Pearl Harbor - Roosevelt Framing

7 December 1941 launched a war in the Pacific on a Japanese base aircraft attack on the American base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. But America itself provoked her

Pearl Harbor - Roosevelt Framing

It was in Japanese an incredibly exquisite beginning of the war. On December 7, 1941, Japanese aircraft attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbor exactly five minutes before the flag was raised. This ceremony was done every day by American sailors on 8 in the morning on all the ships in the harbor of blessed Hawaii at the same time, Guis was raised on the bow and the stars and stripy national flag on the stern. The battleships also played the national anthem on brass instruments sparkling with copper. The sailors' funny caps, whose stomachs had already been digesting the wonderful American breakfast full of fifteen minutes, full of proteins and vitamins, the white uniform of naval officers with wide epaulets, very reminiscent of Russian, the sounds of music - it was a gorgeous start to the day, promising a shore leave (December 7 fell like once a Sunday), and suddenly, at that very moment when everything was ready for the ceremony, Japanese torpedo bombers appeared low over the water.

Subsequently, one of the Japanese pilots, Yoshio Shiga, recalled: “It was a beautiful sight, a view of the American fleet made a deep impression on me. If Japanese ships were camouflaged in dark gray tones, then American shone. I immediately realized that it was easy to attack, and the consequences of the dropped bombs would be serious. ”

Pearl Harbor after the attack. Story of burning American battleships

Torpedoes rushed to the American battleships. After 8 minutes, the battleship Oklahoma turned over - the armored giant buried its masts directly into the shallow bottom, with a rounded starboard and part of the keel sticking up on the surface. Four hundred corpses of those who did not have time to jump overboard swam inside.

The battleship "Arizona" exploded, literally scattered into pieces - after hitting a bomb in its cellars, the ammunition detonated. The Lord took 1102 innocent souls to himself in one fell swoop. No one escaped from his team!

Others were lucky a little more. The battleship West Virginia caught fire like a torch and sat down on the bottom - only a small depth of the bay saved him. Directly at the pier sank "California". None of the American battleship, except "Nevada", during the attack did not have time to move. They were all IDEAL fixed targets. Like this, a hunter shoots fat ducks peacefully slumbering on the water.

It was a shame which the American fleet did not know, either before or after. The complete list of losses looked like this - 5 battleships were sunk, three were damaged. Three light cruisers are temporarily disabled. Two destroyers destroyed. Another one is seriously damaged. A large part of the American squadron, which held the entire Pacific Ocean in fear, was turned into a pile of scrap metal in less than an hour.

Japanese happiness. The battleship "Arizona" turned into scrap metal

No one guessed that this scrap metal carried a deep symbolic meaning. Just a year before the start of the war, US President Roosevelt banned US firms from exporting scrap metal to Japan. Thus, he deprived this country, which has almost no natural resources, the ability to feed steel with its industry.

However, Roosevelt was an exceptional hypocrite and hypocrite. He even pretended to be in front of his children, playing the good grandfather in a wheelchair, most of all allegedly preoccupied with the freedom of world trade and the image of the United States in narrow, as viewing slits, eyes of the Japanese. President Eliot’s son recalls in his book “By His Eyes” his conversation with his dad in September 1940. Japan waged war in China. The Americans secretly supported Chinese General Chiang Kai-shek. But Eliot Roosevelt was worried why his home country, led by his father, still sells iron scrap to Japan? The son asked his father: “Why? After all, we can not know that the scrap iron sent to Japan, is the death of the Chinese? "

At the airport. Americans save the remnants of their aviation

POLICY OF DOUBLE. Old Roosevelt, if you believe his son, allegedly replied, and “thoughtfully”: “We are a peaceful nation. This is not just a state. This is a certain frame of mind. This means that we do not want war; This means that we are not ready for war. Scrap iron is not considered military material. Therefore, Japan, like any other country with which we maintain trade relations, has the full opportunity to buy this material from us. Little of. If we suddenly stopped selling iron scrap to Japan, she would have the right to think that we had committed an unfriendly act, using a trade tool to choke her, to starve her. And that is not all. She would have the right to consider such a move on our part as a basis for breaking off diplomatic relations. I will go even further. If she considered us insufficiently prepared for war, insufficiently armed, she could use this even as a pretext for declaring war. ”

But only a few days after this conversation - 26 of September 1940 of the year - President Roosevelt, on behalf of the American government, announced that it was banning the export of scrap metal, iron and steel to foreign countries, with the exception of Great Britain, Canada and South America. Japan was not included in this list of consumers of American scrap. Consequently, Roosevelt was well aware that forcing her to attack the United States. Moreover, in the same conversation with his son, this prominent japanophobe, who was at the head of the United States, admitted: “In fact, we are engaged in the pacification of Japan. This is a disgusting word, and do not think that I like it. But that is the case. We are appeasing Japan to gain time to create a first-class fleet, a first-class army and first-class aviation. ”

Consequently, Roosevelt believed that 26 was already in September that the fleet, army and aviation had reached that high stage of development, when Japan could no longer be “pacified”, but, on the contrary, irritated.

Battleship "West Virginia". Despite the fire, it will be restored

As early as May 16, 1940, at the initiative of the president, a new military program was adopted. Roosevelt was in a hurry. He turned to Congress in those days when it became clear that France was losing the German war. Hitler’s Tanks just broke through the Ardennes to Paris. The president’s first words were: “Hard times are coming.” As he wrote in the book “Lend-Lease - weapon victories, ”one of Roosevelt’s closest associates, Edward Stettinius, who was in charge of mobilizing American industry,“ the president appealed to Congress for two special allocations for army and navy expansion, totaling about $ 2,5 billion. The fate of the Maginot Line, like the five nations that over the past five weeks have learned from their own experience that neutrality and good intentions do not save from aggression, made the president say: “There are no old ways of defense that would be sufficient today and would not need improvement. No one at any time today can ignore the threat of attack. ” He then called the number that caused excitement in Congress and throughout the country: “I would like our country to be able to produce at least 50 000 aircraft per year.”

TANKS AS REFRIGERATORS. It was after this that the Americans began stamping tanks and aircraft like refrigerators. They have chosen a commercially viable scheme. Naturally, no Hitler threatened the United States. Without an ocean fleet, he could not land not only on the American coast, but even in England. In addition, the Germans and Americans were not at war. Only Great Britain fought. And the United States generously supplied her with weapons and equipment, increasing the capacity of its industry to re-equip and deploy a new army. This system was called Lend-Lease. After Hitler’s invasion of the USSR, Roosevelt extended it to his “friend” Stalin. By the end of September 1941, the Soviet Union ordered supplies for the 145 710 823 dollar. According to Stettinius, “Russians bought aviation gasoline, toluene, machinery and equipment, as well as telephone wire, shoes, fabrics, and more. They also needed airplanes, tanks and anti-tank guns. ”

Pearl Harbor. Photo taken by a Japanese pilot at the time of the attack

FOOTBALL ROOSEVELT. All this allowed the United States to secretly prepare for war with Japan, stuck in China, and then take the prize in the battle for world domination, landing in Europe at a time when Germany will be exhausted in the confrontation on the Eastern Front. Usually, we remember the cynical phrase of Roosevelt’s heir Harry Harman, who said in 1941 in June: “Let the Russians and the Germans kill each other as much as possible, and we will help them.” But in fact, Truman just voiced conversations from Roosevelt’s inner circle. The president himself told his son in 1942: “Imagine that this is a football match, and we are reserve players sitting on the bench. At the moment, the main players are Russians, Chinese and, to a lesser extent, the British. We are assigned the role of ... players who will enter the game at a crucial moment ... We will enter the game to score the decisive goal. "

It is not necessary to think that Roosevelt was a philanthropist who was going to save the world out of a desire to take the most honorable place in paradise. America provided assistance to the Allies only for money and recognition of her vision of the future world order. The USA twisted their hands even historical ancestral home - Great Britain. Roosevelt demanded that Churchill open the way for American goods to British colonies. The fat man rested with a cigar: “Mr. President, England does not intend for a minute to abandon its pre-eminence in the British dominions. The trade that brought greatness to England will continue on the terms established by the British ministers. ” But the American president continued to stubbornly educate his British counterpart: "Somewhere along this line you and I may have some disagreements."

Roosevelt's son: “This is a football match, and we are reserve players. We will enter the game to score the decisive goal "

Disagreements were overcome only by 13 August 1941 of the year on board the American cruiser Augusta, where, right in the ocean, the famous Atlantic Charter was signed. The fourth, most important point of it was: the United States and Great Britain "would strive to ensure that all countries, great or small, winners or losers, would have equal access to trade and to world raw materials." In practice, these beautiful words meant that the world's raw materials should go to the strongest - that is, the United States of America. The hidden irony of the document was that less than three weeks before the conclusion of the Atlantic Charter 26 in July 1941, the United States, Britain and the Netherlands declared the Japanese capital freeze and banned the export of oil and even oil products to Japan - from its territory, where wide oil production, and the British and the Dutch - from their colonies in Southeast Asia. What kind of “free trade” could we talk about?

Roosevelt suggested that a small island country either suffocate in the grip of an economic blockade, or try its luck in a suicidal war against the United States and Great Britain. The Japanese could not lose face and chose war. American sailors, who saw the dawn at Pearl Harbor 7 December 1941 for the last time in their lives, could thank only their President, who measured the world with the measures of big profits. They were pawns in a big geopolitical game that had to be “passed” in order to cause an explosion of “righteous anger” among American housewives and their sons zombied by “ideals of democracy”.

It was Churchill who handed over British trade interests to Roosevelt.

REVENGE USA. However, Pearl Harbor paradoxically went to the benefit of the American fleet. Irrevocably, he lost only two battleships - "Oklahoma" and "Arizona". All the other “shortages” throughout 1942 year were not only raised and repaired, but also radically modernized. By a happy coincidence, the base itself and its shipbuilding potential did not suffer.

Revenge for Pearl Harbor occurred on the night of 24 on 25 of October 1944 of the year in Leyte Gulf in the Philippines. The American squadron, led by Rear Admiral Oldendorf (a descendant of German émigrés), encountered two Japanese battleships, four cruisers and eight destroyers. The Japanese ships slowly passed through the narrow Surigao Strait, having no radar and not suspecting that an American admiral of German origin sees them in the dark at a glance. Oldendorff’s battle line consisted entirely of the resurrected “dead” Pearl Harbor — the battleships West Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, California and Pennsylvania. The flagship battleship of Admiral Nishimura "Jaamashiro" broke in half. Following him, the battleship Fuso was sent to the bottom. The whole fight took only ten minutes. The battleship "Pennsylvania", which closed the line, did not even have time to launch a single projectile. All targets were hit in pitch darkness according to the indications of locators.

Franklin Roosevelt’s provocative calculation, who had lured the Japanese into the Pearl Harbor trap three years before, was fully justified. Sly and strong defeated the desperate and brave. Pearl Harbor's bloody morning was in fact the heyday of American world domination.
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  1. vadimus
    7 December 2011 08: 20
    These are they cunning ...
  2. Anatoly
    7 December 2011 08: 51
    Something dubious version, about the super-cunning Roosevelt .. Rather, a coincidence.
    1. +1
      7 December 2011 12: 36
      No, the Americans themselves admit these facts. A rotten nation, like the British, I think that the water will shield them from all troubles. Although the Romans British sooo quickly quickened.
  3. Evgan
    7 December 2011 09: 44
    Some kind of nonsense. If all this were true, then the Yankees would not have expected the Japanese at Pearl Harbor so relaxed. However, this statement of mine does not negate the fact that the Americans hoped in a certain way to warm up in that war.
    1. +4
      9 December 2011 19: 54
      They did likewise on September 11, 2001.
      1. 0
        9 December 2011 20: 00
  4. bober
    7 December 2011 10: 00
    the author of the article resentfully accuses Roosevelt of doing this what the head of state should do. but it’s impossible to foresee everything
    7 December 2011 11: 00
    --- "The role is intended for us ... players who will enter the game at a decisive moment ... We will enter the game to score a decisive goal."

    This is the whole policy of Pindostana. After a scuffle, a freshman to pick up prizes in time. And besides, do not forget to announce that they all won.
    1. Tyumen
      7 December 2011 13: 28
      Quote: ESCANDER
      This is the whole policy of Pindostan.

      That's for sure. Maybe this is beneficial for the state, but somehow unfair, or something.
      If Russia reached its peak in this way, it seems to me that we would not
      experienced pride in the country, as before.
    2. hedgehog
      9 December 2011 13: 34
      On January 19, 1925, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (B.), Stalin said: “... if the war begins, then we ... will have to ... be the last to speak. And we will come forward in order to throw the decisive weight on the scales, a weight that could outweigh. "

      On September 7, 1939, Stalin, in an interview with G. M. Dimitrov, said: "The war is between two groups of capitalist countries ... We are not averse to having a good fight and weakening each other."
    3. hedgehog
      9 December 2011 13: 38
      Everyone has the same policy:

      On January 19, 1925, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (B.), Stalin said: “... if the war begins, then we ... will have to ... be the last to speak. And we will come forward in order to throw the decisive weight on the scales, a weight that could outweigh. "

      On September 7, 1939, Stalin, in an interview with G. M. Dimitrov, said: "The war is between two groups of capitalist countries ... We are not averse to having a good fight and weakening each other."
  6. 0
    7 December 2011 14: 07
    Amers were attacked and competent reflection would help to avoid a large number of losses. Moreover, the very fact of aggression with all the ensuing is obvious.
    1. 0
      7 December 2011 21: 51
      At this stage, it was precisely the large-scale picture of losses that was important for Roosevelt, so that, upon seeing it, Congress was horrified and guaranteed to declare war on Japan, and through it automatically Germany, as well. The state of war with Germany is the main goal of this adventure. Congress declared war on Japan, but without Germany. It would seem that this mess did not reach its goal. But Hitler saved the situation ... As an ally of Japan, he was forced to declare war on the United States, although at that time it was not part of his plans. The main goal of the Japanese in Hawaii is the US aircraft carriers were withdrawn from Pearl Harbor when the Japanese were already close to the base. They played the role of bait. Nevertheless, the Japanese, learning about this, still decided to attack and, as a result, became involved in the war.
  7. +1
    7 December 2011 15: 28
    Roosevelt provoked Japan to attack. Another question is that no one expected an attack on Pearl Harbor
    1. Rawling4851
      8 December 2011 17: 10
      And where were the American aircraft carriers at that time?
      1. +3
        27 August 2014 00: 53
        Quote: Rawling4851
        And where were the American aircraft carriers at that time?
        And they were at sea at that time ...
  8. Captain
    7 December 2011 16: 52
    Spend an hour of personal time to see this:
    I’ll make a reservation right away that Pearl Harbor is not the main topic of this video and the part that interests us starts from about the 19th minute.
  9. 0
    7 December 2011 18: 07
    hehe hehe Roosevelt's Substrate .... wink chistapapatanski ....
  10. Novik
    7 December 2011 19: 02
    In general, as for the amers, they had precedents of joining wars of a very murky sense. For example, in the memorable 1898, their relations with Spain worsened because of Cuba (they really wanted to get their hands on it), and so suddenly it takes off on the raid of Havana the American battleship Maine was blown into the air, 240 people died. Oh, how inappropriate for the Spaniards, and although they tried to prove that they were not involved in this, but who listened to them !!! The reason for the war is more than sufficient. Or another example: death "Lusitania", and the entry of the USA into the First World War. The Germans also failed to prove that the ship transported contraband and even went under the British flag. However, all these examples cannot be compared with the death of an entire fleet in Pearl Harbor. a way to get involved in a war, well, very expensive. Most likely they drove the Japs into a corner, but did not calculate their retaliatory actions. But the samurai had experience of sudden and unexpected attacks, on naval bases, I mean the Russian Port-Arthur. So principle: in one fell swoop - seven beats, it worked this time too. Oh, this difficult path of a samurai !!! bully
  11. -1
    7 December 2011 22: 24
    hello everyone! I am pleased with the one thing that on my birthday = December 7 amers pIZdy RECEIVED
    1. +1
      9 December 2011 20: 00
      And the Germans near Moscow ...)) Happy Birthday !!!
      1. 0
        9 December 2011 21: 32
  12. Iskra
    7 December 2011 22: 39
    sorry for the Japs little Pindos soaked, Pearl Harbor as twin towers September 11 in modern times
  13. mishan
    8 December 2011 02: 06
    Excellent article, well and clearly framed))) Everything on the points and on the shelves, questions, in my opinion, does not arise. The author is a girl. Impressive
    1. SeregaKep
      8 December 2011 12: 01
      )))))))) "a little" wrong !!! only a quarter of a chromosome))))))
      Oles - Ukrainian MEN'S name !!! in Belarus there is a MAN’s name Ales! and they should not be confused with OLEES!
      1. mishan
        9 December 2011 12: 49
        request Oh, sorry, I had no idea. Thank you for explaining))))
    2. +3
      27 August 2014 00: 56
      Quote: Mishan
      The author is a girl.
      Oles Buzin is a rather famous (and rather scandalous) Ukrainian journalist. An ardent opponent of modern nationalists, a constant indignant calm on the Ukrainian horizon. I advise you to search the network for its publication, a rather interesting syllable. But to agree or not is up to the reader to decide.
  14. 0
    9 December 2011 00: 27
    Beautifully written! :)
    Wonderful style! ... and indeed quite rightly ...
  15. hedgehog
    9 December 2011 13: 32

    On January 19, 1925, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (B.) Stalin: “... if the war begins, then we ... will have to ... be the last to speak. And we will come forward in order to throw the decisive weight on the scales, a weight that could outweigh. "

    On September 7, 1939, Stalin in an interview with G. M. Dimitrov: "The war is between two groups of capitalist countries ... We are not averse to having a good fight and weakening each other."
  16. +1
    10 December 2011 03: 15
    in fact, in September October, at the end of the maneuvers, the Pacific Fleet was supposed to go to its bases on the continent but was left in Hawaii, and when the fleet com asked the president for permission, he received an order to remain in place. he turned again, arguing that the base in Hawaii was not adapted for the deployment of such large forces. there was simply nowhere to ship the harbor shallow and shallow under the keels of the battleships the depth was no more than 3-8 meters. The ships could not maneuver without the help of tugs. for his perseverance and misunderstanding was ridiculous from the post and replaced by a more understanding one.
  17. SenyaYa
    10 January 2012 12: 55
    In the United States, no one knew about the attack on pearl harbor ... no one could even imagine that because the attack by the Japanese fleet in 41 was similar to landing on the moon ... The doctrines of those years clearly indicated that the connection of the Navy for every 1000 km traveled loses 10% of its combat effectiveness ... even the minds of the wildest theorists couldn’t get the idea that a Japanese strike force consisting of 6 aircraft carriers and a bunch of cover ships could quietly go over 3000 km and bomb one of the strongest bases in the world!
  18. polyansky.constantin
    29 January 2012 07: 45
    YES EVERYTHING LIES. It’s a shame when battleships as targets in a dash of 9 torpedoes figachat. Anti-aircraft gunners and pilots slept and didn’t fly into the air. The Japanese always acted like that, treacherously, remember the attack on the Russian fleet in 1904 at the Port Arthur raid. And who wants to admit that the enemy was trickier and stronger, although even a fool could get into long ships the height of a 5-storey building.
  19. 0
    April 15 2013 15: 02
    When asked about the outbreak of war by Japan, a lot of answers were given to the trial of the Japanese, similar to Nuremberg. But nowhere do these advertisements advertise, otherwise the United States would have to be judged for unleashing the Second World War.
  20. Dec
    4 September 2013 16: 14
    To be honest, it is very doubtful that Roosevelt could sacrifice the whole fleet at anchor in order to declare war on Japan and Germany. Entering the war could have been easier.
    1. +3
      27 August 2014 01: 08
      Quote: Dez
      To be honest, it is very doubtful that Roosevelt could sacrifice the whole fleet at anchor in order to declare war on Japan and Germany. Entering the war could have been easier.
      It couldn't have been easier. In the United States, there was a rather strong group of "isolationists" - a rather impressive financial and industrial lobby that had extensive connections almost all over the world, including Germany and Japan. It was not at all for them to fight them, so they used all their political levers to contain the "hawks" - industrialists (mainly the Californian group), who wanted to warm their hands on military supplies. Roosevelt was a protégé of the "hawks" and did not have broad support in Congress, so an explosion of "popular indignation" was needed. Well-fed Americans only start talking about justice when injustice concerns only them personally. So Pearl Harbor was programmed.

      And there was especially nothing to sacrifice. The battleships were mostly old and their complete loss of weather did not. And so the Japanese themselves made a gift to Amers: repair facilities and the oil storage facility were practically not damaged, the airfield was also not completely destroyed, most of the battleships were badly damaged, but the shallow water helped to lift them and seriously modernized during the repair, which was made possible due to the rejection of the Japanese airborne assault operations and capture of Hawaii. The author is right, everything turned out for them in the most successful way.
  21. +3
    31 August 2014 19: 58
    I see that Truman simply more clearly and briefly expressed the essence of US policy, without any allegories of sports there.