By destroying transport facilities across the Dnieper, it is possible to denazify half of Ukraine before the end of this year

By destroying transport facilities across the Dnieper, it is possible to denazify half of Ukraine before the end of this year

Perhaps September was the month when it became completely clear to everyone that the conduct of a special operation in Ukraine was facing serious difficulties. Everything was mixed up in a heap - miscalculations at the initial stage of the special operation, lack of people, problems with logistics, insufficiency of some types of weapons and equipment, and most importantly, indecision, as if we were deliberately giving the enemy a head start.

If leaving Snake Island is a completely logical decision, albeit filed under a far-fetched "gesture of goodwill", if you can still understand the retreat of the armed forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces) from the Kyiv region - we simply do not have enough people, and not ensuring the complete capture of air supremacy, then why are no decisive actions taken at the strategic level to destroy Ukraine as a single state?

Examples? Please.

1. At first, the RF Armed Forces actively hit targets on the territory of Western Ukraine - do you remember the mercenaries destroyed near Lvov? And now nothing is heard about this at all - please, train, restore equipment, repair planes and helicopters destroyed in the first days of the special operation. Aviation and high precision weapon work only on the left-bank Ukraine.

2. At one time, everyone was talking so smartly that, they say, the RF Armed Forces were knocking out the last fuel storage facilities in Ukraine, which Tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (APU) stand without fuel, that they do not have the ability to deliver ammunition to the front line, queues at gas stations showed. And just like that, everything is quiet! Bombardments of fuel and lubricants depots and fuel depots have been stopped; Equipment, ammunition and manpower are moving east in an endless stream, and obviously not on foot.

3. Then we knocked out the traction power plants - the trains stopped. How much? For a day? For one hour? Does Ukraine currently have problems with rail links? Apparently not. From time to time they show a broken train, about which the Russian media say that it was carrying soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian media say that there were women and children there, and in the West they will definitely show only the Ukrainian version. Why are trains running at all? Maybe the paths can be easily restored, but what about the bridges? A bridge, even across a stinky river, is sometimes restored for several years, especially if the one who destroyed it prevents restoration.

4. Moving on, most recently, the power was turned off in several regions of eastern Ukraine. For how long? No, almost everything is working again. And Western Ukraine was not even touched. It turns out that high-precision weapons are practically not used to hit targets at the strategic depth of the enemy, and his rear can work quietly - everything for the front, everything for victory. Ukronazi victories. An interesting situation turns out: the further we go, the more we destroy the infrastructure and industrial potential of Eastern Ukraine, while Western Ukraine remains almost unscathed.

5. Now they took up the rivers - they broke a dam on the Ingulets River. Great, but what's next? Let's stop there again, shall we? Or will we smash a dam in some Ukrainian Muhosransk with Caliber? Yes, and with the "Caliber", it seems, there is some kind of negative trend - there are a lot of reports about their destruction by the Ukrainian air defense forces (Air Defense), and with the advent of modern anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) of NATO countries in Ukraine, the problem will only get worse.

6. Nobody touches the Ukrainian military-political leadership - Petrushka-Zelensky is talking with might and main from the screen, driving around with impunity to “de-occupied” settlements, collecting money and weapons in Europe and the USA.

7. There is nothing to say about the shelling of Russian settlements - they are intensifying. And now the governor of the Belgorod region is evacuating the villages of Zhuravlevka and Nekhoteevka. Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRGs) have become more active - perhaps it is time to think about a special regime of counter-terrorism danger, to think about refusing to hold mass events - in general, it’s not a good idea to celebrate at the moment when our soldiers are dying at the front.

What will happen next? Will we wait until "General Frost" comes into play, as a result of which the Europeans will freeze their asses and "merge" Ukraine themselves? This will not happen, the countries of Europe are preparing for a harsh winter, behind their backs the mighty industrial and energy potential of the United States will somehow sit out.

Maybe it's time to change the paradigm, take a new course?

line of demarcation

It is necessary to draw a line of demarcation along the largest watershed on the territory of Ukraine - along the Dnieper River. Use high-precision long-range weapons to completely destroy all transport facilities across this river, except for those under the control of the RF Armed Forces. On the Ukrainian territory there are twenty-nine transport facilities across the Dnieper, of which thirteen have laid railway tracks.

Transport facilities on the Dnieper

It will not be easy to put them out of action, the example of a bridge across the Dniester Estuary showed how difficult it is to damage a well-made bridge even with high-precision weapons, but this must be done (how useful in this situation ICBMs with a reduced range and a powerful conventional warhead equivalent to several tons of TNT).

Nevertheless, it is precisely the bridges across the Dnieper that are the targets for which long-range precision weapons are worth spending, and right now, because, as mentioned above, after the supply of NATO air defense systems, this will be more difficult to do. If this is not done, then we will forever be hollowing out warehouses, to which they will bring the next batch of weapons and mercenaries from the West.

There is a problem, a very serious problem, since six transport routes have been laid along the dams of the Dnieper HPP cascade. Destruction of transport routes at hydroelectric power plants can lead to their destruction and the breakthrough of large masses of water downstream. So what to do? And nothing - to destroy transport routes, but with dams, as it will.

Cascade of the Dnieper hydroelectric power stations. Image by

Why? Because there is no other alternative.

One of the HPPs, Kakhovskaya, is under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, and what do you think? The bridge across the Dnieper at the dam of the Kakhovskaya HPP was put out of action by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and movement along it became impossible. Did the leadership of both Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine worry about the possibility of a breakthrough of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station? No, I didn't care at all.

Well, let's say we won't destroy bridges. Suppose “everything goes according to plan”, and the RF Armed Forces successfully denazify the territory of eastern Ukraine, approaching the Dnieper, the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is inevitable. And now a question for experts - how will the Ukronazis act in this case? There is at least one chance that they will want to keep these bridges and hydroelectric power stations for the sake of the “future of Ukraine”, no matter in what status, just for the people?

The answer is that bridges will be destroyed with a probability close to 100%. It is possible that even now they are mined in such a way that in the event of a threat to the right-bank Ukraine, turn them into dust.

If the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation happened to break through with great bloodshed to the transport routes on the cascade of the Dnieper hydroelectric power stations, the Ukronazis would blow them up without any hesitation. In other words, the destruction of the cascade of the Dnieper hydroelectric power stations can be considered inevitable, the only question is who will benefit from this - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

There are only two scenarios for the development of events in which the cascade of the Dnieper hydroelectric power stations will survive:

1. Russia capitulates and voluntarily withdraws to the borders of 1991, including the return of Crimea to the Ukronazi regime (well, in the future, it will continue to fall apart at the behest of the Western countries).

2. The RF Armed Forces will be destroyed, as a result of which point 1 is being implemented de facto.

Does this option suit us? If not, what's the point of waiting? Or will we continue to give odds to the enemy? Will we endure the shelling of the settlements of the DPR and LPR, and now also Russian cities and villages?

Do not forget one more scenario - that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will still be able to damage the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant so much that they will arrange a second Chernobyl for themselves and us. The logic of shelling a nuclear power plant in a territory that they call their own seems to be accessible only to people with a special form of mental disorder. However, everything falls into place if those who shell the Zaporizhzhya NPP are mercenaries from distant countries, or these “gunners” have already received a passport in one of these countries and a guarantee of a large reward for the destruction of the NPP (they will be thanked with a bullet - witnesses of such cases not left alive).

The conclusion from all of the above is simple - it is necessary to start destruction as soon as possible. all transport routes through the Dnieper.


What will the RF Armed Forces gain from the destruction of transport routes across the Dnieper? The entire grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the left bank of the Dnieper will be cut off and inevitably defeated. No options. And, most likely, in the shortest possible time, since it will be practically impossible to support it with equipment, ammunition, or manpower. No boats, barges, ferries and pontoon crossings will be able to ensure the normal supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Of course, there is no need to talk about any transfer of resources by Ukrainian transport aviation.

Left-bank Ukraine is more than a third of the total population of the former Ukraine. Image by

It can be assumed that the resistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the left-bank Ukraine will drop exponentially to almost zero within a month or two - in the worst case, only scattered DRGs will be left to fight. All equipment that will not be destroyed will pass into the hands of the RF Armed Forces, as well as militia units of the LPR and DPR.

The population of eastern Ukraine will gain confidence, lost after the retreat of the RF Armed Forces in the Kharkiv region, that the Ukronazi regime will definitely not return to them.

The shelling of Russian cities will stop. The settlements of the DPR and LPR - too, from the Dnieper line, neither artillery nor "Haimars" will particularly shoot at them, except perhaps the OTRK, but Ukraine will still not have many of them - the intensity of shelling will decrease by orders of magnitude. It is easier to evacuate those settlements that will be within the range of fire on the right side of the Dnieper, especially since if the territory of Ukraine is seized sequentially, in the classical way, then little will remain of these cities at all.

After the destruction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it is possible and necessary to actually denazize the left-bank Ukraine, mercilessly suppress all the strongholds of Bandera there, including with the use of capital measures, begin the actual integration of the former Ukrainian regions into the Russian economy with the transfer of strategic facilities under the control of natural monopolies, such as Gazprom and Rosatom (gas pipelines, nuclear power plants), put the industry of eastern Ukraine on a “military footing” and begin to form combat units for further advancement to the west.

Left-bank Ukraine is almost half of the entire economy of pre-war Ukraine. Image by

How will the APU respond to this?

The main answer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be a squeal in the press, well, that's how you want - at least run, at least jump, at least howl, at least meow ... Winners are not judged, losers are judged. In general, the APU will not have so many options.

Striking with long-range precision weapons? But they don’t have much of it, and with the loss of half of the country there will be even less - the US will not give serious weapons to losers who have lost almost half of the country.

Attack through the territory of Belarus? In this case, they will create a second front for themselves, and Northwestern foothold may well become a reality.

The only option left for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to drive the Russian Armed Forces out of the bridgehead on the right bank, capturing Kherson, and understanding this will predetermine the further actions of the Russian Armed Forces.

Namely: ensuring the maximum concentration of forces and means in this direction. After the grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the left bank is defeated, or rather, in the process of this, Kherson must be oversaturated primarily with air defense systems - anti-aircraft missile systems of all classes, counter-battery weapons and everything else, which will prevent further destruction of the remaining vehicles ways through the Dnieper.

It is vital to restore the Antonovsky bridge and the overpass across the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. A decrease in the intensity of hostilities on the territory of the left-bank Ukraine, which will be noticeable in a fairly short time after the destruction of transport routes across the Dnieper, will allow significant forces to be released and concentrated in the Kherson direction.

It is necessary to restore and secure the Antonovsky bridge and the overpass at the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. Image by

In the worst case, it can be assumed that even the loss of a bridgehead on the territory of the right-bank Ukraine will be a profitable exchange for complete control over the left-bank Ukraine.

In this case, after the denazification of the left-bank Ukraine, a shock fist can be created "above", which will be able to attack the enemy in the heart, that is, in Kyiv, from Belarus, approximately at the beginning of next year, when it will still be quite far from the "green".

And, of course, in the face of a decrease in the intensity of battles on the ground, due to the restriction and prohibition of access for Ukrainian troops to the territory of the left-bank Ukraine, the intensity of strikes deep into the enemy’s territory should increase significantly - on bridges, railways, power grids, power plants and electrical substations, fuel storage facilities and everything else that will allow us to continue decomposition of Ukraine into constituent parts.

Left-bank Ukraine can be cleared before the New Year

On the day when this article was being written, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization - the consequences of this decision are still difficult to assess. It is possible that this decision will become a turning point in the war, and it is likely that in six months there will be another speech, only now about full mobilization, since it is difficult to say how events will develop, and it is not clear what measures our enemies will resort to, under which it is necessary to understand not Ukraine, but the USA, Great Britain and other countries of the West.

There is no doubt that the decision on partial mobilization by the population will not be made with “delight”, and further changes in the social situation in the country will largely be related to how this decision on mobilization will be implemented - they speak and write about mobilization with enthusiasm in the comments to various articles, only those who do not fall under it.

In the current conditions, not only and not so much mobilization is needed, as frankly tough, resolute and merciless actions of Russia - from the implementation of which the neo-Nazi Kyiv regime and their Western masters will shudder. The destruction of transport routes across the Dnieper is a perfectly suitable scenario.

If it is implemented, the left-bank Ukraine, presumably, can be cleared of the presence of the enemy by the end of this year, and in the new 2023, fresh mobilized units, united with battle-hardened units, will drive the enemy further - to the West.
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  1. +47
    26 September 2022 05: 54
    In general, the concept is correct. There are many "buts ..." and objective obstacles, but the idea is true and practical.
    1. +15
      26 September 2022 06: 05
      Quote: Sergey28
      There are many "buts ..." and objective obstacles

      Subjective! There are funds, even if the "Caliber" and "Iskander" are rather weak, then the "Daggers" can be thrown onto the bridges! And there is no warhead, so the kinetics will decide.
      1. KCA
        26 September 2022 06: 07
        Sew like a needle burlap and all kinetics
        1. +4
          26 September 2022 07: 08
          Quote: KCA
          Sew like a needle burlap and all kinetics

          The bridge consists of more than just spans, if you know what I mean.
        2. +2
          26 September 2022 10: 11
          The spans are restored easily and quickly, but the supports are unlikely. The support is a concrete monolith after all, and I doubt that it is easy to break through it.
          1. +7
            26 September 2022 12: 15
            Spans are restored easily and quickly

            So - you just need to iron the spans daily .. For anyone, there is more sense from the destruction of communications. Sooner or later, repair crews and equipment will simply run out. Yes, and bad nema - poking at the bridges knowing that they will arrive at any moment ..
            1. +1
              27 September 2022 00: 59
              Under 100 missiles were spent on the Antonovsky bridge in Kherson, the bulls are intact, the plates, pierced, are replaceable. Are we offered this too?
              1. +2
                27 September 2022 10: 39
                That is - you are trying to convince me that bridges in our time are, like, invulnerable ??
                1. -1
                  27 September 2022 17: 15
                  No, what are you.
                  I simply propose to pay attention to the experience of using missile weapons by the enemy in this matter.
                  Bridge supports there with a large margin of safety, taking into account the breakthrough of dams, incl.
                  To get into the support, you need a secure satellite TV guidance channel of the Kyrgyz Republic, which is not yet available ...
      2. 0
        26 September 2022 19: 43
        For bridges, tunnels, airfields and factories, TNW is best suited.
        1. 0
          27 September 2022 06: 46
          Quote: fsb_buzuk
          For bridges, tunnels, airfields and factories, TNW is best suited.

          Where do you get such nuclear scientists from?!
    2. +19
      26 September 2022 06: 11
      Quote: Sergey28
      In general, the concept is correct. There are many "buts ..." and objective obstacles, but the idea is true and practical.

      Just the other day they wrote why we don’t do all this, and then the opposite, it turns out two opposite articles, but I agree with the western part of Ukraine and fuel and lubricants, they gave them a break there.
      1. +12
        26 September 2022 09: 19
        Quote from ARIONkrsk
        Just the other day they wrote why we don't do all this

        Staver wrote this, and he constantly justifies the authorities, to say the least.
      2. RGB
        26 September 2022 09: 34
        It just smacks of some sort of regular contract! Otherwise, it is difficult to explain these inactions.
        1. +14
          26 September 2022 10: 36
          If the enemies of the people at the helm are big "patriots", according to one of the purgothrowers, then what do you all want from the army, which is trying its best at the front. They "govern" and "supply" it. Even one enemy of the people they were reappointed to the position for the "successful" surrender of Russia's gold reserves to its enemies. The rest are cutting loot as before. Everything is calm in Baghdad.
        2. +21
          26 September 2022 10: 39
          This is not an agreement, but already a full-fledged betrayal of the population of their country, some of which die in the war. If he decides to wage war on make-believe, then people die in it for real.
          1. 0
            27 September 2022 02: 10
            Just disposal of Russians. Played off and watched as we wet each other. The Saxons have an unfading holiday, not overshadowed even by the death of Baba Liza.
          2. -2
            27 September 2022 10: 45
            Quote: Alexy
            This is not an agreement, but already a full-fledged betrayal of the population of their country, some of which die in the war. If he decides to wage war on make-believe, then people die in it for real.

            It is necessary to unite around the leader and realize the inevitable victims.
    3. +26
      26 September 2022 07: 22
      In general, the concept is correct. There are many "buts ..." and objective obstacles, but the idea is true and practical.

      Yes, to be specific, turn off the power on a permanent basis in Ukraine, then the demilitarization process would end in a week. Cities won't last anymore.
      1. -11
        26 September 2022 09: 10
        And what will happen to them? Mobile power plants will be delivered for important facilities?
        1. +7
          26 September 2022 10: 14
          Sewerage and plumbing will die. Further, the dumbest thing is gas supply. In my youth, I participated in one attraction - the first launch of gas in an apartment building. Instead of half an hour, as promised, it dragged on for four hours, there was no one in two apartments, they sat and waited.
          1. -9
            26 September 2022 10: 50
            And how will they die? Diesel mobile power stations will be supplied - the West will surely tense up - and the problem of power supply of important infrastructure facilities has been resolved.
            And what you described about gas can be called an inconvenience, which will only cause irritation among the locals and increase the influx of volunteers into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
            By the way, I was also present at the launch of gas into the house when the house was inhabited. It took two hours. Moreover, I think that in wartime they can simply break into an apartment, which has no owners, to release gas, if necessary. Yes, and finding the owner with the mass use of mobile phones is much easier than in the old days, as you understand. Information was dropped into a group of residents - the neighbors will find each other themselves, everyone is interested.
            1. +15
              26 September 2022 13: 00
              how do you imagine the process of "adjustment of mobile power plants" for Kyiv or Odessa?
              There are no such capacities either in Ukraine, or in Russia, or anywhere else.
              1. -3
                26 September 2022 13: 24
                Plenty of them everywhere. And in Russia, and in Ukraine and in the West. There would be money.
                In Crimea, they are standing en masse, for example, they were installed when there was a power blockade.
                For the most varied power, even for megawatts, tens of megawatts, even for hundreds of kilowatts. There are mobile ones, there are completely mobile ones, there are stationary ones with quick installation.

                1. +18
                  26 September 2022 13: 46
                  It seemed to me that this is your sarcasm, but no, you really think so.
                  Do you really think that it is possible to somehow power a multi-million dollar city from such vans?
                  That it is possible to drive so many of them to power Kyiv?
                  What is enough fuel to supply them all? What is enough diesel locomotives to pump them all with fuel?
                  1. -4
                    26 September 2022 15: 46
                    What's the problem?
                    Critical infrastructure objects - consumers of the first category - are constantly powered, this is not very high power and fuel consumption. Energy-intensive enterprises, street lighting, and other non-critical energy-intensive consumers are temporarily turned off, the housing stock is switched by a fan method, 4-5 hours a day according to the schedule. Energy consumption in the city will be reduced by several times, it is quite realistic to ensure, especially in stages, starting with critical infrastructure. All electrical networks cannot be disabled at once, if at all, it means that there is the possibility of switching - this is also an additional power supply.
                    This will create inconvenience, maybe serious, but just what inconvenience. There is no talk of any "death of the city".
                    But this will certainly affect the supply of weapons for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And on the quantity, and, first of all, on the nomenclature. The West has a lot of reserves for this.
                    1. +10
                      26 September 2022 19: 54
                      Listen up
                      Now, of course, we can try to calculate Ukraine's need for electricity.
                      But isn't it clear that if you cut down the main sources of energy, then you can't replace them with any diesel engines?

                      Are you trying to replace the power of nuclear and thermal power plants with diesel generators?
                      Where did you come from who will say that Kyiv has enough diesels.
                      Where are you coming from???
                      1. +2
                        26 September 2022 20: 21
                        Now, of course, we can try to calculate Ukraine's need for electricity.

                        Are you sure you can do it? Are you an electrical engineer?
                        Can you single out critical infrastructure objects from consumers of the first and second categories? Calculate their energy consumption? Recalculate the energy consumed during the rolling shutdown of consumers of civilian facilities, taking into account the fact that many residents will leave large cities for the west of Ukraine, or even abroad?
                        Who told you that diesel power plants should completely replace the power system? They must provide basic life support facilities, which is far from the same thing, I would even say strongly not the same thing.
                        Do you know that the power system is being built with the possibility of redundancy, so it will not be possible to disable it at once? After previous strikes on the power system, 90 percent of it was restored on the same day, the rest on the next.
                        And most importantly, how can this affect the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?
                        I’ll tell you, except that it will intensify, the needs of the military will be met for sure, civilians, as it will. But against the backdrop of reports of attacks on civilian infrastructure, the influx of weapons from the West will increase for sure. Yes, and motivated replenishment in the Armed Forces of Ukraine will increase.
                        And what then is the meaning of these blows? Strengthen the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?
                        However, I see that such questions did not occur to you, you were captured by the idea. Well, I won't bother you...
                      2. 0
                        6 October 2022 08: 18
                        Attacks on "civilian" infrastructure have already begun, and there has been no particular escalation from the West.
                        In fact, under international law, if civilian infra is used for military purposes, then it is a legitimate military target.
                        Therefore, I think that it is necessary to cut down electricity, at least along our bank of the Dnieper.
                      3. +1
                        6 October 2022 10: 09
                        there are no massive strikes on power plants, those that are, the consequences are eliminated in a day.
                      4. -1
                        29 September 2022 22: 39
                        Quote: Denis812
                        Listen up
                        Now, of course, we can try to calculate Ukraine's need for electricity.
                        But isn't it clear that if you cut down the main sources of energy, then you can't replace them with any diesel engines?

                        Are you trying to replace the power of nuclear and thermal power plants with diesel generators?
                        Where did you come from who will say that Kyiv has enough diesels.
                        Where are you coming from???

                        Physics textbook for 6 cells was successfully smoked in the school toilet
                2. 0
                  27 September 2022 01: 03
                  No, no, take it easy with power.
                  Really 200 kW in a two-axle trailer))).
                  1. +2
                    27 September 2022 11: 52
                    The photo is just for illustration. As for power, look at the links. 50 MW are assembled in a modular way, single - 3 MW.
                    1. 0
                      27 September 2022 16: 36
                      I'm talking about diesel power plants, gas turbines, in view of the cost, and it's not worth talking about).
                      1. +1
                        27 September 2022 21: 55
                        The link above refers specifically to DES.
                        More precisely, about scalable energy complexes based on diesel power plants.
                      2. +2
                        29 September 2022 00: 52
                        Understood thanks. In practice, in the Crimea in that situation, local sources cost up to 200 tons, more DGA power was not required.
                        True, new thermal power plants were built at an accelerated pace, in Saki for 150 MW, and before that, cables were laid across the strait.
                        And in Ukraine, on February 24.02, they moved to the EEC of the EU (some kind of pun).
                        The defeat of generating capacities will not bring them much harm, civilians will simply be turned off, and the EU will be forced to give them power.
            2. +2
              27 September 2022 00: 47
              This will all take time and resources. Diesel power plants will not draw the required amount of energy. Yes, and they themselves will represent a goal.
              Let resources be spent on this kind of concern, and not the supply of weapons that kill our guys.
        2. +4
          26 September 2022 16: 32
          And what will happen to them?

          Heating, sewerage, plumbing, communications, internet, you can’t fill up the car at a gas station, etc., etc.
          1. +2
            26 September 2022 20: 28
            The above does not occupy the largest part in the structure of energy consumption and will be provided with electricity in the first place, these are the basics of power supply, in textbooks for power engineers they write about this on the second or third page. The structure of power supply systems is maximally adapted to this - to restore power supply to critical facilities as quickly as possible.
        3. +1
          30 September 2022 00: 38
          Excuse me, but do mobile power plants work on water? Or maybe fart gas? Knock out electricity and fuel - and everything will stop: trains, vehicles, tanks and other military equipment. Even the bridges can not be touched.
      2. -2
        26 September 2022 10: 31

        the author is occupied with third-rate questions.

        before you signs of a fall Roman empire. (signs, not causes)

        I propose a discussion of this topic in the light of our time.

        1. Weird inheritance system

        Augustus, the first Roman emperor, was never able to establish a clear system of imperial succession. Result: When the time came to replace the emperor, there were many pretenders to the throne, competing with each other. Sometimes, would-be emperors had an incentive to prematurely end the service of the reigning emperor in order to take the throne for themselves. This is one reason for the long list of Imperial assassination plots.

        2. Concentration of wealth

        Although Rome is often portrayed in the imagination of the general public as a glorious and advanced nation, social inequality was deeply ingrained in Roman society. Agriculture was the backbone of the Roman economy. It has been estimated that more than 90 percent of the late empire's population were rural poor and eked out an insecure existence.

        3. Corruption of the Praetorian Guard

        Members of the Praetorian Guard, a special branch of the Roman army, were the emperor's household troops and his personal bodyguard. As the power of the army increased, the Praetorian Guard intervened from time to time in the process of appointing new emperors, usually giving preference to those who sympathized with them.

        4. barbaric pressure

        Many waves of barbarian armies weakened both the northern and eastern borders of Rome, gradually reducing the size of the empire. Rome lost Britain in 406 AD when the Roman legions stationed there were called to continental Rome due to the threat of the Huns. Rome was sacked in 410 AD by the Visigoths led by Alaric.

        5. Diminishing recoil of the army

        When the Roman Empire reached its maximum size, the actions of the army became mostly defensive. There was no booty to support the soldiers, and the army had to be supported by taxes.

        6. Inflation

        The depreciation of Roman coins caused a serious inflation problem. By AD 301, Emperor Diocletian was forced to issue an Imperial Decree on Prices to control inflation. In the 150 years before Diocletian's decree, the value of silver increased 86 times and gold 45 times. The decree did little to address the problem of inflation.

        7. Empire Size

        The size of the Roman Empire raised a number of questions. The distances were so great that it took weeks to travel across the empire. Its borders were so large that a significant army presence was required for their security. But above all, it was impossible to control this vast kingdom from the city of Rome.
    4. +13
      26 September 2022 09: 16
      It was necessary to beat from the first day with a masked grouping through Belarus TO CUT OFF the Polish border completely and block any potential 'gifts' that are transported to the outskirts !!
      1. 0
        27 September 2022 10: 56
        Quote: Bulgarian_5
        natural, and will increase the influx of volunteers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
        By the way, I was also present at the launch of gas into the house when the house was inhabited. It took two hours. Moreover, I think that in wartime they can simply break into an apartment, which has no owners, to release gas, if necessary. Yes, and finding the owner with the mass use of mobile phones is much easier than in the old days, as you understand. To the group of residents info

        It was necessary to enter from afar, first occupy Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and then you can enter from the territory of Belarus.
    5. -9
      26 September 2022 09: 48
      Quote: Sergey28
      In general, the concept is correct. There are many "buts ..." and objective obstacles, but the idea is true and practical.

      The flow of weapons to the left-bank Outskirts comes from the western border because of the hillock, and not from the right-bank Outskirts. Therefore, it is foolish to destroy bridges across the Dnieper. It is necessary to destroy bridges, tunnels and other structures on the western border of the Outskirts, airfields capable of receiving heavy transport workers.
      By destroying the bridges across the Dnieper, you will only aggravate the situation of civilians, which will lead to even greater hatred towards us. To deprive hospitals, bakeries, schools, kindergartens, lived. e-fund energy is not an act of vandalism?
      Limited mobilization will give a serious increase in the number of our troops.
      Therefore, the tactics of fighting must be changed.
      1. The destruction of all transport communications precisely in the west. border of the outskirts.
      2. The troops should act not to grind the enemy with artillery, but to encircle and force them to surrender. Mariupol is an example for you.
      Such tactics will save the lives of not only our fighters, but also the lives of civilians, the lives of our future fellow citizens - soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For not all of them are stubborn Nazis.
      1. +11
        26 September 2022 10: 42
        Not realizable. In the western part of the outskirts of the rivers, there are really no large ones that it is incomprehensible to destroy there. And airfields can only be destroyed with the help of nuclear weapons. There, the Americans launched about 20 tomahawks at the airfield in Syria, the Syrians went out the next day, removed the debris, filled up the pits, laid new asphalt and everything is ready.
        1. -3
          26 September 2022 15: 56
          Quote from DimCorvus
          There, the Americans launched about 20 tomahawks at the airfield in Syria, the Syrians went out the next day, removed the debris, filled up the pits, laid new asphalt and everything is ready.

          So try to take on these filled pits not fighters, but heavy transporters. Let's see what happens. I already stocked up on popcorn.
      2. +7
        26 September 2022 13: 03
        1. It is possible to destroy something there in Western Ukraine, but it will NOT lead to the defeat of the APU grouping. But the destruction of bridges across the Dnieper will greatly worsen their life
        2. The situation of civilians is very sad, if only we forget that it was these citizens who chose the government that led them to war.
        3. It is necessary to destroy the enemy's communication lines and infrastructure along the entire database line, and not just along the "western border".
        1. -1
          26 September 2022 15: 46
          Quote: Denis812

          1. It is possible to destroy something there in Western Ukraine, but it will NOT lead to the defeat of the APU grouping.

          The defeat of the APU grouping is possible in different ways, but encirclement followed by capture is the most effective. To date, this was not possible due to insufficient funds (personnel).
          The fire defeat of our troops, today, is due to the supply of weapons and ammunition from behind the hillock. It is necessary, if not completely to deprive, then at least to impede these supplies, and therefore reduce them. For this, I propose to destroy all the transport arteries connecting the Outskirts with Europe.
          Even the destruction of one Beskydy tunnel will make these deliveries more difficult. It will be very difficult to restore it. And hundreds of bridges across small rivers can be destroyed constantly.
          But the destruction of the grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, constantly pumped up with weapons and hp. and even with blows to the forehead is problematic and costly in terms of spending ammunition and hp.
    6. +9
      26 September 2022 18: 17
      The "but" is that the fish rots from the head! A first-year cadet at a military school would have received a stake in tactics if he offered to plan and carry out such a military operation in this way and would remain to retake tactics due to vacation!
      I don’t know how to explain what is going on in the heads of the military-political leadership, but only one thing comes to mind - someone, by himself, has played multi-move and blitzkrieg.
      PS And the article, yes, sensible, but impossible in the realities of modern Russia, alas ...
      1. -1
        27 September 2022 11: 07
        Quote: Shelest2000
        The "but" is that the fish rots from the head! A first-year cadet at a military school would have received a stake in tactics if he offered to plan and carry out such a military operation in this way and would remain to retake tactics due to vacation!
        I don’t know how to explain what is going on in the heads of the military-political leadership, but only one thing comes to mind - someone, by himself, has played multi-move and blitzkrieg.
        PS And the article, yes, sensible, but impossible in the realities of modern Russia, alas ...

        There is no place for alarmists at the future victory parade in Kyiv. There can be no doubt about the infallibility of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.
        1. 0
          28 September 2022 17: 09
          I have not been amused for a long time by TURBOpatriots like you with the absence of their own thoughts and brain. I'm so squeamish.
  2. +17
    26 September 2022 05: 59
    Thanks for the article Andrew! All on the shelves. Maybe one of the generals will read???
    1. +11
      26 September 2022 06: 32
      The generals would like to smash, but they don’t give it.
  3. +37
    26 September 2022 06: 01
    There are no miracles in the world - the Kremlin has its own enemies, who, in Stalin's words, are engaged in sabotage.
    1. +12
      26 September 2022 09: 22
      Yes, there are a lot of enemies in the Kremlin. You don’t have to look for them and you’ll immediately hit
    2. +5
      26 September 2022 12: 36
      -the Kremlin has its own enemies, who, according to Stalin, are engaged in sabotage.

      There is "disorder" in the Kremlin, I can't find another word for it. And it seems that there is no main person who would have the power to bark at this bunch of "rulers" rushing between the interests of the country and their own future. There was only visibility, a picture for the "electorate".
      Hence the "strangeness".
      Everything is simple with Zelya, even if he is a parsley and a puppet. He is alone and the goal is dictated to him. Clear and understandable - to fight to the end in full force. Who is against - in the furnace.
      1. 0
        27 September 2022 11: 11
        Quote: dauria
        Clear and understandable - to fight to the end in full force. Who is against - in the furnace.

        And to begin with, we need not partial, but complete mobilization. Women and teenagers to factories. Ukrainians and their sympathizers in labor. armies in the mines.
  4. +15
    26 September 2022 06: 16
    And I have been saying for a long time - it is necessary to wet Ukraine not childishly. They won't understand otherwise.
  5. +37
    26 September 2022 06: 19
    A lot of "analysts" are tormented by fantasies why this "decommunication" is impossible. The author quite reasonably described its necessity. Numerous "Edda and K" from the front simply yell: "Tear down ... ... ... the bridges, finally!"
    The real reasons for the "passivity" of the Russian army are not clear. Most likely, transport is not blocked for the same reasons that the "Azovites" were returned. If it was completely inadequate, untimely, they exchanged Radis with Chemist, then it’s more difficult to surprise with something. And the "elusiveness" of NATO officers is difficult to explain.
    1. +4
      26 September 2022 08: 36
      Quote: samarin1969
      The real reasons for the "passivity" of the Russian army are not clear.

      Perhaps that is how it should be. It is not very logical to explain the passivity of the database by betrayal among some generals in the General Staff. The GDP, which considers betrayal the most serious sin, and which, in case of zrada, has nowhere to run, has enough authority and will to repress any military leader. And they know about it.
      In my opinion, this is also not explained by the lack of l / s on the front line. The main part of our army of almost a million people (not counting the National Guard and various PMCs) does not participate in the database, although it could.
      But there must be a logical explanation. In my opinion, there is simply a recycling of the male population of Ukraine, after the conclusions made about the futility of the ideological reforging of it in a pro-Russian direction. Uporotyh in the trash can not be remade. You don't need enemies for life. Well, at the same time they save the lives of our fighters, going on the defensive in some places.
      But all my assumptions may turn out to be fundamentally untrue. We only see what we are allowed to see. And we draw conclusions based on what we see. How it really is - HZ. In war, no one does what is most expected of him. hi
      1. +3
        26 September 2022 09: 03
        Quote: Polite Moose
        Quote: samarin1969
        The real reasons for the "passivity" of the Russian army are not clear.

        Perhaps that is how it should be. It is not very logical to explain the passivity of the database by betrayal among some generals in the General Staff. The GDP, which considers betrayal the most serious sin, and which, in case of zrada, has nowhere to run, has enough authority and will to repress any military leader. And they know about it.
        In my opinion, this is also not explained by the lack of l / s on the front line. The main part of our army of almost a million people (not counting the National Guard and various PMCs) does not participate in the database, although it could.
        But there must be a logical explanation. In my opinion, there is simply a recycling of the male population of Ukraine, after the conclusions made about the futility of the ideological reforging of it in a pro-Russian direction. Uporotyh in the trash can not be remade. You don't need enemies for life. Well, at the same time they save the lives of our fighters, going on the defensive in some places.
        But all my assumptions may turn out to be fundamentally untrue. We only see what we are allowed to see. And we draw conclusions based on what we see. How it really is - HZ. In war, no one does what is most expected of him. hi

        hi Well, "betrayal of the generals" is too strong an expression. bully . Rather - from a lack of experience, will. And the rule of "large battalions" has not been canceled. Much greater claims to "politicians." ... The country has a real front for thousands of kilometers with NATO proxies, and the Russian Federation lives according to the laws of peacetime! Apart from the last letter of the Latin alphabet, there is no unity between front and rear. The plan - "grind the stoned" - is so-so. There are millions more of them. If they run out - they will bring "gasters" from the Third World. After the Arab Spring, entire armies are toiling in the Middle East and Africa.
        No, it is impossible to achieve victory without "bang Baskid".
      2. +9
        26 September 2022 09: 26
        In order to dispose of the men of Ukraine, it is imperative to dispose of our citizens. They bombard our territory and kill the civilian population on our land and then calculate the degree of trust of the Guarantor. A guarantor who cannot protect the country, a guarantor who has eliminated the opportunity for people to live to retirement.
        1. +1
          26 September 2022 10: 33
          Quote from Deon59
          They bombard our territory and kill the civilian population on our land and then calculate the degree of trust of the Guarantor. A guarantor who cannot protect the country, a guarantor who has eliminated the opportunity for people to live to see retirement.

          The guarantor, in case of defeat, has nowhere to run. And he does not smile at all to lose the trust of his citizens at a critical moment. Therefore, I assume that everything he does is done taking into account the minimization of image losses for him and his team. The option to "burn the adjacent Ukrainian territory to the ground" could lead to unpredictable consequences. Or is it possible to protect the country in a different way in the current situation?
        2. -2
          26 September 2022 10: 53
          What is the civilian population on our land? Yet the regions were not included in the Russian Federation. Stop writing nonsense!
          1. +6
            26 September 2022 12: 36
            And that only the military live in the Kursk and Belgorod regions.
      3. +3
        26 September 2022 09: 41
        And the military personnel and civilians of Russia and the republics of the type do not die at the same time?
        1. -5
          26 September 2022 10: 02
          Quote from AdAstra
          And the military personnel and civilians of Russia and the republics of the type do not die at the same time?

          A war without losses only happens in a movie about Ramba. The question is the ratio of these very losses.
          The decision on offensive operations or defense on any sector of the front is made by people who are much more competent and situationally aware than I am. From this I conclude that the option of "destroy them with one powerful blow and reach the border with the EU" would have an exorbitant price.
          I suppose that all the actions of our side have their own logic. Perhaps they minimize losses, perhaps they imitate the fatigue of the troops. Perhaps they are waiting for rash moves by the enemy. We'll find out soon. Hope. hi
          1. +3
            26 September 2022 10: 16
            Perhaps they imitate the downing of our planes, helicopters, the setting aside of new equipment during the retreat, the capture of our military, including in the ranks of colonel, well, well ...
            1. -1
              26 September 2022 10: 42
              Quote from AdAstra
              Perhaps they imitate the downing of our planes, helicopters, the setting aside of new equipment during the retreat, the capture of our military, including in the ranks of colonel, well, well ...

              Alas. There are losses. As I already wrote: war is not a movie about Ramba. If you have any thoughts on how our armed forces should proceed, I would be happy to get acquainted. hi
            2. -1
              26 September 2022 10: 58
              Russian maybe and so come down, it's a disease. But this does not change the fact that September was very fruitful for the destruction of the APU.
  6. +30
    26 September 2022 06: 31
    There is an opinion that another war is going on in the Russian leadership, where some want victory, and the second want to surrender. And the army is forced not to fight for real, but to wait for one of them to win. We would like to smash it, if there was a team, we would have smashed everything long ago.
    1. +4
      26 September 2022 11: 07
      Breaking it up is always an option. But at first they declared that they would not smash, but release. Therefore, they tried not to touch civilian infrastructure facilities, therefore, when striking at factories, they warned in advance that they would strike at them so that employees could dump. They probably don't know how to switch from freeing to destroying.
      If they want to reduce their losses and inflict maximum damage on Ukraine, they should reclassify the operation from the “Liberation” option to the “Enforcement of Peace” option, this sounds plausible and any tough measures can be taken under this pretext.
    2. 0
      27 September 2022 01: 13
      Yes, it really is, .... the teacher told me this, one of the former students was now visited by the minister in a rather wealthy region.
  7. +10
    26 September 2022 07: 02
    Everything is correct in general.
    Probably, indeed, we will have to wait for the full mobilization and transfer of the economy to a military footing. Only after that, the hands of the military will be untied and they will start to hit both the bridges and the entire infrastructure of Ukraine, including all the western regions.
    But this is the next step, no matter how it turns out to be the last step towards total war.
    1. +11
      26 September 2022 08: 34
      "Only after that, the hands of the military will be untied and they will begin to hit both the bridges and the entire infrastructure of Ukraine, including all the western regions."
      now what's stopping you? and, by the way, mobilization is not partial, it either exists or it does not. now they call on citizens until the year of birth 1987, then older ones, and so on, until total mobilization, as in Germany, in 1945
  8. -18
    26 September 2022 07: 03
    If the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation happened to break through with great bloodshed to the transport routes on the cascade of the Dnieper hydroelectric power stations, the Ukronazis would blow them up without any hesitation.

    Author, can you imagine how you can blow up a hydroelectric dam? There is so much concrete there that it can only be opened with a nuclear warhead, and even then it is doubtful. Everything else is ranting out of touch with reality. Before writing about it seriously, you need to have at least 50% of the information that flows to the top.
    1. +11
      26 September 2022 08: 26
      Quote: Maluck
      Before writing about it seriously, you need to have at least 50% of the information that flows to the top.

      Yes, yes, as it flows, so it flows. The result of CBO after seven months is on the face! A few more months of such a war and you can give up. And here are the dams. Blow up bridges, it is clearly written.
    2. +12
      26 September 2022 08: 36
      The British could 75 years ago. The weakest point of the dam is its base. Operation Chastise. Everything is real, although not so simple

      Albert Speer:
      "On May 17, 1943, only 19 British bombers attempted to destroy the hydroelectric power plants in the Ruhr and thereby paralyze our entire war industry.

      In the middle of the night, I received a very disturbing message: the largest dam on the Möhne River was destroyed, and the reservoir was empty. There was no information about the other three dams. At dawn, when approaching the city of Werl, we saw a terrible picture of destruction. The power plant at the foot of the bombed-out dam seemed to have been wiped off the face of the earth, along with its huge turbines.

      Water gushing from the reservoir flooded the Ruhr valley. The electrical equipment of pumping stations was under a layer of water and silt; industrial enterprises stopped, the water supply of the population was under threat. My report, which was soon submitted to Headquarters, made a strong impression on the Fuhrer ... If the British managed to destroy the other three reservoirs, the Ruhr Valley would be completely deprived of water for all the summer months. One bomb nevertheless hit the center of the dam of the largest reservoir in the Sorpe river valley. I examined her the same day. Fortunately, the hole was just above the water level. If the bomb hit ten centimeters lower, and a small stream, turning into a turbulent stream, would wash away the dam of stones and earth.

      That night, with only a few bombers, the British came close to fulfilling their task and achieved much more success than when they sent thousands of aircraft to bomb. True, they made a single mistake, which still baffles me: they dispersed their forces and destroyed the dam in the Eder valley that same night, although it had nothing to do with the water supply of the Ruhr.

      Already a few days after this raid, seven thousand workers, whom I ordered to be transferred from the construction of the Atlantic Wall to the Möhne and Eder region, were energetically repairing the dams. On September 23, 1943, just before the start of the rains, the gap in the Möhne dam was sealed. Thus, it was possible to collect the precipitation that fell in the late autumn and winter of 1943 for the needs of the next summer. The British Air Force somehow missed the chance to stop us from rebuilding the dam. Just a few bombs would have cratered unprotected construction sites, and firebombs would have set fire to wooden scaffolding.
      - Service Diary, May 19, 1943.
      1. -1
        26 September 2022 15: 33
        Do you think that relatively modern dams were built without taking into account such actions?
        1. +3
          26 September 2022 15: 36
          Well, they came up with more interesting means of destruction than jumping barrels. And yes, unlike dams, the mechanisms of locks, turbines, valves, and so on are much more "gentle" in terms of damage
    3. +5
      26 September 2022 11: 22
      Roads, automobile and railway, go along the upper end of the dam, and bridge crossings are laid above the locks. The destruction of bridge crossings, as well as the roadbed in several places, is not difficult. Regarding the dam, the Dneproges was blown up in 1941 without the use of nuclear weapons; it is not an earthen dam that explodes, but a hydroelectric dam.
      1. -1
        26 September 2022 15: 34
        Bridge crossings are relatively easy to restore.
        1. +2
          26 September 2022 16: 48
          Recovery takes time, which may not be available. The restored bridge can also be destroyed.
        2. 0
          25 January 2024 21: 12
          Just for fun, look at how many Serbs restored bridges across the Danube after the American bombing in 1999:
          City of Novi Sad.
          The new bridge, 474 meters long, on the site of the old Žeželevo Bridge was built only in 2018 (19 years later!) and cost 54 million euros.

          The restoration of another Freedom Bridge in Novi Sad took 6 years and cost 40 million euros.
    4. +2
      26 September 2022 11: 38
      Êtes vous sur qu'il faille obligatoirement une "bombe nucléaire" pour détruire un barrage ?

      Are you sure that a "nuclear bomb" is required to destroy the dam?
  9. +12
    26 September 2022 07: 06
    - frankly tough, resolute and merciless actions.
    I would add and meaningless.
    To win, one must have not a boneless language, but military advantages.
    Do we have them?
    In technological terms, we are completely dependent on other countries. For whom the population was already checked there in February. Soviet weapons from the enemy are gradually being replaced by Western ones, but what will happen when our stocks of weapons and shells run out? Shall we pray for Iran?
  10. +12
    26 September 2022 07: 15
    The Armed Forces, although they did not demolish the bridges, made it practically impossible for any serious forces to cross them. And any attempt to repair the bridges is dealt more and more blows.

    The warhead of a rocket for a Himars is 90kg, caliber is 400-500kg, a guided torpedo or a mini-submarine can carry a charge of several thousand kilograms and, if it hits a support, will blow it to hell. So the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should have the opportunity to destroy bridges, the question is the desire of the leadership.
    1. +3
      26 September 2022 10: 01
      The warhead of the rocket for himars - 90kg, caliber - 400-500 kg

      It's just that their accuracy is different. Himars lay down in series on the Antonovsky bridge in a circle of 15 meters, and they flew in from above, from the most convenient projection against the bridges.
      guided torpedo or mini-submarine can carry a charge

      And where does it come from in the Dnieper?
      "Submarine in the steppes of Ukraine" is such a joke :))
      1. -1
        26 September 2022 11: 47
        Il me semble que l'otan a livré "dans les steppes" des péniches de débarquement, la Russie ne peut elle pas livré quelque chose s'inspirant de cela "dans les steppes" ?
        1. 0
          26 September 2022 15: 10
          Le Dniepr est un fleuve avec plusieurs barrages, pas une mer.
  11. +32
    26 September 2022 07: 18
    The questions are absolutely correct. Those that are given at the beginning of the article. There are many answers to them.
    Firstly, there is definitely a so-called at the top. "Party of peace lovers" who, IMHO, do not miss a single day so as not to hysteria in the corridors of the Kremlin, they say, do not dare to hit on the transport and energy infrastructure, like "we are not barbarians"! Like, how we will be met later in a "civilized" society. Well, at the same time, this audience hysterically demands to "surrender and repent", since the whole "civilized" world is against us. For this public, the Sun rises in the West, they are ready to break hari in prostration before the West and are ready to machine gun our people to the last man, if only the "big white gentleman in a pith helmet" approvingly patted them on the shoulder and allowed them to eat leftovers from his table .
    Secondly, it is possible that in order to ensure at least the neutrality of the oligarchic groups, which would inevitably fall under sanctions and restrictions, they were promised tidbits of the country's economy . And, of course, this oligarchy instantly puts on the brakes, they say, why are you guys hitting OUR future property? Well, scat under the bench, pretend to be a rag and don't shine! Considering how many of the oligarchs kick open the doors in government offices, decision makers immediately turn their tails between their legs and give the command to "set aside."
    After all, the oligarchs do not care that the integrity of communications is the death of our guys, the death of people in the Donbass, these are counteroffensives. You will not see the cubs of the oligarchs on the front line, but they do not care about the Russian people from the high bell tower, they are "citizens of the world." Promise them a gesheft of 1000% and they will buy machine guns in echelons in order to "import substitution" to lead our people through all sorts of "guests".
    Thirdly, it is possible that Russian business groups already had a share in the country's economy 404. And then look "secondly", only this time, business groups, holding up the nostrils of decision-makers, ominously ask, they say, have you completely lost the coast, they say, what are you aiming at, nits? And immediately follows the command "set aside".
    If we take historical examples, we can recall how not a single bomb fell on Ford or GMC factories in Western Europe and the Third Reich during the Second World War.
    In general, the topic of communications has already died down. People realized that no matter how much they appealed to the top, no matter how much they raised this issue in the media on the most central channels, nothing would change. The gesheft of certain factions is sacred to those who make decisions. If the gesheft on thousands of deaths is 300%, these groups, rubbing their sweaty hands and dancing "seven forty", will lead to thousands of deaths. If they see that on millions of deaths they will get a 3000% stake, do not hesitate, millions of deaths will be provided. So that the members of these business groups gorge themselves on black caviar and revel in champagne, so that their cubs-majors and mistresses over the hill revel in luxury.
    From the point of view of strategy and operational art, the destruction of communications is a guarantee that the enemy will get serious hemorrhoids on the front line. But when the interests of business groups interfere in strategy and operational art, or the notorious "peace lovers" play a game, then military expediency is sacrificed either to the gesheft of business groups, or to the interests of the notorious "peace lovers" who want, even as lackeys, to squeeze into the West. And this public is not interested in victims among ordinary people, they have long and thoroughly despised the "plebs", considering themselves "chosen ones".
    1. +12
      26 September 2022 07: 29
      No matter how these business groups are blown away by an internal explosion. After a significant part of the male population of the country returns from the front ..
      1. +12
        26 September 2022 08: 35
        Quote from: laws70
        No matter how these business groups are blown away by an internal explosion. After a significant part of the male population of the country returns from the front ..

        They won’t demolish it, because a part will not return, a part will not be very healthy, but “particularly slow-witted, violent, fair” (underline as necessary) will be shoved through the stage and the whole business.
        1. +8
          26 September 2022 13: 35
          Quote: Gvardeetz77
          They won’t demolish it, because a part will not return, a part will not be very healthy, but “particularly slow-witted, violent, fair” (underline as necessary) will be shoved through the stage and the whole business.

          It didn't work out in 1917. And now everything is going according to the same scenario.
      2. +4
        26 September 2022 09: 46
        So this group is doing everything not to return, otherwise why mobilize?
  12. +1
    26 September 2022 07: 20
    It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines. Western equipment is being thrown to Ukrainians. I think the Belarusians can also give us something. I mean Polonaise. Not a bad technique.
  13. +12
    26 September 2022 07: 20
    Quote: avia12005
    There is an opinion that another war is going on in the Russian leadership, where some want victory, and the second want to surrender. And the army is forced not to fight for real, but to wait for one of them to win. We would like to smash it, if there was a team, we would have smashed everything long ago.

    Historical analogies - The Seven Years' War, when the generals constantly looked back at the so-called. "young court" of the heir to the throne, who idolized the Prussians. They could have killed Friedrich then in the shit, but after each crushing blow they cautiously jumped back. Like, what if Peter has already reigned, what if for the victory over Frederick they will be shackled and driven to Siberia?
    1. +10
      26 September 2022 07: 27
      Quote: Panzerjager
      Quote: avia12005
      There is an opinion that another war is going on in the Russian leadership, where some want victory, and the second want to surrender. And the army is forced not to fight for real, but to wait for one of them to win. We would like to smash it, if there was a team, we would have smashed everything long ago.

      Historical analogies - The Seven Years' War, when the generals constantly looked back at the so-called. "young court" of the heir to the throne, who idolized the Prussians. They could have killed Friedrich then in the shit, but after each crushing blow they cautiously jumped back. Like, what if Peter has already reigned, what if for the victory over Frederick they will be shackled and driven to Siberia?

      Today I also remembered Field Marshal Apraksin. The parallel is indeed complete. I hope that his own "Rumyantsev" will appear, who will confuse the cards of the eunuchs of politics.
    2. +2
      26 September 2022 08: 59
      Quote: Panzerjager
      They could have killed Friedrich then in the shit, but after each crushing blow they cautiously jumped back.

      Could not. Friedrich quite painfully ruffled the Russian army at Zorndorf, and even at Kunnersdorf our rowing was not bad there. As a result, Friedrich was defeated, only there the same problem as in Ukraine became - a lack of troops. Berlin was occupied in 1760, but then they quickly had to leave so as not to get into the situation of the French in Moscow in 1812.
      1. +1
        27 September 2022 03: 28
        What nonsense? If under Zorndorf it was really hard, then the defeat of Friedrich at Kunersdorf completely annihilated him. And they left because Petrusha, a great lover of Friedrich, ascended the throne.
        1. -3
          27 September 2022 07: 35
          Quote: Nickelium
          they left because Petrusha, a great lover of Friedrich, ascended the throne.

          Too superficial interpretation. Troops were withdrawn from Berlin before Elizabeth's death. There were really not enough troops. Therefore, even after the overthrow of Peter III, Catherine II refused to continue the war because of the generally bad state of the Russian army.
          Under Kunersdorf, the allied Austrian cavalry made a significant contribution to the defeat of the Prussians, which overturned the Prussian squadrons during a counterattack. But many domestic historians prefer to hush up this fact. Pikul never wrote a word about it at all. But in vain. There is nothing shameful in this.
          Just as few people write that in the Battle of Novi, the French were crushed only after a flank attack by the Austrian General Melas and attribute the victory exclusively to Suvorov.
          1. +2
            27 September 2022 16: 54
            Another liberoid got out. Friedrich did not consider the Austrians to be warriors. He smashed them in the tail and mane. You would not climb with such outright lies. The defeat near Kunersdorf is the result of Saltykov's talent, and not the Austrian supermen.
            Yes Yes. Molasses and deribas won, but not Suvorov. How much does CIPSO pay?
            1. -2
              27 September 2022 18: 16
              what to take from you. Then people like you are rewriting history, like dill and the Black Sea are being dug.
              1. +1
                27 September 2022 20: 53
                You see already the Emerald together with the Zeley digging. The coke needs to be worked out.
  14. +15
    26 September 2022 07: 23
    Quote: Viktor fm
    There are no miracles in the world - the Kremlin has its own enemies, who, in Stalin's words, are engaged in sabotage.

    But Stalin crushed such people like lice, but today ... they are very nice people.
    "I can forgive the betrayal of France, I won't forgive the betrayal of the king" (c), isn't it from such positions that the Kremlin looks at all persons today? It harms Russia, but does not personally threaten the supreme person, and God bless him, let him continue to swarm, especially if this pest person is very, very pleasant for the supreme person.
  15. -7
    26 September 2022 07: 29
    And the option that there is an agreement with the states to jointly divide Europe is not considered? They will get production, and we will get increased supply of resources. That is, some capitalists have agreed with others, but ordinary people are dying.
    1. man
      26 September 2022 07: 49
      And the option that there is an agreement with the states to jointly divide Europe is not considered?
      And why the hell do states share Europe with someone if all of Europe already belongs to them?
      1. The comment was deleted.
  16. +3
    26 September 2022 07: 32
    Quote from Vrotkompot
    And the option that there is an agreement with the states to jointly divide Europe is not considered? They will get production, and we will get increased supply of resources. That is, some capitalists have agreed with others, but ordinary people are dying.

    Haven't you noticed that ours sharply respond precisely to the attacks of the Europeans, and not the Britons with the states? Macron called ours with some kind of threats, ours immediately in response knocked out the thermal power plant and stopped the nuclear power plant, from which it is France that receives excess energy. The same with gas supplies to Germany.
  17. +8
    26 September 2022 07: 54
    Regardless of the season and weather, it is possible to denify the whole of Ukraine, if there is a desire.
    1. +12
      26 September 2022 08: 18
      I don’t even want to think about it, but it seems that no one is really going to carry out the denazification of Ukraine am
  18. +6
    26 September 2022 07: 59
    Quote from: laws70
    No matter how these business groups are blown away by an internal explosion. After a significant part of the male population of the country returns from the front ..

    They are confident that they will have time to jump to their business jets at airports.
  19. +4
    26 September 2022 08: 00
    Quote: samarin1969
    Quote: Panzerjager
    Quote: avia12005
    There is an opinion that another war is going on in the Russian leadership, where some want victory, and the second want to surrender. And the army is forced not to fight for real, but to wait for one of them to win. We would like to smash it, if there was a team, we would have smashed everything long ago.

    Historical analogies - The Seven Years' War, when the generals constantly looked back at the so-called. "young court" of the heir to the throne, who idolized the Prussians. They could have killed Friedrich then in the shit, but after each crushing blow they cautiously jumped back. Like, what if Peter has already reigned, what if for the victory over Frederick they will be shackled and driven to Siberia?

    Today I also remembered Field Marshal Apraksin. The parallel is indeed complete. I hope that his own "Rumyantsev" will appear, who will confuse the cards of the eunuchs of politics.

    Better - Saltykov, winner at Kunersdorf
  20. +8
    26 September 2022 08: 05
    Why do we need to tell truisms? 99,9% are only in favor, but the Kremlin has a different opinion, the towers are fighting there.))
  21. The comment was deleted.
  22. +11
    26 September 2022 08: 18
    judging by the recent events - there is a "negotiable", and not at some level of the battalion
    hence our misunderstanding of the events taking place since February 24
  23. +6
    26 September 2022 08: 25
    It was necessary to start the operation with the preliminary destruction of all pests in the Kremlin. There would be no further problems.
  24. +14
    26 September 2022 08: 39
    Most likely, red lines have been drawn for Russia. Violated - the entry of NATO troops. They are no longer afraid of us at all, the deplorable results of the operation have increased the supply of weapons. The economy is in order only on our TV, in fact, the sanctions have a strong impact on production (one machine park in Russia consists of 90% of Western machine tools). Western analysts are already pointing to a decrease in the number of Caliber strikes, other types of air-launched missiles are being used. Yes, and strengthening the air defense of the Krajina is already yielding results. The number of missiles shot down is increasing. You see, not the consistency of our leadership, more talk than deeds. The rescue of Medvedchuk showed the priorities of the goals and these are not bridges.
    1. -2
      26 September 2022 18: 29
      Totally agree with you. It's been like this since day one - you don't touch the government buildings and transport infrastructure of Ukraine, we don't give it anything serious that can reach into the depths of Russian territory.
      It was. And so it is. At least for now.
      NASAMS is already on the way. And its models with microwave radar simulators have already been delivered.
    2. +1
      27 September 2022 03: 36
      Bullshit about red lines. No one after the Caribbean tea will check the readiness of the country to launch a nuclear strike. if this were true, it would have been introduced long ago.
      Sanctions work in both directions, and it seems to me that our partners suffer much more damage from them.
      The decrease in the number of hits with Calibers was probably due to the fact that their effectiveness was not as high as expected.
      No air defense will save you from high-precision weapons. Ours also shoot down the Hymars projectile, but another part flies. Yes, and if you haven’t noticed, they began to use Shaheeds more, which cause much more damage, both material and psychological.
      I won't say anything about Medvedchuk's exchange. There were a lot of such oddities in the history of Russia
      1. -4
        27 September 2022 04: 47
        Quote: Nickelium
        In the history of Russia, there were a lot of such oddities

        Here you yourself noted about the oddities. Who was aware of the agreements on Medvedchuk? They found out when they exchanged, the rest of the extras in the exchange. The same goes for the red lines. Whoever tells us what, communicate through their channels. There is a saying, never say never!
        1. +3
          27 September 2022 17: 00
          A respected hunter, even armed to the teeth, will not specifically go along the same path with a tiger. Many of you squealed that Putin would not mobilize, and Putin did. Many of you have argued that Putin will stop at Luhansk and Donbass. Putin went further. And how, following this logic, can we talk about some kind of red lines ??? Putin is cautious, but it is not worth bringing him up. Never. Comprende?
    3. 0
      25 January 2024 21: 14
      Maybe so.
      But only playing by the enemy’s rules (even secret, unwritten, unofficial) is a direct way to lose the war.

      Oh yes! It’s not a war we have, but a “SVO”!!!
  25. -2
    26 September 2022 08: 54
    I wrote a lot, but there’s no point, it’s just everyone’s business, now it’s bloody, no one will destroy bridges, but what about the business of our aligarhat!
  26. +4
    26 September 2022 08: 54
    To be honest, I don’t understand anything about this war anymore. Apparently, this is some special kind of war invented by Shoigu and his team. Maybe instead of bombs and missiles, cotton balls will soon be dropped so as not to harm the enemy.
  27. +7
    26 September 2022 08: 56
    Why is no decisive action taken at the strategic level to destroy Ukraine as a single state?

    Because that was not the goal, the original goal was a small, quick, winning special operation.
    Now, apparently, the plan is to keep what is already under control as much as possible to reach the borders of the regions and freeze the conflict.
  28. +8
    26 September 2022 09: 24
    Yes, there are more and more questions for the command, but there are no positive results.
    Moreover, with the mobilization they lied that it would not happen ...
  29. +3
    26 September 2022 09: 25
    Odessa \ Nikolaev (and Serpentine) cannot be left to them.
  30. +4
    26 September 2022 09: 30
    There is someone to replace the parasites of the General Staff laughing
  31. -3
    26 September 2022 09: 42
    There is one hypothesis as to why the RF Armed Forces do not destroy the bridges across the Dnieper. Perhaps, in response, the United States (of course, by the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) can destroy the Crimean bridge and other strategic facilities, in particular bridges, on the territory of the Russian Federation. How they did it with a long-range missile from an airfield in Saki.
  32. +5
    26 September 2022 09: 50
    A lot has been written, but it leaves a lasting impression of projecting.
    What will the RF Armed Forces gain from the destruction of transport routes across the Dnieper? The entire grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the left bank of the Dnieper will be cut off and inevitably defeated. No options. And, most likely, in the shortest possible time, since it will be practically impossible to support it with equipment, ammunition, or manpower. No boats, barges, ferries and pontoon crossings will be able to ensure the normal supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    And where did the author take this from? The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation succeed in this in the Kherson region, near the LBS itself, within the reach of the notorious Himarsy, with a coast that is very inconvenient for access, forcing them to build such pontoon crossings right next to the broken bridge, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which means, in the depths of defense, far from the LBS, with Air defense, which makes it difficult for air reconnaissance and delivering accurate air strikes (and it’s difficult for ferries in another way), will it not work? And what will prevent us from arranging delivery by these very barges and ferries across the Dnieper, far from the LBS, with a huge number of convenient access roads to the water, which can be chosen at a distance of a thousand kilometers, with large cities adjacent to the water, in which it is convenient to mask traffic (if this can be done in Kherson, where all the entrances to the water are countless due to the peculiarities of the coastline)?
    Some sort of blueprint.
    It is not easy to shoot rockets at the bridge, and the author, judging by the article, also understands this. There will be a very large consumption of heavy missiles with an unclear result. Using bombs and aviation, unsuppressed air defense interferes. Despite the fact that the bridge is large and visible to everyone, it is not at all easy to destroy it, which was shown by the experience of the bridge across the Dniester estuary (or Antonovsky bridge). And the author proposes to destroy all bridges a thousand kilometers away.
    And so on all points of the "grand plan".
    For example, railway communication. The author still lives with the ideas of the Great Patriotic War. But then it was a different time. Armies of many millions required very intensive supplies in huge quantities. Thousands of aircraft hung over the railways, providing reconnaissance and operational strikes against mobile targets - locomotives and trains. Now the number of troops and the volume of cargo is ten times less. The number of aircraft in general piece is used.
    And most importantly. Since the Great Patriotic War, the role of motor transport has changed a lot. There was a huge road network and heavy vehicles in large numbers. And the volumes of military transportation that are required can be transported by road without big problems, albeit somewhat less conveniently, but you can’t shoot a rocket at each truck, you need a large number of helicopters and aircraft in the depths of the enemy’s defenses. And the volume of military traffic will simply get lost in civilian traffic.
    Not surprisingly, this idea was abandoned.
    And the author continues to promote such ideas.
    1. +6
      26 September 2022 11: 34
      Will the Armed Forces of Ukraine have so many PMPs? How much will the delivery shoulders increase? It is possible to destroy not only bridges across the Dnieper, but also other bridges at a distance of 20-60 km from the front line. This will be the isolation of the battlefield. Front-line bombers are designed precisely to isolate the battlefield, cut off supplies and replenish troops.
      1. +1
        26 September 2022 13: 33
        Far in many places the front line from the Dnieper. And there are probably plenty of river transport - barges, ferries and other things - on the Dnieper, there are many reservoirs.
        1. +2
          26 September 2022 16: 43
          The transfer by river transport has many difficulties. Not all ships are suitable for transporting troops. The most suitable are platform barges and platform ships, but they are not equipped with ramps for independent departure of equipment. Attacking locks limits the area of ​​operation of ships to the boundaries of one reservoir, and ships are large enough targets for attack. Waiting for loading on ships will lead to the concentration of equipment and people in a limited space.
  33. -4
    26 September 2022 09: 56
    Blow up the dams and flood everything, including Kherson.

    It is vital to restore the Antonovsky bridge

    On this occasion, a few days ago, Peremogi posted a mocking post that the Ukrainians spent 2 months and a bunch of missiles on the war with the bridge, and in the end, ours just made a dry crossing, and at least bomb it.

    In general, as practice shows, the restoration of such damage, the application of which requires the use of ammunition costing hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars, is usually solved with a pick and a shovel. Believe me, there is no magic wand that will immediately stop all unwanted actions. Pits will be filled in, training centers will be camouflaged, and so on and so forth.

    If MO wants to completely turn off the light, then it will turn it off at any time. Actually, the attack of the Kharkiv TPP pursued exactly what to show, that this can always be done. And if it has not yet satisfied the ukrams of the Middle Ages, then, therefore, it does not want to. For example, to avoid a vast humanitarian catastrophe.
  34. -1
    26 September 2022 10: 05
    A few comments from the direct participants in the hostilities

    There, no one on the ground has any doubts that the events are planned, and everything is proceeding according to the agreements.
  35. +6
    26 September 2022 10: 24
    I read it, it seems to be competent and reasoned. Only one big "BUT". This is couch analytics that does not take into account the main thing - the lack of funds to carry out everything that the author offers! We don't have the technical ability to do everything. Why don't we hit like we did in the beginning? Yes, our Calibers and Iskanders have run out! Or there are so few of them left that we can no longer risk spending them. There are practically no means of electronic warfare and counter-battery combat, there are no means of technical intelligence. Rogozin actively earned on commercial launches of other people's satellites, and basically lost his own reconnaissance ones. We can make any kind of plans, but we can realize them only in our imagination. It is now clear why, instead of cruise missiles, as in the spring, we launch Iranian rattlers through warehouses in Zatoka?
    1. +2
      27 September 2022 03: 41
      Can you estimate how many Iskanders, X's and calibers do you need for one bridge? Missiles have not run out, it is simply not advisable to use them against such structures.
  36. +2
    26 September 2022 10: 25
    Quote: kamakama
    The British could 75 years ago. ...

    The undermining of the dam also led to the fact that during the subsequent bombing of objects (both civilian and military) in the Ruhr basin, the effectiveness of extinguishing fires sharply decreased.
    The British then used "jumping bombs".
    After that, a film was made in England - dumbuster.
    So if you watch a movie - a blockbuster - you will know where "legs grow from."

  37. +2
    26 September 2022 10: 36
    Again these complaints.
    They sorted it out here that there are simply not enough missiles to destroy the bridges across the Dnieper and then prevent them from being restored.

    Supply the troops with thousands of missiles and everything will be fine.
  38. -1
    26 September 2022 10: 42
    The Right Bank Outskirts began to be touched by ZZZZyayay! because there is BUSINESS!
  39. +5
    26 September 2022 10: 44
    As far as I understand, plan B is now running.
    Plan A was that within a month we move forward, the Armed Forces of Ukraine scatter home, we victoriously enter Kyiv, arrange a trial of the Nazis, change power to a loyal Medvedchuk, Tsarev, etc. (underline as appropriate), the new ukrovlast recognizes the DLNR and everyone disperses satisfied.
    The result is known to all. No one fled, the Armed Forces of Ukraine stood up to their deaths, the people of Ukraine did not very happily accept the Russian troops, etc. By May, the realization of this fact entered the minds of our leaders completely.
    Then Plan B came into play. Stand still and extinguish the Armed Forces of Ukraine with artillery and pinpoint strikes, minimizing your losses and grinding down l / s and weapons. At the same time, trying to negotiate in the style of “guys, let's end this and disperse” (Medinsky and Abramovich in Turkey, “goodwill gestures”, etc.). However, Plan B did not provide for the saturation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with such volumes of NATO weapons, the provision of calculations, the training of natives, etc. Time was lost, Ukraine pulled up reserves and we raked the Kharkov gap when our troops fled, abandoning weapons, equipment, warehouses, etc. Moreover, the West, which at the beginning did not understand what to do and expected a quick removal of Ukraine, saw that we were chewing snot, began to become impudent and supply already really dangerous types of weapons, which Ukraine is not at all embarrassed to use, provides intelligence, information support, and also plans offensive operations. They brazenly, without hiding at all, do all this, and the infrastructure of Ukraine is transport, the energy systems work like clockwork, quite calmly delivering Western fuels and lubricants, weapons and ammunition directly to the front line, and ours in response to this menacingly slap their lips from some stands , causing everyone's smiles and joy.
    It seems to me that our leaders finally finally realized that everything was already serious. And plan B was introduced. Which already implies an almost full-fledged war. The announcement of mobilization, the recognition of the republics and regions of Ukraine as part of the Russian Federation, sort of let us know that's all. Basta, little ones. We joked and that's enough. We will fight for real, until victory. Whose is the question (although I personally do not doubt the victory of Russia). The nature of warfare must change significantly. Of course, we blew a crazy advantage in six months. What is supposed to be done only now should have been done in March, as suggested by many experts - hawks. That in any case, you have to do it all. And so it happened. I REALLY hope that all decisions have already been made and the removal of the infrastructure will begin in the very near future.
    Of course, in plan B there can also be errors and miscalculations. But, let's hope that everything will be relatively fast.
    1. -3
      26 September 2022 11: 40
      I REALLY hope that all decisions have already been made and the removal of the infrastructure will begin in the very near future.

      Which militarily will not give anything. It is impossible to completely endure it, and the rest will be enough to supply the Armed Forces of Ukraine, only civilians will suffer, which will be on all TV channels in the West. Therefore, this will only give an increase in the supply of Western weapons and an additional influx of volunteers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
      1. +2
        26 September 2022 14: 24
        Which militarily will not give anything.

        The Armed Forces of Ukraine shoot ammunition wagons a day. How are they going to drive these cars east without bridges? How will they drive fuel and lubricants in tanks? Think a little.
        1. 0
          26 September 2022 15: 12
          Ordinary trucks and large volume tankers, which abound. Like barges and ferries on the Dnieper.
          1. +2
            26 September 2022 15: 20
            Ordinary trucks and large volume tankers, which abound.

            Of course, but it will complicate the logistics very, very much.
            1. +1
              26 September 2022 15: 37
              I don't think it will make it that hard, especially for the military. Anyway, from the railway to the car somewhere they are overloaded (and some of them are immediately transported by trucks from Poland, there is no difference at all). Ferry - a maximum of half an hour along with loading and unloading. Crossed the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro - it's a matter of minutes.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      27 September 2022 11: 27
      Quote: Mishka78
      As far as I understand, plan B is now running.
      Plan A was that within a month we move forward, the Armed Forces of Ukraine scatter home, we victoriously enter Kyiv, arrange a trial of the Nazis, change power to a loyal Medvedchuk, Tsarev, etc. (underline as appropriate), the new ukrovlast recognizes the DLNR and everyone disperses satisfied.
      The result is known to all. No one fled, the Armed Forces of Ukraine stood up to their deaths, the people of Ukraine did not very happily accept the Russian troops, etc. By May, the realization of this fact entered the minds of our leaders completely.
      Then Plan B came into play. Stand still and extinguish the Armed Forces of Ukraine with artillery and pinpoint strikes, minimizing your losses and grinding down l / s and weapons. At the same time, trying to negotiate in the style of “guys, let's end this and disperse” (Medinsky and Abramovich in Turkey, “goodwill gestures”, etc.). However, Plan B did not provide for the saturation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with such volumes of NATO weapons, the provision of calculations, the training of natives, etc. Time was lost, Ukraine pulled up reserves and we raked the Kharkov gap when our troops fled, abandoning weapons, equipment, warehouses, etc. Moreover, the West, which at the beginning did not understand what to do and expected a quick removal of Ukraine, saw that we were chewing snot, began to become impudent and supply already really dangerous types of weapons, which Ukraine is not at all embarrassed to use, provides intelligence, information support, and also plans offensive operations. They brazenly, without hiding at all, do all this, and the infrastructure of Ukraine is transport, the energy systems work like clockwork, quite calmly delivering Western fuels and lubricants, weapons and ammunition directly to the front line, and ours in response to this menacingly slap their lips from some stands , causing everyone's smiles and joy.
      It seems to me that our leaders finally finally realized that everything was already serious. And plan B was introduced. Which already implies an almost full-fledged war. The announcement of mobilization, the recognition of the republics and regions of Ukraine as part of the Russian Federation, sort of let us know that's all. Basta, little ones. We joked and that's enough. We will fight for real, until victory. Whose is the question (although I personally do not doubt the victory of Russia). The nature of warfare must change significantly. Of course, we blew a crazy advantage in six months. What is supposed to be done only now should have been done in March, as suggested by many experts - hawks. That in any case, you have to do it all. And so it happened. I REALLY hope that all decisions have already been made and the removal of the infrastructure will begin in the very near future.
      Of course, in plan B there can also be errors and miscalculations. But, let's hope that everything will be relatively fast.

      A comment is better than an article
  40. +3
    26 September 2022 10: 53
    I had heard this before from Moishe Kedmi for several years. Something like this: "In how many weeks will Russian tanks reach Uzhgorod?" Not tired yet?
    1. +1
      27 September 2022 11: 30
      Quote: TEX-50
      I have heard this before from Moishe Kedmi

      Kedmi should be fired from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation without a pension and maintenance.
      1. -2
        27 September 2022 12: 29
        The first person to be fired there, preferably from a machine gun, is Evening Mudazvon.
        1. 0
          27 September 2022 13: 04
          Quote: TEX-50
          The first person to be fired there, preferably from a machine gun, is Evening Mudazvon.

          Why, is he an enemy?
          1. -2
            27 September 2022 13: 10
            Just look at how many times he changed shoes during his career. He serves Zion. Like all the chicks in his nest.
            1. 0
              27 September 2022 14: 17
              Quote: TEX-50
              Just look at how many times he changed shoes during his career. He serves Zion. Like all the chicks in his nest.

              That's it, let the nobles of Jerusalem fly in from the banks of the Jordan and go on the offensive against Izyum.
              1. -2
                27 September 2022 14: 26
                Yes, of course, let it be - the emotions are understandable, but it will be somewhat different. "Jerusalem nobles" will not go anywhere. They will sit in their promised (and not very) places and count the profits going into their pockets from one side and the other. And from the sale of apartments and from volunteering (the commission for each transaction, even in rubles, even in dollars, even in shitcoins, whose pocket goes into it? Guess the kids from three times!). And in the attack on Izyum, Vanya and Mykola will rip open each other's stomachs (each for their homeland, of course). Until Moishe decides that enough is enough (and he can decide this either if the movement no longer brings so much profit, or if there is a more profitable alternative to use Mykola and Vanya, or if someone defeats someone). That's the whole truth of life. It will be just like that and nothing else.
                1. 0
                  27 September 2022 17: 06
                  Quote: TEX-50
                  Yes, of course, let it be - the emotions are understandable, but it will be somewhat different. "Jerusalem nobles" will not go anywhere. They will sit in their promised (and not very) places and count the profits going into their pockets from one side and the other. And from the sale of apartments and from volunteering (the commission for each transaction, even in rubles, even in dollars, even in shitcoins, whose pocket goes into it? Guess the kids from three times!). And in the attack on Izyum, Vanya and Mykola will rip open each other's stomachs (each for their homeland, of course). Until Moishe decides that enough is enough (and he can decide this either if the movement no longer brings so much profit, or if there is a more profitable alternative to use Mykola and Vanya, or if someone defeats someone). That's the whole truth of life. It will be just like that and nothing else.

                  But the people support the special operation. Has Tel Aviv deceived all of Russia?
                  1. -3
                    27 September 2022 17: 42
                    It is not objectively clear from any sources how much the people support. For example Nightingale Litter will tell you that it is 100%. A 50-hour queue at the Georgian border will tell something completely different.
                    1. 0
                      27 September 2022 17: 45
                      Quote: TEX-50
                      It is not objectively clear from any sources how much the people support. For example Nightingale Litter will tell you that it is 100%. A 50-hour line at the Georgian border will tell something completely different.

                      For a second it seemed to me that you do not highly appreciate the activities of the guarantor of the Constitution?
                      1. -3
                        27 September 2022 17: 50
                        I appreciate what I see. not what the propagandists say.
                      2. 0
                        27 September 2022 18: 38
                        Quote: TEX-50
                        I appreciate what I see. not what the propagandists say.

                        How do you feel about Swan Lake on all channels?
                      3. -2
                        27 September 2022 19: 34
                        No way. I have seen it all in my life. In any case, this is better than detonating a nuclear warhead within a radius of 15 km.
  41. +4
    26 September 2022 11: 20
    If the stars are lit, someone needs it. (With)
    If the rear infrastructure is not touched, which leads to a prolongation of hostilities and an increase in losses, someone also needs this. Owners of fuel storage facilities, etc. Russia's actions like this save money.
    Someone puts their capital above the lives of soldiers? And can it influence the development of the NWO strategy?
    The Supreme Commander should also look in this direction.
  42. -2
    26 September 2022 11: 21
    From what hangover did it seem to you that the destruction of bridges on the Dnieper would undermine the logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Just barges, ferries, pontoon crossings will restore supplies in 7-10 days, especially with the help of Western owners. This option has long been taken into account and worked out by the NATO helmsmen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But for civilian logistics, this is death, and the Russian Federation will "love" even more for Europe.
    It makes sense to hit on communications if the Russian army is advancing and it will come in handy to hit carefully. These are the basics of military affairs. And not only everyone can wave a saber from the sofa.
  43. -1
    26 September 2022 11: 25
    What infrastructure???? What are you speaking about???? It is necessary to offer negotiations, and before that, express serious concern that Zelya does not give up.
  44. -2
    26 September 2022 11: 34
    everything is correct, but as long as the army is led by managers, it will be so: just business. yes, and you can shut up zhps-ku, but who will give the go-ahead
  45. +2
    26 September 2022 12: 08
    There is only one question: Putin said that we also started to fight. But he didn't say when we would start. In the meantime, there are thinking at the top, nothing fundamentally new will happen. So the dreams of experts, fairy tales of the media, regrouping, waste, reflections, maintaining the line, positional battles, arrivals in peaceful cities. We are waiting for Putin's speech the other day. And you might not get all the answers.
  46. +15
    26 September 2022 12: 24
    The article is very correct. but for its implementation we need a new Stalin, Beria, and Zhukov and Antonov .. and we don’t have them now. (Recent events have shown this)
  47. -1
    26 September 2022 12: 30
    Hmmm .. it was a sinful thing to decide at first that the author Roman Skomorokhov :) still wanted to be indignant at such a frank manipulation of facts and pulling a poor owl on a globe. But, everything is in order :) this is Mitrofanov, he can. More precisely, he is no stranger to writing enchanting nonsense, wrapped in an urgent problem for relevance and seasoned with a little real facts.
    Doctor Goebbels gives a standing ovation from his cauldron
  48. +3
    26 September 2022 13: 05
    Quote from solar
    what will be on all TV channels in the West

    I never understood, so what's going to happen? and in general and now what is not present???? now what is shown on western channels???
    1. +2
      26 September 2022 13: 39
      For them, this is linked to the volumes and range of deliveries of weapons and other assistance. The more the local public is loaded with such personnel, the more weapons will go. Are there modern tanks and aviation yet? Not enough of their audience warmed up for this.
  49. +5
    26 September 2022 13: 22
    It is not necessary to blame traitors at the top for all failures. As in the whole society, there are real patriots, and there are also pseudo ones. We will be able to find out something similar to the truth five years after the end of the war, when people sit down for memoirs. One thing is indisputable - we blew the advantage that the belligerent side has, the first to attack the enemy without declaring war. This does not characterize our General Staff in the best way.
    But, in general, I agree with the author, it is necessary to seriously disrupt the infrastructure of Ukraine and go to the natural line of defense - the Dnieper.
    1. +1
      26 September 2022 16: 27
      And why did you get the idea that the low pace of the operation is due to purely military considerations? /sincerely perplexed/
      It seems to me that this decision is higher than the General Staff and the Defense Ministry.
  50. +2
    26 September 2022 13: 53
    Quote: Master2030
    From what hangover did it seem to you that the destruction of bridges on the Dnieper would undermine the logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine? Just barges, ferries, pontoon crossings will restore supplies in 7-10 days, especially with the help of Western owners. This option has long been taken into account and worked out by the NATO helmsmen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But for civilian logistics, this is death, and the Russian Federation will "love" even more for Europe.
    It makes sense to hit on communications if the Russian army is advancing and it will come in handy to hit carefully. These are the basics of military affairs. And not only everyone can wave a saber from the sofa.

    I beg you, about barges and ferries that will restore logistics. Yeah, a hundred thousand times restored. Do you need port infrastructure, access roads, but a lot of this, in order to transship tens of thousands of wagons? This is not for you to transport five trucks across the river. And how to smuggle fuel and lubricants, do the skakuas have a fucking tanker fleet on the Dnieper?
    So past the checkout you with your forecast.
    1. +2
      26 September 2022 15: 22
      On the indicated section of the Dnieper there are several large cities with ports and access roads, and many smaller ones.

      transshipment of tens of thousands of wagons?

      Where did you get this amount from?
    2. +2
      26 September 2022 15: 34
      Quote: Tank DestroyerSU-100
      So past the checkout you with your forecast

      Lieutenant Graves and I flew to Mainz at the invitation of the Chief of Supply, General Planck, to attend the inauguration of the bridge over the Rhine, built by my friend and classmate, Colonel Frank Heulen. Heulen seemed to be annoyed with himself for having built the bridge in nine days, twenty hours and fifteen minutes, when, according to him, Caesar managed to complete a similar task a full twenty hours faster. We remarked to Heulen that Caesar was not building a railroad bridge.

      April 1945 year.
  51. -1
    26 September 2022 14: 01
    Quote: Prometey
    Quote: Panzerjager
    They could have killed Friedrich then in the shit, but after each crushing blow they cautiously jumped back.

    Could not. Friedrich quite painfully ruffled the Russian army at Zorndorf, and even at Kunnersdorf our rowing was not bad there. As a result, Friedrich was defeated, only there the same problem as in Ukraine became - a lack of troops. Berlin was occupied in 1760, but then they quickly had to leave so as not to get into the situation of the French in Moscow in 1812.

    It’s strange, under Kunersdorf, the Russian army retained its combat capability and did not go forward only for political reasons (exacerbation of Elizaveta Petrovna’s illness), but barely 3000 muzzles were scraped together from Frederick’s army in two days. And who was beating who?
    Or is it called that the Prussians heroically retreated, and the Russians fled in disorder behind them?
  52. +1
    26 September 2022 14: 29
    ...well, judging by the actions of the leadership, we would prefer to carry out a second, third, and fourth mobilization instead of decisive action, we have a lot of people...
  53. +3
    26 September 2022 15: 06
    Unfortunately, it is clear that there will be no threat (let alone attacks) to the transport infrastructure of Ukraine. Why? We will never know for sure, but probably the interests of very influential people close to the Supreme are “buried” here. And again, there is no talk of denazification of Ukraine. Most likely, the conflict will be “frozen” under current conditions: this is exactly in the spirit of Putin’s policy: one step forward, two steps back.
  54. +4
    26 September 2022 15: 44
    I think the author is right. Bridges across the Dnieper must be torn to hell. Once such a fight breaks out, we tear the last bridge across the Dnieper.
  55. -2
    26 September 2022 16: 05
    Are you saying there is no alternative? Why? There is an alternative - the lives of our soldiers, the reputation of our Army and the country, the unrest of the people, the loss of allies, which even now can be put in quotation marks, turmoil and many years of timelessness...
  56. -1
    26 September 2022 16: 16
    Well, one last thing. Well, we captured half of Ukraine. How can you then capture the second one? To produce “Dnieper heroes” again (GSS for crossing the Dnieper, a lot, many posthumously)?
  57. 0
    26 September 2022 16: 21
    Sir, who is in the subject, including the author, please explain how we can destroy these bridges? Please take into account 2 circumstances: 1 they were built in the USSR in conditions of a possible nuclear conflict, i.e. There is a huge margin of safety there. 2 Ukrainian Armed Forces have been hitting the bridge in Kherson for 3 months, without critical damage. Why all these articles? Throw a yoke or something?
  58. 0
    26 September 2022 16: 22
    An extremely contradictory impression from the article... :( It feels like the author thought and read a lot before writing. But the consequences of this method of solving the problem are too contradictory. I am already silent about the side effects and consequences.

    one of them. If Britain destroyed critical infrastructure in Germany in 1944 with the Dambmaster squadron, then why is the author sure that modern Ukraine cannot do this? But the Russian Federation has more of the same dams and they themselves are larger. Let's not even talk about fancy technology. Sabotage. Protection of bridges and dams? It's not even funny.
  59. AB
    26 September 2022 16: 53
    There are so many words written and all of them are almost correct. What can we say, this text is like the Voice of one crying in the wilderness, but the author is not John the Baptist and neither the Moscow Region nor the Government will hear his voice. Everyone knows and understands that war is money and not only the United States makes money from this war...
    1. +1
      26 September 2022 19: 23
      Power is more valuable than money, and if things continue like this, this very power may begin to shake. Therefore, we can only hope that up there they have not lost the instinct of self-preservation. After all, what the author writes about is the only way out in the current circumstances, since we do not need territories (except for Little Russia and the Kharkov region), which will need to be restored, and even with an angry population, but the capitulation of the regime, which implies the refusal of all reparations and the right to have armed forces, neutral status, etc. And this can only be achieved by making life on the remaining territory of Ukraine unbearable - without light, without communication, without heat. And for this you will not need to shed your own or anyone else’s blood. Whether we have enough strength and means for this is another matter, although now it is more important that we have enough intelligence and political will.
  60. 0
    26 September 2022 18: 44
    It’s long overdue, but we always have different policies. Everything is right in war, as in war.
  61. +2
    26 September 2022 19: 12
    “One step forward, two steps back” - Lenin didn’t write this about just now, by any chance? We are even afraid to call the war a war (fighting, in fact, with all the economic and technological power of NATO)... That’s why the bridges are intact, the railway junctions, the energy sector, and the drug-puppet is still running around, threatening... It is clear that here, on the sofa, many circumstances are unknown to us... But it is also unwise to remain silent to one’s own people after declaring mobilization; the top must explain such oddities of their behavior, otherwise questions will develop into complaints against them themselves, especially when we retreat.
  62. The comment was deleted.
  63. +1
    26 September 2022 19: 23
    Quote: Polite Moose
    Explaining the passivity of the DB by betrayal among some generals in the General Staff is not very logical.

    Agree. Most likely, the reason, as before in Russia in peacetime, is that in all spheres of government. Only those who were “compliant,” “their own,” and not those who were more capable rose to the top. They have the talent of courtiers, but no talent for doing business. Those who are capable are usually too “ruff”, they like to “cut the truth in the eyes”, it’s difficult with them. Look at Strelkov, for example. And it has always been like this in history: in years of trials and wars, peacetime leaders “fade”, incapable of independence and decisiveness. True, new ones are gradually emerging who are capable of fighting or getting things done, but are not able to “shuffle over” in front of their superiors and please.
    But peace comes, and these capable people again become inconvenient to the authorities and disappear from power. ((
  64. +1
    26 September 2022 20: 09
    I didn't even read the article (respect and apologies to the author). If you analyze (if you want to do it yourself) the course of the military operations of the Second World War (and there were such in the future in theory): - we need, by concentrating forces (with a total number of at least half a million soldiers and officers (a million are needed), with concentric attacks from the south and from the north, to cut off the eastern Ukraine along the Dnieper, entrenched on this natural barrier. Blocking the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the east. Without supplies, they will not last even a month. Capitulate. Left without an army, any country capitulates.
  65. The comment was deleted.
  66. 0
    26 September 2022 20: 47
    That's right. But these arguments would be in the ears of our politicians (who determine the appearance of the Northern Military District) and the Defense Ministry. For now, it’s hard to believe in the decisiveness of actions (including future ones). And these are the deaths of our people, and the best. All the scum have already fled or are fleeing after the mobilization was announced.
  67. The comment was deleted.
  68. The comment was deleted.
  69. The comment was deleted.
  70. 0
    26 September 2022 23: 10
    The topic of the article is very relevant. The suggestions and comments mentioned in the article were also repeatedly stated in comments by me earlier. It must also be said that the command in charge of the Northern Military District in Donbass and Ukraine clearly requires reinforcement with competent, active, energetic commanders. The article notes the obvious passivity recently on the part of units of the RF Armed Forces in the implementation of the SVO. First of all, criticism is caused by the low effectiveness of air defense in protecting civilian objects in the Donbass and in the regions of Ukraine liberated from Bandera. There is very little reconnaissance of the locations of Bandera missile and artillery systems from which shelling of populated areas in Donbass, Kherson region and Zaporozhye is carried out. The territory of the combat area is well known to the fighters of the combat units of the self-defense forces of the DPR and LPR. Operational reconnaissance groups from the united self-defense forces of the DPR, LPR, and the Russian Armed Forces using drones, dressed in Bandera uniforms, and in armored vehicles could travel the length and breadth of the entire territory, identify and quickly transmit information about the locations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units and missile and artillery firing systems peaceful cities in Donbass. The number of personnel of the Russian Armed Forces in Donbass is clearly not sufficient. But who does not allow missile and artillery strikes to be carried out on communications that supply the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the combat zone? Who prevents attacks on the decision-making centers of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Bandera political elite in Ukraine? By destroying the combat control system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, leaving the military units of the Armed Forces without supplies, the combined armed forces of the DPR, LPR and the Russian Armed Forces will ensure victory in the Northern Military District in Ukraine. The article also does not note the fact that if the combat units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military factories, command posts, offices of Zelensky and other Bandera leadership are left without power supply, then all combat activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be paralyzed.
  71. The comment was deleted.
  72. 0
    27 September 2022 08: 23
    Unfortunately, our air supremacy is now only on paper. Bomber aircraft are actually not involved, and cruise missiles are apparently already being shot down quite effectively. If we continue in the same spirit as now, the situation for us will only get worse. I hope the Moscow Region also understands this; after all, they have much more information. We are not actually participating in the information war, so we no longer need to work on creating a noble image. This means we need to focus on solving military problems, as written in this article. The goal is to drive the “Germans” out of the territory of Ukraine. Everything should work for this. All reasonable means. Most likely, NATO will join in for its dogs when we begin to squeeze the long-haired ones well, so this mobilization is not the last. The main thing is that not only “General Moroz”, but also “General EuroDiscomfort” in Europe, “General MAGA” in the SGA, “General Market Collapse” begin to help us. This is apparently what the president is waiting for; it is very difficult to explain in any other way what is happening.
  73. 0
    27 September 2022 10: 32
    Quote from solar
    On the indicated section of the Dnieper there are several large cities with ports and access roads, and many smaller ones.

    transshipment of tens of thousands of wagons?

    Where did you get this amount from?

    Because to supply an army of half a million, one train of 50 cars is not enough.
  74. -1
    27 September 2022 10: 44
    Quote: Negro
    Quote: Tank DestroyerSU-100
    So past the checkout you with your forecast

    Lieutenant Graves and I flew to Mainz at the invitation of the Chief of Supply, General Planck, to attend the inauguration of the bridge over the Rhine, built by my friend and classmate, Colonel Frank Heulen. Heulen seemed to be annoyed with himself for having built the bridge in nine days, twenty hours and fifteen minutes, when, according to him, Caesar managed to complete a similar task a full twenty hours faster. We remarked to Heulen that Caesar was not building a railroad bridge.

    April 1945 year.

    And what kind of bridge is this? Could dozens of trains pass along it?
    It has long been known that the Germans knew how to build smooth and low-water bridges. But what capacity did these bridges have? One train of 50 16,5-ton wagons is a convoy of 250 3-ton trucks. Up to 48 pairs of trains could pass across the railway bridge per day, that’s 2400 16,5-cars; 12000 trucks were required to compensate for them. A modern train consists of 50 60-ton wagons - 7 KamAZ trucks per wagon. Or even all 100 cars. To replace a train of 50 cars, a column of 350 KamAZ trucks is needed, for 100 cars - 700 cars. That's the whole schedule.
    The bridge was destroyed, now there is a logistical problem - to transfer cargo to watercraft, from watercraft - to railway again or to motor transport. Three to four days instead of the smooth arrival of trains at the unloading station within 7-9 hours. Simple arithmetic.
  75. 0
    27 September 2022 15: 09
    As far as is clear from some article, Russia showed only one trump card to Ukraine, but only six. Ukraine beat with seven. The matter did not go any further, because this is money that travels through Ukraine. If you remember what Karl Marx said about what capitalism is capable of, then you don’t care about people, the main thing is to fight in such a way that both sides are pumped with money. But if we talk about feudalism, then the map is even worse. They are already so confused that they don’t know what they are. Neither capitalism, nor feudalism, although there are terrible weapons, but it seems that this system in the two countries is from the Stone Age in thinking. And someone pulls the thread, then one, then the other hits the ceiling of the cave with firebrands. Someone laughs, and the audience pays money for this circus of puppets. They place bets and win money.
  76. 0
    27 September 2022 18: 18
    In order to do what they promised, you need to do it the way they did with Khrushchev, then the trains will move and they will clatter on the rails. And then, again, just like then, something will appear out of nowhere. Just no need to scatter, no scattering, just hanging, of course not banners. Once again they will turn a fairy tale into reality.
  77. 0
    27 September 2022 19: 06
    The title is intriguing.
    Our foreman answered briefly: “You can have Masha under the fence.”
  78. +1
    27 September 2022 21: 26
    This should have been done back in February 2022... But? ... During 7 months of hostilities, there was never a strike on trains with NATO equipment during its transportation, and this is a route 1 thousand km long. (from the borders of Poland, Romania to Kharkov) and a day on the road. What is the question... Have the calibers run out or are there no tracking satellites? During 7 months of hostilities, most of the strategic bridges of Ukraine (across the Dnieper) were never destroyed, all junction railway stations are functioning properly, trains with NATO equipment freely reach the front line and only there, WE begin to destroy it. What’s stopping you from destroying NATO equipment while it’s still on its way to the front? I wonder what’s in the heads of our Generals? I'm just shocked.
  79. 0
    28 September 2022 00: 52
    Many thanks to the author for the article!
    So far I have seen only two articles on this topic of bridges across the Dnieper, which with difficulty broke through the dull wave of articles endorsing the “brilliant strategy of the Northern Military District for the endless grinding of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.” One article by Colonel Cassad in LJ ( and one article by a military expert in MK (it was in the summer - I couldn’t find it).

    Here's the third one. That's it, no more.

    All the court journalists and experts in the media are talking about some kind of NEO-ear nonsense: that you need to hit the support, and our weapons are not so accurate, otherwise the bridge will be restored in a day or two (yeah, I see we have Antonovsky right away was the bridge restored or what? - no, and they said that they don’t need it: most.html ), that we don’t have large enough missiles and glide bombs (and the USA kind of has them, only because the Americans are “bad and evil”, they don’t think about civilian casualties during bombing, and we are above this, we don’t think about it in return about their soldiers?), that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have terrible object-based air defense (like it was all destroyed in the first 2-3 months?), that it is simply impossible to destroy bridges with conventional “Caliber” and other non-aircraft missile weapons, that this is inhumane, that it will cause terrible a blow to the morality of the inhabitants (we are fighting a war according to the Bible - isn’t that what they ordered?), that dams and dams cannot be destroyed, and bridges without dams and dams are useless to break (we need to do it all at once)... and at the end of the day: that we ourselves need bridges, to attack Lviv!!!
    It’s hard to even quote this nonsense - it’s simply monstrous...

    By the way, about crossings over dams and hydroelectric dams.
    There is a simple workaround: there must be a lock next to each dam/dam (the Dnieper is a navigable river throughout Ukraine). Please look at the satellite images of these hydroelectric power stations - you will see everything clearly there. There is always a bridge (railway or road, or both) next to the ship lock (or directly above the lock). These bridges at the gateways need to be bombed. And at the same time, there is one gate out of two lock gates - so that there is no navigation along the Dnieper.
    Why this is not being done is the mystery of the century.

    One thing is clear: the top leadership of the Russian Federation will actively avoid this issue in the media and will not give any clear answer to such obvious complicity with the enemy.

    I can predict that later in our history this will become another “black spot” and all the generals will blame each other (they are probably already preparing), and historians will shield you know who by inserting passages like “we have no definite facts that the order not to touch the bridges across the Dnieper came precisely from the Supreme... and there is no data on the reason for such a strange decision".
  80. +1
    28 September 2022 01: 49
    It looks very much like some kind of agreement... Otherwise, there is simply no explanation for the absurdity that is happening!
  81. 0
    28 September 2022 14: 45
    With such a concept, everything would have turned out this way. But the intention of our leadership is not clear. Just throw up your hands!
  82. +2
    28 September 2022 19: 19
    Quote from solar
    A lot has been written, but it leaves a lasting impression of projecting.
    What will the RF Armed Forces gain from the destruction of transport routes across the Dnieper? The entire grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the left bank of the Dnieper will be cut off and inevitably defeated. No options. And, most likely, in the shortest possible time, since it will be practically impossible to support it with equipment, ammunition, or manpower. No boats, barges, ferries and pontoon crossings will be able to ensure the normal supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    And where did the author take this from? The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation succeed in this in the Kherson region, near the LBS itself, within the reach of the notorious Himarsy, with a coast that is very inconvenient for access, forcing them to build such pontoon crossings right next to the broken bridge, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which means, in the depths of defense, far from the LBS, with Air defense, which makes it difficult for air reconnaissance and delivering accurate air strikes (and it’s difficult for ferries in another way), will it not work? And what will prevent us from arranging delivery by these very barges and ferries across the Dnieper, far from the LBS, with a huge number of convenient access roads to the water, which can be chosen at a distance of a thousand kilometers, with large cities adjacent to the water, in which it is convenient to mask traffic (if this can be done in Kherson, where all the entrances to the water are countless due to the peculiarities of the coastline)?
    Some sort of blueprint.
    It is not easy to shoot rockets at the bridge, and the author, judging by the article, also understands this. There will be a very large consumption of heavy missiles with an unclear result. Using bombs and aviation, unsuppressed air defense interferes. Despite the fact that the bridge is large and visible to everyone, it is not at all easy to destroy it, which was shown by the experience of the bridge across the Dniester estuary (or Antonovsky bridge). And the author proposes to destroy all bridges a thousand kilometers away.
    And so on all points of the "grand plan".
    For example, railway communication. The author still lives with the ideas of the Great Patriotic War. But then it was a different time. Armies of many millions required very intensive supplies in huge quantities. Thousands of aircraft hung over the railways, providing reconnaissance and operational strikes against mobile targets - locomotives and trains. Now the number of troops and the volume of cargo is ten times less. The number of aircraft in general piece is used.
    And most importantly. Since the Great Patriotic War, the role of motor transport has changed a lot. There was a huge road network and heavy vehicles in large numbers. And the volumes of military transportation that are required can be transported by road without big problems, albeit somewhat less conveniently, but you can’t shoot a rocket at each truck, you need a large number of helicopters and aircraft in the depths of the enemy’s defenses. And the volume of military traffic will simply get lost in civilian traffic.
    Not surprisingly, this idea was abandoned.
    And the author continues to promote such ideas.

    Dear, a train of 100 wagons means 6000 tons of cargo, which means 750 KamAZ-4320 vehicles. Do you seriously think that a 300-strong group can be equipped with one echelon? There should be dozens of such echelons. Now wrinkle your mind and see what it will be like to drive 12-15 thousand trucks DAILY, okay, 25 ton trucks let them be used - so to replace, for example, 10-12 trains of 6000 tons of cargo, you will need from 2400 to 2880 truck tractors with a lifting capacity of 25 tons. And from the Dnieper, these saddlers will have to trudge along the roads in columns of hundreds of cars. An ideal target for long-range MLRS cluster munitions, for the deployed kamikaze drones of our army. Moreover, no air defense will cover hundreds of kilometers of roads. And if fifty trains are required daily? This will cost tens of thousands of truck tractors.
    So all your arguments, they say, there is no need to touch the bridges - bypass the ticket office.
    1. 0
      28 September 2022 19: 42
      It’s strange, where are our special forces units, where is the operation to simultaneously blow up the transport infrastructure of Ukraine by sabotage groups. Where is the new partisan raid of GRU formations under the command of the newly minted Kovpak. We only have competitions for the best intelligence officers near Novosibirsk. Where are the special forces and means, where is the assault Banking in Ukraine by a Ukrainian special battalion, as it happened in Afghanistan in Kabul during the elimination of Amin, where the hell is all this? Where the special forces who started the hunt for Ukrainian RDGs is unclear. Where is all this, then what Shoigu told us was just another crap and deceiving the population of your country and throwing dust in the eyes of the president. This is how it turns out.
  83. -1
    28 September 2022 19: 29
    This is an excellent solution to a special operation that, as always, did not go as our great leaders thought. With the explosion of the gas pipeline, all this nonsense about some kind of negotiations should be forgotten. Only on the battlefield can we end this conflict. And taking the left bank of Ukraine is the most correct way to victory. It’s a pity that at the top, as always, they are looking for partners in the West and hoping for something else. But it’s a pity that time is not on our side and elections are not around the corner, do you think that mobilization has added popularity to our president, those who think so are simply naive people. The President needs to carefully look at what Shoigu and company have done and are doing in the army, especially in terms of mobilization work, material support, for example, ask the leader what the mobilized soldiers will sleep in in a field on bare ground, are they given sleeping bags, where are the new ones? first aid kits, and so on. And about weapons. Looking at what our wars are fought on, we must bow at the feet of the guys from the USSR who created such equipment. It’s strange how you end up starting a war with the whole world and not fully calculating the consequences, it just turns out to be much crooked will lead you out, but it may lead you to the wrong place at all, look at the history of our great and unfortunate Motherland.
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  85. +1
    30 September 2022 12: 40
    We can talk a lot about everything. There are many questions and complaints. To clarify the situation, it is necessary for the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Gerasimov and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Shoigu to appear in the media and clarify the current situation in the Northern Military District in Ukraine. One thing is obvious to me: the conduct of combat operations by the Russian Armed Forces in the Northern Military District the way it is being done now is futile. Our generals all studied at academies and know better than us that in any military operation there are main strategic goals and ways and means of achieving these goals. The main goal in the Northern Military District is not the destruction of the enemy’s manpower and weapons, but the elimination of the Bandera, fascist regime of power in the Independent. Accordingly, the main Bandera authorities must be liquidated and the organs supporting and protecting the Bandera regime must be destroyed: the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the SBU. To do this, first of all, you need to provide a legal basis:
    1. Official recognition of the current Bandera government in Ukraine as terrorist and criminal.
    2. Recognition of the current leaders of Ukraine, including Zelensky and his accomplices, as international war criminals.
    3. Recognition of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Security Service of Zaluzhny and further downward as international war criminals.
    4. Recognition: Biden, Macron, Scholz and other leaders of NATO countries as the main organizers and accomplices of Bandera’s war crimes, genocide of civilians in Ukraine and Donbass..
    5. Recognition: Biden, Macron, Scholz and other leaders of NATO countries as financial criminals who illegally seized Russian assets abroad, causing material damage to Russia worth trillions of dollars through their actions.
    For all charges, an official, documented accusation must be made, an appeal to: the people of Ukraine, the world community, the leadership of the UN and the leadership of UN member countries, supported by evidence and facts.
    To achieve success in SVO, you first need to:
    1. Neutralization by any means of the above war criminals, their isolation to ensure the achievement of peace in Ukraine.
    2. Destruction of the main decision-making command posts, the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine.
    3. Destruction and disabling of utilities, transport and communication systems, energy and water supply systems that ensure the functioning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, military enterprises, authorities of Ukraine and command posts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine.
  86. +1
    30 September 2022 16: 59
    Quote from Lupo
    I didn't even read the article (respect and apologies to the author). If you analyze (if you want to do it yourself) the course of the military operations of the Second World War (and there were such in the future in theory): - we need, by concentrating forces (with a total number of at least half a million soldiers and officers (a million are needed), with concentric attacks from the south and from the north, to cut off the eastern Ukraine along the Dnieper, entrenched on this natural barrier. Blocking the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the east. Without supplies, they will not last even a month. Capitulate. Left without an army, any country capitulates.

    So what are you saying???!!!! This is the tactics and strategy of the “despicable scoop”! No, the Russian army of a “new type” will fight a war of a “new type”. And where a division of the “despicable Soviet” of the 1944-1945 model would break through the defense with minimal losses in a day, the “almighty BTG” of the “new type of army” will beat the hell out of itself against the wall until it crawls to the ground, exhausted. We will dance with tambourines around the platoon stronghold for a year, pass off the capture of the dugout as a victory comparable to the capture of Berlin, and celebrate to the point of obscenity. But it will be dancing with tambourines of the “almighty BTG”.
  87. The comment was deleted.
  88. +1
    1 October 2022 13: 20
    Yesterday the President said: we are ready for negotiations.
    They agree. It just seems to me that if we come to an agreement, we will wait another 8 years. Then it will be even more difficult.
  89. +1
    1 October 2022 16: 44
    I also wrote about this, the destruction of transport logistics and especially bridges on the Internet back in the spring, but alas...... I fully support Andrei Mitrofanov’s article. If our generals and especially Putin do not want to lose the army and the people’s trust in them, especially soberly, you need to think carefully about everything and it is advisable to read this article. If there are pests, it’s time to identify and punish them, because everything is already VERY SERIOUS.
  90. 0
    1 October 2022 17: 17
    Comrade Mao Tse Tung advised to hit the headquarters. And Comrade Stalin started with his General Staff. And our leader, having fought for half a year, declared that he had not yet begun. We can see the consequences of such sluggishness. And who is “sleepy” now?
  91. 0
    2 October 2022 08: 28
    None of this will happen. Perhaps there is simply nothing? Or is there no political will? But it’s definitely time to address the issue of defense of Russian cities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Perhaps it's time to start working with self-defense units. Otherwise, if the conflict moves to the territory of the Russian Federation, which is very likely given the current state of the army, we will not be ready to repel any attack at all
  92. 0
    2 October 2022 18: 24
    Interesting idea
    Except for the fact that for this it is necessary to capture Kharkov and Kyiv, not to mention all other objects on the Left Bank
    By the way, after the capture of Kharkov and Kyiv, discussing HOW to further liberate Ukraine will be pointless, the question itself will disappear.
    But the idea is good. By its obviousness, first of all
  93. 0
    3 October 2022 08: 47
    Quote: "Use long-range precision weapons to completely destroy all transport structures across this river, except those under the control of the Russian Armed Forces."

    Is it this weapon?
  94. 0
    5 October 2022 00: 38
    no comments. I think the majority agree, with the exception of Mo and his General Staff
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  96. The comment was deleted.
  97. 0
    25 January 2024 21: 32
    Another addition to the article on the experience of destroying Serbian bridges on the Danube and other rivers by US aircraft in 199.
    As they say, learn from your opponent:

    In the 1999 war, US aircraft destroyed or damaged 82 enemy (Serbian) capital bridges across the Danube and other rivers in just two months. Of the 11 Serbian bridges over the Danube, 7 were destroyed.

    It was the longest, central spans of the bridges over this wide river that were destroyed.
    The Americans did not engage in nonsense (like every second “expert” of our sycophantic patriots) in the style "you need to hit the bridge support!".

    The restoration of the bridges took from three to eight months to tens of years, already in peacetime conditions!
    So all three bridges over the Danube in Novi Sad were destroyed by bombing.

    It is worth noting that NATO aircraft had to bomb one of those bridges - the Zhezhelev Bridge - 12 times until completely destroyed, here the US Air Force showed exactly the tenacity and quality of strikes that our aviation, or rather the government, lacks. And therefore they achieved victory over a country destroyed and transport-torn into pieces. To add to this important result, the movement of river transport along the Danube was disrupted by bridge debris.

    A new bridge 474 meters long on the site of the old Zhezhelev Bridge was built only in 2018 (in 19 years!) and cost 54 million euros.

    The restoration of another Freedom Bridge in Novi Sad took 4-6 years and cost 40 million euros. Photo in 1999: