Senior Sergeant vs Colonel General

Soviet heavy tank, destroyed during the battle. Army Group North, June 1941

Hand in hand with history wars were born legends of heroes and their weapons. From the depths of centuries, legends have come down to us about Durandal Roland, the sword of Escalibur king Arthur, the sword of Thunder Siegfried. But the more the battlefield was saturated with technology, the more it began to live an independent life, and soon the products of the engineering industry themselves became heroes in the eyes of the modern reader.
For example, the 420-mm gun “Big Bertha” itself is already associated by many with some mythological or real warrior.
People scurrying around him with punches and optical instruments have already become nameless squires of the new knight of the technological era. Even large-scale Tanksplanes and ships are becoming legendary heroes on the pages of today's magazines and newspapers, invulnerable and crushing crowds of enemies. A striking example of such a legend is the history of the battle of the KB tank near the city of Rassenay in the early days of the war.
The canonical text of the story goes like this: “The only KB for a long time delayed the advance of the 4 tank group to Leningrad, forcing the 6 tank division to stop and deviate from the intended route of the fascist tank division.”

A more colorful description of the same event can also be cited: “The pledge gives another example. As you know, at the beginning of the war, German tank forces were divided into four tank groups, which were soon transformed into tank armies. So: in June 1941 of the year in Lithuania, in the area of ​​the city of Rasseniy, one Soviet KB held off the onslaught of the 4 of the German tank group for a day. A tank group is a quarter of all German tank forces. One Soviet tank against the German tank army. Unknown senior sergeant against Colonel General Gepner. But there is nothing surprising: the senior sergeant from the army that was preparing for war, the senior sergeant - one heavy KB, and the German colonel-general prepared for easy victories, for the operetta war ... " The last quotation, as a well-read reader could guess, is written by a famous English publicist who publishes his works under the pseudonym "V.Suvorov".

Please note that the KB tank in both descriptions acts as an independent participant in the events, a miracle hero who stops the crowd of dark forces. The “senior sergeant” appearing in the words of V. Suvorov only reinforces this thesis: “Only a senior sergeant, but with a KB could stop an entire tank group!”

Senior Sergeant vs Colonel General
Right: Major General Franz Landgraf, Commander of 6. PzDiv, on the left - Erhard Raus, commander of the subordinate Panzer division of the Landgrave 6. Schutzen-Brigade. Bun desarchive - BA 208 / 30 / 11

Like any other legend, the history of the Rassianian KB has a real basis, supported by serious sources, far from “journalism”. After World War II, the command of the American Army decided to use the experience of captured German officers. As a result, a group of prisoners under the leadership of Colonel-General Franz Halder wrote a series of reports. Here is an excerpt from one such report:
“23 June 1941 The 4-I tank group reached the Dubissa River and took several bridgeheads. Broken enemy infantry units sheltered in the forests and fields of wheat, threatening the German supply lines. June 25 Russians unexpectedly counterattacked the southern bridgehead in the direction of Scattering with the 14 tank corps (this is a mistake, in fact, with the 3 mechanized corps). They crushed the 6 Motorcycle Battalion, captured the bridge and moved towards the city. To stop the main enemy forces, the 114 th motorized regiment, two artillery divisions and 100 tanks of the 6 th tank division were put into operation. However, they met with a battalion of heavy tanks of previously unknown type. These tanks passed through the infantry and broke into artillery positions. The shells of German guns bounced off the thick armor of enemy tanks. German tanks 100 could not stand the battle with the enemy's 20 dreadnoughts and suffered losses. Czech tanks Pz35 were crushed by enemy monsters. The same fate befell the battery 150-mm howitzers, which fired until the last minute. Despite numerous hits even at a distance of 200 meters, howitzers could not damage a single tank. The situation was critical. Only 88-mm anti-aircraft guns were able to knock down several KV-1 and force the rest to retreat to the forest. ”(Armored Fists, translated by V. Starostin).

Another similar report tells the story of a battle with KB, which became the basis for a legend about a single tank that stopped an entire Tank Group. For a change, I will cite the same text from the Soviet edition: “However, one of the KV-1 tanks managed to get in the way of the German forces on the northern bridgehead, and block them for several days. The first unsuspecting German supply vehicles were set on fire by a tank ... Attempting to hit a tank with a 450 m battery 50-mm anti-tank guns, just then adopted, ended with heavy losses for the crew and the material part of the battery. The tank remained intact, despite 14 direct hits. Shells only made dents on the armor. When the camouflaged 88-mm gun was pulled up, the tank quietly allowed her to take up a position at a distance of 600 m, and then destroyed it and the crew before they opened fire. Attempts by sappers to undermine him at night were also unsuccessful ... Finally, he became a victim of German cunning. 50 tanks were ordered to imitate an attack from three sides in order to divert the tank’s attention to these areas. Under the cover of this false attack, we managed to disguise and equip the position for another anti-aircraft gun in the rear of the tank so that this time it was able to open fire. From 12 direct hits, this 3 cannon pierced the tank and destroyed it. ” These are excerpts from the brochure “Methods of Combat Operations of Russian Forces in the Second World War”, published in the USA in 1950 and translated and published in our “Collection of Military Historical Materials of the Great Patriotic War” Issue No. 18, M: Voenizdat, 1955, with . 150. Note that the report gives the impression of a multi-day unsuccessful siege of a tank due to the fact that there is no chronology of events, reference to time and dates. However, to deny the very fact of the problems that have arisen as a result of the actions of a single KB is pointless, this fight is mentioned not only in pop literature, but also in quite respected publications.

Well, let's try to figure out what happened in the small Baltic town of Rassenyay in reality, who stopped whom and how, and what is the role of the legendary miracle weapon in this whole story. First you need to imagine the scale of events and the general situation at the front. It is on the map that the arrows of the attacks of the Tank Groups seem small and a lone KB can easily be imagined in the path of one of them. The scale of the operation of even one tank group spanned tens and hundreds of kilometers. The tank group was advancing not along one road on which KB lurked, but along several parallel, on a fairly wide front. And if some part of it could be delayed for one day by one KB, blocking the road to the bridge across the Dubissa River, then the rest of the tank divisions moved along neighboring roads into the USSR, not even suspecting the existence of this same KB near Rassenim. For example, the entire 56th motorized corps of Manstein, which was moving non-stop at that time to Dvinsk (Daugavpils). To his left was the German 41 motorized army corps, whose 1 and 6 troops were attacked, and the 12 MK and 2 army of the 3 MK, which owned the same KV. The 1-th Panzer Division of the Germans advanced from the border through Skaudavile, Kelme and further to Šiauliai. The 1th TD of the 41th Army Motorized Corps, as well as the 36th Motorized Division of the same corps, did not interfere with the lone KB at the bridge across Dubissa, this bridge remained aloof from the direction of movement of the other two divisions of the 41 AK (MOT). The 1th TD had a different interest, the capture of the railway bridge across Dubissa. This 300 meter bridge was located downstream of the bridge that held the Raseniai HF. He was captured by a special group 1 infantry regiment of the division, together with special forces of the Wehrmacht, regiment 800 Brandenburg in the evening of 23 June. Its capture removed for the 1th etc. the problem of overcoming the Dubissa River and the way of moving deeper into the Baltic. Moreover, the second kampfgroup (combat group) forced the river at another point downstream. The 6-I Panzer Division of the 41-th Motorized Corps of the Germans was divided into two battle groups, the Campus Raus and the Campedge Seckedorf. A battle group, or, in German terminology, “camp group,” is a temporary organizational structure that includes tanks, motorized infantry, artillery, and sappers. As a rule, tank divisions were divided into two, less often into three battle groups. Often in the composition of battle groups included means of strengthening the corps link. In a word, the 4 Tank Group is a steam rink several tens of kilometers wide, the “track” width of which significantly exceeds even the radius of action of the KV gun. Not a single tank, no matter how good it may be, simply physically could not stop the army of many thousands, advancing on a wide front. Words about a stopped Tank Group can only be regarded as evidence of the incompetence of the author of such a statement in operational matters.

Soviet tank captured during the battle. Army Group Center-, summer 1941

Soviet tank Voroshilov. lined with German artillery fire. Baltics, summer 1941

Tank KB, destroyed after a hard battle. Baltic, June 1941

So, from the level of the tank group, let us go down to the level of the corps and division. In 15: 00 23 June, the Zekedorf Kampfroup of the 6 Panzer Division captured Rassenay and a small foothold on the right bank of the Dubissa. However, during the evening and night, the Germans were knocked out of this springboard. Apparently, this was done by the 2 th motorized rifle regiment of the 2 th tank division of the 3 th MK. I will quote the memoirs of D.I. Osadchy, who commanded the 5 tank company of the 3 tank regiment of the 2 tank division: “On the outskirts of Raseinia, part reached the planned deployment line. A few kilometers from us on the west bank of the river Dubis fought with the enemy 2 th motorized rifle regiment of our division. ” (VIS. 1988. No. 6. S. 54). In total, 2-th TD 3-th MK had 30 tanks KB and KV-2 (P.A. Rotmistrov, “Time and tanks”, Voenizdat, 1972 g., P. 64), about 220 BT-7 and several dozen T -26. The division was formed in the first decade of July 1940 on the basis of the 6 th light-tank brigade and, like all the tank divisions of the first wave of formation, had satisfactory completeness at the beginning of the war. For example, the cars in the 3 mechanized corps were 76% of the state. In a word, 2-I was not the worst connection of the Red Army. The next morning, with the first rays of the sun, tanks and motorized infantry 2-td crossed the river Dubissa and attacked Zekedorf's 6-td headquarters in the forehead. According to Colonel Helmut Ritgen, who served as adjutant of the 1941 Battalion of the 2 Tank Regiment of the 11 Td in June 6, KB tanks made an indelible impression, but rather quickly the Germans were able to beat out their concentration of fire, first on one, then on the other ( 22 June - august 1941, p.114).

Contrary to the prevailing view of the "invulnerability" of the KB, the Germans had the means to effectively deal with them. Halder 12 July 1941 wrote in his diary the following: “e. Fighting tanks. [...] Most of the enemy’s heaviest tanks were hit by 105-mm cannons, fewer by 88-mm anti-aircraft guns. " Note that in the first half of the day 24 June, the 88-mm anti-aircraft guns were not supported, the anti-aircraft guns arrived only around noon. Prior to this, the division used its own artillery, in particular, 105-mm, mentioned by Halder, or, in German terminology, 10-cm guns. In the 6-th td those were four pieces (D. Glantz, Op. Cit, r.109). Appropriate tools were also used, such as laying under the caterpillar of moving KB anti-tank mines.

The Luftwaffe aircraft did not participate in the battle; Ritgen spoke of them as follows: “Throughout the day of support aviation We have not received". But anyway, the offensive impulse of the 2nd AP of the 3rd MK was stopped, and in the afternoon the Germans went on the offensive. The mortar mortars supported the offensive, the Nebelwerfer, who, according to Ritgen, howled, exerted a moral influence both on the Soviet troops and on the 6th soldier. There were no irretrievable losses of tanks in the Ritgen battalion, two tanks received hits. More significant losses were suffered by the 114th Motorized Regiment. Ritgen describes the apocalyptic picture of wrecked and inverted cars, killed soldiers of this regiment, which opened to him at the battlefield from the 2nd TD. But if we ignore the emotional description of the oncoming battle that took place on June 24 (see the above quote from Armored fists), then the result at the end of the day on June 24 was in favor of the Germans. The 6th TD, equipped with Czech 35 (t), succeeded in stopping the advance of the Soviet Panzer Division armed with KB and KV-2 tanks, and by the end of the day and dropping the 2nd TD to its original positions. And the point here is not in miracle weapons, but in those things that are usually forgotten when comparing tank forces. Not shining with the number and power of the tank fleet, the 6th TD had a strong artillery fist, reinforced by the attached anti-aircraft guns and Nebelwerfer. And it simply surpassed the 2nd TD in terms of the number of personnel, primarily infantrymen in field-coat overcoats with rifles and machine guns. For some reason, they are constantly forgotten about their presence in the Panzerwaffe divisions.

But against the background of the generally unsuccessful debut of the Soviet tank division, the Germans had an unexpected problem. One of the KB 2-td, around noon, 24 June turned left and took up a position on the road parallel to the direction of the offensive of the Zekedorf camp, behind the Campus of the Raus. Ritgen describes it this way: “The tank KB, which reached the north bridge across the Dubissa river, blocked it and broke off contact with the bridgehead captured by the Rouse campus. All attempts to destroy this tank failed, including the fire from the 88 mm cannon and the night sappers raid. ” (David M. Glantz, 22 June - august 1941, p. 114). The supply trucks that went to Kampfgroup Raus became a victim of the Soviet tank. This KB became the basis for the legend about the stopped 4 th TGr. The combat log of the 11-th tank regiment 6-th TD reads:
“The bridgehead of Kampfgruppa Raus was withheld. Until noon, as a reserve, the reinforced company and the 65 headquarters of the tank battalion were pulled back along the left route to the crossroads northeast of the Scattering. In the meantime, the Russian heavy tank blocked the communications of Kampfgroup Raus. Because of this, the connection with the Kampfruppa Routh was interrupted for the whole afternoon and the following night. The Xnumx Flac battery was sent by the commander to fight this tank. But her actions were just as unsuccessful as the 8,8, see the battery, which fired at the direction of the advanced observer. In addition, an attempt by an assault group of sappers to undermine a tank failed. It was impossible to get close to the tank because of the strong machine-gun fire. ” (Thomas L. Jentz Panzertruppen, Schiffer Military History, Atlegen, PA, page 10.5, my translation).

Kampfgroup or about half of a division, especially reduced by a company drawn into the reserve, is still not a whole tank group or even a division. Further, the main opponent of the lonely KB in question was the Köppfroup Zekedorf. After a night raid by sappers who had just scratched a tank, they were secondly engaged with an 88-mm anti-aircraft gun. A group of tanks 35 (t) distracted KB with its movement, and the calculation of 88 Flac achieved six, and according to other data, twelve hits in the tank. Following the myth of a stopped tank group, the myth of a multi-day siege of one tank fell. KB occupied the supply routes of the Kampfroup Raus from noon on June 24 until the morning of June 25, and until late evening on June 24, the main concern of 6 td was a head-on fight with the entire 2 td, and not with one tank.

Soviet heavy tank, lined during the battle is pulled off the road. Army Group "North", summer 1941

Results of hits of the German 88-mm gun in the Soviet heavy tank. Summer 1941

Soviet heavy tank destroyed during a long battle. 4-I tank group, summer 1941

June 25 initiative finally passed into the hands of the Germans. There was a reaction of the leadership of the 41-th AK (mot) of the Germans to the counterstrike 2-th etc. In 13: 30 24 June 1-td received the order of General Reinhardt to turn to the area of ​​Vosilkis-Greenshkis "to destroy the brigades in front of the front of 6-td". In the evening of 24, the campus group 1-td reached the number of Greenshkis, thereby intercepting the supply route of the 2-t from the north. In addition, by this time reached Dubissa and forced her German 269-I infantry division. As a result, the situation arose when 2-I, etc., was covered from three sides by three German divisions. In a fight in the ratio of 1: 3, the chances of success were slim. Inside the emerging ring of encirclement, it turned out to be a KB at the bridge over Dubiss, blocking the communications of the Campus Rouse group. So even if the tank had not been destroyed by 25 in the morning, its crew could no longer influence the fate of the surrounded 2 Panzer Division. Attempts by the 2 td to break through their own orders through the 1 td orders of the Reinhardt corps at Scaudaville were unsuccessful. The Germans again used heavy artillery against the attacking KB, in particular the 105-mm cannon. Tanks 1 th TD used against KB sabotage shells from a distance of 30-60 meters. The whole 2-I td, which included more than a dozen KV-1 and KV-2 was killed in those battles. Part of the tanks was hit, some destroyed the crews in the environment. Colonel Poluboyarov 11, July 1941, head of the North-Western Front Automobile and Tank Directorate, reported: “The entire 5 mechanized corps (Kurkin) died. [...] It has been withdrawn for the time being and has already been gathered up to 400 people of the remnants that have left the encirclement from the 2 Panzer Division (Solyankin) ”. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that the actions of 41, etc., nevertheless had some influence on the dynamics of the 2 th promotion (AK). The pace of advancement of the 41 of the motorized corps was lower than that of the parallel Manstein 56 corps: in the first week of the war the 41 corps lost to the NNXX for three days.

What global and local conclusions can be drawn from this story? First, it clearly enough marks the boundaries of the reachable by the “sword of the kladentsom” of the twentieth century, the tank in the singular and in isolation from the organizational structure. A miracle tank can influence the actions of tactical units, campframes, regiments, but not even divisions, not to mention the army or the Tank Group. The balance of the shield and sword is always quite fragile and if the battalion or regiment fails to cope with the miracle tank, at the level of the division and corps there are 105-mm cannons and 88-mm anti-aircraft guns. The “invulnerability” of the KB tank, as well as the “invulnerability” of the Tigers and Panthers, was very conditional, there were always means capable of crushing them.
Secondly, this fight makes you think about the issues of tactics and operational art. Why did one tank cause so much noise, although dozens of similar tanks were safely ground nearby? And not only by encirclement, forcing tankers to destroy materiel themselves, but also in a head-on collision with German 6 and 1, etc., when KB were destroyed by artillery and German tanks. Obviously, the enemy must be hit not where he is strong, but where he is weak, using maneuver to reach the point of pain.

The flanking maneuver of a single KB had an impact on the advancing Germans, comparable to a frontal collision with a dozen tanks of this type. This happened precisely because the blow fell on the weak point of the construction of the German tank wedge, along the supply path of one of the campfroups. The most effective way of dealing with motorized wedges was strikes to the flank, ideally leading to the encirclement of broken mechanical parts, and in general, forcing them to stop their advance and take up the flanks.

These considerations were known to Soviet commanders. Initially, the counterattack was conceived as a classic "cannes": in the center is a strong defense of an artillery anti-tank brigade and two flank attack groups from 12-th MK and 2-th td 3-th MK. Head of the North-Western Front Automobile and Tank Directorate Poluboyarov reported on the tasks of the 2 and the 3 of the MK: “I made a decision and set the task for Kurkin: to advance from the Rossiena area in the western direction to the Taurage-Shaulyay road” , d.221, l.3928). If we proceed from the thesis that you need to hit the flank of the shock group moving to Siauliai, then the decision is correct. In the introduction of the headquarters of the North-Western Front No. 28 to 8: 02 10, it was stated: “using three tank divisions and one motorized (00 and 23.06.1941 mechanized corps) inflict a concentric attack on the enemy’s main grouping the purpose of its defeat "(TsAMO F.3, op. 12ss, d.221, l.3928). But in the harsh reality, it turned out that through the point that was supposed to be the initial place of the counterstrike, the city of Rasseniy (Rossiyeny), the way of the onset of 6-th and 27-th motorized army corps of the Germans. The front of the attack of the German shock group turned out to be wider than the leadership of the North-Western Front assumed. Accordingly, the tasks were not appropriate to the situation. Instead of a flanking strike, the oncoming battle turned out and the effective flank maneuver was limited to only one KV tank. The trace that this tank left in the documents and memoirs tells us about the possible scale of success that could be achieved with an effective flank attack on the tank wedge. The 6 Soviet commanders knew WHAT to do, but did not yet know how to do it.

But, most importantly, against the background of real events, the image of KV-Odin, a mythological character who stops tank groups, faded. The simple, banal idea of ​​the role of man once again receives its weighty confirmation. It was the crew or tactical commander who pointed the KB to immortality, sending the war machine to the weak point of the German destruction machine. At the same time, the role in slowing down the pace of movement of the German 41 motorized corps is not a separate machine or person, but the organizational structure of the 2 Panzer Division, whose name does not appear in the legend. The 1-I tank division mentioned in the canonical text was deployed not in the name of a single KB, but in the name of an environment of the 2-th, etc., entirely. The entire day of June 24, the German tank division did not fight with one tank, but reflected the advance of the tank division of the 3 th mechanized corps. The statement that the 41-th AK (motor.) Was detained by one KB is absurd, the statement that the 41-th moto-corps was detained by the 2-second tank division is quite true. The time of technological wars and mass armies gave the palm to non-technology, new time gave rise to collective heroes, the place of Siegfried and Odinov was occupied by regiments and divisions. It was not for nothing that divisions, corps and brigades were given honorary titles - Fastovskaya Brigade, Tatsinsky Corps. Industry may receive new tanks, guns, cars, but they do not determine the success or failure of the compound operations. Determines the harmonious organizational structure of the division or brigade, competent commanders and fighters. The 91-th Fastovskaya brigade of I.Yakubovsky without “Durendaley” and “Escaliburov”, on ordinary T-34-76 with “nut”, earned its title in the autumn of 1943.

The true heroes were those regiments and divisions, their fighters and commanders who fought at the borders in the terrible June 1941. The American historian David Glantz said about them "continuous and irrational, often useless Soviet offenses imperceptibly destroyed the fighting force of the German troops, caused losses that led Hitler to change his strategy and, ultimately, created the conditions for the defeat of the Wehrmacht near Moscow. Those Soviet officers and soldiers who survived their (offensive) serious and expensive fire baptism ultimately used their accelerated training to inflict terrible losses on their tormentors ”(David M. Glantz Barbarossa. The Hitler’s invasion to Russia 1941, p.206 my translation). The crushed and shot 6 vehicles, etc. were albeit modest, but the contribution of 2, etc., to the destruction of the combat strength of the German forces. But more importantly, the future famous commanders of the Great Patriotic War were leaving the mangled, charred bodies of combat vehicles in the Baltic States: P.A. Rotmistrov, I. D. Chernyakhovsky. Few then known to the Red Army commanders had yet to test the lessons of "accelerated training" in the battle near the borders of the Baltic states on the Germans.
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  1. +12
    April 24 2013 09: 25
    At the same time, the role in the slowdown in the movement of the 41th motorized corps of the Germans, not of a separate vehicle or person, but of the organizational structure, the 2th Panzer Division, whose name does not appear in the legend, is becoming clearer.

    The true heroes were those regiments and divisions, their fighters and commanders, who fought at the borders in the terrible June of 1941.

    I agree with a well-known historian, isolated cases of heroism are good, but it was precisely a massive feat that detained the enemy in 41, which we often forget about, discussing one vs many options
    1. +9
      April 24 2013 09: 51
      1. 755962
        April 24 2013 12: 16
        The 6th Wehrmacht Panzer Division fought 48 hours with the only Soviet KV-1 tank (Klim Voroshilov).

        This episode is described in detail in the memoirs of Colonel Erhard Routh, whose group tried to destroy the Soviet tank. The fifty-ton KV-1 shot and crushed with its caterpillars a convoy of 12 supply trucks that went to the Germans from the captured city of Raiseniai. Then with targeted shots he destroyed the artillery battery. The Germans, of course, returned fire, but to no avail. The shells of the anti-tank guns did not leave a dent on his armor - the Germans who were struck by this later gave the KV-1 tanks the nickname "Phantom". But what about the cannons - even the 1-mm howitzers could not penetrate the KV-150 armor. True, the soldiers of Routh managed to immobilize the tank by detonating a shell under his caterpillar.

        But Klim Voroshilov was not going to leave anywhere. He took a strategic position on the only road leading to Raiseniai, and for two days delayed the advancement of the division (the Germans could not get around it, because the road passed through the swamps, where army trucks and light tanks were stuck).

        Finally, by the end of the second day of the battle, Routh managed to shoot the tank from anti-aircraft guns. But, when his soldiers cautiously approached the steel monster, the tank tower suddenly turned in their direction - apparently, the crew was still alive. Only a grenade thrown into the hatch of the tank put an end to this incredible battle.

        1. -9
          April 24 2013 15: 40
          The article was delivered + "in advance".
          For Photo Captions -. "Killed, destroyed, captured, abandoned." Only one looks destroyed.
          Supply trucks following the Kampfgroup Raus became a victim of the Soviet tank.
          OH-GO-GO-GAY-O-O-O! The whole supply truck!
          Why not a note on the corporal’s boot ?!
          They fought so that then the occupants on the civilians came off!
          In the photo attached, by any means only a truck, and the rest is motorcycles (which simply have tires broken with debris and glass, not any LIQUIDED, DESTROYED) and proudly smoking KV-1 !!!! soldier
          1. -3
            April 24 2013 15: 57
            Have to re-post for the next photo.
            The Nazis didn’t bear any losses!
            It is called bend your fingers, if enough.
            1. Gahprom
              April 25 2013 08: 58
              Division "Wiking" 3. SS Rgt. "Nordland" - 3. Kompanie SS-Regiment "Nordland". (The graves of soldiers from the 3rd company of the XNUMXst battalion of the "Nordland" regiment.) ..
              Ukraine or the South of Russia 41-42
            2. 0
              April 25 2013 10: 06
              They beautifully mined, it means everything fell into the eye, lovers to belittle the military work of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. good
          2. -1
            April 24 2013 21: 53
            Here is a photo in your comment, if possible in more detail, how is the original signed, what year? Not a trick, I recently took up the topic of mechanized corps of RKKA in the summer of 41. This photo was of particular interest.
            1. Gahprom
              April 25 2013 08: 58
              Division "Wiking" 3. SS Rgt. "Nordland" - 3. Kompanie SS-Regiment "Nordland". (The graves of soldiers from the 3rd company of the XNUMXst battalion of the "Nordland" regiment.) ..
              Ukraine or the South of Russia 41-42
      2. +3
        April 24 2013 12: 19
        Eternal memory to the heroes who stood to death!
  2. +25
    April 24 2013 09: 29
    Reading these lines, I want to take Vanidze (there are many epithets for this ... but you can’t write) and poke faces. As in one of the programs, he argued with foam at the snout that in June 1941 the Red Army was draping and surrendering.
    Eternal glory to our Soviet soldiers. More and more are needed such articles, books, films telling about the courage of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. About those who gave their lives for us.
    Forgive us, veterans, that among us there are such people as Sanidze and others like him. Eternal memory to you.
    1. +3
      April 24 2013 12: 21
      Quote: vlbelugin
      Reading these lines, I want to take with Vanidze

      That's why GaVnidze, so that with his nose and GaVnidze, I really want to, along with the mentioned ghoul of the one who allowed him to hang up on the air for the causal place.
    2. 0
      April 24 2013 22: 39
      Such as this leader and draped !!! Such nonsense carries !!! It would be a day in such a meat grinder, I think a year from th ... would be washed. Vlbelugin I agree with you, ovnidze to a shameful pillar !!! Happy Victory Day all, all, all !!! Glory to the heroes !!!
  3. Tyumenka
    April 24 2013 09: 36
    Yes, all the heroes ... Eternal Memory!
  4. +4
    April 24 2013 10: 03
    This is what they need to learn from their ancestors. And they knew how to fight and patriotism let them embellish a little, but how many people later saw the example of heroes sacrificed themselves for the Victory.
  5. +3
    April 24 2013 10: 14
    I never would have thought that some Nazis could appear in our country. But they, alas, are. My uncle died near Narva, how could he have imagined this? Where did this come from? Our people won this massacre, we broke the backbone of fascism , and not some Americans with the British, and even less so the French. THANKS, YOU, VETERANS! And if you can, forgive me.
  6. dema46
    April 24 2013 10: 59
    an amazing metamorphosis with the author. usually the merit of the Soviet soldiers and partisans, often to the detriment of the conclusions of the German commanders. and it turned out that ours could be at war!
    1. +2
      31 August 2013 21: 06
      Yes, everything is in order with the author, do not worry. He simply added poison so imperceptibly that it was not immediately noticeable. And the tank was so-so, and it didn’t affect anything, and the Germans didn’t soar much with it. Isaev, he is Isaev - slippery and two-faced.
  7. +4
    April 24 2013 11: 23
    I wonder, in the modern history taught in schools, are there similar stories about the exploits of our grandfathers in the Second World War? Vague doubts torment me about this.
    1. 0
      April 24 2013 11: 48
      Who set the minus? Introduce yourself and justify please. Or act on the principle, I ran past and lifted my leg lol
  8. Gahprom
    April 24 2013 11: 40
    Quote: Alexey M
    This is what they need to learn from their ancestors. And they knew how to fight and patriotism let them embellish a little, but how many people later saw the example of heroes sacrificed themselves for the Victory.

    this is 1941, and in 41 "they knew how to fight" badly.
    Quote: vlbelugin
    As in one of the programs, he argued with foam at the snout that in June 1941 the Red Army was draping and surrendering.

    at 41 there was drape and exploits, and good moves and bad.
    A good historian will say objectively, and Svinidze will always find a poop
  9. +5
    April 24 2013 11: 51
    Eternal memory to the Soviet soldiers who beat the enemy, they did not feel either hunger or pain or cold because they are heroes
  10. 0
    April 24 2013 13: 44
    Dear Alexey Isaev! Where are the new books ?. For example, I was already waiting.
  11. 0
    April 24 2013 13: 50
    Quote: igorgar
    I would never have thought that some Nazis might appear in our country.

    In 81g. several not-so-smart young people in Sverdlovsk on May 9 unfurled a flag with a swastika in a crowded place and tried to shout something. What was - imagine. Barely saved. And after all, they did not plant. But measures have been taken. It didn’t fit in our heads. Thought a lie. No, it was.
    1. +2
      31 August 2013 21: 10
      In 81. several not very smart young people in the city of Sverdlovsk on May 22, in a crowded place unfurled a flag with a swastika and tried to shout something.

      And in Kiev, three young b..di on the Eternal Flame in the Park of Glory near the graves of sausages with fried eggs. And also not much punished. And I would have fried them myself. Not on the Eternal Flame - they don’t burn garbage there, it is the Eternal Memory - but somewhere in the garbage recycling plant, that’s where they belong.
      1. +3
        4 August 2014 16: 24
        Quote: Alex
        And I would have fried them myself. Not on the Eternal Flame - they don’t burn garbage there, it is the Eternal Memory - but somewhere in the garbage recycling plant, that’s where they belong.

        Now, if everyone had said and done so, there would have been no war in the Donbass now.
  12. +3
    April 24 2013 15: 10
    My grandfather, having gone to war in the 42nd and came in the 49th, until the end of his days was an ardent supporter of Soviet power, although he was the son of an "enemy of the people" dispossessed in 36. He was an infantry, a tanker, and a reconnaissance officer. It turns out that he created all his orders and medals for children. I never talked about the war, only some of the episodes when the People's Commissars came to blow. And only after being in his shoes "beyond the river" I understood his laconicism, patriotism and upbringing in the spirit of unity and love for the Motherland and having lived part of my life, I also understood only they, who were a simple plowman of the war, no matter what became the winners. Honor and glory!
  13. 0
    April 24 2013 15: 13
    Even judging by the photographs, the Germans are greatly "puzzled" by the power of the Soviet tank ...
  14. pinecone
    April 24 2013 15: 28
    Unfortunately, in the initial period of the war, this was how they fought on all fronts. On the sectors of the Western and Southwestern Fronts, no such episodes were recorded, although it is likely that the success of Soviet tankers in the Baltic was to a certain extent promoted by a certain "compactness" of the theater of operations, making it difficult or excluding for the advancing side the possibility of conducting encirclement battles.
    1. +3
      April 24 2013 16: 49
      Quote: pinecone
      ... On the sections of the Western and South-Western fronts, no such episodes were recorded ...

      Episodes, say ... Offhand:
      The 5th Army of Potapov, the right flank of the SWF, draws tens of thousands of exploits.
      In the early days, even threw the Germans over the state border for several kilometers.
      Keeping a stable defense on the front flank for about 3 months, it did not allow the Army Group South to carry out, so beloved by the Germans, a deep operation to encircle the forces of the front.
      The fact that Guderian turned from the central direction to the South, towards Kiev, is undoubtedly a tremendous merit of the 5th Army.
      Unfortunately, the commander was captured wounded at the end of September, and spent the whole war in it. He behaved with dignity, after the war he was completely restored, continued to serve in the SA.
      Guderian and Halder recalled the problem of "Potapov" in their diary. And personally, Adolf, it seems, even gave repeated "wishes" to the South group to finally deal with the 5th Russian army.
      1. 0
        April 24 2013 17: 56
        At the expense of Potapov, not everything is so simple. It seems like he chatted too much in captivity, but after the war he was able to slip through the "filtration", because. there was no real cooperation.
        1. +1
          April 25 2013 03: 29
          Quote: Den 11
          Not everything is so straightforward about Potapov. It’s kind of like a prisoner chatted too much...

          If something seems to you, does this exclude the feat of the 5th army from the history of the Second World War?
          Stalin, Zhukov, Rokossovsky and Vasilevsky disagree with you.
    2. Alexander Kirov
      April 24 2013 21: 49
      On July 11, in the city of Berdichev, the KV-1 tank of the senior engineer Kozhemyachko knocked out 8 tanks in a city battle and dragged the 9th dragged away for the skin in tow. I can tell you the details.
      1. +1
        April 25 2013 14: 56
        of course tell me. but rather write an article we should know our heroes.
  15. +1
    April 24 2013 16: 42
    I put a minus, first of all for the illustration, for some reason only destroyed
    kv is biased, secondly, this battle is really a legend, and it is on such legends that young people need to be brought up and not on the "white tiger" and the fact that he blocked for only a day does not diminish the feat of the tankers, but I got the opinion that there was nothing heroic didn’t (maybe they should have thrown the tank into the forest?). I hope someday it will be possible to find out the names of these heroes
    1. +2
      April 24 2013 17: 31
      Photo only destroyed HF because it is a German photo.
    2. Uhe
      April 24 2013 18: 32
      So I completely agree with you. I don’t understand why they’re minus you, not the article. The article is one-sided and ambiguous. It is all the more disgusting to see a bunch of German pictures and not a single Soviet one. A one-sided impression is created.
    3. +4
      April 24 2013 19: 17
      There is no need to educate young people on the "legends" proposed for their education by enemies. There was also a topic ... but not even one. About the "invincible" weapon. Not a tank stopped the Germans. Not a tank, not an airplane, not a cruiser. People did it. Even if their name is unknown, the tank danced regularly as long as it could ... and the Germans were stopped by the tankers. Therefore, the author gave so much burnt iron - it was not armor that stopped the Germans. They were stopped by our hands - mortal, unarmored, tired and badly beaten. About which the German War Machine crashed. Here the Germans were this very machine. And we were, are and will be - Russian people. And again and again we will stop the enemy and smash him with our invincible hand ...
      1. Gahprom
        April 24 2013 19: 24
        everything is true, as I said below
  16. +1
    April 24 2013 18: 22
    Sometimes they were simply thrown out due to breakdowns, lack of fuel and ammunition
  17. Uhe
    April 24 2013 18: 30
    Strange, but from the memories of the tankers it follows that the KV allowed them to successfully fight the Germans at the initial stage of the war, while the Germans found it extremely difficult to destroy these tanks. The main losses were due to poorly chosen tactics. The tank itself was excellent, just like that - capable of stopping entire tank armies of the Germans. At the initial stage of the war, I emphasize. Therefore, the article emanates from exposure and shaking the foundations in the style of "Soviet propaganda brainwashed millions."
    Therefore, the author now has to write a refutation of the feat of Kolobanov. There, three KV tanks stopped the German advance towards Leningrad, which did not allow them to take over the city, and ours did not take up defense. The blockade - yes, but not capture. Of course, HF has nothing to do with it; Kolobanov and on the T-70 could stop, so what? ;)
    I don’t know, I personally have some unpleasant feeling from the article. We must not underestimate the heroism of our individual soldiers, as well as the heroism and effective actions of entire units. But to display this heroism allowed weapons superior to German, that is, the heroism of our Soviet designers.
    1. Gahprom
      April 24 2013 19: 04
      So I completely agree with you. I don’t understand why they’re minus you, not the article.

      Because the article clearly and clearly states the causes and effects of why and how it happened, but in the commentary lazy surprise about the destroyed tanks, but where are our photos to take? If ours retreated there and didn’t take a picture? And the bulk of abandoned and wrecked tanks of all types in the summer of 41 are Soviet, not German.
      It is all the more disgusting to see a bunch of German pictures and not a single Soviet one. A one-sided impression is created.

      Of course, you can hide your head like a coward and pretend that in the summer of 41 everything is fine, everything is fine ...

      Strange, but from the recollections of the tankers it follows that the KV allowed them to successfully fight the Germans at the initial stage of the war, but it was extremely difficult for the Germans to destroy these tanks. The main losses were due to poorly chosen tactics.

      True? But for example, the bulk of the KV-2 was stupidly thrown, due to a malfunction. But Katukov did not like him and lost almost all his KV tanks. Success? But you probably didn’t read the article, but the author precisely cites that the enemy of the KV was for the "trainers" and small groups, otherwise the Germans had all the means of destruction in the division / corps and the story ended very quickly. Because it is not tanks that fight, but people in them, and people in regiments and divisions, and those in the armies. and if the front has withdrawn, then the chances of a loner are small, no matter how steep it is. What the article is about.
      Of course, HF has nothing to do with it; Kolobanov and on the T-70 could stop, so what? ;)

      Of course, if there was not one, but one would not even have been noticed.

      But to display this heroism allowed weapons superior to German, that is, the heroism of our Soviet designers.
      patriotic trololo, which has nothing to do with reality.
      I put a minus, I do not like patriotic hats, that we are cool, but traitors are to blame for everything. Read books on technology, or Kars ask what was the KV in 1941, and what problems it had, the "best"
      1. 0
        April 24 2013 21: 38
        Quote: Gahpro
        Read books on technology, or Kars ask what was the KV in 1941, and what problems it had, the "best"

        Read about German "clunkers" in the same place and do not hint of a domestic manufacturer. Also familiarize yourself with the Zaokiyanskiy import.
        Technology for all failed equally often.
        1. Gahprom
          April 25 2013 09: 01
          Read about German "clunkers" in the same place and do not hint of a domestic manufacturer. Also familiarize yourself with the Zaokiyanskiy import.

          And what to find fault with, read Kolomiets or Shein, you will learn how "excellent" equipment, under the guidance of illiterate mechanics, rushed along the roads.
          As it was recordable for our tankers in a stuffy and blind tank, without armor-piercing shells, to know that ICE has a maximum of 100 hours.
          I repeat once again, any book on the first HF, 34kam, T-35 and any new tank was written with a carbon copy, only 34kam and HF were unlucky, their formation fell at the beginning of the war. Raw cars, inexperienced mechanics, lack of spare parts, long marches .. .
          Technology for all failed equally often.

          That is, the amount of abandoned German technology, with equal mileage was equal to ours?
          you bent, and even if so, they have the initiative, they have repairmen, they have trailers ... and we have one crew
  18. +4
    April 24 2013 19: 21
    I look at all these photos .. God forbid that this happens again, because it’s not the technology that died there, it's just a pile of metal, but people
  19. Spstas1
    April 24 2013 20: 06
    Join the battle despite the almost complete lack of information about the enemy, left alone, without any connection with the command ... Continuing to fulfill his soldierly duty and remain faithful to the Oath - this is real heroism. Remember the old joke when, when asked to become a Hero, the Goldfish sends the applicant in the 41st year with a single grenade against a German tank column? - the tragicomic paraphrase of the past ...
    Eternal memory to the heroes who defended our homeland !!!
  20. +1
    April 24 2013 22: 01
    Here is a description of this battle, taken from the post-war report of a group of German officers in American captivity.

    “One of the HF managed to block the supply route for German troops in the area of ​​the northern bridgehead. He blocked it for several days. First, he burned a convoy of trucks with ammunition and food. It was impossible to get to this monster - the roads passed among the swamps. The advanced German units lost their supplies. The seriously injured could not evacuate to the rear and were dying. The attempt to destroy the tank with a 50 mm anti-tank battery from a distance of 500 m ended in heavy losses of personnel and guns. KV remained unscathed, despite, as it turned out later, 14 direct hits - but they left only blue spots on his armor. An 88-mm anti-aircraft gun was pulled up, the tank allowed it to stand at a position of 700 m, and then shot it before the crew could fire at least one shot. Miners were sent at night. They planted explosives under the KV tracks. The charges exploded as expected, but could only tear out a few pieces from the trucks. The tank remained mobile and continued to block the supply route. In the early days, the tank crew was supplied with supplies by the circle and local residents, but then a blockade was established around the tank. However, even this isolation did not force the tankers to leave the position. As a result, the Germans applied a trick. 50 German tanks began firing at HF ​​from three directions to distract his attention. At this time, the 88th anti-aircraft gun was covertly mounted in the rear of the HF. She got into the tank 12 times, and three shells pierced the armor, destroying it. ”
    And a memo to the Resunoids - there was at least one officer in the tank
  21. +2
    April 24 2013 22: 02
    Description of the feat of the award list (spelling and punctuation preserved):

    "13 July 1942 of the year, in the district of N-MITYAKINSKOE 2, tank" KV "lnta KONOVALOVA stood because of a malfunction after the battle. The crew restored the tank on their own. At this time 2 German armored vehicles appeared. Comrade KONOVALOV The 1 immediately opened fire and the car was set on fire, the second quickly disappeared. Following the armored cars, a moving column of tanks appeared, first 35 machines, and then another 40. Progress towards the village. LNT KONOVALOV, using the advantageous position of his masked tank, decided take the fight. Letting the first column of tanks on the 500-600 meters, the crew of the KV opened fire. The 4 tank was destroyed by direct fire. The convoy didn’t accept the battle, returned back. But after a while, the village was attacked by 55 tanks. The LNT KONOVALOV decided to continue the fight against the armored vehicles of the German fascist invaders, despite this overwhelming superiority. The heroic crew set fire to the 6 tanks again, which made it roll back a second time. The enemy is making a third attack. Heroes-tankers, led by their Komsomol commander Comrade. KONOVALOVYY, are firing at the tanks and cars pr-ka to the last shell. They also destroy 6 enemy tanks, 1 armored vehicles and 8 vehicles with enemy soldiers and officers. The Soviet fortress is silent. The Nazis open fire from 105mm guns, which pull up to the tank at a distance of 75 meters. The crew of the tank with the Hero-commander Lieutenant KONOVALOVY along with the tank died in this unequal battle. Defending our Motherland from the German invaders, ln nt KONOVALOV showed courage, unshakable resilience, selfless heroism. For the heroism shown in defending the Motherland, Comrade. KONOVALOV is worthy of the posthumous assignment of the title "THE HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION" with the award of the Order of LENIN and the GOLD STAR Medal.
  22. pinecone
    April 25 2013 11: 16
    Could you indicate the source from which the image was taken (photocopy). I was interested in the presence of inscriptions in Lithuanian.
    1. 0
      April 25 2013 20: 08
  23. 0
    April 25 2013 15: 39
    if you wish, you can also find not knocked out tanks of our photographers, moreover, the article is called "Senior Sergeant against Colonel General", but in fact these are actions of 6 TD against 2 TD. and once again I repeat, with all the great number of words of praise in our direction in the last paragraph, I got a clear aftertaste that, first of all, the article is aimed at belittling the feat of the crew of the deceased KB. it's like looking at the label it says cognac, trying it - fucking fucking
  24. pinecone
    April 26 2013 07: 13
    Quote: rexby63

    Thanks for the reply.
  25. +2
    31 August 2013 21: 44
    I read the article and asked the question: "So what, actually?" Isaev is a master of such opuses, where you can't even understand what is hidden behind the words. He seems to be writing about heroism, but everything is somehow slippery. Put (-), such a disgusting aftertaste remained.