Why Russia needs to declare war

Why Russia needs to declare warThe time has come to complete the work that the French Emperor Napoleon I began in the 19th century and the German chancellor Hitler continued in the 20th century: the conquest and submission of Russia to Europe. We talked too long about these two brave enterprises, the failure of which was largely due to bad weather. Berezina and Stalingrad entered the language as synonymous with disorder and defeat. It is time to rid the European consciousness of this inferiority complex, which arises in it at the thought of Moscow. In other words, you need to take Moscow, because it is possible. In the 19th century, the United States was only a second-rate provincial power and did not have the resources to transport fresh troops and new weaponsNapoleon needed him so much to overthrow the tyrant Alexander I with his insidious commander-in-chief Kutuzov.

In the twentieth century, an unpleasant tactical error, which, unfortunately, is filled storyprevented Hitler from seeking military assistance from the United States, because those (fortunately, very briefly) were allies of the Russians. Now nothing of the kind is out of the question. The leaders and the media in Europe and mighty North America finally adhere to the same position in Russia: contempt, disgust and hatred. And even to the closest NATO strategist it is as clear as day that in such incredibly favorable conditions only one thing remains: to attack. Attack. Attack Russia!

At the heart of any war must be moral and humanitarian motives. With good intentions lined the road to hell - in the literature so used to say Andre Gide, who was aware of the evil satanic nature of the Russian state before others. In politics - all the same. Especially in foreign policy.

The goal of the colonization of Africa was not exploitation at all, but the care and enlightenment of people. When they were cured and enlightened, they were only asked to make a modest contribution to the development of the European economy, even if for this purpose many of them had to lay down their heads. There are more than enough moral and humanitarian reasons for attacking Russia. First, it is Ukraine, a new object of passion of the West and America. The Ukrainians of the 2010s became the likeness of the Bosnians and the Kosovars of the 1990s — beautiful creatures with lofty feelings and pure thoughts. To deprive them of the Crimea, which was Russian three times longer than the Ukrainian, was the most severe insult and the strongest blow to the mental and psychological balance of Ukrainians, these new examples of heroism for all of humanity. But it's not only that. Russia has not the first year gives us new reasons to attack, invade and destroy it. It is enough to go on the Internet for a short time: blond Femen, billionaires sent to prison, a refuge for the American traitor Edward Snowden, embracing Putin with a French deserter and tax evader Depardieu, and so on.

So let us not repeat the mistake that has become fatal for brilliant predecessors of Obama and Ashton, that is, Napoleon and Hitler! We need to start acting right now if we don’t want, like them, to get stuck at Stalingrad or freeze on the Berezina. Honestly, I even have doubts ... Perhaps now we are already too delayed, and in order not to be substituted by the weather beats, should the attack be postponed for 2015 a year? After all, it is impossible to allow Russians to humiliate us for the third time! It is impossible!
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. 0
    30 March 2014 17: 16
    is this sarcasm or.."what?".. o_0
  3. bevatec
    30 March 2014 17: 48
    Only a COMPLETE MORON can rejoice at a possible war. Judging by the comments, the majority are like that. I hope that among them the majority are stupid teenagers.
    1. 0
      30 March 2014 22: 08
      Quote: Bevatec
      Only a COMPLETE MORON can rejoice at a possible war. Judging by the comments, the majority are like that. I hope that among them the majority are stupid teenagers.

      War? Are they happy? Look at the quote from the article. It looks like you'll have to defend yourself, or are you such a complete smartass that you don't understand this? Regarding youngsters, they are no worse than old senile people, or for you an example are those who are on the Maidan, i.e. bandits, looters, Nazis who left their country in dust.
      And even the most narrow-minded NATO strategist is clear as day that in such incredibly favorable conditions there is only one thing left: to attack. Attack. Attack Russia!
      This is how they joke, although there is a grain of joke in every joke (this is about the author of the article).
  4. 0
    30 March 2014 18: 05
    Secret and unrealizable dreams of our “beloved partners”.
  5. 19671812
    30 March 2014 18: 22
    Near the Berezina, Moscow, Stalingrad, and so on, there was a lot of frost. Near Kursk it was summer, warm, hot, clear weather. When the weather clears up, welcome...
  6. +1
    30 March 2014 18: 37
    Do you want to fight? Come, we will meet you, wherever you go, we can get to Washington, and it will be like in the joke: Obama asks a fortune teller about the future: What awaits the world in the future. Fortune Teller: America's War with Russia. Obama: Ugh, what a bad and wrong prediction. But tell me, dear, how much will a Big Mac cost in New York in a couple of years? Answer: 25 rubles.
  7. 0
    30 March 2014 19: 00
    Such clumsy sarcasm. Clumsily trolled the West.
  8. +1
    30 March 2014 19: 18
    “And even the most narrow-minded NATO strategist is clear as day that in such incredibly favorable conditions there is only one thing left: to attack. Attack. Attack Russia!”

    Come on guys! We are looking forward to seeing you!
    Since there are not enough people, we really need workers as free prisoners of war. After all, there are so many things ahead: the development of Siberia and the Far East, the development of the Arctic, putting things in order where you have time to mess up, and so on. So, you are welcome.
    PS You can bring your own shovels.
  9. 0
    30 March 2014 19: 41
    What is ward no.
    Napoleon took Moscow. The Poles took it. Tatars.
    Each person who took it had consequences. Berezina, Susanin, Astrakhan and Kazan.
  10. +2
    30 March 2014 19: 48
    “minus” article. And to those who are planning to come to us, I inform you that you have already dug a ditch for yourselves, you haven’t even regretted a lard of bucks. let’s take it into account, so be it, we’ll dig it in so that it doesn’t stink in the summer. WE ARE POLITE!
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +1
    30 March 2014 20: 20
    That's it, that's it!
  13. +7
    30 March 2014 20: 21
    We have spent far too long talking about these two daring ventures, the failure of which was largely due to bad weather.
  14. +1
    30 March 2014 20: 36
    What kind of nonsense is this? Who is author ? It seems like such a decent site, why put articles from a mental hospital here? What result did you want to hear in response? Well, the most decent one - don’t dig a hole with your friend - you’ll fall into it yourself. Folk wisdom.
  15. 0
    30 March 2014 20: 38
    Everything's OK! Feuilleton is a big plus.
    If we Russians also understood French humor (not all, and not right away), then not everything is so bad!
    Most importantly, it is interesting to know how the French themselves reacted to this.
    Got it, or not so...?
  16. G8K
    30 March 2014 20: 45
    The nerves of the forum members are tense as a string due to recent events. Many did not understand the humor and sarcasm. Excellent feuilleton, subtle trolling of the imperialists!
  17. 0
    30 March 2014 21: 24
    Quote: nnz226
    about the same Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya

    Russia is always grateful to the Russian army for this operation! Vivat!
  18. 0
    30 March 2014 22: 10
    Russia is a great country, in our land there is a place for new “Napoleons” and “Hitlers” and others like them.
  19. 0
    30 March 2014 22: 18
    I haven't read anything dumber yet.
  20. kelevra
    30 March 2014 22: 36
    Who wrote this? It looks like a newly minted ideologist of the right sector of Ukraine! Someone’s brains are jammed with Russophobia, or maybe someone has been thoroughly injected with Russophobic thoughts here and there!
  21. UPITER
    31 March 2014 00: 35
    Otto von Bismarck - Never fight the Russians. They will respond to your every military stratagem with unpredictable stupidity. The Russians cannot be defeated, we have been convinced of this for hundreds of years.
    Winston Churchill.
    Russians may seem narrow-minded, impudent or even stupid people, but all that remains is to pray to those who stand in their way.

    Well, I say - Don't wake up the Russian bear!!!!
  22. 0
    31 March 2014 00: 43
    Quote: kelevra
    Who wrote this? It looks like a newly minted ideologist of the right sector of Ukraine! Someone’s brains are jammed with Russophobia, or maybe someone has been thoroughly injected with Russophobic thoughts here and there!

    Come on, you should take such things so close to your heart, they are designed for Western slow-witted people, only they take everything written for granted, but we differ from them in that we can and turn a negative into a positive, in the form of humor. It's the same here.
  23. 0
    31 March 2014 00: 56
    An article by an amateur historian who did not know the way to the library. laughing The history of the “conquest” of Rus' by the West is thousands of years old.
  24. +1
    31 March 2014 01: 04
    Quote: ra3eJIeBog
    And you have to humiliate, for the third and last time for you!

    The greatest humiliation for the West is ignoring and ridiculing their sanctions, and the further development of business relations with Western companies that wish to continue working with Russian ones, while there is no need to break agreements, especially on the supply of natural resources, this is what our “partners” are trying to achieve, in order to show the unreliability of the partner in Russia. Calm, just calm, there is no need to stoop to humiliation towards Western colleagues, this is their prerogative, they have already done this to themselves, without our help, namely, they have lowered themselves, in the face of their people, below the baseboard.
  25. 0
    31 March 2014 11: 56
    Quote: ya.seliwerstov2013
    The Poles ran into Susanin, the French ran into Kutuzov, the Nazis crap in front of Stalin, everyone else is fucking... in front of Putin!!

    The Poles also got it from Minin and Pozharsky, the French and Suvorov got a little bit of it. Even though the British “won” the Crimean War (with France and Turkey), they even dared to send one ship close to St. Petersburg.
  26. 0
    31 March 2014 12: 17
    Quote: UPITER
    Don't wake up the Russian bear!!!!

    They've already woken me up. The connecting rod roams quietly until it touches anyone, looking towards Berlin and Kyiv...martens and squirrels are scouted out...chipmunks are gnawing through communications, fighting mosquitoes are waiting for a command, Kamchadals are harpooning, shamans are holding their next military training. And the Strategic Missile Forces are quietly watching all this. wink