Syrian air defense shot down an Israeli Air Force aircraft

In the north of Israel, according to confirmed reports of the IDF General Staff, the plane crashed the country's Air Force. Information Service RIA News reports that the crew of the aircraft ejected.

According to some reports, we are talking about the plane F-16, which struck attacks on the territory of Syria.

Earlier it was reported that the Syrian troops activated the air defense system.

The Israeli aviation began the operation with the use of the (initially) attack helicopter, which was shot down by an “Iranian” drone, according to the IDF, heading towards Israel. Israeli aircraft then attacked military installations in the south of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Syrian air defense shot down an Israeli Air Force aircraft

In the picture - the plane of the Israeli Air Force

From the statement of the head of the press service of the Israeli army, Jonathan Konrikus:
A massive Syrian air defense fire, one F-16 crashed in Israel, pilots are safe.

Recall that earlier the chairman of the Israeli government, Benjamin Netanyahu, during a visit to the Golan Heights, said he would not tolerate the appearance of Iranian military bases in Syria.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      10 February 2018 14: 53
      3. The Russian Federation fired at the Ukrainian Armed Forces when shells arrived on its territory. How so? The Russian Federation is the aggressor and has “lost its shores”?

      Can you be more precise, a link to the studio, I know that I know that ammunition from stoners flew into my area, but we have never heard about the return from our side.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +2
    10 February 2018 13: 42
    Well, that's it. The time has long come to use the 45x squadron. And defeat this Iranian enclave near Damascus.... And it’s also a good idea to take care of Assad’s palace... Otherwise the guys are starting to get bored. Assad decided to play with fire...In my opinion, Syria decided to involve a third force.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      11 February 2018 15: 56
      Quote: Shahno
      Well, that's it. The time has long come to use the 45x squadron.

      Maybe then 35x?
      And defeat this Iranian enclave near Damascus....

      Play roulette, Assad’s planes are less expensive, but the cost is immeasurable....
      And it’s also a good idea to take care of Assad’s palace...

      Israeli Jews, not having their own palace, see everything in every stranger as a VB....
      Assad decided to play with fire...In my opinion, Syria decided to involve a third force.

      Why not? Assad does not hold onto power and never dreamed of being president of the Syrian Arab Republic; he lived and worked peacefully in England...
      The SAR understands that they will not leave it behind (including the Jews), why not launch a couple of Iranian missiles at Israel with nuclear weapons before destroying their country, the United States will definitely not need radioactive Israel, and the SAR will already be there by then anyway it will be, she is not her own mistress.....
      And remembering the old, not a single country in the world will allow the Jews to create a new Israel, let the Kurds better take your place in the desert, the Americans don’t care who they set against the Arabs...
      If Israel’s economy is strong, let it get involved in a war with the Syrian Arab Republic (receiving a blow from Iran), maybe it will benefit you, which I personally doubt.....okay, hello to the burrs...
  3. +1
    10 February 2018 14: 02
    Quote: shuravi
    Quote: Netzah Netzah

    Judging by the fact that one of the pilots received burns, a shrapnel damaged the gas tank and this led to a fire on the way back. That's why they ejected.

    Firstly, what kind of gas tank does it contain kerosene?
    Secondly, read about the location of the tanks on the F-16.
    Thirdly, the fire is developing rapidly, such a distance cannot be extended.

    Out of old habit, I write “gas tank” winked
    Secondly, the Sufa has two comfort tanks, which are exactly at the level of the rear cabin.

    Apparently, he burst into flames.
    Thirdly, judging by the crash site, the plane was actually heading to its home base in the Negev, instead of landing at a much closer one in Galilee. That is, the damage was either classified as minor, or was not recorded by sensors at all (most likely the former).
    1. +1
      10 February 2018 14: 11
      Quote: Netzah Netzah

      Secondly, the Sufa has two comfort tanks, which are exactly at the level of the rear cabin.

      Apparently, he burst into flames.

      1. Such tanks are produced first.
      2. The flame from such will be torn back.

      Thirdly, judging by the crash site, the plane was actually heading to its home base in the Negev, instead of landing at a much closer one in Galilee. That is, the damage was either classified as minor, or was not recorded by sensors at all (most likely the former).

      Which once again denies combat damage.
      1. +1
        10 February 2018 14: 15
        1. But couples still remain
        2. It is possible, but possible, that the fuel line will burst inward.
        3. But we’ll find out if the report is published.
        1. +1
          10 February 2018 16: 04
          Quote: Netzah Netzah
          1. But couples still remain
          2. It is possible, but possible, that the fuel line will burst inward.
          3. But we’ll find out if the report is published.

          Are you out of your mind? Protection against this has long been introduced.
    2. 0
      11 February 2018 16: 02
      Netzah netzah the damage was either classified as minor or not detected by sensors at all (most likely the former)

      The Jews lost the plane, and everyone writes about minor damage, just don’t kill yourself......ti....
      There was a plane and there is no plane and it was shot down by the SAR air defense system, that’s a fact, everything else is nonsense....which you wrote here...
  4. 0
    10 February 2018 14: 05
    There was a mammoth,
    Rather, it’s about the fact that the “prone” position in the foreground doesn’t even reach two points. Or is this the way it is with ARs?
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      10 February 2018 15: 26
      Quote: professor
      Of course. When they throw you under our fence, we will not refuse medical assistance.

      Do you understand bourbon..? , So when you dive for fish (write a note, drop it off in Israel)))) Everything will be cured there, although without money you will lie with the Arabs with brilliant green..) for free!!
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. 0
    10 February 2018 14: 19
    What are you all digging up? 10 missiles were fired one at a time. Well, it caught on... The vehicle was damaged. Where should he go?
    1. 0
      11 February 2018 16: 04
      Quote: Shahno
      One by one 10 missiles fired. Well hooked... The vehicle was damaged.

      Can I have a link to this nonsense?
  8. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      10 February 2018 15: 04
      Around the same years we were in Vietnam, ask the Pindos about whether there was any sense.
    2. 0
      11 February 2018 10: 55
      I am sure that even now it would not have happened without Abu Andrey.
    3. 0
      11 February 2018 16: 14
      Quote: Netzah Netzah
      There were already Russians in Egypt and Syria. In 1967-91. What's the point?

      You can learn more about Russians in Egypt. In 1970, Sadat came to power and became a pro-American friend....
      Believing that the Soviet Union provided Egypt with insufficient assistance in the ongoing confrontation with Israel, and wanting to find a more powerful ally in his opinion in the United States, Sadat began a rapprochement with the United States. At the same time, Egypt refused military assistance from the USSR, expelling Soviet military advisers in 1972. In 1973, in a climate of international isolation, Sadat launched a war against Israel (the Yom Kippur War); the extremely unsuccessful outcome of the operation forced Sadat to enter into rapprochement with the United States and peace negotiations with Israel, as well as unilaterally denounce the friendship treaty with the USSR (1976). Two months after the Camp David peace agreement, Egypt - now a US ally in the Middle East - was included in the list of countries receiving US military assistance authorized by Congress.
      I’m generally silent about the SAR. At the time of the operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, there were 10 people in the SAR in the PMTO.
  9. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      10 February 2018 16: 06
      Quote: Anyone
      Quote: shuravi emergency situation leading to the loss of equipment develops very quickly, in less than a minute. And you can’t last 70-100 km.

      I don't agree. Example: an aircraft that is damaged or in an emergency is able to continue level flight, but is not able to land.

      In this case, exit to the area is safe for leaving.
  10. +5
    10 February 2018 14: 34
    Quote: Netzah Netzah
    Quote: MIKHAN

    Malice and revenge, Israel will lead to another collapse.... After all, there are Russians in Syria! You Jews clearly don’t understand something about the political situation, even here on the site.. negative Do you rely on your financial lobbies in all countries..? Oh well ..
    Then don't whine.. negative

    There were already Russians in Egypt and Syria. In 1967-91. What's the point?

    When the Russians were there, yours didn’t fly there very much, but fell more and more. Although there ours only held defenses near important objects, and did not fight in tanks. Otherwise, maybe You would now only remember Israel in your prayers. And today the Russian Federation is increasingly “persuading” than acting. It’s your “militant” sparrows (not hawks at all) who are becoming impudent with impunity, driving the situation into a dead end, from which there is only one way out - war!
    1. +1
      10 February 2018 14: 43
      study the hardware so you don’t have to blush later
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. 0
    10 February 2018 14: 39
    Quote: Hanokem
    At night, the Iranians launched a drone into our territory (it was shot down by an Apache helicopter over our territory).
    - someone writes under “zhovto-blakitnym”...
  13. +2
    10 February 2018 14: 40
    Quote: Vlad5307

    When the Russians were there, yours didn’t fly there very much, but fell more and more. Although there ours only held defenses near important objects, and did not fight in tanks. Otherwise, maybe You would now only remember Israel in your prayers. And today the Russian Federation is increasingly “persuading” than acting. It’s your “militant” sparrows (not hawks at all) who are becoming impudent with impunity, driving the situation into a dead end, from which there is only one way out - war!

    And they flew, and bombed, and killed your ichtamnets. Some anti-aircraft gunners, some pilots, some advisers to Arab units.
    1. 0
      10 February 2018 15: 10
      - Israeli Ukrainian? - Dangerous mix!
      You pull the strap for Israel, but you light it up/throw it on the fan like a non-brother...
  14. +1
    10 February 2018 14: 50
    Quote: TechnoID

    They have more in common than differences. After all, historically neighboring tribes :-). Only the Jews were forced by conditions to learn the lessons of discipline, self-organization and survival...

    Your Vedas and Histories of the Near One are out of place, and they are out of order. For whatever reason, I think that you consider Belarusians “brotherly, practically one people” with the races.
    1. 0
      10 February 2018 16: 27
      Where did you learn Polish-Kholuy so well?
  15. +1
    10 February 2018 14: 59
    The S-125 took out the F16. Cool.
    I already wrote that it is not clear why Assad’s Syrians, unlike the Turks, were not given the S-400
    1. 0
      11 February 2018 16: 19
      The S-125 took out the F16. Cool.

      This is not true, there is only one Israeli Jew here (Netzah netzah) says that there was no damage....
      Thirdly, judging by the crash site, the plane was actually heading to its home base in the Negev, instead of landing at a much closer one in Galilee. That is, the damage was either classified as minor, or was not recorded by sensors at all (most likely the former).
  16. +1
    10 February 2018 15: 01
    Quote: Dagen
    Everyone :) Starting from the accession of Kiev and Smolensk to Novgorod.

    The Germans will write about the Russians - it’s all nonsense, and Russians lived and live in Kyiv and Smolensk and Novgorod.
    Quote: Dagen
    Well, you can call the annexation of the Crimean Khanate to Russia at the end of the 18th century.

    Well, if you decide to dig deeper, answer my question: how did the Principality of Tmutaran suddenly become the Crimean Khanate in such a peaceful way?
  17. +2
    10 February 2018 15: 16
    Quote: KaPToC
    Well, if you decide to dig deeper, answer my question: how did the Principality of Tmutaran suddenly become the Crimean Khanate in such a peaceful way?

    The Tmutarakan principality ceased to exist in the 12th century (more precisely, between 1115, when the last prince died, and 1169, when this territory was mentioned as Byzantine). As a reminder, the city of Moscow, the capital of Russia, was first mentioned as a Mytny post at the crossing in 1147.
  18. +1
    10 February 2018 15: 19
    Quote: bypassed
    The S-125 took out the F16. Cool.
    I already wrote that it is not clear why Assad’s Syrians, unlike the Turks, were not given the S-400

    The S-125 will not reach Arduf. Even from the territory of the Rebels.
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. +3
    10 February 2018 15: 25
    Destruction of an Iranian UAV and control center.
  21. 0
    10 February 2018 15: 39
    A Turkish helicopter was shot down in Afrin. Began?
  22. 0
    10 February 2018 15: 47
    So Syria needs to put the S-300, so that the missiles reached not only on its territory, but also Jewish, i.e. to the ass.
  23. 0
    10 February 2018 15: 50
    Only the fascists of Israel can do this, I apologize to the Zionists of Israel. But in general it’s the same thing!
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +1
        10 February 2018 21: 10
        Some Russians, and not only Russians, mainly have hatred not for Israel as a state, but for individual representatives of the Jewish people. It is based on personal life experience and is projected onto all representatives of the people and the state at the same time.
      2. 0
        11 February 2018 16: 22
        Quote: Holon777
        I don’t understand why Russians have so much hatred towards Israel?

        You say, but don’t start talking, hatred is not for Jews in general, but only for the former Soviets, who here on the site pretend to be Israelis, but only traitors are strangers everywhere....
  24. 0
    10 February 2018 15: 54
    Dead duck,
    So the sphincter is not made of iron, according to Iran!
  25. +2
    10 February 2018 15: 57
    Quote: Phoenix_Lvov
    I beg your pardon, not anti-Semites, but anti-Zionists, opponents of the complicity of the State of Israel to terrorists and its aggressive policy towards its neighbors.

    "I can't excuse" (M. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita.). Zionism and Jews are one and the same. We say Zionism, we mean Jews, we say Jews, we mean Zionism. The USSR fought the Jews, claiming that it was fighting Zionism. In short: "so as not to be branded as an anti-Semite, call ..... a cosmopolitan." Thanks to Zionism and only Zionism, Israel, Hebrew was revived and the security and prosperity of the Jewish people was ensured. Israel has always been the world leader in the fight against terrorism. Militants from Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, Red Brigades, Fatah, Black September were killed by Israeli special services from France to Uganda and from Tunisia to Tehran. Israel has peace with its neighbors. So, at least about the neighbors is not necessary. In Syria, some terrorists kill others. Some are supported by Turkey, others by Iran, third states, fourth by Russia. That is, each group has its own curators. Hence the preferences. The same Hezbollah, recognized as terrorist by almost the entire Arab world. And ISIS, and in general the whole world, with the exception of Qatar. So in your post "horses, people are mixed in a heap ...." And for the plane, we'll talk more. Israel is not a state to abandon such behavior with impunity. And then they took it as a fashion to shoot down a living plane ...
  26. 0
    10 February 2018 16: 06
    Quote: Muvka
    Jackals are only you when you attack a virtually defenseless country.

    Are you talking about Ukraine?
  27. 0
    10 February 2018 16: 18
    And yet, yes, it’s time to land Benechka and Yosya. It's high time. Impudence, it is also arrogance in the Middle East. No need to la-la, bi-bi will crush you.
  28. +3
    10 February 2018 16: 33
    Liquids, you are not the smartest.
  29. +1
    10 February 2018 16: 45
    What they did was stupid, they provoked the Jews with a “drone”, and without any caution they flew straight into the air defense. They completely lost their heads, and it only got worse. The Jews have taken a different approach, they used to look around, now they rush headlong straight towards the stones...... negative
  30. +1
    10 February 2018 16: 49
    The celestials from Israel seem to be itching for everything...
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. 0
    10 February 2018 17: 09

    You can leave the weapon, it won’t distract
  33. +1
    10 February 2018 17: 22
    The Americans should be “grounded.” In the end, they became insolent.
  34. +3
    10 February 2018 17: 43
    and for “God’s chosen ones” there was a hole
  35. +4
    10 February 2018 17: 48
    The press service of the Israel Defense Forces published a video showing the destruction of an Iranian UAV that violated Israeli air borders and a mobile control center for this unmanned aircraft in Syria.
  36. 0
    10 February 2018 18: 54
    It is quite obvious: the goal of the Isaril attacks is to outrun the Russian leadership in front of the Syrians and, thereby, level Russian politics on the BV and its successes in the Syrian war against terrorism.
    Judge for yourself: there are no deliveries of air defense to Sirib from Russia; there is no counteraction to the Russian aerospace forces actions of Israeli aviation.
    For me personally it’s a shame!
  37. +1
    10 February 2018 19: 04
    Finally, an event in the category of miracles happened, God’s chosen ones were offended (at least they consider themselves such). Now they will imagine that because of them, the third world war will begin right now.
  38. 0
    10 February 2018 19: 05
    Quote: hrych
    also the F-35 was planted with a crane

    What kind of fake is this? where do you collect them?
  39. 0
    10 February 2018 19: 36
    The remains of the downed Israeli F-16

    what's the point of this?
  40. 0
    10 February 2018 19: 38
    I look at the number of pluses and think: is it that they love Jews so much, or do people care so much about justice?
  41. 0
    10 February 2018 19: 49
    It arrived polygonal after all!!! Well, God knows, we warned you!!!
  42. The comment was deleted.
  43. 0
    10 February 2018 19: 57
    Quote: Netzah Netzah
    I'm thinking about something like this

    Don't trust Google translators, they sometimes construct strange phrases... Are you saying that Jews did not live next to Arabs for a long time? And yes, the population of the eastern part of Belarus is very similar to the population of the neighboring part of Russia, essentially one people. This also confirms that neighbors have a lot in common :-)
  44. The comment was deleted.
  45. 0
    10 February 2018 20: 10
    Quote: ODERVIT
    Liquids, you are not the smartest.

    That they are the smartest is what they came up with!
    So as not to itch here and there... Self-love...
  46. 0
    10 February 2018 20: 14
    Quote: Rogue1812
    Quote: Phoenix_Lvov
    I beg your pardon, not anti-Semites, but anti-Zionists, opponents of the complicity of the State of Israel to terrorists and its aggressive policy towards its neighbors.

    "I can't excuse" (M. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita.). Zionism and Jews are one and the same. We say Zionism, we mean Jews, we say Jews, we mean Zionism. The USSR fought the Jews, claiming that it was fighting Zionism. In short: "so as not to be branded as an anti-Semite, call ..... a cosmopolitan." Thanks to Zionism and only Zionism, Israel, Hebrew was revived and the security and prosperity of the Jewish people was ensured. Israel has always been the world leader in the fight against terrorism. Militants from Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, Red Brigades, Fatah, Black September were killed by Israeli special services from France to Uganda and from Tunisia to Tehran. Israel has peace with its neighbors. So, at least about the neighbors is not necessary. In Syria, some terrorists kill others. Some are supported by Turkey, others by Iran, third states, fourth by Russia. That is, each group has its own curators. Hence the preferences. The same Hezbollah, recognized as terrorist by almost the entire Arab world. And ISIS, and in general the whole world, with the exception of Qatar. So in your post "horses, people are mixed in a heap ...." And for the plane, we'll talk more. Israel is not a state to abandon such behavior with impunity. And then they took it as a fashion to shoot down a living plane ...

    It’s a pity that the Syrians and Iranians don’t read your work... They would have suffered a lot of fear, it’s terrible!
  47. +1
    10 February 2018 20: 20
    Vkd dvk,
    Quote: Vkd dvk
    The cruel question is, if you have an enemy in front of you, what part of your body will you strive to get into?

    First you need to disarm, so that out of fright... you never know, all sorts of cases happen. lol
  48. The comment was deleted.
  49. 0
    10 February 2018 20: 31
    Quote: professor
    Quote: Muvka
    Professor, why don’t you upload photos where they carry a “living” or barely alive pilot? You said that everything is fine with him.

    Right now. I’ll post their full name. Enough debris from Syrian missiles in OUR territory is enough for you.

    Why are you telling us bullshit? The wreckage has already been there for three years and has already sprouted. I always suspected that you were not a professor, just...a laboratory assistant...with ambitions...
  50. The comment was deleted.
  51. The comment was deleted.
  52. +1
    11 February 2018 01: 19
    Quote: Ber
    Vietnamese pilot Li Si Qing.

    Well, thank you, Ber! Well, I was heartily pleased! I heard this song in five versions long before Chizh. And I always liked her. So I really enjoyed the video. There was also an anecdote: Hearing Li-Si-Tsing being called by the base, the commander of the B-52 squadron yelled over the communication - Guys, let's go back, this is Captain Lisitsin, I remember him from Korean. To hell with all this, life is more valuable!

    But seriously, there is nothing to be happy about here. Apparently, the Middle East will again fall into a big war. Israel has a good army and a good air force, the only consolation is that they have fought with whom so far. Imagine for a moment what will happen if they collide with our army, or at least (even with the modern) German one.
    But it’s still better that this doesn’t happen. drinks
  53. 0
    11 February 2018 04: 52
    They will know!
  54. +1
    11 February 2018 04: 55
    Quote: Mih1974
    While "some" Izrailites express "condolences, other Izrailians treat those who cut the heads of children, rape girls and eat human hearts, and also install various equipment on Georgian tanks to make it easier to kill unarmed Ossetian women and children and Russian peacekeepers. am
    So sho - the debt owed by payment is beautiful, I am not surprised if in the next Israeli Lebanese war "and suddenly" the ATGMs "vampire", "cornet", "competition" and all sorts of things are discovered.

    This has long been the case with Hezbollah (a terrorist organization authorized in the Russian Federation) and Hamas (a terrorist organization authorized in the Russian Federation) and RPG-29, and “Cornets”, and everything else.
  55. +1
    11 February 2018 05: 29
    Quote: TechnoID
    Quote: Netzah Netzah
    I'm thinking about something like this

    Don't trust Google translators, they sometimes construct strange phrases... Are you saying that Jews did not live next to Arabs for a long time? And yes, the population of the eastern part of Belarus is very similar to the population of the neighboring part of Russia, essentially one people. This also confirms that neighbors have a lot in common :-)

    I am not taking advantage of the special talkers for Belarusian language. And the Gabrians did not live with the Arabs for the most part. Because the Arabs were in great trouble, and a significant part of the Gabray region lived in Europe. At the end of the Belarusian era, there is an aggravated hell of a race. Taxama, as in Zakhadz, as in Poudn, and in Pounachi. You are waiting for disintegration ts ab "essentially Russian" Vasile Bykava or Magilev’s zhyhars, what other mask burials were found in 1661?
    1. 0
      11 February 2018 15: 40
      Oh, this way we can agree on the uniqueness and originality of each individual family and its right to an independent existence from the state in whose territory it lives! Its own family laws, its own currency, its own language... But in practice, nothing will come of it - the state will not understand or appreciate it :-). And, based on historical lessons, such a “family” is doomed to very early oblivion. Nationalistic and other antisocial cockroaches in the heads of individual individuals do not have any significant impact on the development of the society surrounding these figures - the caravan continues to move :-). The example with Mogilev says nothing. The era of princely internecine strife, in which both small principalities and “great” principalities, such as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the VKM, took part - is just a historical period of the formation of states in the modern sense. There are plenty of examples of resistance and expansion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during its formation.
  56. +1
    11 February 2018 05: 34
    Quote: Sea Cat
    Imagine for a moment what will happen if they collide with our army, or at least (even with the modern) German one.
    But it’s still better that this doesn’t happen. drinks

    Submitted. July 30, 1970. 24 MiG-21s against 4 Phantoms and 8 Mirages. Four downed MiGs and one written off after an emergency landing. Captains Zhuravlev, Yurchenko and Yakovlev were killed. There were no casualties among Israeli pilots.
    1. 0
      11 February 2018 10: 49
      You're bad at math: From Israel[edit | edit code]
      Name Air connection Aircraft type
      Amos Amir 119 Mirage IIIC
      Asher Snir 119 Mirage IIIC
      Abraham Shalmon 119 Mirage IIIC
      Avi Gilad 119 Mirage IIIC
      Uri Even-Nir 117 Mirage IIIC
      Itamar Neuner 117 Mirage IIIC
      Yehuda Koren 117 Mirage IIIC
      Yaakov (Kobi) Richter 117 Mirage IIIC
      Iftach Spector 101 Mirage IIIC
      Michael Zuck 101 Mirage IIIC
      Israel Bacharav 101 Mirage IIIC
      Giora Furman 101 Mirage IIIC
      Avihu Bin-Nun/Shaul Levy 69 F-4E Phantom II
      Aviam Sela/Reuven Reshef (Fischer) 69 F-4E Phantom II
      Ehud Henkin/ 69 F-4E Phantom II
      Uri Gil/Israel Parnas 69 F-4E Phantom II
      From Egypt[edit | edit code]
      Name Air connection Aircraft type
      Nikolay Petrovich Yurchenko 106 MiG-21
      Pavel Fedorovich Makara 106 MiG-21
      Evgeniy Gerasimovich Yakovlev 106 MiG-21
      Sergey Arkhipovich Syrkin 106 MiG-21
      Evgeniy Andreevich Kamnev 106 MiG-21
      Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zhuravlev 106 MiG-21
      Vitaly Fedorovich Saranin 106 MiG-21
      Vladimir Fedorovich Vasiliev 106 MiG-21
      Sergey Vasilievich Mazur cap-n 106 MiG-21
      V. Suprun 106 MiG-21
      Vladimir Ivlev 106 MiG-21
      In the battle of July 30, 1970, the following were killed:

      Zhuravlev Vladimir Alexandrovich - captain, senior pilot. He was awarded (posthumously) the Order of the Red Banner and the Egyptian Order of the Star of Military Valor.
      Yurchenko Nikolay Petrovich - captain, flight commander. He was awarded (posthumously) the Order of the Red Banner and the Egyptian Order of the Star of Military Valor.
      Yakovlev Evgeny Gerasimovich - captain, flight commander. He was awarded (posthumously) the Order of the Red Banner and the Egyptian Order of the Star of Military Valor.
      1. +1
        11 February 2018 22: 55
        I advise you to read the entire article. And generally take an interest.
  57. +1
    11 February 2018 06: 15
    The Jewish army has a very strange attitude towards the right of a neighboring state to defend its borders..
  58. 0
    11 February 2018 13: 56
    Against the backdrop of these events, Ukraine reacted:
    “Ukroboronprom is preparing for serial modernization of the S-125M anti-aircraft missile system. Ukrainian specialists were able to significantly increase the accuracy of targeting and hitting highly maneuverable targets, the president noted.”
    and another quote:
    “The President noted that the far border of the affected area of ​​the updated complex is more than 40 kilometers, and the maximum height of the affected area is 25 kilometers.”
    video from Valtsman/Poroshnenko’s blog:
    ideos / 1203532589781131 /]
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the proto-Ukrainians use the news about the downed Israeli plane to promote a modernized Pechora for export.
  59. 0
    11 February 2018 15: 45
    What’s in the picture for the F-15 article, they couldn’t find a photo of the F-16 (which was shot down), hack work....
  60. +1
    11 February 2018 22: 03
    Quote: Netzah Netzah
    Quote: Sea Cat
    Imagine for a moment what will happen if they collide with our army, or at least (even with the modern) German one.
    But it’s still better that this doesn’t happen. drinks

    Submitted. July 30, 1970. 24 MiG-21s against 4 Phantoms and 8 Mirages. Four downed MiGs and one written off after an emergency landing. Captains Zhuravlev, Yurchenko and Yakovlev were killed. There were no casualties among Israeli pilots.

    Mölders hammered hundreds of planes, Vitman, starting from the Kursk Bulge, hammered hundreds of tanks...
    Remind you how the war ended? hi
  61. +1
    11 February 2018 22: 44
    Quote: Alexander War
    There are photos and you can Google them yourself

    And these are not the same zincs that Hezbollah captured in 2000 at the bases of the South Lebanon Army after the Israeli retreat?
  62. +1
    11 February 2018 22: 54

    You can learn more about Russians in Egypt. In 1970, Sadat came to power and became a pro-American friend....

    “In 1972, there were about 20 thousand military advisers from the USSR in Egypt, the Soviet Union had the exclusive right to use five Egyptian seaports and eight airfields, six of which were under the full control of the Soviet military. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to the United Arab Republic - Egypt V. M. Vinogradov subsequently pointed out in his memoirs that by 1972 the Egyptian armed forces were already quite well prepared, a large number of graduates - Egyptian officers - arrived from Soviet military educational institutions - academies and schools. An officer who graduated from the Soviet military academy was advised by an experienced Soviet officer, but with only a military school behind him."
    “After the withdrawal of the main contingent, a group of aviation specialists was in Egypt, engaged in retraining flight and technical personnel for a new type of aircraft - the S-32 (Su-17) fighter.”
    Your “ichtamnets” were finally withdrawn in 1979, after the signing of the peace treaty.
    I’m generally silent about the SAR. At the time of the operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, there were 10 people in the SAR in the PMTO.

    "A group of Soviet military specialists in the Syrian Armed Forces (Arabic ربية السورية‎) [Note 4] - a consolidated military formation of the USSR Armed Forces, initially sent to Syria in 1956 at the invitation of the government of the country and the President of Syria Shukri al-Quatli and assisted independent Syria, then the United Arab Republic, and since 1961 - the sovereign Syrian Arab Republic in building national armed forces and protecting the Syrian state from external threats.In 1973 and 1983, at the urgent requests of President Hafez al-Assad the number of the Soviet contingent increased at the expense of regular units of the Soviet army in order to provide direct military assistance to the already formed Syrian Armed Forces"
    But this base was captured in October 2014. How many of the 10 people of the Russian contingent were sitting on it?
  63. +1
    11 February 2018 22: 57
    Quote: Sea Cat

    Mölders hammered hundreds of planes, Vitman, starting from the Kursk Bulge, hammered hundreds of tanks...
    Remind you how the war ended? hi

    The War of Attrition ended with Egypt stopping attacks on Israel a week after the defeat of the Soviet pilots.
  64. The comment was deleted.
  65. +1
    12 February 2018 01: 41
    Quote: Netzah Netzah
    Quote: Sea Cat

    Mölders hammered hundreds of planes, Vitman, starting from the Kursk Bulge, hammered hundreds of tanks...
    Remind you how the war ended? hi

    The War of Attrition ended with Egypt stopping attacks on Israel a week after the defeat of the Soviet pilots.

    That's what I'm talking about. There were ONLY Russian pilots. And it’s unreasonable to judge based on one fight. And everyone knows which Arabs are warriors. I don’t remember who said: “When fighting the Italians, any army will forget how to fight.” Look, don’t forget how to do it yourself. hi
  66. 0
    12 February 2018 02: 57

    Syrian slap in the face to Israel.
  67. +1
    12 February 2018 15: 53
    Quote: Sea Cat
    Quote: Netzah Netzah
    Quote: Sea Cat

    Mölders hammered hundreds of planes, Vitman, starting from the Kursk Bulge, hammered hundreds of tanks...
    Remind you how the war ended? hi

    The War of Attrition ended with Egypt stopping attacks on Israel a week after the defeat of the Soviet pilots.

    That's what I'm talking about. There were ONLY Russian pilots. And it’s unreasonable to judge based on one fight. And everyone knows which Arabs are warriors. I don’t remember who said: “When fighting the Italians, any army will forget how to fight.” Look, don’t forget how to do it yourself. hi

    By the way, I meant the Second World War, and not a small-town get-together in your village. hi
  68. 0
    12 February 2018 20: 28

    Quote: LiSiCyn
    Who ... ??
    Maybe al-Badin?
    Or, El-Panin ??

    “You can’t erase words from a song!!!” - laughing
  69. 0
    18 January 2019 09: 17
    Quote: professor
    We honor the Geneva Conventions.

    Not a single country in the world that is at war observes these conventions. In fact, there is only an ordinary show of morality and humanity, in other words, a cover behind which, in any war, there is inhumanity and rivers of blood.