Regional corruption as the main threat to the security of Russia

Regional corruption as the main threat to the security of Russia

The realities of modern Russia are such that the ex-minister of defense Anatoly Serdyukov became a kind of if not a banner, then a symbol of the state system. While the office of the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, is trying to impose the red flags on all sides, he feels like quite well: he flies abroad, does not give interviews and does not testify against himself ...

Meanwhile, criminal cases in which Serdyukov passes as a witness, belong to the category, which is popularly called “economic”: something is not so sold, something is not there, and he has not bought something, has hidden something from his former department, etc.

And it is very strange that the attention of the investigators is not attracted by that aspect of the activities of the ex-minister, which was directly related to the fulfillment of his direct official duties, that is, ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation. But in fact Anatoly Serdyukov instead of building the Armed Forces and organizing their management, at best, they created special schemes that could ensure profit from everything that was possible.

Under the pretext of cutting costs, the entire military aviation Russia was driven into several so-called air bases, where hundreds of aircraft on each began to be based immediately. The remaining airfields and military camps were simply abandoned. For several decades, remembering the terrible lesson of 1941, our country was building and expanding the airfield network in order to minimize the consequences of the first strike of a probable enemy, if such a thing had happened. It sounds especially topical now, when weapons The first strike became cruise and ballistic missiles. The softest definition for such a decision is wrecking. But now it is not the 37 year, as President Vladimir Putin noted ...

But besides that, Serdyukov expelled 200 thousands of officers and 150 thousands of ensigns from the army, sharply reducing the level of professional training.

It was he, along with the former chief of the General Staff, who actually deceived both the people and the Supreme Commander when he spoke about the 100-readiness of the brigades during the 1 hour (!) To be ready to act as intended, while those were equipped with 60-70 percent of the regular number and could not fight.

Exactly Serdyukov destroyed almost completely the system of military education and military medicine.

Serdyukov with Makarov destroyed the harmonious system of management of the species and genera of the Armed Forces.
They introduced the so-called outsourcing in the army ... Once beaten by Hitler's General von Mellenthin, becoming a historian after the war, he wrote:

- Field kitchen, almost sacred in the eyes of soldiers of other armies, for the Russians is just a pleasant surprise and they can go without it for days and weeks. A Russian soldier is completely satisfied with a handful of millet or rice, adding to them what nature gives him. Such proximity to nature explains the ability of a Russian to become, as it were, a part of the earth, literally dissolving in it. The soldier of the Russian army is an unsurpassed master of disguise and self-digging, as well as field fortification ...

The strength of the Russian soldier is due to his extreme closeness to nature. There are simply no natural obstacles for him: in impassable woods, swamps and swamps, in a roadless steppe everywhere he feels at home. It crosses wide rivers on the most elemental means at hand, it can pave roads everywhere. In a few days, Russians build many kilometers of gati across impassable swamps ...

А Serdyukov with Makarov decided to correct the "mistakes" of dozens of generations of Russian soldiers ... And the very first teachings showed that the businessmen in the field cannot provide the troops. And they will not do that. But profit is above all.

For some reason, one of the main merits Serdyukov call the increase in the monetary allowance of the military. But does the army is a private office, and the Minister of Defense pays salaries to employees from their incomes ??? But that was probably how he felt.

Perhaps the hardest result of the former command of the Ministry of Defense was the spirit of acquisitiveness that penetrated the troops, as the Chief Military Prosecutor has been talking about for several years now Sergey Fridinsky: The number of officers convicted for attempted fraud, theft, and corruption has increased significantly ... And isn't this undermining morale and alertness? Or is there no such article in the Criminal Code?

In a sense of this Anatoly Serdyukov became the personification of the modern Russian political elite and even some of its sacred way, a kind of “knight without fear and reproach (!?)” who is ready to find ways to extract income anywhere and at any cost.

The question involuntarily arises: if the Minister of Defense does such miracles, then what about the rest of the officials? After all Vasilyeva, Puzikov, Smetanova, Naginsky and the other associates of the ex-minister did not appear from the sky, they came, firstly, because he called them, and, secondly, they came from the regions.

And it doesn’t matter with what: Moscow, Peter, Novosibirsk or Tula do not matter, because everywhere, and the people know it well in the field, the goals of the local bureaucracy are radically different from the aspirations and hopes of the population.

For example, now the Far East is literally sinking. And last year they held the APEC summit, which cost billions of rubles. Only for holiday fireworks by order of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spent 275 million rubles! Why the former plenipotentiary of the President in the Far East district Viktor Ishayev did not lay in the way of the summit and did not say:

- I, here, you know, the whole edge can drown ... What APEC? What salutes? We must build dams and reservoirs, regulate the course of the Amur and other rivers ...

But he did not do this and preferred only to follow instructions from Moscow. Maybe because it was a question of huge money?

The regions are well aware of the procedure for spending budgetary funds coming from Moscow. Every year, regional and federal Audit Chambers routinely register “inappropriate spending of budget funds.” And people are sure: under this crafty formulation lies the banal reception of “kickbacks” and “cuts” with the subsequent transfer of a significant part of them to the capital, and try to convince them of the opposite ...

Of course, in the regions there are other ways to replenish the purse of an official, depending on his position. Some feed on endless road repairs, and the truth is, what kind of fool would be good at repairing roads, if every year you can receive funds from the budget for the same section. Then "their own" firm wins a fictitious competition, followed by a "rollback" to the necessary official, and everyone calms down until next spring. All, except for ordinary drivers who curse a similar order of different non-print expressions.

The higher official level is the allocation for building, selling or renting land and buildings. This is, so to speak, Serdyukovsky diagnosis, but in the regions it has been mastered for a long time.

And here are the latest battle reports from the field ...

Sovetsky District Court of Tula, which sentenced the former governor of the Tula region to 9,5 years in prison Vyacheslav Dudka. The court found that in November 2010 of the region, then director of the region’s property and land relations department, Viktor Volkov, in concert with Governor Dudka, received a bribe from XRUMN Corporation in 40 million rubles through an intermediary. in Tula for rent for three years for the construction of a hypermarket.

Novosibirsk Governor Vasily Yurchenko summoned for questioning by the Investigation Committee, a criminal case was initiated into the sale of LLC Taktika in the 2010 year of an unfinished hotel complex and an area of ​​1 199 square. m at st. Chaplygin, 54 for 22,7 mln. Rub., Owned by OJSC Gas Transportation Complex of the Novosibirsk Region (100% is owned by the regional department of property and land relations). It is located in the center of the third city of Russia and was originally estimated at ... 40 432 000 rubles. However, the proposed auction was canceled, and the complex was sold, according to the investigation, at a lower price in almost 2. I wonder who got the difference?

But these are governors ... And if you analyze the decisions of the courts and the reports of the press services of the RF IC, the General Prosecutor's Office, it becomes obvious: in the regions they take everything from nurses, paramedics, chief physicians, school principals and rectors of universities, and ending with municipal and regional officials.

And it has the most direct relation to state security, because the system of state, regional and municipal government represented by officials instead of fulfilling their duties in the worst case is generally engaged only in acquisitiveness, and in the best - in acquisitions, in the first place, in fulfilling the residual principle .

Therefore, there are uncontrolled forest fires, floods in Krymsk and on the Amur River, accidents at hydroelectric power plants and other tragic incidents, which are customarily attributed either to natural disasters, or to a coincidence of circumstances.

Therefore, every year more people die on the roads in 2 than were killed during the Afghan war in 10 years. Or maybe the reason is the criminal negligent attitude of road builders who do not generally meet the requirements of the standards? So they are also the roof of local officials ...

Once again: such a position in the management system is directly related to the security of Russia. Its specificity is such that the federal authorities in Moscow, and not local authorities, will always be considered guilty on the ground. Suffice it to recall the sad fate Slobodan Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafiwho were betrayed by their inner circle for personal gain. Why are they there, and how did the republican and regional elites of the USSR behave when the Union collapsed?

And is it really possible for someone now to hope that in the event of a military threat a significant part of our officials, choosing between their condition and country, will choose a country ???

Russia needs a new generation of managers, for whom the service to the Fatherland will not be expressed in the crunch of banknotes. It is thought that this is well understood in the Investigation Committee and the General Prosecutor's Office.
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  1. Valery Neonov
    7 September 2013 06: 32
    hi Regional corruption is undoubtedly evil, but it is not for nothing that they say: "The fish rots from the head!"
    1. rks5317
      7 September 2013 11: 33
      And the "head" already has 130 billion dollars (last year, according to sources in the open foreign press) ...
    2. +5
      7 September 2013 15: 24
      Quote: Valery Neonov
      "The fish rots from the head!"

      This is true. But it’s always cleaned from the tail. Which of the top officials have been imprisoned in recent years?
      Let's open V.Ya.Shishkov's novel "Gloomy River" - "The deputies in the Duma made noise ... And Minister Makarov stood up and said, as he snapped: SO IT WAS, SO IS AND WILL BE!
      And soon the revolution broke out ...

    3. +2
      8 September 2013 09: 13
      Our fish goes out right away .... still fry, so rotten and swim.
    4. Angolaforever
      9 September 2013 10: 53
      The author of the article apparently wanted to "whiten" the president.
  2. serge-68-68
    7 September 2013 06: 35
    The fish rots from the head. Regional officials are only a shadow of federal officials. In aggregate, what they stole is hardly less than what was stolen by the federals (however, it should be remembered that the theft system is hierarchically structured and it is customary to share with the federals among the regionals). However, without uprooting the top, you cannot clean the bottoms.
    Somehow this historical anecdote was already cited as an example:
    The governor of a Russian province came to see Prince Potemkin. He spoke about life and work. The prince asks him about the problems. "Yes, there is one," says the governor. "The people call me a thief." "Ah! A familiar problem!" said the prince. "They called me too. But what is interesting: if you stopped stealing, they stopped calling me."
  3. +10
    7 September 2013 07: 20
    For corruption on an especially large scale, as well as for the theft of budget money, one penalty is the highest measure of social protection.
    1. Yarosvet
      7 September 2013 16: 11
      Quote: Deniska999
      For corruption on an especially large scale, as well as for the theft of budget money, one penalty is the highest measure of social protection.
      8 September 2013 18: 43
      1000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ...
    3. 0
      9 September 2013 05: 23
      Hello, an interesting topic has filled my teeth for a long time, Everything is tied up here, I can’t even understand how an official takes a place in the government and children have a foreign country for a long time, Yes, in ancient times, Peter 1 sent nobles to study abroad so everyone later worked in their own country and then their earning labor titles and benefits, Now name the children of officials who gave their duty to serve their own country, not just somewhere up there but simply served in the army, Here gentlemen are just waiting for you, the children of governors are not far behind but everyone goes in chorus and the civil service and there are no questions, I know only one normal man who honestly served in the Far East, He himself decided and did, Son of Mr. Shuvalov, But the example did not become contagious, And these thoughts of those in power who did not serve he served in the civil service those who turn to the people will not only cause irritation, They say they themselves are afraid to touch this layer, It has long been gaining strength, Children of officials already calmly occupy very prestigious posts of judges of the prosecutor’s office and so on, They’ll just ruff us as those who should help earn for all of them are good, Male A certain example In Krymsky there are no local judges and prosecutors who were in anyway a relative of the defendants. Here it is the pure truth of our state vertical. Authorities must add here a representative vertical. She also enthusiastically attaches her children. And he doesn’t solve this issue yet, They’re even afraid to apply the system that they somehow hinted at, Testing civil service applicants on (Lie Detector,) not to mention the officials themselves,
  4. +11
    7 September 2013 07: 22
    Recently, it is extremely unpleasant to look at GDP. After all, I must burn out of shame for many of my own people and shout "Fas!" To the whole country. Ministry of Internal Affairs, TFR, prosecutor's office, showing the Serdyukovs, Chubais, Vakselbergs. Then the LADIES will leave from shame for their deeds. But...
    1. rks5317
      7 September 2013 11: 34
      And to whom to shout something? ... Togo. Who should do it, first of all, on the MATTER !!!
      1. +1
        7 September 2013 12: 18
        Because I have a sad last sentence.
      2. grafrozow
        7 September 2013 22: 34
        Quote: rks5317
        And who should yell?
        We will scream, but will we scream?
    2. +10
      7 September 2013 15: 36
      Quote: My address
      "Fas!" Ministry of Internal Affairs, TFR, prosecutor's office, showing the Serdyukovs, Chubais, Vakselbergs.

      How can he shout to them? These are all his proteges! Will they attract themselves?
      EXAMPLE, little ...
      Let's see who is in the RUSNANO leadership? Who is on the Board of Directors of RUSNANO:
      1. Chubais, Anatoly Borisovich - Chairman of the Board of OJSC RUSNANO. (Putin's associate at work in Smolny with Sobchak)
      2. Kiriyenko, Sergey Vladilenovich - General Director of the State Corporation Rosatom. (Putin's friend, to whom Putin owes a call to Moscow)
      3. Poghosyan, Mikhail Aslanovich - President, United Aircraft Corporation (a friend of Chubais - a bridge between Boeing Corporation (USA) and UAC (Russia) helping Chub to legally withdraw money in the USA)
      4. Prokhorov, Mikhail Dmitrievich - President of ONEXIM Group LLC. (pro-Kremlin oligarch, personally locked up on Putin)
      5. Chemezov, Sergey Viktorovich - General Director of the State Corporation for the Promotion, Development, Production and Export of High-Tech Industrial Products “Russian Technologies.” (Putin’s personal friend)
      This company will easily rub points to any Accounts Chamber - even to Stepashin himself.
      You can already spread it ... You can’t eat yet.
    3. 0
      8 September 2013 11: 16
      Foreign and domestic policies pursued by GDP, they are so different that it seems that they rule two different people. And while the above-mentioned gentlemen, so to speak, are not dragged into prison, nothing will change inside the country. There is a precedent for those who have not yet launched a paw into other people's money, but have already laid eyes on them. stop
  5. +5
    7 September 2013 08: 09
    Russia needs a new generation of managers for whom service to the Fatherland will not be expressed in a crunch of banknotes.

    By the way, an excellent example of such a leadership is the leadership of the Belgorod region. I am still impressed by an article recently published here. It would seem that neighboring Oryol and Kursk, the same land, the same climate, but no - the difference is enormous. So, all the same, much depends on the competence, honesty and decency of the leader.
    1. rks5317
      7 September 2013 12: 22
      To become a manager, you first need to work as a master. Then the head of a shop. Then a plant and a large association, but then you can manage. And not to steer ... Look at Medvedev- "manager" -that is in his asset for 4 years of sitting (lying ) in the Kremlin - the transition to summer time. Change of the name of the police and Patsansky kidok of Iran with the S-300 ... And what else can you expect from SUCH managers who have been shifting papers on the table all their lives and writing visas and resolutions on them. how is surplus value created ???
      1. +2
        7 September 2013 12: 51
        Quote: rks5317
        To become a manager, you first need to work as a master. Then the head of the workshop. Then the factory and a large association, but then you can manage it. But do not steer ...

        Do you think that in 140 million Russia there are no people who meet the criteria you have listed?
        1. rks5317
          7 September 2013 17: 07
          Surely there is any of those who have gone the full path of growing professionalism ... But they apparently do not belong to the right party and belong to the wrong nationality ...
          1. +1
            7 September 2013 17: 24
            Quote: rks5317
            Surely there is any of those who have gone the full path of growing professionalism ... But they apparently do not belong to the right party and belong to the wrong nationality ...

            I’ll tell you a secret, I myself went through. But now I work as a simple master and dream only of finalizing the remaining four years before retirement. No, not health, not desire, not ambition.
            1. rks5317
              8 September 2013 17: 24
              On such as YOU. Russia holds on, there are the last professionals of pre-retirement. Retirement and post-retirement age ... And after a few years. When you have everything
              x there will be no strength and desire to work, there will come a complete pi --- ts ... But this doesn’t bother the Kremlin w / m, the fate of RUSSIA and the RUSSIAN people ... They have a different task and they are zealously fulfilling it and I'm afraid. will fulfill it. ..
        2. rks5317
          7 September 2013 17: 13
          And do you know that under the Soviet regime, the instructors of the district committee were the directors of factories and plants who switched over to this job? .. Malchikov. As now under Putin. They didn’t take there ...
          1. +1
            7 September 2013 17: 31
            Quote: rks5317
            And do you know that under the Soviet regime, the instructors of the district committee were the directors of factories and plants who switched over to this job? .. Malchikov. As now under Putin. They didn’t take there ...

            They took it. I have an example. My institute classmate. As he went from the institute along the Komsomol line (dad was the party organizer of a large plant), he went through all the steps without working for a day. Now measures a big city in Ukraine. (we studied there)
            1. rks5317
              8 September 2013 17: 27
              And dad before. How did he become a party organizer, whom did he work? Your example is not indicative. Because I am not a party myself. But the familiar factory directors became instructors and further became ...
        3. rks5317
          7 September 2013 17: 17
          Of course. If there is a person who has gone through the full course of growing professionalism ... But they. Apparently do not belong to that nationality and are not in that party ...
          1. 0
            7 September 2013 17: 34
            Quote: rks5317
            Of course. If there is a person who has gone through the full course of growing professionalism ... But they. Apparently do not belong to that nationality and are not in that party ...

            I already wrote above, but I can add. My nationality is titular and I have never been a member of the parties, which did not prevent me from successfully moving up the ranks.
            1. rks5317
              8 September 2013 17: 28
              Judging by the login (or surname), your nationality is your most titular ...
    2. Yarosvet
      7 September 2013 16: 19
      Quote: Garrin
      So, all the same, much depends on the competence, honesty and decency of the leader.

      Only if there is no civilian control, and structures whose duty is to enforce the law are put on the law.
  6. Troy
    7 September 2013 08: 28
    A moratorium on the death penalty works with officials miracles of arrogance and fearlessness.
    1. AVV
      7 September 2013 09: 20
      Serdyukov is an indicator of our leadership, the investigative committee and justice. If the main corrupt official does not sit, then there is no justice in our country, and whoever steals billions can continue to sleep peacefully !!!
      1. +3
        7 September 2013 15: 04
        will not sit. They do not plant their own. Because he stole and honestly shared.
      2. rks5317
        7 September 2013 17: 25
        And who will put him? ... Himself? .. HE is almost a monument ...
      3. 0
        9 September 2013 09: 53
        Quote: AVV
        Serdyukov is an indicator of our leadership, the investigative committee and justice. If the main corrupt official does not sit, then there is no justice in our country, and whoever steals billions can continue to sleep peacefully !!!

        Do you seriously consider Serdyukov "the main corrupt official"? ...
        no, my friend, the "chief" will not sit ... hi
    2. +6
      7 September 2013 09: 36
      not only the death penalty but also confiscation
      1. grafrozow
        7 September 2013 22: 37
        Quote: forester
        not only the death penalty but also confiscation
        Five years pea-shot in the balls. And who are the judges?
    3. Yarosvet
      7 September 2013 16: 20
      Quote: Troy
      A moratorium on the death penalty works with officials miracles of arrogance and fearlessness.

      There is something more serious than a moratorium
  7. Cpa
    7 September 2013 08: 34
    For forest fires, the forestry system is in itself, people are not taken from the street. That means they are selected according to their "own" criteria, but they did not do the clearing, not to mention the sanitary and insecticidal treatment. But they use large conifers, so money could be allocated for this.
    Joke about corruption:
    A competition for the construction of the road has been announced, applicants submit documents. The Turks were the first to arrive: we will build 1 million rubles in a month. - Clearly, wait in the corridor.
    The Germans came: "We will build it for 2 million rubles and in two months" - "why in two months?" - "We have it according to the best German technology" - "Understandably wait in the corridor"
    A Russian came: "We will build for 3 million rubles and in four months" - "I did not understand what is your advantage?" - "Well, 1 million for you, one for me, and let the Turks make the way"
  8. +5
    7 September 2013 09: 38
    Serdyukov m Makarov for several years misled the country's leadership regarding the true situation with the combat readiness of the troops. And was there no one else to dispel this error in time? There were no reports from other sources? Then the questions were not only to Serdyukov, but also to the leadership, which not only did not stop all these arts in time, but even awarded Makarov the title of Hero of Russia even with a closed decree.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. rks5317
      7 September 2013 11: 50
      And with agriculture. Health transport and so on and so forth. which are RULED (because only professionals can manage) a lawyer-financier-economist led by a legal adviser? What's this? WHO put them there, and for what-when did they take their place, at best — if they were zablab ali department department ??? A targeted program to destroy Russia from all directions. Sent from the banks of the Potomac and carried out by PAPA in exchange for a promise not to touch HIS 130 billion assets ...
      1. Yarosvet
        7 September 2013 16: 28
        Quote: rks5317
        lawyer-financier-economist, led by a legal adviser
        1. rks5317
          7 September 2013 17: 32
          Just CLASS !!! Thank !
        8 September 2013 18: 57
        rks5317-can be more detailed about 130 billion .. by the edge of the ear, I heard something, but I didn’t catch the essence!
        1. rks5317
          8 September 2013 20: 14
          2 years ago, the British newspaper Guardian wrote about the figure of 60 billion. Then the journalist and deputy A.Khinshtein publicly stated this ... What happens in the civilized world in such cases-1) refutation of the presidential press service 2) appeal to the court about the protection of honor and dignity ... There was nothing of the kind Last year, on the so-called teleconference, Putin answered the question of wealth literally, MY wealth is my people ... And this year in YouTube there is information about 130 billion and again, NO reactions ... Remember the episode of Putin giving a watch to a locksmith. Shem had a gift-Putin .Not hesitate .snyal with clock hands and gave them to the applicant ... so vot.zhurnalyugi vyyasnili.chto These watches cost 50 000 dollars (his annual salary of the President) ... (
    3. +4
      7 September 2013 12: 28

      Do not believe it - we tried to dispel these misconceptions! But the leadership, instead of listening and arguing, simply fired opponents.

      Conclusion: it means that the management is aware of what is happening and manages the process itself (sorry for the tautology).
      1. +2
        7 September 2013 13: 38
        It seems so ...
      8 September 2013 18: 53
      Appropriated the same THAT as Makarov! What is not clear ... The whole country observes this and silence ... only with braids someone ...
  9. +1
    7 September 2013 10: 15
    Well, do regional officials get bribes and what do they spend most of it on? On a separate free-standing housing and movable property in the form of a car, if you close these financial flows again to the state, you get an interesting picture - a corrupt official will bring money back to the budget :-)
  10. +2
    7 September 2013 10: 27
    Everyone understands how utopian it is ...
    Because all this mass cannot be changed at once. And the new generation of "managers" that the author requires, turns out to require support for cultivation (according to the realities of Russia) - therefore, who are these plodding children of which officials? The cycle of the corrupt generation.

    Here right now they raised a salary to our policeman. And what do we have ...
    Previously, it was possible for almost any citizen to join the police service.
    Strict competition, high salary, tight control of knowledge and competencies.
    But ...
    Already a simple random person wishing to go there is practically closed.
    Queues are being lined up for a place in the police in our region among its own employees (police) - in order to knock out a place for their son or daughter, well, or on the brink of a tribe.

    Question! And what is there to do now?
    Where is the openness.

    All this is utopia. And so far we simply do not have a solution to this. !
    Or open the KGB to fight against nepotism and corruption, with hard sentences and terms.
  11. optimist
    7 September 2013 10: 40
    Article minus. How long can you expose perdukov? This "Moor" did his job and left: for this, the higher authorities put him there. The whole question is for the dibiloids, who are tearing up ... income tax for GDP and voting for it. After all, Perdyukov did not come and climbed into the chair of the Ministry of Defense: in those "glorious" times, the GDP was prime minister and was directly responsible for his "subordinate". So it is clear to a fool if the fart is hung up by the "nuts", and the "guarantor" will be in trouble.
  12. +1
    7 September 2013 13: 39
    Quote: Miles
    And the new generation of "managers" that the author demands

    Yes, you don't need them, in general, in the sense of people, you do not need automation of public services, then what is clearly not enough now, a person needs to be replaced with a computer - "the woman was taken out - the machine was installed" (C) :-)
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. +4
    7 September 2013 15: 38
    Unfortunately, corruption, as the principle of a new economic order, was laid in the foundation of most post-Soviet states at the time of the division of the Soviet economy. This is the fundamental stone of our countries, because after the collapse of communism, all moral postulates were replaced by the calculation of profitable and unprofitable. Corruption schemes were used in all post-Soviet states when cutting the Soviet legacy and building new hierarchies. This became a kind of “birth injury” of all post-Soviet states, which has a negative impact on both the economy and politics, and throughout society.

    Although some believe that this is only lyrics, but in fact the question of moral goal-setting, what you consider good or evil, lies at the heart of any system. As soon as we came to the conclusion that the moral values ​​of communism were a chimera, and the criterion for everything is income, it became clear that profit at any cost justifies any action. And so it happened in all post-Soviet republics. Therefore, corruption has become the norm in all new countries, and Russia is no exception.
    1. 0
      7 September 2013 17: 17
      You're right. Sad but true.
  15. +4
    7 September 2013 15: 57
    Russia needs a new generation of managers, for whom the service to the Fatherland will not be expressed in the crunch of banknotes. It is thought that this is well understood in the Investigation Committee and the General Prosecutor's Office.
    . . . Author Igor Matveev, Colonel

    Good day to all!

    The author of the article, Comrade Colonel, is a GREAT PLUS from me!

    It is necessary for all of us and not just "several who have not yet been transferred to another job / died unexpectedly in a heart attack res." investigators and the municipal military, think about how to ENSURE DEFENSE ALL OVER Russia (not Kremlin villas, limousines with flashing lights and overseas property) !!!

    So far, the Serdyukovs, Chubais, Medvedevs, Putin, Sobchaki, Gorbachev and their friends and bankers, more than 20 years EVERYBODY ALSO FEEL SECURITY in front of their people, Nothing will change!

    Yes, I’m personally sure that the PEOPLE OF RUSSIA will win in the future war for survival,

    but it will be without the "untouchable Kremlin Caudla" and reformers / saboteurs-pupils of Western colleges. good
      8 September 2013 19: 02
      1000 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .....
  16. +2
    7 September 2013 16: 15
    Quote: michajlo
    Yes, I personally am sure that the PEOPLE OF RUSSIA will win in a future war for survival

    Well, all the turning points in the development of the country were precisely in times of power confrontation, confrontation, as they say at such a time, there is reason to get rid of what was impossible in peacetime
  17. Yarosvet
    7 September 2013 16: 31
    In general, if you do not like something laughing
  18. +3
    7 September 2013 16: 41
    <<< Russia needs a new generation of managers, for whom serving the Fatherland will not be expressed in the crunch of banknotes. It seems that this is well understood by the Investigative Committee and the General Prosecutor's Office. >>>
    It’s good that they understand there! But the MAIN THING is to be understood at the very top, because in order to achieve a real turning point in the fight against corruption that is corroding the country, the determination and political will of the top leadership are absolutely necessary (simply necessary)! Tyagomotin with the Taburetkin and Co. case eloquently testify to this! It’s not the switchmen who sit on the bunks, but the bosses of corruption schemes, corruption BONZES with their accomplice and accomplice!
  19. +4
    7 September 2013 16: 44
    The fight against sabotage, Serdyukovschina? Stalin’s method: the president of the country puts honest, young, energetic people in the highest positions (primarily in the power departments), sets them a guideline on the fight against corruption, capital outflows, etc., provides comprehensive assistance to their activities. , in business tones, the company’s propaganda is clean, and the primacy of the law is established for everyone. As a result, the entire shushera goes to places not so distant, the whole 5th column goes there. People who are honest or forced to obey We’re out of fear of inevitable punishment (there are a majority of them). But we don’t have a president capable of such actions. Why? Apparently everything suits the actor, there is no other answer, and this is possible only on one condition: he does not hold the good of the Motherland as the highest value , and small-possessing interests, therefore, in its spiritual and moral level it is no different from all the pests with which the fight is his duty and duty. It is not possible to overcome this disease, to cure it, therefore there is only one way out: a change of power, however, there are many of their own but.
    1. Yarosvet
      7 September 2013 18: 04
      Quote: Goldmitro
      But the main thing is to understand it at the very top, because in order to achieve a real turning point in the fight against corruption corroding the country Definitely needed (just needed) the determination and political will of senior management!

      Quote: krpmlws
      The fight against sabotage, Serdyukovschina? Stalin's way:the president of the country puts honest, young, energetic people to senior positions (primarily in law enforcement agencies),sets a benchmark on the fight against corruption, capital flight, foreign investors, etc., provides comprehensive assistance to their activities.
  20. +1
    7 September 2013 18: 26
    As long as there is a slogan "Consume!" corruption cannot be overcome. All the more so if the iconic figures go unpunished.
  21. +2
    7 September 2013 18: 42
    Nietzsche has this - "the suffering of hard living people must be intensified in order to ensure the creation of an artistic world for a small number of Olympians." They consider themselves Olympians. Apparently they forgot that history repeats itself and 17 years are not far off
  22. +4
    7 September 2013 23: 01
    I put the article minus. And that's why. The author, like many pro-authorities before him, takes him out from under the criticism of the president and translates the arrows into places, into regional corruption;
    if we analyze the decisions of the courts and the press services of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the General Prosecutor's Office, it becomes obvious: in the regions they take everything from nurses, nurses, chief doctors, school directors and university rectors, and ending with municipal and regional officials ...... .

    Therefore, uncontrolled forest fires, floods in Krymsk and Amur, accidents at hydroelectric power stations and other tragic incidents that habitually attribute to either natural disasters or occasional coincidence of circumstances .....

    Therefore, every year more people die on the roads in 2 than were killed during the Afghan war in 10 years. Or maybe the reason is the criminal negligent attitude of road builders who do not generally meet the requirements of the standards? So they are also the roof of local officials ...

    Usually, after such a text, an old song sounds in the comments of the pro-government; "And that Putin should be personally responsible for every case of local corruption? Is Putin organizing accidents and fires at all these hydroelectric power plants, dams, forests and roads?" Of course not. Not Putin. Not PERSONALLY Putin, but HIS vertical of power. Not only is the GDP personally responsible for the officials appointed by it personally (in real life, it is completely irresponsible), it also projects its irresponsibility onto the entire vertical of power. Up to the last official. The example of Serdyukov is in plain sight. The pro-government will say that there is an investigation and all that. Nonsense, nothing will happen.
    But there are lesser-known and egregious examples that clearly indicate that corruption theft and irresponsibility go from the very top and down, and not vice versa. Sobyanin. One of the authors of the forest code, thanks to which the forests were left without state supervision and protection, which, combined with the replacement of routine fire protection with a PRM fire department, led to enormous forest fires. But what about the author of the forest code? On a white horse and on the capital city.
    The author’s attempt to blame corruption on local and regional officials for awkward looks, especially on the example of Serdyukov’s close associates

    The question involuntarily arises: if the Minister of Defense does such miracles, then what about the rest of the officials? After all, Vasilyeva, Puzikov, Smetanova, Naginsky and other associates of the ex-minister did not appear from heaven, they came, firstly, because he called them, and, secondly, they came from the regions.

    Here it is! Regional corruption, you see, is to blame ... they came from the regions.
    Yes, we all came from the regions. Even the President! So it was he who brought corruption from the "bandit Petersburg". From him and demand! For Serdyukov, for Skrynnik, for Sobyanin and Shuvalov, for all officials and everything in the country, the president should be responsible. That's what he is! But we only have a president, but he has no responsibility.
    To no one ....
  23. 0
    7 September 2013 23: 26
    Today, in the Baltic republics, a set of Russian-speaking and fluent people in Russian has begun, for Internet trolling and campaigning on the Russian Internet. The ball is paid by whoever you think, the US State Department. So I don’t think that you should listen to the opinions of the Baltic states. They are, as always in their repertoire, good vassals from their master Mr. Obama.
    1. Yarosvet
      8 September 2013 02: 38
      Quote: Vanya2013F
      Today, in the Baltic republics, a set of Russian-speaking and fluent people in Russian has begun, for Internet trolling and campaigning on the Russian Internet.
    2. Yarosvet
      8 September 2013 02: 39
      Quote: Vanya2013F
      The ball is paid by whoever you think, the US State Department. So I don’t think that one should listen to the opinions of the Baltic states. They, as always in their repertoire, are good vassals from their master Mr. Obama.
  24. soldier's grandson
    8 September 2013 09: 49
    I think that with such discipline in our ranks we would not have defeated Hitler
  25. Nikolay_1995
    8 September 2013 18: 30
    It’s time to shoot them ... these corrupt officials ..