The fourth star of Marshal Zhukov

The fourth star of Marshal Zhukov

On November 7, 1956, as usual, a military parade was held in Moscow on Red Square in honor of the next anniversary of the October Revolution. He was received by USSR Minister of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov. Confidently rising to the podium of the mausoleum and uttering the words of a festive greeting, he seemed to be carefully watching the minting step of the infantry square and the columns of the formidable military equipment. But mentally, he and the rest of the presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, who stood with him on the podium, were far from Red Square. At this time, many hundreds of kilometers from the festive Moscow on the streets of the Hungarian capital of Budapest, there were battles involving thousands of Soviet soldiers. It was November 7 that expired the three-day period in which the marshal promised the country's leadership to defeat the "counter-revolution" in Hungary ...

Alarming October 1956 of the Year

After the XX Congress of the CPSU, which took place in February 1956, at which the Stalin personality cult was debunked, the pro-Soviet regimes of the countries of people's democracy were to undergo a difficult test of strength. No less difficult tests fell on the share of Soviet troops stationed in these countries.
In October, 1956 of the year exacerbated the struggle for the democratization of socialism in Poland and Hungary, where mass rallies and demonstrations were held everywhere. And if the Polish party leadership compromised with Moscow, thereby preventing Soviet military intervention at the very last moment, in Hungary the events took a completely different, hard turn.

The beginning of October 23 students turned into an armed anti-communist uprising. And the introduction of a special corps of Soviet troops led by Lieutenant-General P. N. Lashchenko to Budapest gave it the character of a national liberation revolution. Persistent fighting broke out in various parts of Budapest, which became the center of resistance. In the six days of fighting in the city, Soviet troops lost about 350 people killed and more than 60 units of military equipment. The Kremlin was forced to admit that the uprising was beginning to be of a massive, popular character. The entire system of government of the Hungarian Communists in the capital and in the field collapsed before our eyes. Of course, for the Soviet leadership it was a shock. Marshal Zhukov at the presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU was forced to declare: “... Anti-Soviet sentiment is wide. To withdraw the troops from Budapest, if necessary - to withdraw from Hungary ... To persist further - it is not known what will lead ... ”. Under these conditions, it was decided to withdraw the Soviet units from Budapest on October 30.

And yet in Moscow they hesitated whether to leave Hungary or not. The decision was influenced by the foreign policy factor - NATO countries and Israel attacked Egypt in order to capture the Suez Canal. Also influenced by the position of the ambassador of the USSR in Hungary Yu. V. Andropov, who believed that if the USSR did not provide armed assistance, Hungary would become a victim of NATO aggression.

The bloody acts of violence of the opposition against the Hungarian communists also played their part. The power decision became inevitable, and after Imre Nadia’s government openly broke up with the socialist camp, it was decided to create a “revolutionary workers 'and peasants' government” headed by Janos Kadar, to overthrow Imre Nagy and conduct a military operation to suppress the armed “counterrevolutionary rebellion”.

The birth of "Whirlwind"

The plan of the operation, called "Whirlwind", was developed under the leadership of the Minister of Defense of the USSR G. K. Zhukov. It was then that the marshal promised N. S. Khrushchev to solve the Hungarian problem within three days. The overall leadership of the operation was entrusted to the commander-in-chief of the joint armed forces of the Warsaw Pact member states, Marshal I. S. Konev. His headquarters was to be located in the city of Szolnok.

In addition to the troops of the special corps in the Budapest region, it was proposed to introduce the 38 Army of Lieutenant-General H. U. Mamsurov into Western Hungary, and the 8 Mechanized Army of Lieutenant-General A. Kh. Babajanyan from the Carpathian Military Army into the territory of Eastern Hungary District The troops of these armies were tasked with blocking and disarming the Hungarian units outside the borders of Budapest and taking control of the main centers in the country's 19 provinces. The airborne units in the upcoming operation were to capture and take under protection the Hungarian airfields.
More than 15 people took part in Operation Whirlwind. tank, mechanized, rifle and air divisions, 7th and 31st airborne divisions, a railway brigade with a total number of more than 60 thousand people. They were armed with over 3000 tanks (moreover, the more modern T-54s prevailed in the troops).

According to the “Whirlwind” plan, a special building in the 2 Guards. MD General Major S. V. Lebedev, 33 Guards. MD Major General G. A. Obaturov and 128 Guards. Colonel N.A. Gorbunov was supposed to use the Thunder signal, using the October combat experience and knowledge of the city, to seize bridges across the Danube, Gellert Mountain and the Budai Fortress, parliament buildings, the Central Command of the HVAC, the Ministry of Defense, the police department, occupy the Nyugati railway stations and Keleti, the square of Moscow, the headquarters of the resistance in the cinema "Korvin", the radio station "Kosut". To capture these objects in all divisions, special detachments were created as part of an infantry battalion, they were given 150 paratroopers on armored personnel carriers, reinforced with 10 – 12 tanks. In these detachments were responsible officials of state security organs: Major General K. Ye. Grebennik, later appointed military commander of the city, Major General P. I. Zyryanov, famous Soviet illegal immigrant A. M. Korotkov. They were to organize the seizure and arrest of members of the government of Nagy and the leaders of the “insurrection”.

In addition, the corps’s task was to block military sites and approaches to Budapest. The corps were reinforced by two tank regiments, two parachute regiments, one small, mechanized and artillery regiment, as well as two divisions. The headquarters of the rebels, it was decided to apply a massive bomb strike by the forces of the air regiment of Tu-4 long-range bombers.

Parts of the Airborne Forces began to operate on October 30, 114 Guards. pdp xnumx gv. The airborne unit was landed by landing method from Lviv and Khmelnitsky to the airfield Veszprém (in 31 km south-west of Budapest), and in the late evening of the same day 100 parachute was transferred there.

The evacuation of the families of Soviet servicemen began, as well as preparations for the evacuation of workers of the Hungarian party organs and state security.
3 in the evening on the Tekel airfield was transferred to 108 Guards. pdp in full force, and from Mukachevo 80 made pdp.

About the movement of Soviet troops became known in the camp of the rebels from the locals. The rebels began to seriously prepare for defense. They were armed not only small weapon and bottles with a combustible mixture, but also anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns. Armed groups received reinforcements, a defensive belt was built around the capital. Outposts with tanks appeared on the outskirts of Budapest, military patrols appeared on the streets. The number of Hungarian units in the city reached 50 thousand people, in addition, more than 10 thousand people were part of the National Guard under the command of General Bela Kirai.

At the disposal of the rebels were about 100 tanks. Despite the fact that the situation threatened to get out of control, the government of Nagy did not stop its work. On November 1, an emergency meeting of the Hungarian Council of Ministers was held, at which the resolution on the country's withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact and the declaration of Hungary’s neutrality were unanimously adopted. Ambassador Andropov was handed a note demanding the immediate start of negotiations on the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the territory of Hungary. The Soviet side agreed to discuss this issue on November 3 at its Tekel military base, where members of the Hungarian delegation headed by Defense Minister Pal Maleter arrived, where they were arrested by KGB officers led by Army General I. A. Serov.

On the signal "Thunder"

The assault on Budapest began in the early morning of November 4, 1956, from a massive shelling of the main resistance fighters of the rebels.
Then the tank columns rushed forward to capture the bridges and the main supporting centers of resistance. The infantry, supported by tanks, began clearing urban areas. Fighting immediately took a fierce and uncompromising character. Successfully operated in the northeast of the city part of the 2 Guards, which seized bridges across the Danube, the Parliament, the Central Committee of the Party, the Vogt arsenal, where they disarmed up to 600 people and captured around 100 tanks, two artillery warehouses, 15 guns. More than 30 firing points were suppressed.

In the west of Budapest, parts of the 128 Guards. Sd captured the airfield Budaersh (22 aircraft), the barracks of the school of communication, disarmed the regiment of the Hungarian 7 th fur. divisions. In the area of ​​the square of Moscow, armed resistance was exerted by detachments under the leadership of Janos Sabo, former commissioner in the Red Army Bela Kun and former driver Imre Nagy. Here she was ambushed and suffered heavy losses in reconnaissance as a part of the motorcycle platoon of Senior Lieutenant I. Ya. Karpov. The seriously wounded officer was captured, where he was brutally tortured: his head was pierced, his eyes were punctured. And although intelligence data helped to clear the square by 5 in November, fighting with small groups of rebels in the area continued until November 9.

Especially bloody battles, as expected, turned around the cinema "Corvin", the square of Zhigmond, the royal palace in areas 33 Guards. md and xnumx gv. sd. Here, in order to support them, airborne units were involved, which in the difficult conditions of the dense urban environment were assigned the leading role. Thanks to their clear coordinated actions, the main residential areas of Budapest were promptly cleaned. Units, assault groups, capture groups sometimes operated independently without the support of tanks and artillery; more than once the paratroopers had to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

November 4 early morning 31 Guards. the airborne forces launched an attack to capture the city of Veszprem. By 10 hours, parts of the division managed to occupy military camps near Veszprem, but only in the afternoon the paratroopers managed to take control of the city itself.

The seizure of anti-aircraft batteries of the Budapest air defense system was carried out by six 108 paramilitary combat groups. One of the combat groups in the reinforced company numbering 90 people, having traveled off-road for more than 30 kilometers, crossed the Danube, carrying all their weapons. The group seized two batteries, a significant amount of weapons and ammunition, incapacitated weapons, captured 96 officers and soldiers.

November 4 day was key for the whole operation. In the center of the city, Soviet troops met stubborn resistance. They had to use flamethrowing weapons, incendiary and smoke projectiles. Significantly were reinforced assault groups. Fearing numerous civilian casualties in Budapest, the Soviet command canceled the aerial bombardment of the city, deploying Tu-4 planes already in the air.

At the same time, the units of the 8 th mechanized and 38 th army armies successfully operated in the rest of Hungary.

Having captured the cities of Szolnok, Gy ,r, Debrecen, Miskolc, they disarmed 15 Hungarian divisions and 5 separate regiments (more than 25 thousand military personnel) and captured the entire Hungarian Aviation at the airfields. This was facilitated by the fact that the personnel of the Hungarian army remained mostly neutral, for example, in Budapest, only 3 regiments, 10 anti-aircraft batteries, several construction battalions resisted the Soviet troops. An important role was played by the voluntary surrender of 13 generals and more than 300 officers in the building of the Hungarian Ministry of Defense.

Fiery "Whirlwind" on the streets of Budapest

In the city, the main focus of resistance was the Corvin cinema, where the opposition headquarters remained impregnable. Its round building was conveniently located inside a ring of multi-storey buildings and was a strong point reinforced with two 85-mm guns, tanks, anti-aircraft machine-gun installations and a garrison of 359 people. Opposite was the barracks to them. Kiliana, where a battalion of armed military builders acted, put up stubborn resistance. Several Soviet attacks were repulsed with heavy losses. 3 th company 108 Guards. pdp commanded by guard captain N.I. Kharlamov managed to rush inside and, leading the battle for 24 hours, by the morning of November 5, with the support of 80 tanks and paratroopers, take control of the barracks, where the company disarmed the 125 man and seized many weapons.

By November 15 5 clock for the assault on the cinema "Corwin" were involved tank and mechanized regiments 33 Guards. MD, reinforced parts 108 and 80 Guards. pdp also attracted 11 artillery battalions, which included about 170 guns and mortars. Persistent battles continued throughout the day, attacks followed both day and night. Detachments under the leadership of István Kovács, Gergey Pongratz, defended here, and artillery fire was commanded by Janko Mes skillfully commanded by Janko wooden leg. Only in 21.00 6 in November began the final assault, in which the battalion of 71 guards distinguished. tank regiment. Zapolit battalion, the commander of the assault squad captain N. M. Yakupov, being seriously wounded, a bunch of grenades destroyed an anti-tank gun, sheltered in the basement. The crew of the T-34 tank, commanded by Senior Sergeant A. Balyasnikov, at full speed, rushed into the stronghold and immediately destroyed two guns, four DShK machine guns and up to 30 defenders.

The tank was shot down, but the crew continued to fight with personal weapons and grenades, which allowed the assault group of paratroopers Captain N. I. Kharlamov, with the support of tank platoon of Lieutenant S.Svik in the aisles formed in the walls after the shelling from tank guns and hand grenade launchers, break into the building of the cinema and crush the remnants of resistance by the morning of November 7.

The fighting continued in other parts of Budapest. Soviet troops acted decisively under the impression of numerous incidents of insurgent atrocities against supporters of the authorities and reprisals against captured Soviet soldiers. With unexpectedly stubborn resistance, parts of 128 Guards had to face. Sd and battalion 381 Guards. pdp on Zhigmond Square, where was one of the most powerful resistance nodes with 12 tanks and 10 anti-aircraft guns. On the square, Soviet soldiers were met with hurricane fire from balconies and barricades. But the enemy’s firing points were suppressed by return fire from tanks and recoilless guns. Zigmond Square was cleared, the stronghold captured. The paratroopers destroyed the 223 rebel, the 3 tank, the 1 gun; captured 143 rebel, 9 tanks and 9 anti-aircraft guns.

During 7 and 8 on November, Soviet troops took control of a government radio station for them. Kossuth, campus, prison, all transport communications and communications facilities. By this time most Hungarian fighters ran out of ammunition.

In order to detect the remaining foci of resistance and reduce losses, it was decided to conduct aerial photography of the entire Budapest in the morning of November 7 by four reconnaissance aircraft IL-28. During the assignment over the island Chepel one aircraft was shot down, his crew was killed.

However, according to intelligence data, the Soviet command was expecting an unpleasant surprise: it became clear that after the defeat of the insurgents in the city center, resistance began in the working-class suburbs of Budapest on the industrial outskirts of Chepel, the country's largest metalworking plant, and Ujpest.

Starting from November 7, Soviet artillery hit the resistance centers, but the Chepel workers refused to surrender their weapons twice and fought off attacks until November 10 morning when the workers councils asked for a ceasefire. By November 11, armed resistance was broken not only in the capital, but in fact throughout the territory of Hungary. To establish order, the 12 Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Interior Ministry troops was transferred from the USSR to Budapest. During the fights and after their termination more than 44 thousands of weapons were withdrawn from the rebels and the population, of which 2 thousands of units of modern foreign production.

Having stopped the open struggle, the remnants of the rebel detachments went into the woods in order to create partisan groups, but as a result of the continuous search of the area together with the Hungarian officer's regiments, they were finally eliminated by the end of the year.

1956 Cold Winter of the Year

Only 18 days story led the Hungarian revolution 1956 of the year. It was a city revolution — a revolution of students and workers who were not supported by the majority of the Hungarian peasantry. The civil war was averted, but the price paid for it was high: more than 2,5 thousands of Hungarians died, about 20 thousands were injured, over 200 thousands of Hungarians left the country. The country suffered tremendous economic damage; more than 3 thousands of buildings were destroyed. During the repression, more than 13 thousands were sentenced to various prison terms, and about 350 people were subjected to the death penalty, including the leaders Pal Maleter and Imre Nagy.

Marshal Zhukov kept his promise to the political leadership of the USSR. With swift and decisive actions, the Soviet army cut the Hungarian "knot", showing the world the determination to protect the integrity of the Warsaw Pact Organization by any means.

As a result of the 10 hostilities, thousands of soldiers were awarded orders and medals, 26 people were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, 14 of them - posthumously. Alas, the losses of the Soviet troops were heavy: 669 killed, 51 people were missing, more than one and a half thousand were injured.

1 December 1956, his fourth Star of the Hero will receive and Marshal Zhukov. And although he was officially awarded for his 60 anniversary, everyone understood that this was a reward for the pacification of rebellious Hungary. But Operation Whirlwind was the last combat operation of the marshal, like the November 7 parade on Red Square, which he never received after that ...
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  1. soldat1945
    13 July 2013 08: 02
    People were able to make decisions without looking back!
    1. Vovka levka
      13 July 2013 08: 07
      Quote: soldat1945
      People were able to make decisions without looking back!

      And therefore, at the first opportunity, the Warsaw Pact countries fled. And where are they now?
      Any action has its price and effect.
      1. +22
        13 July 2013 11: 06
        Fled, after the opposing side began to take decisions, with our complete inaction.
        1. Vovka levka
          13 July 2013 12: 06
          Quote: treskoed
          Fled, after the opposing side began to take decisions, with our complete inaction.

          And that it was necessary to drown everything in blood?
          1. +12
            13 July 2013 13: 09
            Quote: Vovka Levka
            And that it was necessary to drown everything in blood?

            Then (when they scattered, NO), and when they went astray (to attack Russia) under the auspices of NATO-YES!
            1. Vovka levka
              13 July 2013 14: 50
              Quote: Corsair

              Then (when they scattered, NO), and when they went astray (to attack Russia) under the auspices of NATO-YES!

              Do you want to fight with NATO?
              To give out life did not bother you.
              1. +9
                14 July 2013 02: 47
                Quote: Vovka Levka
                Do you want to fight with NATO? To betray your life did not bother you.

                Russia has not yet shook this NATU, so they want to fight with us. And on the contrary, we would live quietly and peacefully without their constant taunts and provocations. I prefer to calmly engage in peaceful work, to teach children. But someone behind the western cordon wants something else. But I will not allow — and if our country is forced to — my uniform in the closet, the soldier is in his pocket, the military registration and enlistment office 3 km from the house — to pack up and come not for long.

                Here - since the cons went at night, then I’m right - the Westerners at any timeзwoodpeckers.
                1. Vovka levka
                  14 July 2013 16: 02
                  Quote: Andrew-001

                  Russia has not yet shook this NATU, so they want to fight with us.

                  Where did you get this?
                  They are completely predictable and it is easier for them to buy. Which they do.
                  China needs to be afraid, they are smiling, but they are doing their job.
                  1. yak69
                    14 July 2013 20: 40
                    Quote: Vovka Levka
                    Where did you get this?
                    They are completely predictable and it is easier for them to buy.

                    It is from naivety such thoughts.
                    Quote: Vovka Levka
                    China needs to be afraid, they are smiling, but they are doing their job.

                    And here you are 100% right. The Chinese comrades must be feared more than anything else. The fiercest enemy is usually the closest "friend".
                    1. Vovka levka
                      14 July 2013 20: 58
                      Quote: yak69
                      Quote: Vovka Levka
                      Where did you get this?
                      They are completely predictable and it is easier for them to buy.

                      It is from naivety such thoughts.
                      Quote: Vovka Levka
                      China needs to be afraid, they are smiling, but they are doing their job.

                      And here you are 100% right. The Chinese comrades must be feared more than anything else. The fiercest enemy is usually the closest "friend".

                      I do not have naivety, therefore the rating is gorgeous.
                  2. 0
                    15 July 2013 14: 37
                    Quote: Vovka Levka
                    They are completely predictable.

                    Their head is clearly not in order. And fools are usually not predictable.
                    Quote: Vovka Levka
                    and what they need is easier to buy. Which they do.

                    Nothing for them to buy. So they climb their armies everywhere where they are not beaten hard.
                    Quote: Vovka Levka
                    China needs to be afraid, they are smiling, but they are doing their job.

                    Here you are right - you don’t need to be afraid of him, but you should be careful. And for this phrase I’ll spoil your rating by putting + wassat
                2. history
                  15 July 2013 01: 26
                  I think, based on the cruel lesson of the last 20-25 years, Russia needs to deal exclusively with itself. Their problems, and the problems of their citizens. And keep dry powder, definitely !!!
                  Strong Russia has been in the throat of the West all its life! And she will become strong, throw off the "beer" foam, those who are ready to change their citizenship for their personal well-being, and Russia will rise, I believe in it !!
                  This is a difficult and difficult path, but we will go through it. Our civil society should and will be strong and healthy. With good social programs, with a sense of patriotism and pride in their homeland. And these are not beautiful words, I believe that it will be so!
                  1. Vovka levka
                    15 July 2013 02: 12
                    Quote: istoria
                    I think, based on the cruel lesson of the last 20-25 years, Russia needs to deal exclusively with itself. Their problems, and the problems of their citizens. And keep dry powder, definitely !!!
                    Strong Russia has been in the throat of the West all its life! And she will become strong, throw off the "beer" foam, those who are ready to change their citizenship for their personal well-being, and Russia will rise, I believe in it !!
                    This is a difficult and difficult path, but we will go through it. Our civil society should and will be strong and healthy. With good social programs, with a sense of patriotism and pride in their homeland. And these are not beautiful words, I believe that it will be so!

                    Your words would be in God’s ears.
              2. 0
                14 July 2013 03: 36
                Who to give out? Snowden?
              3. 0
                15 July 2013 00: 43
                Quote: Vovka Levka
                Do you want to fight with NATO?
                To give out life did not bother you.
                I don’t know how, and maybe it’s not worth talking to an animal
                easier poster language
                This is about the most offended, yes, those who are offended
                It is offended, not all!
          2. Avenger711
            14 July 2013 01: 57
            Yes, it was necessary. The dog must know its place, and Hungarians have nothing to regret.
          3. +8
            14 July 2013 10: 52
            For those especially ... who do not understand, I inform you that Hungary until the very end of the war remained the most faithful and combat-ready ally of Hitler Germany.
            In 1956, only 11 years passed after the victory.
            And guarantees that the Magyars would not again become a faithful ally, if not Germany, then there were no other anti-Soviet forces.
            And here it is for you: to withdraw the troops, to withdraw from the organization of the Warsaw Pact (a sure step in the direction of its collapse). Say, there is no freedom. request
            Freedom then in Hungary, and everywhere, was not enough, this is true.
            But did they pay the losses of the USSR for their friendship with Hitler?
            I doubt it.
            And no one repented of the atrocities in our country.
            And the government of Imre Nagy was by no means determined to seek an acceptable compromise with Moscow. The revolutionaries are bad ...
            For which they paid crying .
            So, from the position of ensuring the security of our country, the leadership of the USSR had no other choice.
            1. +4
              14 July 2013 11: 39
              And, in fact, from my own experience, anti-Soviet sentiments among some (far from all) Magyar citizens persisted until the turn of the 80s.
              But they expressed them cautiously, usually in a state of intoxication. wink
              For example, during field training, so to speak, in between battles, I went with a friend to drink a "glass of cold wine" in a rural tavern.
              In those days, as a rule, we went to exercises and field exercises with arms, no one stole it, and did not sell ammunition, yes ...
              One drunk citizen of the Hungarian People’s Republic began to express his deep dislike of our presence, but the hostess of the establishment sharply besieged him (I didn’t understand the language badly): shut up, the guy has a gun! A trained eye immediately recognized the PM in the inside pocket of the tank overalls. laughing
              Comrade, really, right away. wink
              Another time, we walked out of the restaurant in the evening, spoke Russian, joked, and one citizen, not finished, in all likelihood in 1945-56, walked by and looked at us extremely wickedly. It looked so that from all over the mahu hit his head on a cast-iron lamppost and fell from a blow.
              At the same time he came to extreme displeasure and shouted: Stalin's ...!
              Which, however, in this situation caused us only a fit of laughter ...
              On the other hand, many veterans of World War II, who were held captive with us, did not express any hostility towards us and the USSR, they treated well, with understanding. smile
              1. +2
                14 July 2013 15: 57
                Correction The Magyars' moods are not anti-Soviet, but Russophobic. It always has been.
              2. history
                15 July 2013 01: 37
                In World War II, it is true that the Hungarians and the Romanians were distinguished by cruelty. And not everyone loved the USSR, but now they do not like Russia. But not all, and not everywhere!
                Do we love ourselves? It is in the order of things for us to use obscene language in public places, "relieving one's needs" on the street, where women and children walk. Some, I think, unhealthy admiration for foreign countries, anyone, even Turkey and Egypt ... A little over a hundred years ago, in certain circles it was considered indecent to speak Russian, it seems we are returning to this gradually. Don't you think?
          4. yak69
            14 July 2013 20: 53
            Quote: Vovka Levka
            And that it was necessary to drown everything in blood?

            Here you have to choose only between the amount of blood.
            Today, all of our "Slavic brothers", whom we saved from complete destruction by the Nazis, are members of NATO. And if NATO decides to attack us (pure assumption), then they will run to kill us in the forefront!
            Remember the period of the October Revolution and the intervention on their part. Who was there then on our territory! "Brothers Slavs" were ahead of everyone.
            They are ungrateful pigs, here is my opinion!
            So, about the amount of blood shed. Then this blood would be shed less than it is still pouring (since the 90s).
            Here it is necessary to think in other categories, bearing in mind the historical past and presumptive future.
            There is an undeniable rule - power must be kept extremely tight (in case of attempts to overthrow it).
            1. Vovka levka
              14 July 2013 21: 02
              Quote: yak69

              There is an undeniable rule - power must be kept extremely tight (in case of attempts to overthrow it).

              Even if the population does not support it?
              1. yak69
                15 July 2013 23: 44
                Quote: Vovka Levka
                Even if the population does not support it?

                Population?! What population ?!
                If we take the UPA and their methods of replenishing their ranks (if you don’t go to fight in our ranks, we will kill the whole family!) And then they also talked about the "population" which "supports them in every possible way." And you know that a gang of killers of a hundred people can "put together" a formation of 1000 people in a short time. and will also make them fight.
                So what about the population is not necessary! If in Hungary really ALL (or the vast majority) of the population were against the Soviet regime, then neither Zhukov nor anyone else would have won there.
                At one time, I had the opportunity to work very closely with the Hungarian military intelligence officer (he was a little older than me and most of his service fell on the Soviet era) and he spoke frankly about a lot. So, the majority did not have much rejection for us. And, as you know, hoopoes are in any family.
                1. Vovka levka
                  16 July 2013 13: 53
                  Quote: yak69
                  Quote: Vovka Levka
                  Even if the population does not support it?

                  Population?! What population ?!
                  If we take the UPA and their methods of replenishing their ranks (if you don’t go to fight in our ranks, we will kill the whole family!) And then they also talked about the "population" which "supports them in every possible way." And you know that a gang of killers of a hundred people can "put together" a formation of 1000 people in a short time. and will also make them fight.
                  So what about the population is not necessary! If in Hungary really ALL (or the vast majority) of the population were against the Soviet regime, then neither Zhukov nor anyone else would have won there.
                  At one time, I had the opportunity to work very closely with the Hungarian military intelligence officer (he was a little older than me and most of his service fell on the Soviet era) and he spoke frankly about a lot. So, the majority did not have much rejection for us. And, as you know, hoopoes are in any family.

                  Do you know how many Hungarians went west? Take an interest.
            2. -1
              14 July 2013 23: 27
              What kind of brothers Slavs did you save from the Nazis? Serbs? Your Western allies in World War II, sent them only weapons and instructors that Hitler could not handle them. Czechs? I do not think that they created a big problem for the Germans. Poles? Vy hit them in the back in 1939. Bulgaria? We, as allies of Germany, although not so actively, had no need to set us free.
              1. yak69
                15 July 2013 23: 49
                Quote: stoqn477
                What kind of brothers Slavs did you save from the Nazis?

                Write in Russian correctly or do not write at all!
                And the impression is from your comment that you are either very drunk or did not study at school. You don’t understand anything.
                1. -1
                  17 July 2013 22: 10
                  Because I have not used Russian for more than 20 years, there are problems with its writing. However, all that is required is practice. I have to use Google translation, but not everything is perfect there. This is difficult because I cannot write exactly what I think. If I write in Bulgarian is unlikely to please you more.
                  Regarding alcohol, please do not be offended.
      2. +12
        13 July 2013 11: 40
        I don’t understand our desire to make European Slavs happy, they are no one to us and they shouldn’t give a damn about us and we shouldn’t give a damn about them because of these mud-wounds, we shed blood so many times and as soon as it became easier they immediately sold us their Germans with the Anglo-Saxons and let them teach them (Ordnung muss sein-order should be)
        1. Vovka levka
          13 July 2013 14: 52
          Quote: vjhbc
          I don’t understand our desire to make European Slavs happy, they are no one to us and they shouldn’t give a damn about us and we shouldn’t give a damn about them because of these mud-wounds, we shed blood so many times and as soon as it became easier they immediately sold us their Germans with the Anglo-Saxons and let them teach them (Ordnung muss sein-order should be)

          I do not understand too. At home, a mess, most people just survive, but we always carry somewhere.
          1. +1
            14 July 2013 03: 41
            YES. 30 years in Ukraine, a mess is coming soon. And there was the richest republic in the USSR. That's what it means - they have not grown to statehood.
        2. +8
          13 July 2013 19: 57
          Hungarians are the same Slavs as we are Vietnamese. By the way, if anyone is considered Asian in geyrops, then it’s just Hungarians! Hungarians - the self-name of their country - the descendants of the Huns. Regarding the fortunate: Stalin made a sanitary cordon, only not the West was fenced off from the USSR, but the USSR from NATO ... Regarding Western unity in NATO: there is a lord - the USA, there are lackeys - all the rest. They are kept by inertia, but they don’t break into the attack behind the master, it’s enough for Iraq and Afghanistan to look, they were poking around, then the troops slowly withdrawn. Only a true mongrel - Melkobritia wags its tail, faithfully looking into the eyes of its former colony. And now we have surrendered them to the Syks and all of eastern Europe. Those enthusiastically yapping - but for now.
        3. +2
          14 July 2013 03: 39
          In this, almost so, the current Hungarians are not Slavs at all. And they have not loved us for the past 200 years. At least what kind of power we have.
        4. +1
          14 July 2013 10: 57
          Magyars are not Slavs at all, "they are from the Volga region, like us", according to V. Vysotsky, Finno-Ugric.
        5. +6
          14 July 2013 19: 25
          My father beat the Magyars in the 56th. He was always somehow embarrassed to talk about it. So out of their company of 72 people, after the last battle, 9 people remained, my father's overcoat was shot in three places. In this battle he told the Magyars put half of our battalion, the remaining crawled up, threw grenades, and then went on bayonets, didn’t take anyone prisoner. He was always ashamed of it, and today, if he were alive, I shook his hand tightly and said, “Thanks, Dad,”
      3. series
        13 July 2013 12: 32
        Quote: Vovka Levka
        And therefore, at the first opportunity, the Warsaw Pact countries fled. And where are they now?

        They will run away from NATO even now, if they are given a good "pour" ...
        Their fate is such - to be laying between the Russian bear and the old woman Europe in "especially spicy" historical situevine.
        1. Vovka levka
          13 July 2013 14: 48
          Quote: S-200

          They will run away from NATO even now, if they are given a good "pour" ...
          Their fate is such - to be laying between the Russian bear and the old woman Europe in "especially spicy" historical situevine.

          What is the desire for someone to pour something?
          Old Jewish joke:
          Moishe gathered for war. Ask him what you will do there. Like that, I will kill our enemies. Moysha, what if they kill you? And what I did wrong to them, says Moysha.
          1. series
            13 July 2013 20: 02
            well, it’s impossible to be a pacifist at this stage of the evolution of mankind!
      4. +12
        13 July 2013 13: 04
        Quote: Vovka Levka
        And therefore, at the first opportunity, the Warsaw Pact countries fled. And where are they now?

        В NATO...
        And contrary to the assurances of the West about the non-proliferation of the bloc to the east. So that we have something to present them ...
        We have the successful experience of redrawing the political map of Europe!
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +2
            13 July 2013 16: 34
            As I understand it, the bitch is a country in eastern Europe? Poland, Hungary and others?
            Is the west the same dog? Then what is there to discuss at all?
      5. The comment was deleted.
      6. +2
        14 July 2013 03: 33
        Well, they scattered. And who are they now? Poor relatives of rich Europe. Deshovaya workers and servants. Changed the awl for soap. Now nobody needs their industry or their culture. Yes. The socialist experiment failed. Yes. The USSR was an Empire and disposed of the conquered in an imperial way. It is so in Empires. Colonies should: sit, and two-quiet. Or it will be like in India - the fifth point to the gun - and "fire!"
    2. +14
      13 July 2013 11: 58
      The Hungarian "uprising" was organized by the fascist nedobits who participated in WWII on Hitler's side. Hungary, like Germany, had to be kept occupied by troops for several decades, for active participation on the side of Germany, so that the generation that took part in the war against the USSR would leave. Hungary until the very last days of WWII fought fiercely with the Red Army.
      Instead, the Khrushchev leadership pursued a policy of liberalism in relation to the leadership of Hungary, and, accordingly, received organized resistance from the unfinished enemies of the Soviet Union.
      The United States is more pragmatic in this regard, they still keep their troops in Germany and keep her Germany under their control.
      1. +14
        13 July 2013 15: 12
        That's it. I personally do not understand why the author calls this attempt to change power by armed means the Revolution of Students and Workers ... What the hell are students? Did the students sit in the tanks? Have the students also organized defense and supply wisely? As if we don't know. who how and when organizes the discontent of such "students" ...
        A big claim to the author is why there is no mention of foreign aid in the uprising of the "students"?
        Why is there not a word about the participation in the battles of former soldiers of the Khorty army, convinced fascists?
        Forgetting to mention this, but focusing on the student character of the "revolution", the author distorted real events and unprepared people may come to completely incorrect assessments of the actions of our country ... great article, put + ..... but the shortcomings I mentioned are very significant.
        My grandfather was there ... I didn’t see students ... fascists, yes ... they took him prisoner. So these creatures pr-Russian yelled that they did not finish us with Germany, so now they will finish with the Americans. Grandfather did not like them from the war. And they fought no worse than the Germans, but they were cruel, like Bandera.
    3. +8
      13 July 2013 12: 55
      Quote: soldat1945
      People were able to make decisions without looking back!

      It must be taken into account that during the Second World War, the Hungarians were perhaps the most consistent and cruel allies of the Reich ...
      And more: There is a direct historical parallel between the fourth Star of the Hero and the award of the highest rank Field Marshal A.V.Suvorova for the pacification of Poland
  2. +26
    13 July 2013 08: 22
    Hungary was an ally of Germany in the second world war, its soldiers atrocities in our land. Wanted to get out of the hands of the victorious power, got in the face.
    1. Ulan
      13 July 2013 11: 02
      I completely agree. Representing events in Hungary solely as spontaneous popular rallies is quite primitive. Where did the people suddenly get so many military weapons?
      For some reason, the article completely lacks the topic of external influence on events in Hungary, and it has been studied in many publications.
      Hungary really was an ally of Hitler and, as they say, “jumped off” in time. Although her place was on the dock of the Nuremberg Tribunal, like other Hitler satellites.
      Hungarian soldiers came to our land to kill, rape, rob, and then pretended to be offended, you see they were occupied. Among those who were in arms, there were many former soldiers of the Hungarian army who fought for Hitler. The USSR forgave Hungary for the promise of loyalty.
    2. +18
      13 July 2013 11: 27
      I agree. Enough hypocrisy. Not only fascists. All "civilized" Europe took part in the atrocities on our land, helped, or took a direct part in the destruction of our people, women, children, old people. In general, I wonder how our soldiers could hold back and did not smash Europe into dust.

      Did the Hungarians live badly? There was nothing to eat? Not enough clothes? NO. Hungary lived no worse than other countries of that time.

      Do not let the nits and anti-Soviet hmyr speak and speak? That's right. There is nothing to pour dirt on our country.

      And then what?

      Some representatives of the old elite and the opposition within power decided with the help of the West (or rather the West with their help) to seize power and were able to confuse many people with their heads and make a coup d'etat with their hands.

      Gouged. Smeared. Correctly. Because if we are not somewhere, there are our enemies.
  3. patriot464
    13 July 2013 08: 40
    Quote: Vovka Levka
    And therefore, at the first opportunity, the Warsaw Pact countries fled. And where are they now? Any action has its price and effect.

    In the chocolate compartment they are now, like all Western civilization.
  4. +15
    13 July 2013 08: 57
    Thanks to the author for the laconic presentation of those events! If we put aside the official nonsense about Hungary's membership in the Warsaw Pact, and remember that only 10 years have passed since the end of the war, everything falls into place! How could fascist Hungary become socialist in 10 years? How could a blood enemy become a blood brother in 10 years? How could the Hungarians overcome the defeated side syndrome in 10 years, exchanging hatred for love? It was our grief that propaganda came up with a story about counter-revolution in Hungary / I ask, when was there a revolution? /. Everything is much more banal, but no less tragic for us and for them. Hungary rebelled against the "foreign invaders", and got in the same 10 years, in the second round. Every nation chooses its own destiny, and they chose ..... bloody defeat and humiliation!
  5. +15
    13 July 2013 09: 47
    Let historians chew on history.
    The main thing is that before the Red Army, before Marshal Zhukov, a goal was set and it was fulfilled.
    In those years, there were no impossible tasks for the Red Army.
    1. yuri p
      13 July 2013 11: 20
      not red but the soviet army
      1. +6
        13 July 2013 13: 13
        Quote: yurii p
        not red but the soviet army

        How not great! NATIVE!
      2. -1
        14 July 2013 15: 56
        What is the difference? In the end, the army of the USSR.
    2. wax
      13 July 2013 22: 47
      Not Grachev and not Serdyukov. Maybe Shoigu will be able to restore the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of the Russian troops.
  6. aleshka1987
    13 July 2013 09: 47
    Well, explain to me how after Stalin everything began to swing? How did they allow the presence of a large mass of small arms and anti-tank weapons? How could the uprising come as a surprise at all, where is the counterintelligence? Who armed the Hungarians, is it really our "brilliant leadership"? Explain to me please, who understands this issue well.
    1. andsavichev2012
      13 July 2013 10: 24
      In the countries of Eastern Europe, a course was taken for the peaceful, non-revolutionary building of socialism, taking into account the Soviet experience. Stalin, Dimitrov, Molotov as best they could restrain the local Bolsheviks who wanted to repeat the great turning point in the USSR. In general, socialism in Eastern Europe was created relatively softly. In Hungary, the situation was more acute, since in the recent past it was a loyal ally of the 3rd Reich. And the Hungarian Bolsheviks pursued a tougher, repressive policy. Their leader, Comrade Rakosi, was more abruptly comrade. Stalin, current on a smaller scale. The question of replacing Rakosi has been raised in Moscow since the year 51. Stupid Kukuruznik with his report knocked out the ideological foundation from under the regime, and not only in Hungary. The country buzzed. Rakosi was replaced. Comrade Nagy began to carry out pacification and some democratization of the regime. In the Hungarian Party of Labor, there are still a lot of Rakosi supporters. there were continuous intrigues, and the people held meetings. The then ambassador to Hungary, the Rear Hero-Komsomolets Andropov, took an active part in these intrigues. Nadia was framed and slandered. In a report to Moscow, the great "Chekist" -Intrigan of Jewish origin Andropov said that Nagy was about to turn to NATO for help, but then it went off ...
      it is good that the Hungarian army (very combat-ready) generally took a neutral position, because their political leaders and generals were in large numbers, pro-Soviet-minded. Amerikosy was swinging orange students with might and main, since the border with neutral Austria was almost open ...
      When politicians obsess, the army is included in the process.
      Well and more specifically. Army counterintelligence did not work in Hungary, as she became an ally. Hungarians armed the Soviet Union to the maximum, taking into account the fighting qualities of the Hungarians in the fields of the 1st and 2nd Worlds as an offensive army (the target is Austria, Italy). Large white stripes were drawn on Soviet tanks (new, is-3, t-44) so ​​as not to be confused with the same Hungarian ones, but the Hungarian tankers did not go to war.
      In the 80s, Andropova was greatly honored to actively participate in the suppression of the rebellion, but then, in the 56th, it was necessary to take him to the Lubyanka in handcuffs
      1. Gari
        13 July 2013 11: 04
        Quote: andsavichev2012
        Nadia was framed, slandered.

        Imre Nagy in July 1916 during the Brusilov breakthrough was wounded and captured. He was in camps in the region of Verkhneudinsk (Ulan-Ude), on auxiliary works in the Baikal villages, in Irkutsk. In March 1918 he joined the international Red Guard detachment, in which he served until September of the same year.
        With the arrival of the Reds in Irkutsk, Nagy became active and joined the Hungarian Red Guard squad, and from the summer of 1920 to March 1921 he served in a special department of the Irkutsk Cheka. In those years, with a shortage of competent personnel, "internationalist fighters" were considered "reliable comrades" ready to carry out any order.
        They were not connected by national ties with the local population, did not differ in terms of excessive sentimentality and therefore they were eagerly credited for ordinary work in the KGB authorities.
        In 1921, after a brief stay in Moscow, Nagy was sent by the Hungarian section of the Comintern to work underground in Hungary. There was little information about this period of his life in the Russian archives.
        In particular, about the protection of the Comintern, after his return to Moscow in 1929, of his closest associates in the underground struggle in Hungary N. Tiriner and A. Molnar. In fact, they turned out to be provocateurs and agents of the Hungarian police, who "handed over" their comrades in the revolutionary movement [1384]. Nagy survived, which gave rise to bad rumors in the circles of the Hungarian emigration. Perhaps these rumors were the reason for Nagy's refusal to be admitted to the GPU staff. In addition, the archival materials contain documents indicating that the security officers were unpleasantly impressed by "Nagy's persistent attempts to get a job as a cadre of the GPU."
        Instead of being enlisted, Nadia was offered to become a secret agent (secret informant), to which he agreed on January 17, 1933. Quite a lot of materials have been preserved about his work on organs
        In a letter from the chairman of the KGB of the USSR V. Kryuchkov to the Central Committee of the CPSU "On archival materials about the activities in the USSR Imre Nagy", prepared in June 1989, it was noted: "From the available archival materials it does not follow that Nagy collaborated with the NKVD under duress.
        Moreover, the documents directly indicate that "Volodya" is showing great interest and initiative in the work, is a qualified agent.
        That's what ..white and fluffy, was Nagy
        1. andsavichev2012
          13 July 2013 11: 20
          Well, yes, I read 2 of his biographies of various authors. That slap was still, like our Andropov
          1. Gari
            13 July 2013 12: 21
            Quote: andsavichev2012
            Well, yes, I read 2 of his biographies of various authors. That slap was still, like our Andropov

            As for Andropov, I will not, it seems our views do not coincide, but Nagy, this one, and what a dark horse
            1. laurbalaur
              14 July 2013 11: 18
              Quote: Gari
              Quote: andsavichev2012
              Well, yes, I read 2 of his biographies of various authors. That slap was still, like our Andropov

              As for Andropov, I will not, it seems our views do not coincide, but Nagy, this one, and what a dark horse

              I support! And they committed atrocities no worse than their progenitors-Huns! By the way, by order of Nadia, there was CASED Janos Kador!
        2. yuri p
          13 July 2013 11: 28
          Thanks for the interesting information.
      2. wax
        13 July 2013 22: 50
        NATO was ready to get involved, what was, was.
      3. Avenger711
        14 July 2013 02: 20
        Invasion bands are inflicted regardless of the uniformity of equipment, and no IS-3, or T-44 was delivered to Hungary. This is a common way to increase visibility and prevent friendly fire under stress.
      4. -1
        14 July 2013 15: 21
        [i] Stalin, Dimitrov, Molotov, as they could, restrained the local Bolsheviks who wanted to repeat the great turning point in the USSR. In general, socialism in Eastern Europe was created relatively softly.

        I don’t know how UTB understands ... only in Bulgaria 6 people of that time, 000-000, without trial and investigation beat up about 1944, except UTB completely destroyed politically, military and so on. And for what? Not a single nation of Eastern Europe wanted the Soviet province. If God forbid, the third world war struck, there was nothing left of the Warsaw Pact ... the eastern Germans, Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Roumi all scattered at the start of a volley! The USSR was afraid but not respected ... It is not in vain that the Poles eat such an anecdote .. for the Pole in the Baltic and the patched fish, but I won’t talk about it ... Only in Bulgaria Russians were always respected, thanks to 1947, but it was not the merit of Stalin and the USSR ...
      5. -2
        14 July 2013 16: 02
        In the countries of eastern Europe, a course was taken towards the peaceful, non-revolutionary building of socialism, taking into account Soviet experience. Stalin, Dimitrov, Molotov, as they could, restrained the local Bolsheviks who wanted to repeat the great turning point in the USSR. In general, socialism in Eastern Europe was created relatively softly.

        In Bulgaria, thousands were killed without trial. Others were killed by the decision of the "People's Court", more than a thousand were in concentration camps and died from hard labor and become food for pigs. What is peace?
    2. yuri p
      13 July 2013 11: 25
      do not forget after the Second World War only 11 years have passed, we still find well-preserved weapons in Russia.
  7. andsavichev2012
    13 July 2013 10: 35
    A little-known detail: in the West, in the media, the Hungarian rebellion was equated with the war in Spain; on the contrary, the socialists and democrats are against the bloody Bolsheviks, not the fascists. Volunteers flooded until the Austrian border was closed tightly. Then in the morgues lay the corpses of West Germans, Italians, French, Americans and sales. Australians. Our commandant's offices puzzled for a year what to do with them, and then quietly dug somewhere.
  8. andsavichev2012
    13 July 2013 10: 49
    "After the 1956th Congress of the CPSU, held in February XNUMX, at which the personality cult of Stalin was debunked, the pro-Soviet regimes of the people's democracies had to pass a difficult test of strength. No less difficult tests fell on the lot of the Soviet troops stationed in these countries."
    Corn Aphid wrote his report on the quiet, in secret from other members of the Politburo (the most cunning of Armenians is under the question of the current). For the members of the presidium and delegates to the 20th Congress, it was a shock. Probably, if Hess had come to speak or Hoover would have gone crazy. The report was "secret", only for the delegates, but after a day or two, photocopies appeared in Moscow and were vomited all over the country. The leaders of the allied countries have gone crazy.
    So it was not a process of the party working on its own mistakes, but a corn bomb.
    Well, under the guise of Aphid Corn pushed Comrade. Malenkova
  9. Gari
    13 July 2013 10: 54
    Quote: aleshka1987
    Well, explain to me how, after Stalin, everything started to sway?

    An important reason for the development of the movement for "liberal reforms" was the speech of N. S. Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU (February 14-25, 1956). Despite its "secrecy", it became widely known in Eastern European countries in a matter of weeks, thanks to the operational work of American intelligence agencies. Criticism of the recent past, condemnation of the cult of personality, mistakes and crimes caused quite strong, explicit or hidden, anti-Soviet sentiments in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe.
    Quite strange events were taking place in Budapest at this time. Some researchers attribute their confusion to the authorities and the confusion that prevailed in various government departments, including law enforcement agencies.
    Others are convinced that these were planned provocations, betrayal and direct intervention of Western intelligence services. This is primarily about weapons that ended up in large numbers in the hands of the rebels.
    How did the rebels find this weapon?
    Without weapons there was no rebellion.
    1. Gari
      13 July 2013 11: 08
      By the end of October 24, the troops of the Special Corps were mainly able to complete the tasks. However, as subsequent events showed, the action taken by the force led to toughening the resistance of the rebels. The situation was complicated the very next day - October 25. According to Mikoyan and Suslov, who arrived in Budapest on October 24 to clarify the situation in the country, the Hungarian capital was stirred up by two events. The first is the incident at the parliament when, during a rally from the roofs and attics of nearby houses, targeted fire was opened on unarmed demonstrators and Soviet soldiers, one tank was burned. Among the dead - regiment commander Major V.P. Bachurin. He was killed by a burst from a heavy machine gun during a peaceful conversation with demonstrators. In response to the provocation, Soviet units and Hungarian security officials also responded with fire. To this day there is no exact answer, who arranged this provocation. According to one version, firing from the roofs was started by employees of the Hungarian GB. According to others, a group of armed rebels. One way or another, but as a result of the shootout, more than 60 Hungarians were killed (according to more recent data, more than 200 people).
      The second event - a shootout near the Central Committee building - the Soviet tankmen, covering the building, mistakenly opened fire on a suitable Hungarian guard company, mistaking it for a detachment of rebels; 10 Hungarians were killed.
      1. Gari
        13 July 2013 11: 11
        According to the former senior instructor of the OK political department on special propaganda, retired colonel Vitaly Fomin, in many respects the great losses of the first days were explained by the morale of the Soviet troops. “Brought up in respect of the sovereignty and independence of the fraternal people,” V. Fomin recalled, “our soldiers found themselves in an extremely difficult situation. Yesterday they were welcome guests at industrial enterprises, in production cooperatives and state farms. Now they were far from having to meet with Budapest citizens. They were clearly not ready for this, as well as the first to open fire, and in this case instructing the corps command not to do this was unnecessary.
        As for the order to avoid provocations, it turned out to be even more difficult to carry out. As subsequent events showed, extremists and terrorists of all stripes widely used for their insidious purposes the friendly feelings of Soviet servicemen towards Hungarian citizens. "
        1. Gari
          13 July 2013 11: 14
          On October 28, I. Nagy spoke on the radio with a declaration of the new government. The Hungarian leadership condemned the previous assessment of the uprising as a counter-revolution, recognizing it as a "broad national democratic movement" that rallied the entire Hungarian people in the struggle for national independence and sovereignty. The declaration outlined a program for the earliest possible satisfaction of the just social demands of the working people, announced the disbandment of troops and state security agencies, and an agreement reached between the Hungarian and Soviet governments to begin the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Budapest. The declaration said about the presence of Soviet troops in Hungary: "The Hungarian government will initiate negotiations on relations between the Hungarian People's Republic and the Soviet Union - in particular, on the withdrawal of the Soviet Armed Forces located in Hungary - in the spirit of Hungarian-Soviet friendship, based on the principles equality of socialist countries and national independence "
          The Soviet representatives Mikoyan and Suslov made the following conclusion about the behavior of Nagy and his supporters: "The most dangerous thing is that, with their declaration demoralizing the state security cadres - the most staunch fighters - they have not yet been able to do anything in return, which the reaction is using." In the West, on the contrary, the text of the Declaration drew positive responses.
          The statement of I. Nadia of October 28 was a turning point in the development of the October events. Defenders of the constitutional order were demoralized. The party asset, which defended public buildings, ministries and district committees, received an order from the Hungarian government to immediately surrender all available weapons. The most disciplined communists fulfilled it, and later many of them paid for it with their lives.
          The government’s decision to abolish state security bodies put all the employees of the Hungarian special services virtually out of the law.
          A reassessment of the nature of the events also put an end to the stay in the Hungarian capital of the Soviet troops. The consequence of this was a fierce campaign against the Soviet military.
          On October 30, the Nadia government demanded the immediate withdrawal of the Soviet military contingent from Budapest.
    2. andsavichev2012
      13 July 2013 11: 16
      The weapon was partially German, from reserve depots and hiding places. Partially - Soviet from army depots
    3. andsavichev2012
      13 July 2013 11: 29
      Despite its "secrecy", in a matter of weeks, thanks to the operational work of American intelligence agencies,
      2-3 days after the photocopy, crawled across Moscow and then further. These are not Anglo-Saxons. These are the aphids of Aphids in the battle against the old Politburo and Malenkov. The Americans would not have been able to organize this so quickly in those years. According to Ajubey, Khrushchev Corn ruled his libel one last time early in the morning before the congress. Those. it couldn’t get to the West, be replicated and return either in 2 days or a week. Iron curtain...
    4. Avenger711
      14 July 2013 02: 23
      In general, the end of the USSR came precisely at the 20th Congress. Until this nonsense is officially declared a lie, we have no chance of building something on the wreckage of the Union.

      EU weapons were obtained with the help of foreign agents and local traitors.
  10. +10
    13 July 2013 11: 15
    Father received the Red Star for Budapest. We entered the city twice. The first time it was forbidden to open fire. In their company, the main losses were then. My father said that we still had a lot of people in the army with experience of World War II, which helped a lot. The second time they entered (Zhukov ordered), the Hungarians did not spare, they felt sorry for them, from where they shot, there remained a pile of ruins.
  11. +4
    13 July 2013 11: 17
    it was decided to create a "revolutionary workers 'and peasants' government" led by Janos Kadar, to overthrow Imre Nagy and conduct a military operation to suppress the armed "counter-revolutionary rebellion".

    And how today there is a lack of such decisions in relation to the former "brotherly" ones who throw mud at and in every possible way humiliate the great country and people!
  12. Bormental
    13 July 2013 11: 27
    The son-in-law served in Hungary in 1986 - recalls that on the anniversary of these events (it turns out 30 years) they were on high alert, feared new riots. Moreover, according to the words of senior officers in 1956, during the uprising, such a situation occurred in their part (I have not found a mention of this anywhere in the literature or network). In 1956, some of them were in field exercises - in the military town, respectively, there were only guards, rear units and families of military personnel. When this fascist revolution began, the Magyars came from a neighboring town or village, removed the guards and cut out the entire town - primarily women and children of officers + torture, rape. This seemed to them not enough - they hung those killed on birches in a grove that was on the territory of the unit - the birch is the symbol of Russia. Accordingly, the officers returned and saw their wives, children mutilated and hanged in this grove. According to the memoirs, the commander of the unit, without waiting for the sanction from the command, immediately deploys the personnel with equipment and rolls into the asphalt all the Magyars who fell into the arm, together with their houses and households - primarily the inhabitants of the village or town where these monsters came from . For the officers and soldiers of this unit, the action of retaliation, thank God, remained without consequences - they were simply taken to the Union, and the grove was cut down. So there is no need to sing songs about conscious and freedom-loving patriotic Magyars, freedom fighters. It was a planned fascist rebellion supported by NATO, and, of course, the Magyars remembered the humiliation from defeat in the war literally 10 years before these events.
    1. +10
      13 July 2013 15: 26
      Such atrocities is the calling card of the Magyars. They and in the Second World War, we noted in the same way. Grandfather simply hated. He said worse than the Nazis ...
      1. Baboon
        13 July 2013 15: 49
        For some reason, my grandfather hated Romanians even more, he said that they didn’t show themselves very well on the battlefield, but they already could mock civilian unarmed people, but the Hungarians were cruel.
        1. +6
          13 July 2013 17: 39
          And my attitude towards the Romanians was contemptuous and condescending. Even with pity - he participated in the encirclement of the Stalingrad group and had seen enough of the prisoners. As part of KMG Pliev liberated Odessa. He speaks. also noted. but not with the Germans and Hungarians. Even, he said, they stole more from the population than they took away .. but they stole completely, right down to spoons .... by the way, perhaps this is what dooms people to death from hunger. Our grandfathers have a different impression because they saw different Romanian arts ... and in general, they are all oiled in one world, invaders are invaders ...
      2. Bormental
        13 July 2013 16: 56
        Yes, that's for sure. The evidence of their atrocities is full. Magyars were only warriors against the civilian population. About 10 years ago on TV I saw an interview of one granny, who in the occupation faced the Magyars, Romanians and Italians. I don’t remember where it came from - perhaps from the Stalingrad region - there the whole hodgepodge got its teeth well. So she recalled that the Italians behaved well - funny, they could share food, not evil. But worst of all - the Magyars and Romanians, these all were taken away, raped and killed.
  13. ed65b
    13 July 2013 13: 18
    even the partisans failed to meet the Hungarians, and in our mountains the Shaitans run for what year. No, the current generals have not learned anything, but after all, it was with whom.
    1. Baboon
      13 July 2013 15: 57
      In the mountains, a completely different matter, even after the Second World War, in the mountains for several decades sought out gangs who were engaged in robberies during the war.
      1. ed65b
        13 July 2013 21: 41
        No, you are mistaken, the Chechens were evicted on loose and the mountains did not help.
        1. 0
          14 July 2013 04: 09
          Primarily. And part - partisan until the return of their own.
          They were able to Krymchaks, but in the Caucasus - the territory is too large and the terrain is complex.
    2. 0
      14 July 2013 04: 08
      there’s nowhere to partisan. physically. Here in Moscow, in some thread Bitsa - partisan. And there it is.
  14. Baboon
    13 July 2013 15: 54
    ISU-152 showed themselves very well there. The inhabitants of the houses themselves drove the rebels out of their houses, if only they would not shoot at their houses.
    1. +1
      13 July 2013 21: 29
      Quote: Babon
      ISU-152 showed themselves very well there. The inhabitants of the houses themselves drove the rebels out of their houses, if only they would not shoot at their houses.

      At that time, 16 anti-aircraft guns seemed to be on the infantry regiment. They coped with the houses very well.
  15. +10
    13 July 2013 16: 23
    That's interesting.
    BUT: the author is trying to sit with all his ass in all the chairs. And ours are his heroes, and fascist executioners and accomplices who were not completed in 1945 and climbed out of the cracks - like revolutionaries-national liberators.
    So between the stutzlyev fail not long.
    It is necessary to determine with whom.
    The fascist rebellion in Hungary was prepared and provoked by NATO and Western intelligence agencies.
    Our troops acted adequately, even too softly and with a considerable delay. In 1968, Czechoslovakia was more competent and advance.
    You need to know who is the boss in a European house! Was - the USSR. Now everyone is driven by the former, current and future potential adversary.
    In the current state, it would be good for Russia not to fall apart. Ukraine is even more so. So the task of the probable adversary is facilitated to indecent: we destroy ourselves.

    The Hungarians and it worked correctly. Already in the 70s, service in the Southern Group of Forces was a sinecure for officers, and the South Army was the most fertile duty station.
    Officers, warrant officers, employees of the SA with their families (officers with children) lived calmly not in garrisons, but in cities and towns among Hungarians.
    1. +1
      14 July 2013 02: 26
      Thank you. A chic comment ... for expressing emotions I could not limit myself to a plus sign. thank!
  16. +1
    13 July 2013 16: 31
    To write such an article, knowledge of the material from the HISTORY OF MILITARY ART is not enough ... it would be necessary to draw other sciences too little ...
    1. 0
      13 July 2013 22: 09
      what kind? tell me.
  17. +3
    13 July 2013 17: 20
    There were uprisings in Hungary and Poland. The first are Hitler’s ardent allies, and Budapest did not have to be liberated, but captured. And now, all 10 years have passed, the generation that hated us has not changed, has not forgotten the skills of war, and hatred towards us has not disappeared. So the uprising is not anti-communist, but clearly anti-Russian. The same applies to the Poles, our historical, natural enemies. Now we have not been a socialist country for a long time, but hatred towards us remains. You can recall the Euro-2012 when ours were beaten there.
  18. +2
    13 July 2013 18: 04
    Quote: Vovka Levka

    The bitch doesn’t want, the dog doesn’t run across.

    Yes, we somehow did not ask these bitches when.
    1. Vovka levka
      14 July 2013 14: 24
      [quote = Fitter65] [/ quote]
      Yes, we somehow didn’t ask these bitches when. [/ Quote]
      So you yourself gave the answer why now we have such a situation.

      A similar situation is happening with Ukraine now. It seems that the president and parliament are the ones that Russia wanted in 2004, but relations are worse than they were under the "orange".

      Take this site. There are excellent articles, but there are such that there are no words.
      This rating system is amused with asterisks like Brezhnev’s medals. I have a negative rating, so you can publish one, two comments, and then sit quietly. That is the whole discussion.
      As long as there is such a principle, there will be no sense either in Russia or in Ukraine. We need a discussion and law, and not the law of the Papic and Papic.
      1. +1
        15 July 2013 10: 25
        I agree!
        Sometimes I am so surprised by the reaction that there are no words.
        This is especially hatred and sharp rejection of a different opinion,
        I'm not talking about provocative questions and answers like “I don’t pass pigs with you” or “myself”.
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. 0
    14 July 2013 10: 36
    A little bee curls over the three heroes of Brezhnev.
    - Even you got attached to me, go to Zhukov, he has more.
    - Nooo. They smell of honey with you, and with Zhukov they smell of gunpowder.
  21. Master Taiga
    14 July 2013 11: 27
    After hearing about the massacre of Soviet women and children, there is no pity for the Hungarians completely. Few chopped meat. It was necessary to send more Hungarians to the Lizard.
  22. GEO
    14 July 2013 17: 15
    Well done! Fast and tough! That's right, there will be less blood in the end.
  23. Kostya pedestrian
    15 July 2013 02: 44
    You can always rely on our militarist, only the polytypical resource is lame, it’s not surprising, you’ll break your leg in politics, since many conscious, professional and talented people were purged on the 37th or sent Trotsky to exile (you’ll just think about as Christos 7 cast out demons, just the opposite) Here is the same result for you in Yugoslavia, and in Chechnya, and in Syria.

    The headquarters is operational, the operation is successful, and then, “bang !!!”, we bear losses and retreat, and there aren’t enough weapons, and the code of terrorists paid by Euro-defenders tears our soldiers to pieces, and we, like God's creatures, say nothing we don’t dare - all the same, someone through politics connects to us from the other side, from the other side of the moon, and begins to control our actions to the detriment of us. You involuntarily remember alpha and omega (not to be confused with car brands), here it is best to turn to Hollywood, who knows a lot of stories, such as about the alien Alpha)

    So for successful military operations, seraphs are like the inhabitants of a neutral planet from the animated film Futurama; The Comintern, destroyed by the Abwehr, played a much more significant role for Russia and the spread of a true image of Russia and the Russian peoples.

    By the way, if anyone knows in what year the group "A" was renamed with the non-Russian letter "alpha", and how did this help in preventing anti-terror? It looks more like tango off cash than the main letter in the Russian alphabet!