Comrade Power, do not spit!

Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, is a frequent hero News. It’s like he threatens to erase Qatar from the world map, then sends Samantha Power to play electric guitars with “guns” ... Activities in the UN Security Council are in full swing - then Syria, then Ukraine, then one veto, then another - and therefore every few months it appears and overgrown with new details storyassociated with fellow ambassador. And V. Churkin, as the most intelligent character of Russian fairy tales, always wins in the finals, and his antagonist opponents fight in real hysterics.

Comrade Power, do not spit!

Hysteria in American foreign policy is, in general, a tradition. And although Vladimir Soloukhin believed that the very concept of tradition has an extremely positive connotation (perhaps because the tradition is successive, that is, it passes from generation to generation, and the bad is transmitted and cannot exist for a long time), the Americans managed to develop a negative tradition. On that they and Americans - people special, it is possible even to say, exclusive. And the most special of them are those that fell into the government or received from it certain powers.

One of the most prominent tantrums of recent years, perhaps Hillary Clinton. According to American American journalists, under Obama she ruled America, and not Barak Huseynovich. The president in the Oval Office only gloomily and stupidly assented to her. This Hillary exclaimed a typically American “wow” when Gaddafi was killed. This is Hillary day after day ditching on all world-wide TV channels: “Assad must leave” (Assad didn’t, however, leave). This Hillary was hysterical in front of the congressmen who conducted her biased interrogation about the death of Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi (Libya). And interestingly, her rating in the United States after a hysteria in Congress soared to the skies.

In a moment of rare epiphany, H. Clinton admitted with a sigh: "Everyone would like me to sit at home, bake pancakes and serve tea." To her husband, Bill, since the time of his governorship, she rolled into hysterics every morning: “If I hadn’t given him a kick in the ass every morning, he wouldn’t have achieved anything.”

The other day old mrs clinton compared V. Putin's actions in the Crimea with the policies of Hitler in the 1930-s. “Hitler insisted that they [ethnic Germans] were treated unfairly. Like, I have to go and protect my people, that's what makes everyone so nervous, ”she said.

If this hot little thing is elected president in 2016, and the special committees are already collecting millions for the election campaign, the wild America will go wild and fly off the coils. Probably, total American hysteria will be the beginning of the end of the democratic "hegemon."

But a portrait of another representative from the "Women's Battalion" of the White House. We're talking about Susan Elizabeth Rice, the national security adviser to the US president. Before starting to advise the president, Susan was tested (the verb is given in its exact meaning) in the role of US Permanent Representative to the UN. Her unequivocally aggressive statements were repeatedly criticized from very different, including politically opposite, sides.

Rice accused Iran of supporting terrorism, was one of the most ardent supporters of the bombing democratization of Libya, said that the evil Gaddafi lures his men with Viagra, so that it would be more convenient to rape women. In the top three with Hillary Clinton and Samantha Power, she persuaded Obama to deliver a “humanitarian strike” on Libya, which the then US Secretary of Defense R. Gates did not want (we recently wrote about his new book, where he quite unflatteringly evaluated both the US government and Congress).

In their one-sided and primitively inaccurate statements, Susan Elizabeth Rice went so far that even Congressmen hacked her candidacy for the post of Secretary of State (“stupid” and “hypocritical,” according to Robert Gates). Even McCain hawk-and he objected to her after the story of the consulate in Benghazi, where the State Department frankly missed the most ordinary security.

In February, 2014, Susan, with her peculiar appeal and straightness, took on the scare of a Moscow bear. She said on the air of the NBC television company that "the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine would be a serious mistake." In response, the Russian Foreign Ministry explained how the assistant to the US president on national security should behave. Source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation сказал: “We drew attention to the expert assessments of Susan Rice, based on the repeated entry of American troops into various parts of the world, especially where, in the opinion of the US administration, the norms of Western democracy are in danger or the current regimes are beginning to too clearly“ fend off ”... We expect that it is precisely such advice about the erroneous use of force that the current presidential aide on national security will give to the US leadership in the event a decision is made on a new intervention. ”

To count on this, of course, is naive, and the Foreign Ministry is just joking. In America, after all, their own concepts of professional suitability.

Badly fit into the establishment of the United States and Condoleezza Rice. She was the US National Security Adviser to the President (2001-2005) and Secretary of State (2005-2009). This is a real political star: in 2004 and 2005. Forbes magazine recognized Condoleeza as the most influential woman in the world. She often fell into the rating of the most influential people of the Earth, published by Time magazine.

Rice unequivocally advocated American intervention in Iraq. This bold pen of her owns a well-known article in the New York Times entitled “Why are we sure that Iraq is lying” (it dealt with the WMD that Iraq allegedly possesses - individuals like Rice have no doubts ). Later, during the 2004 presidential campaign in the United States, C. Rice, being the national security adviser to the president, said: “Hussein himself was not involved in the attacks on America, but Iraq Hussein, smoldering and unstable, is part of the Middle East, became one from the conditions of the situation 11 September ".

In 2005, this lady made a proposal to arrange for Iran, which did not agree to stop its own nuclear programs, sanctions. In its unequivocal opinion, Iran is a sponsor of terrorism.

She is currently teaching at Stanford: in September 2010 she headed the Global Center for Business and the Economy at the local “business school”. In 2014, Rice teaches how America should do with Russia: “Moscow is vulnerable to pressure. Now is not 1968 a year, and Russia is not the Soviet Union. Russians need foreign investment; oligarchs love to travel to paris and london, and their bank accounts abroad are full of capital acquired unrighteously; the syndicate ruling Russia does not tolerate a decline in oil prices, nor does the Kremlin budget, which subsidizes the layers supporting Putin. The abundance of oil and gas in North America will soon surpass Russia's capabilities. ” The White House must therefore unblock petroleum applications and allow Keystone pipeline from Canada to the United States. Well, let Europe find itself other suppliers of oil and gas and build pipelines itself bypassing Russia.

It was C. Rice who explained to the whole world where the European missile defense system was directed: “We tried to work in this regard with Russia, twice there was Defense Minister Gates. We wanted to clarify that the missile defense system is directed against the danger posed by Iran. And they are not directed against Russia. ” It makes sense: after all, Moscow is not an enemy for Washington: “It’s perfectly clear that there is nothing clearer than the fact that we in no way have any enemies in Russia. Ladies and gentlemen, the recent talk of the Cold War is a hyperbolic absurdity. ”

In 2011, this is Condoleezza Rice. characterized Putin’s presumptive return to the presidency with the following words: "... all this ... mockery of the electoral process." A spokesman for the Russian Prime Minister, Dmitry Peskov, responded that Rice’s statements “are incorrect and are disrespectful to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.”

To this can and should be added that the elections in the USA are far away. not a role model. For example, in one of Ohio's counties, Obama managed to get 108% of the votes, and in ten districts of the state of Colorado, in an incomprehensible way, more than 100% of voters registered. Across the United States, voters reported more than 70 thousands of voting problems. The overall voter turnout in Philadelphia was about 60%, but where Republican observers were simply expelled from polling stations, turnout suddenly exceeded 90%, and B.H. Obama suddenly received almost one hundred percent of the vote. An observer from Pennsylvania claims to have witnessed the use of special software for voting by means of which the votes were repeatedly switched from Mitt Romney to Barack Obama. According to the observer, Obama thus went from 5 to 10% of votes. Voters in the states of Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio reported that voting machines there also switched their votes from Romney to Obama. Across the country, many people could not vote because the records showed: they had already voted ...

So, everything is logical: why should Rice respect the constitution of a foreign country, if in the USA those who are elected to power would like to sneeze on their own democracy?

Finally, another star of American foreign policy is Samantha Power. This woman was appointed as the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations in 2013. Previously, she served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Multilateral Relations and Human Rights at the National Security Council.

Before turning to this person, we remind readers of the collective characteristic given to American women from politics by American writer Michael Lofgren. To the question of the correspondent "Voices of Russia" on whether the characteristic communication style of Susan Rice (tough and poignant) will remain in the new post, Comrade Lofgren said:

“I have no reason to believe that this manner will change. Susan Rice is very similar in this respect to Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Madeleine Albright, and Samantha Power. I do not know if it’s a coincidence that they are all women, but for all four there is some neglect of diplomacy as a way of reaching a compromise between representatives of different countries. They bury the American tradition of acting as "moral crusaders." Instead, they lecture, articulate to representatives of other countries, as if foreign diplomats are just schoolchildren. ”

The appointment of Samantha Power Lofgren responded as follows:

“Samantha Power, as well as Susan Rice, is not the best choice for this position, since both of them are ardent supporters of the fundamental interpretation of Woodrow Wilson’s idea of ​​humanitarian interventions ...”

After the senators approved Samantha’s candidacy, pleased with B.H. Obama сказал: “As a well-known advocate for human rights, she will defend universal rights, fundamental freedoms and the national interests of the United States. I am grateful to Samantha for continuing to work in my team, and I know that under her leadership our mission to the UN will continue to present American diplomacy in the best possible way. ”

It was said in August 2013. And in September, this aggressive lady spoke at the Washington Center for American Progress with a call to support military action in Syria. In the same September, she assured the world that Assad organized the 21 August massacre in Syria. According to Samantha Power, to consider the Syrian authorities as not involved in the chemical attack near Damascus is to turn away from the facts. “It was a carnage, skillfully arranged by a regime that, as we know, has one of the largest undeclared sarin reserves. To think otherwise is to consciously turn a blind eye to the facts presented, "- reported Permanent Representative to the United Nations at the meeting of the General Assembly of an international organization. She argued that 120 mm caliber shells were "used by the regime in other attacks." Samantha Power knows about Syria, apparently, everything. She said what would then, of course, be written in American history textbooks: “A few days before, experts from Assad on chemical arms Were preparing to attack near the place where sarin was synthesized. They distributed gas masks to the soldiers. Then they launched rockets from the region controlled by the authorities in 12 quarters that the regime tried to wrest from the opposition forces. ”

Samantha is a professor at Harvard University, a political scientist, journalist, Pulitzer Prize winner 2003 of the year, awarded to her for the book "The Problem from Hell: America in the Age of Genocide." And it never happened to her, apparently, that it is America that arranges hell on Earth, who is guilty of numerous “humanitarian interventions”, including in Syria.

The other day this hysterical professor, who everywhere sees the enemies of peace, democracy and America, lashed out with screams and drooling at the sweetest comrade Churkin, who know to himself imposed another veto in the UN Security Council.

Vitaly Churkin, Russia's permanent representative to the UN, at a Security Council meeting on behalf of Russia blocked the resolution on the illegality of the Crimean referendum. Realizing that a veto had just been imposed, the American foreign policy madam, already unrestrained, passed all the limits of decency, revealing a truly unbridled American entity (with an Irish flame).

According to the media, she said to Comrade Churkin that Russia "has no right to forget that it is not a winner, but a defeated one." According to Power, “Moscow’s behavior is outrageous because Moscow, by blackmailing the United States with nuclear weapons, humiliates America.”

According to partially verified rumors, Mrs. Power's spattered poisonous saliva spat at her jacket and touched two buttons of Churkin with her nails. Our permanent representative had to grab a colleague by his dangerously moving elbow and carefully reject his person. The assistants of Samantha herself (strongly rested) helped to return the presumptuous diploma to the place of the Russian ambassador. Vitaly Ivanovich politely told the US permanently not to spread saliva to the UN: “Comrade Power, please do not spit!”

The behavior of an American caused Homeric laughter from fellow viewers. Some of them claim that Samantha was going to not only spit at Churkin, but even bite him.

It can be assumed that the American, spitting and supposed bite, wanted to repay Comrade. Churkin is not so much for the veto (quite predictable), but for the fact that the Russian diplomat had previously offered her to join the panquettes from Pussy Riot.

The fact is that in early February Vitaly Churkin commented on the meeting of S. Power with Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova. is he сказал the following: “How, hasn't she still joined this group? I expected that she would invite them to perform at the National Cathedral of Washington or even be able to arrange for them a concert tour around the world. ” Tov. Churkin developed a program for the panty with Power and the tour program: “St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome, then, perhaps, a performance in Mecca and the final gala concert at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. If Samantha Power fails, I will be disappointed. ”

It is known that American politicians do not know how to joke themselves and do not understand other people's jokes (especially satire). If a US diplomat opens his mouth, it is always done seriously. That is why, by the way, American diplomacy often looks stupid, deceitful and even crazy. However, does it look like? .. And when Russia puts a veto on another American open mouth, it’s just a hysterical power that remains to try to bite, spit or scratch a hostile diplomat who does not understand anything in the virtues of world democracy.
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  1. +1
    19 March 2014 18: 30
    2004 and 2005 Forbes magazine recognized Condoleezza as the most powerful woman in the world.

    I don’t know how it happened, but I read it the most powerful zombie in the world.
  2. shalk
    19 March 2014 18: 37
    It’s really not easy for Vitaly Ivanovich surrounded by such subjects.
  3. +3
    19 March 2014 18: 57
    class article good I support it 100%, this is exactly how I imagined it all!
    In fact, I have long noticed that all the females in the American government are very aggressive, straightforward and rarely very stupid, despite some kind of super education, but here we can already see a minus of this American education which makes monsters out of people and just monsters in skirts out of women! and God forbid such people get to the presidency of America! Apparently it will be possible to stop such people with an atomic flame!
  4. -Patriot-
    19 March 2014 18: 57
    Churkin is great, as always in his repertoire!
  5. 0
    19 March 2014 19: 23
    [quote=ele1285][quote=lukke] I’ll give you a link, read it, you won’t regret it. It takes three minutes.[/quote]
    thanks for the link I was laughing for 5 minutes good
  6. 0
    19 March 2014 19: 25
    Quote: -Patriot-
    Churkin is great, as always in his repertoire!

  7. +2
    19 March 2014 19: 47
    Jokes aside, but something needs to be done here!
    I propose to contact the UN Secretary General, Comrade Ban Ki-moon, with a request to check Comrade Power for rabies. And until the veterinarians do tests on Comrade Power, give her a muzzle!
    For example, this one...
    In my opinion, she will somehow look even more beautiful in it...
    1. Marseilles
      20 March 2014 08: 13
      it'll do?
  8. 0
    19 March 2014 19: 56
    The quotient confirms the axiom. A chicken is not a bird, a woman is not a person... Well, especially an American chicken. They're nervous there. Marijuana is already smoked legally. What is the demand from a drug addict???? None. This is a no brainer. Well done Churkina. Respect and respect.
  9. 0
    19 March 2014 20: 11
    But the representative of China got scared and voted - abstained. And to Vitaly - Well done!!
  10. 0
    19 March 2014 20: 22
    Well, it’s clear to the whole world why Hilary Clitoris was hysterical, but why the rest of the Powers are spitting, I don’t know. If anyone knows, please share.
    1. 0
      20 March 2014 11: 08
      Quote: konvalval
      If anyone knows, please share.

      there is a reason to have fun with the missus! Where else can you see such a circus with an incompetent politician! Nerves... nerves...
  11. +2
    19 March 2014 21: 03
    Here. These are the first signs of their imminent death. If at such a high deep level she is a complete idiot, then what can we say about the smaller mongrels. And further. I don’t understand something, why are we defeated? I haven’t felt the defeat of my country for several years now. GDP is confidently unsettling everyone. Only the events of this year speak of complete Victory, examples: the situation in Syria, the brilliantly held Olympic Games, Crimea became part of Russia... and she is drooling. Churkin needs to go to international court for a damaged jacket.
    1. 0
      20 March 2014 11: 12
      Quote: ochakow703
      I don’t understand something, why are we defeated?

      If about the losers and the winners lol , then she probably meant
      films from nakedWOOD. There, yes - they are the winners. But this is a movie :)))))
      Let them be, since they're hunting!
  12. 0
    19 March 2014 21: 31
    Yes... with frozen chicken in her vagina, Madame Power would look much more impressive...
    1. +1
      19 March 2014 22: 02
      God forbid such a spectacle will turn out...
  13. 0
    19 March 2014 22: 13
    And these are the allies and benefactors of Yatsenyuk and Turchynov... This is where they are dragging Ukraine? How lucky is Crimea and how unlucky is the southeast...
  14. +1
    19 March 2014 22: 35
    Well done Churkin! I respect you! We wish we had more diplomats like him and Lavrov.
  15. +2
    19 March 2014 22: 56
    This fool is lucky that the Chairman of Russia at the UN is Churkin, and not Zhirinovsky. laughing
    He would definitely have pulled her out by the hair and bathed her from the decanter... wassat
  16. Arthur 775
    19 March 2014 23: 09
    V. Churkin is a competent and qualified diplomatic worker. Respect and respect!
  17. +7
    19 March 2014 23: 49
    The other day, this hysterical professor who sees enemies of peace, democracy and America everywhere
  18. 0
    20 March 2014 00: 08
    Quote: Babon
    This is it about the Cold War. If we explain that democracy, reforms, glasnost, perestroika have come. Then they seriously believe that they won. And a lot of people from them received military awards after the collapse of the USSR.

    Yes, we lost the Cold War. One must hope that this was an inoculation against Western Democracy. Although it's a pity for lost time. Let's hope that Putin's firm position will keep us from World War III. Then WE will lose for real, and not just in American textbooks. PUTIN's policy should be FLEXIBLE but NOT BEND, and BE TOUGH BUT NOT CRUEL. This is the key to success. WE are all balancing on the brink of the crisis in CUBA. BUT WE HAVE NO WHERE TO RETURN.
  19. 0
    20 March 2014 00: 34
    Wild people, wild morals.
  20. 0
    20 March 2014 01: 48
    Quote: My address
    And you have a good offer. And if you still shoot this action, then Samantha

    There is a video online, find it, you won’t regret it
  21. pumavlad
    20 March 2014 04: 10
    DEAR RUSSIANS!!! Please accept us, Transnistria, as well as Crimea, at least for the sake of our Minister of Foreign Affairs: SHTANSKI NINA
    1. +1
      20 March 2014 11: 30
      Transnistria, dear ones, come to us! love
      We're just glad! Write to the President’s website, it is publicly accessible. Both e-mail and paper version: st. Ilyinka, 23, Moscow, Russian Federation, 103132.
      Welcome and welcome! drinks
  22. +1
    20 March 2014 04: 36
    The most popular professions in the USA are lawyer and psychoanalyst, and the most popular pills for mental disorders, their whole nation is completely sick.
    1. 0
      20 March 2014 11: 39
      Quote: GHOST_AAA
      The nation is completely sick.

      Yeah, they can’t sneeze without a psychoanalyst! We've all known this for a long time.
      They also have a fashion for beard transplants. fool
      Men don’t grow beards and they transplant hair from their armpits and, sorry, from other places onto their faces. Ugh!!! I, as a woman, declare that I don’t even want to talk to a man who has a beard from his forehead. a -(((((
      Question - what about men in the USA?
      ??? and are they real...
  23. 0
    20 March 2014 05: 21
    Power was drooling because she didn't get a banana.
  24. 0
    20 March 2014 07: 30
    Quote: ilf
    That's better

    I absolutely agree.
    How fully does your picture reflect the state of affairs in the world? wink
  25. sanek0207
    20 March 2014 07: 39
  26. 0
    20 March 2014 08: 06
    An excellent description of Samantha’s behavior. But women often spit out of anger.
  27. 0
    20 March 2014 08: 09
    Quote: konvalval
    Well, it’s clear to the whole world why Hilary Clitoris was hysterical, but why the rest of the Powers are spitting, I don’t know. If anyone knows, please share.

    No problems.
    Imagine, for example, that one team (let's call it the Stars and Stripes) is playing a hockey series (for example) with a team (the Three Stripes).
    And the first team suffers defeats one after another angry
    .... and the latest deafening defeats - somehow Syria, Sochi, Crimea

    But they thought that “professionals” were the strongest
    and here it’s such a bummer
    So my nerves couldn’t stand it.
    1. 0
      20 March 2014 11: 47
      Quote: Berkut-UA

      Oh!!! that’s right, she was talking about the loss of our hockey team at the Olympics :))))
      Subtle American humor!!!
      And we thought the Olympics were outside of politics!
      How everything started... then
  28. johnsnz
    20 March 2014 11: 34
    Ay, our external politicians are moloriki...Churkin, Lavrov. keep it up
  29. 0
    20 March 2014 13: 24
    Churkin is handsome! good
  30. silver-7410
    20 March 2014 14: 48
    Vitaly Ivanovich should have erected a monument to Vitaly Ivanovich in his homeland for a long time, in full height, on horseback!!! Hats off to this man!
  31. Flann
    20 March 2014 16: 14
    The West's hysteria regarding a strong independent Russia is ridiculous and humiliating for the West itself, which has admitted its impotence, as well as its slide back many decades! Gentlemen from the West - measure yourself against the revived Russia! Apparently the lessons of the past teach you nothing!
  32. 0
    20 March 2014 17: 59
    Well Churkin, well done man, bravo to our diplomats, keep it up!!!
  33. 0
    20 March 2014 18: 49
    Quote: iConst
    You’ll be smoking near me at the bus stop, I’ll slap you without a word: I’m too lazy to explain to you that I am allergic to tobacco smoke and that I may begin to suffocate. And it’s simple - it’s proved that one inhalation of tobacco smoke generates several tens of cell mutations with the likelihood of a cancerous appearance. Are you fucking killing me?

    Everything is correct. Smoking in public places, which includes public transport stops, is prohibited by law. Ignorance of the law does not excuse one from responsibility. In this particular example, we observe the author’s active life position.
  34. HAM
    20 March 2014 18: 59
    How much do you have to drink to???......well, you understand...
  35. HAM
    20 March 2014 18: 59
    How much do you have to drink to???......well, you understand...
  36. HAM
    20 March 2014 19: 00
    How much do you have to drink to???......well, you understand...
  37. +1
    20 March 2014 19: 15
    Our relationship with the West resembles a game where one side plays checkers and the other plays chess. And as soon as we begin to exchange chess pieces for checkers, the rules immediately change. It is for this reason that it is impossible to prove anything to them, but it is necessary to prove it. Nobody expected that we would start playing “Chapaev” (they simply don’t know such a game).
  38. Ignatius
    20 March 2014 20: 53
    Attention! itr robot
  39. tihon.agafjev
    20 March 2014 22: 05
    Everything is explained clearly. But there is one more point for “internal use”: doesn’t it seem to those commenting that Madame Power’s manner of...
    walking in public looks like our home-grown Ksyushka?
  40. tihon.agafjev
    20 March 2014 22: 05
    Everything is explained clearly. But there is one more point for “internal use”: doesn’t it seem to those commenting that Madame Power’s manner of...
    walking in public looks like our home-grown Ksyushka?
  41. re5a
    21 March 2014 02: 58
    Well done Churkin)
  42. 0
    21 March 2014 05: 42
    A really strange woman, because everyone knew in advance that Russia would impose a veto, apparently she was already seething with impotent anger in advance. and I’m also angry at Churkin for pissed off))
  43. Sega 1945
    21 March 2014 10: 16
    I have long noticed that women are in American politics. The longer they work, the more they degrade both spiritually and physically. The reason is the shed blood in which they are involved.
    Churkin is smart, I have supported her for a long time and completely.
  44. 0
    21 March 2014 11: 45
    It’s high time for Churkin to be awarded the title of Hero! Well done!
  45. +2
    21 March 2014 13: 31
    Hello, hello, my genatsvale,
    I haven't been to Tbilisi for a long time.
    How are things going in Tskhinvali?
    How are things in Abkhazia?

    Everything is fine, my dear Condoleezza,
    Things are going crazy for us,
    It's a pity we're just giving you a surprise
    We won’t send a barrel of Khvanchkara.

    With her it’s nonsense, an empty matter,
    The barrel in the warehouse caught fire,
    As for the rest, my dear Condoleezza,
    All is well, all is well!

    Hello Hello?
    Miho, what a drama
    My Khvanchkara burned down,
    But why, Miho, your security
    Didn't you stop the warehouse fire?

    Everything is fine, my dear Condoleezza,
    Everything is as good as ever
    For a NATO candidate, all the whims
    Fates are complete nonsense.

    What's wrong with the barrel?
    She and the entire port burned down,
    As for the rest, my dear Condoleezza,
    All is well, all is well!

    Hello Hello?
    My genatsvale!
    What an unheard of blow!
    How did you miss this?
    In which port is there a fire?

    Everything is fine, my dear Condoleezza,
    In general, we live without problems,
    What if there are any surprises?
    - Hurry up and watch CNN.

    The bases and the port burned down together,
    The whole suburb in Poti is burning,
    As for the rest, my dear Condoleezza,
    All is well, all is well!

    Hello Hello?
    Miho, did the bases burn out?
    Oh, how hard it is for me!
    CNN is lying to us here - tell us right away,
    How did this all happen?

    We wanted, my dear Condoleezza,
    To bully Abkhazians and Ossetians,
    Based on your texts they gave an enterprise,
    We thought we'd annoy the bear

    And we attacked Tskhinvali,
    But Bear was waiting for us there for a long time,
    "Grad" and "Iskander" hit
    He burned our armored personnel carriers,
    We didn't finish our churchkhela,
    And Putin quickly left us,
    The army sits in ambush,
    The Kalash guns are hitting us,
    And then Bagapsh did something weird,
    The second front opened in Kodori,
    And the “dryers” are flying across the sky,
    They're bombing our bases all over the place,
    And the oil valve is closed,
    Baku-Ceyhan has been burning for a long time,
    Then Kadyrov’s men came
    And we were specifically fucked,
    A cruiser sailed here - just like in the movies
    He sent our entire fleet to the bottom,
    Sent us GUAM snipers,
    And now GUAM is bursting at the seams,
    Bases and ports are smoking,
    And in the Russian media there are brutes,
    Russia is everywhere, here and there,
    The Russians are coming to Tbilisi,
    We appeal to the UN for help
    And send dispatches to Washington,
    Gabnya chops us up for barbecue,
    And democracy kerdyk,
    The bear caused a pogrom for us,
    And it’s too late to drink Borzhom,
    He bombed our port in Poti,
    The shell hit the warehouse here,
    There is a barrel of Khvanchkara in the warehouse
    Gone, no big deal.
    As for the rest, my dear Condoleezza,
    All is well, all is well!
  46. defplay
    21 March 2014 15: 30
    pure psychology, hysterical, means wrong and powerless)
  47. defplay
    21 March 2014 15: 33
    pure psychology, hysterical, means wrong and powerless)
  48. 0
    21 March 2014 16: 31
    stupid and ill-mannered Americans, what can we take from them...
  49. 0
    21 March 2014 20: 03
    The invasion of "bugs" into the US State Department continues... A bad tradition...
  50. kolovorot
    22 March 2014 00: 27
    Quote: radio operator
    Quote: ilf
    That's better

    So good too
  51. The comment was deleted.
  52. 0
    23 March 2014 08: 20
    Dear Russians! How long have I been waiting for this moment of the United States showing their place in history and the greatness of Russia. We can't be defeated! And let’s sympathize with Power, since she is a woman and apparently her information is very distorted. Where does she get this rudeness from? Apparently, she could not rise above the methods of arguing between two neighbors on the staircase: spitting, insults, slander, etc. And she has a responsible position! It turned out like Lenin - the cook began to rule. The result is obvious.
    Now is the time to abandon the dollar and euro. This is our response to sanctions. It will be done on time and with minimal losses. The dollar is our ENEMY and always will be. How can you support the currency of enemy number 1.
  53. Karela71
    23 March 2014 18: 47
    Respect and respect to Viktor Ivanovich good good good
  54. The contemplative
    24 March 2014 20: 38
    "...a hysterical woman like Power can only try to bite, spit on or scratch a hostile diplomat who knows nothing [Churkin] about the delights of world democracy..."
    And Comrade Churkin would have said to Comrade Power - open your face, and he would have become Comrade Sukhov, versed in women's charms.
  55. 0
    25 March 2014 00: 50
    She is not the first, and I think she will not be the last. No one doubts the schizoid nature of Sramer's policy.
  56. 0
    25 March 2014 01: 22
    In my opinion, the Amers’ brains mutated from their GMO corn on the side of the Australopithecus... fool
  57. The comment was deleted.
  58. The comment was deleted.
  59. The comment was deleted.
    25 March 2014 09: 32
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    25 March 2014 09: 35
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    25 March 2014 09: 38
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  63. 0
    25 March 2014 12: 57
    Quote: ilf
    That's better

    100% ))
  64. 0
    25 March 2014 13: 08
    Quote: Bonham
    about the fact that Russia is the losing side, somewhere I read the version that she meant - "cold war"
    although for me this is a controversial moment, in the 90s the Cold War ended and we sincerely believed that the West wanted to be friends with us, but this Cold War never stopped, which was expressed in NATO's eastward movement and in Hollywood films

    by the way, this woman is a close-up

    Ppts. But where do they get such terrible ones? They want to intimidate like - look what kind of women we have, but there’s nothing to say about the men. So it seems like we are not gay Europeans.. Looking at this photo I understand that the statement “There are no ugly women, there is little vodka” is very controversial))
  65. 0
    25 March 2014 16: 51
    You're angry! So you're wrong! - Classic!
  66. 0
    25 March 2014 22: 10
    ...Samantha is a Harvard University professor, political scientist, journalist, winner of the 2003 Pulitzer Prize, awarded to her for her book “Problem from Hell: America in the Age of Genocide.” And she apparently doesn’t know that it is America that is causing hell on Earth, guilty of numerous “humanitarian interventions”, including in Syria....

    Go crazy! Professor! It’s clear what lectures he gives. Harvard is a disgrace. Or maybe everyone there is like that? So this is where they teach double standards. Did Saakashvili finish it too? School of deceit and hypocrisy.
  67. The comment was deleted.