The fall of the Erivan khanate. Brilliant completion of the second Persian war

Fall of the Erivan Fortress

One of the latest acts of the Russian-Persian war 1826 — 1828. was the capture of Erivan. After the Oshakan (Ashtarak) battle and the retreat of the troops of Abbas-Mirza from the Erivan khanate (Oshakan 17 (29) August 1827 Battle), the Russian army was able to proceed with the siege of Erivan. Moreover, at that time siege artillery arrived. On September 13, the main forces of the Separate Caucasus Corps approached Sardar Abad, the threshold of Erivan. There was a 2-th. garrison under the command of Erivan Gassan Khan. Caucasian governor I.F. Paskevich decided to attack the fortress from the south side. Here siege trenches could be dug under the cover of a large garden. The Persian troops made a sortie and attempted to cut down the garden, but they were driven off by carcass fire.

September 16 brought artillery to the fortress. The bombardment of the fortress immediately led to success. There were gaps in the walls, one of the towers collapsed. 19 September came out a truce and asked for a three-day truce. The commander-in-chief gave him 24 hours and threatened in case of continued resistance with a general assault. Gassan Khan, with the onset of night, was able to slip away with his squad. Learning about this, Paskevich ordered the infantry to occupy the fortress, and the cavalry to begin the pursuit. The pursuit of the enemy was successful: the khan detachments were defeated, having lost up to 500 people killed and wounded, to 250 - prisoners. In the fortress itself, 16 cannons and large stocks of bread, which were necessary to supply the army, were captured as trophies.

Russian troops immediately moved to Erivani, which was considered one of the strongest fortresses of Transcaucasia. The fortress had double walls and a moat, located on the steep bank of the river Zangi. To the south, about a quarter of a mile, the city itself was located, also protected by a stone wall. The troops pulled up to Erivan. Among them were significant volunteer units. So, in spring, Paskevich ordered the Tiflis Governor Sipagin to form volunteer battalions from local residents. Three squads were formed: two Armenian and one Georgian. On the way to Erivan, they grew in number. So, the 1-I Armenian squad, which had a little more than a hundred people leaving Tifliss, on the way to Erivan grew to almost 1 thousand fighters.

On the night of September 26 the bombing of the fortress began. Intensive work was carried out on the construction of siege trenches and artillery batteries. 28 September artillery shelling began in full force. The townspeople asked Gassan Khan to stop the resistance in order to save Erivan. However, he refused, hoping for the strength of the fortifications that had already withstood in 1808 and the assistance of the Persian army, which was located behind Arax. Gassan Khan did not want to lose power. In the Persian state, he was the third man, having the title of Sardar and the title of the Beglerbei. He was an autonomous ruler of a key border area (Khanate), had his own government (sofa), courtyard and army. He had complete power over the life and property of his subjects.

On September 29, when the southeastern corner tower and part of the wall collapsed, Paskevich offered to surrender the fortress, on condition that the garrison would freely enter Persia. However, Gassin Khan refused. He still hoped to resist. At the same time, its contradictions with the townspeople grew, the Armenians refused to fill the gaps in the walls and protect the city from the Russians. The siege work was continued, the power of the batteries was increased, the trenches were brought closer to the walls. The bombing of the fortress led to the emergence of new breaks. The day was approaching when the assault could be conducted in several directions. Gassan Khan sent a truce and offered a truce, until the fortress’s fate was determined at the Russian negotiations with Abbas-Mirza. But Paskevich did not succumb to this ploy, which was supposed to gain time. The Caucasian governor offered to surrender the fortress, but without any concessions.

On the night of October 1, the fortress was heavily bombarded. More than 900 bombs rained down on the city. Started strong fires. The moment of general assault was near. Siege trenches were laid to the pit. Russian artillery continued to systematically smash the fortifications, making new gaps and expanding the already made. At the same time bombs and grenades fell on the city. The Persian troops hurriedly tried to close up the gaps, and were subjected to caricature fire. The townspeople could not stand it. In the morning, representatives of 18-th. Armenian community demanded to surrender the fortress to the Russians. Otherwise, they threatened rebellion. Armenian militiamen were six times superior to the garrison of the fortress, consisting of Khan's soldiers and Persian infantry. In addition, the Persian troops were demoralized by severe destruction of fortifications, waiting for a general assault. Now they were threatened with a rebellion inside the walls, when the Russian troops at any time could go on the assault.

Gassan Khan hesitated. On the one hand, he understood that all the trumps on the side of the enemy. On the other hand, he did not want to surrender, he was afraid of revenge from the Persians and hoped for the appearance of the Shah's army in the near future. Then hundreds of Armenians rushed to the walls and began to crush the Persians. Sarbaz practically did not resist. Armenians began to wave white scarves from the walls. Russian troops, who were standing by the walls, preparing for the assault, began to enter the city. There was no resistance from the Persian troops. The guardsmen of the Consolidated Regiment occupied the gaps and towers, and sent the guards near the guns. Armenians welcomed the Russian troops. A strong detachment was sent to the north gate, to prevent a possible attempt to break through the enemy through the encirclement. A few hours later, Gassan Khan, his guards and 3, thousand garrison men, laid down weapon. Erivan was captured.


In Erivan, rich trophies were captured - 38 cannons, 2 howitzers, 9 mortars, 50 falconets, thousands of firearms and melee weapons, many artillery charges and 1,5 thousand gunpowder pounds. In warehouses found a lot of provisions. This stock was enough for 5 months of supplying the Separate Caucasus Corps. Many notable captives were taken, the Persian sardar and Erivanian ruler Gassan-Khan, the commander of the battalion of the Shah Guards Kusum-Khan, Aslan-Khan and many other noble people, of lower rank. This victory went to a little blood. The Caucasian corps lost a man killed and wounded during the siege of 52.

The liberation of Erevan from Persian rule caused a great response in the Armenian community scattered over a vast territory. Even representatives of the Armenian community of India sent a letter to Archbishop Nerses Ashtarak, where they wrote that "Armenia has risen from the ashes ... and this is the Armenian nation owes to the humane Moscow nation, among which we can always live safely and protected." It should be noted that the Armenian and Georgian volunteers actively participated in the liberation of the Erivan khanate from Persian rule. So in fights equestrian Georgian militia led by Prince R.I. Bagration (brother of the hero mortally wounded in the Borodino field), volunteer detachment of Shamshadinsky Bishop G. Manucharyan distinguished themselves. Georgian and Armenian churches have been active in mobilizing the Christian population against the Persians. Archbishop Nerses appealed to the people, where he called to fight along with the Russian regiments, and "if necessary, do not spare our last drop of blood."

The common population of the region was freed from the brutal system of Persian administration in Eastern Armenia. The system of power of the local Persian governors, the khans, the beks, which led to lawlessness, violence and outright robbery of ordinary people, was also a thing of the past. Persia has lost the last powerful stronghold of its rule in the Caucasus. Due to its historical significance and geographical location - the city was located at the borders of three states (Russia, Turkey and Iran), Yerevan became one of the main strongholds of the Russian presence in the South Caucasus.

The victorious conclusion of the war

A temporary government headed by General A. I. Krasovsky was created to manage the Erivan region. He received civil and military powers. Archbishop Nerses and the commandant of the fortress of Erivan, lieutenant colonel A. Borodin were to assist him. In Erivan, located dangerously close to the Persian border, a strong garrison was set up: the 4 regiment of the 20 Infantry Division with all its artillery, two Cossack regiments, the Ulan division, the pioneer company. The garrison was reinforced by volunteer formations - Muslim (Azerbaijani) militia, Armenian and Georgian volunteers.

The Russian corps, after the capture of Erivan, did not stand idle. Already on October 6, Russian troops began to move through Nakhichevan to Tabriz. Before that, the advance guard had gone far forward under the command of Georgy Eristov. The Russian avant-garde forcelessly crossed the Araks, passed the Dorada gorge and occupied the city of Marand. Local Muslims greeted the Russians affably. The troops of Abbas-Mirza at this time were located in 20 versts, in Hoe. Shah's troops, demoralized by previous failures, thawed literally before our eyes. Soon, the heir to the throne had no more than 3 thousand soldiers. The soldiers scattered and no persuasion or threats could stop them. The news of the fall of Erivan finally broke their morale.

In Tabriz, the “first minister” Shah Allayar-Khan was in charge of defense. He by persuasion, requests and violence tried to prepare the city for defense. Violators of the Shah will gouged out their eyes, cut off their ears and noses. But it was all in vain. Of the 60, thousands of the population of the city failed to form a large combat-ready militia. The entire garrison numbered about 6 thousand people and its combat capability was doubtful. When the 13 of October, the Eristov detachment appeared at the city walls, Allayar Khan ordered to open gunfire and withdrew his forces to the field, intending to attack the Russians. However, the battle did not work. After several shots from the Russian troops, the entire host of Allayar-Khan rushed into the race. And the cavalry, which consisted of local residents, and the urban lower classes, generally rushed to rob Abbas-Mirza Palace. Riots began in Tabriz. The head of the local clergy, Aga-Mir-Fettah, accompanied by the mullahs, came to Allayar-khan, who disappeared into a house in nature and demanded no resistance. The mullahs seized the keys to the city from the khan, and the procession from the clergy and honorary citizens went out to meet the Russian troops.

Part of the Russian detachment under the command of Major General Nikita Pankratiev with regimental music and under drumbeat entered the Tabriz and occupied the citadel. In Tabriz (Tabriz) 31 gun, 9 mortars, up to 3 thousand guns, a lot of ammunition and food, a foundry were seized. Among the captives was Allayar Khan and Talysh Khan Kelb-Hussein.

The main forces of the Russian corps approached Tabriz later. Paskevich and the Russian troops solemnly met. The governor's road was covered with flowers. There was a holiday in the city. I must say that the local Muslims began to oppose the Persians. In Ardabil, local residents disarmed Persian sarbazov. Russian troops on the way to Tabriz joined up to 2 thousand volunteers. A further offensive of the Russian troops could lead to a withdrawal from the obedience of South Azerbaijan. The Persians left South Azerbaijan. The small fortress of Alanzhi, located on inaccessible rocks, was occupied. It contained large stocks of food. The city of Maraga surrendered voluntarily.

On the road to peace

Persia has exhausted all possibilities for waging war. Erivan and Tabriz fell, the road to the central regions of the Persian Empire was open. Army, which could stop the Russian troops, was not. Existing troops were demoralized. Abbas-Mirza sent Paskevich a letter, where he spoke about peace and offered to come to the talks, about which he had already informed the shah. Abbas-Mirza sent Kaimakama, the third person in the government. He arranged to meet a Russian representative with a Persian prince 60 versts from Tariz, in Dehkorgan. Major General Pankratiev went there. At the same time, Paskevich refused to mediate the British in peace negotiations (in Tabriz at the court of Abbas Mirza was a British mission). Briton Kembel insistently asked for the role of mediator.

At the meeting of the two negotiators, it was decided to begin peace negotiations after the final withdrawal of the Persian troops in Persia itself, south of Lake Urmia. Russian troops occupied South Azerbaijan. Otherwise, the fighting resumed. Paskevich sent a detachment under the command of Vadbolsky in the direction of Ardabil. At the same time, the engineers and part of the infantry were engaged in repairing roads to the north. Cossack patrols guarded the location of troops.

Abbas-Mirza accepted the Russian conditions and left for the talks in person. He left to meet the detachment under the leadership of Benkendorf. The noble Persian was greeted at Lake Urmia with a salute and a parade of Russian troops, which Abbas-Mirza wished to receive. He was given such pleasure. A meeting of Paskevich and Abbas-Mirza took place in Dehkorgan. A. G. Griboedov was a diplomatic adviser to the governor-general and official authorized representative of the Russian Empire. Territorial concessions and a military contribution to 20 million rubles in silver were demanded from Tehran. Abbas-Mirza, as he could, resisted. However, on November 28 he signed two protocols: on the assignment of the Nakhichevan and Erivan Khanates and the payment of the indemnity.

It is clear that such serious concessions caused serious irritation in the Persian capital, where they did not understand the seriousness of the military defeat. In addition, British diplomats worked tirelessly. In London, they knew that the Ottoman Empire would soon come out against Russia. The advance of the Russians to the south in Britain was considered a threat to their strategic interests. They supported London in an effort to preserve the state of war between Russia and Persia, and the Ottomans. Turkey, after the Battle of Navarino, was preparing for a war with Russia with might and main, and wanted part of the Russian army to be tied with the Persians. Shah expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of his heir, and then ordered to delay the sending of indemnity. Finally, Feth Ali Shah refused to approve a preliminary peace agreement and deprived the heir of the authority to conduct peace negotiations with Russia.

Foreign Minister Abdul-Hassan Khan was sent from Tehran to continue the talks. He was in charge of the British mission, receiving a “salary” from the British. Under the pretext of illness, the Shah's envoy lingered on the 22 day’s journey and arrived at the negotiating table only on January 5 of the year 1828. Paskevich resolutely declared that the main articles of the peace agreement had already been approved and if Tehran does not recognize them, the Russian army will resume the offensive. Ivan Fedorovich in advance took this opportunity into account and prepared the troops for the offensive. In addition, the Caucasian governor knew that the delay in death was similar. He felt that a new war with the Turks was brewing. Then the Caucasian corps will have to fight on two fronts. He wrote to the Chief of General Staff, Count Dibich: “God grant that the Turkish war does not start until peace is reached, otherwise it will be very difficult for me.

The Persians knew that the words "white king's sardar" is not an empty threat. Behind them were victorious bayonets of the Russian army. In the event of a blow to the Caucasian corps, the Persian capital would have fallen. The next day, the Persian embassy was handed a declaration about the break in relations. Abbas-Mirza personally hurried to Tehran to explain to his father that the situation was catastrophic. And the Russian troops began to move. Paskevich announced a march on Tehran. Right-flank squad under the command of Pankratieva occupied Urmia. The left-flank squad of Sukhtelen captured Ardabil. The Ardabil garrison was headed by the sons of Abbas Mirza Mehmet Mirza and Dzhangir Mirza. They wanted to resist and defend the city where the Persian shahs were crowned. But local townspeople followed the example of the inhabitants of Tabriz. They crowded out to meet the Russian troops and expressed their submission. The Persians were forced to lay down their arms. Shah's garrison released. Russian trophies are 27 guns. Paskevich himself led the troops along the main road to Tehran. Discontent with the government grew throughout Persia. And the Agavis Mir-Fettah Tauriza promised to collect 12-thousand. equestrian corps to support Russian troops. If desired, Russia could bring all Persia under its control by supporting opponents of the Qajars.

Further resistance could lead to the fall of the Qajar dynasty. Persia was threatened by civil war. Shah immediately sent his eldest son with precious gifts to continue the negotiations. However, the Persians tried to cheat again, offering to appoint the British as intermediaries. Paskevich was hard. All articles were agreed, you only need to sign and execute them. The Persians, seeing the intransigence of the Russian commander, gave way.

At 12 a.m. from 9 to 10 (21-22) February 1828, the village of Turkmanchay near Tauris signed a peace treaty. The Nakhichevan and Erivan Khanates departed into full ownership of Russia. Tehran confirmed all the conditions of the Gulistan Peace Treaty of 1813, recognizing the transition to Russia of the Caspian coast to the river. Astara The border between the two powers was Araks. Persia pledged to pay an indemnity of 20 million rubles to Russia in silver. Russian troops remained on the territory of South Azerbaijan until all money was paid. Tehran reaffirmed the freedom of Russian navigation in the Caspian and the exclusive right of Russia to have a military here flotilla. Shah pledged to amnesty all the inhabitants of Iranian Azerbaijan, who helped the Russian troops. Within 4 months, all prisoners of war were released.

Before 4, March was a contribution. Its payment has become a heavy burden for Tehran. It was necessary to lay even the shah's golden throne. Collected and transferred most of the amount, but with the rest of the money came a hitch. Therefore, within Persia, a strong detachment was left under the command of Pankratiev. 8 March Tabriz handed over to Abbas Mirza.

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  1. +6
    6 September 2013 11: 22
    Complete victory.
    Griboedov is sorry.
  2. Voskepar
    6 September 2013 11: 37
    On the night of October 1, the fortress was heavily bombed. The city brought down more than 900 bombs. Strong fires began. The moment of general assault was approaching. Siege trenches were brought to the moat. Russian artillery continued to systematically smash the fortifications, making new gaps and expanding those already made. At the same time, bombs and grenades fell on the city. The Persian troops hastily tried to close up the breaches, and were exposed to carte fire. The townspeople could not stand it. In the morning, representatives of 18 thousand. The Armenian community demanded that the fortress be handed over to the Russians. Otherwise, they threatened an uprising. Armenian militias were six times superior to the garrison of the fortress, consisting of Khan warriors and Persian foot soldiers. In addition, the Persian troops were demoralized by the strong destruction of the fortifications, the expectation of a general assault. Now they were threatened by an uprising inside the walls, when the Russian troops could at any moment go to storm
    It turns out that the "insidious" Griboyedov "resettled" the Armenians to Armenia even earlier so that they could settle down, live in the city and stab the Persians with a knife.)))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))
    PSNow the Azerbaijanis will come running and prove that it was a true Azerbaijani city))))))))))))))))))))
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. kNow
      6 September 2013 14: 54
      see how many Armenian mosques are there wink
      1. smersh70
        6 September 2013 21: 14
        Quote: kNow
        see how many Armenian mosques are there

        and he will say that this is a view from Turkey .... wassat
    3. -2
      6 September 2013 15: 20
      Quote: Voskepar
      PSNow the Azerbaijanis will come running and prove that it was a true Azerbaijani city))))))))))))))))))))

      What is the insight comrade laughing admit:
      - you knew!
      1. Yarbay
        6 September 2013 15: 33
        Quote: Karlsonn
        What insight comrade, admit:
        - you knew!

        Well, Samsonov can write anything, just like Pikul and what he wrote can pretend to be fiction!
        But there are facts and reliable information about the population of the Yerevan Khanate!

        Following the process of the capture of the South Caucasus by tsarist Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, the process of settling here of Armenians from Ottoman Turkey and Persia began, primarily in the Azerbaijani lands of Erivan (Irevan) and Karabakh khanates. A few years later, in 1823, a “Description of the Karabakh Province” was compiled by the current state adviser Mogilevsky and Colonel Ermolov, according to which the Armenians, even in the light of the flood of Armenian immigrants here, made up 25-30% of the population of Erivan and Karabakh.
        The resettlement of Armenians, which began in 1803, was carried out by the commander-in-chief in the Caucasus, General P.D. Tsitsianov, in October. After the signing of the Gulistan (1813) and Turkmanchay treaties (1828), the resettlement of Armenians became widespread, and only in 1828-29. over 50.000 Armenians from Turkey and Persia arrived in the abolished Irevan and Nakhchevan khanates. An Armenian region was established on the territory of these abolished Azerbaijani khanates, where Armenians from various countries of the world began to flock. At that time, on the territory of the present Republic of Armenia, consisting of the lands of the Irevan Khanate, Armenians made up no more than a quarter of the total population.
        According to the notes of the Russian general N. Dubrovin: "The population of the so-called Armenian region was significantly replenished by Armenians - immigrants from Persia and Turkey, who resettled in Russia at the same time and especially after the war in 1828 and 1829." (Collection of Acts, Part II, p. 369; V. Grigoriev, “Statistical Description of the Nakhichevan Province.” St. Petersburg, 1833, p. 125-127.76. N. Dubrovin, “History of the War,” vol. I, book 2, St. Petersburg, 1871, p. 405.).

        If in 1832 in the Armenian region there were 81.610 Armenians, of which over 50.000 were resettled in 1828-29, then already in 1873 in this area, renamed Erivan province, 221.191 people became Armenians. Thus, over forty years, the number of Armenians here has almost tripled. (Zelinsky S.P. "Tribal composition, religion and origin of state peasants." - Code of MIEBGKZK, Volume 2, Tiflis, 1887, p. 166-170). According to rough estimates, according to Russian archives, over 19 million Armenians were resettled to the South Caucasus during the 20th and early 1th centuries.
        1. Yarbay
          6 September 2013 15: 39
          It should be noted that before that, for more than 20 years, Russian troops could not capture the stronghold of the khanate - the Erivan fortress, and this was possible only in 1827. Commander of Russian troops in the Caucasus, General Paskevich after taking the Erivan (Irevan) Khanate and completing the Persian military campaign received the title of Count Erivan and became Paskevich-Erivan. After all, if Paskevich liberated, as many Armenian and Russian historians now claim, “part of Armenia”, then he probably should have been called “Paskevich-Armenian”.
          Recall that the Armenians during the seizure of the Irevan Khanate by the Russian Empire were there in scanty numbers. It would be appropriate to recall that the Armenians arrived in Irevan and its environs after 1441, when Jahan Shah Kara-Koyunlu heeded the prayers and letters of the Armenian Catholics fleeing from the decaying Byzantine Empire and provided them with Echmiadzin-Uchkilisa as a residence.
          The settlement by the Russian Empire of Armenians on Azerbaijani lands, primarily on the strategically important lands of the Yerevan Khanate bordering with Turkey and Persia turned into the creation of an Armenian state in the early 20th century.

          After the fall of tsarist Russia in 1917 and the creation of Soviet Russia, left to its fate in the South Caucasus, great changes took place - in May 1918 in Tiflis it was proclaimed the creation of three states: the Georgian Republic, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) and the Ararat Republic (named Ararat, since the Armenians did not lay claim to the Caucasian lands, where they were immigrants, but sought to return to the Turkish lands - R.G.).
          The city of Tiflis became the capital of the Republic of Georgia, the city of Ganja became the provisional capital of the ADR due to the fact that Baku was then in the hands of the Bolsheviks, but the Ararat Republic did not have a capital, and therefore its leadership could not leave Tiflis. Then the authorities of the Ararat Republic appealed to the leadership of the ADR with the request to introduce them to Erivan as the capital for the Ararat Republic. The fact is that the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was proclaimed within the borders of the Baku, Elisavetpol and Erivan provinces. This is evidenced by a map compiled by the French in 1919 and presented at the Paris Peace Conference.
          Here it is - French ADR Map

          The ADR, which did not have its own military forces, could not defend the administrative center of Erivan province, populated mainly by Azerbaijanis. Therefore, the possibility of transferring Erivani was considered in exchange for the consent of the Armenian side to stop the massacre of the Azerbaijani population in this region. Already on July 31, F. Khoysky, in his letter to the head of the Azerbaijani delegation M.Rasulzade, gives the following instructions for negotiations with the Armenians: “... if the Armenians make claims to Karabakh, then refuse to give them Erivan and part of the Kazakh district; if the Armenians remained on the basis of the verbal agreement, then even this part of Erivan County could be ceded to them ... ”
          Erivan was ceded to the Ararat Republic under the capital in exchange for a promise to stop the massacre of Azerbaijanis there, however, the Armenian authorities treacherously violated their promise and the mass extermination of the Azerbaijani population continued for several more years, until the establishment of Soviet power.

          1. Yarbay
            6 September 2013 15: 46
            In the city of Yerevan, from the mosques existing at the beginning of the 20th century: Ancient Shahar / City / Mosque, Cathedral / Blue / Mosque, Haji Novruzalibek Mosque, Haji Imamverdi Mosque, Mirzasafibek Mosque, Haji Jafarbek Mosque, Haji Ilyas Mosque, only the Cathedral / Blue is preserved.

            Blue Mosque, built in 1766 Huseynali Khan, and the only one of the 9 mosques he built has survived to this day. It was renovated in 1996-1999. The mosque, which is recognized by the Armenian side as Iranian, was given to representatives of Iran. The restoration of the dome of the mosque and improvement were carried out with the participation of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia (note, as you know, mosques are not divided according to nationality, Iranian, Turkish, historically they differ in religion, i.e. this is a Shiite mosque, and the Shiite population of that period were Azerbaijanis). The mosque was inside the Yerevan fortress. What was reproduced on the model of the Yerevan fortress (Historical Museum of Yerevan).
            The Blue Mosque includes a courtyard, a ritual building, a dome and a minaret, laid out with decorative faience tiles decorated with majolica. Of the four originally existing minarets of the mosque (25 meters high), three were demolished after 1945. In Soviet times, the Blue Mosque was turned into a museum, and became operational after the independence of Armenia, but with the preservation of its function as a museum. In the Blue Mosque, restoration work is underway with the participation of the Iranian government.
            But not all mosques in Yerevan were lucky to survive, all the other Shiite mosques suffered a sad take into account, they were deliberately destroyed, since they did not fit into the "Armenian" history. By their existence they clearly refuted the falsifications, magnificently testifying - whose city.
            1. Yarbay
              6 September 2013 15: 49
              This is one of the destroyed mosques in Yerevan, a mosque in the area of ​​Demir Bulag:
              1. Yarbay
                6 September 2013 15: 49
                Tapabashi Mosque, dated 1687, is located in Konda in Yerevan. Here is all that remains of her:
                1. Yarbay
                  6 September 2013 15: 51
                  Also on the street. Vardanants in Yerevan was a mosque, it was demolished after the outbreak of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. In addition, the building of the madrasah from about the 17th century was preserved in the courtyard on Tumanyan Street. For many years this building serves as an ordinary residential building.

                  The Abbas Mirza Mosque, or the Friday (Juma) mosque was built in 1606 by order of Safavid Shah Abbas. The architectural style and monumentality of Yerevan Juma reminded the Ganja mosque, as it was built by the same architect - Sheikh Baha'ed-din. It was located in a fortress on the eastern side of the palace of the Yerevan khans, known as the Palace of Sardar (ruler). The architectural complex of the mosque included: a madrasah, a library, a guest house and a wide courtyard.
                  Here's what she looked like:
                  1. Yarbay
                    6 September 2013 15: 52
                    This photograph is already from the Soviet period.
                    1. Yarbay
                      6 September 2013 15: 54
                      And this image is dated 2006, before the development of the quarter.
                      1. Yarbay
                        6 September 2013 15: 56
                        Shot in 2007.
                      2. Yarbay
                        6 September 2013 15: 57
                        On the reverse side of the medal "TAKING THE FORTRESS OF YERIVANI", issued in 1829 by Russia, mosques are recorded as the dominant distinctive feature of the city. It was a city of mosques and minarets ...
                      3. +1
                        6 September 2013 16: 50
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        On the reverse side of the medal "TAKING THE FORTRESS OF YERIVANI", issued in 1829 by Russia, mosques are recorded as the dominant distinctive feature of the city. It was a city of mosques and minarets ...

                        The white-stone Moscow rebuilt by Prince Dmitry Donskoy was also said to be a city of churches and monasteries, which did not stop Khan Tokhtamysh from burning and destroying it.
                      4. Yarbay
                        6 September 2013 17: 34
                        Quote: Karlsonn
                        The white-stone Moscow rebuilt by Prince Dmitry Donskoy was also said to be a city of churches and monasteries, which did not stop Khan Tokhtamysh from burning and destroying it.

                        That is not the question !!
                        And in Samsonov’s fantasies about the majority of the Armenian population in Yerevan at the time of its capture!
                        Yes, Armenians lived there, yes they betrayed the Erivan Khan, but they have such a nature that they themselves noted, but they were not there in number and 10 parts named by Samsonov !!
                        Pay attention, I’ll give you the Armenian sources on this occasion!

                        N.S. Vartapetov: [The “Armenian Church”], armed with a Christian flag, at all times destroyed the peoples of historical Albania and its integral part of Karabakh (Artsakh) and, “skillfully adjusting to the historical situation, rendered services to the Safavids, then “The Russian Empire, just as it once served Byzantium, the Iranian Sassanids, Arab hali-fams and the Mongols.” (N.S. Vartapetov, “Christian Monuments of Transcaucasia”).
                        K. Patkanov, famous Armenian historian, Armenologist: “Armenians have never played a special role in the history of mankind. This is not a political term, but the name of a geographical area in which individual Armenian settlements are scattered. The Armenians have always been poor owners of the lands on which they lived, but they always skillfully served strong, selling their loved ones ... ” (“Van inscriptions and their significance for the Near East,” 1875.)
                        Levon Dabeghyan, a famous specialist: “... the Armenians owe their national existence indeed ... to the Turks. If we stayed among the Byzantines or other Europeans, the Armenian name could only be preserved in historical books ”
                        The father of Armenian history Movses Khorenatsi (Moses Khorensky) in the XNUMXth century spoke of his fellow tribesmen:
                        "-I want to point out hard-heartedness, like the arrogance of our people, ...
                        - rejecting the good, changing the truth ...
                        people are obstinate and criminal ..
                        -SHOWER WHO DOESN’T BELIEVE GOD!
                        -you have done angry and in your lodges did not bring repentance
                        -you laid the slaughter and lawlessness, and those who trust in the gentlemen despised
                        -therefore, they will find on you the nets of someone you did not recognize, and the loot you were chasing after will make you their prey, and you will fall into the same nets ... "- this is absolutely true, nothing has changed since the 5th century!
                      5. Yarbay
                        6 September 2013 17: 39
                        in 1828, when the "Armenian region" was created within the Iravan and Nakhichevan khanates, ¾ of its population were Muslims. This is confirmed by the letter of General Paskevich to the Chief of the General Staff, which contains dissatisfaction with the actions of General Krasovsky, appointed head of the "temporary administration" Irevan, and a member of this administration, Archbishop Nerses. Paskevich reproached Krasovsky in presenting Nerses with unlimited influence on all affairs, and in harmful patronage of the Armenians, while "¾ of the population of the region are Mohammedans" (V.A.Potto. Caucasian War. Persian War of 1827-1826. Volume 1828, Stavropol, 3 , pp. 1993-594).
                        Russian writer S.N. Glinka gives interesting information about the movement of Armenians from Iran towards Karabakh. The political nature of the resettlement of Iranian Armenians to the Muslim lands just captured by Russia is clearly seen in the appeal to the Persian Armenians of the active organizer of resettlement G. Lazarev: "In Erivan, Nakhichevan and Karabakh, where you choose, you will receive an abundance of grain-bearing land, partly sown, of which only a part is processed in favor of the Treasury. You are exempted for six years from all taxes and aid will be given to the poorest of you. " (S.N. Glinka. Description of the resettlement of the Armenians of Adderbidzhan in Russia. M., 1831, p.107-111). SN Glinka writes: “Armenians from various villages adjacent to Turkmenchay moved to Karabakh” (Ibid .: 48). According to his information, “in three and a half months, more than 8.000 families crossed the Araks” (Ibid .: 92). In the spring of 1828, when the stream of Armenians was moving towards Araz, Paskevich received an order to resettle the poorest in Karabakh, and this was reflected in the Russian literature of that time (Ibid .: 90-91). This is how in 1832 the Armenians made up 31,6% of the population of Karabakh, and the Muslims who retained the majority - 68,4% (Review of the Russian possessions in the Caucasus in statistical, ethnographic, topographic and financial relations. Tiflis, 1836, p. 267).
                        By the decree of Emperor Nicholas I on March 21, 1828, on the lands of the former Iravan and Nakhichevan khanates, the "Armenian region" was created: "By virtue of the treaty, prisoner with Persia, the annexation of Russia from Persia to the Khanate in all matters will henceforth be called the Armenian region and included in our title" (Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Vol. III, St. Petersburg., 1830, p. 272-273). Russian general and Georgian prince A. Chavchavadze was appointed head of the "Armenian region" (Acts of the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission. Archive of the Main Directorate of the Governor of the Caucasus. Volume VII. Published under the editorship of the chairman of the commission A.D. Berzhe. Tiflis, 1878, p.487).
                        At the time of the formation of this area, 75% of its population was Muslim. If during the period of the Russian conquest 49.875 Muslims and 20.073 Armenians lived in the Iravan region, then immediately after the formation of the "Armenian region" 45.200 Armenians were resettled here from neighboring countries (Review of Russian possessions beyond the Caucasus in statistical, ethnographic, topographic and financial relations. Tiflis, 1836, p. 229). A similar situation has developed in the Nakhchivan region. By the time the Russian occupation ended, 17.138 Muslims and 2.690 Armenians lived in Nakhchivan. With the liquidation of the Khanate, 10.670 Armenians moved here in a short period of time. Similarly, in the Ordubad part of Nakhchivan, where originally 7.247 Muslims and 2.388 Armenians lived, 1.340 Armenians were resettled to change the ratio between them (Ibid. P. 229).
                      6. 0
                        6 September 2013 18: 19
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        That is not the question !!
                        And in Samsonov’s fantasies about the majority of the Armenian population in Yerevan at the time of its capture!

                        Looking at this, I come to the conclusion that it is much more productive, with such possession of the material, to patch up your own article, where to express your point of view.

                        CAPACITIES: --- Why did I grab all the minuses, and my fault is only in the fact that I quoted another comrade? what
                      7. Yarbay
                        6 September 2013 18: 28
                        Quote: Karlsonn
                        Looking at this, I come to the conclusion that it is much more productive, with such possession of the material, to patch up your own article, where to express your point of view.

                        Well here it seems to be impossible!
                        Since you see on this site there are Samsonovs who write * unique * articles for the site!
                        ya tolko plyus))))))))))))
                      8. +1
                        6 September 2013 19: 37
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        Well here it seems to be impossible!

                        Wrong opinion.

                        Quote: Yarbay
                        Since you see on this site there are Samsonovs who write * unique * articles for the site!
                        ya tolko plyus))))))))))))

                        One of my articles had to be edited four times before they were accepted - no, I’m not offended by the administration — they know better, but the road will be overpowered.
                      9. smersh70
                        6 September 2013 21: 37
                        Quote: Karlsonn
                        why I grabbed all the minuses

                        laughing good Well, because the themes of the Caucasus are our hobby laughing why swell for genesis)))) do not be offended .... the same thing I got on your topics about the Bashar .... fellow and even lost half the votes))))) so you are still fine drinks
                      10. +1
                        6 September 2013 23: 45
                        Quote: smersh70
                        Well, because the themes of the Caucasus are our hobby

                        So I know, but sculpting minus for quoting comments above is too much.

                        Quote: smersh70
                        why swell for genesis))))

                        What are you to me with this genesis pinned, I’ve been here with you all for probably several hours before he arrived.

                        Quote: smersh70
                        I received the same thing on your topics about Bashar ....

                        I personally did not minus.

                        Quote: smersh70
                        and even lost half the votes))))) so you are still fine

                        I'm not worried about this subject, evano comrade Yarbay for the second time, the marshal, so that the ranks and the edge of the opportunity to plus or minus do not give anything.
                      11. smersh70
                        6 September 2013 21: 34
                        Quote: Karlsonn
                        White-stone Moscow rebuilt by Prince Dmitry Donskoy, they say was also a city of churches

                        ..all of you would be a great lawyer ..... drinks
                      12. +1
                        6 September 2013 23: 46
                        Quote: smersh70
                        ..all of you would be a great lawyer .....

                        flees with a howl

            2. +1
              6 September 2013 16: 20
              Quote: Yarbay
              In the city of Yerevan, from the mosques existing at the beginning of the 20th century: Ancient Shahar / City / Mosque, Cathedral / Blue / Mosque, Haji Novruzalibek Mosque, Haji Imamverdi Mosque, Mirzasafibek Mosque, Haji Jafarbek Mosque, Haji Ilyas Mosque, only the Cathedral / Blue is preserved.

              - why are you thrashing me with large-caliber artillery?
              - I never wrote the opposite! request

              Quote: Yarbay
              But not all mosques in Yerevan were fortunate to survive, all the other Shiite mosques suffered a sad take into account, they were deliberately destroyed, since they did not fit into the "Armenian" history.

              What can I say - it's sad ...
              But the Hagia Sophia did not fit into the "Turkish" history and here it is a waste of time to reckon with each other.
              1. Yarbay
                6 September 2013 16: 23
                Quote: Karlsonn
                - I never wrote the opposite!

                just acquaint))))
                You yourself understand where always a lot of strangers turn to a friend)))
                1. 0
                  6 September 2013 17: 42
                  Quote: Yarbay
                  just acquaint))))

                  hi thank you. smile
              2. 0
                6 September 2013 20: 59
                Quote: Karlsonn
                But so the Hagia Sophia did not fit into the "Turkish" history and then reckon with each other -

                But the Turks did not destroy him! When you want, you can visit like a museum! wink
                1. 0
                  6 September 2013 23: 48
                  Quote: ayyildiz
                  But the Turks did not destroy him! When you want, you can visit like a museum!

                  a tense argument, like in the 45th to finish the majority of Germans, and in the 2013th to the descendants of those who survived to declare
                  - eprst, so come to visit us in Berlin!
          2. 0
            6 September 2013 16: 13
            Quote: Yarbay
            It should be noted that before that, during 20-odd years, the Russian troops could not capture the stronghold of the khanate - Erivan fortress and this was possible only in the 1827 year.

            As if the Russian troops were too busy with other priority tasks and the capture of Erivani was not the goal of 1 number for that period for Russia.
            I don’t argue with the rest.
        2. 0
          6 September 2013 16: 10
          Quote: Yarbay
          Well, Samsonov can write anything, just like Pikul and what he wrote can pretend to be fiction!
          But there are facts and reliable information about the population of the Yerevan Khanate!

          Well, if I am ambivalent about Samsonov, then putting him on the same shelf with the science fiction Pikul is too much. No.

          Quote: Yarbay
          If in 1832 in the Armenian region there were 81.610 Armenians, of which over 50.000 were resettled in 1828-29, then already in 1873 in this area, renamed Erivan province, 221.191 people became Armenians. Thus, over forty years, the number of Armenians here has almost tripled. (

          It is a logical practice.
          1. Yarbay
            6 September 2013 16: 24
            Quote: Karlsonn

            It is a logical practice.

            I do not argue!
            1. +1
              6 September 2013 17: 44
              Quote: Yarbay
              I do not argue!

              like when he wrote komenty everything looked so beautiful, but now belay if the time of writing were not noted, the salad would have turned out request
      2. +3
        6 September 2013 17: 40
        Well, comrades Azerbaijanis - HERE is yours, accept my congratulations.

        Is there a day off in Azerbaijan? laughing
        1. smersh70
          6 September 2013 21: 42
          Quote: Karlsonn
          CARRY OUT for you, congratulations.

          the first time in 2 of the day I put you a plus ..... drinks
          1. +1
            6 September 2013 23: 50
            Quote: smersh70
            the first time in 2 of the day I put you a plus .....

            feel me for what? it’s you who won the argument.
            for plus - thank you. drinks hi
    4. Yarbay
      6 September 2013 16: 01
      Quote: Voskepar
      It turns out that the "insidious" Griboyedov "resettled" the Armenians to Armenia even earlier so that they could settle down, live in the city and stab the Persians with a knife.)))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))

      Beginning in the 6th century, specific conditions ... forced Armenians to seek refuge in a foreign land (234. p. 7). The migration process intensified in the 234th-1864th and 1813th-8th centuries under Arab rule in the Near East, then in the Seljuk Empire (1265. p. 10). The process of resettlement of Armenians in the South Caucasus, stretching for many centuries, continued until the beginning of the 1806th century with the active participation of two decisive forces - the official authorities of the Russian Empire and theocratic authorities of the Armenian-Gregorian church. “At the beginning of the 9th century, the Russian Empire, embarking on the conquest of the South Caucasus, had high hopes for the Armenians. Russian diplomats back during the Russian-Iranian war of 332-10. negotiated with the Armenians of Erzurum vilayet about their resettlement in the South Caucasus. It is enough to recall that all the Armenians immediately replied: “When Erivan will be occupied by the Russian troops with the grace of God, all Armenians will certainly agree to enter into the protection of Russia and reside in the Erivan province” (1828. p. 10). About 159 thousand Armenians of Bayazet in September 21 reported that they wanted to move to the territory of the Irevan Khanate (1828. p. 10). After the signing of the Turkmenchay Treaty on February 1828, 11, the Irevan and Nakhichevan khanates passed to Russia. Ample opportunities opened for the resettlement of Armenians. The Turkmenchay peace treaty, and especially its Article XV, made it possible to further intensify the resettlement policy. The tsarist authorities undertook “to compose separate districts and Magals from Christians” (18. p. XNUMX). Persian and Turkish Armenians were placed mainly in the territory of the former Azerbaijani khanates - Irevan and Nakhichevan. By an official decree on March XNUMX, XNUMX, it was announced that “By the power of the treaty with Persia concluded on February XNUMX, XNUMX, the Erivan khanates and the Nakhichevan khanate, annexed to Russia, are commanded in all matters to henceforth be called the Armenian region” (XNUMX. p. XNUMX).
      [b] Under the terms of Article III of the Turkmenchay Treaty, the Irevan Khanate on this and on the other side of Araks, and the Nakhichevan Khanate were transferred to the Russian Empire in perfect ownership. And under the terms of Article XII of the same agreement, the property of “Huseyn Khan, the former Erivan Sardarius, his brother Hasan Khan and Kerim Khan, the former ruler of Nakhichevan,” the Russian Emperor “will take away” (12. p. 29-35). The most important fact here is that during the transfer to the possession of the Russian Empire in the territory of Irevan and Nakhichevan khanates there was not a single Armenian state formation. It should be especially noted that the Irevan and Nakhichevan khanates, as well as the independent Azerbaijani Karabakh khanate, became part of Russia as Azerbaijani possessions.
      According to the statement of the Armenian scientist George Burnatyan, until the end of the 13th century, Armenians were a minority in the territory that is now called the Republic of Armenia (46. p. 14). Academician A. Ioannisyan also claimed that “one fourth of the population of the city of Erivan was Armenians, Azerbaijanis were the majority” (23. p. 2). American scientist Justin McCarthy stresses that to transform the demographic structure of the population of Azerbaijan and the entire South Caucasus, "more than XNUMX million Muslims were forcibly expelled, an unknown number of them were killed."
      1. Yarbay
        6 September 2013 16: 05
        Twice, in 1828 and 1854 Russians invaded eastern Anatolia ... And twice they were forced to leave, taking 100 thousand Armenians with them to the Caucasus ... In the war of 1877-1878. Russia captured the Kars-Ardagan region, displacing Muslims and settling there 70 thousand Armenians ... About 60 thousand Armenians moved to the Russian Caucasus during the events of 1895-1896. Migration during the First World War resulted in an almost equal exchange of 400 thousand Armenians from Eastern Anatolia for 400 thousand Muslims from the Caucasus ”(15. pp. 85-94). According to S. Glinka, on March 20, 1828, when the Russian troops left Tabriz, the Armenians from different villages moved to the Caucasus, “Lazarev received an order to try to direct the path of immigrants instead of the Khanate of Nakhichevan and Erivan to the Khanate of Karabakh, where it was expected that there would be abundant and reliable reserves ”(16. p. 24, 48).
        As a result of the colonial policy and the resettlement campaign of the Russian Empire, the ethno-demographic situation in the Irevan province has noticeably changed. The process of Armenization, territorial and ethno-confessional transformation continued and increased over time. The migration process was accompanied, on the one hand, by an absolute increase in the number of allochthonous Armenian population, and on the other, by a relative decrease in the number of autochthonous Azerbaijani population. N. Shavrov wrote that in the Irevan province “before the Armenian population was insignificant” (29. p. 63). I. Chopin confirmed by facts that after the Russian Empire conquered the Irevan province, out of 2.984 Azerbaijani families, 847, or 28%, remained (30. p. 541).
        V. Velichko noted: “Since that time, the gradual resettlement of Armenians from Muslim states to Russia went on continuously, then barely noticeable stream, then, as over the past few years, a wide rapid stream ... Each war with Turkey or Persia gave us tens of thousands of Armenians” ( 31.p. 81-197). The migration of Armenians also increased significantly after the Crimean War of 1853-1856 and the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878. So, according to the data of 1873, 221.191 Armenians were recorded in the Irevan province; in 1886 there were even more of them - 375.700; in 1897 there were already 439.926 Armenians; at the beginning of the 1917th century, this process continued, and in 669,871 the number of Armenians in the province amounted to 32 people (77. p. XNUMX).
        1. 0
          6 September 2013 17: 03
          Quote: Yarbay
          Twice, in 1828 and 1854. the Russians invaded eastern Anatolia ... And twice they were forced to leave, taking 100 of thousands of Armenians to the Caucasus with them ... In the 1877-1878 war. Russia captured the Kars-Ardagan region, displacing Muslims and settled there 70 thousand Armenians ... About 60 thousand Armenians moved to the Russian Caucasus during the events of 1895-1896.

          Probably there were reasons that the Armenians left with the Russian army?
          Well, by and large there are no questions.

          Strategy is geography, and tactics are topography, proceeding from this thesis and assuming the key importance of the region that we are talking about, for a number of countries the disasters of the peoples living in this region would have been inevitable if they had lived in the Far North - everything would have turned out differently. hi
    5. Yarbay
      6 September 2013 16: 06
      Quote: Voskepar
      PSNow the Azerbaijanis will come running and prove that it was a true Azerbaijani city))))))))))))))))))))

      Appeal to the Persian Armenians of the active organizer of the resettlement of Armenians G. Lazarev (Armenian):


      According to the reliable rumors that have come down to me, ill-intentioned people are trying to spread not only absurd and false news, but even to instill fear in those who asked permission to move to blessed Russia, and thereby turn away the desire of their hearts. In disgust of this and by the proxy of the Armenian people to me, due to the duty entrusted to me by our Commander-in-Chief, I declare to you that the magnanimous Monarch of Russia gives those who wish to move to a safe, calm and happy refuge in His state. In Erivan, Nakhichevan and Karabakh, where you choose yourself, you will receive an abundance of grain-growing land, partly sown, of which only a tenth is cultivated in favor of the Treasury. You are freed for six years from all taxes, and help will be given to the poorest of you. Those who have real estate here, having sent their families, can leave attorneys for themselves for sale thereof, the period of which is determined according to the Turkmanchay treaty up to five years; You will leave your Motherland, dear to everyone; but one thought of Christian land should delight you. Scattered throughout the Persian regions, Christians will see their union, and can you know what the Great Monarch of Russia will reward your loyalty with? Hurry up! Time is precious. By sacrificing small and small time, get everything and forever "

      Signed: Russian-Imperial Colonel and Cavalier Lazarev
      30 March 1828g.
      Urmia city

      it’s not Azerbaijanis who wrote a cute wax-up)))))
    6. smersh70
      6 September 2013 21: 13
      Quote: Voskepar
      Now Azerbaijanis will come running

      Yes, I'm looking for you 2 of the day fellow because of the boredom of 2 day I hang out near Assad Bashar .... wassat
      1. 0
        6 September 2013 23: 52
        Quote: smersh70
        Yes, I'm looking for you 2 of the day

        in-in, they are looking for someone, but someone is missing because of quoting the missing minus.

        Quote: smersh70
        because of the boredom of 2 day I hang out near Assad Bashar ....

        and then the finest hour has come !!! laughing drinks
        1. smersh70
          6 September 2013 23: 55
          Quote: Karlsonn
          and someone is missing because of quoting the missing minus.

          Nothing is eternal under the Moon..... laughing
          Quote: Karlsonn
          and then the finest hour has come !!!

 need to say.... wassat it is necessary to recoup laughing
          1. 0
            7 September 2013 12: 50
            Quote: smersh70
            ..and don’t say .... you need to recoup

            good - "+" - and don't say !!! drinks
  3. tverskoi77
    6 September 2013 11: 44
    It would be better if they did Alaska, not the Caucasus.
    1. +1
      6 September 2013 15: 21
      Quote: tverskoi77
      It would be better if they did Alaska, not the Caucasus.

      Why not Mars?
  4. +2
    6 September 2013 17: 21
    Where are the pictures?
  5. Voskepar
    6 September 2013 22: 31
    How fun with you, with Azerbaijanis.
    Everyone knows that the Armenians are one of the most ancient peoples, but they don’t know about you. How is it that they should put you on the battlefield on the spot, and from a historical perspective?
    It won’t work, you’re doing it right. History is such a thing that you can rewrite it.
    But first read this three-volume book, please. The publication of those good Soviet times. You will find authors and the circulation about you. But I haven’t found one about you. Even there is no map. It’s not good. Maybe you can buy the whole edition? selling.
    How about you, at least some mention you will find, let me know.
    The book is called "History of Byzantium". In three volumes.
    I copy the authors so that they do not cry about the Armenian falsification:
    Editorial board: academician S. D. Skazkin (editor-in-chief), corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. N. LAZAREV, N. V. PIGULEVSKAYA, doctors of historical sciences A. P. KAZHDAN, E. E. LIPSHITS, E. Ch SKRZHINSKAYA, M. Ya. SUZYUMOV, Z. V. UDALTSOVA (deputy editor's office), candidates of historical sciences G. G. LITAVRIN, K. A. OSIPOV.

    Publishing house "Science"

    Moscow 1967.

    Executive editor of the volume Z. V. Udaltsova

    Approved for publication by the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

    Editor M. A. Zaborov

    Editor of the publishing house F. N. Arsky

    Artist G.V. Dmitriev

    Technical Editor O. M. Guskova

    It is handed over in a set on 27 / V 1966. It is signed for printing on 13 / XII 1966.

    Format 70 † 90 1/16. Printing paper No. 1. Services. oven l 40,51.

    Publishing House l 37,8. Circulation 16 300 copies. T-16075. A type. Zak. No. 891

    Moscow, K-62, Podsonsensky per., 21

    2nd printing house of the Nauka publishing house.

    Moscow, G-99, Shubinsky per. 10.
    Volume 1

    Start here:
    As you find to yourself, let me know.
    Then we’ll talk about your myths.
    1. smersh70
      6 September 2013 23: 23
      Quote: Voskepar
      How fun with you, with Azerbaijanis.
      Everyone knows that Armenians are one of the oldest peoples

      I agree!!!!! laughing and look further ...
  6. Voskepar
    7 September 2013 00: 17
    1. smersh70
      7 September 2013 00: 30
      ...... so they gave you light or not ... laughing and then the map was loaded ...... but there are no words ..... wassat sit and think .. what is it))))) or the path of the Türks
      ..or the map of great Armenia ....
      ..or the map of attack on Ganja and Baku ... hi .........
    2. Yarbay
      7 September 2013 08: 48
      another invented card))))
      who photoshopped ?? Papazyan ??)))
      Incorrigible people)))))
      1. smersh70
        7 September 2013 09: 27
        Quote: Yarbay
        who photoshopped ?? Papazyan ??)))
 it’s Saturday))))) they seem to have light in the morning))))). so it will be fun ... fellow .
  7. Voskepar
    7 September 2013 00: 51
    For especially "gifted" I write again.
    Map from the three-volume "History of Byzantium".
    First map: Byzantium at the end of the 457th - first half of the XNUMXth century (until XNUMX g.).
  8. Voskepar
    7 September 2013 01: 07
    You are not here again. And the Armenians are at the place where present-day Yerevan ..
    Map. Byzantine Empire to the beginning of the XNUMXth century
  9. Voskepar
    7 September 2013 01: 14
    You are still in Altai. And Dvin is not so far from Yerevan.
    Byzantium in the second half of the VII century.
  10. Voskepar
    7 September 2013 01: 25

    You have not reached yet.

    Byzantine Empire in 1025
    1. Yarbay
      7 September 2013 08: 54
      Quote: Voskepar
      Byzantine Empire in 1025

      The cards drawn by the Khorenets seriously are not perceived by anyone cute vaskepar))
      Above there, Garagashyan, Kariom Thompson already said why)))
      solid sources are required, not the editors of the book’s publication, all the more, they didn’t even say that at that time even the smell of Armenians was in Transcaucasia)))))))))
  11. -3
    7 September 2013 01: 46
    Russian is easier for us than all, we are everywhere and everything is ours, but we do not pretend to it, it is simply ours.
    That's why you Armenians and Azerbaijanis will gnaw their throats on any garbage !. You do not have a sense of the homeland, only possessiveness remains, you still live in feudalism, still.
    And whatever you answer to me, it will not matter.
    1. combatpilot
      8 September 2013 01: 23
      We do not answer.
      1. 0
        12 September 2013 10: 37
        Quote: combatpilot
        We do not answer.

        You are the life of the occupied Estonians and only judge the east.
        As a country, you exist, God forbid, a couple of decades, and it’s as if you’re a millennial empire the size of Russia, if you had an Ottoman Empire next to you, you would be cut out to the root.
        So rejoice that you have normal neighbors who have fed and fed you for half a century, and when you decided that you didn’t need such breadwinners, you rushed to the EU penal servitude for bread and water, and while sitting on a chain you bark at a good master.
        How similar it is to animal behavior.
  12. +1
    7 September 2013 19: 02
    Glory to Russian weapons and soldiers !!! hi not Armenian-Azerbaijani disputes negative
    1. Voskepar
      7 September 2013 22: 35
      We have no disputes. He argues with them, do not respect yourself.
      Once they wanted to argue with us, but they got it on the head so that after that they can’t recover.
      So deliberate and go on the Internet space and they pour mud on the Armenians. They are no longer capable.
      Cyber ​​warriors. in a word))))))))))
      1. smersh70
        8 September 2013 23: 08
        Quote: Voskepar
        We have no disputes. He argues with them, do not respect yourself.

        yes, because there are no arguments ...... here you have no Gorbachev with Raisa to stir up your head and give a diamond .... and then how to say Raisa in New York - long live the friendship between the Soviet and Armenian peoples.) )))))) as if the Armenians were not part of the community of Soviet peoples ... wassat
        Quote: Voskepar
        after that they cannot recover.

        We came to our senses long ago !! and you, as peasants in the Caucasus, let's face it ... we'll see who gets the head))))) yes, you immediately run to base 102 to scream again about the Turks again organizing genocide .. laughing
        Quote: Voskepar
        they pour mud on the Armenians. They are no longer capable.

        there is an excellent Russian proverb - whose cow would moo ..... and yours would be silent ... laughing
  13. Pavel. 199615
    8 September 2013 09: 58
    1. +2
      8 September 2013 22: 56
      Quote: xasharat
      Quote: kNow
      see how many Armenian mosques are there

      1902 year. Erivan Russian-Muslim school for girls founded I REPEAT RUSSIAN - MUSLIM AND NOT ARMENIAN.
      behind men are noblemen Azerbaijanis.

      There is nothing surprising here. As you know, after the capture of Great Armenia by the Persians, many Armenian princes went into service (as in other Georgian and especially eastern principalities), entered the service of the Persian shahinshah. Some Armenians accepted Islam, giving both their women to serve the Persian nobility and their warriors. However, like Azerbaijan’s Khans and Beks .. But after the capture of the Byzantine Empire, first by the Turks Seljuks, and later by the Ottomans, so part of Armenia, northern Black Sea Cappadocia, where the Armenians were still Christians, partially and there, under pressure, the Armenians began to accept the Muslim religion, as in among other things, the Georgians of Adzharia .. Therefore, it is not surprising that mosques were established in Erebun Erzorakht, although ancient Christian churches were located. Armenians who accepted the Christian religion in 300 g after Christ .. So these disputes that are being held here can be endlessly and everyone will be right .. But you need to consider that PERSA is not Azerbaijanis .. Persians are Farsi, Azerbaijanis are Turkic people. And the Armenians are the Aramaeans. All different nations. Although part of the Turkic peoples is part of the Iranian empire, for Turan fought with Iran from ancient times .. And their lands, and part of the people, constantly entered both there and there ...
  14. The comment was deleted.