Extreme time required extraordinary measures.

Extreme time required extraordinary measures.Critics of the Soviet state system invariably draw attention to the fact that it has spent most of its stories existed in extraordinary circumstances, sometimes independently, in their own interests producing an emergency situation.

The grounds for such conclusions are, and considerable. However, as often happens in life, under certain conditions, disadvantages turn into their opposite, becoming virtues.

This happened to the USSR government system after 22 June 1941, when everything became subordinate to the achievement of one single goal - the reflection of fascist aggression.

In the prewar period, the importance of determining in advance what shape the country's government would take in the event of war was, unfortunately, underestimated. “We felt the absence of the system with particular urgency in the first days of the Great Patriotic War,” recalled a member of the government, the people's commissar of the navy, admiral N. G. Kuznetsov. - The state machine, directed along the rails of the improbability of Hitler’s attack, was forced to stop, go through a period of confusion and then turn 180 degrees. The consequences of this had to be corrected on the move at the cost of great sacrifices. ”

Build fighters during the war. TASS photo chronicle.
Out of the ordinary tests that hit the country, they demanded emergency organizational forms of government. 30 June 1941 was established by the State Defense Committee (GKO), headed by JV Stalin. It was not provided for by the USSR Constitution, its establishment was dictated by the extreme conditions of the catastrophic start of the war, the need for the fastest mobilization of all forces to repel the enemy and the demands for maximum centralization of leadership. The State Defense Committee was endowed with full power, its decisions and orders were binding on all government, military bodies, party committees and public organizations, all citizens of the country. As a result, constitutional bodies — the USSR Supreme Soviet and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR — underwent serious changes: they took a subordinate position in relation to the GKO, their functions and powers began to quickly narrow.

The independence of the USSR Supreme Soviet was reduced to a minimum. Suffice to say that until the end of 1941, not a single session took place. As for the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, its role was reduced to formalizing in the form of decrees those decisions that, according to the Constitution of the USSR, belonged to the competence of the highest legislative body - on the introduction of martial law, general and partial mobilization in the armed forces and others. The formal head of state - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. I. Kalinin - was not even a member of the State Defense Committee.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, possessing a branched apparatus of people's commissariats and committees operating under it, became a conductor of the GKO line - first of all, in providing the economic component, organizing the evacuation of industrial enterprises to the east, arranging the production of non-military products, managing credit and monetary systems. The SNK’s own capabilities have narrowed, since industrial defense commissariats were transferred from its jurisdiction to the direct subordination of T-bills (aviation, tank(ammunition, ammunition, etc.), railway and water transport commissariats, industrial commissariats - ferrous, non-ferrous metallurgy, coal, oil, chemical industry, commissariat of power plants, etc.

Army General GK Zhukov under Yelnya. 1941. TASS photo chronicle.
An important role in the new configuration of government continued to play the Communist Party in the face of its governing bodies. In fact, the center of political power has shifted from the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) Nevertheless, it would be rash to assert that the leading party bodies were removed from the levers of power. It should be noted that the GKO acted strictly in the framework of the political goals and objectives that were defined by the Politburo. It is also indicative that all the persons who were part of the GKO were members or candidates for membership of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), and city defense committees acting on the ground were headed by secretaries of city committees and regional committees of the CPSU (b). So the extraordinary nature of the GKO did not abolish, but only slightly modified the leading role of the Communist Party and marked the almost complete merging of the highest party-state institutions.

GKO solved the global task of organizing a rebuff to Hitler aggression in three main directions. Carrying out political and administrative management, he took measures to strengthen law and order and military discipline in the country, established the procedure for evacuating the population and industrial potential, regulated issues of interstate relations, and determined measures for the eviction of certain groups of people to remote areas of the country. Solving the tasks of military-strategic leadership of the armed forces, GKO determined the total strength of the army and fleet, the ratio of the types of armed forces and arms of service, the volume and timing of calls and mobilization, made decisions on the formation of new units, formations, associations and on changing the organizational structure of the existing states, carried out the appointment of senior command staff. Providing military-economic management of the country, GKO determined the parameters of the development of the military economy, approved plans and organized production weapons, military equipment and other military products, took measures to the construction of defensive lines, set standards for supplies, solved other tasks in the conditions of the outbreak of war.

T-bills devoted most of their efforts to the solution of precisely military-economic problems: out of 10 thousands of resolutions, they accounted for two thirds. The Center for Concentration of its Efforts in the Military-Economic Field — the accelerated production of military equipment and armaments — the GKO already demonstrated by its Resolution No. 1ss from 1 in July 1941 of the Year “On the organization of the production of T-34 medium tanks at the Krasnoe Sormovo plant”. The People's Commissariat of the shipbuilding industry was tasked with starting 1 August 1941 production of thirty-fours, bringing their production to 700 – 750 by the end of the year, and in 1942 to thousands of tanks. The significance that the State Defense Committee attached to the accomplishment of this task is already indicated by the fact that in Gorky, to implement the resolution, the commissars V. A. Malyshev and I. I. Nosenko were seconded.

Build tanks in the rear. TASS photo chronicle.
The rapid advance of the Wehrmacht deep into the Soviet territory, the loss of a significant part of the production potential due to the occupation of Soviet lands in the west of the country, the need to evacuate the most important industries from there caused a sharp decline in the output of military equipment and weapons. In this connection, the GNO 14 July 1941 of the year instructed the Chairman of the State Planning Committee N. A. Voznesensky, together with the heads of industrial commissariats, to "develop a military economic plan for the defense of the country, bearing in mind the use of resources and enterprises existing on the Volga, Western Siberia and the Urals , and also resources and the enterprises which are taken out to the specified areas as evacuation ". Such a plan for the fourth quarter of 1941 of the year and for the 1942 of the year was considered and approved by 16 of August of 1941 of the year, its implementation allowed for the restructuring of the entire national economy in a military manner and to increase the military-economic potential.

By the efforts of the newly formed Evacuation Council, by the end of 1941, eastward (to the Volga region, to the Urals, to Western and Eastern Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia), about 2600 enterprises were exported. At this base, in the eastern regions of the USSR, a military-industrial base was being created at a rapid pace.

As for the strategic leadership of the armed struggle against Hitler's Germany and its allies, it was carried out by another emergency body, the Supreme Command Headquarters, created on the second day of the war.

The principle of the strictest personal responsibility was put in the basis of the T-bills activity. Each member of the State Defense Committee received a specific task and was strictly responsible for the assigned area. Thus, V. M. Molotov was responsible for the production of tanks, G. M. Malenkov for the production of aircraft, aircraft engines and the formation of aviation units, A. I. Mikoyan was in charge of supplying the army with ammunition, food and clothing, K.E. Voroshilov oversaw the formation of new military units and formations. With regard to management methods, the top state leadership went along the line of their tightening. The administrative-command, directive method was dominant: it was customary for personnel even before the war, it turned out to be the most adequate to the conditions of war.

The assertion that the GKO was a virtual organ that did not exist in reality penetrated the historical literature. The abbreviation, supposedly intended to serve only as an imitation of collective leadership, concealed Stalin’s sole authority. Let us turn to the authority of G. K. Zhukov, who, by virtue of his official duties, the Chief of the General Staff, and later the Deputy Supreme Commander, regularly participated in the work of the highest authority.

“At meetings of the T-bills, which took place at any time of the day, as a rule, in the Kremlin or at the residence of I. V. Stalin, the most important issues were discussed and resolved,” recalled the marshal. - Plans of military actions were considered by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Party and the State Committee for Defense. The commissioners of the people who were to take part in supporting operations were invited to the meetings. This allowed, when there was an opportunity, to concentrate enormous material forces on the most important areas, to pursue a single line in the field of strategic leadership and, reinforcing it with organized rear, to link the combat activities of the troops with the efforts of the whole country. ”

Marshal also recalled that the T-bills were held in a businesslike atmosphere, often sharp disputes arose, and opinions were expressed clearly and sharply. If it was not possible to reach a unanimous opinion, a commission of representatives of the extremes was created, and it was entrusted with it to report the agreed proposals at the next meeting.

The practice of the first months of the war showed that the measures taken to fundamentally restructure the system of state administration of the country and the armed forces through the creation of emergency bodies had fully justified themselves. With the inevitable costs, they nevertheless allowed in a short time to solve the most complicated task of restructuring all life on a military basis and to achieve a high degree of controllability of the state, the armed forces and society.
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  1. makarov
    12 December 2013 09: 41
    this material is a response-contrast to an earlier published material called "US Industrial Records during the Second World War"
  2. +10
    12 December 2013 09: 51
    principle of the strictest personal responsibility.

    This is the basis for successful decisions of all reforms. Without personal responsibility, it is possible to reform the reformed endlessly.
    1. +1
      13 December 2013 01: 21
      Quote: Russian
      principle of the strictest personal responsibility.

      This is the basis for successful decisions of all reforms. Without personal responsibility, it is possible to reform the reformed endlessly.

      Hmm ... Americans in WWII have shown quite clearly that comparable, and sometimes even great, successes can be achieved without blood, purely on a private initiative and on government spending ...
      Actually, like the entire development of the United States in comparison with Russia over the past 150 years, it clearly shows who developed more efficiently and who developed to what level.
      No matter what the commentators say, the facts are on the face.
      Taking 1861 as the starting point, we can compare the results of the development of countries over 150 years (well, or for the purity of the experiment, you can take the period 1861-1941).
      At the same time, civil wars were in both countries (and both of them were very cruel), in the WWII in a disadvantageous situation (and without clear goals), the Republic of Ingushetia climbed on its own (well, or rather, of its own dope) - i.e. this inevitable development of the RI policy cannot be given as an argument for development delays.
  3. +5
    12 December 2013 10: 25
    In the photo under the caption "assembly of fighters during the war" - in fact, the assembly of Il-2 attack aircraft is underway.
    1. Prohor
      12 December 2013 11: 01
      And in the photo with "tanks" self-propelled guns are collected ...
      It would be interesting to simulate the actions of the current Russian government after June 22, 1941. I think the result would be, alas, the complete destruction of the state.
      1. +7
        12 December 2013 11: 54
        Quote: Prokhor
        And in the photo with "tanks" self-propelled guns are collected ...
        It would be interesting to simulate the actions of the current Russian government after June 22, 1941. I think the result would be, alas, the complete destruction of the state.

        Or maybe a nationwide exercise?
        I will say right away: there will be a complete ass. Starting with the unavailability of the Ministry of Emergencies and local administrations.
        GO and mob. planning in the 90s successfully poher. NOBODY is engaged in restoration. They don’t even think about themselves. They do not believe that war can happen ...
        We, as always, are not ready .....
      2. +3
        12 December 2013 16: 52
        Or maybe (in any case, I hope) an emergency and the threat of total annihilation would contribute to the mobilization and tough restoring of order.
        But only the fifth column would be clearly longer, and those who say - well, let them defeat us, but we will drink Bavarian beer - many times more ...
  4. +14
    12 December 2013 12: 43
    The assertion that GKO was a virtual organ that did not exist in reality penetrated into historical literature. Behind the acronym, supposedly supposed to serve only as an imitation of collective leadership, hid the sole authority of Stalin.

    What kind of nonsense? Stalin, of course, was the most literate manager and a versatile person, but even he could not "embrace everything". Who could have come up with such nonsense about "sole leadership"? Alternatively gifted Solozhenitsyn? Or someone else. One person - 24 hours in short, in any case, you need to rest, at least 3 hours to sleep, Comrade Stalin ate, let's say on the run, it remains 21 hours, 7 days a week, the Wehrmacht does not give days off. State Defense Committee existed from 30.06.41/4.09.45/4 to 41. Roughly speaking 63 years , Stalin in December 63 turned XNUMX years old, let's just say his age, he had to live his life, let's say not sugar, nerves, they affect health, there seems to be no need to argue, and how can a XNUMX-year-old even such an extraordinary person as Stalin endure it? Of course, he had a huge capacity for work, but there is a limit to everything, though as I am increasingly convinced there is no limit to human stupidity and anger, especially in liberoids.
  5. yuri p
    12 December 2013 13: 19
    ..... look very informative, a new look at Stalin
  6. Svyatoslavovich
    12 December 2013 13: 30
    I constantly face the question in conversations with contemporaries - "If the army was wonderful, Stalin was clever, everything is order, why did they start the war so shamefully, they covered the whole territory with corpses where they retreated, and who did not die were captured" - I try to explain, give figures, give examples of the effectiveness of organizing military operations, organizing production, disrupting the thoughtful and carefully prepared plans of the Germans, in the end I point to the result (May 45) - but everything is in vain, the people do not hear. How deeply unjustified lying shnyaga has settled in people, which the more obscene the more willingly they repeat it. Where people have brains is not clear.
    1. +4
      12 December 2013 13: 40
      Quote: Svyatoslavovich
      I constantly face the question in conversations with contemporaries - "If the army was wonderful, Stalin was clever, everything is order, why did they start the war so shamefully, they covered the whole territory with corpses where they retreated, and who did not die were captured" - I try to explain, give figures, give examples of the effectiveness of organizing military operations, organizing production, disrupting the thoughtful and carefully prepared plans of the Germans, in the end I point to the result (May 45) - but everything is in vain, the people do not hear. How deeply unjustified lying shnyaga has settled in people, which the more obscene the more willingly they repeat it. Where people have brains is not clear.

      So even old Joseph brought out the formula, the more lies, the more they trust him. And we have so many noodles hanging over our ears that they won’t do all the doshiraki factories in 100 years.
      1. -10
        12 December 2013 14: 12
        just have to say at what price may 45
        1. +7
          12 December 2013 17: 17
          And any - any price is less than the total destruction prepared for us, especially since, unlike the "democratic" countries, we were able to withstand ... and if we had leadership, as in France, or in tsarist Russia, the country would be simple destroyed.
          And let me remind you, one month of fighting in December - early January, the Germans cost 120 thousand soldiers - about the same as during the capture of France, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Norway, Greece and Yugoslavia. Yes, then we lost more than 140 thousand, but it was 41 years old.
          So whose leadership was more effective?
          1. +7
            13 December 2013 08: 07
            "For the rest of my life,
            deeds and glory are enough for us! " hi
        2. +3
          12 December 2013 23: 36
          Quote: slava_sherb
          just have to say at what price may 45

          Yes. The French decided that the price was too high and lifted their paws. They worked hard for the needs of the Reich. Then, after liberation, they valiantly shaved their girls who were confused with the Germans (uh, insulting!) And rode to sign the surrender in the 45th.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. -5
      12 December 2013 14: 12
      especially if you say that you were preparing for the wrong war, yes
      1. Svyatoslavovich
        12 December 2013 15: 27
        Well, that's what I told you about ........... A typical example of a "POPKA" (stupid parrot), this one especially advanced, read like Korzun-Suvorov.
      2. +6
        12 December 2013 17: 28
        Yeah, the whole historical world community spits in disdain and swearing at the mention of professional liars, like rezun-bknicha-corned beef ... even the historians of our western probable friends ... and only local, Baltic-Polish-Bandera hydrocephalous like you with a breath, they listen to their repeatedly exposed charlatans-gurus, like rats listened to the pipe of one famous fairy-tale hero:))) ... look, they will lead you into the river, and you will drown in the darkness of your ignorance :))) ... in principle, with respect to you can make diagnoses for such lies ... :))) My condolences ... :)))
      3. +4
        12 December 2013 22: 36
        Quote: slava_sherb
        especially if you say that you were preparing for the wrong war, yes

        Then everyone was preparing for the wrong war. France was blown away in 40 days, and was considered a country with a first-class army and advanced military doctrine.
    4. +5
      12 December 2013 17: 08
      In principle, I agree ... in part .... there was a lot of mess.
      In some places it reached the point of absurdity - those who believe that everything was perfect then - let’s take an interest in how factory bureaucrats kicked out for almost a year for far-fetched reasons from the production of 45mm armor-piercing shells and 76 new samples right before the war ... I read the correspondence of factory bureaucrats-was amazed . even the language of letters is no different from modern officials.
      As a result of the annual delay of the BS with new-type shells, our troops were not equipped. Some mechanized corps entered the battle without having a single BS for new tanks and having old shells for forty ... ruff to lose, they fired at the enemy tanks with shrapnel put up for attack ... and nothing was shot.
      So, there was a bureaucracy then, and officials in general are always and everywhere the same.

      But we must pay tribute - it would be strange if everything at once became good for us, given that for several years the agrarian country has turned into an industrial giant, and the army has grown from ten million years by almost an order of magnitude ... growth sickness, staff shortage ...
      1. Svyatoslavovich
        12 December 2013 18: 21
        I do not idealize Soviet statehood and organization, I know a lot about their shortcomings and not by hearsay, the question is different, if you give a very simple example, then:
        --- Two boxers met in the ring, the first boxer in the first round missed several hits, in the second round he carried out effective defense, and starting from the third he went on a constant attack with a knockout in the final. Despite the fact that the enemy was not bad. After some time, they tell him that he is a useless boxer, does not hold a punch, does not know how to fight and generally lost the fight, and the referee made a mistake with a show of hands.
        That's how it turns out if you listen to liberoids and others.
        1. +1
          12 December 2013 19: 23
          I agree. Great comparison.
    5. +2
      12 December 2013 23: 32
      Quote: Svyatoslavovich
      but all in vain, the people do not hear.
      Who wants to hear, hears. Who wants to think, thinks. Others are armed with: 1. A universal mantra about Stalin, a "tyrannical eater" who destroyed tens of millions of people. 2. An abstract number, losses in the Second World War were 10: 1, in favor of the Germans. those who fought fought against the will of the "terrible" Stalin.
  7. Impich
    12 December 2013 16: 14
    the article is nonsense ... it’s worth remembering that if it weren’t for the Red-bellied ones and there would have been no Germany and war itself .. and it’s worth remembering the millions of our soldiers killed ... and oh yes the apotheosis of the Reds ... the Germans on the Volga .. never was earlier ... so the article is complete nonsense a priori ...
    1. +7
      12 December 2013 17: 44
      If not for the red-bellied ones, the whole world would be swept by a brown plague. including Hitler’s parents, who fostered the most powerful Third Reich and fed the Nazis Europe, Britain and the United States.
      The combat losses of the Red Army are approximately equal to the losses of the Germans and their satellites. The number of warring soldiers is also about the same.
      And yet, when we drove the Germans, we were inferior to the Germans and their allies in everything. And in terms of population and industrial potential ... there simply were more than us (given the almost seventy-millionth population in the occupied territory) ... but we drove them, not us.
      By the way, about a priori ... :)))) Have we ever had such a strong enemy? The one who with such ease trampled the European armies of the world considered the strongest? There were none. And we crushed him.
      1. klim44
        12 December 2013 22: 30
        The combat losses of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht cannot be approximately equal. One battle of the Rzhev for the Red Army cost 700000 killed. I think the assault on the Zeelov Heights also cost a lot.
        And about the fact that when they drove the Germans and their allies, yielding to them in everything. How do you imagine this? Well-armed and trained, numerically superior army flees from the army inferior to her throughout.
        1. +1
          12 December 2013 23: 26
          Quote: klim44
          And about the fact that when they drove the Germans and their allies, yielding to them in everything. How do you imagine this?

          It was so during the counterattack near Moscow.
        2. +1
          12 December 2013 23: 56
          Quote: klim44
          The combat losses of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht cannot be approximately equal.
          Why is this? Based on what do you draw such a conclusion? Based on this statement?
          Quote: klim44
          One battle of the Rzhev for the Red Army cost 700000 killed.
          How long did the "Battle of Rzhev" last? Okay, let’s skip. The ratio of losses in it is really great. But why do you draw conclusions about the WHOLE War, on the basis of one Battle? Albeit very long. According to the results of four years of the Great Patriotic War, the losses are really equal.
          Quote: klim44
          I think the assault on the Zeelov Heights also cost a lot.
          But this is not a figure at all. Especially the first word of your quote.
          Quote: klim44
          And about the fact that when they drove the Germans and their allies, yielding to them in everything. How do you imagine this? Well-armed and trained, numerically superior army flees from the army inferior to her throughout.
          And here, in general, it is not clear what you are talking about.
        3. +3
          13 December 2013 00: 14
          Yeah ... And again, I have to write words already worn down to holes that only narrow-minded admirers of Rezun and Svinidze do not know about ...
          What do you mean can’t? If there were ... you need to take an interest in something ... non-native.
          According to official figures, our losses, if you do not take into account the deliberately destroyed our prisoners of war and civilians, as well as those who have been captured in our prisoner for ten years in a ratio of 1 to 1,2-1,3. Together with the German allies - approximately one to one.

          As for the fact that they sent more soldiers against us. Count.
          For the period from 41 to 45 years, given the previously called up. 35 million people were called under arms. Of these, 24 million people were sent to the army. Including. given the defeat of Japan in the summer of 45 years.

          For the same period, the Germans put under arms according to various sources from 21 to 24 million soldiers (in the pedagogical figure more than 21 million), and this is without any volunteers, which the Tuyeva Hucha gathered.
          In addition to the Germans, the following forces fought directly with us (I repeat, ONLY directly with us) - I’m too lazy for you to look for exact numbers — I’ll say approximately. so

          1. Finns, the total number of soldiers for the entire period is about a million. The average size of the Finnish army ranged from 500 to 600 thousand bayonets.
          2. Hungary - about one and a half million only against us. Of these, over half a million were captured.
          3. Romania - about a million soldiers
          4. Italy - about three hundred thousand, a little less than 50 thousand were captured.
          5 Austria - over one and a half hundred thousand prisoners
          Further, the Germans were served by a mass of volunteers, for example, in battles with the Germans we captured about 60 Polish volunteers - note that these are only those who fought on the side of Hitler - and there were more Italians. and besides, if the captured Polish in German form expressed a desire to join the Polish Army, they did not even get a prisoner of war record on him. AK bandits were generally not considered prisoners.
          Further, almost 70 thousand Czechs were captured. Like? So there were at least two or three times more.
          The French took about 25, even the Yugoslavs over twenty thousand.
          Even the insignificant hundred thousandth Luxembourg gave Hitler 12 thousand soldiers, of which we captured more than one and a half thousand.

          Our military and non-combat irretrievable losses, not counting those who were destroyed in captivity, but counting all the missing people - more than eight million people.
          If the Germans died even half as much - for example, 4 million, then where did another 18-20 million go? They drove the Anglo-Americans in the three divisions of Rommel? And they were killed there? And where did another five million German allies who fought only directly with us go to? Sick and dead?

          You know, if you are already writing something, please do not be lazy and take an interest in SERIOUS literature on the topic ... but at the same time think about it. After all, the stupidity of the writings of Bunich-corned beef-Svinidze-rezun is obvious to any sane person.
          This will help you not get into a stupid position.
          1. Impich
            21 December 2013 16: 34
            Smile everything that you say is called sophistry .. juggling with numbers .. unfortunately the truth is much more severe ... I advise you to remember about the Neva Piglet .. here there is the apotheosis of all the red-bellied military thought so exactly ... read Nikulin everything is beautifully written about battles near Leningrad ... he killed 2 tank armies near Berlin ... rzhev, failure 41 years, and 42 to take the whole ... look at the bunch of idiots commander of the red-bellied ... this is not even funny .. read the memories of Germans and not generals and ordinary soldiers ... you’ll be horrified .. and by the way read carefully about the balance of power for the 41st year ... you’ll just go crazy with the bitter truth .... just admit that our Great Russian Empire was simply ruined by the damned red-belly who are now in hell for their atrocities against the people of Russia !!!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +4
      12 December 2013 20: 35
      And what is the difference to Hitler of the USSR or tsarist Russia, in terms of acquiring living space in the East? In my opinion, absolutely no. Just Adolf would have declared himself not an ideological fighter against Bolshevism, but a fighter against the Russian autocracy))
    4. +1
      12 December 2013 23: 41
      Quote: Impich
      that if it weren’t for the Red-bellied ones, there would have been no Germany at all
      Damn, Japanese ..! But where do you come from !? Tell me what would happen to Germany, in the light of your statements? Ah!? Come on! In detail. I can say that this is not a complete nonsense! Apriori.
  8. +5
    12 December 2013 16: 45
    Quote: Impich
    and oh yes the apotheosis of the Reds ... the Germans on the Volga .. never had this before ..

    There was a time and enemies visited Moscow. Poles and French.
  9. +6
    12 December 2013 17: 30
    Only a stupid or Euro-engaged person (which is basically the same thing) can challenge the high role of T-bills in particular, and the socialist management system in the broad sense of the word.
    Public administration 1941-1945 was one of the sources and mechanisms of victory. The Soviet-type governing system relied on the unity of the people and the authorities, revealed its ability as the driving force behind the defeat of fascism, helped the people endure the horror of the tragedy of the war imposed by capitalism, allowed the USSR to acquire the status of a leading world power that made a decisive contribution to saving the civilization of the XNUMXth century. On the whole, it acted adequately to the tasks and conditions of the military situation. Were there any miscalculations? - of course there were, and bitter ones, and with great losses, but who is "without sin", who is ideal?
    There would be one more thing ... The war is over, and I have liquidated the GKOs, SVKK and other emergency governing bodies. The abolition by one person of the highest state posts was canceled, JV Stalin was relieved of the posts of chairman of the GKO, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, People's Commissar of Defense and others, and remained only the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. BUT ,, Extraordinary for many years made itself felt. Leaders were inclined toward it, accustomed to commanding, directing, and relapses. The eradication of elements of emergency was a difficult management problem in the second half of the 40s.
    Incl. and it was hard to "dive" and "dive".
  10. Sergei 163
    12 December 2013 19: 54
    I don’t know what will happen if the war happens now. But during the First World War, Nicholas II could not create anything similar to GKO. As a result, gentlemen, private industrialists sold military ammunition to the government at huge prices. And ordinary people did not understand the goals of the war (if they were at all). The result is known. I wonder how our oligarchs would react now, in case of danger to the Fatherland? what
  11. +4
    12 December 2013 22: 54
    “We felt the lack of a system with particular acuteness in the early days of World War II,” recalled a member of the government, people's commissar of the Navy, Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov. - The state machine, directed along the rails of the incredibility of Hitler’s attack, was forced to stop, survive the period of bewilderment and then turn 180 degrees. The consequences of this had to be fixed on the go at the cost of great sacrifices. ”
    So Kuznetsov, a mediocre naval commander, is blowing in the same tune with the liberals. Khrushchevsky sang along.
    The Soviet state system showed marvelous strength and flexibility. The country survived after the actual defeat of the army, mobilized industry at an unprecedented pace, put together a new army, and after 4 months inflicted the first defeat on a monstrously powerful enemy, nefig a period of bewilderment!
  12. +1
    12 December 2013 23: 09
    Quote: Sergey 163
    . I wonder how our oligarchs would react now, in case of danger to the Fatherland?

    Yes, it’s known how - by scooping up a butt in a handful and snapping over a hill.
  13. +1
    12 December 2013 23: 56
    Quote: Svyatoslavovich
    I constantly face the question in conversations with contemporaries - "If the army was wonderful, Stalin was clever, everything is order, why did they start the war so shamefully, they covered the whole territory with corpses where they retreated, and who did not die were captured" - I try to explain, give figures, give examples of the effectiveness of organizing military operations, organizing production, disrupting the thoughtful and carefully prepared plans of the Germans, in the end I point to the result (May 45) - but everything is in vain, the people do not hear. How deeply unjustified lying shnyaga has settled in people, which the more obscene the more willingly they repeat it. Where people have brains is not clear.

    brains in propaganda.
  14. +2
    13 December 2013 02: 09
    Just for theft and failure to complete tasks was punished not by house arrest.
  15. +1
    13 December 2013 06: 55
    The illustrations are seven-core people. They pulled such a pull.
  16. +1
    13 December 2013 06: 57
    We like to teach us how to manage different processes by those who themselves in their worthless life never managed anything, even a commercial stall. Well, except that in addition to her own wife, and even when she sleeps. And meanwhile, everyone understands well that management requires knowledge, experience and relevant personnel. And if they are not there and nowhere to take? How to be Again, turn to the Vikings, they say come and rule us, but we ourselves can not? It should not be forgotten that management in peacetime is one thing, and during the war it is another. And the article just says that extraordinary time required extraordinary measures. And our country was lucky that at that time it was led by a person who was able to adequately respond to the challenges of the time. This is Stalin.
  17. Sugar Honeyovich
    13 December 2013 08: 25
    [quote = klim44] Combat losses of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht cannot be approximately equal
    - they can be equal in the worst case. It is possible that the loss of our armed forces is less than that of the enemy - fascist Europe. Otherwise, it will not be possible to explain the logic of events.
  18. +7
    13 December 2013 08: 29
    1918-1922 - "The atamans were defeated, the governor was dispersed
    And they finished their trip in the Pacific Ocean! "
    1941-1945 "Half of Europe has walked, half of the Earth is
    We brought this day closer as we could! "

    "And from the taiga to the British seas, the Red Army is the strongest!" soldier
  19. 0
    13 December 2013 19: 38
    It is rather silly to compare the losses of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht alone.
    Not only Germany fought with us, but almost all of continental Europe, with its industrial, agricultural and human potential. And so it was more than half the war.
    Even the French (sort of like the allies) hindered rather than helped. On our side of the front was a squadron "Normandie-Niemen", several dozen people. On the other side was the SS Charlemagne division - 4 infantry and 1 artillery regiment.
    Holland is considered a victim of Nazism, but 40 Dutch fought on the Eastern Front. Including the SS "Netherlands" division.
    Belgium also had the same status, but the Wallonia SS brigade was sent to fight for Hitler.
    Croatia and Spain did not officially declare war on us, but 5,5 thousand Croats and 21 thousand Spaniards fought against us.
    Over 100 thousand volunteers from Sweden, Denmark and Norway fought in the SS and the Wehrmacht.
    This is not counting the countries that officially fought with us - Finland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Italy ... And not counting formations from collaborators. Hitler served the same Latvians and Estonians many times more than ours. And you say - the Wehrmacht ... Yes, the Wehrmacht alone and would not last three years. And if it were not for the economy of occupied Europe, then Tryndets would have come to Germany already in 1942.