From Minimum Deterrence to Parity: Risks of China's Nuclear Program for Russia


2019 year. Parade in Beijing. Source:

The most closed arsenal

News, which experts have been waiting for for several years - China has begun to build up its nuclear potential. In the Celestial Empire, they treat their own arms mass destruction and deliberately do not spread regarding the number of warheads. Of the five officially recognized powers under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, only China does not publish detailed statistics on the size of the arsenal. That is why there are large discrepancies in the information space regarding the real number of Chinese missiles and launchers.

The most modest analysts predict about 130 combat-ready nuclear charges, while optimists say about 900 launchers. And this is only as part of the ground component of the NAOK Missile Forces. If we put together all the analytical calculations, then the total potential of China in warheads for operational deployment is estimated at an average of 610 copies. However, the Pentagon at the beginning of the year estimated the PLA's nuclear forces at just 200 warheads. In general, a complete nuclear leapfrog.

New missile silos in China. Source:

The latest data from the Federation of American Scientists indicate the emergence in China of a new positioning area with launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In the desert of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, researchers Hans Christensen and Matt Korda have found traces of intensive construction of 110 silos. The missiles are supposed to be placed on an area of ​​more than 800 square meters. km. All data are received from civilian visual control satellites.

Analysts suggest that the Chinese will hide in the mines the new Dongfeng 41 (East Wind) ICBMs capable of reaching anywhere in the continental United States. Actually, this is what worries the Americans.

Beijing is not just building up its nuclear potential, but is expanding its arsenal with missiles reaching the hinterland of the United States. We are ready, so to speak, to cause unacceptable damage.

And this is not the first news this year with Chinese nuclear surprises.

At the end of June, satellites discovered another 120 ballistic missile silos in Gansu province. In the city of Ylantai in Inner Mongolia, 16 underground launchers have also been found, presumably for training purposes.

China, in the best traditions of Eastern diplomacy, declares one thing, but in reality it is doing something different. The original doctrine of minimum nuclear deterrence is being transformed into a large-scale program of achieving parity with Russia and the United States in strategic terms. And if everything is clear with the Pentagon - the missiles are directed primarily against it, then with Russia everything is not so simple.

Equal play

For Russia, the growth of the Chinese nuclear potential to a parity scale carries certain threats. First of all, one will have to take into account the opinion of a powerful neighbor, not only as one of the leading financial centers in the world, but also as a dangerous military opponent. Large-scale diplomatic work will be launched to involve Beijing in arms control processes. While in this stories Americans are working without much success.

In particular, the Biden administration was eager to see representatives of China at the Russian-American consultations on strategic stability in Geneva at the end of July. Official Beijing refused, explaining this by the incommensurability of nuclear weapons stockpiles at home and in the United States. Indeed, Washington is significantly ahead of the Chinese arsenal, controlling more than 3,5 warheads in the nuclear triad.

For comparison, last year Hu Xijin, a major state propagandist, called for a short time to increase the number of warheads to 1000, of which only 100 are "anti-American" Dongfeng-41.

It seems that the story itself with the suddenly discovered mines of the PLA Missile Forces was timed to coincide with the Geneva meeting in the Russia-US format. The Americans hoped very much for the convincingness of satellite photographs and the public outcry they would cause. They were counting on Moscow, which, to a certain extent, could influence Beijing on this issue.

But China and Russia have acted on one front - if we are to expand the format of strategic consultations on limitation issues, then with the involvement of Great Britain and France. Yes, these are countries with a fairly limited offensive nuclear potential, but they are important allies of the United States.

Together, several hundred nuclear warheads from London and Paris could shift the global balance towards NATO forces. Therefore, if China is brought to the negotiating table, then only in the company of the world five.

An invitation from India, Pakistan and Israel would also be ideal. Of all the nuclear powers (official and unofficial), Beijing is the only one that has pledged not to use weapons of mass destruction against countries that do not have a nuclear arsenal. Here, and without the forced reduction in the number of missiles, the declared peacefulness is more than enough.

In the meantime, China's Permanent Representative to the UN, Zhang Jun, reasonably counters Washington's proposals:

"At the present time, China is not interested in the so-called trilateral arms control talks and will not take part in them."

Strategic bomber-missile carrier "Hun-6". Source:

Last year, the Americans openly blackmailed Russia, urging to persuade the PRC to enter into negotiations on the reduction of nuclear weapons. In case of disagreement, Washington refused to extend the Russian-American START-3 Treaty. Russia eventually won - and did not invite the PRC to negotiations, and extended START-3 in January 2021. There appears to be no concern in Moscow regarding the discovery of new Chinese military development. And there are many reasons for this.

Chinese puzzle

It is believed that only 20-25% of the discovered missile silos are not fake.

In an interview with the Kommersant publishing house, Vasily Kashin, Deputy Director of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at the Higher School of Economics, mentioned the following:

“A significant part of the missile silos under construction are probably false positions. The Chinese have repeatedly resorted to this technique to protect their strategic forces. About half of their missile forces are construction units that engineer positions and create false positions. "

Such camouflage is a necessary measure in the event of a chronic shortage of nuclear warheads.

In the event of a first strike (from the United States, for example) on the territory of China, there is a high probability that the entire strategic defense of the country will be decapitated. That is why the PLA is so jealous of keeping the total number of warheads under wraps. Beijing's tactics are quite understandable - as many position areas with silo-based missiles, of which no more than one quarter are combat ones. The rest must die under the first blows of enemy warheads.

By the way, stationary rockets buried in the ground rather act as a psychological weapon and a potential target for a preemptive strike than an effective tool of the apocalypse. Beijing is well aware of this, expanding the share of wheeled missiles, which are not so easy to track from a satellite.

The second aspect, why Russia should not worry, lies in the location of the landfills under construction. They are pressed against Mongolia and are quite accessible from Russian territory with operational-tactical missiles.

The Chinese, in general, find it difficult to hide their arsenal from a disarming strike. On the one hand, the nuclear powers (and not the most friendly ones) India and Pakistan are backing up, on the other - Russia, and from the sea the American fleet is constantly threatened, concerned about trade routes and the fate of sovereign Taiwan. That is why most of the strategic arsenal of the PLA is now in the central part of the country in Taipei County in the warehouses of the 22nd Central Nuclear Weapons Storage Base. According to Chinese officials, all nuclear weapons in the country are stored undeployed. That is, it will not pose any danger in the event of a short-lived war.

Model of the first Chinese nuclear bomb. Source:

And finally, the most important thing.

China has not yet formed a full-fledged nuclear triad in the modern sense of this phenomenon.

The Submarine Strategic Deterrence Force is still in its infancy. A couple of years ago, the US military reported that Project 094 Jin submarines, carriers of ballistic missiles, were not able to communicate with the operational command from a submerged position. To do this, you have to unmask yourself either by surfacing or by throwing a special buoy. And, again, if the Chinese themselves are to be believed, Project 094 boats are not equipped with ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads.

Aviation part of China's nuclear deterrent triad is also not in good shape.

The unlicensed copy of the B-2 Spirit bomber "Hun-20" is still being developed, and the product of the Soviet legacy "Hun-6N" does not pull a real "strategist". Rather, it is a heavy aircraft carrier fighter. In addition, the Chinese army, like the Russian one, lacks strategic cruise tankers that seriously expand the combat radius of bombers / missile carriers.

Despite all of the above, China is getting richer and developing much faster than Russia. This means that, given the proper level of ambitions (and Beijing has them), our neighbors will sooner or later equalize the possibilities of strategic deterrence. It is not without reason that by the centenary of the formation of the PRC in 2049, Beijing sees the country in full combat parity with both Moscow and Washington. Less than thirty years are left before the birth of the third military-political pole of the Earth.
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  1. +18
    6 August 2021 06: 12
    risks of the Chinese nuclear program for Russia

    China is dangerous for its economic potential; competition with Chinese companies is doomed to failure. Soon the global construction in the country will end and the rivers of cheap steel and cement will wash away all their competitors in the World.
    And even for Russia, greater risks come from internal problems: unemployment, falling welfare of the bulk of citizens, demographic decline. All this is much more dangerous for than the Chinese warheads in Xinjiang ...
    1. -2
      6 August 2021 07: 41
      The Communists of the PRC showed how and where to develop a socialist country. At the same time, there is a vivid example nearby - the slowly but irreversibly decaying former socialist superpower, which chose the path of regression capitalism - wild capitalism - autocratic feudalism, ultimately determining the status of a poor raw material autarchy of the Latin American type. Moreover, with the full approval of the population.
      1. +1
        6 August 2021 08: 21
        One problem, after Chinese "communism" (you know that China is the country with the largest number of billionaires), our Russian capitalism looks quite socialist.

        Well, you skip ahead in your fairy tales about how good it is to live in a country where everything is tied to imports, and which is vulnerable from all sides under martial law, from tankers in the Indian Ocean to raw-material territories within reach of Russian bombers in the north.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. -1
          6 August 2021 12: 07
          how good it is to live in a country where everything is tied to imports and which is vulnerable from all sides under martial law

          Are you talking about the Russian Federation now? what
        3. 0
          15 October 2021 23: 23
          and if these billionaires start to lose their shores, they may be shot a little
    2. +5
      6 August 2021 07: 41
      Quote: Doccor18
      Soon the global construction in the country will end and the rivers of cheap steel and cement will wash away all their competitors in the World.

      Not everything is so simple, and the United States is excellent at showing how to deal with this - by imposing duties, under the pretext that Chinese enterprises are dumping ...
      1. +6
        6 August 2021 08: 40
        Quote: svp67
        Not so simple

        That's right.

        Quote: svp67
        The USA is great at showing how to deal with it -

        This is the United States ... To impose duties on Chinese goods, you need to have some kind of industrial potential (and it only shrinks everywhere, from year to year), as well as nationally oriented politicians ...
        1. +2
          6 August 2021 10: 45
          Quote: Doccor18
          To impose duties on Chinese goods, you need to have some kind of industrial potential behind your soul (and it only shrinks everywhere, from year to year)

          I would not say that our metallurgy is in the "black body"
        2. +1
          15 October 2021 23: 10
          What's good about "duties"?


          do they support "their" so to speak "manufacturer"?

          what is this "own" .. "manufacturer"?

          who wants to receive the maximum "superprofit" from "theirs"?
          and take it out .. then abroad?
          and for this purpose also the "ruble exchange rate" must be "kept" for them? to the delight of speculators

          your own manufacturer without quotes is what you need
          so that you cannot be sold at inflated prices .. and dictate the price
          and not to receive from "their" this "superprofit"

          otherwise it's complete
          you are "cheap slave. power" .. you get pennies
          but should buy at prices higher than world prices
          how should you do it?
          I do not know

          we need our own manufacturer .. without quotes
          which will allow for our own people to buy at prices .. well, so that we can buy it even if others do not want to sell to us
          and more .. if he can and the world market .. at least part of the capture .. and profit in his country to give some

          yes .. just such a simple logic
          so that we could not dictate an overpriced price .. or not sell something at all
          and as a bonus, some kind of income for the country to give .. competing honestly not only in their country .. but also on an equal footing in the world market

          this is simple logic

          and this perverse "multi-move"
          when you are a cheap slave power .. you get a penny ..
          but somehow I have to buy at prices higher than world prices

          Well, what's so hard about that?

          for this you need your own manufacturer


          we need our own manufacturer

          who and his workers .. his hired slave. force .. pay a decent salary
          and at prices affordable primarily for their citizens to sell their products
          and compete on equal terms with manufacturers from other countries

          but not such .. for which "duties" must be introduced
          so that we somehow manage to buy at prices higher than world prices
          while receiving wages lower than workers in other countries

          here at least a hundred times the same thing repeat .. anyway .. will stubbornly "duties" to introduce
          for the sake of "their manufacturer"
          and he will "convert" his "excess profit" into in. currency .. and display "there"

          we will not see decent wages .. and affordable prices
      2. 0
        15 October 2021 23: 17
        What's good about "duties"?


        do they support "their" so to speak "manufacturer"?

        what is this "own" .. "manufacturer"?

        who wants to receive the maximum "superprofit" from "theirs"? and to pay their workers at the same time pennies?
    3. -1
      6 August 2021 12: 15
      Soon the global construction in the country will end and the rivers of cheap steel and cement will wash away all their competitors in the World.

      If these same competitors China is allowed to enter their markets with these goods.
      1. 0
        15 October 2021 23: 15
        why not let it in?

        if they sell cheap?

        let everyone sell us everything cheaply

        it's better than working for a pittance .. and buying at prices higher than world prices

        if they want - even if they bring their goods to us for free ... but we won't work at all ourselves
    4. -2
      7 August 2021 01: 05
      Quote: Doccor18
      rivers of cheap steel and cement will wash away all their competitors in the World

      Moreover, 90% of the countries of the world, being buyers, are looking forward to this and do their best to contribute. Cheap steel and cement will help close the affordable housing shortage and accelerate economic growth in most countries around the world.
      1. +7
        7 August 2021 10: 26
        Quote: And Us Rat
        Cheap steel and cement will help close the deficit

        They will be "cheap" exactly until all serious foreign competitors die, and then the Chinese monopoly will dictate its prices ...
        1. 0
          7 August 2021 11: 19
          Quote: Doccor18
          They will be "cheap" exactly until all serious foreign competitors die

          A logical conclusion, but not a far-sighted one. This is a monosyllabic logical chain, and the Chinese look at 10 steps in front.
          Until all serious foreign competitors die in "developed" countries - a more accurate forecast. They cannot move the Indians, the labor force there is even cheaper, which means that the competition will not go anywhere.
          In addition, the Chinese are well aware of the global economic crisis due to oversaturation of sales markets. And it is much more profitable for them to create new ones, tied to themselves (as the United States did after World War II).
          Only the Yankees tied to themselves with cheap loans, and the Chinese with direct investments and the sale of cheap funds, boosting local economic development.
          1. +6
            7 August 2021 16: 05
            Quote: And Us Rat
            Until all serious foreign competitors in the "developed" countries die - a more accurate forecast.

            They have been agonizing for the 12th year already ... Only protective duties and billions of dollars in government injections do not allow them to die, but they do not bring them out of a coma either ...

            Quote: And Us Rat
            They cannot move the Indians, the labor force there is even cheaper, which means that the competition will not go anywhere.

            Doubtful statement.
            1. For every Idian ton of steel, China produces NINE.
            2. China has a strong scientific and industrial potential, and the means to modernize the metallurgical industry. India has nothing of the kind. Even doubling steel production is an almost impossible task for India.
            3. India is a complex caste-bureaucratic-corruption knot that often alienates foreign investors. After reading about the incredible and senseless ordeals of the Korean POSCO in India, one can imagine a unique local flavor ...
            This is unthinkable for China.

            Quote: And Us Rat
            In addition, the Chinese are well aware of the global economic crisis due to oversaturation of sales markets.

            They also realize it. Therefore, dozens of outdated metallurgical plants have already been closed, and a gigantic work has been done to build new modern enterprises. No one on Earth has as many modern industries as China. Chinese rolled products are the cheapest, and in terms of quality they are practically not inferior to competitors. Of the 107 companies in the world (with steel production over 3 million tons), 64 are Chinese. There are seven Chinese companies in the TOP-10. ArselorMittal (international), Japanese Nippon and Korean POSCO - just three companies that have the resources to compete with the Chinese, compete in product quality, but not in quantity and price ...
            One China Baowu Stell Group has more production and financial resources than the entire ferrous metallurgy of Russia ...
            1. -3
              7 August 2021 22: 07
              Quote: Doccor18
              They have been agonizing for the 12th year already ... Only protective duties and billions of dollars in government injections do not allow them to die, but they do not bring them out of a coma either ...

              Because it is beneficial to stock brokers. The circulation of dough in nature.

              Quote: Doccor18
              For every Idian ton of steel, China produces NINE

              10.6 for 2020. Nevertheless, India is in second place in the world, and it is in no hurry to bury its steel industry.

              Quote: Doccor18
              India has nothing of the kind.

              Where does this information come from?

              Quote: Doccor18
              Even doubling steel production is an almost impossible task for India.

              Perfectly solvable, subject to two conditions - the need and money for implementation.

              Quote: Doccor18
              After reading about the incredible and senseless ordeals of the Korean POSCO in India

              Errors of the analytical department, that's all. Corporations from dozens of countries are doing great business in India, from Coca-Cola to Elbit.

              Quote: Doccor18
              No one on Earth has as many modern industries as China. Chinese rolled products are the cheapest, and in terms of quality they are practically not inferior to competitors.

              That's right, only their goal is not to raise the price by strangling competitors, like some narrow-minded oligarchs, for whom the main thing is to grab quickly, but geopolitical influence. So, their dear steel will be only for those who are not their friends and / or satellites.
              1. +1
                8 August 2021 09: 08
                Quote: And Us Rat
                Because it is beneficial to stock brokers.

                For stock brokers, yes, but only for them.
                And what about the industry? Several years ago, only the intervention of high EU officials prevented the sale of high-tech enterprises for the production of industrial robots to China, and this is very indicative of the state of the real sector of the economy in the EU ...

                Quote: And Us Rat
                Where does this information come from?

                The Indian metallurgy is expected to stabilize rather than expand in the coming years, according to NCAER analysts. According to them, the nationwide Make in India program announced last year, aimed at transforming India into a leading industrial power and stimulating the construction of new production facilities on its territory, is bypassing the steel industry. The inflow of new investments into it, national or foreign, tends to decline. In their research, NCAER analysts counted 11 major problems hindering the development of Indian metallurgy. This is a decrease in the growth rate of consumption (in April-August of this year it increased by only 4% compared to the same period last year); insufficient competitiveness at the global level and a sharp expansion of imports; financial weakness; excessive taxation; difficulties in acquiring land for construction; constant delays in the implementation of projects; difficult access to mineral deposits; problems in their development; lack of skilled labor; expensive and low-quality logistics; low environmental friendliness.
                As noted by NCAER, the country's steel industry has recently become unattractive for investment. Over the past three fiscal years, profits for national steel companies have declined by 46%. Many of them are overly indebted and may soon face problems in servicing loans ...


                Quote: And Us Rat
                Errors of the analytical department, that's all

                Well, yes, the analytical department could not imagine what awaited his company, no where they had not changed the conditions almost thirty times, and as a result they were thrown ...

                Quote: And Us Rat
                ... from Coca-Cola ...

                The market for non-alcoholic beverages is still significantly different from ferrous metallurgy ...

                That's right, only their goal is not to raise the price by strangling competitors, like some narrow-minded oligarchs, for whom the main thing is to grab quickly, but geopolitical influence.

                I absolutely agree. hi
  2. +6
    6 August 2021 07: 52
    Since when has a HSE representative become an expert on launch sites. A real launch pad requires maintenance, which can be easily seen from space. Don't confuse vulnerability with targeting. It takes time to aim the missile. The intelligence service does not consider any type of weapon until it has been tested. It is by this factor that reality is judged.
  3. +2
    6 August 2021 07: 55
    From Minimum Deterrence to Parity: Risks of China's Nuclear Program for Russia
    So any major vigorous program is a potential risk for ... yes, for the entire planet, perhaps.
    There, after all, even a "peaceful atom" is a potential threat to everything around ...
    So we live, the powder keg is getting bigger and bigger.
    One task, when / D / urkov with matches, to keep on a leash, or even radically ... radically, in short.
    1. 0
      6 August 2021 11: 52
      I also paid attention to these lines:

      Hu Xijin, a major state propagandist, called for a short time to increase the number of warheads to 1000, of which only 100 units of "anti-American" "Dongfeng-41".

      I mean, most of them are aimed far from America ..
      1. -1
        6 August 2021 12: 09
        And who can be defeated with a vigorous weapon from those who can attack, but are unlikely to be. Everyone wants to live! Live normally, not in bunkers.
        The question arises .... vigorous is needed for the battle or is it, for threats / containment?
      2. 0
        11 August 2021 07: 28
        China has territorial claims to all its neighbors except Russia. Horror story about the Chinese threat comes from the fosterlings of the United States
  4. -13
    6 August 2021 08: 16
    parity .. a very interesting thing .. while some are chasing))) others are also not worth it)) the United States is in debt for the most tomatoes ... they will not share technology with the Chinese either! Ours, too, are not fools .. they will not give the latest developments .. so ... CHAIN ​​is possible .. ONLY THIS IS A NEW TASK about which they talked back in the USSR for a long time ... a new RACE begins here .. and the USA WITH CHINA IS ALREADY IN HER LEFT)))
  5. -1
    6 August 2021 08: 16
    That is, the country whose entire economy is built on the supply of consumer goods to Western markets, cheap coal and free slaves. force, which remains so now, since for every person who settled there there are still 10 willing to take his place, and the level of urbanization barely exceeded 50%, and those who did not fall into these percentages in fact hang on the neck of the state, will now take and will make 1000 warheads. I readily believe, especially in the light of the fact that China is now the whole world is slowly spreading rot.
    1. +5
      6 August 2021 12: 13
      cheap coal and a free slave. a force that remains so now, because for everyone who settled there there are still 10 willing to take his place

      Probably, this is why Xiaomi TVs are already being collected in Voronezh.,))
      20-30 years ago, the Japanese technique of the Chinese assembly was considered not ice.
      Now we are already acting as such "Chinese" ..

      Against the background of the fact that:
      In the ranking of the development of the world economy in terms of GDP, the country took 2019nd place in 2. The average monthly salary in China is 5995 yuan (59 rubles), which is a decent income for migrants from the former CIS countries. 000 year
      this is not surprising at all ..

      By the way .. the Chinese even went so far as to fake themselves ..

      1. 0
        6 August 2021 15: 23
        Probably, this is why Xiaomi TVs are already being collected in Voronezh.,))
        20-30 years ago, the Japanese technique of the Chinese assembly was considered not ice.
        Now we are already acting as such "Chinese" ..
        We do not act the entire economy of China associated with mechanical engineering, electronics, military goods, consumer goods - based on Western and our developments, patents, copies of equipment and everything else, they just take and copy and also hybridize their purely created from scratch on their own equipment, but in the bulk this low-quality bullshit and them it is economically profitable to engage in industrial espionage, buy patents for finished equipment and engage in copying and hybridization - because from an economic point of view, it is profitable not to spend on R&D and spend a lot of time, and China will not get off this needle.
        1. 0
          6 August 2021 15: 33
          Now we are already acting as such "Chinese" ..

          We do not act the entire economy of China associated with mechanical engineering, electronics, military equipment, consumer goods - based on Western and our developments, patents, copies of equipment, and everything else is simply taken and copied

          Maybe I wasn’t quite clear ..
          20-30 years ago, Japanese technique of Chinese assembly was not considered ice ..
          It was not about patents or development, but about assembly.
          I mean - 20 years ago, China crawled up due to cheap labor..
          (let's leave aside the dirty word R&D and the like)

          When I write that "Xiaomi TVs are already being assembled here in Voronezh," this is precisely about the fact that our labor has now become cheaper than in China itself ..

          I cited the Chinese salary above from the article .. but a familiar girl at the assembly of Xiaomi gets 40-45 rubles from us .. Everything is more than obvious ..
          (by the way, this girl came here to work from the Kuban, leaving the house and her mother there .. because there the salary, according to her, is 25 .. and it is more profitable for her to live here, renting an apartment)

          I did not talk about any patents .. China did not have them either during the assembly of Coonwood / Quince ..
    2. 0
      6 August 2021 12: 24
      now he will take and make 1000 warheads

      You understand what's the matter. Since Deng Xiaoping's reforms, China has limited (and limits, as a percentage of the size of the economy) its military spending and the size of the army (which is a completely correct decision, I repeat). But as China's economy grew, it had the opportunity (which it actively used and is using) to increase military spending in absolute terms while remaining within the 1,5-2 percent of the gross domestic product, which is not burdensome for the economy and social sphere.
      The result is obvious. From a massive, but poorly prepared and armed with outdated, bad quality weapons, the "horde" of the PLA (the Chinese army) has now turned into a compact (by the standards of the XNUMX billion population of China, yes - that does not prevent it from outnumbering the Armed Forces of both the United States and Russia), a professional force equipped with modern high-tech weapons and equipment. This, however you do not relate to it, is now a "scientifically verified fact."
      On the other hand, a global (especially nuclear) war is NOT beneficial to either China or the United States. Whose economies are noticeably tied to each other. Although neo-colonial "struggle for peace" in separate "hot spots" between the United States and China (or, more likely, their proxy forces) can be expected in the foreseeable future.
  6. +8
    6 August 2021 09: 36
    Of all the nuclear powers (official and unofficial), Beijing is the only one that has pledged not to use weapons of mass destruction against countries that do not have a nuclear arsenal.

    With such a large army, it makes no sense to use weapons of mass destruction against countries that do not have a nuclear arsenal.
    China is very interested in our natural resources and therefore we are only temporary companions for it until China becomes the main superpower.
    1. 0
      24 August 2021 14: 49
      China has more than a lot of money.
      Why does he need our natural resources if they can simply BUY them?
  7. -2
    6 August 2021 09: 59
    The Chinese will quietly populate the empty lands of the East and Siberia. Not only is the population of Russia shrinking, especially the Russians, but also from the east and Siberia the population to the west of the country is massively dumping. And a holy place is never empty, especially when an economic giant with a powerful army and a population of more than 1,5 lard is nearby.
    1. 0
      6 August 2021 12: 04
      this mantra is already 30 years old
      1. +1
        18 September 2021 11: 34
        This mantra is at least 80 years old, if not more.
    2. +2
      6 August 2021 12: 05
      Stop it - China has its own empty land in bulk! Look at the map - the whole crowd is clustered along the coast and two rivers. The whole of Inner Mongolia is built up with empty cities, benefits are given - no, no one wants to settle there anyway. And you want to force them to move to Siberia! Shchaz!
      1. -6
        6 August 2021 12: 20
        You will see, if nothing changes, it will be so.
      2. +4
        6 August 2021 12: 30
        And who said that they need to move somewhere. China is interested in a stable supply of natural resources at the lowest possible prices. Who exactly will extract these same resources and ensure the supply of China does not really care. T.N. "socialism with Chinese characteristics" is a "product purely for domestic consumption", not for export. China's foreign policy is practically devoid of idealism and is based on the principles of China's own economic interests.
        The same Iran, for example, "the friendly embarrassment of the dragon" (this is when China turns in fact into a monopoly buyer of the main export product) has already appreciated when the Iranian government conducted its policy in such a way that it ran into the oil embargo from the countries of the European Union.
  8. +2
    6 August 2021 12: 14
    First of all, one will have to take into account the opinion of a powerful neighbor, not only as one of the leading financial centers in the world, but also as a dangerous military opponent.

    China moved into the category of "dangerous potential military opponents" by the end of the 1970s, a maximum of years ago.
    By the way, a significant part of China's nuclear potential is medium-range missiles. Such missiles are only partially capable of reaching theoretical potential targets on the territory of the United States, or they are incapable at all, but as far as theoretically potential targets on the territory of Russia ...
    1. -1
      6 August 2021 15: 25
      By the way, a significant part of China's nuclear potential is medium-range missiles. Russia will soon have large quantities of them the same as with the INF Treaty Everything.
      1. -2
        6 August 2021 15: 32
        Heh. In general, the first proposal of the American side on what ultimately became the INF Treaty was "The USSR is removing medium-range missiles beyond the Urals, and the United States is removing Pershing and Griffins on the territory of the United States itself." The proposal then drew sharp criticism from Japan and China. For obvious reasons. In the end, it didn’t work.
        PS: In the US, Pershing with Griffins are useless because of the word "absolutely". Therefore, I assume that the calculation of the US government was on the fact that the US Navy would be able to quickly transfer missile systems back to Europe "at an hour".
  9. +2
    6 August 2021 13: 54
    Interesting passage - 16 underground installations found in the city? Is it like? -Straight out of the sewer manholes, or if underground, but not so underground that they could count?
  10. -2
    6 August 2021 15: 55
    "An unlicensed copy of the B-2 Spirit Hun-20 bomber is still under development."

    Would the respected author deign to reveal to me the meaning of this phrase? When and under what circumstances did the Chinese comrades bother to get their hands on the B-2 Spirit and why are they developing a copy of the long-existing bomber? And what are the successes of our developers of the unlicensed copy of the B-2 Spirit PAK DA? I did not take the progressive USE, and I have some gaps in my knowledge of logic and Russian and literature.
  11. -2
    7 August 2021 16: 17
    Soon the United States will seem to us a little rascal.
  12. -6
    7 August 2021 18: 11
    A ballistic missile submarine is an anachronism. the cost of a missile on a submarine is much higher than a missile on a mobile complex or in a mine, and the safety of this boat in modern conditions is very precarious
  13. +2
    7 August 2021 18: 12
    Quote: Russian_2
    then we are stupidly undermining mines and the whole globe kirdyk.

    Admit it honestly, did you skip your lessons at school when you studied the structure of the Earth and the earth's crust?
    1. 0
      9 August 2021 00: 43
      Your opponent probably meant kirdyk to the population of the Earth.)
  14. +1
    7 August 2021 18: 22
    Biden tries to divide Russia from China, and here is the last American Vlassovian, to talk to us about threats from China and not from the US to Russia. And how is it that to talk about strategic weapons, you bring out an 'expert' in economics, perhaps trained in the wonderful years in which the Americans ran the Russian economy? The ICBMs of Xinjiang, says the FAS (Fake American Scientists) ... Xinjiang mon amour, the latest passion of Washington and its minions.
    1. +1
      9 August 2021 23: 35
      it is very likely that the author of the article is a provocateur. Have you seen the articles about the danger for the United States posed by the strengthening of the army of Japan or Germany? or the danger of a British aircraft carrier being commissioned? No? I didn't see either. but we regularly have some "expert" telling tales about how China will attack us and capture Siberia. ordinary provocateurs.
  15. -3
    9 August 2021 05: 24
    The author is wrong in his statement that Russia can reach the test site in Xinjiang with its operational-tactical missiles.

    First, Russia has no operational-tactical missiles in Siberia. They still need to be transported there from the Western direction. In this case, the West will be exposed. and The transportation of tactical missiles from the West to Siberia will not be overlooked. Therefore, in the event of a conflict with Russia, these missiles will be destroyed in time by China.

    Secondly, and this is the main thing, the distance from Altai, which is closest to Xinjiang, is almost 1 thousand km. Consequently, OTR will not reach Xinjiang from Russia. Here you need medium-range missiles. And Russia does not yet have such missiles. And even if Russia builds such missiles again, the deployment of an IRBM near China will cause a negative reaction from China and possibly lead to Chinese aggression against Russia, which is what the United States is seeking.

    Thirdly, China's Xinjiang test site is being built for ICBMs, not for IRBMs, so Russia does not need to worsen relations with China because of this Xinjiang test site.
  16. +1
    10 August 2021 11: 40
    Quote: EvilLion
    That is, the country whose entire economy is built on the supply of consumer goods to Western markets, cheap coal and free slaves. force, which remains so now, since for every person who settled there there are still 10 willing to take his place, and the level of urbanization barely exceeded 50%, and those who did not fall into these percentages in fact hang on the neck of the state, will now take and will make 1000 warheads. I readily believe, especially in the light of the fact that China is now the whole world is slowly spreading rot.

    1. Consumer goods for western markets (including cars and electronics) is not bad. The USSR was accused of not being able to produce Western consumer goods. Now the PRC turns out to be bad because it produces such consumer goods very successfully. If Chinese consumer goods are successful for western markets, then they can go to both eastern and internal Chinese markets if necessary, and let the West produce consumer goods for itself.
    2. In addition to consumer goods, the PRC also produces space stations, rovers, stealth, drones, microcircuits, and so on.
    3. The labor force in the PRC is much better paid than in India or a number of other capitalist countries that also produce consumer goods for the western markets.
    4. Does the non-urban population in China hang on the neck of the state? This must be invented. Most likely the state for a long time did not really care about this population and drove consumer goods for export. Now that "the whole world is quietly spreading rot" China is already time to quickly raise the purchasing power of this population and develop the internal consumer goods market.
    5. China already has many more than a thousand warheads and in the future we can talk about 10 thousand warheads. Otherwise, North Korea will have a thousand warheads in a few years.
    6. China will never change its policy of non-first use of nuclear weapons because it is not afraid of conventional war. He played, together with his allies, such a war with the United States in Korea and Vietnam when the KNLA beat incomparably weaker than it is now. Nuclear weapons for China will always serve only to deter their enemies from using nuclear weapons.
    1. 0
      24 August 2021 14: 59
      Yes, even a billion warheads - it's no longer a matter of quantity.
      As many warheads as we have are enough to destroy modern China.
  17. 0
    23 August 2021 21: 00
    The meaning of China to destroy the territory of Russia ?? Here is the same meaning in parity. In the event of a Russian attack on China, yes. And why do we need it ?? Can we also bomb the Baltic "tigers" with nuclear strikes? These at least write themselves as opponents. Parity is certainly good, but not as an end in itself.
  18. 0
    16 September 2021 17: 27
    Hmm. They will be on the moon, they worked a lot.
  19. 0
    23 September 2021 14: 51
    China! Bring in your troops! Save the Russians!