Again a war of attrition? Thoughts on the new tactics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Again a war of attrition? Thoughts on the new tactics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I learned to play chess. That was the time. Soviet world champions and so on. And in order not to think too much about creating some traps and complex compositions, I followed what seemed to me the easiest path. I simply repeated my opponent's moves. And it quickly turned out that, unlike my opponent, I had no moves left to repeat. My opponent gracefully drove me into a corner and...

It was then, in an ordinary city park, that I received my first lesson in strategy. Precisely strategies. The old man, and then everyone who was 50 plus was an old man to me, pointed to the board and said that I would never win like that. The only option is if I first agree with my opponent to win.

But then something else struck me. You will never win simply because your opponent will always be one move ahead!

I see approximately the same thing today in the Northeast Military District zone.

After the failure of the 2023 campaign, the military leadership of Ukraine decides to repeat the actions of the Russian army when organizing defense in the spring and summer of this year. The Ukrainian Armed Forces must go on the defensive. In this case, the main task becomes “maximum losses for Russia.”

I wonder why?

The task of taking something from the Russian troops at any cost, as I have already repeated many times, is not worth it. Defeat the enemy, inflict losses in such a volume that would not allow organizing a serious defense, cut off supply and rotation routes, drive the enemy into a cauldron, yes. Climb across an open field towards machine guns and artillery shells? No.

It’s not for nothing that an innovation appeared during the SVO. Meat grinder! The way Ukrainian commanders organize defense today is a meat grinder. Soldiers and officers on both sides understand this. Throwing a fresh unit into a support worker who has been processing artillery for a week is the height of stupidity. It is clear that within a day or two the attacking units will be reinforced tanks, UAVs, artillery and other necessary means and will simply demolish the support tower with fire.

I cannot say that in Kyiv, and even in Brussels and Washington, there is no understanding of the prospects for the development of events if this practice continues. Everyone there understands, but the stupidity of the “smeared counter-offensive” in several directions has led to a situation where only those same men who were caught on the streets and simply thrown into the trenches without much preparation can somehow detain the Russians...

Hence, as I have repeatedly pointed out, all the talk about possible negotiations, about the Korean option, about freezing the conflict, and so on. This is another option for suspending hostilities, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces needs like air. It takes time to create at least some semblance of defense in the rear.

Any officer knows that a retreat is not a drape, but a tactical maneuver with the aim of retreating to pre-prepared positions. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces have few such positions. And these are far from the same equipped oporniks that the Russians take now. Most often these are positions “from stories World War II." Trenches, minefields, artillery positions, etc. Even the “dragon’s teeth”, which were repeatedly ridiculed in the Ukrainian press, are used.

The main thing is that more Ukrainians remain alive

Probably, the above words of one of the generals of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are a balm for the soul of the mothers, wives, and children of the Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters. War, unfortunately, does not happen without losses on both sides. But what is happening in the Armed Forces of Ukraine forces Ukrainians to avoid meeting with the military in every possible way, even in the deep rear.

The understanding that, with a high probability, the next “volunteer” will return home, at best, in a coffin, is no longer even discussed. This is a fact that is known to any resident of Ukraine. And suddenly “so that more Ukrainians remain alive.” Alas, but this, according to the Ukrainian command, is in the future. Not now, but later, when the plan is implemented.

I read an interesting article in one of the German publications, just related to the new strategy of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Just a new word in military affairs.

The name of the new strategy alone is worth it. "Controlled fighting retreat"! I wonder where Western and Ukrainian military leaders studied? These are the basics of military science.

“Retreat, the abandonment by troops of occupied lines (areas) and their withdrawal to new lines (areas) deep within their territory in order to create a new grouping of forces and means for subsequent military operations.”

“During the retreat of the association, the O. band, the order of actions, the final line (area) and the order of its occupation and retention, tasks, basic principles are indicated. issues of interaction and comprehensive support. The operational formation of troops may include a cover echelon, 1–2 echelons. forces and support echelon."

“The covering echelon consists of covering troops (containing troops), rear guards, and troops for occupying important objectives. Its task is to ensure exit from the battle, withdrawal and separation of the chapter. unification forces from the enemy."

This “new word” in the art of war was taught to Soviet officers! I was probably wrong when I wrote that Ukrainian generals still remember what teachers in Soviet military schools told them. True, the above quotes are from courses at other educational institutions, at a different level.

What will the Ukrainian retreat look like now?

Let’s move away from military terminology and look at the retreat through the eyes of an ordinary “jacket.”

So, the retreating formation, another brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, leaves a unit to cover the retreat. The unit takes up positions and takes the fight. The main forces of the brigade retreat in an organized manner and mine the escape routes.

The Russians stumble upon the rearguard. They get involved in battle and waste time, destroying the covering unit. After some time, the positions of the defenders are occupied, and the attackers follow the main forces of the brigade. At the same time, they come across minefields and other engineering obstacles and lose momentum. They are losing personnel and equipment.

And at this time, another cover unit takes up defensive positions. History repeats itself.

Thus, the brigade retains its combat effectiveness, equipment and personnel, and the enemy (namely, the attacking units), after overcoming several barriers, approaches the main forces of the defenders practically bloodless and without equipment. And then they destroy him...

Well then. A picture from the “pink dreams” series of Ukrainian generals. Russian troops see nothing due to the lack of aerial reconnaissance. They cannot strike the retreating columns due to lack of aviation, UAVs, artillery systems. Regimental and brigade commanders devote all their efforts to destroy platoon or company support units. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades are setting up their own “Mannerheim Line.”

There is one nuance that I would like to draw the attention of readers to. To the fate of the defenders' strongholds! I can’t resist and again quote from a German source. More precisely, from a German source, who was interviewed by an anonymous source in the Ukrainian Armed Forces:

“Holding positions does not matter, the main thing is that more Ukrainians remain alive.”

Why does Ukraine need a war of attrition?

I think it's worth looking a little further.

To the future. Any action in the present implies some action in the future. For Russian readers this may look wild, but please do not forget that Kyiv continues to live in an alternative world, in a different reality. Simply because in ordinary reality there is simply no place for the leadership of Ukraine.

Judging by the “new tactics” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Ukraine is again moving to the option of a war of attrition for Russia. To what has already been declared in 2022. And this is not the decision of Ukrainian military geniuses. This is the decision of NATO generals, whose trousers have clearly become wet after Vladimir Putin’s last speeches. The Western headquarters clearly decided to sacrifice Ukraine for the sake of at least some leveling of the forces of the Russian and Western armies.

We have been saying for a long time that the option “Ukraine is the detonator of an explosion in Russia” did not work. Now, we also wrote about this, the question is much more serious. The US is trying to throw European armies against us. There is simply no other option. This means that the “Ukraine” project can and should be closed. Now the Europeans need money and weapons.

What about Kyiv? Don't they understand this there?

Incredible, but this is exactly so! Yesterday I listened carefully to Zelensky’s final press conference. I would say it was a press conference of a confused person, not a head of state. Although, perhaps, this feeling arose in comparison with the press conference of President Putin.

What interesting did Zelensky say from the point of view of war?

First of all, about mobilization. The army is asking for an additional 500 thousand people! But Zelensky has not yet (this word must be emphasized) approved this figure. No money! It will cost approximately 500 billion hryvnia! A man of the kindest soul... But then how should we feel about raids on restaurants, gyms, transport, etc.?

Well, one more nuance.

On relations with the top leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Nothing bad was said directly, but nothing good was said either. It seemed that Zelensky was trying to blame the failure of the 2023 campaign on the military. The conflict with Zaluzhny continues. In general, “there are many questions for the military leadership.” In short, the Ukrainian leadership is for continuing the war. There is no talk of negotiations.

In principle, all this could have been guessed from some previously taken steps. Just look at what weapons Ukraine demanded from the West. Agree, ATACMS or Taurus cruise missiles and F-16 or JAS 39 aircraft are difficult to classify as defensive arms.

Ukraine hopes that during the winter the Ukrainian Armed Forces will receive additional weapons and personnel. And then, taking into account the state of the Russian army, which I wrote about above, Ukraine will launch another counteroffensive and...

These are the “mriyas” of the Ukrainian chieftain...

Instead of deducing

I don’t think it’s worth drawing any conclusions now. Our army has a strategic initiative. Our staff officers have an understanding of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Accordingly, there are plans for docking. In order to moderate the ardor of Ukrainian “hawks”, it is necessary to continue what is happening now. It may be worth intensifying efforts to eliminate logistics and engineering structures.

In general, the tasks of the North Military District, as President Putin said, have not changed. Russia has stopped believing the promises of the West and now trusts only in deeds. And she will no longer allow herself to be treated like a fool. If the West does not comply with the agreement, neither will Moscow. Are we being threatened? Receive a threat in response. Only now there are fewer answer options. We no longer express concern. We will hit...

Once again I write about the fact that the world is stubbornly moving towards war. Nobody wants war. People are afraid of war, but the situation is such that there may be no other way out. Personally, I hope that next year after elections in a number of countries the situation will change. Common sense will still prevail.

And Ukraine ...

The only state that benefited from a united Ukraine was Russia. Today we no longer need this... So...
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  1. +1
    23 December 2023 04: 21
    Common sense will still prevail.
    Oh, I have big doubts about this. Today, common sense in Europe, and even more so in the United States, is still of the “pink dream” variety.
    1. 0
      24 December 2023 15: 35
      They will offer Russia a truce and she will agree. Everything will be according to the plan of the Washington Regional Committee. There are no miracles. All the previous SVO is proof of this.
  2. +10
    23 December 2023 04: 38
    The common sense of millions of workers and the common sense of big business are absolutely incompatible things.
  3. +8
    23 December 2023 07: 37
    And she will no longer allow herself to be treated like a fool.
    That is, all these years Russia has allowed itself to be treated like a little creature? Isn't it too long? Can you explain why this was so?
    the world is steadily moving towards war
    For better or for worse, Marxism-Leninism was not necessary in the military-political sphere. And the classics of this science said that with the further development of capitalism, military conflicts are inevitable, they occur and will continue to occur. The economically stronger will begin to devour the weaker.
  4. +11
    23 December 2023 07: 50
    . Russia has stopped believing the promises of the West and now trusts only in deeds.

    Maybe the West just stopped promising? Let's wait for the West's proposal for peace talks to see if the Kremlin falls for it.

    . We no longer express concern. We will hit...

    Whom to beat? West? Or the “brothers” of the Slavs from a neighboring country? We've been doing this for a year and a half now.
  5. +10
    23 December 2023 08: 00
    This is the decision of NATO generals, whose trousers are clearly “wet”...

    No one has gotten wet; there is no need to flatter our commander-in-chief. After checking, as they say, for lice, either by increasing pressure on the economy, or by transferring more and more modern weapons to Kyiv, the West did not receive any answer other than boring lines.
    1. +12
      23 December 2023 11: 21
      As for the NATO generals getting wet, the author missed it. What did the president say? And who believes words and red lines now?
  6. +3
    23 December 2023 08: 15
    There is a common ground on which relationships with each other are built. In the post-Soviet republics, this is anti-Sovietism. And already on this canvas you can embroider different flowers. Ukraine has embroidered its own. Everyone has one goal - as long as it’s not in the Soviet way. The countries are divided into edifying parents. Children who don’t listen to their parents. And boys for beatings. But within each of the parties there are strict rules - “You should not think. We think for you.”
  7. +6
    23 December 2023 10: 11
    I would not agree that our army has a strategic initiative. There is probably a tactical or operational-tactical one. Companies, battalions, single tanks, self-propelled guns, MLRS howl, but not armies and fronts. And by and large, there’s no one to blame; I can’t have been downsizing since the 90s. The fighting Army is actually mercenary. In principle, it is good that the defenders of the Motherland are paid decent money. And if the pressure is too strong, then who will go to fight for food rations? soldier
    1. +5
      23 December 2023 11: 16
      If you press, no one will ask. According to the new laws, they will avoid doing so-so work. I was talking to a mobilized man who had been in the Northern Military District for a year, he was very tired, his health had already failed. My back and joints are asking for demobilization, plus colds.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      23 December 2023 13: 48
      If you think that the Red Army fought for “food rations” during the same years of the Second World War, then this is not at all true. Material and monetary support was at its best then (when possible). Many military personnel sent their certificates to their families, and for them this was a very significant help.
      The army was not hired, but they paid well.
      1. +4
        23 December 2023 15: 07
        Read on the Internet about the pay of the Red Army in 41-45 and food prices.
        For example, a pack of cigarettes cost 75 rubles, a loaf of bread 200 rubles. A private received 30 rubles, a lieutenant 350 rubles. Yes, there were some who received more, but the majority received this much.
      2. +1
        23 December 2023 21: 25
        Well, the conversation was probably about officer certificates. The soldiers and sergeants did not have them. The soldiers and sergeants had nothing but lice.
    4. +2
      24 December 2023 08: 33
      So in the first Chechen war in July 1996 they paid 152 rubles a day, those who fought directly either 158 or 163 rubles. It came out to three to four monthly salaries. It's the same now.
    5. +3
      25 December 2023 13: 11
      If there is an invasion, millions will go to war. As has happened many times before. And the Northern Military District is a war on foreign territory, albeit with Russian history and population, but still it is external. That is why the mobilization creaked.
  8. -1
    23 December 2023 11: 10
    Some food for thought for chess players.
    Regarding nuclear weapons - parity.
    1. 0
      24 December 2023 10: 53
      Think if our leadership uses nuclear weapons.
      1. 0
        24 December 2023 11: 06
        . Think if our leadership uses nuclear weapons.

        I think Western chess players will do everything to avoid this. And play the game with conventional weapons for as long as possible.
  9. -1
    23 December 2023 11: 25
    Many facts say that this is not a war, but a military operation. There is one rule in military science. Do not allow the retreating enemy to gain a foothold in the following positions.
  10. +5
    23 December 2023 12: 06
    What are the prerequisites for the Russian Armed Forces to be able to overcome the positional deadlock?
    During the Northern Military District there were only two effective attacks against a prepared and layered defense:
    1. The offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Kherson: late August - early November 2022. Result: 6.5 thousand square meters taken. km., success was achieved due to the dependence of all communications on two bridges and the destruction of both by Khaimars missiles.
    2. Offensive of the Russian Armed Forces on Artemovsk/Bakhmut: October 2022 - May 20, 2023. Result: about 0.7 thousand square meters were taken. km.; success was achieved due to the effective leadership of PMC Wagner, the presence of a large number of K-shniki, ready to continue the offensive after very serious losses, as well as overwhelming superiority in ammunition, with the exception of the last stage of the battle.

    At the beginning of 2023, according to the Military balance, the RF Armed Forces without conscripts had 550 thousand ground troops (Ground Forces, Airborne Forces, Marines, Special Forces) and the Armed Forces of Ukraine - 640 thousand ground troops. At present, parity in numbers has probably been achieved.
    Putin said in May that production should increase to 3 million shells per year. This is significantly more than the total production in NATO countries, but 8 thousand shells per day is several times lower compared to the consumption in 2022.
    To summarize: there is no reason to assume that in 2024 the battles for the forester’s hut will develop into a successful offensive.
  11. +5
    23 December 2023 13: 20
    It's a stretch, IMHO.
    If the counterattack fails, then like it or not, you will have to go on the defensive.
    And to subsume this clearly left-wing philosophy is somehow wrong.

    And I remember the pathetic Galustyan: “who did this, who did this...”
  12. +2
    23 December 2023 13: 29
    We believe that the West’s goal in Ukraine is to prevent us from seizing large territories, shaking the Russian Federation with a potentially long conflict and depleting the resources available to us.
    We constantly voice this and it seems that at the very top we believe in it.
    But all these are just NUANCES of the plan, but not the plan itself.
    I would describe the plan as “Interrupting Russia’s opportunity to regain its empire.” This plan itself is larger than Ukraine and the direct power component is only a small part of it. “Cutting” means not only “immediately now” or “tomorrow” - it is precisely a set of measures aimed at creating a stable foundation of things from which the Russian Federation will not be able to build an empire again, taking into account the resources it has, even in conditions of minimal costs to maintain this US configurations.

    It may seem to us that we are “knocking out” the West, just as we experienced euphoria from the formation of the Department of Internal Affairs and the social bloc. But in reality, we will only win a tactical victory within a segment of the plan, and the plan itself will support this.
    What will happen when we get territories full of cripples, orphans, widows and old people who have lost their children?
    With destroyed cities and economies, with a population in which agitprop has been successfully sowing hatred for years.
    Will we be able to “fill it all with rainbows”, given our frankly weak successes in this field, even in domestic politics? And there will be such a need. Without solving it, we will have to hold these territories by force, spending resources on this and tightening the screws. Under the conditions of sanctions that will not go away and the need to create your own production, there will be conditions that will interfere in every possible way, complicate the task, but will not help in any way.
    My point is that by excessively “grinding” we solve tactical problems and “short-range order,” but we spoil the strategic picture in “long-range order.”
    We already have 3 examples of how this works - Poland, Finland and the Baltic states. Having once “firmly” failed to include each of these territories into the “empire”, we were forced to exchange for a chain of conflict situations - each of which solved some of our tactical (albeit large) problems (like the partition of Poland in 1939 or subsequent inclusion in the Warsaw Department , such as support for the Red Finns and the Soviet-Finnish war with some territorial acquisitions, such as the annexation of the Baltic states before the war and post-war games with them as part of the USSR), however, it significantly complicated (or even made it impossible) the further solution of the same problem Strategically. We see that Poland, from once part of the Republic of Ingushetia and one of the socialist countries, has become practically the flagship of “Russophobia”, a state that will be even with the devil himself but against us. This is inscribed in their history, in their national mentality and way of life - and thank you, it’s devastating - it’s largely our rhinoceros tenacity to entangle them with tentacles at any cost. The Baltic states are the same situation, 1 in 1. This “at any cost” is adjacent to these autonomous republican flirtations, again we either let go in the wind, or catch up and grab it.

    A hundred years will pass - they will still “dislike” us, and it doesn’t matter how much gas we bring there and how many sprats or apples we bring from there.

    We need to, damn it, learn to solve problems with a “long-term” view - that’s what we want? Bite, shake, hold and throw before finishing? Or do we still need a SUSTAINABLE RESULT, but then we need to stop this “grinding” and prepare a large-scale blitz operation with encirclements, cauldrons and strategic goals. Otherwise, we ourselves will create another half-eaten Russophobe - and it doesn’t matter where he will be today - as part of the Union State or in the “friendly buffer” format, history shows us that all half-eaten Russophobes eventually end up outside our basket.
    1. +2
      23 December 2023 19: 58
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      we need to stop this “grinding” and prepare a large-scale blitz operation with encirclements, cauldrons and strategic goals
      To do this, you need to mobilize not 300k, but many times more. Even if we assume that mobilization, and even of such a scale, will be successful, after that it will be difficult to pretend that the country is living an ordinary peaceful life, and war SVO is what the army is doing somewhere far away. And it’s even bad to pretend that this is a military military district and not a war.
      1. +1
        24 December 2023 11: 01
        You can mobilize another 500 thousand, but head-on assaults, butting for every street or house, heights and carrying out an offensive as part of a platoon and defending the street with one person. You can fight like this for a long time.
  13. +2
    23 December 2023 15: 35
    Once again I write about the fact that the world is stubbornly moving towards war. Nobody wants war. People are afraid of war, but the situation is such that there may be no other way out. Personally, I hope that next year after elections in a number of countries the situation will change. Common sense will still prevail.
    And which countries have special hope?!
    The only state that benefited from a united Ukraine was Russia. Today we no longer need this... So...
    That is, the proclaimed slogans are changing, so you need to understand. Won't they change again?!
  14. +3
    23 December 2023 15: 51
    It is interesting to look at the author's position in retrospect:
    I don’t think it’s worth drawing any conclusions now. Our army has a strategic initiative. Our staff officers have an understanding of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    And here is what the author wrote more than a year and a half ago:
    Let me sum up some results of the first month of hostilities in Ukraine. I agree with the conclusions voiced by our military. Everything goes according to plan.
    ...Obviously something else. The Armed Forces of Ukraine today no longer have the ability to organize at least some kind of line of defense.
    ... It is necessary to note one more result of the first month of the operation. Precisely a military result. Ukrainian citizens believed that the Russians were liberating them and not capturing them.
    1. 0
      26 December 2023 15: 41
      Yes, now everything is clear about the author. Inadequate writer.
  15. BAI
    23 December 2023 17: 06
    The Russians stumble upon the rearguard. They get involved in battle and waste time, destroying the covering unit.

    Attention, question! After how many stages of retreat will there be nothing left of the retreating party?
    1. -1
      26 December 2023 15: 42
      Well, you can almost ask this in another way: “Attention, question! After how many stages of the offensive will there be nothing left of the attacker?”
  16. -1
    23 December 2023 17: 45
    Again a war of attrition?

    Author, you would be better off focusing your efforts on developing your chess playing skills; analytics is clearly not your thing.
    To begin with, I can tell you that at the moment there is no war between Russia and Ukraine
  17. 0
    23 December 2023 19: 52
    “so that more Ukrainians remain alive.” Alas, but this, according to the Ukrainian command, is in the future. Not now, but later, when will the plan be implemented.
    There may be problems with implementation. Who in the West needs the Ukrainian plan if you can legally and inexpensively buy marijuana grown in much sunnier climes and, accordingly, much more potent? Moreover, there is a choice of several varieties for gourmets. And to sell it within the country - so, firstly, the population has no money, and secondly, it looks like they are already stoned.
  18. +3
    23 December 2023 22: 50
    Personally, I hope that next year after elections in a number of countries the situation will change. Common sense will still prevail.

    The author, common sense, which crystallizes in foreign policy, is the essence of a projection of the social unconscious onto the actions of the leadership of the corresponding country.
    From the point of view of the countries of old Europe, we are wild, backward and non-negotiable marginals who need to be put in their place, otherwise it’s completely kaput.
    From the point of view of our country, we are good, we want peace in the whole world, but we are constantly offended and in general there are enemies all around.
    And from the point of view of a typical citizen of Ukraine, Russia, on February 24, 2022, early in the morning, got involved in the internal conflict of a sovereign state - so, in a purely brotherly way, it decided to teach reason.
    Yes, plus two big guys - the USA and China, who are warming their paws on this conflict and will throw firewood into the firebox - the contradictions of capitalism must be burned somewhere.
    Well, what kind of common sense can we talk about in this mess?
    Moreover, the beneficiaries are the same, but the payers are completely different.
    In short, Author, I’ll say this - all this will end as soon as it ceases to be profitable for the main cooks - that’s the whole triumph of common sense.
    I think so.
  19. +4
    24 December 2023 08: 37
    The author, as always, we are on horseback and everyone has checkers. Ours are advancing and moving forward. And according to the Ukrainian reports there were 6 attacks, in the other there were 15 attacks. How is that . The geranium is flying, but they have also flown to us. Shelling, death of civilians. Yes, it seems that our generals graduated from Soviet military schools. And you look from the sofa, wondering who they studied to be, or whether only a wrinkle remains from the cap.
    1. 0
      24 December 2023 09: 31
      From the sofa, it’s certainly more visible..... .. Especially for millions of people who all their lives only knew how to “support and approve” of everything. laughing
      1. 0
        24 December 2023 10: 52
        First of all, I do not support or approve or vote. And at one time he graduated from military school in 1984.
  20. pop
    24 December 2023 19: 57
    They will crush us with drones. All of Europe and America is working on this. Well, the F-16, of course, is a long-range missile.
  21. +1
    25 December 2023 13: 03
    Statements about going on the defensive are just for the public. Over the winter and spring, they will be re-armed, including with pilots, they will create ammunition reserves, the conscription age will be lowered to 17 years, they will recruit 500 thousand young men and women and will drive them into counter-offensive 2.0. On to new meat assaults. The junta does not care about their country and Ukrainians, they follow the orders of the West and fill their pockets with dough. All of them have prepared their departure (flight) from the country now, but it’s not time yet...
  22. +3
    25 December 2023 17: 03
    Quote: “Russia has stopped believing the promises of the West and now trusts only in deeds.” That is, after the expansion of NATO to the East, contrary to their promises, we in the Kremlin believed them? After it’s unclear what laws imposed thousands of sanctions against us, did they still believe them? after the provocation with the Skripals, did they believe? After the persecution of Russia organized in the Western media, the stream of lies, slander, the creation of such monsters of aggressors from our country and Russians, did they believe them? After the most disgusting story with our athletes, the deprivation of our flag at the Olympic Games, did these people in the West believe? After blocking $300 billion of our money, did they still believe it? Are there idiots sitting in the Kremlin with a certificate, or what? Who ever takes even the word of their allies in politics? Well, it’s funny, really, to write such nonsense.
  23. 0
    28 December 2023 04: 57
    The SVO will continue as long as there are Ukrainians who allow themselves to be driven into the trenches to certain death. This is the ruthless logic of war. With each passing month, the Russian space satellite constellation is growing, and along with it, the effectiveness of the Russian Armed Forces is growing. Therefore, one should not expect a quick solution to the fate of Ukraine, but there is no visible future for Ukraine.
    1. 0
      31 December 2023 12: 42
      Quote from Eugene Zaboy
      The SVO will continue as long as there are Ukrainians who allow themselves to be driven into the trenches to certain death. This is the ruthless logic of war. With each passing month, the Russian space satellite constellation is growing, and along with it, the effectiveness of the Russian Armed Forces is growing. Therefore, one should not expect a quick solution to the fate of Ukraine, but there is no visible future for Ukraine.

      Wow, I haven’t heard that we send rockets into space every month
      1. 0
        31 December 2023 19: 49
        Quote: Azzzwer
        Wow, I haven’t heard that we send rockets into space every month

        It depends where you are. Not all of them, at least one, sent a rocket into space.
  24. 0
    29 December 2023 18: 53
    Author! “Throwing a fresh unit into a support worker who has been processing artillery for a week is the height of stupidity” - not everything is so simple. Battle of the Somme 1916 from June 24 to July 10, the French fired 2 shells, on the first day of the attack on July 532, 649 thousand or 1 shells per 380 meter of front, or about one ton per meter. German losses amounted to 000 thousand killed and wounded. That is, 166 shells were used per killed or wounded person. After such a massive use of artillery, the Germans left 1 tons of French and 538 tons of British killed and wounded. In 000, in the battle of La Malmaison, over 5 days of fighting, the French increased their power to 341 tons per 000 meter of front, but did not get the expected effect. Later, this practice was abandoned, and the artillery preparation time was reduced to 453 hours.
  25. 0
    31 December 2023 12: 40
    It’s not for nothing that an innovation appeared during the SVO. Meat grinder!

    Well, this is not such a new idea. The name of the tactic has been known since the time of Verdun in WWI.
  26. 0
    31 December 2023 12: 53
    Quote: Glagol1
    All of them are preparing to leave the country now, but it’s not time yet

    So what stopped them from fleeing the country at the very beginning?
  27. 0
    2 January 2024 19: 00
    Quote from Eugene Zaboy
    It depends where you are. Not everyone, at least one, sent a rocket into space

    But what, our technology has already reached such a level that satellites in space reproduce by budding from each other? The article directly states that the number of satellites in orbit increases every month. How does it increase there other than by sending a rocket into space every month?