Israel has launched an operation to destroy itself

Israel has launched an operation to destroy itself

Israel has begun implementing a plan to completely exterminate Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. He started despite the fact that he has practically no options to win this war. I started, knowing full well that literally every minute the number of Hamas supporters is not decreasing, but increasing.

Any father, in front of whose eyes his child, his mother, father, wife, or some other relative was killed, will, for obvious reasons, begin to take revenge on the killers. Yes, this will be an untrained fighter, poorly suited for war. But are such fighters much worse than those reservists who today form the backbone of the Israeli army?

It is difficult to talk about specific actions of the IDF in the sector. The Israelis wisely shut down the Internet to limit the flow of information from Gaza. Moreover, foreign journalists were warned that no one was responsible for their lives. In principle, the situation with information is approximately the same as in Ukraine.

With one clarification: if Kyiv limited the sources of information for its own citizens, Tel Aviv went further. Israeli politicians are trying to limit information to the whole world. To some extent this works. The Israeli point of view is spreading throughout the world today. But, on the other hand, the bombing and destruction of entire neighborhoods in a huge city cannot be hidden...

And at the very beginning of the war, Israel said so much about this that now any information from sources from Tel Aviv is called into question. I would like to remind you of one speech by a very famous person in Israel, the oldest IDF reservist, 95-year-old Ezra Yachin, during the sending of Israeli army soldiers to war:

“Defeat and finish off the Arabs without leaving anyone behind. Destroy them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can no longer live. Every Jew with weapons must go out and kill them. If you have an Arab neighbor, don’t wait, go to his house and shoot him.”

And let them now tell the world fairy tales that the Jews only want to destroy Hamas. Destroy terrorists, simultaneously destroying a city with a population of 2,5 million people? We saw something similar in Syria. The tactics are well-known, and those same terrorists are preparing to use them, unlike the civilian population.

Tales about the fact that all civilians in Gaza know the location of underground passages and tunnels are persistently told by Israeli and American experts. At the same time, they say that the attack was prepared not even for months, even years!

Years of preparation, and the Israeli intelligence services still don’t know where the tunnels are... There are no fools working in Hamas. They are well aware that there are Israeli intelligence agents among the Arab population.

Netanyahu wants to outdo Pyrrhus

Many readers know the expression “Pyrrhic victory” at the level of “a victory won at great cost.” In principle, this is enough. Pyrrhus won, but the losses of his army were catastrophic. Let me remind you of the losses of the army of Pyrrhus and the army of Rome led by consul Publius Decius Mus.

Despite the fact that, according to the ancient Greek writer and philosopher Plutarch, the armies were equal, approximately 40 thousand people each. The Romans lost 6 thousand, and Pyrrhus 3,5 thousand. But Pyrrhus lost the elite of the army! Battle-tested officers and veterans. Hence his famous saying, again according to Plutarch:

“Another such victory, and I will be left without an army.”

Today, the ratio of losses is also in favor of Netanyahu and his army. So far, most Israelis are confident of their victory simply because they believe that everything will be about the same as it was 50 years ago. Technical power will defeat the reckless courage of the Arab kamikazes.

The USA will help, Europe will help, Australia will help, Canada will help, Britain will help... Jewish diasporas in “developed countries” are strong enough to force local governments to provide assistance... Although, for example, for Europe this is no longer a fact.

The world is changing!.. The Israelis themselves turned the Arab-Jewish conflict into a religious, Muslim-Jewish one. It is not Arab Iran and Türkiye that oppose Israel. Turning the conflict into a religious one threatens the destruction of Israel as a state. The Islamic world plays no less a role in the life of “developed countries” than the Jewish diaspora.

I have already written about my impressions of the Israeli army after watching videos at the very beginning of the war. About how the “soap bubble” about the power of the IDF and the Israeli intelligence services burst. Let me add my own impressions about the preparation of Israeli army soldiers for war in a large city. More precisely, on the ruins of a destroyed city.

What moron is in charge of training Israeli soldiers?

Sorry, but I simply cannot write it any other way. Soldiers are trained to fight in urban areas. They set up pseudo-cities and “cleansed” the neighborhoods. The idiocy is that at the same time Gaza is being turned into ruins. And these are completely different conditions.

Is it really not possible to simply ask the mercenaries who returned from Ukraine about how the fighting is conducted in the ruins? Or was it only smart enough to install it on Tanks grids? So, in conditions where the tank operates in the city, the mesh will not help much. Apply drones there is no point in the city. RPGs or even Molotov cocktails are enough.

Now about small groups of special forces for clearing neighborhoods.

The Israelis themselves talk about underground infrastructure that cannot be destroyed by bombs. Under such conditions, these groups will be destroyed in dozens and even hundreds. A blow to the rear - that's all. And if you add the possibility of mining in ruins, the situation becomes even worse.

Even if we assume that the IDF achieves its goal, and the Palestinians, alas, not only Hamas members, will still be partially destroyed and the rest will be forced to leave somewhere. Is Israeli society ready for huge losses among IDF fighters? Is Israeli society ready for tens of thousands, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of coffins?

Will Israeli citizens remember their second (first) citizenship? At least some of us have already remembered, judging by the posts in Telegram channels. If citizens begin to leave the country en masse in an attempt to wait out the war, this will mean the disappearance of the state of Israel itself. Cruel? Maybe, but that's just how it is.

Netanyahu has raised the stakes to the maximum. Or or. The situation is very serious. Hope for help from the US and NATO? A very dubious and illusory hope. Europe is already refusing supplies to Ukraine due to a lack of weapons and ammunition in its arsenals.

US aircraft carriers off the coast of Israel? What can a couple thousand American Marines do in this war? This amount is enough to evacuate US citizens, but not enough to conduct serious military operations. Deck aviation? I don’t think that the Americans are ready to lose it from the actions of Iranian or other air defenses...

What's next?

It is very difficult to make predictions about the development of the situation.

I would like to believe that politicians have enough will and intelligence to sit down at the negotiating table and implement what was decided long ago. History teaches that the number of deaths never solves international problems. This is just a delay for some time, nothing more.

No matter what the media writes about the IDF ground operation, it will not be an easy ride for them in Gaza. American media, in particular actively supporting Israel
The New York Times publishes data on the power of Hamas. It is clear that one must be careful with messages, but... The number of fighters in Hamas is up to 40 thousand. I wrote above about how it “decreases.”

The terrorists' arsenals, for which they publicly thanked Ukraine, allow them to conduct active hostilities for at least 4 months. The same applies to other things necessary for war. Fuel, medicine, food, water, etc. I repeat. Such data cannot be trusted. But, even if we take this data as a fake in order to show who the IDF is fighting with, the terrorists will be able to maintain active databases for several weeks!

So is there a way to avoid world war? An option when the “powers that be” will be able to save face without a global massacre?

I think it exists. This is my opinion, which some readers will not like very much. Once upon a time I was instilled with one simple but sensible idea. Never argue with a fool. Don't stoop to his level. There, on a stupid level, he is more experienced...

So, about a way out of the situation.

It has already become an axiom that a quick ground operation did not work and will not work. The Israeli army is bogged down in war. But the Israelis are not prepared for such a war. Even increasing supplies will not solve the problem. And the human resource is incommensurate with the enemy’s resource.

There's only one way from here. Continue bombing Gaza! Bomb and at the same time negotiate for the release of hostages. It doesn’t matter how much you can free. Just as it doesn’t matter how many die. The main thing is to free at least someone. And then the PR company. Further justification for the destruction of Gaza.

“This is what we had to do with Gaza (the main word is “had”) to free our people from the clutches of terrorists! But now the job is done, and we are ending the operation and returning the IDF to its permanent locations.” It will look something like this.

Perhaps there are other ways. But, again, in my opinion, they all lead either to a world war, or to the disappearance of Israel as a state, or to the loss of the Israeli army.
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  1. +5
    31 October 2023 04: 50
    And then the PR company. Further justification for the destruction of Gaza

    This PR campaign has already started a long time ago. All the media controlled by the Zionists have long been screaming about some kind of Hamas terrorists and the IDF liberation army, bringing light and hope to Gaza...
    1. +5
      31 October 2023 05: 09
      Israel has begun implementing a plan to completely exterminate Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
      And Hamas, for one thing...To intimidate!
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +10
          31 October 2023 11: 38
          That’s for sure, the article is so-so. Question for the political worker of the circulation Staver: in recent times, Israel has been able to mobilize three hundred kilos of bayonets. Armed, equipped and ready for war? The Zionists are extremely unpleasant to me, but the fact is that the final defeat of the Arabs is just around the corner. And the Soviet Union no longer exists and there is no one to appeal to.
          1. +7
            31 October 2023 12: 25
            “A question for political commissar Staver: in recent times, Israel has been able to mobilize three hundred kilos.”
            And the question is quite interesting, especially if we draw an analogy with...
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. AUL
      31 October 2023 08: 00
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      All the media controlled by the Zionists have long been screaming about some kind of Hamas terrorists

      But they don’t even exist in nature! They don’t even know such words there! But the Zionist villains after 7.10.23/XNUMX/XNUMX should have drawn a red line, wiped themselves off and sat and kept quiet! Then everything would be (in your opinion) correct.
      And to mention the Israeli children, old people and women who died in this case - well, it’s somehow inappropriate in decent company...
      1. +15
        31 October 2023 11: 02
        In decent company, it is inappropriate to repeat everything that Israeli politicians and ordinary people have said lately. If in these statements you change Palestinians to Jews, then suddenly it turns out that it is impossible to distinguish them from German statements during the Holocaust.
        And somehow it was really strange to hear a comparison of Buryats with animals from the former Israeli ambassador to Russia.

        By the way:
        ...It is very likely that the war for the liberation of Soviet land will lead to the expulsion or destruction of the Hitler clique. We would welcome such an outcome. But it would be ridiculous to identify the Hitler clique with the German people, with the German state. The experience of history says that Hitlers come and go, but the German people, and the German state remains.

        The strength of the Red Army lies, finally, in the fact that it does not and cannot have racial hatred towards other peoples, including the German people, that it is brought up in the spirit of equality of all peoples and races, in the spirit of respect for the rights of other peoples . The racial theory of the Germans and the practice of racial hatred led to the fact that all freedom-loving peoples became enemies of Nazi Germany. The theory of racial equality in the USSR and the practice of respect for the rights of other peoples led to the fact that all freedom-loving peoples became friends of the Soviet Union....
        (c) Stalin’s order No. 23 of February 1942, 55.

        This is how civilized people should wage war.

        And Israel turned into a Jewish version of the Third Reich.
        1. +1
          1 November 2023 16: 56
          Quote: Mik13
          This is how civilized people should wage war.

          Civilized people do not lead to war...
      2. +3
        31 October 2023 13: 02
        But they don’t even exist in nature!
        What about the Jewish pogroms in Makhachkala, which occurred not long ago? Have they finally returned to the Empire? Well, everything here is like in an empire: What we don’t eat, we’ll take away, etc. Jewish pogroms were not enough for beauty and here you go... As they say, beat those who drank water from the tap. Save Russia. smile
        1. -5
          31 October 2023 19: 52
          Quote: parusnik
          What about the Jewish pogroms in Makhachkala, which occurred not long ago?

          But no way. There were no pogroms against Jews in Makhachkala. They didn't even punch anyone in the face there. Stop escalating! They made some noise and ran away. The airport was a little trashed. But he is not Jewish.
          1. +4
            1 November 2023 13: 01
            So it turns out that it was a Russian pogrom? For a couple of hundred million rubles... That's it, Mikhalych... belay
        2. +5
          1 November 2023 13: 42
          Quote: parusnik
          Finally back in the Empire? Well, everything here is like in an empire

          No. In the empire, the expeditionary force would have already completed its campaign, having cut out heresy from the body of the state with a hot iron...
  2. +7
    31 October 2023 05: 52
    This is not the peak of events yet. When God wants to punish a person, He deprives him of his reason. Everything is mixed up in these events. Both the economy and terrorism. And everyone has their own terrorists and their liberators. But this conflict was prepared by most countries, like Balkan in the last century. At first they fight economically, but then, in order to annoy each other, they start a completely banal war. And there is no need to consider who started it. Sometimes the instigator sacrifices his citizens. If you are preparing a war, first of all think about your people. “Don’t ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for you.”
  3. +7
    31 October 2023 06: 02
    It’s bad that leaders and politicians don’t see other options like war, which means they’re chomping at the bit and heading towards disaster. The future will show what it will be like for whom, you can’t guess.
  4. +8
    31 October 2023 06: 19
    Any father, in front of whose eyes his child, his mother, father, wife, or some other relative was killed, will, for obvious reasons, begin to take revenge on the killers.

    That's how it seems to have happened.
    The Israelis began to take revenge for this very thing “... in front of whom his child, his mother, father, wife, or some other relative were killed.”

    And with such mutual love there are few options -
    1) the best fantasy - ordinary suffering Palestinians arrest murderers, terrorists and release hostages, peace, water supply to Gaza, continued subsidies, no one dies - unless they blow themselves up with a grenade while studying.
    2) women's-UN-dreamy - following the example of Gorbachev, everyone gathers, seeks consensus on how to peacefully return - and how much it will cost - the hostages, everyone, well, everyone - from the UN and women's organizations to Iran - will express concern (it can be deep) terrorist methods of Hamas and will remind of a Palestinian state. Then everything will return to normal until there are new missiles in both directions
    3) someone has to leave.

    For us, no matter how cynical it may be, it is better to continue the conflict.
    I hope this causes an avalanche of articles in support of Palestine. And not a lack of understanding that we ourselves are, rather, in the position of Israel, rather than Palestine.
  5. +27
    31 October 2023 06: 23
    Destroy them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can't live anymore
    This 95-year-old Jew expressed not only his personal point of view, but Israeli politicians and the majority of residents of this country think so. What is this if not a call for genocide? And after this they still have the right to remember the Holocaust at every opportunity? So Israel today has the same policy as Nazi Germany. At the same time, the politicians of the “civilized” West are almost completely on the side of Israel.
    1. +2
      31 October 2023 17: 15
      Nothing new: just as the Bible commanded Joshua during the capture of Palestine - not to leave anyone alive, neither people nor animals, this is how the Jews act now
    2. +2
      1 November 2023 06: 35
      The events of October 7th made it impossible for Israel to avoid genocide. They were left only with the choice of which side of the genocide to be, a victim or a predator. Are you suggesting we turn the other cheek? So this is Christian morality, but there are no Christians in this conflict. In that corner of the planet, if you turn your cheek, they will slash your throat with a knife. Therefore, there, if you are hit, hit back so that the enemy falls, and then finish off the prone person while he is moving. And if you don’t finish him off and let him rise, he’ll stab you.
      Do you think Israel should bite the bullet and give Hamas victory?
  6. +6
    31 October 2023 06: 29
    The Israelis themselves turned the Arab-Jewish conflict into a religious, Muslim-Jewish one.

    What was he like before that?
    1. +9
      31 October 2023 10: 26
      Quote: parusnik
      What was he like before that?

      Jewish-Muslim wink
    2. +4
      31 October 2023 19: 33
      Quote: parusnik
      The Israelis themselves turned the Arab-Jewish conflict into a religious, Muslim-Jewish one.

      What was he like before that?

      There are no interreligious or interethnic conflicts, there are only economic conflicts that take on one color or another.
      Politics is a concentrated expression of economics, and war is a continuation of politics by other means.
      Something like this, with the classics.
      1. +3
        31 October 2023 20: 30
        Vertinsky, what do classics have to do with this?
      2. +2
        1 November 2023 10: 12
        There are no interreligious or interethnic conflicts, there are only economic conflicts that take on one color or another.
        Politics is a concentrated expression of economics, and war is a continuation of politics by other means.
        Something like this, with the classics.

        Economic conflicts are just conflicts over colored paper cut into piles - candy wrappers, aka money. And they are printed.
        They are printed by those who have the power to force them to be accepted as payment for goods and services. That is, there is a struggle for power. Whose power determines the candy wrappers. So a lot depends on who comes to power and on his ideas about what is good and what is bad.
        1. +1
          1 November 2023 20: 20
          I don’t have anything particularly against it, apparently it’s tediousness or a habit of looking for connections, but:

          Quote from Viktior Vinland
          Economic conflicts are just conflicts over colored paper cut into piles - candy wrappers, aka money. And they are printed.

          We will not delve into the functions of money, the necessity and possibility of issuing them. “Money is the lifeblood of the economy” and financial security or financial sovereignty is the task of the state. For a number of reasons, in most cases this is a state problem (a problem whose solution is still unknown).
          Quote from Viktior Vinland
          They are printed by those who have the power to force them to be accepted as payment for goods and services. That is, there is a struggle for power. Whose power determines the candy wrappers.

          Power is the basis of all management, and, consequently, of politics. Because one of the essences of politics is management. Political power is understood as the ability to carry out violence by dictating one’s will. Therefore, there is always a struggle for power if any reforms are coming (see S.I. Ozhegov’s Dictionary, what is “Evolution”), in order to overcome the resistance that arises.
          Quote from Viktior Vinland
          So a lot depends on who comes to power and on his ideas about what is good and what is bad.

          The answer to the question of what is good and what is bad is given by ideology. So you need to vote not just for an individual, but for the bearer of a clear and consistent ideology.
          Something like this, ...
  7. -12
    31 October 2023 06: 32
    This war was not started by the Palestinians, nor by the Jews. And by the Americans and the UN. What prevented the creation of an independent Palestine for so many years? Nothing. What prevented us from strictly demarcating the territories inhabited by Arabs and Jews and securing the borders legally? In the end, station UN peacekeepers on the border and strictly suppress any attempts by the parties to attack their neighbor. No one and nothing interfered.
    A world war may begin. If the Arab states or the United States now try to interfere in the course of the database. The chances are high that the other side will respond.
    And about Israel... Don't forget that the IDF began striking Gaza in response to a massive Hamas rocket attack. So both sides are far from angels. Some and others use terrorist tactics. It’s just that the IDF has a greater range of capabilities.
    1. +14
      31 October 2023 07: 42
      What prevented the creation of an independent Palestine for so many years?

      Absolutely categorical Palestinian rejection of the two-state plan. They believe that Israel should not exist, and that the entire territory of Israel is occupied land.
      If we take the opinion of Hamas, then all the Jews on the planet should also be destroyed
      1. +6
        31 October 2023 11: 07
        Quote: BlackMokona
        If we take the opinion of Hamas, then all the Jews on the planet should also be destroyed

        Very strange, why did this happen? Because Israel is the creator of Hamas. A competitor was created for Arafat. What suddenly went wrong?
    2. +3
      31 October 2023 19: 56
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      This war was not started by the Palestinians, nor by the Jews. And by the Americans and the UN. What prevented the creation of an independent Palestine for so many years? Nothing.

      Nothing? As far as I remember, the Americans and the UN prevented it. Or rather, some interfered, while others caved in. The borders have been defined since 1948 - 52% to Israel, 48% to Palestine.
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      And about Israel... Don't forget that the IDF began striking Gaza in response to a massive Hamas rocket attack.

      And about Palestine...? Palestine is an occupied sub-state, hence the guerrilla methods and arsenal of terror. You should also remember the Roman Empire and the first terrorists in the observable history of mankind.
      And “Don’t forget” that the key to justice is the background of the issue.
  8. -3
    31 October 2023 07: 34
    Palestine and Israel cannot survive together.
    So, in the near future, someone must go down into History.
    On the one hand, there is the support of Muslims around the world, people of good will, and humanitarian international organizations (this is all humanitarian aid and pompous appeals). Complete selfishness in pursuing national policy. Iranian intervention is questionable.
    On the other hand, there is a clear awareness of the goal, absolute freedom from universal morality and unlimited support for the United States and its puppets. Plus two or even three orders of magnitude superiority in technical equipment.
    So the forces are obviously not equal. On the issue of the incidental destruction of Iran, in the event of failure to provide it with a nuclear umbrella.
    If Israel's plan is implemented, the fate of Syria is sealed, so indirectly this could become the final collapse of our policy in the region.
    1. +7
      31 October 2023 07: 47
      Quote: Victor Leningradets
      Palestine and Israel cannot survive together.
      So, in the near future, someone must go down into History.

      Most of Palestine is not at war now. They sit quietly and wait for the end of the showdown in Gaza. There are two enclaves, small and large. War is only in the small
      1. -8
        31 October 2023 08: 38
        Everything is in order. First small ones, then big ones, as well as Lebanon-Hezbollah and Syria-IRGC and further down the list.
        The main target is Iran. This is where everything will get serious, because... Russia also has nowhere to retreat.
    2. +3
      31 October 2023 13: 10
      All this could lead to the collapse of the whole world and a world war, given that the United States is transferring forces to the Middle East at a record level.
    3. -2
      1 November 2023 13: 46
      Quote: Victor Leningradets
      Palestine and Israel cannot survive together.
      So, in the near future, someone must go down into History.

      With this approach, it’s time for the Jews to collect their money before they are squandered like they were in Gaza...
  9. 0
    31 October 2023 08: 00
    The cunning Jews recruited Americans, Germans and French for dangerous work. The Germans, after the Americans, are now the best friends of the descendants of those unfortunates from whom they made lampshades. Americans are generally brought in by the thousands. There are many Latin Americans, Africans, and Russians in the American army - we don’t feel sorry for all of them. They want different benefits at the end of their service. France has a powerful Jewish community, the Rothschilds and others. It is assumed that France transferred to Israel nuclear materials, technologies and even finished atomic bombs with which they threatened the Arabs.
  10. -1
    31 October 2023 08: 25
    All this is true. Good analysis. It just won't work, of course. Muslims have their own banking system, which operates independently of the Western one. And they already have information channels that are independent from Western ones! Europe, which already really wants to be deceived, is simply dreaming, will be deceived. And what? Muslims will then know how military operations are actually going.
    The author, as a professional journalist, cares only about the media picture. Well, yes, on the Internet, in the media, it will be possible to keep it in this way. But it won't matter...
    1. +1
      1 November 2023 13: 56
      Quote: Mikhail3
      All this is true. Good analysis. It just won't work, of course. Muslims have their own banking system, which operates independently of the Western one. And they already have information channels that are independent from Western ones! Europe, which already really wants to be deceived, is simply dreaming, will be deceived. And what? Muslims will then know how military operations are actually going.
      The author, as a professional journalist, cares only about the media picture. Well, yes, on the Internet, in the media, it will be possible to keep it in this way. But it won't matter...

      Muslims have a lot of things, but they cannot gather their tribes and choose a leader - everyone considers their turban higher than others. While they compare themselves, others grab the best pieces from them...
      If in the near future the BV does not repel the United States and Israel, then, after the clearing of Gaza, the clearing of the remnants of the territory of Palestine will begin. The world will not grunt...
  11. +5
    31 October 2023 08: 33
    It seems to me that in Israel, too, they are not fools, and they will be able to turn the situation in a way favorable to themselves, like some did on September 11...
  12. +1
    31 October 2023 09: 21
    The Israeli point of view is spreading throughout the world today.

    In Russia first of all. The same correspondents from NTV, VGTRK and Channel 1. The red-haired Pashkov, who is the mouthpiece of the IDF in Russia, is especially trying. It only reflects the point of view of the killers of civilians. Who needs such lies under the guise of information? His Israeli friends or masters. In general, our television resembles a branch of Israeli propaganda. And this despite the fact that this state is not just openly hostile to Russia, but the most hostile of all those opposing us in Ukraine. And Jewish Russophobes are no less hostile to Russia than Bandera’s, and are often more sophisticated and resourceful.
  13. The comment was deleted.
    1. -7
      31 October 2023 12: 14
      Well, the Germans exterminated the Jews because the latter were not fascists, now they have corrected themselves and the Germans support them. (from the Internet)
      It is not Arab Iran and Türkiye that oppose Israel.

      Have Staver's Persians and Turks now become Arabs? The article is so-so, neither analysis nor propaganda. There are no conclusions at all.
      And they exist! Israel as an artificial state (just don’t talk about the thousand-year history) has come to a logical semantic end, either it comes to an agreement with the Palestinians and lives peacefully (not immediately, of course), or if not this time, then in subsequent ones (among the Arabs and other Muslims in stock forever) times, it will collapse. But the UN is not suitable for such an agreement; authoritative guarantors are needed, such as the Russian Federation, China, the United States and the Arab League. At the moment this is not possible, so the massacre will continue and it is impossible to stop it now (I think so). And the number of coffins now is not particularly frightening to the warring countries, so as to be the main reason for ending the war.
  14. +9
    31 October 2023 11: 28
    I wonder what the Author will do if Israel nevertheless annexes Gaza and does not destroy itself?
    Will he pretend that he didn’t write?

    It is clear that I do not particularly agree with the author.
    According to our analogies - in the Northern Military District and the Chechen terrorists of the 0x. Terrorists are being crushed, civilians are being saved whenever possible, but... the number of those killed in the 1st and 2nd Chechen war and nearby, including children, is still unknown. Everyone has their own numbers. And there doesn’t seem to be any “alley of angels” in Russian Chechnya?
    1. +11
      31 October 2023 12: 28
      Let it be the same as with the article about “We will not surrender Kherson.” laughing
    2. +10
      31 October 2023 13: 09
      And there doesn’t seem to be any “alley of angels” in Russian Chechnya?
      And no one is calling the Russians who had to leave there (to put it mildly) back to Chechnya and are not going to compensate for what they lost. And the interesting thing is that the Russians were expelled from Russian territory, according to the Constitution.
    3. +12
      31 October 2023 20: 14
      It’s just that many have already forgotten how houses and the metro in Moscow were blown up, they forgot Nord-Ost, they forgot how all these “innocent Arabs” hooted after the explosion of the airliner over the Sinai and liked the video of Filippov’s downed Su-25.
      Let Iran itself be responsible for its proxies; the Russian Federation already has something to do.
  15. 0
    31 October 2023 12: 05
    All this makes us take a fresh look at how our army took Mariupol, Bakhmut and, in turn, Avdiivka. And this is despite the active resistance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the presence of a huge amount of heavy equipment in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and supplies from more than fifty countries, weapons, ammunition and information. NATO and US armies face decades of hard work on combat training. And the military-industrial complex has been working for decades to develop reliable, inexpensive military equipment. In my opinion, they have already come to the realization that it is cheaper for them to retreat in NATO’s expansion to the East, and will return to the 1997 borders. Everything is like V.V. Putin to them. promised.
  16. +2
    31 October 2023 12: 09
    The history of mankind is the history of the struggle for the existence of competing peoples. And there is no number of peoples defeated, exterminated at the roots or scattered throughout the world. The victors enter their homes, own the land, and produce offspring in the conquered territories.
    Israel has long tried to live by the saying “to acquire capital and maintain innocence.” Fortunately, a powerful guardian loomed behind the small cuckoo.
    But this could not continue forever, and the moment of truth had come: either Israel is a national state that establishes its borders by force, or an occupier of someone else’s land, which will be destroyed at the first opportunity.
    Territory determines the viability of a country. The Hamas attack showed the vulnerability of the microstate, which the saboteurs, if they had invaded the entire perimeter with large forces, would simply have torn apart like a hot water bottle. And the IDF would simply be killed in the barracks.
    The United States is no longer the hegemon that can continue to ensure the carefree life of the Jews, so they themselves have to either gain true statehood within sufficient borders, or leave the historical stage, this time forever.
  17. +8
    31 October 2023 12: 23
    "Israel has launched an operation to destroy itself"
    Fresh tradition, but hard to believe.
  18. +3
    31 October 2023 12: 53
    Israel, of course. takes risks.
    However, the very fact of Israel's existence after 1947 suggests that Israel knows how to take risks.
    So we'll see what happens this time.
    1. -1
      1 November 2023 14: 01
      Quote: S.Z.
      Israel, of course. takes risks.
      However, the very fact of Israel's existence after 1947 suggests that Israel knows how to take risks.
      So we'll see what happens this time.

      This time, Israel received carte blanche to take any action. The states demanded to “pay for food” - BV is getting out of control and the watchdog has been let off the chain...
  19. +8
    31 October 2023 14: 20
    Israel has begun implementing a plan to completely exterminate Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. He started despite the fact that he has practically no options to win this war.

    Is this the plan on Military Review - “not a day without articles in support of Hamas”... request

    PS. The editors will apologize to readers for Staver’s work, for example, “Today the Israelis committed another heinous crime. I’ll quote Dmitry Medvedev’s post on his channel:
    “The horrific attack on a hospital in the Gaza Strip is clearly a war crime. "?

    P.P.S. By the way, how can we explain the support for Hamas when 8 Russians are being held hostage right now, and 20 Russians have been killed?! "....Eight Russians are held hostage. This was stated to us by the special representative of the Russian President for the Middle East and African countries, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhail Bogdanov.
    ... Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov reported on October 20 that the number of dead Russians is 20 people. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov on October 24 did not rule out that the data on Russians killed due to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict may change, since “there is a real war going on” in the region.""

    PPPS. Does anyone care about 20 corpses of Russians and 8 hostages?!
    Or “I love Hamas so much that I can’t even eat”?!

    Ivana, not remembering kinship! am
    1. BAI
      31 October 2023 18: 53
      that the number of dead Russians is 20 people.

      1. These are former citizens of the Russian Federation who did not surrender their passports.
      2. There is an anniversary the other day - 8 years since the plane explosion in Egypt. More than a hundred died. Precisely our citizens. Women and children included. Who to fight with? With Egypt? With terrorists? With the USA, which incited terrorists?
      1. +2
        2 November 2023 15: 28
        1. So what? Even if they did not “surrender their passports” in the sense of not renouncing Russian citizenship? Second class, perhaps, “not quite Russians”?
        These Russians, are they not important, is the “Hamas cause” more important? “Among the Hamas hostages was a 73-year-old pediatrician from Rostov-on-Don, Irina Tatti, with her daughter and grandson. Irina Tatti moved from Russia to Israel about four years ago. Before that, the woman worked as a physiatrist in a tuberculosis clinic, and then in a children’s clinic Rostov-on-Don.
        - We learned about Irina Alexandrovna’s disappearance 10 days ago. We were informed by Rostovites who live in Israel,” says Mikhail Potapov. – In addition, Tatti has a close friend in Israel who is now in contact with the authorities. We get the latest information from her.
        Hamas hostages along with Irina are her daughter Elena and grandson Sasha. Son-in-law Vitaly died in a militant attack.

        “The family lived near the border with the Gaza Strip,” the interlocutor continues. - Irina Alexandrovna’s son-in-law could not be identified for a long time. Only recently identified. On October 31, his funeral took place, where almost no one came. Because virtually his entire family is in captivity. He no longer had loved ones in Israel. He himself is a native of Rostov. It is unknown whether he has any relatives left in Russia.

        - Why did she decide to move to Israel?
        - Apart from his daughter, who had already moved there a long time ago, he had no one else. When Irina Aleksandrovna retired after many years of work in medicine, she decided to be closer to her family. Living alone is such a pleasure



        2. Russian Federation - fight terrorists. You personally are an adult, make your own personal decision about Egypt or the US.
    2. -1
      31 October 2023 20: 02
      Quote: Wildcat
      By the way, how can we explain the support for Hamas when 8 Russians are being held hostage right now, and 20 Russians have been killed?!

      Very simple. 8 Jews with Russian passports were taken hostage because they were unhappy in Russia or had a bad life. And 20 Russians, who ended up in Gaza for various reasons, were killed by Israeli Jews as a result of monstrous inhumane airstrikes.
      1. +4
        2 November 2023 15: 32
        Very simple. 8 Jews with Russian passports were taken hostage because they were unhappy in Russia or had a bad life. And 20 Russians, who ended up in Gaza for various reasons, were killed by Israeli Jews as a result of monstrous inhumane airstrikes.

        You are a rare bastard, this is really very simple.
        I hope I will be banned for stating this fact and will be deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people like you.
    3. -7
      31 October 2023 20: 58
      Quote: Wildcat
      By the way, how can we explain the support for Hamas when 8 Russians are being held hostage right now, and 20 Russians have been killed?! "....eight Russians are hostage

      Very simple. 8 Jews with Russian passports, in search of a better life, ended up not in the promised land, but in occupied territories. The result is natural. 20 Russians ended up in Gaza for various reasons and died as a result of inhumane bombing. From the hands of the Jews. What's unclear here?
    4. +1
      31 October 2023 21: 06
      P.P.S. By the way, how can we explain the support for Hamas when 8 Russians are being held hostage right now, and 20 Russians have been killed?! ".

      You are confusing warm with soft. Not support for Hamas, but denial of Israel's terrorist methods of warfare.
    5. -5
      1 November 2023 14: 04
      Quote: Wildcat
      By the way, how can we explain the support for Hamas when 8 Russians are being held hostage right now, and 20 Russians have been killed?!

      At this time, their own people are sitting at home, and not acquiring a set of passports! It would be nice if they were treated in clinics, and not put down roots in kibbutzim...
  20. +4
    31 October 2023 14: 33
    ... is there an option when the “powers that be” will be able to save face without a world massacre?

    This is a good question about why this war began and how it might end.
    This is a showdown in the Middle East, and not between Jews and Palestinians, if you think about it. Accordingly, the end of this war does not depend on them.
    Why do you think Hamas suddenly carried out such atrocities from the very beginning, and why did the Jews respond so joyfully with tripling the atrocities? The answer is simple - so that the conflict cannot be quickly ended, in order to give time to third-party “organizations” to get involved. Hence the strikes on Syria - so that the second external party would also come to the showdown. The Americans, with the participation of the Europeans (they have already been brought in), hope to gain control over the Middle East, defeating Iran along the way, in the hope that neither Russia nor China will seriously interfere, otherwise there will be a “nuclear war.”
    This is the essence of what is happening. What do the Jews and their petty problems have to do with it?
  21. BAI
    31 October 2023 18: 43
    But are such fighters much worse than those reservists who today form the backbone of the Israeli army?

    By a lot. Reservists have served in the army and are called up for training every year so as not to lose their skills. A new recruit needs to gain experience.
    2. A 95 year old man, like the Minister of Defense, is a de.bil. It is worth putting the Torah next to their speech, which says that people are only Jews, and everyone else must be destroyed like animals, see a literal coincidence, and a religious war will become almost inevitable.
    3. Israel clearly did not take into account that the numerical number of Muslims in the West began to exert an influence on Western governments comparable to the financial influence of Jewish circles. Especially in an election year, numbers will outweigh finances.
    1. +3
      1 November 2023 15: 37
      Quote: BAI
      Especially in an election year, numbers will outweigh finances.

      What are they going to do? Vote for Trump?
  22. +4
    31 October 2023 18: 43
    Any father, in front of whose eyes his child, his mother, father, wife, or some other relative was killed, will, for obvious reasons, begin to take revenge on the killers. Yes, it will be an untrained fighter, poorly suited for war

    Actually, this also works in their favor to show - “look, these are not civilians, they all have weapons!” . Very good many things can be turned this way or that way, this is, alas, how the world of our time works.
    I do not agree with the author in the idea that this will be “the beginning of the end of Israel.” Israel also took larger territories. And then he assimilated them. And the situation items were much more scary for Israel - and nothing. Someone points out that there will be ruins of the city and catacombs, etc. - and how will they fight there in connection with this? But I would like to ask, how many people will be fruitful and multiply in the ruins of cities? Will Hamas' support base be strong where there is nothing to eat, nothing to treat and, often, nothing to drink? No roof over your head, no job, no future. Most people are not made of steel at all, larger demographics usually beat smaller ones, larger economies beat smaller ones, better conditions beat worse conditions, even with other parameters more or less equal.
    Not this time, but next time, be it a carcass or a scarecrow, Israel will squeeze the population out of this sector, whether anyone likes it or not.
    Because the essence of Israel as a state in the region is expansion and ensuring the security of its borders. In this regard, the potential of the Jews is much more powerful than the potential of the Palestinians, history directly indicates this - this is not a matter of likes or dislikes.
    Yes, the USA is now an aging tiger and has a lot of problems, yes, the EU is already ahead of itself and its growing problems - but the current story is a pale shadow of the past, not something extraordinary at all, but simply one of the last chords of what has actually already happened . Will there be really Are major players trying to interfere with Israel? Don't think. Like a kabuki theater, they will scream terribly and make menacing faces, but that’s all it will be.
  23. 0
    31 October 2023 19: 38
    It seems that the people of Israel, just like the people of Ukraine, cannot cope with the burden of statehood.
  24. +2
    31 October 2023 21: 34
    This article is not even the result of the work of a political officer, but an extremely biased and biased propaganda, which gives itself away right from the title:
    Israel has launched an operation to destroy itself
    The content is no better:
    It has already become an axiom that a quick ground operation did not work and will not work. The Israeli army is bogged down in war. But the Israelis are not prepared for such a war.
    After all, it is quite obvious that the IDF approached the implementation of its CTO/SVO quite thoroughly, unlike some. No one rushes ahead stupidly; all forces and means are used that are most appropriate in a given situation (including high-precision weapons, and not carpet bombing, which the provocateurs are raving about here). Obviously, the operation will take place systematically and taking into account the changing situation.
    Another thing is that a political settlement of the conflict is needed on a solid basis, but it is impossible to come to an agreement with the Islamist radicals who seized power in the Gaza Strip. They do not recognize Israel's right to exist in principle. Does the author really not know all this, and yes, the events in Dagestan tell him nothing?!
  25. +2
    31 October 2023 21: 41
    Quote: strannik1985
    P.P.S. By the way, how can we explain the support for Hamas when 8 Russians are being held hostage right now, and 20 Russians have been killed?! ".

    You are confusing warm with soft. Not support for Hamas, but denial of Israel's terrorist methods of warfare.

    What if without hypocrisy and cynicism?!
    1. +1
      31 October 2023 21: 45
      What if without hypocrisy and cynicism?!

      Where and in what ways did you see hypocrisy and cynicism?
  26. -1
    1 November 2023 10: 38
    I have 1 question: where is the unknown force that will destroy Israel as a result of this conflict? Israel has normal relations with Egypt and Jordan, Syria is destroyed by civil war, Lebanon, that is, Hezbollah, cannot cope alone, the Houthis are far away and do not threaten anything other than launching single missiles, and Iran is completely far away. Who?
  27. +1
    1 November 2023 11: 14
    Too many big words.
    So far, Israel has no problems, the technical equipment of the Israeli army is two orders of magnitude superior to the enemy, and no number of civilians will change this.
    Therefore, they will technically and cynically squeeze out the residents of Gaza somewhere in Egypt, taking advantage of their complete superiority. And not one Arab country will fight with Israel
  28. 0
    1 November 2023 11: 16
    Hamas chose the right time to attack Israel - all NATO’s attention and resources are directed to the war with the Russian Federation, and this in any way affects the support of Israel and the capabilities of the IDF.
    Israel was forced to respond to the Hamas attack and thus forced NATO to choose – Ukraine or Israel.
    The choice for the EU is Ukraine, and for the USA – Israel.
    The position of NATO is also complicated by the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, which will finally take shape after the meeting of the leaders of the PRC and the United States.
    It is unlikely, but there is a possibility that they will make a deal - Taiwan and the islands of Diaoyu, Xisha, Nansha will be given to China, the status quo will be guaranteed on the Korean Peninsula, trade restrictions will be eased in exchange for the tacit support of the PRC and everyone will be fine - the USA will continue to do what they want, and Israel will get rid of from the Arab population in the West Bank and Palestine, China is united, and the DPRK receives the right to exist, plus trade preferences. Thus, it is possible that there will be a separate division of the world into spheres of influence between the USA = NATO = QUAD = AUKUS and the PRC = NSR = SCO = EURASEC = RCEP and others.
  29. +5
    1 November 2023 11: 16
    Quote: Nagan
    The events of October 7th made it impossible for Israel to avoid genocide. They were left only with the choice of which side of the genocide to be, a victim or a predator. Are you suggesting we turn the other cheek? So this is Christian morality, but there are no Christians in this conflict. In that corner of the planet, if you turn your cheek, they will slash your throat with a knife. Therefore, there, if you are hit, hit back so that the enemy falls, and then finish off the prone person while he is moving. And if you don’t finish him off and let him rise, he’ll stab you.
    Do you think Israel should bite the bullet and give Hamas victory?

    No, normal people believe that Israel should have fought against those who carried out the attack. And don’t label all 2 million residents of the gases as criminals. According to your analogy, after the attack in Beslan or Dubrovka, Russia should have burned all of Chechnya in fire?
    1. +2
      1 November 2023 14: 15
      Quote: certero
      According to your analogy, after the attack in Beslan or Dubrovka, Russia should have burned all of Chechnya in fire?

      About the analogy:
      1. After the war, Chechnya will receive tens of thousands of soldiers fired at;
      2. Dagestan is full of pumped-up sheep, ready to destroy everything around, not just the airport;
      3. Add Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia to the compote - with such a composition the flask will not only whistle - it can take off!
      Therefore, burn - not burn, but order must be maintained - a hot horse needs a good rein...
  30. 0
    1 November 2023 14: 20
    Quote: isv000
    This time, Israel received carte blanche to take any action. The states demanded to “pay for food” - BV is getting out of control and the watchdog has been let off the chain...

    A chained dog without a chain is often dangerous for its owner.
    However, we'll see.
  31. +2
    1 November 2023 16: 55
    I would like to believe that politicians have enough will and intelligence to sit down at the negotiating table and implement what was decided long ago.

    Negotiations are a must.
    But apparently the Jews first decided to follow the well-known recipe:

    We will pursue terrorists everywhere. At the airport - at the airport. So, if you'll excuse me, we'll catch them in the toilet, and in the end we'll soak them in the toilet. That's it, the issue is finally closed.
    (c) Putin about the beginning of the CTO in Chechnya, September 24, 1999
  32. -3
    1 November 2023 18: 12
    When the radical Islamists' patience runs out, Israel will get something terrible in return. Radiation, chemistry, bacteria, etc. It is quite possible that all this has been prepared for a long time, bought externally (in Ukraine for example) and is waiting in the wings. If there is no Palestine, there will be no Israel.
  33. +1
    1 November 2023 19: 58
    they lead either to a world war, or to the disappearance of Israel as a state, or to the loss of the Israeli army

    ... the elephant said without understanding, “it looks like there will be a flood...”
  34. 0
    1 November 2023 21: 39
    Again they defend the Arabs, who were the first to attack and kill more than a thousand people.
    And not only Jews.
    Hundreds of Europeans were killed at a music festival.
    They killed in tents.
    Or woken up in fear.
    Hamas is worse than the Nazis.
    This is radical Islam!
    And those who support him are litter...
  35. +3
    2 November 2023 01: 04
    Quote: SovAr238A
    Again they defend the Arabs, who were the first to attack and kill more than a thousand people.
    And not only Jews.
    Hundreds of Europeans were killed at a music festival.
    They killed in tents.
    Or woken up in fear.
    Hamas is worse than the Nazis.
    This is radical Islam!
    And those who support him are litter...

    None of the Hamaz terrorists present here support them. Just like they don’t support the IDF who indiscriminately exterminate everyone living in the Gaza Strip.
    And they are naturally interested in how Israel, which calls itself a civilized country, conducts military operations using methods more characteristic of the Nazis...
    1. -1
      2 November 2023 01: 38
      Quote: certero
      None of the Hamaz terrorists present here support them. Just like they don’t support the IDF who indiscriminately exterminate everyone living in the Gaza Strip.
      And they are naturally interested in how Israel, which calls itself a civilized country, conducts military operations using methods more characteristic of the Nazis...

      That's right, the Arabs need to be understood and forgiven, and maybe even rewarded - a peace message hung around their necks.
      1. -2
        2 November 2023 11: 15
        That's right, the Arabs need to be understood and forgiven, and maybe even rewarded - hang a peace message around their necks

        No, everyone, including the elderly, women and children, must be driven into the ghetto and destroyed there.
      2. 0
        3 November 2023 08: 30
        That's right, the Arabs need to be understood and forgiven, and maybe even rewarded - a peace message hung around their necks.

        You are distorting. Everything is banal and simple, Israel does not want to bother with filtration, temporary accommodation, intelligence work with Palestinians, bombs trying to squeeze them out of the enclave anywhere. Russia, under similar conditions, behaved completely differently and got the result. Someone needs to learn.
  36. +1
    2 November 2023 09: 56
    Everything would be fine. The reasoning is quite valid. However, why did the author decide that it was someone else, but not a shadow of doubt about himself? And the easiest way to get out of a dispute is to say, “Yourself.”
    1. -1
      2 November 2023 09: 59
      Strange moderation. He used the word author in the third sentence, which he used to designate someone with whom he was taught not to argue, but it didn’t stick. ???
  37. 0
    2 November 2023 16: 09
    Regimes always strive to maximize their interests, even if the result is an increasingly high risk of self-destruction.
  38. -1
    2 November 2023 18: 53
    Israeli army

    Death to the Zionist fascists....
  39. 0
    3 November 2023 08: 25
    Quote: Kaiten
    Quote: certero
    None of the Hamaz terrorists present here support them. Just like they don’t support the IDF who indiscriminately exterminate everyone living in the Gaza Strip.
    And they are naturally interested in how Israel, which calls itself a civilized country, conducts military operations using methods more characteristic of the Nazis...

    That's right, the Arabs need to be understood and forgiven, and maybe even rewarded - a peace message hung around their necks.

    And your comment is ordinary demagoguery. Just because Russia condemns the barbaric actions of the IDF does not mean that Russia approves of the terrorist actions of Hamaz. Russia, by the way, is one of the few countries that has every right to condemn the actions of Israel, because it itself was faced with the actions of terrorists during the Chechen war. However, she fought precisely with terrorists, and did not destroy everything.
  40. +1
    4 November 2023 12: 37
    I don’t believe in the American September 11th and I don’t believe it here either!
    A group of barefoot Arabs prepared 40 thousand fighters for action in 3 environments and no one in Israel noticed. The guards dismissed themselves, the cameras and sensors turned off
  41. 0
    5 November 2023 03: 28
    Here we have a multi-move again. It all started with the Northern Military District, or rather, even a little earlier, when the Biden administration gave Moscow the go-ahead to start hostilities in Ukraine. And let’s be honest with ourselves that the Jewish trace can be traced both in Kyiv and Moscow, it’s not for nothing that at first the “holy war” turned into an ordinary agreement or just a meat grinder. But for some reason, this was not enough for the powers that be in Israel and they decided to destroy Palestine, essentially starting hostilities themselves. The network is already full of analytics about the strange actions, or rather inactions, of both the army and the top leadership of Israel at the very beginning of the confrontation. And one more nuance associated with Biden, who has already put an end to his election campaign due to his unconditional support for Israel’s actions, the Muslim community in the United States is indignant. I'm very curious what will happen next...
  42. 0
    6 November 2023 12: 04
    P.P.S. By the way, how can we explain the support for Hamas when 8 Russians are being held hostage right now, and 20 Russians have been killed?! "....eight Russians are hostage.

    There are also Bulgarians who were captured or died in Israel, but there are those who died, and even more in Gaza. The same is probably true of the Russians.
    But they all understood the risks when they decided to live in the Gaza concentration camp or near the walls of this concentration camp in Israel.