The importance of the Victory Parade in Russia is being questioned

The participants in the parade dedicated to the 67 anniversary of the Great Victory did not have time to pass through Red Square, when voices were heard that Russia was again trying to show its militaristic position to the whole world. They say that other civilized countries have long since abandoned such mass celebrations with the display of numerous models of military equipment, and the Russian Federation and some other states (DPRK, China, Iran) continue to splurge with their military might, intimidating the democratic nations of the world.

In this regard, a number of Western news agencies published materials that "maliciously branded" Putin’s militarism, multiplied by the authoritarianism of the authorities, and suggested instead of organizing mass processions and parades to solve the issue of raising the standard of living in Russia. 9's Russian BBC Service in May 2012 suggests that the Russian authorities explain why huge money is spent on military parades, but the life of veterans, according to either journalists or the owners of the British media themselves, remains overly modest. According to the BBC version, the Russian authorities are trying to remember the dead soldiers, but restrict the veterans of the Great Patriotic War limited to the framework of the state budget ...

Many news agencies literally sought out on the streets of major Russian cities those who were not happy with the May Victory Parade. The very task posed to such journalists is easily guessed in the question: “How do you feel about the conduct of the Victory Parade? Doesn't he personally interfere with you? ”And, it should be noted that those to whom any events dedicated to honoring the heroic deeds of the ancestors cause trouble are many today. Dissatisfied mines squirm chic SUV drivers, which, you see, do not give an opportunity to rush along Tverskaya and Kutuzovsky on the usual 9 km / h walking around. Unhappy with the representatives of the so-called non-profit organizations, which, it turns out, so baked about the health and rights of Russian citizens. They say that law enforcement officers search people on the approaches to the streets and squares, where parades and parades will take place, and this is a clear violation of human rights. People say that they are nervous, pressure may jump, and there they are not far from the hospital bed.

So maybe it was better for these “non-commercial” representatives to start making claims, for example, at Heathrow Airport, where they would not only search, but also undress almost to the underside. Maybe it was necessary to begin with a checkpoint at the entrances to the American and British embassies in Moscow, where only a narrow circle of people, which today is called the coded phrase “dissenting opposition”, can pass without searching and knocking ...

In general, we can state with confidence that today certain forces are increasingly manifesting themselves, which, in demonstrating Russian national pride, tribute to ancestors, are trying to see the negative, raise it to a degree and present it to both Russian and Western society in a previously prepared perverted form . Like, look at how these “barbarians” force veterans to roam under the scorching sun, so that they quickly go at best to the cardiology department, and at worst ... - such is the solution of the housing problem for veterans in Russia ...

And, unfortunately, the more years pass from the day of the very Great Victory of the Soviet people over fascism, the more there are willing to clearly diminish this feat. And if it is not possible to do this by direct methods, then an old thoughtful method called “human rights” and “care for civil society” is used. So if the very “BBC” is so concerned about the financial situation of the Russian veterans, then why would they (the “BBC”) donate even one of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow its BBC nor take patronage over a couple of hundred veterans with the payment of "adequate" supplement to the pension.

The only thing is that no self-respecting person forging a victory in 1941-1945 will take a penny from those who question the victory of the Soviet people over the brown plague, and in the Parade of May 9 sees some conservative militarism aimed at threatening the world and nuclear saber weapons.

But, in the end, all this mouse fuss around the main Russian holiday will remain mouse fuss, because it’s impossible to steal historical the truth of the whole nation, which is the heir to the great victorious nation.

Victory Parade on Red Square 9 May 2012 (full video)

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  1. Odinplys
    10 May 2012 21: 14
    Stalin...+our People.=Victory...
    1. ecdy
      16 May 2012 23: 59
      1. ecdy
        19 May 2012 16: 30
        In the toilet or something?
  2. Van
    10 May 2012 21: 14
    Oh, how my hands are itching to show these Western democracies where the crayfish spend the winter and then look at their democratic snot. angry In my understanding, the only free people are those who are able to defend this freedom (as our ancestors defended it from 1941-1945 and other significant dates). (Purely my opinion). winked

    In principle, there is no general measure of freedom as the Yankees try to impose, because each people has its own history and its own path in development, and its own king in its head, and therefore its own idea of ​​​​freedom, which cannot be raised into a general framework according to the principle ( democratization) or as they say (standardization), these very actions violate the rights and freedoms of nations...
    1. ecdy
      17 May 2012 00: 01
      Another patriot ready to start a war.
      How are you better than the Americans?
      1. pavelk
        17 May 2012 01: 10
        The world of men is much better than the Americans laughing
        1. ecdy
          17 May 2012 13: 00
          Write in Russian and do not cover the tongue!
  3. Conquistador
    10 May 2012 21: 18
    Let the creatures die and those Western scum burn in hell! Russia is great! And she shows it! And there is no need to talk in our direction! Suck it... and don't freak out! Happy Victory Day!
    1. ecdy
      17 May 2012 00: 02
      You're the one who sucks and freaks out........................
  4. Bashkaus
    10 May 2012 21: 24
    My friend’s son is serving as a conscript in Moscow; yesterday he marched in the parade; they had been preparing for several months. After the parade in the evening he was given leave until the morning. In 10 months of service, this was his first dismissal, I came to the unit to pick him up. In the evening, over a bottle of capital, we celebrated the holiday of the bright and great victory. For him, this day will be remembered for the rest of his life. And all our youth must remember this victory, remember the horrors and atrocities that our grandfathers endured. I, like the defender of the Brest Fortress on June 22, am sure that with the departure of Serdyukov, the Suvorovites, our future officers, who will love, respect and appreciate their homeland from a young age, will begin to march again.
    THERE WILL BE A PARADE! Only a fascist can question the feasibility of the parade!
    1. M. Peter
      11 May 2012 15: 06
      I have three sons. The senior and middle watched the parade with rapture. The little one then marched. I spent a long time explaining and telling what kind of cars they were and who was walking.
      Then he took out the orders and medals of my now deceased grandfather and told me how and why he received them.
      The boys were eager to join the army.
      It’s great that we have such parades. I really hope that I will grow up to be patriots of the Motherland.
  5. +5
    10 May 2012 21: 27
  6. Cadet787
    10 May 2012 21: 32
    To meet on the right, on Kra-ul. Parade to attention, the first battalion straight ahead, the rest to the left. Turn to the right and march. The words of these commands will sound as long as our hearts beat. Listen to our steps, they are getting louder and louder. Tremble, enemies!
  7. +4
    10 May 2012 21: 47
    But I didn’t read the article in detail (it’s clear what it’s about), but simply looked with pride at the wonderful photographs where our children, brave and strong, the best warriors in the world, proudly march. Our Army and Navy have no equal!!! good
  8. +4
    10 May 2012 21: 54
    It looks like they are still or are starting to fear us again! Look how actively they are pushing for the installation of radars and missiles in Europe! And the celebration and parade on May 9 is our tradition. This is our heroic past that cannot be forgotten!
    1. prophetic
      19 May 2012 21: 54
      It is necessary to organize parades on the day of the Battle of Kulikovo and the Battle of the Ice so that the regular demonstration of our weapons cools the ardor of Western idiots.
  9. pavelk
    10 May 2012 21: 59
    Pund0s0v has a parade on Remembrance Day (the last day of May) - but there they only stomp their feet and fly airplanes.

    I just asked the former Marina at lunch why there is no normal parade, - he says it’s expensive, and on Memorial Day there is no equipment on the ground - municipal roads will not withstand military (heavy) equipment. In addition, there is a risk that something will break at the parade - you will end up in disgrace. ))
    1. +5
      10 May 2012 22: 26
      Quote: pavelk
      there is a parade on Remembrance Day (last day of May) -

      Interesting, but about it breaking he smiled
      1. CC-18a
        11 May 2012 03: 05
        but he doesn’t smile at them) they have a guard of honor walking around twirling a rifle and consistently once every 2-3 years someone wounds a gun laughing
    2. CC-18a
      11 May 2012 03: 00
      sorry for the downvote((wanted to upvote drinks
    3. loc.bejenari
      11 May 2012 15: 29
      that's right - expensive
      but on the other hand, a veteran, both in the USA and in Germany, receives a pension - on which he lives and does not exist like ours - receiving pennies for his feat and on May 9 a pitiful handout from the authorities
      they have money for this
      and ours would rather spend the money on a parade than on a normal pension for veterans who deserve it
      1. pavelk
        11 May 2012 17: 20
        1. The cost of the parade must be assessed from a PR point of view. This is an answer to all gays that there is an army and we have something to be proud of. And this is more than any money.

        2. It is an honor for ALL parade participants to participate. For those who think “both in the USA and in Germany,” this is stressful.

        3. The cost of the parade in the USA and at home are different. In the USA and Germany, you have to pay overtime - pay civilians, rent. In Russia it is a job and an honor.

        4. If all parades are cancelled, the money received will not be enough to solve the problem of small pensions.
      2. ecdy
        17 May 2012 00: 10
        Veterans in Germany live in their own houses and drive expensive cars.
        and if health allows, they also travel around the world.
        Not everyone who works here earns that much per month.
        You are absolutely right!
    4. ecdy
      17 May 2012 00: 07
      Why is it necessary to drive Abrams and other heavy equipment,
      show your muscles to the world. Do you think this is the point?
      long-standing tradition and respect for the memory of the fallen?
      This makes no sense
      1. slas
        17 May 2012 02: 45
        Quote: ecdy

        Why is it necessary to drive Abrams and other heavy equipment,
        show your muscles to the world. Do you think this is the point?
        long-standing tradition and respect for the memory of the fallen?
        This makes no sense

        Yes, we all agree with you, oh sage. It’s great not to show off your tanks at Parades, but to transfer them to Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yugoslavia and there reel the civilian population on tracks
        1. Vadim555
          17 May 2012 02: 50
          Quote: slas
          Yes, we all agree with you, oh sage. It’s great not to show off your tanks at Parades, but to transfer them to Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yugoslavia and there reel the civilian population on tracks
          Reply Quote Soo

          Don’t touch the poor guy, his sidelocks are already standing on end, if he doesn’t fulfill the plan for shit, they can leave him without matzah. laughing
          1. ecdy
            19 May 2012 16: 32
            It's not for you to say this,
            in your .hokh..ii, Koltishenskaya poverty!
        2. ecdy
          17 May 2012 13: 03
          So it’s necessary
  10. +4
    10 May 2012 22: 22
    When Western homosexuals watch our parade, their eyes narrow and they can’t fry each other for a long time, so they stink. As long as there is Russia, there will be parades. Fuck them and all the fascists.
  11. Spartak
    10 May 2012 22: 57
    The state needs to be more active in educating young people. We cannot allow the lies and deceit of the West to creep into their souls. Look at what pictures they are sending on the Internet now, congratulating each other on the holiday. Without thinking about what they actually depict and what army they glorify. Yes, for teenagers this is forgivable. But for adults......
    The BBC versions begin with such seemingly trifles.
    1. +2
      13 May 2012 15: 36
      But the tanks are not ours at all. No.
      1. ecdy
        17 May 2012 00: 14
        Failed installation of the Abrams tank
        even here we shit ourselves
        1. slas
          17 May 2012 02: 52
          Quote: ecdy
          Failed installation of the Abrams tank
          even here we shit ourselves

          Have you even seen an Abrams tank? We're carrying the German "druggg"
          1. ecdy
            17 May 2012 13: 04
            And you? Comrade
            1. slas
              17 May 2012 22: 14
              Quote: ecdy
              And you?

              Even touched it Oh the miracle of mediocre technology laughing
              1. ecdy
                18 May 2012 12: 22
                Maybe it was a model of a plastic tank, made in China?
                1. slas
                  18 May 2012 22: 06
                  Quote: ecdy
                  Maybe it was a model of a plastic tank, made in China?

                  I'm shocked and how did you guess? belay
                  1. ecdy
                    19 May 2012 16: 34
                    On the reverse side is for the future
        2. Rezun
          19 May 2012 02: 25
          It was your owners who made an “unsuccessful” stuffing - they are used to working for the Papuans!!!
    2. ecdy
      17 May 2012 00: 13
      I advise you to watch the program, Impact Force,
      Just prepare a bowl for the ear noodles
      it would be better to throw it away
      1. +4
        17 May 2012 02: 51
        Oh, what are you talking about, I have a basin exclusively for those occasions when I read your comments. laughing
        1. ecdy
          17 May 2012 13: 05
          I am very glad that my comments do not go unnoticed
  12. Spartak
    10 May 2012 23: 13
    Here's another......
    1. Vanek
      15 May 2012 06: 40
      Still not ours!
      1. ecdy
        17 May 2012 00: 15
        It’s strange, but there are American models of tanks on postcards
        1. +2
          17 May 2012 00: 36
          Quote: ecdy
          It’s strange, but there are American models of tanks on postcards

          Well, that’s what we’re talking about, that older people see. And those who are younger don’t care.
        2. Spartak
          17 May 2012 14: 54
          I'm glad ecdy that you finally realized it fellow
          1. ecdy
            17 May 2012 16: 35
            Me too! Just what was I supposed to understand?
            1. Spartak
              18 May 2012 09: 59
              What seemed strange to you is that these are not our tanks. To put it mildly, this also seemed strange to me, which is why these postcards are posted here.
              1. ecdy
                18 May 2012 12: 23
                Do you have your own tanks?
  13. Galina
    11 May 2012 00: 13
    Lenin should have been buried long ago. And from the Mausoleum (as a historical object) it should be made some worthy museum. And on it, according to custom, place the guests of the Parade. Well, something like that, approximately. There can be many options. This is what I am suggesting after your words, "But the mausoleum is our history."
  14. +3
    11 May 2012 00: 16
    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

    I think they didn’t like the action with the Topol-M passage...
    1. Vadim555
      11 May 2012 00: 35
      Quote: PSih2097
      I think they didn’t like the action with the Topol-M passage...

      If they had transported the Voivode, then the hysterics over the “bump” would have “smoothly” turned into diarrhea. laughing
  15. 11Goor11
    11 May 2012 02: 20
    Also from the history of Tsarist Russia, when Western scoundrels were defended at the cost of their blood. And the protected ones, having recovered from Napoleon, etc., immediately abandoned Russia and entered into conspiracies against it. What infuriates them is resource dependence, this is the only thing they want. Resources.
  16. vylvyn
    11 May 2012 02: 35
    Yes, this Europe with its bb-boobs went to the hamam.
  17. Stercoder
    11 May 2012 05: 09
    the German army captured Poland in 15 days, during the same period, during the battles in Stalingrad, the Germans captured 2 houses, the Nazis defeated France in one month, during the same period in Stalingrad, the Germans were able to capture one side of the street and move to the other.
    Impressive isn't it?
    Of course they have nothing to celebrate, just wave their pissing cowards!
    And we, in addition to Victory Day, will now celebrate the end of World War 2 in September on the 2nd!
    We have every right!
    1. pavelk
      11 May 2012 17: 11
      Denmark officially capitulated two (TWO!!!!!) hours after Germany crossed the border. Denmark lost 11 people.

      1. pavelk
        12 May 2012 03: 25
        Denmark officially capitulated two (TWO!!!!!) hours after Germany crossed the border. Denmark lost 11 people. ,

        It is clear that Poland, France and Denmark do not even have the right to celebrate victory day - but liberation day.
  18. Vanek
    11 May 2012 05: 57
    Let's cancel all holidays altogether. What the hell.

    Or better yet, go from the opposite direction. So they say, we spend money on the parade, but veterans have small pensions. Then a reasonable question arises: - What to do when the last veteran finds peace? No matter how you look at it, no one is eternal.

    What then? Let them offer their vision of this problem.

    May 9th is a GREAT HOLIDAY OF A GREAT COUNTRY!!! So it was, so it is and so it will be.
    1. DYMITRY
      11 May 2012 08: 25
      Quote: Vanek
      What then? Let them offer their vision of this problem.

      I think the vast majority of the population of our country deeply cares... their vision of the problem is violet.
      1. Vanek
        12 May 2012 04: 37
        Quote: DYMITRY
        I think the vast majority

        You think so, I think so, and all decent people think so. And they (who publish such topics) know this very well. And yet they pose the question.

        It's just rudeness to discredit OUR victory. Nevertheless, I would listen to their proposal. And preferably not in articles on websites, but on the street. They would be very surprised by the answer. angry am
  19. Captain Vrungel
    11 May 2012 07: 29
    The parade in Moscow is awe-inspiring. Veterans sitting in the stands, deep respect. And how disgusting it was to watch the parade in Odessa. On the podium, in imposing poses, in chairs, fattening in power and legalized thieves from one region and veterans well over 80 years old marching past them. With all our strength, proudly, with honor, keeping level and supporting each other. They did not march for power. They walked for us, for themselves. Honor and Glory to them. But it was necessary to do the opposite. Put the veterans in chairs and drive past the cynical crooks who have grown fat in power and from power in full gear, in a helmet, a roll. sidor and an anti-tank rifle for complete happiness, so that they experience for themselves what a soldier “for” 4 years. Ambulances transported veterans to their homes.
  20. fktrctqxbr
    11 May 2012 12: 29
    Who thinks so "what not to" go to GOPU angry
  21. loc.bejenari
    11 May 2012 15: 25
    the war is not over until the last soldier is buried
    I hope you agree with this
    I understand that holding parades is a more profitable business in terms of cutting the budget and rubbing in points
    but for now millions of fallen lie in craters, swamps and sanitary pits
    while millions are waiting for their families to be told where their grandfather or father or husband is buried
    use at least part of that money for the holy cause of searching for and normal burial of fallen heroes
    1. +1
      11 May 2012 17: 50
      As I understand, you are a good sir, everything is in order with this, and it is precisely because of the parade.
    2. a_lex
      11 May 2012 19: 42
      Damn you, who measure everything by money, nodding to foreign countries as the ultimate truth... There is no truth there and there never will be. Ask any real man who has ever held a weapon in his hands, what the Parade means to him... And for those people, still living WWII veterans, this is a breath of youth that no money can bring back... Yes, it’s bad that they steal, but as it turns out, not only here, it’s bad that not everything is done for these heroes, what should be done, but the HOLIDAY for any normal person is closer and more understandable than stinking greens in an envelope... And as practice shows, when it comes to providing for their veterans, crapcrats also cheat... Parade was, is, and must always exist, only in this way can we preserve our historical memory of the great and glorious deeds of our ancestors. Low bow to them
      1. ecdy
        17 May 2012 00: 18
        Where then is this truth?
  22. 13017
    11 May 2012 18: 33
    This is our Victory, we won This is our parade and thank God that we have returned to normal form Glory to the winners Glory to the victorious people Those who are not with us, let them take part in gay pride parades
  23. +2
    11 May 2012 20: 18
    We (may those who fought in the Great Patriotic War forgive us for generalizing) studied and learned to fight and win. That's why we have a Victory Parade. Opponents (pardon those who fought in World War II) studied and learned to expose their anus. Well, their parades are appropriate.
  24. +2
    11 May 2012 20: 36
    Great Parade! Happy Victory, dear veterans!
  25. Sana'a
    11 May 2012 22: 46
    my 3rd favorite holiday after Valentine's Day and New Year
  26. James_norton
    11 May 2012 22: 58
    Glory and eternal memory to our fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers and their heroic deeds.
    There must always be a parade of a great victory - this is our victory, our memory and our sacred duty to honor and remember, to pass on from generation to generation.
    12 May 2012 15: 28
    I completely agree with the author of the article, BBC))) our military traditions, the traditions of educating the younger generation, are at our throats. (Unfortunately, A. Duless’s plan still works to this day) Did you notice the expression on the faces of “our” EAGLES?!!!! A LOW BOW TO YOU VETERANS!!! NO ONE IS FORGOTTEN, NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN!!!
  28. +2
    12 May 2012 16: 52
    Gentlemen! It has already become commonplace to quote Emperor Alexander III: *Russia has only two allies: the Army and the Navy!* But this is still the case. As for the Moscow parade, the soldiers looked better than last year, when they walked in shapeless *robes* with shoulder straps on their stomachs, but without insignia or awards. It’s a pity that Suvorov soldiers and cadets in some places are not participating in the parade in Moscow. It’s a pity that the Army is *shoeless* - you’ll never walk gracefully in *dance* pants... For me, the ceremonial (not field, everyday) uniform should be a copy of the uniform of the 1945 Victory Parade - the British have a uniform for parades that marks represents a victory over Napoleon...And strength must be demonstrated, because the weak are not feared or respected!

  29. 0
    12 May 2012 17: 34
    There will be a parade!!! And no other way!
  30. 0
    12 May 2012 20: 43
    It’s gratifying to see the cadets, which means our army has a worthy replacement and the victory parade has a future, and at the expense of in quotes.Russians will never forgive this sacred triumph of all times......
  31. 0
    13 May 2012 11: 57
    “The fuss of mice around the main Russian holiday will remain a fuss of mice, because it is impossible to steal historical truth from an entire people, who are the heir of the great victorious people.”
    Well said ! Neither add nor subtract!
  32. 0
    13 May 2012 16: 12
    I noticed at the Parade and now in the photo............ that now all officers wear a dagger in full dress uniform???
  33. Pessimist
    13 May 2012 21: 30
    Quote: Vadim-Ragalevich
    “The fuss of mice around the main Russian holiday will remain a fuss of mice, because it is impossible to steal historical truth from an entire people, who are the heir of the great victorious people.”

    It is very strange that everyone who is against the parade forgets that the Victory Parade is not a demonstration of the power of the army, but a tribute to the memory of the fallen heroes in that war! This is a tribute to the front-line soldiers and ancestors who won that war!!! And even if the country has the last company left from the entire army, on this memorable day it must march along Red Square in honor of that Victory!
  34. gorilla1962
    14 May 2012 22: 55
    Everything is on point, there will be a Victory Parade!!!
    But I wouldn’t put the first photo with sergeant-major Serdyukov. He has no respect either among the people or in the army.
  35. 0
    19 May 2012 08: 46
    Of course there will be a Victory Parade; during my military service, I myself took part in the parade of the Omsk garrison as part of a regiment of the Internal Troops; the pride that we felt cannot be expressed in words; both great-grandfathers fought in my family. One was near Leningrad, the second was in the Far East, both returned home due to health reasons due to injuries. Low bow to the Veterans, eternal memory of their Feat!!!
  36. prophetic
    19 May 2012 21: 42
    Western bastards are mad, let them be. But for us this is the greatest holiday! despite all their lies and the exaggerated role of the allies in the war, they remember who won, they remember and are afraid, well, they are doing the right thing
  37. Oleg Rosskiyy
    11 July 2012 20: 59
    Absolutely right. Aggressive Russia thunders its military might at parades, and the peace-loving and democratic West is on the territory of states not under its control. “Western human rights fighters” are trying to mitigate the punishment of terrorists, while carefully, without unnecessary noise, trying not to notice those people who have these the bandits took away the most precious thing - the lives of loved ones. Where are all these humanitarians now, the dissenting opposition, "Show business stars", when the tragedy occurred in Kuban, WHERE?