On fraud and its causes

On fraud and its causes

"The government is always obliged to tell the truth, even if this truth does not always deliver positive emotions."
D. Medvedev. Russian newspaper. 11 September 2016

Almost all of us were witnesses or participants in the fraud. What is this about? Probably, most of us saw old collapsing houses hidden behind panels with beautiful bricks painted on them and glamorous windows along the road, where the highest officials of the country are planning to travel. This also includes fresh asphalt on the road before the arrival of important bosses, and peculiar rehearsed performances with well-known high-level questions to bosses. Examples of fraud are reports on the implementation of the plan on 100%, when this is not true, on the high performance in schools and universities, on the disclosure of all crimes by law enforcement agencies in a particular territory, on voting, in which 100% of the population took part, etc. .

In the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language the following definition of fraud is given: it is an intentional deception in order to present something in a more favorable light than it actually is. Eyewear is based on the embellishment of reality, i.e. in presenting it to another person in a more advantageous position than in fact, in obscuring or keeping silent about shortcomings. The essence of "rubbing points" - in opposition to the shown and the real. The fraud is manifested in the form of window dressing, i.e. action, calculated on the external effect.

In this case, lies in the reports can be expressed not only in the form of deception, distortion of real data, but also in the form of silence. L.N. wrote about it. Tolstoy: "Not only not to lie directly, you must try not to lie negatively - silent." Protruding one side, silencing the other is a typical way of misinformation.

In all such cases, the specific characteristic of this type of deception is clearly visible - the deliberate misrepresentation of officials or the public.

Why is this happening?

To begin with, many officials have an obligation to prepare and send to higher and controlling bodies various kinds of reports and reports with a certain frequency. These documents must contain real, objective information. When signing an official document, the official must be responsible for his signature.

The information received in such reports is necessary for the senior manager to exercise control. Reports of subordinates to the top are feedback on management performance, informing managers about the compliance of the actual performance with the expected or desired. Otherwise, the power without a mechanism to control the implementation of its decisions is divorced from reality and loses the meaning of existence, the system “goes racing. The manager needs to know how well or poorly he works. Therefore, reporting is necessary for the manager to increase his management level. Another thing is that sometimes the reporting itself turns into the main activity of the official, in comparison with which everything else fades.

What causes lies in the reports? Let us explain by example.

The commander of the regiment in the report indicates that all the equipment available in the regiment is fully operational, complete and combat-ready. Accordingly, the chief officer, studying such reports, decides that it is not required to allocate funds for the repair of the armament and equipment available in the regiment, for retrofitting with the equipment or its write-off. However, if there is a faulty equipment in military units, then the combat readiness of the military unit is endangered, the military unit may not cope with the tasks set, respectively, plans for the combat use of the interacting military units, etc., may also not be fulfilled.

In the military environment, eyewash is even more dangerous than in ordinary life, as it is directly tied to the lives of people and the independence of the state. The mistakes of the military administration are scarcely seen in peacetime. They really, and not on paper, will be visible only in a combat situation. I will give examples from stories Great Patriotic War.

This is how K. Sukhiashvili, commander of the 3 Guards Marine Brigade, described the harm of deception in reports: “The elements of fraud and false reports go unpunished. , 8 GSD (8-I Guards Rifle - the famous Panfilov division), bypassing the fortified node of Sichev, gives me the situation: the road is open, Sichev is taken. Expecting that the road is free, I suddenly stumbled upon a strongly uk Captive knot, where the enemy was defending. My unexploded brigade suddenly came under heavy machine-gun and machine-gun fire, and then mortar fire. The desire to report that, they say, I quickly move forward, forced, apparently, the division commander to deceive the higher command and me as a neighbor ; as a result, there are extra victims, but not with him, but with a neighbor.

With impunity goes the case against the perpetrators of large losses. From practice, I became convinced that if the army commanders report: "The order is being fulfilled, slowly moving forward in small groups," this means that the neighbor is standing still and wants to deceive the non-shot neighbor, and reports to his subordinates: " what is coming. " Opponent attaches first to one, the most active, and the most active are new, unshown parts.

The fraud and the wrong report of the younger should be more afraid than non-execution of the order. For non-compliance with the terms of the circle of scare shooting, and the wrong report, I stretch the time. To say that I can not attack, it is impossible, but not to attack and report: "We carry out the order, slowly crawling forward in small groups," it is possible, and no one will shoot. "

What has changed since then? Our country is not in a state of large-scale war, because of the fraud, people are probably not dying, but the style of work of many leaders remains the same.

This is how the well-known writer and defector, the participant of this inspection Viktor Suvorov himself describes the post-war delivery of the final check in the regiment:

“In the 5 Company, the commission examined the training of armored personnel carriers. Everyone in the regiment knew that the drivers had mostly theoretical training. Nevertheless, all ten coped with driving an armored personnel carrier over rough terrain and everyone got excellent marks. Only much later I learned a secret. The company commander was preparing not ten, but only a couple of drivers. And only their preparation was spent all the fuel. During the test, the drivers took turns getting into the armored personnel carrier, where one of the two aces was already hiding. As soon as another driver closed the hatch, the ace sat in his place. That's the whole solution. If fuel and service life were split equally among all drivers, then all ten would receive satisfactory and some well trained. But this is not enough for us! Come on, good students! And they were given. It turned out that the company was completely incompetent. ”

In all the above examples, it is clear that on the basis of inaccurate and late information it is impossible to make decisions that are adequate to the situation. Therefore, of course, it is necessary to fight this phenomenon. Moreover, if you leave such cases unpunished, then this management style can be applied by the same people in emergency situations: in the context of hostilities or a state of emergency.

Considering the above, it is necessary now, in peaceful conditions, to identify the causes of this harmful phenomenon, as well as the conditions that contribute to it.

According to the author, there are many reasons (the desire to curry up and make a career, to comply with the behavior of a certain circle, etc.), but the main one is the fear of punishment, which will be applied to the official for a truthful report. Moreover, the author of the report is not necessarily himself to blame for faulty equipment, unrepaired houses, poor academic performance, objective reasons are also possible (lack of funding and time, physical impossibility to fulfill the requirements of legislation, other persons guilty actions, etc.), but the punishment still threatens the reporting person with flaws. Therefore, the officials lie. Therefore, it is not only such an unscrupulous official who is to blame for universal lies, but also his superiors, and this kind of practice that has already been around. And according to the laws of behaviorism, getting into the team, a person adopts the rules of conduct, which are accepted in this team, even if he hadn’t previously been going to engage in fraud. Life in a bureaucratic management system sets a subordinate standard of behavior.

We explain this position.

The activity of any boss is evaluated according to certain parameters. Ideally, it should be judged by the skillful leadership of its subordinate organization and depend on the effectiveness of the organization’s activities.

The main purpose of any military organization is constant readiness to repel enemy aggression, armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory, as well as the fulfillment of tasks in accordance with international treaties. It means that it is according to these criteria that the functioning of this organization must be assessed, according to the criterion: it is ready or not ready to carry out the combat mission.

Similarly, the head of any military organization needs to be assessed - can he complete the task at his post. Pay attention: it is the official mission of the serviceman, it is his official duties (and not general, special, freelance, etc.) that have the greatest influence on the effective performance of their combat mission by the military formation. Consequently, it is the knowledge, skills and abilities of the position, his ability to lead subordinates and should be the main criterion for assessing a soldier, and not square drifts and freshly painted fences on military objects assigned to him.

However, the existing system of inspections of military units is structured in such a way that a remarkably knowledgeable officer of his specialty can still get a deuce or even be dismissed from service. Thus, during any inspection and verification, the appearance of the personnel, drill techniques, passing with a song, etc. are necessarily checked. That is why the commanders are focusing on appearance and on line inspection, spending precious hours on training these events to the detriment of planned exercises and combat training. In the 21st century, when modern wars are no longer conducted by bayonet attacks and by gunfire, the program of combat training of any officer of the internal troops includes the fulfillment of standards from a Makarov pistol, and the overall assessment of the officer’s readiness is not higher than that for this subject. Such examples can be cited further.

But it's not so bad. The system of socialist competitions that was formed back in the USSR, with the establishment of the best platoon, the best company, the best battalion, regiment, brigade, etc. so far valid. According to the results of each training period, the year, the orders among senior commanders determine the places among subordinate units for military discipline, military service, injury, etc. Such a system inevitably puts every commander in front of a regrettable fact: no matter how prepared the unit or unit entrusted to you is, it is important how you manage to throw dust in the eyes of the commission, checking how you can trick or smite them in order to gain a place in the ranking, and preferably one of the first. After all, the commander, who was in last place, is scolded at meetings and in orders, takes him under additional control, which can easily lead to his removal from office.

You can compare the work of the commander of a military unit and not with someone else, but with the same period last year, and again find a decrease in performance results. And for this negative dynamic, too, scold him, demand explanations, raise at meetings as the worst, etc. Objective difficulties in the explanations of such a leader are little taken into account, because regardless of them he has the duties to skillfully lead, constantly support, take measures and be responsible, be responsible for everything.

According to the author, the commander of a military unit has practically impossible obligations in full. And with strict control, there is always, for what, for not fulfilling what kind of duty, it can be punished.

The regiment commander is subordinate to about a thousand soldiers. But, unlike the head of a civil enterprise (institution) with the same number of subordinates, the regimental commander is always responsible for them: when the subordinate is on vacation, during off-hours. Injuries and offenses of a subordinate received even not in service will still be taken into account in summaries and reports on the security status of the military service of a military unit.

How do commanders survive and even make a career in conditions when they cannot fulfill all of their duties even with diligence? They try to establish informal relations with the senior manager, who also understands that if he wants, he can always find flaws in his subordinate and punish him. But this subordinate is trying hard, working hard, taking measures to ensure that there are fewer deficiencies in his military unit. And although there are always flaws, you can ignore them. For the time being, until such a commander falls into disfavor. Then he can strictly and fundamentally find many flaws, and such a commander quickly and legally removed as unable to cope with the duties of his post.

Why, in such conditions, should the commander himself provoke the senior commander to the negative and show him in the reports absolutely truthful, but hardly well-received information at the top about the shortcomings that can be hidden at his level?

Senior managers also arrange rainbow reports without flaws, even if they know that the reports are untruthful. After all, when everything is great in the subordinate units (judging by the reports), this is also the merit of the most senior commander. It was he who organized the work of his subordinates, he, with his orders, sent their activities in the right direction, he would, on the basis of the brave reports received from his subordinates, compile his report to an even older chief that he was fine. And for the skillful leadership of a military team, for the lack of deficiencies in the entrusted area of ​​work, you can receive encouragement, senior position, bonus, etc.

But such a system of information exchange is detrimental to the military command and combat readiness of military formations (in peacetime), and the performance of combat missions (in wartime).

Summing up, I consider it necessary to offer my vision on the elimination of fraud in the reports of military leaders:

1. Since the principle of unity of command is very tough in the military environment, and democratic principles are impossible because of the secrecy regime and the duty of a soldier to execute an order even under the threat of his life, it is only possible to change the situation from above. This requires the political will of the top leadership of the country and the military departments.

2. If the subordinate knows, feels that his biased information and flattery are perceived by the boss without any verification, and vice versa - the truthful information causes a negative reaction in relation to its author, then the subordinate will almost always lie to the boss. To avoid this, it is necessary to build a system for monitoring the objectivity of reports, to punish the false reports of commanders (chiefs) for this, and report them to other military commanders of the corresponding rank.

3. So that commanders are not afraid to tell the truth, to show it in reports, it is necessary to reconsider the duties of the main officers of the military unit. These duties are necessary, firstly, to formulate more precisely - so that the commander does not answer "for everything". The responsibility of any leader should come only in accordance with the principle of his guilt and given the fact that he has the actual ability to fulfill the duties assigned to him. The fear of punishment for objective shortcomings should not induce the commander to lie in reports. And secondly, when defining the duties of commanders (chiefs), it is necessary to take into account their time and human resources. Ideally, it is necessary to calculate the labor costs for performing specific duties, performing general and special duties, daily schedule activities, etc. and match them with the 40-hour work week. In addition, I believe that the duties of the main officers of the regiment in the Charter of the internal service of the RF Armed Forces should be considered typical, while the specific duties should be developed by the senior commander for each of the commanders.

4. Evaluation criteria for servicemen, and especially commanders, must be determined on the basis of staffing, and not as often practiced, by the ability to walk and level snowdrifts by forces of subordinates.
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  1. +11
    23 September 2016 15: 30
    The old truth - the army of peacetime is decomposed in proportion to the duration of this very world. And only in draconian ways (or in the presence of crystal honest and incorruptible controllers) can the collapse be stopped. Where to get so many honest and incorruptible is a mystery. In all other cases, the transformation of the army of the winner of the 1945 model into the monster army of the 1980/90 model is inevitable. Afghan clearly showed this.
    The second truth - with the outbreak of war, a long and painful process of cleansing the army of weeds, promotion of professional positions to leading positions, and bringing the army to normal comes. This is associated with a sea of ​​blood and terrible losses of the 1941/42 sample.
    Many people know how to make a real peacetime army. But no one did. Even now, when the RF Armed Forces are literally kicking forward and building a workable system, anyway, there are problems above the roof. Behind the demonstration facade, rot and miscalculations are hidden. And this is not even the fault of the top leadership of the army. This is the fault of the entire state system.
    1. +4
      23 September 2016 16: 11
      It seems to me that the Army should not be a self-sufficient structure, that is, in itself, the Army should be part of the state mechanism, a kind of gear in the mechanism. Then the performance of the gear will be understood - it creaked, loosened up, so you need to repair it.
  2. +4
    23 September 2016 17: 12
    For all my military service (long ago it was) I made three shots from the PM. Just three shots in one shot. If you take into account that before that I made only six shots at the institute (for one shooting), the result was corresponding - one hit in the nine. Then I dared to claim that all three bullets lay in one hole.
    But, most interestingly, when the battalion commander in my presence somehow filled out a magazine, I learned that I regularly shot at "satisfactory". When I asked why not "good", he just smiled. It was.
  3. +8
    23 September 2016 17: 30
    If "the commander was not responsible" for everything ", then who will be responsible for the unpainted grass, fence or paint color that matches the camouflage, but does not like the inspector? Or for theft, protected from above, or for teachings, which seem to be unexpected, but everyone knows when they will. Where can we find such honest people, if the helm is full of punks? Who will let them work normally? Oh, author, what unpleasant things you have touched on. IV, Stalin could not take everyone (Khrushchov alone is worth something). And the current toothless, but tied with friends and do not cost anything at all.
    1. +2
      23 September 2016 18: 21
      Quote: Tambov Wolf
      then who will be responsible for the unpainted grass, the fence or the color of the paint that matches the camouflage, but does not like the inspector?

      An army bike that says that it’s not a colonel that’s a new chapter, but that it’s not a general, that’s a new CHARTER. So with the painting of sewer manholes, one in beige yells, the second in cement, and the third does, paint in fly agaric .. And this fact, not true ..
      There was such a comcor, Kulakov’s surname, then became a galvolbutun in the educational structures of the All-Russian Federation, oh .. it was something with something .. every two weeks they almost did a major overhaul in the barracks .. they painted, repainted, whitened and cleaned, instead of polygons, instead, because his predecessor, thanks to whom the troops at least knew how to do something and not to paint and whiten, demanded one-shooting, tactics, driving, maintenance of the VV T, the terrorists killed him ...
      1. +7
        23 September 2016 19: 50
        3. So that the commanders are not afraid to tell the truth, to show it in the reports, it is necessary to review the responsibilities of the main officials of the military unit. First of all, these duties need to be formulated more precisely so that the commander is not responsible “for everything in a row”. Ideally, it is necessary to carry out calculations of labor costs for the performance of specific duties, the performance of general and special duties, activities, daily routines, etc. and match them with a 40-hour work week.

        He graduated from the service as a commander of a district subordination unit, had the rights and duties of a commander of a separate battalion. He was responsible for everything: personnel, military and political training, equipment, weapons, ammunition, his own military town, his own military store, his own boiler room, his own dining room, housing commission, women's council, in wartime he formed the same part, at the "NZ" - weapons, equipment, fuel, clothing, food, assigned personnel. I didn't understand the article a little, both the district and Moscow inspections came and that, when identifying shortcomings, I should say - it's not my fault, it's my deputy who overlooked, but I had nothing to do with it, I was passing by here, I have a 40-hour work week, funny. By the way, I have never painted grass, hatches, etc. Something whitewashed, tinted, it was, washed, cleaned, this is normal. I was not engaged in fraud, the whole l / s took part in the check, they did not pass below "satisfactory", there were also flights in the unit, who commanded would understand, twice threatened to take off, the military prosecutor's office came, squeezed the testicles at the door and pressed, was responsible for his decisions , dumped ... Eh, reminiscences inspired something, I'll go - I'll pump up a stoparik better ..
  4. +4
    23 September 2016 17: 49
    Working at the time for 19 years on railway I can only confirm that the scale of this action constantly increased and reached terrible proportions during the reign of Yakunin, registration, manipulation of economic indicators, wagging them as it should and will ... all this was at all levels from the lowest to the coolest leadership ...
    1. +3
      23 September 2016 18: 21
      Alas, alas, fraud and careerism are hard to destroy. In my opinion, it was and is present, albeit in a small part, almost everywhere.
  5. +2
    23 September 2016 18: 59
    The author described the problems well, but the description of the solution to these problems remained unsatisfactory.

    Of course, you can narrowly formulate the duties of the personnel and spread it out in a 40 hour working week. On the way, it turns out that the command staff will not be enough to fulfill their duties. I will triple this. But then the question becomes, what about proactive thinking, and what about thinking in general. Therefore, they always leave a niche of responsibilities that go beyond the assigned task. This category is precisely taken into account by the wording of the charter: "The commander is obliged to teach and educate ...." Well, as military people, they always know that the order in a unit always depends on the unit commander, and not on the head of the warehouse - the ensign or the duty officer partly which has its own motivation.
    Then, looking towards the unit commander, you can ask him. Well, why, why do your soldiers roam partly weathered?
    To which he will quite reasonably answer. And what do you want? What would I teach a soldier with a junior command staff in a year or two? If before that, their dad and mom taught nothing at school? Then the unit commander will give the answer:


    Well, what then? The army is needed. The army is the foundation of the state.

    With the modern liberal capitalist system, priority is given to a professional army. But urgent is hard. Why?

    And because liberal ideology puts the priority of the private over the public in the forefront. Selfishness of an individual over social behavior. Therefore, the egoist will get his own but harm everyone. Do you understand the author, what are we talking about?

    Liberals deliberately destroy systemic education. Because it is deadly for their ideology. The system destroys egoism.

    So the flag is in your hands. There is a problem, the reasons are understood. We know what to do. Raise education.
    1. +1
      23 September 2016 20: 12
      I apologize for correcting it. I did not finish it. Badly formulated. I do not have the ability to edit.


      Liberal ideology creates a selfish person. This affects the destruction, disunity of society. This is necessary to preserve capitalism. This is done through education. They clean the system and introduce all kinds of private schools. The higher the diversity, the worse for society. As soon as the products of such schools get to work, tug-of-clothes are placed on themselves. Those. one task is done to the detriment of three others. This situation occurs everywhere not only in the army but also in civilian work and the state apparatus.

      The solution to the problem is a return to the education system.
  6. +2
    23 September 2016 19: 21
    You read all this and want to shoot yourself ...! Whining and whining, whining ... What kind of site has it become? Professor Bravo, great job!
    Evaluation criteria for military personnel and especially commanders must be determined on the basis of the official assignment, and not as often practiced - the ability to walk in line and level snowdrifts by subordinates.

    The last phrase in the article, very painfully beats the soul ...! They know how to subtly crap ....
    In the 90s it was the same .... In vain you gentlemen started all this again .., look do not regret it!
  7. +4
    23 September 2016 19: 22
    "Fraud" appears for the following reasons:
    1) people are afraid of losing their "place", "their face", the "location" of their superiors, etc.
    2) there is no healthy "competition among the bosses" in terms of business qualities, the selection criterion for bosses is "if only they do not bother the superior"
    3) there are no social elevators that would allow just honest, efficient, professional and other hired personnel and employees to climb up
    4) the prevailing "caste" structure of society, divided into clans, headed by "untouchable" confidants and their six and the rest of society revered by them as unnecessary ""
    5) the lack of "feedback from low positions", that is, speaking in Russian, the lack of the ability of the population to influence higher-ranking officials, regardless of their professional activity or position.
    1. +3
      23 September 2016 19: 56
      Monster fat

      Do not speak correctly at all.

      Material motivation will never solve a problem. It is important for any employee or employee that his salary covers his needs + 25% for future planning. Those. that there would be confidence in tomorrow. On top of this, bonus bonuses are possible, for unaccounted for difficulties that the employee experienced, having successfully completed the task. And only so.

      Responsibility and social behavior should be motivated in an employee only at the ideological level. Simply put, educate. And the methods must be worked out by the commander of the unit and the society of officers. For example, the well-known "Court of Honor". And it is necessary to eliminate selfish behavior.

      The concept of competition must be viewed from different angles. Competition leads to hostility. Career growth is based on seniority and established standards. And any success is encouraged by certificates with material confirmation. Well, there is always a "tacit confession of comrades."
      1. 0
        23 September 2016 21: 43
        Quote: gladcu2
        Monster fat

        Do not speak correctly at all.

        Material motivation will never solve a problem. It is important for any employee or employee that his salary covers his needs + 25% for future planning. Those. that there would be confidence in tomorrow. On top of this, bonus bonuses are possible, for unaccounted for difficulties that the employee experienced, having successfully completed the task. And only so.

        Responsibility and social behavior should be motivated in an employee only at the ideological level. Simply put, educate. And the methods must be worked out by the commander of the unit and the society of officers. For example, the well-known "Court of Honor". And it is necessary to eliminate selfish behavior.

        The concept of competition must be viewed from different angles. Competition leads to hostility. Career growth is based on seniority and established standards. And any success is encouraged by certificates with material confirmation. Well, there is always a "tacit confession of comrades."

        And how do you explain this ...? By the way, he died the next day and did not receive any orders ... But the west shuddered at such Russian soldiers!

        On this example, you need to educate! One stopped a column of NATO mercenaries and sent them very far!
        1. +1
          23 September 2016 22: 04
          I will explain. Just everything.

          Parents raised.

          In the vastness of the USSR there are many. Therefore, the hope that they can change this liberal system. Priorities are different.
          1. +4
            23 September 2016 23: 11
            They will not change anything. All-train left and not only in Russia. Somehow everyone does not notice that the "collapse of the USSR" marked the end of one era and the beginning of another, and this era is already educating other people, other personnel, the fragments of the past era are still "stirring", some of its personalities are still flaring up with "bright" sparks , but this is so-swan song under the curtain-the past will never return, no matter how hard those who need it, their time is gone, completely different winds blow on the street and they bring changes in everything, I repeat again, another era has come development of mankind ... What kind of era? I have more than once quoted the words of the late Academician Aleksandrov, who said after the signing of the "notorious Belovezhskaya Agreements": "That's it ... The era of heroes has come to an end, the time for villains has come ..." On my own behalf, I will add - "bourgeois" won it is to someone or not, but it is so. A certain "biomass" is being raised now, which will be used for its intended purpose, what purpose? We will wait and see .. But the intrigue is interesting ... tongue
            1. 0
              24 September 2016 02: 46
              wrong at the root. There are heroes. And they will be. and, by the way, from those same philistines. The whole history of Russia shows this. but what someone said somewhere must be considered critically. Yes, not without traitors, since the time of Kurbsky, but we live.
  8. +1
    24 September 2016 12: 57
    Quote: Oles
    And how to check its real performance in peacetime?
    I didn’t tell you anything, they heard it on the Odessa Maidan - “We have Shoigu, sudden checks of combat readiness are being carried out, all the commanders’s shortcomings immediately come out and you cannot hide behind the whitewashed borders”. Just don't tell the powder.
  9. 0
    24 September 2016 16: 03
    Article + for naming a problem. And no more.
  10. +1
    25 September 2016 12: 02
    Quote: Monster_Fat
    They will not change anything. All-train left and not only in Russia. Somehow everyone does not notice that the "collapse of the USSR" marked the end of one era and the beginning of another, and this era is already bringing up other people for itself, another staff, the fragments of the past era are still "moving",

    You’re lying - you won’t!
    Like the guy who stopped the column alone ...
  11. 0
    26 September 2016 15: 46
    I immediately remembered my direct service ... We were engaged in anything, but not in the service. Although only park more or less worked with technology. The companymen sat on take-off all day. Well, maybe the foreman will send them to the workplace. And the notes from the office did not even come out.
  12. 0
    26 September 2016 16: 30
    To avoid this, it is necessary to build a system for monitoring the objectivity of reports ...

    Glukhov E. A., Ph.D. in Law, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice

    About nothing.