Why is communism a good choice for Russia?


I am 34 of the year, and I managed to catch the Soviet Union. I remember well how I stood in line for milk and bread, did not forget the empty stalls in the shops, decorated with pyramids of cans of sea kale, crowding in public transport. 90-e became the time of initiation to the American dream through watching Hollywood films and programs “America with Mikhail Taratuty”. I grew up with pro-Western views and rather a negative attitude towards the past of my country, including thanks to the work of people like Solzhenitsyn and the liberal get-together that seized media channels in those years. Next - higher education in a prestigious provincial university, work and study in the United States on a student visa, where several foreign languages ​​were learned and deepened professional skills, returning to Russia, some successes in work, several years as a middle manager. It would seem that what could be the prerequisites for becoming a communist in the existing personality, firmly embedded in the existing system?

Having worked for several years in business and near-government structures, I came to the following conclusion: in Russia, the American dream and its Russified versions are not feasible. Now in Russia there is a capitalist system in operation, where a narrow stratum of rich people, who are becoming richer, exploit the majority, which is getting poorer every year. The only thing that can be said for sure about the future of Russia: this trend will continue. At the same time, the owners of capital cannot ensure real economic growth, which is so necessary for the country, for which it would be possible to come to terms with such social injustice.

As for the Russian versions of the American dream, I divide them into three types. So, the expectation of number XXUMX: working a lot and honestly, you can climb high on the corporate or powerful career ladder, becoming a “successful” person. However, betting on career growth is too risky. Much more likely to be left with nothing, because in order to break through to the next level, sooner or later you will need not personal talents, skills and hard work, but suitable parents and their connections, often the right nationality, the correct political coloring and timely rollbacks. And even having avoided such obstacles, after twenty years of work, all this can be lost in one day. For example, having made an erroneous bet in a career carnage massacre, or simply because a new chief has come, who puts in the leadership of his people, and gets rid of the former. Scenario No. XXUMX of the American Dream of the Russian Spill: to become an entrepreneur, while producing, selling or reselling something, joining the ranks of the petty bourgeoisie. The problem with this scenario is that, on the one hand, our state does not particularly favor this stratum, putting pressure on taxes and administrative barriers, and on the other hand, it pushes large businesses that work closely with the authorities of different levels. Therefore, the chances of success here are also small. And finally, the dream №1: to invent or implement something, to create a large company, becoming the head of it, thus moving into the capitalist class. The difficulty is that this requires initial capital, and the era of its accumulation in Russia ended in the nineties. Now at the top of the place is occupied, and getting into the ranks of the capitalists, pulling up the coveted cylinder, it is very difficult.

Do not misunderstand me. Any of these scenarios can come true, as can the scenario where you win a million dollars. However, in essence, the current capitalist system is a scam, where very few people get very much, and most think that they have not received much by some ridiculous accident, and that the situation is about to change.

In the long run, such a system is losing both for individuals and for the whole country. This is due to the fact that in today's globalized economy, Russia has a very definite place — the role of a raw materials appendage of industrial centers in Europe and Southeast Asia. Only those who are in power, sitting on a pipe, or serving these two categories will live well. There are no prerequisites for an economic take-off that will increase the welfare of the population and re-enable social elevators

Liberal reforms associated with a decrease in corruption and the democratization of society will not become a springboard for the jump in the Russian economy. Firstly, it will not change the basic layout of the global economy, where we are assigned the role of the raw material base. Secondly, the leading economic powers of the West will not cease to consider our country as big and dangerous and will not cease attempts to break up into more manageable and tasty morsels. Thirdly, in capitalist economies for a rapid leap it is necessary to inject capital from outside. No special money will be given for the first two reasons, so there is no place to wait for growth.

Thus, neither Prokhorov, nor Navalny, nor Zhirinovsky, nor Medvedev, nor Mironov, nor Putin can fundamentally change the real state of affairs in the Russian economy, because they will act within the framework of the existing capitalist paradigm. In the same way, a cleverer czar-father could not have saved the Russian empire at the beginning of the twentieth century if it had not turned itself into a souvenir czar like modern British monarchs.

Why is communism better than capitalism? At least by the fact that communism is the inevitable successor to the capitalist system. Capitalism replaced the feudal society thanks to technological progress — workers in enterprises were needed, and in agriculture, on the contrary, less — by increasing the efficiency of labor. Now, thanks to automation, the need for workers gradually disappears. The capitalist, increasing profits, should automate production, reducing the number of workers. However, who will buy goods if few work? There is only one way out - to increase tax payments to the government. The state will pay unemployment benefits, creating hereditary sybarites, or invent ballast jobs, multiplying rows of guards, accountants and lawyers. This is a form of socialism, and the majority of European states have already come to it to one degree or another.

Planned economy is much more efficient than capitalist in the implementation of ambitious projects and leaps forward. That is why the USSR managed in record time to raise the economy after the civil war, having defeated the economic and military might of Hitler-united Europe in the Great Patriotic War. The Soviet system revolutionized the average level of education of its citizens by conducting a grandiose educational reform. Due to these factors, the Soviet Union in the shortest possible time created a nuclear weapon and ways of its delivery to any point of the Earth, ensuring the security of the country for at least a century ahead. The same mechanism of a planned economy was able to launch man into space and bring the economy of the USSR into second place in the world. Similarly, communism will be able to bring Russia out of the economic impasse in which it found itself, having trusted, as we now understand, to a calculating enemy.

During his reign, the Communist Party and its leaders made a number of mistakes. Most of them (voluntarism of Khrushchev, the cult of Stalin's personality and political repression) were condemned by the party. However, this does not cast a shadow on the very idea of ​​communism, since the problems of communism in the USSR are the problems of the growth of a new system in a hostile environment. Despite the collapse of communism in Russia, the current largest economy in the world, the PRC, is managed within the framework of a planned economy with amendments to the surrounding capitalist reality.

Every year the planned economy becomes more and more a real alternative to the capitalist one, since the prerequisites for its growth are more and more obvious - automation and informatization of the economy. The automation of production releases workers whom capitalism is not able to adequately employ. A planned economy will be able to direct this released resource to more promising areas - for example, the construction of new factories or retraining for management, for example, robots or programmable machines. Informatization will optimize production planning and distribution of benefits. For example, with the current level of development of information technology, it is possible to eradicate the scourge of communist systems - scarcity and corruption associated with it. The movement of any item can be tracked through a bar or a QR code in a single commodity database, placing orders for the production of products automatically, optimizing logistics and building mathematical models of demand forecasts for hundreds of thousands of items of goods.

Given the experience of past successes and mistakes, the overall level of well-being of Russian citizens in a planned economy will be higher than under capitalism. The state is interested in the welfare of its citizens in any economic system. But with a planned economy in the hands of the state all the tools are concentrated to implement this. In the capitalist system, most of the property is concentrated in the hands of the capitalists. They are not so much interested in raising the standard of living of citizens, but in their own profit.

What should individual citizens do? Join the Communist Party, one or another. Sooner or later, Putin will appoint a successor to himself and try to make sure that the people accept him. When choosing a successor, he will reckon with the mood prevailing in society, so the mood must be announced. As for the transition to a planned economy, this historical inevitability, and the more people support this in society, the more likely our leaders will take up this transition.

Why is communism a good choice for Russia?
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  1. 0
    19 June 2016 21: 07
    Everything is correct: capitalism is a dead-end branch of human development. Communism has no alternative. Anyone who believes that this is not so is an extremely limited person, mentally or simply. But as for the current communists - I doubt it, the current communists are not the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks; they don’t need communism - they have taken a completely well-fed position of the so-called. pocket opposition. Full and satisfied. And to hell with Communism?
    1. 0
      20 June 2016 04: 45
      Well, we don’t have a personality of the level of Lenin and Stalin. The same Zyuganov, in his speeches, scolds the CPSU for the lack of a mechanism for the succession of power, and he himself has been at the helm of the party for 25 years. He would let young and proactive people take the helm, capable of captivating young people, but he is afraid of losing the last votes of pensioners. He had the opportunity to lead the country in 1996, but he was stupid, afraid of the revolution, and now he’s waving his saber—and who needs him after that?
    2. 0
      20 June 2016 11: 38
      But in my opinion, there are already enough experiments on people - the Communist Party had a chance - in the end, the party bosses themselves gave up power in the ruins of the country.
      For some reason, the development of, as you say, the “dead-end branch” of capitalism in countries such as Sweden and Norway led them to capitalist socialism with such a high standard of living and social services. guarantees that we never dreamed of.

      1. rulers are prohibited from stealing and sawing resources within the country
      2. have a balanced budget between social services and military expenses
      3. help the “allies” less, knowing that the debt will not be repaid, but do more for your people
      the basic principles of normal life in society under ANY social system.
  2. -1
    20 June 2016 07: 54
    The most important thing in the current situation is the presence of a crowd-elite system and usurious loan interest. What difference does it make who rules you - an oligarch or a party apparatchik - the essence does not change: there is a crowd (), and there is a ruling elite that owns everything? In order for us to start a new life, first of all, we need to end the crowd-elite system. To do this, the crowd needs to be turned into people (thinking and understanding), and the authorities must be made truly accountable to the people. Then the principle “it is not who manages, but how it is managed” that matters is fully realized. Well, plus, about the economy: there is no need to contrast planned and market economies. The planned one is the goal to strive for, and the market one is the methods by which to strive for the goal...
    1. 0
      20 June 2016 10: 17
      "and make the authorities truly accountable to the people"
      In other words, all power to the Soviets.
      "there is no need to contrast the planned and market economies. The planned economy is the goal to strive for, and the market economy is the methods by which to strive for the goal"
      And this is correct, in fact the NEP or the Chinese model. Large-scale production, the defense industry, and the production of means of production must be planned by the state. Small-scale production should be given to cooperatives, artels and private owners, and also organize competition between the private sector and the state, and let the one who brings more benefit to the people and the country wins.
    2. 0
      20 June 2016 10: 17
      "and make the authorities truly accountable to the people"
      In other words, all power to the Soviets.
      "there is no need to contrast the planned and market economies. The planned economy is the goal to strive for, and the market economy is the methods by which to strive for the goal"
      And this is correct, in fact the NEP or the Chinese model. Large-scale production, the defense industry, and the production of means of production must be planned by the state. Small-scale production should be given to cooperatives, artels and private owners, and also organize competition between the private sector and the state, and let the one who brings more benefit to the people and the country wins.
  3. 0
    20 June 2016 09: 41
    Socialism, communism, capitalism, as long as there is a thieves-Duma talking shop and the election of a new pope every 4-5 years, mom will be a whore.
  4. -1
    20 June 2016 10: 45
    They tried to make a normal toilet like in America. They installed a crooked toilet, installed a non-working tank. And they saw, oh, something is not very good and the toilet with the toilet is not comfortable to use.
    Let's put back the wooden one from the hole in the street. This is what we need, what works for us. A reliable thing. Well, at the most, replace the wood with a modern material.
    Maybe we should still try to make a modern toilet as it should?

    Communism has not worked in any country in the world! Even the Chinese quickly realized this and although they are nominally communists, in reality they have capitalism.

    It is impossible to outrun the evolution of social relations.
    Science and technology determine the level of development of these relations, and not the wishes of people and their organization in attempts to jump over the necessary milestones of this development.

    At this point in time, a market economy, capitalism is the best economic model for development.
    If you don’t know how to develop with such a model now, then you will certainly not be able to develop with a model that is not applicable today.
    No matter how you want it!

    Communism will gradually come. And first of all, it will come to the most developed capitalist countries!
    The seeds of this are already visible. Take the same referendum in Switzerland on unconditional income for everyone.
    But Switzerland first went through a long path of capitalist development for such an opportunity.
    And some Vasya did not appear with a red flag and did not submit such an idea ahead of time.
  5. 0
    20 June 2016 11: 11
    Wonderful article. Wonderful person... Then follow two eternal questions: “Who is to blame?” and "What should I do?"
  6. -1
    20 June 2016 12: 40
    Everything is written correctly. A different conclusion must be drawn. Communism is when the development of everyone is a necessary condition for the development of everyone. That is, society (the state) creates conditions for everyone to realize their capabilities, and everyone, realizing their capabilities, thereby develops society. I was born and raised in the USSR and, in general, I lived more than half of my life in the USSR. The system of growth was on the professional side, social (through the Komsomol, trade union, etc.). Moral and material incentives were widespread. Salaries were enough to go on vacation with the family. And trips to various sanatoriums were cheap, especially in the fall, winter and spring. That is, the state created conditions for people to work and relax. The education system has been developed: school, vocational education, technical schools, and institutes. What am I talking about all this? Yes, the principle of socialism was simply being implemented, from each according to his ability and to each according to his work. At this time, I’m the boss, you’re doing... you’re the boss, I’m doing.... And this includes career growth and all other benefits.
  7. +1
    20 June 2016 12: 42
    Quote: Altona
    The same Baltic states ate meat and sour cream from the belly, and Kazan kissed blue chickens and ox ribs. Baku was bursting with goods in 1988 - rare books, vodka, good clothes, everything was there, and Azerbaijanis were looking for an opportunity to buy a "Volga black car"

    It’s true, in the RSFSR there were empty shelves almost everywhere, while in the national republics there was everything even in village stores. This was an artificial bias in the over-financing of underdeveloped regions at the expense of the indigenous population. The balance of income and expenditure of the republics for almost all of the last 5 five-year plans is very eloquent. This caused the failure in demographics. They require skilled labor from you, which requires special technical education and lifelong self-education, and often in a territory where it is cold, there are no roads and nothing grows without a greenhouse, and in return your profit goes to support the birth of children in Uzbekistan, or the opening of another theater in Vilnius, which did nothing to get this profit.
    They couldn’t make a normal plane in Tbilisi. It had to be made in Kazan or Ulyanovsk, while a high-tech aircraft cannot be spread on bread, and the profit from its sale is very mobile, unlike fruits of the Fergana Valley or sprats.
  8. 0
    20 June 2016 12: 49
    Throughout the history of mankind, spears have been broken on only one issue. Who owns private ownership of the means of production? Everything else in slogans and appeals is a tinsel smoke screen. For the first time in history after the Second World War, Stalin tested the collective ownership of factories and factories, where the secretaries did not even poke their noses. This collective property was modestly called artels (10% on the scale of the USSR). The secretaries saw the danger and Stalin died strangely.
  9. -1
    20 June 2016 12: 55
    Come on. I lived in a small mining town. I remember very well what happened and how it happened. So, I’ll say that our city was purely a mining town, we didn’t have agriculture, but in the stores there was everything made from food, and it was natural. Anyone remembers the six varieties of Cape, but I remember. Even cutting diagrams hung in the stores of livestock carcasses. Yes, we also had our own gardens and raised cattle. True, we had to work, but everything was fresh. Problems with food began somewhere towards the end of the 70s.
  10. 0
    20 June 2016 13: 03
    We, convinced communists, simply need an autonomous region with the laws of the USSR. Even in the Arctic. Without drones and dullards, we could build a paradise on earth, where “from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs.” Maybe write an appeal to the king? They will probably consider it separatism. Sad..
    1. 0
      20 June 2016 20: 34
      Quote: Zloy Ork
      We, convinced communists, simply need an autonomous region with the laws of the USSR. Even in the Arctic.

      That's nice! Good luck !!! hi
  11. 0
    20 June 2016 16: 27
    In America, unlike Russia, capital increased from generation to generation for decades, but in our country they grabbed everything within two or three.
  12. DPN
    20 June 2016 20: 04
    It’s just that this sounded like a man in the USSR. Now man is a beast to man, the main task is to deceive a neighbor, or better yet, a neighbor. Chubais and his friends are people, and the rest of the scumbags, one drinks a martini and the other at the trash can, the hell is not far from each other. Communism remains a dream; people have not grown up to it and are devouring themselves.
  13. 0
    20 June 2016 20: 59
    Yes, the future belongs to communism, this is a historical fact. As always, we invent something, build something, listen to cunning enemies, then break it, then scratch our turnips, and at this time another country has learned from our mistakes, and we again rush to destroy everything and catch up, catch up, catch up.
  14. 0
    21 June 2016 01: 21
    Quote: Altona
    Quote: avva2012
    Altona, is this a dissertation?
    It is written beautifully, pieces, you can just grab onto quotes. Bravo!

    Yes, I have long wanted to write an article for you, but in the end I wrote it in the comments. If the administration is interested, then it can stitch all the pieces together and publish separately. It is a pity there were no critics, I thought they would criticize. But I remained objective, not embellishing anything, but also not defaming. I did not highlight part of the problems, because the commentary has alphanumeric frames, I was afraid to fall out of the format. Therefore, shorted out some things. If interested, I can paint some things. But what was written today was written offhand, without elaboration and editing. There are minor errors in the text due to flaws in my keyboard.
    PS The role of national elites, the social camp and the SEF, relations with developing countries is not described. But you just need to gather your thoughts and describe it somehow.
  15. 0
    21 June 2016 11: 01
    Without a fight, no one will give up the loot! And the article, in its essence, describes everything correctly! Our capitalists don’t want to invest in their own country, in its development, and build new plants and factories, why, they are here, temporary, houses, children, families, have long been over the hill, and they rush there when they grab more!
  16. fix
    21 June 2016 13: 57
    The article may be somewhat naive, but an alarming question sounds latently:
    //..In the long term, such a system is losing both for individual citizens and for the entire country..//
    That is, the current socio-economic structure can lead to the further collapse of Russia. Now the matured author compares not just the “presence of sausage”, but a model of the structure of a society in which Russia will not collapse.
    Maybe someone remembers “Maslow’s pyramid” - hierarchy of needs. The basic, most essential ones are at the bottom. Until you fill your belly, you don’t think about anything else. But higher is, for example, the need for “confidence in the future.” In the USSR, only war was feared in the future.
    Therefore, after the collapse, the majority considered (and continues to consider) themselves deceived. That's not what they were afraid of.
    A social state differs from a spontaneous market state in that it has confidence in the future. If you know that you are not in danger of starvation, that your children will grow up even without you, that the country existed before and will exist after you, then everything is not in vain. Then you can dream about space.
    The author, comparing models, chooses communism (as a goal) because It is not in the interests of capitalism for the existence of a large dissident Russia.
  17. +1
    21 June 2016 15: 10
    The Soviet project was a good project and set worthy goals for people. But the Communist Party today... Alas, it seems to me that the majority of people have exhausted the limit of trust in it. The Communist Party died the moment the USSR collapsed. When none of the communists were indignant or came out to demonstrate, nothing was done. Everyone just waved their hand. We talked in the kitchen and that was it.
    IMHO, for me it is impossible to revive the Soviet project without a clear state assessment of the actions of I.V. Stalin as leader of the country. We need, like in China, to evaluate Mao’s actions once and for all and close this issue.
  18. 0
    25 July 2016 17: 08
    Quote: Ecilop
    Who would like to return to the times of the USSR (naturally, adjusted for the past quarter of a century) - give me a plus

    Adjusted for a quarter of a century, is it like in the DPRK? Or like in China?
    For some reason I don’t want to go either way. It seems that most of those writing in the USSR lived in Moscow or in special towns. They have lines for bread for hot food :) And after 9 pm where can you buy food? And what should I buy? Queues were an integral part of life in the USSR almost everywhere. Anyone who says that they did not exist was either from the nomenklatura or did not live in the USSR.
  19. 0
    April 19 2017 09: 53
    I read the article. What can I say, I’m 55 years old, a sufficient part of my adult life was spent in the USSR, so I want to express my personal opinion..
    Much about the structure of life in the Soviet period seems quite attractive to today's citizens, and I have nothing to object to - an 8-hour working day, free medicine, etc.. But not everything is so simple..
    Everyone knows the search for a just world order that began from the time of Jesus and maybe earlier, all sorts of simple formulas like “from each according to his work, to each according to his need” and other quite attractive concepts
    easily obvious to everyone in a family hostel.. But all this is not directly related to the practical attempt to build communism in the Republic of Ingushetia. In the wake of the collapse of monarchism, actual terrorists came to power, having
    They had a rather inhuman ideology in their arsenal, and they simply began to kill people, first those who disagreed, then on the basis of class, and then those who simply doubted. These victims were quite large, unjustified and are still awaiting their historical assessment (see Gulag Archipelago - quite an epic and capacious work). Subsequently, bloody forms of struggle were rejected, but negative selection had already been carried out, and then Soviet power fell.. Decide for yourself what exactly this attempt had to do with the kingdom of justice on earth..
    But on Sulakshin’s website, for example, it is quite possible to find an example of Soviet ideology in the form of text. I quote with maximum abbreviations only the most blatantly inhuman passages (if you wish, go to Sulakshin’s website.

    “The state of social justice was built on a certain value platform. The values ​​it affirmed, which actually went back to the conciliar ideals of Orthodox Rus', were opposed to the values ​​of the bourgeois world. Nineteen such pairs of value dichotomy are identified:

    1.collectivism - individualism;

    2. solidarity - competition;

    3. ideocracy - de-ideologization;

    4. messianism (salvation of the world) - integration into the world community;

    5. labor property - private property;

    6. person - social personality - person - individual;

    7. altruism - pragmatism;

    8. minimal needs - consumer culture;

    9. hero - victim - hero - superman;

    10. psychological culture - entertainment culture;
    a certain matrix. This was the matrix of Russian civilization. Russian civilization, Russianness, arose, in turn, on the basis of the Orthodox Christian choice." - Sulakshinsky text.

    This whole presentation seems to me completely unscientific. The collectivism-individualism dichotomy is similar to the ears-eyes dichotomy, a person in some cases survives as a collectivist, in some in the form of extreme individualism - it makes no sense to glorify one of the forms, the same for solidarity and competition, it is simply impossible to have one without the other. Ideocracy means that the most important thing in the lives of millions of different people is a single concept of the world order, messianism provides for an unfounded consciousness of one’s own exclusivity, and even if it contradicts integration into the world community, it means “we are crooked, not like everyone else”
    I won’t say anything about property, but I don’t think it’s wrong for labor property to become private.. In general, this ideology of communism is a completely alien concept for a biological person, presented either by a humanoid robot or a Martian. You can’t bend over backwards or even kill those who disagree for the sake of this nonsense. Although there may be a fair society and it is possible, just change the ideology to a more humane one..
  20. 0
    April 19 2017 09: 58
    I read the article. What can I say, I’m 55 years old, a sufficient part of my adult life was spent in the USSR, so I want to express my personal opinion..
    Much about the structure of life in the Soviet period seems quite attractive to today's citizens, and I have nothing to object to - an 8-hour working day, free medicine, etc.. But not everything is so simple..
    Everyone knows the search for a just world order that began from the time of Jesus and maybe earlier, all sorts of simple formulas like “from each according to his work, to each according to his need” and other quite attractive concepts
    easily obvious to everyone in a family hostel.. But all this is not directly related to the practical attempt to build communism in the Republic of Ingushetia. In the wake of the collapse of monarchism, actual terrorists came to power, having
    They had a rather inhuman ideology in their arsenal, and they simply began to kill people, first those who disagreed, then on the basis of class, and then those who simply doubted. These sacrifices were quite large, unjustified and are still awaiting their historical assessment (see Gulag Archipelago - a rather epic and capacious work). Subsequently, bloody forms of struggle were rejected, but negative selection had already been carried out, and then Soviet power fell.. Decide for yourself what exactly this attempt had to do with the kingdom of justice on earth..
    But on Sulakshin’s website, for example, it is quite possible to find an example of Soviet ideology in the form of text. I quote with maximum abbreviations only the most blatantly inhuman passages (if you wish, go to Sulakshin’s website.

    “The state of social justice was built on a certain value platform. The values ​​it affirmed, which actually went back to the conciliar ideals of Orthodox Rus', were opposed to the values ​​of the bourgeois world. Nineteen such pairs of value dichotomy are identified:

    1.collectivism - individualism;

    2. solidarity - competition;

    3. ideocracy - de-ideologization;

    4. messianism (salvation of the world) - integration into the world community;

    5. labor property - private property;

    6. person - social personality - person - individual;

    7. altruism - pragmatism;

    8. minimal needs - consumer culture;

    9. hero - victim - hero - superman;

    10. psychological culture - entertainment culture;
    a certain matrix. This was the matrix of Russian civilization. Russian civilization, Russianness, arose, in turn, on the basis of the Orthodox Christian choice." - Sulakshinsky text.

    This whole presentation seems to me completely unscientific. The collectivism-individualism dichotomy is similar to the ears-eyes dichotomy, a person in some cases survives as a collectivist, in some in the form of extreme individualism - it makes no sense to glorify one of the forms, the same for solidarity and competition, it is simply impossible to have one without the other. Ideocracy means that the most important thing in the lives of millions of different people is a single concept of the world order, messianism provides for an unfounded consciousness of one’s own exclusivity, and even if it contradicts integration into the world community, it means “we are crooked, not like everyone else”
    I won’t say anything about property, but I don’t think it’s wrong for labor property to become private.. In general, this ideology of communism is a completely alien concept for a biological person, presented either by a humanoid robot or a Martian. You can’t bend over backwards or even kill those who disagree for the sake of this nonsense. Although there may be a fair society and it is possible, just change the ideology to a more humane one..
    1. 0
      25 July 2017 22: 31
      There is no point in referring to Solzhenitsyn. His work is literary and not historical. The scale of repression in his presentation is at odds with reality. Read Zemskov.

      As for the “foreignness of communism” to human nature, this is a deep misconception. For tens of thousands of years, humanity lived in the system of primitive communism, where the means of production (fields, rivers, animals) did not belong to individuals. Also, throughout this entire time, the interests of the tribe-clan-family were placed above individual interests. Even now, the same oligarchs, like the majority, row not for themselves, but for their family. The goal is to expand the idea of ​​the family-tribe from immediate relatives to all of humanity or the people as a whole. This is a matter of education and upbringing; There is no need to break human nature over your knee.
  21. 0
    10 August 2017 17: 25
    Liberal reforms associated with the reduction of corruption and democratization of society will not become a springboard for a leap in the Russian economy. Firstly, this will not change the basic layout of the global economy, where we are assigned the role of a raw material base.
    Or maybe first try to reduce corruption? What if it turns out that the problem is with her, and not with ZOG, which specifically keeps the Russian Federation in feudalism (we have it now) for the sake of as much as 16% of global gas production, and there is no need to build any kind of communism?
  22. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      18 August 2017 22: 40
      Quote: 310
      Enough is enough, we suffered a lot with him in the past years.

      So, after all, we didn’t come to communism from a well-fed capitalist life, and even now we’re not fattening up.
  23. 0
    29 January 2018 11: 28

    Lenin's communism https://yadi.sk/d/ibbLtJYz3KGcj4

    It was necessary to transfer power within one day from the rector to the Academic Council, from the director to the Council of Shop Chiefs, from the shop manager to the Council of Masters, from the foreman to the brigade, from the secretary to the regional committee, from the General Secretary to the entire Politburo.
    People will stop barking orders at each other, and will start PROVING. And the GREAT COLLECTIVE MIND OF THE PEOPLE will be born. And without him we are like monkeys.
    Lenin's scheme is simple. It does not require elections. It does not require the creation of new authorities. Theft and delusions of false grandeur are impossible in it.
    All COLLECTIVE BODIES OF AUTHORITY existed within the Stalinist state, but they did not function as authorities. At the University there is a collective body, the Academic Council, at the General Staff there is a collective body, the Conference of Senior Generals-Chiefs of Services, and so on.
    This means that under communism the General Staff will be led not by the Chief of the General Staff, but by the COUNCIL OF SENIOR GENERALS. And the chief of staff will be subordinate to him.
    UNITY IS DESTROYED. The power of an insignificant person over a Great Nation will be destroyed forever.
    Operational management is DISTRIBUTION. It is built on UNITY.
    Makarenko. THE COMMUNE MANAGER WAS A DICTATOR (but temporary, that is, dialectical)
    Under communism, the DUTY GENERAL of the COMMUNE will also be a DICTATOR. He is a temporary STALIN. His decisions must be followed by absolutely everyone. And an individual marshal or general will not be able to remove it.
    Only the Light of the highest generals can remove the general on duty, and only then will it gather in full force or a full quorum.


    In the theory of communism, an ORDER from the head teacher of a school or even an order from a cell secretary is SERIOUS VIOLENCE AGAINST PEOPLE. ORDER will be destroyed under communism. In the army he will remain only a carrier of information. The BLACK SOUL OF VIOLENCE will be removed from it "Hey, you there, follow the boss's order or die."
    Rokossovsky “DO AS I DO,” and not as I ordered. Management through ORDERS is a bourgeois form of managing people. UNDER COMMUNISM you can control people only with the help of YOUR HEROISM. Svyatoslav “I WILL GO FIRST.”
    Global monopolization has already taken place across the planet, and therefore Europe no longer needs socialism. The whole planet is waiting for the first one to shout “LONG LIVE THE COMMUNE!” But the Commune is not a state. The commune is a global COMMUNITY OF BROTHERS. There will not be a single boss in the Commune. The General of the Commune is a leader, not a boss.
    Cleaners, plumbers, dishwashers, miners are waiting for FREEDOM, EQUALITY, BROTHERHOOD. They are waiting for UNIVERSAL HIGHER EDUCATION. Left intellectuals are also a semi-bourgeois stratum. They dream of a second socialism so that the COMMON PEOPLE will always clean their toilets and bake buns.

    Absorb the thoughts and feelings of the leader. AND THE LEADER WILL BE REBORN IN YOU!
  24. 0
    29 January 2018 11: 30

    If we had offered the COMMON PEOPLE 20 years ago higher education and real equality, we would have been living under communism for 20 years already. But all 30 left parties are silent about EQUALITY. They all want plumbers, cleaners, and loaders to run to the second revolution. And after the revolution, they cleaned toilets and repaired cisterns. AND THE COMMON PEOPLE understand all this. You have to be an idiot to believe in the second socialist revolution. But the naked king effect works. Idiocy is widespread and therefore goes unnoticed.
    Hegel: “Great events in history happen twice. Once in the form of a drama, and the second time in the form of a farce (comedy).”
    Playing anarchists and Trotskyists is a comedy. There are no real anarchists or Trotskyists now. I say an anarchist. And he himself has a university education. Yes, Lenin would kiss the asses of such anarchists. And I would appoint everyone as a minister. During the war, seventh grade girls did the bookkeeping. Adults didn't know how to add.
    Question. Will all the left ever unite, since everyone has the same programs?
    Answer. The princes did not want to unite even before the deadly Mongol invasion. The princes did not want to give up their private property into common property. All positions of Secretary General, Secretary, Director are PRIVATE PROPERTY. And the general secretaries will never give up their tiny party to the general party, even under the threat of the death of the country. The Social Idea will no longer be able to unite peoples. It's time for the idea of ​​the Commune. The idea of ​​Communism will unite the broken armies of the Communists into a single column. And the Great Communist Party will be reborn, but in a new form. DENIAL OF DENIAL. THE LAW OF DENIAL OF DENIAL is something the left cannot grasp. And Hegel's laws are ABSOLUTE. They have no exceptions.
    General secretaries have not been needed for a long time. PEOPLE FIGHT VOLUNTARILY FOR THE HOMELAND! Workers hate bosses. Modern workers and youth will not follow any orders. They'll punch you in the face and leave.
    And the workers and youth will willingly join the brothers’ party commune. And such a simple idea does not occur to anyone because of the desire not to think.
    It is useless to stupidly repeat DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT, DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT. Now there are more intellectuals than workers. And therefore the idea of ​​the dictatorship of the proletariat is impossible to substantiate.
    The workers ask: “We walk around dirty, and the cities are full of people walking while working. So it’s more like a dictatorship of the intelligentsia, and we are their servants.”
    Any system with money will definitely come to capitalism. Because money is not paper. They contain the greed of billions of people and the malice of thousands of years. MONEY IS THE SELF-ENHANCED GREED OF BILLIONS OF PEOPLE. They are living and predatory creatures. During perestroika, the half-dead social money came to life and crushed the Russians. Money always strives to evolve into CAPITAL. And it is impossible to keep them. And Marx is right: “MONEY NEEDS TO KILL”
    And you can give 100 more arguments in favor of the fact that a second socialism is impossible. But it is useless to talk about communism to the left leaders. They are the ROBOTS of socialism. They will repeat the dictatorship of the proletariat, the dictatorship of the proletariat for at least thousands of years.
    The left leaders think that they will throw out a cry and bearded peasants and illiterate sailors will immediately come running. Left leaders are not aware of the passage of time. They don’t understand that 100 years is a whole Century, but in Russian it’s an ETERNITY.
    The workers are waiting for communism. They are waiting for the SECOND COMING of LENIN with the theory of communism, not socialism. LENIN COMPLETELY COMPLETED the theory of pure communism! And the leader will return at his second coming, as promised.
  25. 0
    29 January 2018 11: 38

    (Socialism was planned by him and Marx as a temporary transition period)
    We failed because we sat on socialism for too long. And socialism is a TRANSITIONAL PERIOD. And you need to move either forward or backward.

    1. Lenin’s work “The Great Initiative”. I quote.
    “We have begun to use the word “COMMUNE” too easily... And at the same time it is forgotten that SUCH AN HONORABLE TITLE must be won... in truly COMMUNIST construction.”
    Adding an author. What Lenin means is that Communes are not state institutions with bosses. There is no need to confuse them. And only real communes, that is, societies of equals, societies without bosses, should be called communes.
    2. The original version of the article “The immediate tasks of Soviet power.” I quote.
    “Every FACTORY, every artel.... is an INDEPENDENT COMMUNE with internal labor organization. In each of these COMMUNES, an increase in SELF-DISCIPLINE... This is the path along which we can and must ensure that the power of example becomes, first of all, a moral, and then a forcibly introduced model of the structure of labor in the new Soviet Russia.”
    Analysis. By Commune, Lenin means precisely the Commune. Please note that in the commune there must be SELF-DISCIPLINE. And under socialism there was DISCIPLINE and this is also correct, but not the same thing. A COMMUNE IS SELF-MOVEMENT, and socialism is a MOVEMENT under the leadership of the socialist state. Absolutely the opposite.

    3. LENIN “How to organize a competition? I quote the leader.
    “It is necessary that every COMMUNE, every factory, every village compete with each other... These are the successes our COMMUNE should be proud of,... In which COMMUNE...

    4. Rough sketch of the PROGRAM DRAFT. Seventh emergency congress of the RCP(b)
    "Organization of competition between different communes."
    5. LENIN. On measures of transition from bourgeois-cooperative to proletarian-communist supply and distribution” PSS t 37 p. 471-472
    “The whole difficulty of the task is to develop a system of measures for the transition TO A REAL COMMUNE.” Discussion. Please note that here LENIN specifically emphasizes “THE REAL COMMUNE.”

    6. LENIN. Speech at the 1st Congress of Agricultural Communes and Agricultural Owners
    DECEMBER 4, 1919. I quote.
    “We will ensure that each of the SEVERAL THOUSAND COMMUNES that now exist
    has become a real hotbed of COMMUNIST IDEAS.”
    Lenin often uses the word artel and the word obshchina as synonyms for commune.
    But we must understand that the old community is only a primitive commune. A modern scientific community is a theater community, a university community, an academy of sciences community, a division community. Scientific communities (communes) are most effective in the most complex industries.

    7. Lenin’s work “Additions to the project on subbotniks”
    “Subbotniks are one of the forms of propaganda of the idea of ​​labor service and SELF-ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKING CLASS”

    This is only a small part of Lenin’s decrees and theories on the actual construction of communism.
    Discussion. Wherever Lenin uses the word “SELF” we are talking about the THEORY OF COMMUNISM. After this remark, any worker himself can figure out where Lenin’s theory of socialism is and where the theory of communism is. We have given only a small number of examples showing that Lenin simultaneously built both socialism and communism.
    The decisions of all Stalinist congresses were implemented. And that was right. It remains to fulfill the decisions of all Leninist congresses on the construction of 1000 communes. Please note that according to Lenin, it is necessary to create FACTORIES (factories)-COMMUNES, and not just rural ones.
    A true communist is only one who fulfills the plans of Lenin, our Greatest Leader, our god and prophet and founder of the Great Communist Party. On the path to communism, the Great Communist Party will be reborn again, but in a new form, in the form of a network party Commune. LAW OF DENIAL OF DENIAL!
    Then everything is simple. If the productivity of COMMUNE FACTORIES is higher than socialist factories, then everyone will understand that building socialism for a long time does not make sense.
    We have reached the finish line of heroic Russian history - ONLY COMMUNISM AHEAD. So what is the secret of Russian history? IN PURE COMMUNISM!

    Comment. Lenin built both socialism and communism at the same time. But as soon as the factories started operating, he planned to transform SOCIALISM into COMMUNISM. To achieve this, he planned to introduce COLLECTIVE MANAGEMENT after the restoration of the factories. This is Marx's plan. And communism is ready. Cleaners and plumbers expect EQUALITY and higher education.


    The Great Commune of Khudenko was destroyed by the good Brezhnev. And in the Khudenko Commune of 1961, labor productivity increased 20 (!!!) times due to CREATIVITY. She put US farmers on both shoulders. Communism will create abundance in one year!
    As soon as the leftists win, they will destroy all the communes again. And again he will live in poverty, like in Cuba. Communism and socialism are completely different systems. Lenin about communism: “THIS IS A WORLD IN WHICH THERE WILL BE NO ONE FRAME OF THE PAST.” Communism has little in common with socialism. They even have different times. The political economy of socialism is the science of WORKING TIME, and of communism is the science of FREE TIME (science). Marx.
    The Makarenko commune was created by Dzerzhinsky. As a communist, he was simply obliged to create 1000 communes. Makarenko could not buy a modern plant himself, and even connect a research institute. The security officers did all this. They intercepted denunciations against Makarenko. Makarenko says that for the first time he met real great communists in the Cheka. Under communism, the Army and the FSB will become communes of brothers. Lenin. SUCH AN ARMY IS POSSIBLE (not socialist, but communist).
    Khrushchev wanted to destroy shoulder straps for officers. And he's right. OR ALL OR NO ONE. Soldiers can be given soldier's shoulder straps. They deserve it. Example. The leaders of Japan made millions of samurai swords and handed them to all commanders, starting with the most junior.
    The example of the Cheka of the Great Dzerzhinsky says that the FSB Commune is possible. All external intelligence officers fight FOR THE IDEA, which means there are many real communists in the FSB.