The systemic crisis of capitalism, the degradation of humanity. What awaits Russia? Part of 2

Degradation of human

Currently, more and more processes in the spiritual, cultural, social, political and economic life of mankind can be characterized by the words "madness" and "degeneration". The process of degradation of humanity can be a prerequisite for global catastrophe and the extinction of the human race. With the rapidly growing population of Latin America, South Asia and Africa, the quality of a person, his spiritual, mental, intellectual, and physical life decreases more and more. Moreover, this process has affected almost all races and ethnic groups. The consumer society decomposes even the relics of primitive times, preserved in remote mountains, deserts and forests. Recruitment agencies and corporations are increasingly experiencing a shortage of personnel with appropriate intellectual and physical capabilities. Many young people prefer the work of “office plankton” instead of a technical specialty, although the salary in the manufacturing sector can be much higher.

Modern science is increasingly serving the degradation needs, such as the development of dozens and hundreds of types of cosmetics. The bias in the entertainment sphere is noticeable to the naked eye. Game worlds replace reality, turning a person into an appendage of various kinds of gadgets, devices. Art degenerates. Degenerates who place in special medical institutions, called "geniuses". Art no longer elevates a person, but corrupts him. “Creators” excel in “rethinking” classical works, which usually results in vulgarity, wretchedness, and projecting erotic complexes of “artists” to the public.

The decisions of world politicians are short-sighted and destructive. Leading world politicians - like Nobel Prize winner Barack Obama - look like dropouts, or even just clowns in expensive suits. They cannot be compared with such titans of western civilization as Winston Churchill or Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They do not even reach politicians like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. The quality of managing world processes has plummeted.

Painting I. Parkhomenko. Under the mask.

Drug legalization

The first country to legalize marijuana was Uruguay. Now, residents of this Latin American country will be able to grow marijuana themselves in limited quantities or in clubs that love this drug, and also buy it at pharmacies (up to 40 grams per month). The President of Uruguay, José Mujica, called on the world community to support this decision. In his opinion, legalization will help weaken the influence of the drug mafia and reduce the consumption of “hard” drugs. This is the first experience, but the influential part of the “elite” has long been in favor of legalizing drugs. It is possible that many of the politicians are associated with drug trafficking. Thus, the president of Guatemala, Otto Perez Molina, in the spring of 2013, proposed to legalize marijuana all over Central America at once. And the ex-president of Mexico Vicente Fox said that the production of marijuana in the country may be allowed in the next five years - and he is personally ready to cultivate this plant. Latin American leaders believe that such a move will help stop the bloodshed (in Mexico, the drug war claimed tens of thousands of lives), as well as replenish the budgets of states. To legalize the drug trade is offered in Morocco. So, according to some data, 800 thousand Moroccans are currently engaged in the illegal production of marijuana, and revenues from sales of the drug amount to 10 billion dollars. Legalization of this case will significantly replenish the budget and withdraw thousands of people from the shadow production. It is assumed that farmers will sell the crop directly to the state for "medical and industrial purposes," and not to drug lords.

For Uruguay, followed by the first "swallows" from the United States. The first state in which authorities legalized the use of marijuana was Colorado. Now the state can grow cannabis for personal use. Citizens older than 21 will be able to purchase drugs in special stores. Sale of marijuana will be regulated by the state and taxed. For the sale of drugs will open special stores. So, in the state capital, Denver, there will be 18 of such stores.

Following Colorado approved drug use and staff Washington. Locals older than 21 of the year received the right to use the drug and to carry with them no more than one ounce of the psychoactive substance (28,3 gram). True, the state still cannot sell this drug and use it in public places. The next state where marijuana is allowed can be Oregon.

Similar processes can be observed in other regions of the planet. The Swiss government recently approved a bill on the legalization of the sale and use of marijuana, as well as some other light drugs. The bill was sent to the parliament. Smoking marijuana is not prohibited in Argentina, Brazil, is not considered a crime in Mexico. In the Netherlands, the sale of marijuana in special cafes is officially authorized. In Belgium, the federal law allows citizens to use marijuana. In England, the police can not arrest a person for using marijuana. A policeman can only take away the drug and make suggestion. A consumer of a drug is only to be persecuted if he violates public order. In Canada, it is permitted to grow, sell and use marijuana to terminally ill people who suffer from various forms of cancer, are sick with AIDS, arthritis, etc. It is also allowed to store marijuana. A similar picture in Australia, where in the state of New South Wales, the authorities gave permission to smoke marijuana cancer patients and other serious diseases.

What for?

First, it is a monetary interest. Representatives of the authorities themselves are talking about the need to replenish the budget, create new jobs, bring a new branch of production out of the shadows. Mercantile interest placed above the mental and physical health of people. The Golden Calf is more important than moral principles. True, some reach such impudence that they seriously talk about the "positive impact" of drugs on human health.

Secondly, it is control over people. Drugs lead a significant mass of people into illusory worlds. People stop asking difficult questions, do not fight for their rights. “You don't need a knife for a drunkard, you pour a little bit of it and do what you want with it.” In addition, a certain part of the world "elite" (in terms of Christianity, they can be called Satanists) is interested in the degradation of the spiritual, intellectual and mental potential of mankind. In fact, they lead humanity to the slaughter.

Physical degradation

Advances in medicine have not only positive aspects - such as the increase in life expectancy and the salvation of almost all babies, even completely unviable - but also negative ones. Thus, instead of the defeated plague and smallpox (or rather, they went into the shadows, for example, the plague has already manifested itself several times due to a sharp decline in epidemiological control) people are affected by allergies, HIV and cancer. Reduced natural immunity.

Number of diseases cancer over the years xnumx has doubled. Oncological diseases show such growth that by the 30 year they can become leaders, pushing out cardiovascular to second place. Allergy has become the fastest-spreading disease on the planet. Today, every third adult resident of Russia and every fourth child are allergic, their number is constantly growing. In most cases, these are the effects of pharmacological dependence, when people are used to treating any kind of drugs with any kind of medicine. In fact, people eliminate the consequences, rather than struggling with the prerequisites of disease. People are taught to go the easy way. Instead of abandoning bad habits, alcohol and tobacco use, overeating, regularly engage in physical culture, hardening procedures, people use drugs, undermining their natural defense mechanisms, driving the "roots" of disease into the depths, reducing the years of their lives, vigorous activity, passing bouquets of sores for children.

The World Health Organization (WHO) called the 21st century the “century of allergies.” In large cities, which themselves are a strong mutagenic factor, 50-60% of residents suffer from this disease, in small cities - about 30%. Pollution of the human environment, immense use of drugs and constant stress stimulates the emergence and development of allergies.

Negative trends fixed in almost all areas. Thus, in Russia, due to the destruction of the Soviet system of free medicine and the underfunding of the health care system, the growth of poverty, the incidence of tuberculosis increased 200 times. Russia in the world health rating dropped to 97 from 145, standing next to Iraq, where war has been fought for more than a decade ...

Obesity became a serious problem of mankind. From this disease, 12% of the world's population now suffer. The problems of water and food are widening. A significant part of the planet drinks bad water or even lives in conditions of shortage of drinking water. In Russia, the turnover of falsified and counterfeit products is, depending on the industry, from one-third to one-half. A terrible threat is represented by genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are actively introduced by agricultural TNCs. According to experts, GMOs cause infertility, allergy, oncological and other diseases. The relationship between the growth of diabetes and obesity with the introduction of GMOs into food was revealed. Unfortunately, Russia succumbed to the world trend: government decree No. 839, adopted 23 September 2013, allowed to sow genetically modified crops on the territory of the Russian Federation. What awaits us, can be seen in the example of the United States. After the emergence of GMOs, obesity in the United States increased from 20-30% in 1950-1988. up to 70% in 1990-2010

Worst situation is observed in other areas. Particularly dangerous blow to children and youth. Every third child has health deviations from the norm at birth. The incidence of children under 14 years increased over the last years 20 50%. Modern children began antiakseleratsiya, they are weaker and more painful your parents' generation at the same age.

Biologists note that the destruction of man is already at the genetic level. At present, both men and women are genetically degraded, but progressive destruction is observed primarily in the male sex Y-chromosome. The reduction of the Y chromosome, which consists entirely of 78 genes, although initially the Y chromosome contained about 1500 genes, leads to a strong male modification and the emergence of men with a female type of behavior, homosexuals, underdeveloped feminine beings, i.e. people with one X - chromosome. Such people are already on the planet, about 1 from 3 thousand men (data 2001 g.). Y-chromosome degeneration was found in 5-15% infertile men, and male infertility covered up to 40% of men of childbearing age. Due to the gradual destruction of the Y chromosome and the disruption of spermatogenesis, the number of boys born has significantly decreased in a number of regions. The same process leads to the growth of violent crimes, including those of a sexual nature. The destruction at the genetic level causes the degradation of the psyche, the brutality of man.

Changes in sex chromosomes lead to the appearance of immature women, infertile and masculine, a large number of lesbians. We observe this process in the countries of Western Europe and the USA. At the same time, underdevelopment and sexual deviations cause an increase in aggression in female non-villagers. They throw out their flaws on others and actively try to prove to others that their shortcomings are a sign of “elitism”. The aggressiveness and activity of perverts and people with mental and physical disabilities in the West has already led to the fact that they have created a strong political lobby, which presses the laws leading to further degradation of Western civilization.

Overall, however, the process of destruction of genes on sex chromosomes in women is several times slower than men. The X chromosome contains about 1098 genes and has a greater margin of safety. In addition, women have two X chromosomes, which overlap.

Destruction of the psyche

Doctors around the world have noted an increase in the number of diseases of the nervous system. In the West, up to a third of drugs are intended to compensate for mental disorders. A huge number of people are “drug addicts” sitting on sedatives, anti-depressants, etc.

Statistics data indicate that in Russia 20-25% of Russians need the help of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, about 20% of Russian adolescents aged from 14 to 19 have mental disorders. Completely mentally healthy children - no more than 20%. More than 1,5 million people are in permanent psychiatric registration in Russia, more than 2 million people need regular consultations of psychiatrists, more than 1 million elderly Russians suffer from various forms of dementia. 15-20 million people are in a boundary condition. Every third citizen of Russia suffers from depression. The number of mentally unstable people is constantly growing. Mental disorders lead to the fact that Russia is among the leaders of world leaders in terms of the number of suicides (27 per 100 thousand population per year against 4-5 in Western Europe). In addition, a system that allows people with serious psychiatric disorders to have children has led to a steady increase in the number of mentally ill people. More and more diseases are inherited.

Destruction of the psyche, which can not withstand information from the surrounding anti-human world (this is largely merit media cram population degenerative information), leads to an entirely wild accidents. Teens whose parents forcibly taken away from the computer games, the Internet, commit suicide or even murder their parents. Girls get off in gang and beaten and even raped peers.

At present, almost all of Russia is in a borderline state, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Soviet psychological school destroyed. The abrupt change of values, when trying to “write down” alien values ​​of the consumer society, where pleasures and personal consumption are in the first place, led to a split consciousness, to the matrix of the Russian super-ethnos, always living according to the notions of serving the Motherland and social justice. People understand (at least at a subconscious level) that neoliberalism, based on the cult of money, injustice, selfishness, inhumanity, does not correspond to the worldview of Russian civilization, its program code, but it is pleasant to consume and decompose. However, the matrix of the rut super-ethnos, which has been formed for thousands of years, is stronger than the values ​​of the non-human world (the values ​​of the non-slave-owning order that the Western masters build), so the split and the inability to realize their bright, creative potential literally drives people crazy. Many try to stifle this internal struggle with alcohol.

The main role in the decay of the population is played by the media. They claim in the country the cult of the "golden calf" and hedonism (moral decay). A shaft of negative information immerses people in a state of constant stress, fear. Fear and anxiety increase the controllability of people, their susceptibility to external foreign influence, to various kinds of manipulations. A person loses the ability to think independently and takes, as it seems to him, an “independent” decision, proceeding not from his own interests, but from the interests of manipulators. Without positive information, people fall into apathy, which they are trying to compensate by drug use. Another method of manipulation is the constant “holiday” on TV, “feast during the plague”. The flow of continuous entertainment programs, various shows, dances, songs, an aggressive attack of pop culture (vulgarized, simplified, degenerative version of this culture) leads to a loss of will, increases the controllability of people, leads to a simplification of their spiritual, intellectual inquiries.

Moral degradation

The duality that destroys mental and moral principles is also observed in the sphere of the morality of Russian society. The state promotes patriotism, talks about the need to protect traditional values, and prohibits homosexual propaganda among children. However, in the field of media and reality, we are witnessing a complete triumph of the cult of social parasitism and moral degradation. Social stratification and injustice have reached extreme limits. The rich, profiting from theft, the destruction of Soviet infrastructure and industrial potential, squander millions and billions by buying foreign sports clubs and yachts, inviting foreign pop stars to weddings, parties, corporate events, birthdays, and wild feasts at the best resorts in the world. Hedonism and consumption are diseases that hit the highest strata of Russia.

The Russian Federation is one of the main suppliers of "live material" for brothels in Europe, the Middle East and South Asia. At the same time, Russia and Ukraine (now Belarus) are zones of sexual tourism, here perverts from all over the world can enjoy forbidden pleasures, corrupting children. In Egypt and Turkey, they look with disdain at the Natasha from Russia, who come for debauchery. They are already judging all women of Russia, and men, who cannot keep animals in the framework of propriety, the needs of their wives and girlfriends.

The Western world simply kills the plague of moral decay, which has assumed an inhuman character. The East is not far behind. In Japan, the same sexual perversions have become a whole art and industry. In order to reduce the human population, the ruling elites and the media under their control are promoting the wildest perversions. Those who dare to oppose ugliness and moral decay are subject to repression. Degenerates flooded the streets of European cities and are offensive on a still relatively healthy world. The virus struck even the Christian churches. For example, in England, the Bishop of Canterbury stands for the legalization of same-sex marriages among clerics, since the 1,5 of thousands of Anglican "priests" already live in same-sex marriage.

“Blue Lobby” actively promotes films that promote same-sex “love” and other types of perversions at leading film festivals. Directed by perverts - the "elite" of world cinema. Legalization of adoption by same-sex couples of children is underway, although it has been proven that children in such families will grow up with mental disabilities, and most likely will repeat the fate of the “parents”. Often they themselves attach them to same-sex "love."

Degenerates literally brutalized by their impunity and are already taking the first steps to legalize pedophilia. In the United States and Canada, a number of organizations openly advocate the legalization of pedophilia, considering it a kind of “normal” human sexuality. In Denmark, in prisons, pedophiles can officially view “child porn” on the network and even “play with children” on the phone. A huge pedopark promoting pedophilia has been created in Norway. In the park on the square in 30 hectares are 227 sculptural compositions. In Europe, the most terrible form of pedophilia is gaining momentum - infantophilia (“having sex with newborns”). It comes to the fact that parents and relatives sell babies on the Internet.

In a number of European countries, there is a WHO document entitled “Sex Education Standards in Europe”, which provides for the familiarization of all children (since birth) with all types of sexual diversity, not only in theory but also in practice. In particular, in Norway the school course provides for the study of incest. In a number of places this has already led to the decomposition of educators who commit crimes of a sexual nature against their pupils. Russia has acceded to the relevant Convention, therefore the European Union obliges the Russian state to fulfill all WHO requirements in the field of sex awareness, although the teacher and parent community actively protest.

Comes bestiality. In particular, in the USA and in the countries of the European Union they push the adoption of the law on the legalization of marriages with animals. At the same time, in the West (the first signs are in Russia), a whole industry has been created to “humanize” animals. Animals are dressed as people, for them there are special shops, hotels, funeral agencies, cemeteries. For animals, hired maids, chauffeurs, etc.

To be continued ...
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  1. +31
    9 January 2014 09: 11
    The worst thing is that all this manure is flowing towards us in a dirty stream. The media are promoting and implanting CONSCIOUSLY all the worst and disgusting that is in the West, the same films are played on TV, in which there are certainly fagots in the main roles playing "goodies ", completely perverted cartoons for children, where there are continuous inadequacies ... and so on, and no one is trying to fight THAT ...
    1. +8
      9 January 2014 09: 18
      Yes, the flow of shit is amazing, and a very small fraction of the real art, paid for by the LABOR of the artist and his inspiration, and not by a momentary outburst of shocking.
      It is necessary in art to get rid of kitsch, for it destroys art, as a medicine for the soul.
      And the media almost all belong to someone - people who knowingly send the media to the mainstream of hysteria, etc.
      Why are they doing this? -Someone needs it ...
      Why? Stupid people? -Here you need to think for a long time ....
      1. +6
        9 January 2014 09: 27
        Quote: mirag2
        And the media almost all belong to someone - people who knowingly send the media to the mainstream of hysteria, etc.
        Why are they doing this? -Someone needs it ...

        It is clear to anyone, you can go to the Maidan for an answer.
        1. +24
          9 January 2014 11: 35
          I already miss the iron curtain so that it splashes around the hill.
      2. AVV
        9 January 2014 22: 42
        The West is trying to turn its sewage system and the waste of the Western world to the east. But they clearly forgot that we have Orthodoxy, not Catholicism. And 99% of the population, together with deputies, the president and the Orthodox Church together oppose this Western coven !!! !!! And most Western countries support us in this!
    2. Christian
      9 January 2014 10: 37
      Degradation in all directions of man in the West is a direct result of the rejection of Christianity as the foundation of life is a fact. We, under the leadership of our "guardians for universal human values", have been going the same way for the last 25 years. The result will be the same. One if-if we do not return to their primordial roots - Orthodoxy, as the basis of the life of society and every person! So we lived for 1000 years and were strong only for this!
      1. +4
        9 January 2014 13: 16
        I agree. While the cult of the Orthodox warrior is alive, we will live.
    3. +7
      9 January 2014 14: 28
      Quote: Andrey Yurievich
      .The media are promoting and implanting CONSCIOUSLY all the worst and disgusting that exists in the West, the same films are shown on TV, in which there are certainly homosexuals in the lead roles playing "good characters"

      Our new citizen from France, Gerard Depardieu, starred in such films, the case somehow looked (with bed scenes) since then I can not look at him without loathing. This xxxxxx also gave citizenship instantly, which once again characterizes the power.
      video in the subject-In Germany, a prison threatens to refuse lessons in sex-enlightenment, pay attention to how it filters the bazaar, is afraid and not without reason.
    4. +3
      9 January 2014 16: 16
      "and nobody tries to fight THAT ..."

      they will not fight IT, they are planting it. Well, as for nobody, you got excited, a lot of people are struggling with this at the level of their families. but at the state level they don’t fight IT - they plant it. and it is at the state level that this is a deliberate state policy in the vast majority of countries of the world, and ours is no exception
    5. +2
      9 January 2014 18: 02
      Can a private son become a general? Answer: No! The general also has a son :)))

      It looks like someone is clearing a place under the sun from us for their descendants

      "and no one is trying to fight THAT ..." in order to overcome this, one must begin to fight with oneself. "Save yourself and thousands will be saved nearby" seems to be how Seraphim Sarovsky said? And who wants to fight himself? Doesn't anyone want a new car at the expense of a neighbor? :)))
    6. Horde
      9 January 2014 22: 28
      correct article WORLD EVIL COMES!
      in fact, the MAIN SENSE of this government is TO MAKE A VIEW THAT EVERYTHING IS GOOD and under this mask to flood the country with non-Russians who will not resist, pump out the country's wealth, OPERATION OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE CONTINUES.
      When ten years ago, some still not quite United Russia deputy drew attention to the vulgar, immoral transfer of Sobchak’s house, and some made a proposal to close the program, PUTIN personally intervened and the deputy’s proposal did not pass, so what does the country's ruler do? defends morality? stands guard over morality? cares about the moral health of his people? only blind and deaf people who can’t think so, who do not see what is happening in the world or INFLUENCE AGENTS, who write their libel while standing on their heads and seeing the world accordingly.
      You open the Internet and there’s simply nowhere to go from the vulgarity, they have come up with all the sites to be wrapped in all kinds of advertisements, from direct pornography to some disgusting pictures that cause a disgusting and repulsive feeling. Deputies pass laws on the closure of extremist sites, and experts say that such a thing quite simply, BUT our rulers and FINGERS DO NOT WANT TO WIG, that would close the sites with the CLEARING DUT, crippling the souls of our people.
      Several times they called me from the social service of the TELEVISION poll, first they asked, “What are you watching now?” Then they began to ask, “Are you watching TV now?” . I DO NOT HAVE TV. I’m wondering whether to buy by SOCHI? , but I'm afraid to do it, I don’t expect ANYTHING from the performances of our athletes.
      Alexander Samsonov is right the world is DEGRADING, but again it’s just a degradation for one DEGRADATION — to the DEGRADATION OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE.
  2. Vitlek
    9 January 2014 09: 17
    LORD save us.
    1. +15
      9 January 2014 09: 19
      Hope for the gentlemen, but don’t be fooled by yourself.
      1. +16
        9 January 2014 10: 46
        the inability to realize their bright, creative potential literally drives people crazy. Many are trying to drown out this internal struggle with alcohol.
        This is known to many visitors to the site. The author plus, outlined the main trends. As one of the great ones said, if we assume that God rules the world, then you come across a bunch of inconsistencies, and if we assume that the devil rules the world, then everything converges. The actions of our government can say the same thing, if they are patriots of their country, then their actions are completely incomprehensible, the words are contrary to the deed. And if they play a role occupation government in a defeated countrythen their policy makes sense.
        1. +2
          9 January 2014 16: 21
          "And if they play the role of an occupying government in a defeated country, then their policies make sense."

          I agree with you. I’ll just add on my own, all countries are defeated, there are no countries-winners. it’s just that Western countries lost this fight much earlier than we
  3. +3
    9 January 2014 09: 20
    If you take a walk through the black neighborhoods in the USA, you will come to the idea of ​​the complete degradation of the country. If you go through the white areas - the opposite impression. Also within the meaning of the article - if we collect only dirt, we will want to hang ourselves. If we look at the positive trends, everything is not so gloomy. It all depends on the point of view. Kings in the palaces, with enormous resources, also behaved differently - one went into binge, the other built a country and a fleet. So I do not share the opinion of the author that everything has come ... There are a lot of problems, but when were they not?
    1. +1
      9 January 2014 09: 31
      Competently, yes, from the point of view, if the media impose such a point of view, that a complete f-th, then people will perceive everything like that.
      That is why I say that such media as an echo and the like are not only unnecessary, but HARMFUL!
      1. +1
        9 January 2014 13: 30
        It's time to return to censorship!
        1. +3
          9 January 2014 15: 18
          Quote: papuasimus
          It's time to return to censorship!

          Since no one has actually canceled censorship (they simply renamed it to “format” and, most importantly, changed the action vector to the opposite, redirecting it from good creation to merciless destruction), I would formulate it a little differently:
          Let's return the moral beginning to censorship!
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +8
      9 January 2014 10: 20
      Quote: Botanologist
      Also within the meaning of the article - if we collect only dirt, we will want to hang ourselves. If we look at the positive trends, everything is not so gloomy. It all depends on the point of view.

      ... everything is so, dear colleague.
      But at the same time, it all depends on the ratio of virtue and vice. How and how do they relate to the people?
      If sodom and gomorrah capture a large part of the population, the Last Judgment cannot be avoided. And along the way, everything moves in this direction ...
      Therefore, there must be barriers, legislative, and most importantly, moral. So that vice is called vice, and people who bring them in are called villains and subhuman. Everything must have a name! At the very least, this is the beginning of the healing of society, and not immersion in hell ...
      1. 0
        9 January 2014 20: 14
        Quote: Rus2012
        Therefore, there must be barriers, legislative, and most importantly, moral. So that vice is called vice, and people who bring them in are called villains and subhuman.

        + And also that gays should be called pi .... mi, and not "sexual minorities" and other unnatural inventions. What we are actually starting to do.
        1. Horde
          9 January 2014 22: 39
          Quote: Botanologist
          And also that gays are called pi .... mi, and not "sex minorities" and other unnatural inventions. What we, in fact, are starting to do.

          only you do not ...
          1. -1
            9 January 2014 23: 02
            Quote: Horde
            only you do not ...

            Have we been here for a long time? Or did you rank me as a geebort because I am not very good with Natsik and other fans of the purity of the race? So these are different things. Sodomy is a sin. And contrary to nature, by the way. And Natsik is crazy. That basically fits into both biology and medicine.
            1. Horde
              9 January 2014 23: 34
              Quote: Botanologist
              Or you ranked me as a geoeborets

              I doubt the purity of your intentions ...
              Quote: Botanologist
              that I am not very good with Natsik and other fans of the purity of the race? So these are different things. Sodomy is a sin. And contrary to nature, by the way. And Natsik is crazy.

              nationalists now know who they are?
              it’s who doesn’t want to have people on their land who do not love and do not appreciate the CULTURE of the people who created and built everything and, of course, built FOR OUR CHILDREN, and not for strangers, and most importantly these ALIENS ignore OUR LANGUAGE. They clung to us, but from hopelessness in their countries, but they do not want to show RESPECT and transfer YOUR CULTURE to our soil and not only culture, but you can’t tolerate it. Well, like you, to whom RUSSIAN CULTURE is not expensive and will hang labels ...
              1. 0
                10 January 2014 00: 00
                Quote: Horde
                but they don’t want to show RESPECT and transfer YOUR CULTURE to our soil and not only culture, but you can’t tolerate it. Well, like you, to whom RUSSIAN CULTURE is not expensive and will hang labels

                Not really, dear, you all do not interfere in a heap. I have called and will call such people as the New Russia that came here and a number of similar comrades. The same Yarosvet. And I call them Natsik not because they put their lives on the assessment of our culture and the development of the Russian language. No! They prove that it is necessary to lower and expel all non-Russians. Agree, these are slightly different things - respecting your culture and gnawing other peoples. And not according to the principle of social groups or guilt, but according to the principle of "non-Russian muzzle." That is, the Russian guy Pavlov, who blew up the trolleybus, is a good boy. And Isinbayev's non-Russian face is a candidate for expulsion. So are you doing or have I put something wrong?
                So, dear, first show your great contribution to the development of the Russian language and Russian culture, and then you will spread your highest doubts here.
                1. Horde
                  10 January 2014 00: 22
                  Quote: Botanologist
                  I called and will call Natsiks such as New Russia, who came here, and a number of similar comrades. The same Yarosvet.

                  was not introduced ...
                  Quote: Botanologist
                  And not on the principle of social groups or guilt, but on the principle of "non-Russian muzzle"

                  near there was a bakery there a husband and wife work there, just not knowing maybe Ossetians, so here I always take fresh, tasty cakes that fashion went to call pita bread, and so even without looking at such disrespect for the Russian language, I think that these guys are people useful because it’s impossible to find good bread in Moscow, but take off young people hanging around next to them, possibly fellow countrymen, obviously unemployed, so these people are EXTRA here and we should not care about them ...

                  Quote: Botanologist
                  And the non-Russian face of Isinbayev is a candidate for expulsion.

                  Isinbayeva, who is pole vaulting?
                  This is a completely respected member of our society, she is at work and she glorifies our country, so no ...

                  Quote: Botanologist
                  So, dear, first show your great contribution to the development of the Russian language and Russian culture, and then you will spread your highest doubts here.

                  Well, you see, how you don’t even understand the difference between RUSSIAN AND NERUSSK. Russian by birth is a resident of his country, because he is a CARRIER of RUSSIAN GENES, but non-Russians need to prove their suitability to this land and people ...
                  1. +1
                    10 January 2014 00: 29
                    Quote: Horde
                    you don’t even understand the difference between RUSSIAN AND NERUSSKI.Russky by birth is a resident of his country, because he is a CARRIER of RUSSIAN GENES, but non-Russians need to prove their suitability to this land and people ...

                    Damn, I’ve been listening to this for 10 years from S.N.Baburin at all congresses and in private conversations.
                    So then, let's reduce the intensity of passions and agree on terms! And then from different sides we are interpreting, in principle, only about the assessments of "Russians - non-Russians" and the carriers of this ideology. I am an opponent of extreme forms in the form of people who declare any disagreement as "Jew-Masonry" and other f ... her. And about what you are saying now, I agree on everything.
                    But about the article - I remain in my opinion. The article is not about problems, and not analytical, but a golem public relations, very bad. Believe the specialist. hi
    3. 0
      9 January 2014 13: 28
      To the account of the rulers:
      Peter I drove, in fact, into slavery, thousands, Peter stands on the bones, but built a fleet and an army.
      Catherine reveled in endless balls, but ... again developed the fleet, the army, not forgetting the treasury.
      Nicholas II did not skimp on the church and over-expenditure on machine guns and guns, but ... it was a time of change.
      Stalin rotted hundreds and hundreds of thousands in the camps to boost production and the economy, but ... there was no other way, we lay in ruins after the Second World War.
      Yeltsin ... drunk ... no comment. Complete degradation.
      Putin makes attempts to get the country out of shit. Not everything is bad. I'm not to judge. There are many problems, but when were they not?
      Just do not lose a human face - we will break through!
      1. Horde
        9 January 2014 22: 34
        Quote: papuasimus
        Peter I drove, in fact, into slavery, thousands, Peter stands on the bones, but built a fleet and an army.
        Catherine reveled in endless balls, but ... again developed the fleet, the army, not forgetting the treasury.

        in your head is the same as on the face of the dude from your picture ...
    4. +7
      9 January 2014 14: 03
      Your statement is completely incorrect, moreover, it is an essential part of the ongoing mass psychomanipulation. The substitution of concepts is elegant, but in general it’s already old ...
      So, in everything you can find good and bad, from which side do you look - is there the truth? Alas, a true statement in itself is, when cleverly applied, a base lie. Because the article is not about that. And about the processes well illustrated by the common "Indian parable". Well, remember - about two wolves, black and white, fighting in every soul? Yes, there is a black wolf and there is a white one. And from which side you are looking ... here is a lie - the question is not about which side you are looking from. The question is, what kind of wolf are you feeding!
      The author is sad about that, before the West at least pretended to be a white wolf. And now the whole world is pounding white, killing in itself and black in paradise! This is what man writes about. The sad thing is that you are not stupid, you can see from the posts. And that means - everything that I have stated is well known to you. That is, you are part of a hostile psycho-manipulation. How, on a salary, poison people with souls or at the behest of the heart?
      1. -1
        9 January 2014 20: 24
        Quote: Mikhail3
        The substitution of concepts is elegant, but in general it’s already old ...

        I did not write about concepts, but about the point of view, selection of accents and other uninteresting things.

        Quote: Mikhail3
        The author is sad about that, before the West at least pretended to be a white wolf. And now the whole world is pounding white, killing in itself and black in paradise! This is what man writes about.

        Do you want to present him in the form of the Chukchi - "what I see, I sing about that"? No, dear, the article under discussion is not so simple. We have before us a quite striking example of the so-called. dehumanizing the opponent. This is a powerful weapon, but very dangerous for the owner. It changes consciousness, which the author cares about. And it changes badly.

        Quote: Mikhail3
        That is, you are part of a hostile psycho-manipulation. How, on a salary, poison people with souls or at the behest of the heart?

        Give an example of substitution of concepts or manipulation in my posts. I only (by virtue of one of my specialties, not very widespread) try to return the conversation to the framework of rationalism. After all, I did not impose opinions, did not give assessments. On the contrary, I wrote - it all depends on the point of view. What does manipulation have to do with it? You have a more vulnerable position in this respect - you draw the line "friend or foe", and this is already a dumb manipulation of consciousness. After all, everyone wants to be their own, and they beat strangers here. And I just talked about points of view, which are always many request
        1. +2
          9 January 2014 21: 19
          Yes, the technique of influence you use is precisely this - "I do not impose opinions, I do not give estimates." That's what I wrote about. And I received, I will not deny, the expected answer. "It all depends on the point of view," yeah. The conscience was either amputated during preparation, or it was not born. Well, you live like this. I can't imagine how you do it ?! What preparation will keep you in a state of personal immortality until the last moment? How does a person leading such a life think about dying and keeping the answer for his life before him? I do not expect an answer. There will be no truth in him ...
          1. +1
            9 January 2014 22: 29
            Quote: Mikhail3
            Conscience was either amputated in the process of preparation, or it was not spawned.

            You see, you are already starting to read me morality and teach life. And for what? In order to strengthen their position. There are no other options. For who are you to read morality to someone? No one. And how can I evaluate that your idea of ​​conscience is better than mine? No way.

            Quote: Mikhail3
            I can’t imagine how you do it ?! What, until the last moment, will preparation keep you in a state of personal immortality? How does a person leading such a life think to die and hold the answer for his life before himself?

            You don’t know anything about my life. We saw a judgment that you didn't like, and "Ostap suffered." Do you know the reason? I wrote to you above - dehumanizing an opponent is a very terrible weapon. It kills conscience and makes it easier for immoral acts. Take my word for it. And you begin to justify the author, and even adopt his methods. Did you see the result? I am peacefully talking to you, and you are making a demon out of me. Moreover, they wrote something about conscience. Think about how this happens - an ordinary conversation develops into a confrontation. And with whom? With a person whom you have not seen and who, in fact, do not care for you. So why throw yourself?
            And I will answer you - it seems to you that you are a knight protecting the global CONSCIENCE from a dirty demon like me. And with a demon, all means are good, right?
            That's all your reasoning about good and evil - I’m just thinking, and you start attacking me. Although the values ​​we have, I think, are close. Just the form of their expression is different.
        2. Horde
          9 January 2014 22: 48
          Quote: Botanologist
          This is a powerful weapon, but it is very dangerous for the owner.

          Interestingly, this site does not like Americans, Jews, liberals, everyone who is against STALIN, and after all, quite recently, a year, two years ago, voices were heard - "Americans are people too" ...
          and by the way how is this weapon dangerous for Alexander Samsonov? will you kill him

          Quote: Botanologist
          And I just talked about points of view, which are always many

          we don’t need MANY DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW, but we need the CORRECT POINT OF VIEW, because when FREEDOM is of this kind, then the TRUTH is not visible ...
          1. -3
            9 January 2014 23: 15
            Quote: Horde
            and by the way how is this weapon dangerous for Alexander Samsonov? will you kill him

            Dehumanization is dangerous in that it kills conscience and reason. After all, like a normal-looking man, he kills a child or a woman in a crisis situation - he first dehumanizes them (depersonalization), and then demonizes them. Deprives human qualities and ascribes demonic properties. The article, by the way, is composed precisely according to all the canons of demonization, even poor chromosomes have been dragged together wassat and the death of all living things. In short, from the point of view of logic - complete nonsense. BUT! From the point of view of PR - a great article. No one thinks, everyone is worried. About what? About morality, conscience, about the fight against demons.
            There are only two conditions when demonization starts in the mind:
            1. - the emotional level of the pre-crisis situation (when the adult brain works like a child’s brain 9-11 years old),
            2. - psychological damage to the bearer of this mind.
            After reading the article, you received both of these conditions - you are scared for all of us who steal genes from your favorite chromosome belay ,
            and you got the image of a terrible demon in the face of the west arrogant and vile wassat .
            That's all. The author skillfully makes fools of us, and we find out how all sorts of nerds teach us this? It's time to minus!

            Quote: Horde
            we don’t need MANY DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW, but we need the CORRECT POINT OF VIEW,

            Criteria and methods for assessing the correct point.
            1. Horde
              9 January 2014 23: 55
              Quote: Botanologist
              Dehumanization is dangerous in that it kills conscience and reason.

              when there is a MASS DESTRUCTION of the Russian people, when the countryside and cities are empty, when the share of industry is declining in the mass of the GDP, when the cities are full of BEGGARS, HOMELESSES, DISAPPOINTED, and all these people are for some reason exclusively Russian, when there is a MASS TRANSFER of consciousness to a FOREIGN culture. having promised that he will deal with TERRORISTS DOES NOT KEEP HIS WORD, then you begin to understand that HUMANITY AND DEGUMANITY are things so far from realities, it becomes just ridiculous to hear about some kind of humanity ...

              Quote: Botanologist
              Criteria and methods for assessing the correct point.

              they were, are and remained forever,
              1. I am the Lord your God, may you have no other gods besides Me.

              2. Do not make yourself an idol or any image of what is in the sky above, what is on the earth below and what is in the waters below the earth; do not worship and do not serve them.

              3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

              4. Remember the day of rest in order to spend it holy; work for six days and do all your work in them, and the seventh day - the day of rest - may it be dedicated to the Lord your God.

              5. Honor your father and your mother so that you feel good and that you live on earth for a long time.

              6. Dont kill.

              7. Do not commit adultery.

              8. Do not steal.

              9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

              10. Do not desire your neighbor’s wife and do not desire your neighbor’s house, neither his field, nor his slave, nor his slave ... nor all that belongs to your neighbor.
              1. -2
                10 January 2014 00: 10
                I do not comment on the first part of your opus - for lack of thoughts, some emotions. About the second part.

                Quote: Horde
                I am the Lord your God, may you have no other gods besides Me.

                Did you dig up from the Koran or from the Bible? In principle, "There is no god but Allah" and "there are no other gods but me" - you can get confused, where are you driving?

                Everything else - you quoted it correctly, but you went too far as to the criteria for evaluating the correct point of view. If only because love for one's neighbor and dislike for non-Russians are somehow poorly combined. God gave you non-Russians, but you do not like them. Moreover, you are calling for racial segregation. A paradox, isn't it? Or is there something in the Bible about "beat the Jews - save Russia?"
                1. Horde
                  10 January 2014 00: 29
                  Quote: Botanologist
                  Did you dig up from the Koran or from the Bible? In principle, "There is no god but Allah" and "there are no other gods but me" - you can get confused, where are you driving?

                  in the quran-narok, also the right thoughts, I am not against the non-Russians in general, I am opposed to the fact that they would be ALL THE AUL.

                  Quote: Botanologist
                  Or is there something in the Bible about "beat the Jews - save Russia?"

                  there are a lot of things in the BIBLE, you have to think over along the way ...
                  1. +1
                    10 January 2014 00: 33
                    Quote: Horde
                    I have to think through the course ...

                    Yektyl, let's not get too involved in improvisations on the go. And then we can get carried away with bad excesses.
    5. +3
      9 January 2014 19: 09
      It is yes. When you look from the facade - everything seems to be "OK". If you go around on the other side - mother dear, horror! BUT...
      This is so if you yourself are free to choose how to look.
      But they are trying to ENSURE. That's bad ...
    6. Horde
      9 January 2014 22: 38
      Quote: Botanologist
      So I do not share the opinion of the author that everything has come ... There are a lot of problems, but when were they not?

      only the legalized feast of priests was NEVER ...
      1. -2
        9 January 2014 22: 58
        Quote: Horde
        only the legalized feast of priests was NEVER ...

        And we'll see something else. But that is not the point of the article. The point of the article is to inflame emotions and lead the reader to the logical conclusion that it is time to soak all Westerners in the toilet, and the West is an absolute evil. The article contains several emotional levels, and several secondary motives. Including the motive "it's time to change these world leaders - half-educated." But I have questions:
        1 - who will change?
        2 - who are you going to change for?
        3 - what teaching will we plant?
        Well and also, on trifles.
        After all, pay attention - the article was written in the genre of the pre-election "mochilov". And soon we will see an article in which the same author will happily cry out: "Reek, good people! It is finished! Here it is, a new messiah!" And we will see a photo of another hypochondriac, which "scientifically proved" the death of humanity by degradation of the Y chromosome belay because of the passion for youth rap wassat .

        Something like that.
        1. Horde
          9 January 2014 23: 14
          Quote: Botanologist
          Including the motive "it's time to change these world leaders - half-educated." But I have questions:
          1 - who will change?
          2 - who are you going to change for?
          3 - what teaching will we plant?
          Well and also, on trifles.

          Well, actually your statement can be reduced to our question that sounded during the election of the president, AND WHO EXCEPT PUTIN?
          You will certainly be surprised, but there are still people who have a different point of view on the development of the country and most importantly on the MORAL CRITERIA OF THE SPIRIT of our people and they are very different from Putin's. For example, there is such a person, a writer and historian Yuri Mukhin. In a difficult year, when Svanidze and Mlechin poured STALIN slops, he FIRST came out in defense and was able to find arguments that all the other scribblers could not plug in today.
          1. 0
            9 January 2014 23: 29
            Quote: Horde
            your statement can be reduced to our question that was raised during the election of the president, AND WHO EXCEPT PUTIN?

            Actually, I’m not talking about Putin at all. The topic is stated about the horrors of the systemic crisis of capitalism. I don't mind - let it crisis. Only I am worried about some ... specific features of the article, including the superemotional and unsystematic presentation. It seems that the author himself "wound up" while writing and swam ...

            Quote: Horde
            You will certainly be surprised, but there are still people who have a different point of view on the development of the country and most importantly on the MORAL CRITERIA OF THE SPIRIT of our people and they are very different from Putin's.

            We have already discussed the morale of the people a thousand times. Still, I am a supporter of N. Berdyaev - apocalypticism and nihilism against the background of Orthodox culture. In principle, the mixture is strong, and any forms of expression. Therefore, we cannot be defeated, but also why we do not care about atomism and atomization. Two sides of the same coin. And all that you are discussing are just particular manifestations of fragments of behavior. Not very significant, although many annoying.
  4. +2
    9 January 2014 09: 30
    Mercantile interest is placed above the mental and physical health of people. The Golden Calf is more important than moral principles. True, some reach such impudence that they seriously talk about the “positive effect” of drugs on human health.

    It is also necessary to speak out about alcohol and tobacco. Unfortunately, while there are human weaknesses, there is always someone who wants to make money on this, well, and advertise at the same time. And now the door of giant profits is ajar, without fear of imprisonment and other problems. Naturally the next are hard drugs.
    1. +2
      9 January 2014 11: 41
      Quote: svskor80
      It is also necessary to speak out about alcohol and tobacco.
      All over the world, drugs include substances that affect the psyche, causing a person to have altered states of consciousness, addiction, etc., i.e., drugs are what is recorded in the documents of the World Health Organization, including, of course, alcohol and tobacco. In our country, drugs are what is written down in legal documents, that is, in fact, "illegal drugs", and legal drugs are not considered as such by the mass of people.
  5. +6
    9 January 2014 09: 32
    Decisions of world politicians are short-sighted and destructive

    About the shortsightedness - I would argue. A man who has made his way to the top of power cannot be stupid, otherwise they will immediately sit him and swallow! If a politician declares one thing and takes steps in the opposite direction, this does not mean that the politician is stupid, it means that he has other goals!

    And then the question arises: WHAT are the goals of such a destructive policy?
    1. +1
      9 January 2014 10: 59
      Quote: umah
      If a politician declares one thing and takes steps in the opposite direction, this does not mean that the politician is stupid, it means that he has other goals!

      Correctly noticed. good
    2. +2
      9 January 2014 15: 51
      Quote: umah
      A man who has made his way to the top of power cannot be stupid, otherwise they will immediately sit him down and swallow! ... WHAT are the goals of such a destructive policy?
      Remember, there was such a Zitz-chairman Pound in the novel "The Golden Calf". Sometimes a narrow-minded person is put in the place of the first person in order to calmly do his own affairs behind his back (not even necessarily "black deeds"). For the "golden billion" - this is a creative, not destructive policy, because it frees the Earth and its resources for them and their offspring from unnecessary mouths and competitors.
  6. +1
    9 January 2014 09: 45
    The decisions of world politicians are short-sighted and destructive. Most politicians see everything, it is their goal to destroy everything, and their children will be brought up by normal call teachers and they will have a normal procreation.
  7. +5
    9 January 2014 09: 46
    The author of the article, as always (in the sense of similar articles), does not answer the main question: Who is the organizer of human degradation?
    Who finances WHO, media, GMO programs? Who finances the feminist and homosexual and other satanist organizations?
    Do you want to give names? Well, at least hint at the nationality or religion of the "workers of the apocalypse." At least some specifics will be!
    1. -6
      9 January 2014 13: 25
      Who finances WHO, media, GMO programs? Who finances the feminist and homosexual and other satanist organizations? ...
      To answer these questions, he must answer another, and who finances him with his bullshit.
    2. +1
      9 January 2014 15: 49
      Well, you can call (well, except for the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgan, Fords, everyone already knows about these No. ) ???
    3. Horde
      9 January 2014 22: 57
      Quote: SarS
      The author of the article, as always (in the sense of similar articles), does not answer the main question: Who is the organizer of human degradation?
      Who finances WHO, media, GMO programs? Who finances the feminist and homosexual and other satanist organizations?
      Do you want to give names? Well, at least hint at the nationality or religion of the "workers of the apocalypse." At least some specifics will be!

      yes buddy are you right, try something to say against Putin or Benny Lazarev, for the first you get the minuses a full basket, well, and for the second warning from the cutter ...
      Wait, you can talk about anything, but TABU and the most important thing are THE PROPAGANDA OF NATIONALISM AND EXTREMISM, they demoralize us, our children, but to tell them this in their eyes, BREAK THEIR LAWS ...
      1. 0
        10 January 2014 08: 46
        So far, friend, I've only been disconnected from the site.
  8. 0
    9 January 2014 10: 00
    Another portion of salad on all topics and zero analysis of processes in Russia! The continuous description of the consequences from the series "Help! Everything is lost, Lelik!" Is not at all impressive.
  9. +1
    9 January 2014 10: 12
    I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I go in for sports, I still get sick and suffer from pollen allergy. And what else will the author of the text advise me to do? (do not offer moving to the cave!)
    1. +7
      9 January 2014 12: 28
      Quote: ilya_oz
      I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I go in for sports, I still get sick and suffer

      Well, tie this self-torture! laughing
      Buy a bottle of good brandy ... wink
    2. +2
      9 January 2014 13: 38
      I drink, smoke, quit sports, inherited allergy, suffer from gambling (WoT).
      And nichrome! I live with this baggage.
      How? - Simply! It is enough to be friends with the brains, and do not forget that in addition to the sows and trash, there are creators, poets, and just decent people.
      1. +1
        9 January 2014 16: 41
        Quote: papuasimus
        suffer from gambling

        But with this heresy just tie! Well, of course, if you are already out of the puberty ...
        1. 0
          9 January 2014 18: 33
          That is, you want to say that casinos are being built for teenagers ???
  10. +12
    9 January 2014 10: 15
    Scary for his family, for his daughters. What will happen in 10 years when they are teenagers? It remains to believe that our country can overcome this. I grew up in the 90s, everyone remembers what time it is. People degraded, but most still remained normal, morally educated. These are our parents who lived during the USSR, we were educated correctly. Let us and we will raise our children as well. You just don't have to be a passive parent. You don’t have to be a dad or a mom who just makes money, does not play with their children, doesn’t do business with them, doesn’t just go shopping, doesn’t explain and doesn’t show by personal example what is good and bad, do not punish leprosy (or vice versa is overly punished) Earn a lot of money, then give something (sort of bribing them) and think that the child will now be happy. Typically, such children have a lot of toys, but little attention from mom and dad. I do not speak for everyone, but for many it is. You just have to admit at least to yourself. If the state is not yet in a position to change the situation, so at least let us not sit back, take care of OUR children, don’t leave TV, the Internet, etc. for free education. We just need to hold out until our motherland recovers ...
    1. +1
      9 January 2014 22: 25
      I put a plus for you, but I don't believe in "If the state is not yet able to change the situation". I think that the state does not even dream of changing the situation. And the Motherland itself will not recover, we need to work on it.
      And your method of education is correct, my daughter 25, brought up as you have described and my wife and I are not ashamed of her for a second!
  11. 0
    9 January 2014 10: 24
    Now the inhabitants of this Latin American country will be able to grow marijuana in limited quantities or in clubs of lovers of this drug themselves, as well as buy it in pharmacies (up to 40 grams per month. In general, these 40 grams are not enough for a normal smoker for a week, so all the same they want the shadow drug trade to leave.
    1. 0
      9 January 2014 11: 45
      Quote: ZU-23
      In general, these 40 grams are not enough for a normal smoker for a week
      Well, you smoke ... smile
  12. 0
    9 January 2014 10: 31
    In Europe, the most terrible form of pedophilia - infantophilia ("intimacy with newborns") is gaining strength. It comes to the point that parents and relatives sell their newborns on the Internet. Bestiality comes. In particular, in the USA and in the countries of the European Union they push through the adoption of the law on the legalization of marriages with animals.
    Our liberals are calling for complete freedom, this is their bright future. It is not too late to clear out all this scum liberal. Putin is not too late to drive liberals from the government into the neck.
    1. 0
      9 January 2014 11: 41
      Where did you read about infantophilia))), and most importantly under what?) Maybe the "squirrel" after the holidays with New Year's vodka brought you a newspaper ?!) Of course they are enemies to us, but the information still needs to be filtered, about us (Russians) too a lot of things stupid and not having reality can be read, but as a rule they write this for the poor for the poor. So you found somewhere miserable information about newborns and how you duplicate it, there they will be imprisoned for 20-30 years for this infantophilia of yours (and to be honest, it seems to me that this is a "vyser" of your inflamed perverted consciousness).
    2. 0
      9 January 2014 13: 43
      There is a shorter way: I propose to vote - lobbyists of pedophilia and homosexuality, as well as propaganda thereof, together with the promoters of other anti-Christian ideas - to shoot! (publicly).
  13. -1
    9 January 2014 10: 42
    WHO is a criminal organization. Just a scam with HIV, which does not really exist, what it costs!

    1. -2
      9 January 2014 11: 30
      The insanity grew stronger.))) Tubik probably also does not exist, cancer is also nonsense)) And venereal diseases in general for suckers invented.) A wave of obscurantism covers Russia. Psychos who "do not burn" (pass by the attention of psycho-dispensaries) read obscurantist and fuck-Levashov with Troyekhlebov, also other pocients, then begin to preach pseudo-scientific garbage.
      1. +2
        9 January 2014 11: 43
        I have one HIV acquaintance who has seen enough of such nonsense, well, I stopped drinking antiviral drugs for 3 months, my immunity collapsed, the doctors had to pick him up to inject the most potent drug, and they immediately told him that he did not take the drugs.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      9 January 2014 11: 59
      Quote: unsermann
      WHO is a criminal organization
      Do you know any non-criminal organization? Maybe there is less crime in the Ministry of Health? In the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the US Congress or the UN? The presence of crime, bureaucracy and the criminal lobby in society makes any organization criminal (at least potentially).
  14. +7
    9 January 2014 10: 48
    The symbol of a progressive person in Russia has always been a desire for Europe, a desire to introduce European standards in Russian society. And, on the contrary, a person is recorded in retrograde if he somehow sympathizes with the so-called Asiatic woman. This externally imposed dualism on the principle of Europe is good, but Asia is bad, it plays a cruel joke with us when a sober look at reality is crushed by artificial constructions that serve only to excite alienation between people because of different preferences. In fact, there are worthy examples to follow, that in the West and in the East there are a lot of people, but nevertheless I wanted us not to go into empty imitation, but to adhere to the Russian, albeit still largely Christian, tradition.
    The author gave convincing examples of the degradation of the West - so much further? However, it turns out to be possible further. These new times have brought new standards of education. It was the standards — the adopted conventions and agreements — that rigidly determined what the child needed and what was not needed. Sex education has turned into a solid sexual education. In the West, from the 60s there was a rapid departure from moral education to a purely physiological sexual issue. In fact, education is replaced by physiology. Early premarital relations, a change of orientation carries out the transition of society from marriage and family to sexual licentiousness and temporary partnership. Immoral relationships implicated in sex can only be temporary. The destruction of the family will make a herd of selfish individuals out of society.
  15. +3
    9 January 2014 11: 05
    Dear like-minded colleagues, before guessing how to withstand the Fatherland in future troubles, let's remember how it all began at the level of many of us - the post-school, research institutes, design bureaus in very recent times ...
    Dug out a decent read. And he writes not bad laughing
    I hope the author is not much offended by the link, promotion, after all ...
    And in general, he writes about us how stupid we were then ...
    Perhaps wiser already and more on the chaff will not be ...

    Somewhere in Russia

    Denis Muller’s novel “Somewhere in Russia. The ordinary story of an extraordinary time. " The action takes place in 1989 - 1990 years in one of the small towns that the Soviet government created a lot in different parts of the USSR around closed research institutes. The period of perestroika and publicity. The life of people is changing rapidly. Elections to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. Institute employees participate in them, nominate a candidate from their midst. The novel shows what the election campaign at that time was, the first sprouts of a new democracy, the first still timid attempts at political technology. Intelligent games. And against this background - the beginning of the decomposition of Soviet science: reduction of funding, crowding out of the best cadres and the preservation of those who understand science only as a way of earning a living - without insights and discoveries. “Somewhere in Russia” is perhaps the first attempt at an artistic understanding of how Russia began, which we acquired as a result of reforms at the end of the twentieth century.
    Link -
  16. Psychojoker
    9 January 2014 11: 10
    My grandfather (73 years old) works for a psychiatric ambulance. In simple terms, it catches psychos, starting from harmless and ending with the most frostbitten and armed.
    They have no less trips per day than a regular ambulance. Working days pass practically without sleep, there are not enough crews, and there are a dime a dozen psychos. There are especially many alcoholics with devils, drug addicts with devils and religious bullshit with days of judgment. The grandfather says that many more they cannot hospitalize because of the "democratic" laws. many mentally ill people remain at large.
    1. +1
      9 January 2014 12: 43
      in addition)) - the one who was recognized as insane (medical criterion), and he killed several people, he is placed on compulsory treatment and released after having been treated through !!!!!! a couple of years to freedom!
  17. -13
    9 January 2014 11: 20
    The author is stupid ibanat.) Just the same in Uruguay they do everything right about the legalization of cannabis. It's just hard for blunts to understand that from vodka at 40 years old (if you're lucky and will live up to such a respectable age), pigs die in the mud, or they die in stabbing, again like pigs, and we degrade and alcoholics give birth to pedrils of the same pedrils with the drunk in the womb alcoholic beasts mother's brain, and then in a circle. And if legalized, then the whole "machine" will begin to break down, prisons will be empty, because 42% of all crimes under the influence of alcohol, 80% of all murders in the Russian Federation occur under the "degree". And from the "grass" people will live a long time because there is practically no harm, and the one that is (hemp to vodka or tobacco as to the moon on foot by harm) is leveled by a healthy body. But here at once for the racial-oligarchy many problems immediately arise, people with a brain that is not drunk and not smoked (tobacco) begin to ask the right questions, where is the money from the extraction from the bowels of the (still) Russian land, prisons will be empty because 42% of intoxicated and another 10% to get money for alcohol and somewhere 5% for a couple of shoals (exaggerating because there are no exact statistics), a total of 52% are sitting because of vodka. And if the Russian people stop drinking, who will then feed the alcoholic industry of the North Caucasus, because if they have easy work and they do not pay much for it, they under the yoke of labor or unemployment (because they are not allowed to earn hard work) go to the mountains with machine guns. The pension fund, if it already has a deficit of 1 trillion rubles due to the theft of bureaucrats, if people quit drinking, smoking tobacco and sometimes allow themselves to smoke "herbs" and will not die of alcoholics at the age of 40-50 when it seems like it's just time to live for themselves (the children grew up to their feet), and in 80-90, in fact, to the end they received what they contributed to this fund during the years of their labor activity. Therefore, the government of Uruguay is doing everything right, and the author of ibanat))) who is not familiar with the material part, is essentially an ignoramus, and just by the logic of the author, one can accuse our government of "Satanism", in fact, for soldering Russians, and not the government of distant and sunny Uruguay and "a certain part of the world elite."
    1. +1
      9 January 2014 16: 01
      Hmm Lech, you’re still young, probably, at OIIIMF there were also figures who said that “plump is a pig craving, but the“ plan ”is what you need, and what do you think EVERYTHING UP TO ONE AFTER 2-3 YEARS MOVED TO HARD DRUGS AND AFTER 5-7 EVERYONE'S DIED, I repeat THEY ARE NOT IN LIVING, but those who (myself included) drink beer and whiskey and horse meat and vodka and eat a barbecue and all OCH NORMUL laughing and children and apartments and cars. So let the opium be smoked, they chewed it all, Basmachi and the Aztecs, and we drinks
      1. -1
        9 January 2014 16: 17
        Quote: Val_Y
        This is not because alcohol is lighter than the plan, or hemp by its nature encourages the use of opiates, but mainly because alcoholics are not considered a crime, and a teenager who smoked herbs behind garages, already realizes himself a criminal, the use of harder drugs for him the picture (his status as a criminal) does not change. But those who drink beer with vodka simply cannot deny themselves the pleasure in order to raise themselves in conceit at the expense of other nariks. My closest school friends died just from alcohol.
        1. 0
          9 January 2014 17: 33
          Quote: Stanislav
          This is not because alcohol is lighter than the plan, or hemp by its nature encourages the use of opiates, but mainly because alcoholics are not considered crime,

          Both options are addictive, the main differences between them: in the case of alcohol, overdose is an exception, alcohol, unlike "habitual" drugs, does not require a constant increase in the dose.
          1. +2
            9 January 2014 18: 26
            Quote: Ivan.
            alcohol, unlike "usual" drugs, does not require a constant increase in the dose.
            One friend started with a bottle of beer every day after work, and 2 years to 7 bottles a day caught up with the dose. And how do they drink too much, if "does not require a constant increase in the dose"? Do not immediately go into a chronic binge.
            Quote: Ivan.
            in case of alcohol overdose exception
            And about an overdose, as far as I know, bukhariks have something serious, and not banal alcohol intoxication, it is rare, and rarely even vomiting occurs in pickles, and I did not hear anything about coma.
      2. -3
        9 January 2014 17: 04
        1 million from alcohol directly or indirectly die in the Russian Federation, from tobacco to 400000. From grass 0. Better not to drink anything at all than to drink, alcohol is a hard drug. I smoked grass for 8 years, went to the army, smoked for another year, now I just don't smoke, I don't drink. Apartment and car), children are still too early)) life is sober in itself "rushing". You just need to forbid drinking, because some kind of hypocrisy is vodka from which people cut each other (you and your friends are probably a special case or still ahead) and grass that does not kill and from which no one kills anyone. Vodka is almost like "gloomy") But about the fact that someone out there somewhere and moved to something, this is sheer stupidity, all heroin addicts started with vodka, probably with it and got hooked on heroin. My classmates are just the same from alcohol and degrade, well, although this is probably because they, like you, do not eat barbecue)))
        1. -1
          9 January 2014 18: 36
          It’s you bend it, all heroin addicts start with "grass" and not with vodka !!! In ANOTHER PLACE, propagandize !!!
          1. 0
            9 January 2014 20: 56
            What propaganda ?! I am against any substances where vodka also belongs. Simply, if the herb is banned, then vodka, especially in the 1st list of narcotic substances, should be included. Alyoshka.)
        2. Fin
          9 January 2014 21: 56
          Quote: Alyoha
          I smoked grass for 8 years, went to the army, smoked another year old, now I just don’t smoke, I don’t drink. Apartment and car),

          Aleha, and why did they smoke from the age of 12? What buzz or underfoot is growing? Why suddenly stopped? An apartment, a car appeared ... Or were they hired to become a huckster?
          1. Current 72
            10 January 2014 03: 06
            Most likely this Alyokha is a huckster, and he sells "Maryvannaya" himself.
          2. 0
            10 January 2014 06: 34
            No, I smoked when there was a lot of free time with friends and again, once or twice a week, on weekends, someone thumped and we smoked as young men and then students. He stopped because real emotions are somehow more interesting and even driving, because they smoke and thump from the fact that there is nothing to do, he began his career as everything went away.
    2. +3
      9 January 2014 16: 04
      After cannabis, they often jump to something "more fun", because the grass does not "stick" after a long time. I myself saw this among colleagues, and after the army and in civilian life. So, all attempts to imagine cannabis as a harmless grass and, like nothing will come of it - this is complete crap.
      1. -1
        9 January 2014 17: 21
        Yes, vodka "pokes" every 50 times stronger, and the tolerance to THC falls just as quickly as it grows just idlers and lazy people if they smoke it all day long, then this is quite an expected result. But on the other hand, their body remains healthy, and alcohol and tobacco maims the carcass mercilessly, and most importantly, it destroys millions of neurons, they are not known to be restored.
        1. 0
          9 January 2014 18: 38
          and you have been chewing grass for eight years at what frequency ??? the brain then burns out more abruptly than from vodka, or are you a mishandled Cossack ???
          1. 0
            9 January 2014 20: 49
            You probably burned out.
        2. Fin
          10 January 2014 00: 00
          Quote: Alyoha
          just lobotryazy and lazy people if they smoke it all day long then this is the expected result. But at the same time, their body remains healthy, and alcohol and tobacco mutilate the carcass mercilessly, and most importantly, it kills millions of neurons; they are not known to be restored.

          How gentle: lobsters and lazy people ... Or maybe from the doorpost in the morning they are no longer able to work, only hi-hi-ha-ha?
          You need a healthy body at the same time !!!! Wow! Why is a body without a brain? Or do their neurons not perish?
          Alya, and why do you think 99% of countries do not legalize this nonsense? Probably the narrow-minded live there and do not suspect how useful it is, and here you are on a white horse with the formation of a culinary technical school that they are deeply mistaken. Of course I understand that you are promoting your product, but it’s a pity you because there are no former drug addicts !!!
          1. 0
            10 January 2014 06: 17
            I don’t understand your conclusions, which product do I promote ?! Do you whisper something like that in your ear? I mean, if it’s already banned, then vodka should be banned all the more. Well, as they say: God ordered the troll of Alconaphts)))
            1. Fin
              10 January 2014 09: 44
              Quote: Alyoha
              I mean, if it’s already banned, then vodka should be banned all the more. Well, as they say: God himself troll Alconaphts

              This is your trolling:
              The author is a stupid ibanat.) Just the same in Uruguay, they are doing everything right about the legalization of hemp.
              But here immediately for Raseyansky-oligarchy many problems arise at once, people with a brain not smoked and not smoked (tobacco) begin to ask the right questions, where is the money from the extraction from the bowels of the (so far) Russian land,
              and sometimes they will allow themselves to smoke "herbs" and will not die of alcoholics at the age of 40-50 when it seems like it's just time to live for themselves (the children have grown up on their feet), Therefore, the Uruguayan government is doing everything right,

              And the author is what an ignoramus, mat. part does not own. How dare he write about our crap like that. Only we, advanced professional junkies, know what the Russian people need. And what nariks ask where is the money for the bowels? This is when the dose is not enough?
              In fact, you propose replacing one nonsense with another while claiming:
              And from the "grass" people will live a long time because there is practically no harm, and the one that is (hemp to vodka or tobacco as to the moon on foot by harm) is leveled by a healthy body.

              It remains only to print leaflets and to give lectures at the school on the topic: Stop thumping, sit on the plan!
              1. 0
                10 January 2014 12: 35
                Once again, these are two drugs, and if grass is prohibited, then vodka should be banned in sight, since it is much more harmful. Alcohol is a drug, and a hard one. An alcoholic (or someone who just drinks beer) is the same drug addict, a nicotine addict is a completely different story)) every hour of his life a person needs to smoke a whitefish, isn't this called drug addiction ?! Alcohol and nicotine are much more harmful than grass, and therefore should be banned, like grass. And if you cover it, the truth is, the "Alkonafta" will live longer and will be more or less conscious. But this is also stupid, pot consumers have no ambitions, a lot of laziness, and life as "honey" seems to be based on the example of my very friends, they live with their parents at the age of 23-26 and, moreover, do not even see this as a problem, any nonsense like Castaneda and other crap for "psychonauts", they work at free jobs where they pay accordingly, they can't afford cars or houses, despite the fact that the responsibility is morally shifted to the state that they say it is so bad and they (being lazy) cannot afford what they want. But there are other friends who drink beer after work (as well as a huge part of the working-age population of our country) and on Friday they drink thoroughly, so when I meet them, it is as if the difference in years is 10, the one who drinks at 23-26 years looks like 35, and those who do not drink and smoke grass look like they should look at 25, but communication at the level of adolescents of 15 years old (they joke a lot about and among themselves, fool around), none of them served in the army. Once again, the herb is prohibited and probably right, but the grass before vodka with tobacco is harmful for the "carcass" as to the moon on foot, and therefore should also be prohibited. PS: About flyers is not my idea, but yours. You just need to quit drinking and smoking (who has not quit yet), but to change to something else is stupid, life is good without any substances.
                1. Fin
                  10 January 2014 14: 30
                  Quote: Alyoha
                  weed consumers have no ambitions, a lot of laziness, and life as "honey" seems to be

                  Quote: Alyoha
                  and they smoke grass, they look like they should look at 25 but communication at the level of teenagers of 15 years old (they joke a lot over and among themselves, fool around), none of them served in the army.

                  In your dibilizm, amorphism is like a runny nose - quickly passes? A funny picture from your posts turns out:
                  1. Legalization is right.
                  2. From "grass" people will live a long time because there is practically no harm, and the one that is (hemp to vodka or tobacco as to the moon on foot by harm) is leveled by a healthy body.
                  What do you call it? Advertising and nothing else.
                  And then further:
                  3. The herb is prohibited and probably right, but the grass to vodka with tobacco is harmful to the "carcass" as to the moon on foot, and therefore should also be prohibited.
                  Well, just a fighter for a healthy lifestyle !! Managed to repaint in one day !! You already decide for yourself what is good and what is bad. With your experience of sticking up, there is a great danger of recalling the old.
                  When a person justifies his bad habits by the fact that someone is alcoholized, this is an attempt to present himself as white and fluffy. And only in order to score another jamb.
    3. 0
      9 January 2014 23: 19
      Well, sometimes I also disagree with the Author.

      Av from your scribbling just reminds me of a person who smoked marijuana. moreover, very high quality)))
  18. +1
    9 January 2014 11: 46
    About GMO - complete nonsense is written. The article contains only an unfounded reference to some "experts". Let it be known to you all, now there are no cultivated crops left without some changes in genes. This is at least. In general, all this fuss over GMOs is a conspiracy of transnational chemical corporations. Crops that are genetically resistant to certain pests are unprofitable for them, since such crops kill the sales of chemicals that are mutagens, carcinogens and teratogens a little less than completely.

    About marijuana, a very controversial statement. Let's separate the addiction from the use of marijuana, which is not a drug, since it is not addictive. To smoke it, or not to smoke is everyone’s personal choice, and one should not fight with windmills, but increase the population’s literacy in this regard. And any prohibitions always lead to the creation of speculative black markets, with the trade in low-quality and inappropriate products (any synthetic chemistry with unknown side effects, instead of natural grass). And it is much more dangerous. Separate one from the other. No need to dump everything in one big pile and hang tags.

    The rest of the article is correctly written.
    1. +5
      9 January 2014 12: 14
      Quote: Lumumba
      Let's separate the addiction from the use of marijuana, which is not a drug, since it is not addictive.
      Do not compose. Marijuana is a 100% drug, just weak: it is not as addictive as, say, tobacco and alcohol and does not hit the body like these two legal ones (not to mention heroin, etc.). Mostly the drug mafia and the alcohol lobby deliberately oppose its legalization, because legalization will undermine their income.
    2. +2
      9 January 2014 12: 40
      Quote: Lumumba
      About GMO - complete nonsense is written. The article contains only an unfounded reference to some "experts".
      In Russia, two scientists conducted independently from each other studies on the effect of GMOs on the immunity and reproduction of animals (rats, hamsters). The experimental conditions were harsh - the subjects were fed exclusively GMOs. The experimental results in both cases completely coincided - the third generation does not produce offspring. Currently, the reproductive ability of both women and men has fallen sharply - this is also a fact. You may not see the connection, since there are enough other reasons for this.
      Quote: Lumumba
      Let it be known to all of you, now there are no cultivated cultures left without any changes in genes.
      There is such a tendency and nothing depends on the person who launched this mechanism. In nature, everything is interconnected and interdependent - GMO plants lead either to death or to the emergence of GMOs of insects and animals, and so on along the food chains.
      So the consequences of this process can already be considered predictable - the extinction of the required part of the world's population. By the way, “let it be known to you” that transnational corporations have financed the creation and operation of a plant seed bank. What is it for?
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +1
      9 January 2014 18: 37
      Separating smoking marijuana from drug addiction is about the same as separating beer from alcohol, and then proving that beer alcoholism is nonsense.
  19. 0
    9 January 2014 12: 25
    here is a pessimist a)))), if you take a small group of people (my social circle), well, I don’t see degradation - children who are in sports who are in art, we didn’t drink too much and are not drug addicts, well, on the hunt, on distant fishing - as without little white? But what the clown writes is right in the morning, Armagedon damn))) I think it all depends on the attitude to his wife, children, relatives and friends, honor and dignity ...
  20. -1
    9 January 2014 12: 28
    St. Petersburg against drugs. Speech by M.V. Velichko at the plenary meeting.
    Velichko Mikhail Viktorovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and History, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University. Report on the topic "People are not born - they become people."

    1. 120352
      9 January 2014 13: 02
      And indeed! As Trofim Denisovich Lysenko said to the blessed memory: "Organisms are born in our country, and the VKPB makes people out of them." And, it turns out, nah-en genetics! Down with Vavilovism! There is no inheritance, there is only the EP program! Well done, assistant professor! But your diploma is obviously bought. Although, in his agrarian university, in Pushkin, not such intellectuals meet. Or you were unfrozen, 60 years after death ...
      1. +1
        9 January 2014 14: 09
        This is not Lysenkoism. Mowgli children who are fed by animals do not become people (like Kipling's). The entire genetic program is enough for an organism that looks like a person in appearance and a monkey in the behavior of a hominid. If they get into the human community, they quickly die, despite the first-class food, the care of doctors and the attempts of teachers and psychologists to make them human; mainly because of these attempts and die. They missed the stage when a cultural program is laid that allows them to focus not on instincts, but on conscience, and found themselves in a situation where the social environment constantly breaks them off, blocks their natural instinctive behavior. Long before Lysenko, they wrote that a person is not a given, but a given, that is, one must become a person. As well as within the already human community: aristocrats, Cossacks, etc. do not become from "good genes", but only through the perception of a specific cultural code in education.
      2. -1
        9 January 2014 14: 45
        Quote: 120352
        ... Lysenko: "Organisms are born in our country, and VKPB makes people out of them"

        1. +1
          9 January 2014 16: 03
          Against Mao and Lysenko, who can you put up? Is it to P. Globe, who is sure that the stars record a person’s entire human destiny at the time of birth, either in genes, or with a chemical pencil on his forehead.
  21. -2
    9 January 2014 13: 13
    The destruction of the psyche, which does not withstand information from the surrounding anti-human world (in many respects this is the merit of the media, stuffing the population with degenerative information), ...
    The author exactly performed what he wrote about on behalf of the media. Of course, he is partially right, but the main part of the article is "degenerate information" in the style of the next "end of the world". But the most important thing is to convey to the reader that everything is so bad in the world, and even worse in Russia. A huge MINUS to both the author and his article.
  22. +5
    9 January 2014 14: 45
    how terrible to live that in the world ...

    There is one single answer to all this negative listed above: live normally, as people, raise children, instill the right values ​​in them. There is no need to invent anything new here - in our history and culture there is everything necessary for this. Well, do not use any rubbish, nor drugs or swill in food.
    And all will be well)
    1. Borough
      9 January 2014 15: 41
      only how much evil is around, you will not have time to look around and your child sits and absorbs all the information in a row and does not follow immediately)
      1. +1
        9 January 2014 16: 31
        Well, so the parents are given to watch what the child decided to absorb. And if it absorbed, then "drink" the crap out of it)
  23. Sephid
    9 January 2014 17: 05
    I am dying of anti-scientific and impenetrable stupidity of the article. From the first year we were told to put lead down the throats of all those who write "scientists have proved." Which scientists, by what method, who paid for, what other studies are there, and so on. For example, about marijuana - there are no more arguments against it than against tobacco and vodka, but many people, due to their dogmatic thinking, still repeat as a prayer "cococo marijuana is a drug of the God-fighter Gayrop." I am silent about references to the white "Aryan" race, if only because, for example, the hated (sorry, you can't say better) "quilted jackets" Arabs belong to the same race as you and me, ie. To the Caucasian. I am in sorrow, there was no such villageism on the topvar before.
    PS In order not to see answers of the form "you are just a Jew / liberal / gay" I submit a disclaimer: I am a patriot (just stalemate, not "poz"), and according to political views, a social liberal, not a believer, anticlerical, there is a girl with whom from 15 years old.
    1. 0
      9 January 2014 18: 02
      You disguise yourself as a bastard, and you don’t fight with other liberals on the street as dogs mate.
  24. Sephid
    9 January 2014 17: 15
    If the author is somewhere here, then let, by the way, write a list or definition of what sexual perversion is and justify. And then divorced were Orthodox type entheos and poker who adore judging everything they don’t understand and regulating someone’s life based on ancient fairy tales and modern prejudices.
    1. +3
      9 January 2014 18: 50
      Quote: Sephid
      If the author is somewhere here, then let, by the way, write a list or definition of what sexual perversion is and justify.
      If you want for your own enlightenment, then take any pre-perestroika textbook or dictionary on sexopathology, there you read all about perversions. They also prove why copulation, say, with corpses and living animals is a perversion, if it is really necessary. However, I am not an author.
  25. +1
    9 January 2014 17: 56
    I read the next best seller of the author.
    Reporting - the passport burned, because scary .....
    You’ll come to Europe like that, and there all these ghouls will attack like that ..
    Again horror lumps in the throat.
    Although I’m not a newborn, I also don’t want me to be dragged away by a geek of geylesbozofilopiras stolen into the Bois de Boulogne.

    I’ll come to Moscow, I’ll go for a walk in Biryulyovo, quietly, calmly, safely, and at night there is grace in Biryulyovo.
    It’s good that we saved our country.
    1. 0
      9 January 2014 22: 35
      Quote: sawmill
      I don’t want to be dragged away into the Bois de Boulogne by some kind of freak gealezbozofilopiras.

      He came to our holiday
      Dead little animals
      he brought with him belay
  26. 0
    9 January 2014 18: 19
    Quote: V. Salama
    In Russia, two scientists conducted independently from each other studies on the effect of GMOs on the immunity and reproduction of animals (rats, hamsters). The experimental conditions were harsh - the subjects were fed exclusively GMOs. The experimental results in both cases completely coincided - the third generation does not produce offspring. Currently, the reproductive ability of both women and men has fallen sharply - this is also a fact. You may not see the connection, since there are enough other reasons for this.

    Even more delusional. Where is the control group that was fed non-GMOs? For comparison? History is silent? And yes, if you, dear, feed you a month, for example, only one "rutabaga" and nothing else, then in the second month you will also have "half past six" with a 99.9% probability, regardless of the GMO.

    Such experiments, divorced from reality, are just "set up" solely to create the necessary public opinion among dimwitted hamsters who do not know about all the nuances of such "experiments".

    And yes, something I did not find in the scientific networks of the world, no mention of such experiments. So you would bother to give a link to a serious scientific research, in particular having non-zero quotation at least on
  27. Egor.nic
    9 January 2014 18: 46
    Thinking out loud: -
    And what is this "brilliant little article" about ??? Yes, there is nothing !!!
    Another crap, confirming the presence of parasites sitting out time at "work" in various blogs and social networks, and in general, creating a similar nonsense around the article, and not a final product that can be in demand.
  28. Sephid
    9 January 2014 19: 20
    Quote: sawmill
    You disguise yourself as a bastard, and you don’t fight with other liberals on the street as dogs mate.

    no conversation

    Quote: Stanislav
    If you want for your own enlightenment, then take any pre-perestroika textbook or dictionary on sexopathology, there you read all about perversions. They also prove why copulation, say, with corpses and living animals is a perversion, if it is really necessary. However, I am not an author.

    and there are also such textbooks on history and economics. and for some time half of the textbooks wrote that light is a particle. and it is not a question of whether this is a deviation from the norm, but of the danger of this deviation to society. you can read the works of Plato (Feast, for example), so as not to crow about the degeneracy of homosexuals.
    Quote: Lumumba

    Even more delusional. Where is the control group that was fed non-GMOs? For comparison? History is silent? And yes, if you, dear, feed you a month, for example, only one "rutabaga" and nothing else, then in the second month you will also have "half past six" with a 99.9% probability, regardless of the GMO.

    Such experiments, divorced from reality, are just "set up" solely to create the necessary public opinion among dimwitted hamsters who do not know about all the nuances of such "experiments".

    And yes, something I did not find in the scientific networks of the world, no mention of such experiments. So you would bother to give a link to a serious scientific research, in particular having non-zero quotation at least on

    that's it
    1. 0
      9 January 2014 23: 29
      Quote: Sephid
      so as not to crow about the degeneracy of homosexuals.
      The phrase "degeneration of homosexuals" is the first time I hear it, crowed.
  29. Old scoop
    9 January 2014 19: 35
    Industrialization and further development freed a lot of people from exhausting work. We don’t need so many now, especially those who think and ask questions. I think the eggheads calculated the necessary number of populations to maintain the standard of living of the demigods and we see the implementation of a project to reduce the pressure of people on the planet.
  30. +2
    9 January 2014 19: 57
    Quote: 120352
    And indeed! As Trofim Denisovich Lysenko said to the blessed memory: "Organisms are born in our country, and the VKPB makes people out of them." And, it turns out, nah-en genetics! Down with Vavilovism! There is no inheritance, there is only the EP program! Well done, assistant professor! But your diploma is obviously bought. Although, in his agrarian university, in Pushkin, not such intellectuals meet. Or you were unfrozen, 60 years after death ...

    1. Lysenko is not so wrong. For example, today, thanks to the "introduction" of "genetic engineering", we are on the verge of losing centuries-old agricultural species. This is also an unconscious tragedy. The seed fund is preserved only in collection quantities. So, Iolodets, N. Vavilov! In polemic fervor with the same stubborn opponents, he released a gin ...
    2. Man is not corn. The upbringing process for young people is extremely important. In the USSR in the 1930s, this was proved in practice. Recent peasants and children of dishwashers have created owls, tanks, airplanes, ... then it is known ... And one should not exaggerate the "help" of the tsarist intelligentsia. Rather, decide whether the destruction and expulsion of the intelligentsia and the cook's children successfully created a powerful state, or, if this was not the case, explain this to Vavilov's fans.
    3. Scientific conclusions do not lose relevance after 60 years.
  31. 0
    9 January 2014 20: 23
    Again, the world will have to be saved, but to see the mission of our Motherland and of Us is such, well ... well ...
  32. -1
    9 January 2014 21: 01
    I will say a seditious thought.

    I believe that modern religions have completely discredited themselves.

    I believe that Russians need to return to their original faith, to paganism.

    Maybe it will make the nation healthier.

    And if someone says about human sacrifices, then this is not ours. And brought from the Vikings.

    God of the Slavs - Svarog. And not Perun.
    1. -1
      9 January 2014 21: 49
      Atheism is also an option, if a person realizes that life is given only once, studies or just reads scientific literature, then he will understand that it is not worth poisoning himself with alcohol, tobacco and other garbage, but you should try to live as long as possible and leave more offspring because as the transfer of the genome to the next generation is the main goal in life, and each has its own meaning. I think that pagans with pissed rags need to be driven, it's like some sort of gathering of Tolkienists, potter and amateurs)
    2. 0
      9 January 2014 23: 34
      Quote: Enot-poloskun
      I believe that Russians need to return to their original faith, to paganism.
      All local Slavs (and not only) became Russians only after the adoption of Christianity (not immediately), and during paganism they fucked each other how much in vain.
      1. 0
        10 January 2014 08: 07
        all local Slavs became Russians after Russwhom the Tale of Bygone Years sets apart from the Slavs, began to unite the surrounding lands
        1. +1
          10 January 2014 10: 47
          Quote: hort
          began to unite the surrounding lands
          Just started and immediately all the Slavs forgot that they are Krivichi, Drevlyans, etc.? Take closer to the 13th century, you will not be mistaken. In the face of the horde. By this time, Christianity also entered the tradition of Russian Orthodoxy, and most of the elements of paganism had already been lost, and the external danger rallied.
          1. 0
            10 January 2014 11: 38
            well, of course, not right away) But, roughly speaking, almost before the Troubles the word "Russian" meant more not nationality, but belonging to the state.

            As for Christianity and paganism, they existed in parallel before Nikon's reforms. And to say that most of the elements of paganism were lost is not entirely true - mostly external attributes and some ritual elements were lost. And everything else is intertwined with Christianity (folk "agricultural" calendar, some holidays, etc.). Therefore, for example, our Orthodoxy is different from Greek :)
  33. 0
    9 January 2014 21: 08
    Long live "PROGRESS" fool
  34. +1
    9 January 2014 21: 28
    Perhaps it’s worth starting with the introduction of censorship in advertising. And not only in terms of tobacco and alcohol. The authors of some, if not most of the videos, are clearly victims of the legalization of marijuana. And in the country on problems, caries, stale breathing, menstruation and others like them are gradually coming to the first place. At the same time, social advertising from the screens almost disappeared.
  35. Sephid
    9 January 2014 21: 55
    Quote: GUSAR
    Again, the world will have to be saved, but to see the mission of our Motherland and of Us is such, well ... well ...

    First, raise your pensions to a normal level, and adjust production, the savior of Malibu dicks.
    btv what you don't like about marijuana. Is any of you familiar with research on this topic? I'm sure not, you judge as Solzhenitsyn.
    Quote: Alyoha
    Atheism is also an option, if a person realizes that life is given only once, studies or just reads scientific literature, then he will understand that it is not worth poisoning himself with alcohol, tobacco and other garbage, but you should try to live as long as possible and leave more offspring because as the transfer of the genome to the next generation is the main goal in life, and each has its own meaning. I think that pagans with pissed rags need to be driven, it's like some sort of gathering of Tolkienists, potter and amateurs)

    In my opinion, it is high time to abandon any dogmatic religions. paganism is better only by its flexibility and tolerance
  36. Sephid
    9 January 2014 21: 56
    Soria, not the last time I quoted, I answered Rover
  37. 0
    9 January 2014 22: 18
    The article is panicky, but correct. Read Gregory Klimov, he, without hysteria, everything is laid out on the shelves.
  38. -2
    9 January 2014 22: 29
    Quote: Alyoha
    Atheism is also an option ...

    I totally agree.
    1. Atheism is also a kind of religion, and it does not destroy world principles.
    2. Understanding that no one can absolve sins under any circumstances, and that life is short, and there is no opportunity to correct the taunts, it makes you relate to reality a lot more strictly and not get scolded for absolution.
    3. From a scientific point of view, there are much less absurdities and there is hope for the truth of this path.
    1. 0
      10 January 2014 01: 09
      Quote: Sergey S.
      From a scientific point of view, much less absurdity
      And what, forgive me, science judges the existence of God? It is useful to equate atheism with religions at least from one point of view: maybe then we will see that many norms of public morality and elements of social structure, which today are passed off as secular, are in fact religious, since they were created by people raised in the atheistic faith. How much can be left without state support (through taxes not only of atheists, but also of representatives of all other confessions) in the column "atheistic propaganda".
  39. Sephid
    9 January 2014 22: 55
    Quote: Sergey S.

    1. Atheism is also a kind of religion, and it does not destroy world principles.

    I do not agree that atheism is a religion. Atheism is not a harassment to grandmothers
    a la "ahhaa, suckers, there is no god." This is a scientific worldview: what is not confirmed, that is not, or does not matter
    1. 0
      10 January 2014 11: 14
      Quote: Sephid
      I do not agree that atheism is a religion.

      There are two kinds of atheism and you shouldn't mix them. Atheism, like the belief in the absence of God, is a special kind of religiosity. There is no need for reason to believe, so everyone believes in something that suits their needs and motivations. "Everyone believed that Pyro stole 18 kopecks of hay, because nobody knew that he did not." In addition, in order not to believe you need reason, and this is no longer religiosity. There is a paired philosophical category - "knowledge and faith". Scientific atheism is based on knowledge, the criterion of which is practice (confirmation in life) until it is denied (corrected) by new knowledge. Knowledge is always relative, since reality is infinite in the variety of forms of manifestation of matter.
      While still in school, A. Waserman proved for himself the absence of God on the basis of the analysis of the consistency of reality. The famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, on the basis of the latest scientific achievements, proved the impossibility of creating a universe by God, since he did not have time for it.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  40. Current 72
    10 January 2014 02: 49
    I read the article in full, was horrified! But this is the TRUTH, as it is! With this HORROR, we must fight with all available and not accessible methods! To the author for the article is a huge BONUS! I am, to put it mildly, surprised by the position of those (NOT) people who minus the author’s article.
  41. Sephid
    10 January 2014 03: 03
    Quote: Current 72
    I read the article in full, was horrified! But this is the TRUTH, as it is! With this HORROR, we must fight with all available and not accessible methods! To the author for the article is a huge BONUS! I am, to put it mildly, surprised by the position of those (NOT) people who minus the author’s article.

    Passed by those who see beyond their collective farm. I wrote for what at least cons.
  42. Sephid
    10 January 2014 03: 07
    Since the subject of the article is my profession, for me it looks like (to make it clearer) "hahahaha, the tiger tank is the best in the world, how did these liquid-minded people oppose something to the true Aryans. He has a skinny T34 armor, which is nothing! !!!!!! 1111 "
  43. Sephid
    10 January 2014 03: 09
    Quote: Stanislav
    Quote: Sergey S.
    From a scientific point of view, much less absurdity
    And what, forgive me, science judges the existence of God? It is useful to equate atheism with religions at least from one point of view: maybe then we will see that many norms of public morality and elements of social structure, which today are passed off as secular, are in fact religious, since they were created by people raised in the atheistic faith. How much can be left without state support (through taxes not only of atheists, but also of representatives of all other confessions) in the column "atheistic propaganda".

    Because clericalism was knocked out at the cost of many bloody battles and gradual progress against all odds.
    Litter for a trippost.
  44. The comment was deleted.
  45. 0
    10 January 2014 08: 55
    Quote: Sephid

    I do not agree that atheism is a religion. Atheism is not a harassment to grandmothers
    a la "ahhaa, suckers, there is no god." This is a scientific worldview: what is not confirmed, that is not, or does not matter

    Yes, I myself do not agree, but ....
    Among grandmothers, it is impossible to scientifically prove the essence of a scientific understanding of the world,
    and among a modernly educated population, atheism can only be believed ...
  46. 0
    10 January 2014 09: 01
    One of the ways to overcome total degradation is labor promotion and compulsory occupational therapy for "seriously ill people." If a person is busy with work, feels responsibility for the task entrusted, the task itself is morally justified by society, then everything will fall into place. Remove advertising of all sorts of hedonism from the media, raise a working person to a worthy "pedestal" and introduce criminal / administrative liability for parasitism. In the next election, I will vote for a person offering a similar program. And I set an example for my children and I will continue to do so. There is a lot to do. The state is obliged to take measures against idlers-hedonists-LGBTists and so on. I hope that cities with a million population are not all of Russia.
  47. +1
    10 January 2014 09: 07
    And more.
    Religions (all) make it possible to sin (commit adultery, steal, kill, ...) and ... be forgiven.

    Just do not about the high court.
    I am familiar with our individuals from the population, and I see that the main idea of ​​divine power is that everything is already good, and that everything that you have done can be prayed for ... and that everyone else will be rewarded.

    I have not seen the Orthodox, to whom I respectfully, who relate to themselves more strictly than to the archangels, (since Soviet times).

    As for those in power, there is generally a paradox. The Communists did not believe in God, but they were afraid of God, and now, those who make rich donations to the cameras on holidays are devoutly baptized, but live in such a way that it is clear that they are not afraid of God.
  48. +1
    10 January 2014 09: 27
    About the media and say nothing. one TNT channel which costs a bunch of moral freaks from gum club
  49. Sephid
    10 January 2014 13: 27
    Quote: smith7
    One of the ways to overcome total degradation is labor promotion and compulsory occupational therapy for "seriously ill people." If a person is busy with work, feels responsibility for the task entrusted, the task itself is morally justified by society, then everything will fall into place. Remove advertising of all sorts of hedonism from the media, raise a working person to a worthy "pedestal" and introduce criminal / administrative liability for parasitism. In the next election, I will vote for a person offering a similar program. And I set an example for my children and I will continue to do so. There is a lot to do. The state is obliged to take measures against idlers-hedonists-LGBTists and so on. I hope that cities with a million population are not all of Russia.

    Yes, you smoke what is hedonism, mother of the child.
  50. Sephid
    10 January 2014 13: 42
    It was not printed, it said "the comment is invalid text", I did not understand what was the matter
  51. Tur
    11 January 2014 12: 49
    Why is marijuana worse than alcohol? A lot of people die from alcohol, the most severe consequences of regular consumption.
  52. 0
    15 January 2014 13: 46
    "1 But know this, that in the last days there will be extremely difficult times. 2 People will be self-loving, money-loving, presumptuous, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unfaithful, unkind, intractable, slanderers, lacking self-control, bitter 3 those who do not love virtue, 4 traitors, self-willed, proud, lovers of pleasure, but not loving God, 5 having a form of devotion to God, but rejecting its power. Away from such."
    (2 Timothy 3:1-5; New World Translation of the Bible)
    “11 Many false prophets will arise, who will lead many astray, 12 and because iniquity will increase, the love of many will grow cold.”
    (Matthew 24:11-12)
    The degradation of humanity was predicted 2000 years ago.
    “10 Then he (Christ) said to them: “Nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, 11 there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another there will be plagues and famines, there will be terrible phenomena, and also great signs from heaven.”
    (Luke 21:10-11)
    Since the First World War, there has not been a year on Earth without war. Natural disasters also became more frequent, weather anomalies appeared, and the climate began to change.