70 Anniversary of the Surrender of Japan

2 September 1945 of the year unconditionally capitulated to the Japanese Empire. The outbreak of war in the Asia-Pacific region was extinguished. World War II ended. Russia-USSR, despite all the intrigues of obvious enemies and "partners", confidently entered the phase of the restoration of the Empire. Thanks to the wise and resolute policy of Joseph Stalin and his associates, Russia successfully restored its military-strategic and economic positions in the European (Western) and Far Eastern strategic directions.

At the same time, it is worth canceling that Japan, like Germany, was not a real instigator of world war. They played the role of figures in the Big Game, where the prize is the entire planet. The real instigators of the world massacre were not punished. Although it was the masters of the United States and Great Britain who unleashed a world war. The Anglo-Saxons festered Hitler and the project of the Eternal Reich. The dreams of the frenzied Fuhrer about the New World Order and the domination of the caste of the “elect” over the rest of the “subhumans” were just a repetition of English racial theory and social Darwinism. Britain had long been building the New World Order, where metropolises and colonies existed, dominions, it was the Anglo-Saxons who created the world's first concentration camps, not the Germans.

London and Washington sponsored the revival of the military power of Germany and gave it almost all of Europe, including France. To Hitler led the "crusade to the East" and crushed the Russian (Soviet) civilization, which carried in itself the beginnings of a different, fair world order, challenging the shadow masters of the Western world.

The Anglo-Saxons for the second time set off the Russians and the Germans to destroy the two great powers, whose strategic alliance could establish peace and prosperity in Europe and a large part of the world for a long time. At the same time, an elite clash took place within the western world itself. The Anglo-Saxon elite dealt a powerful blow to the old Germanic-Romanesque elite, seizing the leading position in Western civilization. The consequences for Europe were dire. The Anglo-Saxons so far control Europe, sacrificing its interests. European nations are sentenced, they must be assimilated, become part of the “global Babylon”.

However, not all global intentions of the owners of the Western project were realized. The Soviet Union not only was not destroyed and survived in the hardest battle with the united forces of Europe, but also became a superpower, which thwarted the plans to establish the "Eternal Reich" (New World Order). For several decades, Soviet civilization has become for humanity a beacon of Good and Justice, a model of a different path of development. The Stalinist society of service and creation was an example of the society of the future, which can save humanity from the impasse of the consumer society, which leads people to degradation and a global catastrophe.

70 Anniversary of the Surrender of Japan

The Chief of General Staff, General Umedzu Yosidziro, signs the Japan Surrender Act. Behind him is Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Shigemitsu Mamoru, who has already signed the Act.

General Douglas MacArthur signs the surrender of Japan

Lieutenant General K. N. Derevyanko on behalf of the USSR signs the Japan Surrender Act aboard the American battleship Missouri

Japan's surrender

The crushing offensive of the Soviet Army, which led to the defeat and surrender of the Kwantung Army (Manchu Strategic Offensive; Breakthrough of the Kwantung Army Defense; The defeat of the Kwantung Army - a sample of genuine lightning war), dramatically changed the military-political situation in the Far East. All plans of the Japanese military-political leadership to drag out the war have collapsed. The Japanese government was afraid of the Soviet invasion of the Japanese islands and a radical change in the political system.

The blow of the Soviet troops from the northern direction and the threat of a consistent invasion of the Soviet troops through the narrow straits on the Kuril Islands and Hokkaido was considered more significant than the landing of Americans on the Japanese islands proper after they were transferred from Okinawa, Guam and the Philippines by sea. American troops hoped to drown in the blood of thousands of suicide bombers, and in the worst situation, to retreat to Manchuria. The blow of the Soviet Army deprived the Japanese elite of this hope. Moreover, the Soviet troops withdrew quickly to Japan, depriving Japan of bacteriological stocks weapons. Japan lost the ability to strike back at the enemy, use weapons of mass destruction.

At a meeting of the 9 Supreme Military Council on August 1945, the head of the Japanese government, Suzuki, said: "Joining the Soviet Union this morning puts us in a hopeless situation and makes it impossible to continue the war further." At this meeting, the conditions on which Japan agreed to the Potsdam Declaration were discussed. The Japanese elite was practically united in the opinion that it was necessary to preserve the imperial power at any cost. Suzuki and other "supporters of peace" believed that for the sake of preserving imperial power and preventing the revolution, it was necessary to capitulate immediately. Representatives of the military party continued to insist on the continuation of the war.

10 August 1945 The Supreme Military Council adopted the text of the statement to the Allied Powers, which was proposed by Prime Minister Suzuki and Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo. The statement was supported by Emperor Hirohito: “The Japanese Government is ready to accept the terms of the 26 Declaration of July of this year, to which the Soviet Government also acceded. The Japanese Government understands that this Declaration does not contain requirements that restrain the prerogatives of the emperor, as the sovereign ruler of Japan. The Japanese Government is asking for a specific notice on this. ” 11 August the governments of the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and China transmitted the answer. It said that the power of the emperor and the government of Japan from the moment of surrender will be subordinated to the supreme commander of the Allied powers; the emperor must ensure that Japan has signed the terms of surrender; the form of government in Japan will ultimately be in accordance with the Potsdam Declaration established by the freely expressed will of the people; Allied forces will remain in Japan until the goals set out in the Potsdam Declaration are achieved.

Meanwhile, controversy continued in the Japanese elite. And in Manchuria, there were fierce battles. The military insisted on continuing the struggle. 10 of August published a message from Army Minister Koretik Anami to the troops, which emphasized that it was necessary “to bring the holy war to the end.” The same appeal came 11 August. Tokyo Radio 12 August conveyed a message stating that the army and navy, "fulfilling the highest order, commanding to protect the homeland and the highest person of the emperor, went everywhere to active combat operations against the allies."

However, no orders could change the reality: the Kwantung Army was defeated, and it was pointless to continue resistance. Under pressure from the emperor and the "party of peace", the military was forced to accept it. 14 on August at a joint meeting of the Supreme Military Council and the government in the presence of the emperor, it was decided to unconditionally surrender Japan. In the emperor's decree on Japan’s acceptance of the conditions of the Potsdam Declaration, the main place was given to the preservation of the “national state system”.

On the night of August 15, supporters of the continuation of the war mutinied and occupied the imperial palace. They did not encroach on the life of the emperor, but wanted to change the government. However, by the morning of August 15, the insurgency was crushed. 15 August the population of Japan for the first time in stories his country heard the emperor's speech on the radio (in writing) about unconditional surrender. On this day and later, many soldiers committed samurai suicide - seppuku. So, 15 August committed suicide by Army Minister Koretikka Anami.

This is a characteristic feature of Japan - a high level of discipline and responsibility among the elite, which continued the tradition of the military class (samurai). Considering themselves guilty for the defeat and misfortune of the motherland, many Japanese preferred to commit suicide.

The USSR and the Western powers differed in their assessment of the Japanese government’s statement of surrender. The United States and Great Britain considered that the 14-15 of August were the last days of the war. 14 August 1945 was the "day of victory over Japan." At this point, Japan did indeed cease hostilities against the US-British armed forces. However, hostilities continued in Manchuria, Central China, Korea, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. There, the Japanese in several places resisted until the end of August, and only the Soviet offensive forced them to lay down their arms.

When it became known about the readiness of the Japanese empire to capitulate, the question arose of appointing the supreme commander-in-chief of the Allied powers in the Far East. Its function was to include the adoption of the general surrender of the Japanese armed forces. The American government of August 12 proposed for this post General D. MacArthur. Moscow agreed with this proposal and appointed Lieutenant General KN Derevyanko the USSR representative under the supreme commander of the allied armies.

15 August, the Americans announced the draft "General Order number 1", which indicated areas of acceptance of the surrender of the Japanese troops of each of the allied powers. The order stipulated that the Japanese would surrender to the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East in Northeast China, in northern Korea (north of the 38 parallel) and on South Sakhalin. The surrender of the Japanese troops in southern Korea (south of the 38 parallel) was to be accepted by the Americans. The American command refused to conduct an amphibious assault operation in South Korea in order to interact with the Soviet troops. The Americans preferred to land the troops in Korea only after the end of the war, when there was no risk.

Moscow as a whole did not object to the general content of General Order No. 1, but made several amendments. The Soviet government proposed that all the Kuril Islands, which by agreement in Yalta were transferred to the Soviet Union and the northern part of Hokkaido, be included in the surrender area of ​​Japanese forces to Soviet troops. The Americans did not raise serious objections to the Kuril Islands, since the issue of them was resolved at the Yalta Conference. However, the Americans still tried to nullify the decision of the Crimean Conference. On August 18, 1945, on the day the Kuril operation began, Moscow received a message from US President Truman stating the desire of the United States to obtain the rights to create aviation bases on one of the Kuril Islands, presumably in the central part, for military and commercial purposes. Moscow resolutely rejected these claims.

Regarding the question of Hokkaido, Washington rejected the Soviet proposal and insisted that the Japanese troops on all four islands of Japan itself (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu) surrendered to the Americans. At the same time, the United States did not formally deny the USSR the right to temporarily occupy Japan. "General MacArthur," the American president reported, "will use symbolic allied armed forces, which, of course, will include the Soviet armed forces, for the temporary occupation of that part of Japan itself, which it deems necessary to occupy in order to fulfill our union surrender conditions." But in fact, the United States relied on unilateral control in Japan. Truman 16 August spoke at a conference in Washington and said that Japan would not, like Germany, be divided into occupation zones, that all Japanese territory would be under the control of Americans.

In fact, the United States refused allied control in post-war Japan, as provided for by the Potsdam Declaration of 26 in July 1945. Washington was not going to lose Japan from its sphere of influence. Japan before the Second World War was under the great influence of Britain and the USA, now the Americans wanted to restore their positions. The interests of American capital were also taken into account.

After 14, the United States more than once tried to put pressure on the USSR in order to stop the Soviet offensive against the Japanese. The Americans wanted to limit the zone of Soviet influence. If Russian troops did not occupy South Sakhalin, the Kuriles and North Korea, then American forces could appear there. 15 August MacArthur handed over to the Soviet General Headquarters a directive on the cessation of offensive operations in the Far East, although the Soviet troops did not obey the Allied command. Then the allies were forced to admit "error." Like, they passed the directive not for “execution”, but for “information”. It is clear that this position of the United States did not contribute to the strengthening of friendship between the allies. It became clear that the world is moving towards a new clash - now between former allies. The United States tried to stop the further spread of the zone of Soviet influence with rather tough pressure.

This policy of the United States was on hand to the Japanese elite. The Japanese, as before, and the Germans, to the last hoped that a major conflict would occur between the allies, even an armed conflict. Although the Japanese, as before the Germans, miscalculated. At this point, the United States relied on Kuomintang China. The Anglo-Saxons first used Japan, provoking it to the outbreak of hostilities in the Pacific, to aggression against China and the USSR. True, the Japanese dodged and, having received tough military lessons, did not attack the USSR. But in general, the Japanese elite lost, being drawn into a war with the United States and Britain. Weight categories were too different. The Anglo-Saxons used Japan, and in 1945 it was time to put it under complete control, up to and including the military occupation, which persists to the present. Japan became at first practically an open colony of the USA, and then a semi-colony, an dependent satellite.

All the preparatory work on the organization of the official Surrender Act was carried out at MacArthur’s headquarters in Manila. 19 August 1945 representatives of the Japanese headquarters, led by the deputy chief of the General Staff of the Imperial Army of Japan, Lieutenant-General Torasiro Kawabe, arrived here. It is characteristic that the Japanese sent their delegation to the Philippines only when they finally became convinced that the Kwantung Army was defeated.

On the day of the arrival of the Japanese delegation at MacArthur’s headquarters there was received by radio from Tokyo a “denunciation” of the Japanese government to the Soviet troops, who launched an operation in the Kuril Islands. The Russians were accused of violating the “prohibition of military actions” that allegedly existed after 14 in August. It was a provocation. The Japanese wanted the Allied Command to intervene in the actions of the Soviet troops. 20 August MacArthur stated: "I sincerely hope that in anticipation of a formal signing of the surrender, a truce will prevail on all fronts and that the surrender can be carried out without spilling blood." That is, it was a hint that Moscow was to blame for the "shedding of blood". However, the Soviet command was not going to stop fighting before the Japanese ceased resistance and laid down their arms in Manchuria, Korea, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

The Surrender Act, agreed by the Allied countries, was handed over to Japanese representatives in Manila. General MacArthur 26 of August notified the Japanese bid that the American fleet had begun to move to Tokyo Bay. The structure of the American Armada was about 400 ships, and 1300 aircraft, which were based on aircraft carriers. 28 on August at Atsugi airfield, near Tokyo, advanced American forces landed. 30 August began the mass landing of American troops in the area of ​​the Japanese capital and in other areas of the country. On the same day, MacArthur arrived and took control of the Tokyo radio station and set up an information bureau.

For the first time in the history of Japan, its territory was occupied by foreign troops. She had never had to capitulate. On September 2, 1945, the ceremony of signing the Act of Surrender took place on board the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. On behalf of the Japanese government, the Act was signed by Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, and the Chief of the General Staff, General Yoshiziro Umezu, signed the Act. On behalf of all the allied nations, the Act was signed by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies, US Army General Douglas MacArthur, on behalf of the United States - Admiral fleet Chester Nimitz, from the USSR - Lieutenant General Kuzma Derevyanko, from China - General Xu Yongchang, from Britain - Admiral Bruce Frazer. Representatives of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Holland and France also signed.

According to the Surrender Act, Japan accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and declared the unconditional surrender of all armed forces, both its own and under its control. All Japanese troops and the population were ordered to immediately cease hostilities, save ships, aircraft, military and civilian property; the Japanese government and the General Staff were ordered to immediately release all allied prisoners of war and civilian internees; the authority of the emperor and the government was subordinated to the supreme Allied command, which should take measures to implement the conditions of surrender.

Japan finally stopped resistance. The occupation of the Japanese islands by American forces began with the participation of British forces (mainly Australians). Co 2 September 1945 ended the surrender of the Japanese troops who opposed the Soviet Army. At the same time, the remnants of the Japanese forces in the Philippines capitulated. The disarmament and the capture of other Japanese groups has been delayed. September 5 British landed in Singapore. September 12 Singapore signed the Surrender Act of the Japanese Armed Forces in Southeast Asia. September 14 the same ceremony took place in Malaya, September 15 - in New Guinea and North Borneo. September 16 British troops entered Hong Kong (Hong Kong).

The capitulation of the Japanese troops in Central and Northern China took place with great difficulty. The Soviet offensive in Manchuria created favorable opportunities for the liberation of the rest of China from invaders. However, the Chiang Kai-shek regime adhered to its line. The Kuomintang now considered not the Japanese, but the Chinese Communists, as the main opponent. Chiang Kai-shek made a deal with the Japanese, imposing on them the “duty of maintaining order”. In the meantime, the people's liberation forces were successfully advancing in areas of northern, central and southern China. Within two months, from 11 August to 10 in October 1945, 8-th and New 4-I people's armies destroyed, wounded and captured more than 230 thousands of Japanese and puppet troops. People's troops liberated large areas and dozens of cities.

However, Chiang Kai-shek continued to bend his line and tried to forbid accepting the surrender of the enemy. The transfer of the Kuomintang troops on American planes and ships to Shanghai, Nanjing and Tanjing was organized under the pretext of disarming the Japanese forces, although these cities were already blocked by the people's forces. Kuomintang was thrown to increase pressure on the people's army of China. At the same time, Japanese troops took part in the hostilities on the side of the Kuomintang for several months. The signing of the October 9 capitulation by Japanese troops in Nanking was formal. The Japanese were not disarmed, and until the 1946 year they fought as mercenaries against popular forces. Japanese soldiers formed volunteer units to fight the communists and used them to guard the railways. And three months after the capitulation of Japan, tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers did not lay down their arms and fought on the side of the Kuomintang. General Teiji Okamura, the Japanese commander-in-chief in China, was still sitting in his headquarters in Nanking and was now subordinate to the Kuomintang government.

Modern Japan should remember the 2 lesson of September 1945. The Japanese should be aware that the Anglo-Saxons set them off in 1904-1905. with Russia, and then for decades set Japan on Russia (USSR) and China. What exactly the United States subjected the Yamato race to an atomic bombardment and turned Japan into its semi-colony. That only friendship and a strategic alliance between Moscow and Tokyo can provide a period of long prosperity and security in the Asia-Pacific region. The Japanese people do not have to repeat the old mistakes in the 21st century. Enmity between the Russians and the Japanese is beneficial only to the owners of the Western project. There is no fundamental contradiction between the Russian and Japanese civilization, and they themselves are doomed to creation by history. In the future, the Moscow-Tokyo-Beijing axis can provide peace and prosperity in most parts of the Eastern Hemisphere for centuries. The union of three great civilizations will keep the world from chaos and catastrophe, to which the masters of the West are pushing humanity.
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  1. +6
    2 September 2015 05: 29
    In Japan, there will probably be mass festivals today ... what
    1. +2
      2 September 2015 06: 19
      Yeah, go about the lost company?
    2. 0
      2 September 2015 06: 45
      Quote: wicked partisan
      In Japan, there will probably be mass festivals today ... what

      About the Kuril Islands?
    3. +1
      2 September 2015 08: 54
      Quote: wicked partisan
      In Japan, there will probably be mass festivals today ... what

      No, they will return the Kuril Islands, they have such a national tradition)))
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. 0
      2 September 2015 12: 11
      If the United States did not drop the nucleus to Japan, it would be the same with it as with Germany. Only in this case would it be divided equally between the USA and the USSR, each with the establishment of its own state system.
      1. 0
        2 September 2015 23: 06
        Honestly, Samsonov, a smart man, managed to get lost in three pines.))) Japan and China do not care, well .. but with a finger.))) There will be no peace with them for any price! And our idea is "While the tiger and the dragon are fighting, the monkey is sitting on the mountain.")))
  2. +14
    2 September 2015 05: 33
    I am proud that I have been defeated by the unprecedented efforts of the people of my Motherland, not only the western enemy, but also the eastern one. THANKS TO ANCESTORS. From me and my children.
    1. +2
      2 September 2015 14: 18
      My grandfather did not really like to talk about how he fought with the Japanese in the 45th, but his short story, how they partly celebrated the surrender of Japan and the end of the war, I, then a first grader, remembered for a lifetime.
      The engineering battalion, where my grandfather fought, by September settled in some Chinese town. The command decided to celebrate the end of hostilities not only with a solemn dinner, but also to bring some oriental flavor: in an open place they poured a circle of sawdust (their own sawmill, battalion) and decided to arrange a competition to fight with the involvement of the same Japanese prisoners. The party began, but the grandfather stayed in the tent at that moment. After some time, the agitated political officer of the company comes running and - to the grandfather: "Tabatchikov, the Japanese are putting all of our people on the shoulder blades - it shouldn't be! Are you one of our miners?" (In fact, before the war, my grandfather worked in the mine and was of the guards' height - 1 meter 80 cm.) Before the grandfather had time to say "exactly," the political officer grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to the place of the competition. Then I quote the story of my grandfather literally.
      "Well, I took off my tunic, breeches, rolled up my underpants and go out into this circle. Opposite there is some short-haired, narrow-eyed strong man. On command, he jumped at me (that's what my grandfather said!), And I caught him flying in and - head into sawdust! And so four in a row. I get a watch and a thousand rubles for this. " The dinner was held in a festive atmosphere!
  3. -5
    2 September 2015 06: 04
    In the future, the axis Moscow - Tokyo - Beijing
    Rave. If the Russian Federation and Japan, with the exception of God’s forgotten islands, have nothing to share, then more likely the Jews will make friends with the Arabs than Japan and China. The Japanese, and not without reason, consider the Chinese to be subhuman, so much so that Chinese women, unlike, say, Korean women, were not considered worthy even to be used in soldiers' wards. And the Chinese believe that so far they have not settled with the Japanese for the past. Give them freedom - they will mate again, and if history has at least some indication, Japanese katanas will again walk along Chinese necks.
    1. +5
      2 September 2015 08: 58
      Quote: Nagan
      and, if history has at least some indication, the Japanese katanas will again walk along the Chinese necks.

      Yeah, schaz! No matter how Chinese nuclear missiles remind the Japanese of Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
      Quote: Nagan
      The Japanese, and not without reason, consider the Chinese to be subhuman, so much so that Chinese women, unlike, say, Korean women, were not considered worthy even to be used in soldiers' wards.

      The Chinese probably and not without reason think the same about the Japanese - Japanese culture is borrowed and secondary in relation to Chinese.
      1. -5
        2 September 2015 09: 31
        Quote: igoryok1984
        Yeah, schaz! No matter how Chinese nuclear missiles remind the Japanese of Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
        If the Chinas roam around Japan with a thread unconventional, then at the moment a no less unconventional, but much more massive response will arrive in China from America. Have you heard about the nuclear umbrella? This is it. The Chinas know this, and therefore, as long as they get to the conflict, they will not come close to the limits of the conventional.
        Quote: igoryok1984
        The Chinese probably and not without reason also think about the Japanese
        There is a difference - the Japanese of the Chinese despise as soon as a normal kid can despise the eternal patile and the rogue. And the Chinese Japanese openly hate and quietly envy, about the same as the Svidomo openly hate and quietly envy the Russians.
        1. 0
          2 September 2015 12: 10
          Quote: Nagan
          then at the moment no less unconventional, but much more massive response will arrive in China from America. Have you heard about the nuclear umbrella?

          You in this quite sure? So far, no one has just checked whether the Yankees will harness themselves for NATO partners - but with non-aligned allies like Georgia, there are already examples of allied assistance laughing

          Quote: Nagan
          There is a difference - the Japanese of the Chinese despise, as soon as a normal kid can despise the eternal patile and the rogue

          Until 1867, the Japanese in this regard did not surpass anything Chinese! They just started modernizing half a century earlier than the Chinese! In the 13th century, only typhoon "kamikaze" saved them from Kublai's armada!
          Igoryok-1984 is 100% right that
          Quote: igoryok1984
          Japanese culture in relation to Chinese is borrowed and secondary.

          But now the Chinese are successfully catching up with the yupps ...
    2. +1
      2 September 2015 12: 16
      Quote: Nagan
      Give them freedom - they will mate again, and if history has at least some indication, Japanese katanas will again walk along Chinese necks.

      History is no longer an indicator. While China, at the very least, was building a normal army, Japan was twisting with its Self-Defense Forces, trying to at least verbally abide by the letter of the contractual restrictions. As a result, China can now strike at Japan from afar, and Japan must ask the Yankees to do it for her.
      In principle, conventional warheads will be enough for China to strike at Japan. A modern metropolis is a big and fragile thing. Even with the Chinese KVO is difficult to miss.
      True, there is one subtle point - the launch of Chinese BR even with conventional warheads can be regarded by the Japanese master as a nuclear strike.
    3. +2
      2 September 2015 12: 20
      Quote: Nagan
      Japanese katanas will again walk along Chinese necks.

      And the Chinese dadao - on the Japanese necks, and with no less success:
      According to the recollections of Japanese officers, their soldiers were more afraid of dadao attacks than minefields or shelling. It got to the point that the soldiers of the Kwantung Army were given special “collars” of metal plates, fastened to the helmet and designed to protect the soldiers from the blow that blows the head of the dadao. However, in practice, these collars were ineffective, which is not surprising, because they could not protect the entire body of a soldier.
      Despite the image of the “katana killer”, inflated in the Western press with the light hand of American journalists and picked up by Chinese patriotic films, it should be noted that real cases of the dadao fight against gan-ta (the unified sample of the katana that Japanese officers were armed with) were extremely rare. The most frequent enemy for a fighter with a dadao was still a private, armed with a rifle with a bayonet. The technique used by the Chinese was extremely simple - with the first wave of the dadao, the shotgun flicked to the side, which was easy enough to do thanks to the mass of weapons and two-handed grip. The downward chopping blow to the neck area that followed left little chance for the Japanese.
    4. 0
      2 September 2015 12: 25
      Quote: Nagan
      Japanese katanas will again walk along Chinese necks.

      And the Chinese dadao - on the Japanese necks, and with no less success:
      According to the recollections of Japanese officers, their soldiers were more afraid of dadao attacks than minefields or shelling. It got to the point that the soldiers of the Kwantung Army were given special “collars” of metal plates, fastened to the helmet and designed to protect the soldiers from the blow that blows the head of the dadao. However, in practice, these collars were ineffective, which is not surprising, because they could not protect the entire body of a soldier.
      Despite the image of the “katana killer”, inflated in the Western press with the light hand of American journalists and picked up by Chinese patriotic films, it should be noted that real cases of the dadao fight against gan-ta (the unified sample of the katana that Japanese officers were armed with) were extremely rare. The most frequent enemy for a fighter with a dadao was still a private, armed with a rifle with a bayonet. The technique used by the Chinese was extremely simple - with the first wave of the dadao, the shotgun flicked to the side, which was easy enough to do thanks to the mass of weapons and two-handed grip. The downward chopping blow to the neck area that followed left little chance for the Japanese.
  4. +10
    2 September 2015 06: 28
    In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk today unveiled a monument to Marshal Vasilevsky - the creator of Victory in the Far East!
  5. +1
    2 September 2015 06: 39
    Modern Japan should remember the lesson of September 2, 1945. ..Yes where to remember, they forgot ... the protests put forward ... when the country's leaders came to the Kuril Islands ... As if nothing had happened ..
  6. +1
    2 September 2015 08: 16
    It would be necessary to send a congratulatory telegram to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... anniversary, however! wassat
    1. +1
      2 September 2015 10: 09
      Quote: Egoza
      It would be necessary to send a congratulatory telegram to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... anniversary, however!

      So I hinted at it. Yes
      Good day, Helen! drinks
      Fish caught, mushrooms dried. Yes To send? winked
      1. +1
        2 September 2015 10: 12
        Quote: Angry Guerrilla
        Fish caught, mushrooms dried. yes Send? winked

        I would love to, but at the border they will not miss!
        1. 0
          2 September 2015 10: 13
          Quote: Egoza
          the border will not be missed

          And what do you have against food packages? what
  7. +1
    2 September 2015 08: 31
    This is probably the "best" holiday among the Ipenites laughing, and they need to "celebrate" every day! Until militarism and the desire to fight on foreign territories have disappeared from their heads.

    Well, we will celebrate LAW, according to the RIGHT OF THE WINNER !!! drinks
  8. 0
    2 September 2015 08: 34
    I didn’t understand when Japan surrendered, 15 of August or 2 of September
    1. 0
      2 September 2015 08: 51
      Quote: Nikolai K
      I didn’t understand when Japan surrendered, 15 of August or 2 of September

      Japan surrendered on August 15Yes. The emperor announced. WW2 ended on September 2. Yes
      1. 0
        3 September 2015 11: 34
        2 MV ended the surrender of Japan. If the emperor announced the surrender as early as 15 of August, then where did the date of 2 of September come from, what is it tied to?
  9. +1
    2 September 2015 08: 37
    Fewer and fewer survivors of the veterans of our small but victorious war, erased the dirty stain of defeat in the first Russian-Japanese war. Eternal memory to the departed heroes and a low bow to the now surviving veterans of that war!
    1. -2
      2 September 2015 09: 43
      Quote: V.ic
      Fewer and fewer survivors of our veterans littlebut victorious war
      Alongside this, as you have deigned to say, a "small" operation of three fronts, the same battles in North Africa or Italy are pulling no more than local clashes. And the fact that everything ended, barely having time to begin, and with relatively little blood - so for this honor and praise to all of them, from the private to the Supreme. Do not belittle the feat of the veterans. Minus you.
      1. 0
        2 September 2015 14: 38
        Quote: Nagan
        with this, as you have deigned to say, "small"

        It was like in a pre-war song: "And on the enemy's land we will smash the enemy with a little blood, a mighty blow ...". With comparable, in comparison with the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, irrecoverable losses of personnel: about 8 (plus about 000) people. This is approximately equal to the losses for the same time at the Nevskaya Dubrovka bridgehead called Nevsky "Piglet".
        Quote: Nagan
        Do not diminish the feat of veterans. Minus You.

        Did you make such a conclusion from my comment? I will bring it again, personally for you:
        Quote: V.ic
        Eternal memory to the departed heroes and a low bow to the now surviving veterans of that war!

        Stick this one minus yourself to a "well-known" place, a foreign "patriot".
  10. 0
    2 September 2015 09: 26
    It was also necessary to divide Japan into zones of occupation between the allies. And to withdraw the troops of the allies, either all together, or no one (hello to the Jankers). You see, now they wouldn’t blather in our direction.
    1. 0
      3 September 2015 11: 37
      We have already divided: Americans of the island of Japan, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and continental possessions (Korea, China, Manzuria)
  11. 0
    2 September 2015 10: 16
    Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. September 2, 2015. 70th anniversary of the liberation of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands and the end of World War II.
  12. AAV
    2 September 2015 10: 37
    Could the respected author explain his thought expressed at the beginning of the article: "The Anglo-Saxons pitted the Russians and the Germans for the second time in order to destroy the two great powers, whose strategic alliance could permanently establish peace and prosperity in Europe and a significant part of the world."
    This is what kind of union are we talking about? Hitler and Stalin, or am I mistaken?
    1. -1
      2 September 2015 12: 15
      Quote: AAV
      This is what kind of union are we talking about? Hitler and Stalin, or am I mistaken?

      You are not mistaken. If Hitler Were Not So stupid and presumptuous and would not attack us - would rule the whole of Europe happily ever after, and to this day would be revered as "the greatest figure in the history of Europe and a savior from Jewish imperialism." Do you think if he wonanybody took a chance would reproach him with a holocaust? laughing
      1. -3
        2 September 2015 18: 23
        Quote: Weyland
        Quote: AAV
        This is what kind of union are we talking about? Hitler and Stalin, or am I mistaken?

        You are not mistaken. If Hitler Were Not So stupid and presumptuous and would not attack us - would rule the whole of Europe happily ever after, and to this day would be revered as "the greatest figure in the history of Europe and a savior from Jewish imperialism." Do you think if he wonanybody took a chance would reproach him with a holocaust? laughing

        If Hitler had not attacked the USSR, then Stalin himself would have started to wash the Fuhrer in powder in a few days, and would have erased the whole vaunted Wehrmacht in a few months, but he would be late and late. So Hitler extended his agony for four years.
        1. +1
          2 September 2015 20: 39
          Quote: shooter cv
          If Hitler had not attacked the USSR, then Stalin himself would have started to wash the Fuhrer into powder in a few days

          read less Rezun! And how can one really believe the theories of a convinced traitor ?!
          1. -1
            2 September 2015 21: 14
            Quote: Weyland
            Quote: shooter cv
            If Hitler had not attacked the USSR, then Stalin himself would have started to wash the Fuhrer into powder in a few days

            read less Rezun! And how can one really believe the theories of a convinced traitor ?!

            And what to read it, he brought me facts, told it showed what, ,,,,,,,,,,, and I myself have already decided how and what actually happened, purely logically, without prejudice, without looking back at our propaganda.
            1. +1
              2 September 2015 22: 20
              Quote: shooter cv
              he brought me the facts, told me what was what

              There are many facts, and different - the question is in their selection. And if you analyze everything in a complex - I fully admit that Stalin planned to attack Hitler, but not in the summer of 1941! In 1943m, in extreme cases, 1942m - wherever it went. And most likely then, when Hitler would begin the invasion of England, and on the Western Front would begin serious a mess - and not the same as in the summer of 1941
              1. 0
                3 September 2015 11: 39
                And I admit that way
              2. 0
                3 September 2015 18: 12
                Quote: Weyland
                There are many facts, and different - the question is in their selection. And if you analyze everything in a complex - I fully admit that Stalin planned to attack Hitler, but not in the summer of 1941! In 1943m, in extreme cases, 1942m - wherever it went. And most likely then, when Hitler would begin the invasion of England, and on the Western Front, a serious mess would begin - and not the same as in the summer of 1941

                When all the equipment and millions of soldiers are standing at the border, and hundreds of thousands of shells and ammunition and other equipment are in the fields. Anyone who thinks in this matter will say that it is simply impossible to keep all this at the border for at least a few more months, here or war in the coming weeks, or war anyway, but after a month, well, two by force, in any situation. Hitler realized in time that Stalin wanted to attack him, and attacking England at that time was a form of suicide.
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. -2
            2 September 2015 21: 17
            And he was not a traitor, but he ran away and saved his life, but at the same time he didn’t surrender anyone. If you were in his place, what would you choose?
            1. 0
              2 September 2015 22: 35
              Quote: shooter cv
              yes saved your life

              If he was sentenced to death (which is not a fact) - then it’s for the escape! AND why did he run away - it's a dark question: You judge only from his own words, and he, essno, is a biased person - "no one can be a judge in his own case" (c)
            2. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      2 September 2015 18: 33
      Quote: AAV
      Could the respected author explain his thought expressed at the beginning of the article: "The Anglo-Saxons pitted the Russians and the Germans for the second time in order to destroy the two great powers, whose strategic alliance could permanently establish peace and prosperity in Europe and a significant part of the world."
      This is what kind of union are we talking about? Hitler and Stalin, or am I mistaken?

      Stalin did not create Hitler in order to share Europe with him all the time, as it was after the pact. Stalin helped the poor corporal win the election in 1933, if not for Stalin, then the prison would wait for the shiklgruber for his debts. Stalin wanted to conquer everything for a start Europe, and this completely falls into the concept of the world revolution, and the Asian countries would go further and further and further. Until the complete victory of socialism throughout the world.
      1. -1
        2 September 2015 20: 44
        Quote: shooter cv
        Stalin wanted to conquer all of Europe for a start, and this completely fits into the concept of the world revolution

        But nothing that the world revolution is purely Trotskyist the project, and most of the leaders of the Comintern, as well as those who at 36m volunteered in Spain, were subsequently quite naturally repressed?
        1. 0
          2 September 2015 21: 10
          Quote: Weyland
          Quote: shooter cv
          Stalin wanted to conquer all of Europe for a start, and this completely fits into the concept of the world revolution

          But nothing that the world revolution is purely Trotskyist the project, and most of the leaders of the Comintern, as well as those who at 36m volunteered in Spain, were subsequently quite naturally repressed?

          Not purely Trotsky, and not everyone was repressed, but only who did not live up to expectations, and did not manage through their own fault.
        2. 0
          3 September 2015 11: 41
          Do you think Lenin is also a Trotskyist?
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        2 September 2015 22: 54
        The USSR was forced to conclude a pact in conditions when the United States and England deliberately delayed the time in negotiations and you know that. Stalin knew that there would be an attack, he warned about the impending war back in 1929. The rearmament was supposed to end in 1942, and Stalin was pulling time as best he could, which is actually normal, don’t you?
        And it is no secret that Hitler is a purely American project.
        1. 0
          3 September 2015 18: 00
          Quote: Izotovp
          The USSR was forced to conclude a pact in conditions when the United States and England deliberately delayed the time in negotiations and you know that. Stalin knew that there would be an attack, he warned about the impending war back in 1929. The rearmament was supposed to end in 1942, and Stalin was pulling time as best he could, which is actually normal, don’t you?
          And it is no secret that Hitler is a purely American project.

          Another set of clichés of Soviet-Russian propaganda, which automatically settled in my head, and which was not used to particularly straining to get to know a little historical facts. What could Stalin warn of an attack by Germany in 1929 if Hitler came to power in 1933. what other mythical rearmament that would end in 1942? And there was no benefit in spending time with Stalin, almost everything was already on the border, according to various sources, he did not have enough from a few days to a couple of weeks.
          1. 0
            4 September 2015 00: 10
            Did I say that Stalin warned about the attack of Germany? Did not learn to read?
            Cliche? You can generally strain your brain a bit to take the position of the country's leader in such a difficult time and make a decision, to make a choice on which the fate of millions of people depends? It’s not from the sofa to wave a sword and evaluate what others have already done. Stalin’s policy moved the border away from the country and made it possible to better prepare for war. And your clichés of liberals, who only know how to ruin the country, have long foul smells.
            Mythical? You, it seems, did not read anything besides the modern school history textbook? Fortunately, I had a good teacher of military history at the academy, and we were given factual information about weapons plans, systems, and so on. I recommend that you read the facts first, and then climb on the armored car.
            1. +1
              4 September 2015 18: 49
              Quote: Izotovp
              Did I say that Stalin warned about the attack of Germany? Did not learn to read?
              Cliche? You can generally strain your brain a bit to take the position of the country's leader in such a difficult time and make a decision, to make a choice on which the fate of millions of people depends? It’s not from the sofa to wave a sword and evaluate what others have already done. Stalin’s policy moved the border away from the country and made it possible to better prepare for war. And your clichés of liberals, who only know how to ruin the country, have long foul smells.
              Mythical? You, it seems, did not read anything besides the modern school history textbook? Fortunately, I had a good teacher of military history at the academy, and we were given factual information about weapons plans, systems, and so on. I recommend that you read the facts first, and then climb on the armored car.

              And what could Stalin have warned about in 1929? And what was the use of his warnings? And what kind of rearmament was it that was supposed to end in 1942? Why move the borders away from their country? would it not be better to have a buffer zone in the face of Poland, then he certainly wouldn’t attack suddenly. And couldn’t the good teacher tell you the truth, well, he just couldn’t, even if he knew it thoroughly. then don’t talk, keep quiet about it, distort the rest, and he won’t go anywhere. Otherwise, he will immediately get serious comrades who stirs up the water and quickly kick him out. And does he need it? And he doesn’t need this, that's why he throws bullshit into his grateful listener, as they say, his jacket is closer to the body, and you all can’t grow grass in your head.
              1. +1
                4 September 2015 20: 06
                Once again for a particularly talented:
                Stalin warned of an impending war.
                This warning helped in preparing for a future war, outlined goals and objectives and ways to achieve and solve them.
                Ordinary such planned rearmament, approximately as it is now.
                Push the borders so that the enemy would further stomp to Moscow and St. Petersburg.
                Poland has never been anyone's buffer. They always considered themselves the coolest of all and all the neighbors to bullied us and the Germans. It is at least naive to hope for such a buffer, but criminally in politics.
                Looks very unlucky with the teachers. My teacher is still lecturing and one of Peter’s most prominent people.
                1. -1
                  4 September 2015 23: 10
                  Quote: Izotovp
                  Once again for a particularly talented:
                  Stalin warned of an impending war.
                  This warning helped in preparing for a future war, outlined goals and objectives and ways to achieve and solve them.
                  Ordinary such planned rearmament, approximately as it is now.
                  Push the borders so that the enemy would further stomp to Moscow and St. Petersburg.
                  Poland has never been anyone's buffer. They always considered themselves the coolest of all and all the neighbors to bullied us and the Germans. It is at least naive to hope for such a buffer, but criminally in politics.
                  Looks very unlucky with the teachers. My teacher is still lecturing and one of Peter’s most prominent people.

                  Stalin warned hahaha, well, the right is ridiculous. Stalin was preparing a war, preparing for himself, and was ready for it like no one else ever. But he was almost lucky, a couple of days or weeks didn’t have time, and he would have started it. And he would have started ,,,,,,,, uuuh, how would he start it. From the Wehrmacht if only the dust flew, I think that in a few months I would be able to control it precisely, only stupid Tukhachevsky would not be able to cope with such a potential. Planned rearmament? ,,, and that before 1942 there was nothing worthwhile or what? But what about the best tanks and artillery in the world? and planes are in no way inferior to foreign counterparts? And in 1941, is our army worth swords and spears? You don’t have to talk about rearmament. Rearmament is always in all ages and in all armies gradually and not in leaps, and with outdated weapons there are always the latest examples. Poland was a buffer, and She didn’t bully anyone, she was in the wrong position to bully. And if you wanted to defend yourself, then all the troops would be on the Stalin line, there were 21 URs, and next to them would be to dig into the ground these 300 divisions with tanks and everything else, and everything ,,,,, there the Wehrmacht would be stuck forever, and then would roll back. And your teacher is very smart, apparently, that’s why they give him lectures, and don’t hesitate, he knows where. He understood a simple truth for a long time, do what competent people told you and don’t twitch, then you’ll skate like butter in cheese, which he succeeds and exercises.
                  1. 0
                    5 September 2015 00: 47
                    You should at least read the composition of the Polish army to begin with. Then I would understand that in 1939 the armies of Poland and Germany were comparable. And Poland had an agreement with France on mutual assistance.
                    Stalin didn’t need a fuck, he needed to raise a country from the ruins of a civil war.
                    In 1941, the share of new weapons received by the troops was small and there was no time to master it. This was especially true for small arms. It was assumed that the SVT will become the infantry’s main weapon, and the PPSh-additional weapon.
                    The Stalin line could not seriously stop anyone because it was not closed as the Mannerheim line, but intermittent, so it was calmly circled by the troops.
                    The rearmament, of course, is proceeding gradually, but when the war in Europe has already been going on for 2 years, it is necessary to hurry))).
                    For many samples, we caught up with the Germans only around 1944. This is aviation and tanks ...
                    And my teacher is actually very smart, when he lectured to us he was the head of the department, now he has three higher educations, he teaches, leads reception as a deputy and is the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. V.S. Makarov. Recently met, he recognized me, although he had not seen each other for about 20 years. Here is the memory !!
                    1. 0
                      6 September 2015 00: 42
                      Quote: Izotovp
                      You should at least read the composition of the Polish army to begin with. Then I would understand that in 1939 the armies of Poland and Germany were comparable. And Poland had an agreement with France on mutual assistance.
                      Stalin didn’t need a fuck, he needed to raise a country from the ruins of a civil war.
                      In 1941, the share of new weapons received by the troops was small and there was no time to master it. This was especially true for small arms. It was assumed that the SVT will become the infantry’s main weapon, and the PPSh-additional weapon.
                      The Stalin line could not seriously stop anyone because it was not closed as the Mannerheim line, but intermittent, so it was calmly circled by the troops.
                      The rearmament, of course, is proceeding gradually, but when the war in Europe has already been going on for 2 years, it is necessary to hurry))).
                      For many samples, we caught up with the Germans only around 1944. This is aviation and tanks ...
                      And my teacher is actually very smart, when he lectured to us he was the head of the department, now he has three higher educations, he teaches, leads reception as a deputy and is the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. V.S. Makarov. Recently met, he recognized me, although he had not seen each other for about 20 years. Here is the memory !!

                      And your France was twitching when its Stalin and Hitler sawed? What are the ruins after the civil war? it's 41 years and not 21. And what was so difficult to master there? missile systems with electronics, or some sort of automatic rifle? well, it’s not funny to you yourself. And you’ll go awesome about the Stalin’s line, especially if three hundred divisions 500 km are buried in the ground next to it. They were compared in many ways only in 1944 ,,,,, ha ha ha, you only made the whole chat laugh pearls, no more. Our tanks were the best in the world, and even the lightest of them were superior to any German tank, I’m not talking about medium and heavy tanks, the Germans simply didn’t have them. They had only light tanks with bulletproof armor, and no more. I don’t know how you were taught, but you are still a layman in this thread.
  13. -1
    2 September 2015 11: 56
    Quote: Nagan
    In the future, the axis Moscow - Tokyo - Beijing
    Rave. If the Russian Federation and Japan, with the exception of God’s forgotten islands, have nothing to share, then more likely the Jews will make friends with the Arabs than Japan and China. The Japanese, and not without reason, consider the Chinese to be subhuman, so much so that Chinese women, unlike, say, Korean women, were not considered worthy even to be used in soldiers' wards. And the Chinese believe that so far they have not settled with the Japanese for the past. Give them freedom - they will mate again, and if history has at least some indication, Japanese katanas will again walk along Chinese necks.

    And the Chinese Tao swords on Japanese eggs, I think then they will have a reduced exclusivity!
    1. 0
      2 September 2015 12: 18
      Quote: SPB 1221
      And the Chinese tao swords

      Especially dadao:
      “According to the memoirs of Japanese officers, their soldiers were afraid of an attack with a dadao more than minefields or shelling. In practice, however, these collars proved to be ineffective, which is not surprising, since they could not protect the entire body of the soldier.
      Despite the image of the “katana killer”, inflated in the Western press with the light hand of American journalists and picked up by Chinese patriotic films, it should be noted that real cases of the dadao fight against gan-ta (the unified sample of the katana that Japanese officers were armed with) were extremely rare. The most frequent enemy for a fighter with a dadao was still a private, armed with a rifle with a bayonet. The technique used by the Chinese was extremely simple - with the first wave of the dadao, the shotgun flicked to the side, which was easy enough to do thanks to the mass of weapons and two-handed grip. The subsequent downward chopping blow to the neck almost left the Japanese no chance (http://www.kortiks.ru/litera/sablya__dadao_-_ne_prosto_bolshoi_klinok).
    2. 0
      2 September 2015 12: 18
      Quote: SPB 1221
      And the Chinese tao swords

      Especially dadao:
      “According to the memoirs of Japanese officers, their soldiers were afraid of an attack with a dadao more than minefields or shelling. In practice, however, these collars proved to be ineffective, which is not surprising, since they could not protect the entire body of the soldier.
      Despite the image of the “katana killer”, inflated in the Western press with the light hand of American journalists and picked up by Chinese patriotic films, it should be noted that real cases of the dadao fight against gan-ta (the unified sample of the katana that Japanese officers were armed with) were extremely rare. The most frequent enemy for a fighter with a dadao was still a private, armed with a rifle with a bayonet. The technique used by the Chinese was extremely simple - with the first wave of the dadao, the shotgun flicked to the side, which was easy enough to do thanks to the mass of weapons and two-handed grip. The subsequent downward chopping blow to the neck almost left the Japanese no chance (http://www.kortiks.ru/litera/sablya__dadao_-_ne_prosto_bolshoi_klinok).