Do not seriously count on the stupidity of the enemy


Recently, the Internet has been replete with articles on the revival of Russia and the fall of the US empire. Perhaps my article will be a little out of the trend, well, do not judge me. Fully supporting the revival of Great Russia and considering myself Russian as a matter of fact, all the same, I would venture to express an opinion different from the mainstream. We have two excellent proverbs well illustrating the main point of this article:

1. Don't say gop until you jump.

2. Do not share the skin of an unkilled bear.

So, what is it all about? The fact that in no case should not underestimate the enemy, let us take it as an axiom. Everyone knows that on the battlefield the best way to ambush the enemy is to imitate a retreat. The actions of the Americans and NATO are like panic at the moment, but let's assume for a moment that this is a game. It's not a secret that Rice, Power, Obama, Rassmunsen, Ashton and others are just parrots, broadcasting what they are told. Do you really believe that in the United States decisions are made by people who are poorly versed in geography and are prone to tantrums? Major decisions are made in a completely different place by people who are competent enough in matters of geopolitics. And do not expect that the degradation of education in the West has affected everyone. People who analyze the situation and make decisions receive a completely different education.

Personally, the situation with the pressure of Russia painfully reminds me of the pressure on Japan on the eve of Pearl Harbor. These measures are initially incapable of forcing Russia to change its position, but are clearly intended to provoke it into an armed conflict.

Over the years, a philistine in Russia has become accustomed to the idea that the presence of a nuclear weapons This is a guarantee of national security. In this connection, North Korea is constantly cited as an example. But only a person far from the army can think that North Korea is able to fully use nuclear weapons. South Korea’s NWO’s maximum will suffer South Korea, and nothing more. North Korea is more used by the United States as a scarecrow for Japan and South Korea, to emphasize their dependence on the United States, as well as to continuously escalate the situation in the Asia-Pacific Region to China. If the States wanted to seriously solve the problem of Korea, they would solve it according to the Libyan version. Moreover, in the light of new repressions after Kim Jong-un came to power, they should not even look for an excuse.

The second point is the widespread view that the States, trying to tear Ukraine away, did not take into account Russia's reaction. Are you seriously? After Russia behaved in a situation with Syria, the latest housewife could have foreseen such a reaction from Moscow to the situation in Ukraine, not to mention NATO military analysts.

The situation with Ukraine reminds me more of the provocation of Russia to the fighting. Given the preponderance of NATO in military power, it makes no sense for them to wait for Russia to strengthen its troops. The further, the less chance of defeating Russia in an armed conflict. Why wait for 2018 of the year when the modernization of the army is completed? It is better to provoke a conflict now, hooking it to the living. And what could be more important for Russia than Ukraine?

One and all analysts agree that time works against the West in every sense. What is the point and what to expect? Waiting for Russia's breakthrough in the Arctic, its departure from the petrodollar, the emergence of an ICBM in Cuba and Venezuela? Obviously, they are interested in the soonest confrontation with Russia, but still made up for the fight for human rights. And the role of meat in this slaughter is not allotted to Ukraine. The United States expects to push Europe with Russia, and will connect at the last stage, when both sides will be drained of blood. And it’s not even necessary to bring the situation to an exchange of nuclear strikes. After all, it is clear that the use of nuclear weapons is a gesture of despair before the complete destruction of the country. Before that, it is not necessary to bring serious economic damage and infrastructure damage enough to cast off Russia's revival for years and decades. And then you can sign the world ...

I really hope that my reasoning is only a flight of fancy, but I also hope that those who make decisions in the Russian army are far from the bloggers' childish enthusiasm and can adequately evaluate all possible scenarios and circumvent all the pitfalls of our "western partners." The biggest mistake a commander can make is to underestimate the enemy and take his cunning as weakness ...
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  1. 0
    April 14 2014 19: 38
    All analysts agree that time is working against the West in every sense. What is the point of them and what to expect?

    Continuing the author’s thought, time works not against the West, but against boasters and dependents.
    It is not a fact that already in 2008 the West realized the danger of Russia, but has still not been able to organize counteraction - the crisis has hampered them very seriously.
    But now, after Crimea and, I hope, the southeast of Ukraine, the West will bend over backwards to besiege, stop, intimidate, ruin, destabilize, disintegrate... Russia.

    And as luck would have it, we are in a phase of people’s joy, eternal holidays, award lists, division of posts and bonuses, dreams and bragging...

    So after the Patriotic War of 1812 we flew into the Crimean....
    And after popular enthusiasm and victories of boats over battleships in the Turkish in 1877-1878, they completely penetrated the Japanese in 1904-1905.

    Now time is compressed literally by the hour. I am sure that the Crimean liberation operation of 2014 was literally minutes ahead of the prepared actions of the junta.

    So now we have to wait for the prepared and verified actions of the Gay Europeans and Geyricans against Russia.
    It's time to get ready.
  2. 0
    April 14 2014 19: 38
    I disagree with the author on the following points.
    Why does the US provoke Russia? Well, why? If they want to fight, they can do it at any time, without looking for excuses or reasons. Or who doubts that they need a reason, knowing how everything was in Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan? I think the whole intrigue is this: the West is planning to destroy the Slavic world from the inside. And to do this he needs to destroy all countries one by one. It didn’t work out with the Belarusians. Father ran away under the wing of Russia. With Ukraine it seems that there has not been a single adequate president there. After the destruction of Ukraine, they will take on Russia through “sanctions”. They will hang the “Iron Curtain”, worsen the situation of the people and, with the help of the fifth column, change the power in Russia, and then it is already clear, disarmament, depopulation, division and reservations. Well, of course, wealth for yourself. So, the author’s thoughts are ROOTLY wrong. And since the West is planning to destroy Russia, then it is obvious that it WILL NOT GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA! And from this it follows that Russia CAN “painlessly” use force. A BLOCKADE awaits her anyway. In both versions! And therefore it is better to meet the blockade with the annexed regions of the southeast of Ukraine. And the article is even provocative, forcing the Russian authorities to sit down and not rock the boat. Putin needs to remember the saying: “It is better to regret what you DID than what you DID NOT DO.” After the loss of Ukraine and its southeast, Russia is DOOMED; it will not WITHstand the BLOCKade of the West! And only those who don’t know history doubt that the blockade will happen no matter what. ALL THE WEST'S CAMPAIGNS AGAINST RUSSIA WERE AT A TIME OF RUSSIA'S GREATEST WEAKNESS. Right now Russia is the weakest BUT STARTING TO RISE. It is at these moments that the West ATTACKS.
  3. 0
    April 14 2014 20: 41
    as one very respected person said, what has been seen, what will happen, we’ll see. Any person with analytical skills understands that now some kind of dirty game is being played against Russia - the most important question is the final goal of this game.
  4. +1
    April 14 2014 21: 09
    Quote: nikcris
    Aniki do not go platooning for cigarettes in Afghanistan. You have beguiled them with someone. I even suspect with whom. They are sent everything that is required.

    Everyday life of American soldiers
  5. +1
    April 14 2014 21: 10
    “Obama, Rassmunsen, Ashton and others are just parrots saying what they are told. Do you really believe that in the United States decisions are made by people who have little understanding of geography and are prone to hysterics?”

    The appointed pawns wanted to do the same thing to Putin, but it didn’t work out. He, like Stalin, went a different route.
  6. +1
    April 14 2014 21: 19
    What is indisputable and unambiguous in this article is that you absolutely cannot relax and fall into euphoria.
    The photo is good, I can guess where these fighters are from.
  7. +3
    April 14 2014 21: 32
    “The situation with Ukraine reminds me more of a provocation of Russia to hostilities.” - Well, this is not a revelation - it can be seen even with the naked eye. As for the US attempt to provoke an armed conflict between Russia and Europe, it is hardly realistic. I don’t think that Europe, even under US pressure, will get into a fight with Russia. Are they stupid or suicidal? The mentality of ordinary Europeans, and even Americans, is such that they are primarily concerned with the problems of their family, their street, their city, and finally, their country. And some kind of Ukraine with its problems, which for most people do not know where it is located, is something vague and incomprehensible, causing anxiety, but not a desire to burn in the fire of war.
  8. +1
    April 14 2014 22: 06
    The article is good. Auto RU hi
  9. 0
    April 14 2014 22: 15
    Quote: a52333
    At least 30 people go out to buy cigarettes in Kabul.

    Well, we’re not stupid either, we didn’t climb alone..... wink
  10. 0
    April 14 2014 22: 21
    The author was too clever. Everything he says is correct, but the conclusions are not the same. They will not go to war against us. They are strong only against the weak and only in crowds. But nothing will help them against Russia. They understand that we are not Yugs, not Serbs, not Iraqis, not Libyans, etc.. That’s what they want and inject. Therefore, they wanted to repeat as in the past - reduce the price of oil and gas and close the curtain in the form of sanctions. But alas, times are no longer the same and they are in the ass! And we need to make the most of the moment, regardless of their yapping and whining
  11. 0
    April 14 2014 22: 34
    Quote: I think so
    Right now Russia is the weakest BUT STARTING TO RISE. It is at these moments that the West ATTACKS.

    Don't panic, I'll gouge out your eyes and bandage them. So you will be the new salvation of Russia! am
  12. 0
    April 14 2014 22: 46
    Yes, the United States needs both Russia and Europe, since both of them are their competitors in the world market, they are simply in different positions. Based on this, they will always strive to weaken them mutually and use every chance to do this. The situation of the conflict with Ukraine is modeled in such a way as to “kill two birds with one stone.” This is also confirmed by the fact that the United States will suffer minimal economic losses, and economic ties and political dialogue between Russia and Europe will roll back “to yesterday.”
  13. BelPartizan
    April 14 2014 23: 17
    Russia also has a team in power engaged in planning, for this purpose “brainstorming” is regularly held, with the consideration and forecasting of various options for the development of events, and this team knows how to plan and, in general, now everything is going according to this plan. All of the above is just my opinion (a guess), but it seems to me that for the last 10 years everything has been working this way in Russia. Everything is not just like that and not on its own
  14. 0
    April 14 2014 23: 18
    Interesting point of view. By the way, it’s similar to the situation before the Second World War. When the USSR also delayed the moment of armed opposition.
  15. +6
    April 14 2014 23: 43
    Quote: I readNews
    Because Yarosh is not the main threat.
    Yarosh is just another brainless puppet who will be thrown out as unnecessary as soon as he plays his role
  16. +1
    April 15 2014 00: 20
    Cowardly article! Let's not do anything! We will give Crimea to NATO bases. Let's betray the Russians in Ukraine, let them be crushed by guns and MLRS. Let them make you kneel and force you to wash your face with bloody snot! So, what is next? Next they will crush Syria! Then they will take on the Caucasus and Central Asia! Look, soon we will be standing like that guy from the History textbook, when Uncle Sam is everywhere, and we are on one leg. There is nowhere to put the second one!
    What's the point that the analysts there have calculated the options for starting a war? We must firmly state this in accordance with our doctrine. If you start a war with us, we will use nuclear weapons! And let them begin after that! If there is anything left in your head! Determination and will will stop any bastard! If you want to destroy us, we'll all go to hell together!
  17. +1
    April 15 2014 01: 52
    I think that the author of the article clearly underestimates Putin. And Putin has sufficient experience and information (including from our agents in the military structures of our Western “partners”) to achieve maximum efficiency in our actions in Ukraine. This has already become clear from the results with Crimea.
    In eastern and southern Ukraine, our actions will also be as reasonable and timely as possible. I think that Yanukovych has not yet fully played his historical role in this struggle for Ukraine.
  18. +2
    April 15 2014 03: 12
    I very much agree with the author of the article: since the spring there has been an “epidemic” of “happy” comments on the site! They often look stupid and ugly. I tried to somehow “bring some sense” to the people, but they’re “figs”. I agree that it is stupid to underestimate NATO (especially the USA) so much. But I cannot completely agree with the opinion that the USA is provoking Russia into military action in order to defeat the Russian Armed Forces before they rearm. Yes, it is very likely that the USA “dreams” of defeating Russia, until the Armed Forces have rearmed; but even in the current state, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces will be able to inflict “unacceptable” damage on the United States. This means that the United States will try to “punish” Russia primarily with non-nuclear weapons and the hands of Euro-NATO. But Russia is not Libya, not Iraq, not Yugoslavia and the European Union will “piss.” In this case, the United States will have to promise Europe maximum military assistance. And this is where “HEMORRHOIDS” begins: large numbers of troops must be transferred over long distances to densely populated Europe. Of course, Iraq has shown that the United States is capable of very a lot; but in the history with Russia the scale is different, and the “victoriousness” of the campaign is not so clear, and what is the “number” of acceptable (unacceptable) losses for the USA (NATO)? In general: “I think so,” but I could be wrong, because... not a strategist, not a major politician, etc., etc.
  19. Serg7281
    April 15 2014 14: 31
    The biggest mistake a commander can make is to underestimate the enemy and mistake his cunning for weakness...

    Russia, thank God, is not only a European country, but also an Asian one. And in Asia they are very good at hiding their feelings.
  20. 0
    April 15 2014 21: 03
    Let the United States not think that they are the smartest. In the event of war, the United States will go under water. They will not be able to sit out on another continent. Yes, damn it, we will use everything in the war, all our nuclear weapons, absolutely everything. What is this the United States I dreamed and didn’t dream. So, it’s better to sit and not rock the boat. It’s not the United States that conceded, it’s us that conceded, having lost half of our lands, having lost the USSR.
  21. +1
    April 15 2014 21: 22
    There is a lot of truth in these words of the article! you must always be prepared, always calculate several moves ahead and different options for events. thank God that the Soviet school of the KGB literally sewed such techniques into the subconscious of its employees) and Vladimir Vladimirovich is quite good at this technique.... But a mad dog can bite and infect even before death... so we all rely on our strategists! And we worry about the brotherly people of Ukraine, hold on guys! crush the fascist-Bendery nit!
  22. The comment was deleted.
  23. 0
    April 15 2014 21: 41
    Quote: indifferent
    Cowardly article! Let's not do anything! We will give Crimea to NATO bases. Let's betray the Russians in Ukraine, let them be crushed by guns and MLRS. Let them make you kneel and force you to wash your face with bloody snot! So, what is next? Next they will crush Syria! Then they will take on the Caucasus and Central Asia! Look, soon we will be standing like that guy from the History textbook, when Uncle Sam is everywhere, and we are on one leg. There is nowhere to put the second one!
    What's the point that the analysts there have calculated the options for starting a war? We must firmly state this in accordance with our doctrine. If you start a war with us, we will use nuclear weapons! And let them begin after that! If there is anything left in your head! Determination and will will stop any bastard! If you want to destroy us, we'll all go to hell together!

    In! This is our way, the Russian way! With only one amendment - in case of war, only Russia, the Empire of Good, will remain!
    Russia will only grow from now on, because Russia is a VERY KIND, GOOD, STRONG AND POWERFUL RICH COUNTRY! Which has ALL the resources, ALL the periodic table, vast territories: forests, fields, steppes, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, water. A powerful Army that will kill and bury the attacker on Russia. And Russia is Love, Peace, Goodness, Reliability and Protection, the Empire of Goodness - that’s why Russia will only grow and strengthen. For everyone loves and adore Russia, and will strive for Russia!
  24. 0
    April 15 2014 21: 48
    Quote: Humen
    I hope our leaders are calculating the steps and consequences. Recently, too many Europe and the United States have yielded, which in itself is strange. Either they are really so weak, or they are preparing something. But it’s better to be prepared for the worst than bite your elbows later.

    Chelavek, lately we have been giving in, having lost the Russian Empire, having lost the USSR, and almost lost Russia! Let these USA kill themselves in the face - we are very, well, very peaceful, kind and good, well, VERY GOOD - just let them not dig their own grave. We - don’t touch them - so let them not interfere. Let-ye ..., they move to their own continent, and there they bomb themselves, sausage and set up unmanned zones for themselves, in short, they set up all their sick imagination for themselves on their own continent. And here we have peace and goodness! Well, the United States has no business creating chaos, mayhem, devastation and some kind of massacres and wars here. Otherwise, they will become part of Russia.
  25. 0
    April 15 2014 22: 02
    Quote: Ataman
    And I do not agree with the author of the article. As Napoleon used to say: "It is not necessary to explain it by malicious intent, what is explained by ordinary stupidity." The goal of America is to make a mess, as in Chechnya and Georgia, in order to just mess with at least or draw into a military conflict as much as possible. And watch the Russians kill each other. In the First World War, they said that England hated the Germans so much that she was ready to fight them to the last Russian soldier. And now America is ready to fight with Russia to the last Ukrainian, Georgian or Chechen. Only now is the education of American strategists, they could not turn a Russian person in Ukraine into dill. As he was Russian, he remained.

    For them, we are Indians. Their goal is to destroy us. But so far, they cannot do this in an open military confrontation, they do not have enough power and we are not so weak yet. For this, they include the Indian scenario - us with each other - to quarrel - here everything is used - the poverty of a simple worker and the oligarchs, religion, nationality - anything is used, anything that can help divide us and push us against each other into civil strife, an internecine war-massacre. Then they - how and then for a long time with the Indians they sailed on their ships, like bringing us peace and “democracy” for us. Some of ours go over to their side and help them in destroying us. Having destroyed us, they finish off and slaughter our people who went over to theirs side, but in the end they cut us out and, like America, populate our land with themselves.
    Well, in short, like this.
    Therefore, we need to do everything so that this does not happen, so that they do not have a reason and opportunity to quarrel with us and kill each other. Are the reasons clear? We are clear. We are acting. We are not sleeping. Russia will grow stronger and mature, develop and grow rich, bloom and smell. And for the traitors, murderers and thieves of Russia, only death!
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 22: 38
      When we don’t have traitors. When all the people will be united and all the people will live well. It will be so good that there will be anyone from young to old, from worker to boss, from president to collective farmer, from military to hard workers - to love and simply adore their country. When we don’t have traitors helping to ruin our country to all sorts of foggy Albions. When there are no prerequisites and reasons for all sorts of foggy Albions to ruin our country. It’s just that everyone, every person, should very much and deeply love and adore this very country for real. For this, you need to do everything in the country for the person. So that this person lives and sees it all with his own eyes, takes advantage of it and can even go abroad, live there and still to return to our country, having realized that ours - in this case, I’m talking about Russia - the Empire of Good - is better than all any foreign countries combined. That only our country will take care and protect a person, his family, children, parents, wife. What is better -there is simply no country. For a person to love and adore this country. And for him to perceive the collapse of this country as his own death and the death of his family. For a person living in such a country, seeing that the country cares about him, his family , parents, wife - he simply understood - even in comparison with all those abroad - that his country is better, that it is the country that needs him, that it is the country, the state that will protect him and take care - he will love and take care of this country, for him - the collapse or attack on such a country of his will be perceived as his own death, and the death of all the people dear to him - he will always defend this country and severely beat everyone who dares to attack his country. Strongly and mercilessly. Then, then we will not be defeated, not no foggy albions will disunite and quarrel. Do you understand?? I hope that you understand. It is difficult to quarrel, disunite and set off those who are united and happy with life, starting from simple hard workers, collective farmers, and ending with bosses. Do you understand?
      What did Putin say?
      “Whoever wants to revive the USSR in its previous form has no brains!”
      "You need to take the BEST from the USSR."
  26. The comment was deleted.
  27. 0
    April 16 2014 01: 08
    KAMAZ, Lada? Are you Russian or what?! This is so infuriating!
  28. 0
    April 16 2014 10: 49
    Do not boast about your strength when going to Battle, but boast when leaving the Battlefield... commandment of God Perun