Why did not Hitler seize Gibraltar and Suez. Fuehrer's fatal mistake

The Second World War is considered the most popular topic of stories our country. But the story associated with the plans of the Third Reich to seize the British fortress of Gibraltar, which to this day is an overseas territory of Great Britain in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, remains little-known in Russia. Gibraltar was and remains the most important strategic military position that controls the Strait of Gibraltar, connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean.

The plans of the Germans to capture Gibraltar were connected with the choice of a strategy - to go to the East or to solve the issue with Britain before that. Control of the Mediterranean, through the possession of Gibraltar, Malta, Suez, was a fundamental principle of British politics. Without free passage of ships through this sea, the power of the British Empire would be greatly undermined. The blow to Gibraltar was obvious, if the Germans wanted to deliver a strong blow to Britain, put it on their knees.

They supported this idea in fascist Rome. On September 19, 1940, Mussolini, in a conversation with German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, said that the loss of Gibraltar would be a heavy blow to England and would guarantee Italy greater freedom in the Mediterranean. The Italians wanted to protect their Navy from the attack of a more powerful British fleet.

Particularly intensified the threat to Britain after the crushing defeat of France. 27 June 1940, the French concluded a truce with Germany, the Wehrmacht reached the French-Spanish border. And 12 June, the Spanish leader Franco, who was obliged to Italy and Germany - they helped win the Civil War, changed Spain's position from "neutral" to "position of non-participation in the war."

Intelligence service

In July, 1940, the head of the Abwehr (the German military intelligence and counterintelligence authority in 1919 — 1944, was part of the Wehrmacht High Command), Admiral Canaris arrived in Spain with an intelligence group. They arrived hidden like civilians. Then the German scouts arrived in Spanish Algeciras, which was located near the fortress of Gibraltar. The Germans tried to examine and evaluate the fortress from the land (from the Spanish territory) and from the air.

Abverovtsy immediately discovered serious problems complicating the possibility of storming fortifications:

- The steep coast, the unstable direction of the wind, the limited landing area made it very difficult for the airborne troops to be used, the use of gliders.

- The sandy isthmus connecting Gibraltar with the Iberian Peninsula, did not give a good opportunity to conduct a land operation. The British could easily mine it and keep it under heavy fire. The advancing troops had to suffer huge losses, trying to break through this strip of land.

- According to Abwehr, inside the Rock (one of the names of Gibraltar, there is a monolithic limestone rock with a height of 426 meters) a powerful system of tunnels, shelters that could accommodate a significant garrison (so the British increased the garrison of the fortress to 1942 thousand people) was created . He could withstand a long siege.

- There was a technical problem with the delivery of units of the Wehrmacht: the Spanish railways were in poor condition, their track was different from the French. This slowed the pace of the operation, it was necessary to overload the troops, equipment, ammunition on the French-Spanish border. To carry out such a transfer, while maintaining secrecy, it was not possible, the effect of surprise disappeared.

- The issue of the participation of the Spanish army was not resolved. The Germans did not know whether the Spaniards would fight the British and generally help the Germans.

Felix Plan

Returning to Germany, the Abwehr officers prepared a plan for the assault of Gibraltar. He combined artillery shelling (they were also going to use rockets), aerial bombardment, distracting actions of the amphibious assault force and the attack of assault groups. The assault was supposed to begin with a powerful artillery bombardment of heavy guns from 167, which should have given an advantage over the British in the ratio of 3: 1. It was believed that heavy guns could reach the English cannons hidden in the rocks, destroying them. Artillery was supported by dive bombers. The fire on them should have revealed the remaining firing points of the British.

For the direct assault, they planned to isolate at least 2 rifle regiments, one of them was mountain rifle, 1 engineering and construction, and 2 sapper battalion. The regiments were divided into assault groups. At the height of the battle, the landing craft from the Spanish observation post at La Linea, under the protection of a smoke screen, approached the Old Mall to discourage the garrison. The operation took three days. The Spaniards, if they took part in the assault, were to play a subordinate, auxiliary role. The main danger Canaris saw in the British fleet, whose ships had to be disabled or destroyed in the harbor or the open sea.

In August 1940, Adolf Hitler approved the proposals as part of an overall strategy against Britain. 6 September 1940 at a meeting of the leadership of the Reich Hitler instructed to begin preparations for the capture of Gibraltar. 12 November 1940, the German leader signed the secret directive No. 18 for the seizure of the British fortress. The plan was called Operation Felix. 5 December 1940 was held another meeting, where they discussed the plan to capture Gibraltar. The operation was assigned to Field Marshal Walter von Reichenau, the commander of the 6 Army, which participated in the French campaign. The General of the Mountain Forces, Ludwig Kübler, commander of the 49 Mountain Corps, established in October 1940, was responsible for preparing the assault units. From the beginning of November, the selected units conducted combat training in the mountains, where they created a semblance of a British fortress.

The main elements of the operation:

- The Luftwaffe were supposed to take over the destruction of the ships of the British fleet, which will be in Gibraltar; for this purpose, 2 squadrons of diving bombers and one fighter squadron were assigned to it. Attack ships were going with the help of submarines.

- They relied on motorized units, since the railways were bad in Spain. More than 65 thousand soldiers were allocated for the operation.

- It was not possible to achieve suddenness (according to Halder, only 25 days after crossing the French-Spanish border could concentrate all the forces, transport and prepare equipment, ammunition, etc.), so we decided to reduce the time to prepare and increase the power of impact .

- The ground assault was combined with an attack from the sea, with the help of landing craft based in Algeciras.

- A huge role was to play artillery, the use of rocket projectiles. The German command was going to concentrate the maximum number of guns, including heavy ones, at Gibraltar.

- After the capture of the fortress, Hitler was going to tightly cover the strait, to place heavy tools in Ceuta (Spanish city in Morocco) and Tarifa (Spain). To the North Africa to transfer 1 armored and 1 motorized rifle divisions.

Position of spain

Some problem for Berlin was the position of Spain, which was to let the German troops through its territory. Hitler urged Franco to enter the war on the side of the Third Reich, or at least grant the right to unimpeded passage of parts of the Wehrmacht through Spain. Franco feared that if Spain sided with Germany, the British would seize the Canary Islands. The UK fleet could also cut food supplies from Argentina and other Latin American countries.

Although it is clear that with a strong desire the German troops could easily pass through the territory of Spain, the Spanish army could not provide serious resistance. So, on November 4, Hitler announced that Gibraltar would be captured with or without the Spaniards. The main reason for the rejection of Operation Phoenix is ​​the development of the Barbarossa Plan, which was adopted on December 18 of the year 1940.

October 23 1940 of the year at the station Enday (French-Spanish border), Hitler met with Franco. Hitler proposed to transfer to Spain, after the operation, not only Gibraltar, but also a number of French territories in Africa. And Franco presented a whole list of demands as a fee for consent. He demanded to transfer several hundred tons of grain to the country; give the Spanish army airplanes and guns (including heavy ones) and other weapons that will be involved in the operation to seize Gibraltar. Put Spain weapons, including coastal guns and anti-aircraft guns, because the country has a large length of coast, which must be protected. In addition, Franco believed that the occupation of Gibraltar by foreign troops would damage the national honor of Spain, only the Spaniards themselves could capture the fortress.

18 November 1940, the head of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Serrano Sunnier, told Hitler at a meeting in Berchtesgaden that Spain is not ready for war with England and does not give permission for German troops to pass through their territory.

Hitler's fatal mistake

The main reason that Operation Felix did not take place was that Hitler switched his attention from the British Empire even before the famous air "Battle of England" began. Formally, it was decided 31 July, when Adolf Hitler told the top leadership of the Wehrmacht that it was decided to "begin the destruction of the vital forces of Russia in the spring 1941 year."

This alarmed the top German officers, they reasonably believed that leaving Great Britain in the West and its potential ally - the United States - was stupid when all the main forces would be concentrated in the East. The military elite led many arguments to convince Hitler to abandon the plan of march to the East until the issue with Britain. The head of the Kriegsmarine (Navy), Erich Raeder, declared to Hitler that for domination of the world it was not necessary to fight the USSR, the path to this was open to the defeat of France. Major General Alfred Jodl, Chief of Staff of the Operational Directorate of the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht, in a memorandum from 30 on June 1940, said that if the throw across the English Channel fails, it is advisable to transfer military operations to the Mediterranean - to seize Egypt, the Suez Canal. It is possible that the Italians can do it, or they will need help. At that time, the British in Egypt had only 36 thousand people, including one half-manned armored division. In addition, the entry into the war of Italy dramatically complicated the life of Britain, the supply could be carried out only with a powerful cover or send ships through Africa, the Cape of Good Hope. It was necessary to take into account the fact that the British needed at least several months to strengthen the units in Egypt, and there was not too much strength, they were connected by the defense of the metropolis.

Italy, with the help of Germany, could transfer superior forces to her colony, Libya, and rather quickly. The German Air Force was able to neutralize the British base in Malta.

But Hitler was only interested in the idea of ​​capturing Gibraltar. The Fuhrer was also interested in the idea of ​​capturing the Azores and the Cape Verde islands, they belonged to Portugal. In addition, the Germans could land in the Canary Islands. These territories had a large potential military strategic role. Could become the naval and air bases of the German Empire. This step allowed to strike at communications of Britain. In the Azores, long-range bombers could be deployed in the future to threaten the United States. True, Admiral Raeder said that it is pointless to capture the islands so far. The German Navy can really capture them. But the problem is that the British fleet is much more powerful and will be able to block the German garrisons, leaving them without a supply of food and ammunition. A aviation cannot completely solve this problem.

Interestingly, Hitler missed the opportunity after the defeat of France to deliver another severe blow to Britain - to send troops to French North Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco). The French government of Petain and Vichy could not prevent the Germans. The Wehrmacht was easy to throw on the occupation of southern France, and in North Africa the French military contingent was small and could not prevent the German offensive. Thus, the German troops could then, along with the Italians, strike at Egypt and capture Suez. But Hitler did not. Although this step was completely logical and reasonable.

Hitler recognized the strategic importance of northwestern Africa only three days before the September 26 meeting, when the British and the Free French troops under Charles de Gaulle tried to capture Dakar, but were beaten off by French forces loyal to the Vichy government. This event confirmed Raeder’s view that the British, supported by the Americans, would try to gain a foothold in northwestern Africa. The admiral insisted that, together with the French Vichy government, it was necessary to retain control of the region, to seize Suez. After that, German troops could easily go through Palestine, Syria, reach Turkey. The Turks will be forced to cooperate more closely with the Third Reich, and in this light the problem of the USSR will look different.

W. Churchill understood perfectly well the whole danger of such a prospect. He told US President Roosevelt that if Egypt and the Middle East were lost, then the war would become more difficult, longer and with more somber prospects, even when the United States entered the war.

Raeder recalled that although Hitler agreed with his “general direction of thought,” he did not want to change the general strategy after the defeat of France. He was going to solve only minor tactical issues in the Mediterranean, concentrating on the East. The admiral saw that Hitler did not want to bear the burden of the main military operations in the southern Mediterranean. The other top military leaders of the Reich were not as persistent as Raeder apparently did not want to “rock the boat” or risk a career. Everyone saw that Hitler had long ago decided everything for himself - to destroy the USSR and conquer the “living space” in the East became a fix idea for him. Although victory and control of the Mediterranean gave Germany a lot more benefits. The victory was achieved with fewer casualties, Britain was dealt a heavy blow (with the prospect of the German troops entering India). Germany gained control over the most important strategic communications and oil deposits (the first oil fields in Iran were discovered in 1908, in 1932 in Bahrain, in 1938 in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia). The problem was solved with other sources of raw materials.

Why did not Hitler seize Gibraltar and Suez. Fuehrer's fatal mistake

Erich Raeder

And the Suez Canal was much more important than Gibraltar. His capture led to the fact that the British fleet had to go into the Red Sea. Germany and Italy could, after the capture of Suez, freely transfer considerable forces to the Middle East, the British could not interfere. The huge reserves of oil in this region made it possible for the German military-industrial complex to work without hindrance, the problem of dependence on the deposits of Romania was removed. Turkey was surrounded: the Germans could influence it not only from Greece, Yugoslavia (the occupation of these countries was already predetermined), Bulgaria (from the Balkans), but also Palestine and Syria. Therefore, Istanbul remained the only way out - to become a satellite of the Third Reich. To enter the war on the side of Berlin or to provide territory for military transit. Resistance was impossible, the Turkish troops had no chance against the Italian-German forces.

The Wehrmacht could occupy the whole of North Africa, with or without Peten’s consent, go to Spanish Morocco. After this, Franco was much easier to convince to send the Wehrmacht to the Strait of Gibraltar or to do so by the right of the strong. Hitler was able to build his coastal batteries and airfields along the southern coast of the strait. This meant the loss of the fortress of Gibraltar for Britain and without assault. Forced the British to abandon Malta, its garrison could not be supplied.

After the British had completely left the Mediterranean, it was possible to occupy West Africa without any problems, to occupy the French base in Dakar. Ships, submarines, German planes, having a base in Dakar, could disrupt the British communications that went through the South Atlantic. As a result, Berlin put Britain on its knees, even when entering the US war, London faced the prospect of defeat. From Syria, the Germans had the opportunity to strike at Iran, and the strong position of the Germans in Persia posed a great threat to the “pearl of the British crown” - India. At that time in India there was a struggle for independence led by M. Gandhi and other leaders. The threat of India forced the British to throw there all the forces that were not engaged in the defense of the metropolis.

With such positions: having oil from the Middle East, allied Turkey, blocking the possible transit of military goods to the Soviet Union through Iran, full control over the Mediterranean and the Black Sea straits - the war with the USSR looked more promising. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the Wehrmacht (Germans could create a powerful grouping in Turkey, reinforced by Turkish divisions) were hit by Soviet oil production centers in Transcaucasia and in the North Caucasus.

Moscow would have to take into account the fact of a change in the military-strategic, economic situation of Germany. Berlin received winning positions in negotiations on the future position of the USSR in the new world order. This question was not necessarily solved on the fronts, the Soviet Union was self-sufficient (there was no desire to conquer Europe) and could provide Germany with its vast reserves of raw materials, the capabilities of the Trans-Siberian railway for the transportation of goods from South-East Asia.


As a result, taking possession of the Mediterranean, the whole of North and West Africa, the Near and Middle East, Berlin received for its economy the resources of Europe, Africa and Asia. The Germans controlled the most important strategic routes: Gibraltar, Suez, Bosphorus and Dardanelles (through dependent Turkey). The resistance of the British on the periphery simply did not matter much and sooner or later died out. In addition, all the forces of the British went to the defense of the metropolis (on which it was possible to throw significant forces of the Air Force and submarine fleet) and convoys with raw materials, food. Before the British government raised the issue of negotiations, London would have begun to seek a truce, its place in the new order.

The United States lost hope of launching troops in Europe. For this, it was necessary to turn the country into a single military camp, build a huge naval and air armada, create a powerful army. Plus ammunition, transport, stocks weapons and so on. Necessary for such a risky and ambitious operation. The chances of success were minimal. Most likely, the Americans focused on the Pacific Ocean, on the confrontation with Japan.

Germany at this time could consolidate the empire, unite the occupied territories and the satellites into an economic union (the EU of that time). Every day becoming stronger economically, militarily, politically. As a result, a “New World Order” could have arisen, where the 4 of the center of power was - the USA, the German Empire, the USSR, the Japanese Empire.

But Hitler did not heed Admiral Raeder's strategic instinct. All his thoughts were concentrated on the war with Russia. He was saving tank divisions, forces, means to throw them against the USSR, to the East. That is why Adolf Hitler did not think to allocate more than one tank division (initially) for operations in North Africa, to decide to capture Suez and Gibraltar.
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  1. Lech e-mine
    24 December 2011 08: 22
    Adolf Hitler subsequently will make quite a few mistakes (I think not without the help of the Almighty)
  2. Strabo
    24 December 2011 09: 20
    The author "floats" strongly in questions of history and forgets that not long before the war Germany was in economic decline. Then, "unexpectedly" by magic, she began to increase military spending. How much money? So this magic wand was the Good Old England. Which financed this war together with the United States. So it is very doubtful that Hitler would bite the hand that fed him ...
    1. ballian
      25 December 2011 21: 07
      Quote: Strabo
      So this magic wand was the Good Old England. Which financed this war together with the United States. T

      The conspiracy theory lives and thrives (judging by the pluses here) - after all, the details of Germany’s economic revival after the depression are not in their minds.
      Well, there is such a category of fanatical dreamers like Strabo, on this site it is almost their audience.
  3. snek
    24 December 2011 10: 48
    The issue with the position of Spain is parsed in the article inadequately:
    Although it is clear that with great desire, German troops could easily pass through the territory of Spain, the Spanish army could not provide serious resistance

    Yeah, and together with one of the no-allies, Germany would acquire another enemy. Hitler, of course, was crazy, but not a fool - before the attack on the USSR, he did not need additional enemies. And the consent of Spain was key in this matter, no matter what he said there.
    Also, the article does not consider Italy, which had a sufficiently strong fleet and could greatly help in resolving the issue.
  4. +1
    24 December 2011 15: 47
    Well, even if it was England, they would forgive Gibraltar ... for the sake of a good cause - the collapse of the USSR. The Fuhrer burst out for our happiness. And not only that.
  5. slan
    24 December 2011 16: 14
    Yes, there is Gibraltar, Hitler had only enough — nothing — to capture London, and he was so distracted by loshara, having taken care of the avalanche-like growing military power of Moscow. Well loser, what do you take. But how many outstanding strategists are among us ..
  6. Volkhov
    24 December 2011 16: 48
    Hitler could not help but fight against the USSR, he could only attack or be attacked, and a Dora cannon with nuclear grenades was made for Gibraltar - 5 pieces in 42 were shot across Sevastopol, destroying Champagne Mountain, a warehouse in the Northern Bay and baht. 35, which led to the flight of the command and the surrender of 100 thousand garrison. Spain's position saved Gibraltar from becoming a heap of rubble, and Spain from war and occupation.
    1. slan
      24 December 2011 17: 46
      They like to criticize Stalin that he tried by all means to delay the war. It is enough to take the level of production that the USSR managed to achieve by the year 43 under the occupation of a significant part of its territory, which was by no means the most backward and resourceless (what Donbas alone cost) and ask how long the Red Army would roll Germany together with Gibraltar and Suez, having received at least two years to complete the modernization so that such children's issues do not arise.
      1. Kostyan
        24 December 2011 17: 55
        a scoop would roll out Germany only in dreams ... we were so stupid in matters of tactics and strategy that we would be quickly torn apart ......
        1. slan
          24 December 2011 18: 27
          Who are you, Bandera? Why in the subjunctive mood? The USSR together with Germany and "torn" you
          1. Mesniy
            24 December 2011 23: 20
            Well, what immediately Bandera's then? There, by the way, the kats-ups (Russians) were taken seldom.Byla still ROA, there were Cossack units von Panvitsa. And there was a lot of other things bylo. And then how the butts were fixed - "Bandera", "Bandera". with imagination, tovarischi-pottsreotiki ...
            By the way, it’s interesting, why did we “moderate” the word kats up? Che, I don’t live so much? Laughter and only! We will bypass it anyway ...
      2. 0
        30 December 2020 18: 28
        Do you think the Germans have not modernized anything all these two years?))))
    2. snek
      24 December 2011 17: 48
      Very ... educational. And what happened to Dora's five "nuclear grenades" after they weren't used in 42?
      1. slan
        24 December 2011 18: 28
        They must have exploded nuclei)) grenades
      2. Volkhov
        25 December 2011 00: 18
        They WAS used in the summer of 42.
        There are details of the explosions that give an unambiguous conclusion - seismic (registration by seismographs in America), the absence of carbon deposits on rock fragments after a powerful explosion, the scattering of stone fragments (the battalion of self-propelled guns of the Germans themselves fell asleep), the displacement of concrete at the bases of the bat towers. 35 (inward from an explosion in the ground at a distance of 50 - 100 m), data from different sources coincide.
        You just need to look around you, compare, it attracts few people, slogans are more accessible and feed them directly from the hose.
    3. Tyumen
      24 December 2011 18: 33
      Volkhov, you end up with magnetic fields and electrified mountains.
      What other nuclear grenades? It was not 5, but 48 shells that were fired. The warehouse was not damaged at all, and the ammunition openly stacked on the shore detonated. The remaining shells lay hundreds of meters from the targets. What bosses, what surrender of the garrison? smile Sleep sleep.
      1. Volkhov
        24 December 2011 23: 54
        TYUMENETS, if you are collecting a collection of stupid excuses from agitprop, add explosions to the mines of Raspadskaya (hello by May 9) and Ordzhonikidze (Ukraine, 2010). Just collect open information, compare, and the world will become more interesting.
        The site is dominated by patriots with formidable plans, but they choose the "BLINDLY CARE" tactic - there are some doubts that it is useful in the real world.
        Attempts to orient you are caused by sympathy rather than hostility - for some reason it seems that ignorance leads to losses.
    4. dobry-ork
      25 December 2011 00: 39
      What other nuclear grenades ???
      1. Volkhov
        25 December 2011 01: 16
        Shell 800 mm 7 tons, penetration into the soil 30 m, fission charge based on uranium, possibly with thorium, power 2 ... 10 kT, high.
        The shells in conventional equipment were used to create the target coordinate network, and then demolished key defense points.
        Now such shells are smaller.
        1. snek
          25 December 2011 01: 23
          As part of a fantasy flight, suppose that the Germans really had nuclear weapons in the 42nd, with at least 5 pieces. Why was it not used in the bombing of London, Moscow and Leningrad?
          1. Volkhov
            25 December 2011 01: 43
            After the second application near Kursk in 43 there was an ultimatum on the reciprocal mass application of the chemical. Allied reserves were many times greater than the German ones destroyed by Versailles. But the British feared the bombing at 44.
            1. mitrich
              25 December 2011 05: 05
              It’s a pleasure to read you !!! It’s not you, by the way, who scared the IV (Underground) Reich a couple of months ago ?! Something tells me, the sixth sense is probably that Nick Perumov is standing in solid rows on your bookshelf. is there a known nuclear explosion? Are you talking about a) light radiation; b) electromagnetic impulse; c) have you ever heard penetrating radiation? Where did you find such a sample near Sevastopol in 1942? So you can see that NVP was canceled in schools.
              Exclusively for you about "Dora". A projectile weighing 7088 kg, 2 powder charges of 465 kg, plus a sleeve weighing 920 kg. THE SHOT CAUSED THE EFFECT OF A MINI EARTHQUAKE. There was such a roar that, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, in railway cars 3 km away. from the gun, the dishes bounced. In total, the Germans fired 48 artillery shots from this system (under Sevastopol, I mean), all-concrete-piercing shells, and the last 5, which you deign to remember, high-explosive 25.06.1942, of which 4 towards the sea, 1 by City. Errors: 500-800 m. Recognized as effective 1 (ONE) hit. Another 4-conditionally successful. That's all. Under Kursk, what was used, do not understand? A nuclear projectile or a chemical weapon? However, both are complete and absolute nonsense. During the whole war, I mean the Second World War and the Second World War in general, the Germans used chemical weapons only once, in Adzhimushkai (Crimea) in 1942, specifically phosgene, but ours could to prove this after the end of the war, so this accusation did not appear at the Nuremberg trials. And then the train left - the "cold" war began and all that. The Germans did not use chemical weapons, of course. not because of Hitler's scrupulousness, they just understood that the answer would be terrible for them. The allies would throw chemical bombs all over Germany, still people with four arms and two heads would walk in Berlin, if there were any, Berlin ... Do you understand now?
              In short, learn the materiel, dear, stop doing pseudoscience, and the people will reach for you wink !
              1. Volkhov
                25 December 2011 10: 24
                I am glad that you are interested, your colleagues are the most attentive readers.
                - with an underground explosion of the order of 10 kT, light radiation remains underground, only secondary effects on the surface
                - then nobody measured the electromagnetic pulse, a short-term interference in communication could be attributed to anything
                - punch the tunnel to the explosion point in Mount Champagne (50 m of crushed limestone) and measure the residual background, if there are few other obvious signs - it may even be useful (you will know the isotopic composition of the charge)
                - The underground Reich scares me well - agree on excursions to the bombing points on Raspadskaya and Ordzhonikidze - these are their methods, and the fact that they are hiding while holding people for morons indicates the number of their supporters in the leadership of politics.
                The fact of the matter is that this is a serious problem that the whole people can solve through science and preparation, and you keep it in the dark, do you really hope for Anna Chapman and Shtirlitsa from the movies?
                1. mitrich
                  25 December 2011 16: 42
                  Do you mean the not destroyed rock in Inkerman? If it is, then I’m ready to tell you what the explosion was.
                2. +1
                  26 December 2011 01: 43
                  Well, first of all, the radiation would not have gone anywhere, but it’s not so hot there - the usual southern background; in some Nagasaki it is still an order of magnitude more. Thorium bombs are considered the most "dirty" and the radiation would be so fucking (and even from under the mountain) that the whole city would die out in a week. And the sea would still be polluted. Secondly, the electromagnetic pulse does not give short-term interference. At a distance of up to 10 km, it completely burns out all electrical equipment, and further along the radius for several months, weeks, days (in terms of range), communication disappears. These are the results from the Zhukov teachings of the 50s. And thirdly, this underground Reich has done very little shit - and in fact it could have been immeasurably more, since such almighty ...
                  No, not logical.
                  1. Volkhov
                    26 December 2011 12: 09
                    You exaggerate the effects:
                    - thorium is not cadmium, after it no more dirt than from uranium
                    - the explosions were of low power 2 ... 10 kT and underground, the electromagnetic radiation from such gives only a tip in cable lines
                    - the presence of thorium in those charges is unknown, but the Germans imported it, including illegally, under the guise of ship ballast (monazite sand from Brazil)
                    - they may not have a problem to spoil, just during the Cold War they organized provocations many times to collide the USSR and the USA, and the explosions of the past year were warning - they asked not to bring tanks to Africa, they are more attentive to requests. At present, it makes no sense for them to fight, they know the laws of nature and that in a year the catastrophe, their general plan is to survive the event and appear before the remnants of people as gods before the ragged people, so now they are for peace.
        2. Tyumen
          25 December 2011 15: 26
          And how can one shoot Dora if she was guided only in a vertical plane, and in the horizontal she was carried along rails in an arc? It's almost at random to throw shells.
          1. mitrich
            25 December 2011 16: 49
            the calculations were made, of course. The Germans were no worse than ours in mathematics and ballistics. But what are you right about: at such an elevation angle of the barrel, throwing a projectile at a distance of 35 km, the effectiveness of the use of the gun was low. The manufacturer of Dora-Krupp (senior) admitted this.
            Two more German super-weapons, the Gamma and Karl, were in operation near Sevastopol, with a smaller caliber. Those had better results.
  7. Dharam
    25 December 2011 00: 52
    Did not capture and thank God
  8. wolverine7778
    25 December 2011 12: 18
    The very seizure of such a fortification as Gibraltar and the transfer of it and the French colonies after that Franco is meaningless. And Franco understood that giving him permission to pass German troops through his territory led to an unconditional quarrel with the Tommy and the payment of bills after that, while having in his concentration camps a million prisoners and not completely crushed rebellion.
  9. L. konstantin
    25 December 2011 13: 50
    GREAT PERSON! with their progress which was and would not be on Mars now!
  10. dred
    26 December 2011 16: 57
    I agree. Their technology at that time was impressive.
  11. 0
    25 August 2017 07: 50
    Adolf decided to make Britain his ally, for this he did not capture their army in France in 1940, for this Hess flew there in the 41st (it was clear that this was possible and the Germans were not allowed to leave alive after prison, and all the documents of negotiations still classified). If this happened, the United States would never go to war against this union, and the USSR would have to fight alone in the event of war (or surrender Western territories voluntarily, which in many ways, and probably even in the worst case, happened in the 91st).