Verdict of Russian civilization

Verdict of Russian civilization

Birth rate collapse

Demographic catastrophe in Russia (Why maternity capital will not save Russia from a demographic catastrophe; Russian World optimization) continues to develop. It would have been more pronounced if it had not been for the annexation of new regions to Russia, which somewhat compensated for the two-year decline in the birth rate.

The number of births of children in the Russian Federation will continue to decline in the next three years and will collapse to levels that the country has not seen since the turn of the late XNUMXth - XNUMXth centuries, that is, Catherine II and Paul I. The Russian authorities included such a forecast in the draft budget of the Social Fund (formerly Pension Fund), which also pays child benefits. About it сообщает Russian online publication The Moscow Times.

In 2022, 1,306 million children were born in Russia. In 2023, the number of births will drop to 1,244 million and will be the lowest since the 1990s. According to the forecast for 2024, the number of births will fall even lower - to 1,171 million children, in 2025 - to 1,153 million, and in 2026 - to 1,143 million babies.

The figures included in the forecast are the minimum since the turn of the 1999th–1,214th centuries, demographer Alexey Raksha told The Moscow Times. The previous low birth rate in Russia, according to Rosstat, was established in XNUMX – XNUMX million children.

Pipe model

The basic reason for the demographic catastrophe that has now befallen the Russian Federation was the socio-economic paradigm, when the country’s national economy was turned into a pipe for pumping out national wealth (oil, petroleum products, gas, gold, uranium, palladium, ferrous metals, fertilizers, timber, etc.) abroad.

The shooting of the Soviet parliament 30 years ago was a coup in favor of the regime of plutocracy, thieves' oligarchy (Black house. How Yeltsin crushed the popular uprising). The West and the Russian Vlasov-Westernists, the emerging caste of rich plutocrats, the comprador bourgeoisie, and regional ethnic clans, who relied on Yeltsin, received every opportunity to seize people’s property and withdraw capital abroad.

In place of the Soviet economy, which was completely self-sufficient and efficient, a pipe economy was formed. T.n. “market economy”, in fact, an ordinary raw material, peripheral capitalist model. We sell raw materials to the West and East, and buy the rest. Therefore, such advanced industries of the USSR (including at the global level) as robotics, machine tool building, civil aviation, electronics and many others.

“Tasty” industries that could bring currency to the “new Russians”, the comprador bourgeoisie, the newly-minted oligarchs and the top officials associated with them, such as the oil industry, gas industry, peaceful atom, space and the remains of the defense industry, were preserved. At the same time, all profits remained in the West and East, or were immediately siphoned off and given away for imported goods. And they began to buy literally everything: from nails to civilian airliners. It is worth noting that this model feels quite good even now, when the Russian Federation has verbally quarreled with the entire collective West.

Thus, in the global division of labor, the capitalist Russian Federation took the place of a pipe, a raw material appendage. With the remnants of Soviet high technology - space, peaceful atom, weapon. It was later called an "energy superpower." True, in recent years this illusion of no “energy superpower” has collapsed. Western Europe itself “didn’t freeze,” as paid propagandists promised, it rebuilt itself and found new suppliers. The US has seized our share of the European gas market. Therefore, we had to send energy resources to the East, with huge discounts. Often for local “candy wrappers” and other rupees.

It is interesting that under Yeltsin, despite all the problems with wages, criminal schemes, etc., the Soviet economy, factories and factories for the most part were still alive. This allowed us to survive the 1998 crisis. But when “Russia began to rise from its knees” under Putin and Medvedev, then, amid cries of innovation, reform, modernization, songs about “Putin’s plan” for economic development until 2020, optimization and import substitution, most of the factories and factories, their the documentation and machines were cut up, turned into metal and sent to a landfill. Together with the engineering and technical personnel of the USSR, who left for another world or for a miserable pension.

Hence the current problems of the military-industrial complex and industry of the Russian Federation, which is poorly able to cope with the protracted SVO. Problems with civil aviation, automotive industry, machine tool industry, unmanned aerial vehicles, electronics, bearings, tractors and other agricultural machinery, construction equipment, trucks, etc. If it were not for the Celestial Empire, the scale of the problems would be simply catastrophic.

Economic disaster

In fact, the country and people have experienced an economic catastrophe over the past 30 years. It is comparable and even surpasses the invasion of Hitler's hordes. Then the western part of the country and part of the central part were destroyed. Under reformers like “Tolik Ryzhiy” and optimizers, disaster engulfed the entire country. In 30 years we have lost 66% of manufacturing and 44% of agriculture - only 40% of the economy.

Only industries focused on the export of raw materials flourished. Therefore, even now, when the people as a whole are becoming poorer, when the beggars and poor are at 78% (Africanization of Russia), oligarchs again steel richer.

The flows of petrodollars in the “fed” 2000s for a long time made it possible to create a picture of prosperity. To form a Russian consumer society and a small middle class. And instead of factories, laboratories, cosmodromes and houses of culture and creativity, shopping and entertainment centers and churches (mosques, synagogues) were built. Temples, where dying and sick people went (physically and mentally), old people and hypocrites, like thieving officials, bandits - “new Russians”. In a country where thousands of villages disappeared, schools and clinics were closed.

The economic catastrophe, the degradation of the country's infrastructure, including social (kindergartens, schools, technical and vocational education, houses of creativity and culture, science, etc.), became the basis of the demographic catastrophe.

Plus victory of the Western model of consumer society, which, in essence, is a society of extermination and self-destruction, as it poisons and destroys the biosphere, nature and man himself. Hence the involution, the degradation of humanity. Such a society does not need a traditional family and children. You don't need children to live your life in pleasure and consumption. You can get a cat or a dog. Hedonism and consumption replaced the normal family and killed the reproduction of the people.

Security system collapse

Another reason for the extinction of the indigenous peoples of Russia is destruction of the security system created in the USSR. For the first time since the Great Patriotic War, Russia today is under artillery and missile attacks and air and sea strikes.

On TV, of course, they say that everything is according to plan, we are breaking, Bandera’s supporters and other NATO trash are bending. But the deep people understand that the trend is clearly bad, and the enemy’s attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation are occurring more and more deeply. NATO is transferring increasingly powerful and long-range weapons to the Ukrainian regime. Moreover, both dignitaries and government servants are talking nonsense about nuclear strikes and explosions over Siberia. Accordingly, some families postpone the birth of children for the future, or refuse to have the next child.
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  1. +35
    6 October 2023 04: 57
    Yes, Russia is dying out and disappearing. And first of all, the basis of our statehood disappears - the Russian people.
    But this is an objective consequence of the social and economic system that was finally established in our country after the 1993 coup. Within the framework of this system, this process may be slightly slowed down (for example, with high oil prices), or, on the contrary, accelerated (for example, now due to the “pandemic” and the enchanting conduct of the SVO), but these are all particulars. In general, within the chosen course, it is irreversible.
    What's the point of writing about this for the millionth time? In practical terms, it is useful to discuss two issues
    a) How can you change the existing political regime, provided that it has latched onto Russia like a tick and is ready to kill at least 50 million people just to continue to parasitize on it?
    b) What are the real parameters of the existence of the new government in the conditions that the “democratic power” of Yeltsin-Putin will leave behind only an endless number of difficult-to-solve problems.
    1. -29
      6 October 2023 06: 46
      Quote: Belisarius
      b) What are the real parameters of the existence of the new government in the conditions that the “democratic power” of Yeltsin-Putin will leave behind only an endless number of difficult-to-solve problems.

      First, you will have to shoot 50-60 percent of those who make a change of power - they will turn out to be "Japanese, Polish and Romanian spies."
      Because they will either turn out to be incapable of anything at all, or they will come to power for the dough.
      Then there is a fork in the road - either Stalin will come or he won’t.
      But in any case, first the author will be a little lucky, and then - for the sake of the next asterisk, the major - he will be spanked. If he writes praises of the new government, he will live longer, but in any case they will come... the Internet will greatly facilitate the search...

      The common people will live as they always did, with the prospect of “but the children will live..”

      At the same time, the country will still be reduced in borders; the situation will be no different from the two redistributions of property in the 20th century
      1. +12
        6 October 2023 06: 59
        Quote: your1970
        First, you will have to shoot 50-60 percent of those who make a change of power - they will turn out to be "Japanese, Polish and Romanian spies....".

        Translated from Russian into Russian - the real problem of Russia, the root cause is the Russians???
        1. -16
          6 October 2023 07: 48
          Quote from tsvetahaki
          Quote: your1970
          First, you will have to shoot 50-60 percent of those who make a change of power - they will turn out to be "Japanese, Polish and Romanian spies....".

          Translated from Russian into Russian - the real problem of Russia, the root cause is the Russians???

          Do you think the CIA was to blame when it said “You’re not a guest at work - if you take away at least a nail”??? The root cause is always in yourself

          The second redistribution of property in the 2th century clearly showed the path of movement - in both the first and second, those who started were subsequently pushed away from power.
          Unfortunately, in the second case there were no executions - but from the government of the early 1990s, only Shoigu remained in power belay feel
          Quote: Mavrikiy
          Quote: your1970
          At the same time, the country will still be reduced in borders; the situation will be no different from the two redistributions of property in the 20th century

          negative No need to croak. Ravens are counted in autumn.

          Is 2 times in the 20th century not enough for you to understand the trend?
          Don’t you understand that if a redistribution of power happened, it means that the previous government has rotted to the point of being unable to fight for itself?
          To the point of impossibility of simply executing all the disobedient ones and giving a carrot in return to everyone else?
          And if it has rotted so much that it does not protect itself, how can we keep the outskirts and not only the bais? You can only hold on with a carrot and a stick, but if the stick rots, the carrots end automatically..
          Therefore, if it comes to the redistribution of property and power, the Far East will fall away automatically. There will be nothing to hold it back...
        2. +1
          6 October 2023 11: 03
          Quote from tsvetahaki
          Translated from Russian into Russian - the real problem of Russia, the root cause is the Russians???

          Yes! exactly. Demography needs to be done in an applied way.... laughing mercilessly close and punish porn sites. Pornography, you know, only virtually imitates demographic studies. I would also introduce censorship of advertising so that opportunities for development are advertised and not useless luxury.
          1. +4
            6 October 2023 19: 55
            Punish for watching... oh, that’s how you see a stern lady policewoman with a whip, punishing adult men for watching naked women :)
          2. -1
            7 October 2023 18: 10
            Well, the people prohibiting everything have arrived. You forgot to oblige everyone to go to church every Sunday and sing “God Save the Tsar!” every morning. Very effective measures! Very! :) I would also advise you to get condoms, birth control, and generally divide boys and girls into separate groups. Send all boys to military schools and parochial schools. Leave all girls at home strictly for home schooling. Limit their learning to literacy and arithmetic. Do not need anymore. It is also worth banning the Internet completely. Show on TV only news, ballet and series about cops.
      2. -4
        6 October 2023 07: 00
        Quote: your1970
        At the same time, the country will still be reduced in borders; the situation will be no different from the two redistributions of property in the 20th century

        negative No need to croak. Ravens are counted in autumn.
        1. +11
          6 October 2023 08: 30
          It’s scary how “my people” want to keep the candle factory and continue to ride on the back of the hard worker’s neck and make money. They scare us with executions and collapses. Rebellious, ha ha. It’s not enough for you petty bourgeois, the power of the brothers has put and is putting you in a pose.
          1. +8
            6 October 2023 08: 47
            Quote: Essex62
            They scare us with executions and collapses.

            Well, what else can they do...
          2. +9
            6 October 2023 13: 43
            Quote: Essex62
            It’s scary how “my people” want to keep the candle factory and continue to ride on the back of the neck

            In general, it’s true, but there are nuances. Well, what kind of candle factory? Those who have a candle factory are not on VO websites. They buy real estate in Europe, 99% of the “guardians” are as poor as church rats.
            Here the point is different, one of the countless problems generated by the existing social system is the problem of the emergence of a huge layer of people who are not engaged in any creative work and do not strive to engage in it, but at the same time are at a level slightly higher than the bulk of the population of the Russian Federation, and are afraid of losing their position.
            These are all kinds of “internal security officials” and their pensioners and fire inspectors, minor officials, petty media services of the authorities, etc. Yes, the same bots can earn 30-40 from an easy job glorifying the authorities, why the hell should they change anything. They don’t want to go to factories or universities.
            And they will all try to prolong the existing state of affairs as long as possible. Yes, as Russia is destroyed, the government itself will eliminate the opportunity for parasitism of these people (through various optimizations and reforms), but from their point of view, what can you do about it? Die today you, and tomorrow I will die. This slogan of the authorities penetrated the masses.
            1. 0
              6 October 2023 23: 45
              The parasitic sector of the economy has developed to indecent proportions. Who will bring this layer to life? Everything is rotten..
          3. -3
            6 October 2023 14: 46
            Quote: Essex62
            It’s scary how “my people” want to keep the candle factory and continue to ride on the back of the hard worker’s neck and make money. They scare us with executions and collapses. Rebellious, ha ha. It’s not enough for you petty bourgeois, the power of the brothers has put and is putting you in a pose.

            Quote: Doccor18
            Quote: Essex62
            They scare us with executions and collapses.

            Well, what else can they do...

            And you are stubborn - for you the history of the USSR is not an indicator.
            By 1940, almost all ALL who carried out the Revolution and became the authorities.
            Haven't you heard?
            About the Congress?
            And yes it is NOT scaring with "Kgovavy Steel" is a banal statement of facts
            Those executed tried to grab power with their mouths and asses. - Stalin had to bring them to some kind of order.
            And yes - in case you haven't noticed
            Quote: your1970
            from the government of the early 1990s, only Shoigu remained in power

            history repeated itself twice - regardless of who got the property, whether it was private or public.
            And the fact that the country will fall apart was confirmed twice in the 20th century.
            It makes no sense to think that now everything will be thrown into a heap. It will be the same as in 1917.
            Then - someday - maybe - they will return - but it’s unlikely
      3. 0
        6 October 2023 22: 50
        Oh, wake the world! Again, horror stories about bloody security officers. Primitive.
        1. -1
          9 October 2023 10: 06
          Quote from mixail sherbakov
          Oh, wake the world! Again, horror stories about bloody security officers. Primitive.

          Mmmm....if you don’t understand what is written - both in 1917 and in 1991, 15 -20 years later AUTHORITIES Only a few of those who committed it remained. After 1917 they were stupidly shot, after 1991 they were stupidly pushed into a dark corner.
          In the first case, only 10 people were left who committed the Revolution, in the second there was only one (!!!) Shoigu.
    2. -18
      6 October 2023 07: 24
      The Moscow Times is a pro-Western garbage dump that throws mud at Russia.
      Here are a bunch more articles for the next discussion - about political prisoners, for example. laughingYesterday I was in the city, surprised by the number of pregnant women. Maybe I live in the “wrong” city. Since when is the Soviet economy considered effective if a decrease in oil prices by $5 brought down the state within two, three years and without military action? And against Sanctions on sanctions have been introduced in Russia and somehow we don’t stand in queues for food shortages, for gasoline, for trips abroad. I don’t see people on the streets in whose eyes there is despondency and hopelessness, like in the late 80s and early 90s.
      1. +30
        6 October 2023 07: 29
        I'm not that surprised. Just yesterday. I'm coming. Five women are standing, all with strollers. everyone is cheerful. It’s immediately obvious that they are the mistresses of the country.
        True, all five of them are wearing hijabs and not a word of Russian.
        1. -22
          6 October 2023 08: 28
          Moscow has always attracted those interested, previously there was a “limit” - the so-called. So be patient. From my example - all Russians, most likely northerners and a couple of Armenian girls. Yes, there are some in hijabs, but this is mainly the North Caucasus. There are complaints about the North Caucasus - or are they not Russians?
          1. +17
            6 October 2023 09: 55
            How do you distinguish the northern Caucasus from the southern one?
            I am from the southwest of the Kirov region. I bet you will consider the Chuvash, Mari, and Udmurts to be Russians.
            As for “Russians,” I understand that this word is associated with Yeltsin.
            1. -19
              6 October 2023 10: 10
              The South Caucasus does not wear hijabs; there are not many Muslims in the South Caucasus. These are mainly Chechens and Dagestanis - visitors.. Quite adequate people.
              1. +6
                6 October 2023 14: 25
                Quote: tralflot1832
                Chechens and Dagestanis are newcomers.. Quite adequate people.

                One thing at a time - I completely agree. But as soon as they gather in a group, adequacy and reason leave the chat. I don't understand how it works, but it's a fact.
              2. 0
                6 October 2023 21: 27
                The largest republic in the South Caucasus is Muslim Azerbaijan, which has a population larger than Christian Georgia and Armenia combined.
          2. +14
            6 October 2023 11: 34
            Quote: tralflot1832
            Yes, there are some in hijabs, but this is mainly the North Caucasus. There are complaints about the North Caucasus - or are they not Russians?

            Why do we need hijabs in Russia? Even in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, where 90+% of Muslims are prohibited from wearing hijabs. Why would Russia (okay, excluding some historically Muslim regions), where 80% are Christians and atheists, wear hijabs?
          3. +4
            6 October 2023 14: 39
            By the way, why does Sochi attract immigrants from Armenia? Family ties. By the way, an ethnic criminal group killed a fighter from Donbass in a Tuapse village. Or bandits who killed animators... Or is this something else? Are they here, locals?
      2. +8
        6 October 2023 11: 30
        Quote: tralflot1832
        Yesterday I was in the city and was surprised by the number of pregnant women.

        Isn't it like the one in the photo in the background?
    3. -12
      6 October 2023 09: 44
      Quote: Belisarius
      it is useful to discuss two issues... provided that... given that
      Who is it useful for, alarmists? Is it the CIA conducting a survey on such “conditions”, or with whom did you agree, under the guise of asking questions, to instill in the public fear of the current government and our future? Worry about your future.
      1. +10
        6 October 2023 13: 50
        Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
        Is it the CIA conducting a survey on such “conditions”, or with whom did you agree, under the guise of asking questions, to instill in the public fear of the current government and our future?

        Take it higher. What CIA? Mossad! They want, you know, to undermine trust in the holy Russian patriots, the unmercenary Putin-Abramovich-Rottenberg.
        But Stanislav Shishkin is on guard! The enemy will not pass!! The power of Chubaiso-Grefo-Nabibulins is not in danger!!!
    4. 0
      6 October 2023 22: 45
      What is there to discuss? The classics already showed in 1917 what and how to do. It is necessary to rework their experience taking into account the requirements of the present time. Can someone now say “There is such a party!”? They cannot. Then there is nothing to talk about yet .
    5. +1
      7 October 2023 17: 20
      Tajik-Uzbeks will improve their demographics. Everything goes according to plan.
  2. +13
    6 October 2023 05: 03
    in the global division of labor, the capitalist Russian Federation took the place of a pipe, a raw material appendage
    Yeah! "Energy superpower"... Something didn't work out! crying
    1. -8
      6 October 2023 06: 48
      Everything worked out. It took 40-50 years to reach the goal.
      The collective Deripaska Prokhorov is to blame for everything.
      The student hostel moved to Moscow City and to 100m yachts.
      One of the criteria for extinction is birth rate and attitude towards the mother.
      Ban striptease and belly dancing promoting a “free lifestyle.”
      Mass culture all over the world has won.
      We can't stand it against the whole world.
      And so in 20-30 years you can raise a generation of heroine mothers with 5-7 children each. Not before 2050, who will set an example at the top? You have to spend 30 years doing this kind of show-off to get results.
      Life “collective falkovkirienko” should go differently now. Did they change?
      1. 0
        7 October 2023 18: 15
        It’s good to have 5 children, when you have no problems with housing at all, high incomes and the ability to throw off a lot of housework on the servants. So the Kiriyenka millionaires are not an indicator or a standard at all.
  3. +18
    6 October 2023 05: 05
    But the deep people understand that the trend is clearly bad, and the enemy’s attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation are occurring deeper and deeper

    I am worried about the raging migrants and foreign specialists from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan... this trend has already reached my city.
    The criminal reports are very gloomy... endless attacks, murders, beatings, robberies, rapes... Bastrykin, in fire mode, is trying to extinguish the systemic disease of our state... Sisisophus' work... it is useless to scoop water from a leaky trough with a sieve... our guarantor I have to show my power here... unfortunately I don’t see any progress in this matter.
    1. +17
      6 October 2023 06: 46
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      I don't see any progress in this matter.

      How can you not see this? Since they are
      In the first quarter of 2023, 1,3 million foreigners entered Russia for the purpose of work, according to FSB statistics, which were published in the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS, the platform is supervised by Rosstat). This is 1,6 times more than in the same period last year - then 841 citizens of other states came to work in the country.
    2. +18
      6 October 2023 06: 47
      And he shows. He said that we need to import more migrants.
      Don’t forget, he still believes that Russia is not for Russians.
    3. +14
      6 October 2023 07: 04
      I am worried about the raging migrants and foreign specialists from Tajikistan...

      Do you think an effective manager cares who pumps oil and gas - Tajik or Russian???
      The main thing is efficiency, there is less fuss with migrants, less wages and fewer requirements. Well, for intellectual work it’s easier and cheaper to buy imported equipment and/or invite a Western company - the same Hali-Barton...
    4. +12
      6 October 2023 11: 42
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      our guarantor must show his power here... unfortunately, I don’t see any progress in this matter.

      So the guarantor had little time. Give it a deadline. Another one. Next year we'll vote for him, and then...
      But seriously, Putin recently said that “It is necessary that people who come to us be ready to live on the territory of the Russian Federation, speak Russian, understand the significance of our traditions, the culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation, in order to integrate into our space". In general, as usual: it is necessary, it is necessary, it should be. That is, you can’t expect any fundamental changes in this direction.
  4. +23
    6 October 2023 05: 15
    But, as our President said: “We have never lived as well as we do now” (c) I believe the words of the President about the fact that we will go to heaven. Paradise is getting closer and closer every year and a new breakthrough. laughing laughing
    1. +12
      6 October 2023 05: 49
      Quote: parusnik
      Paradise is getting closer and closer with every year and new breakthrough.

      Don't rub salt on the still hurts.
      It’s bad when those at the top live in their own little world and don’t want to see what’s happening below.
      Contradictions in society are slowly accumulating. request
      1. +17
        6 October 2023 06: 13
        Don't rub salt on the still hurts
        This is not salt, tea, hot, on your back...
        It’s bad when those at the top live in their own little world and don’t want to see what’s happening below.
        Yes, yes, bad, very bad, smile And if they saw it, they would cry bitter tears laughing Maybe we’ll write a “petition” with Orthodox banners and chants of prayers, go to the State Duma and hand over a “certificate” to the speaker (probably because the speaker walks with a “pike”) Volodin, about the people’s misfortunes? They will read it, shed a tear. And change will come. . laughing
        1. 0
          6 October 2023 06: 37
          You are evil smile.
          Don’t mention the name Volodin in vain... I don’t want the enraged history to bestow us all with its repetition of 1917... we’ll all go under attack... both the right and the guilty.
          It will happen again... beat the whites until they turn red... beat the reds until they turn white.
          It is very difficult to remain neutral between them.
          1. +1
            6 October 2023 06: 40
            You are evil smile
            .Listen, why are you crying into my vest like a butt in a cassock? I don’t give absolution.
            1. -4
              6 October 2023 06: 57
              Quote: parusnik
              You are evil smile
              .Listen, why are you crying into my vest like a butt in a cassock? I don’t give absolution.

              I'm not crying to you... laughing but I’m torturing myself with stupidity...I just want to get more interesting thoughts from you.
              I like to pretend to be old, sick, frail, cowardly, stupid, goofy... people easily fall for this bait. what
              They express their innermost thoughts to my’s nice to communicate with smart people.
              1. 0
                6 October 2023 17: 38
                and I'm tormented by stupidity.
                You and her can get along without me. And there’s no need to give compliments, I’m not a girl of marriageable age.
      2. +13
        6 October 2023 06: 30
        In general, Prigozhin’s “rebellion” was a wake-up call for our leaders. However, for them, they are on a different planet and are already old. But the moloch that they gave birth to will devour us and their subsequent play in the near future. I mean migrants
    2. +21
      6 October 2023 06: 07
      Yesterday Vova put a padded jacket in his ear - his salary increased by 13% while the last pintos were without salt ..
      The Tuvan also boasted - he put 300 thousand men under his gun in half a year - what kind of women are what kind of children???
      on RBC news again today - the five largest companies in the Russian Federation for the year - 1-Gazprom 2-Rosneft 3-Yamal LNG 4-Lukoil .... neither AvtoVAZ nor Yandex is on the list ...
      hmm I remember Thatcher more and more often - 20 million is enough to service a pipe
      1. +2
        6 October 2023 06: 33
        Another grandmother spoke about pipe maintenance. - Albright. And so, you are right
        1. +4
          6 October 2023 10: 18
          Another grandmother spoke about pipe maintenance. -Albright.

          they all talk about it. First Thatcher, then Albright, then Condoleezza, these days Duda said it: “There should be no more than 50 million Russians.”
    3. +20
      6 October 2023 06: 49
      Quote: parusnik
      "We have never lived as well as we do now"

      And you believe them. There is no doubt that they have never lived so well...
      1. +18
        6 October 2023 06: 57
        Quote: Doccor18
        And you believe them. There is no doubt that they have never lived so well...

        Yeah. Judging by the memoirs of the guarantor's ex-wife, he was dissatisfied with the food. Now professional chefs have been preparing cottage cheese for him for a quarter of a century. And dissatisfied cooks fly with grenades. And not at all with those that grow in the south.
        1. -13
          6 October 2023 08: 46
          Quote: mordvin xnumx
          Quote: Doccor18
          And you believe them. There is no doubt that they have never lived so well...

          Yeah. Judging by the memoirs of the guarantor's ex-wife, he was dissatisfied with the food. Now professional chefs have been preparing cottage cheese for him for a quarter of a century. And dissatisfied cooks fly with grenades. And not at all with those that grow in the south.

          Take a break from “Wagner” for a second and remember who he really was.
          He was a billionaire with a criminal record.
          The march to Moscow like “for justice” (in fact, Shoigu’s arrow was hammered) was stopped in an elementary way - they simply opened a case and showed billions. As part of the case, accounts are frozen and documents are confiscated feel
          And then everyone forgets about BUSINESS.
          Feeding the army, schools and kindergartens is a huge piece of dough - there are a lot of people who want to grab it.
          Maybe the competitors just saw the disgrace - joyfully fuss.
          This version cannot be excluded.
          How many businessmen shot in the 90s...
          1. +15
            6 October 2023 09: 08
            Quote: your1970
            in fact, Shoigu’s downed arrow was stopped simply - they simply opened a case and showed the billions. As part of the case, accounts are frozen and documents are confiscated

            In fact, the entire president of the neighboring state acted as a mediator in negotiations between Putin and Prigozhin.
            Quote: your1970
            The competitors could have just seen the disgrace and started fussing happily.
            This version cannot be excluded.

            And our Investigative Committee is so smart that not only did it not allow the country of the aircraft manufacturer to investigate the causes of the crash, but it did not even conduct banal analyzes of the condition of the victims at the time of death. Despite the fact that two Heroes of the Russian Federation died there. Or did your competitors get in the way?
            1. +7
              6 October 2023 10: 20
              Not only did it not allow the country of the aircraft manufacturer to investigate the causes of the crash, but even banal analyzes of the condition of the victims at the time of death were not carried out.

              And for some reason, a layer of earth was removed from the disaster site and taken away. Why and who needs this?
            2. -6
              6 October 2023 15: 01
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              In fact, the entire president of the neighboring state acted as a mediator in negotiations between Putin and Prigozhin.

              But he had a dead end - he needed others guarantees that the loot will not be taken away. Lukashenko is optimal in such situations. The question was too serious - one had to turn around the rebels, the other should not lose billions
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              Our Investigative Committee is so smart that not only did it not allow the country of the aircraft manufacturer to investigate the causes of the crash,

              "The manufacturer of Prigozhin's crashed plane stopped servicing it... |
     › Society
              Brazil's Embraer, the manufacturer of Yevgeny Prigozhin's crashed business jet, said it stopped servicing the plane in 2019 due to sanctions. The US Treasury imposed restrictions on the ship, accusing Prigozhin of trying to influence the 2018 elections. "
              The point of admitting Brazilians is if they stopped service back in 2019 year?
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              banal analyzes of the victims’ condition at the time of death were not carried out.

              Did the UK say this? Or OBS?

              Quote: glory1974
              For some reason, a layer of earth from the disaster site was removed and taken away. Why and who needs this?
              what is the goal? For concealment traces - the action is absolutely meaningless
              1. +5
                6 October 2023 16: 00
                What's the point of allowing Brazilians in - if they stopped service back in 2019?

                Besides the fact that this is a generally accepted practice, since in a competitive environment no company wants to be allowed the possibility of unreliability of its products. Regardless of whether she serviced it or not, how is it necessary to obtain a conclusion about the incident as a result of improper service?
                Well, maybe ICAO regulations? Offhand, the first, but not the only
                Quote: Annex 13 of the ICAO Chicago Convention
                In relation to the technical investigation of aircraft accidents, it is essential for the overall improvement of safety in air navigation that the Contracting State in whose territory an accident involving an aircraft not manufactured in that State occurs, as far as practicable, notifies the State of Manufacturer as soon as possible. , any relevant information that results from this investigation that may reflect questions about the airworthiness of the aircraft type or its equipment or that may be used to improve safety

                and here a) Russia did not notify Brazil b) ignored CENIRA’s request when the Brazilians themselves asked to be allowed into the investigation.
                I see that the quote is about providing information for an investigation, not about a joint investigation. But I’m not an expert, and I don’t want to waste time searching. Experts say that a joint investigation is also stipulated by the rules.
                what is the goal? To hide traces is an absolutely meaningless action

                Well, why is it pointless? If you remove the top layer of soil, you can avoid detection, for example, of damaging elements stuck in the airframe and falling out when it hits the ground. Or structural debris with traces of chemicals on them. Or, don’t miss it by sifting the soil in the laboratory. Sometimes it is better to be “overcautious” than to be “underdressed”.
                1. -3
                  6 October 2023 20: 18
                  Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                  damaging elements stuck in the airframe and falling out upon impact with the ground.

                  Small metal fragments at the crash site over several square kilometers? the probability of finding them is close to zero
                  Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                  I see that the quote is about providing information for an investigation, not about a joint investigation.
                  The information may not be available in full yet.

                  However, I don’t insist.

                  For yourself I decided on the versions:
                  - competitors
                  -Power steering
                  - conditional "CIA"
                  - last but not least, the state (the damage to reputation is too great).
              2. +2
                6 October 2023 16: 47
                Quote: your1970
                Quote: Mordvin 3
                banal analyzes of the victims’ condition at the time of death were not carried out.

                Did the UK say this? Or OBS?

                This was stated by our entire guarantor of the constitution.
                “The head of the Investigative Committee reported just the other day: fragments of hand grenades were found in the bodies of those killed in the plane crash. There was no external influence on the plane. This is already an established fact,” the head of state said.

                He added that the remains were not tested for drugs and alcohol, although they should have been.
                1. 0
                  6 October 2023 20: 26
                  Quote: mordvin xnumx
                  Quote: your1970
                  Quote: Mordvin 3
                  banal analyzes of the victims’ condition at the time of death were not carried out.

                  Did the UK say this? Or OBS?

                  This was stated by our entire guarantor of the constitution.
                  “The head of the Investigative Committee reported just the other day: fragments of hand grenades were found in the bodies of those killed in the plane crash. There was no external influence on the plane. This is already an established fact,” the head of state said.

                  He added that the remains were not tested for drugs and alcohol, although they should have been.

                  I agree - I was wrong
    4. +7
      6 October 2023 07: 05
      Quote: parusnik
      But, as our President said: “We have never lived as well as we do now” (c) I believe the words of the President about the fact that we will go to heaven. Paradise is getting closer and closer every year and a new breakthrough. laughing laughing

      I mean, no matter where we go, everything will seem like paradise??? laughing laughing laughing
    5. +14
      6 October 2023 07: 41
      Quote: parusnik
      "We have never lived as well as we do now"

      After all the attempts to “raise the standard of living and well-being of Russian citizens,” which ultimately ended in a fall in the ruble exchange rate and rising prices, one gets the feeling that a more appropriate phrase would be: “We didn’t live richly, and don’t... start.”
  5. +5
    6 October 2023 05: 29
    I completely disagree with the reasons that the author named here in the article that they are the cause of the demographic catastrophe in Russia. Let the author, from the general table of birth statistics data, separately highlight how many Russians are giving birth now and how many Armenians, Uzbeks, Tajiks and other Turkmen who came to Russia and received Russian citizenship, then it will become obvious that in their families, as well as in the families of Chechens, they are happy live in Russia several children are born. And vice versa, among Russians living both in Russia and in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Armenia themselves, the birth rate is completely low. It is obvious that something happened to the Russian nation morally when Gorbachev and Yeltsin threw back the borders of their homeland 400 years ago, leaving behind these borders another 20 million Russians, but recognizing this tragedy as a major catastrophe, the current sovereign indicated that those who want to revive their After that catastrophe, they are not on friendly terms with their homeland. They say let the Russians live on the ruins of their homeland after the disaster. Well, since the birth rate in Russian families will now be high, if they have to live in the ruins after that terrible catastrophe, and the consequences of the catastrophe cannot be corrected!
    1. +1
      6 October 2023 10: 23
      I have many classmates who moved to Russia from 2005 to 2015. from Central Asia under the resettlement program. Russians, Tatars, Armenians. Now Uzbeks have also reached out. So it cannot be said that nothing is being done.
      1. +5
        6 October 2023 11: 33
        Quote: glory1974
        Russians, Tatars, Armenians. Now Uzbeks have also reached out

        Armenians and Uzbeks have their own countries. Let them turn over there.
        1. 0
          9 October 2023 11: 02
          I agree 100%. But the state program to attract labor migrants requires that at least 300 people enter the country per year.
  6. +22
    6 October 2023 05: 45
    Yes, and what kind of mother
    Will agree to give
    Your dear child -
    Bear cub, wolf cub,
    baby elephant -
    To an insatiable scarecrow
    Poor baby

    The mentality of a criminal prevails over the mentality of a decent person.
    The trash unites faster and easier, because it does not create the fruits of its own labor, but uses those of others.
    The lack of guarantees of a safe and decent life is expressed by iron doors, surveillance cameras, alarms and other crap, and children are very rarely born in prison.
    Virtual intimate life and versions of fairy tales about Cinderella do not contribute to the awakening of feelings and do not reciprocate.
    With such a deceitful state of the bourgeoisie, we will soon die out...
    1. -7
      6 October 2023 06: 51
      Quote: ROSS 42

      With such a deceitful state of the bourgeoisie, we will soon die out...

      What comes first? State or society in which the state appears?

      This means that not “with such a state we ....”, but “with such a state, such a state appeared.”.

      It was with such people..... And even at night in the Belovezhsky forest..... As a result of the “talking paper” signed by the three leaders of “three united peoples”.... These are the ones who nominated them and are suffering laughing
      1. +10
        6 October 2023 08: 09
        Quote: ivan2022
        This means that not “with such a state we ....”, but “with such a state, such a state appeared.”.

        I’m talking about the fact that today’s state will not leave as a result of elections (Platoshkin and Grudinin are witnesses to this), and people have no future in a bourgeois state...
        The ring has closed...
        1. +9
          6 October 2023 08: 28
          and people have no future in a bourgeois state...
          The bourgeois world has no future, to be precise, the classics of Marxism talked about this, but they didn’t believe them, then they laughed..
        2. -5
          6 October 2023 10: 08
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Platoshkin and Grudinin are witnesses to this
          Yes... The iconostasis of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, frankly speaking, is not impressive. Shevardnadze and Kozyrev’s henchman and the rural oligarch are called as witnesses. laughing
          1. +2
            6 October 2023 11: 34
            Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
            The iconostasis of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, frankly speaking, is not impressive.

            What can you say about Ivashov?
            1. -2
              6 October 2023 16: 44
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              What can you say about Ivashov?
              Loses to Putin. In 20, he wrote that Putin was trying to gain independence, but so far it was not working. Has he still not changed his mind today? Today even Comrade Kim Jong-un doesn’t look more independent than Putin, they scare children in the West belay
              1. +3
                6 October 2023 18: 11
                Poor king, he won’t gain all his independence in 23 years. But we rise from our knees, the imperial ball, military rails, this is the aftertaste...
                And there is no need to say that no one ever - everyone and always!
              2. +2
                6 October 2023 18: 31
                Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
                In 20, he wrote that Putin was trying to gain independence, but so far it was not working. Has he still not changed his mind today?

                I am writing about how Ivashov was given a ride by the Central Election Commission when he tried to run for president. You're a lousy counterpropagandist, Shishkin-Palkin.
                1. +1
                  7 October 2023 09: 29
                  Quote: Mordvin 3
                  What can you say about Ivashov? ... I’m writing about how Ivashov was given a ride by the Central Election Commission when he tried to run for president. You're a lousy counterpropagandist, Shishkin-Palkin
                  You asked what I would say, I answered. I don’t do mind reading, I don’t have enough time for counter-propaganda either, I have to do more carpentry. About the intrigues of the Central Election Commission: did Ivashov’s popularity threaten anyone to weave intrigues against him? You're a lousy propagandist, Mordvin.
      2. 0
        7 October 2023 00: 31
        There is no need to shift personal responsibility onto the whole society. It is very convenient - the people are to blame, and the leaders are not the aisles.
  7. -1
    6 October 2023 07: 18
    How's the Soviet oath?
    ".. I swear.. to be loyal to the Soviet Motherland..... By order..."

    This is THIS. A Russian person can be faithful and devoted if the Master came and gave an order... But no... how about without an order?

    What if the boss orders this very Soviet Motherland to be sent to hell, and you will be like a fool with your loyalty? No... our people are smart, talented, they foresee everything...

    And then what?
    ".... If I break my oath, then may I be subjected to..... hatred and contempt of the working people..."

    That's right! They broke the oath and everyone hates each other and even kills en masse.... and they don’t give birth to children... The oath has come true!
    1. +5
      6 October 2023 08: 26
      They broke the oath and everyone hates each other and even kills en masse.... and they don’t give birth to children... The oath has come true!
      This has always been the case; in case of perjury, punishment is inevitable.
    2. 0
      6 October 2023 09: 57
      Considering that slightly less than the entire population of the USSR/bloc celebrated Judas then (by action or inaction), this turns out to be inconvenient.
      But without recognizing the crap, it’s difficult to wash yourself off and move on.
  8. +1
    6 October 2023 07: 28
    Quote: ivan2022
    A Russian person can be faithful and devoted if the Master came and gave an order... But no... how about without an order?

    What say something like that about the Germans and Americans...again your fantasies about the Russians are starting to multiply.
  9. +3
    6 October 2023 07: 53
    Moreover, both dignitaries and government servants are talking nonsense
    30 years already...
  10. -1
    6 October 2023 08: 03
    The Russian authorities included this forecast in the draft budget of the Social Fund (formerly the Pension Fund), which also pays benefits for children. This was reported by the Russian online publication The Moscow Times.

    The Moscow Times is a Dutch online publication in English and Russian.
    Since March 23, 2020, the online edition has also been published in Russian. Some articles are published together with the English version, some are published specifically for Russian-speaking readers.
    On April 15, 2022, Roskomnadzor blocked the website of The Moscow Times
    Something like this ...
  11. +1
    6 October 2023 08: 09
    In the Russian Federation, abortion clinics are funded by the state.
    And in some US states there are bans on abortion clinics.
  12. -18
    6 October 2023 08: 12
    wow, a new article from Ukrainian propagandists.
  13. +2
    6 October 2023 08: 12
    There are 120 million Japanese living on the island of Japan.
    And in vast Russia there are 140 million Russians.
    1. +4
      6 October 2023 08: 24
      There are 120 million Japanese living on the island of Japan.
      Most likely on the Japanese islands. No one has lived on the island yet; as it turned out not long ago, they live in Ukraine.
    2. +1
      6 October 2023 16: 28
      And at the same time, Japan does not have the highest population density.

      For example, in Bangladesh (171 million) the population density is more than 3 times higher than Japan!
      1. 0
        7 October 2023 12: 26
        India, South Korea, and the Netherlands also have a higher population density than Japan.
    3. +1
      6 October 2023 21: 43
      40 million people live in the vast Canada, the second largest country in the world after Russia. And what?
  14. +3
    6 October 2023 08: 22
    The reason for this process is largely the adopted laws that infringe on the rights of men; under the current laws, you have to be a desperate guy, or narrow-minded, to get married. The laws draw one line: earn money, buy an apartment, get married, have children, work alone for three years and feed, after the expiration of the term, divorce, division of property in favor of the wife and child, alimony. As a result, without an apartment, with half a salary, which will not allow you to marry a second time, and the child will be taken away and turned against the father. In total, two adults gave birth to only one child. Until a man wants to have more than two children in a family, the demographic crisis cannot be solved.
    1. +2
      6 October 2023 14: 41
      Yes, there is something in this. Like in that meme.
      The man reasons:
      So I got married, we live, we gave birth to a child, we live. And then suddenly I cheated on my wife, divorce, she takes away half of my apartment, car, part of my income, complicates communication with my child, etc.
      Or suddenly my wife cheats on me, divorce, she takes away half of my apartment, car, part of my income, complicates communication with my child, etc.
      Well, why the hell should I get married?
  15. +15
    6 October 2023 08: 37
    By removing Russians, Russia is being destroyed as a state that forms a nation, and this is done not by NATO, not by TsIPSO, but by their own Russian officials and bourgeoisie. They think that migrants will replace us, no, they haven’t done anything at home and they won’t only need benefits and easy income from us. Remember in the early 90s, Chubais said that the goal of privatization was the destruction of factories, and with it the working class, and now I would add Russians as the basis of the working class.
    1. +14
      6 October 2023 09: 05
      Quote: Alex66
      They think that migrants will replace us, no..

      Why not? They'll replace it. Already being replaced. There are some areas where the Russians have almost been forced out. This will happen completely in 2-3 generations, but “our effective ones” don’t make plans for such a long term, now it would be nice to hand over junk and soft chairs to the kids without incident, and that would be nice...
      1. +8
        6 October 2023 10: 26
        This will happen completely in 2-3 generations, but “our effective ones” do not make plans for such a long term,

        This is the problem of our government. Temporary workers, there is no planning for the near future. In China they plan for 50-100 years, in the West there are comparable periods. We have programs for a maximum of 5-10 years.
      2. +7
        6 October 2023 13: 11
        Our bureaucrats will not succeed. Their children's junk and easy chairs will be taken away. And those same migrant children will be taken away. But our bureaucrats are so stupid that it will never reach them.
  16. +4
    6 October 2023 08: 52
    The article is correct, the current government, in my opinion, is pushing the indigenous population of Russia into armed rebellion by all means... and it seems the people will soon choose a terrible end rather than endless horror...
    1. -5
      6 October 2023 17: 19
      Quote: Yaroslavsky
      In my opinion, the authorities are pushing the indigenous population of Russia into armed rebellion by all means
      This is not power, but you are pushing, but what the hell will you achieve?
      1. -2
        9 October 2023 09: 54
        the government is good and fluffy, and nasty quarrelsome people yes) everything is clear with you)
  17. +4
    6 October 2023 08: 56
    It was impossible for Putin to so stupidly allow himself to be provoked into war in such a demographic situation! He was first deceived in 2014, not allowing him to quickly and bloodlessly solve all the problems. And then, having created a massive defense system in the Donbass, they began to push for war - they convinced of the weakness of Ukraine, that an uprising would arise there, that Putin himself was great and terrible, and everyone was terribly afraid of him and therefore would not get involved. And once again in Russian history there was no “small victorious war”. Fighting against virtually all of Europe and the United States drains all forces from Russia and, worst of all, leads to the death of young healthy men who are replaced by migrants.
    1. +18
      6 October 2023 09: 19
      He was first deceived in 2014, not allowing him to quickly and bloodlessly solve all the problems.
      Our President is so naive and trusting, he can be easily deceived. smile
    2. +5
      6 October 2023 16: 15
      Putin himself is great and terrible, and everyone is terribly afraid of him and therefore will not mess with him

      There is no need to convince him of this after 22 years of almost unlimited power; he himself believed in it a long time ago.

      And most importantly, he already believed in his infallibility, that he simply could not make mistakes and lose,
  18. +2
    6 October 2023 09: 49
    Quote: your1970
    Quote from tsvetahaki
    Quote: your1970
    First, you will have to shoot 50-60 percent of those who make a change of power - they will turn out to be "Japanese, Polish and Romanian spies....".

    Translated from Russian into Russian - the real problem of Russia, the root cause is the Russians???

    Do you think the CIA was to blame when it said “You’re not a guest at work - if you take away at least a nail”??? The root cause is always in yourself

    The second redistribution of property in the 2th century clearly showed the path of movement - in both the first and second, those who started were subsequently pushed away from power.
    Unfortunately, in the second case there were no executions - but from the government of the early 1990s, only Shoigu remained in power belay feel
    Quote: Mavrikiy
    Quote: your1970
    At the same time, the country will still be reduced in borders; the situation will be no different from the two redistributions of property in the 20th century

    negative No need to croak. Ravens are counted in autumn.

    Is 2 times in the 20th century not enough for you to understand the trend?
    Don’t you understand that if a redistribution of power happened, it means that the previous government has rotted to the point of being unable to fight for itself?
    To the point of impossibility of simply executing all the disobedient ones and giving a carrot in return to everyone else?
    And if it has rotted so much that it does not protect itself, how can we keep the outskirts and not only the bais? You can only hold on with a carrot and a stick, but if the stick rots, the carrots end automatically..
    Therefore, if it comes to the redistribution of property and power, the Far East will fall away automatically. There will be nothing to hold it back...

    What are the army and navy for?
    1. +5
      6 October 2023 10: 01
      For parades!!!
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. +1
    6 October 2023 10: 11
    What fascinates me about this author is that he can create a vinaigrette of cosmic proportions in his articles. So go figure out what the article is for and against, as they say, we can’t figure it out without a bottle))) It’s clear that it seems like everything bad is against everything good)
    Author, please give me an answer where, besides the most advanced environmentally friendly society of non-consumption, they produced leaded gasoline until 1991 and did not know how to anesthetize a tooth during treatment? And what kind of Soviet Supreme Council was it in 1993? The USSR seemed to cease to exist in 1991?
    In my opinion, such articles that idealize the glorious Soviet past are no less harmful than stories about what only galoshes could do, because a large percentage of falsehood and distortion of facts in such articles nullifies what was written as a whole.
    It is possible, of course, that the author lived in an alternative world where the USSR was generally a paradise on Earth.
    1. +1
      6 October 2023 11: 57
      Quote from Tim666
      And what kind of Soviet Supreme Council was it in 1993? The USSR seemed to cease to exist in 1991?

      Is it legal to stop?
      1. 0
        6 October 2023 13: 32
  21. -1
    6 October 2023 10: 53
    In this world, either the arrogant or the stupid win. The arrogant ones are those who are engaged in aggressive politics, technological espionage, etc. The stupid ones are those who breed like rabbits, but their countries are at a low level of development. request
  22. +2
    6 October 2023 11: 08
    It is possible, of course, that the author lived in an alternative world where the USSR was generally a paradise on Earth.

    A common mistake among lovers of the Russian Empire arr. 1914, and among the witnesses of the USSR - an idealization of that time and that life. A reasonable person understands that the financing of revolutionaries from the German General Staff and the betrayal of General Secretary Gorbachev alone cannot destroy a huge and powerful empire. So it’s something else... You start to figure it out and slowly come to your senses. You cannot build heaven on earth, and we are not saints. But we can and should do something small, and we can start small - stop swearing, throw cigarette butts only in the trash (or better yet, stop smoking altogether), talk or read with children, go to the cemetery to visit relatives who are no longer with you. us.
    And returning to the topic - yes, Russians are dying out and they themselves are to blame for this, but at least during the discussion there is no need to justify abortions and fornication, let’s at least at the level of sofa conversations accept that this is wrong.
  23. +9
    6 October 2023 11: 12
    Unfortunately, nothing can be done. Russia is dying out.

    One more touch. In additional education, fewer and fewer children go to clubs, because... there are fewer and fewer Russian children. And there are more and more migrants. And they don’t really need it.
    technical ones, such as aircraft modeling clubs, are long gone. There are only artistic ones left for the little ones.
    And the state is increasingly pressing for “self-sustaining groups.” That is, Russian grandmothers and grandchildren will no longer be able to walk. , pay 500-1000 rubles per month.. As a result, the old teachers will retire, and hello...
    Young people don’t need hassle for pennies... everything will be closed
  24. +9
    6 October 2023 11: 39
    Hmm, Samsonov has questions about reality, it must be.... fellow

    On TV, of course, they say that everything is according to plan, we are breaking, Bandera’s supporters and other NATO trash are bending. But the deep people understand that the trend is clearly bad, and the enemy’s attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation are occurring more and more deeply. NATO is transferring increasingly powerful and long-range weapons to the Ukrainian regime. Moreover, both dignitaries and government servants are talking nonsense about nuclear strikes and explosions over Siberia. Accordingly, some families postpone the birth of children for the future, or refuse to have the next child.
    Some families take their children and leave, two weeks ago I saw off another family, now to Amsterdam... at least they had time to leave recourse "wash"....

    Nothing, comrades, we must be patient! fellow

    The rower on the galley and the horses at the crossing are not changed!
    Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, he will figure everything out and do everything as it should, only he will be re-elected before 2030 good year.
    Or immediately until 2036 good what a waste of money: "Dmitry Peskov unexpectedly announced that Vladimir Putin will win the 2024 presidential election. According to the president's press secretary, he will receive more than 90% of the vote. His commentary was published by The New York Times in an article entitled “Endless ///// Putin.” “Our presidential elections are not real democracy, but expensive bureaucracy. Putin will be re-elected next year with more than 90% of the vote.""But Peskov".... accused the NYT journalist of distorting his words. The press secretary clarified that he meant the level of consolidation around the president and spoke about a possible victory with a large advantage if elections happened right now."
    Yes, something less than 90% wassat will?!

    Be patient, comrades, be patient.
    It will be easier soon.
    Let's vote together as we should in March 2024, as in September 2023!!! Yes
    1. +3
      6 October 2023 12: 31
      Yes, something less than 90%
      Why not? Of those 15-20% who will come to the polls laughing But the SR Mironovskaya party proposed Putin as its presidential candidate... As you can see, the circle of candidates is narrowing laughing
      1. +3
        6 October 2023 21: 17
        Hm. and the “eternally second” Zyuganov (grandfather) or Zyuganov (grandson), will they stand idle at such a moment?!
        The LDPR will also nominate some driver.
        And K. Sobchak will not let you down!
        1. The comment was deleted.
  25. +1
    6 October 2023 13: 01
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    Quote from Tim666
    And what kind of Soviet Supreme Council was it in 1993? The USSR seemed to cease to exist in 1991?

    Is it legal to stop?

    Here, however, one can philosophize - did the USSR arise legally? And if we take only your statement, then it turns out that all power in the Russian Federation is illegal? And the Russian Federation itself is illegal? Is SVO legal then? And if we dig deeper, was the Republic of Ingushetia itself legal? And in what year did this legality begin? Catherine the First, aka Martha Skavronskaya, legally took power? Pavel was legally killed, Anna Ivanovna’s condition was legally torn?
    And if we dig even deeper, did the Jews legally leave Egypt? The Roman Empire expanded legitimately and then ceased to exist. You see, the law is not just letters written on paper or carved on a rock, it is also those who are ready to observe and protect it. Did you personally or your parents go to the barricades for the USSR or for the Supreme Council? Millions would go with them and there would be different laws now.
    1. +3
      6 October 2023 13: 40
      Quote from Tim666
      Did you personally or your parents go to the barricades for the USSR or for the Supreme Council?

      My dad went to rallies for the communists in the 90s. Foolishly, I don't. The salary was about a million, everything was fine, inserting, for example, a metal-ceramic tooth in the mid-90s - 260 thousand, I thought it was expensive, I’ll install it later. I did, yeah. At my last job, I had to work hard for a month and a half to get this tooth.
  26. -3
    6 October 2023 13: 39
    Quote: Vladimir80
    It is possible, of course, that the author lived in an alternative world where the USSR was generally a paradise on Earth.

    A common mistake among lovers of the Russian Empire arr. 1914, and among the witnesses of the USSR - an idealization of that time and that life. A reasonable person understands that the financing of revolutionaries from the German General Staff and the betrayal of General Secretary Gorbachev alone cannot destroy a huge and powerful empire. So it’s something else... You start to figure it out and slowly come to your senses. You cannot build heaven on earth, and we are not saints. But we can and should do something small, and we can start small - stop swearing, throw cigarette butts only in the trash (or better yet, stop smoking altogether), talk or read with children, go to the cemetery to visit relatives who are no longer with you. us.
    And returning to the topic - yes, Russians are dying out and they themselves are to blame for this, but at least during the discussion there is no need to justify abortions and fornication, let’s at least at the level of sofa conversations accept that this is wrong.

    I don’t agree to accept it even at the level of couch conversations. Abortion is generally a complex topic, on the one hand it’s bad, on the other hand, why give birth to children who are not needed. I’m calm about the vacuum, well, it’s like an abortion but minimally invasive for up to a month, it seems. And there is nothing worse than giving birth to obviously disabled people, genetically defective people, etc., and, condemning me to obvious torment, no priest will convince me otherwise.
    And the so-called fornication, aka sex, has always been there, my senior colleagues told me a lot of things, about community life and about trips to the potato fields and about BAM, virgin lands and other Komsomol construction sites, submariner towns, towns like Ivanovo. So, the differences from the 90s and 2000s in the 70s and 80s, if there were any, were microscopic. And I’ve seen more than enough about relationships in teams where everyone seems to be family-oriented and decent. Personally, my life experience tells me that an abundance of sex, especially at a young age, is more of a plus than a minus; often girls who have had plenty of fun make better wives than those raised in Christian values. The most important thing is not to get pregnant too early and spread the infection. So here you can, as someone suggested a long time ago from the Ukrainians - everyone has a forced examination and a personal medical card, you see a woman or she approached you - either sleep or get married - exchange cards and see who is sick with what. Then, I remember, there was a buzz that this was a violation of human rights, although as for me, this is primarily about protecting the rights of citizens from possible illness, and even more so from offspring, because IMHO, it’s definitely not worth producing people with all sorts of genetic diseases.
    1. -1
      6 October 2023 13: 49
      Timur, you yourself answered the question why the so-called “Russian world” will disappear (“all by yourself”)
  27. +1
    6 October 2023 13: 47
    Quote: kor1vet1974
    and people have no future in a bourgeois state...
    The bourgeois world has no future, to be precise, the classics of Marxism talked about this, but they didn’t believe them, then they laughed..

    Do the Germans now have Marxism, bourgeoisism, or some third option?
    1. -1
      7 October 2023 17: 51
      Quote from Tim666

      Do the Germans now have Marxism, bourgeoisism, or some third option?

      Victim of the Unified State Exam or what? There is no such form of power - "Marxism"....
      Marxism is the theory of the labor movement in Europe in the 19th century.
      And the Germans now have a federal presidential republic.
  28. +3
    6 October 2023 13: 50
    Quote: glory1974
    Another grandmother spoke about pipe maintenance. -Albright.

    they all talk about it. First Thatcher, then Albright, then Condoleezza, these days Duda said it: “There should be no more than 50 million Russians.”

    Can I have a link with Duda to the studio? It can also be in Polish.
    1. +1
      6 October 2023 14: 23
      It's not a matter of who said what. For example, it was not M. Albright who was initially in favor of the bombing of Belgrade, but G. Kohl and the entire Pope. The grandmother then got involved in the process.
      Here we are talking about the vector. A policy vector that is not always personalized.
    2. +1
      6 October 2023 16: 07
      Don't pick on the facts.
      Facts are not important, what is important are the secret intentions that we see right through. laughing

      He may not have said it, but he probably thought so! wink
  29. +2
    6 October 2023 13: 51
    No, of course, not “grab your bags, the station is leaving...”, but the demographics are a problem. But I don’t understand where there are so many advantages to this “stream of consciousness”: “a) How can you change the existing political regime, provided that it has latched onto Russia like a tick and is ready to kill at least 50 million people just to continue to parasitize on it? b) What are the real parameters of the existence of the new government in the conditions that the “democratic power” of Yeltsin-Putin will leave behind only an endless number of difficult-to-solve problems? That is, it’s clear that a person is “for everything good” and “against everything bad”) But who objects) There is a lot of pathos, there are 0 constructive proposals.
    1. +3
      6 October 2023 16: 04
      There is a lot of pathos, there are 0 constructive proposals.

      Right. Because for a specific constructive proposal you can get up to 5 years under Article 280 part 2. So there are no fools.
  30. 0
    6 October 2023 13: 55
    Quote: Alex66
    By removing Russians, Russia is being destroyed as a state that forms a nation, and this is done not by NATO, not by TsIPSO, but by their own Russian officials and bourgeoisie. They think that migrants will replace us, no, they haven’t done anything at home and they won’t only need benefits and easy income from us. Remember in the early 90s, Chubais said that the goal of privatization was the destruction of factories, and with it the working class, and now I would add Russians as the basis of the working class.

    I repeatedly hear him say something like this, but is there a video of this speech preserved? Chubais, of course, is still a radish, but you certainly can’t call him a fool, it is doubtful that he would once again seek to provoke aggression towards his beloved. Someone might blurt out that turtles are raped in Denmark, but Chubais....hard to believe.
    1. +1
      6 October 2023 14: 05
      Yes, it’s preserved, you can Google it) There, flying in a business jet, he spoke a little differently. The purpose of privatization is to destroy the system of socialism (I don’t remember literally, but that’s the point). Everything else is secondary. Those who do not “fit into the market” are their problems.
      1. +2
        6 October 2023 14: 14
        There, flying in a business jet, he spoke a little differently. The purpose of privatization is to destroy the system of socialism (I don’t remember literally, but that’s the point).

        He said that if privatization is not carried out (by creating a layer of people who will have something to lose), then at the next elections the people will demolish “Chubais and Co.” and return the USSR, and this cannot be allowed.
        1. +2
          6 October 2023 14: 29
          Yes, probably so, as I say, I literally don’t remember) Although... “Privatization was not an economic process at all. It solved the main task - to stop communism.” Something like this) Well, for example:
          1. 0
            6 October 2023 19: 30
            She solved the main task - to stop communism"
            This is where you are a little mistaken. Privatization provided money. Now we also need money and after the elections there will be privatization again
  31. +1
    6 October 2023 14: 20
    For three hundred years, the Tatars-and-Mongols did not allow Russia to slide into somewhere, not somewhere. And for another three hundred years, other countries will support Russia and will not let it slide from the edge into the abyss. Then there will be no those who sold the country, who burned the taiga and did not allow the fish to grab oxygen. Nature cannot stand this and will force the Russians to stay and clean up after themselves.
  32. +3
    6 October 2023 14: 23
    Quote: Vladimir80
    Timur, you yourself answered the question why the so-called “Russian world” will disappear (“all by yourself”)

    The Russian world will definitely not disappear because of abortion and sex. The Russian world will disappear if Russians allow migrants to wipe their feet on them, behave like cattle on vacation, drink like crazy and eat drugs, which have become many times worse than coke and heroin of the 90s, not my opinion, but a doctor who is in the know. If you can invigorate yourself with coke for a very long time and live a normal life, then all sorts of salts and meths are an instant death to your health and a blow to your head during which you can do anything. It makes sense that the birth rate will rise if children become drug addicts, drunks, and amateurs. Go into the cart, search for, say, the sports tag, and you will understand the scale of the same drug addiction.
  33. +1
    6 October 2023 14: 32
    Quote: glk63
    Yes, it’s preserved, you can Google it) There, flying in a business jet, he spoke a little differently. The purpose of privatization is to destroy the system of socialism (I don’t remember literally, but that’s the point). Everything else is secondary. Those who do not “fit into the market” are their problems.

    So the destruction of the socialist system has a completely different meaning, it was meant to destroy the ineffective management system, they say private traders will come and trample everything downhill, many in the late 80s and early 90s really thought so, often ordinary employees of these same enterprises.
  34. -1
    6 October 2023 14: 34
    Quote from Tim666
    It makes sense that the birth rate will rise if children become drug addicts, drunks, and amateurs.

    What good is a person if he dies anyway? I keep wanting to get this answer from the materialist gentlemen...
    1. 0
      6 October 2023 17: 07
      Quote: Vladimir80
      What good is a person if he dies anyway? I keep wanting to get this answer from the materialist gentlemen...

      The materialist knows that his work is not in vain, that the fruits of his labor will be enjoyed by future generations, and that he has contributed to the foundation of the state. I personally don’t have that feeling. Sometimes I see, for example, a ZIL 4331 technical vehicle with a double cab, I assembled it back in the 90s, but they took it over, it works for the gold of some bourgeoisie.
  35. 0
    6 October 2023 15: 14
    I was thinking something good, but here comes another attack in the spirit of the ancient Rus against the Jewish reptilians. And my question is, where did the author get the idea that oil is popular? Where did this idea come from?
    But in essence - extinction is a fact. Only the main blame lies not with a few redheads or anyone else, but with the Russians. We choose parties, almond lattes and careers over having children. Chechens, who have gone through more troubles than Russians, are quite capable of having children. And again, someone is to blame for the Russians. There’s no point in blaming the mirror if it’s kind of crooked. Find the courage to accept the idea that we ourselves are to blame for the troubles of our people and not the little ones, Boriks and Bears.
    1. -1
      6 October 2023 15: 58
      Chechens, who have gone through more troubles than Russians, are quite capable of having children.

      Yes, Chechnya is now the leader in birth rates in all of Russia.
      And yet they have the same tendency.
      The birth rate in Chechnya has fallen to 2,74 children per family. And back in 2009 it was 3,8!

      Find the courage to accept the idea that we ourselves are to blame for the troubles of our people.

      Yes, you are some kind of extremist!
      Will you come to such an agreement that we also destroyed the USSR ourselves, and not Gorbachev and the CIA?
      1. +2
        6 October 2023 20: 39
        Quote from: dump22

        Will you come to such an agreement that we also destroyed the USSR ourselves, and not Gorbachev and the CIA?

        It's true! How can almost three hundred million resist the power of Misha Gorbach and the CIA........

        It is clear that in principle there can be no demand for such people. We should feel sorry for such people. crying

        But in general, your original idea is that the “state-forming” people are not responsible for the history of their state...

        If the Germans are responsible for Germany, and the French are responsible for France, then the Jews and Caucasians are probably responsible for Russia. Well, not Russians.!! laughing
        1. -1
          6 October 2023 20: 47
          Quote: ivan2022
          If the Germans are responsible for Germany

          The Germans, I remember, not so long ago, on a historical scale, “answered.” They had such a Hitler there. And company.

          Quote: ivan2022
          The “forming state” people are not responsible for the history of their state

          This is an old song of the Pro-Pindos trolls... so are you one of these, “Vanya”?

          Quote: ivan2022
          How can almost three hundred million resist the power of Misha Gorbach and the CIA...

          You were somewhere in these three hundred, if you’re not lying, of course. And how did you resist?

          Bad trolling, buddy. Sluggishly, without a spark request laughing
          1. +1
            6 October 2023 20: 56
            Quote: Repellent
            Quote: ivan2022
            If the Germans are responsible for Germany

            You were somewhere in these three hundred, if you’re not lying, of course. And how did you resist?

            Bad trolling, buddy. Without a light request laughing

            I stood my ground in due time. But not among millions, but among one hundred at protests. Among the millions there was you.... And how convenient?

            And now I watch with interest how you reap the fruits of your foolishness......

            Well...? Let's return to the question: "Russians are responsible for the history of Russia, yes or no?"
            For now they are shrugging it off.. Like they were just standing next to each other.....

            PS And there is no need to provoke with your rudeness.....this “argument” will not help....heh...heh.... "buddy....." laughing
            1. -2
              6 October 2023 21: 00
              Quote: ivan2022
              I resisted

              Well, you can’t praise yourself - you’ll get vegetables from others... I see...

              Quote: ivan2022
              Now I watch with interest how you reap the fruits of your foolishness...

              To you in your own words -

              Quote: ivan2022
              There is no need to provoke with your rudeness...

              Let's take a closer look - who exactly, and what exactly, is reaping? You won’t offend me: under the Union, under capitalism, I am an expensive hired labor force. With capitalization, perhaps even more expensive... but there are not many people like me, I agree.

              So who is there and what - reaps something?
    2. +2
      6 October 2023 17: 34
      Quote: Vincent Price
      Chechens who have gone through more troubles than Russians

      And what were these troubles?
      1. 0
        8 October 2023 00: 00
        Deportation and two Chechen wars are not a problem?
  36. -1
    6 October 2023 15: 23
    Quote: Vladimir80
    Quote from Tim666
    It makes sense that the birth rate will rise if children become drug addicts, drunks, and amateurs.

    What good is a person if he dies anyway? I keep wanting to get this answer from the materialist gentlemen...

    Everything is quite simple - he was born, he learned, he went not to do shit, but to bring benefit to society - this is +, he was born, he studied, he got fat, he became worn out, he became a complete wreck at the age of 30 - the output from such a member of society is negative, i.e. it’s easy for him Valuable resources were wasted - child benefits, education, medicine. If abortions are banned, there will probably be more unnecessary children, these are potential outlets and drunks. That is, society will simply have to strain more to combat such an increase in the birth rate. I know what I’m talking about - my classmate was from such a large family, of the five, four of them definitely took the wrong road, I don’t know for sure about him himself, but two brothers both grunted before they turned 30.
    1. 0
      6 October 2023 15: 36
      bringing benefit to society is +

      disabled people, old people, pensioners - what benefit do they provide to society, in your opinion (if they do not work for society, but live on pensions)? or as in ancient Sparta (conditionally) we will throw all the weak and worthless from the cliff? and where is Sparta with its Spartans today? and what is the benefit to society from modern pop music or “artists” - AI will write and sing better...
      p.s. a man, having flown into space and invented a “phone with a TV” the size of a notepad, became incredibly proud, while remaining as mortal as before (they learned to treat tuberculosis and STDs - but diabetes, oncology and dementia await new generations)
  37. +6
    6 October 2023 15: 41
    The basic reason for the demographic catastrophe that has now befallen the Russian Federation is...

    People in war usually do not plan to increase their families!
    Well, it was also influenced by the fact that three quarters of maternity capital were transferred from the second child to the first. For the first one they now give 586,9 thousand rubles, for the second one they pay another 188,6 thousand:
    “Russians live for today”: Alexey Raksha - about the influence of SVO on fertility

    The Russian population does not look to the future. Nothing is clear there, so people live for today....
  38. +5
    6 October 2023 17: 19
    Quote: tralflot1832
    Yesterday I was in the city, I was surprised by the number of pregnant women

    It depends on what city. Here is the town of Kotelniki near Moscow.

    There are fewer natives than those who have come in large numbers.
    1. +1
      6 October 2023 21: 06
      There are fewer natives than those who have come in large numbers.
      There are indeed a lot of migrants in big cities, but something else is curious: at almost every step you meet parents with children, and their mothers are often in hijabs...
  39. 0
    6 October 2023 17: 52
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    Quote from Tim666
    Did you personally or your parents go to the barricades for the USSR or for the Supreme Council?

    My dad went to rallies for the communists in the 90s. Foolishly, I don't. The salary was about a million, everything was fine, inserting, for example, a metal-ceramic tooth in the mid-90s - 260 thousand, I thought it was expensive, I’ll install it later. I did, yeah. At my last job, I had to work hard for a month and a half to get this tooth.

    The conversation is not about the 90s, when the game was already under new rules, but about 1991, when the USSR collapsed, or about 1993, when the White House was shot up. Many hundreds of thousands rushed to dismantle the barricades of opponents of the State Emergency Committee, to defend
    The White house? Well, at least like the Ukrainians on the Maidan.
    1. -1
      6 October 2023 19: 12
      Quote from Tim666
      Many hundreds of thousands rushed to dismantle the barricades of opponents of the State Emergency Committee, to defend
      The White house?

      Were you even alive at that time?
  40. -1
    6 October 2023 18: 18
    Quote: Mordvin 3
    The materialist knows that his work is not in vain, that the fruits of his labor will be enjoyed by future generations

    Do you really think so? The houses will be renovated (demolished), the graves will be dug up, half the words of the language will be replaced by foreign ones, the cities will be populated by people of a different culture who gather for prayer on holidays in the hundreds of thousands (!), the grandchildren will most likely not know anything about their ancestors....
    1. -1
      6 October 2023 19: 15
      Quote: Vladimir80
      the graves will be dug up, half the words of the language will be replaced by foreign ones, the cities will be populated by people of a different culture who gather for prayer on holidays in the hundreds of thousands (!), the grandchildren will most likely not know anything about their ancestors...

      And this is a question for the authorities, not for me. I'm not calling migrants.
  41. -1
    6 October 2023 19: 22
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    Quote from Tim666
    Many hundreds of thousands rushed to dismantle the barricades of opponents of the State Emergency Committee, to defend
    The White house?

    Were you even alive at that time?

    Imagine, I lived, and I remember the ballet on all channels, what does this have to do with it? please explain.
    1. 0
      7 October 2023 16: 50
      Quote from Tim666

      Imagine, I lived, and I remember the ballet on all channels, what does this have to do with it? please explain.

      Art in the USSR was much better than it is now: black stuff, just lads and lads, dressed in NKVD uniforms and vulgarity.

      I note the following: “ballet” is a generalization of works of art in which there is no obscenity.

      The public does not need Heaven, it needs Hell. The devils don’t force anyone there. You have already been taught on Earth to strive only there.
      This is great Christian wisdom.
      The public wants to make faces, pervert, race, admire the abomination and - - straight to Hell! Across all channels laughing
  42. -1
    6 October 2023 19: 44
    Quote: Mordvin 3
    And this is a question for the authorities, not for me. I'm not calling migrants.

    A holy place is never empty (this is metaphysical), nature does not tolerate emptiness (this is from a different point of view)
  43. 0
    6 October 2023 20: 16
    Well, Trofim has matured well a long time ago: we haven’t made a revolution and now we’re unlikely to be able to, constructions made from furry chicken legs are too dear to us. And behind us are the grown-up virtual children of the net, who no longer have a past and there is no Russia in the campaign.
    Alas, alas, Prigozhin and his PMC could not touch this ghoul, and what can we say about us simple, divided ones.
    Or Vysotsky. But this is even tougher:
    We were offered a way out of the war, but what a price to pay, we were sentenced to a long life, through shame, through disgrace, through treason. Did he know that all his songs about the USSR correlated much better with current reality? Why aren’t Vysotsky taught in schools? Makes you think too much.
  44. 0
    6 October 2023 20: 51
    Quote: glory1974
    Another grandmother spoke about pipe maintenance. -Albright.

    they all talk about it. First Thatcher, then Albright, then Condoleezza, these days Duda said it: “There should be no more than 50 million Russians.”
    Of course, they were not among our admirers, but all this is so-called. Linden. Yu. Nersesov wrote about these “quotes”:
    Former British Prime Minister John Major:
    “The task of Russia after losing the Cold War is to provide resources to prosperous countries. But for this they need only 50-60 million people.”
    His predecessors Margaret Thatcher:
    "On the territory of Russia, it is economically justified to live 15 million people who serve wells and mines."
    U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski:
    “The smaller the population in this territory, the more successful its development by the West will be. Slavs, namely Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians are the most recalcitrant peoples in the world. They can be destroyed, but not conquered. That is why this seed must be destroyed. Hitler was a stupid boy, he acted openly. We won't have any traces."
    Financier George Soros:
    “We need Ukraine as a torpedo in the war with Russia. The fate of the citizens of this country does not concern us at all.”
    All of these are also fakes hastily dug up on the Internet. Thatcher's quote is the oldest.
  45. -4
    6 October 2023 23: 08
    The renunciation of the “Red Project”, the ideas of service and creation led to disaster. I see no way out. There is no political force with a clear program of change. There is no future..
    1. -3
      7 October 2023 07: 31
      By the way, I didn’t downvote.....

      But you contradict yourself. If society itself is in decline, no programs will help it. There can be no “intelligible” for the insane.

      Our blessed society for 1000 years has not been able to “clearly” assimilate the ideas of Christianity and for 70 years - the ideas of Soviet power.

      But she instantly adopted Yeltsin’s “philosophy.” The problems of society “from Marx and the planned economy”, but not from thieves and not from traitors....if the brains are upside down - what the hell can there be “intelligible programs”....

      Even the “Russian Tsar”, Alexander 3rd (who spoke Russian with a German accent) - said directly: “The Russian peasant needs a Tsar and a whip, he simply won’t understand anything else.”... And our patriots honor him, directly run around with him....
  46. The comment was deleted.
  47. 0
    7 October 2023 18: 25
    Until housing is truly affordable for everyone, we can forget about the birth rate of Russians. By the way, in recent years the number of infertile men in Russia has increased exactly 2 times. Statistics of urologists. Official. Even posters hang outside urology rooms in city clinics.
    1. 0
      7 October 2023 19: 33
      Nobody knows the number of infertile people in Russia. Because not all infertile people know that they are infertile.

      There is data on infertile couples, but not all, but on those who would like to have children and consulted doctors - 10-15%. For them, there are statistics on men and women who were examined. And their percentage is approximately the same.

      It is known that this number is growing throughout the world.
  48. -2
    8 October 2023 08: 58
    Quote: cast iron
    In recent years, the number of infertile men in Russia has increased exactly 2 times.

    Interesting statistics, anyone might think about it?
    1. -3
      8 October 2023 13: 49
      Our government has been thinking for a long time - importing millions of men from Central Asia :)
  49. 0
    12 October 2023 17: 17
    The author avoids rough edges and focuses on economics. But the fall of the economy and the sharp decline in the Russian Federation’s GDP were Planned! And where will the funds come from for the normal development of the state if the means of production and resources are captured by alien marginal aliens? Why is one degenerate in power replacing another? And the last one became the “father” of the third! Which speaks volumes and should have alerted the electorate. But where there, we act like dropers (stupid African sheep), dashingly, recklessly, and again - the same Rake! For “EXCESSIVE CONFIDENCE in the candidate of the State Duma, the Federation Council or the “first”” never before suggested THEIR TREASURY VILENESS, Oath-crime. Those. behavior characterized by violation of obligations, oaths through deception, betrayal, and deceit. “What, other than self-interest, more often leads to False Oaths? When it comes to money, very many turn out to be malicious” (Gregory the Theologian). But precisely these evil traits are inherent in one group of candidates: - Cosmopolitans, - according to Chapter 8.Article 44. “From John.” After the election, we then find out that terrible things are happening behind the scenes: A criminal seizure of power, but, as descendants will later say: “Our Trees fell , but continued to vote for Topor. For some reason they thought that if the Ax had a wooden handle, then it was theirs.” It was with the arrival of “this Ax” that the formation of criminal slave-owning evil began. Under which, supposedly the state. structures - are formed only on alien ethnic and criminal grounds. The opinion of the population of the occupied country is not taken into account at all. And if the cosmopolitan helmsman had good intentions, he would have acted as in China! “In China, a long-term process has ended that canceled the results of privatization, which was predatory for the state and the people. According to Chinese law and the Constitution, no one has the right to own the means of production and thus exploit ordinary people. Attention: “In total, over 8 years, China has regained factories, plants and enterprises with a total value of about $19 trillion. Under the threat of execution of family members of former shareholders, they also managed to return about $7 trillion. dollars transferred abroad. Total - $25 trillion. people's state money. According to Chinese President Xi Jinping, “the Chinese people have made it clear what they think about so-called privatization, but in fact the theft of socialist property.” Now compare with the songs “early choice” - on our TV!
  50. +1
    13 October 2023 18: 47
    The Russian people need to take their own destiny into their own hands. Until the Russian elite appears, nothing good will happen. And all these presidents and guarantors of the constitution, together with their fellow aligarchs, would be walking through the forest.