State of the Russian Army in 2012

State of the Russian Army in 2012


The following material is not the fruit of my work, but only a summary of the article by Lieutenant-General V. Sobolev, the former commander of the 58 Army (2003-06), published in the April 2002 publication of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Therefore, I do not take responsibility for the figures and data given here, leaving it all on V. Sobolev’s conscience.

Immediately make a reservation - I am not a member and not a supporter of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. And the Communist in this party is only one word in the name, but not in reality. In fact, Zyuganov and co. they simply exploit the longing of the older generation for the ideals of communism for their own selfish interests. Since the Communist Party in opposition to the existing regime in Russia today, they willingly publish materials that compromise the current regime. Including the truthful.

I must note that what the author of a newspaper article describes is very much the same as the data that comes to me from many sources, both Russian and foreign. That's why I decided to acquaint readers with this article. She very concisely, but accurately and clearly describes the state of the Armed Forces of the country for the spring 2012 year.

It follows from it that when speaking about the “successful reform of the Russian Armed Forces,” our president means not at all what we mean, ordinary citizens of the country.

We believe that the Armed Forces should be such as to be able to protect the country and the population from any attempts from the outside or from within to impose upon us, by military or political means, those standards of life and moral rules that the United States and the European Union like, but not we want

The president obviously proceeds from the interests of the Russian comprador bourgeoisie and the bureaucracy.

Help. The comprador bourgeoisie (from the Spanish comprador - purchased), part of the bourgeoisie of economically backward countries engaged in trading intermediation with foreign companies on the domestic and foreign markets and closely associated with large capitalist states. The comprador bourgeoisie was born in the era of the colonial system of imperialism. It was formed primarily from the part of national exploiting groups and classes (merchants, usurers, feudal lords and tribal nobility), which unconditionally subordinated to foreign capital, both in political and in economic relations and was used by the latter in their own interests.

so, in the field of military construction there is an antagonistic contradiction between the interests of the overwhelming majority of the country's population and the interests of modern large Russian business living and surviving solely due to, let's say frankly, selling off the country's national wealth (oil, gas, forest ...).

Therefore, I cannot and do not want to blame the president for deceiving the people and hiding the true state of our once truly powerful and invincible army for reasons of its lack of will and non-state thinking. No, it would be too simplified and radically incorrect assessment of what he says and does.
We just have with him completely different coordinate systems. Simply put, that is very bad and deadly for us, from the point of view of the head of the comprador bourgeoisie and the bureaucracy of the president is good and right.

Sobolev, as the author of the article, is in the thrall of ideas that the president proceeds in his speeches from the same concepts as we, i.e. ordinary citizens.

But in general, the president does not envy. He has to be considered at the same time:

1.With the mood and perceptions of the population about what should be the Armed Forces of the country and who want their lives, property, peace of mind to be reliably protected.
2. With the demands of the comprador bourgeoisie (that is to say, today's large Russian business) and the comprador bureaucracy that they have to maintain, which coincide with the needs of large foreign capital and their governments (see paragraph 3).
3. With the requirements of the US Department of State and NATO, which consist in the fact that the Russian army at the same time should not be some serious military force, and at the same time cause fear and hostility among the leaders and the population of all neighboring countries (new and old). At the same time, the state of our army should be such that countries opposing the United States would not be tempted to look for an ally and support in Russia.

It can be said that today the president manages to balance between these basic underlying conditions.

I recommend that readers mainly focus on the specifics of information about our army and not be surprised at the surprise of V. Sobolev.

And further. The article was compiled before the president was forced to remove from his post the Minister of Defense Marshal Taburetkin for the incredible scope of the embezzlement. At the same time (with the beginning of the half-hidden aggression of the United States and NATO in Syria), in my opinion, the Kremlin finally realized that with the loss of the army, Russia ceased to be a power in the world, as a result of which Russian capital irresistibly loses its sales markets. The new Minister of Defense, Army General Shoigu SK began to make heroic efforts to preserve what else is possible to preserve. Will it have him, time will tell. However, in a matter of years, it is hardly possible to restore the fact that since March 1985 (coming to power of M.S. Gorbachev) was destroyed consistently, planned and extremely competently.

In general, there is little reason for optimism.

End of the preface.
Below is the abbreviated text of the article by V. Sobolev entitled "The Grandsons of the Victory Powder Drain". I just allowed myself to change the division of the article into paragraphs in order to make it easier to read and to focus the attention of readers on key points. And something highlighted in bold. You can not read my comments.


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.... the election article of the then presidential candidate V. Putin, devoted to the Russian Armed Forces and the defense industry, is full of optimism, and people who are far from military problems can, perhaps, cause a sense of pride in our current army and fleet. It, in fact, was designed, apparently, only to strengthen the failing rating of the "national leader."

However, according to these experts, if in this article the Putin program for the development of the Defense Industrial Complex is really outlined, its implementation is a direct path to the collapse of Russia as an independent, independent state.

I will begin my comments from the Ground Forces, the basis of the general-purpose forces, from those who must directly repel the invading aggressor and defeat it.

In his article in the “What has been done” section, V. Putin writes:
"There are no longer any reduced units in our army. More than 100 combined-arms and special brigades are deployed in the Ground Forces. These are full-fledged combat units, staffed with personnel and equipment. The standard of alert lifting is one hour. Transfer to a potential theater of military actions - 24 hours." .

But are these 100 brigades enough for the country to feel safe, and does this correspond to the modern military-political situation in the world and the threats that are emerging today?

The West, mired in a systematic deepening crisis, is trying to solve its problems by unleashing local wars in various parts of the world. Already defeated Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya. Next in line is Syria, Iran.

Who is next? Is it not Russia, surrounded from all sides by the American and NATO bases, including in Central Asia, to which our “national leader” contributed in no small measure?

So, 100 brigades.

Of these, 39 combined arms motorized rifle and tank (there are only three of them), who are directly fighting.

Special brigades only support and provide them.

Motorized rifle brigade - the main compound of the Russian army "new look" - in its combat capabilities, the number of combat units is no different from the disbanded regiments.

It has the same three motorized rifle battalions and one tank, artillery and anti-aircraft divisions. They were created on the basis of one of the regiments of the disbanded divisions.

In the division there are four such regiments, including one tank.

39 combined arms brigade in its combat equivalent is less than 10 divisions!

Less, because in the division there are still artillery and anti-aircraft missile regiments, a separate tank battalion.

As a result, there are fewer 10 divisions for all of our huge Russia!

Combined arms brigades are consolidated in the army. In total in the Russian Ground Forces there are ten armies.
Each of them should have a 3 — 4 brigade. But in some armies there are more of them. For example, in the 58 Army, there are seven brigades, but in 29which management occupies now buildings of the former headquarters of the Siberian military district in Chita, - only one.

Only one team in the territory from Ulan-Ude to Belogorsk! And this is about three thousand kilometers of the state border!

Comment by V.Yu.G. One brigade is three motorized rifle battalions and one tank battalion (31 tank). Thus, for one thousand kilometers of the front there is one battalion (of the order of 400 fighters) and 10 (ten!) Tanks. This we did not have even in February 1918.

Special brigades are army brigades: missile, artillery, anti-aircraft, command brigades in ten armies of their 40.

The remaining 20 are listed in district kits. That's all our ground forces.

Comment by V.Yu.G. V.Sobolev why did not mention that among the 60 special brigades, besides missile, anti-aircraft, artillery, which at the very least, but also shoot, there are also brigades of chemical protection, communications, engineering, piping, rear, etc. they cannot fight on their own, and can only provide for military operations.

For comparison: the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army met, having in its composition 303 divisions.

Now about the quality of the brigade "new look".

The troops are simply not manned.

Our allegedly million-strong army now lacks more than 200 thousand people. Hence, the combat readiness of our brigades today is significantly limited.

By the way, our "partners" in NATO are well aware of this.

Extremely low and the training of personnel. Soldiers of military service serve one year. The call stretches for several months.

Comment by V.Yu.G. Military science clearly indicates that a single infantry soldier of average qualities can be trained in 2-3 of the year. Do not believe? Then answer the simple question - what are the terms of training in vocational schools for welders, turners, millers? The same 2-3 of the year. Anyone who believes that the soldier infantry science is easier than the art of making hairstyles, let the first person throw a stone at me.

Many conscripts come to the army with a body mass deficiency, and before embarking on their training, the children have to be fattened in hospitals.

The situation is even worse with the formation of recruits. Guys often come to the army with two or three classes of elementary school, and sometimes even illiterate at all (Shoigu let it slip - up to 20% recruits are elementally illiterate). Under these conditions, it is simply impossible to prepare specialists who determine the combat capability of subunits — gunners-operators, driver-mechanics of tanks and combat vehicles, artillerymen, anti-aircraft gunners, reconnaissance agents — and qualitatively.

Comment by V.Yu.G. During the years of my officer service in the engineering troops, literally all the draftees had a secondary education. With the 8-9 classes were units. For our entire 650, a separate paratroop battalion in 1974, there were 3 people like that. And when in the spring of 1975 a soldier with 5 classes came to the battalion, he immediately became the object of close attention of the whole party political apparatus. The head of the political department of the special units of the Lesozavodsky garrison, coming to the battalion, was always interested in how this unique soldier served.

So what kind of combat readiness is discussed in the article by V. Putin? I would very much like our Supreme Commander to somehow pick up and suddenly check the combat readiness of any of the brigades. I am sure that not only in an hour, but in a few days, she will not bring herself to combat readiness, and even more so she will not be ready to be transferred "to a potential theater of military actions", as Putin writes about bravo.

Comment by V.Yu.G. In general, the president’s assurances "The norm of their alarming is one hour." they make one doubt that even though he was a major, he served in the army. This even in the best of times in the Soviet Army could not be achieved. Nowhere. Even in the Troops Groups abroad, where the combat readiness was actually two heads higher than in the internal districts. This is impossible even technically. Unless in cases when the unit commander needed to have a window dressing (with the knowledge and consent of the inspecting superiors)! In such cases, the equipment was still warming up in the evening (the "coffins" were dragged away from the park to the far end), personnel lay in beds already dressed, and the officers with their disturbing suitcases hid in the porches of nearby houses. And everyone knew exactly up to a minute when the inspecting person "suddenly announced an alarm."

And one more important point. The organizational structure of the brigade is more cumbersome than the regiment. In essence, this is a regiment with a divisional set of support and maintenance units, and this greatly complicates the management of a brigade even during training, and what about the combat conditions. Many times I have been convinced of this in practice. Well, the fact that the brigade allegedly "possesses greater shock power than the division" is probably known only to V. Putin himself or to the person who wrote him this article, that is, to a dilettante full in military affairs.

Comment by V.Yu.G. Military specialists who advocated the abandonment of the divisional-regimental system meant the abolition of such instances as regimental headquarters and divisional headquarters. If there were three or four battalions in the regiment, and three or four regiments constituted a division, then three or four regimental headquarters were supposed to be liquidated, and the battalions that had previously been part of them were merged into two brigades of the 5-8 battalions. At the same time, many of them suggested, nevertheless, to preserve the division, as an administrative and managerial and providing authority. Those. there is a division headquarters to which units and subunits of combat and rear support are subordinated (communications, engineering, chemical protection, maintenance, rear, etc.). And there are two or three brigades that are exempt from all auxiliary and logistical concerns, but are purely operational-tactical units.
Our furniture reformers simply renamed the division headquarters as the brigade headquarters (of course, drastically reducing the number of such headquarters), eliminated all but one regiment in the division. This regiment eliminated the headquarters, subordinating each battalion directly to the headquarters of the division (I mean the headquarters of the brigade).
In this case, no one has taken care of the alteration of combat regulations. The old ones are now completely unsuitable due to a radical change in the whole structure of the army, and no one is going to develop new ones and does not intend to.

Now about the Air Force in which "7 large aviation bases with powerful infrastructure ".
Let's figure it out here. The air base of the "new air force image" is two or three air squadrons. Is that enough for our huge Russia?

Then Putin writes: "Over the past four years - for the first time in 20 years - 28 airfields have been overhauled. This year, work is planned on 12 airfields".

What is our "national leader" about? Indeed, three days before the article was published at the meeting with Putin, Honored Test Pilot, Hero of Russia T. Tolboev reported with pain in his voice that 1223 remained from 120 airfields, 1600 from 60 take-off and landing grounds.
1800 1200 combat aircraft need to be repaired and are not flying now.

It is time to speak not about the Air Force, but about air dystrophy.

Not better things in the defense. In Air Defense Forces the arrival of new technology ceased in the 1994 year and did not resume until the 2007 year. In the country's air defense there are huge "holes". The largest of them between Khabarovsk and Irkutsk is 3400 kilometers.
Not covered the most important economic centers of the country: Perm, Izhevsk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Tula, Ulyanovsk.

Even some divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are not protected from air strikes.

Now on navy. The ship fleet has more than quadrupled. Only in recent years, it has decreased by 60 percent.
As part of our fleet there is a modern heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Peter the Great". Four such cruisers were built in the Soviet Union. "Peter the Great" - the last of them.
The first three ships entered the fleet before the fleet, and by the year of 2000, when V. Putin became president, they already required major repairs. But the money for their repair in the country, which hit the petrodollar "rain", was not found.

And here, please, a vivid example of what has already been done. In the recent march to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as part of a detachment of ships was our only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov. Statewide, there should be two aviation and a helicopter regiment - the entire 72 aircraft, including 48 assault and fighter aircraft.
However, at the time of the trip, only 8 (!) Aircraft were on board.

For comparison: on each of the 12 American aircraft carriers is from 80 to 110 aircraft.

Now about the strategic nuclear forces which are based on the Strategic Missile Forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces had combat railroad missile systems, mine and mobile-based missile systems.

The most invulnerable of them, capable, if necessary, of delivering a guaranteed nuclear retaliatory strike, were the railway missile systems RT-23.

It was precisely the missile divisions BZHRK that the Americans most feared.

And if the M. Gorbachev at their request, put these divisions to the joke,
а B. Yeltsin “illuminated” them with special beacons so that our “partners” would not lose sight of them, it was V. Putin who destroyed BZhRK.

In the years of V. Putin’s rule, the best missile divisions with the mine-based Satan missile complexes (in Western terminology) were ruthlessly destroyed.
These missiles were able to overcome any missile defense system, including the promising, missile defense, they had in the warhead ten nuclear warheads of individual guidance and the same number of imitators of these warheads - false targets for the enemy.

So the current monoblock "Topol" do not go with them in any comparison.

In 2001, I was forced to witness how one of our best missile divisions was destroyed in Aleisk, a small town in the Altai Territory. American observers were there until the last mine was blown up and the last missile destroyed.

It is V. Putin destroyed the most important element of a missile attack warning system - our radar station in Cuba in Lourdes, which controlled all of North America.

And in the article the Prime Minister, as if nothing had happened, writes that "the capabilities of this system have seriously increased"

The situation is bad in the naval component of the nuclear triad. In the 1991 year of Russia, the 55 nuclear submarines of strategic purpose passed from the USSR, and all of them by 2015 will be removed from combat duty.

It is tragic that from 1990 to 2007 the year in Russia was not built a single nuclear submarine of strategic purpose.

In service with the Russian Air Force are only 13 strategic bombers Tu-160 and 63 bomber Tu-95MS.

All of them are Soviet-made and have long exhausted the technical terms of operation.

In the course of the last radical reform of the Armed Forces, the logistics and technical support systems were destroyed.

V. Putin, in his article, calls it "getting rid of unusual, auxiliary functions - economic, household and others."
But Marshal Zhukov believed that "any brilliantly designed operation without the corresponding technical and logistical support will remain beautiful arrows on the map."

I'm not talking about the fact that the transfer of functions of logistics and technical support of troops to commercial structures costs the state an order of magnitude more expensive.

РThe military education system has also been destroyed. From 65 military universities created 10 research and training centers. “All these institutions,” according to Putin, “are built into a rigid vertical and, depending on their service, give officers the opportunity to constantly improve their professional level @.

But, allow me, what are we talking about, when for two years now there has been no recruitment of students and cadets for military universities and scientific and educational centers.

In the combined arms academy created by "reformers" on the basis of three academies: the name of M.V. Frunze, armored and military engineering, - at the command department now only two (!) officers from the FSO.

This year, the academy is expected to recruit students who will be trained in it for only ten months.

The General Staff Academy has also become a six-month course, the pride of Russian and Soviet military education.

Concerning military science, now it's just does not exist.

In addition, the reform of the army was carried out contrary to the recommendations of military scientists. Their recommendations were simply discarded as unnecessary.

And what is still in our army already done?

Here's how to answer this question. NATO military analysts: "As a result of the reforms carried out, the Armed Forces of Russia are not able to more successfully solve tasks even in local conflicts,
The Russian army does not have enough vehicles to transport troops over long distances, does not have a sufficient number of airplanes and pilots who can fly in any weather, there is no single information system.
The army lacks soldiers ... "

Everyone knows that the state defense order for 2011 year was broken. Until October 2011, the Ministry of Defense did not enter into a single contract with defense companies.

The defense industrial complex of the country is in direst condition. Chronic underfunding or, like last year, its almost complete absence led to the fact that the country's military-industrial complex is degrading and rapidly losing the ability to produce modern types of weapons and military equipment.
In order for them to appear, it is necessary to provide advanced funding for research and development work. However, they are financed by us on a residual basis.

Non-production enterprises lose skilled workers and engineers. The process of loss of technology in the country's defense industry has become landslide. In 1999 — 2004, thousands of technologies were annually lost in 1,5 — 2.
The last qualified personnel are leaving, the unique production is being destroyed.

Following the loss of technology, scientific schools began to die.

And what is the way out of this most difficult situation found V. Putin?

In his article, he writes: "The development of the defense industrial complex only by the state is ineffective right now, and in the medium term, it is economically impossible ... All the leading manufacturers weapons and US and European military equipment - non-state ... It is new private companies that can be a source of technological breakthroughs that can radically change the industry. "

I have a legitimate question: in which country, in which school, in which university and on what textbooks did V. Putin study? Did he really forget or not know that in the Soviet Union such a military-industrial complex was created in ten years, thanks to which the Red Army broke the back of a fascist beast armed with weapons manufacturers and military equipment from all of Europe. And not only Europe.
Does he not know historical the fact that almost all the leading American companies, including General Motors and Ford, provided Nazi Germany with metal, components for weapons and military equipment, equipment, fuel, and even fuses and explosives. Trade was under the slogan "Business is business - and nothing personal." The Germans paid in gold, including cast from dental crowns and gold items seized during the destruction of Jews in concentration camps.
Does V.Putin, relying on private business, actually think that our Prokhorov, Deripaska, promissory notes and Abramovich are more patriotic than the American Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Dupons and Fords?

And if this article is V. Putin’s program in the development of our Armed Forces and the country's defense industry, its implementation will not only make Russia stronger, but also threaten its very existence as an independent, independent state.

The end of the article V. Sobolev.

PS Yes, do not swear at Putin, Medvedev. They are not free in their decisions. This is just the locum tenens of the throne. The country is not ruled by them. Be in their place Zhirinovsky, Zyuganov, Nemtsov, Lemons, Bulk, Udaltsov or any other, they will be forced to do the same. Only nuances in the form of other rhetoric are possible.
And all the hysterics of these today's oppositionists and human rights activists that in Moscow squares, which in the Duma are caused solely by the desire to seize on the fat cake, which today they do not share, but the Putin company.
Really, I am very sorry for those naive simple Muscovites who, on the May days of 2012, risking their health, and even their lives, spend their time, effort and money to help some crooks to shove the others out of their pie. You are citizens, in any case you will not get ANYTHING!
In fact, everything in the country is decided by Abramovich, Prokhorov, Vekselberg, Potanin, Berezovsky, Derpaski and their ilk. Any real improvements in the state of the army are possible only if a large and largest national bourgeoisie emerges in the country, whose income and well-being will depend entirely on how strong and strong the Russian power is.

Is it possible - I do not know. And absolutely nothing after August 1991 does not depend on us in the country.

Sources and literature.
1. Informational bulletin of the Communist Party Central Committee "Pravda". April 2012
2. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Soviet encyclopedia. Moscow. 1969-1978.
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  1. +20
    27 November 2013 07: 08
    Now about the fleet

    Today the Marines have a professional holiday! Congratulations to you gentlemen, comrades, and thank you for the Service! Peace to you and your families!
    1. 0
      27 November 2013 07: 32
      Quote: karal
      Today the Marines have a professional holiday!

      Sparrow and Big scary cat with holiday drinks
      Sparrow is not on the site, but it can fly winked .................................................. ..
      A minus article, it was already about two years ago. Everything is crumpled and some screams -use disappeared. Author, make a white flag and give up, give up, give up, but what else remains for you, because everything is gone crying
      And yes, Obama called Putin and demanded to prevent the signing of the association of Ukraine with the EU laughing
      1. 0
        27 November 2013 11: 40
        Sparrow and Big scary cat with holiday drinks
        Sparrow is not on the site, but it can fly winked

        A minus article, it was already about two years ago. Everything is crumpled and some screams -use disappeared. Author, make a white flag and give up, give up, give up, well, what else remains for you, because everything was gone crying
        And yes, Obama called Putin and demanded that Ukraine and the EU not be signed laughing EU

        My minus from your comment, I ask everyone to subtract and consider a plus. Wrong poke)
    2. +9
      27 November 2013 07: 42
      The comprador bourgeoisie is one that serves foreign capital, home-grown fists serve only MYSELF, where the degree of degradation is almost complete, if they are allowed and it will be profitable to kill children in the forefront. Well, organ trading is in full swing. No, I do not unleash social hatred, I urge people to come to their senses.
      1. Heccrbq.3
        27 November 2013 14: 14
        It is useless, no one will come to his senses how such an article even slipped on this site?
    3. 0
      27 November 2013 07: 57
      Thank! I invite you to ride on the Mistral.
      1. +9
        27 November 2013 08: 33
        But are these 100 brigades enough for the country to feel safe, and does this correspond to the modern military-political situation in the world and the threats that are emerging today?

        The answer is simple, of course not enough. But there is another indisputable truth. But can there be more of them? The answer is no !!! Firstly, demography, secondly, financing, and thirdly, to contain an army that could make up parity in terms of size and armament to all NATO and China countries, in the aggregate, this is utopian idiocy. Russia proceeds in military construction not from fantasies and desires, but from reality and its capabilities. Everyone understands that the strategic nuclear forces were and will remain the only guarantor of our independence. The rest is for regional minor conflicts. Maybe this will change in the future, but for this we need to work hard, give birth to children and raise them well (so that we can only study perfectly), fight corruption together with everyone (write complaints to the prosecutor’s office and do not give bribes). It will be possible to change something only by starting with each of us and only in the future ...
    4. +7
      27 November 2013 10: 40
      "Has he forgotten or does not know that in the Soviet Union in ten years such a defense-industrial complex was created, thanks to which the Red Army broke the back of the fascist beast, armed by manufacturers of weapons and military equipment from all over Europe."
      And the author of the article himself is aware, at the cost of WHAT efforts this was done? Do you propose to transfer the entire economy of the Russian Federation to military rails, and feed people on coupons? I am not a military analyst, but! I dare to suggest that a lot is being done! After 10 years of ABSOLUTE lack of money and total collapse, it is IMPOSSIBLE to rearm and equip the army in 3-5 years without irreversible consequences for the economy.
      It's my personal opinion.
      1. +13
        27 November 2013 11: 11
        Grandson of a veteran
        After 10 years of ABSOLUTE lack of money and total collapse,
        It remains only to ask - and who was driving this country and the army, the economy and domestic politics, all kinds of information and science, medicine and general education ??? Who answered for this total collapse ??? Ah ... I know .... Me, my mother and my children ... They answered. And this is not the end. Standards for the consumption of electricity, heat, products have appeared. It's only the beginning!!! I believe medveputam
        1. +2
          27 November 2013 11: 42
          Pavel, do not pull my words out of context. We are now talking about financing the army. The current military budget of the Russian Federation exceeds the ALL state budget of the Russian Federation in the mid-90s. We’ll talk about social policy another time. I, like you and your family, drank and bread. This is not about that now. Sincerely.
          1. +3
            27 November 2013 14: 15
            Grandson of Veteran
            I'm not pulling out, Dmitry! Just endless "approvals" got enough. And I have known Sobolev for a long time. And in the Far East, and joint study. And in other places fate brought together at different times. So his thoughts (which I don't quite share) surprise me a little, especially after his long business trip.
            Regarding the allocation of funds - also heard a lot. And I can speak quite competently about the army as a whole - there is enough experience, knowledge, and education. But on this site - I think it is impractical. Only replicas of the general plan.
            So my rejection of the eternal "approvals" I ask you to forgive me. So is my skepticism about the efforts of some executives to fix the camber overnight.
            1. 0
              27 November 2013 16: 19
              Paul, listened to you and heard. With respect to your opinion, I remain at my own. hi
              1. 0
                27 November 2013 19: 32
                Thank you for your kind words ... Here you rarely meet those who know how to listen and accept someone else's opinion.
      2. 10kAzAk01
        27 November 2013 13: 05
        And the author of the article himself is aware, at the cost of WHAT efforts this was done? Do you propose to transfer the entire economy of the Russian Federation to military rails, and feed people on coupons? I am not a military analyst, but! I dare to suggest that a lot is being done! After 10 years of ABSOLUTE lack of money and total collapse, it is IMPOSSIBLE to rearm and equip the army in 3-5 years without irreversible consequences for the economy.
        It's my personal opinion.

        1000 pluses ... until hoarseness I prove that the article is hysterical, right away everything will not be fine! and the 2020 period is not real ... at least 2025 ...
    5. 0
      27 November 2013 11: 37
      Quote: karal
      Today the Marines have a professional holiday! Congratulations to you gentlemen, comrades, and thank you for the Service! Peace to you and your families!

    6. +8
      27 November 2013 12: 29
      I agree with the main part of the article.
      The current government of Russia, in spite of certain gestures to correct the collapse of the Army that they have committed, has done so much to destroy that it is very difficult to rectify the deed, and I want to say the crime.
      But with the conclusion
      Any real improvement in the state of the army is possible only if a large and largest national bourgeoisie appears in the country, the income and prosperity of which will entirely depend on how strong and strong the Russian power is. (from article)

      strongly disagree.
      The modern development of capitalism, as the classic V.I. Lenin, at the stage of imperialism - the highest stage of capitalism, is characterized by the dominance of interethnic monopolies and financial capital, which leaves no chance for the national bourgeoisie.
      According to the inevitable laws of development, the national bourgeoisie is turning into a comprador bourgeoisie working for transnational campaigns.
      In my opinion, the way out of this situation is the transfer of power to the mass Social Democratic Party, which the CPRF currently represents. (just don’t get hung up on the personality of its not very popular leader Zyuganov).
      For a gradual evolutionary transfer of power in the state to the people, through the Councils of People's Deputies. The restoration of the public sector of the economy in the main sectors of the economy and the private sector in the consumer sectors serving the population, similar to China, and as a result, a quick and real restoration of a combat-ready army.
      1. +4
        27 November 2013 13: 33
        First, we need to clear the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of "not very popular leaders" and then everything can work out. But, in my opinion, no "gradual evolutionary transfer of power" will work. The parasites have never given up their power just like that and will not give it up. They will continue to hang noodles on our ears about reforms and the gradual improvement of the economy, their hard work to restore the army and other things that have been destroyed, but in fact they will continue to pursue such a course as they need. They are very good at letting the dust in the eyes of the people. You hear such fiery speeches, such deep patriotism in your eyes - right up to tears ... But what has actually changed? What? Who can say specifically what has changed?
  2. 10kAzAk01
    27 November 2013 07: 09
    I am sure that this is hysteria ... but not everything is good in our "kingdom", but not to hysteria ...
    1. +12
      27 November 2013 07: 14
      This is not a hysteria, it is a cry from the soul of a desperate patriot. hi
      1. +4
        27 November 2013 07: 45
        In the 41st Germans such packs were taken by the Germans. Then, too, the army was not in the best condition, but thanks to the war it was cleared
        from such "patriots".
        There are problems in the army and they need to be solved, and not bliss, that everyone was shit.
        1. +4
          27 November 2013 11: 07
          Quote: 31231
          In the 41st such patriots, the Germans took packs

          And it seems to me that it was precisely these who fell into embrasures. hi
          1. Reasonable, 2,3
            27 November 2013 12: 02
            Was it difficult to throw a grenade?
          2. 0
            27 November 2013 17: 34
            That is, Sailors was dissatisfied with the army and the supreme command ?! And on the contrary, Andryusha Vlasov was happy with everything and liked?
      2. +5
        27 November 2013 09: 05
        Exactly. Cry from the heart. A scream from the unbearable pain of the soul.
    2. +13
      27 November 2013 07: 59
      Quote: 10kAzAk01
      I am sure that this is hysteria ... but not everything is good in our "kingdom", but not to hysteria ...

      Not just hysteria, but when Taburetkin was in the press, such articles were published constantly ... The Communist Party, still the only party that demanded his resignation ...
    3. +10
      27 November 2013 07: 59
      10kAzAk01 If you really consider this a tantrum, then you absolutely do not know anything about the state of the RF Armed Forces. But Putin’s message is designed specifically for such an audience.
      Personally, I would say that the article is not even objective enough, the reality is much worse.
      1. +6
        27 November 2013 09: 16
        Finally, a man with brains appeared on the site. Man. And then all some kind of pro-Western flogging alone blather: what a joy - as many as 4 ship fighters were handed over to Kuzya yesterday - the achievement of the century!
        1. 0
          27 November 2013 09: 17
          Quote: Valkyrie
          . And then all some kind of pro-Western flax alone blather: what a joy - as many as 4 ship fighters were handed over to Kuzya yesterday - the achievement of the century!

          Really, or maybe 4 MIGs is all that was put this year?
          1. +6
            27 November 2013 10: 02
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Really, or maybe 4 MIGs is all that was put this year

            Good morning. Sasha. hi Well, of course, not only 4 MIGs. But when compared with the export of arms, our army is clearly in the red.
            1. 0
              27 November 2013 10: 24
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              But when compared with the export of arms, our army is clearly in the red.

              Hi Ingvar! Well, consider that it has been exported and that it has already been delivered to the Air Force and that they will deliver it in December hi
              1. +5
                27 November 2013 10: 30
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Well, consider that it has been exported and that it has already been delivered to the Air Force and that they will deliver it in December

                So in December there will also be exports. I do not want to be in the role of catching up. In the meantime, the army is arming according to the residual principle. It's a shame.
                1. 0
                  27 November 2013 11: 48
                  Quote: Ingvar 72
                  So in December there will also be exports. I do not want to be in the role of catching up. In the meantime, the army is arming according to the residual principle. It's a shame.

                  Given the upgraded, more than a hundred aircraft this year. It was a shame a couple of years ago, then it was definitely a shame.
          2. 0
            27 November 2013 17: 36
            Alexander, of course, an inappropriate question. But still. Are Valkyrie and New Russia not the same IP?
        2. -2
          27 November 2013 17: 37
          Dear, can you tell me how many planes were delivered in 92-98?
      2. 10kAzAk01
        27 November 2013 10: 46
        10kAzAk01 If you really consider this a tantrum, then you absolutely do not know anything about the state of the RF Armed Forces. But Putin’s message is designed specifically for such an audience.
        Personally, I would say that the article is not even objective enough, the reality is much worse.

        Turn it up !!! I know not by hearsay !!! since I worked when Taburetkin was in the well-known "Slavyanka" And I saw what the army was brought to from the inside, but last year there is a tendency for improvement, and I sincerely believe that the army will withstand ... that the period will pass when the military themselves dragged billions from the army, and when they unfasten special officers for them to close their eyes! tomorrow they will lower the boat for the native Black Sea Fleet, so not everything is lost! And when the Motherland calls back to the Navy, I will go without hesitation!
        1. 10kAzAk01
          27 November 2013 11: 11
          ....... and generally speaking. during the service under Yeltsin, being a conscript, there was no eating at all in the army ... I ate bones from apricots ... but such generals were in the leadership of the Armed Forces and were silent with their tongues in their ass, and now they are comparing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the USSR remind me of the hero Mironov !!! "Lelik is all gone!" IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO COMPARE THE POWER OF THE USSR WITH THE AF OF THE RF. The current "patriots" insist that our army and navy are dead!
          1. +2
            27 November 2013 11: 36
            Yes, they do not say that they died, but claim that at death. God forbid that something happened in the country that would bring the army back to life! Now, they may have begun to feed, but this is of little use for the position of the army in the country. And why not compare the power of the USSR army with the Russian Federation? It is necessary to compare !!!!!!!!!!! And we must focus on the power that we had in order to achieve the same level! Otherwise, we kirdyk. Is it not clear? A competent person talks about this in an article.
            1. 10kAzAk01
              27 November 2013 12: 57
              And why not compare the power of the USSR army with the Russian Federation?

              Yes, at least because the population of the USSR was twice as large, and the USSR was preparing to fight with all NATO countries at the same time, therefore, they kept the Warsaw Pact block to themselves and keep the group in Europe, where are they all now ??? NATO also fell under. The military doctrine of the USSR was significantly different from the doctrine of the Russian Federation - therefore. In addition, there was a powerful propaganda, in comparison with modern information wars, these wars are zilch ... (by the way, I didn’t minus you)
              1. 0
                27 November 2013 16: 05
                Do you think that now we have nothing to prepare for war with all NATO countries? Or do you think that with a reduction in the length of the state’s borders, the military threat is directly proportional to? Or have we become more allies as a result of the collapse of the USSR? Or have we become invulnerable with the loss of the block of the Washav Treaty? Where is the logic?
                1. 10kAzAk01
                  27 November 2013 16: 21
                  Do you think that now we have nothing to prepare for war with all NATO countries? Or do you think that with a reduction in the length of the state’s borders, the military threat is directly proportional to? Or have we become more allies as a result of the collapse of the USSR? Or have we become invulnerable with the loss of the block of the Washav Treaty? Where is the logic?

                  First of all, it is directly proportional to the number of population! ... and you write nonsense, and here is invulnerability with the loss of the block? aircraft quality is a priority, not the number of aircraft! And the article is hysteria in the old days, when the army reached 5 million, so that there was a fighter on every meter. In general, it’s stupid to compare the USSR and the Russian Federation ... and minus the trolls who did not serve in the 90s and don’t know that there was nothing to eat in the army .... but I still claim that the Russian Armed Forces will gradually recover, and similar tantrums, like This article shows thinking by the category of the USSR Armed Forces.
    4. +2
      27 November 2013 11: 41
      Pavel, do not pull my words out of context. We are now talking about financing the army. The current military budget of the Russian Federation exceeds the ALL state budget of the Russian Federation in the mid-90s. We’ll talk about social policy another time. I, like you and your family, drank and bread. This is not about that now. Sincerely.
  3. mvg
    27 November 2013 07: 29
    yes it seems to be true .. at least from what I see in military camps and communicating with servicemen
  4. Valery Neonov
    27 November 2013 07: 30
    If everything is so bad with us, as reflected in the article, why should there be so much screech from some European state-TVs over several large-scale military exercises held this year ... winked
    And in general, it may be necessary to do business, and not to shout that everything is lost, as some "ministers" have recently allowed themselves. hi
  5. makarov
    27 November 2013 07: 34
    So after all, Berezovsky grunted for a long time, why mention him as a "sawmaker" and embezzler? On the contrary, there has been one less adversary, perhaps Mother Nature will call the rest to account. The air and atmosphere will be purified. But the problem is somewhat different, when there are difficulties in the country, then the most POWERFUL pops up to the TOP, and how to deal with it - there are no instructions.
    1. Hudo
      27 November 2013 09: 50
      Quote: makarov
      So after all, Berezovsky grunted for a long time, why mention him as a "sawmaker" and embezzler? On the contrary, there has become one less adversary, perhaps mother nature will call the rest to account

      "Until the sun rises, the dew will eat up" - a proverb.
    2. +5
      27 November 2013 11: 41
      While we wait for the fate of Berezovsky to suffer all the thieves and traitors of the Motherland, our country will disappear from the world map.
      1. -3
        27 November 2013 11: 49
        Quote: Valkyrie
        our country will disappear from the world map.

        You sweat to wait !!!!!!!!!
  6. +13
    27 November 2013 07: 35
    Hmm yes! Chernukha. Although there is something in it.

    Finish professional sports, turn the funding into a massive one, you don't even need to build anything, every school has a gym, which now do not shine with windows in the evenings. "Sochi is being built on donations from large companies." These are the same: Gazprom and Sberbank? Those. we then pay through the prices of their whims?

    Nationalize big industry, finally sorting out collateral auctions as void.

    Declare that in the event of the export of capital abroad, domestic property will be nationalized. We do not need industry there, we need it here. Return our money from abroad, turning them into investments. The central bank should not be an IMF structure, but a Russian organization.

    To ensure full employment of the population, it should not look for jobs, but the state, under these conditions, stop paying unemployment benefits. Stop scaring us. At the same time, eliminate the imbalance in the salaries of managers and employees. The director cannot receive a million a month when his employees receive 7 thousand each. When will the unions finally do what we pay their dues for, and not paid trips to holiday homes?

    Reduce the number of officials by significantly simplifying tax legislation. Why do we need 450 idle deputies receiving ministerial salaries? Establish the responsibility of managers for the deterioration of their enterprises, regardless of the reasons.

    Remove pi ... in from the media and ensure parity of nationalities.

    Similar and some other measures allowed the well-known dictator to create for the period from the 33rd to the 39th year (6 years, not 20!) The strongest economy and army in the world. Having substantially raised the living standards of the population, it is so true that they climbed into the USSR to look for their graves. No need to recall the Holocaust, in those years it was not even a trace.
  7. +5
    27 November 2013 07: 55
    In fact, everything in the country is decided by Abramovich, Prokhorov, Vekselberg, Potanin, Berezovsky, Derpaski and their ilk. Any real improvements in the state of the army are possible only if a large and largest national bourgeoisie emerges in the country, whose income and well-being will depend entirely on how strong and strong the Russian power is.

    Where to get such leaders or BURZHUEV. "There are few real violent ones, and there are no leaders" Every Olympiad and sayyments can profuse a lot of money, and talented people who teach and raise children in Russia are needed to invest in the country's future. "Keep your money in a savings bank."
    1. +6
      27 November 2013 10: 44
      if a large and largest national bourgeoisie appears in the country

      You say directly the words of Peter I about the "responsible and state-minded nobility" instead of the "old and backward boyars". I agree, but as long as the capitals of the oligarchs are over the hill, they will not be Russia's support ...
  8. 0
    27 November 2013 07: 58
    Nostalgia for the old. No need to compare the USSR with its Armed Forces and the Russian Federation. These are two big differences. In Russia, there are less people and money. Well, the big always starts with the small.
  9. +4
    27 November 2013 07: 59
    And nothing in the country depends on us in the country after August 1991.

    By and large, it did not depend much either. But there was a certain ideology that the party elite adhered to, and which was, as it were, a social contract. Propaganda certainly did its job as it is now, but now it’s more of a grab, otherwise you are a loser so you will gobble up a little and emptiness.
  10. +6
    27 November 2013 08: 01
    In the days of the USSR, we did not understand the fears and problems of the whole world, since we were protected from all world evil. Now we do not understand how the USSR was deprived of fears and problems. We are now sitting in complete shit and chirping with an eye out. Here is such a small difference.
  11. -8
    27 November 2013 08: 09
    If the retired general does not shout "The mustache is gone!", Then this is an enemy general smile
    They tried to reform the army from within, using exclusively the brains of our generals. Not a damn thing came of it.
    Restructuring of a large system cannot but be accompanied by a decrease in its effectiveness. The process is not completed, the goal, as you know - 2020.
    The penultimate paragraph finally convinced me that the author lives in parallel reality.
    In general, the presentation of the material is fun. First, instructions for reading the text, then the text itself smile
    It would be nice to give the author a link to the published opinion of NATO regarding the RF Armed Forces.
    Because this opinion falls out of most estimates of Western think tanks.
  12. +9
    27 November 2013 08: 10
    And stooltkin made his contribution to the "outfitting" of the army. It sounds cool, almost in a foreign language - "Brigadier General"!
  13. +14
    27 November 2013 08: 16
    Why is Prince Harry serving in the British Armed Forces, and our "princes" serving in banks? Probably out of love for the motherland.
    1. +7
      27 November 2013 10: 49
      Prince Harry not only serves, but also happens to Antarctica. I think he is a patriot of his homeland. But why, this is probably a question of his upbringing. Our "elite" was brought up on "Western" values ​​and they teach their children exactly this. Why did Gaidar's son become an admiral, and why did his grandson become what he became? We are convinced that this is a process of "gangster" accumulation of capital and that this will soon (already 20 years) end. You really need to listen to the advice of Father Lukashenko: "listen to your western comrades and do the opposite."
  14. +2
    27 November 2013 08: 31
    And nothing in the country depends on us in the country after August 1991.

    Initially incorrect installation. Yes, changing something is difficult, almost impossible, but it is almost... Perhaps the time has not yet come, people should breathe after the tumultuous 90s. I do not remember whose words - "Life is not such a simple thing as it seems, in fact it is even simpler." There is no need to escalate, 15 years ago the question of the existence of Russia was no longer even raised, at that time almost everyone abroad, and even inside the country, it seemed "successfully" resolved. The current state of the country's military-political and economic health does not inspire fears for the doctors' lives - the condition is stable and serious, the patient is more likely alive than dead.
  15. 0
    27 November 2013 09: 07
    Commander of the 58th Army (2003-06) .. I wonder how this "commander" can objectively judge the state of the armed forces IN 2012, when he himself DUMPED FROM THE ARMY STILL IN 2006 ??????
    1. +5
      27 November 2013 09: 18
      most likely they "knocked" him down, which resisted stool modernization
  16. +3
    27 November 2013 09: 16
    Alas "nothing depends on us"! No matter how bad it was in the USSR, in my unit I remember well the officers' and party meetings and the opinion of officers and communists did not go unnoticed. And the commanders, political officers and so on fell under the distribution. Alas, now the opinion of subordinate officers does not play any role. The principle "I said !!!" At the same time, many top bosses, by hook or by crook, avoid any responsibility for any of their decisions and non-decisions. Favorite resolution of the new commanders "By the established order" (translation: "I have nothing to do with it, fuck yourself, whatever you want").
    The officers' monetary allowance was increased, and at the same time, 10-15% (this is the minimum) is spent on maintaining combat readiness: buying paper, computers, uniforms, paint, pipes, tools, etc.
    In short: no words, only emotions
  17. +11
    27 November 2013 09: 32
    We just have with him completely different coordinate systems. Simply put, that is very bad and deadly for us, from the point of view of the head of the comprador bourgeoisie and the bureaucracy of the president is good and right.

    Taburetkin ruined the RF Armed Forces in full view. He couldn't do it himself uncontrollably. And the fact that he and his "women's battalion" are not under trial, but even sent to "new feeding", only underlines the fairness of the article. I have not been in the army for a long time and I do not know for sure the terrible details of the collapse, but the main thing is visible with the naked eye - the collapse was controlled from the outside in someone's favor. Still, I hope to see the army and navy recover. Some members of the forum talk about the lack of money. Why, then, they find huge amounts of money for the Sochi Olympics, for the construction of bridges on O. Russkiy and for other showmanship. This is also necessary, but more modestly and at another time after solving the most pressing and burning problems. To whom do we want to "rub in the glasses", deceiving only ourselves. And how much of our money is pumped out of our bowels and goes into the pockets of the "elite" and foreign companies, only obviously not counting the "shadow black business".
    Is this not the comprador bourgeoisie behind our leaders
  18. -1
    27 November 2013 09: 52
    58 army, this one that fucked up the Georgian 08.08.08 and even then not in full force. How can a general who, judging by the tone of the article "resigned" in 2006, judge the state of affairs? Yes, the army is full of various shortcomings, like in any other dynamic structure The difference between our army and any foreign one is that it can beat them with these shortcomings.
    1. -1
      27 November 2013 10: 26
      Quote: shinobi
      .How can a general who, judging by the tone of the article "resigned" in 2006, judge the state of affairs?

      Many who remain without destiny believe that without them, now everything will definitely collapse.
      Nothing author, create another institute of problems of the army and be a director in it.
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. +4
    27 November 2013 10: 02
    Most likely, there is a grain of truth in this article and not small (I judge, of course, on the basis of what "I see in civilian life") - but I see that the youth of the present (and this is primarily about her, we have served our purpose) is an army of BURDEN and that it is obligatory to "roll away" from her ... and now a banal question arises - Where to recruit soldiers? on such a territory (tea is not Germany with Luxembourg), this cannot be replaced by contractors, and it is invisible that something (from the outside) that so "the people ran to the soldiers." I know enough Officers, moreover, young people who left the service to civilian structures, some say so, we HAVE BEEN DEGREED and there is no desire to serve Russia ... PS-I still hope that my Motherland will survive this chaos and everything will return to normal (a person lives hopes) Happy SEAFEST.
  21. ed65b
    27 November 2013 10: 02
    C'mon, the author about total literacy in the USSR with 5th grades got there all right, they started to bustle in our town, there were completely illiterate individuals who could neither read nor write, respectively write. Gypsy Lech from St. Petersburg, Turks from Azerbaijan. And nothing served for 2 years.
  22. -6
    27 November 2013 10: 09
    Yes, do not swear at Putin, Medvedev. They are not free in their decisions. This is just the locum tenens of the throne. The country is not ruled by them. Be in their place Zhirinovsky, Zyuganov, Nemtsov, Lemons, Bulk, Udaltsov or any other, they will be forced to do the same. Only nuances in the form of other rhetoric are possible. Question to the author: And whose throne will the rightful "anointed one" take and when? Didn't write anything new, why waste time on writing this article? All the writers of such materials forget about the enormous mob potential of the RF Armed Forces. How many millions of highly trained reserve officers can be deployed to defend the Motherland? Sergeants and ordinary reserve soldiers who have served 2-3 years of urgent service?
    1. +5
      27 November 2013 10: 26
      Andrey 447 for your information, the mobilization in our country has been destroyed as a class, which is very sad. There are no parts of a reduced composition, which were supposed to unfold in the war. And so long as these, as you say, millions of highly trained reserve officers, sergeants and ordinary soldiers who served for 2-3 years are urgently mobilized and carry out combat coordination in the current conditions, the country could be irreparable.
      1. -3
        27 November 2013 12: 27
        Ie there are no storage bases as a class? Are there no officers at the headquarters of the brigades? We have abolished 1 department in the military enlistment offices? Regarding combat coordination. I don’t know for the rest of the armed forces (I’m a tank officer), but for the combat coordination of the tank battalion, where 50% of the reserve officers (personnel) will be enough for 2-3 days at most, provided that the mobilization takes place in the context of the expected attack .
        1. +1
          27 November 2013 15: 04
          Andrey 447 Have you ever participated in the training camp? Did you deploy PPPL? PPT? Have you taken the scribes? Combat coordination of a tank battalion in 2-3 days? Sorry to smoke?
          1. 0
            27 November 2013 17: 05
            You will be surprised, but in the full deployment of the battalion from the assigned personnel in the position of the company commander, I participated not just anywhere, but in the TurKVO and I dare to assure you that it is much more difficult than in the central districts, I generally keep quiet about the contingent (local Turkmen - "jackets", average age 35-40 years). The SME played 1 BTU with bs (in a month) and 3 RTUs with bs (at the end of the second week) for reinforced concrete "troikas". Perhaps we served in different armies, for example, in the USSR Armed Forces, you may be in the RF Armed Forces. Now in Russia it is enough reserve officers to form 10-15 brigades, 80% staffed exclusively by officers. In such units, in emergency conditions, a few days will be enough for BS.
            1. +2
              27 November 2013 17: 50
              Andrey You are right, I only managed to take the Soviet oath, and the service was already in the RF Armed Forces. I understand your optimism about mobilization and BS, since you served in this army. But all this has long been gone. Once again, mobilization is destroyed. The enemy hits the most important places. My former commander is now a commissar of a whole region, we often meet with him, and what I know by hearsay does not add optimism.
              PS In 2002, our anti-aircraft missile brigade deployed to the states of war. The deployment was ostentatious, drove the generals, governors, TV and journalists from all over the Siberian Federal District. My peacetime division (30 people, or 15%) was deployed to BB (204 people or 100%). Despite all the ostentatiousness and, accordingly, the lengthy preliminary work with the military registration and enlistment offices, of the 174 people who arrived in my division, one person was really assigned to me during the war, it was a political officer. The rest were real, I apologize, drunken rabble, which the military commanders actually threw over the fence, only to report that they had completed their work. So now with the mobilization the situation is much worse than it was at that show.
          2. -1
            27 November 2013 17: 45
            You either do not know how to read, or do not understand the meaning of what you read. I will try again. In the TR there are 5 officers (KR, deputy for those 3 KV) 7 sergeants-CT, 10 mech-water, 9 gunners and foreman (ensign) TOTAL-32 fighters. When mobilizing in the TR, 16 reserve officers (personnel) (what I wrote about earlier) come in. WE HAVE: KR, deputy for those 3 KV, 7KT- professional officers and 4 more officers for mech-water or gunner vacancies .For a BS of such a company, a couple of days will be sufficient (provided that the finished equipment is used). The battalion headquarters is not a warring non-advanced unit, this is the command and control unit of the battalion’s unit and assigned forces and means. The firing battle is controlled by the KR, KV and CT in my in the case of officers, in this case, the effectiveness of the Kyrgyz Republic increases by an order of magnitude.
            1. +1
              27 November 2013 18: 00
              Andoy do not be so naive, a well-coordinated tank, platoon, company, battalion do not mean anything. Until co-ordination takes place as part of the current brigade, until uniform control is achieved, the worthless price is for these well-coordinated tanks, platoons, companies and battalions. without control, this is all chaos. And in order to cope with everything, time is needed, but the adversary will not wait.
              1. 0
                28 November 2013 09: 34
                Andrey You are right, I only managed to take the Soviet oath, and the service was already in the RF Armed Forces. Well then, a further argument does not make sense.
  23. +2
    27 November 2013 10: 14
    The conclusion is generally "brilliant":
    Yes, do not swear at Putin, Medvedev. They are not free in their decisions. This is just the locum tenens of the throne. The country is not ruled by them. Be in their place Zhirinovsky, Zyuganov, Nemtsov, Lemons, Bulk, Udaltsov or any other, they will be forced to do the same. Only nuances in the form of other rhetoric are possible.

    It doesn't matter who is in power, it will always be that way. Fuck. "We got outraged, wiped off the snot on the side ... Anyway, nothing depends on us, and if so, then nothing needs to be done ..."
    And then it was worth "breaking the spears"?
  24. The comment was deleted.
  25. patriot2
    27 November 2013 11: 07
    Quote: mvg
    yes it seems to be true .. at least from what I see in military camps and communicating with servicemen

    Nobody knows the truth, except ... Yes, and he needs it, like a cart "5" wheel. The main thing is that the budget is being developed ... But the comprador bourgeoisie - the billionaires are happy: they have divided Mother Russia and its bowels. The process is going on - oil, gas, wood for currency; penny to the people, the rest is loved.
  26. patriot2
    27 November 2013 11: 34
    Quote: nazgul-ishe
    Every Olympiad and Siymenty can profit a lot of money, and we need talented people who teach and raise children in Russia to invest in the future of the country. "Keep your money in a savings bank."

    That's the whole point. To ruin a lot of money for PR programs and not develop the economy of your country (the problem of single-industry towns), solved by the "gypsy camp method" (according to the DAM) ?! This is stupidity, a betrayal of the country where you were born and live !? Why is the industry of Siberia and the Far East not developing, why is production still being curtailed in the European part of Russia? Why do we need illegal immigrants and why ... this "problem" cannot be resolved faster? IT MEANS THIS IS FAVORABLE FOR SOMEONE, who can guess!
    Profitable - comprador bourgeoisie (according to its short list)!
  27. Energet1k_
    27 November 2013 11: 38
    I read the article. I judge from my bell tower (he served in the 12th MRBR of the Far East in the ZRDN). All that the author writes about SV is for the most part true. The so-called "coffins" are 20-30%, from a battery of 4 calculations, there is only one real shooting machine. With the response time, the author also wrote everything to the point, about what hour we can talk, if from the beginning of November all the batteries were handed over to the battery for storage, and in the summer everything was started from the cigarette lighter from Kamaz. But come on, the technique can be repaired, but the soldier is not so easy to fix, normal adequate guys are 10-20% maximum, psychologically underdeveloped (I'm not talking about physically) half, to be honest in my life I have not come across such guys, a 20-year-old boy with thinking of a 13-year-old, not to mention the level of their education, was 1 soldier who taught his first words in Russian in the army. I wrote a lot of nigative (so at a glance that I remembered), but for some reason my impressions remained positive. Changes are needed, and first of all, probably in society!
  28. -5
    27 November 2013 11: 54
    ... the data is so old that it can be considered a lie. Why print an article that is one year old, if not older? the situation in the Armed Forces is changing every day so rapidly that not every military man is able to trace them. It's time to forget Serdyukov and move on, build up what is left. and most of them only stir up the already passed stage and procrastinate the same thing. at the moment, there are quite adequate people in the RF Ministry of Defense who, in the slightest degree, are trying to change the situation, and notice they left the stage of "shedding tears" about the collapse behind, and after analyzing the situation immediately proceeded to the stage of "restoring" the defense capability of the RF Armed Forces. There are many problems, but they will be solved much faster when everyone acts together. So you need to direct your activities in this direction, and we will always have time to cry and dig deeper into the shit.
  29. +1
    27 November 2013 12: 14
  30. +1
    27 November 2013 12: 28
    There is one interesting book written by an engineer by education, metallurgist by profession, now a well-known publicist Yu. I. Mukhin - the book is called "If not for the generals." The book examines the reasons for the losses of the Soviet people from the side from which these reasons have never been considered - from the position of the low moral and professional qualities of Soviet generals and career officers. This approach is not new, long before Mukhin, one of the politicians said that generals always prepare only for the "past war." In other words, they cannot, as a rule, foresee future wars. And there is an explanation for that - they have already become generals in peacetime. And that's why they need it, some kind of war? On it, after all, they can kill inadvertently. Well, what is it like to die when you have achieved everything. A captain, or a major-lieutenant colonel, is another matter, for those of them any war is a chance to grow up to a general is quite real. Therefore, the reforming of the army cannot be FULLY trusted only to one generals - they will ruin the whole matter in the bud. And nothing can be done about it - the instinct of self-preservation, you can’t argue against it.
  31. 0
    27 November 2013 12: 37
    "... War is too serious a matter to be trusted by the military."
    Words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of post-revolutionary France under all its regimes - the Directory, Consulate, Napoleon I empire and the monarchy of Louis XVIII, master of political intrigue Charles Maurice Talleyrand (Talleyrand-Perigord, 1754-1838).
    The meaning of the expression: war is primarily a political phenomenon ("the continuation of politics"), and it is politicians who must decide its fate, those who take into account the whole mass of factors that determine the essence and development of the confrontation.
  32. Peaceful military
    27 November 2013 13: 13
    It was in the spring of 2012. A year and a half passed, as if everything began to change for the better ...
    Although indulging liberals and compradors, their dominance in power is discouraging.
  33. +10
    27 November 2013 13: 44
    The article is no longer new, but has not lost relevance.

    Yes, there are fewer 10 divisions throughout Russia ...
    Previously, the Army (as part of the District) consisted of 3-5 divisions, now the Operational Strategic Command (as part of the District) manages ... 2-5 brigades.

    If in Russian: The Army (as part of the District) consists of 2-5 regiments ...

    On the territory of ZabVO influence, there are only two brigades. And only in one MPR were 5 divisions.
    I will not whine, just with the advent of Shoigu divisions were returned only to the "court" units (I respect them with respect).
    And it’s not a matter of divisions, but, by and large, OSH parts.
    And the OSH is not modified taking into account possible theater of the country, and they are all different.
    In the USSR, for example, it was:
    = For Europe - Tank divisions,
    = For China - Machine-gun and artillery divisions with battalions of tactical nuclear weapons,
    = For a quick response - DShB Brigades.
    And while we have everything under one comb, like a stool combed.

    We recently talked about% rearmament in units, and then a lot of victorious cries, began to look:
    For example: We put a new tank in the 41 unit.
    - Previously, this would amount to 18,9% of the new tanks in the unit (in the MSD: 94 + 41 + 41 + 41 tank). Not enough.
    - Now this is 100% ... (in MSBR: 41 tank). So they successfully reported to the party and the government about% of rearmament.

    And such an OSh - is this enough for the DEFENSE of the COUNTRY?
    1. 0
      27 November 2013 14: 11
      That's what I’m talking about from yesterday. (An article on the supply to the fleet of 2's MIG-29K and 2's MIG-29KUB). Although I do not have an idea of ​​the army as a professional, but to any normal person it is clear and understandable what they are doing with it. But yesterday I was thrown minuses enthusiastic domestic and foreign policy of our government.
      1. +2
        27 November 2013 14: 31

        Never mind.
        People are different on the site. And everyone has their own opinion.
        And to convince the interlocutor is almost impossible. For different reasons.
        1. +2
          27 November 2013 15: 51
          Yes you are right. Each person in his place sees the general situation in the country differently. She is satisfied with someone: an apartment, a car, a summer house are there - and the person is completely happy, nothing else is needed from life. Just think, the army fell apart, business! Just think, Kemsky volost was taken away - and to hell with it! Just think, the degradation of everything created, won, gained and accumulated by grandfathers at the cost of their lives, but a trifle!
  34. beautiful
    27 November 2013 15: 02
    Why are we again campaigning tsar-father is out of work? Well, well ... it's all Serdyukov with his mistresses ...
    1. +3
      27 November 2013 19: 20
      It turns out that this Serdyukov was a very serious political figure, who had a decisive voice in the defense of Russia, but we all did not know. crying

      Those who scold the Stool, open your eyes. The stool was just an ax in their hands
      lumberjack. who is such a stool to ruin the army. He is only an obedient performer. hi
  35. -2
    27 November 2013 15: 35
    IMHO, the article is out of date. I will not say for all of Odessa, but some facts raise questions:

    Firstly, about the brigades-divisions. Let us leave aside the discussion about which form of organization is better, but it is somewhat incorrect to calculate the number of brigades per kilometer of the border - the density of concentration of troops in different parts of the border is different. In calculating the effectiveness of the number of troops, it would be more correct to proceed from the number of troops and the magnitude of potential threats, and not from the length of the borders.

    Secondly, about the fleet.
    Our only aircraft-carrying cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov, was part of the squadron of ships on a recent voyage to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. According to the state, it should have two aviation and helicopter regiments - a total of 72 aircraft, including 48 assault and fighter aircraft.
    However, at the time of the trip, only 8 (!) Aircraft were on board.

    You might think he went there on a military campaign ...

    For comparison: on each of the 12 American aircraft carriers is from 80 to 110 aircraft.

    Theoretically, yes. Practically - much less, they take all the planes only when they are going to war, the rest of the time they go with empty decks.

    The situation is bad in the marine component of the nuclear triad. In Russia, 1991 nuclear strategic submarines were transferred from the USSR to Russia in 55, and all of them will be removed from combat duty by 2015.

    And so they are replaced in a hurry by the Boreas.

    Thirdly, air defense:
    Things are not better in air defense. In the Air Defense Forces, the receipt of new equipment ceased in 1994 and did not resume until 2007.

    Again, only the S-400 - 5 regiments / 10 divisions / 80 PU deployed already.
    1. +2
      27 November 2013 16: 16

      Of course, the border is not a front line. And, in this case, the calculation of the number of kilometers in the brigade's defense zone is not correct for peacetime. Such a calculation can be applied only in wartime and taking into account the features of the theater.

      But we are talking about peacetime. Is not it?
      This is the only brigade to reflect 1 th strike the enemy, as the author writes, from Ulan-Ude to Belogorsk.
      How long is it enough? What is the degree of her mobility? After all, she has to quickly respond to threats on the border for many thousands of kilometers (in this case, about 3 thousand km).

      Then mobilization should be carried out (the system of which in our country ordered to live long and this is not news) and this defense sector will be supposedly strengthened. Are there mobilization manpower reserves and reserves of arms and military equipment in this region? How long does it take to mobilize them?
      Due to what? Where are these magical gain gangs? And if they are in other areas (which I doubt) - by what transport will they be transferred to a dangerous section of the border (now the front line) from these other areas?
      By the way, in recent exercises, these questions were worked out. And the result is not impressive - only more questions arise.

      About the aircraft-carrying cruisers.
      The situation in carrier-based aviation is catastrophic due to a lack of flight personnel. And even if you use Tactor on 100% as an airplane, then such a focus will not work with pilots. At the moment, they can be counted on the fingers. You can’t get an ordinary Air Force pilot to board a deck. This requires experience and flying skills.

      I can’t say anything about air defense and Borei - I don’t have information.
      1. -2
        27 November 2013 17: 12
        Quote: aviamed90
        Then mobilization should be carried out (the system of which in our country ordered to live long and this is not news) and this defense sector will be supposedly strengthened. Are there mobilization manpower reserves and reserves of arms and military equipment in this region? How long does it take to mobilize them?
        Due to what? Where are these magical gain gangs? And if they are in other areas (which I doubt) - by what transport will they be transferred to a dangerous section of the border (now the front line) from these other areas?

        Well, in my opinion, when a threat arises, troops, equipment, and the selection of personnel to work in certain conditions should be drawn into this region.
        Take, for example, the war in South Ossetia: when it was necessary to urgently raise troops, they were raised and delivered as soon as possible. And why? Because there was information that Georgia was preparing for war.

        Of course, I understand that it is exactly only on paper, and that in practice everything is much more complicated. And in Georgia itself, not everything was smooth - in particular, there were few mobilized planes, due to the lack of pilots flying in the mountains, but, I repeat again: it is necessary to proceed from the number and quality of troops from threats.

        Quote: aviamed90
        The situation in carrier-based aviation is catastrophic due to a lack of flight personnel. And even if you use 100% airplanes for tactics, such a focus will not work with pilots.

        Here, I completely agree with you, but the article was about manning with airplanes, not pilots. I just wanted to say that to talk about carrier-based aviation, relying on data from that campaign - this is how to talk about tank troops in a parade on Red Square.
        1. 0
          28 November 2013 10: 19

          Of course, intelligence will determine the threatened period (the concentration of enemy forces near the border). But what does this give in our conditions? How can we answer?

          We have 2 ways:
          - to form brigades (divisions) in the area of ​​the alleged military units (but there are no sufficient mobilization of human reserves and military equipment, the mobilization system has been destroyed);
          - transfer the existing brigades to this area (thereby exposing the remaining sections of the border, difficulties in transferring troops by rail or aviation, and everything will have to be transferred, from tanks to cartridges and stews, as you know; will we have enough 39 brigades and how much is take time?).

          So the most important question arises: will it the response time of our troops is less than the concentration time of enemy troops near the borders?

          Based on the results of recent exercises, for some reason doubts arise.

          There is one more way. We can answer nuclear weapons. But in this case, we will have other, no less difficult problems.

          And your example of a war with Georgia is unsuccessful.
          I will not take a place on the forum. If you are interested, read the article by Anatoly Khrulev (Lieutenant General, Commander of the 58th Combined Arms Army (2006-2010)) at the link (website, "Military-Political Review", "Analytics-Army" section, article "Lessons Learned war with Georgia "from 12.12.2012).
  36. avg
    27 November 2013 17: 02
    Our bourgeoisie is not comprador’s, it’s young and predatory, but the Communist Party, headed by Zyuganov, is a completely comprador organization that prevents the normal left movement from organizing in the country.
    And about the alarmist articles I would like to say only one thing: "Let's drink to our desires to match our capabilities. Well, to the health of the Marines, in connection with their professional holiday!" drinks
  37. 0
    28 November 2013 13: 45
    read it. put a plus. went to the forest to dig a bunker.