well as the symbol of the sun, and the Christian symbol, the cross, is stuck on top.

        1. +1
          3 November 2016 12: 50
          Quote: Thought
          The Roman obelisk, the old Vedic symbols The trefoil is the symbol of RIGHT, YAV AND NEV, as well as the symbol of the sun, and the Christian symbol, the cross, is stuck on top.

    3. 0
      3 November 2016 21: 35
      Quote: V.ic
      Cossacks in 1812 often shot Russian officers in the dark, traveling around the position, taking them for a conversation as the French.

      Real fact! Not only Cossacks but also soldiers were shooting, for the same reasons. The troops even issued a special order forbidding officers to speak languages ​​other than Russian.
  2. +10
    3 November 2016 07: 00
    The author is right in everything. But the basis is that the Romanovs built RUSSIA on the model of Europe, where all the polls are slaves of the ruler, even the nobles. I had to closely observe the estate society, where everything is predetermined by those from whom you were born. When * superior * row by themselves and this is normal. This is very difficult to see firsthand.
    The fact that after the destruction of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE began to destroy all those involved in the humiliation and robbery, this indicates the HEALTH of the NATION and the sanity of PEOPLE. The fact that the SOVIET UNION was later built was amazing.
    Today it is surprising that the shaft of negativity and lies that falls upon RUSSIA about 1917. And it’s absolutely surprising that the * international * Russophobia, despite the different * political * platforms, is very wide, from the Nazis to the liberals, for almost any * taste * and intellect.
    1. +3
      3 November 2016 07: 51
      Your comment is simply amazing: ....... began to destroy all those involved in the humiliation and robbery, this suggests ....... sanity of people.
      Here, as they say - no comment.
      If we talk about the causes of the death of imperial Russia, then here is the degeneration over 300 years of everything and everything: the people, the aristocracy, the army, officials, etc., etc.
      1. +5
        3 November 2016 08: 44
        The robber and the one who contributed to the robbery must be destroyed. The life and health of children was dependent on the * grace * of the robber who * in the order established by law * not only robbed but also traded both the people themselves and their children. It is not surprising that during the riots they tried to kill as many parasites as possible, this is the NORMAL reaction of NORMAL PEOPLE to the abnormal construction of the state. In 1917 there were still people who sold them.
        1. +3
          3 November 2016 08: 54
          Further, after the expropriation of the expropriators, according to the law of the genre, they began to destroy the humiliated and robbed.
          1. +5
            3 November 2016 10: 36
            Quote: bober1982
            Further, after the expropriation of the expropriators, according to the law of the genre, they began to destroy the humiliated and robbed.

            But this is a lie, with what is arrogant, unproven and vile.
            1. +1
              3 November 2016 10: 57
              But this is a lie ..... arrogant ....... vile Even more surprising comment: After robberies, murders and looting, paradise life did not work. Shot - as the highest measure of proletarian humanism, began to devour everyone in a row
              1. +5
                3 November 2016 11: 03
                Well, for some reason, Nicholas II was called "bloody" May 18, 1895 - During the coronation of Nicholas II on the Khodynskoye field, more than 5000 people were killed in the crush caused by the criminal disorder of tsarist officials;

                May 7, 1901 - Execution of workers at the Obukhov plant

                November 1902 - The execution of workers in Rostov. Killed - 6 wounded - 20;

                March 11, 1903 - The shooting of workers at the Zlatoust weapons factory. Killed - 60, injured - 200;

                July 14, 1903 - The shooting of striking railway workers. 10 killed and 18 wounded;

                July 23, 1903 - The shooting of a demonstration of workers in Kiev. Killed - 4, wounded - 27

                August 7, 1903 - The execution of workers in Yekaterinburg. Killed - 16, wounded - 48;

                December 13, 1904 - The execution of workers in Baku. Killed - 5, wounded - 40;

                January 9, 1905 - Bloody Sunday, the shooting of a peaceful procession of workers in St. Petersburg. Killed - 1200, wounded - more than 5000;

                January 12, 1905 - The shooting of a workers ’demonstration in Riga. Killed - 127, wounded - over 200;

                June 18, 1905 - The shooting of a demonstration in Lodz. 10 killed and 40 wounded;

                September 5, 1905 - The end of the shameful, senseless war with Japan. Russia's losses in the war - 400000 people;

                November 15, 1905 - The shooting of the cruiser Ochakov and other rebel vessels of the Black Sea Fleet. The death of thousands of sailors - Sevastopol;

                July 4, 1906 - 28 participants in the uprising of sailors in Sveaborg were sentenced to death;

                June 3, 1907 - Dispersal by the "holy" tsar of the Second Duma.

                1911 - Mass famine that claimed the lives of 300 thousand people;

                April 4, 1912 - The shooting of striking workers in the Lena goldfields. 254 people were killed;

                June 3, 1914 - The shooting of a rally of workers at the Putilov factory in St. Petersburg;

                August 10, 1915 - The shooting of a demonstration in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Killed - 30 injured -53;

                More details: http://comstol.info/2013/07/politika/7034
                1. +2
                  3 November 2016 15: 13
                  Cool examples, Uncle Murzik!
                  I especially like about "Ochakov" and Sveaborg. Do you offer to kiss the oath in the anus in a passionate kiss?
                  1. +8
                    3 November 2016 15: 35
                    Quote: Army 2
                    Cool examples, Uncle Murzik!

                    In this case, why with a gasp and a frenzy, they glorify those who, in February 17, threw off Nikolashka, and then also unleashed the Civil one with ANTANTA — all these leaders and supreme traitors from the Whites?
              2. +9
                3 November 2016 13: 02
                Quote: bober1982
                After robberies, murders and looting, paradise life did not work. Shooting - as the highest measure of proletarian humanism, began to devour everyone in a row

                Another lie, the same arrogant and shameless.
                The Stalinist legacy and its significance today.
                Reflects the lawyer, one of the twenty most influential lawyers in the country, Dmitry AGRANOVSKY.

                With each point of the fall of the ruble exchange rate there is more and more understanding - Stalin was right. And what is right? In everything. For example, in this one: “We must build our economy so that our country does not become an appendage of the world capitalist system, that it is not included in the general system of capitalist development as its subsidiary enterprise, so that our economy does not develop as an auxiliary enterprise of world capitalism , but as an independent economic unit, relying mainly on the domestic market, relying on the link between our industry and the peasant economy of our country. ” (From a report at the XIV Congress of the CPSU (B.).

                What is not a program for today? Especially now, when it is clear that capitalism of a raw materials appendage in our country, miraculously lasting 23 years, ordered a long life at the very first very modest attempt by Russia to claim at least some rights to its original territories. Territories, gathered for centuries by the rulers of Russia, including Stalin.
                D% F1% EA% E0% FF +% FD% EF% EE% F5% E0 /
        2. +4
          3 November 2016 09: 04
          Quote: Vasily50
          this is a NORMAL reaction of NORMAL PEOPLE

          But nothing. that NORMAL people were led to Riot by NORMAL? The revolution was prepared and implemented by people alien to the Russian people of nature. And it’s stupid to believe that they were worried about the good of the Russian people.
          However, now the majority of those who are commonly called liberals have the same alien nature. Similar persons, similar surnames.
          1. +8
            3 November 2016 10: 40
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            But nothing. that NORMAL people were led to Riot by NORMAL?

            That is, you acknowledge that in February 17, abnormal people rained down the country, from Cyril to the Grand Duke, Romanov by name and surname to any princes of a rank lower than the Lviv type and different jurors, from Kerensky to Kornilov?
            And the fact that if there were no October, there would have been no MAY 1945, for you the discovery of America? But it would have been. The second world would not be in favor of bourgeois Russia-would split and dismember the "allies" according to ANTANT, not for that 1 world went to preserve the Empire, except for one - English and gaining strength, American.
            Or doesn’t it stick to your calendar and is October all the same somehow ahead of February?
      2. 0
        3 November 2016 10: 31
        In vain! Survived. And you were born.
        And we will continue to live and grow stronger, do not wait!
    2. +2
      3 November 2016 11: 06
      Quote: Vasily50
      But the basis is that the Romanovs built RUSSIA on the model of Europe, where all the polls are slaves of the ruler, even the nobles.

      I apologize, but this is just characteristic of Asia. In Europe, there are already parliaments, but all kinds of sejm,
      1. 0
        4 November 2016 12: 54
        However, it was Ivan the Terrible who introduced self-government - zemstvos.
        Well, as the Polish seymics sat down, it is known. Proca ... whether the country.
    3. +3
      3 November 2016 12: 12
      "The Romanovs built RUSSIA on the model of Europe, where all without exception are slaves of the ruler,
      even if they are nobles. "///

      Exactly what not. If they built on the model of Europe, then it turned out
      would be Europe.
      And they took the front facade of Europe, took the technology of Europe, and the feudal structure
      left the Asiatic - modeled after the Golden Horde, with which Russia actually merged in the 15th century,
      when the Tatar nobility moved to Moscow to live.

      In Europe, nobles / feudal lords had rights that even the king could not take away.
      In England already in the 12th century there was a precedent when the court fully acquitted the feudal lord,
      when the English king acted as the prosecutor.
      If in Europe any king decided to publicly mock someone
      from the nobility, as Peter the Great often did, he (the king) would be killed on the spot.
  3. +7
    3 November 2016 07: 32
    Recognizable interpretation of events. If it’s not Hyperborea, then the Old Believers ... Okay, you can’t throw an armpit on every mouth ... This is strange to read:
    "This opinion - about the" backwardness of Russia ", will become the basis of the philosophy of many generations of Westernizers and liberals, right up to our time." Given that we have an average pension of 12,9 thousand and in the United States - 67997,04 rubles. According to the AgeWatch index, Russia in 2014 ranked 65th in the overall ranking in terms of the security of life for pensioners. What is this if not backwardness? Rather, if this is not backwardness, then I don’t know what backwardness is, although in terms of ballet, yes, we are ahead of the rest of the planet!
    1. 0
      3 November 2016 08: 08
      A US pension can be made up of three components:
      - state pension, paid from seniority by the state (approximately like ours),
      - personal funded pension (personal savings in private pension funds)
      - corporate pension (financed by the employer).
      We are also moving to such a system. The problem is that most of our pensioners worked when there were no private pension funds. And with the Americans, this is more than half of the pension payments.
      But nevertheless, we in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug have a "northern pension", when for 20 years of "northern experience" the government of Ugra pays extra 10 thousand. And if you have also worked for 20 years at Yuganskneftegaz, then you will be paid additional 10 thousand of your "corporate pension".
      1. +7
        3 November 2016 08: 27
        But what about those who did not work in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? And again they "go over" ... That is, it is a process, not a result. And 12,9 is an AVERAGE PENSION. My wife, for example, has a lot less. And I am sure that you would not refuse 33 thousand pensions, just 50% of the American one.
        1. +1
          4 November 2016 13: 02
          I have 12. thousand, with 40 years of experience. I live in the suburbs. I continue to work because it’s difficult to live on such a pension. My wife has the same pension.
    2. +4
      3 November 2016 10: 03
      Quote: kalibr
      What is it if not backwardness? Rather, if it’s not backwardness, then I don’t know that backwardness

      Said "A"? Now say "B": Who's to blame? After all, the "damned commies" have been in power for more than 20 years as Nemae! lol Who is guilty of the fact that the financial, natural and other resources of the Russian Federation smoothly flow into offshore? Why do these resources not allow for use within the Russian Federation? Your post in one word tongue ...
      1. +2
        3 November 2016 20: 30
        Probably Svidomo Ukrainian would answer so-the blamed masked are to blame for everything. Well, with us, when there is nothing to argue, Pushkin is to blame, well, or options.
        I have no doubt that for a long time the current government will assert that the “birthmarks of communism (socialism)” are to blame for the current shameful situation in Russia. lol
      2. 0
        3 November 2016 21: 07
        A quarter of a century has passed since 1991. Do you want faster? Will not work! But it is necessary to talk about it, why not? Moreover, the "damned commies" have not gone anywhere. The old morality is not very eroded either. But this will change little by little. For how many years did the USA develop along the market path? We won't need so much, but 25 years, alas, is not enough! Sociologists have proved that in order for profound changes in metality to occur, the life of three generations is needed, which is 100 years, and that they should live in conditions of stability, not constant changes.
        1. +1
          3 November 2016 21: 22
          Quote: kalibr
          Moreover, the "damned commies" have not gone anywhere.

          Well, yes, you stayed, just reforged, cursing what you served.
          Quote: kalibr
          The old morality was not very weathered either. But little by little, this will change.

          Well, of course, of course, we still didn’t have enough morality from Raikin and Gerber, can’t you wait. The president spoke about what? And he talked about TRADITION, so all your equivocations about the USA are in the furnace.
          Quote: kalibr
          Sociologists have proved that there must be profound changes in metality, the life of three generations is needed, and this is 100 years, moreover, so that they live in conditions of stability, and not constant change.

          You don’t have them, you’ve already been 25 years old, you have cheated profanely, showing the true face of the liberals — everything that is good for us, everything that is worthless to you, everything that is valuable to us, animal horror and a lot of black dirt from October, and the Great Patriotic War .You all the heroes of that war are not in spirit or in rank, it’s not in vain that your bookstore was born the Swastika over the Kremlin ...
          1. 0
            4 November 2016 20: 02
            But ours still won in my novel, right? So what is it about? Now, if it had not won, then the matter is different.
            And what are you stupid? Life is changing and people are changing. They get new information, think it over, and change their behavior on its basis. Do not change based on more reliable information is dogmatism. Ejuganov, too, was previously not a religious communist (otherwise he would not have gone upstairs), but now he has come to believe in our gentlemen. Here I am too. Only I do not have revelations from the Lord, but archives that were closed before.
        2. 0
          4 November 2016 13: 06
          And what moral do you need? Man to man is a wolf? For the sake of personal success, go about your heads, spare no one, measure success in the amount of money, etc.?
          To steal is not a sin, to deceive is not a sin, etc.?
          In short - you give the European "morality" and same-sex marriage.
          1. 0
            4 November 2016 20: 05
            I am satisfied with only one single morality - "only highly moral behavior is justified." Where this morality coincides with the European one, I am "for", where with ours I am also "for", where not, I am against.
    3. 0
      3 November 2016 10: 37
      A good half of today's workers receive salaries in envelopes, without contributions to the pension fund. So where will the high pensions of current and future pensioners come from ?! They do not have such rights to complain and blame. What to sob - you need to take care of yourself, dear, attracting the entire available brain.
      1. 0
        4 November 2016 13: 10
        You are right. BUT! Well, let's say such a person comes and sets a condition for the employer - pay me a salary in "white" or leave. Can you suggest what the answer will be or can you guess?
        What is the white salary, if it is generally delayed in many places at all and no laws can do anything about it?
        Why are you so naive, you say the right things, but you don’t see the root cause.
        In short, complete irresponsibility and impunity flourishes in the country.
  4. +9
    3 November 2016 07: 38
    "On the causes of the death of the Romanov empire", not only the Romanov empire perished, after the First World War, all major empires perished, which represented any threat or competition to the empire of Britain (Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and, even, Ottoman, and later, after World War II, and Japanese) ... It's not about Nicholas II, albeit a mediocre emperor, and, I think, not about the Romanovs in general, where, in fact, every new tsar had a father, a half-breed German, and, a German mother, it's about the struggle for world domination, to which Russia will never aspired, was not ready, and, therefore, could not become a leader in this struggle. With the advent of capitalism, in fact, the barrier for leadership began, in which Great Britain succeeded. For England there were two serious threats, their leadership could be crossed out by Napoleon, and, later, imperial Germany. Russia has always been able to either neutralize, or even attract for dirty work to its side, both in the case of the war against Napoleonic France, and when drawn into the Entente, against Germany. If in Russia it was at least noted that "the Englishwoman was crap", then afterwards practically nothing was essentially done to counteract England, its agents of influence and lobbies in the Russian government itself. Russia not only failed to gain control over the vital straits, did not recapture Constantinople, but also lost Alaska ineptly. Russia's happiness was not in the "correct faith", but in the fact that after the pro-Western February revolution, the then Yeltsins, Gaidars and Chubais did not remain in power since 1917, but the Bolsheviks came, and from the rotten empire created a new country, independent of world capitalism ... It was the creation of a new, independent pole of power that made it possible to build the USSR as a space and nuclear superpower. Our happiness lies in the fact that after 1991 the newly minted bourgeoisie, the traitorous bad guys, were given not a semi-literate country, but the entire legacy of a superpower, with a huge scientific and industrial base. Until now, the new capitalist Russia is alive on this, here, only, without a return to socialism, without leaving the system with an already established world leader, with the "rules of the game", which is not for the benefit of Russia invented in the world of capitalism under the Anglo-Saxons, nothing good for Russia it does not shine. Brothers-oligarchs, like their ancestors in the Russian Empire, still litter over the hill with stolen money and come up with new taxes at home, eating up the reserves of strength from the Soviet superpower.
    1. +4
      3 November 2016 08: 31
      The happiness of Russia was not in the "correct faith", but in the fact that the Bolsheviks came and created a new country from a rotten empire,
      True, the new country did not have freedom of the press, independent legal proceedings, an independent elective system of government, a multi-party system, convertible currency, and the right to trade .... the country paid complete ruin for the advent of irresponsible adventurers and incurred innumerable victims .... very dubious happiness. In addition, the artificial, socialist model introduced from the West also collapsed in the end because it contradicted the very nature of man.
      1. +8
        3 November 2016 10: 46
        Quote: Hupfri
        True, the new country did not have freedom of the press, independent legal proceedings, an independent electoral system of government, many

        Another blah blah blah, for nothing useless to anyone.
        Quote: Hupfri
        the country paid complete ruin for the advent of irresponsible adventurers to power and incurred innumerable victims .... very dubious happiness.

        Even more blah blah blah, misfortune was suffered by everyone who wanted to steal how to breathe, and to prank on the back of the people, so yes, it wasn’t sweet.
        Quote: Hupfri
        In addition, the artificial, socialist model introduced from the West also collapsed in the end because it contradicted the very nature of man.

        Another whim of the liberal cuckoo.
        Yours, already 25 years old, liberal and as it turns out rotten from birth, offers absolutely nothing better.
        For 19 million in Russia, 7 million in Ukraine, 2 million in Belarus and 5 million in Middle Asia, on the territory of the former Union, do not want to answer?
        For destroyed 120000 enterprises, do not want to answer?
        For the exported only in the last two years, 150 billion dollars, do not want to answer?
        So your strumming here on a balalaika with one string, they say socialism is flawed, will remain stumbling very mediocre as it turns out people.
        1. +5
          3 November 2016 11: 08
          Quote: The Bloodthirster
          Another whim of the liberal cuckoo.

          It's right! good Look: with what rapture the "yeti" add to each other. negative Unwillingly, bad thoughts start to start ... recourse
        2. +1
          3 November 2016 19: 11
          Quote: The Bloodthirster
          Even more blah blah blah, misfortune was suffered by everyone who wanted to steal how to breathe, and to prank on the back of the people, so yes, it wasn’t sweet.

          Remind you how many "Leninist guardsmen" were shot during the purges? As a result of the revolution, not the best people came to power. The USSR was already created by others.
          Quote: The Bloodthirster
          offers absolutely nothing better

          There is no better, more viable yes. When humanity grows to communism, if this is possible in principle, then it will come naturally, without revolutions and other things.
          1. +2
            3 November 2016 21: 27
            Quote: Dart2027
            Remind you how many "Leninist guardsmen" were shot during the purges? As a result of the revolution, not the best people came to power. The USSR was already created by others.

            Recalling that the term "Leninist guards" was introduced into circulation by a curly-haired demon named Trotsky, in the world of Leib Bronstein, as an attempt to show that he is, de, the true heir of Lenin, in the heat of the battle for power. But alas, the party voted against and his Trotskyist guards finished at 37 with what they finished.
            Gorbachev’s lapid assistant, A. Yakovlev, continued, inflicting confusion in the minds and blow to the country, striking Lenin with authority on Stalin, and then on socialism.
            The truth is that one of the unfinished, Khrushchev, zeroed everything out, pulling out his comrades-in-arms from places not so distant and appointing one madam to the rehabilitation commission, with the result we have Chubais in an embrace with a monument to Trotsky.
            1. +2
              3 November 2016 23: 09
              Quote: The Bloodthirster
              introduced into circulation a curly-haired demon named Trotsky, in the world of Leib Bronstein, as an attempt to show that he is the real heir to Lenin, in the heat of a power struggle

              In fact, he was the second person after Lenin. And if not for Stalin, then they would have remained.
              Quote: The Bloodthirster
              The truth is that one of the unfinished, Khrushchev, zeroed everything, pulling out

              And so it was. But where did all these comrades-in-arms come from ?.
        3. +1
          4 November 2016 09: 27
          So your strumming here on a single-string balalaika,

          What, a fan of tincture of hawthorn without a snack, there is nothing to answer?
          Someone has shot ten million over the years as was your custom? Everyone did what he wanted. He said what he wanted. He wrote what he wanted. I read what I wanted. I wanted to work. I didn't want to work. Without the instructions of the party dropouts. Without a daily harvest battle. Without an emergency while sewing Cheburashka jeans. Without the daily expectation of war, hunger and cold. We lived normally. Happily. No queues.
          1. +1
            4 November 2016 13: 23
            When there is nothing to answer, they begin to be rude.
            Shot if you are in a youth is not in the know. According to various sources, only in gang wars killed up to a million people.
            In the 1991th RSFSR - 150 million people, the Russian Federation before the annexation of Crimea 142. Where did 8 million go without war and executions?
            You do not remember hunger and cold, but I remember how the dried up bodies of old women who died of hunger and lack of medicine were taken out of the apartments. FROZEN.

            It was like you and people like you wouldn’t like to notice it. As you didn’t notice pensioners rummaging in garbage cans.
            Yes, now this is not, but we, the older ones, perfectly remember the damned nineties.
            My mother was disabled and mother-in-law a pensioner, their beggarly pension was delayed for 3-4 months and if it weren’t for my wife and I, who had two young daughters in their arms, they would also be expected to die from lack of medicine or from hunger.
            You lived normally. Maybe you personally are normal, but in the province people survived.
            It was impossible to imagine anything like this during the heyday of the USSR in the seventies to the mid-eighties.
            1. 0
              4 November 2016 20: 17
              In the last 5 years alone, 4 million people have left. This is official data. The rest left earlier, that's all. Well, then every year the population of the city of Tambov dies on the roads, then booze, tobacco ... Everything is in the data of Roskomstat. That has waned.
          2. +1
            4 November 2016 13: 24
            I forgot to add, leave the tales of the executed 10 million in the USSR for Messrs. Svanidze, Albats, Gozman and other kohov and pine forests.
      2. +3
        3 November 2016 11: 09
        China is living and developing very well! And the Communist Party at the helm is leading very well! laughing
      3. +6
        3 November 2016 11: 11
        Well if "contrary to human nature"so the behests of Christ contradict the bestial nature of capitalism. Many fans recall the" innumerable sacrifices ", what would have happened if after 1917 Russia began to be formatted in the same way as under Yeltsin? It is very doubtful that the country would not have fallen into pieces, not more people would have died.If Russia had not gotten involved in the First World War, the Anglo-Saxons would not have left it alone, they would have created anti-Russia from Germany with Hitler against the USSR, so against the surviving Russia, and the Tsar-Father would have lost the war as he lost Russian-Japanese tsarism in 1905. There is no place for a strong Russia in the capitalism of the Anglo-Saxons, neither with the tsar, nor with the constituent assembly, nor with the democrats. What is happening now in relation to our country is a litmus of Western "democracy." The Soviet Union is not because "the new country did not have freedom of the press, independent legal proceedings, an independent elective system of government, a multi-party system, convertible currency, and the right to trade ...", and all because they believed in this very democracy from the United States, doubted that they had. The Soviet Union had enormous potential, and there is no need to get hung up on the period of war communism, it was a transitional period, a harsh, necessary measure. History of capitalism has an incomparably longer and bloody path, and the same USA began with separatism, genocide of the indigenous population and the slave trade. Now the "most democratic country" has blood on its hands on its shoulders, bringing grief and suffering to many countries of the world, with its false "democracy", hypocrisy, hypocrisy and duplicity. It is easy to be a beast, it is very difficult to be a man, it is a pity that what was built at such a high price was exchanged for the cult of money and the morality of consumers. given, either to regain independence from the leader of world capitalism, having come out of someone else's pole of power, someone else's rules of the game, or, you will have to lie under the States, as under Yeltsin, so that we die to death " fell in love with ", destroyed, as a great country, the fate of modern puppet Europe, and then Russia does not shine.
      4. +1
        3 November 2016 20: 22
        And where are all these freedoms? Because Western media are lying and poisoning Russia unanimously now, something does not smell like freedom of the press.
        Complete ruin? World's second superpower is "ruin"?
        Are you healthy sir?
        What kind of person does the idea of ​​social justice contradict? Thief, thug, swindler?
        I agree that they do not need social justice, it is like a sickle in "Faberge" and contradicts their rotten nature.
        1. 0
          4 November 2016 20: 18
          The second power of the world with retirement in 12 thousand? This is what you yourself decided, someone told you and the Soviet habit of living in poverty affects you?
  5. +6
    3 November 2016 07: 43
    - Under the Romanovs, an official Nikonian church was created, which crushed the "living faith."
    .... Well, well ... Living faith was still crushed under Ivan III and finally crushed under Vasily III, money-grubbers and non-money-grubbers ... Since the 30s of the XNUMXth century, the Russian Orthodox Church became money-grubbing .. This process finally took shape when Romanovs ..
    1. +4
      3 November 2016 07: 54
      It is interesting that even before Peter (!), The main direction in church confession was ... eliciting the details of the intimate life of the penitent, and only at the end it was necessary to "ask about the thief of gold and kun." 80% asked how, when and how "he corrupted his virginity, for everyone can be fornication", monks - "did he not look with lust at holy icons", and so on. Very interesting about all this is written in the article "Fornication is everyone" in the material in the magazine Rodina. It is on the Web and you can read it. In fact, it was the propaganda of vice and perversion, for another woman did not even hear about this and did not even think about it, but ... she learned from the questions of the father and had to answer "sinful, father". And is this "living faith"? Stupidity!
    2. avt
      3 November 2016 08: 34
      Quote: parusnik
      .Well, well ... They still began to crush the living faith under Ivan III and finally crushed under Basil III, money-grubbers and non-money-givers ...

      Well, actually, yes. We dealt with the monasteries, dividing them into male and female with the introduction of celebrity for the black composition, again built a church charter, a vertical, so to speak. So, if the author ate hunting to talk about the reformation of the church, then in Russia everything was like people have - three or four pieces You can accurately count. yet again
      Under Tsarevna Sofya and her favorite Vasily Golitsyn, he took shape and the project would have developed without Peter.
      And where is the author of the Pope business? Well, Lesha, "The quietest"? Who started the home theater, dressed children in "German dress"? And, in fact, Nikon's reformation, which the author blames, was carried out with the involvement of the Antiochian Patriarch Macarius as the spiritual authority. In general, he is still higher in rank in Orthodoxy. Well, Fedya Alekseevich shouldn't have remembered the author then. Sophia did nothing new, but continued his work and .... I must say quite successfully ..... evolutionarily, if you will, in contrast to brother Petrush # 1, who pulled up the country and rushed off. Really the first Bolshevik -, with an iron hand we will drive humanity into happiness. "
      1. +1
        3 November 2016 11: 15
        avt ...
        And where is the author of the Pope business? Well, Lesha, the Quietest "?
        ... Already somehow it is not commented ... dumped everything in a heap ... as the author likes
      2. +5
        3 November 2016 11: 52
        Quote: avt
        Quote: parusnik

        .Well, well ... They still began to crush the living faith under Ivan III and finally crushed under Basil III, money-grubbers and non-money-givers ...

        Well, actually, yes. We dealt with the monasteries, dividing them into male and female

        It was the Rurikovichs who raised the status of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Patriarchate. During the reign of the holy noble Fedor, Boris Godunov personally dealt with this. And under Rurikovich the church was really separated from the state. The state did not interfere in any way with spiritual life. On the contrary. The church actively influenced the spiritual, moral character of the royal family and other citizens. The king had to reckon with the remarks of the Lord, His Holiness.

        The out-of-church disputes "Josephites-non-possessors" are a continuation of a sensitive issue in the state - about property. The Rurikovichs eliminated specific land tenure, making the land state-owned, in the sense of the whole people. Servicemen received land for service and for the duration of service. Free peasants rented land from them. But there was still one major owner - the church. The size of the property is comparable to the state. The state did not have enough land, so the question arose about the secularization of church land. The Rurikovichs legislated so that the area of ​​the church land did not grow. But they wanted to get the church land down on a voluntary basis. Therefore, the age-old discussion. The Josephites and their successors did not like this proposal. As a result, the disgusting decision of the church during the Famine under Godunov, when the tsar distributed the state grain reserves, and the church did not even put its grain on sale. Hermogenes, when he was going to his death, I think, clearly understood who would come to replace, instead of the dynasty, which he brought down, incl. and the church.

        Ownership is also the main reason for the treason of the boyars of that time. In the Commonwealth, the land belonged to the magnates, the gentry. Therefore, they could manipulate the king in the Sejm. Therefore, the elite of another Russian state - Lithuania - after the end of its dynasty wanted to Poland (although it was forcibly deprived of faith, language), and not part of Russia. We ourselves wanted to own land and serfs, and not live in Russia, the Rurikovich on state land with free peasants who could leave you. For this reason, the Moscow boyars betrayed the country and called for themselves the Polish Vladislav.
  6. 0
    3 November 2016 07: 45
    Here in this video, in principle, the real reasons for the collapse of the Russian empire are simply and clearly described, who are interested can familiarize yourself with: [media = https: //m.youtube.com/watch? V = A
  7. SMS
    3 November 2016 08: 03
    Another nonsense from this author.
  8. +1
    3 November 2016 08: 07
    The Russian empire was not wealthy, as the anti-Soviet say about the Soviet Union. True, it existed for 200 years, but then time flowed more slowly.
    1. 0
      3 November 2016 11: 18
      300 years existed hi
      1. +1
        3 November 2016 16: 09
        300 years
        I think from the time of Peter, and you ..?
        1. 0
          3 November 2016 17: 12
          Naturally, with Mikhail Fedorovich
          1. 0
            3 November 2016 21: 31
            Then there was the Moscow kingdom. Mikhail Fedorovich, was not even Romanov, but Zakharyin. But Peter was the first actor.
  9. +6
    3 November 2016 08: 12
    Russia pursued the most independent policy under Catherine the Great, Paul, Nikolai and Alexander III.
    Alexander I, - the winner of Napoleon and Alexander ll, who came to Istanbul, of course were pawns

    In fact, the "Europeans" nobles created an internal colony, they began to parasitize the people. At the same time, they received freedom from their head of conscription - to serve and protect the country

    Under Peter, the nobles served for life. Relief came out only under Catherine II, but it was also necessary to serve. Peter contrasted the nobility with service officials
    All the armies of the belligerent powers experienced crises in the First World War in combat supply. However, only in Russia this led not to temporary difficulties in supply, but to a full-blown crisis, in fact, to the collapse of the combat supply of the front,

    Great-hearted intellectuals were preparing the coming of the New World .... well, the fact that demons came to the helm of power ... they wanted the best, but it turned out as always
    1. +6
      3 November 2016 09: 39
      in 1991 and demons came to power! wassat
      1. 0
        3 November 2016 10: 52
        in 1991 and demons came to power

        "Demons" - it was such a book of a fairly famous writer. But it's not about the 91st
      2. MrK
        3 November 2016 14: 49
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        in 1991 and demons came to power!

        I agree. From the book of A. Kurlandchik “Damned” owls. power ... on Proza.ru. This book is well known today.

        The merciless peasants in the destruction and fires then kept the landlords in such tension that General D.F., one of the main expressors of the landlord interests, was the commandant of the Tsar’s court. Trepov resolutely spoke out: “I myself am not a poor landowner, ”he said,“ but I will be very glad to give half of my land for free, being convinced that only under this condition will I save the other half».
        In 1905, the project of land alienation began to be developed. NN Kutler, a lawyer by training, was engaged in it.
        Lenin, being in exile, wrote then that success in alienating land in favor of the peasants would mean the victory of the protracted “Prussian path” of the development of capitalism in agriculture and would lead to a radical change in the balance of class forces in the country. In fact, this meant that the PEASANTIES IN RUSSIA WILL NOT SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION !!! But Lenin understood that a revolution in peasant Russia, without the support of its peasants, is impossible.
        And, despite the fact that a huge ransom was envisaged from the peasants, Nikolai rejected the project. On which, by the way, there was a remarkable resolution of Witte, who at that time was still heading the government: “It seems preferable for the landowners to give up part of the land and secure ownership of the rest of the land, rather than lose everything».
        But the Emperor deigned to write with his own hand on the report: "Private property must remain inviolable." And below: "Kutler from his post to dismiss."
        And how, after all this, does language turn around at Svanidze, M2 BRADLEY, HAPFRY to say that Lenin is to blame for the revolution ?! However, Naum Korzhavin (Naum Moiseevich Mandel), who once wrote - “What woke Lenin? Who bothered that the child was sleeping, "did not understand that this" bitch "was Nikolashka.
        1. 0
          3 November 2016 19: 58
          And this is true. The unauthorized seizure of landowner land began immediately after the February Revolution, and although some here claim that it was accidental, this is far from the case. HIM was cooked and Britain had a hand here.
          Contemporaries claim that the Duma conspirators constantly ran for directions and consultations at the British embassy. The idea of ​​the king’s abdication was spoken openly in society.
          And the mass desertion began precisely after February, when the peasant soldiers learned that they were in the rear in their villages, a massive division of the land began, and they were sitting in the trenches at this momentous moment.
          So the fault of Nicholas in what happened and in the fall of the empire is undeniable and undeniable.
          Even his uncle Nikolai Nikolaevich said about his nephew - he can sit on the throne, is not capable of managing the empire.
    2. +7
      3 November 2016 09: 54
      Why "demons" then? What demons ?! The February revolution was a typical "Maidan", "orange revolution" and after it the country began to slowly fall apart. Who was in the Provisional Government? Liberals, socialists of all stripes. There can be no talk of any "fine-minded intellectuals", they were hard-core politicians. Guchkov saw himself as at least the president of the country.
      But to rekindle discontent, to throw off the government, is one thing, and to rule a country successfully is another. Look at Saakashvili.
      And in October 17, it was not the Bolsheviks who seized power, it was the "democrats and liberals" who were in power who lost the last threads of control over the situation and power passed to the Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies. To the Soviet, and not to the Bolsheviks alone. This further showed that the Bolsheviks, in contrast to the liberals, can rule the country.
  10. +3
    3 November 2016 08: 35
    To be continued ...

    Nenad nothing more to continue, please.
    I will not even analyze this stream of thoughts. although yes comments are thrown nemerenno here.
  11. Mwg
    3 November 2016 08: 39
    Everything described in the article can be described briefly: the history of the Romanov dynasty is the story of one lasting conspiracy
    1. 0
      3 November 2016 10: 37
      Moreover, the plot began before the Romanovs and ends not going to
  12. +5
    3 November 2016 09: 09
    Somebody! Take the clave from this copy-pasteur of other people's works and enchanting analitega. He understands absolutely nothing either in the history of the church, or in general what the church is. The rewriting of articles has not yet gone where the kids and all sorts of hyperboreans and Aryans rejoice, but when he begins to insert his thoughts in articles ...
  13. +2
    3 November 2016 09: 41
    General A.N. Kuropatkin, who became the personification of defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, can probably be blamed for many sins, but not for the lack of intelligence, observation, and pedantry in diary entries.

    As a result of the Russo-Japanese War, it is precisely in the absence of mind of General Kuropatkin that I want to blame (because he was not a traitor). And its presence in command posts in the First World War is one of the brightest signs of the decay of the autocracy in Russia. And a rotten fruit, if pressed on (like a world war on our country), bursts with numerous splashes. What happened to the Russian Empire.
    1. +1
      3 November 2016 14: 29
      it is precisely in the absence of mind of General Kuropatkin that I want to blame (because he was not a traitor). And its presence in command posts in the First World War is one of the brightest signs of the decay of the autocracy in Russia.
      In just 30 years, the commanders failed miserably for 41 years, since the Imperial Army had not dreamed of, remained at their posts and then even sat in high chairs,
      1. +2
        3 November 2016 19: 47
        How did you not dream about it? And the 15th year? What a crack ... This despite the fact that they were preparing for war openly, no one attacked the country, and the main thing for the Germans was the western, not the eastern front.
        I can imagine what a crack it would be to the Urals if the vaunted "partridge" found themselves in the 14th year in the same situation as the Red Army in the 41st. Draped to the Urals.
        And say that this is not true.
        The campaign of the 41st year did not fail, it ended with the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, if anyone has a short memory.
        The First World War for Russia ended with the overthrow of the tsar, and the Great Patriotic War with a banner over Berlin.
        Here is the qualification indicator of generals.
        And also read the memoirs of German generals who say that a Soviet soldier is more resistant, competent, stubborn, trained and superior in all respects to a Russian soldier of the First World War, who was also excellent.
        By the way, the Second World War ended with the Soviet Union returning half of Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and Port Arthur, incompetently profaned by partridges.
        1. 0
          4 November 2016 08: 41
          The campaign of the 41st year did not fail, it ended with the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, if anyone has a short memory.

          That is, the loss of half of the European part of the country do not you consider defeat? Well, after all, the company of the 41st can be decomposed into components.
          The defeat near Minsk, boilers near Smolensk, Vyazma, Kiev.
          In numbers - 250, 100 and 2 times 600 thousand losses. These are only the most terrible defeats. Near Moscow, the defeat of the Germans was not. They were thrown back - not surrounded and not destroyed. Then the winners inflicted numerous blows on the entire front, spraying forces and ineptly wasting reserves.
          that the Soviet soldier is more resistant, competent, stubborn, trained

          Laughs like. There was no training. Learn to march and fight. Tankers had several hours of collision, gunners were trained to shoot between battles, pilots from schools often came only with experience on a maize.
          The soldiers in the units beat out to the last and the experience was not passed on to other generations of recruits. There was no one to transmit. The generals had no education! General Kirponos had for example 4 classes and monthly courses. What kind of education could one talk about here. The main thing in the civil was to serve in the first horse. This gave the right to general stars in the Patriotic War.

          How did you not dream about it? And the 15th year? Another crack.

          And what is the 15th year? There were huge losses? Kaiser took Moscow? Fought quite competently
          The First World War for Russia ended with the overthrow of the tsar, and the Great Patriotic War with a banner over Berlin.

          Well, after all, the Communists staged a mutiny in the rear. Yours stabbed in the back.
          By the same logic, the case ended in the collapse of the Soviet system and the USSR on the one hand and the unification of Germany
          1. +1
            4 November 2016 10: 46
            yes, if the main forces of Germany in 1915 were in Russia and not in France! then the Kaiser would be in Moscow in two months from his cousin Nikolashka
            1. 0
              4 November 2016 12: 21
              Quote: Uncle Murzik
              Yes, if the main forces of Germany in 1915 were in Russia and not in France

              Firstly, not only Germany fought - Austria-Hungary defeated Austria-Hungary, just like Turkey. As a matter of fact, for the Republic of Ingushetia, they were precisely the opponents - we had no fundamental disagreements with Germany itself ..
              Secondly, it is not clear why the Germans did not quickly defeat the Republic of Ingushetia in order to free all forces and strike at the main enemy. It seems to be the basis of tactics - to quickly remove the weakest from the game and focus on the strongest.
              Thirdly, for some reason the Russians helped the French, and not vice versa.
              Fourthly, by 1941, all the shortcomings that RI had had were overcome - industrialization, universal education, rearmament ... Everything was.
          2. +1
            4 November 2016 13: 42
            Kindergarten again. What kind of rebellion in the rear did the communists organize in the 15th year? Nightmare.
            Unification of Germany? The collapse of the USSR? Would you like to say that the Wenlic Patriotic War lasted until 1991 and Germany did not capitulate in the 45th?
            I don’t understand anything, is that a meeting of children from kindergarten?
            Such a primitive rushing from all the cracks.
            "The Kaiser took Moscow"? And what did Hitler take Moscow for you? Yes, you read articles here on VO, if you are too lazy to read other literature. And some kind of "boiler near Smolensk"?
            And where is 600 thousand, near Kiev, if according to the headquarters of the Southwestern Front, in the troops at the time of encirclement there were 530 thousand, and part of the boiler came out, and part died in battles?
            Read more about the enemies of Nazi generals who, according to them, fought so wonderfully and suddenly lost.
            Soldiers beat out to the last? Well, the cadre imperial army ceased to exist by the 16th year, like the entire imperial guard, ingloriously put under slaughter.
            With regards to the Soviet soldier, the "illiterate and untrained" for some reason turned out to be the winner.
            I think Halder better understood who the German army encountered in the 41st.
            And at the expense of the defeat near Moscow, of course, I completely "agree" with you, the Germans simply did not want to take Moscow, they thought. thought and decided, why do we need this Moscow, let's retreat hundreds of kilometers.
            But what about the fact that my town was liberated by Belov’s cavalry and the Germans dragged from it through the forests through the fields. losing people and equipment, tens of kilometers.
            Of course, in the liberal "minds" there was no defeat of the Germans, and in general, Berlin was taken by the Poles. and Kiev is Bandera.
            That is the main crime of the liberals that a significant part of the Russian population, for 20 years of total brainwashing, has corrupted both minds and souls.
    2. 0
      3 November 2016 19: 22
      Quote: svskor80
      According to the results of the Russo-Japanese War, I just want to blame General Kuropatkin for the lack of mind (because he was not a traitor).

      Well, well, Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev would have kept a person with a lack of mind in his chiefs of staff! You really lie, but don’t lie!
      I was careful, yes, because all the supplies of the Russian Imperial Army were kept "on a thin thread" of the icebreaker steamers "Baikal" and "Angara", with the unfinished Circum-Baikal railway, which was put into operation on October 13, 1905. One-track! The second paths were laid in 1911-1914.
      The 1st RPE ended on August 23 (September 5), 1905. After all, it was easy for the japam to transfer troops and military supplies to the ports of Korea with the Russian fleet blocked.
  14. +1
    3 November 2016 10: 10
    He started well, then rolled into the usual nonsense, about use.
  15. +5
    3 November 2016 11: 16
    Well, survived ...
    already Alexander is the 1 winner of Napoleon, and not Kutuzov ... Paul 1 became a great sovereign, and the fact that he stopped the war with the French from resentment for Malta, this is so. trifles, and even the obstinate Suvorov sent to exile, also from genius ...
    The first Romanovs began to persistently make slaves of the Russian people. The last Romanov - Peter 1, was the climax of this action. After him, there were anyone on the throne, but not the Romanovs. Here Lizaveta can still be attributed to them with a stretch. And the rest was so much obsessed ...
    It's funny when they make a saint from Nicholas 2. And this is the sovereign who did everything to remove the smart and active from the government of the country, who did not digest thinking people next to him, who, it seems, carried out all the actions aimed at the collapse of the autocracy. Yes, the Bolsheviks had to cast a monument to him ...
    And yes, it was the Bolsheviks, commissars and Jews who saved Russia, albeit under a different name.
    1. 0
      3 November 2016 16: 11
      And yes, it was the Bolsheviks, commissars and Jews who saved Russia, albeit under a different name.

      You don’t have to save us like that anymore))))).
      After such rescuers, soon we will not be left at all.
      1. +4
        3 November 2016 16: 13
        Quote: Hupfri
        After such rescuers, soon we will not be left at all.

        The fact that you will not remain is good.
        You really should be afraid, because to be responsible for 19 million in Russia, 7 million in Ukraine and 2 million in Belarus that have expired before the deadline, as a result of your liberal madness, everything will have to be one.
        1. +1
          4 November 2016 08: 13

          Sami counted or picks from the nose? You’ll stay on anyway, there are lumpen for any system
          1. 0
            4 November 2016 13: 49
            Well, 19 million for Russia is probably an exaggeration, although some believe that before the annexation of Crimea, the official figure of 142 million is greatly overstated.
            But even so, the 8 million decline is for sure. And without any wars and revolutions.
            Ukraine, the Ukrainian SSR in the 91st 50 million is now 42. I think actually much less. Some Ukrainian sociologists and demographers give the current population of Ukraine 35-36 million.
            For Belarus, the population decline rate is also 1.5-2 million, I think it is fair.
            1. 0
              4 November 2016 13: 58
              Quote: Ulan
              Well, 19 million for Russia is probably an exaggeration, although some believe that before the annexation of Crimea, the official figure of 142 million is greatly overstated.

    2. +2
      3 November 2016 19: 26
      It's like that. Only fairy tales about the Jews should be forgotten. Otherwise, it turns out that the Russian people do ... to and was completely crushed by a bunch of Jews.
      Probably for the Jews this fable is very flattering, only it is far from the truth.
      1. 0
        4 November 2016 08: 10
        Only the fairy tales about the Jews should be forgotten.

        Why is this? And where are the tales?
        1. 0
          4 November 2016 10: 48
          The Romanov dynasty in a direct male line ended on January 19, 1730 in connection with the death of Peter II, the grandson of Peter I, the son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and the German Princess Sophia-Charlotte of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel.
          On the female side, the Romanov dynasty ended on January 5, 1762 after the death of Elizabeth I, the daughter of Peter I and Marta Samuilovna Skavronska (married to Cruz). Although it is possible to say that from 1730 to 1762 the Romanov dynasty ruled with a very big stretch.
          And after 1762 and until 1917, only the Germans Holstein-Gottorp ruled the Russian Empire and with each generation they became more and more alien to Russia and to the population of Russia.
          Therefore, it will be correct instead of the Romanovs to write Holstein-Gottorp, i.e. "... the empire of Holstein-Gottorp", "Under Holstein-Gottorp ...", "... to the state of Holstein-Gottorp," "Holstein-Gottorp tried ...".
  16. +1
    3 November 2016 11: 36
    I have great respect for the Author. But some of the points described in the article, it seems to me, were influenced by some positions and thoughts taken from the books by Dmitry Kalyuzhny "The Forgotten History of Muscovy" and "The Forgotten History of the Russian Empire".

    In my previous comments, I asked the author to provide links to the materials used. This is necessary for a wider familiarization with the events described by the Author ...
  17. +2
    3 November 2016 11: 39
    Quote: pencioner
    You can twist this historical carousel to infinity, it’s even become familiar, then crunching the rolls, then on the pitchfork of this roll and those who crunched it.
    But some amateur historians, by their meager disposition, touch upon issues of religion, the church, and their historical role. And this is not at all what the Aryans drive through the vastness of Hyperborea.
    So before writing a sequel, I recommend that the author go to church, confess, take communion, think ...
    Which church? In the pre-revolutionary period, where the metropolitans kissed the hand of the tsar - the emperor, as the anointed of God. Or in the current one, where, until the collapse of the USSR, metropolitans and patriarchs were appointed from among the current KGB officers. On July 29, 1927, Metropolitan Sergius, illegitimately elected, contrary to all church laws as the patriarch, concluded an agreement between the current government and the church. "Your joys, our joys," subordinating the church to the existing government and placing the interests of the latter above the interests of faith. Author Samsonov Alexander , although I do not agree with everything, but the direction is right.
    1. 0
      3 November 2016 11: 56
      Regarding illegitimate elected Patriarchs, you have confusion.
      1. +1
        3 November 2016 12: 10
        The Romanov dynasty completely discredited itself not only to the common people of Russia but even to the capitalists, so their fate was predetermined and regular.
        1. 0
          3 November 2016 13: 01
          The Tudors in England, the monarchy in Spain and Japan perfectly rule and are the guarantors of stability in their countries.
          1. 0
            3 November 2016 13: 09
            And why did you, dear, take that the Tudors in England. Elizabeth 2 is a representative of the Windsor Dynasty, which is an offshoot of the Sakset-Coburg-Gotha Dynasty.
            1. 0
              3 November 2016 16: 04
              And why did you, dear, take that the Tudors in England.

              - No, I don’t like Kirkorov. He is kind of sweet, tinted all over, powdered like a woman ... One word - Romanian.
              - So he is Bulgarian.
              - Yes? Who cares...
              1. 0
                4 November 2016 14: 00
                "A slave who is aware of his slave position and fights against it is a revolutionary. A slave who is unaware of his slavery and languishes in a silent, unconscious and wordless slave life is just a slave. A slave who salivates when he smugly describes the delights of a slave life and admires a kind and good master, there is a slave, a boor. Here you are just such boors, gentlemen. All your education, culture and enlightenment is just a kind of qualified prostitution. "
                V.I. Lenin. 1907
                1. 0
                  4 November 2016 14: 04
                  Interestingly, not a slave, what are you? Here write to the boors and slaves, which is not a slave you personally.
                2. 0
                  4 November 2016 20: 30
                  Lenin could write like that. He never really worked a day, but always lived with a servant. When he did not have servants who cooked for him, washed him, washed the floors? Even in exile, he did not wash the floors himself, and neither did his wife. Why, my grandfather was in the city during the war, and my grandmother was the chief of a brigade of girls of nurses who took the wounded at the station from the trains - I wrote about this, by the way, so once a week a woman went to them to clean up, and another woman went to wash. And that was okay. And under Lenin it was a mass phenomenon. Laundry was paid a ruble a month and, having a decent clientele, she earned good money, although the work was hard. But "Volodya" did not take this into account. But in vain! By forcing the intelligentsia to wash and clean up by themselves (and the salary does not allow hiring), he did not greatly advance the level of social justice, but the quality of it greatly decreased.
                  1. 0
                    4 November 2016 20: 36
                    Quote: kalibr
                    He did not really work a day, but always lived with a servant. When he did not have servants who prepared, washed, washed the floors? Even in exile, he didn’t wash the floors himself, and his wife too.

                    Are you jealous?
                    What are you capable of?
                    Your thoughts are ridiculous, why so much bile, a former party worker?
                    1. 0
                      5 November 2016 08: 25
                      Quote: The Bloodthirster
                      Are you jealous?
                      What are you capable of?
                      Your thoughts are ridiculous, why so much bile, a former party worker?

                      Of course I envy. Our Volodya lived well in Paris, and in London, and in other places. And he didn’t smell much anywhere. He lived on the money of the party desk, including frankly robbed ones.
                      I myself am capable of much and have done much more for our country than many other people of my position.
                      Fiction? Where are the fictions? There is a biography of V.I. Lenin, where everything is detailed, almost every day everything is written. And his letters and letters to him ... And he rode a bicycle and arranged picnics. And you have bile. You might think that you don’t remember which party won the election. So everything will be in my opinion, and not in yours. By the way, you might think that I am telling students in class how bad it was in the USSR? No, what are you. This is not in the program for cultural studies! And today you can’t step back from the program. But ... if suddenly something comes up about such a thing, THEY TELL ME AS HOW IT WAS BAD. They to me! Do you understand what this means?
                      1. 0
                        5 November 2016 11: 08
                        Quote: kalibr
                        You might think that you don’t remember which party won the election. So everything will be in my opinion, and not in yours.

                        From the history of the familiar Pyrrhic victory?
                        Quote: kalibr
                        And today you can’t step back from the program. But ... if suddenly something comes up about such a thing, THEY TELL ME AS HOW IT WAS BAD. They to me!

                        After such teachers as YOU, it’s not strange that they tell all sorts of nonsense.
                        It is absolutely not strange that they confuse when the Battle of Kulikovo was, who defeated whom, they do not understand what Poltava is, confusing it with a pan riot, they do not know Zhukov and Rokossovsky, what can I say, if you teach them that way. You "won" .. .And now at the opening of the monument to the founder of the centralized state of Russia, the widow of the traitor to Russia, Solzhenitsyn, is present and bleating - this is it, the quality of your dubious "victory"
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Do you understand what this means?

                        So I understand very well what all this means, all these reforms of yours according to Livanov-Fursenko, I understand very well.
                      2. +1
                        5 November 2016 13: 36
                        You follow the instructions of this
                        "I will quote the words of one of the ideologists, organizers and executors of Russian reforms of the last decade, German Gref, said at the Gaidar Forum in 2016:" We have lost the competition, I must honestly say. And this is technological enslavement - we are among the countries that are losing, among the downshifting countries. The countries and people who have managed to adapt in time and invest in it are the winners. ”The key word in this quote is people, and in the context - education, which our talented young people lacked to do what they could do. Scientists, innovative activity in Russia is more than 10 times lower than in the Soviet Union before the start of reforms. "
                        And the activities of all those like him are: "From the point of view of the meanings and values ​​of the education system, the fate of the president's instruction to prepare a single history textbook for the country's secondary schools is indicative. This textbook was never written. Is it any wonder that humanitarian training of students, those receiving physics, mathematics and engineering education, as a rule, are below any criticism.
                        The system of training the elite, which could take on the tasks of military and state administration, has by now been defeated. To be convinced of this, it is enough to get acquainted with the current state of the General Staff Academy or the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA). "
                        Here is the result of your activity in the country since 90 years.
  18. +2
    3 November 2016 13: 20
    Quote: bober1982
    Regarding illegitimate elected Patriarchs, you have confusion.

    Sorry, beaver, I'm responsible for the market ... In 1922, the last legally elected patriarch of All Russia Tikhon died. 90 years ago, at the end of July, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) in 1927 signed a declaration of loyalty to the Soviet regime on behalf of the church. The key phrase of the document "your joys are our joys" entered church folklore. But Sergianism is a broader phenomenon: there is no Soviet power, but it is impossible to argue that the declaration of loyalty remained in the past. Those hierarchs of the church who did not support the OGPU nominated by the 6th church department of the OGPU, Metropolitan Sergius (out of 100 interviewed metropolitans, 76 opposed the appointment finished their life in the camp). Sergius was chosen by the synod, and not by the Local Council, as it should be according to the church canons. Something like this. And if you want to check any priest for "lice", ask the latter if he is a supporter of Sergianism. Something like this.
    1. +1
      3 November 2016 13: 55
      Did Patriarch Tikhon die in 1922? , and which Patriarch could be elected in 1927.? If Stalin allowed the election of the Patriarch in 1943.
      You certainly upload funny pictures, of course, there is a sense of humor, let’s say so.
  19. +2
    3 November 2016 13: 21
    Quote: user3970
    Quote: bober1982
    Regarding illegitimate elected Patriarchs, you have confusion.

    Sorry, beaver, I'm responsible for the market ... In 1922, the last legally elected Patriarch of All Russia Tikhon died. 90 years ago, at the end of July, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) in 1927 signed a declaration of loyalty to Soviet power on behalf of the church. The key phrase of the document "your joys are our joys" entered church folklore. But Sergianism is a broader phenomenon: there is no Soviet power, but it is impossible to argue that the declaration of loyalty remained in the past. Those hierarchs of the church who did not support Metropolitan Sergius, who was nominated by the 6th church department of the OGPU (out of 100 surveyed metropolitans, 76 opposed the appointment finished their life in the camp). Sergius was chosen by the synod, and not by the Local Council, as it should be according to the church canons. Something like this. And, if you want to check any priest for "lice", ask the latter if he is a supporter of Sergianism. Something like this.
  20. +3
    3 November 2016 14: 19
    Phrases from the article:
    "... an empire Romanovs"," When Romanovs... "," ... to the state Romanovs","The Romanovs tried ... "etc.

    The Romanov dynasty in a direct male line ended on January 19, 1730 in connection with the death of Peter II, the grandson of Peter I, the son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and the German Princess Sophia-Charlotte of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel.
    On the female side, the Romanov dynasty ended on January 5, 1762 after the death of Elizabeth I, the daughter of Peter I and Marta Samuilovna Skavronska (married to Cruz). Although it is possible to say that from 1730 to 1762 the Romanov dynasty ruled with a very big stretch.
    And after 1762 and until 1917, only the Russian Empire ruled Germans Holstein-Gottorp and with each generation they became more and more alien to Russia and to the population of Russia.
    Therefore, it will be correct instead The Romanovs write Holstein-Gottorp, i.e. "... an empire Holstein-Gottorp"," When Holstein-Gottorpach... "," ... to the state Holstein-Gottorp","Holstein-Gottorp tried ... ".
    1. 0
      3 November 2016 16: 00
      The Romanov dynasty ended on January 5, 1762 after the death of Elizabeth I, the daughter of Peter I and Marta Samuilovna Skavronska (married to Cruz).

      Samuilovna, and even Kruse. ..... how it sounds.
      Peter issued a decree that the previous sovereign could appoint anyone from the existing candidates to the throne. According to this decree, Anna Ioanna first sat on the throne, then Leopoldovna, and then only Elizabeth, who had all the rights. So according to the decree of Peter everything is according to the law. At least the Germans, even the poopies, if only there was some relation to the house of the Romanovs.
    2. +7
      3 November 2016 16: 58
      I don’t want to get involved in the discussion strongly on this subject, but in general, such Germans by blood as Catherine the Great, Nikolai 1 and Alexander 3 were more Russian than some of the purest Russians. The blood-cherished vein is still not talking about anything, the love of the Fatherland and the industriousness shown on this field speaks ...
      1. 0
        4 November 2016 06: 45
        Quote: libivs
        The blood-cherished vein is still not talking about anything, the love of the Fatherland and the industriousness shown on this field speaks ...

        I agree with you.
        I just think that the surname and nationality should be written by those that are in reality, i.e. if the king is German, then he should be written in German, and not call himself Russian, if the surname is Holstein-Gottorp, then Holstein-Gottorp should be written, and not hide behind the name of Romanov.
        Of course there are exceptions, like Catherine II the Great, who was a world-class statesman. She did a lot of good for Russia and in general her rule had a positive impact on the country and society. But this is the only exception, one of the eight monarchs.
        As for the Holstein-Gottorp, namely Nicholas I Palkin and Alexander III the Hanger, then there is more harm than good from their rule.
        1. +1
          4 November 2016 08: 04
          As for the Holstein-Gottorp, namely Nicholas I Palkin and Alexander III the Hanger, then there is more harm than good from their rule.

          But all the same, the damage was incredibly less than the catastrophe caused by Ulyanov-Blanc, Ruler Moysha Sverdlov with his friendly gebist Yehuda Enokh, pathological killer Rosalia Zalkind, the great industrialist Kaganych Lazar and many many others
          1. +1
            4 November 2016 10: 53
            well, liberals like Hapfrey have nothing new but verbal diarrhea! Only during the USSR, a red banner flew over the Reichstag, Gagarin flew, built nuclear power plants, etc., etc.!
            1. 0
              4 November 2016 20: 35
              And then during the SS, the banner of General Vlasov soared over the Kremlin, Chernobyl exploded, and the SS itself collapsed with all its 92 nuclear submarines and a larger number of missiles than the United States. Neither the Reichstag helped, nor Gagarin, nor nuclear power plants ...
              1. +2
                4 November 2016 20: 46
                Quote: kalibr
                And then during the SS, the banner of General Vlasov soared over the Kremlin, Chernobyl exploded, and the SS itself collapsed with all its 92 nuclear submarines and a larger number of missiles than the United States. Neither the Reichstag helped, nor Gagarin, nor nuclear power plants ...

                And it was written by a former party worker ????
                So to whom do we owe the catastrophe of the country, to people like you, the shifters and traitors, who now so earnestly serve the Soros and other Westerners ...
                For those who write the most infamous Knonish type of Swastika over the Kremlin ....
                So it turns out what is the fate of Judah ...
                Betray ALL, ALL, ALWAYS ...
                1. 0
                  5 November 2016 09: 45
                  That is, I blew up Chernobyl, canceled the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and brought the country to disaster? Straight Mighty Mouse of some kind. And by the way, what is my service to Soros? All articles on VO are in front of you. And "Let's Die Near Moscow or the Swastika Over the Kremlin" (if you've read it, of course!) Is a very patriotic book. Everyone who reads will confirm!
                  And about betrayal ... In the film "Shogun" (and in the novel), the daimyo Toronaga asks the Englishman Blackthorn about it. What, they say, can be used to justify betrayal? Only one, Blackthorn replied. If you win! So for the future, remember: winners cannot be traitors by definition! Now, if they lost, then yes. You need to raise your level of education, dear. Otherwise you are stuck in the historical materialism of the twentieth century, and now it is already XX1!
  21. 0
    3 November 2016 19: 19
    Quote: M2 Bradley
    Quote: The Bloodthirster
    And the fact that if there were no October, there would be MAY 1945, for you, the discovery of America?

    There would be no thief, there would be no WWII!
    It was the thief and then the "citizen" who destroyed the Republic of Ingushetia, and without the destruction of the Republic of Ingushetia, Germany would not have dared to try to take revenge in 1939, since any aggression on its part would automatically mean a war on two fronts AGAIN and guaranteed quick rout.

    What nonsense? At least they listened to Marshal Foch, who, after reading the articles of the Treaty of Versailles, exclaimed - "this is not peace, this is a truce for 20 years." As he looked into the water.
    And then it was not only Foch who understood that the main contradictions were not resolved, that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair and a new world massacre was inevitable. Some Western historians generally believe that the first and second is ONE war with a short ceasefire during which there was a mass of local wars.
    And here you hang noodles that the October Revolution is supposedly to blame for the Second World War.
    It is clear who you want to justify and whitewash. Only now, the people just noticed - you can’t wash off a black dog.
    And this "dog" is clearly Anglo-Saxon.
    1. 0
      4 November 2016 07: 53
      And here you hang noodles that the October Revolution is supposedly to blame for the Second World War.

      Hitler’s rise to power is unambiguous. Germany had a very small selection.
      Or Hitler. Or Telman. What is Telman was clear. There was an example of the Red Terror, and the German bourgeois circles naturally did not want this.
      1. +1
        4 November 2016 14: 00
        But what about the October Revolution? What did Telman complete the October Revolution with Lenin and Trotsky?
        No need to attract different facts and events by the ears.
        And what did Germany not like the Weimar Republic? The same German bourgeois?
        No, dear. Germany, or rather, certain of its circles longed for revenge, so they brought Hitler to power, and not because there was no alternative.
        Hitler was brought to power precisely because the widespread version that he won the election is far from reality. In fact, the NSDAP in the elections did NOT gain the majority necessary for the formation of the government.
        Yes, more votes than others, but there was no necessary majority.
        Hitler was appointed chancellor by the president of Germany, Hindenburg, according to some sources, under pressure from England and the United States.
        And only then after the burning of the Reichstag, the prohibition of the Communist Party, repression and with the help of, as they say now, "administrative resource", in the next elections to the Reichstag, Hitler's party won more than 90% of the votes.
        So the thesis that the reason for the Second World War was the October Revolution is nonsense of pure water.
        By the way, Hitler’s coming to power in Germany didn’t at all mean the inevitability of World War II, which was already mentioned here.
        If England and the United States wanted to, Hitler would be crushed in the bud.
  22. +2
    3 November 2016 20: 31
    The article is good. The author accurately showed the causes of the death of the Romanov dynasty.
    The problem is that nowadays, Russia today resembles the Russian Empire in the last years of its existence, because now in Russia there are the same problems that were then. For example, technological and industrial backwardness, economic decline, etc.
    1. 0
      4 November 2016 07: 49
      , because now in Russia the same problems that were then.

      Only there is no "revolutionary" party and the experience of felling has appeared.
      1. +1
        4 November 2016 14: 04
        No one has canceled the felling in "democratic" Russia, and now they are sitting no less.
  23. 0
    3 November 2016 23: 25
    Quote: Rastas
    Not only nature, because the black earth was also starving.

    It is not a matter of chernozem, but a drought.
    Quote: Rastas
    You know, Bolshevik propaganda did not personally affect me as much as the works of Russian classics.

    And that writers are people who are authorities around the world, including government?
    You know, if you look at the source of all kinds of horror stories about the USSR, then these were the same writers. Not exactly the same ones that lived a hundred years before, but their fellow craftsmen. Or the recent Raikin scandal? From the same opera.
    Russia is a unique country - only in it for creative professions to hate your country is considered a good form. You did not try to think, why in our country with its rich history, there are so few books devoted to heroic pages? Compare with England or the USA.
    1. +2
      4 November 2016 02: 03
      The difference between the classics of the 19th century and the current Raikins is huge. Since Russian classics advocated from the standpoint of protecting the weak and oppressed, from the standpoint of social justice. Today's Raikin do not care about social justice, they protect only themselves, their privileges. Don't you understand this to compare? And yes, many of those writers held public office, served, were close to power, and most importantly, they could not keep silent about the troubles of the people. I bring writers only because any other sources are deliberately stigmatized as Bolshevik, socialist, etc. I can, however, even bring the Bible — Christ’s words to the rich, so that they would distribute everything to the poor, otherwise they won’t go to heaven - also an appeal to share .
    2. +2
      4 November 2016 02: 14
      And about books dedicated to the heroic pages of the past, in the Soviet era novels by Vasily Yan, S. Borodin, V. Kostylev, Sergeyev-Tsensky, Stepanov, Novikov-Priboy, Sklyarenko, Zagrebelny, N. Zadornov, Rybak, A. Tolstoy were published , Zlobin, Ivanov, Yazvitsky, E. Fedorov. I'm not talking about works about the Second World War.
      1. +2
        4 November 2016 07: 11
        Quote: Rastas
        then in Soviet times novels were published

        That's it in the Soviet. Because then all these "creators" were clearly explained that it would be enough to throw mud at your country. Thanks to Comrade Stalin (thanks in the literal sense), but it was worth letting go of the reins in the 90s and away we go.
        Quote: Rastas
        Since Russian classics advocated from the standpoint of protecting the weak and oppressed, from the standpoint of social justice.

        But this does not change what I wrote.
  24. 0
    3 November 2016 23: 52
    Quote: Samsonov Alexander
    and grew into a full-fledged revolutionary situation

    Unfortunately, they did not outgrow. The fact is that Russia was a monarchy of the third stage. And therefore, its NATURAL time would come only in the 20s or 30s of the 20th century.
    And the fact that everything happened before the deadline is like a miscarriage in a pregnant woman. Tragedy, in fact. With VERY far-reaching consequences.
  25. +1
    4 November 2016 04: 44
    Rave!!! And not an article !!!
  26. +2
    4 November 2016 12: 19
    Quote: M2 Bradley
    Quote: Alexey RA
    Do you want to argue with Marshal Fosh?

    And I should not argue with Nostradamus?
    Who is your Fole and what did he decide in this world, especially when he died at 29?
    Quote: Alexey RA
    And there is nothing to shift the blame of the Allies on the USSR

    It seemed to you.
    Quote: Alexey RA
    refused guarantees under the Treaty of Versailles.

    What are the guarantees? What does the Versailles Treaty have to do with it and how should the USSR, which is in WWI Did not participate?!

    Of course, the USSR does not have a tutt! This is what they say to you that the guarantors of NOT the revival of militarism in Germany under the Treaty of Versailles were Western countries. And under this treaty, they were OBLIGED to tear off Hitler’s head, when he violated the Treaty of Versailles and sent troops into the Rhine demilitarized zone.
    Amazing illiteracy, it turns out you didn’t hear anything about it.
    The same applies to the fact that Hitler did not give a damn about the ban on creating an army, introduced general mobilization, revived the fleet and aviation, and, moreover, the submarine fleet, which Germany was most strictly forbidden to have.
    For this Hitler could, it was necessary to strangle and the guarantors of the Versailles Agreement were OBLIGED to do this.
    But they didn’t. And then the question arises - why. But for you it is too complicated if you even have no idea about the Versailles Accords and confuse Fol with Foch and Hegel with Babel.
  27. 0
    5 November 2016 15: 00
    Bullshit and not an article, why invent something?
  28. 0
    6 November 2016 07: 04
    Quote: M2 Bradley
    BVP about 50000, "clean killed" less than 40000.

    You are talking nonsense. Uncle Murzik, with all due respect to him, about 400 thousand. = killed = - bent, but the sanitary and general losses of that order were, perhaps - even more. These categories of losses are often confused, although their number varies significantly.

    As for the number of those killed, the Russian official statistics recorded about half of those killed, 2-3% in almost every battle, as "missing", although where could tens of thousands of Russian soldiers disappear without a trace on Chinese soil?

    In Tsushima, it was announced about 5 thousand dead even before receiving more reliable figures. But if you are not too lazy and subtract from the total number of l / s squadrons of erupted, interned and prisoners, the difference will be 7,5 thousand - this is the real number of victims in Tsushima.
    One and a half times more than the official figure.

    The total number of those killed in combat and "missing" in the RYAF from the Russian side is more than 65 thousand, about 15 thousand died from wounds after the battle, about 18 thousand from diseases, several thousand from accidents in a non-combat situation, the total number of deaths is about 100 thous.

    There were about 2 thousand prisoners from the Japanese side. during the whole war, from the Russian side more than 80 thousand, of which 79 thousand were in Japan at the time of signing the peace, at least 2 thousand died from wounds and illnesses after being captured.

    Quote: M2 Bradley
    Yes, there weren’t so many people there, to scrape together 400000!

    1. By the end of the war, there were about 500 thousand people at Sinpagai positions who were not daring to poke their nose against 300 thousand Japanese - who estimated the number of Russians at 1 million elite troops, and were very sorry that with this balance of forces they could no longer attack lol .

    0. You are unfamiliar even with the basic terminology, and there you climb to teach everyone.
    Sanitary losses are the number of hospitalizations. For a long time of the war, this number can be many times greater than the total number of military personnel, due to the repeated hospitalization of the same military personnel.

    For example, we usually give Japanese losses near Port Arthur, who are 100 thousand, who are 130 thousand, and who ascribe up to 200 thousand - why do you regret it, Basurmans, write more laughing
    At the same time, tacitly implying that ALL is the number - killed.

    Actually, the number of Japanese killed at Port Arthur during the entire siege and assaults reached no more than 18 thousand in total, and all these tens of thousands (a little less than 100 thousand TOTAL losses) are mostly sanitary losses, of which 33 thousand due to illness, about 50 thousand for injuries.

    For comparison, Russian sanitary losses due to injuries during the same time result in more than 70 thousand (more than the total number of defenders, and significantly more than the Japanese), and at least 19 thousand killed in the general balance of military personnel - t. e., the Russian losses at Port Arthur are even greater than the Japanese. As in most other battles of the REV.

    Quote: M2 Bradley
    And yes, for whom this war was "shameful" the Japanese themselves best responded ... Rice Riots as a reaction to Japan's defeat in that war.

    Shaw ?! Will you tell us that Japan lost in the REV ?! laughing I stock up on popcorn and want a front row seat in front of your arena! lol

    As for the riots, they were caused by insufficient, in the opinion of the rebels, rigidity of the Japanese position in the negotiations and insufficient payments from the defeated Russia.

    Quote: M2 Bradley
    And yes, Japan was already one of the first economies of the world.

    In the top ten, more precisely. And in terms of the rate of development, it greatly surpassed Russia - contrary to the myths of the crushers, who "forget" to look at the rates of development of countries below the first five in terms of VOLUME, and try to compare Russian rates only with developed countries, declaring Russia on this basis the fastest growing economy in the world laughing .

    Quote: M2 Bradley
    The last famine in the Republic of Ingushetia was in 1891-1892. And then, they did not die from exhaustion, but from infections due to weakened immunity.

    Yes, they didn’t die of hunger, but of its consequences, and hunger like nothing to do with it. It's like declaring in a battle that soldiers are not dying from bullets, but from blood loss and damage caused by bullets laughing
  29. 0
    6 November 2016 07: 16
    Quote: Dart2027
    The cause of the crop failure was not the notorious backwardness, but weather events.

    In backwardness too. Because only backward countries are completely dependent on the weather, and in developed countries, a high farming culture greatly reduces this dependence.

    Quote: Dart2027
    And mortality from hunger is a very complicated issue, given the fact that statistics were not very good then.

    Yes, the official Russian statistics suffered from a strong underestimation of starvation deaths: it lacked neither the ability nor the desire to count in detail "this herd of slaves".

    But these statistics did not suffer from redundancy of such numbers.
  30. 0
    6 November 2016 07: 23
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    NORMAL people were revolted by NORMAL?

    And among the first - members of the imperial family, starting with E.I.V, Nikolashki, yes. lol
    But you are generally right: there was much more German blood in them than Russian. laughing
  31. 0
    6 November 2016 07: 27
    Quote: M2 Bradley
    The Russian people did not allow the Bolshevik occupation

    Especially the Czechoslovak corps, yes, and the expeditionary corps of the British, Americans, French and Japanese laughing