Heinz Lammerding - Oradura Executioner

Punitive campaign of the Waffen SS division "Das Reich". June 1944 - a company under the command of the Sturmbannführer Dieckmann from the Führer regiment destroyed 642 people: men, women, and children in Oradur-sur-Glan. Kampfe.

Heinz Lammerding - Oradura Executioner

The village of Oradour, located on the banks of the river Glane near Limoges in the south-west of France, serenely lasted for about a thousand years, not experiencing more serious shocks than a poor harvest or clogged sewers.

The village of Oradur shared the fate of the Czech Lidice and the Belarusian Khatyn. What caused the Nazis' savage reprisals against the peaceful population of Oradour? For many years this tragedy was shrouded in mystery ... Even the fire of the Second World War initially bypassed the village side, sparing its population - a simple peasant people. Sometimes German soldiers passed through Oradur, and at night, freight trains were rushing towards the front with a roar. However, neither Hitler’s attack on France nor its occupation by German troops violated the measured way of life of these people.

That was before the hot June day of 1944, when the 2nd Army entered Oradur tank SS division "Reich". In broad daylight, having committed a massacre, they destroyed all the inhabitants of the village without exception. The men were driven into a barn and shot, and the women were locked up in a church, which was then thrown with grenades. The soldiers blew up all the houses, killed the animals, sent the children to concentration camps. On this crazy day, more than six hundred residents of Oradur died at the hands of the Nazi executioners.

Historians do not cease to wonder: why? For a long time, this brutal massacre was explained as a punitive action of the SS in response to the French Resistance movement, which increased after the successful landing of the Allies in Normandy. But relatively recently, another version appeared - that the Germans had no intention of destroying the villagers. They hoped that the peasants would give them gold, which, as the occupiers mistakenly believed, was hidden in quiet Oradour.

This village is still dead, as it was on that tragic day fifty years ago. The burnt frame of the car, from which the Germans dragged the village doctor and shot him, is still standing on the desert pavement of the village street. In the burnt ruins of the butcher's shop there are still scales, and in the house opposite you can see a broken sewing machine - silent evidence of the brutal massacre of a serene village.

Punishers from the Reich division arrived in Oradur on a hot Saturday afternoon, four days after the landing of the Allied forces in France. The day was clear, quiet, many residents fished on the banks of the Glan River, others sipped wine and played cards in a village cafe.

SS men broke into the village on trucks and motorcycles. Prior to that, they participated in battles on the Eastern Front. The division "Reich" belonged to the elite SS combat units, which were distinguished by their particular cruelty. They regularly did their dirty deeds in the East in full accordance with the instructions of the Fuhrer - they organized brutal massacres of civilians.

Of course, the division that arrived in France in the 1944 year was no longer the one that entered the war with the Soviet Union. The division commander, General Heinz Lammerding, had many awards, but he saw how the war crushed thousands of young people, the color and pride of the German nation.

In March, 1944, in battles near the city of Cherkasy on the Eastern Front, was killed and captured twelve-and-a-half thousand people out of fifteen thousand who made up the combat power of his division. Two and a half thousand surviving soldiers formed the backbone of the new division. It was replenished with recruits of various nationalities called up under the banner of the Third Reich. It is quite natural that the soldiers who visited the Eastern Front, considered themselves in all respects above the non-fired novices who joined the ranks of the Reich division.

After the Allies landed in Normandy, the command of this unit was ordered to roll to the north. But every step of the Germans was accompanied by endless clashes with "maki" - the fighters of the French Resistance. Having superiority in the air, the Allies organized the necessary supply of the partisans, and those, striving to speed up the liberation of their country, bound the enemy's advance to the north.

Attacks and sabotage so frequent that the occupants were forced to stop and check every pile of manure on the road, because one such mine-trap could take several lives.

For the sabotage acts directed against them, the Germans took revenge instantly and ruthlessly, and punished everyone who came to hand. He participated in such punitive operations against innocent civilians and the combat structure of the Reich division. The occupiers acted in accordance with the orders of the Führer, who demanded severely punish anyone who raised weapon on his soldier. During such actions, it became common for SS men to fill their pockets with loot. Lammerding himself and his two close officers, Otto Dickman and Helmut Kampfe, were also not averse to saving money so as not to live in misery after the war. In late night conversations over the best generals' brandy, all three expressed confidence that the war would end with the complete and inevitable defeat of Hitler. With such sentiments, it was quite logical to put off any savings for a rainy day.

Major Dickman was stationed at Saint-Junien, near Oradour. He was in charge of a single special vehicle from the transport service of the division. According to him, all divisional documentation was in the car. He ordered Lieutenant-Austrian Bruno Walter to increase the security of the car.

On the night of June 9, Dickman felt uncomfortable in Saint-Junien. He was very nervous. Dickman believed that in the vicinity of this settlement there were at least two thousand partisans who were just waiting for the slightest opportunity to attack him, his people and his car with a secret cargo.


But in a strictly guarded car there was neither documentation nor military orders. It is estimated that in the car was cargo for a fantastic amount of six million pounds at current prices. It was looted gold, which guaranteed Dickman, Lammerding and Kampf a comfortable life after the war. They did not dare to send their prey to Germany, since there was a danger that they could intercept or abduct it. In addition, the railway was unreliable due to raids by the enemy aviation. And besides, Dickman and his accomplices feared that in the event of an information leak, production was unlikely to be preserved. There was no choice but to carry the trophies behind them.

The partisans learned that the Reich division had been ordered to start a movement against the Allied forces on the Normandy coast. The British warned the leadership of the Resistance forces about the possible arrival of the Germans in the area of ​​hostilities after three days and asked to delay their advancement.

At midnight on June 9, Dickman ordered the driver of the car with the cargo, accompanied by an SS detachment, to start moving north. According to one of the plans developed by Lammerding and his associates, it was necessary to hide gold in the Loire Valley for a while, and go with the division to the front. Whatever happened, Dykman was charged with the obligation to take the gold out of the Maki area of ​​action as quickly as possible. For the trip, Dickman chose an unsuccessful night, when confusion reigned in the German camp. Although cruel punitive actions were still held almost daily, the dominance of the invaders was no longer undivided. The French felt the approach of the liberators. They knew that the landing of the Allied forces in Normandy was not a diversionary landing operation and that the days of the Germans were numbered. "Maki" arranged ambushes, sabotage, fuel theft from warehouses. The movement of all German transport convoys that night was constrained.

According to intelligence data, in the forest near Saint-Junien, adjacent to the road to Bellak, where the division was supposed to stop for the first halt that night, a large group of partisans operated. Dickman ordered a special truck to move along another route that passed near Oradour.

A headquarters vehicle was moving ahead of the truck, and in front of it was an armored personnel carrier with a detachment of heavily armed soldiers. According to the plan, they were supposed to arrive in Bellak in thirty minutes, but the local "maki" violated all the calculations of the SS. They set up an ambush on the way of another German column, moving along a parallel route. When the guerrillas saw that the headlights of the head armored personnel carrier illuminated the place where the "maki" hid their weapons, it was a complete surprise to them. Instantly changing the plan of attack, they decided to attack the approaching column. Young, inexperienced fighters, eager to take revenge on the enemy during the long years of occupation, dealt an unprepared but powerful blow. The guerrillas threw grenades into an armored personnel carrier, destroying its entire crew, except for one soldier who managed to escape. The rest of the Germans were hit by a dagger submachine-gun fire of the six partisans under the command of a certain Raul.

But the enthusiasm of the attackers significantly exceeded their combat skills. Powerful explosions that destroyed the armored personnel carrier first, and then the headquarters vehicle with full ammunition, lifted a huge amount of fragments and burning debris into the air. From them, as well as from indiscriminate return fire, five partisans died. When the shooting subsided and the smoke cleared, Raoul was the only French witness to what happened. On the road, the armored personnel carriers and the headquarters vehicle blazed. The truck did not catch fire, and Raoul threw another grenade at him. After the explosion, the partisans threw away a smoking tarp and looked into the body. There were small wooden boxes the size of a shoebox. Each box was taped. Pushing the machine to the side, Raoul cut the ribbon with a knife and opened one of the boxes. It turned out to be gold. Judging by the number of boxes, the weight of the load was no less than half a ton. Giving up life, the partisans pulled the boxes out of the truck, dug a shallow pit by the road, put their trophies in it and covered it with earth. Knowing that if the Germans identified the bodies of the dead partisans, their families would be executed, he poured gasoline on the bodies and fragments of the car and set it on fire. Then Raul jumped on his bike and sped off the scene.

When Heinz Lammerding learned that all the prey had disappeared without a trace, he was enraged. Half a ton of gold, thanks to which he intended to hide from the insanity of war and begin a new, prosperous life, fell, in his opinion, into the hands of the French partisans. The general ordered to immediately search the area in search of the lost prey, but then he was told the second nasty day news: Major Kampfe went missing and allegedly captured by partisans.

Kampfe was a close friend of the general, and his disappearance caused Lammerding new attack of rage.


The disappearance of Kampfe and the attack on a truck with gold — for all these were the combat documents of the division — served as a pretext for postponing the general’s trip to the front. He did not want to engage in battle without clarifying the further fate of his "pension fund", which fell into the hands of these "dirty peasants".

Lammerding asked the authorities permission to deal with the perpetrators of the attack on the convoy, and his request was granted.

According to the post-war testimony of an eyewitness telephonist, the general rudely reprimanded Dickman for a rash decision to send a car with such a small guard and consulted him on how to return the gold.

The Germans suggested that the partisans who attacked the night convoy were from the village of Oradur. Not only because this village was the closest to the ambush site.

One of the SS men captured by partisans managed to escape, and he reported to Dickman that he was taken to Oradur for questioning. This predetermined the tragic fate of a small French village and its inhabitants.


The Nazi thug captain Kan, known for his unprecedented cruelty towards partisans and civilians on the Eastern Front, was appointed to command a punitive operation against the inhabitants of Oradour.

Historians believe, however, that the soldiers of Caen were not going to commit massacres when they arrived in the village; their goal was to find the missing gold. But residents unanimously claimed that they knew nothing about gold, and such complete unanimity caused suspicions to punishers. They considered it a conspiracy and decided to teach the conspirators a lesson.

The massacre perpetrated by Kahn on Oradour was as senseless and cruel as the destruction of Warsaw, Minsk, Kiev.

Punishers broke into the village by the end of the working day and immediately cordoned off it. The peasants who have worked all morning in the field have already returned home. They were herded into a church and a barn. The SS with bayonets prowled through the neighborhood in search of those who managed to hide. One of the soldiers, Heinz Barth, was a Frenchman by birth, but put on an SS uniform.

Now, waving a machine gun, he shouted to frightened residents: "Blood will be shed today!"

In front of the inhabitants of Oradour, the Germans, using grenades and explosives, blew up all two hundred and fifty-four houses in the village. Fifteen-year-old Roger Hofren miraculously escaped.

“I suggested that the two older sisters hide with me,” the boy explained later, “but they refused. I felt that the Broshes decided to destroy us that day.”


A white rocket flying into the sky was a signal to Caen that the villagers were gathered in a church. And the massacre began. Weak old people and people with disabilities who could not reach the place of execution were shot on the spot. Those who tried to flee were mowed down with machine gun bursts. The fascists did not spare patrons for reprisals.

Having driven over four hundred and fifty women and children to the church, the Germans set fire to powerful charges that emitted poisonous clouds of black smoke. Unhappy people began to choke. Then the soldiers started throwing grenades at the windows. When the explosions died down, the SS men opened the doors and began to water the room covered by the fire with machine-gun fire. The flames engulfed those who had not yet managed to kill the bullets, fragments of grenades and fragments of collapsed walls.

Two hundred men locked in a barn were shot with machine guns.

Dickman, accompanied by two representatives of the local police, began to beat out testimony from suspects of collaborating with the partisans, demanding that they tell him where the gold was hidden.

An SS man on the spot shot those who refused to answer.

Jean Dart, wounded in both legs, miraculously managed to stay alive. Four more survived, including a woman who, having received several injuries, nevertheless jumped out of the window of the church located above the altar. She hid in the garden where she was, barely alive, and found the next day.


Dickman was beside himself with rabies: the massacre began earlier than he had managed to thoroughly interrogate the inhabitants about the gold that had disappeared. For the rest of the day the SS man drank in one of the surviving houses on the outskirts of Oradour.

In the evening, when the fire was still walking along the ruins, the unfortunate warrior, barely able to stand, came to General Lammerding and reported that he had failed to track down the loss.

Today, Oradour is a dead village in ruins, untouched from that ill-fated day.

In a small museum that has become a place of worship for the ashes of innocent victims, broken glasses, love letters, bottles of unfinished wine are exhibited - simple, but pressing details of simple rural life, torn off by machine guns.

Many bodies were so badly burned that it was impossible to identify them, and they were buried in mass graves where they had died.

Six hundred and forty-two people died because of stolen gold, about which they knew nothing.

English businessman Robin McNess claims that he knows the fate of the missing gold. He wrote the book "Oradur: slaughter and its consequences."

Many leading historians, and among them an expert on the French Resistance during the Second World War, Dr. Foote, believe that this book contains a reliable story about the events in Oradour.

Makness ran into Oradur history by chance, many years after the war.

In 1982, the Englishman met with the very Raul, who, according to him, once buried gold at the ambush site. Now the former partisan smuggled gold from France to Switzerland. The Frenchman told McNess his story, setting out the details of an ambush on the road and explaining why the Germans chose Oradur as their victim. He argued that historians were wrong, suggesting that the invaders burned the village in retaliation for helping its inhabitants to the partisans.

Raul also said that he took the hidden gold and spent part of it to start his own business. Now the Frenchman was going to smuggle the rest of his treasure into one of the Swiss banks.

According to McNess, he agreed to help Raoul, but the deal fell through, as the Englishman was detained at French customs. In his car found smuggled goods worth twenty thousand pounds sterling.

Makness was sentenced to twenty-one months in prison and could not take part in the operation started by Raul.

Unsolved mystery

After being released from prison, McNess spent several years studying the details of the story told by Raul: “I don’t know exactly what General Lammerding and Major Dickman talked about on Saturday 10 June 1944 of the year,” he concluded, “but if Raul’s version is reliable and nothing convincing me the opposite, we are the only living witnesses who are dedicated to the mystery of the events of that terrible day.

Apparently, Lammerding told Dickman during their meeting that he had become aware of an ambush by a soldier who had fled from the scene of a clash with partisans.

The special forces soldiers were strictly ordered to report on any incidents only to officers who were directly involved in the operation, that is, Major Dickman and Kampfe or General Lammerding. "The main characters of this drama are dead and did not reveal their secrets to anyone during their lives.

But from what McNess told, it can be concluded that the inhabitants of Oradour have fallen innocent victims of the greedy Nazi general and his minions. However, the story of gold still remains the version that has to be taken on faith without any evidence. No one else could either confirm it or deny it. "

Burned and shot Oradur forever remained a monument to the victims of fascism. And today he reminds people of the danger of a brown plague that almost consumed humanity.

Encyclopedia of world sensations of the twentieth century. Volume 1: Crimes of the Century.
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  1. +9
    19 June 2013 09: 45
    The muzzle is dull, this is not 1940 for you! Here is this bastard ---
    1. 0
      19 June 2013 13: 24
      Guys who are in the subject, determine the awards on the tunic. I will be silent for now
      1. +2
        19 June 2013 18: 17
        Photo unfortunately is not clickable. Unfortunately, I didn’t find it on the Internet with a high resolution. Do not make out.
        On the right side of the chest is the "German Cross". On the left sleeve "Demyansk shield".
        But on the left side of the chest it is difficult to make out. Most likely "Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross" and next to it a badge "For the fight against partisans." I will not guess under the knight's cross.
        1. +1
          19 June 2013 18: 55
          It’s very difficult to make out something on your photo! I see the LCD (the degree cannot be determined). The sewing also does not understand
        2. -1
          19 June 2013 20: 21
          By the way, what is --- Panther in the background? (PzKpfw V “Panther”).
      2. +2
        19 June 2013 18: 53
        On his right chest (he has) I see the "German Cross" - whether in gold, or in silver. On the left - I can't figure it out - are there options?
        1. +2
          19 June 2013 19: 10
          Wrong. Knight's cross on the neck. On the right side is an iron cross.

          On http://voinanet.ucoz.ru/index/komandiry_ehlitnykh_chastej_ss_31/0-9825 found
          Lammerding had another rather honorable award among front-line soldiers - the General Assault Badge in Silver (Allgemeine Sturmabzeichen in Silber).

          From November 13 to December 6 of 1943, units under the command of Lammerding participated in anti-partisan operations led by SS Obergruppenführer Kurt von Gottberg in the region of Vitebsk. The successes of Lammerding in the fight against partisans were highly appreciated by the Reichsfuhrer SS

          So most likely one of the signs "Against the partisans"
          1. 0
            19 June 2013 19: 16
            Well done, I’m more about structures and operations. And I peered, peered --- did not understand anything! Questions will be, please contact
          2. +1
            19 June 2013 19: 17
            Breastplate "For the fight against partisans"
            If the photo after 26 July 1944 year, he may have a sign for injury.
            Lammerding was sent to the hospital, [After being wounded, he received a black Badge for wounding (Verwunten Abzeichen in Schwarz)

            Along the way, I found an interesting info.
            International rules allow the population to wage a guerrilla war only if their country is at war at the moment, and only if the partisans wear insignia by which they can determine their belonging to the army of the respective country. Thus, during the Second World War, the partisan movement in the USSR and Italy was absolutely legal - which, however, did not prevent the Germans from carrying out punitive operations there. France, de jure, signed in 1940 in the year after its defeat, an agreement with Germany and later even declared war on Great Britain, and thus the "poppies" officially became illegal
            1. Kostya pedestrian
              20 June 2013 12: 17
              What kind of darkness is their culture. In general, the Celts are strange. Although, they themselves are pale, probably in their clan structure the skull is, like, the whitest complexion, like, the very "tough dude". That would be for their 30th day of the Predator - the skull hunter from Predator.

              Thank you for the info - I myself am from Belarus, but I did not know about it.
  2. misham
    19 June 2013 09: 58
    I've never heard of gold before. Most likely this is just a sensation hunt. It was an excess of performers as a revenge for the death of comrades.
    If someone from the SSovtsy had knocked (and the Gestapo informants probably were) about the little gold that the SS-Fuhrer hid for themselves on a rainy day, they would have been erased in the dust of the camp. In addition, the Fritz probably carried out their internal investigation (this is Europe and not an unknown village in Belarus), too many people would know about the search for gold. Surely there are documents of the German side in this matter.
    This version of gold is a way to cash in on a terrible tragedy.
    1. +3
      19 June 2013 10: 04
      Perhaps so, but this was a premonition of the end and it was necessary to think about the future.
  3. Kovrovsky
    19 June 2013 10: 42
    Eternal memory to the innocent victims of a terrible war ...
  4. +1
    19 June 2013 10: 54
    By the way, the photo for the article was taken just in Montauban on June 9, 1944, when the division was preparing for the march to Normandy
  5. +3
    19 June 2013 11: 09
    It mentions the tragedy in Czech Lidice
    just recently listened to the program "Who Killed Reinhard Heydrich?" from the cycle "Victory Price"
    for the death of Heydrich, a lot of Czechs were destroyed ....
    there I was very struck by one moment
    L. MLECHIN: The organizer of this operation to kill Heydrich was the former head of Czechoslovak intelligence, General Frantisek Moravec. He also fled to England and led subversive work there. There was a famous scout. Including, he collaborated with Soviet intelligence. After the war, when he returned, they caught a traitor, the one who betrayed the performer of this action to the Germans - those guys who killed Heydrich. And Moravec went to Pankratz prison (standing at this place 2 weeks ago) to look at this traitor. And he said to him: "Because of me they killed five. Because of you - 5 thousand. Which of us is to blame?" General Moravec felt this until the last days of his life. I was in Lidice. There is a very bad memorial made ...

    So it goes...

    source link

    By the way there is a lot of other material on the Second World War
    1. +5
      19 June 2013 11: 20
      Are you also fond of WWII? As for the murder of Heydrich, everything is not clear either. You can unsubscribe to me in PM about this topic. There is a lot of material. And do not even mention Mlechin, historians will laugh! (Friendly advice)
      1. +4
        19 June 2013 15: 14
        Day 11
        Regarding Mlechin, you’re absolutely right - in the same ditch-pig, Radzinsky, rezun, corned beef and other mischief-makers ... and about Hartman, let's catch something later, when the topic will be, and over time everything will be fine on both sides, OK? :)))
        1. +4
          19 June 2013 15: 32
          I'm just FOR! It is always interesting to discuss with a person who is in the subject! You will be interested if I post an article (my own) about the GSS who fought in the Luftwaffe? anyway, thank you that at least someone is interested in this topic
          1. +1
            21 June 2013 16: 08
            Quote: Den 11
            It will be interesting for you if I post an article (my own) about the GSS who fought in the Luftwaffe? There were two of them. The topic is "slippery", it is not a fact that you decide to publish it. Anyway, thank you that at least someone is interested in this topic

            Of course interesting! There is practically 0 normal _info_ on _many_ questions, here at the same Mlechin I somehow got out one interesting _phrase_ from all as you say "journalism", and that's all, to develop further - I didn't find anything. And unfortunately there is no time :(
            Therefore, Denis - if there is please, be sure to publish! In general, I read about France and, in particular, found a few fragmentary moments, but you brought it all together pretty well. hi good
      2. +1
        19 June 2013 16: 54
        yes there and unsubscribe to me, something and nothing ...
        I am in this sense a "reader" in search of truth
        Here Mlechin just fell under the arm
        I myself didn’t digest it organically for a long time
        until I realized that he was just a journalist, not a military historian
        he has a tool - an emotion
        and this is clearly not a scientific method

        I wanted to say for something else-
        "Portezan" stole gold and for this such sacrifices
        and after the war he didn’t return tsuka already three times looted
        I do not think that it brought him benefits and benefits
        it had already been cursed before him more than once

        although to show in such an unsightly light the French resistance
        perhaps someone else’s intention (whitening Nazism in the light of the modern European crisis of multiculturalism)
        1. 0
          19 June 2013 17: 11
          Human nature! There’s no escape from this. Was it different with us? Zhukov, Hooks, etc.
          1. Kostya pedestrian
            21 June 2013 05: 32
            We have - YES! soldier

            All our gold is numbered, and yet, presented to Zhukov, Kryuchkov and the rest of the Heroes with great gratitude for the military merits in saving our Russian peoples from total enslavement and partial destruction, and increasing the glory of the Russian Arms and Valor!
  6. +6
    19 June 2013 16: 28
    It is a pity for people, but they lived normally in the occupation: they drank wine under tents in a cafe, etc. Do not sweat, fighting in fascism. I’m silent about helping the partisans. Bottom line: Oradour in France - 1 pcs. Lidice in the Czech Republic - 1 pcs. and how many villages destroyed along with residents in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine ??? - THOUSANDS !!!
    1. +1
      19 June 2013 17: 41
      Get ahead. I completely agree. Just look at the CEMETERY VILLAGE in Khatyn.
  7. +5
    19 June 2013 17: 29
    Eh and. A certain Raul, risking his life, dug a hole under half a ton of gold, dragged gold there, put corpses in a heap and then set fire to it. That is, he risked his life like a whole day ... Before the war he worked as a loader?
  8. Bakunin
    19 June 2013 17: 40
    and these "people" are equal to the neonians ...
  9. Kostya pedestrian
    20 June 2013 12: 06
    It's awful to feel this, it's scary to read. Calms only one thing, there is no such force in the universe to write these killers into soldiers and men. And there is no such law in the world that someone would not attack a defenseless person and be pardoned, and "ours" like "Hitler Kaput" make a pop story out of this, laugh. Not to mention the fact that on our site many do not notice the real face of the war, and move, or skillfully "transfer" into the field of statistics, they say, so many tanks, so many planes. And the Nazis - guys, nothing, they knew how to fight.

    These scum, if they knew how to fight, never allowed such an animal as Hitler and other Arias from this cycle to power. It was not a society, but a pirate gang. In short, these British filibusters are hunters for "someone else's" good and health.
  10. pinecone
    20 June 2013 19: 56
    Anglo-Saxons love monetary topics. At one time they published a book "Rommel's Gold", which described how the field marshal extorted gold jewelry, ingots and coins from rich Jews living in some Tunisian oasis. True, he did not kill anyone, but he took the gold and sent it with a confidant to France, where after the war both French special services and criminal groups were looking for it, but they did not find anything, although there was enough shooting and chases. About five years ago they wanted to publish this book in one of their Moscow publishing houses, but then they changed their minds.
  11. +2
    21 June 2013 22: 20
    Here they are the heroes of the SS in all its glory))) I remember once proving to me that the combat units of the SS did not dirty their hands with the blood of civilians))))
  12. rodevaan
    15 July 2013 05: 19
    I remember once argued that the combat units of the SS with the blood of civilians did not bite their hands))))

    Yes, yes, yes, they didn’t! Satanidze with all sorts of mlechins, rezunami, falcons, gozmans and other natirus and anti-Russian rubbish will not tell you this .... What you can’t tell for the sake of soldering from the State Department ....

    Read a collection of memoirs by the miracle of surviving people from the destroyed villages of Belarus A. Adamovich "I am from the fiery village" - you don’t know yet!
    Westernoid, if I may say so, "civilization", you say? Read this collection of what this Western-like pack of subhuman barbarians did on our land ...
  13. kci
    2 October 2013 15: 14
    Raul also said that he took
    hidden gold and spent part of it,
    to start your own business. Now
    the Frenchman was going to ferry the rest
    part of their treasures in one of the Swiss

    Your treasures !!!! Thief stole from a thief