Russian squads in battle

Russian squads in battle Usually, at the word knight, images arise in our minds that have been familiar to Walter Scott’s novels from childhood, or from films about King Arthur and his knights of the round table. This is a heavily armed cavalry warrior, a defender of the weak and oppressed. And the events themselves take place in "good old England" or "sweet France."

However, historians have long established that the heavily armed cavalry was an integral part of the Russian army from the time of the Old Russian state. In this respect, the Russians were the heirs of the traditions of the heavy cavalry of the Alani Sarmatians. And the word “knight” itself is Slavic, the Old Russian word is “knight”, close to the word is tsar, the South Russian is “lycitar, Ritar”, Polish is “rusеrz”. According to one version, this word goes back to the Indo-European words “lynx” - to ride a horse, and “sar” - a noble person. According to another version, to the German word ritter - "rider". In Europe, the knights, in fact, were not called knights. In France, they were a chevalier (chevalier) - "riding a horse"; in Spain - caballero (caballero) - “horseman, knight, nobleman” (from lat. caballarius “groom” from latin caballus “horse”); in Italy - cavaliere ("Chevalier"); in England - knight (from other-English cniht "guy"); in Germany - ritter ("rider").

In Russia, most often these warriors were designated by the word "hrabor" or "knight" (from Indo-European "vidyati" - to win, Skt. Vijaya). The word knight was widespread among other Slavic peoples: Bosnian, Slovenian, Croatian - vitez, Serbian - Vitez.

As a result, there was a myth that real knights are “there” in the West. In our country, Russian warriors fell in love with drawing with such ingenuous, powerful and powerful warriors- “felt boots,” who were no longer taken with skill and knowledge, but with a strong man, or even luck. These performances go back to the 18 century, when there was a process of total revision of the Russian storieswritten in the interests of the West, often simply Germans. The church also made its contribution, which instilled the idea that the Russian-Slavs were always “God-fearing”, meek, almost timid people. How did the “peaceful” and “God-fearing” Russians defend themselves in the conditions of constant war on the north-western, western, southern and eastern borders, and even often internal wars, and then also to occupy the territory, more than which no nation occupied ( meaning directly Russian territory, and not overseas colonies), with such a view remains a mystery.

If we study the texts of epics, chronicles, and the pages of the wars that were fought by the Russians, everything falls into place. There have never been any “peace-loving lucks” (otherwise the Russians would simply not have been, or they would live out their lives as part of a foreign state). It should be immediately noted that in the military aspect the Russian people are invincible. Even the latest brief flashes of his military activity, such as the paratroopers throwing to Pristina or the defeat of the Georgian army trained by the best Western instructors, continue to cause hysteria and panic in the world. And despite the fact that now the Russian giant is lulled with “fairy tales” about “world peace”, the triumph of pacifism and humanism, and other nonsense. Russian warriors at all times were able to very toughly defend the people's right to life, putting in place of any enemy.

At the head of the squad was the prince. He originally performed four main functions. First, the prince is a military leader, protector of the tribe, the land of principality. This is his main task - to protect his people, if he could not cope with it, in the Old Russian state they could simply be expelled. Secondly, the duty of the prince is “attire”, i.e., maintaining order in the territory entrusted to him. Thirdly, the prince carried out a judicial function, within its framework such a monument of Russian law as the “Russian Truth” appeared. Fourthly, the prince had a sacred authority, performed priestly functions before the adoption of Christianity. Left without a prince (later the king), the Russian people felt uncomfortable, they lost touch with the sky. It was not for nothing that Prince Vladimir conducted two religious reforms — he installed idols in 980, and in about 988, he converted to Christianity and began the baptism of Russia. Yes, and with the adoption of Christianity, the attitude towards the prince, as the high priest, remained almost unchanged. That princes engaged in the promotion of Christianity among the masses. The first Russian saints were also princes. In the future, this view of the princely power was strengthened by the Byzantine theory of the divine origin of power. This attitude is preserved in Moscow Russia and the Russian Empire, where the church has always been in a subordinate position, with respect to the tsarist (imperial) government.

The prince always acted surrounded by the loyal squad, comrades, comrades, guardians and striking force of the entire Russian army. In the 9-12 centuries, the prince and the squad is something indissoluble, a single whole. Relationships in the squad were similar to kinship and initially replaced them, because the warrior who entered the squad lost contact with his family and tribe. The word "squad" is in all Slavic peoples. It comes from the word "friend" (your, helper, ally).

The size of the squad could vary from several tens to several thousand warriors. However, these were selected professional soldiers whose life was devoted only to military service (in the modern world, military special forces can be compared with them). If simple “soldiers”, the militiamen, after completing the task of marching, repelling the raid, invasion, went home and returned to the former life of a farmer, craftsman or hunter, the warriors were professional warriors. According to the Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan from 922, along with the prince of Kiev "in his castle are 400 men from among the heroes, his associates." The squad of Svyatoslav Igorevich, with whom he crushed Khazaria and conquered Bulgaria, was about 10 thousand fighters. The squad of his great-grandson, the son of Yaroslav the Wise - Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich, with whom he defeated the Polovtsian army, consisted of 3 thousand soldiers.

Based on the fact that the warriors were always at the forefront, encountering danger with their breasts, they received a privileged position. They got the best pieces of war booty. The prince generously wielded the warriors with gold and silver. At feasts, they ate with the best dishes and got the best pieces. Suffice it to recall the insult of the warriors to Vladimir: "Woe to our heads: he gave us to eat with wooden spoons, not silver." Hearing this, Vladimir ordered to look for silver spoons, saying: “I will not find a squad with silver and gold, but I will get silver and gold with my friends, like my grandfather and my father and my friends sought out gold and silver.” For Vladimir loved the squad and consulted with her about the structure of the country, and about the war, and about the laws of the country. ”

It should be noted that peers with warriors played an important role at that time. The Russian feast was a real ritual act, going from ancient times (apparently, from primitive hunters, eating the caught animal together), performing it, people felt themselves to be part of a single clan, tribe, people. Sitting at the same table, everyone could feel part of a huge, powerful whole (the feeling of unity).

With the development of the social system, to the XI — XII centuries. the squad is divided into two layers: the squad is the oldest, lepish (best), front, and the squad is younger, younger. Senior warriors (princes' men, boyars) began to receive not only movable values ​​taken on campaigns, but also regular tributes from cities and settlements. They began to occupy the highest military and civilian positions - posadnik, voivod, tysyatskikh, ambassadors, advisers to the prince, his close duma. A feudal system was taking shape, on top of which was a prince. His immediate vassals were the eldest boyars (some could be descended from tribal princes), they received whole cities as volosts. Performing administrative, tax, judicial and military functions, they simultaneously received the right to "feed" from the territory under their control. The small boyars were the vassals of the senior boyars, and perhaps the younger warriors.

The younger squad included, apparently, several discharges: children, youngsters, kmet, greedy, stepchildren, boyar children, swordsmen. With the development of the feudal system, they ceased to be the “friends” of the prince, becoming the military-service class. They could receive small villages for service and services, and from several yards they became “noblemen” in the future.

The exact meaning of the ranks of the younger squad is unknown. So, there is an assumption that the prince’s bodyguards, who lived right next to him, were called “grids” in the grids. "Swordsmen" were in the immediate environment of the prince, performing various kinds of administrative functions. The word "Kmet" meant not only vigilantes, but also free members of the community. Even more difficult with the "boys" (in translation, "not having the right to speak, vote"). This word originally meant the younger member of the clan, who had no right to express his opinion in the council of adult men. According to the sources, it is clear that not all the youths were junior warriors, some of them served as courtyard servants. Therefore, there is an opinion that the youngsters constituted the lowest rank of the junior squad and performed official duties at the prince's court. Perhaps some of them were “disciples”, children who underwent military training (some of them could be children of warriors). On the other hand, in the sources, youths can be called squads in general. So, in the Tale of Bygone Years it is reported that when the invasion of the Polovtsi began: “Svyatopolk began to gather soldiers, intending to go against them. And the men said to him: "Do not try to go against them, for you have few warriors," He said: "I have young men of my 700 who can resist them."

Another category of the younger squad - "children". They stood higher in rank than youths. They did not carry the service around the yard, could occupy high administrative positions. According to I. Ya. Froyanov, children of nobility and boyars could make up a significant share of them (Froyanov I. Ya. Kievan Rus: Essays on Socio-Political History).

Thus, in the 12-13 centuries, the freelance squad of the times of “military democracy” began to lose mobility and turn into a feudal estate burdened with lands and villages. The senior warriors had their own personal squads, which were poured into the composition of the general ratification, with military necessity. But even after becoming feudal, the warriors remained the shock force of the army, its advisers and comrades.

From the deepest antiquity, Russian warriors and Russian warriors were notable for their special psychology, which was characterized by the cult of “battle anger”, contempt for death, desperate audacity and courage, and aggressive disregard by the forces of the enemy. We can recall several statements of the great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov, who, bringing up the “miraculous heroes”, was the successor of the ancient glory of the Russian weapons: "... nothing can stand against Russian weapons - we are strong and self-confident"; "We are Russian, we will all overcome"; “From the brave Russian grenadier, no army can resist in the light”; “Nature has produced Russia only one. She has no rivals ”; "... Russians cannot retreat"; "All of Europe will move in vain to Russia: it will find Thermopylae, Leonid and his coffin there."

The great example of the Russian warrior and the Russian spirit is given by the exploits of the great Svyatoslav. Before the decisive battle with the Romans (Byzantines), which were significantly superior to his troops in number, Svyatoslav said: “This way we will not disgrace the Russian land, but let us lie down with bones, for the dead do not have shame. If we run, shame we will. We will not run, but let us be strong, but I will go ahead of you: if my head lies down, then take care of yourself. ” And the warriors answered: “Where your head will fall, we will lay down our heads there.”

In the statement of the Romanian chronicler Lev the Deacon, Svyatoslav made a similar speech in besieged Dorostol when the military council suggested a secret retreat from the besieged city on ships or peace talks with the Romans. Svyatoslav (his Byzantine calls Sfendoslav) took a deep breath and exclaimed bitterly: “The glory which followed the army of dews perished, easily defeating neighboring nations and enslaving whole countries without bloodshed, if we now shamefully retreat before the Romans. So, let’s feel the courage [that our ancestors have bequeathed] to us, remember that the power of the dew has hitherto been indestructible, and we will fight bitterly for our lives. It is not for us to return to our homeland, fleeing; [we must] either win and stay alive, or die with glory, having accomplished feats [worthy] valiant men! ”Then Leo the Deacon reports that the dew (he often calls them“ Tauroskifs ”and“ Scythians ”) never surrenders to enemies even the vanquished, when there is no hope of salvation, they kill themselves.

Initially, the squad did not differ social homogeneity. Most of the warriors in the first centuries of the ancient Russian state had a simple origin, from free community members, tribal warriors, lands. They held their position due to not personal origins, but personal qualities. It was earned by its own courage, deserved or won thanks to a happy occasion. Social mobility at that time was very high. An ordinary soldier, a militiaman could become a princely warrior, and his descendants - boyars. In turn, the genus of the ancient Slavic princes, the elders could easily be interrupted, or fall to the level of the common people. At the initial stage, the squad was taken solely for personal qualities: military ability, courage, and courage. So, you can recall the story of the Tale of Bygone Years about how Prince Vladimir made Kozhemyaku, who won in the martial arts of the Pecheneg Bogatyr, a "great husband" and his father too. Yes, and the epics report that Illya was a “peasant son”, and Alyosha was a “kindred priest”. Yes, and with Dobrynya Nikitich not everything is clear. His yard is rich, but in some bylinas he is called "the peasant son."

It should be noted that many people have a very wrong idea about “fairy tales” regarding epics. In many respects, this is due to the fact that for children the epic stories are retold in a “fairy tale”, simplified form. They were excluded "adults", violent, even bloody episodes, softened vocabulary. The man grew up, and the views remained childish. Bylinas are not fairy tales, but songs, the main distinctive quality of which lies in the fact that folk narrators, singers who performed them, retell authentic events. In ancient times, they were performed throughout the territory of Russia. In the 18-19 centuries, when they began to write, search, they survived only in the Russian North, especially among the free peasants-Pomor.

The melodies of these songs are long and magnificent. Plots are sometimes cruel, like life itself. Performers were not afraid to use “adult” words. It is clear that over the centuries in bylinas inaccuracies, corrections could appear. Thus, the late Tatars replaced the ancient Khazars, the Pechenegs and the Polovtsy. However, the historical basis is visible in them very clearly. And it is so strong that the famous Soviet historian B.D. Grekov called the epic epos "oral history". It is the Russian chronicles, epic and Byzantine sources that give us most of the data on the device of the Russian army. Initially, the word "squad", "army" was covered by the entire set of full-fledged men. Only with the deepening of social stratification, they began to call only the military elite, the direct associates of the prince, "druzhina".

To be continued ...
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  1. +37
    28 February 2013 08: 56
    even kill the nepoyma 1) why is it now fashionable to refute the history of 2) why do we need to insert a hairpin to Orthodoxy? For example, I remember from school history that the Byzantines were afraid of Russian squads, what shyness and cuddlyness are you talking about? Why do you expose peacefulness as a negative? No one doubts the Russians’s expansion, otherwise we would not have Russia but Luxembourg, for example, but that we would assimilate the peoples united by culture and spirituality and the same Orthodoxy and not by the sword and hangman as in Europe , for some reason you omit.
    1. +13
      28 February 2013 10: 26
      I fully support. It seems like the author always considered adequate enough, but this is his phrase
      "The church also contributed, which instilled the idea that the Russian-Slavs have always been a" God-fearing ", meek, almost timid people."

      just entered into a stupor. Where the author found that the Church instilled the idea of ​​our "timidity", I do not know. It seems that in someone's manuals that have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.
      1. +1
        28 February 2013 13: 20
        Everyone pulls the blanket to their side, but I think here we have in mind the Catholic Church.
        1. gdv
          2 August 2014 20: 33
          in vain turned away from the pantheon of ancient Slavic gods! very vain
      2. wax
        1 March 2013 13: 27
        I will not discuss any kind of mites, but in epics and legends there is no mention of any Orthodoxy or other religions. A word about Igor’s regiment, Zadonshchina, Chronicle of the Provisional years, etc., etc., etc. etc. The great people lived on earthly cares. And nailed his shield on the gates of the second Rome.
        1. Volkh
          2 March 2013 02: 58
          And here you lie, the Word of the regiment shows through both paganism and Orthodoxy, and the rest is completely saturated with Orthodoxy, and the story of the time years was written by a monk in general, did you yourself read all that you mentioned? Another question is that we have double faith, Orthodoxy woven into it is paganism yes, and we can confidently talk about extremism that pagans humiliating Orthodoxy, that Orthodox pagans calling barbarians.
          1. 0
            18 December 2016 20: 06
            Quote: WOLF
            Another question is that we have dual faith, Orthodoxy with paganism interwoven into it, yes, and

            depending on what paganism means! because even in the peasantry there are saints who patronize navigation, agriculture, for example ...
            so it is more likely that one ruler replaced the saints of the previous ruler with his own, and who continued to believe in the former saints was called a pagan and should be exterminated, since they became as if to say the modern language as the “fifth column” !!! ...
        2. 0
          18 December 2016 20: 01
          Quote: Wax
          nailed his shield on the gates of the second Rome.

          it would be necessary to figure out what could mean to nail your shield on the gate!
          more like what it means to take custody of! the shield is usually with a coat of arms, whose shield and protection ...
    2. Yoshkin Kot
      28 February 2013 11: 17
      nd, idiocy blooms and smells
    3. +8
      28 February 2013 11: 50
      There have never been any “peace-loving bumps”

      And I like the images of our heroes shown in Russian epics. This is exactly the national defender. A defender who does not need someone else, but for his own, he will fight to the death. So I don’t know who revised Russian history, but the revision in this case did not harm. At least with us Russians, our military has always enjoyed great respect. And they were always precisely the defenders, but not the invaders.
      1. +4
        28 February 2013 13: 22
        Well, we went on the same campaigns, and even 1 half-Europe squad passed, and according to the number of our soldiers on that campaign, the glory of Macedon nervously smokes on the sidelines.
        But mainly we were engaged in defense against raids.
      2. Volkh
        2 March 2013 02: 59
        Well, tell me, how can one defend land in defense? 50x50 is that Russia and Russia defended themselves and invaded a hill with a sword.
        1. +2
          2 March 2013 13: 28
          For the most part, our expansion was certainly military, we, unlike modern Americans with bare asses, did not climb drafts.
          Our troops came to new lands, of course armed to the teeth, then it was not just a precaution, and attached the lands to the Stainless.
          Of course, some did not like this, but in fact we only fought off the attacks of the dissatisfied, explained what it means to be in the empire and drove on.
          Mostly people, seeing a serious detachment of warriors armed to the teeth, and with strong discipline, accepted the invitation.
          Only unlike some countries with striped flags, we did not engage in colonialism and did not impose trade agreements by force of arms.
          All members of the empire received certain guarantees of security and support, which were mostly implemented.
          To say that we were engaged exclusively in military alliances would not be right.
    4. +11
      28 February 2013 18: 37
      Because history is not science and I will not tire of repeating it. This is just a necessary interpretation of certain events for the sake of the political and economic conjuncture of a particular time period. The winners write history. An example given a hundred times: How many times have Russian textbooks been rewritten in the 20th century? Every time upside down. What about a look at the same events from abroad? How would you rate this "story"? This is already biased from the start.
      As for the church, it measured our history in 1000 years. Didn’t you read in the textbooks that until 988 we lived in mud huts and we drank soup, until we got enlighteners and taught to read and write, etc. etc. And as for the word Orthodoxy, it belongs to another system of values ​​in general. The word is two-root and consists of the words Rule and Glory. These concepts do not belong to the Christian concept at all. If you do not know, then until the middle of the 17th century, i.e. Before the split, in Muscovy there was a true faith, just Patriarch Nikon came up with how to deceive everyone and close the question. Prior to this, the concept of Orthodoxy = paganism in the modern interpretation.
      This is about your two questions, but about the assimilation of the annexed peoples by culture and spirituality, I completely agree.
      As for militancy - without it, the world map would have been completely different, though we would not have become Luxembourg anyway).
      1. +1
        28 February 2013 19: 10
        Quote: SunScorpion
        And as for the word Orthodoxy, it belongs to another system of values ​​in general. The word is two-root and consists of the words Rule and Glory. These concepts do not belong to the Christian concept at all.

        this word is just a translation of the Greek word for "orthodoxy".
        1. avt
          28 February 2013 20: 46
          Quote: Pancho
          that word is just a translation of the Greek word for "orthodoxy."

          Bravo! laughing Miller definitely has a credit and the title of an associate, but then you would be better off not going to Lomonosov, with facial plastic surgery then it was tight. Our Church is indeed called orthodox and even demanded separation from the state and the reformation, they say, it is not clear what they say at the service there. BUT here's what's interesting. If you look with an open mind, the authorities have reformed the church mercilessly. At least Stalin knew what he wanted and how to do - he studied at the seminary. Petrusha abolished the patriarchate altogether and forbade the building and rebuilding of churches without personal permission, and established a ministry - the chief synod, practically an Anglican reform. His dad, "The Quietest", planted such a reform in general that he had to take Solovki by storm and burn the Old Believers, that is, they themselves "burned up", and at the same time invite the Patriarch of Antioch to ordain priests. Well, God forbid the memory, Ivan lll whom the people then called the Terrible [him and not lV-th}. That is the one who introduced the Monastic Charter, attention, with the division of monasteries into male and female with the introduction of healing. I canceled Ivan Kupala. laughing
          1. +1
            1 March 2013 19: 44
            Thank you, of course, for the short course, but I know this without you, I just did not catch the connection between my comment and your lecture.
        2. +1
          2 March 2013 18: 42
          No, dear. The Greek "orthodoxy" is translated as "orthodox", here you do not need to invent any bicycles. In the Russian language, there are enough words to display all concepts, including this one. And if it comes to that, then in all the designations of this concept in foreign languages, what is called the Russian Orthodox Church is designated by one word - Orthodox, without options. I hope this reflects your comment fairly accurately.
      2. 0
        18 December 2016 22: 06
        Quote: SunScorpion
        as for the church, so it measured our history in 1000 years. Didn’t you read in the textbooks that until 988 we lived in mud huts and we drank soup, until we got enlighteners and taught to read and write, etc. etc.

        on the basis of this logic, we can add that the Orthodoxy that now exists is precisely Romanov Orthodoxy, and the bulk of the saints and martyrs, are the saints and martyrs of the Romanovs, with the exception of those whose attempt to abandon them would not allow the Romanovs to establish themselves on such a vast territory. ..
  2. avt
    28 February 2013 09: 53
    Ayayayay sleep Fomenkovism. laughing Well, if you read and perceive how it is written and heard, then it's horror! It turns out that the knight has nothing to do with Eourope, this word is only in Slavic! A knight is a knight, perhaps more correct, on behalf of a cashier, a specific piece of armor, if you will. Well, you can be more poetic - a person who has a face. Well, in ,, glorious "Europe, just a statement of fact - a man on a horse, the Angles are even funnier with a knife, but the most proud and noble knights of the world of the Spaniards are even worse than DON - that is, the lads specifically rode with .... I'm afraid further write laughing do not zamusutut, trample the classics of history. Zadornov called laughing
    1. +7
      28 February 2013 10: 35
      Walter Scott has a novel "Ivanhoe", this is how we print this name in Russian. In English it is written "Ivango" letters "g" and "k" very often change in any languages, and in English and Russian in particular. At the same time, it turns out that the knight was called "Ivanko", the novel in the author's language is full of Slavic words (well, or Russian, if you like) and names. hi
      1. avt
        28 February 2013 10: 51
        Quote: Andrey57
        At the same time, it turns out that the knight was called "Ivanko", the novel in the author's language is full of Slavic words (well, or Russian, if you like) and names. hi

        Add to this list of noble different von Südoff, von Bulloff, in the sense of Sedov and Belov, and join my minuses from the classics of historical science. laughing Here, after all, it’s not comme il faut to act as Sidorov there or Petrov in a circus. But Spaghetti or di Pantalone is already quite aristocratic and European-style.
        1. +2
          28 February 2013 15: 01
          Quote: avt
          Add to this list of noble different von Sjudoff, von Bulloff, in the sense of Sedovye and Belovye

          I also want to go through about the caballeros (cavaliers) that occurred according to the classical version from the Latin caballus (horse). In Russian there is a wonderful word "mare" meaning a female horse. Who came from whom? I will only note that a male horse in Russian is meant word "horse", the ancient name "komon".
          1. BruderV
            28 February 2013 15: 29
            Quote: baltika-18
            Who came from whom

            Probably a man from a rhino wassat Well, all right, the ancient Romans and Spaniards were Russian mares. And who did the crusaders fight with? With some Saladin - a distorted Russian surname ZalAdin. And the French kings Louis? Need to read LyudovNik from the word people, chosen by people. What about king charles? Well, the little one was very dwarf, just like Pipin Korotky (everyone knows this school guy from Russia).
            1. +2
              28 February 2013 19: 12
              Quote: BruderV

              German Bruder: the root base -brd-, the Russian brother, the root base -brt. The basis is the same, but primary Russian, so it gives bushes of words: brother, brotherhood, brotherly, brother, brother, etc.
              By the way, do you know why a camel is called "camel"? It's just that there is a wonderful word in Russian for the draft power of "komolaya", isn't it interesting?
              1. BruderV
                28 February 2013 20: 30
                Quote: baltika-18
                By the way, do you know why the camel is called "camel

                But in the north of Algeria there is a Kabila nationality, respectively, the country used to be called Kabilia or Kabylia as you like best, probably descendants of the Slavs used to raise noble mares there, by the way Zinedine Zidane is not an Arab, but Kabil, a Slav, I mean. But in our north there are lost Slavic brothers Evens and Evenks - Ivanes and Ivans.
      2. +8
        28 February 2013 12: 09
        Quote: Andrey57
        At the same time, it turns out that the knight was called "Ivanko", in the novel in the author’s language is full of Slavic words (well, or Russian, if you will) and names.

        Iwan (Hebrew יוחנן Yochanan. Translations: “He will have mercy”, “Yahweh (God) has mercy”, “Yahweh (God) has mercy”, “Yahweh (God) has mercy”)
        Ivanka, Ivany, Ivanyuha, Ivanyusha, Ivasia, Ivasik, Ivaha, Ivasha, Isha, Ishuta, Vanya, Vanyukha, Vanyusha, Vanyur, Vanyusa, Vanyuta, Vanyata, Iva.
        What Slavic name are we talking about?
        In all Christian cultures, many names are of Jewish origin, so their similarity in different nations.
        1. Bars90
          5 March 2013 20: 09
          Ivan is not a Slavic name. This is clear to the fool. All Slavic names end in -slav, -polk, -mir, -love.
        2. 0
          18 December 2016 22: 18
          Quote: Rebus
          of all Christian cultures, many names are of Jewish origin, therefore their similarity in different nations.

          and now the most interesting thing is that the bulk of nationalities begins to happen somewhere from the 15th century, the continuation of the bulk of the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, well, to this day this process is not finished! question: what have the Jews to do with it? just because someone created the image of the earliest people in time, or rather religion ... :-) By the way, at the end of the 20th century, some Russians in full became Jews to immigrate from the USSR ....
      3. BruderV
        28 February 2013 13: 48
        Quote: Andrey57
        the knight's name was "Ivanko

        Yes, but I still don’t understand why they distort Russian names in all films? Here is Jackie Chan, well, it’s clear that Zheka Chanov, a Russian boy. John Conor, it’s necessary to distort Zhor Kornev like that. But one thing pleases, there are some normal translations of the Goblin, which conveys to people that Morpheus is Matveich, Gandalf - Pendalf, Frodo - Fedor, Aragorn - Agronomist.
        1. avt
          28 February 2013 18: 28
          Quote: BruderV
          Yes, but I still don’t understand why they distort Russian names in all films? Here is Jackie Chan, well, it’s clear that Zheka Chanov, a Russian boy. John Conor, it’s necessary to distort Zhor Kornev like that. But one thing pleases, there are some normal translations of the Goblin, which conveys to people that Morpheus is Matveich, Gandalf - Pendalf, Frodo - Fedor, Aragorn - Agronomist.

          These are all the seeds, here you will take "Dictionary of English surnames" AI Rybakin Moscow "Russian language" 1986 Here are a lot of interesting things about Duncans Mac Laud and different about Donols. Sema Leto and Slam Fon have a rest after careful reading.
    2. +1
      28 February 2013 11: 08
      Quote: avt
      they don’t mess, they will trample the classics of history.

      And I will support you. Just add that the word "knight" does not come from Sanskrit, but from a simple Russian verb "to beat", "to beat", since in Russian the letters -б -, - п -, - в-, -ph- are mutually passing, the transition -s-s- is also beyond doubt. The semantics couldn't be better.
      1. avt
        28 February 2013 11: 43
        Quote: baltika-18
        And I will support you. Just add that the word "knight" does not come from Sanskrit, but from a simple Russian verb "to beat", "to beat", since in Russian the letters -б -, - п -, - в-, -ph- are mutually passing, the transition -s-s- is also beyond doubt. The semantics couldn't be better.

        And they wrote without any vowels or missed. So it turns out, the prince, if it was not I who said earlier, but AZ he is the first, the first equestrian among equals. Well, the famous centaurs, teachers of Greek heroes, just horsemen from Tavrida-Crimea. But this is not poetical. It is much more pleasant to consider them a cross between a horse. This is so evrotolerastichno well tochnik some kind of bestiality envied a horse member. And the Greeks called Don-Tanais fighters from Don Danaites began to be. Ohhh I am silent I am silent ..... laughing laughing Again Fomenkozadornovshchie lash ett left ........ laughing
        1. +1
          28 February 2013 12: 36
          Brothers ... a shark with a Baltic ...
          Well, how long will you .. tease ... the traditional?
          I, right, live see .. how some of the eyes fills with red - as in the cartoon "Well, wait a minute" by the bull.
          Achilles, Danes ... Don in Spain .... brains on one side wassat
          1. avt
            28 February 2013 17: 41
            Quote: Igarr
            Achilles, Danes ... Don in Spain .... brains on one side

            Let me trust them further. The lads sailed, who, with Rurik, did not want to return to their homeland, to the western foggy islands. We went into the river, well, don our way, we went so deep above the mouth into the very bosom, and the river is so dirty, muddy, dark, in general, the Thames. Well, the city of brotherhood has been set in the bosom of that don - London, taking into account who is going there from the time of Herzen, well, the Berezovskys are different there. It turns out in modern language, taking into account geography - 3,14zdarechensk on the Thames laughing
            1. +2
              2 March 2013 00: 32
              Well, the river Don is also in Britain and stands on it the capital city of Doncaster.
              1. avt
                2 March 2013 10: 58
                Quote: SlavaP
                Well, the river Don is also in Britain and stands on it the capital city of Doncaster.

                And according to the reference book that Az the sinner previously brought -O, Donnel is translated as a descendant of the ruler of the world. So count from where the lads on the islands sailed. laughing
  3. +7
    28 February 2013 10: 12
    The church, which instilled the idea that the Russian Slavs were always “God-fearing,” a quiet, almost timid people, also made their contribution.

    Some kind of nonsense. Author at least a little Orthodox sites poyuzay and find out what it means "fear of God" and "humility". These are Christian virtues. And that the Russian soldiers were "monsters" and "sadists", like the same knights-crusaders?
  4. +5
    28 February 2013 10: 22
    Yes, and so it is clear that the ancestors could not be weak and cowardly, if they went to each other almost every year, then to the Polovtsy with the Pechenegs.

    "The church also contributed, which instilled the idea that the Russian-Slavs have always been a" God-fearing ", meek, almost timid people."

    From what this unsubstantiated assertion proceeds, I did not understand.
    1. +4
      28 February 2013 10: 54
      This statement is the current of a particularly fashionable trend of late, to find fault with the Russian Orthodox Church. If you ha, then you are a stylish, fashionable advanced general. And if you do not support these "winds", worse than that, you stand up, then you are an antagonist, an obscurantist and personally threw firewood into the fire of the Inquisition.
    2. Yoshkin Kot
      28 February 2013 11: 21
      "The church also contributed, which instilled the idea that the Russian-Slavs have always been a" God-fearing ", meek, almost timid people."

      From what this unsubstantiated assertion proceeds, I did not understand.

      banal from a simple Russophobia, they suck out such "truths", senior State Department officials pull loot, look what a cloud of sites they have opened, some loot on Russophobia, they cut, pYakhota, they are preparing for the sake of neo-paganism to tear Russia to shreds so that they could easily occupy it , owners
    3. +3
      28 February 2013 13: 26
      This actually takes place, we have always been God-fearing and quiet, until a certain point, it’s not without reason that Russians are compared to Medved, in fact a slow and calm bear, it could be quite nimble and ferocious if it touches its interests, which the EU has repeatedly been convinced of for centuries .
      1. +4
        28 February 2013 13: 35
        Quote: carbofo
        This actually takes place, we have always been God-fearful and quiet.

        What you described is called, rather, patient and calm, and this is a little different shades, do not you find?
        1. +1
          1 March 2013 11: 47
          It depends on the point of view, patience and calm from the outside can be seen differently.
          We now know that the cat is domestic, but does she know about this ??
  5. +2
    28 February 2013 10: 25
    Everyone perceives information according to their attitude. Alexander is right, our history is multifaceted, much richer than official German, adopted in textbooks. A true researcher is not looking for good or bad, but reveals the whole picture of history, with all circumstances.
    Good and complete article.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      28 February 2013 11: 23
      Yeah, and it’s better if Legolas with anthem are introduced into it (in history), it’s not bad for the Nosenko-Fomenkovites wassat
    2. +1
      28 February 2013 11: 48
      Quote: Ross
      Everyone perceives information according to their attitude. Alexander is right, our history is multifaceted, much richer than the official German adopted in textbooks. A true researcher is not looking for good or bad, but reveals the whole picture of history, with all circumstances.
      Good and complete article.

      How can history be perceived according to the attitude?
      This worldview is from a branch of philosophy, and history is an exact science, consisting of absolutely proven facts. And the article is written on the emotions and personal attitude of the author. Example:
      How did the “peaceful” and “God-fearing” Rusics defend themselves in a constant war on the northwestern, western, southern and eastern borders, and even often internal wars, and then also occupy a territory no longer occupied by any people ( I mean directly Russian territory, not overseas colonies), with this view it remains a mystery.

      Since when did the words "peaceful" and "godly" become negative? A peaceful person is not looking for war, but a God-fearing one who worships God (even a pagan is God-fearing - he honors the commandments and worships his gods). Being peaceful and God-fearing does not mean being cowardly.
      Moreover, where does the Bible learn to be timid?
      1. +3
        28 February 2013 12: 03
        Moreover, where does the Bible learn to be timid?

        Well, for example: If you were hit on the left cheek, substitute the right one.
        1. +7
          28 February 2013 13: 07
          Quote: chehywed
          Well, for example: If you were hit on the left cheek, substitute the right one.

          Okr 21, 7-8
          7 The conqueror inherits everythingand I will be his God, and he will be my son.
          8 Fearful and the infidels, and the nasty and the murderers, and the fornicators and sorcerers, and the idolaters, and all the liars fate in a lake burning with fire and brimstone. This is the second death.

          Can winning to be a coward? The Bible teaches you to be a winner!
          The church, during the Second World War created for its money an air squadron named after Alexander Nevsky and a tank column named after Dmitry Donskoy. And here are the words of Metropolitan Sergius:
          The Church blesses all Orthodox to defend the sacred borders of our Motherland. The Lord grants us victory

          Answer how this can be if the Church teaches, as you say, timidity?
          1. +5
            28 February 2013 13: 41
            Look what kind of "discussion" we have. On a specific question, I answered you no less concretely, you slapped me a minus and piled up a bunch that in no way correlated with my quote from the Bible.
            Turns out that? If you and I talked in person, then I would get an answer to you, would I listen to your sermons lying on the ground and lying on the ground?
            Now try to explain to me why you are better than a radical Islamist.
            1. +4
              28 February 2013 14: 09
              Quote: chehywed
              Look what kind of "discussion" we have. On a specific question, I answered you no less concretely, you slapped me a minus and piled up a bunch that in no way correlated with my quote from the Bible.

              Quote: chehywed
              Well, for example: If you were hit on the left cheek, substitute the right one.

              Have you ever read the Bible?
              If you reread the Sermon on the Mount, where did your quote come from, you will understand what is written there not about the multiplication of evil and the inadmissibility of disputes among neighbors, and not about cowardice and the need for timidity.

              Quote: chehywed
              Now try to explain to me why you are better than a radical Islamist.

              I'm not better, we are completely different people with a radical Islamist wink

              PS So that you do not have insults I put you +
              1. +2
                28 February 2013 16: 13
                Well, you see how easy it is to "not multiply evil and not allow disputes among neighbors" smile . I read the Bible. 25 years ago.
          2. BruderV
            28 February 2013 14: 35
            Quote: Rebus
            The church, during the Second World War created for its money an air squadron named after Alexander Nevsky

            It is also worth remembering that Father Serapion fought against the Tatars with monks.
          3. psdf
            1 March 2013 17: 08
            Or maybe such attacks on Orthodoxy precisely because the religion is too patriotic. A sort of quintessence of Christianity on pagan roots and traditions. Not just in the West, Orthodoxy has always been considered an orthodox religion.
          4. +1
            1 March 2013 18: 24
            Quote: Rebus
            He who overcomes will inherit everything, and I will be his God, and he will be my son.

            And here is how the church interprets this:
            To become an overcomer, we need to defeat our "devils" within us — our worldly desires based on greed, anger, and ignorance. To defeat them, we need to keep the True Commandments every day, until our death, to accumulate good karma and help the Saints to spread the Truth - the teaching of God.

            It is he who overcomes — that is, who overcomes his passions — and will be the Son of God, as Jesus was.

            And where is the desire for victory ???
      2. +1
        1 March 2013 18: 17
        To what extent this history is an exact science, even we can imagine by how events of less than a century ago are described in various circles, depending on their political preferences. History has always been written under the vision of the ruling elite. In the 90s, the U.S. elite came to rule us, wrote laws for our politicians, said what to do and how to do it, just a bit and we ourselves would have recognized at the official level that in the Second World War we were so errand to the U.S. schools and without them we are nothing there was already stuffing such information !!! The Germans were allowed to manage the sciences and the country under Katyukha 2 here is the Norman theory, but it was hammered not 13 years ago as it is now, but 150 and as a result everyone who disputes it is almost considered crazy and Lomonosov at one time broke his noses for nothing. And you carry here EXACT science.
  6. 0
    28 February 2013 10: 43
    Quote: Vladimirets
    From what this unsubstantiated assertion proceeds, I did not understand.

    So I did not understand. Yes, the Church loved and respected the "Christ-loving Orthodox army" and noted the features of the Russian army as "God-fearing" and "humble." But the author clearly did not understand what it was. This means that after the battle the Russian warrior did not sneer at the prisoner, did not rape, did not loot, that all times, including the twentieth century, are unchanged, if not distracted by particulars. If the author perceived these words as a kind of definition of the Russian army, as timid, and he writes about this, then he lacks knowledge.
    1. BruderV
      28 February 2013 14: 40
      Quote: GOLUBENKO
      that after the battle, the Russian warrior did not mock the captive, did not rape, did not loot,

      ate daisies and pooped a rainbow ...
  7. +8
    28 February 2013 11: 12
    I just started reading the article, as I already understood who wrote it. Enough etymological calculations. And with regards to chivalry in Russia, it was. Not the peasants with pitchforks crushed the Swedes and Teutons. And that motley crowd depicted in the painting "The Morning of the Kulikov Field" (certainly brilliant) would hardly have resisted the heavy cavalry of the Tatars.
    1. Yoshkin Kot
      28 February 2013 11: 29
      um, a professional warrior is not necessarily a knight, in Orthodoxy there were no orders, not secular, not church.
      if you want the closest analogue of the "knights", then this is by itself a vigilante, "boyar children" (not in the sense that the descendants of the boyars, but in terms of status, for their service they received a small estate, from the city (in Novgorod) or the Grand Duke (in Moscow) ) the same armored horse warriors, which later became the local cavalry
      And a knight is an affiliation to a church or secular order led by a king
      and the rest of the pseudo-historical nonsense is just a sign of the inferiority complex of mediocrity, and an arrogant and cynical way to cut loot from fomenki and other Nosov russophobes
  8. Apsil
    28 February 2013 11: 16
    knights were found, servile army and all the same, bravely you know, your main advantage is that you have always been more than opponents, the crowd will fight easier
    1. +1
      28 February 2013 14: 52
      justify the balobol
    2. +1
      28 February 2013 21: 52
      Well, in what war did the Russians win by number and not by reduction? I couldn’t immediately remember such a war, there have always been more enemies.
  9. consul
    28 February 2013 11: 52
    God-fearing means not timid, but afraid of God (not the enemy). And to fear God means to be afraid to insult Him with sin. Some sayings of the saints of our Orthodox Church about military service:
    Saint Athanasius the Great, in his Epistle to Monk Amun, which was approved as a general church teaching at the XNUMXth and XNUMXth Ecumenical Councils, writes: “It is impermissible to kill, but to destroy the enemy in the war is lawful and worthy of praise; therefore, those who have distinguished themselves in abuse are awarded great honors, and monuments are erected to them, announcing their merits. ”
    When Muslims asked Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril why Christians are involved in wars, if Christ commanded them to love their enemies, he answered: “Christ, our God, has commanded us to pray for those who offend us and to favor them; but He commanded us: there is no longer that love, as if someone would lay down his soul for his friends (John 15: 13). Therefore, we suffer insults that cause each of us separately, but in society we protect each other and put our lives for our brethren, so that, captivating them, you would not captivate their souls along with their bodies, persuading the pious to their evil and godless affairs
    The words of St. Filaret of Moscow: “God loves the good-natured world, and God blesses righteous abuse. For since there are non-peaceful people on earth, peace cannot be had without military help. An honest and trustworthy world must for the most part be conquered. And to preserve the acquired peace, it is necessary that the winner himself does not allow his weapons to rust ”; “War is a terrible thing for those who undertake it unnecessarily, without truth, with a thirst for selfishness or predominance, turned into a thirst for blood. They bear a heavy responsibility for the blood and calamities of their own and others. But war is a sacred thing for those who take it out of necessity - in defense of truth, faith, and the fatherland ”
  10. +3
    28 February 2013 11: 54
    The Russian people have always been strong, courageous and brave. There were always enough knights, but our main feature, with all our shortcomings, was that if the misfortune of the nat. scale people have always been united !!! Knights and warriors in our time are not extinct see below the link. good

    [media = http: // [: // v = fnrwwJZr8SM]]
    1. +1
      1 March 2013 13: 49
      Gennady: In the troubled and devastated Russia, the strength of the feudal squads, not inferior in quality to the European ones, was too small. and Europe.
      For more than 3 hours, warriors on the Kulikovo Field restrained the onslaught of the enemy until they hit the Ambush Regiment.
      PS Squads from different Russian lands marched on Kulikovo Field, returned back to the halo of glory of Voisko ONE RUSSIA.
  11. +7
    28 February 2013 12: 27
    I read it.
    Comments are especially .. thoughtful.
    The layout .. as it was.
    Something recently, Alexander Samsonov .. in a hurry, or something, somewhere?
    Philological research .. to hell ...
    And what not to assume that not ritter .. here is important. And for example - "a warrior .. in the ROTS of God."
    The system itself is somehow vicious .. Starting from the 6th century, etc.
    And until the 6th century - that - there were no warriors, no weapons, no armor. Not a military spirit - which actually is - chivalry?
    Here are all kinds of things ... Siyavushi, Farhad, Theseus, Perseus and the rest of Hercules with Achilles - just like that ... from the bulldozer ... they poked each other with pieces of iron.
    Have fun, like.
    Interesting to read.
    But, as Yoshkin the Cat loves to say, is fantasy.
    1. 0
      28 February 2013 12: 52
      Quote: Igarr
      But, as Yoshkin the Cat loves to say, is fantasy.

      Fantasy ............
      Our world......
      And there is fantasy ..... Theater ........ Performance ......... And ... conspiracy ....
      ..... open the doors of paradise
      The gray-haired old man answered him
      Where are you sneaking, face soaked
      There is no place for crooks ........
      1. +1
        28 February 2013 19: 09
        Yes, Nikolai, yes.
        Whose poems?
        Seems like a modern someone?
        1. 0
          28 February 2013 20: 28
          Quote: Igarr
          Whose poems?

          I don’t remember already, Igor. The end of the 70s. Some of the bards. God, how long it was ...........
          1. 0
            28 February 2013 20: 44
            Arkady Severny ..
            ".. The monk is knocking on the doors of heaven,
            The apostle Peter answered him:
            - Where are you going, drunk face,
            There is no place for drunken crooks! ""

  12. +2
    28 February 2013 12: 37
    The author daily posts nonsense articles. And when did he have enough for all this time? Very interesting by whom does the author work? not a doctor of historical sciences, unloading boxes in the evenings in a nearby grocery store in the evenings, but in the morning starting to study the history of Russia, based on archaeological finds he found in the gateway?
  13. +3
    28 February 2013 15: 59
    Quote: GOLUBENKO
    after the battle, the Russian warrior .... did not loot,

    Maybe so....
    What about the Cossacks (probably, unfortunately) can not be said. The Cossacks have not become obsolete in their psychology that the fight is the source of profit. In this respect, the Cossacks simply had no equal. So during the events of the 12th year, this occupation did not disdain, for example, the famous Cossack general Ilovaisky, who laid his paw, in particular, on the transport with the looted church valuables, taken from the French - sent him to his Don. The Cossacks also looted in Russian villages, with innumerable carts driving the loot to the Don villages. In his notes, Benckendorff wrote that the Cossack camp usually "looked like a thieves' den". And General Yermolov later bitterly threw out that "Ataman Platov stopped serving, his troops indulged in debauchery and plunder, scattered hosts, gangs of robbers and devastated the land from Smolensk to Moscow."
    Cossacks were extremely difficult to keep within.
    1. +2
      28 February 2013 21: 48
      Sergey. The Cossacks NEVER considered themselves Russian. And about the looting:
      Ataman Krasnov, in one of his appeals, orders, given the psychology of the troops attacking Tsaritsyn, unequivocally spoke about the rich booty that awaits them there ... General Wrangel later repeated his reception in June 1919. The telegram of General Mamontov, who returned from the Tambov raid, caused glee in the Don:
      “Sending hi. We bring rich gifts to relatives and friends, 60 million rubles to the Don treasury, expensive icons and church utensils to decorate churches ... ”
      From the memoirs of Denikin.
      During the last census, the descendants of the Cossacks did not want to consider themselves Russian. not only in the Southern Federal District and North-Caucasian Federal District, but also in other federal districts: in the Perm Territory, Volgograd Region ...
  14. +5
    28 February 2013 17: 00
    I read the article, there are shortcomings, but something criminal was not found. I want to appeal to everyone who commented on this article. Friends, answer which of you is tormented by shame for our ancestors? Tell me, is it really so important to know from which derivatives this or that word is formed? I firmly understood that the Russian people should be firm in their deeds and faith, even though they tried to destroy it. It’s personally important for me who will become shoulder to shoulder in the trench if something happens. It’s important that our ancestors knew, but we don’t yet we can decide ... sorry. We stood in front of any enemy, and t there are lots of examples of modern history too. So are we going to delve into the past of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-grandfathers as in dirty linen? I think it’s not worth it. And the fact that we will rise from our knees is not in doubt, and not one is tolerated in our direction without fear look. !!! angry
    1. 0
      28 February 2013 19: 19
      For their ancestors - not a shame is not a shame.
      It's a shame for them.
      For behaving like a smear. Well, supposedly - "... they captured villages and auls, and when leaving, they left cities and hospitals .."
      I remember Pikul wrote about the Belomorians - "... men and elders were brought to the root, and after that they loved women affectionately and sweetly. And a new life began ..." - I cannot vouch for accuracy, I only remember the general meaning and outline.
      A strange character, even for us, Russians, always plays a bad joke with us.
      Which we disentangle with enviable constancy.
      If we are not brought down to the root - the rest, then, we drive it crazy!
      And they, madles, do not want to become crazy.
      And as for the words - I never bother at all.
  15. +3
    28 February 2013 20: 56
    The Germans, invited to serve in Russia in the 18 century, poured Russian history for their conjunctural gain
  16. 0
    28 February 2013 21: 40
    thank! it was interesting.
  17. BruderV
    28 February 2013 21: 43
    Quote: voronov
    Germans poured Russian history

    How did this process happen? They burst into the church, burned the chronicles? Was memory erased by mass hypnosis? Together with the Germans, historical works were also made by Russian historians. You don’t like German ones - don’t read, only Russians, unfortunately, you also won’t find ancient Hyperborean Russes, Atlanteans, Aryans ... They took it directly and erased the memory of everyone. Unhappy Geratrat still can not die out of history no matter how they tried, Carthage as salt is not filled, and the city is now there. And then the whole history of the people was rewritten.
    1. +1
      7 March 2013 15: 37
      Yes, that is exactly what happened, from all corners of our vast homeland German "historians" (Miller, Schloetzer, etc.) brought chronicles from monasteries under the prelude of an inventory and writing of a "true" history, after which many chronicles disappeared without a trace. At the same time, Tatishchev wrote his story, which was forgiven somewhere after his death (only some chapters remained), and she, in turn, was very different in some issues from the "history" written by the Germans, for example, according to the Narman theory (because of which it was broken German nose Lomonosov).
  18. +2
    28 February 2013 22: 09
    Quote: tomket
    even kill the nepoyma 1) why is it now fashionable to refute the history of 2) why do we need to insert a hairpin to Orthodoxy? For example, I remember from school history that the Byzantines were afraid of Russian squads, what shyness and cuddlyness are you talking about? Why do you expose peacefulness as a negative? No one doubts the Russians’s expansion, otherwise we would not have Russia but Luxembourg, for example, but that we would assimilate the peoples united by culture and spirituality and the same Orthodoxy and not by the sword and hangman as in Europe , for some reason you omit.

    Knowing the history, you can predict the future, draw any parallels. But if the story is false, written for the sake of politics, then the conclusions will be false, and mistakes, they are expensive.
    For example, the following thesis was derived from traditional history - "all empires are falling apart" and everyone is waiting for Pan-America to fall, but this will not happen, because all ancient empires are invented by historians, and the real Roman Empire of the German Nation survived until the 20th century (Austria-Hungary ), they were called imperials at the beginning of the 20th century, Caesars, mind you, not Italians. No barbarians can defeat an empire, an empire can only be defeated by another empire.
    And again, the next Young Europeans, raised on Western propaganda, will decide that Russia is an easy prey. Western propaganda instills that the Russians occupy 1/8 of the land is wrong, and the next "enlighteners" will come to defend their rights to the Russian land.

    Since when is history an exact science! They separated the historians, there’s nowhere to stamp. Exact sciences are mathematics, physics, and history is an essay on a given topic.
    1. 0
      7 March 2013 16: 00
      The Holy Roman Empire of the German nation fell apart in 1806 (XIX century) as a result of the Napoleonic wars, and after that the language does not turn to call Austria-Hungary an empire. So say the Byzantine Empire was not, imagine the Greeks called the Rumians, not Italians. That is, Rome itself BC is a fiction, but what about the Russian Empire, too, it seemed to us.
  19. +1
    1 March 2013 08: 06
    How did this process happen? They burst into the church, burned the chronicles? Was memory erased by mass hypnosis? Together with the Germans, historical works were also made by Russian historians. You don’t like German ones - don’t read, only Russians, unfortunately, you also won’t find ancient Hyperborean Russes, Atlanteans, Aryans ... They took it directly and erased the memory of everyone. Unhappy Geratrat still can not die out of history no matter how they tried, Carthage as salt is not filled, and the city is now there. And then the whole history of the people was rewritten.

    Forgive me, dear, but that was exactly what happened with regard to historical monuments, by the way, and beliefs are the same. For example, take any Orthodox church within the "golden ring" of Russia. Without exception, all have undergone significant "reconstruction" up to the complete demolition and subsequent "restoration". The chronicles, and all the books, were taken to St. Petersburg for rewriting, the originals were destroyed. The system of beliefs of the Orthodox Church was changed more than once, the former ones were forgotten, on pain of death. As you know, the Orthodox began to worship the Mother of God quite recently, before that there were "father and son and the holy spirit." Now they remember sluggishly, preferring to keep quiet, that the Russians went into battle with banners depicting St. George the Victorious. In fact, with the connivance of the authorities, the history of Russia has been rewritten more than once. But this is half the trouble, the traces of the old times were diligently erased or indulged in oblivion. Yes, in the Middle Ages there was no mass media, but after all, they managed to explain to the Germans that everything to the east is Tartary (Tartarus is the underworld of spirits), that the creatures living there do not have heads and walk on three legs, and so on. And you are talking about the Aryans.
    1. BruderV
      1 March 2013 10: 24
      Quote: Avenich
      Chronicles, and indeed all books, were brought to St. Petersburg for rewriting, the originals were destroyed

      Well this is jubilation. Late fakes are detected at times using radiocarbon analysis. Well, although yes the analyzes are also carried out by the liquid masses, and we poor unfortunate oppressed. Etozhas nada not a single Russian historian did not reveal a single fake, but the guardians of sacred knowledge, as always, are more aware of all. And in Arabic sources and in ancient, too, everyone became extinct. Where now to look for the homespun truth about the ancient Ukrainians and Russians who built the pyramids 100 thousand years ago.
      1. +1
        1 March 2013 12: 41
        From what. And Russian historians identify forgeries, they attract criminalists. You know, interesting things turn out, for example "Katyn case". If we go back to more distant matters, then in the prefaces to those chronicles that are on the Internet it is clearly stated that these copies were copied from some originals, corrected, provided with explanations. Actually, there is no talk of fakes, just copies. Moreover, I do not consider myself oppressed and do not advise you, but I will study the history of the Russian State and not only the official, but also the alternative.
    1 March 2013 12: 48
    When I started reading, I thought that Zadornov was the author smile
  21. RAMBO
    1 March 2013 13: 51
    The name "Russian squads in battle" is written anything, but there is no way they act in battle, is it probably in the sequel?
  22. potapich
    1 March 2013 18: 58
    So much has recently begun to talk about epics and fairy tales - give a link to read, I never read about Russian epics and wise Russian fairy tales (not counting the kolobok). Such quotes are powerful about Suvorov, again, what books to read, what names, give links?
    1. 0
      7 March 2013 16: 20
      Sergei Petrovich Alekseev "Stories about Suvorov and Russian Soldiers" - in my childhood they read this book to me at night.
      - Powder is not gunpowder, bukley is not guns, a scythe is not a cleaver, I am not German, but a natural Rusak! - Suvorov shouted furiously.
  23. -1
    1 March 2013 23: 46
    So much has recently begun to talk about epics and tales - give a link to read

    6 March 2013 11: 42
    Our ancestors expanded their habitat solely for safety reasons. The Slavs have long lived on the plains, surrounded by enemies, open to aggression from all over the world. The desire to protect their births forced the tribes to unite under the leadership of a better and wise war (because there would be a fool and a coward could not defend. Therefore, after 22.06.1941/XNUMX/XNUMX it was Stalin who headed the leadership of the war. For security reasons, the party nomenclature was afraid to nominate another leader then). The best defense is attack. Therefore, our ancestors were forced to move their borders in all directions of the world, creating a foreground in the future of future aggressions.
  25. 0
    18 December 2016 20: 39
    It was the princes who promoted Christianity to the masses.
    or if we say in modern language, they brought the masses to a constitutional order, and if we continue in the old way, they brought the population to their submission (koment below)
    if in the root, then initially, it would be necessary to emphasize that the prince was not a master, but was revered as a father ... and this is a different view of religion, and for what reason baptism took place ... and what saints were and supreme were before the baptism of Russia, which implied the clergy before the Romanovs, during the Romanovs, and how it differs from that of Orthodoxy, which is now. because there were reforms during the first Romanovs and under Peter1 .....
  26. 0
    31 October 2017 12: 25
    "Firstly, the prince is a military leader, defender of a tribe, a land-principality. It is his main task to protect his people if he could not cope with it, in the Old Russian state they could simply expel him." And then the Governor, why? There is no such thing and never was? If we are talking about the situation in Russia after 988, then it should be written like that. Although, to call the "ancient" Russian state is essentially a mid-century period of Christianization, this is how to call the "ancient" French Revolution in comparison with 1917. This is in unison with noodles a la "Drevlyans on trees, a meadow in the meadow." Given the fact that the events of Slavic and Russian history were trampled first by Christianity, and then by Romanovism, we only have epics and legends are an unbiased source of information. Any "Tales of Bygone Years" written by monks in cells, please do not throw on the table as an argument. You won’t overreach the songs of the fathers, but the paper (parchment) will endure everything, and gives rise to "kamzinschin" in the style "there was a glorious prince, and the squad loved him." So, returning to the military function: in all epics, the prince, as a rule, is the Judge, Administrator, and yesterday the elder of the clan / tribe. The function of the governor in the oral tradition. - This is for the prince an exception to the rule, a matter of his own will, not from a good life. And therefore, it is not necessary to formulate the princely function on the example of an overgrown nest of the Rurikovich, biting each other at the "tables" and at the "feed" for themselves loved ones and their squad. The Rurikovich’s squad of the 12th century model, and the Slavic squad under the command of the governor, formed to protect the clans at the request of the princes (and not the “princes” of 10-13 centuries), are completely different things.