Serenades for Hitler: neo-Nazism in the Bundeswehr


Lithuanian incident

The German military contingent in Lithuania is deployed as part of the Expanded Forward Presence mission. The Bundeswehr is engaged in a very important matter in the Baltic country - preparing the locals to resist the "Russian aggression". Apparently, this is a very difficult craft.

At the end of April, a platoon of the 92nd training tank grenadier battalion of the Bundeswehr settled in a hotel in the Lithuanian city of Rukla. Prior to that, the fighters took part in a multi-day exercise, after which they decided to loudly celebrate the return. The holiday was definitely a success, and the whole world learned about the misconduct of those present.

As it became known in mid-June, the soldiers' party turned out to be not an ordinary booze, but turned into a celebration of Hitler's birthday. German tank crews generously spiced up the festive program with sexual harassment of colleagues and fights. Spiegel magazine tactfully calls the episodes of the Lithuanian incident "violations of gender identity and discrimination against female soldiers on the basis of gender." It is likely dirty story I would have stayed within the walls of the hotel if one of the participants had not filmed what was happening on the phone. Including sexual harassment of sleeping comrades.

Source: isafmedia /

German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has already spoken about what happened in the spirit of "this is unacceptable" and "all accomplices will be punished to the fullest extent."

The guilty platoon was recalled in disgrace from the Lithuanian business trip for further investigation. Interrogations have shown that in this unit they chant serenades in honor of Adolf Hitler and hound black soldiers. So, a fighter of Afghan origin was systematically humiliated, and on his personal weapons scratched out "whore".

It is worth remembering that these are representatives of an elite German unit that was sent to train soldiers of foreign armies. The face of the Bundeswehr, so to speak.

The German media cannot deny themselves the pleasure of mentioning the Russian trace in this story.

It turns out that the Kremlin's special services have been carrying out powerful disinformation work in the Baltics for a long time. According to Spiegel, one of such special operations was allegedly the accusation of Bundeswehr soldiers of raping a Lithuanian minor in 2017. A number of government officials received letters with accusatory materials, but the Lithuanian inspection in hot pursuit did not reveal anything. At least that's what the official version of the incident says.

A little over four years have passed. And the Bundeswehr has once again become famous for the sex scandal. Now in a racist setting.

Is this racist orgy another provocation from Moscow?

Ultra-right Bundeswehr

The Bundeswehr, as part of German society, is very sensitive to changes in the political and social climate within the country. And if in Germany itself, ultra-right slogans are increasingly heard, then German servicemen cannot stand aside. Only now they differ from the rest by the presence of weapons and the ability to use them. From this and the thought of a radical solution to the issue of migrants.

An illustrative example is Senior Lieutenant Franko A., who prepared a massacre in a refugee camp in 2017. The most interesting thing is how he planned the attack. Without knowing a word of Arabic, the officer was able to convince the authorities that he was a Syrian refugee. He was granted temporary shelter, and only chance did not allow him to carry out the bloody plan. Franco A. hid the stolen pistol in the toilet cistern at the Vienna airport. The cleaning lady found the weapon and the police took the toilet under surveillance. In addition, the lieutenant managed to steal four firearms, more than 1000 cartridges and about 50 explosive devices. Everything suggests that the Bundeswehr officer was not going to arrange the massacre alone. So far, the alleged accomplices have not been captured.

The story of Franco A. is also significant by the "black list" that the terrorist kept. In it you can find the names of many politicians responsible, according to the officer, for the settlement of the country with migrants. 100% of German servicemen suspected of racism to one degree or another are ready for such a forceful solution to the issue of migrants. The overwhelming majority of the "sleeping cells" in the Bundeswehr so ​​far only verbally express their far-right ideas. This is usually expressed in Nazi photo collages, swastika tattoos and serenade drinking for Hitler. But more and more serious evidence is emerging.

So, in early April, one of the units of the Bundeswehr missed 569 cartridges. Now they are finding out if they were stolen or if this is a statistical error. In any case, the incessant Nazi scandals in the German army could lead to the premature resignation of Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. She has been in office for almost two years and, according to the German media, is unable to cope with ultra-right radicals in the army. Slogans like “all Jews must be gassed” are increasingly common in the German army.

Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer may well become chancellor after Merkel. If he solves the problem of the ultra-right in the army. Source:

Meanwhile, in Germany, it seems, its own "Nazi capital" is taking shape. No, this is not Nuremberg, as it might seem at first glance. This is Dresden. And to a greater extent this is due to the barbaric bombing of the city of the Allied aviation in February 1945. The "bombing holocaust" became the banner of the local far-right, under which sympathizers from all over Germany took refuge.

In 2019, nonsense happened in Dresden - a "Nazi emergency" was declared. The resolution with such a provocative name was approved by the city council. The authors assumed that the population would be protected from the attacks of the ultra-right. In particular, the local anti-Islamic movement PEGIDA - "Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West" was famous for this. Although officially the activists of the organization are trying only to open the eyes of the Germans to the dominance of visitors from the countries of the Middle East and Africa. The program also includes the replacement of quantitative immigration with a qualitative one, a ban on entry for radicals and fanatics, strengthening of internal security in Germany and (attention!) An end to the incitement of war between Russia and other states. The city became famous also by the organization "Free Association of Dresden", which was banned in 2016. By the way, the city with a "Nazi emergency" in 2025 plans to become a European capital of culture.

Spectrum of problems

As mentioned above, the emergence of the ultra-right in the German army and police is not a unique event in the country.

This is a reflection of what has been happening in civil society for decades. But in recent years, the character of the ultra-right has changed. German neo-Nazism became decentralized and poorly organized, but no less sinister for this.

A typical example. In 2015, Henrietta Recker, a politician known for her tolerance of immigrants, was attacked with a knife by a lone fanatic. Everything turned out to be a moderate injury. But Walter Lübcke, the former chairman of the Kassel Municipal Supervisory Board, was shot dead on the doorstep of his own home on June 2, 2019. The perpetrators were members of a small far-right group that did not appear on police radars until the politician was killed. Lyubke was shot, in particular, for speaking out against the deportation of refugees to their homeland.

Such autonomous Nazi organizations, often consisting of one or two terrorists, become a real headache for the German special services. If 20-30 years ago it was enough to introduce conditional skinhead agents into the organization, now there is nowhere to introduce it. The police do not have reliable data on the "lone wolves".

Before the "Lithuanian incident" the Bundeswehr special forces were disgraced by a racist story.

In addition to the oppression of refugees, two more worrying trends are emerging in Germany.

The first is that the ultra-right is moving from killing migrants to the destruction of government officials.

Second, the military is getting involved. So far, this is expressed in serenades to Hitler and ritual rapes, but when the force of arms and terror against statesmen become united, Germany will face new times.
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  1. -1
    23 June 2021 04: 20
    Country in NATO? In the army of the country, the Nazis bloom and smell? So the country is a legitimate target for Russian nuclear weapons.
    1. 0
      23 June 2021 07: 12
      Vladimir: Not everything is so simple with nuclear weapons. We must pray for a peaceful existence. The pandemic has shown that no country in the world is ready for emergencies. Solving everything with the help of war is the greatest foolishness. Moreover, there are mistakes in war. And in a nuclear war, they can be fatal.
      1. +7
        23 June 2021 07: 15
        Quote: nikvic46
        We must pray for a peaceful existence.

        Gorby prayed, and what did it lead to?

        Quote: nikvic46
        To solve everything with the help of war is the greatest foolishness. Moreover, in war there are mistakes, and in a nuclear war they can be fatal.
        Only the presence of nuclear weapons and the determination, at least in words, to use it protects Russia, and not pleas for peace.
        1. -3
          23 June 2021 08: 12
          The main result of the summit in Geneva was that the West (USA) recognized Russia as an equal, as a global player with whom it is necessary to negotiate. the war is postponed.
          1. +3
            23 June 2021 08: 28
            Quote: Boris55
            The main result of the Geneva summit was that the West (USA) recognized Russia as an equal
            Do you seriously imagine that before 1985 the West wiped its feet on the USSR? It's not even the exam, it's much worse.
            1. -1
              23 June 2021 08: 38
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              Do you seriously imagine that before 1985 the West wiped its feet on the USSR?

              You have a very strong imagination. Where did I write about this? laughing

              During perestroika, the top of the CPSU surrendered the USSR to the West with giblets. The CIA officers formed the "elite" and appointed us oligarchs (holders of wallets, the owners of which they are not even now). They wrote us a colonial constitution ... etc ..

              At the summit in Geneva, it was recognized in fact that Russia is no longer a colony. The interests of Russia were identified with which the West (USA) will have to reckon with.
              1. +2
                23 June 2021 09: 08
                Quote: Boris55
                At the summit in Geneva, it was recognized in fact that Russia is no longer a colony. The interests of Russia were identified with which the West (USA) will have to reckon with.
                There was a summit in Geneva in 1985 as well. so more specifically, please .. So I clarified about Gorby.
                1. +2
                  23 June 2021 09: 12
                  Quote: Vladimir_2U
                  There was a summit in Geneva in 1985 as well.

                  OK. I'm talking about the last one: Putin - Biden 2021.
              2. -1
                26 June 2021 12: 32
                and still sho? really a competitor? the young lady of the Russian Federation decided to dance in opposition to China? what a shame ... Ay-yay-yay ... Well, if this is "equivalence" then I dare not dispute!
          2. -1
            23 June 2021 12: 16
            How did you recognize that? How is this expressed?
            It seems that no one tried to agree on anything.
        2. +1
          23 June 2021 21: 13
          Vladimir. 46 years without a war in the USSR, this says a lot. We are talking about the same thing, only in different words.
    2. +7
      23 June 2021 12: 46
      Let's remember the Russian proverb "what you sow, you reap"!
      She clearly expresses what is happening there.

      But the German army is being pumped up with militarism, its own politicians. But the bogeyman (propaganda bogey, scarecrow) in the form of a "Russian and Chinese threat" is not very impressive to thinking people, especially with the understanding that Russia will not go to war with Germany and the rest of Europe of its own free will. Only the Europeans themselves will have to climb on the rampage, to attack. There, there is no such desire yet, only NATO / the United States is urging ...

      But internal problems begin to press. There is racism and migrants, homosexuality and economic downturn, recent tensions with covid and lockdowns ... Multiculturalism and loss of identity.

      Therefore, the German army is a place where the former greatness of Germany is still remembered. Yes, we do not like the form and image of this "greatness" (it was against us), but in their cultural code the corresponding symbolism has its place. You can't erase words from a song ... There are songs and symbols of the Kaiser's times, they are also sung and respected, but there is no such reaction to them.

      Let them deal with their problems themselves, the main thing is that they do not come to us! I don't want to "repeat" again. We can, but it's so nice to live in peace!
      1. +2
        23 June 2021 19: 10
        Yes, it is clear, of course, about the past ... only now
        Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West "
        why is the style of beards exclusively Islamist, why would they? For disguise?
    3. 0
      23 June 2021 19: 02
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      Country in NATO? In the army of the country, the Nazis bloom and smell? So the country is a legitimate target for Russian nuclear weapons.

      Well, something like that .. Thanks to Merkeli, Germany and who supports her is clearly anti-Russian and your conclusions are correct!
      Enough for Russia to pursue a policy of "How not to offend someone .." So much mud has already been poured on us and is already openly threatening ..
  2. 0
    23 June 2021 05: 35
    The good news is that the strengthening of the far-right in Europe will lead to civil confrontation and, as a result, to weaken the enemy.
    1. +1
      23 June 2021 12: 15
      Quote: datura23
      The good news is that the strengthening of the far-right in Europe will lead to civil confrontation and, as a result, to weaken the enemy.

      The bad news is that things are not going well with migrants in Russia either. And with Caucasians, things are not very good either.
      The other day in Astrakhan, one Dagestani did not pay the taxi driver for the trip. As a result, the Russian taxi driver had to apologize. So the day is not far off when Russia will have its own BLM. And where BLM is, there will be a reaction to tolerance in the form of Nazism. This is how it goes from one extreme to another.
      1. +2
        23 June 2021 16: 38
        What do you want? Migrants were brought in for that, so that we had something wrong. Pay less - exploit more. Nationalism uses capitalism, and when it has little influence, it easily translates it into Nazism. This is just another way to control us. Playing the national card, for capitalism, is such a common thing that I am surprised that there are people who do not understand this. The history of ALL countries is replete with examples. And we have a lot of Black Hundreds who are kept by the oligarchs and do not hide it, but flaunt. So what to expect from many centuries of experience in Europe ?!
  3. +6
    23 June 2021 05: 36
    Let them do what they want, so long as they don't come to us. Themselves flooded their country with migrants. So the rise of the ultra-right is not surprising at all.
  4. +2
    23 June 2021 05: 43
    Not news, it has been known since Soviet times and they talked on TV, they wrote in magazines, newspapers. By the way, they also wrote about this in Soviet times.
    the military is involved in the case. While this is expressed in serenades to Hitler and ritual rape, but when the force of arms and terror against statesmen become united, Germany will face new times.
  5. +6
    23 June 2021 05: 49
    What can we say about the German soldiers among whom the worship of Nazism is becoming the norm even in the elite units. It is enough to look at the photo of the German Minister of Defense and listen to what she says about Russia, like the spitting image of Goebbels at the microphone. And what about Merkel's speech on June 22? She began with the fact that the Germans were ashamed and immediately jumped to the arrests of "peaceful" protesters and the annexation of Crimea. With Europe, everything has been clear for a long time. As in the 2nd MV, they supported fascist Germany, and today they cover the revival of Nazism and its propaganda in the Baltic States, in the Ukraine and at home.
  6. +6
    23 June 2021 06: 38
    The German warriors can be understood - the once strongest army of Jauropa turned into a laughing stock, where 20 of 15 planes do not fly (I exaggerate), politicians with their policy have turned the country into a cloaca of refugees, where you are already afraid to go out on the street in the evening ... And even the Minister of Defense Baba ... So the guys have suffered. Let's keep silent about sexual orientation, but judging by the article, they are still capable of dealing with women. So all is not lost wassat So Adya seems to be a real leader and defender of national interests, in contrast to today's tolerators ... what request
    So, trying to put yourself in their place ... lol
    1. +11
      23 June 2021 08: 25
      Quite right. Merkel does not tolerate the return of Nazism and is eager to prove to everyone and to herself that Nazism is in the past. Hence the preferential conditions for migrants. And in fact, she herself provoked a backlash, since a normal person will not tolerate such a dictatorship of migrants. So the rebirth of Nazi Germany becomes frighteningly possible
    2. 0
      24 June 2021 08: 33
      Well, with the sexual orientation of some of the Germans under the Kaiser, and under the Weimar Republic, and even under Hitler, things were not very good.) The Germans always stood out in this regard, they wrote about this even in the 19th century.)
  7. +1
    23 June 2021 06: 41
    American policy today is as clear as day. Capitalism will never allow a European country to turn to the left. But to the right, please. Someone considered Biden to be a peace-lover. How did he cut his military budget. And that the extra money will go to ordinary Americans? America is catching up in Europe, lost under Trump. Of course, making Germany militaristic at the expense of burghers is difficult. But if you invest American money there or two. Biden is a very experienced politician. His task is to go to another front line. He does not need noise in the Western Hemisphere. . Even against Cuba, not a single word.
  8. +3
    23 June 2021 06: 46
    It is difficult to assess life in the Federal Republic of Germany. But the author probably exaggerates the influence of the ultra-right. News about large-scale and local actions of migrants has become a daily routine. And against the attempts of orthodox Germans to declare their interests, the state apparatus, strange "leftist groups", globalist media and noisy "refugees" come down at once. Yes, and in expensive films, the image of negative "intolerant" characters is purposefully drawn.
    Perversion, drunkenness and nationalism abound in many armies. And in the Soviet Union in the 80s it was also.
  9. 0
    23 June 2021 07: 07
    I carefully read about neo-Nazism in Germany, in particular in the Bundeswehr.
    I ask myself, where is the logical continuation of this about the ban on gas supplies to Germany?
    To heat the barracks for the neo-Nazi Bundeswehr with Russian gas - does this mean supporting modern fascism?
    1. 0
      23 June 2021 12: 00
      Sarcasm? Have you seen racial propaganda?
      I advise you to familiarize yourself with the German media on this topic. And not with some marginal ones, but with the most that neither is Spiegel and other Allgemeine Zeitungs. And read news from places, for example, in the blogs of the Germans.

      The problem is and has always been. Formally, the ruling Socialist Democratic parties in Germany are fighting against manifestations of neo-Nazism. They prohibit symbols, statements (in the army, for example, it is forbidden to shave baldly so that soldiers do not look like skinheads), they can be fired from work for Nazi symbols and statements.

      In practice, ultra-right ideas are quite common among the "siloviki". First of all, in the police and special services (in the army there is a smaller number of people, the composition is more diverse). Such "clubs of interest" are opened from time to time, and with the participation of the management of the divisions.

      The second point is that the authorities turn a blind eye to the open speeches of the ultra-right. Don't act harshly against them. And it comes to the point that it is necessary to protect synagogues with armored personnel carriers.
      For comparison - the left (well, real, not pseudo-left from Linke) are pressed to the fullest - flags, posters, symbols are taken away, dispersed, fined and imprisoned for a day. For the flag of the GDR, you can specifically thunder into arrest.

      It does not come to such as in Ukraine or Sweden, but in general, the elite of the Federal Republic of Germany has always been and remains close to the ultra-right circles (which is not surprising, given their roots), and all sorts of CDUs, Greens and Linke are so for cattle and lohtorata
      1. -1
        23 June 2021 12: 45
        Sarcasm. But not at all in what you saw it in.
  10. 0
    23 June 2021 08: 02
    The fascist essence that we personally experienced in 1941 climbed out.
    The German media cannot deny themselves the pleasure of mentioning the Russian trace in this story. It turns out that the Kremlin's special services have been carrying out powerful disinformation work for a long time.

    Exactly. Probably the past known atrocities of the Germans are the work of the Russian media?
  11. 0
    23 June 2021 08: 44
    The author does not know the situation. Frau Karrenbauer will NEVER be Chancellor, at least not after Merkel.
    1. 0
      23 June 2021 12: 10
      I bet 10 flickers that Berbock will be Chancellor
      1. 0
        23 June 2021 13: 59
        I never argue. But my opinion is, no, there will be no green chancellor for this election.
  12. +1
    23 June 2021 09: 03
    That is, if they will play off the refugees and the German army, they will not be at all up to us?
  13. BAI
    23 June 2021 09: 16
    its own "Nazi capital". No, this is not Nuremberg, as it might seem at first glance. This is Dresden.

    Munich is more expected.
  14. -1
    23 June 2021 10: 28
    But I’m wondering how now the women servicemen, who sleep in the same barracks with the men, will feel themselves? Now any booze, you fell asleep and risk waking up gagged and raped in all places ...
  15. 0
    23 June 2021 10: 48
    All these Baltic states, Poland and our other former "allies" have long ago turned into a door mat, on which everyone has been wiping their feet for a long time ...
  16. 0
    23 June 2021 10: 57
    I don’t understand - are beards allowed in the Bundeswehr?
    1. 0
      23 June 2021 12: 07
      In St. Petersburg, a bearded officer obtained through the court the right not to shave
  17. +2
    23 June 2021 11: 05
    The German ultra-right does not have to reanimate Hitler, a too toxic figure, and even a fawn. It is enough to raise the Bismarck banner, and it will become easier to put your ideas into practice.
  18. +2
    23 June 2021 12: 35
    What did they want? Bends in one direction always lead to bends in the other direction. They began to populate Europe with Arabs, give them indulgences, and now they wonder why it suddenly causes hatred among the indigenous peoples? This is the situation, after all, not only in Germany, but also in France.

    Now in the United States, blacks, gays and transgender people are put on a pedestal, but no matter how they begin to hang them later, when the population's patience for this delirium ends.
  19. -2
    23 June 2021 13: 48
    As it became known in mid-June, the soldier's party was not an ordinary drunkenness,

    but turned into a celebration of Hitler's birthday.

    Thus, a fighter of Afghan origin was systematically humiliated, and a "whore" was carved on his personal weapon.

    These are three different cases, occurring at different times and not necessarily in the same subset.

    Thus, a fighter of Afghan origin was systematically humiliated, and a "whore" was carved on his personal weapon.
    Here the author generally mixed everything laughing

    The Afghan at that party was presented with something to his face.
    An obscene word was engraved on the weapon of one of the soldiersca.
    1. 0
      24 June 2021 09: 45
      Can we substantively counter-reason a comment on the material only with emotions?
      Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer may well become chancellor after Merkel. If he solves the problem of the ultra-right in the army.

      You, the author, are not leading people astray - she is no longer running for the post of Bundeschancellor.

      These errors reflect the level of your work on all the material you have illuminated.
  20. +5
    23 June 2021 18: 05
    What did you actually expect? 76 years have passed since the Victory over German Nazism, the Germans were told how bad they lived under Hitler and how well they would live "under democracy and capitalism." And what do the Germans see today? And they see that a lot of what was warned not by nightfall, whether the aforementioned Adolf Alloyzovich turned out to be true.
    a) Germans are NOT masters in their country. Just like after Versailles. There are occupation troops in the country and they do what they want (American soldiers are NOT SUBJECT to the laws of the country in which they are based). They are ruled by governors appointed in Brussels, and the elections are nothing more than a circus and window dressing. And who told them about this in the 32nd? Right.
    b) Transnational banks and corporations command the policy. I wonder who told the Germans about this in 32m? That's right, Hitler.
    c) The national question. A lot of "refugees" came to Germany, from Africa and the Middle East, who do what they want, do not work, from Germany resources and demand that the Germans obey their tradition, their "original culture". That is, they came to Germany and set their own rules. At the same time, ETHNIC criminal gangs are created, drug traffickers are raped and youngsters are raped. And they DEMAND their own rules and DEMAND that the Germans were inferior to them and this and that. They capture whole areas where the GERMAN POLICE is prohibited from entering. But any conversation on this topic Interestingly, who raised the same question in the 32nd? Right. Hitler. By the way, I think the Russians perfectly felt on themselves all the "charm" of the "original culture" of "some" small but proud Caucasian peoples. " And on criminality and on how some of their representatives behave. And not only the genocide that they staged the Russians living in their territories (which, by the way, are part of RUSSIA, and not vice versa), but also how these "original peoples" behave on the streets of Russian cities.
    d) Destruction of family values, traditions (with the money of the aforementioned transnational banks and corporations). LGBT schizophrenia movement (where did they get the money)? Who warned about this in 32m? That's right, Hitler.

    That is, a German in 2021 looks around and sees, in fact, something that Hitler warned about in 1932, in a certain part, turned out to be TRUE. From the loss of independence, to foreign rule, to the dominance of transnational capital, to the literal occupation of Germany by "distinctive proud peoples", and to elections that are nothing more than a farce.

    The question is, what else are you expecting? Do you expect any other reaction? The German looks at his taxes and thinks "Under Hitler, this garbage was not." The German is looking at his streets, which are filthy with "distinctive peoples" (and they do not hesitate to relieve themselves on the street, they have been and have seen). A German looks at LGBT schizophrenia and thinks "Adolf would not have allowed this." Are you surprised? Do you expect something else?

    And all these problems are not exclusive to Germany. It's the same in France. The same is in England, the same, the same problems are spreading to the USA, where transnational banks simply rigged the results of the previous elections, with a bunch of violations, with automatic machines to which they were connected from "remote addresses" right on the day of elections. With the same machines that "by mistake" counted votes for Trump in favor of Biden. With the same BLM and Antifa, who, from nowhere, probably "spontaneously" and professionally printed banners, and the same T-shirts, probably at home, on their knees did everything, and absolutely the same, by accident. With frenzied propaganda of LGBT madness, to the extent that in children's cartoons up to 80% of the characters are LGBT. Up to the point that in SCHOOLS 8 year olds are told that gender is a myth, and you yourself determine who you are. Do you think neo-Nazis are not gaining momentum in the US? Yes, raise the flag with the swastika over the White House tomorrow, at least a quarter of the country will yell "Heil". And half of the country has already harbored a grudge against the system because of the stolen elections, political persecution of those who came to the Capitol on January 6th (they did not come to steal computers and lick senators, although they should have been).

    So the growing popularity of neo-fascist and neo-Nazi ideas is natural. There is simply no other alternative to liberals / tolerasts, "multiculturalism" and rabid propaganda of LGBT madness, which are paid for by all well-known trans-national banks and corporations. Communists and socialists in the United States and Europe have banally memorized themselves with the support of the "oppressed" LGBT people (who oppresses them is not clear, as in that joke "Who oppresses them?", "Nobody, Sir?", "Why do they jump and yelling in the streets? "" But because 3.14 .... Sir "). They also memorized themselves with the support of the "oppressed and original" peoples "refugees" who do what they want, and just shout "Racism and oppression". Kind of like the black bandits who first of all yell when they are caught that "Ay dinna doo notin, you all bi racist crackers". Recently, 3 "unknowns" attacked and beat up a policeman returning from service and unarmed. Who do you think attacked it? The "evil neo-Nazis" whom Biden proclaimed "the number one danger" for the United States, or the "innocently oppressed original national minorities"? On TV they said "3 unknown", but a hidden surveillance camera clearly shows who it was. But recently one representative of the "Oppressed" started shooting. When he was captured, he admitted that he was shooting specifically at the whites, since they are all "oppressors and racists", and practically none of the media showed this story. Be sure that if a white man specifically shot blacks (which they themselves are doing successfully), then vaidot and kipish would be in all the media (which is known who owns - the same transnational finance).

    So the growth in the popularity of neo-fascists and neo-Nazis is quite natural and expected. Both in the USA and in Europe. And the reason is one - there is simply no other alternative to the forcibly imposed "tolerance-liberation". When BLM and ANTIFA smash the regions - most of the Mayors say to the police - not to interfere. In Kenosha, the police did not intervene. Do you know when Antifa and BLM scum fled to their homes? When neo-fascists - bikers arrived from the North of Wisconsin. Antifa, BLM was blown off the street like a wind. And the pogroms and arson stopped. Now think carefully. The police do nothing, and the white bikers dispersed all this scum with a simple arrival. What is the result? Who will the average American layman hope for?
    That's right, he will buy a barrel himself and begin to support such organizations with both word and dollar.

    Why did Trump's cry for "Make America Great Again" bring MILLIONS of new voters to the polls? NONE of the president sought such numbers. Why his call to make America independent from multinational corporations found such a response and so scared these trans national finances (let's not name them by name, okay) that they went to open falsification. Moreover, such that even the Democratic voters admit that "not everything was right" in the elections.

    Western civilization simply has no choice now. We were simply not given it - either cultural genocide or neo-fascism neo-Nazism. The ideas of Democracy and Republic were simply destroyed and perverted by transnational corporations. However, Plato, Machiavelli and Frederick the Great spoke of the fact that Democracy and the Republic were not viable. The founding fathers also warned of the danger of losing the republic by giving too much influence to the "wrong people." Eisenhower warned about this when he spoke about monopolies, financial giants and the military-industrial complex. (which cost him the election). DeGolle also warned about this (then the Americans staged "student riots" for him).

    Now, the inhabitant in Europe and the USA / Canada is put in a situation where he is hammered that if he is white, then he is a racist, an oppressor only because he is white, and is obliged to pay and repent. That his culture and civilization is nothing, but the cultures of "small but distinctive peoples", which, apart from 50 recipes for long pork, have not really invented anything, are more important than his own. What to demand that if you come to the USA then speak English, and if you come to Germany then speak German this is "Nazism and oppression". How do you think the average layman will react to all this? Starting from crime, ending with looting and arson that swept across the United States after an arrested bandit sailed from a drug overdose while under arrest? On TV, they don't talk about the scale of these pogroms and robberies. But everyone has either a friend who lives there (for example, not far from Downtown Chicago, on Lake Shore Drive) or in Kenosha (maybe not in the center, where there are blacks, but on the outskirts, or somewhere else), or a familiar policeman, or a familiar firefighter. And people are VERY well aware of what is not shown on TV. They only say among their own people so as not to lose their jobs for saying "the wrong thing" (very democratic, "freedom of speech").

    So all this is natural and expected. And that now many Americans are scratching their turnips and saying, and yet "Memories of Turner" was right. And there are more and more of them. And the Mascoobess and Kovidobism only worsened everything.

    I do not expect anything good either in the USA or in Europe. It will get worse, and either there will be tolerantly liberal Nazism slowly, in Europe at least, turning into a caliphate, or Mueller's prediction will come true. "When in any place, they say" Heil "is unknown in whose address, you know, they are ready for us there, they are already waiting for us, and it is from there that we will begin our return." Interestingly, neo-fascist and neo-Nazi sentiments in the United States and Europe were much less in the 70s-80s.
    I wonder why, eh?
    1. +4
      23 June 2021 18: 31
      Another example, I just returned from the Army, I work part-time in a clinic. The crowd is overwhelmed. A man in a white skullcap and a white robe to the ground, several women wrapped up to their eyes in black and children. Half on X-rays or MRI. I ask how they will pay. The youngest, who is 16 years old, says "Medicaid" (social). I tell him, and you speak good English. He told me "thank you, we have been here for 7 years" Tobish they have been here for 7 years. They don't speak English, and taxpayers pay for their MRIs. And they walk as if at home and not in the USA. Came to the USA - be so kind as to behave like in the USA. At home, when others do not see or hear, even hang yourself. Make love with a horse, but in public, be so kind as to answer OUR norms, customs and traditions, and not your own. If you want your traditions on the street - Chumadan railway station and go back to yourself. WHY do I have to keep your shoblo? Do we have a few of our own blacks welfarers?
      Moreover, these diasporas first of all hire their own people. Also, before they took in V.A. hospital. I come for an interview. I look, and the doctor in a turban, and the manager. We start a conversation. I say that from Russia, but I am silent about the fact that I was in Iraq. I can see by the eyes, they won't. Then I tell them, in fact, my real name is not Dmitry Alexander, but Daud Ibn Iskander. The doctor's eyes lit up. I started asking me both about Islam and this, but I was only from Iraq, and at one time I had read all sorts of books. In short, they took me on the spot, others were not even invited for an interview. So that's it.
      1. +5
        23 June 2021 19: 28
        In pursuit. I had to work at a clinic on 53rd Street in Chicago. Raionchik - my respect, dirt, stench, syringes are lying on the street, the company where I worked for half a year, as I was told, is robbed on average 3 times in two years. They open doors, look for drugs, carry away microwaves and sometimes computers. So, just to the south of this black district is a poor Vietnamese district. There are no graffiti or syringes on the streets, and it stinks not of urine, but of fish, and there is much less crime, and there are no shots at all. 2 miles north - Lyons, Poland's poor neighborhood, clean, no syringes, no graffiti, no stench, and a safe neighborhood. All 3 regions are poor. The only difference is ethnic.
        One more fact. In the United States, there was a call to abolish ... mathematics in schools. you see it racist because blacks, on average understand it like a pig in a ballet, and fill it up at a horrifying percentage. There were calls to cancel the notes, since the notes are a product of "European colonialist, racist civilization and the notes do not take into account the originality of African music."
        How do you think you can react to such nonsense. Moreover, the calls come from the liberal professors and organizations for the "protection of the civil rights of the oppressed." By the way, the notorious "racism" of mathematics and musical notation absolutely does not interfere with either Asians, Indians or Jews. Go to any American research institute, be it Fermi Labs, or Abbot or Midwest Energy - there are more Asians, Indians, Jews than whites. For some reason, racism does not bother them. By the way, if a certain percentage of blacks, women and LGBT people do not work in your organization (Indians, Asians and Jews do not need to be recruited, they do not fall into "protected and oppressed minorities), the organization is considered racist and has no right to goz orders. Freedom and democracy.

        By the way, the same liberal professors, it is known whose money (Soros, Rothschild, Jimmy Dayamond, Zuckeberg), began to push the idea that pedophilia is like LGBT - not madness, not a crime, but just sexual orientation, because "Love is love."
  21. 0
    24 June 2021 14: 39
    And you know, from some side it looks like a protest against internal politics and bureaucracy of officials, and in some ways I even agree with them. And fascism, in my personal opinion, will be drawn "by the ears" to the situation.
  22. 0
    26 June 2021 12: 33
    Quote: RealPilot
    Let's remember the Russian proverb "what you sow, you reap"!
    She clearly expresses what is happening there.

    But the German army is being pumped up with militarism, its own politicians. But the bogeyman (propaganda bogey, scarecrow) in the form of a "Russian and Chinese threat" is not very impressive to thinking people, especially with the understanding that Russia will not go to war with Germany and the rest of Europe of its own free will. Only the Europeans themselves will have to climb on the rampage, to attack. There, there is no such desire yet, only NATO / the United States is urging ...

    But internal problems begin to press. There is racism and migrants, homosexuality and economic downturn, recent tensions with covid and lockdowns ... Multiculturalism and loss of identity.

    Therefore, the German army is a place where the former greatness of Germany is still remembered. Yes, we do not like the form and image of this "greatness" (it was against us), but in their cultural code the corresponding symbolism has its place. You can't erase words from a song ... There are songs and symbols of the Kaiser's times, they are also sung and respected, but there is no such reaction to them.

    Let them deal with their problems themselves, the main thing is that they do not come to us! I don't want to "repeat" again. We can, but it's so nice to live in peace!

    And in Russia nobody is pumped up? Well, there we will "capture Kiev", etc.? Funny guards!
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