Pavel Grudinin: a real alternative to the election

Communicating with representatives of various segments of the population of our country, we concluded that not all citizens of Russia are eager to express support for the existing government elections. This is normal. The whole question is what methods it is planned to do.

Some citizens are going to vote for the old memory of Zhirinovsky, for example. But this political map is a bit, and a bit long. Some are not going to go to the polls at all, well, that is their right. And from some have heard and such that "I'd rather vote for Sobchak!"

However, it turns out that suddenly even a non-party candidate went to the polls, but from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In itself, this epoch-making phenomenon, to be honest, didn’t even occur to any of us that Zyuganov would get away from political distance.

Although it was high time.

But the fact is: Gennady Andreevich put forward a candidate, and, as it seems to us, very interesting. And the candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, non-partisan Pavel Grudinin, can become just that, normal and sane opposition and alternative, which was so lacking in these (and even more so in the next) elections.

Why we are primarily interested in it Grudinin?

Pavel Grudinin: a real alternative to the election

In order to answer this question, we will give a few points, which, as it seems to us, well characterize both Grudinina and the whole situation.

1. If you carefully go through the list of candidates for the presidency, then it will reveal only two people who are engaged in the real business. This Grudinin and Titov. But Titov is an oligarch, a billionaire who owns several joint international projects. It is difficult to say how much the London firm Solvalub, which constitutes the core of the Titov Empire, is Russian. A somewhat dubious figure for the president, we think.

Grudinin is, roughly speaking, an effective peasant. Chairman of the State Farm named after Lenin. Even if a very rich peasant, here is the work of the head and hands.

The rest (well, except for the current president), sorry, boltologi. Journalists, politicians, political consultants, public figures. There is nothing to comment at all.

2. Grudinin can plow. In the literal and figurative sense of the word. An important nuance. Moreover, everything that was built on his state farm, as he repeatedly noted in an interview earlier, was created without the slightest support of the state.

The results of the work of the Lenin State Farm in the Moscow Region are well known.

Someone, perhaps, will notice that the state farm is one thing, and the whole country is another. But we have in stories already an example, when the chairman of a collective farm turned out not the worst head of state. Yes, not without flaws, but nevertheless, the country is not ruined. This, of course, is about Alexander Lukashenko.

On the other hand, in our history there are two examples of how professional functionaries and party leaders seem to have done such things that they are still loosening up. This is about Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

The question of the ability to work does not arise. Lieutenant colonels of the KGB were also not taught to govern the country, if that.

3. Relationship with power. The fact that Grudinin is in some way an opposition figure is clear from the one who gives him support. The party "Left Front" Sergei Udaltsov and the Communist Party can and should be considered a real opposition. More precisely, they are the only constructive oppositionists, in contrast to Sobchak-Navalny-Yavlinsky and other Kasyanovs.

It is noteworthy that during all his labor activity, from the first to the last day at the Lenin State Farm, Grudinin was awarded only the sign "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation".

None, unlike fashion designers, pop singers and pevichek, has no awards like "For services to the Fatherland". Very revealing.

Back in 2000, the newspaper Kommersant mercilessly criticized Grudinin for the fact that he behaves like a master. He does not distribute land to the peasants so that they can sell it to Muscovites for dacha plots. ( Highly recommend to read the material.

"Kommersant" put Grudinina as a satrap who did not want the peasants to tear the state farm away, sell the land, buy apartments in Moscow, put money in the bank and live on interest. This is all in the article.

Today it is a well-known enterprise in the whole region and the envy of many.

The “castle” is, by the way, not an office or personal accommodation of the “oligarch” Grudinin. This (!!!) state farm kindergarten looks like this.

The principle “not to squander, but to multiply” is in action. And he, by the way, can be applicable to the whole country.

4. Grudinin, based on his statements on television, is not just a patriot. He stands very firmly on the fact that it is possible to work even in modern capitalist conditions in accordance with the principles of a socialist society. He works.

Strange, why for the successful work of Pavel Nikolayevich do not need to rename the state farm? And for a successful life on interest to sell land for development? And plow, plow and plow again?

Probably, patriotism is not only about beating your chest in the shadow of the tricolor. And to do their work in their own land in this way.

Apparently, he was a very uncomfortable deputy. That's why they removed from the election, seeing extremism in the statements in 2013. True, the accusation of extremism was later dropped, but they were not allowed before the elections.

We watched with interest the performance of Grudinin on Channel One. I must say, the questions he was asked were not just provocative, but even filthy. It is with overtones that, they say, to command the state farm is one thing, and the country is another.

The only consolation was that the questions asked were just these aforementioned political scientists, public figures and other talkers. But what can be taken from the clique of the “First”? He is the “First” ...

And Pavel Nikolaevich answered very, very worthily, as in our opinion.

As a preliminary conclusion: we Grudinin, as a candidate, very much. Our person. Able to work, can go forward, not spitting back. Normal Russian man. From the earth.

Of course, this rejection of Pavel Nikolaevich by the "elites" of television is understandable. It is doubtful that they will like such a president. He will make work, as in his own farm!

And the right fear, the right one.

On the whole, Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin is a very peculiar phenomenon in the political arena of Russia. And very timely.

Tired, I confess, this is an election show when “vote or lose” or “not Putin means Sobchak”. Well, not a choice, absolutely. Artificially created deficiency, nothing more.

We must pay tribute to Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov, who arranged such a sudden coup. And it is worth even expressing gratitude.

At least, thanks to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, we have a certain intersection, and not a tunnel with the inscription "United Russia". And through 24 of the year of the board, some kind of change is possible. And not the fact that for the worse.

Understandably, we're talking about the 2024 election of the year. But it’s already good that there will be at least some alternative in 2018. Two worthy people will fight for real, and not the eternal and annoying clowning with one candidate and three pseudo oppositionists on dancers.

And the very idea of ​​a future president "off the ground" is not so bad as it seems to us.
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  1. +2
    6 January 2018 19: 11
    Quote: Balu
    Provided that land near the Moscow Ring Road costs so much money that even now a realtor is a sought-after profession at the Lenin State Farm CJSC.

    Our collective farm quite survived the “dashing 90s”, but decided to live a long time in the middle of the “prosperous fat 2000s”. So the hackneyed song about Yeltsin’s damned lawlessness and proximity to the Moscow Ring Road does not work here, from the word No way.
    1. +2
      6 January 2018 22: 46
      Quote: Klaus
      Quote: Balu
      Provided that land near the Moscow Ring Road costs so much money that even now a realtor is a sought-after profession at the Lenin State Farm CJSC.

      Our collective farm quite survived the “dashing 90s”, but decided to live a long time in the middle of the “prosperous fat 2000s”. So the hackneyed song about Yeltsin’s damned lawlessness and proximity to the Moscow Ring Road does not work here, from the word No way.

      In our village, 50 km from Kazan, the collective farm changed its form of ownership and a reorganization took place. Farms are built, the land is plowed, and crops are harvested. The secondary school and club have been functioning since Soviet times. There is a kindergarten and two shops, almost supermarkets. The monument to fellow villagers who died during the war is being taken care of. But here are the changes in the lives of the villagers: the public herd used to be several hundred cows, now there are at most fifty cows. Many people work in the city and drive their own cars or trains. The bus stopped running. Villagers prefer to raise poultry, which is apparently less troublesome. Few people keep horses.
      so what are we talking about? It’s not the place that makes the person, a lot depends on the leader, on his conscientiousness, competence and professionalism. So you think that Grudin is your choice. Many people also hoped for Yeltsin. And some are still grateful to Gorbachev. hi
      1. 0
        20 January 2018 18: 04
        And some are still grateful to Gorbachev
        not by night be remembered! I'm about to have a heart attack! Ishsho "prohibition" remember!
  2. +1
    6 January 2018 21: 58
    Quote: AllXVahhaB
    Quote: badens1111
    So what?
    So I’m wondering: is this a provocateur or an inadequate hysterical woman? Although it doesn’t matter: in any case, such posts are discrediting Grudinin’s socialist ideas in the face of thinking people..

    I also noticed the eccentric.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. 0
    20 January 2018 18: 03
    Quote: Balu
    We are all different. Our goods (our labor) have different prices for society.

    judging by the salaries of doctors and teachers, their work is priceless! Tatarstan is not an example; it cannot be passed off as the whole country.
    Judging by your logic, the country needs prosecutors and police officers. This is how we get a police state
  5. 0
    20 January 2018 18: 09
    Quote: Balu
    There was a so-called double or subcapsular rupture of the spleen

    Let me disagree with you - you understood it yourself. what did you write? Subcapsular splenic rupture without signs of bleeding is treated conservatively throughout the world. Rupture can occur at any time and early transport of such patients is dangerous. So the person who brought it to you needs to go to the prosecutor.
    1. +1
      20 January 2018 18: 21
      Quote: Overlock
      Subcapsular splenic rupture without signs of bleeding is treated conservatively throughout the world.

      You don't understand or you don't know. A subcapsular rupture can occur in any parenchymal organ. In the case I cited, the diagnosis was made by ultrasound on site. And the patient could not be transported such a long distance. Waiting for it to explode is not the best idea.
      1. 0
        20 January 2018 19: 09
        I understood it as it was written. In surgery since 1980, associate professor. I repeat once again - subcapsular hematomas of the liver. spleens are not OPERATED in the world. They are subject to dynamic observation and ultrasound treatment (arterial embolization is possible). A double/two-moment rupture is the condition when a subcapsular hematoma ruptures. Then definitely - OPERATION. Transportation even if subcapsular hematomas are suspected is PROHIBITED.
        Who took him for transportation - to the investigator, at least - for certification ahead of schedule. You can be fired for incompetence. Crimean doctors are not entirely to blame for this situation. He took responsibility. who was driving
  6. +2
    25 January 2018 16: 39
    All hope is for Grudinin!!! Grudinin will save Russia!!!
  7. +1
    27 January 2018 15: 35
    Good afternoon I will join the discussions. Some comrades here are still waiting for the Messiah, who will come and feed everyone with three fish. What’s surprising is that all candidates, like Grudinin, know how to organize Russia. Do you want a strawberry king in Russia? This is the Russian Poroshenko. He also said that in 2 years Ukraine will be unrecognizable. And he did it. Brains are given to think. So think about who to vote for.
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. 0
    3 February 2018 15: 40
    In principle, PUTIN will be the FIRST and will get 75-80% of the votes, the second will be ZHIRIK - 9-10% because the COMMUNISTS in their MAJORITY WILL VOTE for anyone, but NOT for the THIEF and BUCKER Grudinin, because EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE GORGEOUS Grudinin WAS PUSHED OUT BY THE LIBERAL-FASCISTS FROM VAT PDRS!!! -
    and who will be THIRD - KSYUSHA or BARYGA Grudinin is the QUESTION!!! and When the communists begin to zig, then the big top ends and the understanding begins of who has gathered to organize a new massacre of the peoples of Russia and, as always, hiding behind good intentions and, as always, the US State Department has nothing to do with it? -
    - Who is Yuri Boldyrev? these are maydauns or ordinary FASCISTS, and Boldyrev is the CREATOR OF THE LIBERAL-FASCIST PARTY B-L-Y (Boldyrev-Lukin-Yavlinsky)!!!! -
    Dedicated to grant eaters and other trash like the STATE DEPARTMENT JACKAL Boldyrev... -
    So why is Yu.Yu. Boldyrev drowning JUDAS and the STATE DEPARTMENT JACKAL? -
    Yuri Boldyrev is today one of the prominent figures in the coalition that has come to power under the banners of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and several other thinner structures. For the current nominee from the coalition, Pavel Grudinin, Yu. Boldyrev, according to some signs, is a very significant person. This is noticeable if only by the fact that, when mentioning Boldyrev, the presidential candidate calls him exclusively by his first name and patronymic. And it is noted that he does not treat everyone this way.
    Judging by the “carelessness” Russian presidential candidate P. Grudinin makes when discussing foreign policy, it is impossible to escape the impression that he has not yet thought deeply about areas so far from him and somewhere in the depths of his soul he hopes that and as President of the Russian Federation, he will not have to rack his brains over the fate of the Kem volosts and, most importantly, make individual decisions on them.
    Of course, to resolve foreign policy issues, there is a special person in the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. And according to Pal Nikolaich’s statement made during Solovyov’s program, he is even ready to leave this position for the current minister Sergei Lavrov. However, there are still many questions that President Grudinin (if he is in power) will have to delve into at least to some extent, but whether he wants to do this is an open question. That's why it seems that not too much.
    And it seems this is because Pal Nikolaich himself and his associates often hear statements about their intention to introduce certain changes to the text of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, with the goal of creating another governing body in the country called the “state council.” We are talking about a collegial body that is designed to help President Grudinin solve the variety of problems of a large country.
    Yuri Boldyrev constantly voices the topic of a permanent state council in all his speeches. He justifies the vital necessity of this structure with the words of Bulgakov’s Woland that the first person in the state is an ordinary person who “sometimes suddenly becomes mortal.” Therefore, the State Council must be permanently “on call” in case of some kind of force majeure, pah-pah-pah.
    But the fact is that in world practice, second persons usually stand behind the top officials of the state. In different countries, they are the vice president, the prime minister, and in the case of some monarchy, the heir to the throne. Here we are invited to have in the country, just in case, a permanent collegial body working in parallel with the president of the country. Moreover, it seems to consist not of narrow industry specialists, but of advisers on all issues. Let me remind you that, for example, Yuri Boldyrev worked in his immediate university specialty for only a short time, judging by his official biography - about seven years.
    I suspect that if the “combination” developed by members of the opposition coalition is legitimized, the State Council should receive very broad powers in the field of executive (or even higher) power, since the president himself clearly demonstrates his tendency to withdraw himself from solving many issues that are boring to him, and at the same time looks with hope at Yu.Yu. Boldyrev, who is ready to help him with this.
    And Yu.Yu. Boldyrev, by all indications, is ready to take the reins (reins, reins, reins, I don’t know how to do it correctly). As well as, as the famous song says: “Majesty... to protect him from all sorts of unnecessary meetings,” especially since “Majesty” himself, it seems, is not at all against it. Perhaps, as far as agriculture is concerned, this is his, purely Grudinin’s, native, but, it seems, no one is encroaching on this.
    What do we get as a result? A photogenic person is nominated for election from a coalition of irreconcilable oppositionists, who is designed to completely charm the voter with stories about the Moscow Ring Road New Vasyuki and how terribly dissatisfied he is with the gap between the incomes of the rich and the poor in our country. Here it is true that it is appropriate to recall the scissors between the salaries of the employees of the Lenin State Farm JSC and its director, which the director himself established, but it seems that this is only the first discrepancy we have noticed between what the presidential candidate declares and what he does on actually. Not yet evening.
    Then, after ascending to Olympus, a photogenic person must generously share his powers with a collegial body consisting of less photogenic people who did not pass the casting, who in some places might not even be chosen as senior members of the building, but foolish fortune will provide them with the opportunity through acquaintance rule the whole country, bypassing all sorts of elections.
    And something tells me that, according to the new constitution that the opposition is going to adopt, this state council will be endowed with very broad powers under a very living president, whose voice, against the background of this mighty group, will sound mousy thin. In other words, the unelected members of the State Council will represent the real government, “effective and united,” maybe even like the provisional government of 1917, hmm, well, we’ve digressed a little from the topic.
    I have no doubt that in today’s situation, a prominent role in the State Council will belong to the former People’s Deputy of the USSR (from 1989 to 1991), member of the Interregional Deputy Group (IGD) of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Yu.Yu. Boldyrev. Amen, the matter has finally come to him.
    When we talk about this outstanding political figure today, his supporters (and himself) are very fond of recalling the heroic fact of his biography, when, not fearing the wrath of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, he snatched Russian oil from their mouths, which these monsters were about to swallow . Well, very commendable! And romantically minded citizens may mentally associate the image of Yuri Boldyrev with St. George the Victorious, who slayed the dragon, for example like this.