Far Eastern question. How Russia vented with Japan. Part of 3

Far Eastern question. How Russia vented with Japan. Part of 3

In addition to Korea, the Japanese turned their close attention to China. The Middle Kingdom in the second half of 19 and the beginning of 20 centuries experienced its next period of decline and collapse (in stories China was not the first time, it is cyclical in nature). 16 July 1894, Japan and the United Kingdom signed a new trade agreement, it was fairer than the previous one. It is clear that the British did it for a reason. They were going to not only draw Japan into the orbit of their policies, but also direct its actions. Japan was turned into a tool, the "ram" of London in the Asia-Pacific region.

The United Kingdom at that time enjoyed overwhelming influence in China. However, the owners of London decided that pushing Japan and China would be extremely beneficial. The principle of "divide and conquer" worked flawlessly. We see that the then clash between Japan and China is still being touched. The current conflict between Beijing and Tokyo over the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku) dates back to that era. Then, the British are successfully repeating the same technology of provoking Japan to external aggression against Russia.

Having occupied Seoul and the most important Korean ports in the 1894 year, the Japanese presented an ultimatum to the Middle Kingdom, demanding to give up all rights to Korea. 1 August 1894, Japan declared war on China, the Chinese were quickly defeated. 17 April 1895 was signed a preliminary peace treaty in the city of Shimonoseki. China paid indemnity in 200 million Liang (approximately 300 million rubles), opened a number of ports for the Japanese; granted the Japanese the right to build industrial enterprises in the Middle Kingdom and import industrial equipment there. The Chinese gave up their rights to Korea. The Chinese were also forced to cede the island of Taiwan (Formoso), Penghu Islands (Pescador Islands) and the Liaodong Peninsula. China agreed with the "temporary occupation" of Weihai's Japan (on the Shandong Peninsula).

How did Russia become the enemy of Japan? 1

The successes of Japan alarmed the other great powers. Within six days - 23 April 1895, the Russian, German empires and France simultaneously, but separately appealed to the Japanese government with "friendly notes", "friendly advice", "to avoid international complications", to abandon the annexation of the Liaodong Peninsula. England defiantly stayed away from this step. The notes were reinforced by a naval demonstration of the combined French-German-Russian squadron in Chief, where the ratification of the peace treaty took place. Japan was forced to agree. 5 May 1895 Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi announced the withdrawal of troops from the Liaodong Peninsula. Japan took an additional indemnity in the amount of 30 million liang (tael) from China. Formally, Russia was considered the leader of the three powers, since Nicholas II had its own views of Port Arthur as an ice-free port for Russia. In reality, it was beneficial for everyone to push Russia forward, in order to ensure dissatisfaction with its behavior of the Japanese elite, and of the nationalist popular masses.

As a result, Russia has got into Chinese politics. In 1896, Petersburg entered into a treaty of alliance with China, according to which Russia provided the Chinese with money to pay the contribution to the Japanese and received the right to build a railway line through Manchuria (Chinese Eastern Railway). The agreement also provided for a defensive alliance of Russia and China against Japan. It was a completely useless treaty for Russia, especially given China’s military weakness, as the Russo-Japanese war showed. In general, it was foolish to go to China, with the undeveloped and uninhabited Russian Far East. In November 1897, the Germans occupied Chinese Qingdao and began negotiations on its long-term "lease" from China. France received the right to build a railway from Tonkin to Guanxi. The Weihai District instead of the Japanese was occupied by the British. The Russian ships 3 (15) of December 1897 of the year stood in the roadstead of Port Arthur. 15 (27) March 1898, the Russian-Chinese Convention was signed in Beijing in Beijing. According to it, the ports of Port Arthur (Lüshun) and Dal'niy (Dalyan) with the adjacent territories and water area (for 25 years) were provided to St. Petersburg for rental use. Russia was also allowed to lay a railroad to these ports (the South Manchurian Railway) from one of the CER railway stations.

These events have become a landmark in the relationship of Japan and Russia. The West skillfully directed all the discontent of the Japanese military-political elite and the people only against Russia. Although the fruits of the Japanese victory over China were selected several powers. In Japan, a new wave of militarization began, this time directed against Russia, under the slogan “Gasin-sotan” (“sleeping on a board with nails”), urging the nation to firmly endure tax increases for the sake of military victory and its fruits in the future. The first decisive step to the Russian-Japanese war was made.

Who pitted Russia and Japan?

To understand what was happening in the Asia-Pacific region, it is necessary to understand the balance of power at that time. The mighty British Empire, over which "the sun never set," gradually waned. In London, with growing alarm, they watched the rapid growth of the young German Empire and Russia. The forces behind Britain, the “financial international,” were going to conduct a “redeployment” into the “new Babylon” - the United States. It was the United States that, in the 20 century, was to lead the construction of the global pyramid of the New World Order. But coming to the forefront of the United States, which was supposed to take the "wheel" from Britain, was possible only if Germany and Russia were diminished. And now the neutralization of Japan, which has become claim to leadership in the Asia-Pacific region. The British were very afraid of the military-strategic alliance of Germany and Russia, which could completely change the balance of forces on the planet and its future. Russia and Germany could build a fairer world order on the planet than the Anglo-Saxons. He relied on the productive forces of his own peoples, and not parasitizing on other countries and peoples. The possible accession of Japan to this union would have made it even more powerful. Therefore, in Europe, a lot of forces and means were thrown at the ventilating of Russia and Germany.

By 1914, the trick was a success, the whole of Europe flared up. The result was excellent. The Russian and German empires collapsed. England passed the "wheel" of the United States. Suffice it to recall one fact - England from a world creditor turned into a debtor of the United States.

In Asia, England has been tormented by the fact that it will help her to further strengthen her position in the region. But at the same time the British line suited the United States. Initially, the calculation of Americans in relation to Japan was simple: if the Japanese are in conflict with the Russians, they will need US support (the purchase weapons, loans, political support), and they will have no time to clash with the States.

Regarding Russia, the calculation was also simple: the forces and resources of the Russians were diverted to the Far East; participation in Chinese affairs and conflict with Japan forced Petersburg to seek support in France and the perspective of England. Russia was persistently involved in this alliance, which was directed against Germany. The conflict between Russia and Japan did not allow them to create strong allied relations aimed in Asia against other great powers, primarily against England and the United States.

The sequence was as follows. Initially, Russia was drawn into Chinese (partly Korean) affairs, pushing it here with the Japanese. This had a good influence on affairs in Europe: St. Petersburg was forced to strengthen its alliance with France. And he was directed against Germany, which could not but annoy Berlin. The war between Russia and Japan, where the United States and Britain were behind the Japanese, who financed and armed the Asian empire, should have delivered a strong blow to the Russian positions in the Far East. However, the case almost collapsed, Japan in the field of economics has already lost the war, could not win on land, and the continuation of the war put it on the brink of defeat, because on the continent the Russian army only entered into full force, and the Japanese army lost its offensive spirit and opportunities. Here the Europeans and Americans promptly intervened and, under the pretext of "world peace", persuaded Petersburg to go to the Portsmouth peace treaty. After that, St. Petersburg lost interest in Far Eastern affairs and reoriented to Europe. In general, the plan was successfully implemented.

Interestingly, Kaiser Wilhelm also pushed Nicholas II to the Far East. Suffice it to recall his famous signal from the "Hohenzollern" Russian "Standard" "" The Admiral of the Atlantic Ocean welcomes the admiral of the Pacific. " But, unlike the Anglo-Saxons, he had other calculations. Kaiser believed that Russia would be keen on Far Eastern affairs and would weaken its attention to Europe, the chances of a war between Russia and Germany would drop sharply. He proceeded from the apparent weakness of Japan, compared with Russia, was even ready to provide some assistance to the Russians. In turn, the alliance of Russia and Germany in the Far East strengthened their traditional ties in Europe. However, Wilhelm clearly did not take into account the cunning of the "financial international", which has already decided to powerfully support Japan against Russia, to give it sufficient financial and military resources to win.

Kaiser wrote to the Russian emperor: “Everyone here understands that Russia, in obedience to the laws of expansion, must strive to go to the sea and have a freezing harbor for its trade. By virtue of this law, it has the right to claim a strip of land where such harbors are located (Vladivostok, Port Arthur) ... Between the two ports there is a strip of land, which, falling into the hands of the enemy, can become something of a new Dardanelles. That you must not allow. These "Dardanelles" (Korea) should not be a threat to your messages and a hindrance to your trade ... Therefore, for every open-minded person it is clear that Korea should be and will be Russian. "

It is usually considered that the Kaiser only provoked Nicholas. But this is not entirely true. A reasonably pursued Far Eastern policy could indeed provide Russia with a leading position (or one of the leading powers) in the Asia-Pacific region. Although Alexander I, having abandoned the development of the Hawaiian Islands, and Alexander II, having sold Russian America, caused enormous damage to Russia's positions in the Pacific. Kaiser Wilhelm was also right about the Korean Peninsula. Only, unfortunately, the time for consolidation in Korea and its incorporation into Russia as autonomy was already lost. It was necessary to go to Korea immediately after the construction of Vladivostok and the establishment of the Amur region for Russia.

St. Petersburg could have embarked on a conflict with Japan only if a strategic plan had been adopted to include Korea into Russia, with the willingness to defend it with all its might, as its own territory. At the same time, it was possible to make claims about the Kuril Islands - a natural, advanced to the ocean outpost of the empire. Kuriles Petersburg has already managed to give the Japanese in 1875 year. Although the claims of the Japanese to the Kuril Islands were completely unfounded. For Korea and the Kuriles could and war if necessary.

Going to Chinese Manchuria and Port Arthur when your own Far East was a huge undeveloped land was stupid. At least prematurely. These territories could be safely surrendered to Japan. In addition, it was obvious that China’s weakness was not forever, Chinese civilization was seething, and sooner or later, national liberation forces would expel foreigners. Peace with Japan was then more profitable for us than vague prospects in China. Strength and resources had to be invested in the development of Russian Primorye. And the Russian empire, backstage forces, Anglo-Saxons and the arrogance of the St. Petersburg elite brought already into the Yellow Sea. At the same time, the “financial international” (Kuns, Lebas, Morgan, Rothschilds, etc.) and the Anglo-Saxons were not at all afraid that Russia would achieve decisive success in the Far East. It is enough to recall who carried out the policy of Russia in this region. So, among them was Admiral General Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich, who was aptly nicknamed "seven pounds of august meat." He was more interested in delicacies and women than big politics. As his cousin Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich wrote: “One thought about the possibility of spending a year away from Paris would force him to resign ... The mere mention of modern transformations in the military navy caused a pained grimace on his beautiful face. " At the same time, he, like many in Russia, was fully confident that the Japs were not a problem.

In November 1901, the official Petersburg solemnly met an outstanding Japanese politician (he headed the Japanese government four times), one of the leaders of the Meiji Revolution, Ito Hirobumi. He was opposed to the conflict with Russia, and wanted to negotiate with St. Petersburg about the division of spheres of influence. Ito suggested that Russia retain Manchuria, and in return, Japan should be given free rein in Korea. The Japanese then again and again demanded that they be given free rein in Korea. Given the current balance of power in Korea, it was a reasonable proposal. The time for securing Korea to Russia, on the basis of an invitation from the Koreans themselves, was long gone. By reaching an agreement with Japan, Russia could thwart far-reaching Far Eastern anti-Russian plans, i.e., Britain and the United States started to push the Russians against the Japanese.

After unsuccessful negotiations in St. Petersburg, Ito Hirobumi headed for the UK. In January, 1902, the Japanese concluded an alliance agreement with the British. The agreement guaranteed the “special interests” of Britain in China, and Japan - in Korea and China and the right of the allies to intervene if their “special interests” were threatened with any external threat or danger due to “unrest” within these countries. The treaty provided for the neutrality of one of the allies in the event of war of another with any country and military support for another ally if one or more states joined its enemy. This meant that if the Japanese started a war with the Russians, then the British would be "neutral" to keep quiet. And if Russia unexpectedly decided to support China, then England promised to rein in it. France and Germany were eliminated from the conflict (the Germans were not yet ready for war). This treaty predetermined the complete isolation of the Russian empire in the event of a war with Japan, therefore, initially wore an anti-Russian character. Very interesting and the term of the contract - 5 years. Thus, London, in order to quickly start a war, gave the Japanese a kind of “carte blanche” for a period of only five years (for big-time politics, this is a short time). Samurai frankly pushed to war with Russia, hurried, giving out generous loans, helping with the modernization of the army and navy.

The Anglo-Japanese alliance for many years predetermined the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region. Although Russia could get ahead of Britain in this matter and stabilize its relations with Japan, disrupting the evil plans of geopolitical opponents.

What could St. Petersburg do in this situation? It was logical to rebel against the double-dealing of the British, courting Russia in Europe and spoiling Russia in Asia, as well as the duplicity of France, which is blocked with England and at the same time assures Petersburg of its eternal friendship. Russia could immediately take a course on a strategic alliance with Germany in Europe, breaking with France. In Asia, to give the "green light" to the Japanese in Korea and not to go into Chinese business with their heads.

In reality, Petersburg did not invent anything better than to demonstrate the strength of the alliance with France. 16 March 1902 was announced the Russian-French declaration. She reported that the allied governments of the two powers "see in the Anglo-Japanese agreement a desire to ensure the status quo, a common peace in the Far East and the independence of China and Korea ... which is in the interests of Russia and France." This is when the British and Japanese immediately agreed to preserve their “special interests” there. It was frank stupidity and stupidity. Further Russian policy in the Far East only confirms this diagnosis. Petersburg, after learning about the union of England and Japan, which was clearly directed against Russia, began to get even deeper into Chinese affairs. In particular, the Russian-Chinese convention on Manchuria was signed in April 1902.
History Russia. XX century. On the eve of war

Director: Nikolay Smirnov.

Who paid for the Japanese war and why Russia needed Port Arthur. Who was the "author" of the Tsushima tragedy and whether it was possible to avoid it. The Japanese war as the first act of a grand suicide of the Russian intelligentsia.

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  1. avt
    8 February 2013 09: 34
    Good sequel good + You can add a little - another sore point has worsened, namely Russia and Britain have slashed over Tibet, and this shave could not be missed.
  2. biglow
    8 February 2013 12: 33
    Russia is always on the side of the weak and offended, such is our historic mission to help everything and forget about ourselves
  3. Heccrbq
    8 February 2013 21: 39
    Please read Nikolai Starikov "Who Killed the Russian Empire?" .Very interesting work, touches on the history of Russia since the Emperor Alexander II and the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-05 very fully reveals!
  4. 0
    9 February 2013 00: 38
    N, but now we see what China is becoming.