Zbignev Brzezinski on Russian Policy (“The American Interest”, USA)

Zbignev Brzezinski on Russian Policy (“The American Interest”, USA)

Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke at a conference at the Wilson Center, which was held on June 16 and was held under the heading “Mutual Security in Question? Russia, the West and the European Security Architecture ”(Mutual Security on Hold? Russia, the West, and European Security Architecture). Below is a transcript of his speech.

Let me try to reveal the possible consequences of the Ukrainian crisis for the architecture of European security in the light of relations between Russia and the West. What we are seeing in Ukraine now is, from my point of view, not just a quarrel, but a symptom of a more serious problem - namely, the gradual and steady rise of Russian quasi-mystical chauvinism, which has been going on for six or seven years. Putin played a major role in this, and the content of this new concept is fully determined by Russia's relations with the world in general and with the West in particular.

Recently, the Russian Council on International Affairs, a Moscow institute, whose members are extremely respected and distinguished scholars — not dissidents, not independent thinkers who now also exist in Moscow — in collaboration with RIA-News»And the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy published a joint article on the transformation of Russian national identity and the new foreign policy doctrine. It covers in some detail the process of creating a completely new conceptual framework for defining Russia’s relations with the world — relations that Russians consider they need after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the partial disintegration of the Russian empire.

This is a rather long article, but you should definitely read it for those interested in international relations. In particular, it deals with several key concepts that are part of this new world view. The world view, determined by the need that the Russians surrounding Putin and Putin himself is acutely felt by the need for a more comprehensive interpretation of the nature and position of Russia in the world and its relations with the world and with the West in particular. It is in this context that the Ukrainian question acquires special significance.

This report deals with four key concepts: first, the concept of a “divided people”, secondly, the theme of “protecting citizens abroad”, thirdly, the theme of the “Russian world”, fourthly, the importance of recognizing and preserving , acceptance and promotion of the "Great Russian Civilization". I mentioned this because I believe that it would be a mistake to consider the crisis in the Crimea and Ukraine the product of a sudden outburst of anger. In a sense, they can be considered as such, but it would be much smarter on the part of Russia to crank up what it had just turned, in about 10 years. By that time, she would have become stronger and stronger in economic terms.

But everything has already happened, and these concepts have played a significant role in this. The concept of a divided people is the starting point for chauvinistic statements that Russia's sovereignty applies to all Russian people, wherever they are. And those who are familiar with history Europe before the start of World War II, these statements will inevitably seem frighteningly familiar. Of course, this concept leads us to the idea of ​​protecting citizens living abroad. And this is of particular importance for those states in whose territories ethnic Russians live and which border Russia. The concepts of a divided people and the protection of fellow citizens abroad lead us to the idea of ​​the Russian world. By this is meant the organic, integral unity of all Russian people, regardless of their place of residence. And these places of residence can be changed by reuniting ethnic Russians. Think of the Baltic countries.

No less important is the conviction that Russia is not part of Western civilization. It is also not part of China. It is not part of the Muslim world. It is believed that Russia itself is a great civilization. The concept of "world civilization" includes a number of principles, some of which are still unknown in our society, such as, for example, a strong commitment to a particular religious teaching, much stronger than in the West, where religion is part of a more complex social structure. . The bottom line is that the great Russian civilization upholds certain basic values, not only religious, but also values ​​relating to interpersonal relationships - for example, condemnation of changes in the relations between the sexes and within the sexes that are currently taking place in the world. As a result, Russia protects the preservation of certain basic beliefs that have always characterized Christianity, but from the point of view of Russians, Christianity today is betraying its fundamental principles. So, we are dealing with a full-fledged worldview - an ambitious worldview that justifies the claim that Russia is a world power. And nothing in the international dialogue with the West touched Mr. Putin as much as the words of President Obama, who called Russia a strong regional power. He could not give more offensive characteristics.

Understanding the doctrinal basis of Putin’s worldview is an important starting point for considering the Ukrainian issue. The Ukrainian crisis is not the result of a sudden quarrel, as I said, but a symptom of a more serious problem: the emergence of politics, packed within a larger philosophical concept. So what should we expect? If Ukraine is just a symptom of a problem, then it will be extremely difficult to solve this problem. I think it will take some time to solve it. But the solution to this problem should not be one-sided, since the West has its own interests there. And these interests should take the form of a reasonable policy. If the Ukrainian problem is localized, over time it will probably lose its urgency. Especially if the Russian, increasingly cosmopolitan middle class, which is now raising its head, but still remains rather weak, will become more politically significant, perhaps tired of feeling vulnerable and disappointed in Putin, and will assume a more significant political role, when Putin retires. But when will this happen? This is impossible to predict. Maybe soon. Maybe not. But much also depends on whether Ukraine will become a symptom of success or the collapse of Putin’s worldview. In short, the stakes are high.

By these rates, I mean, among other things, the question that the use of force in Crimea and the ongoing attempts to destabilize the situation in certain regions of Ukraine are a serious threat to international treaties concluded after World War II, and in particular for the idea of ​​inadmissibility forces in resolving territorial disputes. This idea became the fundamental principle of the European order, which was formed after the Second World War. And Russia was part of it - thanks in part to the agreements that it signed. But now she challenges them. And this is a serious threat, an actual threat - at least in a psychological sense, but potentially, especially considering the events in the Crimea, also in the military. This is a threat to the Baltic countries, Georgia, Moldova. It is also a threat - not too pronounced, but perhaps even more dangerous - for Belarus, because Belarus has no external protection. Other states that I mentioned have it, albeit to varying degrees.

From the foregoing it follows that the Ukrainian problem is a threat that the West needs to fight on three levels. We must resolutely resist the temptation to use the force that the Russian leadership faces. Simply put, we must prevent the use of force.

Secondly, we must achieve a cessation of deliberate attempts by Russia to destabilize the situation in the eastern regions of Ukraine. It is very difficult to say how ambitious these goals are, but it is no coincidence that in the part of Ukraine dominated by Russians, the use of force turned out to be so sophisticated. The participants in armed conflicts turned out to be well-armed, they had an effective anti-aircraft weapon and even Tanks. Even the most deeply disappointed citizens of Ukraine, who are hostile to its government and do not feel attachment to this country, will not keep such weapons in the basements and attics of their homes. This weapon was provided to them, so that they formed units capable of withstanding powerful military formations. This is a form of interstate aggression. This can not be called otherwise. How would you feel if, say, drug gangs in the United States began to receive weapons from abroad, from our southern neighbor, to fuel a conflict of this magnitude on an ongoing basis? This is a serious threat. And this is our second task.

Our third task is to insist and then discuss the final compromise formula with the Russians, which prohibits open and large-scale use of force and attempts to destabilize the situation. In turn, this means the following - and I will be very frank in expressing my thoughts on this matter. Ukraine needs to be supported if it resists. If Ukraine does not resist, if the turmoil inside the country persists and the government fails to organize an effective national defense system, then the Ukrainian problem will need to be solved unilaterally, but this may entail consequences that are likely to have a destabilizing effect on vulnerable states and on the relationship between East and West as a whole. And the forces of chauvinism inside Russia will become even more decisive. These forces in fact represent the most negative aspects of modern Russian society: a kind of thirst for nationalism, self-realization, satisfaction from the exercise of power. However, these features are not typical of the new middle class, which in the long run may become an acceptable alternative.

If Ukraine needs to be supported in its attempts to resist, Ukrainians should know that the West is ready to help them. And there is no reason to hide this readiness. It is much more useful to declare it, inform the Ukrainians and those who threaten them, that if Ukraine resists, she will receive a weapon. And we will provide this weapon even before the act of invasion itself is accomplished. Because in the absence of these weapons with the temptation to invade and get ahead of the rest it will be extremely difficult to fight. But it also matters which weapon we provide. From my point of view, this should be a weapon, especially effective in a resistance war in the conditions of large cities. There is no point in trying to arm the Ukrainians in such a way that they can confront the Russian army in open space: the Russian army is thousands of tanks and commanders who are ready to use crushing force. We should turn to the lessons we learned from episodes of resistance in the conditions of cities during the Second World War and the war in Chechnya, whose capital was the site of fierce fighting for three months. The bottom line is that in order for intrusion attempts to be successful in a political sense, it is necessary to capture the largest cities. If large cities, such as Kharkov or Kiev, begin to resist and fighting in urban conditions will not be avoided, the conflict will be prolonged and entail enormous costs. And the main thing is that it is in this sense that the start of this crisis is of great importance - that Russia is not yet ready to take such a step. Such a move would entail serious human losses and huge financial costs. He needs to spend a lot of time, and he will cause increased pressure from the international community.

I believe that we should let the Ukrainians understand that if they are ready to resist, judging by their statements and actions (although not very effective), we will provide them with anti-tank guns, hand-guns, anti-tank guns, hand-held rockets - that is, a weapon that can be used in the conditions of the city. It is not about arming the Ukrainians to attack Russia. It is impossible to attack a country such as Russia, having only defensive weapons. But if you have a defensive weapon and access to it, if you know that you will have it, you are more likely to accept resistance. Thus, it begins to act as a deterrent, also allowing more efficient operations to end the violence sponsored by individuals on the border between Ukraine and Russia. This, in my view, will in any case help reduce the risk and avoid the temptation to solve this crisis with a weapon. On the Russian side, given the euphoria around the success of the operation in Crimea, which turned out to be swift and decisive and which did not meet with any resistance, the temptation to repeat this success can be very serious for a leader who is striving to achieve large-scale victories.

At the same time, we must take part in the search for possible compromise solutions. Especially if it becomes clear to the Russians and Mr. Putin that the destabilization of Ukraine and its violent seizure are a serious threat and may turn out to be unattainable. Thus, containment should be accompanied by attempts to participate in the dialogue. What is the formula for a possible compromise? I think it is quite simple: Ukraine should continue the movement, publicly supported by the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians, towards membership in the European Union. But it is a long process. Turks, for example, have been waiting for entry into the European Union for 60 years. In other words, it takes time. Thus, the danger for Russia cannot be called close, and the negative consequences are not too destructive.

At the same time, we must convince Russia that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO. I believe that this is important for a number of political reasons. If you look at the map, you will understand that for Russia this is very important from a psychological and strategic point of view. Thus, Ukraine should not become a member of NATO. But for the same reason, Russia must understand that Ukraine will not become a member of the mythical Eurasian Union, which President Putin is trying to promote based on the idea of ​​Russia's special place in the world. Ukraine will not be a member of the Eurasian Union, but it can conclude a separate trade agreement with Russia, especially taking into account the fact that some forms of exchange and trade between them are mutually beneficial. For example, agricultural products supplied by Ukraine to Russia. The industrial goods that Russia needs are also produced in Ukraine. Not many people realize that some of the newest Russian missiles, most of the aircraft engines of the Russian civil aviation and even part of the missiles used in the USA are manufactured in Ukraine. This is a profitable and successful industrial enterprise. And it must be supported by concluding a separate agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

I believe that this can become truly attractive over time. And this aspect should be voiced in the context of open, rather than secret, attempts to convince Russians that any use of force will have negative and long-term consequences for Russia itself, not threatening its security, but implying an increase in the cost of defending its authority through Ukraine’s independence. From my point of view, in this context, NATO should also act more decisively in the matter of protecting the security of those NATO members who border Russia and where many Russian communities live, constituting roughly 25% of their population. In particular, I mean Latvia and Estonia. America confirmed its military presence there. I believe that it would be much better if leading European states, such as Germany, France and the United Kingdom, also deployed their troops there. That on a regular basis there was not only America. This will prove that NATO members are holding together. In international politics, symbolism has the same meaning as decisiveness, and often it can prevent more radical measures.

Given the current implications of the massive expansion of NATO over the past few decades to 28 members, it would be right in the light of current events to reassess the structure of this alliance. In particular, I speak of the historical paradox contained in the most important Article 5 of its charter. Article 5 talks about the procedure for a military response to aggression directed against the entire bloc or its individual members. Undoubtedly, you will recall that in Article 5 there is a line that decisions regarding participation in conflicts must be taken unanimously. In other words, this means that any country has the right of veto. It was the United States who insisted on the inclusion of this condition in the NATO charter. The US government insisted on this in order to get the support of the isolationists in the US Congress. They feared that an alliance of this kind would violate the American tradition of refusing to participate in conflicts on the territory of foreign states. Unfortunately, today, given the fact that NATO consists of 28 states that are to varying degrees committed to fulfilling the conditions of security, the situation has been reversed. It is the new members of NATO that in certain circumstances begin to refer to Article 5. The veto of one state does not guarantee that NATO will not use military force, because I am convinced that if this happens after long debates, strong indignation and mutual threats, this state will have to either agree or withdraw from the alliance.

One possible option would be to accept the condition that those countries that do not systematically fulfill the obligations stipulated by the NATO charter cannot have veto power. Some members of this alliance do not fulfill their obligations at all, so their membership in NATO is in fact a ticketless ticket. Why should a member of an alliance that does not fulfill its obligations have the right to prevent other NATO members from exercising collective self-defense? This is an anomaly and a potential source of problems and confusion. As this crisis is gradually approaching a solution, I hope that NATO will reconsider its statute and once again discuss the issue of admitting new members to the alliance. A country in which NATO is interested in security does not necessarily have to become a member of the alliance. NATO may be involved in ensuring its security, but not accepting it into its ranks. Now there is talk of new members of the European Union. Some of them may want to join NATO, and over the past few years, some states have managed to join NATO, despite the fact that they are geographically remote from possible conflicts on the dividing line between East and West. I believe that additional discussions on this issue can be of some benefit, increase the authority of NATO and put pressure on those members who want to be active members to make more efforts to fulfill their obligations.

Finally, looking far ahead, I believe that, one way or another, subject to a compromise solution, or in his absence, the Crimea will be a heavy economic burden for Russia. There is no reason to believe that the kind of economic activity that Crimea conducted quite successfully - being a resting place for tourists, where international airliners arrived and foreign tourists arrived - would be preserved. Since the international community did not formally recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the development of underwater resources on the territory of Crimea will become impossible for international companies, because they will be the objects of claims of various interested parties. In short, Russia will have to invest huge sums in the economic development of the Crimea. Since the Crimea was annexed to Russia, prices there have tripled. All this imposes additional obligations on Russia, whose economy remains rather weak.

Moreover, there is another aspect that will be of great importance in the development process of Ukraine: Russia, by its actions, has turned against itself about 40 millions of people. Unlike other Slavs, Ukrainians in the past never treated Russia with hostility. The hostile attitude of Ukrainians towards Russia is a new phenomenon, and every day its intensity is growing. Thus, in this respect, Ukraine over time will not only become a serious problem for Russia, but it also threatens with the final loss of a huge territory - the greatest territorial loss in the history of Russia's imperial expansion. And this in turn can destroy a new mythology concerning the place and role of Russia in the world with which I began my report. Reality can disprove this mythology. That is why I very much hope that the developing Russian middle class will understand that the mythology that Putin is imposing and which is adopted by a significant part of less educated and more chauvinistic Russians is a road to nowhere, that the real purpose of Russia is to become a powerful European country. And they will remember this every time they look to the east and ask themselves: what is the significance of China for the future of Russia?

Thank you.
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  1. Stypor23
    2 July 2014 06: 53
    the old vulture in the last days, again crawled out into the light of God. When will it die
    1. +30
      2 July 2014 07: 15
      The old stump pushes speech again. He devoted his whole life to destroying Russia, but it didn’t work out. He should understand now that he had flushed his whole life into the toilet.
      1. +15
        2 July 2014 08: 28
        He still thinks in categories and operates with concepts from the time of the 70s. last century. The world is changing, has already changed, and senility is progressing.
        1. WKS
          2 July 2014 09: 56
          Quote: diver1977
          He still thinks in categories and operates with concepts from the time of the 70s. last century
          Naturally, this Ameropolis is a veteran of the Cold War, Russophobia has always been the engine of his life.
        2. +5
          2 July 2014 10: 00
          Quote: diver1977
          He still thinks in categories and operates with concepts from the time of the 70s. last century.

          Bzhizdik thinks in terms of a shallow, envious shopkeeper.
          Well, he called the wreck of Russia a regional power, so what? Yes. Russia is a regional power - if planet earth is a region.
        3. +9
          2 July 2014 11: 33
          Right!Like aged dissidents, disappointed by the decline in their degree of influence on politics and the public consciousness of Russia, the emergence of a tendency to reject their ideas by our society!
          And how well it all began for them! -Stalin was declared a beast, Hitler, projectors, embezzlers, embezzlers and the first greedy leaders in the USSR who were "victims" of the "GULAG repressions" and the first greedy leaders suddenly began to rehabilitate themselves, the outspoken enemies of the USSR became almost heroes. ..
          I don’t know, did it come to compensation?
          Stalin LIFTED our state under the most difficult conditions of full bacterial opposition from the leading world powers of that time. AND ACHIEVED SUCCESS IN THIS!
          It is time to open our eyes obsessed with dissident propaganda and see the TRUTH — WHO WAS USEFUL, even NECESSARY for the USSR, and someone devouring folk remedies WAS the TRUE enemy of that time, our past, and therefore our PRESENT!
    2. +53
      2 July 2014 07: 17
      He must live to see the collapse of the United States, otherwise it will be unfair. May God grant him health.
      1. +12
        2 July 2014 07: 28
        Quote: Jurkovs
        He must live to see the collapse of the United States, otherwise it will be unfair.
        Not only that, he still has to live in this crash for a little while to understand what it feels like in controlled chaos.
      2. +10
        2 July 2014 07: 56
        And God holds him here. To show his whole worthless life. By the way, this article is a direct instruction of Russia on how to act and how to arm Donbass and Lugansk. So I want this old man to draw Russia into the war. After the destruction of the wall in Berlin and the ensuing NATO bloc Drang nah Osten, Brzezinski may not crow in the press. Let him prepare for the reception in the next world. Proper reception. He would have to read prayers, but he would write everything.
        1. 0
          2 July 2014 13: 19
          They will not accept him to paradise. As he is a place in the last circle of hell.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            2 July 2014 21: 04

            Sukhoi_T-50 SU  Today, 13:19 ↑

            They will not accept him to paradise. As he is a place in the last circle of hell.

            There he is also not needed for hell. In Ukraine, this old goat, in Slavyangrad to the forefront, dig trenches.
      3. WKS
        2 July 2014 09: 58
        Quote: Jurkovs
        He must live to see the collapse of the United States, otherwise it will be unfair. May God grant him health.

        But it should be added - AND NOT LONG YEARS of life.
    3. +27
      2 July 2014 07: 25
      Well, they minus the article, for your broader outlook I copied the material on VO comrades, you need to know the ideological enemy in person and listen to him carefully! And no matter how we “love” Bzhizi, and he is not the last person in the states!what

      Want the opposite views! I have them! laughing

      Ah, my friends, what a good life it is when you manage to see someone you have known for many years! Maybe it’s not a close acquaintance, maybe your acquaintance cannot even be called a cap, but still ... very nice!

      Such a wonderful reason to rejoice was provided to us by a longtime friend of the USSR - Mr. Brzezinski. You probably thought that he had already glued fins together? Not at all, he is alive and continues the work to which he devoted his whole life - to the struggle with the Russians. It does not matter that the USSR has long been gone, but there are Russians! So long as the last Russian does not give the last drop of Russian oil, there will be no rest for this ghoul. From his hatred of everything Russian, he cannot die.

      Well, you know, can he die or not, that is none of our business. The Lord bequeathed to us to rejoice, here we will rejoice! What to rejoice in the context of our conversation, we will now consider with you. Mr. Brzezinski does not get tired of sprinkling his libel, but, you know, reading it, you understand how good it is that he writes! Well, how would you and I know that Russia is now going the right way? Yes, the Russians very much trust their president, and this is a well-deserved trust. But you still need a source that would show that everything is exactly the way it is! You can search anywhere and ask anyone, but you will never find a candidate for this case better than the old man Zbignev. In his anger, he, like a compass, always points to the anti-Russian direction, and if exactly the opposite opinion means the success of Russia, then it will be the only correct one. Simply put, if Brzezinski says "cold", then it is with absolute probability "hot." If it comes to his mind to say that Russia is rolling downhill, then be sure that the Russian economy is gaining steepness very steeply. In science, there is such a method of proof "from the opposite." So we are dealing with evidence of an academic nature and even mathematical. Insanity has never been calculated with mathematical precision. Here, dear friends, we fell the palm. May God grant health to Mr. Brzezinski!

      The very object of observation and, possibly, a prototype for a doctoral dissertation, tirelessly, sprinkles day and night. So his next opus was born, in which he claims that Russia suffered the greatest defeat in its history. As an argument for such a statement, Brzezinski cites the current Ukrainian confrontation. It says that 40 of millions of Ukrainian Slavs revolted and split the Russian world, that Russia is fighting against them - the same Slavs. This has never happened before, and this is the Russian defeat! The author has always been fascinated by the logic of Brzezinski. Sometimes you listen and feel that the flight of imagination of the orator Brzezinski carries you away like a feather from a dandelion. And very soon you feel both yourself and the speaker’s reasoning with something that has no foundation. Here is one of the passages: “We are dealing with a full-fledged worldview - an ambitious worldview that justifies the assertion that Russia is a world power. And nothing in the international dialogue with the West hurt Putin so much as the words of President Obama, who called Russia a strong regional power. He could not give a more offensive characterization. ”
      1. +14
        2 July 2014 07: 30
        To be continued!

        You’ll read this and think, how could you listen to such a person? But he was an adviser to more than one president! Just a few words, but so many logical errors! Here the president listens to such an adviser and begins to play tricks. How can we say that Russia is a regional power? What region is this power? Pacific? Maybe European? What kind of regions are these? Russia occupies a vast territory, which is the largest of all existing states. This is the third economy in the world. Russia has borders with fourteen countries. Which region does Russia belong to? Has anyone ever thought of this? Brzezinski’s second statement, about Putin’s insults, is no better than the first. Putin absolutely sneeze what he considers or what power Obama calls Russia. What is the use of the name when the “regional power” pinned “the world power against the wall so that you have to almost sob in the oval office secretly!” Obama is terribly offended by Putin, and this is noticeable, but who saw Putin’s insult to Obama? Probably only our beloved old man with a thin red neck, like a plucked rooster. But then everything seems even more interesting. Then the old man suffered. Perhaps these are the effects of the laxative that some older people have to take. We respect the age and needs of the elderly organism, but why should all this charm be thrown out to the readers of the world for judgment? Then Brzezinski suddenly spoke of NATO and compromises with Russia. According to his plan, Ukraine refuses to join NATO, and Russia refuses to resist the association of Ukraine with the EU. Everything is turned upside down here. Russia does not deter Ukraine from association! And more than once Putin spoke about this! Russia considers this to be the law of Ukraine and does not intervene, but reserves the right to close its market for European goods passing through Ukraine. Why Mr. Brzezinski decided that Putin is holding Ukraine is not clear. In any case, he does not talk about it. As for Ukraine’s membership in NATO, the madman was late for years on 20: then Russia still believed in promises not to expand at the expense of new members and not to move to the East.

        Ending on! http://contrpost.com/index.php/80-ssha/18365-marazm-kak-otsutstvie-nekroza-mozga
        1. +4
          2 July 2014 08: 02
          Thank you for the article. Many of our views coincide.
        2. hoard
          3 July 2014 00: 08
          Thanks for the article and your comments. 81 people zamusnuyut, plus 21. Actually, this is the standard alignment of any society 20% of those who understand and 80% - all the rest. The adversary needs to be studied, no matter who and whatever he is.
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. +1
          4 July 2014 09: 06
          Thank you so much for Brzezinski's article! Please publish such materials further. These materials are very necessary, people are minusting them from rejection, forgetting that you need to express gratitude to you for their presentation.
          On the topic - I do not agree that grandfather is outdated, young in brains as before, bastard ... Very clever article. Smart and powerless. The United States can no longer do anything from the proposal alone. And to justify to the same Germans that they must part with their hard-earned money so that the Baltic states are less afraid (what I was afraid of, I will note in parentheses) is another task. So already openly stupid things are being used, such as "mystical chauvinism" instead of "the Russians have recovered from defeat and are making attempts to take back their own". After all, say so and it will become clear - we are not threatening the West. Our interests do not intersect with normal European business and adequate countries ... You cannot say that. Etc. Thank you, otherwise I didn’t take the time to master theirs, and the translators make an unreadable shit.
      2. +7
        2 July 2014 08: 00
        Dear Sid, with all due respect to you, I also put a minus in the article. Will explain. You see, we absolutely do not need to put up a detailed translation of Brzezinski's texts, a detailed explanation below. I, too, can lay out a number of his statements:

        “Russia is a conquered power. She lost the titanic struggle. And to say “it was not Russia, but the Soviet Union” means to flee from reality. It was Russia, called the Soviet Union. She challenged the USA. She was defeated. Now there is no need to fuel illusions about the great power of Russia. It’s necessary to discourage such a way of thinking ... Russia will be fragmented and under guardianship. ”
        "A new world order with US hegemony is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia."
        From the book “Choice. World domination or global leadership ”(Moscow, International Relations, 2010, p. 127):

        People who at least follow his work for a long time have understood HE JUST STUPIDLY HATE US. He has NO ANALYTICS !!! He’s just a convenient, and most importantly reliable troll with a well-suspended language, Western politicians turn to him, being sure that when he praises us he doesn’t do it out of kind, that’s all! And what are you doing, dear Sid, let's say this pseudo-analytics intended primarily for Western brains dumping on us. It’s the same as introducing a virus into the blood, the temperature rises, you start to get sick until the body rejects this muck. Well, why?
        I would give you ten pluses if you reworked it in a humorous way.
        Once again with respect.
        1. +4
          2 July 2014 08: 36
          Quote: vrach
          People who at least follow his work for a long time have understood HE JUST STUPIDLY HATE US. He has NO ANALYTICS !!! He’s just a convenient, and most importantly reliable troll with a well-suspended language, Western politicians turn to him, being sure that when he praises us he doesn’t do it out of kind, that’s all!

          It’s difficult to judge the quality of his analytics, what Bhizi says now there are emotions addressed to a large and wide audience and for domestic American and NATO consumption! If you carefully look at what he broadcasts, you can conclude! America is in turmoil, otherwise why scare the frightened Baltic and especially Belarus? Scare the last dictator in Europe, dad Lukashenko? Well, this is enchanting, I think! Dad successfully sits at the same time on 4-x chairs and shows everyone a muzzle and even Putin trolls with impunity, about Third World Leaders!
          Here’s Bzhizik’s phrase about forty million people who hated Russia, an attempt to justify all their worthless foreign policy in recent years, again enchanting, the main thing is useless for the Baltic states and NATO as a whole!
          And this!
          Ukraine will not be a member of the Eurasian Union, but it can conclude a separate trade agreement with Russia, especially taking into account the fact that some forms of exchange and trade between them are mutually beneficial.

          Ie a double agreement without the participation of the USA? Ukraine, Russia, the EU? Well, no less magnificent, that’s what Putin has been saying since November of that year!
          Or that!
          One of the possible options may be to accept the condition that those countries that systematically do not fulfill the obligations stipulated by the NATO charter cannot have a veto. Some members of this alliance do not fulfill their obligations at all, so their membership in NATO is actually a stowaway. Why should a member of an alliance who does not fulfill his obligations have the right to prevent other NATO members from conducting collective self-defense? This is an anomaly and a potential source of problems and confusion.

          Ie what turns out to be that NATO cannot influence its own members? Even the Bulgarians get into a frenzy of their mother, we say do not build a pipe because you are in the building and they are building, and we tell the Balts to spend more from their budget and they are not spending! And the French sell the Mistrals of Russia to Russia oh May year! And the Germans from steelrein continue to build a military base near Rostov!
          If you carefully re-read this opus of Bzhizi, you can find a lot of interesting points! The main thing is to discard your own emotions, after reading a lot of spitting, but the emotions give out the old man! Best regards, VRACH!hi
          1. +4
            2 July 2014 09: 17
            I agree with many Sid. But I want to draw your attention to the words of Bush the elder (God forbid not to be confused with the younger), about Brzezinski. By the way, Bush is a senior combat pilot in the past who knew the price of life in battle.
            “Are you talking about Brzezinski?” Village politician Jimmy couldn’t distinguish an apple from a cow’s cake and therefore listened to idiots and clowns.
            And it turns out we came to the same thing - Brzezinski troll and clown. As for the rational part, it is not necessary to notice the hysterical notes of Brzezik, you can "admire" Psaki too, at least her face is more digestible. There are many signs and many people that can illustrate well both the confusion and the narrow-mindedness of the "Empire of Good" policy.
            1. +1
              2 July 2014 09: 44
              Quote: vrach
              “Are you talking about Brzezinski?” Village politician Jimmy couldn’t distinguish an apple from a cow’s cake and therefore listened to idiots and clowns.

              Bush senior is a mastodon from politics, yes! But to say that Bzhizi does not see the picture of the world, I would have taken a look at it, of course the total Russophobia prevents him from seeing the picture more fully, focus on NATO and Russia also prevents other important things from being seen! In general Bhizi is more likely a propagandist than an analyst! But the problem is that many at one time used his creations as a guide to action and a kind of plan for hegemony!
              It is worth mentioning that the State Department is now considered to be in the United States and not the Pentagon and the military departments! And Bzhizi is just a henchman of the State Department! As for Psaki, it would be fun to listen to it! Let it not mislead you that they say they have analysts no, just if no one pretends to pretend to be a fool! Here the USA is now fooling around!
              Yours! hi
              1. +1
                2 July 2014 12: 00
                The propagandist, yes. Here is the quote from the article you quoted, the Word of Brzezinski:

                I mentioned this because I think it would be a mistake to consider the crisis in Crimea and Ukraine as a product of a sudden outburst of anger. In a sense, they can be considered as such, but it would be much smarter on the part of Russia to crank up what it had just cranked, after about 10 years.

                In these lines one can hear an exceptionally hardened manipulator of consciousness, he seems to be praising and agreeing, but at the same time he gives extremely harmful (!!!) advice, which can be reformulated as follows - I tell you come tomorrow, tomorrow, and you come today. As a person working in the field of psychological gadgets, I give him 5 c +. But that's me. "Analytics" (God forgive me) Brzezik is harmful to the mental health of those who read it, I said about it already in the first comment. We spend more time sifting through his brain twists than getting valuable information. You just need to ignore it or read excerpts through good filters.
            2. +2
              2 July 2014 15: 52
              Even if he is a clown (of which I am not sure), then his speech is still very, very interesting. He has 2 ideas - the threat does not come from Russia itself, but from the realization by Russia that it is a separate civilization, and from the awakening and cultivation of one’s own, and not imposed, worldview. He understood that. It’s also amusing that he (or rather the authors of speech, if the author is not himself) sees the whole way out of this dangerous state for the West precisely in the speedy revival of the middle class, which clearly contradicts the thesis of a weakening Russian economy. But at least there are no allegations of a doomed country - progress in views is already observed.
    4. +2
      2 July 2014 07: 58
      Quote: Stypor23
      the old vulture in the last days, again crawled out into the light of God. When will it die

      No ... Let him live ... His thoughts and his assessments of political disagreements, his vision of the political situation in Russia should help our politicians understand the essence of international problems relating to our country. Well, and instill in the patriots a hatred of American creatures. After all, pay attention. It speaks of the growing hostility towards Russia in Ukraine. And while not a word that this is done with American money and the money of the oligarchs. Talks about a ban on the use of force. And at the same time, he never mentioned the United States, that is, his homeland, for which to destroy a country, overthrow the state regime, kill a politician or head of state, bomb those who do not share their gang values, even without the consent of the allies or the UN - this trifling matter. So long live and stand ... THE ENEMY NEEDS TO KNOW IN THE FACE
      1. Stypor23
        2 July 2014 09: 33
        Yes, as much as possible, it’s time for grandfather to move to Arlington.
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. 225chay
      2 July 2014 08: 13
      Quote: Stypor23
      the old vulture in the last days, again crawled out into the light of God.

      A MEMBER ... of the "XNUMXth Committee" a great master of backing, a political intrigan "Zbigniew the Stinking" still won't retire, earning an increase to his pension.
      1. +3
        2 July 2014 08: 39
        "Unlike other Slavs, Ukrainians have never been hostile to Russia in the past. Ukrainian hostility to Russia is a new phenomenon, and its intensity is growing every day."

        That's right, only this hostile attitude did not appear this year, and not even in the past. It has been artificially cultivated by such ghouls as the Brzez since the beginning of the 90s.
    7. +4
      2 July 2014 08: 38
      Quote: Stypor23
      the old vulture in the last days, again crawled out into the light of God. When will it die

      Will die (in the near future, which I sincerely wish him - forgive me, Lord) -America will give birth to another. The Brzezinskiys reproduce themselves in the jungle of American politics, the Russophobia virus has only grown stronger since the Elizabethan times - a sort of "political AIDS"

      Well, they do not need a strong Russia
      1. Stypor23
        2 July 2014 09: 05
        It will be more precisely reincarnated, because a ready-made soul is instilled in the body of the next newborn.
    8. +3
      2 July 2014 09: 08
      The "Russian middle class" has already realized that Americans are sick people, and especially Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski.
    9. bif
      2 July 2014 10: 02
      Quote: Stypor23
      When will it die

      "Until the last Russian gives up the last drop of Russian oil, there will be no rest for this ghoul. He cannot die of his hatred for everything Russian ... Looking at him, you remember the immortal expression from Ilf and Petrov's Golden Calf:" I old sick man! Girls don't like me! ".. Ostap took off his captain's cap and said:" I was often unfair to the deceased. But was the deceased a moral person? No, he was not a moral person. He was a former blind man, an impostor and goose raid. ”On the grave of Brzezinski, they will probably write:“ Here lies a man who wanted to kill the Slavic peoples, but could only dishonor his people, although he put his whole life on it. ”“ http://contrpost.com/index.php/ 80-ssha / 18365-marazm-kak-otsutstvie-nekroza-mozga
    10. +1
      2 July 2014 10: 07
      Very beautiful picture. And Brzezinski would be burned and shot with ashes
    11. +1
      2 July 2014 10: 08
      Nothing new in the thoughts of this old man. Terry anti-Soviet, and now anti-Russian is all about one. He apparently has a migraine from the fact that Russia did not bend, but lives and develops.
      1. +1
        2 July 2014 12: 22
        not fully mastered, but the obvious things -
        1) substitution of facts
        2) wishful thinking
        3) forcing false events for their false actions
        and not a word about the many years of support by America Natsik ... lousy nits.
    12. +1
      2 July 2014 11: 38
      Let him sing it well, only the trouble is all his songs are learned and well understood. Now Russia is changing his plans, and CRIMEA is confirmation of this, so there is a whole audience for every wise guy from the west in RUSSIA. Previously, there was not enough willpower Our leadership has now changed; smart people in RUSSIA have always been abundant.
    13. +1
      2 July 2014 11: 47
      How was he allowed to write here ??? Let him write in hell))))
      1. +1
        2 July 2014 15: 40
        And the old man moved completely off the reels)))
  2. +5
    2 July 2014 06: 58
    Lord But when will this Polish fascist die? - The ideologist of the collapse of the USSR.
    1. +3
      2 July 2014 08: 12
      Do not rejoice in the demise of the enemy, for all men are mortal and their house of eternity awaits. If you have an enemy, do not pray to God for his death, for, having died, he will elude all earthly evils. Pray that he is impoverished, survived, and moaned with grief all his life. Menandr
    2. +1
      2 July 2014 08: 42
      Thank God the plans of these flawed people did not come true. And someone else dares to haunt the GDP that brought their dreams to fruition. You will recall what moods were in the country at the end of the 90s. All these Brzezinski miscalculated. They did not take into account in their plans the main thing, WE ARE RUSSIAN. This nation is impossible to win.
  3. +3
    2 July 2014 07: 00
    As always, in its own style, the main thing is Russia, and there - even though the grass does not grow.
  4. +4
    2 July 2014 07: 01
    Nothing new, Zbigniew Brzezinski has always fought with Russia and the Soviet Union, although a worthy opponent must be recognized.
    1. +2
      2 July 2014 09: 08
      Quote: user
      Nothing new, Zbigniew Brzezinski has always fought with Russia and the Soviet Union, although a worthy opponent must be recognized.

      It runs in his blood. Poles, especially the gentry, hate Russia and the Russians because Russia has become what Poland has been desperately trying throughout its history, and has never been able to become. However, even now, from time to time, they raise the topic of how Poland, having trampled over Ukraine (I mean not an occupation, but a type of protectorate, a semi-colony), and even strapping Belarus and Lithuania into a kind of confederation, become a great power "from sea to sea" ...

      Quote: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbigniew_Brzezinski]
      Zbigniew Brzezinski was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1928. His family, members of the nobility (or "szlachta" in Polish), bore the Trąby coat of arms and hailed from Brzeżany in Galicia in the Tarnopol Voivodeship (administrative region) of then eastern Poland (now in Ukraine).

      Zbigniew Brzezinski was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1928. His family, members of the nobility ("nobility" in Polish) bear the coat of arms "Traby" and comes from Berezhany in Galicia, Ternopil Voivodeship (administrative region) of then eastern Poland (now in Ukraine).
  5. +4
    2 July 2014 07: 01
    How would you feel if, say, drug gangs in the United States began to receive weapons from abroad, from our southern neighbor, to fuel a conflict of this magnitude on an ongoing basis? This is a serious threat.

    And what do the southern neighbors feel, whose drug gangs receive weapons from the United States?
    These forces actually represent the most negative aspects of modern Russian society: a kind of thirst for nationalism, self-realization, satisfaction from the exercise of power. However, these traits are uncharacteristic of the new middle class, which in the long run may become an acceptable alternative.

    Yes, these features are not typical for white-collar workers. And for us, such alternatives are unacceptable, even in the long term.
  6. +5
    2 July 2014 07: 02
    namely, the gradual and steady rise of Russian quasi-mystical chauvinism, which has been going on for six or seven years. The main role in this was played by Putin,

    This old enemy of the RUSSIAN WORLD ... is again trying to ruin RUSSIA from the inside ... now he is betting on the middle class in RUSSIA .. notice not on military force, namely on the fifth column inside RUSSIA ... the reception is old and tested, but we are have already passed and there will be no second Gorbachev in RUSSIA (in any case, I will not vote for him).

    Further, he says something about chauvinism ... so it’s better to be a Russian chauvinist than the wordless Western cattle (like, for example, Bulgarians-brothers became hehe).

    And in this regard, I am on the side of PUTIN and I will support him in spite of this bag of bones to Brzezinski .... as for Ukraine .... if we give in to the west, the next turn will be ours ... there’s no need to even go to the grandmother’s fortuneteller.
  7. +8
    2 July 2014 07: 02
    “That is why I very much hope that the developing Russian middle class will understand that the mythology imposed by Putin and which is accepted by a significant part of less educated and more chauvinistic Russians is a road to nowhere, that the real purpose of Russia is to become a powerful European country. And they will remember this every time they look to the east and ask themselves: what is the significance of China for the future of Russia? "

    Yeah of course. Blooming and senile Geyropa .. Garden and Gamora ..
    No thanks! I do not want such a future for my children.

    PS and photo credit))
  8. +3
    2 July 2014 07: 02
    Russia is to become a powerful European country. And they will remember this every time they look to the east and ask themselves: what is the significance of China for the future of Russia?
    Even the old goat was worried that everything was not going as he planned in his books! In particular, China will introduce police forces to the Far East and Transbaikalia by 2010 "to protect the interests of its citizens."
  9. +3
    2 July 2014 07: 04
    He has already been absenteeism in hell, and he cannot even die from hatred of Russia.
  10. +3
    2 July 2014 07: 08
    It feels like he doesn’t read anything besides ukrosmi! For a man of his level, this is a shame! Apparently he doesn’t want to die calmly. Is the first part of the article apparently about the USA? Russia simply wrote, and yet they are terribly afraid of us!
  11. johnsnz
    2 July 2014 07: 14
    But they are all very afraid of Russia)))) Nothing, do not know how to resolve issues through diplomatic ways, live in fear !!
  12. +5
    2 July 2014 07: 15
    The principle of the non-use of force to change boundaries means :) Nu-nu. But what about Kosovo, gentlemen ?!
    Russia professes the principle of PRIMARY borders. Moreover, it even goes so far as to make historians a single people able to start living in different houses. BUT, living in a separate house do not dare to insult your own ancestors, who are our common ancestors. The relationship of the story is called. Compliance with traditions and morality. What the West has given up. What the current population of Ukraine has abandoned. Not only has it refused, it also dares to kill those who remain faithful to their (our common) culture, who remember and honor the feat of our common people.
    Conclusion - those who are against their own ancestors, their own traditions, are not worthy to inhabit the territory that their (our) ancestors left them.
    What is illogical here ?! What is wrong here ?!
    From their liberal-fascist points of view, Ivanov, who does not remember kinship, they are right. From our point of view, people for whom the country is important not "because there are acorns here and I get fat from them", but because the flag over the Reichtag, Gagarin in Space, Napolene has been defeated and the world has been saved more than once - this is OUR Truth for such people. And for some reason it seems to us that this Truth is God.
    And then we'll see whose truth is stronger.
  13. Vlad Kukuev
    2 July 2014 07: 16
    Mr. Not a word about the provocative work of the United States in Ukraine and around the world! About clearing the territories from the population for the unhindered extraction of shale gas, so that there is no one to object to the destruction of the surrounding nature, as in our own country and in Europe - not a word! In general - "Stop the thief" the thief himself shouts first! As Americans always do!
  14. +1
    2 July 2014 07: 22
    I can’t drag Russia into the war, so everything must be done so that the Russian Federation does not help the militias.
    And do not consider Koshchei Provokatorycha a senile.
  15. +2
    2 July 2014 07: 23
    I can send an ice ax, because the animal has forgotten the lessons of history. PS There is a skein of good kapronogy twine and an old antediluvian stool in the courtyard - do not climb trees like the older brother banana
  16. +5
    2 July 2014 07: 23
    He, bastard, of course the Enemy. On our side there would be more such analysts, theorists. They are holding conferences on Russia. And here we have Putin, Lavrov and Churkin being blown away for everyone ...
    1. Stypor23
      2 July 2014 07: 31
      Yes, the analytical mindset of this disadvantage, There is no doubt. I read the memoirs of one of our retirees in which there is also a line about this freak. So the point is that PSU officers tried to bribe him, persuade him, and so on. hands, other methods are not effective in such situations.
  17. +2
    2 July 2014 07: 30
    That is why I really hope that the developing Russian middle class will understand that the mythology that Putin imposes and which is accepted by a significant part of the less educated and more chauvinistic Russians is a road to nowhere, that the real purpose of Russia is to become a powerful European country .... , such as my Motherland by blood, so that the same "powerfully" otsa.sy.y.v.et. from my Motherland in fact !!!!
  18. +1
    2 July 2014 07: 32
    Minus article.
    Brzezinski has long been hopelessly outdated.
  19. +2
    2 July 2014 07: 35
    Another, one-sided and narrow-minded "replica" of the old senile ...
    The terrible dreams of such "LGBT" people come true, the Russian Federation gets up from its knees and declares its interests and rights!
    This is just the beginning ..... soldier
  20. +8
    2 July 2014 07: 36
    Forgive me ... this go * from a piece the main propagandist of Slavic, Russian, Soviet-phobic modernity! ............... I especially like the statements about the impossibility for the Russian economy of Crimea .. ............................... As I understand it, Ukraine has a powerful economy .... here it pulls, and Russia do not pull ...................... Statements about white steamboats with a mass of foreign tourists do not cause anything but laughter ............ also about 40 million tuned against Russia .................. wait a bit ............ when these 40 million again come to Russia ask for help we for on Chala wait for an apology to Russia and its people!
  21. 3vs
    2 July 2014 07: 36
    Faster the Lord God would wipe this nits off the face of the earth!
  22. +2
    2 July 2014 07: 39
    When this bastard dries! Please note - any thesis of the article is ultimately directed against Russia! Let's start off with,
    That America itself can protect its citizens in any way and anywhere in the world. And so on for any paragraph of the article. Simply
    he’s doing Russophobia in life and can’t do anything with this rubbish, it’s drying up. God forbid, hurry up.
  23. +1
    2 July 2014 07: 40
    I’d better think of calming my worthless little soul, but he’s not at all ... The thinker of horseradish ....
  24. evilrussian
    2 July 2014 07: 43
    They are trying to make Russia evil, but they do not understand what will come of it. It’s going to blaze, one hundred will go to everyone.
  25. +3
    2 July 2014 07: 54
    Everything is as before, the enemy - he is also the enemy in Africa!
  26. +1
    2 July 2014 08: 00
    And the picture is cool, I put it on the desktop, which can not be said about Brzezinski's speech. Strange he is an old man, strange and vile. And what is older ...., in short, they simply don’t give a pension.
    1. Stypor23
      2 July 2014 08: 16
      Especially a blazing rag
  27. 0
    2 July 2014 08: 14
    Old sh.lyuha woke up !!! Spread open senile Lyashki and turned back !!! bully
  28. 0
    2 July 2014 08: 15
    No matter how mean and unprincipled this rotten stump is, it is a professional, and you must listen to it, you need to know the next steps of the enemy ...
  29. koshh
    2 July 2014 08: 22
    Quote: "Unlike other Slavs, Ukrainians have never been hostile to Russia in the past. Ukrainian hostility to Russia is a new phenomenon, and its intensity is growing every day."

    Yes, the old grunt forgot to say that this hostility of 23 years was pushed into the heads of the citizens by the very same mattress-beds for their 5 yards of bucks. And this phenomenon concerns, first of all, zapadentsev.
  30. 0
    2 July 2014 08: 25
    The old senile can not calm down in any way that the US failed to make Russia its colony. Attributes the ambitions of America to Russia. But it is necessary to read, voiced the plan of action in interstate relations.
  31. pinecone
    2 July 2014 08: 33
    I believe that we should let the Ukrainians understand that if they are ready for resistance, judging by their statements and actions (although not too effective), we will provide them ... hand anti-tank guns, hand rockets ...

    What is this?
    1. 0
      2 July 2014 08: 51
      These are things on farting pair. smile
  32. a
    2 July 2014 08: 37
    And then we turned 40 million people against ourselves ... He does not own information - who set people against Russia? Well then, his reasoning is worthless on a market day ... Or he openly lies and hangs noodles on the ears of listeners .... This also characterizes him from an interesting point of view.
    1. 0
      2 July 2014 11: 15
      40 million Ukrainian citizens opposed to Russia - this is very strongly said.
      If Brzezinski said that these 40 million. offended at Russia for being torn from a free feeding trough called "brothers-Slavs" - one could still agree.
      IMHO, either the Ukrainians will become an independent people that will not allow anyone to dictate terms to themselves, or they will tear Ukraine to pieces, buy for pennies and cheat from year to year until it falls apart completely.

      And we should think about nationalizing not only the elites, but also the petty bourgeoisie, which Brzezinski relies on and calls cosmopolitan.
  33. KC4E
    2 July 2014 08: 39
    I immediately drew attention to the photo "Russian soldiers in the USA." I felt pride and spiritual relief.
  34. +1
    2 July 2014 08: 40
    Actually, he sketched the sovereign policy of the United States and transferred it to Russia, i.e.
    dumped from a sore head to a healthy one. The trouble is that reading such "opuses" people in the West sincerely believe in this rubbish about Russia. Here, above, even one of the members of the forum was afraid for our ideological security, that, they say, it is not necessary to post such articles! How!
    My friends need it, as it should. And the doctrines of Dulles and Thatcher about the collapse and division of the Russian world must be laid out so that we do not flatter ourselves and do not forget which bastard Russia and the entire Russian people have to fight with.
  35. +7
    2 July 2014 08: 51
    Everything has been said before us ...
  36. 0
    2 July 2014 08: 58
    Only one conclusion suggests itself - the old sick senile, who is still trying to build himself a geoglobalist politician. All his achievements in life - dragged the USSR into the war in Afghanistan.
    So, according to the latest major events (Georgia, Syria, Crimea, Ukraine, now also Iraq), the USA turns out to be a regional power. Therefore, they scream and use the latest maps of pressure on their allies, in short push.
    And if in the initial economic alliance of Russia and China, in spite of territorial disagreements, you pull yourself in: India (which can be traced in the last steps), and as an additional option also Pakistan - these are not just natural resources, human resources and industry - these are actually nuclear powers . So it turns out that the NATO missile defense system is designed for such an alliance, and not for Koreans. But this is, as they say, people ask for bread and a sight. Strained with bread, and spectacles - please.

    In fact, everything is much more interesting. Information for consideration:
    1.http: //news.rambler.ru/25536031/
    Shaw !? Impoverished? To maintain the apparatus in working condition, the money is dumb ?!

    2.http: //midgard-info.ru/geopolitics/rotshildy-vyveli-dengi-iz-ssha-%e2%80%93-amer

    That's what Mr. Kissinger (who does not know - the Rothschilds right hand) has been going to Russia as a summer cottage since 1991. And for some reason, first to Peter. And it’s easy for GDP to accept it in their apartments. Something I can’t recall anymore such leaders of the countries who visited him.

    It just goes BIG GLOBAL GAME and the world is redrawn. The only question is to build a new global circulatory financial system. We are with you in this game - either pawns or simply extras (the latter is better).
    Georgia, Syria, Crimea, Ukraine, Iraq, the blue and pink revolutions and so on - a screen to distract people from the global.
  37. +1
    2 July 2014 09: 09
    Quote: papik09
    As always, in its own style, the main thing is Russia, and there - even though the grass does not grow.

    It's just that they (Ukrainians) are so white and fluffy ... wassat and we are such "evil goblins" who are trying to help them "live correctly" for some reason .. crying it is necessary how he hates us ... feel why interesting? or didn’t he like McCain’s head in Vietnam in Russia?bully
  38. Leprechaun
    2 July 2014 09: 13
    With one foot already in the grave, it’s time to think about the eternal, and he pours all his bile against RUSSIA.
  39. Leprechaun
    2 July 2014 09: 18
    That is why I really hope that the developing Russian middle class will understand that the mythology that Putin imposes and which is accepted by a significant part of the less educated and more chauvinistic Russians is a road to nowhere, that Russia's real purpose is to become a powerful European country.

    They fed us this mura in the 90s, and now you will become a European country and as a result have slipped into such a hole, we are still exhausting ourselves from their kindness. I don’t believe a single word, not a single promise got drunk by their western dermocracy above the roof.
  40. +2
    2 July 2014 09: 35
    It is impossible to read this senile delirium, "The West is ready to help Ukraine, ready to help with arms and in general is ready to help" ... WHAT? Weapons without trained people are just a pile of iron ... The motivation of these people? None ... The "impressive military successes" of the United States and the West in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Africa have left behind the same impressive political chaos and power vacuum, they will bring the same to Ukraine, no matter how much money the West bury in this a mess of 5 billion or 2 trillion ... Blah blah blah, in general, nothing constructive ...
    PS One Svidomo on social networks threatens me with American rangers, Abrams tanks, F-16 planes and Hellfire missiles, that is, Ukrainians do not even hope for themselves in this war ... I answer him that his whole worthless life is not worth the daily maintenance of one platoon ILC of the USA and no one will come to seize him ...
  41. 0
    2 July 2014 09: 39
    Another vyser old anti-Soviet. Nothing new. A statement of thoughts about how Russia should behave from the point of view of the West.
  42. 0
    2 July 2014 09: 46
    Once I read in an American magazine that (I don’t remember literally, of course, but the point is this) since the fall of the Shah of Iran, Zbigniew Bzezhinski has been perceived in the US political leadership as a "gibberish and a provocateur" ... Then there were examples, such as the embassy The United States in Tehran demanded in the last year of the Shah's reign a completely different political line, but Bzezhinsky imposed the wrong views and approaches on the leadership ... And only on the last night before the fall of the Shah, he deigned to call the American Ambassador to Tehran "to advise what to do, to prevent such an outcome .. ". The ambassador, an old diplomat, could not resist and sent him obscenely ... And when they fell silent in fright, he added: "Translate into Polish ?!" Apparently, this is how Bzezhinsky did not learn anything!)
  43. +1
    2 July 2014 09: 55
    Since in their own country, this "propagandist" is not taken seriously, it is a sin for us to pay attention!
  44. 0
    2 July 2014 09: 55
    My friend lives in the States. Sometimes we chat on Skype, but he lives there for a long time and sees the life of an American layman from the inside. So the level of awareness of the main part of society on the events in Ukraine is very superficial. The ability to analyze such processes takes time and effort. As well as education, what most U.S. citizens cannot brag about, so the article is written for internal use and is addressed to primary school students.
  45. +1
    2 July 2014 10: 19
    Just a megamind. We will reassure the Russians by declaring and guaranteeing (this is ridiculous) - Ukraine will not be in NATO, but we will change the NATO so that it will be in Ukraine without its formal membership. Like now these stupid Russians will finally sleep peacefully.
    And about the cultivation of the "middle class" stupid, nothing-not knowing, nothing-not remembering, zombie consumers (walking stomachs \ or genitals) and other kreaklov. These successes are already evident in the population of Ukraine, so you dear Russians need to calm down again or soon repose, because the ameronagloli verb - Russia is tse Evropa.
  46. 0
    2 July 2014 10: 22
    Everything with Brzezinski is upside down. The USA fostered and brought to power the fascist regime and believe that Russia will calmly look at it. We will deal with the "outskirts", and then we will deal with sprats! And for a snack, we destabilize the Balkans!
  47. 0
    2 July 2014 10: 23
    Musty Zbigniew still knows how to use the methods of "silence" (about the fascist essence of the regime in Ukraine and the inhuman bombing of the South-East) and distorting facts and concepts, "hiding behind" pseudo-democratic demagogy. But we are vigilant, we understand his vile and bitch essence of a Russophobe. What an old political lecher, eh ?!
  48. argon
    2 July 2014 10: 28
    The article is very interesting. Better than printouts of unverified events in Ukraine. And old Zbinek decided in his old age to change his rhetoric and "rise" above his own anti-Soviet and anti-Russian views. Only this is not easy and apparently. the templates in the head do not allow this. What is only: "... however, it would have been much smarter on the part of Russia to pull off what it just did, in about 10 years. By that time it would have become stronger and stronger economically ..." Goodwill is simply touching, I already had a mean man's tear rolled down my cheek. Who will give Russia these 10 years? ... Only the grave will fix the hunchback.
  49. 0
    2 July 2014 10: 32
    Put everything upside down
  50. -1
    2 July 2014 10: 34
    Well, what good could this American political prostitute write, everything is clear, the question is another big fault in all this mess and our government, what we did in 23 years only ruined the economy and industry, created corrupt financial capital, corrupt officials and politicians, PETERSKAYA the team has completely outlived and discredited itself, we are not an exciting country, even now when we see the rise of national self-awareness, we gradually began to merge power and oligarchs, there is no order in the country, Keith I’m not a democratic country in the understanding of the West, but investments go there, there is order, there is a political will of the country's leaders, and our two lawyers have been engaged in Slovene boltology like we are not 37 years old, we have worse. We could create the most advanced country, having excellent staff, science, developed industrialism, a gadar-Chubaso-Kudrino team in the tail of which our power and rule are weaving, have done and are doing everything to smear Russia, having more than 30% of the world's natural resources, we must were leaders in all areas and in the standard of living of the PEOPLE, and we are in the lead in how many millionaires we have, and how ordinary people live, the authorities don’t notice if we were transformative countries to us we made friends and filled ourselves up. Once again I’ll say the mediocrity, stupidity and greed of our ruling elites led the country to such a situation, it is necessary to radically change the internal politics first of all, our experts and normal economists have been talking about this for a long time and without success, and the authorities have not HEARED them,
    1. 0
      2 July 2014 10: 51
      I have two questions:
      1. Why are you still not in the Kremlin, since you know how to raise 1/6 of the land in an instant?
      2. How much do you pay now for something like "described" by you?
      The answers, in principle, are obvious and predictable, but still (?) ...
    2. +1
      2 July 2014 11: 12
      Uv.t.Stalnov I.P., I have a question - Where were you on the night of 19 on 20 of August 1991 of the year? Why didn’t you head the Emergency Committee and put things in order in the country?
      Quote: I.P. Stalnov.
      if we were fascinating to us, our countries would build up and fill ourselves as friends.

      Europe, and almost the whole West for attractiveness, they just don’t do: they paint lips and bearded women on the stage, and homosexuals officially marry, and those who refuse to register are put in jail. fool God forbid from such attractiveness stop
  51. +1
    2 July 2014 10: 47
    This monologue of the pendo-pshek is pure propaganda, designed for brainless zombies! He’s not the type to think like that, what the article says...
  52. Alex rain
    2 July 2014 11: 00
    Here Zbigniew, the old Rus-hater, has again crawled out from under his sweatshirt and is pushing his already boring “cart” into the ears of us and the like....
  53. +1
    2 July 2014 11: 01
    Damn, what kind of bastards these Russians are, they just don’t want to calmly watch as NATO creeps up on their borders, not wanting to die for the benefit of the Wall Street tycoons. A bad, unkosher, aggressive nation dares to hit the ears of the world hegemon...
  54. +1
    2 July 2014 11: 18
    Old man Brzezinsker has lost his mind! There is so much to write, but one thing is always read - “Russia is the aggressor!” And between the lines, it is clear that the old man strongly favors the strengthening of the Russian State on the economic, political and fronts and is also afraid of strengthening the Army. "Very scary!"
  55. +2
    2 July 2014 11: 30
    After reading the article, the attitude towards it is ambivalent: on the one hand, what to expect from an old Russophobe-senile who spent his whole life on the collapse of Russia, except for the cries of “Carthage (Russia) must be destroyed.” But we must also admit that in some periods he succeeded, even if it didn’t work out completely, but the blows were dealt quite heavy. And the consequences have not yet been overcome. The question is that his advice on geopolitics was used by different US presidents at different times , with different levels of education. Hence the results of his advice. If there were, as they say, “bison” presidents, who, in addition to Brzez’s advice, listened to the advice of others, for example Kissenger, and compiled some kind of combined concept of policy, then now the headless black rattle is completely follows the advice of the old ....ka. As a result, we have such open Russophobia. The other day I read an article by A.G. Dugin, he is also a geopolitician. Two weeks ago he shouted that it was urgent to send troops to the SE, otherwise we will lose the “Russian World”, the “Russian idea”, and when we were deprived of a chair at Moscow State University, he immediately said that the decision to send troops was premature and there was no need to rush. They say that the “Russian World” will strengthen its spirit in battles, harden itself and after that it will defeat everyone . “In the struggle you will find your right!” - the motto of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (ESR). He agreed to the point that only he and Brzezinski in the world understand the whole essence and meaning of geopolitics, and the rest went out for a walk. Complete insanity, for both of them for a long time the mental hospital is crying. They live in their own imaginary world, like playing chess, and the worst thing is that some people follow their ideas.
  56. Spare
    2 July 2014 11: 35
    “however, it would be much smarter for Russia to pull off what it just pulled off in about 10 years. By then, it would be stronger and stronger economically.”
    The fact of the matter is that no one would have given us these ten years, since the West understands the same thing and, in connection with this, urgently unleashed the events in Ukraine.
  57. +1
    2 July 2014 11: 41
    Moreover, there is another aspect that will be of great importance in the development of Ukraine: Russia, through its actions, has turned about 40 million people against itself.

    How he wants to believe in it and convince us and the rest of the world of the same!
  58. A40263S
    2 July 2014 11: 49
    I think many will support me that if suddenly there is a war with the SAS, then everyone from young to old in Russia and not only will stand up... rotten, almost just rotten from there and the stink
  59. +1
    2 July 2014 11: 50
    Why didn’t he hang himself with his umbilical cord at birth, why didn’t the Kharkov obstetrician unscrew his head? am
  60. oskotr
    2 July 2014 12: 06
    Here is Judah!
    He does not want open confrontation, he wants to continue the policies pursued before Obama. The bet is on our corrupt elite, the “cosmopolitan middle class,” on the further collapse of the Russian economy, and that within 10 years Putin will leave. In the meantime, don’t insult us, for example, don’t call Russia a regional power and Putin a fighting louse. He hopes that as a result of a compromise we will surrender Novorossiya, otherwise we will have Afghanistan at our side, Kharkov will not even spare its small homeland for this.
    There is a catch in this compromise. Will Putin give in? Will the “lake oligarchy” follow the lead of its entourage? There are great arguments in favor of a compromise between the West and Putin, and Putin does not remove them. Still doesn't do:
    liberal Westerners out of power;
    friends of the oligarchs should be removed from the trough;
    corrupt officials to prison with confiscation of stolen goods;
    recognize the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk, for the systematic supply of modern weapons, humanitarian and medical assistance.
    Additionally, regarding Crimea, in this case Brzezinski is right, without a deep restructuring of the country’s economy, nationalization of large industries, restoration of industry, high social protection (many people don’t have the money to go there on vacation, for example), it will be a stone on Russia’s neck.
  61. 0
    2 July 2014 12: 09
    =Very old= “Well, they don’t need a strong Russia.”

    They not only don’t need a strong Russia, they simply don’t need Russia at all!
    And it all began when Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich was baptized in Crimea and married the Byzantine princess Anna and baptized Rus' in Kyiv, but he did not baptize from the Pope! Since then, the state of Holy Rus' has appeared, which did not fall under the Vatican.
    The Vatican doesn’t even rule, and Rus' is like a thorn in the side of the West. Not only does it not obey in any way, but it also turns out that it owns such natural resources and the richest mineral resources!
    Every year they want more and more to remove Russia (the thorn) from their eyes!
    So it's been 1000 years.
  62. +1
    2 July 2014 12: 24
    It turns out that it was the Russians who turned the Ukrainians against themselves. It is not surprising that the article was published in the USA
  63. VitalV
    2 July 2014 12: 40
    It feels like the article is intended for our “middle class,” the fifth column, with the goal of undermining trust in Putin.
  64. +1
    2 July 2014 12: 44
    Have prices in Crimea tripled? Well, if in hryvnias, then even four, only they have already been withdrawn from circulation. International companies will experience difficulties in developing oil, but Russian companies should not have any problems. China and I are going to build a bridge, but where are the problems with recognition? Tourism requires minimal investment in terms of payback, the main place. It looks like the old snake has already spent all the poison.
  65. 0
    2 July 2014 13: 23
    Lord, when will this bastard stop? Goebbels would be proud of him.
  66. Serg7281
    2 July 2014 13: 25
    It would be better not to open his mouth, he would pass for smart. The article made me feel mildewed. Still can’t calm down that Poland once threw this “sage” into the trash heap.
  67. +1
    2 July 2014 13: 29
    When will this one die?
    Russia instigated a war in Ukraine, and the West must help with weapons to resist aggression and the seizure of the country by Russia. NATO (threatened from all sides) must urgently defend the Baltic states from Russian invasion. And the United States has a “tradition of refusing to participate in conflicts on the territory of foreign states.” Speech for the masses controlled by Fashington from the "guru". Moreover, he definitely understands everything, because... smarter than most. I return to the question “WHEN WILL HE DIE???”
  68. 0
    2 July 2014 13: 30
    And not a single word about the need for negotiations. Not a word about what the east of Ukraine needs to say and what they want, about the fact that people are dying. Just dirty American.
  69. 0
    2 July 2014 13: 30
    And not a single word about the need for negotiations. Not a word about what the east of Ukraine needs to say and what they want, about the fact that people are dying. Just dirty American.
  70. +1
    2 July 2014 14: 07
    One thing can be said about Przezinski:

    When will the devil take you! (c) A.S. Pushkin
  71. 0
    2 July 2014 16: 47
    From such care of an ardent Nazi, the world will end even where it was.
  72. 0
    2 July 2014 18: 31
    Quote: Dr.Faust.Patron
    B is, of course, an enemy, but smart and consistent.

    Thanks for the smart conclusion. I would give this article to international relations students to analyze different points of view. Of course there is a lot of rubbish, but it is necessary to know the enemy’s point of view.
  73. Roman-kzn
    2 July 2014 18: 56
    I didn't even bother to read this vomit to the end. Brzezhinski himself is a walking symptom.
  74. 0
    2 July 2014 20: 03
    An old and faithful enemy, a litmus test to test our actions.
  75. +2
    2 July 2014 21: 57
    Yes, Zbigniew is getting old, he began to talk and talk nonsense, designed either for mental retardation or for degenerates. I wonder if he himself believes what he says? As soon as Russia began to pursue [b]its policy[b] in 2000, it ceased to suit Brzezinski. Before this, while EBN and Co. were ruining the country and humiliatingly rejoicing at the “master’s” pats on the shoulder and other “approvals” - everything suited everyone in the West. And here you are - they gave you a mountain """"[b]By these stakes I mean, among other things, that the use of force in Crimea and the ongoing attempts to destabilize the situation in certain regions of Ukraine pose a serious threat to international treaties concluded after the Second World War, and in particular to the idea of ​​​​the inadmissibility of the use of power in resolving territorial disputes. This idea became the fundamental principle of the European order that emerged after the Second World War. And Russia was part of it, including thanks to the agreements that it signed. But now she is challenging them. And this is a serious threat, an urgent threat - at least in a psychological sense, but potentially, especially taking into account the events in Crimea, also in a military sense[/b]...... Only the violation of treaties concluded after the 2nd World War with changes in borders and ignoring the opinion of the world community began with the US decision to bomb Yugoslavia and their creation of the Kosovo precedent... Zbigniew is disingenuous))) But he can be respected as a real and open enemy who He doesn’t even hide his hatred of Russia. In any case, acting in the interests of [b]his country[/b], he is a more worthy person than our home-grown Navalnys, Nemtsovs and Novodvorskys with the Venediktovs, who receive money from the United States and, devouring our Russian bread, wish the death of those who are this bread baked, but in the interests of a foreign country. [/b]
  76. +1
    2 July 2014 22: 31
    Western aid to Ukraine has already turned into a national disaster: the Southeast and Crimea did not want to obey the national authorities and American agents of influence, and something terrible happened: lard rose in price almost 2 times - everything died, everything was lost... scribe
  77. 0
    3 July 2014 00: 04
    Old, smelly...
  78. +1
    3 July 2014 02: 28
    How would you feel if, say, drug gangs in the United States began to receive weapons from abroad,

    He simply tells us how our intelligence services should respond to the use of private company mercenaries and instructors in Ukraine.
  79. old hotabych
    10 July 2014 11: 04
    We must convince Russia that Ukraine will not become a NATO member.
    And then we will do what we want. To listen to the old bastard means to stop respecting yourself.
    Moreover, Crimea, even if it was slipped to us as a bait, is now in the crosshairs of the United States.
    Of course, Obamach has to take childish offense at V.V.P.. And here things don’t go any further than the seed. In any case, there will be a celebration on our street. And the Satanism of Urcopia will fade away over time.
  80. LCA
    13 July 2014 19: 29
    To understand what the background of the events in Ukraine is and why Brzezinski is mistaken, one must understand that the events taking place in the Universe are multi-level, interdependent and mutually nested in nature, i.e. see the hierarchy of mutual nesting of processes. To make it clearer, see that the largest nesting doll contains several others (each smaller). As can be seen from Brzezinski’s article, he sees the nesting of smaller nesting dolls one after another, but he is not allowed to see the largest nesting doll, into which these other nesting dolls are nested.

    To which Brzezinski could answer: great things are seen from a distance; so move away (in other words, get out of the influence of the Global Predictor) and it will be given to you to see the entire hierarchy of mutually nested processes occurring in the Universe.
    The Global Predictor (GP) controls according to the principle: divide, pit and conquer. Its strength lies precisely in the tension between the poles. In a unipolar world, where there is no tension, the Global Predictor is powerless.
    The interest of the Global Predictor as it relates to Ukraine is to smear the United States up to its ears in the blood of Ukrainians and present it in the face of humanity as an “evil empire.” And so that it is clear to everyone who controls the events on planet Earth and who is entrusted to be an instrument of the State Enterprise for the collapse of the United States and Russia (represented by Putin) was allowed to take Crimea for itself; and the task that the GP solves is to destroy the USA after the collapse of the USSR. And V.V. Putin was entrusted with this mission (hence the frequent visits to Putin by a representative of the GP (and not the Rothschilds) - G. Kissinger), as the leader not only of Russian civilization, but also a leader of global significance; and after successfully completing this mission, merge Putin himself so that another leader would already destroy Russia (as is already clear, Putin does not intend to destroy Russia) .

    Here is the news of global politics.
    The hierarchy of relationships in the global “elite”, which this very “elite” should continue to observe:
    1. "nobody";
    2. V. Putin;
    3. US Federal Reserve System (US Federal Reserve System);
    4. A. Merkel;
    5. B. Obama

    “Nobody” is conceptual power - the GP (Global Predictor, also known as “behind the scenes”), and the so-called world government is those forces (tools) that implement the plans of conceptual power into reality. Such is the global Hierarchy.
    The ascension of V. Putin to the top of the list of the most influential people in the world is also an appeal to V. Putin himself. Thus, on the one hand, the "invisible force" gives Putin carte blanche to further pursue the strategy he has begun with regard to Russia and all of humanity (there is no doubt that the scale of V. Putin's management activities is global in nature), and on the other hand indicates on the Hierarchy of relationships in the global "elite", which this very "elite" should continue to observe.

    For our contemporaries, the continuity of the strategy of I.V. Stalin and V.V. Putin, as well as the true reasons for the hysteria of the Russian and Western bourgeois liberals: they are not afraid of the fact itself in the perspective of the 12-year stay of V.V. Putin is at the helm of Russian civilization, and the threat of turning the “manager they hired” into an autocrat that expresses the interests of the development of Russian civilization, as a result of which the ship Russia will change the course prescribed by Western navigators to its own ...

    And the merit of Russia (Russian civilization) lies in the fact that for the first time in the world we proposed the management of globalization according to moral arbitrariness, and according to God - BER (concepts of public safety).
    On the site www.vodaspb.ru information about BER (Public Safety Concepts).
  81. LCA
    13 July 2014 19: 34
    On the site www.vodaspb.ru information about BER (Public Safety Concepts).
    This is an alternative - comprehensive sociological doctrine of a global level of significance to the biblical project and the crowd - "elitism" in its other modifications, developed by a public initiative calling itself the USSR VP (USSR Internal Predictor).
    Or in other words - the Big Idea that everyone is talking about, talking about ... and doing nothing. But it has already been developed and is being distributed. But the media ignore her. In short, what is the Idea: it's time to become human.

    More about this, and not only on the website www.vodaspb.ru
    20.11.2013/XNUMX/XNUMX President V.V. Putin approved the BER (Public Security Concept) in the Russian Federation.
    The preparation and holding of the parliamentary hearings of the BER in the Duma was still November 28.11.1995, XNUMX, and only now the President approved it, although it can be more likely to be called only as it was announced (to be filled with content).
    And we will contribute to the common cause if we study COB and talk about it to others.
    The meaning of BER is the transformation of the culture of mankind through the acquisition by all of the human structure of the psyche.
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