National character and military

National character and militaryThe United States is a state that was created by the descendants of the freedom-loving and enterprising European pilgrims who brought to America the peculiarities of the national character of the Anglo-Saxons and the Romance peoples and formed their social consciousness. A national character is a combination of the main distinctive features of the character (mental properties) of the majority of citizens of a state, which are manifested in the peculiarities of behavior and in relation to the surrounding reality and affect all actions of a given state.

The public consciousness of people in the state reflects the national character and is currently the fusion of ideas, beliefs and attitudes of the majority of citizens of the country (regarding common desires and aspirations, lifestyle and behavior, family and morality, science and prejudice, customs and prejudices, religion and security of their home and their state, regarding their place in society and the place of their state in the world).


National character and public consciousness are involved in shaping the will of the nation, defining the goals that the state sets for itself, and the means it uses to achieve these goals.

Knowledge of the main features of the American national character and the peculiarities of the public consciousness of the United States can help to understand the way and direction of thinking in this country and to anticipate possible actions in the field of building and using the armed forces of this country to achieve national goals. Americans themselves have about a dozen "main features of the national character of the United States." Of course, they are all positive. They include patriotism, optimism, pragmatism, energy, faith in their abilities, confidence in their ability to transform the world, a sense of the new. Russian people were struck by such traits of US citizens as lack of laxity, hope "perhaps I suppose," high level of organization and work culture of Americans; thoroughness of theoretical study of any practical issues; consistency in the outlines and implementation of various plans and programs, the ability to think through, anticipate and solve all major issues and all minor details in long-term planning; strict adherence to the “cost – effectiveness” criterion; skill and passion to make money. Germans were surprised by such a feature of Americans as a scientific approach to everything, from football to war.

The basis of social consciousness in military affairs is the following. The Americans believe that the Divine Providence itself defined an exceptional fate for the United States - always go ahead of all countries and lead the whole world along the path they had laid (in other words, the highest power authorized the United States to be the world hegemon and rise above all). As a means to achieve this goal and in the process of securing peace for the United States, Americans consider force in all its forms and the threat of its use (hence the thesis of reliance on force). The guarantee of avoiding war and victory in the war in the United States considers maintaining a qualitative and quantitative advantage in military equipment over any likely adversary (that is, relying on military-technical superiority). They consider the most reliable way to keep a potential enemy from attacking the United States and acting against their interests as deterring the enemy with intimidation based on the strength and undeniable military superiority of the United States. Imposing on the probable opponent his own terms on the use of force, entry into battle, and rules of warfare provides the United States with a choice weapons, place and time of its application. Americans consider coalition war to be the most economical way to fight a probable adversary. It is easier to prevent war in the bud than to wage it. The profit of victory must be significantly higher than the cost of achieving it. The war should be fought away from the United States, on the territory and in the air and sea of ​​the enemy. It should be short, anemic (for Americans) and only victorious, demonstrating the power of the United States.

Let us dwell on several features of the American character, directly or indirectly affecting the construction and use of the armed forces (AF).


Patriotism. North Americans are proud to have created a democratic state first in the modern world, proclaiming equality of citizens, rejection of class privileges in their “Declaration of Independence” in 1776, and approving freedom of personality, speech, assembly and religion in 1791 in the “Bill of Rights” . They believe in the superiority of their social system and in the ability of the United States to be a leader in the restructuring of the world, making a bet on the indisputable military power of the country.

Productivity American efficiency is faith in your abilities, wit, enterprise, hard work, assertiveness in work, thoroughness, confidence in the final desired result of the work (the slogan "You can - do it") of those who made their country the richest, strongest and most attractive know how to keep this word and trust the word compatriots. “American efficiency,” Stalin said in the year 1924, “is an indomitable force that does not know and does not recognize obstacles, which erodes all business and all obstacles with its businesslike persistence ...”

And if the Americans managed to win the Cold War against the USSR, whose very existence as an “evil empire” frightened the United States, then there is no need to doubt that this country will build an almost global or global missile defense system (missile defense) against ballistic missiles ( BR). The Americans intended this “umbrella” to cover their “glass house” and the houses of their allies and friends from the “stones” of their opponents. The creation of such a global missile defense system from the BR will be the first step towards the fulfillment of the task of constructing an anti-space defense (PKO) of the planet Earth from asteroid-comet hazard (ASD). A further increase in the level of development of science and technology in the United States (based on the progress achieved in missile defense development) will enable them, in the future, independently or in cooperation with other countries, to begin solving the tasks of OTP from AKO and to do so before the time comes a real threat to humanity.

As for ensuring national security against "earthly" threats, there exists the logic of winning military-technical superiority over potential opponents. To know the capabilities and intentions of the enemy and to carry out target designation, intelligence is needed. In order to make the most correct decisions based on the awareness of the situation and at the same time to preempt the enemy in speed of both decision making and organization of their implementation, a modern information and control system is necessary. To get to selected objects, platforms are required - carriers of delivery vehicles and delivery vehicles (with means of kinetic and non-kinetic destruction). In order to destroy or neutralize enemy objects with the least losses and with the lowest level of expenditure of their material assets as quickly as possible, the weapon must be high-precision (WTO) with the level of its power required to perform tasks.

Improving all these four components with maximum automation and robotization is the business of the US scientific, technical, and military-industrial complex. There is also the logic of the use of military force, based on the basic principles of warfare. These are unity of purpose in the form of solving major tasks, unity of command, simplicity of plans for waging war, massing power, saving forces, solving problems of war with offensive actions, maneuver, surprise, ensuring security, maintaining high morale. To them, the Americans added consistency — simultaneous and mutually complementary joint actions of all types and genera of the Armed Forces, providing not addition, but multiplication of forces — the so-called synergy.

In accordance with the spirit of the times, the business approach to the use of military force now also consists in blinding, stunning, decapitating and disarming the enemy in any operations. Spread forces in the areas to inflict quick, advanced and coordinated in place, time and purpose strikes against the enemy’s centers of gravity to break his ability and will to resist by achieving maximum impact with the smallest scale of use of weapons with the most advantageous choice of targets. But, as President Ronald Reagan quoted the Chinese classic, “to win a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the height of art. The top of the art is to subdue the enemy without a fight. ”


Pragmatism (in the sense of prudence) is both the desire of Americans always and in everything to get real benefits, advantages, profits, and the desire to reduce forced costs. They do not want a repetition of Pearl Harbor and the September 2001 events of the year. They do not want war on their territory. They do not want to be cannon fodder in the overseas wars. Therefore, the prevention of undesirable wars is just as important as winning a victory in advance of wars that are beneficial to them. Moreover, the cost of preventing a war on one’s own territory by intimidation is significantly lower than the total cost of such a war.

Calculation is a strong quality and legislator. The committees and subcommittees of both chambers of Congress discuss in detail the draft annually submitted by the Ministry of Defense of the military budget and cost submissions submitted by the Armed Forces of the Air Force up to one person, up to one vehicle unit, up to one flight / running hour. Congress cuts off attempts to push through the new models, when the resources of the well-established existing military equipment are not developed, or when the costs of these new models go beyond the boundaries of the established levels of their excess. Americans rely on the number, range, accuracy, speed of weapons.

According to the calculations of the 90s and the experience of the first years of the new century, to defeat a country with a population of 10–25 million people, it is necessary to destroy or neutralize 15–20 thousand targets. If in the war against Iraq in 1991 this required the use of 226 thousand bombs and missiles (of which 7% are high-precision), then in 2003 this number was reduced to 29 thousand (of which 68% are high-precision). It is noteworthy that in the 2003 war against Iraq, an average of one and a half ammunition in the form of an air bomb was spent to destroy or neutralize one target (and there were about 20 thousand of them), aviation or ship missiles with a total mass of 750 kg (excluding the consumption of artillery shells by ground forces and aircraft).

By the criterion of “cost-effectiveness” it is more profitable to purchase large quantities of military equipment. Therefore, Americans are building large series of platforms - carriers of high-precision weapons: over 2400 F-35 fighter jets, around 500 F / A-18E / F fighter-attack aircraft, no less than 70 Berck-class missile destroyers, up to 30 multi-purpose nuclear-powered submarines of the "Virginia" type ". The same applies to guided bombs (UAB), guided missiles (SD), cruise missiles, air and sea-based (ALCM and SLCM). The series of laser-assisted or satellite-guided UABs is in the hundreds of thousands (by the year 2013, 225, thousand JDAM UABs with satellite guidance system were produced). Depending on their mission and distance, thousands of missiles (for 2020, the US Navy will receive a 9,000 Tomahawk SLCM), tens of thousands of missiles (Maverick), hundreds of thousands of missiles (SD APKWS ). The relatively low cost of a guided bombs (several tens of thousands of dollars for turning a conventional unguided bomb into a managed planner), combined with the low cost of one flight hour of a manned aircraft (less than 10 thousand dollars) or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) makes this weapon combination and platforms most attractive to taxpayers.

A consistent and targeted saturation of various types of conventional high-precision weapons (autonomous and remote control, subsonic and supersonic, aviation and ship) of its range of use (5 – 2500 km now with the possibility of increasing the range from 2500 to 3700 – 4600 km and more) is carried out. The US Armed Forces have always sought to increase the range of high-precision weapons (the WTO provides target destruction with a single ammunition with a probability of 50% or better) to 1000 – 2500 km and the deployment of such long-range weapons on as many ships and airplanes as possible. relics on any object on land, wherever it is. It is known that 370 and 925% of the world's population live respectively at a distance from the sea in 75 and 95 km. And the sea is the possibility of maneuver and access to influence the enemy. Already in the first decade of our century, the carrier-based aviation of each of the 10 – 11 US aircraft carriers was capable of striking daily up to 1080 targets at a distance of up to 370 km, and for 125 – 140 cruisers, destroyers and multi-purpose nuclear submarines there was 1500 – 4000 KMM KMM XRNM XRMM KPM. –1500 km. Air Force bombers had a limited supply of ALCMs with a range of up to 2500 km (there are now less than 1500 AGM-200C), and fighter aircraft did not have such missiles at all. But the Air Force (and later, possibly, the Navy fighter-attack aircraft) is coming into service with the bomber and fighter aircraft of the Air Force - AGM-86: 158 missiles with 2400 km range and 370 2013 missiles with 2500 km range from the year. Armament of fighter aircraft with this rocket dramatically increases its ability to deliver deep strikes without entering the enemy’s air defense system. The accuracy of the guided weapon (with a QUO in 900 – 1 m) is already quite high. As regards the entry into service of supersonic and hypersonic KRs with a range over 10 – 900 km and hypersonic guided artillery shells with a range of up to 3700 km for ground and sea targets, this is only a matter of time.

American troops can land anywhere in the world


The innovation of the American nation is manifested in the continuous search for new ideas, in constant readiness for experimentation, in the speed of translating ideas into reality. Americans are proud of the fact that leadership in building ships, aircraft, computers, in mastering nuclear and thermonuclear energy, in introducing satellite communications and navigation, in landing the first people on the moon, in inventing the Internet and in many other things belongs to them, and they are sure that and will continue to implement landmark discoveries and inventions. Americans are able to quickly implement not only their own, but also other people's ideas, developing them and complementing them with scale.

The excision of the brain of the German nation after the Second World War, expressed in the transfer of thousands of scientists and designers to the United States, capturing over a million inventions like trophies and over 340 thousand patents, allowed the United States to outperform its competitors in all areas of science and technology. German ideas and developments on ICBMs and BRs of a shorter range, on a submarine with a nuclear power plant and with ballistic missiles, on rocket and jet engines, on guided weapons were used in full. And now, for example, when preparing for the creation of a new ICBM, which should be in service with 2025 to 2075 a year, Americans are studying and, if necessary, will take over the experience of operating ground-based ICBMs in the USSR / RF (on mobile ground and railway launchers) and tunnel-based in the PRC.

The United States is ahead of other countries in creating instant weapons (EMI weapons, microwave weapons, laser weapons, computer anti-computers), remote-controlled and robotic weapons, combat space platforms (recall the prototype X-37B fighter interceptor inspector). The Americans were the first to realize that in the urbanized world by more than 50%, cities became the main place of application of military force, and prepared for combat operations in human settlements in theory and in practice. The "humanization" of hostilities in cities led, for example, to the creation of both non-lethal means of combat and ammunition of "focused lethality" and "reducing collateral damage."

The “revolution in military affairs” that began in the USA at the end of the twentieth century had one of its achievements the creation of unmanned aircraft, which are already crowding manned aircraft in all types of aircraft. Soon, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will be in every platoon of ground forces, on every Navy ship. By 2020, the Americans planned to launch the BAMS system from 68 long-range UAVs RQ-8, which will conduct continuous aerial reconnaissance in the ocean and sea areas (with one or more UAVs simultaneously in each area at a distance of 3700 km from the bases of departure).

For the first time in the world, the Americans created the Joint Command of Special Operations Forces (OC SSO), sharply increasing the number of special forces in the Armed Forces and organizing a systematic retraining of its personnel and special forces of allied and friendly countries at the newly established OC SSO University. Events in Libya and Syria showed the correctness of this foresight.

In the USA, military science quickly responds to changes in the military-political situation and promptly dictates changes in the military-technical sphere. The strategy of “regional defense” of George W. Bush was replaced by the strategy of “preemptive actions” of George W. Bush. The concept of "air-land battle" 1980-s gave way to the concept of "joint air-sea battle" 2010-s. The concepts of “global strike” and “joint operational access” are designed to ensure “knocking out the door” on the theater and the freedom to use the military power of the United States on theater, both by forces introduced there and by forces from outside. Evidence of American innovation in the art of war and in military technology is waging war with a little blood of US citizens. The irretrievable losses in the US colonial wars against the DPRK and Vietnam were estimated at tens of thousands, and against Iraq and Afghanistan - by only a few thousand American servicemen. It is characteristic that during the conduct of military operations in Afghanistan, the losses of those killed in battle by the US Armed Forces in comparable time were an order of magnitude less than that of the USSR Armed Forces.


Simplicity (in the sense of convenience and consistency). This American feature of common sense is manifested in clothing, in food, in relations with each other, in the orderliness of structures, in rationality of decisions and in the organization of their implementation. In the US Armed Forces, there is a simple and harmonious procedure for designating materiel and documents. For example, a single aircraft designation system is used. If we meet the designation B-2A, then we know that this is a bomber (B) of the second model (2) of the first modification (A). Similarly, we know that the F-35C is a fighter (F), the C-17 is a transport plane (C), and the KS-135 is a tanker (K) based on a transport plane. There is an order of designation of documents in the Ministry of Defense. An interesting system of designation (numbering) of operational connections and associations. A system of permanent and temporary military ranks operating in the Armed Forces is convenient. Permanent ranks (eight) are assigned to officers in accordance with the performance appraisal and seniority in the previous rank, vacancies, and in the order of a strict queue. Temporary titles (their 11) are assigned simultaneously with the appointment to posts that must be replaced, as a rule, by officers in a higher rank than their permanent title. And this contributes to the speed of promotion of promising officers and the establishment of their authority without compromising subordination. Dwight Eisenhower, who had the permanent rank of captain in 1918, was temporarily reduced to two ranks (from lieutenant colonel to captain), and in 1936 – 1944 he passed through seven temporary ranks (from lieutenant colonel to army general), ending military service with the highest permanent rank of major general.

The restlessness (mobility) of Americans is well known to everyone. It is the most “motorized” nation in the world with hundreds of millions of cars and motorcycles, millions of watercrafts, with over half a million over the number of aircraft meeting the needs and ambitions of its inhabitants. The Americans are closely in the US, they have entangled the whole world with the tentacles of their economy, making it the sphere of their global life interests. To protect these interests, they created such military power, about which they themselves say: “There is no power in the world equal to us!”

The country's aircraft fleet has as many aircraft as the five leading aviation countries of the world; Aviators' motto “Global Power - Global Reach”. The air force is ready for a "global strike" and a "fast global strike."

Navy countries have on surface ships such a number of rocket launchers, which the surface ships 20 do not have the strongest fleets in the world. Sailors are guided by the concept of "strike from the sea" and "cooperative power strategy in the twenty-first century" with its ideas of "global naval presence", "global distribution of naval power", "global reach."


The inherent mobility of Americans is most clearly expressed in the capabilities of aviation and fleet. In aviation, the introduction of a constantly operating system for refueling airplanes with airborne fuel by “flying tankers” - refueling aircraft (by means of meeting at a designated place, escorting in flight, round-the-clock waiting in certain areas) has led to an increase in the duration of flights and the range of non-stop flights of combat and transport aircraft expanding the combat range of not only bomber, but also fighter and attack aircraft. The United States has created such a fleet of tanker aircraft, which is 2–2,5 times larger than the fleet of similar aircraft in all countries of the world. The Air Force is based on approximately 450 KS-135 and KS-10 tankers. In the Marine Corps, there are about fifty transport and refueling aircraft KS-130. In the Navy, F / A-18E / F attack fighters have the ability to quickly turn into tankers (and vice versa). This fleet of tanker aircraft provides, if necessary, rapid transoceanic transfer of hundreds and thousands of combat aircraft from the continental United States to the advanced regions of Asia and Europe. For example, a non-stop flight from the USA to Europe or the Middle East of one fighter squadron with several refueling in the air takes 10-14 hours. During the Cold War, across the Atlantic to Europe, it was planned, if necessary, to transfer 60 squadrons of tactical aircraft in the first 10 days.

Refueling in the air allows the enemy to penetrate deeper into the airspace and act there longer. This was demonstrated by the practice of striking bomber, fighter and assault aircraft of the United States from airfields in the countries of the Persian Gulf and from aircraft carriers in the Arabian Sea at targets in Afghanistan.

Equally mobile and carrier strike groups (AUG) of the US Navy. During the Cold War, they could make the transition from the bases of the mainland to Kamchatka and the Norwegian Sea in a week. Each AUG, consisting of one aircraft carrier, several missile cruisers and destroyers, and having ammunition for hitting several thousand targets, makes a transition to a given area and can maneuver around combat use at a speed of about 900 km per day.

The mobility of the ground forces (SV) and marines (MP) guarantee the ability of military transport aviation to transfer personnel and part of the SV, MP and Air Force equipment from the United States to advanced areas at a rate of 20 – 40 million ton-kilometers per day. As you can see, mobility is the key to maneuver, massing of forces and seizing the initiative.

Concluding the conversation about businesslike and prudent, systematic and innovative North Americans, we should not forget about their balanced and realistic approach to assessing the situation that will develop in the next 10 – 30 years. It is unlikely that the national establishment would allow itself to keep the country’s clearly excessive military power without understanding that internal difficulties, natural changes, expanding globalism, toughening competition, the assertion of multipolarity in the world foreshadow the struggle for survival for the United States.
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  1. +7
    25 May 2013 18: 33
    The correct article, but the main question remains, what is all this for them?
    1. +7
      25 May 2013 18: 42
      Quote: SPACE
      what is all this for them?

      Not for them, but against whom. And something tells me that we are on this list.
      1. +21
        25 May 2013 18: 59
        Previously, an employee fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq was the pride of the family. An American flag fluttered on his house, now it’s gone. Everyone understands that such an American flag is a direct target designation for those who would like to avenge the families of Americans for the killing of innocent Muslims in their countries. Not all Muslims are actively opposing the United States, but the fact that absolutely all the leaders of the eastern countries and their citizens hate Americans is beyond any doubt.
        1. +12
          25 May 2013 21: 05
          It is worth introducing a gold standard everywhere and all countries to abandon the dollar. America will fall apart like a house of cards.
          1. 0
            26 May 2013 23: 35
            Quote: elmir15
            It is worth introducing a gold standard everywhere and all countries to abandon the dollar. America will fall apart like a house of cards.

            This theory is not new, but ... Do you think they themselves will look at it, amers, calmly? Will they not use all their cunning, insidiousness, prudence and strength, + the venality of the national "elites" to counteract this?
        2. +3
          26 May 2013 20: 19
          And what really is such a North American nation? This panegyric amer whose hands are up to the elbow in the blood of innocent victims. Let them fight on their territory. Article - - -
      2. +2
        25 May 2013 19: 03
        Quote: OTTO
        and against whom

        ... but this is more than obvious. I think this logic, calculation and determination in creating means of destruction speaks only about one thing, confrontation is inevitable. They are preparing for this and hope to be the only ones who will rule this world. They do not need a fast nuclear war, they will lose in it, and in a slow one, sooner or later, everyone is crushed.
        1. Marek Rozny
          25 May 2013 19: 53
          Yes, we ourselves understand everything. When we had the first terrorist attack in Kazakhstan and we faced religious fanatics hitherto unseen by us, my mother called me and asked in a calm voice: "Son, did the Americans set us against us? If the war with America begins now, what products are best to stock up on?" For now we will defeat them, suddenly something will not be on sale ... "
          I liked that my mother (far from politics) perfectly understands who muddies our water here. I liked that my mother was looking at a potential war with the USA without fear. And most importantly, mom is absolutely convinced of our victory)
          Can we lose someone with such mothers?)))

          In general, our policy should be structured so that in the event of a war with China, the Americans should become our temporary ally, and in the event of a war with the USA, the Chinese should become a temporary ally.
          In addition, it is necessary to strengthen relations with Mongolia, India, Latin America, Japan and the Muslim world, playing on their contradictions with the United States and China.
          1. Guun
            25 May 2013 20: 33
            China is so unstackable. If an agreement is reached with the Taliban, extremists can be struck out with us - but for this we need to sever all ties with the United States and there are all sorts of al-Qaeda in our country who hide behind Islam and powder the brains of youth. It is better to bleed China from the United States and join the side of those who win.
            1. Marek Rozny
              25 May 2013 20: 59
              our Wahhabis have the same relation to the Taliban as Pavlik Morozov to the Maya Indians. our fundamentalists are nurtured by the Americans, although formally it seems that this is done exclusively by bearded men from Afghanistan.
              The Taliban have no special things to do with Russia / Kazakhstan. All they need is power on their Afghan soil (and in Waziristan, which belongs to Pakistan). They and Tajikistan are not very interested. The Taliban are most often Pashtuns, but they do not really digest Tajiks. Especially the "Soviet" ones. From Afghanistan, if anyone makes his way to Tajikistan, it is the ethnic Tajiks themselves from the northern part of the country. They will trample not for the sake of the Caliphate or Islamic ideas, but in support of this or that Tajik politician.
              The only ones who benefit from riveting Wahhabis from us are the United States to sow panic, as well as annoyance at the authorities, who will appear guilty of instability. And this is a lever for the orange revolutions.
              But China and the USA should be pitted only when we have allies in the countries of Asia and Latin America I have mentioned. To rake the heat with their hands. And, essno, by this moment we ourselves must strengthen our defenses. And for this, there’s still something to be done, first of all, to continue work on the creation of the Eurasian Union (and the joint Armed Forces), and, of course, to modernize the existing weapons - from machine guns to ballistic missiles. Plus, Russia still needs to populate the Far East at least somehow, just like a fireman. In short, there is no need to rush the conflict between China and the United States. We are not ready yet (although this process is endless smile ).
              1. +1
                25 May 2013 21: 38
                I welcome you Marek! :) how not to rush? if you wait for your readiness, then you can miss the moment and wait until the amers finally crush everything for themselves. It is necessary to develop the EurAsEC and unite the armed forces. But how many years does it take to populate and develop the Far East? while Russia's population growth is in the red, with the exception of the well-known republics. And there are more and more Chinese. On the contrary, you need to seize the moment! for example, to develop a theme with the island of Senkaku and set fire to the conflict between Japan and China, which the United States will have to respond to, then it is possible to act on trade and so on. So already and gain time for our countries.
                1. Marek Rozny
                  25 May 2013 21: 51
                  there really are many options
            2. +4
              25 May 2013 23: 01
              China is a deep wisdom not understood by us, with all their psychology and mentality. And no matter how hard we try, we will never become their friends, partners and allies, we can be, but never friends.
            3. +4
              26 May 2013 00: 43
              A moot point - do you think China is our friend and comrade? If NATO attacks Russia in the West, rest assured that China will do everything it can to "eat" Siyur and the Far East. We have NO other allies besides the army and the navy.
          2. 0
            26 May 2013 23: 48
            You "+"! Reading about your mother, almost tears in my eyes :(
      3. +2
        25 May 2013 22: 55
        Not just present, but in the first place with bold text!
        1. +2
          25 May 2013 23: 20
          Quote: Shturmovik
          And no matter how hard we try, we will never become their friends, partners and allies, we can be, but never friends.
          In 2030, the number of Chinese boys eligible for military conscription will far exceed the number of girls. This is a consequence of the CCP’s demographic policy. There are either social tensions within the country or expansion into neighboring countries. Human history hasn’t come up with any other options. that the population of the Russian Federation decreases by 0,5% per year (the Caucasus does not count, friends of the people --- United Russia am ). I want to emphasize this predominance of boys of military age ..
      4. +1
        26 May 2013 02: 05
        Quote: OTTO
        Quote: SPACE
        what is all this for them?

        Not for them, but against whom. And something tells me that we are on this list.

        It’s easier to say who is missing from this list — they themselves. I am interested in something else, hypothetically - they captured everything and everything, planted ubiquity and illiteracy, wanted to say democracy to mow ... and then what? It’s not worth fighting ... what to do?
        1. 0
          26 May 2013 23: 52
          Quote: Geisenberg
          [I am interested in something else, hypothetically - they captured everything and everything, imposed ubiquity and illiteracy, wanted to say democracy to mow ... and then what? It’s not worth fighting ... what to do?

          And you read the Protocols of the Zion "wise men" and you yourself will understand what will happen. Then, for them, like, there will be happiness and the content of that world order, about which you wrote above.
    2. +1
      26 May 2013 01: 24
      Quote: SPACE
      what is all this for them?

      It's not a question. The article itself also contains the answer. Here for this very. Briefly: so that they would not just be good, but better than all at the expense of these very all.
      1. Genady1976
        26 May 2013 01: 58
        Can’t do good at home do bad at neighbor
    3. +6
      26 May 2013 04: 27
      The United States is a state that was created by the descendants of freedom-loving and enterprising European pilgrims, who brought to America the peculiarities of the national character of the Anglo-Saxons and Romanesque peoples and formed their public consciousness. National character is a combination of the main distinctive features of character (mental properties laughing well and turned down "author -> author -> author" !!!!! Yes Americans are the descendants of slaves and their masters, frostbitten convicts and filibusters !!! and it was passed on at the genetic level! they still love to rob and kill, stick their muzzles into other people's houses! negative
    4. 0
      26 May 2013 23: 32
      Quote: SPACE
      The correct article, but the main question remains, what is all this for them?

      but to my friend the author answered this question in the article, see above, and the section on national features.
  2. annenkov242
    25 May 2013 18: 34
    Markell, were you mistaken for the address !?
  3. YaRusich
    25 May 2013 18: 35
    The United States is a state that was created by the descendants of freedom-loving and enterprising European pilgrims,

    After reading this, I didn’t even want to read further .... This is a state formed by criminals and murderers who were exiled from Europe and who went to America because they could not do evil in Europe and nobody needed there, pah .....
    1. Mitzhel
      25 May 2013 18: 44
      It can be seen that some historical works are disgusting to read. They would read, for example, about the first Dutch immigrants to the United States or English Protestants who were examples of industriousness and efficiency. And there is nothing to confuse Australia with the USA ... criminals were exiled to Australia en masse, which incidentally did not prevent Australia from becoming a developed, wealthy state.
      1. Mitzhel
        25 May 2013 19: 00
        What cowardly set a minus? If there is anything to object to, then say it. damn .... they didn’t read anything, they don’t know anything, they didn’t read a single book about the history of America’s colonization, but they heard somewhere out of the ear that the USA had created convicts with murderers.
        Continue to believe that criminals and other rabble were able to create the greatest superpower in the history of mankind, land on the moon, invent and implement the Internet, computers, mobile communications, GPS, etc.
        1. +6
          25 May 2013 20: 39
          Quote: Mitzhel
          Continue to believe that criminals and other rabble were able to create the greatest superpower in the history of mankind, land on the moon, invent and implement the Internet, computers, mobile communications, GPS, etc.

          It remains to answer one question, at whose expense is this banquet? On whose misfortunes is this Amer’s well-being built? After all, it’s not the sheer enthusiasm that is free in America and the fly doesn’t give a damn.
          1. Mitzhel
            25 May 2013 20: 51
            At the expense of scientists, industrialists, workers, farmers, soldiers who made the most powerful superpower in history from the former British colony, the monetary unit of which is the main reserve currency in the world, whose fleets are in all oceans and bases on all continents. Thanks to the work and perseverance of many generations of hardworking, free people ...
            1. +8
              25 May 2013 23: 38
              Quote: Mitzhel
              At the expense of scientists, industrialists, workers, farmers, soldiers who made the most powerful superpower in history from the former British colony, the monetary unit of which is the main reserve currency in the world,

              Do not get carried away, mister good! Due to trade both ours and yours in two world wars and in many small ones; at the expense of talented speculators who made the dollar the main world reserve currency, they achieved all this. In short, due to the cold calculation and the known meanness, they have achieved what they have achieved.
              Due to the genocide of the indigenous population of the whole continent, due to slave labor.
              Their path to the American dream is flooded with the sweat of slaves, strewn with the bones of the weak and technologically backward, ruins after "humanitarian" bombing, deliberate infection of tens of thousands of people in third countries with various viruses, carried out as humanitarian aid. Their path is the export of fast food, debauchery and other delights of the consumer culture called democracy.
              This is a dangerous enemy and he stands in our way.
        2. Agent.
          25 May 2013 20: 42
          maybe you’re right in some ways, but your Americans won’t read books about Russia and its history, they are quite happy to believe myths about a man in a vest and earflaps with a bottle on a nuclear missile, and they invent positive myths for themselves, so in general almost all countries do. And Russia alone must dig out all its shortcomings, inflate them to incredible proportions and sprinkle ashes on their heads to listen to the stories of Americans and all the rest, which they are all wonderful. I ask you not to find fault with inaccurate wording, I think the general meaning is clear.
        3. YaRusich
          25 May 2013 22: 53
          Quote: Mitzhel
          Continue to believe that criminals and other rabble were able to create the greatest superpower in the history of mankind, land on the moon, invent and implement the Internet, computers, mobile communications, GPS, etc.

          I didn’t put the minuses, I know the story enough, because they taught me honestly. Only now the greatest power of mankind I consider my homeland.

          Threat about technological advances - basically all are made in Europe and Russia and not in America))) read carefully.
          1. +2
            25 May 2013 23: 19
            It's right. They live on everything ready, and still pass off as their inventions. But they themselves cannot create an engine; they are buying from anyone, from Russia.
            1. Mitzhel
              26 May 2013 22: 44
              I have an excellent American engine and an American automatic transmission in my American car. In general, all that the domestic auto industry still can not come up with and implement ...
        4. DeerIvanovich
          25 May 2013 23: 03
          Quote: Mitzhel
          Continue to believe that criminals and other rabble were able to create the greatest superpower in the history of mankind, land on the moon, invent and implement the Internet, computers, mobile communications, GPS, etc.
          no matter how you praise your empire of Good, I don’t want to go to it anyway, I don’t even want to be friends with it!
          I’d better live in the Evil Empire and communicate with the axis of Evil.
          as they say from good, they are not looking for good.
    2. Guun
      25 May 2013 18: 46
      Forgot to add that almost the entire indigenous population of both northern and southern are carved
      Quote: YaRusich
      descendants of freedom-loving and enterprising European pilgrims,
      and now they are shedding a lot of blood, and heroic battles with a numerical superiority of 100-200 snouts plus equipment against 15 Taliban saboteurs (who managed to infiltrate the air base and smash equipment there into hundreds of millions) lasting hours are beyond the military achievements of the West for democracies in everything the world.
      And now the main (truth) - the West as it was an enemy for us will remain so long as humanity exists.
      1. Mitzhel
        25 May 2013 18: 52
        the West, as it was an enemy for us, will remain so long as humanity exists

        Peter the Great, who conducted Westernization of Russia, dressed a soldier in uniforms of a western type, bought ships in the West, hired officers, specialists, architects, scientists, painters in the West, dragged technology from there for such words to be pulled up and was right.
        By the way, who supplied the Stalinist USSR machines, whose specialists built factories in the know?
        1. Guun
          25 May 2013 19: 08
          Yes, yes, but for the legendary T-34, are they also obliged to the West? Well, gunpowder was borrowed from China, so what?
          Quote: Mitzhel
          By the way, who supplied the Stalinist USSR machines, whose specialists built factories in the know?

          Do you even know what kind of help we gave them gold at a loss to them? Do not exaggerate the help of the West of the USSR (I hear about the fact that they built factories with us in the first), we had a lot before them. They opened a second front in 1944 when we tore the Nazis, and before that we defeated the Kwantung army ourselves and could have ended the war without their second front - didn’t you forget how the Germans fled to the west and screeched so that they would surrender to their fucking allies the pressure of Stalin was signed by the PEACEFUL AGREEMENT. The West is obliged to the East for its enlightenment - they didn’t have any underpants, but learned to wash in the 18th century, medetsin was absent as such, they studied from the east. Even the Ancient Romans were advanced and developed (not to mention purity) than Western Europe until the 18th century.
          1. Mitzhel
            25 May 2013 19: 18
            If you don’t know the history of the Soviet tank industry, the T-34 tank in particular, and what Western experts (the same John Christie) have to do with it, then at least do not disgrace. And of course they didn’t come for work in the USSR for that, to share knowledge and technologies ... in that USSR, by the way, which promised to bury them in the near future.
            1. Guun
              25 May 2013 19: 26
              Everything is clear with you. And I thought that t 34 was developed by the Kharkov design bureau under the direction of M. I. Koshkin, which was assembled at the factories of the Urals and Siberia ... Which I do not know. American designer Walter Christie has nothing to do with the creation of the t 34, but the light tanks of the BT and then the Soviet designers took as a basis the creation of the BT 7 and its prototypes. The only one who is disgraced here is you.
              1. Mitzhel
                25 May 2013 19: 46
                Once again, carefully ... without German and American machine tools, without American engineers, the USSR would not have any industry, including tank industry. And no Koshkin could have been able to squander the turret without American equipment. All clear?
                1. +2
                  25 May 2013 23: 22
                  A simple question, wise guy, why in the USA something similar to the T 34 was not created?
                  1. phantom359
                    26 May 2013 20: 30
                    Quote: fzr1000
                    A simple question, wise guy, why in the USA something similar to the T 34 was not created?

                    He will not answer him, just as he will not answer the better merkava in comparison with the T80.
                  2. Mitzhel
                    27 May 2013 02: 10
                    The simplest answer is dunno laughing Tank sherman

                    and here is a comparison with the T-34 in real conditions

                    "The first rearmed Shermans arrived in Korea on July 31, 1950, with the 8072nd Medium Tank Battalion, and entered the battle at Chungam-Ni on August 2. Subsequently, tanks from the United States began to arrive, and a total of 547 Sherman tanks took part in the Korean War. "Various modifications, mainly M4A1E4 (76). The Sherman Firefly was in service with the British forces.

                    The main enemy of the "Sherman" in this war was the T-34-85, which were in service with the North Koreans and the Chinese. After the arrival of American medium and heavy tanks, the dominance of the T-34 on the battlefield came to an end, and tank battles usually ended in favor of American tankers. With roughly the same armor as the T-34, the Sherman was superior in accuracy and rate of fire, mainly due to better optics and a stabilizer. "
                    1. Che
                      27 May 2013 17: 40
                      Your shermans burned like matches. In no way did they ever surpass our tanks. Well, Mitzchal is a dreamer, however.
                    2. 0
                      27 May 2013 18: 52
                      Quote: Mitzhel

                      The main enemy of the "Sherman" in this war was the T-34-85, which were in service with the North Koreans and the Chinese. After the arrival of American medium and heavy tanks, the dominance of the T-34 on the battlefield came to an end, and tank battles usually ended in favor of American tankers. With roughly the same armor as the T-34, the Sherman was superior in accuracy and rate of fire, mainly due to better optics and a stabilizer. "

                      And what kind of nonsense is that? :))))))))) "Shermans" over there in the 2nd MV burned like sparklers, it is impossible to convey, but during a meeting with the T-34-85, which was almost equal with the heavy tank "Tiger" fought, they suddenly became impenetrable, and the T-34 on the contrary! :)) Most likely, due to superiority in the air, large losses of our tanks from the Amers SHA took place, but no more! You just do not tell the tankmen of the Second World War that Sherman is superior to ours, I'm afraid they will beat! :))
                2. phantom359
                  26 May 2013 20: 29
                  Quote: Mitzhel
                  Once again, carefully ... without German and American machine tools, without American engineers, the USSR would not have any industry, including tank industry. And no Koshkin could have been able to squander the turret without American equipment. All clear?

                  What are you talking about? And the Americans won the Second World War))). And your Uziel Gal without a Czech scorpion, would not have created his own Uzi.))) And there would be no kfira if it were not for the mirage of the Swiss.
                3. +3
                  26 May 2013 20: 32
                  And no Koshkin could have been able to squander the turret without American equipment. All clear?

                  Amer do not teach us how to live. Thanks to the unparalleled courage and heroism of our people, a powerful industry of Russia was created. Which helped to crush the Amerian stenik Adolf. Now this industry at the behest of amers has collapsed. God willing, we get out and some who get such lyuli, will not seem enough.
                4. 0
                  27 May 2013 00: 23
                  Well, then Light didn’t converge on your state, suppose we could have bought the Germans from the Germans, well, or from the British, but I just didn’t want to take from them, class enmity and their English, filthy behavior during the war in RSFSR. Yes, and then the amers probably did not break with the price, which bribed of course, again because crisis (all of you have crises there :))).
              2. +6
                25 May 2013 20: 41
                Quote: Guun
                t light tanks BT then yes the Soviet designers took as a basis the creation of the BT 7 and its prototypes.

                No, in BT-7 there was already one suspension from the American prototype.
                1. Grishka100watt
                  26 May 2013 11: 13
                  No, in BT-7 there was already one suspension from the American prototype

                  So that's about it)
            2. phantom359
              26 May 2013 20: 26
              Quote: Mitzhel
              If you don’t know the history of the Soviet tank industry, the T-34 tank in particular, and what Western experts (the same John Christie) have to do with it, then at least do not disgrace. And of course they didn’t come for work in the USSR for that, to share knowledge and technologies ... in that USSR, by the way, which promised to bury them in the near future.

              Well and nonsense. If you don’t know, then Christie is BT, but not T34. One thing is right - they didn’t come for nothing, just as Russian-speaking specialists came to sunny Israel at 48m. And the Americans were far behind in the tanks, just look at the Stuart and Sherman.
            3. 0
              27 May 2013 00: 17
              Quote: Mitzhel
              If you don’t know the history of the Soviet tank industry, the T-34 tank in particular, and what Western experts (the same John Christie) have to do with it, then at least do not disgrace.

              We know the history of tank building in our homeland, of course, you are not boiling, so what are you, you are not from the USA with tea? :)) Christie's tank took place, but ... they studied it, and found it unsuitable for real databases, and the T-34 Koshkin himself created, there is nothing from Christie, it's all the fantasies of your striped idols. If they had a tank with the characteristics of a T-30 in the 34s, then why did they create a burning tin can called "Sherman" in 1940? :))) the work of specialists on the topic from Germany. They created a tank building school for them after the 2nd MV! Something by themselves ... pshik! :) All their vaunted rocketry, both combat and space, is all a German school and German specialists at the head you probably know with whom. :))
          2. Marek Rozny
            25 May 2013 20: 18
            Guang, the American office of the businessman Albert Kahn, actually actually created the entire industrial basis of the USSR in the first two Stalinist five-year plans. Over 10 years, about a hundred thousand Western engineers and highly skilled workers were sent to the USSR (mainly from the USA, but also from Britain, Germany, Italy). It was this organization that designed and built DneproGES, car factories, aircraft factories and more. Thousands of industrial facilities were literally stamped by Albert Kahn's design bureaus, and hundreds of thousands of Soviet specialists trained them.
            They paid for with gold, Siberian forest, Ukrainian and Volga grain, Kazakh cattle. This is what caused the mass expropriation of products from Ukrainians, Volzhans and Kazakhs, turning into an unprecedented famine in the 30s. Stalin needed rapid industrialization, but the Soviet banknotes, essno, did not suit Albert Kahn. At the end of the second five-year plan, the Americans prepared a critical mass of Soviet specialists, delivered a huge amount of equipment and transferred a bunch of technologies, after which Stalin kicked this office out without paying to the end. They immediately stopped mentioning American engineers, this topic became taboo, they began to propagate that the Soviet people carried out industrialization themselves without foreign help.

            2) We never paid for the lend-lease. The Soviet Union skillfully persuaded the United States each time to reduce the amount of debt for deliveries during the war, and so far the USSR / Russia has not really paid for it, motivating "we paid in blood." True, of course, but we threw them corny at the grandmas)))

            3) Soviet tanks did not appear from scratch. Czechs, British, Americans sold us various technologies (and sometimes full documentation, like on the T-26, née "Vickers"). The American Christie was thrown corny without paying (at the same time, we also threw the firms "Gillette" and "Tetrapak"). Christie brought to the USSR his revolutionary undercarriage for those times, which was used as the basis for the T-34 tank. Of course, a lot that Soviet engineers added to the tank, but belittling Christie's genius is undeserved (although he brought the tank without a turret - which served as a formal reason for canceling the contract).

            Z.Y. I am not at all an Americanophile, but it is impossible to deny their contribution to the development of science and industry of the USSR. Although for the grandmother, of course.
            1. +2
              25 May 2013 21: 50
              Quote: Marek Rozny
              Christy brought to the USSR his revolutionary for that time chassis of the tank, which was used as the basis for the T-34 tank.

              Well, let's say the USSR itself paid for both the tank and its transportation and the right to manufacture ...

              Many publications interpret the question of whether the fact of the sale of Christie's tanks was formalized in writing or was it just a verbal agreement is interpreted differently. Judging by the available documents, there was both. Indeed, on April 28, 1930, an agreement was signed between the US Wheel Track Layer Corporation and Amtorg (a trade organization representing the interests of the USSR in the United States) for the supply of two military tanks to the Soviet Union with a total value of 60000 US dollars. Delivery of the tanks must be made no later than four months from the date of signing the contract "which, in addition, stipulated:" delivery of spare parts for purchased tanks in the amount of $ 4000, as well as the rights to manufacture, sell and use tanks within the borders of the USSR for a period of ten years "(Russian State Military Archive , Fund 31811, file 374, l.5,6). For the sale of production rights, the transfer of patents and services in relation to technical assistance W. Christie was paid another $ 100000. The agreement was signed from the American side by J. Walter Christie, the president of the corporation, from the Soviet side - A. V. Petrov, the president of Amtorg, in the presence of I. A. Khalepsky (USSR), J. Michael, J. Raymond and Tiffany (all - USA). That is, the entire Soviet Union had to pay the sum of 160 dollars.

              And most importantly, the overwhelming majority of ideas proposed by Christie were still applicable on BT tanks, but on the T34, although they were used, they were for the most part the worst technical solutions that could be used on a new tank .. .
            2. +3
              26 May 2013 02: 37
              I think that for Lend Lease we no longer owe anything.
              The volume of US Lend-Lease deliveries amounted to about 11 billion US dollars. According to the Lend-Lease Act, only equipment that survived the war was subject to payment; to agree on the final amount, immediately after the war, Soviet-American negotiations began. At the 1948 talks, Soviet representatives agreed to pay only a small amount and met the predicted failure of the American side. The negotiations of 1949 also led to nothing. In 1951, the Americans twice reduced the amount of payment, which began to equal $ 800 million, but the Soviet side agreed to pay only $ 300 million. According to the Soviet government, the calculation should not have been carried out in accordance with real debt, but on the basis of a precedent. This precedent should have been proportions in determining the debt between the United States and Great Britain, which were fixed in March 1946.

              An agreement with the USSR on the procedure for paying off debts under Lend-Lease was concluded only in 1972. Under this agreement, the USSR pledged to pay $ 2001 million, including interest, until 722. By July 1973, three payments were made in the total amount of $ 48 million, after which the payments were stopped due to the introduction of discriminatory measures by the American side in trade with the USSR (Jackson-Vanik Amendment). In June 1990, during negotiations between the US and USSR presidents, the parties returned to discussing debt. A new deadline for the final repayment of debt was set in 2030, and the amount was $ 674 million [n 6].

              After the collapse of the USSR, the debt for help was reissued to Russia (Yeltsin, Kozyrev), as of 2003, Russia owed approximately 100 million US dollars.

              Thus, of the total volume of US Lend-Lease deliveries of $ 11 billion, the USSR, and then Russia, recognized and then partially paid, $ 722 million, or about 7%. However, it is worth considering that today's dollar is "lighter" than the 1945 dollar by about 15 times.
            3. +1
              27 May 2013 00: 34
              Quote: Marek Rozny
              Christy brought to the USSR his revolutionary for that time chassis of the tank, which was used as the basis for the T-34 tank.

              Yes, there is nothing in the T-34 from Christie’s tank, in vain YOU !! Well, exert yourself, study the dock and the general layout, the tank layout! Christie’s tank is tracked, like the BT, and the T-34 is purely tracked. And what is the borrowing? What are the rollers of large diameter? :)) so many tanks have them, so what? :)
              but otherwise I agree with you)
          3. a
            26 May 2013 10: 05
            Well, it's you in vain. if you have not heard this, then this does not mean that it was not. the most striking example is the amers helped us build the GAZ.
            may remember such a figure and "friend" of the USSR as Armand Hammer. So he began to supply equipment for factories in the USSR. we didn't even make pencils. we even bought a pencil factory.
            and the fact that they gave gold for it and other things, so who is to blame? not for free, the amers should have supplied us with equipment.
            if we had something before them, we could probably buy all this equipment for what we produced for what was before them. but before them there was almost nothing. there were only factories built back in imperial times. so that something became and began to carry out industrialization. and amers helped us in this
            1. +1
              26 May 2013 14: 53
              if we had something before them, we could probably buy all this equipment for what we produced for what was before them. but before them there was almost nothing. there were only factories built back in imperial times. so that something became and began to carry out industrialization. and amers helped us in this

              Haha, this is a big question, who helped whom. Our industrialization coincided with their Great Depression and the USSR, purchasing machines and equipment in the USA for gold, saved many large American firms from bankruptcy, and millions of Americans from unemployment and hunger.
              1. a
                26 May 2013 15: 20
                yes the question is not that we helped them. the question is that they do us a lot of industrialization. that is, a lot of our industry began to work because the Americans helped us, and not just took and became instantly smart and economically developed
          4. +1
            27 May 2013 00: 08
            Quote: Guun
            (I hear about the fact that they built factories with us in the first)

            Well, they built, they built, it was! In the 30s, we bought a lot of machines from them, their specialists came to the USSR to work, because they have there fin. crisis was hunger and stuff. We built a Ford plant using its technology (then GAZ), but for gold, of course, for something else. There was such a time, we could have done it ourselves, but it was necessary quickly, otherwise we would not have had time to prepare for the Second World War!
        2. +4
          25 May 2013 19: 22
          Quote: Mitzhel
          By the way, who supplied the Stalinist USSR machines, whose specialists built factories in the know?
          And did they do it out of pure altruism or was it purely "business" and nothing else?
          1. Mitzhel
            25 May 2013 19: 25
            Of course a business. Comrade Stalin needed industry, but where was it to be taken except in the West? Some want to buy, others sell ... some have grain, while others have machines and technologies.
            1. Mitzhel
              25 May 2013 19: 48
              Again, some coward silently minus. There are a lot of brains to be avoided ... Maybe he will crawl out into the light and tell the truth how Tov Stalin bought machines, technologies and specialists in the West?
            2. 0
              27 May 2013 00: 41
              in principle, they themselves could have created, but ... then the time factor was decisive! A shadow of the great war hovered over Geyropa.
            3. +2
              27 May 2013 15: 00
              How interesting ... Amers are ahead of the rest of the world ... But what about the saying that in the American tank "Abrams" only a German cannon and English armor are good? Half of America's weapons have foreign roots. Let's not even talk about the fact that the amers were never able to create a launch vehicle at one time. It was built by Wernher von Braun. He was certainly a descendant of the native Indians, I suppose. laughing
        3. Mitzhel
          25 May 2013 19: 57
          for some, even the activity of Peter the Great, who pulled the country out of the swamp, causes an attack of hatred only because he did it with the help of the West ... maybe you and His Holiness do not approve of the fact that he moves in a western armored car and his guard is generally in enemy American caddilacs? laughing The descendants of bandits and murderers make surprisingly decent cars ...
          1. 0
            27 May 2013 00: 45
            and where he, Peter, pulled her, Russia, eh? And Geyropu? :) Look, without this foolishness of his, they could perfectly live on their own and preserve their wonderful originality, like the Japanese! And then, until these wonderful "democratizers" from America put their dirty and sticky hands to them, and ... the country disappeared!: (((
        4. +1
          26 May 2013 20: 26
          By the way, who supplied the Stalinist USSR machines, whose specialists built factories in the know?
          Yes, then amers gloriously plundered Russia.
        5. 0
          27 May 2013 00: 01
          Quote: Mitzhel
          Peter the Great, who conducted Westernization of Russia, dressed a soldier in uniforms of a western type, bought ships in the West, hired officers, specialists, architects, scientists, painters in the West, dragged technology from there for such words to be pulled up and was right.

          Here is one of the options of who Peter was, look, useful, cool down! Not the ultimate truth, of course, but a reason to think more than! You don’t know the story, my friend! :)

    3. +10
      25 May 2013 18: 53
      Yarusich As they say, they were ripped off the tongue. Mostly losers, runaway criminals, adventurers and adventurers emigrated.
      1. +1
        26 May 2013 14: 45
        Quote: xetai9977
        Yarusich As they say, they were ripped off the tongue. Mostly losers, runaway criminals, adventurers and adventurers emigrated.

        There was another category of emigrants - Puritan religious fanatics, who were essentially illiterate and ignorant savages, stupid racists and slave traders, convinced that black Africans were slaves from birth, and red-skinned Indians were godless savages to be exterminated, and their land was rightfully belongs to them, "civilized white people." Culturally, any of these Naglosak cattle was 2–3 steps lower than the native inhabitants of the cities of Florida and the East Coast of America.
    4. a
      26 May 2013 06: 07
      you confuse. Mostly people went to America on their own. For criminals and murderers then Australia existed. From Europe there were exiled convicts
      1. +4
        26 May 2013 11: 03
        I do not confuse. The CONDEMNED were exiled to Australia. And America hiding from justice fled to America.
        1. a
          26 May 2013 14: 36
          then you write that you emigrated. write that you ran. you have many discrepancies.
          in fact, hardworking people from Europe rode America. Of course, there were enough adventurers and adventurers. and probably even were convicted. but the country's economy is not raised by adventurers and convicts, but by a fully able-bodied people. so the problem is with you.
  4. Larus
    25 May 2013 18: 43
    Yes .... this is not Zho, not from Moscow, the author made a mistake in praising these "freedom-loving" and others ... tovarischey)))
  5. +5
    25 May 2013 18: 49
    American troops can land anywhere in the world

    Particularly impressed and remembered was the landing in Cuba, in the Bay of Pigs. Cool then the Amers succeeded, sorry for the freedom-loving Cubans.
    America is a little troubled by this anthem.
    1. Mitzhel
      25 May 2013 19: 04
      Again nonsense. Americans did not land in the Bay of Pigs. Cuban counterrevolutionaries landed there with the help of the United States. By the way, after that unsuccessful landing, the Americans bought the captured Cubans-counter-revolutionaries from Castro and held a celebration in Congress.
      Now we need to compare this with what the Russian defense minister said about the captured tankers who were sent to storm Grozny ...
      1. Mitzhel
        25 May 2013 20: 33
        Here is another confirmation of the mental inferiority of the next minuser. The one who set the minus was even too lazy to read a couple of articles about the attempt to land the counterrevolutionaries in Cuba, about how the United States did not abandon the prisoners (who were not even US citizens) and how the Russian authorities acted in swine with the Russian tankmen who were captured in Chechnya.
        1. +7
          25 May 2013 22: 30
          And don't you have a too hysterical reaction to the minuses? .. well, once the "unknown enemy" was summoned to a battle ... you see that they did not consider it necessary to argue with you ... or unworthy ... you understand, if you argue with everyone , with whom you disagree you will not read anything, and besides, you will have to live here, on the site ... :))) ... well, why go into hysterics every time you are negatively assessed? ...
          I put to you - for every hysterical cry and some comments just ...
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. phantom359
          26 May 2013 20: 35
          Quote: Mitzhel
          Here is another confirmation of the mental inferiority of the next minuser. The one who set the minus was even too lazy to read a couple of articles about the attempt to land the counterrevolutionaries in Cuba, about how the United States did not abandon the prisoners (who were not even US citizens) and how the Russian authorities acted in swine with the Russian tankmen who were captured in Chechnya.

          Oh, we immediately turn to insults, a typical mouthpiece of the most "truthful" information, when there is nothing to cover, we begin to offend the interlocutor, This is the most, that neither is an inferiority complex.
        5. 0
          27 May 2013 00: 49
          Well, I put "-" where I disagree, or I feel that you are lying, so what? Not allowed?:)
      2. Agent.
        25 May 2013 20: 34
        What did he say?
        1. Mitzhel
          25 May 2013 20: 38
          He said that neither he nor Russia had anything to do with the prisoners ... and after all there were not foreign mercenaries but Russian citizens.
          1. Agent.
            26 May 2013 12: 29
            well, if so then he should be demoted immediately, and then judged.
      3. phantom359
        26 May 2013 20: 32
        Quote: Mitzhel
        Again nonsense. Americans did not land in the Bay of Pigs. Cuban counterrevolutionaries landed there with the help of the United States. By the way, after that unsuccessful landing, the Americans bought the captured Cubans-counter-revolutionaries from Castro and held a celebration in Congress.
        Now we need to compare this with what the Russian defense minister said about the captured tankers who were sent to storm Grozny ...

        And the pilots on the B26x? Oh erred dear.
        1. Mitzhel
          26 May 2013 22: 40
          I repeat for the very understanding. Cuban counterrevolutionaries landed with US HELP, but not a single American marine participated in the landing. US air and sea cover provided all of its customers in central America and the Caribbean.
  6. Guun
    25 May 2013 18: 53
    Americans are masters in only one thing - to lie beautifully and believably, after disclosing a lie - to lie again.
    1. Mitzhel
      25 May 2013 19: 01
      American Internet is not a bastard to use?
      1. Guun
        25 May 2013 19: 10
        Well, I have Chinese, the computer is also assembled there.
        1. Mitzhel
          25 May 2013 19: 12
          Chinese internet? Interesting things in parallel reality ...
          1. Guun
            25 May 2013 19: 28
            And then you thought. I use only Chinese equipment like you.
            1. Mitzhel
              25 May 2013 19: 39
              My laptop is made in South Korea where the US bases, the software is developed in the US and now I am on the Internet which was invented, introduced and presented to mankind by the descendants of "bandits", "convicts" and "murderers" ... and the satellites that were launched are in orbit these bad people gave all of humanity a GPS that I also use. These are such bastards ...
              1. Guun
                25 May 2013 22: 29
                Well, it’s direct, besides the United States, that nobody produces. So China and other Asian countries produce all this stuffed with our equipment. There was a case when the very same Chinese people sewed uniforms for the United States Olympians, the factories in the United States cover and transfer everything to Asia (China), labor is cheaper there, most of the technics were invented by smart Japanese, and even Kazakhstan has satellites in orbit. I don’t use GPS - my memory is excellent and I find a good way on the map. And my PC is made in China where there are no US bases. And I wish you to move to the USA as soon as possible and there you will be left without the right to return to your homeland.
                1. -1
                  26 May 2013 10: 58
                  Well, it’s direct, besides the United States, that nobody produces. So China and other Asian countries produce all this stuffed with our equipment. There was a case when the very same Chinese people sewed uniforms for the United States Olympians, the factories in the United States cover and transfer everything to Asia (China), labor is cheaper there, most of the technics were invented by smart Japanese, and even Kazakhstan has satellites in orbit. I don’t use GPS - my memory is excellent and I find a good way on the map. And my PC is made in China where there are no US bases. And I wish you to move to the USA as soon as possible and there you will be left without the right to return to your homeland.

                  Processors are still produced mainly by two companies - "Intel" and "AMD". Both are American. The fact that they have fabs all over the world, including in China, is the cost of globalization. And so in the USA itself there is still a sufficient number of fabs that no one is going to close. More details on the link:

                2. Grishka100watt
                  26 May 2013 11: 23
                  Well, it’s direct, besides the United States, that nobody produces. So China and other Asian countries produce all this stuffed with our equipment. There was a case when the very same Chinese people sewed uniforms for the United States Olympians, the factories in the United States cover and transfer everything to Asia (China), labor is cheaper there, most of the technics were invented by smart Japanese, and even Kazakhstan has satellites in orbit. I don’t use GPS - my memory is excellent and I find a good way on the map. And my PC is made in China where there are no US bases. And I wish you to move to the USA as soon as possible and there you will be left without the right to return to your homeland

                  Krasava)lol good
          2. Mitzhel
            25 May 2013 19: 50
            Fools minuscule even believe in the Chinese Internet? laughing
  7. vladsolo56
    25 May 2013 19: 06
    Strange article, who were the first settlers in America? pilgrims? escaped convicts, criminals. They were followed by invaders greedy for gold and land. One phrase that was used during the conquest of America: "Good Indian, dead Indian" characterizes the first colonists. Further, many years of slavery, and even after its abolition, more than one century of discrimination, and blacks and Indians, which actually manifests itself now. Democracy, for the rich and whites, is actually a fascist ideology in relation to the indigenous aborigines, to everyone who interferes with robbing the whole world. Bringing up a poorly educated society brought up on the idea of ​​the American Dream. All that America has achieved is the result of a predatory attitude towards all raw material countries. Of course, helpers are needed to dominate the world, and they are, several countries in Europe, several in Asia, several in Latin America and also in Africa.
    What the author wanted to convey is unclear who the article is for?
    1. Mitzhel
      25 May 2013 19: 10
      It is not enough to capture the land. They need to be mastered, roads to be built, cities to be built, industry to be created, etc., the Americans have succeeded, and now, by the way, the Indians on their reservations are furious with fat on food stamps, not to mention Indian casinos and other bonuses. Democracy for whites is complete nonsense! In the United States, there has long been "positive discrimination" where blacks are given quotas in state institutions and educational institutions to the detriment of whites.
      1. Mitzhel
        25 May 2013 19: 52
        Minus-minus insignificance. You can’t say anything related so it remains silently minus the truth.
        1. +6
          25 May 2013 20: 23
          Quote: Mitzhel
          Little land to capture ...

          That's the logic that the master, plotter and builder have ... At least you will change the flag, you are our industrial Indian.
          1. Mitzhel
            25 May 2013 20: 28
            For the Indians worried of whom the immigrants drove into the reservation? But what about the Circassians whom they got rid of no less brutally driving away from the land, clearing them for Russian immigrants and Cossacks ??
            1. +5
              25 May 2013 21: 02
              Quote: Mitzhel
              What about the Circassians

              And what have the Circassians, an article like about America. You should read the article "How to Recognize Diote During a Discussion" first.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. Mitzhel
                25 May 2013 21: 14
                And what have the Indians and your strange proposal to change the flag? You would have flamed less and read the article "How to recognize a dota during a discussion" first.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. Mitzhel
                    25 May 2013 21: 51
                    So what have the Indians to do with it? The article does not say a word about the Indians laughing even the Russian D-Bill like you should have noticed. You first started babbling some miserable nonsense about the Indians, offering to change the flag and other nonsense. Especially for stupid space - I am a Russian citizen, I live in St. Petersburg and have been to the United States only twice. Remember this and don’t talk nonsense anymore.
                    1. +6
                      25 May 2013 22: 03
                      Quote: Mitzhel
                      Earth is not enough to capture. They need to be mastered, paved roads, cities to build, industry created, and so on for the Americans, and now, by the way, the Indians in their reservations are raving about fat on grocery coupons, not to mention Native American casinos and other bonuses.

                      Your words? But an article about America, so the Indians are appropriate, but where does the Circassians come in?
                      Quote: Mitzhel
                      I am a Russian citizen, I live in St. Petersburg and have been in the USA only twice

                      It is visible, only two times and you have enough laughing Sorry!
                      1. Mitzhel
                        25 May 2013 22: 10
                        But an article about America, so the Indians are appropriate, but where does the Circassians come in?

                        Yes, despite the fact that everything is relative. If someone presents the United States to the Indians, then it would not be bad to remember that exactly the same methods were used by his country to clear the territories for Russian settlers.

                        It is visible, only two times and you have enough

                        A normal person, and once enough, to appreciate the greatness of this wonderful country and the hard work of its people.
                      2. +3
                        25 May 2013 22: 44
                        Quote: Mitzhel
                        it would not be a bad thing to remember that exactly the same methods were used by his country in clearing the territories for Russian settlers.

                        Quote: Mitzhel
                        I am a Russian citizen, I live in St. Petersburg

                        This is the logic! You and Your Ancestors Accupants! Then you are unworthy and you need to be democratized, to take away everything that you illegally acquired from poor, unfortunate peoples. A fair America, the defender of the weak and destitute, is in sight. laughing
                        Quote: Mitzhel
                        A normal person, and once enough, to appreciate the greatness of this wonderful country and the hard work of its people.

                        Are you sure when your normality was, before or after?
                      3. Mitzhel
                        26 May 2013 22: 24
                        This is the logic! You and Your Ancestors Accupants! Then you are unworthy and you need to be democratized, to take away everything that you illegally acquired from poor, unfortunate peoples. A fair America, the defender of the weak and destitute, is in sight.

                        You obviously have problems with logic and spelling. Not the invaders, but the conquerors who defeated him and are right. This applies to Russian and American immigrants. Some cleared Ingermanland from the Chukhons and Swedes and now I live in beautiful Petersburg, while others cleared their newly conquered lands from the Indians and now there is a prosperous superpower. The Indians were confused under their feet and prevented the treads of progress that were carried by more developed people. I had to move them a little ...

                        Are you sure when your normality was, before or after?

                        It is always interesting to travel around the world and see how normal, free people live. Among them, you yourself become normal ... Although normality is a relative concept. For some, it’s normal to have constitutional rights to arms, to be elected and to be elected, to have the right to choose a sheriff and mayor in fair elections, while others normally bow to a lifelong national leader and hate the United States from black envy.
                      4. Guun
                        25 May 2013 22: 46
                        Quote: Mitzhel
                        A normal person, and once enough, to appreciate the greatness of this wonderful country and the hard work of its people.

                        Alas, you do not belong to the category of normal people, the United States appreciated that there are a lot of unemployed people, they are getting fired - cheap labor in China. Life in New Orleans is wonderful (still not restored after Katrina), and Detroit is generally a resort for gangs of niggas, tent camps in the outskirts of cities. A nation in which 50% sits on antidepressants deserves repeated democratization.
                      5. Mitzhel
                        26 May 2013 22: 32
                        Such agitation can only be issued by someone who has no idea how the United States lives and, moreover, does not want to know the truth. The United States is a huge country and most of the population there does not live in "black" Detroit and New Orleans, but in small towns and clean white suburbs. There, the majority of the population is white laborers who have a house with two cars per family and 3-4 children.
                        To 150 million people sitting on antidepressants, we must also add the traditional nonsense about the fact that they eat plastic food, soon the dollar will depreciate, the United States will fall apart and Russia will regain Alaska. Everything will be that way. Keep smoking planputin laughing
                      6. 0
                        27 May 2013 01: 05
                        Quote: Mitzhel
                        soon the dollar will depreciate, the United States will fall apart and Russia will regain Alaska. Everything will be that way. Keep smoking planputin laughing

                        The first time I put a "+" on you, I myself did not expect such progress from you! :)))) About Alaska to the very point, 100 years of its lease (sales for 100 years) passed in 1967! But ... the richest and most honest country in the world does not want to return it voluntarily, but it will have to. We, the Slavs (Russians), will wait a bit, when the troupes of our "potential partner" float past us and take back what belongs to us by right! :)
                    2. +4
                      25 May 2013 23: 11
                      Land is not enough to capture. They must be mastered, paved roads, cities built, industry created, etc. among the Americans, and it’s done now by the way, the Indians in their reservations are raging with fat on food stamps not to mention Indian casinos and other bonuses. Democracy for whites is complete nonsense! In the United States, there has long been "positive discrimination" where blacks are given quotas in government institutions and educational institutions to the detriment of whites.

                      Do you even remember what you write, or at least flip through your writing.
                    3. 0
                      27 May 2013 00: 58
                      typical cosmopolitan, with whom for some reason this swamp is teeming - St. Petersburg (Leningrad).
                    4. +1
                      27 May 2013 03: 22
                      Especially for stupid spaces - I am a Russian citizen, I live in St. Petersburg and in the USA I was only twice

                      The legend is no good! negative

                      Judging by the increased activity and the desire to spit in every pot in front of us - the Internet is war. And judging by the clumsy work from a fresh call. Not shelled yet.

                      The US Defense Department has approved a plan to increase the number of cybersecurity units fivefold. Now they will be able not only to defend themselves, but also to "attack" opponents. On January 28, The Washington Post reported this with reference to informed sources in the US government. According to the newspaper, the Pentagon cyber command made a demand for the expansion of the state. After its implementation, the number of military and civilian specialists in the industry will increase from 900 to 4900.
              3. 0
                27 May 2013 00: 56
                Quote: SPACE
                You should read the article "How to Recognize Diote During a Discussion" first.

                made fun of the soul, thanks! :))))) "+"
        2. +1
          27 May 2013 18: 05
          It is not enough to capture the land. They need to be mastered, roads to be built, cities to be built, industry to be created, etc., the Americans have succeeded, and now, by the way, the Indians on their reservations are furious with fat on food stamps, not to mention Indian casinos and other bonuses. Democracy for whites is complete nonsense! In the United States, there has long been "positive discrimination" where blacks are given quotas in state institutions and educational institutions to the detriment of whites.
          And what else is there to do, cut off from Europe to the floor of the globe, would they sit there further than what the hell are they climbing to us now ??? We didn’t climb to them while they installed their state, right now they are rotting and they are throwing us their rot ....
      2. DeerIvanovich
        25 May 2013 23: 24
        heh, they showed here once a report about the capital of the main reservation of the USA, so people in our village live better, the Indians even come here and can’t get enough to go to heaven. here you are and rage with fat. The United States has done everything so that the indigenous population dies naturally.
  8. +5
    25 May 2013 19: 24
    The American court ruled that American police officers cannot be taken with a large IQ (i.e. smart)!
    Thinking a joke? At the same time, please note that the United States is a country of judicial arbitrariness, or, as they say, "case law." Judges in the United States and England ultimately rule everything, because the courts have the final say in all controversial issues.
  9. +8
    25 May 2013 19: 37
    In general, knowledge of the national character of military people is very important. After all, people come to the army from different ethnic and cultural groups. By the way, Russia, with smart rulers, knew how to use all of its subjects. I will give the closest example to me as a Jew from the book of F. Candel’s research.
    During the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 / 78, the first mass mobilization in Russia began. Many expressed doubt in the fighting qualities of Jewish soldiers. But not all.
    “Both Tatars and Jews, - defended their chief of staff, General A. Kuropatkin, - knew how and will continue to be able to fight and die as heroically as other Russian soldiers - you just need to know how to lead them.”
    Most Jewish soldiers were in the sixteenth and thirtieth infantry divisions, which they mobilized in the Mogilev and Minsk provinces. One quarter of them were Jews, and in some companies more than half. When they were sent to the front, there were a lot of angry and insulting jokes about this, but after the very first battles the officers of these divisions adequately appreciated the Jewish soldiers.
    "According to the general opinion of the company commanders," wrote one of them, "the Jews fought bravely and even desperately."
    And the commander of the thirtieth division recalled after the war:
    "A Jewish soldier - most often, a family one - is usually worried and anxious before the battle; but a Jewish soldier in the heat of battle is brave and incredibly decisive. This is not an automatic machine, not a machine acting at the command of an officer; on the contrary, with full consciousness of the danger that threatens him having forgotten both his poverty-stricken family and helpless old parents, he throws himself first into the fire with exemplary determination and selflessness. Another indisputable distinguishing feature is the Jewish warrior: his quick wit and enterprise in the most difficult moments. "
    At a fort near Shipka, a shell fell at the feet of the artilleryman Leibush Faygenbaum, but before it had time to burst, Faygenbaum, without being at a loss, threw it into a nearby moat and saved the gun and soldier. For this he received the St. George Cross, was marked by a special order in the army, and much was written about him in the newspapers. Until the end of the war, Leibush Feigenbaum received two more Georges and was mortally wounded at its very end.
    Near Plevna, the soldiers of the XNUMXth division launched an attack on the Turkish trenches, but heavy fire was opened on them from there. "The closer we got to the Turkish trench, the more desperate our position became," recalled the division commander. "Suddenly there was a cry -" Shma , Israel! "(" Listen, Israel! ") - announced the air. It turned out that the Jews were shouting, the Russian soldiers unconsciously repeated the same after them, and in the general confusion, with the unanimous" Shma, Israel! "The whole division climbed onto the Turkish trench ".
    But we are talking about ordinary small-town Jews and it was necessary to be able to run them in the system and charge them for battle.
  10. +7
    25 May 2013 19: 59
    "The Americans believe that the United States of America has an exceptional destiny determined by divine providence itself - to always go ahead of all countries and lead the whole world along the path they have laid out (in other words, a higher power authorized the United States to be the world hegemon and rise above all). the goal and, along the way, of ensuring peace for the United States, the Americans believe force in all its forms and the threat of its use (hence the thesis of reliance on force). "

    It reminds me of Hitler’s speeches before World War II.
    Very dangerous coincidences can be traced.

    I did not evaluate the article.
    The author began "for health", but ended up completely out of topic.
    1. Mitzhel
      25 May 2013 20: 04
      Very dangerous coincidences are being traced.

      Nothing terrible to happen. After all, Soviet senior officials did not buy real estate in Nazi Germany and did not send children to study there. Where, for example, did the daughter of Minister Lavrov study and live - in the know?
      1. Grishka100watt
        26 May 2013 11: 30
        He lives because Americans need it, not Lavrov.
  11. +4
    25 May 2013 20: 22
    I read the article and I think to myself, right now on the branch of the Jews it will be like fleas on a dog and everyone will glorify this "marker on a stick" and I was not mistaken, I learned that the Jews took Shipka, but the fact that they also defeated fascism and the amers I won even earlier from I recognized such markelov. Neher to scare us with American efficiency and Jewish cunning, we know you as flaky.
    1. +4
      25 May 2013 20: 37
      Quote: cherkas.oe
      I read the article and I think to myself, right now on the branch of the Jews it will be like fleas on a dog and everyone will glorify this "marker on a stick" and I was not mistaken, I learned that the Jews took Shipka, but the fact that they also defeated fascism and the amers I won even earlier from I recognized such markelov. Neher to scare us with American efficiency and Jewish cunning, we know you as flaky.

      A person making such conclusions when discussing the characteristics of the national character of the military, is an unusual intellectual. Is it really such a topic of little interest that it would be talked about with anti-Semitism? After all, there is a difference between the Kazakh and Uzbek armies armed with almost the same weapons. Or Egyptian and Syrian, for example, in 1973? Or between draftees in Armenia from Buryatia or Mordovia?
      1. +3
        25 May 2013 21: 41
        Quote: Aron Zaavi
        to talk about it with anti-Semitism?

        Do you know Aron, it’s not me who wrote about the infinitely brave small-town warriors and didn’t say a word about dislike of Jews and I know that the character of a person and a warrior is formed in the environment of which he grows and behavior in an extreme situation depends on the psychophysical qualities of a person and his motivation to this situation. My childhood friend was Seryoga Furman, the kingdom of heaven to him, so he grew up in the village of Kuban and we friends envied him that he had a surname like that of the Chapaevsky commissar and that he was a very good and brave lad even in a collective fight at least one against five , it happened when the locals began to poke him for a girl in a neighboring village, but none of ours was beaten, so he fought off, though half of the cinema’s seat and on a strange motorcycle was our asshole. But I also saw other Jews who grew up in a different environment, the Shekhtmans, Shafrany, Moscow, Razilovs, Babakhanovs, one drunken Chechen jumped at them and they climbed under the benches, I had to weigh a little bream, and bold Jewish lads forced to write a statement to the student council on it, by the way under pain p..lei, so, like that.
      2. -1
        26 May 2013 15: 08
        Jews, of course, are heroes, fighters, and well done, but there were very few of them at the front and they did not prove to be particularly heroic. Well, they are, of course, stronger than Arabs, those who have undergone military training in the USSR, the USA and Europe, and even while Uncle Sam is arming and financing Jews. And without Uncle Sam, the price of their army is lower than that of the Arabs.
        1. +1
          27 May 2013 01: 17
          the fact is that often a Jew who grew up in an exclusively Russian environment, he is no longer quite a Jew by mentality, therefore heroes are not uncommon among "our" Jews. And it is true! It is not for nothing that in Izergil the local Jews do not favor immigrants from Russia and call them "Russians." :)) And about North America, I generally keep quiet, there they are generally very wary. And why? But because they grew up in our midst, they lost their Jewish qualities.
    2. Marek Rozny
      25 May 2013 20: 43
      Nobody here scares anyone, but tells. There is something for us to learn from the amers and the Jews. We need to learn from everyone, then we will definitely be stronger. And not to take into account the nuances of a national character (especially a potential American adversary) is stupid.

      Z.Y. Jews are essentially a non-militant nation, but selfless heroes often left the Jewish population. And you can’t call them stupid in any way. But in general, I do not consider Jews as a combat unit. In the Khazar Khaganate, where they seized all trade and foreign policy, and even persuaded the Khagan (Turk) to accept Judaism, the Jews were still forbidden to serve in the Khazar army, because the Turks believed that Jews were unworkable and their large number could undermine power Khazar army.
      1. +3
        25 May 2013 21: 11
        Is it really about Jews, Americans or Chinese? I gave an example simply because the topic of Jews in the army of the Republic of Ingushetia interests me very much. But the main thing (IMHO) is different, how to use the formed national differences of the people in the construction of the armed forces. For example, impetuosity and calm, energy or meticulousness. That's what is interesting to talk about. But in the army of the Republic of Ingushetia, they knew how to do this very well.
      2. -3
        26 May 2013 09: 22
        Quote: Marek Rozny
        . There is something for us to learn from the amers and the Jews.

        Yeah, we will take the Socramental from the amers: - "Sorry, nothing personal, but the" bolivar "will not stand two", and from the Jews: - "Money does not smell," and then we will have an army hurt.
        1. -1
          26 May 2013 21: 20
          Quote: cherkas.oe
          , and then the army will hurt ourselves.

          What kind of evil koloboks are minus me ?, tell me at least ahh .., I will answer, and if you have nothing to say, sniff in a rag, flour products and raise your intellectual level, and only then hit the "clave".
      3. The comment was deleted.
  12. +3
    25 May 2013 20: 32
    And do not forget about their cunning
    1. Mitzhel
      25 May 2013 20: 34
      Insidiously slipped the Internet where many urapatriots-Americanophobes hang while Americans rivet first-class ships laughing
  13. +2
    25 May 2013 20: 46
    Quote: Mitzhel
    American Internet is not a bastard to use?

    In general, during the long appearance of the World Wide Web, the Internet was invented by the military in our USSR. Somewhere in the early 70s before the new year, if my memory serves me in military unit where in the Ulyanovsk region. the military sent a champagne bubble to their colleagues in the Far East via the so-called network, after 15 minutes the bubble returned to them already half empty.
  14. +3
    25 May 2013 20: 49
    Mitskhel, and you have a rating of -2000. You do not accidentally mishandled kazochok from all your favorite americans !!!!! am
    1. Mitzhel
      25 May 2013 20: 54
      About Cossacks, you need to ask the daughter of Minister Lavrov and the son of a patriot Pekhtin. They from the enemy USA know better ...
      1. +1
        25 May 2013 20: 58
        Well, we are a mere mortal people who will talk to us.
    2. +7
      25 May 2013 20: 57
      Quote: Hedgehog
      Mitskhel, and you have a rating of -2000. You do not accidentally mishandled kazochok from all your favorite americans !!!!! am

      Can I ask you something? So you personally do not care about the rating? Does your opinion, even if it does not correspond to the opinion of the absolute majority, have no right to be voiced?
      1. 0
        25 May 2013 23: 41
        Just when EVERYTHING that a person wrote is rejected by the overwhelming majority of reasonable opponents, either he is an idiot, or wants to seem to them, or he is not a person ...
        1. alexanderrus.
          26 May 2013 02: 52
          Most are far from always right. Rather, it is a herd instinct of thinking.
        2. Mitzhel
          26 May 2013 23: 00
          "The overwhelming majority of reasonable" recently erected monuments to Lenin in every city, and then the same majority of them happily broke them down on orders. The "overwhelming majority" read rhymes about Marshal Beria and then heated the stove with his portraits ... To me, a man who recently traveled by car along the eastern coast of the United States from Vermont to Florida, they tell nonsense about Americans, akin to those that some Poles tell about Russians and Russia -Rusophobes.
          I also understand lying and fasting for the sake of real benefits in real life, but agreeing with freaks (who repeat other people's ravings about the USA and the West even though they themselves have never been there) for the sake of likes on the site is simply humiliating.
        3. +2
          27 May 2013 03: 15

          Just when EVERYTHING that a person wrote is rejected by the overwhelming majority of reasonable opponents, either he is an idiot, or wants to seem to them, or he is not a person ...

          He’s just at work. bully
  15. +2
    25 May 2013 21: 02
    Quote: Aron Zaavi
    Can I ask you something? So you personally do not care about the rating? Does your opinion, even if it does not correspond to the opinion of the absolute majority, have no right to be voiced?

    I absolutely agree with you. How many people have so many opinions. Everyone has the right to express their thoughts as he understands today's realities.
  16. +3
    25 May 2013 21: 05
    I give many less advice to listen to Echo Moscow and think and analyze with my own head. To be a person, and not just what they want to match your ears !!!!
  17. +1
    25 May 2013 21: 11
    Quote: Aron Zaavi
    Can I ask you something?

    Can I ask you now? Here you are, as a person living in Israel, is not disgusted that the entire government is dancing to the hilt of the Americans. Without their financing, Israel would have long been Palestine. And for the money to pay-work out. So a couple of times to drop bombs on Syria.

    PS I’ve been to Israel and Palestine more than once, and for some reason the Palestinians cause me more sympathy.
  18. +2
    25 May 2013 21: 13
    All this is true. And you need to learn from your enemies. The only disagree on pragmatism, I think it is disgusting to us in essence. Pragmatism is common sense, but no more than two hours or 200 meters. Pragmatically, we all rush to warmer places from our cool Russia, but what will it lead to? Pragmatically not to pull the wounded out of the shelling, but who will help you in a similar situation?
    This is how we would create a situation when the higher in the hierarchy, the more concern for the people. When the opinion of the people will be considered the voice of God. When the prime minister and headless will not come to declare that the minister is not ruble, so that everyone likes.
  19. +2
    25 May 2013 21: 17
    And how cleverly modern mass culture blurs the image of the ENEMY for us! OUR children and grandchildren "fight" - with monsters, mutants, triads, and this is at best. Most of all outraged by the provision of the opportunity to participate in the "battle" on both sides. And now OUR Russian boy is sitting at the computer
    and recklessly burns Soviet tanks and planes and it's not an orphan - parents are calm, the child is not on the street. I would like to know from the citizens of Israel, for example - can YOUR children also "play" for themselves and for the Arabs?
    1. +4
      25 May 2013 21: 27
      My kids are mostly fighting fantasy monsters. Globalization-s.
  20. +3
    25 May 2013 21: 19
    The USA is a country conglomerate .. it would seem to throw a match and all is not USA will shoot each other out of fire .. and it’s all about the upbringing and cult of the patriotism of the flag and other attributes of power .. why should I not remember where and when (I don’t want to look, but it's a fact) when captured US citizens hostage to the shores of this country Aircraft carrier sent .. PR of course but what !! In Russia, glory to God is now being revived patriotism specifically to Russia .. and not to the territory of residence ..
  21. +9
    25 May 2013 21: 23
    I generally do not agree with you about financing. That is, it helps us a lot, but not vitally. 3% of GDP is of course a great help, but since Israel is obliged to spend 75% of this money only in the USA, this is also indirect support by the American congresses for its military-industrial complex.
    As for the huge influence of the United States on our policy, this is understandable. Israel, by virtue of its smallness and isolation, cannot be a subject of world politics, but only its object (though there are also 90% of states). Unlike money for Israel, it is super important for the United States to have a veto in the UN Security Council. There is nothing shameful in this. Israel is a junior partner of the United States. Abkhazia or, for example, Belarus are junior partners of the Russian Federation and no one died from this. There is always a political center and a political periphery. But people also live on the periphery.
    As for whoever you like, so what can I do? My neighbors from the 8 floors are deeply disliked to me, and the comrade remaining in Volgograd is extremely expensive. You like Palestinians, well, so good health.
    1. Marek Rozny
      25 May 2013 21: 37
      Really like your balanced answers.
    2. 0
      25 May 2013 21: 55
      I agree! Maybe your sucks from the 8th floor is my friend who is extremely dear to me. But I do not live in Abkhazia and not in Belarus, but in Russia.
      Any state always pursues its own interests first of all. But when a country, due to its smallness and isolation, is obliged to depend on someone, then this country will be required from time to time to do a dirty job.
    3. Dimkapvo
      25 May 2013 23: 51
      I rarely agree with the comments of your fellow countrymen, but plus you - like reasonable people with strong nerves.
  22. +10
    25 May 2013 21: 33
    Quote: MIKHAN
    In Russia, glory to God is now being revived patriotism specifically to Russia .. and not to the territory of residence ..

    At work, I have a subordinate gender German-Russian-Catholic. former officer of the Russian Federation with military awards for Chechnya. And he is such a patriot of Russia that many are still far from him.
    I myself am semi-Russian, my father (retired Russian officer) has a Polish mother, an Austrian father, a Mordovian mother, and I am Russian and they will die for the country if Russian is necessary.

    I want to say - no matter who you are the main upbringing and always think for yourself, and not just what you get into, to understand where you live and why.
  23. Vladomir
    25 May 2013 21: 48
    Almost the whole world hates or fears the United States, and in the event of a severe crisis, America will be torn to pieces. Therefore, the United States, robbed and living at the expense of the whole world, and contain such a large army, so retribution for the deed will be inevitable and complete.
    1. Mitzhel
      25 May 2013 21: 55
      The USA is especially hated by the daughter of Minister Lavrov, the patriot Pekhtin with his son, Senator Vavilov and many other representatives of the creative, political and business elite of the Russian Federation. They hate it so much that it’s even scary to imagine what kind of torment they are experiencing, trampling the American soil saturated with the blood of the genocidal Indians ...
      1. +1
        25 May 2013 22: 15
        Why are you fixated on the children of the "elite"? Or does it bother you to live? And here is the humor about the destruction of the indigenous population of America, so adored by you, "smelly."
        1. Mitzhel
          25 May 2013 22: 20
          If the elite chooses the West and the United States and not Venezuela and North Korea, then this says a lot. About, for example, where to live well and safely. Where to send your children and who do not quarrel ...

          About the Indians - no one destroyed them. It was a war for the land where they kill and expel, such wars were full in the history of mankind. In fact, the Indians now live perfectly on full state support, have a bunch of benefits on the reservation, their own police, laws ...
          1. DeerIvanovich
            25 May 2013 23: 11
            once upon a time there lived millions of Indians ...
            throwing blankets with infections, after which the tribe is almost dead ...
            a scalp hunt for which authorities paid money ...
            Yes, this is not destruction, it is the game of future supermen and batmen. nothing more to say.
            although no, I’ll say. in each squad of settlers moving forward to the development of new territories there was always at least one family of Jewish merchants.
            and as a rule, it was they who bought the scalps.
          2. +1
            25 May 2013 23: 36
            I cry from happiness and at the same time from resentment that I’m not an Indian))))
      2. 0
        25 May 2013 23: 37
        Would you go sick matzoh ate
    2. +2
      26 May 2013 00: 52
      The strong are always afraid and want to break. Is always. And becoming strong, this should be remembered.
      1. +1
        26 May 2013 01: 01
        Quote: Pimply
        The strong are always afraid and want to break.
        In other words, A. Makedonsky conquered a huge empire, but could not save. From here ---..- Oh, Woe to the winners! I agree 100%.
      2. +1
        26 May 2013 09: 11
        Quote: Pimply
        The strong are always afraid and want to break. Is always. And becoming strong, this should be remembered.

        When you become one, you don’t need to stare at someone else’s, teach democracy to all, and greyhound reveling in your impunity, then no one will want to tear you up but they will simply have to. smile
        1. a
          26 May 2013 09: 34
          how strong he will be if he does not teach others, if he does not act with impunity, if he does not want to tear others. it will be some kind of thread state impotent.
          and by the way, what does it mean to stare at someone else's?
          1. +1
            26 May 2013 12: 25
            Quote: uno
            . it will be some kind of thread state impotent.

            Do not confuse horseradish with a finger. This is when moral and physical impotent, due to the cunning of meanness and cynicism, becomes financially strong, then the outbreak of aggression towards others begins, and a spiritually and physically healthy and self-sufficient person or state will not be aggressive and self-assertive due to the humiliation of others. (Probably this is idealistic in relation to the modern realities of interhuman and interstate relations, but true.)
          2. +1
            26 May 2013 12: 30
            Quote: uno
            what does it mean to stare at someone else's?

            I completely forgot to answer this question. But you're really just pretending to be a "dunno." But you probably heard or read: - "Do you have a lot of oil? Then we will establish democracy for you."
      3. phantom359
        26 May 2013 20: 43
        Quote: Pimply
        The strong are always afraid and want to break. Is always. And becoming strong, this should be remembered.

        What are you saying? If the so-called, his strong nose does not stick in someone else's affairs, then whoever needs him, once again no one will be substituted. But when we start eating up and telling others how to live, then this is a completely different matter.
  24. +4
    25 May 2013 21: 56
    After reading the article, are we supposed to be scared and obey? In my opinion, no one considers the United States a weak adversary. However, we managed to force ourselves to reckon after the Second World War. And militarily, our developments are no worse than imported ones. Otherwise, we would simply be gone now.
  25. +2
    25 May 2013 22: 01
    Quote: Hedgehog
    Quote: MIKHAN
    In Russia, glory to God is now being revived patriotism specifically to Russia .. and not to the territory of residence ..

    At work, I have a subordinate gender German-Russian-Catholic. former officer of the Russian Federation with military awards for Chechnya. And he is such a patriot of Russia that many are still far from him.
    I myself am semi-Russian, my father (retired Russian officer) has a Polish mother, an Austrian father, a Mordovian mother, and I am Russian and they will die for the country if Russian is necessary.

    I want to say - no matter who you are the main upbringing and always think for yourself, and not just what you get into, to understand where you live and why.

    I agree! I kind of wrote about it too .. My first wife is Ukrainian, the second is Polish blood .. that’s not the point, I just love the Motherland whether she’s good or bad and I’ll protect her and I will always say this to my sons ..
  26. reichsmarshal
    25 May 2013 22: 11
    Question: Is it right to compare the losses of the USA and the USSR in Afghanistan? Too different goals and means. The United States does not try to reduce the loss of population of Afghanistan and does not seek to destroy the Taliban everywhere and immediately (but only where it is very necessary). The US uses far more drones and WTO satellite intelligence data than the Soviet army in Afghanistan; their soldiers are professionally trained soldiers, and their commanders have the right to ignore orders if they lead to the unnecessary death of soldiers. Finally, no one helps the Taliban, and the United States themselves helped the Mujahideen in the 80s. In my opinion, the situation is qualitatively different (even if the data on the losses of the Coalition of 3,5 are not underestimated, as hinted by both American human rights defenders and many ordinary US citizens).
    1. Marek Rozny
      25 May 2013 23: 02
      US casualty statistics do not include the loss of US allies, as well as PMC losses.
  27. +5
    25 May 2013 22: 16
    Markell Boytsov carefully and meticulously listed the positive qualities of amers.
    And let's look at the other side of their quality:
    Idaho State Laws It is considered unlawful for a man to give his beloved a box of chocolates that weigh less than 50 pounds. You cannot fish from the back of a camel.
    Arizona State Laws You can get up to 25 years in prison if you cut a cactus. You can store no more than two dildos at home. Camel hunting is prohibited. Any misconduct committed in a red mask is automatically considered criminal
    Iowa State Laws You cannot sell drugs or drugs without paying tax on the sale of drugs. One-armed pianists must play for free. Kisses should not last more than 5 minutes. A mustachioed man has no right to kiss a woman in public.
    Wisconsin State Laws It is illegal to serve apple pie without cheese in public restaurants under state law. In state prisons, the use of oil substitutes is prohibited. State citizens are prohibited from killing their enemies. If two trains meet at the intersection of tracks, each of them must stand until the other begins to move. It is forbidden to cut female hair. It is forbidden to kiss on a train.
    Minnesota State Laws All men riding a motorcycle must wear shirts. No one can cross the state border with a duck on his head. It is against the law to sleep naked. Each bath should have legs.
    Utah State Laws Restaurants are only allowed to serve wine if the customer has requested a wine menu. It is prohibited to detonate atomic weapons. You can own it, but you cannot blow it up. It is forbidden to have sex in the ambulance car if it is on call. It is forbidden to fish while sitting on a horse. It is forbidden not to drink milk.
    And more than 20 not awkward laws.
    To nonsense, I would attribute the law on same-sex marriage adopted in five states.
  28. +5
    25 May 2013 22: 17
    Quote: YaRusich
    The United States is a state that was created by the descendants of freedom-loving and enterprising European pilgrims,

    After reading this, I didn’t even want to read further .... This is a state formed by criminals and murderers who were exiled from Europe and who went to America because they could not do evil in Europe and nobody needed there, pah .....

    Dear Yarusich, I have nothing to add, except my "+" to you !!!
    PS One can only recall how these "Yankees" fired off "national minorities" or drove them to the "parlor" (transl. "Nursery")
  29. polkownik1
    25 May 2013 23: 08
    The main thing is missing in the article. Think of a dozen American films about the exploits of American heroes. At the beginning of the film, the obligatory phrase is: "Show us where they are and we will kick their asses!" Ten minutes later, the second obligatory phrase: "Get us out of this hell !!!". Of course, one cannot judge the fighting spirit of the enemy only from feature films. But what inevitably breaks out is very clear.
    1. +2
      25 May 2013 23: 32
      And there is a third phrase in 5 minutes. WE SAVE OUR BACK. The most expensive thing they have
  30. +4
    25 May 2013 23: 11
    The Germans were surprised by such a feature of the Americans as a scientific approach to everything from football to war.

    Germans, surprised by the Soviet Army !!! Surprised to the very Berlin !!!
    1. +2
      26 May 2013 14: 13
      The only American lawyers in the world were able to snatch 2nd place for their athletes at the Olympics.
  31. +6
    25 May 2013 23: 19
    Mitskhel - you are definitely mishandled your rating is already approaching -4000. Tell your owners overseas that we understood their idea and on x ... send !!! smile

    Or are you offended by life. Make a request for a green card and life will improve. No need to see the negative in everything.
  32. +1
    25 May 2013 23: 22
    It’s just some kind of anthem to America, although I have to agree with most theses, which is even more annoying. All the positive things need to be studied and implemented in Russia taking into account our specifics. It seems that management has an understanding of the need to work in this direction.
  33. +3
    25 May 2013 23: 32
    ... "The basis of public consciousness in military affairs is the following provisions. The Americans believe that the United States of America by the very providence of God has determined an exceptional destiny - always to go ahead of all countries and lead the whole world along the path they have laid (in other words, a higher power has authorized USA to be the world hegemon and rise above all) "...
    - So it seems to me Joseph Goebbels argued about the Reich?
    ... "North Americans are proud to be the first in the modern world to create a democratic state, proclaiming equality of citizens in their Declaration of Independence back in 1776" ...
    - It’s only a pity that African Americans were told about this after 200 years.
    ... "Platforms are required to reach your favorites" ...
    - All the same, the World was lucky that you were on a separate continent, or not lucky ...
    ... "Pragmatism (in the sense of prudence) is both the desire of the Americans to always and in everything to obtain real benefits, advantages, profits, and the desire to reduce forced costs. They do not want a repeat of Pearl Harbor and the September 2001 events. They do not want war on their territory. They don't want to be cannon fodder in the overseas wars "...
    - Generally killed on the spot, I don’t even know what to say. Pearl Harbor - allowed aggression to engage the United States in the war. 911 - made by the Americans themselves to start a Middle Eastern company. Do you yourself believe in what you write?

    You can not read further.
    1. +1
      26 May 2013 14: 06

      "North Americans are proud to be the first in the modern world to create a democratic state, proclaiming equality of citizens in their Declaration of Independence back in 1776" ...

      The "free and democratic people of the United States" killed and tortured one hundred million Indians, tens of millions of Africans, and from the mountain of corpses, a sea of ​​human blood, tears and suffering, "model American democracy", or rather, "democracy with genocide" was born? Such an unambiguous conclusion can be drawn by studying the history of the United States.
      In the United States, 32 million illiterates, 45 million drug addicts, 80 million alcoholics, millions of homeless, unemployed, killers, thieves, crooks, corrupt officials, robbers, pimps, prostitutes, drug dealers and rapists. Foster children (and not foster children, too) are killed and tortured there, firearms are freely sold, prostitution and pornography flourish. Two-thirds of the US population is overweight and mentally ill.
      And with education is also not very good, graduates of higher American educational institutions know less than graduates of European and Russian and their knowledge, to put it mildly, does not always correspond to reality. Successes in physics, chemistry, music, etc. The United States owes emigrants. Inventor of the TV Zvorykin V.K. arrived in the United States from Russia at the age of thirty with a ready invention. The most famous “American” scientists, inventors and composers C. Young, N. Tesla, and K.F. and G. T. Kori, A. Einstein, E. Fermi, V. von Braun, H. Koran, I. Sikorsky, I. F. Stravinsky, S. V. Rachmaninov and others.
  34. Genady1976
    26 May 2013 02: 03
    A large steam rink a hundred pounds will soon ride on them lol here then we are laughing Yes
  35. +1
    26 May 2013 04: 28
    The new newspaper, which brazenly lied while covering the Chechen war, strains the source. In the negative article, we have our own tasks and problems and we need to solve them instead of discussing what they are done
    1. +1
      26 May 2013 11: 16
      That "Novaya Gazeta", that "Izvestia" - the jaundiced press! Believing them is bad manners! smile
  36. +2
    26 May 2013 05: 19
    The title is a topic that has nothing to do with the content. It makes sense to consider the national character only in the context of its manifestation in relation to the invader. The invader has no national CHARACTERISTICS, he has a set of signs of nationality, some kind of ideological justification for the need to attack someone and, most often, selfish interests. And, no matter how strong the ideological basis for the seizure of someone else’s territory, it cannot be compared with the motive for defending the homeland. The question of the duration of the occupation depends on the strength and cruelty of the invader and the national character of the defender. And that’s all.

    You need to know the strength of a potential enemy and be ready, but it is more important to forge your own national character, to prevent its destruction by any "fifth columns". Toughness in relation to open enemies is always justified, hidden ones must understand what they risk (yapping from behind a hill is not prohibited).
  37. a
    26 May 2013 06: 32
    The article is useful. You can say as long as you like that America is the fiend of hell, but ... they think only of themselves. Do you still want to think about the whole world? they do everything on the basis of their ideas about good and evil. and we are based on our ideas. but who said that our performances are the best? everyone says that the world doesn't like Americans. so after all and the Russians are not particularly loved in the world. Americans don't give a damn about world love. they only care about their own safety and a little more the safety of their key allies. and I want to say that this is the correct behavior. here we have always been an empire. But some kind of empire on the contrary. Our colonies often lived better than the metropolis. we always went to provide all "brotherly" help. Well, look where these "brothers" are now. For Georgia, we are almost the worst enemies. The Romanians, who created their state thanks to Russia, fought against us more than once. The Bulgarians, our "brothers", whom we constantly saved from the Turkish yoke, were against us in all world wars. And now they are in NATO and are constantly stabbing us with the sticks of our economic wheels. Serbs and Montenegrins, although they did not fight with us, but now they will easily exchange our love for European favor. and the Americans did not provide "fraternal" assistance. they have always pursued only their own interests. and I think this is correct. first you need to establish a good life in your home. and only then help someone. so in vain many here are being driven to America. Americans are certainly not the nicest people on earth. But they live well. They have a strong army. They have a powerful economy. They have great education and science. You can spread as many rumors as you like that they are robbing the whole world. Which, in my opinion, at the current stage is not entirely true. But they think about themselves. And this is the main point. By the way, who is stopping Russia as well as America “robbing” the whole world? or our government can only rob its own people, which is what is happening now? but China has now very pragmatically began to "plunder" other countries. See what they are doing in Africa. the branches of some countries are being bought up on the vine. and after all, they also worry only about themselves. and not about some mythical "brothers".
    summary. America is not the nicest country. but if we want to live well, we must learn from them. don't copy them. we must take better and apply it in our conditions. to be stronger, smarter, richer. and you know something to send away all the "brothers". there simply must be a very limited number of key allies. and support them. and be very pragmatic with the rest
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +6
      26 May 2013 10: 53
      Americans are accustomed to living off the rest of the world (printing papers in exchange for energy resources, for example) - and this has always been called parasitism. As for the "cool" education - a controversial issue, in my opinion the coolest education and a role model for all times is and will be Soviet. Learning from them - well, depending on what, democracy in the American way - is not a universal means to be "richer, smarter and stronger." And yet - the United States does not have allies, but rather satellite countries, by analogy with Germany and its "allies" in the 40s of the last century. As for brotherhood - well, the American mind does not understand this ...
      1. a
        26 May 2013 14: 23
        truth for the sake of. pieces of paper were not always printed. Until the 60s, the dollar could really be exchanged for gold. Which is what the French did. Then of course they began to print and already stopped changing. but the printing press was fully operational under Bush Jr. Klintoe passed him a country without deficit. and Bush needed money for the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, for his military-industrial complex. so he started printing money to the fullest .. and after that, yes, pieces of paper, pieces of paper ..
        about education, of course, a moot point. or our country is the engine of world progress in the field of science. or America, with a rotting education, with an aging Academy of Sciences and a constant brain drain. Of course, education is a very controversial issue.
        allies, satellites are more a matter of definitions. the USSR then had no satellites. they all fled to our communism with joy, joyfully became our allies (and not satellites). only from time to time we brought them to life from this joy with the help of anything but plush tanks. it is not clear where they are now our allies. AUUU !!!
        Does America need the concept of fraternity? I think no. they live well without him. and we with our brotherhood, frankly, live shitty
        1. 0
          26 May 2013 19: 01
          You either read it inattentively, or you put an equal sign between modern Russian and Soviet education, and these are two big differences. Is the amount of dollars in the world equal to the amount of actual products and services produced by America? You can't eat the papers, you can't put on them - the maximum benefit is a fire for heating. So everything that amers printed in equivalent should be produced by someone in real life, on someone's resources. So all the same, the pillars of democracy are parasitizing ... Then there is no need to talk about "we live shitty" - tell yourself about yourself first - do you think that you live badly, if you are of course a Russian?
          If, for example, China (I do not indicate Russia - "everything is bad here, but the Americans are doing well there") tomorrow lowers America, do you think these "allies" of the United States will not run to bow to the Celestial Empire?
          1. a
            26 May 2013 19: 44
            and that the Soviet Union was also the engine of progress in science? Yes, there were separate discoveries. but forgive the computers we did not invent, did not learn how to produce them, etc. so you can say the Soviet education was better than the current Russian, but no more. America, Japan in terms of science, even the Soviet Union was ahead.
            and what difference does the amount of product made by America correspond to printed money? for America, no difference. and if someone invests their money in America, then this is a problem primarily for those who invest. agree that America is in such a good position - countries that buy goods for American currency essentially finance the country. I think that Russia will not refuse such a thing. if there is an appropriate rating of trust. only he is blown up. or do you want everything honestly. so forget it will never be honest. not America, so another state will sell its currency to other states if this currency interests anyone. I wonder when in Russia bonds were printed for non-existent goods in the 90s, you also always said that Russia does not produce as much as it prints bonds ?? or were silent ???
            and you are mistaken that the paper (on which the money is printed) is of no use (except for a fire). the whole world, including us, and China, take these pieces of paper. and take note voluntarily. nobody forces us to take its currency from America (in fact, to sponsor the American economy). but we take it. and the greater the income of the countries, the more they take these papers from America. calmly, without blackmail, without threats. and yet .. if you had these pieces of paper you would have burned them? I think no. so then no need to talk about their futility.
            I'm Russian. and live in a big city. I live normally. but I see how others live, I see how people live in small cities, in single-industry towns .. they live badly .. they live very poorly. Yes, and in our big city life is less stable, but not sweet ..
            but how China will lower America. Tell me, will they stop delivering their goods to America? so there is another country that will do this. or say, guys, take your 2 trillion dollars that we have. just like that, take it and that’s all ... we don’t want to .. I imagine it for myself. maybe you think that they want these 2 trillion. dollars to throw to the market? so they themselves will be left with nothing. But China purchases 55% of all necessary resources abroad for currency. since they will lower America ??? Well, I doubt that Europe will bow to China. they will support America rather than China
  38. Marek Rozny
    26 May 2013 11: 52
    we need to learn from amers the commercialization of applied science, for example. in addition, the conditions for domestic business must be pulled up according to their model. and it’s easy to study and apply many of their achievements in the military field. for example, the massive introduction of drones in the army, etc.
    Switzerland, Latvia are interested in the experience of creating civil defense, Israel has a science, Singapore has a state asset management system, etc.
    Even Stalin did not disdain to adopt the best ideas and technologies from Americans, Finns, Germans, Italians and others.
  39. Marek Rozny
    26 May 2013 11: 52
    we need to learn from amers the commercialization of applied science, for example. in addition, the conditions for domestic business must be pulled up according to their model. and it’s easy to study and apply many of their achievements in the military field. for example, the massive introduction of drones in the army, etc.
    Switzerland, Latvia are interested in the experience of creating civil defense, Israel has a science, Singapore has a state asset management system, etc.
    Even Stalin did not disdain to adopt the best ideas and technologies from Americans, Finns, Germans, Italians and others.
    1. Alf
      26 May 2013 22: 57
      It is possible and necessary to adopt an idea, but not an ideology.
  40. 0
    26 May 2013 13: 12
    Quote: North Americans are proud to be the first in the modern world to create a democratic state, proclaiming equality of citizens in 1776 in their “Declaration of Independence”, denial of class privileges and approving in 1791 in the Bill of Rights
    We are especially seeing "equality" between whites and African Americans. Our Russian veteran of the Second World War said that when they met with the Americans and went into the pub to drink beer, the negroes could not go there. White Americans took their beer out on the street. And on the street was the middle of the 20th century.
  41. +1
    26 May 2013 13: 55
    Despite pragmatism, efficiency, a scientific approach, etc. etc. in both world wars, the Germans fought the Americans so that the fur coat was wrapped, although the Yankees had a 5-fold superiority in power. They can not fight with an equal enemy, stupid and cowardly.
    And their economic successes are not due to efficiency or other positive qualities, but from highly productive agriculture in a favorable climate, like the Kuban and Stavropol Territory in Russia, and even better, from untouched minerals.
    All available deposits of metals and precious minerals of the Urals and southern Siberia for 5000-10000 years were worked out to a depth of 25-100 m, and in the United States there were at least 20-30 such Urals with intact mineral resources.
    In the west and east of the United States, there are high mountains with huge reserves of water resources, where it is almost free to receive electricity from hydroelectric power plants on ice-free rivers all year round.
    But there is no democracy in the USA, it never has been and cannot be. They always discriminate against someone, then Indians, then blacks, then fagots, then white, then straight. The American people cannot live without discrimination, what kind of democracy is it?
    1. a
      26 May 2013 14: 34
      I wonder where is the high mountains in East America? :)) There is only the Appalachian Mountains, which is no higher than our Ural mountains :)) it would not hurt to look at least at the physical map of the world before disgracing yourself like that.

      I will not judge the fighting qualities of the nation. this is probably not the most important thing now. It is important that America knows how to use its inability to fight armed forces for the maximum economic benefit for themselves. let them be stupid and cowardly. but damn, how rich they are in comparison with us :)
      but how is it that a stupid nation has highly productive agriculture? probably out of sheer stupidity ??
      how did it happen that a stupid nation retains all its strategic reserves of raw materials so that future generations can use them. and we, smart, get everything and sell it. Prospected oil all over the world remains for several decades. and we all continue to drive our oil for sale. But America has just begun to debate, maybe it’s worth it to open up exploited sources of oil for operation ?? we smart, we’ll sell all our oil in a few decades. and we ourselves will buy in a trident from the one who still has it. unless of course someone agrees to sell it to us ..
      1. 0
        26 May 2013 19: 13
        "they are rich" - is that all 300 million Americans? laughing
        "use your military forces for economic benefit" ... hmm ... hmm ... was it Herr Adolf doing something similar for an hour? do we justify "volk ohne raum" in the American interpretation? negative
        I summarize - you need to learn from the Americans, like Peter the Great from the Swedes, but not to make them "the greatest and most chosen"
        1. a
          26 May 2013 19: 52
          yes no .. the country is rich. we have it poor. in many ways. Yes, at least compare the GDP per person. or per capita income.
          no .. Adolf did something else. he built the Reich, destroyed the Jews and Slavs. but in the end, of course, of course, for the welfare of his people. so, after all, it is the policy of any state to take care of the welfare of its people. both Russia and the USSR did this too .. and also not always with the right methods. so there’s nothing to blame on others .. yes, I think that in the future if such a question arises, our country will do the same, not really caring about whose opinion it will act as it sees fit .. and America does it as it sees fit ..
          I do not make America the great and the chosen ones .. they have a lot of crap, they have a lot of problems. but there is something to learn. you know, only the strong can ignore someone else's whining. one must be strong and not pay attention to anyone. and while we are weak, then everything we say is very much like whining - you are doing it wrong, it's not fair, etc.
  42. +1
    26 May 2013 13: 57
    The US Army, in its history, has not carried out a single successful military operation. Well, except for the war. against some Papuans. Yes, and the Papuans fucked them ...
  43. +1
    26 May 2013 20: 55
    And laughter and sin and ... An article appears, good or not. The discussion begins. Different opinions, disputes. Interesting in general, instructive, etc. Mitshael appears, or some other Hael and declares - is that it was you who were discussing it, criticized?!?! Stop getting smart and look at yourself !!! You have this and that ... and then, as a rule, an outright lie or, at best, distorting the facts! Effect - discussion of the topic itself ends. Bickering, insults, and even worse excuses begin! Then a couple of Haeli appear and say = so what the vast majority of you ?! But Mitskhel has such an opinion and we are a couple of Haeli protesting against your lack of upbringing and it is terrible to say not tolerance! Everything is a curtain!
    Do not be what cabbage soup pour! Well, what a normal person, and even more so Mitschel will consciously go where he is disgusted to everyone ?! Unless of course he makes money! And for the Mitskheels, this is a goal that has no barriers! Here they will step over morals and mom and dad, and then they will sell their homeland ... The main thing for them here is not to cheapen! And you respected him help in this, pay attention ...
    Do not spoil your nerves, do not tear your heart! In nete they simply should be ignored, and in life act as conscience tells - it will not deceive!
  44. +2
    26 May 2013 21: 21
    You see, I got tired of the Mitskheels and forgot about the article myself! What are all the same malicious animals!
    So, it makes no sense to paint all the exploits of a super duper over a US power. I will only recall the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where these super-humans just killed more than 240 inhabitants at once, and more than 000 died later! By the way, Kyoto escaped this fate by accident, the then US Secretary of Defense then somehow deigned to spend a honeymoon there and the city regretted it!
    It’s very useful and necessary to know about the character, meanness and other inclinations of these super-humans!
    1. +1
      26 May 2013 22: 15
      Quote: Oper
      It’s very useful and necessary to know about the character, meanness and other inclinations of these super-humans!

      I fully support your speech and shake hands. good
  45. Alf
    26 May 2013 22: 53
    Quote: uno
    hardworking people from Europe rode to explore America. Of course, there were enough adventurers and adventurers. and probably even were convicted. but the country's economy is not raised by adventurers and convicts, but by a fully able-bodied people. so the problem is with you.

    In order to find out how psi dosia appeared and developed, it is enough to watch the film "Gangs of New York". To do this, it is enough to trace the fate of the Indians, about whom "the best people in the world" said, "Good Indian, dead Indian." To do this, it is enough to know the meaning of the word Defarming. To do this, it is enough to remember in which country the work of miners was paid in workdays and the song "16 tons". To do this, just look at the products of Hollywood, where the good guy is not a worker or a farmer, but a businessman, that is. buy and sell, which will stop at nothing for profit. In this country, the main cult is to devour, have sex and screw up a neighbor. The Yusovites carry the so-called "democracy" with bayonets and aircraft carriers, after them in these "democratized" countries there is only blood and pain. By the way, in no country is there a cult of Superheroes who save the world all the time.
  46. +2
    27 May 2013 01: 44
    a hellish mixture of Zionism and Protestantism, implicated in European marginals, once banished from their homes and avenged by everyone and everything. Fisher knew what he was talking about when he said that the United States became an instrument in the hands of Zionism, for which, poor fellow, for the rest of his life rushed around the world in search of a corner
  47. +1
    27 May 2013 03: 16
    Quote: evfrat
    Just when EVERYTHING that a person wrote is rejected by the overwhelming majority of reasonable opponents, either he is an idiot, or wants to seem to them, or he is not a person ...

    He’s just at work. bully