Pavel Grudinin: a real alternative to the election

Communicating with representatives of various segments of the population of our country, we concluded that not all citizens of Russia are eager to express support for the existing government elections. This is normal. The whole question is what methods it is planned to do.

Some citizens are going to vote for the old memory of Zhirinovsky, for example. But this political map is a bit, and a bit long. Some are not going to go to the polls at all, well, that is their right. And from some have heard and such that "I'd rather vote for Sobchak!"

However, it turns out that suddenly even a non-party candidate went to the polls, but from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In itself, this epoch-making phenomenon, to be honest, didn’t even occur to any of us that Zyuganov would get away from political distance.

Although it was high time.

But the fact is: Gennady Andreevich put forward a candidate, and, as it seems to us, very interesting. And the candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, non-partisan Pavel Grudinin, can become just that, normal and sane opposition and alternative, which was so lacking in these (and even more so in the next) elections.

Why we are primarily interested in it Grudinin?

Pavel Grudinin: a real alternative to the election

In order to answer this question, we will give a few points, which, as it seems to us, well characterize both Grudinina and the whole situation.

1. If you carefully go through the list of candidates for the presidency, then it will reveal only two people who are engaged in the real business. This Grudinin and Titov. But Titov is an oligarch, a billionaire who owns several joint international projects. It is difficult to say how much the London firm Solvalub, which constitutes the core of the Titov Empire, is Russian. A somewhat dubious figure for the president, we think.

Grudinin is, roughly speaking, an effective peasant. Chairman of the State Farm named after Lenin. Even if a very rich peasant, here is the work of the head and hands.

The rest (well, except for the current president), sorry, boltologi. Journalists, politicians, political consultants, public figures. There is nothing to comment at all.

2. Grudinin can plow. In the literal and figurative sense of the word. An important nuance. Moreover, everything that was built on his state farm, as he repeatedly noted in an interview earlier, was created without the slightest support of the state.

The results of the work of the Lenin State Farm in the Moscow Region are well known.

Someone, perhaps, will notice that the state farm is one thing, and the whole country is another. But we have in stories already an example, when the chairman of a collective farm turned out not the worst head of state. Yes, not without flaws, but nevertheless, the country is not ruined. This, of course, is about Alexander Lukashenko.

On the other hand, in our history there are two examples of how professional functionaries and party leaders seem to have done such things that they are still loosening up. This is about Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

The question of the ability to work does not arise. Lieutenant colonels of the KGB were also not taught to govern the country, if that.

3. Relationship with power. The fact that Grudinin is in some way an opposition figure is clear from the one who gives him support. The party "Left Front" Sergei Udaltsov and the Communist Party can and should be considered a real opposition. More precisely, they are the only constructive oppositionists, in contrast to Sobchak-Navalny-Yavlinsky and other Kasyanovs.

It is noteworthy that during all his labor activity, from the first to the last day at the Lenin State Farm, Grudinin was awarded only the sign "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation".

None, unlike fashion designers, pop singers and pevichek, has no awards like "For services to the Fatherland". Very revealing.

Back in 2000, the newspaper Kommersant mercilessly criticized Grudinin for the fact that he behaves like a master. He does not distribute land to the peasants so that they can sell it to Muscovites for dacha plots. ( Highly recommend to read the material.

"Kommersant" put Grudinina as a satrap who did not want the peasants to tear the state farm away, sell the land, buy apartments in Moscow, put money in the bank and live on interest. This is all in the article.

Today it is a well-known enterprise in the whole region and the envy of many.

The “castle” is, by the way, not an office or personal accommodation of the “oligarch” Grudinin. This (!!!) state farm kindergarten looks like this.

The principle “not to squander, but to multiply” is in action. And he, by the way, can be applicable to the whole country.

4. Grudinin, based on his statements on television, is not just a patriot. He stands very firmly on the fact that it is possible to work even in modern capitalist conditions in accordance with the principles of a socialist society. He works.

Strange, why for the successful work of Pavel Nikolayevich do not need to rename the state farm? And for a successful life on interest to sell land for development? And plow, plow and plow again?

Probably, patriotism is not only about beating your chest in the shadow of the tricolor. And to do their work in their own land in this way.

Apparently, he was a very uncomfortable deputy. That's why they removed from the election, seeing extremism in the statements in 2013. True, the accusation of extremism was later dropped, but they were not allowed before the elections.

We watched with interest the performance of Grudinin on Channel One. I must say, the questions he was asked were not just provocative, but even filthy. It is with overtones that, they say, to command the state farm is one thing, and the country is another.

The only consolation was that the questions asked were just these aforementioned political scientists, public figures and other talkers. But what can be taken from the clique of the “First”? He is the “First” ...

And Pavel Nikolaevich answered very, very worthily, as in our opinion.

As a preliminary conclusion: we Grudinin, as a candidate, very much. Our person. Able to work, can go forward, not spitting back. Normal Russian man. From the earth.

Of course, this rejection of Pavel Nikolaevich by the "elites" of television is understandable. It is doubtful that they will like such a president. He will make work, as in his own farm!

And the right fear, the right one.

On the whole, Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin is a very peculiar phenomenon in the political arena of Russia. And very timely.

Tired, I confess, this is an election show when “vote or lose” or “not Putin means Sobchak”. Well, not a choice, absolutely. Artificially created deficiency, nothing more.

We must pay tribute to Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov, who arranged such a sudden coup. And it is worth even expressing gratitude.

At least, thanks to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, we have a certain intersection, and not a tunnel with the inscription "United Russia". And through 24 of the year of the board, some kind of change is possible. And not the fact that for the worse.

Understandably, we're talking about the 2024 election of the year. But it’s already good that there will be at least some alternative in 2018. Two worthy people will fight for real, and not the eternal and annoying clowning with one candidate and three pseudo oppositionists on dancers.

And the very idea of ​​a future president "off the ground" is not so bad as it seems to us.
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  1. +3
    26 December 2017 18: 40
    Chairman of the state farm named after Lenin. Even a very rich peasant, this is just the work of the head and hands.

    Well, that is another "rich left." By the way, as far as I remember, the Lenin state farm is selling its land for development, perhaps the wealth of the "peasant" is from here.
    As follows from the protocol of the court session of the Vidnovsky City Court of 12.11.1996/XNUMX/XNUMX, Pavel Nikolayevich Grudinin in an unknown way received certificates of ownership of land plots issued to members of the labor collective of KSP named after Lenin with the imaginary purpose of transferring them to members of the labor collective. However, Grudinin P.N. for a long time kept the evidence, explaining its actions by the fact that the certificates need to be corrected and therefore sent to the District Committee on Land Resources.
    On June 21, 2006 criminal case No. 84128 was instituted under Part 1 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Forgery of a certificate or other official document granting rights or exempting from duties, in order to use it, or marketing such a document).
    During the preliminary investigation, expert studies were conducted, the results of which showed that the signatures in the memorandum of association were forged.
    Most witnesses also confirmed the fact of falsification.
    Former members of the labor collective were found to be robbed and wrote a letter to the Governor stating that in fact CJSC Lenin State Farm was seized by the management, and "our property was irrevocably stolen."
    In order to legalize stolen property, CJSC State Farm named after Lenin ”established and entered into the capital of a number of commercial enterprises, the co-founders and leaders of which are the relatives of P. Grudinin, as well as persons directly associated with P. Grudinin
    This is such a presidential candidate, and money in Zyuganov’s party no longer smells like state farm manure.
    1. +11
      26 December 2017 19: 19
      The fact that pressure was put on Grudinin by contacting law enforcement agencies was something he himself does not hide. Why did you so modestly keep silent about the result of this entire investigation? But because there was no trial and no guilty verdict! A criminal case was also opened regarding the irrevocable export of valuable metals worth millions of dollars from St. Petersburg while VVP was working there as the chairman of the committee on foreign economic relations, google about Salye’s commission. Why are you silent about this?
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. 0
          1 January 2018 19: 42
          Apparently, in the late 80s – early 90s, Putin also exported non-ferrous metals from Uzbekistan... Wow...
      2. +2
        26 December 2017 19: 35
        Quote: Rimlianin
        A criminal case was also opened regarding the irrevocable export of valuable metals worth millions of dollars from St. Petersburg while VVP was working there as the chairman of the committee on foreign economic relations, google about Salye’s commission.

        In those days, scams were a common occurrence. Salye's "materials" are mainly correspondence.
        Where is the proof?
        1. +7
          26 December 2017 19: 40
          And I'm not arguing with you. Perhaps this is true. But then why doesn’t the “compromising evidence” of “those times” regarding Grudinin require evidence?
    2. +2
      26 December 2017 19: 28
      Quote: Berkut24
      This is such a presidential candidate, and money in Zyuganov’s party no longer smells like state farm manure

      Frankly, I’m surprised, although quite expected. That's what happened in those days. Before bankruptcy, property and money were transferred for some unknown reason to a shell company and laundered.
      However, is the trial over?
    3. +2
      26 December 2017 20: 35
      The jackal comes running.
    4. 0
      31 December 2017 15: 55
      Quote: Berkut24
      For the purpose of legalization

      All your fabrications are bullshit, you have nothing but repetition of fabrications.
      There is no verdict of the Court, there is nothing but falsehood. Are you gullible by nature or by order, since you collect this dirt from Kommersant and drag it to the Internet?
    5. +1
      31 December 2017 20: 41
      My friend, look around, you don’t see anyone except Grudinin. Anyone who has his own business is not without sin. But Grudinin must be judged by his deeds, and they speak in his favor.
  2. +1
    26 December 2017 18: 40
    Is Grudinin the president? The question is debatable. But, in my opinion, he would fit in quite well in the position of PM. And Dimona is retired.
    1. +2
      26 December 2017 18: 50
      and on the gilyak...
    2. +2
      31 December 2017 20: 41
      Why not? The lieutenant colonel became president.
    3. 0
      29 January 2018 18: 36
      Not! Dimona - she won’t be able to make soap, and only household soap; she won’t be able to make toilet soap, there will be a lot of stench!
  3. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      26 December 2017 19: 09
      Well, what can I answered yourself with the second question...
    2. +1
      31 December 2017 20: 43
      The whole question is that people need to finally understand that they need to go to elections and vote after thinking hard.
  4. +2
    26 December 2017 18: 46
    Quote: Overlock
    Quote: Binding
    Maybe it would be better to let him work as the head of the region?

    Why didn’t GDP work as a governor before the 2000 elections? He immediately became prime minister and president! Gifted?

    The director of the FSB, the prime minister and the director (owner) of ZAO Ilyich are, to put it mildly, different values, don’t you think?
    1. +9
      26 December 2017 19: 23
      Please remind me how long VVP worked as Prime Minister and Director of the FSB?
      1. 0
        26 December 2017 19: 40
        Prime Minister for 5 years, FSB - yes, not for long
        Quote: Rimlianin
        Please remind me how long VVP worked as Prime Minister and Director of the FSB?
        1. +10
          26 December 2017 21: 15
          Quote: your1970
          Prime Minister for 5 years, FSB - yes, not for long

          You don’t have to worry about the term of locum tenens... Putin was PM for exactly six months and appeared out of nowhere. Moreover, with intensive PR, organized personally by Boris Abramovich Berezovsky. Berezovsky's personal TV killer Dorenko killed with all the proletarian hatred everyone who was potentially capable of replacing the drunk at that time - Primakov, Luzhkov and Lukashenko. Stretch your memory...
          1. +1
            7 January 2018 12: 48
            Quote: romey
            Moreover, with intensive PR, organized personally by Boris Abramovich Berezovsky.

            Are you talking about an interview with Berezovsky’s journalists: If Putin asks for help, I can always help him?
            I remind you of the answer from the GDP: Fear the Danaans, who bear fruit. Do you remember?
            VVP first of all warned the oligarchs not to get involved in politics. Squeezed out Berezovsky and Gusinsky on legal grounds. Some of the holes in the budget were plugged, the country began to lace up its boots, and then rose from its knees.
            Khodorkovsky? There were 10 of them, holding a controlling stake in Yukos. The point is not that Khodorkovsky did not hide his presidential ambitions and for this purpose attached himself to the communists, as Grudinsky is now. One of Yukos's partners demanded through the court the return of money not paid for transportation. Three assassination attempts followed, people died. In the latter, the plaintiff survived, but remained disabled. It was shown several times on central channels. But everything turned upside down because the controlling stake in Yukos was going to be sold to the Americans. According to my recollections, this is so.
            Grudinin wants to give away the Kuril Islands? limit the power of the President of the Russian Federation, so as in Moldova? leave Syria so that the Saudis and Qatar will run pipelines through Syria to Europe and undermine our economy? What else was he going to give?
            I can continue, I just don’t want to clog up the airwaves. I emphasize that every responsible and sensible man is obliged to take part in the elections together with his family.
    2. +1
      26 December 2017 20: 37
      I don’t find it, especially since you haven’t shown the speed of moving up Putin’s career ladder.
      1. +1
        7 January 2018 12: 51
        Quote: NordUral
        I don’t find it, especially since you haven’t shown the speed of moving up Putin’s career ladder.

        Selection and placement of personnel is the responsibility of a senior manager. Before making a decision, personnel officers prepare a dossier, study it, and then make a decision. Are you upset that they chose GDP instead of you?
    3. +4
      26 December 2017 22: 09
      and what is the milk yield at the FSB? After all, the FSB also loves to eat and loves it well. Who feeds the country - the FSB?
      Will the FSB correct failures in domestic policy? I doubt. So it is not correct to compare different positions - everyone works where they work. "A medal for battle and a medal for labor are cast from the same metal"
      1. +1
        31 December 2017 23: 14
        Quote: Overlock
        and what is the milk yield at the FSB? After all, the FSB also loves to eat and loves it well. Who feeds the country - the FSB?

        You shouldn't be doing that. Their work should be invisible to us. We will not learn about all of their victories. We don’t know how many of them die or are wounded in battle every year. Not good. fool
    4. 0
      31 December 2017 20: 44
      I do not find. Ask Luka, he will explain everything to you.
    5. 0
      29 January 2018 18: 38
      and when this VVP was the director of the FSB, I don’t remember anything, and the fruits of his activities in this position were also somehow not left in my memory... but the fact that with his help Leningrad lost money was somehow left in my memory ...
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +6
    26 December 2017 18: 49
    Quote: Rimlianin
    I really didn’t want to answer your stupid insinuations, but I will answer anyway. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the only real opposition in the entire two and a half decades of the existence of oligarchic Russia. Those who hiss that this is a Kremlin project, let them remember who tried to remove Yeltsin from power through impeachment in the 1990s, against whom the “God Forbid” campaign was launched, remember Ilyukhin with his tribunal against Putin, attempts to delay votes by creating parties- dummies like SR and the Communists of Russia, who ALWAYS voted in the Duma against the anti-people laws of the government. The fact that it was Zyuganov who put a big banana peel under the feet of the GDP by promoting Grudinin speaks volumes about who is the real communist and patriot in the Communist Party now.

    We just remember how Zyuganov, having won the elections, renounced the presidency. In other words, Uncle Zyu and co. are happy to have a profit from the “eternal opposition” and the old legacy of the USSR. This is enough for their bread and butter. and they don’t need more. Taking the helm means starting not to grind with your tongue, but to do it. Then everyone will immediately see the value of their words.
    The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is cowardly empty nesters and populists. And nothing more. Even on this site.
    1. 0
      26 December 2017 18: 53
      Lord...don't remember the Devil by nightfall...
    2. +2
      26 December 2017 19: 25
      Pustobrekh is apparently your title. And if not, then please share, where did you get the information that Zyuganov won the elections in 1996? Did he tell you himself?
      1. +2
        26 December 2017 21: 22
        Quote: Rimlianin
        Pustobrekh is apparently your title. And if not, then please share, where did you get the information that Zyuganov won the elections in 1996? Did he tell you himself?

        Medved said this. And even many Putinists don’t trust this character. The same thing that one grandmother said... Although, of course, G.A. is not a saint and there are some reasons to accuse the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of conformism, but nevertheless there is no reason to blame it for the leak of 1996, especially keeping in mind the bacchanalia that was staged by the predecessors of the current admirers of Vladimir Vladimirovich’s talents.
      2. +1
        26 December 2017 22: 12
        Viktor Ilyukhin, who held the post of chairman of the Duma Security Committee in 1996.

        – Why, after the first or second round, did Zyuganov not organize what is now commonly called the Maidan - did he not bring the people to the streets? After all, the results, as the communists claim, were falsified, and Zyuganov actually won?
        – Firstly, there is still no official data. It is no coincidence that immediately after the elections, the then chairman of the Central Election Commission, Nikolai Ryabov, was appointed ambassador to the Czech Republic, and he left. Now we will not find any documentary evidence of who won. I can say one thing: according to our situation, Yeltsin could not win. This is objective. His rating was not just zero, it was negative. It is impossible to make a breakthrough in the election campaign in 1,5–2 months. Of course, election fraud and the use of administrative resources played a role, but still...
    3. 0
      31 December 2017 21: 02
      Now there is a chance to form a coalition of patriots. Don't put a spoke in the wheel of history.
  7. 0
    26 December 2017 18: 49
    Quote: Overlock
    Quote: Radikal
    So the successor general is used to commanding. True, now he is a governor, gaining experience

    to the people - will they be allowed to participate in the elections? Or "brotherly?"

    I do not understand the question? wink
    1. 0
      26 December 2017 22: 13
      Will the people be invited to the elections or will the oligarchs/security officials themselves appoint the president?
  8. +1
    26 December 2017 18: 59
    Quote: cedar
    Putin is not a lone hero. The Organization is behind him...

    It’s just not clear WHAT?
    1. +2
      26 December 2017 19: 01
      Mossad, CIA, MI6, Defense finally...What suits you?
      1. +1
        26 December 2017 22: 14
        nothing suits us, everything is not ours
    2. +1
      26 December 2017 20: 47
      Quote: Overlock
      It’s just not clear WHAT?

      Why are you all so incomprehensible! And what organization did he work for? Under the USSR, the KGB could not take into development members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee... that's how we made the country laugh.
      1. +4
        26 December 2017 22: 15
        Under the USSR, the KGB could not take members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee into development....that’s how we made the country laugh.
        and now the FSB cannot take members of the Russian government into be continued.............
    3. 0
      26 December 2017 23: 47
      Who is there in the Bundes instead of the Abwehr?
      1. 0
        26 December 2017 23: 58
        Probably Sars
  9. +2
    26 December 2017 19: 21
    1. Cx. in an industrial society there can only be subsidized. Hence, the successful "Red Director" is simply a state (oligarchs), a well-funded promotion.
    2. Another son of a "Russian mother and lawyer." True option is less boorish. But the same slimy.
    3. Then he asked Zhirinovsky to “consider the possibility of employees of the Lenin State Farm CJSC joining the ranks of the LDPR.”
    4. ALL sites with compromising content are blocked on it.
    5. Headed by Sergei Udaltsov, the “Left Front” announced the completion of the primaries for the election of a presidential candidate from the “left-patriotic forces.” According to their results, the majority of the 15 thousand survey participants chose Pavel Grudinin as director of the Lenin State Farm. If Grudinin is Udaltsov’s candidate, then this is not my candidate.
    6. An unfinished communist, a LDPR member, but an established United Russia party. This is his essence.
    1. +8
      26 December 2017 19: 48
      1. Are you an agricultural specialist? Economist? Head of agricultural enterprises? I know a bunch of farms whose managers did not slaughter the herd in the 90s, tried not to take out loans, and now live quite well for themselves. Where does the information about the oligarchs’ financing of Grudinin’s “promotion” come from?
      2.What do you have against your Russian mom and dad, a lawyer? Whose will you be?
      3. Where does the information come from? Did the state farm workers themselves tell you? Or Zhirinovsky?
      4. Name at least one website and we will look on the Roskomnadzor website for the reason for the blocking. And what kind of compromising evidence was there? Do not share, we will read it with interest.
      5. Why don’t you like Udaltsov? An ideological guy, he doesn’t change his beliefs. Not orange, patriot. Or are you a supporter of Navalny and Sobchak?
      6. What is your essence, dear? Throwing mud at a person, a leader who gave his employees the opportunity to receive a decent salary, housing, and built an excellent school and kindergarten at the expense of the farm - is this even normal? And at the same time, no facts, just blah blah blah.
  10. The comment was deleted.
    1. +8
      26 December 2017 20: 00
      It is not Putin who has the potential for victory, but the massive state propaganda that supports him from all irons and administrative resources. Give equal access to all candidates in the media - in three months the support for Putin will remain in pitiful percentages...
    2. 0
      27 December 2017 00: 02
      “The situation now is such that Putin, although he has lost some popular support,” - It was probably a dream, in a dark and dark night - under the influence.
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +1
    26 December 2017 19: 53
    I would vote for him after the announcement of his position on the army, his position on Crimea, Donbass, Syria, whether he will cut the army or not, this worries me most of all.
    1. +5
      26 December 2017 19: 58
      Read the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, listen to Sobolev’s speeches - here is his position on the army and Crimea. Grudinin is not a jack-in-the-box, he is a candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and all patriots, and their program is his program.
      1. +2
        26 December 2017 20: 07
        We are all patriots, Navalny most likely considers himself a patriot too, I would still like to hear from his lips, Crimea is Russian, Donbass is Russian, we won in Syria, we will rearm the army, and also the position on Durkaine.
        1. +3
          27 December 2017 08: 52
          Quote: Invoker39rus
          Crimea is Russian, Donbass is Russian, we won in Syria, we will rearm the army, and also the position on Durkain.
          It’s strange that you are worried about Syria and Ukraine. But you did not mention the salaries of public sector employees, housing and communal services tariffs, prices for food and fuel, tax reforms, infrastructure, mortgage loans, etc., i.e. something that is much more important for the average person, because it concerns him directly. And with all this in Russia there is a complete mess.
  13. +1
    26 December 2017 19: 55
    Quote: Balu
    strategic thinking

    Nightmare! And I have no experience communicating with Martians... and I haven’t flown to the moon... unlike you?
    1. +1
      26 December 2017 20: 52
      Quote: kunstkammer
      Nightmare! And I have no experience communicating with Martians... and I haven’t flown to the moon... unlike you?

      But how beautifully he says, you can’t stop him. And everything seems to be correct, everything is about the people, about the economy.
      And you and I kunstkammer met on the Moon or on Mars, I don’t remember.
  14. +7
    26 December 2017 20: 10
    Quote: freddyk
    Ukraine is a failure in foreign policy

    a complete and shameful failure of the SVR, the FSB, the GRU and all other intelligence services and departments. ministries And why? Because our government thought that issues with the Ukrainian authorities would be resolved in a family manner, with the quiet guy. And the states worked with the population! Eventually? Ukrainian. The government crumbled, but the population was left with not the best attitude towards Russia. And now what i can do?
  15. 0
    26 December 2017 20: 11
    Quote: Mikhail Filippov
    where are the guarantees that everything

    There are no and will not be such guarantees, the whole essence of now second parties will then appear: “Why am I worse?”
  16. +2
    26 December 2017 20: 14
    Quote: Balu
    When I started asking questions about identical signatures

    In Belarus we call this phenomenon “if you don’t vote yourself, you will still vote for Lukashenko”)))
    I don’t want to say that people don’t vote for him at all, but of the 97% of votes, at best, not much more than half are real))
  17. +2
    26 December 2017 20: 16
    Quote: Mavrikiy
    The task is to bring down GDP

    rave. It is impossible to bring down GDP at this stage. Given the current state of affairs, in 3-4 years he will leave on his own
    1. +2
      26 December 2017 21: 28
      Quote: Overlock
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      The task is to bring down GDP

      rave. It is impossible to bring down GDP at this stage. Given the current state of affairs, in 3-4 years he will leave on his own

      Absolutely right. These elections are just the first battle and the oligarchy will not give up without a fight, especially since it has the advantage of all resources on its side. But it's worth the fight. Suddenly the Lord will have mercy on Russia and a miracle will happen. God is not in power, but in truth.
      1. 0
        27 December 2017 00: 06
        “Suddenly the Lord will have mercy on Russia and a miracle will happen. God is not in power, but in truth.” And this miracle will be - a return to the origins of the 90s.
        1. +3
          27 December 2017 05: 13
          in this case, it turns out that Putin did not create a state, but created clans that will repeat the 90s. If the state is established, then it doesn’t matter who is in power - the machine works
  18. The comment was deleted.
    1. +3
      27 December 2017 08: 55
      Because all the other candidates against his background cause nothing but laughter.
  19. +10
    26 December 2017 20: 22
    You give Grudinin for president! And it’s time for Vovchik and Dimon to retire. They have already earned themselves money for their old age...
    1. 0
      26 December 2017 23: 52
      Taken together, for what they have done, they will only dream of peace.
    2. +3
      27 December 2017 08: 55
      Quote: Dzafdet
      And it’s time for Vovchik and Dimon to retire
      It's time for them to go to their bunks. And for a long time.
  20. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      26 December 2017 21: 28
      the kindness will not be forgotten by the little friends who take money to offshore companies and ride on yachts. They'll send hello to the fools from London, you won't be able to wait for cookies, you'll be sucking your paw
      1. 0
        27 December 2017 00: 08
        This is if their property and capital are not arrested or confiscated one fine summer day.
    2. +1
      27 December 2017 08: 58
      Quote: mak_sim
      will forget the goodness of 17 years...
      What kind of good? Well, oil prices rose 10 times just at the beginning of the XNUMXs. What is Putin’s merit?
      1. 0
        27 December 2017 17: 24
        The merit is that before him all the money from oil went past the budget. Here is a detailed assessment
        1. 0
          31 December 2017 11: 22
          Quote: mak_sim

          Take this propaganda for something...
          Through the sale of raw materials, we receive almost 20 trillion rubles. But not once did more than 8 trillion of them end up in the budget. WHERE and WHO did the pennies go to? Is it not due to this that the number of billionaires and millionaires increased during the crisis, with 22 million beggars in the country?
    3. 0
      31 December 2017 13: 52
      In previous terms, did he have little interest or something to deal with the liberals? He himself is the first liberal in the country...
  21. +4
    26 December 2017 20: 33
    The more I learn about this politician, the more I understand that this is Gorbachov 2.0 and Navalny 2.0 rolled into one. And the bookmark is long-lasting, so to speak, just in case. Since the collapse of the union, all the bandits and local kings have avoided the state farm named after Lenin, probably Grudinin’s stern gaze saw them off.

    The secret of success is also clear: leasing of land near Moscow and high patrons. And since the “state farm” (Grudinin owns 40%, so it would be more correct to call it his patrimony) is exemplary, it does not offend the hard workers with social services, for which they are very grateful to him. But Grudinin doesn’t shy away from migrant workers.
    The logic is simple: “he shares with his employees, which means he won’t offend us (his voters) either, he’ll share.” By the way, the Ukrainians had exactly the same logic when they elected Poroshenko, he also then looked like a strong business executive and did not offend his hard workers....

    About Grudinin as a politician, too, not everything is clear, he doesn’t have his own politics, everything comes from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, even though he was a member of United Russia before. And according to the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, we have nationalization (the latter cost us 2-5 million lives and the same number of immigrants) and the restoration of the power of the soviets according to Lenin. God alone apparently knows how they want to do this. Only now, once these same Leninists completely surrendered/sold the country, apparently they decided to do it again, for an encore. There is no clear program. Only promises and what might suddenly pop into the average person’s head.

    If we take his method of managing a state farm, then we can very easily extrapolate all this to the country. Most of the funds, Gazprom, the Far East and part of Siberia will be given on long-term lease, and with this money they will give cookies to the electorate. He will nationalize everything, but in fact, all the property that has not been leased will be seized by those who sponsored and promoted Grudinin, not the fact that they are from Russia. Since he didn’t say anything about the liberals, it means they will also have a share. We get the bottom line: rent will be good for a couple of years, until power completely falls into the hands of Grudinin, and then, usually the electorate doesn’t think that long.

    The bottom line is simple: Grudinin and those who stand behind him want to buy power for themselves with “cookies.” And not immediately, but first to undermine Putin’s last term as much as possible, so that Putin, due to insufficient support from the population in the elections, would not be able to implement his plans in domestic politics, and then take over the country. Because if Putin has 50-60%, then he will not be able to do anything with the liberals, he needs at least 75-85%. The average person will also blame Putin for this, he again did not treat us with blessings, and in general Putin turns out to be not Santa Claus at all!

    I wait with bated breath to see how many people will fall for the cookies and forget the goodness for 17 years.
    1. +9
      26 December 2017 21: 31
      Quote: mak_sim
      so that Putin, due to insufficient support from the population in the elections, is unable to implement his plans in domestic politics,

      And what are the plans? I am still aware of plans for further privatization and the possibility of raising the retirement age. He has already joined the WTO and has no plans to leave. Or do you mean Kudrin’s economic program?
      Quote: mak_sim
      you need at least 75-85%

      Why did VCIOM and Levada lie about 86% support for GDP? Why didn’t he bend the liberals? Probably 1% was not enough. laughing
      Quote: mak_sim
      I'm waiting with bated breath to see how many people will buy it.

      And I watch with bitter laughter the patriots wearing ridiculous rose-colored glasses. Take them off sometime, at least for a while.
      1. +1
        27 December 2017 17: 33
        The plans are simple. Putin has his last term, during which he will deal with internal affairs, for this he does not need the support of VTsIOM, but the real support of the population in the elections, and no matter what they say based on the election results, they can increase it by 120%.
        The main thing is how many will actually vote, because... All clan groups and Putin will know this figure. The political game will be played from her. If it is less than 80%, then the clans that began to imprison, like Ulyukaev, will fan the civil war and do all sorts of harm, taking advantage of the division of society.
        Putin's program was expressed by him in the May decrees.
        You apparently don’t quite understand how Putin works with the power clans. Listen here
        1. +1
          31 December 2017 11: 25
          Quote: mak_sim
          Putin's program was expressed by him in the May decrees.

          Well, how was it implemented, this Program? NOT IN ANY WAY. On PAPER, not to the point.
          Quote: mak_sim

          You refer to Khazin, well, well, here’s Khazin, is the difference between your words here and what he says clear?

          And these are the words of a REAL production worker, and not the idle talk of all kinds of political scientists.

  22. +8
    26 December 2017 20: 34
    Understandably, we're talking about the 2024 election of the year. But it’s already good that there will be at least some alternative in 2018. Two worthy people will fight for real, and not the eternal and annoying clowning with one candidate and three pseudo oppositionists on dancers.

    Why not 2018? People, it’s time for us all to turn our heads, get our asses off our couches and vote for him. The 24th year may not happen, we must take this into account.
    The main thing is that the left front unites all the patriots of Russia, so that it includes all those who are capable of working in the name of salvation (precisely salvation - things are such that the 91st is no longer so terrible) and the revival of a great country on the principles of social equality and celebrations of labor.
    And there is a chance for this, we just need to think about our grandchildren and the country we can still become.
    The time of thieves and talkers in power must end, there is no alternative. And everything depends on us, ordinary citizens of Russia.
    1. +1
      26 December 2017 20: 39
      Few people will vote for Grudinin, since the candidate has no experience in government and with world politics - zero.
    2. +2
      27 December 2017 10: 36
      Quote: NordUral
      The time of thieves and talkers in power must end, there is no alternative. And everything depends on us, ordinary citizens of Russia.

      ...And then the great day came,
      They gave me a ballot in my hands,
      I take it and put a cross - uh-oh!
      I vote against everyone!
      I don't play with goats!
      I don't choose you!
      ....... (S. Shnurov / "Shnur", group "Leningrad")
      1. 0
        28 December 2017 08: 55
        Candidates - ....
        Quote: CONTROL
        (S. Shnurov / "Shnur", group "Leningrad")
    3. +1
      27 December 2017 17: 49
      But did Grudinin say what he would do with the liberals? I didn't read this in his program. But the Zyuganovites aren’t themselves part of the system, so what’s the point for them to nominate a person who will imprison them? Grudinin can promise anything now. Yeltsin and Gorbach also promised a lot...
      1. 0
        31 December 2017 11: 27
        Quote: mak_sim
        But did Grudinin say what he would do with the liberals? I didn't read this in his program.

        As a propagandist of Fedorov’s views, look how your Fedorov is simply being trashed.
  23. +7
    26 December 2017 21: 06
    This is where GDP’s achievements are attributed to its successful foreign policy. And how is it successful? Even if our attitude towards Russia in Belarus is becoming, to put it mildly, cool. They grabbed Crimea, but spoiled relations with Ukraine for 100 years? Yes, this Crimea could have become Russian anyway: invest in business, open private Russian schools, organize tours of Russian theaters, and even a bridge to Crimea could be easily built - Russian tourists would buy up all the real estate. Stop by our Belarusian villages, which are not far from the border -every third house is Russian property. In twenty years, without unnecessary “noise and dust,” the peninsula would become Russian. But who will get all the laurels then? Has Russia risen from its knees? Well, if you count by the number of oligarchs, then undoubtedly! Try to “offend” the representative of the North Caucasus in Moscow now - you’ll get tired of apologizing later: Russia has risen from its knees, it’s called lol .
    1. +3
      26 December 2017 21: 30
      I’ll offend you, I won’t be afraid, if I have to stand to the end, I’m even ready to die, if of course I’m right. Do you really believe that an ordinary Russian will be afraid of a Chechen? it’s the Russians, you know what’s going to happen, but the police will take their side.
    2. 0
      26 December 2017 22: 20
      invest in business, open private Russian schools, organize tours of Russian theaters

      and dodge the spitting of Russophobes, which the local Khagans will breed with our money.
      “I would hang your hetman,” the elder Turbin shouted, “I would hang him first!” For six months he mocked us all. Who banned the formation of the Russian army? Hetman. And now, when the cat was grabbed across the stomach, they began to form the Russian army? The enemy is two steps away, and they are squads, headquarters? Look, oh, look!

      The whole essence of Yanukovych and other Karimovs.
      1. -2
        26 December 2017 22: 49
        So it was not necessary to bet on Yanukovych: a coward and a thief, but on a strong and honest one. But such a person will not negotiate with the current Russian government: it’s like sitting down to play cards on a train
        1. +2
          27 December 2017 00: 00
          In order to bet on someone, it was necessary to know exactly the situation among the political elite in Ukraine. To do this, it was necessary to appoint not Chernomyrdin and Zurabov as ambassadors to Ukraine, but professional diplomats. However, it turned out as it happened; history, as we know, does not know the subjunctive mood. It is necessary to correct the situation by other methods, for example, with a gun pressed to the back of the head and a “kind word.” A very effective method they say.
          1. 0
            27 December 2017 00: 05
            we were late. They themselves have revolvers
  24. 0
    26 December 2017 22: 09
    Quote: Rimlianin
    Pustobrekh is apparently your title. And if not, then please share, where did you get the information that Zyuganov won the elections in 1996? Did he tell you himself?

    Keep your “smart” nonsense to yourself. The whole country knew one thing you didn't know. But so be it, I’ll give you a tip.
    In one of his programs, Solovyov asked an absolutely direct question to Zyuganov about winning the elections and giving up power. Zyuganov said nothing. He said nothing. Although the tone of the question was accusatory, like “why did you leave power after your victory in ’96.” Zyuganov puffed, blushed and that was all. That's all there is to it. Seek and find. Only if you are unlikely to understand fermented communism in your brain.
    1. +1
      27 December 2017 04: 23
      To answer provocative questions of the type Solovyov asked means to be a complete idiot. If this is all your evidence, then I have no words....
    2. 0
      27 December 2017 09: 00
      Look at the results of the second round of elections in 96, when Lebed gave all his votes to Yeltsin, as a result of which he won. Where is Zyuganov's gain here?
  25. 0
    26 December 2017 22: 14
    Quote: north
    Is it Zyuganov, patriotic forces? They have fun. This is a revenge-seeker, many-sided and vicious.

    If only Zyuganov was for revenge on the merchant coup of 93........In fact, alas, alas, alas.
  26. 0
    26 December 2017 22: 19
    Quote: Overlock
    Will the people be invited to the elections or will the oligarchs/security officials themselves appoint the president?

    Does one interfere with the other, or contradict something? On the contrary, the appearance of democracy and pluralism will be respected! wassat
  27. +5
    26 December 2017 22: 23
    Quote: mak_sim
    Because if Putin has 50-60%, then he will not be able to do anything with the liberals, he needs at least 75-85%.

    dear man, what are you writing?
    Putin is the main liberal of the country. and you are all about harmful liberals who strive for power. They are already in power!
  28. +4
    26 December 2017 22: 25
    Grudinin’s nomination in itself is a huge plus. This is a really strong candidate. Will make the existing government itch. And then they really went nuts. Game of one gate. What (where, or rather everywhere) I want is what I want. There is no demand from this government. And no real answers (not counting ostentatious press conferences and straight lines).
    1. +1
      28 December 2017 20: 05
      and how will he stop the authorities from scratching, which even the FSB cannot force, and throw strawberries at them?
  29. +2
    26 December 2017 22: 30
    Quote: Jurkovs
    Horses are not changed at the crossing. And the crossing is deep now

    What if the horse broke its legs, and what if it’s not horses, but donkeys?
  30. 0
    26 December 2017 22: 47
    Quote: askme
    Whose mumbled ... The CPSU has been steering and taxiing for 70 years before the collapse of the country. It is only 18 years old. Of which the first eight raked from the abyss, in which it was your fault ... Sit and do not bark. Cleanse karma. To begin with, repent for the collapse of the USSR, which the rats from the CPSU organized — there were no other authorities besides you — all the other parties were cleaned by you, and you drove to complete insanity, to the shaking hands of Yanaev, without any alternative in the country ... Everything is on your conscience hanging, and you bark here, without repentance ....

    What ruled at the end of the 80s and before the bully coup of 93, there was no longer a CPSU. A Cossack sent, tagged, cleaned out the Party and the Office. Up to physical elimination. Because of the puddle they steered very hard. A standard Masonic reversal, of which they stuck hundreds on the ball. The task is to populate the last stronghold of resistance to their misanthropic ideology with cut paper. The old people, the bearers of Stalin's socialist idea, died. Control over society was lost, the hunchbacked crusader successfully played on the eternal human imperfection, the not uprooted farce and the guilds raised their heads. There is no one to repent of, they are all lying in their graves and they are not comfortable there. A sea of ​​blood was shed and people did not live such a long happy life. And everything will happen again, a heightened sense of justice is inherent in our people. This can be seen even on our forum...
  31. +1
    26 December 2017 22: 50
    Quote: Balu
    Is it hard to fight bad boyars?

    your personal examples of fighting bad boyars!
  32. 0
    26 December 2017 23: 04
    I read the conversations about the candidates and was saddened. Who got it into our heads that the oligarchs are to blame for our situation? or some liberals in the government. And that’s why we are looking for new girls to replace the old ones. In fact, our problems are worse than in the last years of the USSR. The bureaucracy rules our country, it really does. In Greek "kratos" means power. Moreover, the government, in which there is no control over the results of activities, there is no system of checks and balances, is allowed for
  33. +1
    26 December 2017 23: 18
    Quote: Santor
    Putin got too busy playing externally political games, instead of working inside the country....

    golden words
  34. The comment was deleted.
  35. +1
    27 December 2017 00: 04
    Looking at this discussion, as if I had fallen into a bucket of honey or some kind of liquid oil, I could barely escape. They seem to be grown men, but the experience of Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Lukashenko did not teach us anything. Grudinin - it seems from the same clip. Alexey Gennadievich Dyumin, governor of the Tula region, lieutenant general, has appeared on the Internet more than once. By the way, as one of the future contenders for replacing GDP. There were a lot of laudatory reviews about him. In any case, the military officer and with his promotion, perhaps all the other nominees will be covered with a copper basin. It was specifically pointed out that the West would not be very happy about this candidacy.
  36. +3
    27 December 2017 00: 16
    The puppeteers are again pushing through a half-breed, as they did in Germany (Hitler, Merkel) and Poroshenko in Ukraine.
  37. 0
    27 December 2017 00: 56
    Quote: Rustic i ......
    Looking at this discussion, as if I had fallen into a bucket of honey or some kind of liquid oil, I could barely escape. They seem to be grown men, but the experience of Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Lukashenko did not teach us anything. Grudinin - it seems from the same clip. Alexey Gennadievich Dyumin, governor of the Tula region, lieutenant general, has appeared on the Internet more than once. By the way, as one of the future contenders for replacing GDP. There were a lot of laudatory reviews about him. In any case, the military officer and with his promotion, perhaps all the other nominees will be covered with a copper basin. It was specifically pointed out that the West would not be very happy about this candidacy.

    However, look at the root... . wink
  38. +2
    27 December 2017 01: 00
    Quote: Overlock
    Quote: mak_sim
    Because if Putin has 50-60%, then he will not be able to do anything with the liberals, he needs at least 75-85%.

    dear man, what are you writing?
    Putin is the main liberal of the country. and you are all about harmful liberals who strive for power. They are already in power!

    Bravo!!! Great!!! good drinks
    1. 0
      27 December 2017 17: 46
      and where in the video did Putin say that he is a real liberal? he said "that's right" to the expression "I want you to say that you are a real liberal." A play on words. So it is that you want me to say that I am a real liberal. This is true. But did he answer? No.
      1. +1
        27 December 2017 18: 55
        Putin is a liberal not only in words, but mainly in deeds. He put the ultra-liberal government of Medvedaev, Shuvalov, Dvorkovich and Siluanov at the head of the economy and strongly approves of its activities. He has no complaints about them, so he plans to keep them in the future. And after this Putin is not a liberal? yes he is a libertarian!
        1. 0
          28 December 2017 20: 03
          Those in the government now are backed by the power clans with whom Putin works. Those. Behind every person in government are the powerful forces and resources of the country. The only way to imprison such people is to have their own people turn them in, like Ulyukaeva.

          Everything is clear about Grudinin, he is a semi-oligarch who went to United Russia. then in the LDPR, now they have warmed up the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Nothing of his own, only that he built a beautiful school and kindergarten with the money of those from whom he took the land and gives them handouts in the form of a salary higher than the national average, and the people had hundreds of thousands of dollars in land terms. What a good politician!
  39. +4
    27 December 2017 01: 33
    Quote: Village I ......
    Alexey Gennadievich Dyumin, governor of the Tula region, lieutenant general, has appeared on the Internet more than once. By the way, as one of the future contenders for replacing GDP. There were a lot of laudatory reviews about him. In any case, a combat officer

    There was one military colonel general in the Moscow region, Hero of the USSR Gromov. The whole region was crying because of him, because of his arrogance and rudeness, his disregard for ordinary people. And he warmed his hands along the way. When they removed it, we were happy.
    So an officer is not an officer, a general is not a general - who cares! These regalia are for the parade. If Putin likes him, it doesn’t mean everyone likes him. Vasilyeva was also attractive to Putin.
    1. 0
      27 December 2017 12: 01
      Yes, you are right, I really have no information about Dyumin - whether he graduated from the page corps or the Smolny Institute and whether he can play the guitar or play the piano, but I assume that he knows the kitchen of special operations. Maybe look for one of the earlier characters, something like Serdyukov or Kudrin? Maybe Mutko? You gave the example of Gromov, I gave you my favorite “heroes”. And for some reason the float-shifter Grudilin does not inspire confidence - he was in one party, switched to another, and is looking for himself. I found myself among the deputies, as the director of a state farm. It seems like things are starting to work out, but why does he want the whole country to curse him?
      1. +1
        27 December 2017 12: 18
        In any case, I believe in Putin’s INTUITION.
      2. +1
        1 January 2018 22: 35
        Quote: Village I ......
        And for some reason the upside-down float Grudilin does not inspire confidence

        Should you list the ER members, of whom almost all are opportunistic floats, just like in the LDPR and SR?
  40. +2
    27 December 2017 05: 10
    Quote: V. Ushakov
    Personally, I will vote only for Putin. I am not satisfied with Grudinin for various reasons based on his biography.

    Personally, I will vote against Putin, he does not suit me for a number of reasons. If you don’t vote for Grudinin, then you just need to spoil the ballot
    1. 0
      27 December 2017 12: 16
      “If you don’t vote for Grudinin, then you just need to spoil the ballot” - or tear something off for yourself to show your coolness. This will be your choice.
  41. +1
    27 December 2017 06: 15
    Quote: Overlock
    Quote: cedar
    Putin is not a lone hero. The Organization is behind him...

    It’s just not clear WHAT?

    At least the Presidential Administration.......
    The main thing is that they threw off the EBN not in order to give power to another protege of the United States, even if he will again be covered by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the state farm, rhetoric and a mustache like Stalin.
    There are still plenty of fools, but thank God there are none in the Organization.
    1. +2
      27 December 2017 18: 59
      Who threw off EBN?! Putin?? Is he himself a protege of Yeltsin’s oligarchs, or didn’t you know that? It's not even funny anymore. Please don’t consider VO readers idiots.
  42. +2
    27 December 2017 06: 54
    In the morning I opened reviews of blogs, like what I thought were adequate they vilify Grudinin and call him a clown and stupid....who dares to say a word in his support....swept bulks.....
    Is it really possible that the rival’s power has been felt? So that they would attack so en masse and zealously.
  43. 0
    27 December 2017 10: 25
    Quote: Mavrikiy
    The liberal made a mistake. Only they indiscriminately label everyone and start spitting

    study the materiel, poor thing
  44. +2
    27 December 2017 10: 31
    Quote: Mavrikiy
    The system was created before Putin and requires changes. So give me the opportunity to change it.

    what did he do for 18 years? Was he crazy? If he couldn’t change the system in 18 years, now he won’t want to, and even more so, he won’t be able to change it.
  45. 0
    27 December 2017 10: 34
    Quote: Mavrikiy
    It's boring.

    and from people like you it’s sad. Just verbiage and substitution of concepts. They say that intelligence comes with age. In your case, only age came.
    and lastly: I don’t intend to discuss any more with Homlo. go to a known address in the forest
  46. +4
    27 December 2017 11: 06
    Cool !!!
    “Elections, elections, all the candidates are pi-pi-pi??? - but no! Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Zyuganov put a pig on everyone! Big or not, how can we, the voters, decide now???
    As for the candidate... well, it’s very similar to the current president of the Stars and Stripes!!!
    What will be the result??? despite the fact that no one believes in the victory of this swine.... candidate!!!! unclear, unknown and finally difficult to imagine!!!
    I’ll go to the polls because it’s even cool.... in short, I’m for the pig... the candidate against those - Hey, are you up there??? - although I myself don’t believe in victory or that this pig... candidate will be able to fundamentally change something!!!!
    1. +1
      27 December 2017 15: 31
      “I’ll go to the polls because it’s even cool...” - at least tie yourself with grenades, die with honor, but we won’t forget you! We will bury the crater and erect a monument......if there is money.
      1. +4
        27 December 2017 18: 47
        Is it really...rustic? I'm going to make fun of myself, not into an embrasure!
        This is not for the Motherland, for the party.... we have already gone through this, there are still marks on the skin and there is a reminder for the rain.
        For these forests, someone else sacrifices... I don’t suggest it to the villagers, from the land after all, and closer to permanent residence for me, but the democrats - liberals are the best!!!
        1. +2
          27 December 2017 19: 15
          Quote: rocket757
          Is it really...rustic?

          Why is it so disrespectful about the villagers? In our village, people are already on their feet at 4 am. On our street only one has a Lada 9, another one is also horseless. The rest have everything like the city ones: gas, water, sewerage, satellite dish.
          As my old man said: he who works is a man, he who does not work is...
          I am a city resident myself, a pensioner, but I work. So, colleagues, know how to listen and hear. The hero of the article is not even suitable for the post of prime minister. Watch the video again. Any of us can talk about shortcomings for a very long time. Where is the balanced, reasoned analysis and thoughtful, ready-made solutions? There are none. Lo-lo-lo... hi
          1. +3
            27 December 2017 19: 38
            What a joke!!! They themselves advise you to read between the lines and understand the elementary thing that I do not suggest that VILLAGES take part in that clownery that we call elections, for one simple reason that I MYSELF HAVE BEEN A VILLAGE MAN FOR A LONG TIME, I HAVE RESPECT FOR THE PEASANT'S INDEPENDENCE IN ALL AFFAIRS!!!
            And about the grenades, this is not out of disrespect, but out of SURPRISE... how could he offer such a thing to ME??? What kind of fright or hangover?
            By the way, even if I treat an oligarch with a peasant bias, I could treat him with more respect than the rest of the gang - Leika!!! And vote for him in all seriousness... I just understand that no one can really change anything in the system we have formed, which is CAPITALISM with our OFFICIAL-BANDIT specificity.
            Okay, the dream or hope leads us and dies last!!!
            1. 0
              28 December 2017 11: 53
              “And about the grenades, this is not out of disrespect, but out of SURPRISE... how could he offer this to ME??? What kind of fright or hangover?” - Or a hangover?! No, that's also a joke. Since they started making fun, it was in a serious way, not in a childish way.
              1. +3
                28 December 2017 12: 58
                Seriously kidding? This is overkill or strange, at least.
                In short, choose for yourself.
        2. 0
          29 January 2018 18: 56
          But about reminders - YES! reminds, and not only of rain, but also of blizzards... drinks
  47. +4
    27 December 2017 13: 17
    A real alternative from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation?
    Don’t make my diapers funny - only the complete one considers the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and Yabloko to be something real.
    These are useless fossils that have long been useless and do not evoke any emotions other than disgust.
    1. +1
      27 December 2017 19: 00
      And who do you consider real then, may I ask?
  48. The comment was deleted.
  49. +3
    27 December 2017 19: 21
    An interesting thing turns out... that is, the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. Zyuganov, a man who at one time took part in the collapse of the USSR (Russian communists against USSR communists - for those who are not in the know), nominates the offshore oligarch P.V. Grudinin (and that’s exactly what he is), as a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation - this is NOT normal. This Grudinin has already begun to be promoted on all TV channels and media resources (does everyone remember who the fifth column works for in our country?), including, unfortunately, here. That is, no one knew him, he didn’t participate anywhere and didn’t stand out in any way, but here you can’t erase his presence, and everyone began to support him, especially personalities like Udaltsov (that everyone forgot about him, why is this all of a sudden). But no one bothered to conduct a deep analysis of this character? Somehow he suddenly appeared out of oblivion quickly. Shouting patriotic and popular slogans is one thing, but his real goals, or rather what his REAL patrons intended, is completely different. I agree that he says a lot of the right words, but this is exactly what we want to hear; we all have long since grown in demand for the kind of topics that Grudinin talks about. Don’t you think, gentlemen and comrades, that this is all a skillful manipulation of our society? My opinion is this: this Grudinin P.V. - there is a project conceived by our opponents (opponents of Russia), and which came onto the stage at just the right time. Why did Grudinin remain silent for so many years, why did he try to be elected to local authorities, first from United Russia. then the entire state farm almost joined the LDPR, and then was elected from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation all over the same place? I don’t think that he is a person with clear convictions and guidelines; moreover, his independence is in question. And the fact that his state farm (estimated to be worth about a lard of cut paper) is so rich does not mean that it is solely due to the state farm itself, and not due to the successful ownership of lands that bring in huge profits. The article is beautiful, but completely spineless; before you analyze it, you set off into the utopian world of your own dreams!
    1. +4
      27 December 2017 20: 11
      Okay, I read, looked, even analyzed and it still turns out.... CAPITALIST ELECTIONS!
      There is NO ONE AND NOTHING who or what would meet the interests of the working class and peasantry!
      Your suggestions?
      1. +2
        28 December 2017 13: 17
        My suggestions?... Hmm... What is there to think about? Actually, I am for V.V.P. And the logic is simple, since the world elite does not like him so much, since they are trying so hard to remove him, it means he is doing everything right. And even though things aren’t going so smoothly inside us right now, I’m sure it’s worth it. There are 2 small children in my family, I would like their future to be free and confident, and although I am not a financially rich person, I do not think that this will prevent me from raising my children to be good people. One day my father told me - “in our time, conditions were even worse than yours, but this did not stop our parents from raising us and making us good people, and no one whined that something was not enough, that something was missing...” - and my father is not an ardent opponent of the Soviet past; he always remembers those times with nostalgia. Yes, and I have something to remember - I graduated from kindergarten in the USSR, but I started school at the beginning of the hard times... it was 92... Well, I had already decided on my choice.
    2. +4
      27 December 2017 20: 38
      to the point!
      Grudinin is a stuffing from the forces that are at the level of the world government, this is the groundwork for 2024, this is a concrete attempt to return the Russian Federation again to the control of the Trotskyists
      1. +3
        27 December 2017 21: 13
        Let’s assume I just knew what it was, all their assurances and promises were bullshit, not dangerous... in fact, everything is done very cleverly, it’s not fools who are directing this performance!
        I PERSONALLY watched how the heaps were thrown into the collective farmer’s camp! It’s understandable for them, their brains are still underdeveloped, they can be easily converted, BUT I saw how some commies also build hopes for him... not so expressed, because the comrades have more serious training and more life experience! However, commies at least admit that this is a capitalist choice and are very far from the ideas bequeathed by the founders of the comm movement!
        A simple question - What to do or what to expect from this performance?
        1. +2
          28 December 2017 13: 28
          And don’t do anything, just know your business, time will tell everything. Well, if necessary, they will pile it in place so that the kids don’t make noise. Don't panic, comrades, everything is under control.
          1. +3
            28 December 2017 14: 37
            A strange wish, DO NOTHING... but then how do you know your business? or they will pile it in place!
            Maybe this very state security wants something else....
            We've already been through this, it's still a rake with branches.
            So, I want to hint, gently, to such and other advisers... you should go through the forest.
            Such a simple motto - Let’s use our brains and don’t let people fool us!!!
            Everyone makes decisions themselves, so that later there is someone to talk to in the mirror, for all the good things!!!
  50. +1
    27 December 2017 21: 57
    Quote: V. Ushakov
    Don’t forget, this “man” is an oligarch, and therefore a swindler.

    Tell me, is Putin poor? Maybe he doesn't have money?
  51. +1
    27 December 2017 22: 09
    May the modern St. Petersburg oligarchs not allow some peasant to break into power. stop The media will begin to drag Grudinin in their teeth. And prosecutorial checks will get you am
    1. 0
      28 December 2017 13: 00
      Who do you think is a peasant here, Grudinin? Do not make me laugh laughing
  52. +1
    28 December 2017 00: 41
    The president has no guts. Yes, and Zyuga & Co also wants to rob.... The Prime Minister, the head of government - completely. Let it work, we'll see what it's worth :))))
  53. +3
    28 December 2017 03: 11
    Under the guise of a “strong businessman” and a type of “man with a plow”, Uncle Sam slips the horses a new “Stavropol Marked Combiner” :-(((
    I hope no one has forgotten how the reign of the previous “combiner” ended?!
    And the new one is exactly the same Pindosian prostitute...
    It’s even symbolic that this unknown oligarch was suddenly nominated by another, but well-known old prostitute - Grandfather Zyu.
    Just think about it - a commie and a type of "Leninist" Grandfather Zyu contracted to purely "disinterestedly" promote with all his might...a billionaire oligarch!?!
    What is this, if not work for the Washington regional committee???
    1. +2
      28 December 2017 08: 58
      Quote: Sharikov Polygraph Polygraphovich
      Under the guise of a “strong businessman” and a type of “man with a plow”, Uncle Sam slips the horses a new “Stavropol Marked Combiner” :-(((

      Well, no, it's not "Gorby"! Rather - judging by the “program” and rhetoric - FUCK!!!
    2. 0
      29 December 2017 11: 20
      If not in Washington, then... in Moscow! lol As if a person from the street can get through the Central Election Commission to the Main Elections?! request
  54. The comment was deleted.
  55. 0
    28 December 2017 05: 09
    Here everything is about Grudinin
  56. The comment was deleted.
    1. +5
      28 December 2017 10: 46
      When it seems they are baptized!
      He says beautifully, the program of planned actions was written in accordance with what is in demand in society, the old government is tired and there is not much trust in it... maybe it’s true, our type “Trump” will work out!
      The question is - will the candidate keep his promises???
      So it turns out, forward, in the hope of a bright future or “they don’t change horses in midstream”???
  57. 0
    28 December 2017 10: 53
    Quote: mak_sim
    and where in the video did Putin say that he is a real liberal?
  58. The comment was deleted.
  59. +2
    28 December 2017 12: 21
    The guy is smart, but his best is the Minister of Agriculture. He is clearly not fit to lead a state; his personality and understanding are not the same. The idea is to use it to the maximum. Especially if he stops engaging in demagoguery and populist equivocations, although this may be part of his role in a political campaign.
    No, I definitely would not vote for him, especially in the presence of such a candidate as the current president.
    1. +2
      28 December 2017 22: 01
      Grudinin is put in opposition to Putin in order to take away votes from him, so that Putin cannot continue to fight clan-based corporate groups, which, among other things, support Grudinin so that no one can interfere with him, all investments are his, the entire Moscow market is his. This city is a fairy tale with a school and a kindergarten, why was it built only this year and promoted so much? And so that people who don’t know how to think are shown a carrot, that look how beautiful it is, the same will happen to Russia as a whole under Grudinin.
    2. 0
      29 December 2017 11: 16
      The fact of the matter is that it has already been tried (!) make the most of it, but somehow it didn’t work out from the very beginning. We are talking about watering. unification PDS NPSR (I don’t remember the transcript in detail), which tried to try its luck with the idea of ​​a “single candidate” put forward by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. More precisely, the Single Candidate was supposed to unite only “national-patriotic forces”, both right and left, to represent a position dissatisfied with both the current government and the likelihood of a liberal coup d’etat, the arrival of the conditional “Yeltsin 2.0” - and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was only one of the working options, possibly which there were certain doubts (however, this option, perhaps, was the only one that worked - because only with the help of a parliamentary party with powerful organizational resources could it be possible to try to push such a candidate through the Central Election Commission) ... But in recent days, the NPSR has turned to this option and they pressed hard... Grudinin was pushed, as you can understand, Yu. Boldyrev, associated with the NPSR, “summoned” Zyuganov against Grudinin - and when Grudinin came forward, he did not say a word about the NPSR with their project of a “team of people’s leaders.” He positions himself only as a candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. So, with “use” we will still have to look...
  60. 0
    28 December 2017 12: 46
    Quote: NordUral
    I voted for the first time in Russia at the last Duma elections, for the Communist Party. The impression left was vile, the people did not go to vote and their votes were stolen by the edros. I spent almost an hour hanging out at the polling station, voting before closing, about two hours before the end of voting. The sheets of the magazine where he signed were 80-85 percent unsigned. I'm from St. Petersburg.

    Or maybe you could clarify at which specific polling station in St. Petersburg you voted? Because everything you wrote about the Duma elections in St. Petersburg is a lie! You are blatantly lying and at the same time offending a huge number of voters and observers who were present at the polling stations, I consider this behavior of yours to be neither worthy nor decent.
  61. 0
    28 December 2017 14: 45
    Quote: GOR_XVII
    and even now they continue to lie, only in a poor and stupid way.

    Would you say that about today's government?
  62. 0
    28 December 2017 16: 53
    Quote: tv70
    goats removed

    who were, are and will be.
  63. +1
    28 December 2017 18: 13
    The situation is simple to the point of disgrace: the renegade Zyuganov, who is only capable of roaring populist slogans like a wounded seal, supported the world-eater Grudinin.
  64. +1
    28 December 2017 20: 04
    How many times have I been convinced of the truth of the proverb: “The best is the enemy of the good!” - and it turns out there are still people who don’t recognize this. Well, you’re welcome to the rake - Yeltsin wasn’t enough for you?
    1. +1
      29 December 2017 10: 57
      AKM, Navalny is more like Yeltsin! Grudinin is a different project. I posted my thoughts in the comments below.
  65. +2
    28 December 2017 21: 54
    . How many state farms we have, those who are engaged in agriculture, but for some reason only Grudinin is doing so well. No one has a simple question: who is behind it? In the 90s, bandits attacked businessmen, their businesses, and whoever interfered with Grudinin, they soon all disappeared, Luzhkov had claims against him, and not only him, and everyone quickly moved away. Grudinin works in greenhouse conditions, all investments go to him, the Moscow market is huge. He is supported by clan-corporate groups that create conditions for business, and who do not care about Russia and the people. And the promotion of Grudinin is only going on in order to take away more votes from Putin, and 20 candidates in total. Globalists understand that Putin is trying for the country to gain sovereignty, but this must be prevented so that later they can put pressure on him, which is why they chose a candidate who will steal votes from Putin. It’s not just that there are slogans that Grudinin is the future of 2024, but what kind of future it is. People are fed fairy tales, look at his state farm, the same will happen in Russia as a whole. It won’t, this is not why they are pushing it, but to contain Russia, so that Putin cannot fully deal with clan-based corporate groups. The entire Communist Party of the Russian Federation and others are aimed at the United States, in order to again give them the complete sovereignty of the country, which Putin partially won back. All bots work for this.
  66. 0
    28 December 2017 23: 22
    Quote: Prima
    He is supported by clan-corporate groups that create conditions for business, and who do not care about Russia and the people.

    He's talking about GDP and its circle!
  67. 0
    28 December 2017 23: 32
    Quote: Varyag77
    Quote: Rimlianin
    I really didn’t want to answer your stupid insinuations, but I will answer anyway. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the only real opposition in the entire two and a half decades of the existence of oligarchic Russia. Those who hiss that this is a Kremlin project, let them remember who tried to remove Yeltsin from power through impeachment in the 1990s, against whom the “God Forbid” campaign was launched, remember Ilyukhin with his tribunal against Putin, attempts to delay votes by creating parties- dummies like SR and the Communists of Russia, who ALWAYS voted in the Duma against the anti-people laws of the government. The fact that it was Zyuganov who put a big banana peel under the feet of the GDP by promoting Grudinin speaks volumes about who is the real communist and patriot in the Communist Party now.

    We just remember how Zyuganov, having won the elections, renounced the presidency. In other words, Uncle Zyu and co. are happy to have a profit from the “eternal opposition” and the old legacy of the USSR. This is enough for their bread and butter. and they don’t need more. Taking the helm means starting not to grind with your tongue, but to do it. Then everyone will immediately see the value of their words.
    The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is cowardly empty nesters and populists. And nothing more. Even on this site.

    It’s just that Zyuganov was then carefully hinted about the safety of him personally and his family, respectively. And there were enough clear examples of the seriousness of such hints... Those who are in the know will understand. sad
  68. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      29 December 2017 13: 50
      Quote: Alexey Antonov
      I especially watched Comrade Grudinin in the program “Time will tell.” To still refresh the impressions.
      Refreshed. I was confused.

      In fact of the matter. Here is a new strategy for the “enemies of the people.” This can be seen in the media and on the Internet and here on VO in the comments on the article. On the one hand, the liberals are telling us that why go to the polls, it’s clear anyway that the GDP will pass. On the other hand, there is actively aggressive advertising for Grudinin. Those. This is the same Sobchak - “candidate against everyone”, only viewed from below. Grudinin is a communist (what kind of cartoon is this about offshore companies? belay ), raised the farm from scratch (by squeezing out shares from his employees, taking possession of 40% of the shares, the entire infrastructure is in the hands of relatives - almost a family business), and how beautifully he speaks, denounces, and gives out free recipes left and right.
      It is important to understand that people want changes in their lives, they want prosperity, a decent pension.
      I don’t see competence in Grudinin, I see populism. I consider it unreasonable to change the commander and team at such a difficult moment.
      1. 0
        30 December 2017 20: 11
        Quote: Balu
        I don’t see competence in Grudinin, I see populism.

        He is not here.
        Secondly, you say so confidently, Grudinin is 90 again - can you prove it?
        Third, you are broadcasting a myth, saying that he is Abramovich’s protege... uh-huh, whose is Abramovich? Just don’t talk about the State Department and so on lalalalala, he was the governor of Chukotka and did a lot there, kicking someone, so why are you spreading gossip?
        1. +1
          30 December 2017 22: 21
          Quote: badens1111
          He is not here.
          Secondly, you say so confidently, Grudinin is 90 again - can you prove it?
          Third, you are broadcasting a myth, saying that he is Abramovich’s protege... yeah, whose Abramovich is

          Let's return to the discussion in a year.
  69. 0
    29 December 2017 08: 11
    [quote][/quote]In general, Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin is a very unique phenomenon in the Russian political arena. And very timely.
  70. 0
    29 December 2017 10: 38
    In general, Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin is a very unique phenomenon in the Russian political arena. And very timely.

    That's the point: “timely”, “unexpected”, etc.! Guys! Do not rush to expose your ears to streams of honey! But, however, I do not demand that you, either immediately or later, recoil from the respected candidate, hate him with fierce hatred; and I don’t forbid anyone from going to the polls. Simply, I would like to advise you to look at things more realistically, and not to rush to indulge in excessive enthusiasm, for which you so often have to pay with painful disappointment. I'll try to express some of my thoughts.
    Pavel Grudinin, as a presidential candidate, is, alas, a phenomenon that is commonly called the “AP project.” The fact is that P.N. himself Grudinin may be at least an infinitely wonderful person, and at least a true patriot, but in the current political reality of Russia this does not matter. The authors of the article are happy made a terrible mistake - believed for a minute that we really have someone, even in such critically important elections as the Duma or Presidential, can "to slip through" through the barriers of the Central Executive Committee in real candidates! And if they still don’t believe in this, then they mean that our current government suddenly turned out to be too kind to the “opposition,” suddenly allowing it the chance to become “real opposition"... But this is not so!!! Democracy is generally a thing that in the world around us has the character of only a so-called "managed democracy", to one degree or another. One way or another, all candidates and parties go through a certain preliminary “filtering”, and those admitted to elections, and then to the power structures, are initially placed within a certain framework, outside of which statements and ideas that are completely “seditious” for the current regime are taken... And as for of our Fatherland - so in this regard and everything is completely sterile! What illusions can there be here?! ...Just don’t point out the situation with Maltsev at the last Duma elections, when he, as they say, even allowed himself to threaten on live television with, ahem, not only his removal from power, but also harm to the health of VVP Himself (!! ! belay we have, sorry, planted for reposts on VKontakte - which, as you know, is “not an authoritative source of information” - much less seditious things)!! After all, his activities and his calls for “5.11.17/5.11.17/XNUMX” too obviously smack of banal watering. provocation - they simply allowed a marginal, strongly “nationalist” candidate to participate in the elections in order to delay some of the nationalist votes... maybe also with some expectation for the future (but, as can be seen from the hasty disgrace against Maltsev himself long before XNUMX, but much later than the pre-election passions - something didn’t work out)... Russia is rich in Gaponov and Azefov, wow!.. By the way, even such a “patriotic” party as Starikov’s “Air Defense” was not allowed to participate in the same Duma elections - no matter how much she disagreed with the Kremlin’s foreign policy in all previous years (the “quid pro quo” principle clearly didn’t work)!! ...In general, our “pre-selection” is well established, and it not is determined to promote real competition in elections and in parliament - there is no need to create illusions!.. The second mistake authors is that they gave a certain percentage of faith and CPRF! If you can still pin some hopes on ordinary communists from the grassroots structures, then the central apparatus, excuse me, for so many years has regularly played the role of a spoiler for the “main” candidates! And then all of a sudden, let’s help, using our capabilities as a “parliamentary party,” to “push” a new, living, and not mothballed, candidate straight to the Main Election: so what if the AP girl is angry with us?! !
    So, the verdict is this: Grudinin was allowed to participate in the elections not without permission from above! As for why they did this, the thoughts are as follows: most likely, they were afraid for the turnout, as if it would noticeably drop, so it was necessary to revive the elections, and not risk repeating the previous swamp. Sobchak is clearly not suitable for this - the majority of the people have different views. So they allowed the “director of the State Farm” to take part, to talk a little about his “economic” considerations, seditious for the current masters of the “free market” and “we’ll buy from the Chinese!”... Also, I’ve already seen it on the Internet interesting opinion - there is a possibility that after the elections Grudinin really will be offered the post of Prime Minister or at least Deputy Prime Minister!!! belay Because things are going wrong in the economy, and the current Government doesn’t know how to do anything at all. So Grudinin will rush around the country like a “fire brigade.” However, there is no point in deluding yourself in a hurry - he may later be removed. That is, we can talk not just about selecting a “crisis manager” like Primakov, but about combining the roles of Kiriyenko and Primakov in one person - about the role of a “future scapegoat with the current function of a crisis manager.”
    PS And yes, the final touch - the fact is that behind the facade of the nomination of the non-party Grudinin from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation there may well be hiding... a political scam in relation to third party!!! belay The fact is that there is such an association - they have abbreviation PDS NPSR. It has existed, I must say, for a long time - since 2011, no later. It has noticeably revived in the last year, putting forward a program of “people's leaders”. They position themselves as a union of “national-patriotic forces.” And in truth, who was there at their meetings? - from those who stand on a national-patriotic platform: dissatisfaction with the current “liberal-oligarchic” state of affairs. Among the new faces it is worth mentioning Igor Ivanovich Strelkov (yes, yes! I know, I know that for some he has long been “terrible” or “pathetic” “Strelkov-Girkind”, who “leaked Slavyansk”, “escaped from Donbass” and now he’s still “trying to make something of himself” show", "he's always itching for something" - in short, "rotten character"! And yes, I admit - now he is a rather marginal politician. Just let me remind you - not least through the efforts of the current leadership (!): the mention of this character in the central and other, more or less respectable, media is subject to the so-called informal"stop list". So, since 2015, I.I. has not spoken anymore even in the regular press, he sits modestly on the Internet (when in Russia every evening there is such freedom for venerable analysts!) - but only for those who follow him monitors the Internet, it is well known that he has something to say, “he’s always itching for everything”!.. So, before everything here is filled with comments about “Girkind”, and before I answer the question “So you yourself treat him with aspiration?! Or is it restrained, critical? “, I advise you to think: why is the Kremlin so “undemocratic” about this political character? - and only then lay out complaints against I.I. himself, so that instead of normal criticism it would not turn out to be “baiting Strelkov” “by order of the AP”...) He went there after the previous project with his participation, K25, had successfully collapsed , not “for the sake of elections”: he is a “not an entry” character for state officialdom, therefore he went into the category of “and others”... So, the “people's leaders” pushed the idea: the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, as a parliamentary party, nominates a supra-party, “united ", candidate, without hope “to defeat Putin in Putin’s elections”, so that he, using access to the election campaign, would help the previously fragmented national-patriotic forces unite around him and move his platform to the masses - in order to form a “team of people’s leaders”, future candidates for what is accepted in politics call it a “government of national trust/salvation” as an alternative to the power of the liberal state. coup, rushing to replace the current “bottom breakers”... As you can see, it would seem Yu. Boldyrev On behalf of the NPSR members, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was still able to push this fantasy about a “single candidate” (probably warning about the likelihood of a split in the party). But only it would seem. As soon as Grudinin (who, they say, did not appear at meetings of the NPSR) came forward, he did not say a word about the “team of people’s leaders,” positioning himself only as a candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and at the election headquarters he himself ended up Zyuganov. So, now for some people Grudinin and Boldyrev, "persuaded" Zyuganova on Grudinin, - “swindlers” at the beck and call of “AP-shechka”!
  71. +1
    29 December 2017 12: 28
    Another "dollar bags" project. The project will be ready by 2024.
    Wherever you throw it, there is a wedge everywhere.
  72. +1
    29 December 2017 13: 35
    What is this “alternative” for? Why now - in the midst of a battle with the West? And who supports him - like the communist Zyuganov?
  73. +3
    29 December 2017 18: 04
    I haven't seen so many comments in a long time. Still, the topic has excited me! And the reason, I think, is simple - everyone would like to live in a country similar to Grudinin’s collective farm: in abundance, with a good salary, excellent medical care. and social service, doing the work you love and thinking about tomorrow only in a positive way.
  74. The comment was deleted.
    1. +3
      29 December 2017 20: 31
      OK then:
      Grudinin is a badass, a billionaire and finally a bad guy! Now answer, can I send you a personal message: who to vote for? for a fat man? tired, worse than a bitter radish, a clown and a talker!
      for a horse? Well, I’m sorry, but other than swearing, there are NO other arguments! for anal? the same chatterbox and ... a sick person, there is no real business, except for the fact that he took the youngsters out into the street!
      so I’m going to vote for Grudinin purely out of protest, I’m just tired of all this bullshit around Pu, and his friends too.... after all, Roman will ban him again....
  75. 0
    29 December 2017 20: 12
    you forgot to note the fact that the same manufactory owner Savva Morozov very generously financed the Bolsheviks...
    1. +1
      29 December 2017 20: 41
      Quote: Victor Demchenko
      you forgot to note the fact that the same manufactory owner Savva Morozov very generously financed the Bolsheviks...

      Through the woman I love. Ended badly. There was a true version that the Bolsheviks crashed because they didn’t give money, but now they won’t write anything.
      Every day there is a discussion on the website to vote for Grudinin or not. Let everyone decide for themselves.
      I decided for myself. I read all the comments, and once again I was convinced that Grudinin is a fake, doesn’t he remind you of Yeltsin and Gorbachev in one glass? Then watch the chronicle.
      Here some, out of little intelligence, express displeasure that VVP is from the KGB. And what? And what do we know about him, except for his two higher educations, knowledge of three languages, a dissertation on the economics of a resource-based state and the prospects for its development.
      Stirlitz students don’t go through any kind of training. "Stirlitz", if necessary, will not become a doctor in three months, he will be ordered and learn. Or I'm wrong.
      What I mean is that applicants for the position of President must have two higher educations - legal and economics, competence proven by achievements in the civil service at least at the regional level. And any of us can babble about our problems and promise to make everyone happy for hours - read the comments.
      I’ll ask the question again: colleagues, doesn’t Grudinin remind you of Yeltsin, Gorbachev, Chubais, Yavlinsky, Gaidar, Sobchak, Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and adult film actress Berkova, who joined the last three media hens?
      And then, pay attention to how he talks - he seems to be convinced that he is right, confident all of himself, only these are all memorized phrases. An unexpected question - everyone is in a panic, looks away, fumes, gesticulates. He is weak even for a minister. Has his tax return been published? And what about the reporting of his state farm, and how did the litigation with the former owners of the shares end, which he squeezed out, becoming the sole owner of the state farm with his relatives. I am not campaigning against, I am campaigning for everyone to go to the polls and vote as they see fit.
      1. 0
        30 December 2017 20: 32
        Quote: Balu
        I read all the comments and was once again convinced that Grudinin is a fake

        You yourself are telling everyone this version, but it has absolutely no basis.
        Quote: Balu
        Here some, out of little intelligence, express displeasure that VVP is from the KGB. And what? And what do we know about him, except for his two higher educations, knowledge of three languages, a dissertation on the economics of a resource-based state and the prospects for its development.

        We know that there is a decent foreign policy and a disgusting domestic policy, the situation of the mass of the population, 22 million below the poverty line, what is this?
        Quote: Balu
        What I mean is that applicants for the position of President must have two higher educations - legal and economics

        Again, off topic, Grudinin has them.
        What do we have, for example, with Dvorkovich?
        Quote: Balu
        I’ll ask the question again: colleagues, doesn’t Grudinin remind you of Yeltsin, Gorbachev, Chubais, Yavlinsky, Gaidar, Sobchak, Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and adult film actress Berkova, who joined the last three media hens?

        Is this an attempt to pile up rubbish and use this rubbish to cover up Putin’s only worthy rival? Not solid. Or is the reason completely different?
        Quote: Balu
        And then, pay attention to how he talks - he seems to be convinced that he is right, confident all of himself, only these are all memorized phrases. An unexpected question - all in a panic, averting his eyes, fuming, gesticulating

        And this is complete nonsense. What do you want to prove to everyone? Are you satisfied with Medvedev as president? Dvorkovich? Abramovich? Vekselberg? Potani
        n?Usmanov?Here are those talkers with economics and legal education...
        Quote: Balu
        Has his tax return been published? And what about the reporting of his state farm, and how did the litigation with the former owners of the shares end, which he squeezed out, becoming the sole owner of the state farm with his relatives. I am not campaigning against, I am campaigning for everyone to go to the polls and vote as they see fit.

        You are exactly campaigning against it, dumping a bunch of negativity, trying to present unreliable information, presenting it as supposedly one hundred percent truth. NOT solid.

        So answer the question, where did you get so much dirt, myths, gossip and fairy tales, passing them off as something with a real basis?
        And finally, since the documents were accepted by the Central Election Commission by Pamfilova, then all your speculations about taxes and other things, an example of black PR, are not solid, lies.
  76. +1
    29 December 2017 20: 23
    Quote: Rimlianin
    It is not Putin who has the potential for victory, but the massive state propaganda that supports him from all irons and administrative resources. Give equal access to all candidates in the media - in three months the support for Putin will remain in pitiful percentages...

    look at the latest data from the same Solovyov:
    for Pu -53% and a very big question about the reliability of the data, for the clown washing boots in the Indian Ocean - ....5,6% and for Grudinin - 45...
    not bad, and this is WITHOUT campaigning
  77. +1
    29 December 2017 23: 59
    appoint him Minister of Agriculture, let him work, prove himself, then, looking at the results of his activities, we can say something about the presidency...
  78. +1
    30 December 2017 08: 27
    Putin owes too much to the oligarchs, so in our country they slow down everything that is possible and push through everything anti-Russian (banning Sberbank in Crimea, investing Nabiulina’s money in the securities of an outright enemy, etc.). And Putin cannot do anything, because he is obliged to them...
    And what he did contrary to their wishes (Crimea, Syria), he did because otherwise it would have threatened HIS PERSONAL very existence, because the people would not have understood him and then it would have been a political end for him...
    If he comes to power in 2018, then everything will remain the same... And the people will continue to be poor, and the rich will continue to get richer... Do you need this?
    Let's vote for Grudinin! good
    1. +1
      30 December 2017 20: 01
      Quote: Brigadier
      Putin owes too much to the oligarchs, so in our country they slow down everything that is possible and push through everything anti-Russian (banning Sberbank in Crimea, investing Nabiulina’s money in the securities of an outright enemy, etc.). And Putin cannot do anything, because he is obliged to them.

      Putin forced the oligarchs to work for the country. Under Grudinin, everything will be like in the 90s, have you forgotten?
  79. +2
    30 December 2017 08: 39
    God forbid Grudinin as president. Whatever one may say, he is an entrepreneur. There are a lot of successful entrepreneurs in the country and they are all tied up in profits. The “non-brothers” elected an entrepreneur as their president, and now they are suffering. It is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.
  80. +2
    30 December 2017 10: 20
    Quote: Brigadier

    Let's vote for Grudinin! good

    -According to the registration data, CJSC "STATE FARM NAMED AFTER LENIN" is the founder of another company: CJSC "Management Company State Farm named after Lenin+", the founder of which is JSC "REGISTRAR R.O.S.T." (TIN 7726030449).
    The main shareholder of this joint-stock company is Mr. Abramovich Roman Arkadievich (99,66%).
    On the territory of the settlement "Sovkhoz imeni Lenin" there are trade enterprises: TK Tvoy Dom, TK Vegas, TK StarLight Cash & Carry, dealerships Nissan, Toyota and Lexus.
    And a couple more beds of strawberries.
    ➡ Source:
    rce =
    -About the main reason for the success of businessman Grudinin. Those who want to understand can look at the information on the profits and losses of the Grudinino closed joint-stock company, where the profit from other income is several times greater than the profit from the supposedly main one - agricultural production. It's simple - near the Moscow Ring Road. During the privatization of the former state farm, the golden MKAD land went to the JSC for free. And then it was possible to sell it for Auchans and cottages for new Russians.
    ➡ Source:
    rce =

    -About Grudinin’s charity. Yes, he shares with his employees. But even here, not everything is so simple. For example, let’s take his famous kindergarten, built for more than 200 million rubles. This is a private institution, the cost of one place there is 21 rubles per month, but the state buys 800 places from the kindergarten, thereby making them municipal.
    Grudinin and Abramovich were able to hang their charity, disseminated everywhere, around the neck of the state - and they know no grief! At the same time, the cost of the Grudinino kindergarten for the state treasury is comparable to the annual budget of small regional centers in some Karelia. That's why this is so - near the Moscow Ring Road the state spends more on one kindergarten than on the population of a large village in which several thousand people live? And this is also an advertisement for a clever friend of both the communists and the oligarch Abramovchich!
    ➡ Source:
    rce =
    - A ten-year stay in the United Russia party and many years of parliamentary membership, tightly connected with “correct voting.” Then flirting with the Liberal Democratic Party and Zhirinovsky. And only then came to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. But just in case, he never joined this party of fake communists! He’s smart like Abramovich - and he didn’t close the path of retreat for himself:
    “The situation is constantly changing, and we need to constantly adjust our actions. Surviving in nature is not the fittest, but the one who adapts better, ”are his golden words. They say a lot.

    These are the facts, and not the “Marxist dogmas”, about which the paid and simply stupid defenders of the capitalist and landowner Pavel Grudinin like to rattle, allow us to speak of this candidate as a “setup”.
    ➡ Source:
    rce =

    Once again, think about who to vote for. Do you need such a "flexible" fighter for workers' rights? He doesn't have any program. Memorized slogans, beyond which he does not go, are immediately lost in the discussion. However, he is not poorly prepared. Judging by the discussion, even here at VO, the promotion of yet another fake “defender of the oppressed proletarians” Grudinin is proceeding intensively. hi
    1. 0
      30 December 2017 16: 48
      For some reason the website is not working, are there other sources?
      1. +1
        30 December 2017 17: 49
        Quote: mak_sim
        For some reason the website is not working, are there other sources?

        Maybe this material was meant
      2. +1
        30 December 2017 18: 36
        Quote: mak_sim
        For some reason the website is not working, are there other sources?

        It works, it works, try to log in differently, I didn’t dream about it.
        1. 0
          30 December 2017 20: 44
          yes, it worked, thank you!
  81. +2
    30 December 2017 10: 45
    Quote: rus9875
    appoint him Minister of Agriculture, let him work, prove himself, then, looking at the results of his activities, we can say something about the presidency...

    Yes. That’s how I imagined this spectacle.
    One, against the “system”, in a secondary position. Well, we are all spectators.
  82. +2
    30 December 2017 10: 51
    What about the fact that Abramovich is listed as his bosom friend?
  83. 0
    30 December 2017 13: 35
    Comrades, everyone is ready to vote! Let's make Grudinin Titov!
    1. +2
      30 December 2017 18: 39
      Quote: Dagen
      Comrades, everyone is ready to vote! Let's make Grudinin Titov!

      And we'll send him to Mars. It's time for the apple trees to finally bloom. If he can cope there, then he can do something useful on Earth. Although this Abramovich man will be something like Yeltsin with Gorbachev and Burbulis with Yakovlev in one glass. It will be like the 90s again, only even worse.
      1. +1
        31 December 2017 00: 37
        Quote: Balu
        And we'll send him to Mars.

        No, he won’t want to go to Mars. him to both Russia and Mars. He wants to be like Titov.
        1. +1
          31 December 2017 23: 26
          Quote: Dagen
          Quote: Balu
          And we'll send him to Mars.

          No, he won’t want to go to Mars. him to both Russia and Mars. He wants to be like Titov.

          More like Yeltsin. I remember how my late father-in-law, a simple hard worker, fired at the communists and admired Yeltsin. He also spoke so beautifully. At work, the burrs ran around with a notebook collecting signatures who were in favor of the separation of Russia from the USSR and the introduction of the post of President of the Russian Federation.
          It is absolutely clear to me that this is a talker, a doll.
  84. +2
    30 December 2017 14: 06
    He'll probably be a prime minister. After training on cats. No way by the President. Another "strong business executive." He should serve as governor for one term, then he can think about presidential ambitions. And so nothing - Viktor Stepanych or Lyaksandr Grygorych at best..
  85. The comment was deleted.
  86. 0
    30 December 2017 19: 04
    Quote: allaykbar
    Should I show you Khodorkovsky's election videos?

    read the promises of EP
    What has been accomplished?
    1. 0
      1 January 2018 17: 01
      I wouldn’t like to upset you, but these are not promises, but exactly what has already been fulfilled. From the list of what the United Russia is seeking: payments for the first child are greater than planned:

      from February 1, 2017 - 16350 rubles. 33 kopecks
      from February 1, 2018 - 16873 rubles. 54 kopecks

      And with a second child, it is possible to receive maternity capital - 453 rubles. Much more has been accomplished, in general.
  87. 0
    30 December 2017 19: 09
    Quote: Balu
    The main disadvantage is the lack of experience in public administration

    going will overcome the road
    1. +1
      30 December 2017 19: 14
      Quote: Overlock
      Quote: Balu
      The main disadvantage is the lack of experience in public administration

      going will overcome the road

      Don’t be afraid that his studies to become the President of the Russian Federation will cost us dearly. He is Abramovich’s man and not a communist, and not even a director, but the owner of his family business, JSC State Farm named after V.I. Lenin. This is Yeltsin and Gorbachev in one glass.
      We all want change, an improvement in the quality of life. Don't be mistaken about your sympathies.
  88. 0
    30 December 2017 20: 30
    Quote: Balu
    Everyone is waiting for a good and righteous king, but will fight poorly with bad boyars?

    What if the king doesn’t fight?
    Quote: Metlik
    If Putin says at the debate...

    He won't say. There will be no debates with Putin. He will not condescend. There is no need to answer uncomfortable questions. There will be no equal conditions in the elections.
    It's funny to see how Putin's supporters have stirred up. But there is only one reason - Grudinin just announced a socialist orientation.
    Putin will be president again. But, 99,9% definitely won’t happen.
    1. 0
      30 December 2017 20: 51
      This is rather a plus for Grudinin, because he is weak in debates and that’s putting it mildly.
      Grudinin did not announce a socialist orientation, this was announced by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation also announced that they want to limit the President to the State Council, without which the President will not even be able to blow his nose, ease the impeachment procedure and limit it to a maximum of 2 terms.
      And Grudinin just assents and smiles. Great future president...
      1. +1
        31 December 2017 23: 28
        Quote: mak_sim
        This is rather a plus for Grudinin, because he is weak in debates and that’s putting it mildly.
        Grudinin did not announce a socialist orientation, this was announced by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation also announced that they want to limit the President to the State Council, without which the President will not even be able to blow his nose, ease the impeachment procedure and limit it to a maximum of 2 terms.
        And Grudinin just assents and smiles. Great future president...

        Those. behind sternum there are people who want our president to be like in Moldova.
    2. +1
      30 December 2017 22: 24
      Quote: There was a mammoth
      Grudinin just announced a socialist orientation.

      The funniest news of the day. Smiled, thank you. He hasn't yet announced who he's transferring the business to?
  89. +1
    30 December 2017 21: 25
    It’s interesting that for some reason many people remember about 90, but we already live in 2017. And to be honest, I didn’t notice any big changes. Well, on TV they really only started saying good things about the president, here yes. But if on take money, that pensions, that salaries seem to be in money and have become more expensive, but so are the prices. My father received 2003 in 1800, and now I get 10350, but then I bought kefir for 8 rubles, a pack of Bond cost ten rubles, sugar for 14 and carbonate at 110, and that was on Sakhalin. Well, what about sugar and carbonate now?
  90. +1
    30 December 2017 21: 35
    Perhaps I’ll start not with Grudinin, but with Navalny. It’s hard to imagine a more stupid choice for the “systemic opposition” in Russia! It’s not correct, of course, but you’ll have to start with the “candidate’s” last name. I just want to ask: Where and what did he “pile up”? Or is it just getting ready? His “electorate” in the form of “enthusiastic young men” does not stand up to any criticism! Something similar, as I remember, happened in the old regime times, in South Korea, when young people, taking advantage of the inviolability of college campuses, raged on the city streets, and then ran away to shelter. I don’t remember the name of the dictator who sent troops into these campuses and threatened to shoot troublemakers in the streets! He explained his actions simply: “You don’t like the current order? Study and work! Make your country stronger and better!” Now, in South Korea, those former troublemakers are “running the show” in industry! The current Russian “navalniks” can be locked up at home by their parents and... Navalny’s entire electorate will be neutralized.
    Now, about Grudinin. The time for playing hide and seek is up for Russia! For that game, they were good: Medvedev, who “had fleas in his sweater,” sorry: blog on Twitter. He perfectly played the role of a “democratic screen” for creating Russia’s best friends: the Army and Navy, as well as the “sofa” Minister of Defense - Serdyukov! The Russian Army and Navy have already proven themselves in Syria. It's the turn for the "head" who is capable of taking a "rash" and decisive step! And this is exactly the role that Grudinin is being trained for. I think that he will beat everyone in the elections, including the old political “clown” Zhirinovsky! Putin needs Grudinin like a baseball bat: “If you don’t want to communicate with me, a sane and decent politician who keeps his word, you will communicate with a business pragmatist, a kind of Russian mixture of Lukashenko and Trump, who will “hang himself for a penny” and will talk to you , only in the language of money! And it won’t be possible to hook Grudinin with “accounts abroad”! And the danger for the West will arise in the form of a possible “Bolshevik” coming to power! And Russian “businessmen” will quickly realize that Grudinin will build them in line: either for investing looted and exported capital into the Russian economy, or in line for liquidation, like ordinary thieves! It is possible that Putin, taking advantage of Grudinin’s “popularity” in the upcoming elections, will make him prime minister: and the people will reassure hope for an improvement in economic life, and a tandem in the form of Lukashenko-Grudinin will create to bring Russian-Belarusian relations to a new level worthy of a new state. So, I think the political move with Grudinin in the presidential elections is simply brilliant! With this move, that is, with this “shot,” Putin will “shoot” a whole flock of hares! If, earlier, Putin was “bad” in tandem with Medvedev, then in tandem with Grudinin, Putin will be prayed for in the West!
  91. +2
    30 December 2017 22: 26
    Quote: Balu
    What are the failures?

    I am surprised at you: either in Tatarstan everything is fine with medicine and Tatarstan is not Russia, or you see nothing further than your hospital.
    After the first reductions and optimization of the remuneration system in 2014–2015. A wave of strikes and rallies among doctors swept across Russia. Thus, in Moscow in March 2015, doctors from six capital clinics declared an Italian strike. They demanded to stop layoffs, reduce the length of doctors’ shifts, and not enlarge areas. 34,2 billion rubles, according to official data, will be a total reduction in expenses for payments to doctors, teachers and social workers in 2016. Reductions in hospital and clinic staff will continue. According to estimates obtained based on the standards for the provision of doctors in the Moscow population (40,9 doctors per 10 population by 000), it turns out that in 2018–2015. the number of doctors in the capital will be reduced by 2017 people.
    The availability of medical care for citizens, especially those who work or are sedentary, has sharply decreased as a result of the reform. This was facilitated by the new procedure for citizens visiting medical institutions.
    Mandatory visits to all doctors through therapists.
    The appearance of an additional, parasitic stage, a sharp increase in the workload on therapists, while specialists sit with a large underload.
    Introduction of preliminary electronic registration.
    A patient in a painful state is forced to “intuitively master the ingenious inventions” of computer “geniuses” instead of receiving medical care.
    Now, in order to even get to a therapist, he must wait in line at least three times if he needs a therapist.
    The first for a ticket to the terminal, the second to the terminal and the third to the doctor itself.
    Statements that there are no queues to see doctors are untrue.
    If you need a specialist doctor, then the number of queues doubles.

    There are already six lines.
    It is technically impossible to receive medical care in one visit to the clinic, even to a therapist, since there may not be coupons.
    If you need the help of a specialist doctor, you can’t do everything in a day.
    Our intensive care unit is filled with old people who did not get to the teacher. to a doctor with pneumonia, decompensation of the cardiovascular system, acute surgical pathology.
    Since 1991, 4800 hospitals and 4800 clinics have been closed in the country. The Russian Center for Financial and Political Change (CEPR) has come to the conclusion that already in 2022 the country will have the same number of medical institutions as there were in Tsarist Russia in 1913. That is only about three thousand. Consequently, more and more Russians will be forced to turn to private clinics, without being able to receive high-quality medical care for free.
    According to the healthcare index rating, Russia ranks 61 out of 74.
    Mortality at home in Russian regions has increased. The growth was 5,5%: from 910 thousand people in 2014 to 960 thousand people in 2015.
    Mortality at home increased in 37 regions. The maximum growth was recorded in St. Petersburg: the figure increased 18 times - from 1,4 thousand in 2014 to 26,6 thousand people in 2015. A sharp increase was also noticed in other regions: Novgorod (161%), Leningrad (153%) and Volgograd regions (75%).
    1. +2
      31 December 2017 09: 09
      Quote: Overlock
      or you can’t see anything further than your hospital.

      Several times a year we make inspections in the districts, I know the situation. I also go to my clinic for b\l, sometimes I can’t work. Mortality figures are not an indicator without comparison with the demographic situation. I really see what has been done for medicine in rural areas and in my hospital with 1100 beds. There is something to compare with 1980, not counting working as a nurse while studying. There are problems, their solution requires funding. Oddly enough, what bothers me more is the lack of a clear policy regarding the medical industry and pharmaceuticals, and these are also strategic sectors. If the supply of raw materials for the production of medicine is cut off, what will we do? Technology doesn't last forever. The computer at the tomograph froze - at least give it to the service. There are problems, but how will Grudinin solve them? GDP has a step-by-step program in which all steps are tied to realities and predicted challenges. What we have from the candidates is slogans and promises.
      Well, let's return to the discussion in a year, okay? Please note that the majority of the site’s old-timers abstained, while Grudinin’s supporters here are mostly newcomers with a year or less of experience on the site. Judging by the vocabulary and arguments, at least seven appear under several nicknames.
    2. +1
      2 January 2018 14: 19
      If you need a specialist doctor, then the number of queues doubles.
      There are already six lines.

      Why are you telling fairy tales, why lie so primitively? My responsibilities also include examination of citizens’ complaints and appeals. Everyone has a magic telephone number for the insurance company in their policy; in every health care facility, in the most visible place, there are telephone numbers of health care managers, the minister, the chief physician and his deputies. In Tatarstan, almost all health care facilities have e-government terminals, where you can not only pay fines, taxes, etc., but also contact the President, minister, chief physician, or the UN. And I know for sure that within 10-14 days (depending on the complexity of the examination and internal verification) an answer will be given. Why are you fooling around here, why? And Grudinin is the same as Yeltsin, Gorbachev, Medvedev, Gaidar, Yavlinsky, etc. Once again, carefully watch the video of his speeches, and even at a meeting with the GDP.
  92. The comment was deleted.
  93. 0
    31 December 2017 12: 39
    Quote: Balu
    I really see what has been done for medicine in rural areas and in my hospital with 1100 beds.

    That means Tatarstan is not Russia! Behind the Moscow Ring Road is a madhouse. Regional patients come to us; their hair stands on end from the examination and their treatment. Yes. Large hospitals are in the black. but small ones are in the red. Yes, we stent heart attacks and go home within 2-3 days, and we perform all operations on the abdominal cavity. But such hospitals are in Moscow. And by region?
    and the cherry... the opinion of a completely non-medical person who madly believes in Putin.
    Aksenov (Prime Minister of Crimea): “The conditions that have been created today in the work of the healthcare system indicate that there is a bias towards private medicine.” According to him, there is a shortage of specialized medical specialists in Crimea. “We lack about 800 specialists. There are not enough pediatricians. Unfortunately, young people today do not go into public medicine.
    The bias is that private medicine is in much better conditions than public medicine."
    Think it over! for 500 thousand of the city of Simferopol there is not a single ambulance doctor. The teams were formed at the expense of medical students. There is no need to say what a 3rd or 4th year student is. In an emergency situation, and an ambulance is an emergency situation, they are of no use to you.
    Vladmisra region - shortage of 900 doctors. Our hospital spent 2 months looking for a director. gynecology, no one agreed. Can you imagine this in Moscow?
    From your message I conclude that Tatarstan is not Russia. I’ll make inquiries about your areas, fortunately there are connections
    1. +1
      2 January 2018 22: 45
      Quote: Overlock
      Behind the Moscow Ring Road is a madhouse. Regional patients come to us; their hair stands on end from the examination and their treatment.

      Alas, I also see poor basic training among young people. During classes, our teachers gave us listening to records with heart and lung sounds and taught us how to use algorithms.
      Aksenov (Prime Minister of Crimea): “The conditions that have been created today in the work of the healthcare system indicate that there is a bias towards private medicine.” According to him, there is a shortage of specialized medical specialists in Crimea. “We lack about 800 specialists. There are not enough pediatricians. Unfortunately, young people today do not go into public medicine.

      This is a trend not only in Crimea. Crimea inherited someone else's inheritance. Can I judge? No, doctors are people too, they need a decent salary, they also have mortgages, loans, etc. I was invited to private centers three times, I don’t fit in, my upbringing is not right. They started pointing out to me specifically: why don’t you prescribe additional examinations and consultations in our center, why don’t you sell our “product” (voluntary insurance), etc. There was an offer to create a medical center for me, but I refused. I'm not an organizer, I'm a workhorse, just a specialist.
      for 500 thousand of the city of Simferopol there is not a single ambulance doctor. The teams were formed at the expense of medical students. There is no need to say what a 3rd or 4th year student is. In an emergency situation, and an ambulance is an emergency situation, they are of no use to you.

      Alas, such is the state of medicine in Crimea. We recently had a boy brought by air ambulance from Simferopol on an airplane because his parents refused to undergo treatment. And if I were the responsible person on duty, I would call the prosecutor on duty and, by a court decision, would insist on surgical treatment on the spot. There was a so-called double or subcapsular rupture of the spleen. Perhaps the parents were not explained what it was. Rupture of the capsule with intra-abdominal bleeding can also occur when transferring from a gurney to a bed, and in my internship I had a boy, on the 5th day we took him to the table, we barely had time, although he felt quite well during his rounds in the morning. There were no tomographs or ultrasounds back then, my boss was just a great surgeon and just a wonderful person.
      Vladmisra region - shortage of 900 doctors

      There are thousands of them missing across the country. An even bigger problem is a qualified nurse. As for the ambulance, I know for sure from reports that in one of the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan (population more than 500 thousand) there are only 5 (!) medical teams in the state.
      Our hospital spent 2 months looking for a director. gynecology

      Nothing surprising. Being a leader in medicine nowadays is a dog's job. In our country, too, 7 years ago, one manager resigned from his position, having previously worked as a manager for 15 years. The requirements are high. Not everyone can stand it, there is more writing, but to be honest, the leading role of the Ministry of Health.... In a word, domestic medicine and the medical industry were developed by surgeon ministers. The “rule of the first hour” was actually required before Skvortsova.
      Surgeons in villages are different. Some people are just nice to talk to. They are free to navigate, there is a sense of self-learning and thorough basic preparation, people simply love their work in themselves, and not themselves in their place.
      Vote for Grudinin, since he is dear to you like a brother. I see that this is a fake, and he won’t do anything good, because being the President of the Russian Federation (and not seeming) is not his job, he won’t be able to do it.
      I watched videos with his participation - there are slogans, but this is a product of superficial thinking. hi
    2. 0
      20 January 2018 17: 55
      good Great! I completely agree with you!
  94. +2
    31 December 2017 13: 30
    Salaries of public sector employees from January next year will be indexed by 23%, said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov on the television channel Russia 24.

    The official noted that this measure is planned in pursuance of the "May" decrees of the head of state from 2012.
    It seemed, what does ELECTION have to do with it?
    1. +1
      31 December 2017 19: 09
      Not at all! It just happened. They wanted a promotion for a long time, but now the elections were unexpected. In general, I would suggest holding them every year by the way...
      1. +1
        2 January 2018 10: 21
        strongly agree !!!
  95. +2
    31 December 2017 18: 33
    Pavel Grudinin is a united candidate from 28 opposition parties. On Saturday, at the congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Zyuganov was forced to support Grudinin’s candidacy, otherwise he risked simply getting a kick in the ass and being thrown out of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
  96. +4
    31 December 2017 20: 01
    Happy New Year, forum members! And let this year become a year of beneficial changes in the country! For Grudinin, for the whole country to become like a state farm named after Lenin (and it doesn’t have to be a state farm or a collective farm, the main thing is that the result is so tangible, even if it’s a blink of an eye, but it was).
    1. +1
      1 January 2018 15: 45
      Wow, how presumptuous! I think it’s too early to toast a successful choice. As if I didn't have to cry. We have already had very unsuccessful appointments. I’ve lived for a long time, I’ve seen plenty of examples. Grudinin has no inner core, he was in one party, moved to another, where will he go tomorrow? I don't have confidence in him.
      1. 0
        1 January 2018 22: 13
        Here's another pretty interesting story:
        - if at least part of this is true, then this individual is in no way fit to be a sovereign.
        1. +1
          1 January 2018 22: 30
          And what, he can give up on everything and join the 5th column, as many who write laudatory odes to Grudinin convince here. Why should I worry? I’ve earned a pension for myself, and I don’t have much time left to live, so forget about everything and live without worries and keep an eye on your blood pressure.
          It is better not to change horses at the crossing.
        2. +1
          1 January 2018 22: 39
          But in general, there is a good Russian proverb: something always gets in the way of a bad dancer. To whom the legs, to whom the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
          Here on the site, there is such a feeling, a bunch of political losers and you are at their head... I won’t say that on a horse, after all, a horse is a noble animal, but on a long-eared one for sure...
          And for all their troubles they blame.... the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. It's just some kind of pathology.
          Why can’t you go on vacation to Germany, is it illegal? What law prohibits this?
          Quote: Village I ......
          if at least part of this is true,
          1. +1
            2 January 2018 10: 54
            “Why can’t you go on vacation to Germany, is it illegal? What law prohibits this?” It is better to travel to Germany by tank (historical experience). But here it’s like checking a hole for money. Yes, and election expenses are now expensive, again oats....., everything is expensive. Probably the political hope is running out of money or, what’s even worse, they may be blocked due to sanctions, and only the owner of the account or a trusted person can find out for sure, and since we don’t trust anyone, we ourselves get on our skis and cheerfully run along direction towards Switzerland, it is next to Germany (it is just around the corner......)
            1. +1
              2 January 2018 11: 06
              Quote: Village I ......
              for sure only the owner of the account or a trusted person can, and since we don’t trust anyone, we ourselves get on our skis and cheerfully run towards Switzerland, it’s next to Germany (it’s just around the corner......)

              Did you think for a long time when you were composing the text? Out of desperation, are you turning over old manuals?
              1. 0
                2 January 2018 14: 09
                Somehow I don’t quite understand you. “Out of desperation, are you already turning over old manuals?” "Out of despair" - what? And what methods should I use to compose texts? In our village there is no headquarters or nest of any party, and I have never been a member of any party. You are funny with your insinuations. So, take a walk in the forest and don’t shout “AU”, otherwise someone will hear you.
          2. 0
            2 January 2018 18: 45
            It would be better for you to change the flag to something more tolerant.........
  97. +2
    1 January 2018 19: 39
    Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the further into the forest, the better...
    It seems that they no longer know how to further discredit themselves...
    1. +1
      2 January 2018 11: 05
      Quote: mark021105
      It seems that they no longer know how to further discredit themselves...

      More precisely, you no longer know what else to lie.
      1. 0
        2 January 2018 15: 22
        "More precisely, you no longer know what else to lie." - I think I understood your position. Well, yes, the most truth-loving party was of course the CPSU! Its successor is now the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Worthy members left its ranks: people like Voronenkov, etc. Now Grudilin has been raised, but what about the eternally living Lenin, who has already been written off? Maybe a bad haircut? There is no forgiveness for what the CPSU did in 1936-1937 - it essentially beheaded the army. She screwed up the results of the First World War and left the exit from the Black Sea to Turkey. They didn’t care about the bones of the dead tsarist Russian soldiers and gave Crimea and Little Russia to Ukraine. Now America is trying to build a military base in Ochakovo, and who will kick them out of there will be the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Grudilin, since he has already sold part of the state farm land to the Azerbaijanis, it’s good that it’s not America, hee, hee, otherwise they would have set up a base there too. There. To fly to Moscow, a knockout charge is enough. So, dear, this is not a manual, but a story.
        1. +2
          2 January 2018 15: 51
          Quote: Village I ......
          I understood your position

          You are broadcasting the position of Life. The Life portal is particularly vicious in its attacks, throwing all the slop that it could invent on Grudinin. This portal has long been known for its fierce service to the authorities and “throwing mud” at all its opponents. The author calls the head of the state farm an “oligarch”, an “extremist” and a “defector”, and accuses him of all mortal sins. He calls the source of the state farm’s prosperity the leasing of land, the sale of Turkish strawberries under the guise of those from the Moscow region, accuses Grudinin of having connections with crime, talks about the extensive business of his children and wife, numerous violations in the economy, etc. Standard set of slops from Life...
          And look for defectors in the United Russia, the Socialist Republic and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, and London and New York, where all of yours hang around and keep their stolen pennies.
          Quote: Village I ......
          the truth-loving party, of course, was the CPSU!

          Yes, yes, especially the honest ones are entrenched in United Russia

        2. +1
          2 January 2018 15: 54
          Quote: Village I ......
          Now America is trying to build a military base in Ochakovo, and who will kick them out of there will be the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Grudilin,

          Well, firstly, Grudinin, that’s what the last name sounds like, secondly, are you and Ak going to run to an advantage to recapture Ochakov from NATO? No? You’re definitely not, and those you mentioned in a disdainful tone can and will be obliged to do this, even if people like you are in the back spit, as you have done more than once.
          Quote: Village I ......
          There. To fly to Moscow, a knockout charge is enough. So, dear, this is not a manual, but a story.

          Have you already been given that blasting charge of lies that you pounded on the keyboard using sources from Life, Regnum and other oligarchic press?
          1. 0
            2 January 2018 17: 10
            Ek, you've been taken apart! Too many letters. I don't even know how to read that much. Whose will you be from? Whose slave will you be? Hee, hee. And what did they put in there for me? And what happened to you there? Thank God that your imagination works, and not glitches like mine. By the way, my nickname is “Glitch” (gljuk46) on the Internet and usually a squirrel in my avatar. You can look on the Internet, I took part in some scandalous disputes, maybe there are still some circles left (though I wasn’t always sober). Well, I don’t know about Life, I wasn’t interested, I don’t read, and I don’t care about it, I live in a village in the Arkhangelsk region, it’s snowing, sticky, I’m sitting, drinking cognac “Old Koenigsberg” 4* and I’m happy with everything like a boa constrictor . How much does a person need? So, I simply don’t give a damn about this shit, just like Grudinin and Putin themselves. I would vote for Dyumin easily.
            1. 0
              2 January 2018 18: 35
              “I would easily vote for Dyumin.” - they usually pay for mistakes, and I’m ready to pay, I can still hold a musket in my hands.
              1. 0
                2 January 2018 18: 49
                Quote: Village I ......
                “I would easily vote for Dyumin.” - they usually pay for mistakes, and I’m ready to pay, I can still hold a musket in my hands.

                Heh..oh, these soon-to-be rich you even understand that with such screams you are putting yourself at risk?
                1. +1
                  2 January 2018 20: 14
                  And where are the screams? I live in the forest and if problems arise, I deal with them myself. This is how my father taught me. Sorry, it's already hard for me to type. I'm going to sleep (rest until tomorrow, ciao)
                2. 0
                  2 January 2018 21: 01
                  Sorry, but your link takes you to a site for masturbation lovers. I think... that this is more familiar to you than engaging in political masturbation.
                  1. 0
                    2 January 2018 21: 38
                    Quote: Village I ......
                    to the site of lovers of masturbation

                    Are you a fan of this and you see your favorite pastime everywhere? Hmm... you are a limited person, it’s a pity that your interests are so base.
                    1. 0
                      2 January 2018 23: 56
                      Yes, you are right, I am an amateur, not a professional, but your link led to the trash heap, where “the interests are so base.” I hope my links did not affect your principles and your decency.
                    2. +1
                      4 January 2018 22: 11
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Quote: Village I ......
                      to the site of lovers of masturbation

                      Are you a fan of this and you see your favorite pastime everywhere? Hmm... you are a limited person, it’s a pity that your interests are so base.

                      What a man this badens1111 is, a smart, subtle, insightful giant of thought. Doesn't your skull hurt yet? And let us, on behalf of the members of the forum, promote you to the presidency of the Russian Federation, huh? Will you be the 65th candidate for President of the Russian Federation?
            2. 0
              20 January 2018 18: 00
              For Dyumin
              who it?
  98. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      2 January 2018 23: 30
      Hm,. Putin may have been carrying someone’s briefcase, but very timely and carefully stole Crimea from under the noses of the Americans. You can't deny him this. But no one can call him Grudinin yet, he is an empty place. So far, the data with strawberries from Poland and Turkey is known, when our country introduced a ban on these goods. Maybe it's time for our human rights bodies to intervene?
  99. +1
    2 January 2018 21: 41
    For the second week, there has been a discussion about which of the candidates for President of the Russian Federation is worthy of this high post and is capable of solving all problems and improving our lives. People with a passive life position are just like at a beauty contest.
    Let’s say an architect builds a house according to plan despite all the difficulties with the weather and the inappropriate behavior of sworn partners. The house is not completed, but then a group of observers who are not related to the construction suddenly begin to agitate - here Grudneson built a kiosk here, he knows better than anyone how to build houses. Let him become an architect.
    Here it is appropriate to recall the parable of the blind wise men and the elephant.
    The main thing that everyone must understand is participation in elections. If you hope for Grudinin, vote at the polling station, and not on the VO website. Do you trust GDP? It’s the same. If you don’t trust anyone, register and you yourself know what to do with the ballot. Simply because participation in elections is the duty of every responsible, sane, decent citizen of the Russian Federation with an active life position. Beware of the indifferent - they cause many troubles. hi
  100. +2
    3 January 2018 16: 55
    The article is a lie from start to finish.
    Not when the Jew Grudinin was not a collective farmer.
    Not when he was not the chairman of the state farm. He is the director of the company.
    Yes, he is such an oppositionist that mom, don’t worry, when it was profitable for him, he was a United Russia member.
    The most interesting thing is how he manages to convert agricultural land for development?
    But for starters, the author needs to know at least basic things, who collective farmers are, what a state farm is, etc.
    And don't mislead people.
    1. +1
      5 January 2018 19: 45
      1. Politically imprudent, comrade, you speak out, however! laughing ... From beginning to end... Oh, how!
      Have you even read the article? Or, when they registered, they immediately rushed to “convict and expose”?
      2. Do you yourself even distinguish between a collective farm, a state farm, a closed joint-stock company and an LLC? At least based on the attitude towards property?
      3. Almost all of our power elite, when it was profitable, were members of the CPSU. And the same Yarovaya, I remember in Yabloko, denounced the authorities, and Rogozin labored in the nationalist field in Rodina.
      But this is all lyrics... For example, we had a millionaire collective farm. Then in the late 90s he was transferred to LLP. And at the beginning of 2006, cunning gentlemen arrived and bought shares from the members of the partnership, supposedly on the security of new leased equipment... and that’s all. A year later, the equipment was taken away, the cattle were slaughtered, and the land belonged to the banks. People were left with nothing. And now, for example, many people regret that at that time we did not have such a person as Grudinin. And it doesn’t matter whether he is a Tatar, a Russian or a Jew or a Chukchi: the main thing is that with him our economy would flourish to this day.
      1. +2
        5 January 2018 20: 41
        Quote: Klaus
        The main thing is that with him our economy would flourish to this day.

        Provided that land near the Moscow Ring Road costs so much money that even now a realtor is a sought-after profession at the Lenin State Farm CJSC.
        Firstly, Grudinin’s strawberries are mostly Polish or Turkish, he has established contacts for the supply of this berry through one-day firms. In general, a win-win scheme for profit on stupid consumers.
        Secondly, it is known that the State Farm of Grudinin is far from the state farm. This is an ordinary ZAO, just the oligarch decided to keep the “brand” familiar to Russians who left the USSR. The land is owned by shareholders, among whom there are no ordinary people, and some part of the territory was completely sold.
        There is only one conclusion: the gallant candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a simple oligarch who aspires to power.
        ➡ Source:
        ce =

        The secret of popularity is the emphasis on populism. People want not only stability, but also changes for the better, so that the laws are implemented, so that officials do not abuse them and so that there are no such incidents as with Kerimov, and the majors respect the law, and do not ostentatiously spit on it.