Unmanned "flying doctor"

Unmanned "flying doctor"

The evolutionary development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is taking leaps and bounds. Most recently, we wrote about the "Hawk", designed for environmental monitoring of celestial expanses, next in line - the technology more "down to earth".

The Air-Mule from the Israeli company Urban Aeronautics is designed as a means of evacuating victims from dangerous conditions. Simply put, the new UAV will allow pulling people out of crisis situations without risk to the rescuer, since only one person is involved in such an operation - the remote operator of the machine. The vertical takeoff and landing system, propellers located inside the body of the device, as well as compact dimensions - all this was created with an eye to the use of Air-Mule in urban conditions.

The "Air Mule," with its externally protected propellers, could be used for more than just civilian rescue missions—its creators also talk about the possibility of evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. Think of the new drone as a "flying doctor"—to a degree.
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  1. dred
    27 December 2011 18: 52
    Interesting shtukentsiya. It would strain under a taxi. In Moscow, just right.
  2. 0
    6 July 2012 17: 44
    A very useful invention.