Kamikaze. Divine wind

Kamikaze. Divine wind

The real kamikazes were not terrorists. Japanese pilots of the Second World War voluntarily gave their lives for their homeland.

October 19, 1944. Luzon Island, the main base of the Japanese aviation in the Philippines. The meeting of the commanders of the fighter units is held by Vice Admiral Onisi ...

Two days in the new post was enough for the vice admiral to understand that neither he nor his subordinates would be able to perform the functions that are assigned to them. What Onisi took command over was magnificently called the First Air fleet - but in reality it was only three dozen battered battles
Zero fighters and several Betty bombers. In order to prevent the US invasion of the Philippines, a huge Japanese fleet was concentrated here, including two superlinkers - Yamato and Musashi. Onishi aircraft were supposed to cover this fleet from the air, but the enemy’s multiple superiority in the air force made this impossible.

Onishi told his subordinates what they understood without him - the Japanese fleet is on the verge of a catastrophe, the best ships in a few days will be brought to the bottom by torpedo bombers and dive bombers from American aircraft carriers. It is impossible to sink aircraft carriers with the help of fighter aircraft, even if armed with bombs. On the "Zero" no sights for bombing, and their pilots - the necessary skills. However, there was one way out which was suicidal in the full sense of the word - fighters equipped with bombs would crash into enemy ships! Onishi subordinates agreed with Vice-Admiral - they have no other way to do away with American aircraft carriers. A few days later, the “Squadron of Special Attacks of the Divine Wind” - “Kamikaze Tokubetsu Kogekity” was created.

Self-sacrifice as a tactic

Now the word "kamikaze" has become a common noun, as any suicide bombers are called, and in a figurative sense - just people who do not care about their own safety. But the real kamikazes were not terrorists, but soldiers - Japanese pilots of the Second World War, who voluntarily decided to give their lives for their homeland. Of course, in war, anyone risks his life, and some even consciously sacrifice it. Often, the commanders give orders, the performers who have no chance to stay alive. But kamikaze is the only one stories humanity is an example when suicide bombers were singled out in a special branch of the military and were specially trained to fulfill their mission When the headquarters developed tactics for them, and in the design bureaus they designed special equipment ...

After the idea of ​​using the kamikaze was made by Vice-Admiral Onishi, self-sacrifice ceased to be an initiative of individual pilots and received the status of an official military doctrine. Meanwhile, Onishi just figured out how to more effectively use the tactics of fighting the American ships, which the de facto Japanese pilots have already used. By 1944, the state of aviation of the Land of the Rising Sun was deplorable. There was a shortage of aircraft, gasoline, but above all - skilled pilots. While schools in the United States prepared hundreds and hundreds of new pilots, in Japan there was no effective reserve training system. If an American who succeeded in air battles was immediately withdrawn from the front and appointed an instructor (therefore, by the way, the American aces do not shine with a large number of downed aircraft), then the Japanese, as a rule, fought until their death. Therefore, after a couple of years, there was almost nothing left from the personnel pilots who started the war. A vicious circle - inexperienced pilots acted less effectively and died faster and faster. The prophecy of Admiral Yamamoto who died by that time came true: back in 1941, one of the organizers of the attack on Pearl Harbor warned that his country was not ready for a long war.

Under these conditions, the first examples of how poorly trained Japanese pilots, who could not get a bomb into an American ship, simply crashed into the enemy appeared. An airplane diving on the deck is difficult to stop - even if the anti-aircraft guns inflict a lot of damage to it, it will reach its goal.

Admiral Onishi decided that such a “initiative” could be legitimized officially. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of an aircraft crashing into the deck will be much higher if it is stuffed with explosives ...

The first massive kamikaze attacks took place in the Philippines 25 October 1944 year. Several ships were damaged, and the escort aircraft carrier "Saint-Lo", in which the only "Zero" got, was sunk. The success of the first kamikaze led to the fact that they decided to widely disseminate the experience.

Light and durable design "Zero" made it possible to fill the plane with additional cargo - explosives

Death is not an end in itself

Soon, four air connections were formed - Asahi, Sikishima, Yamadzakura and Yamato. Only volunteers were taken there, because the death in the air departure for the pilots was an indispensable condition for the successful completion of the combat mission. And by the time Japan surrendered, almost half of the naval pilots remaining in the ranks had been transferred to kamikaze detachments.

It is well known that the word “kamikaze” means “Divine wind” - a hurricane that destroyed the enemy fleet in the 13th century. It would seem, what have the Middle Ages? However, unlike the technology, with the "ideological support" the Japanese military was all right. The “divine wind” was believed to be sent by the goddess Amaterasu, the patroness of Japan’s security. I sent at that moment when nothing could prevent the conquest of her country by the 300-thousand-strong Mongol-Chinese army of Khan Kubilai. And now, when the war approached the very borders of the empire, the country had to be saved by the “Divine Wind” - this time embodied not in a natural phenomenon, but in young guys who want to give their lives to their fatherland. The kamikaze saw the only force capable of stopping the American offensive literally on the outskirts of the Japanese islands.

Kamikaze connections might seem elite in terms of the external attributes of their activities, but not in terms of training. The combat pilot who joined the squadron did not need additional training. A newcomer kamikaze cooked even worse than ordinary pilots. They were not taught bombing or firing, which made it possible to drastically reduce the preparation time. According to the army leadership of Japan, only mass training of kamikazes could stop the American offensive.

You can read a lot of strange information about kamikaze - for example, that they were not taught landing. Meanwhile, it is absolutely clear that if a pilot is not taught landing, then the first and the last for him will be by no means a combat, but the first training flight! Contrary to popular belief, quite rare on kamikaze planes were landing chassis that were dropped after take-off, which prevented landing. Most often, the suicide pilots were provided with the usual worn-out Zero fighter, or even a dive bomber or a bomber loaded with explosives — and nobody was engaged in reworking the chassis. If the pilot did not find a worthy goal during the flight, he should have returned to the military base and waited for the next leadership task. Therefore, several kamikazes who made combat missions have survived to this day ...

The first kamikaze raids produced the effect they were designed for - the crews of the American ships were very scared. However, it quickly became clear that crashing into an enemy ship was not so easy - at least for a low-skilled pilot. But it was not even able to dodge American kamikaze fighters. Therefore, seeing the low combat effectiveness of suicide bombers, the Americans calmed down somewhat, and the Japanese command, on the contrary, was puzzled. Meanwhile, a kamikaze had already invented such a plane, which, according to the plan of its creators, it would be difficult to shoot down fighters. Moreover, the author of the idea Mitsuo Ota “punched” the project even before the first suicide pilots were created (which again shows that the idea of ​​a kamikaze was in the air at that moment). What was built on this project at the firm "Yokosuka", was rather not an airplane, but the only one of a kind man-controlled bomb ...

At the beginning of the war "Zero" terrified American fighter pilots, and then became formidable weapons kamikaze

Cruise missile with a pilot

The tiny MXY-7 “Oka” (translated from Japanese as “Cherry Blossom”) resembled a German planning bomb designed at the end of the war. However, it was a completely original design. The planning bomb was controlled by radio from an aircraft carrier, and the jet engines installed on it made it possible for the bomb to maneuver and keep up with the aircraft that launched it. The Oka was controlled by the kamikaze sitting in it, and the jet accelerators served to accelerate the plane-bomb to a speed of almost 1000 km / h on the approach to the target. It was believed that at this speed, the Oka would be invulnerable to both anti-aircraft fire and fighters.

It is characteristic that during this period headquarters conducted research on the use of kamikaze tactics in other areas. For example, man-made torpedoes were created, as well as submarines, which first had to launch a torpedo into an enemy ship, and then crash into it themselves. The suicide bombers were planned to be used for ram attacks by the American Flying Fortresses and the Liberators, who bombarded Japanese cities. Later there were ... land kamikazes pushing a cart with explosives in front of them. Such weapons in the Kwantung army tried to cope with the Soviet tanks in 1945.

But, of course, the main purpose of the kamikaze were American aircraft carriers. A guided cruise missile carrying a ton of explosives should, if not sink, an aircraft carrier, then at least severely damage it
and permanently disable. The Oka was suspended under a twin-engine Betty bomber, which was supposed to get as close as possible to the American squadron. At a distance of no more than 30 km, the kamikaze was transferred from the bomber to the Oka, the guided bomb was separated from the carrier and slowly began to plan in the right direction. Three solid-propellant rocket boosters worked for only ten seconds, so they had to be turned on in the immediate vicinity of the target.

Kamikaze differed from other Japanese pilots in silk overalls and white headbands with the image of the rising sun.

The very first combat use of bombs became a real battle. But the victims were not the crews of American ships, but Japanese pilots. The need to fly up to the goal pretty close
made the carrier bombers very vulnerable - they entered the zone of carrier-carrier fighter aircraft and immediately stumbled. And the advanced radars that the Americans had at that time made it possible to detect an approaching enemy compound, be it a kamikaze group, carriers of bombers, ordinary bombers, or torpedo bombers. In addition, as it turned out, the cruise missile that had accelerated under the action of accelerators did not maneuver badly and was not very accurately aimed at the target.

Thus, kamikazes could not save Japan from defeat in the war — and yet volunteers who wanted to enroll in special-purpose aviation units were sufficient until the moment of surrender. And it was not only about exalted youngsters who did not smell powder, but also about the pilots who had managed to make war. First, the Japanese sea pilot somehow got used to the idea of ​​his own death. In the American naval aviation, an effective search system for downed pilots at sea using seaplanes and submarines (this was saved, in particular, by the side gunner of the Evenger torpedo bomber, George W. Bush, the future president of the United States). And a downed Japanese pilot most often sank into the sea with his plane ...

Secondly, Shintoism that prevailed in Japan engendered a special attitude towards death. This religious and philosophical system gave the suicide pilots hope after completing the assignment to join the host of numerous deities. Thirdly, the further, the defeat of Japan seemed all the more inevitable, and the Japanese military traditions did not recognize the surrender.

Of course, any fanaticism is terrible. Nevertheless, the kamikaze pilots were participants in the war and acted against the enemy army. This is their fundamental difference from modern suicide bombers, who are called this word without any reason.

And those who led the Japanese kamikazes were not cynics who coolly dispose of other people's lives, not wanting to sacrifice their own. Vice-Admiral Takijiro Onishi, after the surrender of Japan, chose a way out for himself, whose name does not need to be translated from Japanese - hara-kiri.
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  1. WW3
    6 July 2013 07: 42
    Kamikaze against the US Navy.

    1. -5
      6 July 2013 09: 33
      Japan had no chance in the war of resources, and kamikaze was nothing more than a way to destroy its own youth.
      As well as the effect of kamikaze activities, there was a lot of noise, but very little sense.
      1. +6
        6 July 2013 18: 33
        Quote: Sakhalininets
        Japan had no chance in the war of resources, and kamikaze was nothing more than a way to destroy its own youth.

        Maybe you can better see from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: closer to Japan.
        But I find your opinion stereotyped, as well as the judgments of many about the “knights of the cloak and dagger”:
        Since ours is a brave scout.
        And if the enemy is a vile shpien.

        Remember the civil war:
        The young country of the Soviets is surrounded by external enemies (troops of the countries of the Fourth Union and the Entente);
        She is overcome by internal enemies in the person of the White Movement (Kornilov, Denikin, Petlyura, Makhno);
        The country is in an economic blockade, hunger is rampant, the most essential is missing.
        The situation is catastrophic.
        And, despite this, the people believe in victory and do everything possible and impossible for the realization of their old dreams.

        Is an analogy visible?
        The Japanese also believed and fought for the idea, despite the obvious defeat.

        Quote: Sakhalininets
        As well as the effect of kamikaze activities, there was a lot of noise, but very little sense.

        The Japanese remained true to their centuries-old traditions
        They did not dare to think about surrender or surrender.
        Or betrayal of an emperor or country.

        I will give a few postulates of Bushido.
        I ask you to read them, to reflect on what you read and to answer, without distorting your soul:
        What did you think when you wrote your comment?

        “True courage is to live when it is lawful to live, and to die when it is lawful to die.”
        - The samurai should be not only an exemplary son, but also a loyal subject. He will not leave the master, even if the number of his vassals is reduced from one hundred to ten and from ten to one.
        - In war, the loyalty of the samurai is manifested in the fact that without fear, go to enemy arrows and spears, sacrificing life, if required by duty.
        - Fidelity, justice and courage are the three natural virtues of the samurai.
        “The samurai must constantly remember that he can die at any moment, and if such a moment comes, then the samurai must die with honor.”
        This is his purpose.
        1. +4
          6 July 2013 19: 14
          And as for rams in particular, and rams in general -
          this technique is not new or unusual.
          The Japanese did not use battering rams first - they considered it an acceptable means
          to fight superior enemy forces.

          The author of the idea of ​​using kamikaze, Vice Admiral Takijiro Onishi, was an educated person
          and was born into a samurai family.
          A graduate of the Naval Academy and a member of the Military Academy - he was a professional warrior and scout.
          He founded the Society for the Study of Air Power and published the book “Combat Ethics of the Imperial Navy,” where he studied the question of the readiness of subordinates to carry out the task even at the cost of their own lives.
          Traveled to Europe (England, France).

          The Russian aviator N. A. Yatsuk is considered to be the inventor of an air ram, who, in the journal "Bulletin of Aeronautics" for 1911 year, suggested:
          “It is possible that in exceptional cases, pilots will decide to ram aliens with their airplanes.”

          Peter Nesterov was the first pilot to use air ram in practice (8 of September 1914 of the year).
          Later, this type of ram was successfully used by Alexander Kazakov.

          In Russia and the USSR, an air ram, a ram of a ground object or a ship is commonly called a “fire ram”.
          The names of more than a hundred Russian (Soviet) pilots who used this technique are known.
          Some of them repeated it several times, and it happened twice in one air battle.
          Among them: Ibragim Bikmukhametov, Valentin Kulyapin, Serafim Subbotin, Nikolay Gastello, Victor Talalikhin, Alexander Gribovsky, Gennady Eliseev.
          Among them was a woman: Ekaterina Zelenko.
          12 of September 1941 of the year, Catherine, on a light bomber Su-2, shot down one German Me-109 fighter, and the second rammed.

          The September 11 attack of 2001 is also an example of an airborne ramming of a ground object.
          1. +2
            6 July 2013 19: 24
            In addition to air ram, there is the concept of "tank ram"

            The world's first tank ram was made by Lieutenant Semyon Kuzmich Osadchy on October 29 of the year 1936 during the Spanish Civil War.
            As part of P.M. Arman’s company near Madrid, Lieutenant K. S. Osadchy pushed the Italian Ansaldo wedge with his T-26 into the hollow

            One of the first tank rams during the Great Patriotic War was made by the crew of Lieutenant P. D. Guja (22 on June 1941).
            At 8 km from Yavorov, his KV-1 tank rammed the German Pz Kpfw III and an armored personnel carrier.

            Known cases of ramming tanks armored trains:
            On 24 on June 1944 of the year, near Bobruisk, the crew of the Guards Tank Lieutenant Dmitry Komarov of the 15 Guards Tank Brigade rammed armored trains at the Black Brody station.
            On August 4 of 1944 of the year at the Sandomierz bridgehead, Captain Leonid Maleev, the company commander of the 47 Guards Heavy Tank Regiment, used a similar technique.

            Tank rams were also used against airplanes on the ground.
            On 11 on January 1944, the tankers of the 49 Tank Brigade “ironed” 17 enemy aircraft at the airfield of Lubeck (Poland).
            28 March 1944 years 64-I Guards Tank Brigade at the airport of the city of Chernivtsi with ramifications and fire destroyed 30 aircraft.
            On 17 on January 1945, the group of I. Kravchenko from the 47th Guards Tank Brigade with rams and fire destroyed 20 aircraft at an airfield near the town of Sochaczew (Poland).
            1. 0
              7 July 2013 17: 33
              You have now described everything in great detail, the only thing you missed is that there were no suicide units in our army. Unlike the Japanese who intentionally committed suicide, in the Soviet army these attacks were a necessary measure.
              In our country, even then and now, people who sacrificed themselves for the future have always been respected.
              1. +1
                7 July 2013 20: 02
                Quote: Sakhalininets
                there were no suicide units in our army. Unlike the Japanese who intentionally committed suicide, in the Soviet army these attacks were a necessary measure.

                I propose to recall the existence of penalty parts:
                individual penal battalions, companies and air squadrons.
                They were sent to the most dangerous sections of the fronts, so they suffered huge losses.

                Remember the militia fighters.
                Who were they formed from and how were they equipped?
                Lack of weapons, ammunition, medicines, uniforms.
                And against whom did they oppose defending Moscow?

                Remember the defenders of the Brest Fortress.

                Remember how the 8th mechanized corps fought in June 1941.
                This is mentioned in the film “Battle for Moscow” by Yuri Ozerov.

                Scroll through the collection “Sacrifice in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945”

                Reflect on the exploit of Alexander Matrosov and four hundred more Alexandrov Matrosovs.

                Yes, we did not have “suicide units”.
                But we had political instructor Klochkov with his famous:
                “Russia is great, but nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!”
                And there was the Order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR
                dated 28 July 1942 year No. 227 (“Not a step back!”)
  2. True
    6 July 2013 07: 55
    Glory to Japan. In that war, she fought for a just cause.
    1. +10
      6 July 2013 08: 41
      As I understand it yesterday, your dear, it was a tough Friday. I understand ... it’s not without sin itself, it happens on Saturdays in the morning, too, I confuse left and right ... but you are slightly bent in love.
    2. biglow
      6 July 2013 10: 05
      Quote: True
      Glory to Japan. In that war, she fought for a just cause.

      for what just cause the Japanese fought, the colonization of Southeast Asia, is this just cause in your opinion?
      1. +8
        6 July 2013 14: 59
        Quote: True
        Japan glory
        Especially, Detachment 731? Or the participants of the Nanjing massacre? Or rather, go to Korea, they will listen to you attentively --- I can’t vouch for the rest am
    3. +2
      6 July 2013 20: 31
      Wah !!! :) )
      What- head bo-bo, denyuzhki bye-bye? :))))
  3. +7
    6 July 2013 09: 52
    Compared to what the Japanese did during World War II, the Nazis look like earnest philanthropists. The actions of the Soviet army aimed at the destruction of the Kwantung army, in this vein, are presented as a manifestation of world justice.
  4. True
    6 July 2013 10: 02
    The actions of the Soviet army in 1945 are aggression against Japan and Manjuria with which a non-aggression pact was concluded. And the atrocities of the Soviet "liberators" against the peaceful Japanese population were worse than the Nazis. Strictly speaking, the Soviet group was a horde of sadists, robbers, rapists and pedophiles, as even historians of the Sakhalin region admit through clenched teeth.
    1. +9
      6 July 2013 10: 05
      These are all liberal legends. Work better with documents so that you don’t hang noodles on your ears.
    2. anomalocaris
      6 July 2013 10: 09
      Yeah. You still forgot to remind about three times half-fucked Germany, well, there’s something else ...
      Not tired of lying? A true citizen, but I wonder who?
    3. biglow
      6 July 2013 10: 50
      Quote: True
      The actions of the Soviet army in 1945 are aggression against Japan and Manjuria with which a non-aggression pact was concluded. And the atrocities of the Soviet "liberators" against the peaceful Japanese population were worse than the Nazis. Strictly speaking, the Soviet group was a horde of sadists, robbers, rapists and pedophiles, as even historians of the Sakhalin region admit through clenched teeth.

      where to read about the atrocities of the Soviet army, imagine the names of the historians of the Sakhalin region
    4. +5
      6 July 2013 12: 00
      Do you think it turns out that the Japanese peacefully cultivated tulips in Manzuria and China ... and ours came and trampled all this beauty? ... for your information, the head is not thought of as a current for pouring pivus and other cholesterols ... but also in order and think ...
    5. antonio
      6 July 2013 15: 07
      What kind of atrocities are we talking about? Who were raped by Soviet soldiers in Korea and Manchuria? Japanese prisoners of war, forgive it more likely to the Eurogians on this occasion, only the Syngal shooters of the French army differed in sexual violence against prisoners of war.
      And just do it stupid and "thick"
      1. +3
        6 July 2013 18: 22
        By World War II, the samurai no longer existed (in the form that in the 2th century). It was a myth embellished with legends. and not all the descendants of the samurai went to the army, by the way, the police did not take samurai at all. The readiness for self-sacrifice in case of danger to the Motherland is a property of the Japanese people (there is something in common with us). Terrible, dangerous, merciless enemy. The greater the glory from the victory over him. And about atrocities - it's not a matinee in kindergarten, all the more so the Japanese behaved with prisoners of war in a bestial manner, no better than the Nazis. And there is nothing to say about the civilian population - remember at least the “head-chopping championship”.
    6. +5
      6 July 2013 20: 40
      Taaaaaaak ... In accordance with the terms of the neutrality treaty, our country denounced it exactly three months before the declaration of war to this Hitler ally ... in full accordance with international law ... at first it seemed to me. that you are a stupid joker, now- that a stupid, but arrogant liar.
      Regarding the atrocities, you see a miscarriage of Bandera ghouls, right? To admit, this is one of the rarest cases when there is a desire to apply physical measures to you and drown in a need ... literally ... without the slightest remorse ... only your hands after you would have to be disinfected ....
    7. The comment was deleted.
    8. 0
      6 July 2013 22: 11
      True quote
      Strictly speaking, the Soviet group was a horde of sadists, robbers, rapists and pedophiles

      Well what can I tell you, only, perhaps, this is -
    9. Avenger711
      7 July 2013 01: 56
      The contract was not renewed when the deadline came, so shut up, and there’s nothing to regret the Japs, because of them we had 1.5 million soldiers in the Far East doing nothing.
    10. 0
      8 July 2013 00: 08
      Quote: True
      Strictly speaking, the Soviet group was a horde of sadists, robbers, rapists and pedophiles, which even historians of the Sakhalin Region admit through their teeth.

      Guys, what the hell is this on our site?
      Quote: True
      The actions of the Soviet army in 1945 are aggression against Japan and Manjuria with which a non-aggression pact was concluded. And the atrocities of the Soviet "liberators" against the peaceful Japanese population were worse than the Nazis.

      Where are you from?
  5. +4
    6 July 2013 10: 20
    As an Orthodox person, I have a negative attitude towards suicides, but suicide and self-sacrifice are two different things. Kamikaze is part of Japan’s culture and their relationship to death.
    1. +5
      6 July 2013 11: 36
      Kamikaze, blowing himself up on a grenade in a war and so on is not a suicide. I will explain my thought:

      Suicide is when you deprive yourself of life in the absence of a threat to life in peacetime.

      And acts of self-sacrifice during the war are not suicide, but murder by enemies. Man is not killed by himself, but by the enemy during the war. After all, going to war, everyone understands that they are going to death - is that really suicide? One can only win a war if every warrior is ready to die for the purpose of the war. There is a difference when the enemy knocks / kills you or you knock / kill him with yourself. And in any case, death will come, so why voluntarily leave alone? This is not suicide.

      But for example a suicide bombing in a peaceful city, this is suicide. Because the terrorist act is committed against unarmed people.
  6. +1
    6 July 2013 12: 46
    The article is not complete, there were kamikaze infantrymen, special kamikaze boats.
    1. +5
      6 July 2013 12: 54
      Kamikaze - only pilots. The common name for death row is "teishintai"
      1. +1
        6 July 2013 15: 37
        Well, yes, it's strange to call boats a divine wind.
        1. Misantrop
          6 July 2013 20: 52
          Quote: cth; fyn
          calling boats a divine wind is strange.

          These boats were called "kaiten"
  7. +7
    6 July 2013 13: 20
    Kamikaze was extolled as heroes, they were prayed for in the temples as saints, their relatives immediately became the most respected people in their city. And there were three times more volunteers (!) Than airplanes. Family and older children were not taken.
    PS The reactor at Fukushima was cooled by 50 suicide bombers - unknown kamikaze did not leave the nuclear power plant, despite the deadly level of radiation and the raging fire there. White overalls and respirators with oxygen coming from cylinders secured behind the back are purely symbolic protection against radiation. The kamikaze group includes both those who remained at the station on orders and volunteers. All of them, before embarking on a shift, said goodbye to their family and friends ...
    PPS Soviet pilots who made a ram - not a kamikaze. Some of them (Hero of the Soviet Union B. Kovzan I.) performed their feat up to 4 times. Moreover, it happened, and twice, in one battle - in 1942, Alexei Khlobystov rammed first Me 110, and then Me 109, destroying both. And managed to return to the airfield in a damaged car!
    1. +2
      8 July 2013 04: 02
      You were right about Fukushima. I thought so too when I heard on the news that they had gone to the hot zone of the reactor. In addition, I want to add that the American military treated the komikadze with great respect.
  8. -2
    6 July 2013 13: 33
    "However, it quickly became clear that crashing into an enemy ship is not so easy."
    You always expect a liar to abide by some limits. And every time you understand - there are no borders at the mean lies! The dearest author breaks like a gray gelding and does not grieve at all about this, the more delusional the enemies, the better he will be paid. Well, what is it? Is a pilot able to land a plane, but cannot get to their desired point? Would you walk uncle in the forest, would you eat uncle a broom ...
    The military genius of the Japanese admiral suddenly gave birth to an idea of ​​stunning quality. So where? Where are the RESULTS? No, no, the author does not even stutter about any results. Immediately drove about the winds being blown ... Well, yes, the American captains were "scared". Either the author has the results of measurements with a fright meter, or he wants to convince us that out of fear the aircraft carriers began to dodge the "brave" kamikaze. That's so maneuverability! Ugh ...
    The reality is this. Firstly, the Japanese (where the limit of lies? No ...), of course, had a pilot training system. Only she was very Japanese. The problem is that the Japanese are incredible, somehow zoologically cowardly. Therefore, the training of pilots of aircraft carriers, for example, did not imply any means of salvation. Big fans of Darwinism were these Japanese - little hands are shaking, can not you go on the landing deck? Die ... Of course, this system worked only until the moment, as long as there was something to make up for the airplanes seated with cowards.
    Well, then I can only repeat what I once wrote. I will not touch upon absolutely stupid ideas of stuffing explosives into a fighter plane. And explosives there with gulkin shish, and the results ... in general, rotting of the brain, damage to an enemy ship of normal size can only be inflicted by a torpedo bomber. So what is the point of turning a torpedo bomber into a kamikaze ?! author!! Ouch !!? Why is this? What will prevent the return of the torpedo bomber? Yes, it's not very likely, but is it possible? Stop bullshitting about "low qualifications", no skill is required for a torpedo bomber! With a torpedo, the plane is like a pregnant cow, you can't do aerobatics. You just need to stay on the course, hold the handle and hold on.
    But the Japanese did not succeed in this. The pussies ... So they choked the person, gave him drink, hypnotized. You're already dead! Dead! DEAD! HOLD THE HANDLE !! Where there ... Stop the author about "divine winds" to lie. I think unfortunate Amaterasu cried all her eyes, looking at this shame ...
    1. +2
      6 July 2013 15: 12
      Quote: Mikhail3
      Stop bullshitting about "low qualifications", no skill is required for a torpedo bomber!

      Yah? Read the memoirs of Japanese pilots, you will understand a lot.
      1. 0
        6 July 2013 15: 28
        In my opinion, training for a kamikaze pilot lasted 2 months.
      2. 0
        6 July 2013 22: 19
        Sorry, I’ll add - even read more Americans and our Baltic torpedo bombers — everything is the same there ...
    2. Misantrop
      6 July 2013 21: 08
      Quote: Mikhail3
      I can only repeat what I once wrote. I will not touch upon absolutely stupid ideas to cram explosives into a fighter. And the explosives there with gulkin shish, and the results ...
      Writing is good. I’d like to read and learn at the same time, in general it would be wonderful ... At least the article itself, if you already read the comments lol The lousy results were precisely due to a design error specially for the kamikaze of the Oka bomb aircraft. If it was possible to accelerate on a dive to 1000 km / h, it had a STRAIGHT wing. Those. inevitably there was a stall and a gentle dive turned into a vertical one. At the same time, it is IMPOSSIBLE to fall into the intended target ... request
    3. +3
      6 July 2013 22: 13
      Comrade ... I hope you can understand. that playing computer toys is easier than fighting for real? If you know, please turn on the IL 2 toy (this is the only toy I play with), turn on the "like in life" mode, select the naval aviation of the Japanese or Americans and try to break through the layered air defense of an aircraft carrier or cruiser to stick into the place you need (for a joke you can try to hit the tank with a bomb from a dive bomber) ... I assure you, you will be unpleasantly surprised at how hard it is IN A TOY .... it's even harder in life ... I don't even know how much harder it is ... but even if it is so hard ... for reference, despite my many years of episodic combat career in IL 2 :))))) I did not drown a single aircraft carrier .... having lost I don’t know how many hundreds of aircraft :))))) but I fly in my computer very well...:))))

      Further ... pilots of torpedo bombers are professionals of the highest class, whom we have trained during the whole war only a little more than astronauts .... Does this mean anything to you? You can only compare them with the top-managers ... in endurance, decisiveness and amazing courage, it is very difficult to find them equal - our attack aircraft had much easier ... you try to keep the machine on the battle course, obeying the commands of the navigator. at 25 meters, when you’re fired from three dozen barrels right up to the main gun when attacking an unfortunate destroyer, and the target maneuvers at a speed of 50 km / h. and your car is thrown to their side by a blast wave from shells
      I admit that it’s even disgusting to read about the Japanese fucked ssykuns ... read. what animal horror all Europeans and non-Europeans (except ours) who had to deal with them experienced .... before the infantry of these syksuns ... and the Americans too, especially in the first half of the war. read how the Japanese took Singapore ... read. what a superstitious awe of American pilots before Zero in the first half of the war ... but. by the way, the Americans. we must pay tribute, for all that, all the same, they went to their deaths and tried to carry out the combat mission at all costs, and the Japanese gave them due respect .....
      if I pass your words to a Japanese schoolgirl, she will burst in your face and fall to the ground, jerking her legs and pointing a finger at you ...
      if a woman aged 30-35 she smiles insincerely (but you won’t guess about it) and says that you are probably right, but maybe you should familiarize yourself with the relevant studies to improve your knowledge ....
      a woman over 60 will bow to you a couple of times, nods, apologize a couple of times, and thank such a clever gentleman a couple of times. who of course knows a lot and is right about everything .... and you will never know that such contempt lurks in her eyes. such squeamishness ... we have a better attitude towards lice ...
  9. +4
    6 July 2013 15: 09
  10. antonio
    6 July 2013 15: 16
    And in fact, what special damage did the kamikazes, the KAITEN man-torpedoes, the kamidze infantrymen inflict on the allies? It's just that voluntary death is so terrible for the consciousness of Europeans that this topic was so advertised.
    1. 0
      6 July 2013 23: 52
      I found such data.
      On the account of the Kaiten man-torpedoes were three trophies - the Missineva tanker, the landing boat and the Underhill destroyer. Using the "Kaitens", the Japanese ultimately hurt themselves - the submarine with the "Kaitens" mounted on the hull was especially vulnerable at the time of preparation for the launch of man-torpedoes. As a result, the Japanese lost eight submarines, another 15 people died during the tests of "miracle weapons".
      Another 7 US ships were destroyed by speedboats driven by suicide bombers - one destroyer (Hutchins), a hunting boat and five landing barges. And this despite the fact that 400 kamikaze boats loaded with explosives were preparing for attacks on Okinawa!
      Finally, the most mystical part of the Kamikadze project is suicide swimmers. With an 9-kg ballast mounted on their backs and two compressed-air cylinders, these geeks had to go down to the American ships in shallow water and undermine them with an 15-kilogram bomb tied to a long bamboo pole. The official result of all efforts is the damaged landing craft LCI-404.

      In total, as a result of attacks by kamikaze (aircraft, man-torpedoes, speed boats), 74 American ships were destroyed. The ships of the Navy, Coast Guard and the US Army are taken into account.
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +1
    6 July 2013 18: 26
    Life is a personal thing and for every person is especially valuable, respectively, and sacrifice it for the sake of someone or something is a private matter of a particular person. And self-sacrifice-heroism ... is in half the cases-inadequate behavior in an inadequate situation. Here it remains to determine the very smallness ... when a person, for example, closed the embrasure with his chest, covering his own ... or when his nervous breakdown began ...
  13. skychnii
    6 July 2013 18: 35
    Life is as light as fluff and debt is as heavy as stone. And do not judge them. They are warriors of their country
  14. +3
    6 July 2013 19: 43
    Quote: True
    The actions of the Soviet army in 1945 are aggression against Japan and Manjuria with which a non-aggression pact was concluded. And the atrocities of the Soviet "liberators" against the peaceful Japanese population were worse than the Nazis. Strictly speaking, the Soviet group was a horde of sadists, robbers, rapists and pedophiles, as even historians of the Sakhalin region admit through clenched teeth.

    There were always enough freaks, including in the Soviet army. But the Americans also raped, robbed and killed civilians during the second Mita war. American privates killed officers who saw what they were doing. "It feels like we ourselves are the aggressors," wrote some American commander of the Second World War. You can also add to this the bombing of German (for example, Dresden) and Japanese cities, where there were mainly women and children, because the soldiers fought at the front.
    What are they now writing about the atrocities of Americans in Iraq?
    1. +3
      6 July 2013 22: 25
      I will add, the Americans are not "too", but much worse than ours - almost almost like the Nazis ... and sometimes the same way, Korea. Vietnam, then, everywhere ... and before that, also everywhere ... American soldiers have always been like that since the time when they carried out the organized genocide of Indian tribes, liberated living space from subhumans ... then the character of the American army took shape and pretty much that. what is called the American nation ...
  15. +4
    6 July 2013 20: 41
    Whatever it is, but they are worthy of respect.
  16. 0
    7 July 2013 01: 26
    There is a film about them "For those whom we love"
  17. soldier's grandson
    7 July 2013 21: 25
    Quote: True
    The actions of the Soviet army in 1945 are aggression against Japan and Manjuria with which a non-aggression pact was concluded. And the atrocities of the Soviet "liberators" against the peaceful Japanese population were worse than the Nazis. Strictly speaking, the Soviet group was a horde of sadists, robbers, rapists and pedophiles, as even historians of the Sakhalin region admit through clenched teeth.

    I didn’t hear this from my grandfather. This is propaganda.
  18. 0
    7 July 2013 22: 25
    Initially, the war with the United States was a sink for Japan.
    The transnational financial elite merged Japan, and ordinary people paid for it.
    Relying on post-war preferences, the Japanese leadership did everything to lose in this war.
    A good example is kamikaze.
    It cannot be called otherwise than a direct discharge of the Air Force.
    The military elite, instead of timely modernization of the Air Force (which the designers and the military insisted on), criminally ruined the pilots.
    Yes, by the way, some aviation firms sabotaged, as they were associated with those who "taxied". And I must say, after the war, these firms received their silver coins.
    The only exception is Nakajima, but she was quickly removed from the scene after the war.
  19. AlexMH
    7 July 2013 22: 41
    Along with Admiral Onishi, one of the organizers and leaders of the kamikaze was Admiral Ugaki. So, if Onishi committed seppuku, realizing that the war was lost, then Ugaki himself became a kamikaze, dying in the battle for Okinawa, piloting a plane with a bomb. Personally, I cannot imagine a German or American general going into a suicidal attack at the head of his pilots. As for the rank and file kamikaze, then, firstly, at the end of the war, the young pilot had practically no chances of surviving, a maximum of 5 combat missions. The Americans had numerical, organizational and technical superiority. In this situation, the pilots wanted at least to cause damage to the enemy before death, and the command actually went to meet them. However, oddly enough, most of the kamikaze survived, unlike, say, most German submariners. They were trained, but there weren't enough planes for everyone, and those that were, the command reserved for the battle for Japan itself, as well as boats and combat suicide divers. Another thing is that after the war in Japan there was a somewhat negative attitude towards veterans (see at least the biography of Saburo Sakai), and many kamikaze never said that they were kamikaze. For those interested in this topic, I recommend reading the book "Divine Wind" by Inoguchi and Nakajima.