Border troops of the NKVD of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Great War

Our directors make quite a lot of films, both documentary and documentary, about “War”, but unfortunately almost all of them are infected with various “black myths”. And there is still little film material that would have an educational effect on young people, about the immortal feat of our border troops on the terrible day of June 22 1941. In Soviet times, and then they shot a wonderful multiseries film “The State Border” (1980-1988 years). But time passes and few of today's young people watch Soviet masterpieces, it’s time to make new films about the exploits of our border guards, because there is a lot of material. It’s one thing if the border guards showed themselves badly in the first days of the war, then yes it would have been possible to keep silent about it, but after all, on the contrary, they fought heroically, for hours, for days, although the enemy rejected them for no more than half an hour in their plans. As a result, the feat of the Border Troops of the NKVD of the USSR, which by their actions marked the beginning of the disruption of the Reich's blitzkrieg plan, was still not fully appreciated and realized in Russia.

What kind of troops were these?

In June 1941, the Border Troops of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR were under the general command of L.P. Beria. They consisted of 18 border districts, which included 94 border detachments, 8 separate detachments of border ships, 23 separate border commandant's offices, 10 separate aviation squadrons and 2 cavalry regiments. Their total number was 168135 people, the naval units of the Border Troops had 11 patrol ships, 223 patrol boats and 180 raid and support boats (414 combat units in total), the aviation of the Border Troops had 129 aircraft.

On the eve of the war, taking general measures to repel a possible aggression, the USSR leadership increased the density of protection of the western part of the state border: from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. This area was then guarded by 8-th border districts, which included 49 border patrols, 7 border guard detachments, 10 separate border commandants, and 3 separate air squadrons. Their total number was 87459 people, of which 80% of the personnel were directly on the state border, on the Soviet-German border - 40963 people. From the 1747 border posts guarding the state border of the Soviet Union, 715 outposts were on the western border of the country.

Organizationally, each border detachment consisted of 4 border commandant's offices, each had 4 line gates and 1-on reserve gates, a maneuverable group (border-group reserve of 4-x gates, total number of 200 - 250 border guards), junior high command - XNX man , headquarters, intelligence department, political agency and rear. All in all, the squad had up 100 bayonets. Each frontier detachment guarded the land portion of the border with a length of up to 2000 kilometers, on the coast - up to 180 km.

Border outposts were part of border commandant's offices - border guards on 4. The border commandant's office, as part of the border detachment, provided protection for the border in the area up to 50 km and was engaged in the direct management of the border guards. The commandant of the border commandant's office was a combat reserve - a backup outpost of 42 frontier guards, in its arsenal there were 2 machine guns, 4 light machine guns, 34 rifles. Reserve outpost had increased ammunition, trucks or 2 - 3 parokonnyh carts.

The staff strength of the border posts in June 1941 was from 42 to 64 person, depending on the specific conditions of the territory and other conditions of the situation. The composition of the outpost in the 42 border guard: the head of the frontier post and his deputy, foreman and 4 squad leader, the rest of the ordinary border guards. It was armed with: 1-n Max machine gun, 3-ri of Degtyarev light machine gun and 37-m five-shot rifles of the model 1891 / 30 of the year; the ammunition of the frontier guard consisted of: 7,62 mm caliber cartridges - 200 pieces per rifle and 1600 cartridges per Degtyaryov light machine gun, 2400 pieces per heavy machine gun, RGD hand grenades - 4 units per each fighter and 10 anti-tank grenades per Nahr-gangs for each fighter and a gland of a number of gimballers in the form of a grief of the giants.

The composition of the border guard post numbering 64 border guard: the head of the outpost and two deputies, 1-n and foreman 7 branch commanders. The armament of the outpost: 2-va Maxim machine gun, 4-re light machine gun Degtyarev and 56 rifles. Accordingly, the amount of ammunition was greater than in the outpost with 42 fighters. At the direction of the head of the frontier detachment at the frontier posts, where the most threatened situation developed, the quantity of ammunition was increased by one and a half, but subsequent developments showed that this ammunition was only enough for 1 - 2 of the defense day. The telephone was the technical means of communication of the border post. The vehicle outposts were 2-ve paroknyh carts.

In April, 1941 of the border districts on the western frontier of the Soviet Union began to receive company mortars and submachine guns: 50 mm mortar units arrived - 357 units, 3517 units of Degtyarev submachine guns and 18 first anti-tank guns.

Each frontier guard round the clock guarded the permanent section of the state border with a length of 6 - 8 km, depending on the specific conditions of the situation, area. As a result, it is clear that the composition and armament of the frontier guard allowed it to successfully fight single border intruders, sabotage and reconnaissance groups and small enemy units (from the squadron to the 2-x infantry company platoons). Nevertheless, the frontier troops were able to adequately confront the Wehrmacht troops, much larger than they were in numbers and armaments, adding one more heroic page to history our homeland.

It should also be noted that the border troops were brought to full alert 21 June. They were distinguished by high combat effectiveness due to their service - danger could be threatened every day, in fact they were an elite part of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Watch the Soviet border guards. Last Peace Days, June 1941

The outbreak of war

The first to discover the enemy and join the battle were the border guards who were in the service. Using pre-prepared firing positions, as well as natural shelters, the outfits entered the battle with the enemy and thereby gave a signal of danger to the outposts. Many of the soldiers died in the first battle, and the survivors moved to the fortifications of the outposts and joined in the defensive operations. In the strip where the main Wehrmacht strike groups were advancing, their advanced enemy units were mainly tank and motorized units, which due to their complete superiority in numbers and weapons, could overcome the resistance of outposts relatively quickly - 1-2 hours. In addition, usually the main units did not stop, but moved on, the outpost, if it was not possible to take it down immediately, was blocked by small forces, then they suppressed the resistance with fire, and finished off the survivors. Sometimes it was necessary to finish off the last fighters who sat in the basements, with the help of sappers, undermining landmines.

The outposts, which were not at the point of the main attack, lasted longer, beating off enemy infantry with machine guns and rifles, sustaining shelling and airstrikes. The reserves of commandant's offices and border guard detachments, in fights almost without participating, they usually fought already in the ranks of the Red Army units, participated in the destruction of enemy landings, sabotage and reconnaissance detachments of the enemy, or died in a fight with them. Some were defeated during the movement to the outposts, bumping into the advancing Wehrmacht columns. But one should not think that all the frontier guards were killed in fierce battles, some outposts received orders to withdraw, frontier guards along with units of the Red Army, continued to fight and participated in the victory over the enemy, in restoring the borders of the USSR.

Among the irretrievable losses of border guards in the battles in June 1941, more than 90% were in the category of so-called. “Missing”. Their death was not in vain, it was justified by the fact that, by dying with whole outposts, they won time to reach the defensive positions of the Red Army border guard units, and the cover troops, in turn, ensured the deployment of the main forces and armies for their further actions. Already at the beginning of the war, the “blitzkrieg” “stumbled” about the Border Troops of the NKVD of the USSR.

Examples of fights of frontier guards

- The 12 frontier detachment of the NKVD troops, at the beginning of the war, consisted of 1190 manpower, and defended the border on the Baltic coast from Cape Kolka to Palanga. On 6.25 in the morning of June 22, the 25-I frontier post was attacked by the advanced units of the Wehrmacht 291 Infantry Division. The frontier posts were withdrawn from their positions to Rutsavu, where the headquarters of the 5 commandant's office and the 5-i reserve outpost were located. In Rutsava, platoons and companies were formed. By 13.30 22 June, the consolidated frontier unit took up defensive positions in the Rutsava area. In 15.30, an enemy division reconnaissance of 14 motorcyclists appeared in front of the border guard defense area, they were let into location and destroyed. In 16.20, the enemy's 2 reconnaissance group, which already included 30 motorcyclists, appeared; it was also destroyed. In 17.30, an enemy convoy with a force up to the 1 Infantry Battalion approached the border guard area. The border guards also managed to take it by surprise - under the fire of the border guards, the enemy did not even turn around in order of battle and immediately ran. From the rear hit the reserve platoon of border guards, ended up in a fierce battle, which escalated into a melee, the enemy forces were destroyed. The losses of the Germans were more than 250 people, it was captured - 45 motorcycles, 6 machine guns and 12 light machine guns, many more weapons. In 20.30 the Wehrmacht took into account the mistakes and threw an infantry battalion into battle, reinforced by a company of armored personnel carriers and the defense of the border guards, was broken, they retreated to the area of ​​the railway station Pape, and then, after 2's battle hours, to the area of ​​the town of Nitsa. In 14.30 23 June, the remnants of the detachment were again attacked and surrounded in the area of ​​Bernashi, where everyone laid down in the last battle.

The other, most of the squad, including its headquarters, was surrounded, along with part of the 67 th infantry division, in Libau. On June 10, the border guards, along with the 25 rifle regiment, tried to break out of the encirclement, but failed. As a result, only 114 frontier guards could break through from the Libavsk entourage.

- 22 June 1941 of the year, after artillery attacks, the enemy tried to organize numerous crossings from the territory of Romania across border rivers, in order to capture bridges and bridgeheads, to develop further offensive. But the enemy everywhere was met by well-organized fire by border guards. The frontier guards everywhere were supported by artillery fire and the help of the personnel of companies and battalions of the Red Army cover forces. The advancing advance units of the German, Romanian and Hungarian troops suffered heavy casualties and they retreated to their original positions. The main battles took place near the railway and highway bridges across the Prut River, as a result, in order to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy, they were destroyed.

An interesting feature of the situation on this section of the front of the outbreak of World War II was the conduct of not only defensive but also successful offensive operations of the Soviet troops with the landing of assault forces on the territory of Romania. The 23-25 of June, the fighters-border guards of the Izmail detachment, along with a detachment of border ships that guarded the state border of the Soviet Union along the Danube River, carried out successful landings on Romanian territory. They were supported by units of the 51 Infantry Division. After the first successful actions, the Military Council and the Commander of the 9 Army Cherevichenko decided to carry out a large landing operation with the seizure of the Romanian city of Kiliya Vek. There were located artillery batteries, which interfered with the actions of the Soviet ships on the Danube. The command of the landing force was headed by a sailor-border guard, Captain-Lieutenant Kubyshkin I. K.

On the night of 26 on June 1941, border ships of the Black Sea detachment landed troops from border guard units, along with units of the 23 rifle regiment 51 rifle division, they attacked the positions of the Romanian army. Romanians fiercely resisted, but by 10 o'clock in the morning the paratroopers captured the bridgehead to the width of 4 km and depth to 3 km, defeating the Romanian infantry battalion, the frontier post and eliminating the artillery division. During June 27, the enemy almost continuously attacked our landing force, but the Soviet soldiers, supported by the artillery of the border ships, successfully repelled these attacks. This allowed the command to withdraw the Soviet military, transport and passenger ships and vessels located on the Danube from under enemy fire, the possibility of being captured by the enemy was excluded. On the night of June 28 by order of the army command, the Soviet landing force was successfully returned to its shore.

25 June 1941 was issued a special decree of the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) of the Soviet Union, according to which the NKVD troops were given the task of guarding the rear of the active army. 2 July 1941, all border units, units that were under the operational control of the combined arms command throughout the Soviet-German front, switched to the implementation of new combat missions. Having joined the ranks of the Red Army, along with it, the border guards carried the brunt of the fight against the German invaders, their main tasks were: fighting enemy intelligence agents, guarding the rear of fronts and saboteurs, destroying broken groups, remnants of surrounded enemy groups. The border guards everywhere showed heroism, ingenuity, resilience, courage and selfless devotion to their Soviet homeland. Honor and praise them!

The photo is sitting to the left of the machine gun "Maxim" in the list Ivan A. Kichigin. Passed the whole war.

Sources ofй_пограничный_отряд_войск_НКВД
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  1. fenix57
    22 June 2013 07: 39
    The FSB border service performs the same functions as the NKVD Border Guards, namely:
    -provision of rules for maintaining the state border;
    suppression of illegal alteration of the state border on the ground;
    -reflection of armed invasion;
    -controlling the observance by citizens and organizations of the state border regime, border zone, admission through the state border
    -realization of the passage through the border of individuals and goods in accordance with the law;
    -provision, if necessary, of support to the customs service, air defense forces, state security bodies;
    - identification and detention of border violators, suppression of attempts to illegally cross the state border;
    - ensuring the fulfillment of international obligations of the state on the regime and border protection. soldier
    1. +37
      22 June 2013 09: 47
      I remember in the series "State Border" there were words that out of hundreds of outposts, NOT ONE did not leave without an order. These words struck me so much in childhood that by the 11th grade there was no question who to be ... Where are these films now?
      1. -4
        22 June 2013 10: 06
        Now watch Our Mothers, Our Fathers (Germany, 2013).
        1. +9
          22 June 2013 10: 08
          Quote: Den 11
          Now look

          Well, it’s rather YOUR topic

          we don’t have guan and don’t have anything for money.
          1. +7
            22 June 2013 10: 15
            Duc, I brought this to this. This is such a sad irony.
        2. 0
          23 June 2013 09: 57
          30 minutes looked. Rare cranberries. If the Germans felt better from such films ...
      2. Dovmont
        22 June 2013 10: 13
        On the Zvezda TV channel.
      3. +14
        22 June 2013 10: 20
        Quote: Mitek
        I remember in the series "State Border"

        there in the series about the beginning of wars the ending was strong.
        where the border guard dies at the border post.

        always roared (he was a kid) in these minutes,
        and now (when viewing) in the eyes nibbles.
      4. mansur
        22 June 2013 13: 34
        Glory to the Heroes of the border guards !!!
      5. redwar6
        22 June 2013 22: 27
        And the funniest and saddest thing I'm watching Soviet movies, and I understand who I want to be :(
        1. mansur
          22 June 2013 22: 43
          Quote: redwar6
          And the funny and sad thing is, I watch Soviet films, and I understand who I want to be :(

          Believe me, dear sad, but not funny, you are not alone in this misunderstanding
        2. +2
          23 June 2013 21: 27
          , I watch Soviet films, and I understand who I want to be :(

          And in what country, in what society.
          1. redwar6
            24 June 2013 00: 04
            In his country, among his people, it’s not paradoxical.
        3. +1
          24 June 2013 00: 08
          Quote: redwar6
          I watch Soviet films, and I understand who I want to be

          Rather than by whom, but by what!
  2. lars
    22 June 2013 08: 04
    Be sure to remember this and teach children !!!
    A low bow to the border guards !!! soldier
    1. Gari
      22 June 2013 12: 04
      Since childhood, I listened to the stories of the border guard’s grandfather, served since 1937, the Akhaltsikhe frontier detachment, on the border with Turkey, told how the outfits left, with the dog and were trained at the level, and equipped - these were troops, and they guarded the border, and not Turks, and then it was near Stalingrad.
      Eternal memory to the border guards! Eternal to all those who died in this Great War!
      Thanks to the grandfathers!
  3. +7
    22 June 2013 08: 41
    To the author plus. Interesting to read.
    Be sure to tell the children in schools about the heroism of their grandfathers.
    I'll tell my.
  4. Captain Vrungel
    22 June 2013 09: 02
    A large contingent of border guards performed tasks in the DRA. Their DShMG, MMG, ORDG, border aviation (by the way, only they had heavy Mi-26 transport helicopters), naval units of border troops on the Amu Darya up to armored boats provided security and cover for SA units, carried out reconnaissance sabotage missions to identify and destroy bandit formations, were rapid reaction forces and "caravan hunters". Provided the exit of the SA from the territory of the DRA. General Gromov was right when he said on the bridge that there was not a single soldier of the Soviet army left behind him. There remained the Soviet border guards of the PV of the KGB of the USSR. For the entire period, the border guards did not have defectors and not a single border guard was captured. Glory to the border guards who took the first blow with dignity. Having survived on Damanskoye, passed the DRA and other hot spots in Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Not dry and now difficult, dangerous service in the front line, marked by border signs. Honor and Glory to Russia.
    1. +9
      22 June 2013 11: 09
      There is a figure - 518 dead border guards during the execution of tasks in the DRA, for 10 years. Glory to the Heroes and Eternal Memory.
      1. Captain Vrungel
        22 June 2013 13: 00
        12.500 were injured. 93% returned to duty.
        Not a single border guard was buried in a foreign land.
        This is a WAR with a capital letter.
        Without big words
        No extra phrases.
        Without ostentatious freaks,
        This will be given out, Athas,
        Better than any special forces.
        In Belarus, in the guard of honor, as well as in the guard-border guards, Lukashenko himself is a former border guard.
        We, surrounded by Yanukovych, only VeVeshniki protect him. Who is used to what.
    2. +5
      22 June 2013 22: 37
      There is a good song about border troops.
  5. +26
    22 June 2013 09: 42
    132nd separate battalion of convoy troops of the NKVD of the USSR on the walls of the barracks of this battalion in the Brest Fortress there is an inscription "I die, but I do not surrender! Farewell to the Motherland. 20.VII.41
    1. -18
      22 June 2013 11: 09
      Quote: Narkom
      132nd separate battalion of convoy troops of the NKVD of the USSR on the walls of the barracks of this battalion in the Brest Fortress there is an inscription "I die, but I do not surrender! Farewell to the Motherland. 20.VII.41

      Just ask, what makes the NKVD convoy border? Who should accompany? Just don’t tell me that they are border guards. Escort units understand the unit for escorting prisoners.
      1. +10
        22 June 2013 16: 20
        The 132nd separate battalion of the NKVD convoy troops was created on the basis of the Decree of the Defense Committee under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1867-494ss dated 13.11.1939/14.11.1939/001389 and issued on 14/26/1939 by the NKVD of the USSR in its execution of the order No. 1940 "On the organization and reorganization of the units of the convoy troops." The bn was formed in the period from XNUMX to XNUMX November XNUMX. In April XNUMX he was relocated to the Brest Fortress.
        The battalion consisted of a headquarters, a communications platoon, three rifle companies, a machine-gun and auto-platoon platoons, an ammunition department, a service dog team, a club, and a medical unit. The 1st rifle company guarded prisons No. 24, 25, 29 in the cities. Kobrin, Pruzhany, Pinsk, 2nd company - Prison No. 23 in Brest (the 1st building in the city and the 2nd building in the BC itself - the so-called Brigid in the western part of the Kobrin fortification), the 3rd company performed the tasks on the echelon, city, planned, etc. convoy of prisoners and Polish prisoners of war. B-n was located in the ring barracks, to the left of the Terespol Gate (if you look from the Citadel) up to parts of 84 sp.
        As of January 1, 1941, the battalion had 631 men, but by March its composition had decreased by almost 60 soldiers, and some posts had been reduced. On June 22, 1941, according to the research of the Moscow historian of the special services S. L. Chekunov, the battalion had a payroll of 563 people. 168 of them were in convoy convoys, 8 people were in a planned convoy along the route Brest - Moscow - Brest, about 150 soldiers guarded prisons on the periphery, 36 people were guarded in Brest and the fortress, and 10 more were on temporary leave (leave, fees and etc.). If we take into account that the command staff and some of the conscripts lived in the city, then on the last pre-war night in the Brest Fortress there were no more than 120-130 soldiers of the battalion.
        A third of the soldiers of 132 battalions were natives and draftees from the Stalingrad region, most of the rest were from the then Ivanovo industrial district. Now its territory is part of the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. It was a special set, only the Slavs from the middle zone of Russia and the Volga region were called upon.
        In the very first days of the war on the basis of 132 obkv was formed, according to the mobplan, the 251 NKVD escort regiment, and on July 10.07.1941, XNUMX, the battalion was excluded from the official list of units that are part of the active army as "completely killed in action."
        1. 0
          22 June 2013 22: 51
          That's right, different parts are needed, different parts are important. The main thing is who as a country defends.
        2. -1
          23 June 2013 14: 17
          Thanks for the reply.
      2. +8
        22 June 2013 20: 34
        Quote: stoqn477

        Just ask, what makes the NKVD convoy border? Who should accompany? Just don’t tell me that they are border guards. Escort units understand the unit for escorting prisoners.
        By the way, I do not recommend asking the indigenous Stalingraders in that tone about the 10 NKVD divisions.
      3. Felix200970
        23 June 2013 01: 27
        Quote: stoqn477
        Just ask, what makes the NKVD convoy border? Who should accompany? Just don’t tell me that they are border guards. Escort units understand the unit for escorting prisoners.

        Do not try to understand the logic. With the same success, it is possible to come to mysterious conclusions about what the marine division is doing in the forests of Belarus. And she was there!
  6. +4
    22 June 2013 09: 43
    Glory to the Border Troops!
  7. +6
    22 June 2013 09: 45
    Among the irretrievable losses of border guards in battles in June 1941, more than 90% were the so-called. "Missing."

    Unparalleled courage, steadfastness and fidelity to duty were shown by our border guards to the treacherously attacking enemy!
    Glory and eternal memory to those who met the enemy with fire and bayonet!
  8. +13
    22 June 2013 09: 52
    The real elite are frontiers and troops of Uncle Vasya. Historically, the best troops were called the elite, but not the rich and noble groups of people.

    And Moscow and parochial, called by this word, it is, parasites.
    1. Kortik
      23 June 2013 12: 21
      I would include more sailors and marines in this list.
      1. Tykta
        28 June 2013 20: 56
        forgive me, you understand that both of you, you personally, and the one to whom you made amends - dalbaeby? you are revising history - when, by allocating separate branches of the armed forces into the so-called "ilita", you eliminate the heroism of all the people in the rear, all the branches of the armed forces who brought this victory. Pilots, tankers, cavalry, infantry, navy, artillery - in every branch of the army there were heroes, from Alexander Matrosov and Nikolai Gastello to Shukhinevich and an unnamed soldier. Any heroes who gave their lives in the fight against the enemy and who brought this victory closer with their sweat and blood, tears and pain, become an elite.
        1. Kortik
          28 June 2013 22: 42
          Dear, watch your words! Under the elite, it’s understood that someone is a more heroic person and because of their belonging to a certain type of army, but skills, the best combat, physical, special and other training. I think there is no doubt that some types of troops, units and subunits were trained much better than others. No wonder the differences were introduced in the form of the name of the parts
          guards. Signs of special distinction are needed as an incentive to become even better, as a warrior, soldier and commander, and not in order to encourage some, but to humiliate others. And a professional commando and an infantry recruit of the same will be heroes if they give their lives for their homeland. They are both heroes. But the elite, by virtue of better preparation, will inflict much greater damage to the enemy. That's all.
          1. Kortik
            28 June 2013 22: 49
            And further. You didn’t wonder why the service life in the Navy is longer than in the army, and why are the requirements for selection in certain branches of the state due to health, physically and intellect much higher than in others? Think at your leisure, think about the meaning that people you call so simply call in their statements, and then swear.
          2. Tykta
            29 June 2013 08: 52
            what to say? Strategic Rocket Forces will do the most damage ... that's all ... farm on the brain
  9. fenix57
    22 June 2013 10: 00
    Quote: Mitek
    . Where are these movies now?

    "I am a Russian soldier", "My border", "Zastava" ... - there are films, but after all "who orders the music, he dances it" ... Probably it is more profitable to drive various shows than to show films about border guards. soldier
    1. Gari
      22 June 2013 12: 07
      ,, state border ,,
      ,, Brest Fortress ,, here are my favorite films
      1. 0
        23 June 2013 17: 54
        ... maybe the Immortal Garrison?
    2. +4
      22 June 2013 19: 51
      I've seen such a story on TV for a long time. The representatives of the search teams asked for money from which businessman for the expedition (it seems that there was a case in Moscow, about 2005). So he said something like the following: "Well, what can I do with your bones? I'm going to hold a beauty contest. And here I am ... (I said for a long time what he will get there)." Like this.
  10. +12
    22 June 2013 10: 06
    the whole problem is that the border troops were subordinate to Beria. When Khrushchev came to power, they tried in every possible way to keep silent and sometimes denigrate the feat of ordinary Soviet border guards. THANK THEM AND ETERNAL MEMORY. Thank you to the author.
  11. +11
    22 June 2013 10: 13
    The article is good, but there is one clarification. Since 1940, self-loading SVT rifles began to enter service of outposts and by the beginning of the war there were a sufficient number of them. The Germans first encountered the massive use of new weapons and were shocked by this. It was after receiving the trophies that the German designers created the self-loading rifles G-41/43, which were worse than the original.
    1. 0
      22 June 2013 10: 19
      I would say more "capricious"
      1. +5
        22 June 2013 11: 11
        No, more demanding care.
      2. +5
        22 June 2013 16: 23
        SVT is simply the personification of the saying "weapons love caress, cleaning and lubrication" Also, the border guards were armed with PPD submachine guns of various modifications. But she also demanded knowledge.
        1. +6
          22 June 2013 20: 13
          Quote: Narkom
          SVT is simply the embodiment of the saying "weapons love caress, cleaning and lubrication"

          pulls a hand from the back of the desk

          "Glory" about the capriciousness of SVT was born in the infantry, indeed if you retreat for days like in 1942, or break out of the encirclement through forests and swamps, as in 1941, not before service + in the infantry, no one looked at the level of education, but behind a complex automatic mechanism it is necessary to take care of it like a woman - carefully and carefully, and clean it more often, after all, SVT does not have such a backlash as Mosinka, with its simplest and extremely reliable locking system.

          So it turned out that the infantry on the SVT said: - they say moody. But the Marines and, oddly enough, the Germans - the prices did not know SVT!

          Quote: erased
          It was after receiving the trophies that the German designers created the self-loading rifles G-41/43, which were worse than the original.

          I agree that it was released that about 6 thousand pieces of G 41 (W) of which 1,5 thousand troops returned with complaints and complaints about their low reliability, high weight and sensitivity to pollution. Elimination of shortcomings, processing and modernization of the rifle G 41 (W) dragged on for 2 years. As a result, in the year 43, G 43 replaced her. But this did not help the Germans.

        2. +3
          22 June 2013 22: 48
          My grandfather began the war in the 75th NKVD regiment for the protection of railway communications. He also had SVT-40 as his personal weapon. According to him, he really liked his favorite weapon.
          1. +6
            23 June 2013 00: 08
            cobalt hi

            my grandfather, the paratrooper, also fought in 1941 with the SVT-40, spoke warmly about this rifle, twice leaving the encirclement, carried it out without cartridges, acting for the first time - Mauser 98k, in the second - MP 40, taken from a non-commissioned officer . Since 1942, he fought with PPSh-41, his grandfather spoke ambiguously about him, saying that he was a very good and reliable machine, but not for reconnaissance. Since mid-1943, he fought with PPS-43, and he said that the MP wasn’t lying around. hi
  12. +36
    22 June 2013 10: 14
    Examples of fights of frontier guards

    The world's only hand-to-hand fight of people and dogs against fascists.

    The battalion near the village of Legedzino, covering the withdrawal of the headquarters of the command of the Uman army grouping, accepted its last battle on July 30 ... The forces were too unequal: against the fifty thousand border guards there was a regiment of fascists. And at a critical moment, when the Germans launched another attack, Major Lopatin gave the order to send hand-to-hand combat with fascists border guards and service dogs. This was the last reserve.

    The sight was terrible: 150 (various data - from 115 to 150 border dogs, including those from the Lviv frontier school of official dog breeding) trained, half-starved shepherds, against the Nazis pouring them with machine-gun fire. Shepherds dug into the throats of the Nazis, even in dying convulsions. The enemy, literally bitten and chopped with bayonets, retreated, but tanks came to the rescue. Bite German infantry, with lacerations, with screams of horror, jumped on the armor of tanks and shot the poor dogs. In this battle, all 500 border guards were killed, not one of them surrendered. And the surviving dogs, according to eyewitnesses - residents of the village of Legedzino, remained faithful to their guides to the end. Each of those who survived in that meat grinder lay down near her master and didn’t let anyone near him. German animals shot every shepherd, and those who weren’t shot by the Germans refused food and died of starvation on the field ... Even rural dogs got it - the Germans shot large dogs of the villagers, even those who were on a leash. Only one shepherd was able to crawl to the hut and fell at the door.

    taken: http: //

    Eternal memory to those who died for their homeland!

    well, let some who wish to watch "their mothers and fathers" and "tired of conscience"
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      22 June 2013 10: 23
      Come on, I’m just for honesty and objectivity. Not everyone may like the truth, I understand.
      1. +6
        22 June 2013 10: 37
        Quote: Den 11
        .Not everyone may like the truth, I understand.

        bombing of cities, millions of tortured in concentration camps, millions of deaths from starvation and deprivation, hundreds of thousands shot by Einsatzkommans.
        inhuman treatment of prisoners of war and civilians.
        turning the population of the occupied lands into slaves (Ost plan)
        the destruction of entire nations on racial grounds.

        indeed such a truth is not to everyone's taste.

        and you can roll up your own in a tube, and cram it at any place at your discretion.


        but true.
        1. -2
          22 June 2013 10: 39
          Well, we’ve talked! A very informative conversation came out
    3. +2
      22 June 2013 12: 41
      These were People ... Impressed.
      1. Indigo
        22 June 2013 13: 47
        And they were SOLDIERS !!!
        And our duty is to convey to our children the memory of their feat!
        THIS IS OUR HISTORY and doesn’t gr ... t squeal patlaty degenerates.
    4. +3
      22 June 2013 19: 50
      One of the outposts, which did not receive an order to withdraw, was the 13th frontier post of the 4th commandant’s office of the Vladimir-Volyn border detachment, which was commanded by Lieutenant Alexei Lopatin, deployed near the village of Skomorokhi near Sokal, Lviv Region. 59 border guards and three commanders: the lieutenant himself, deputy lieutenant Grigory Pogorelov and the deputy political director Pavel Glasov. At all - two “Maxims”, half a dozen “Degters”, several more recently received PDAs and the good old three-rulers. plus a fair supply of ammo and grenades.

      The border guards were lucky: the outpost building, the old Polish farm, was solid, brick, with meter-thick walls. Women and children were immediately gathered there, and the wounded were put there.

      First of all, it was necessary to block the bridge over the Bug: firstly, the Germans had to make the crossing difficult, and secondly, the bridge was needed to decisively defeat the enemy on its territory with units of the 124th Infantry Division. Well, that was planned ...

      The bridge was saddled by 15 border guards led by the deputy chief of the outpost, Lieutenant Pogorelov. By the evening of the first day one returned to the outpost: the wounded border guard Davydov. He crawled for help, but he witnessed the last battle of the defenders of the bridge: having failed to cross the bridge, the Nazis crossed upstream and downstream, surrounded Pogorelov’s group, and after several grenade explosions the shooting stopped.

      Around the same time, the border guard Perepechkin, who was sent to the detachment headquarters for reinforcements (or orders), returned to the outpost. It was not possible to break through to their own on any road; Germans tightly surrounded the outpost and sought east.

      The squad headquarters was also unable to contact the 13th outpost; the remnants of the surviving personnel (by 18:00 out of every five border guards of the station there was only one available), the commandant of the station, Captain Bershadsky, led to Gorokhov on the night of June 23, and they joined the 124th division.
      1. +7
        22 June 2013 19: 52
        At the 13th outpost, of course, they could not imagine the whole complexity of the situation. They thought that airplanes would fly for women, children and the wounded - and marked a landing strip in the nearest meadow. But there was no help. As there were no orders that would abolish the obligation to guard and defend the border. And they defended.

        After the second day of the war, almost nothing remained of the fortifications of the outposts; German guns and mortars plowed everything. Border guards went to the outpost building. At first two-story, it gradually became one-story. Then the first floor became too “full of holes”, and the defenders of the outposts went down to the basement, breaking through the loopholes around it.

        On June 24, the Germans began mass bombing of Minsk. On June 26, Finland declared war on the Soviet Union, the Germans seized bridges across the Western Dvina and aimed at Pskov. On June 27, Hungary entered the war. June 28 at the Belorussky Train Station in Moscow for the first time performed the "Holy War". On June 29, the Germans surrounded the troops defending Minsk and began military operations in the Arctic.

        At Lopatin’s outpost, they didn’t know anything. They simply did their duty. By the end of the first week of the war, it became obvious: women and children, and, preferably, the wounded from the outpost should be withdrawn. In the dead of night, border guards, led by their boss, left the outpost. They walked about a kilometer, were convinced of the safety of the future path, and said goodbye: the children and wives of the deceased Glasov and Pogorelov, the grandmother and wife of Lopatin Anfisa with two sons, the youngest of whom was only three months old, and several wounded soldiers continued the way.

        And those who were able to hold weapons led by Lieutenant Lopatin returned to the outpost. On June 30, the Germans entered Lviv, on July 1, a powerful Romanian joint offensive began with the Germans in the south - and the red flag still hung over the 13th outpost, and the ten remaining border guards continued an unequal battle.

        On 2 of July, the Germans apparently used the services of sappers and blew up the remains of the outpost building, burying the defenders under the wreckage. However, there is a version that they pulled up heavy artillery and made the last furious shelling.

        And on July 13, miraculously, the surviving, wounded and shell-shocked border guards Ivan Kotov and Yefim Galchenkov got out of the ruins. The last days of the defense of the 2th outpost are known thanks to them, and the residents of Skomorokh, who saw the red flag above the outpost before July XNUMX.

        December 18, 1957, Alexei Vasilyevich Lopatin was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
        1. +2
          22 June 2013 19: 54
          Quote: Karlsonn
          On 2 of July, the Germans apparently used the services of sappers and blew up the remains of the outpost building, burying the defenders under the wreckage. However, there is a version that they pulled up heavy artillery and made the last furious shelling.
          The first is more likely to correspond to German tactics ...
          Eternal memory to HEROES !!!
        2. +1
          23 June 2013 00: 32
          Thank you for stopping writing, isn’t the ready-made script for the movie film patriotic and inappropriately inventing anything
          1. +2
            23 June 2013 00: 45
            mark7 hi

            I intend to release a series of articles about the NKVD troops and their contribution to the Victory.

            Quote: mark7
            Thank you for stopping writing, isn’t the ready-made script for the movie film patriotic and inappropriately inventing anything

            I already made one release, it describes the feat of 175 cadets of the NKVD school, who held units of the 8th German tank division SIX DAYS! Nor having anti-tank weapons, except grenades and Molotov cocktails.

            I'm preparing a second article, feel about the legendary regiment of the NKVD.
        3. 0
          23 June 2013 22: 01
          There was a book about this outpost in Soviet times, unfortunately I don't remember the name, maybe even "Outpost on Fire". And I remember something that the Germans burned out there with flamethrowers and termite, they say the bricks were melting.
    5. +1
      22 June 2013 19: 55
      Yes-ah-ah ... I read a lot of things, but didn’t even hear about it ... Thanks Alexander!
      1. +5
        22 June 2013 21: 51
        Quote: retired
        Yes-ah-ah ... I read a lot of things, but didn’t even hear about it ... Thanks Alexander!

        ... In these first days of the war, many mass graves sprinkled by peasants appeared near the burnt and destroyed houses of the former outposts. In secluded places where the Nazis did not go, fresh mounds decorated with flowers appeared, and at the head of them instead of a monument lay a green border cap.
        Residents of the village of Dubrovka, which lies three kilometers from Brest, told me about one such grave. They buried in it their dead friend, instructor of service dogs of the 8th frontier post Stepan Matveev, who died in battle. For a week after this, every night a Matveyev’s dog came to the grave - the Malva shepherd, hiding somewhere in the forest during the day. Sniffing the cap of his master lying on the grave, the dog sat down next to the mound and began to howl, angrily and hard. She howled all night long, until dawn, and to the people who hid in their huts, this howl, dreary and terrible, seemed to remind again and again of the past peacetime, of their hopeless present fate, of the oppressive days of life awaiting them under the gloomy the power of fascism. Then the dog disappeared somewhere - the Germans must have shot it ...
        S. Smirnov - "Brest Fortress"
        1. +1
          22 June 2013 22: 55
          Thanks Karlsson! I have not re-read it for a long time. It is necessary to re-read.
          1. +3
            23 June 2013 00: 09
            Quote: retired
            Thanks Karlsson! I have not re-read it for a long time. It is necessary to re-read.

            colossal book.
            1. +2
              23 June 2013 00: 35
              Have you seen a series of programs on our Culture filmed by Smirnov in the 60s? There is more about underground workers and partisans. There are no words. Interview. not even an interview, but a conversation with living members of the underground who were tortured, even shot ... I vaguely remember them. we just have television in the city. They promised to help me find them. He was a great man. And the son is wonderful. "Belorussky Station" - for centuries, of course. But find and see "Autumn" (his). Masterpiece.
              1. +3
                23 June 2013 00: 50
                watched the cycle - great, but the director of the film - "Belorusskiy Vokzal" got vomit in my eyes - "Once upon a time there was only one woman", at a personal meeting Andrey Smirnov will get in the face, with all proletarian hatred am .

                in spite of the fact that I can't watch Belorussky Station without tears.

                1. +1
                  23 June 2013 00: 53
                  stop Come on ... Senile senility. On the basis of merit, one can forgive 1 time. I even overlooked the middle ...
                  1. +3
                    23 June 2013 01: 15
                    Quote: retired
                    Come on ... Senile senility. On the basis of merit, one can forgive 1 time. I even overlooked the middle ...

                    I actually grew up in the Far North and the Far East, eyewitnesses told me about the actions of the whites - this is why I don’t intend to forgive the film about the White Guard knights and red ghouls as a spittle in my soul.
              2. +2
                23 June 2013 00: 53
                Quote: retired
                And the son is wonderful. "Belorussky Station" - for centuries, of course.

    6. 0
      26 June 2013 06: 47
      There is a docking film "Training of snipers for the Luftwafe" there are snipers instructors with SVT.
  13. +9
    22 June 2013 10: 20
    If they were shooting a film, the Nazis surrounded the outpost, when the border guards ran out of ammunition, they went to hand-to-hand fighting, and with them 15 border shepherds, any horror movie before such an attack would seem like a shepherd stands before a rottweiler by force of a bite, then a bull terrier stands. We forgot the deeds of our fathers and grandfathers, and after all, such an episode is worthy to be included in the Guinness Book of Records, since the ancient history of the dog was not used for hand-to-hand fights in the war, and such a mass of shepherd dogs in hand-to-hand combat was not noted anywhere.
    1. +17
      22 June 2013 10: 42
      Quote: shasherin_pavel
      We forgot the deeds of our fathers and grandfathers

      and largely thanks to the "revisionists" from historical "science"
      carrying a new non-truth to the masses.

      Now we need to make such a film.

      (already laid out, quarrel overtop, but it’s too painful to go to bed)

      would be a director, honestly would remove:
      Historian Sergei Mironenko felt a kick in the ass and collapsed on the frozen bottom of the trench. Still not believing what was happening, he got up and looked up. On the edge of the trench, the soldiers of the Red Army stood in a semicircle.
      - This is the last? - clarified one of the military, apparently the commander.
      “That's right, comrade political instructor!” - the soldier reported, whose kick sent the director of the State Archive to the trench.
      - Excuse me, what's going on? the historian muttered.
      “How is it going?” - grinned the political instructor. - The establishment of historical justice. Now you, Mironenko, will save Moscow from the Nazi invaders.
      Politruk pointed to a field on which several dozen German tanks froze in anticipation. Tankers climbed onto the towers and, shivering from the cold, watched with interest what was happening at Russian positions.
      - I? Why me? - Mironenko asked in shock. “What do I have to do with this?”
      “The most direct,” answered the political instructor. - All of you here have the most direct relation to this!
      The commander pointed Mironenko to the trench and the historian saw that it was full of respected people: there were already academician Pivovarov and his nephew-journalist, Svanidze was sitting by the machine gun with bulging eyes, next to him was the main de-regulator Fedotov, who was trembling from the cold, or from horror , further there were still familiar faces, but the frightened archivist completely forgot their names.
      “What are we all doing here?” - asked Mironenko. - This is not our era!
      The soldiers laughed together. Not only Russians but also Germans laughed, and even the recently killed German tanker, trying to maintain decency and pretending not to hear anything, nevertheless, shuddered with laughter.
      - Yes? - the political instructor was surprised. “But you all tell in such detail in detail how it really was!” You explain with foam at the mouth that we threw Hitler with corpses. It’s you shouting that the people won the war, not the commanders, and especially not Stalin. You explain this to everyone that Soviet heroes are a myth! You yourself, Mironenko, told us that we were a myth!
      - Excuse me, are you political instructor Klochkov? - asked Mironenko.
      “Exactly,” the commander answered. - And these are my fighters who are destined to lay their heads in this battle at the Dubosekovo junction! But you, Mironenko, assured that everything was wrong, that all these heroes were a propaganda myth! And you know what we decided? We decided to really be a myth. And to defend Moscow to trust trusted and reliable people. In particular, to you!
      - And you? the historian asked quietly.
      “And we are in the rear,” one of the fighters answered. - The guys and I were thinking to die for our homeland, for Stalin, but since we are a myth, why should we substitute bullets for nothing? Fight for yourself!
      “Hey Russians, how long have you been?” - shouted the shy German tankman.
      “Now, Hans, now,” the political instructor waved to him. - You see, Mironenko, time does not endure. It is time for you to defend your homeland.
      Then the TV presenter Pivovarov jumped out of the trench and rushed briskly towards the Germans with raised hands. In his hands he held white pants, which he was actively waving.
      “What a shame,” said one of the fighters.
      “Don’t worry,” Klochkov chuckled. - This is not our shame.
      Two German tankers caught Pivovarov and dragged him by the arms to the trench, dropping him down.

      to be continued...
    2. +21
      22 June 2013 10: 43

      “Schweine,” the German swore, looking at his overalls. “This hero of yours has pissed me off my leg with fear!”
      The second tankman shot Panfilov’s people to smoke and, drawing out, said:
      - Yes, comrades, you're out of luck! And for these here you were dying! Really in our Vaterland same grew? ..
      “No, comrade,” one of the Panfilov responded to him. “You now have none.” Only gays and Turks.
      - And who are gays? - the German specified.
      A Red Army soldier whispered an answer to the aggressor in his ear. The face of the German was flooded with shame. Waving his hand, he went to the tank.
      “Let's end with us quickly,” he said. “I want to die from such things again.”
      Svanidze rushed from the trench to the political instructor.
      - Comrade commander, you misunderstood me, I didn't say anything like that! And then, I can't, I have a "white ticket", I have bad eyesight and an ulcer!
      Politruk confidentially leaned towards Svanidze:
      - Do you think the tyrant Stalin was worried? He bombarded the enemy with cannon fodder! And even more so, I'm not your commander. You have your own - experienced and proven! Here he comes!

      From the depths of the trench Nikita Mikhalkov came to the place of conversation, holding a shovel from his hand.
      - Comrade political instructor, how can this be fought against tanks? - the director begged.
      “You know better,” the commander answered. “You already did this.” Yes, by the way, your beds are there. You can quickly establish anti-tank defense from them! Well, or pray, or something. Maybe help!
      Then the political instructor ordered the construction of his fighters.
      - Where are you going? - Mikhalkov asked with a longing in his voice.
      - Where to? - the political instructor grinned. - Take a position in your rear! The NKVD detachment is not at hand, so we ourselves will replace it! And if some scum from your penal battalion rushes out of position, we will shoot on the spot for cowardice and treason!
      - So there are no penal battles yet!
      - One created. Especially for you!
      German tanks roared engines. Desperate screams and swearing were heard in the trench - the new defenders of Moscow found out who was the first to expose the myths and dragged them into this story. Fedotov was beaten all together, after which he was thrown out of the trench under a German tank with a bottle. Someone shouted goodbye to him:
      - Well, for the Motherland, for Stalin!
      Mikhalkov clung to the outgoing political officer:
      - Comrade, my father fought, I was always a patriot and defender of heroes, help me!
      “Only out of respect for you,” the political instructor answered. - I give a great tool to fight the enemy! As good as it gets!
      And the commander handed the director a badminton racket and three shuttlecocks.
      “Farewell, the homeland will not forget you,” Mikhalkov, the political instructor, patted goodbye and rushed after his leaving bo

      written unfortunately not by me
      (author unknown)
      1. +3
        22 June 2013 20: 03
        Quote: Rider
        written unfortunately not by me
        (author unknown)

        Masterpiece!!! But I would also like a solonik, and Beshanov, and Gozman, but there are many who go there.
        1. redwar6
          22 June 2013 22: 59
          It remains only to make a film)
      2. 0
        23 June 2013 08: 03
        Quote: Rider
        written unfortunately not by me
        (author unknown)
        Perhaps it was written by Alex Orlov, a Russian science fiction writer, similar to his style.
    3. +1
      23 June 2013 00: 14
      Quote: shasherin_pavel
      That would have made a film, as the Nazis surrounded the outpost

      in my opinion, as a person who has something to do with Soviet sport, the best scene of hand-to-hand combat, today this is:

      watch the fight itself from 2:38

      1. +2
        23 June 2013 00: 38
        In my humble opinion, the film "Nobody but us" is the best film about border guards, shot during the years of "bourgeoisie" in Russia.
      2. Gari
        23 June 2013 00: 49
        I haven’t seen this wonderful movie, thanks
        Quote: Karlsonn
        in my opinion, as a person who has something to do with Soviet sport, the best scene of hand-to-hand combat, today this is:

        Without a single shot!
        1. +1
          23 June 2013 01: 17
          Quote: Gari
          I haven’t seen this wonderful movie, thanks

          I recommend it, because it’s somehow not customary to talk about the heroism of our border guards in Tajikistan, which makes me extremely angry.

          here from here five minutes of download ---
  14. +16
    22 June 2013 10: 23
    Eternal glory to the heroes of the border guards!
    1. -3
      22 June 2013 10: 30
      Is it Karatsupa? Where is this monument located?
      1. Carat_36
        23 June 2013 11: 51
        This is Moscow, Terletsky Forest Park, the eastern entrance.
    2. MG42
      22 June 2013 20: 22
      Border guard with a dog at the metro station "Revolution Square" Moscow
    3. Alew
      23 June 2013 14: 39
      Since we are talking about the border guards of the NKVD, I will introduce you and their dog, the East European Shepherd Dog, they were bred for the harsh conditions of Siberia, Kazakhstan and the North in the 90s, when they wanted to bring shit to the Germans, but it didn’t work out. This dog is a splinter of a big country, her father has an order and her mother love. (In the picture my dog ​​is VEO)
  15. +11
    22 June 2013 10: 53
    After the start of the fighting, the German command issued an order "not to take the border guards prisoner."
    This alone speaks of how border guards fought in the early days of the war.
    Today 72 years ago, border guards were the first to meet the enemy on the border.
    Eternal memory to the dead!
  16. Anti com
    22 June 2013 11: 29
    The NKVD troops were borne, as it seems to me, as of the summer of 1941 were the most trained both in military and moral terms ... Therefore, they most worthily (IMHO) withstood the first blow of the Nazis. Eternal memory to the heroes.
    1. +2
      22 June 2013 11: 38
      Of course, they were more prepared. They went to combat firing regularly. Physical training is at their best. We should not forget about political training classes. One Karatsup a month brought in 300 (!) Border violators. Without a doubt, the NKVD troops were an elite (after the Red Army Air Force). One not unimportant fact: Nyodin, General of the NKVD troops was not captured!
      1. +2
        22 June 2013 20: 12
        Quote: Den 11
        Niodin, General of the NKVD troops was not captured!

        Only a small clarification, up to 1943. in the NKVD including and there were no generals in frontier troops, but there were commissioners of state security of several ranks corresponding to the army ranks of generals
        1. +2
          22 June 2013 21: 15
          They were all about them. I’m kind of aware that the general’s ranks (like epaulettes) were introduced at 43. General Maslennikov, do you know this surname (hero of the Caucasus defense)? Do you know that the NKVD divisions were the first to receive the rank of guards ?
          1. erg
            22 June 2013 22: 51
            The general ranks were introduced in 1940. And shoulder straps are true in 1943.
        2. erg
          22 June 2013 22: 50
          Not quite right. In the NKVD troops, also called internal (the term existed already in those years), as well as in the border general ranks were introduced in the 40th year. These were the titles of Major General and Lieutenant General. Above in the troops of the NKVD was not. The ranks of commissars of 1,2,3 ranks were only in state security and police. State security is a separate structure within the NKVD. Moreover, by the beginning of the war, it was withdrawn from the NKVD and organized into an independent structure. But with the beginning of the war, it was again united with the NKVD, due to similar tasks being solved. In 1943 it was again separated into an independent department.
    2. +2
      22 June 2013 16: 28
      The troops of the NKVD of the USSR were generally more trained, they were called up with the formation of at least FZU.
      1. 0
        22 June 2013 20: 43
        Quote: Narkom
        The troops of the NKVD of the USSR were generally more trained, they were called up with the formation of at least FZU.

        But under Khrushchev they were lowered below the plinth, and then for a long time during the time of the union, they were called up to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs after only the construction battalion. But Thank God those days passed, especially after the first Chechen army began to be staffed by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs take it much more seriously and now in terms of combat training it is one of the most combat-ready armed forces of Russia. soldier
    3. +2
      22 June 2013 20: 45
      Quote: Anti Com
      they are most worthy (IMHO)

      I want to ask everything, but what is IMHO, is it something in Ukrainian?
      1. +5
        22 June 2013 21: 08
        Quote: voronov
        I want to ask everything, but what is IMHO, is it something in Ukrainian?

        IMHO (IMHO, IMHO) is a word often found in forums and Internet conferences that causes confusion and vague associations for an unprepared user. In fact, IMHO is the English abbreviation IMHO written in Russian letters, which stands for the phrase "In my humble opinion" - "In my humble opinion." To type “IMHO” on the keyboard is easier than “I think” or “I think”; here lies the secret to the popularity of the word. Meanwhile, the great and mighty Russian language has long allowed Runet users to decrypt “IMHO” in their own way: “I have an opinion - you’ll argue the hell”. Perhaps so it is more correct ... (IMHO.)
  17. shush007
    22 June 2013 13: 02
    Borders - Well done!
  18. +14
    22 June 2013 13: 09
    Why not write and take off a little.
    Our SALES media will then have to write about who nurtured (I am not afraid of this word) the NKVD border troops, about L.P. Beria.
    The first day of the war in Przemysl (today - the Polish city of Przemysl)
    and the first dead invaders on Soviet soil, soldiers of the 101st Infantry Division.
    The city was occupied by German troops on June 22, but the next morning was liberated by units of the Red Army and border guards and held until June 27.
    Already in the early days of the war, the NKVD was entrusted with the formation of 15 rifle divisions. All 15 divisions formed during 15-20 days were included in the 29th, 30th, 31st and 24th armies.
    The “Roads of Life” was guarded by the 104th Border Regiment. Under continuous bombing, shelling, in frost and snowstorm, border guards carried out their difficult service, ensuring the smooth operation of the road.
    Among the four divisions, the first to receive the rank of guard, were two divisions of the NKVD - the 100th and 127th 24th armies of Rakutin. the backbone of the border guards who survived the border battles, as well as the police and security officers who went to the front.
    As part of the Volga Flotilla, a team of border boats (armored boats) operated under Rear Admiral S.M. Vorobyov.
    Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov noted that in the battle of Kursk the 70th Army of General I.V. Galanin, formed from well-trained border guards of the Far East, Transbaikalia, Central Asia.
    The war found the captain-border guard M. Naumov in the Carpathian mountains, where he and his subordinates took the first battle, repelling the attacks of German submachine guns ...
    March 7, 1943 for colonial services to the Motherland in organizing the partisan movement in Ukraine, Colonel M. Naumov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and in April of that year the military rank of "Major General".
    It was in the NKVD troops that the sniper movement was born. And from 1942, sniper battalions were already formed. By July 1943, there were about 25500 snipers, with ~ 18500 sniper rifles. During the internship at the fronts, snipers of the NKVD troops destroyed 216600 (!!!) officers and soldiers of the enemy. Our losses are 375 killed and 770 wounded. 13 people are missing.
    The basis of the troops defending the North Caucasus was made up of two divisions of the NKVD. One of the organizers of the defense was L.P. Beria.
    According to official figures for the period (July 1941-1943 vols.) In the North Caucasus, 963 gangs (17563 people) were liquidated, mainly created by Nazi invaders behind the rear of Soviet troops.
    How many stories!
    Eternal memory and low bow.
    1. +5
      22 June 2013 20: 18
      Quote: knn54
      Our SALES media will then have to write about who nurtured (I am not afraid of this word) the NKVD border troops, about L.P. Beria.

      Now it’s time to no longer be afraid and not shy to mention L.P. Beria, not to mention his enormous achievements in implementing the atomic project in the USSR, it was under his direct supervision of the NKVD rifle divisions that the Germans were stopped in the Tuapse area, rushing to Caucasian oil
    2. +1
      23 June 2013 16: 36
      I want to add one more remark to the above.
      In general, during the years of the war, 58 divisions and 20 brigades of the NKVD entered and participated in the hostilities with varying durations.
      More than 100 thousand servicemen of the NKVD troops were awarded orders and medals. Over 200 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. About 100 thousand gave their lives in the name of Victory.
      The soldiers of the NKVD troops rightfully participated in the historic Victory Parade on June 24, 1945. - 8 battalions of the division. Dzerzhinsky. It was the NKVD battalion commanded by Captain Vovk who threw the banners of the defeated Wehrmacht to the foot of the Mausoleum: 200 banners and standards of the defeated German troops. These banners for the fraction of drums were thrown onto a special platform at the foot of the Lenin Mausoleum. The first was thrown by Fedor Legkoshkur the LSSAH standard - the SS battalion of Hitler's personal guard.
  19. MG42
    22 June 2013 13: 22
    Our directors make quite a lot of films, feature films and documentaries, about The War.

    There is just a modern version about border guards. Who saw this film will understand ..
    The song was performed by Sergei Bezrukov. For the video clip, material from the military series "In June 1941" was used, in which Sergei played the main role.
    (taken from the official site of the actor)
  20. cpk72
    22 June 2013 13: 22
    Eternal Glory to the heroes.
    1. MG42
      22 June 2013 20: 01
      The documentary "Brest Fortress", which took the first blow from the Germans ..
  21. +10
    22 June 2013 13: 46
    I will bring my five cents. About the first city from which the Germans were knocked out. Przemysl. On June 22, from 4 a.m. to 12 p.m., the 92th border detachment, together with the personnel of the bunkers of the UR and the NKVD units for the protection of the railways, held the guarded section of the State Border on their own. At 12 noon, by order, the city of Przemysl was abandoned.
    After joining with the units of the 99th division of the RKK, on ​​June 23 at 9 a.m. an offensive began on Przemysl forces of the combined battalion of border guards, under the command of Art. Lieutenant Polevody, supported by parts of the 99th division. Przemysl was taken in 17–00 June 23, 1941. The city was left only on June 27. The significance of this victory is not only political, psychological, moral, but also tactical.
  22. pan grizian
    22 June 2013 15: 28
    I always liked the border guards. It is a pity that I could not serve in these glorious troops!
    1. 0
      22 June 2013 20: 34
      Quote: Pan Grizian
      I always liked the border guards. It is a pity that I could not serve in these glorious troops!

      Any troops are glorious !!! soldier
  23. +10
    22 June 2013 15: 30
    I myself am a border guard. If born 30 years earlier, he would have died along with everyone on the border.
    I can only say one thing - glory to the Soviet border guards!
    And the eternal memory of the fallen border guards.
    1. MG42
      22 June 2013 20: 29
      Quote: akm8226
      I myself am a border guard. If born 30 years earlier, he would have died along with everyone on the border.

      Not everyone died, there is someone who continued to beat the enemy further and then went out to his ..
  24. crest 57
    22 June 2013 15: 58
    The authority of the PV KGB (Cheka, NKVD) of the USSR was always on top.
    When we guys were put on military records (1989), they asked where we want to serve, 90% answered - to the border. troops. I'm not lying!
  25. +4
    22 June 2013 16: 47
    In no other military branch is there such a percentage of missing persons as in border troops.
    On June 22, 1941 whole outposts in full force were missing. Their fate has not been established. None of the soldiers of these outposts returned from captivity. Apparently, they did not surrender.
    Among them is my fellow countryman, a distant relative of my paternal grandmother. In the regional memory book it is written briefly about him: "Lieutenant of the NKVD border troops, disappeared on June 22, 1941".
  26. cpk72
    22 June 2013 17: 26
    Burning Border Belarusian direction.
  27. +5
    22 June 2013 18: 47
    All the load was borne by border guards on the western border of the USSR.
    However, I thank with gratitude the border guards who served throughout the border of the USSR.
    My father from 1938 to 1945 guarded the borders at the border post of the border with Afghanistan in the Pamirs in the tract Murghab.
    He told me how on the passes during the avalanches he did not leave the post for days, surviving between the guard dog "Belchik" and the horse "Firth".
    The rifle bolt constantly greased the yaks, which were the staple food without bread and salt.
    Deprivation and frostbite were not in vain at 52, he was gone.
    Our contemporaries don’t understand this, but heroism is manifested not only in the number of Nazis annihilated, but also in preventing enemies from entering the peaceful rear work along the entire perimeter of the vast USSR.
  28. +3
    22 June 2013 20: 12
    Quote: Petrovich
    Przemysl was taken in 17–00 June 23, 1941. The city was left only on June 27. The significance of this victory is not only political, psychological, moral, but also tactical.

    When the Germans nevertheless entered the city, the report included a phrase of approximately the following content: "There have been cases of fear of the enemy on the part of the personnel. Cases of disobedience to the order to attack enemy positions have been noted." Upstairs at first they did not believe it - they sent inspectors. We were convinced - for sure ... The border guards caught up with them.
  29. +2
    22 June 2013 20: 32
    In addition to the border guards, the NKVD rifle divisions fought desperately and bravely on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. the most distinguished military formations of the Red Army NKVD began to assign the names of the guards, several rifle divisions of the NKVD also decided to assign this rank, but as is known in the NKVD it was not accepted to assign this name, therefore these divisions were reassigned to the NPO of the USSR. There were no guards units in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs USSR, as there are none even now in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. soldier
  30. +3
    22 June 2013 21: 40
    Glory to the defenders of our borders! soldier
  31. BAT
    22 June 2013 22: 32
    Always respected and respect real border guards. Those who during the war took the first blow of the enemy and none of them retreated without an order. There is such a legend. that the fascists didn’t take the border guards prisoner - they shot them on the spot. LYING!!! They simply could never capture a living border guard. The border guards did not give up. Honor and glory to the border guards.
    But this does not apply to the pseudo-border guards "serving" at the Kharkov customs at the railway station in the city of Kharkov and the station Kazachya Lopan. Grabber, bribe-taker, extortionist and racketeer. All as one bastard. Very often (every year) I go on vacation to my homeland - to Zaporozhye. And every time I see the same picture. The valiant Ukrainian "border guards" are ready to rip off the last shirt from their compatriots traveling from Russia to earn money. And not only from them. From any passenger you can find fault with for anything. I believe that these mu da ki dishonor and defame the title of border guard.
  32. erg
    22 June 2013 23: 03
    [quote = erg] Not quite right. In the NKVD troops, also called internal (the term existed already in those years), as well as in the border general ranks were introduced in the 40th year. These were the titles of Major General and Lieutenant General. Above in the troops of the NKVD was not. The ranks of commissars of 1,2,3 ranks were only in state security and police. State security is a separate structure within the NKVD. Moreover, by the beginning of the war, it was withdrawn from the NKVD and organized into an independent structure. But with the beginning of the war, it was again united with the NKVD, due to similar tasks being solved. In 1943 it was again separated into an independent department. The ranks of the top command of state security should not be confused with the ranks of the political composition of the army and the NKVD troops. They were also commissars, but they were called: regimental commissar, brigade commissar, respectively, the posts were commissar of the regiment, brigade, etc.
  33. +1
    23 June 2013 04: 53
    My grandfather died as a sapper in Stalingrad, and another as an artilleryman, captain, on May 8 in Berlin. Probably some bastard from the Hitler Youth killed him.
  34. Balko
    23 June 2013 07: 39
    Quote: Karlsonn
    In my humble opinion, the film "Nobody but us" is the best film about border guards, shot during the years of "bourgeoisie" in Russia.

    Why not? In my opinion, from modern, pretty good series "My Border".
    The events in "Quiet Outpost" are relatively truthful ...
  35. The comment was deleted.
  36. 0
    23 June 2013 20: 07
    Eternal memory to those who sowed the seeds of Victory in those days !!!!
    see "It was Wednesday, the fourth day of the war"
  37. jjj
    23 June 2013 20: 14
    Probably many people remember the saying: "Senior sailor in the navy is a major in the infantry." And its meaning is that military ranks with external similarity may not be equal. The war is over. Comrade Stalin is no longer young. Various groups were preparing to seize power. At this time, Comrade Beria launched the construction of a new type of NKVD troops. It was the special forces, ready to act decisively. The troops were well armed and equipped. Only proven people were selected for them.
    So the former sergeant of these troops, he worked at our airport as an aircraft mechanic, talked about his service. He said that they really felt pride in the trust placed. Discipline is iron. Shooting classes, hand-to-hand combat, capture of objects. So he was saluted to the sergeant up to the lieutenant colonel, including the police. He could personally intervene in any situation, make a detention. And no facts of abuse of authority, no bribery. They knew that by order of Lavrenty Pavlovich they would have to execute any order, and they were ready for it. But the main order was not followed.
    By the way, Yuri Vladimirovich managed to lead the country, but not for long. And only their colleague, after many years, confidently leads the state
  38. Bobrovsky
    23 June 2013 22: 05
    The first screening of the film "State Border". Sitting with his wife and sons, watching. I begin to tell them - but now there will be such and such. Wife - come on. Immediately, events go on, as I said. Then again and again. Wife - how do you know, the film is shown for the first time. I explained to her that one of my bosses, in the late seventies, told how he served next to the border post and he was told about the border guards of the wartime. The head of the frontier post was a rough and straight person. Seeing the behavior of the Germans and anticipating events, he organized the construction of the defense. We dug trenches, built dugouts and machine-gun points. The authorities scolded him for this. The matter ended with the fact that for the reciprocal shooting and for the construction of this defense, he was summoned to the authorities, severely scolded and promised to remove from the outpost. In frustrated feelings, he came to the station, bought a ticket to the outpost and went to the buffet and drank well. Then a policeman came up to him and began to reprimand him for being drunk. Inflated by the chief scolding, he grabbed the sword, the frightened policeman in several leaps jumped into the duty room and closed himself. He slashed the door several times. At this time, a passing train pulled up to the platform, he got into the carriage and drove off. I drove with the thought that now they would definitely be removed from the outpost and the matter would end badly. I arrived almost at night, and in the morning the war began. The outpost held out for a long time. Of the entire outpost, he and the foreman survived. Apparently this story was taken as a basis for making a film about the beginning of the war. The border guards are one family. Service implies a great deal of responsibility and independence. Often you have to make decisions and act yourself, the bosses are not standing by. All this develops a special style of attitudes and behavior.
  39. 0
    23 June 2013 22: 24
    Quote: Karlsonn
    In my humble opinion, the film "Nobody but us" is the best film about border guards, shot during the years of "bourgeoisie" in Russia.

    I'll have to look. But there are still good modern films about border guards: "Quiet Zastava" - he took his soul, the series "Outpost", too, in my opinion, filmed perfectly!
  40. fedorru
    23 June 2013 23: 41
    There is a book "Border outpost" by G. Ignatkovich and V. Melnichuk. The book is dedicated to the defenders of the border. And also tells in detail about some of the exploits of the border guards at the very beginning of the war.
  41. +1
    28 June 2013 22: 55
    And Th there is no comment like "Bloody executioners"? wassat laughing
    After all, the border guards belonged to the NKVD lol
  42. 0
    5 December 2022 10: 32
    18 anti-tank rifles! What are you? As far as I know, all PTRs at that time were in the experimental version! ALL! And in 1940, by order of Marshal Kulik, work on the PTR was suspended! And again they began only in August 1941!