Khrushchev era: on the seas and on the rails


Didn't like the fleet?

Choosing such a title for the next part of my essay, I proceeded from two considerations.

The first is that N. S. Khrushchev personalized and personified the most diverse aspects of state building after the long Stalin era. And therefore, when describing them (in particular, naval construction and the development of railways, which are the direct subject of our consideration), it is impossible to avoid attention to this figure.

The second thought arose in me when reading the comments to my review "Crisis manifestations of the Cuban missile crisis" to A. Timokhin's article on the Cuban missile crisis. They often contain the categorical statement that Khrushchev did not like the fleet.

But is it really?

Let's figure it out.

And, first of all, there is a small digression associated with this person, whose reign fell, perhaps, the period of the country's highest prosperity over the past century. This flowering manifested itself in a wide variety of areas. For example, in scientific and technical, the symbol of which has become the national priority in space exploration. Perhaps we can say that the only time in his entire history Russia was at the forefront of global technological progress. And even if it lasted only a little longer than a decade, the fact itself is remarkable, unique in its kind.

Along with the technological flourishing, these years were marked by an unconditional cultural flourishing. Here one can recall the “thaw”, the Moscow Festival of Youth and Students, the Moscow Film Festival, and other facts that testify to the country's greater openness to the world. The material standard of living of the broadest strata of the people has also grown significantly. The expansion of mass housing construction allowed many people to get separate apartments, and the encouragement of gardening partnerships - to become the owners of albeit modest, but suburban areas.

Of course, this does not mean that such a beneficial state of affairs was entirely determined by the "wise leadership" carried out by Nikita Sergeevich. His figure is extremely controversial, combining both attractive and repulsive features. It is unlikely that he can be attributed to outstanding historical figures, to political titans.

But, on the other hand: could all of the above phenomena take place in a situation where the country's supreme leader was a complete insignificance, as they sometimes try to portray Khrushchev?

This reminds of the "perestroika" cliché that the Great Patriotic War was won by the people in spite of Stalin, and not thanks to him. Today it is hardly necessary to explain in detail that such statements are trivial stupidity. But does not the understanding of such stupidity mean that in relation to Khrushchev, the denial of his merits in national achievements is just as unauthorized?

Taking these preliminary considerations into account, let us now turn directly to the topic of Nikita Sergeevich's attitude to the fleet.

And, first of all, let us remember what was the legacy that he inherited (along with his colleagues in the "collective leadership" of the country) after Stalin's death?

As mentioned in the previous part, this period was marked by the construction of a large number of obsolete ships: torpedo boats, small destroyers (traditionally referred to by us as patrol ships), destroyers, light and three heavy (battle) cruisers. Their real combat capabilities did not in any way correspond to the level of their time, but rather, corresponded to the beginning or, at best, the middle of World War II.

Perhaps the only type of ships, the large-scale production of which during this period should be recognized as justified, is the minesweepers of the project 254. Throughout the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet fleet suffered from a shortage of such ships, which were clearly neglected in the pre-war period. After its end, when the water area of ​​the Black and especially the Baltic Seas was literally "stuffed" with mines, etching them for several years became the main combat mission of Soviet sailors, which they carried out at the risk of their lives.

So did the country really need this whole armada?

Its construction is often justified by the need to ensure the utilization of industry. However, it is difficult to agree with this. If we remember what titanic efforts were made at that time to revive the material base of the country destroyed by the war, to modernize it, then we will understand that the downtime of the production capacity of the shipbuilding industry was clearly not threatened, as they say.

There is no dispute - this high-tech industry needs to preserve its core competencies and therefore simply mechanically replacing warships with other, national-economic products is not an option for it. But after all, such ships can be built and separate samples, "honing" the skills of production workers and designers on them. The release of a mass series of combat units, whose ability to provide an advantage over the enemy in combat conditions, is in question.

One more justification for this situation can be found in the literature. Say, the fleet was forced to put up with the dictates of industry, which somehow managed to win the confidence of the leader; he was unable to resist it.

But the navy readily joined this game, in which departmental interests were placed above those of the state.

I will give an example from the period after Stalin's death - to 1955.

Khrushchev watched the exercises of the Black Sea Fleet. An episode from his memoirs dating back to 1955, when the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee watched the maneuvers of the Black Sea Fleet, sheds light on Khrushchev's attitude to the fleet. In particular, he was shown a night attack by torpedo boats on the "enemy" fleet in the harbor. Naturally, as a result of the dashing actions of the boatmen, all their targets were conditionally hit.

The distinguished guest asked: "And what, comrades - is it that the enemy can also sneak up to our ships and sink them unnoticed?" To which the sailors condescendingly replied: “Well, what are you, Nikita Sergeevich! We will detect the approaching enemy boats in advance on the screens of our locators and destroy them before they reach the torpedo launch range. "

The question arises: what feelings should one of the leaders of the country have experienced, seeing that the exercises are clearly going “with one gate” and that the conventional “enemy” is clearly “playing giveaway” in order to ensure a predetermined result? Khrushchev was not a fool - in this case, he simply would not have been able to defeat his competitors in the struggle for power. Therefore, he certainly drew the appropriate conclusions from this case of obvious fraud.

And in the fall of the same year, it was no longer an exercise that took place in the Black Sea Fleet, but a real tragedy: the death of the battleship Novorossiysk. After its explosion right at the anchorage site (as 49 years earlier another battleship "Empress Maria" died at the same place), as a result of a mediocre organized rescue operation, hundreds of sailors were killed, who found themselves walled up in the compartments of the capsized ship, literally a few meters from the rescue ... Yes, after that the leadership of the fleet was severely punished, including at the request of Defense Minister G. Zhukov.

But was this punishment unjust, undeserved? Maybe it was necessary to let things go "on the brakes", to neglect such unprecedentedly high losses in their own harbor, in peacetime ?!

Well, two years earlier, after the death of Stalin, whose personal will largely gave rise to such a large-scale shipbuilding program, his successors (among whom Nikita Sergeevich had not played a leading role at all) began to correct this obvious mistake by reducing the fleet and bringing its number to the value dictated by real political, economic and technical needs.

Yes, while they largely relied on the support of the army generals: a fact that for some reason the champions of the fleet always try to emphasize. Does it mean that in this activity the representatives of the generals were guided by sabotage, anti-state, in fact, motives?

Not at all. As I wrote earlier, this was a manifestation of a completely natural competition between representatives of different types of troops, which is typical for the military always and everywhere. They are brought up in the spirit of striving for victory. And when a war comes - this desire motivates them to feats and to victory over the enemy. But when there is no war, this craving for self-affirmation is realized in the form of intrigues and attempts to suppress competitors. This is the nature of the professional military, and nothing can be done about it.

Finally, it is reasonable to ask the question: why did the generals defeat the admirals in this conflict, and not vice versa?

I also gave the answer to it in the previous part, but I will repeat it again.

Because the authority of the "ground", their weight in the eyes of the top political leadership turned out to be higher than the sailors.

First, because in the recently ended brutal war, victory was achieved precisely on land, not at sea.

Well, and secondly, because it could not be otherwise. For example, in England the situation is always the opposite: the navy is superior in authority to the army. This is the specificity of the sea power. In Russia, the situation is the opposite, and this is an objective state of affairs due to its continental position.

However, let's get back to the personality of Khrushchev and continue to answer the question: how fair is the popular opinion about his dislike of the Navy? To what extent does it correspond to historical truth?

I must say that Nikita Sergeevich is not the first head of the Russian state whom the guardians of the fleet are trying to accuse of irrational hatred of him as such (although, perhaps, it is in the case of Khrushchev that these accusations acquire the most unbridled character).

But let's take, for example, Alexander I. Often, among the "departmental" naval historians, one can also find a reproach to the "Blessed One" that he completely "neglected" naval affairs, entrusting them to an incompetent (and besides, which, apparently, the most terrible - to a foreign!) serving the Marquis de Traversay, which resulted in the decline of the Russian fleet. At the same time, the fact that it was Alexander who was able to organize the victory over Napoleon, turn Russia into a leading European power, deciding the fate of post-war Europe, is completely ignored.

So, maybe talking about his neglect of the fleet is not entirely correct? And instead, it should be noted that, having correctly defined his priorities, he was able to bet on the force that at that moment was of decisive importance for the country - that is, on the army?

It seems to me that such reasoning will be fair in relation to Khrushchev.

Immediately, anticipating possible objections, I will make a reservation that the first steps towards detente relations with the West, which were extremely tense at the end of Stalin's rule, were taken not by Khrushchev, but by Malenkov. And even before that, another member of the "collective leadership" that came to power in March 1953 - L. Beria began to put forward proposals in this direction. In particular, on the settlement of the "German question". Therefore, reducing the level of armaments, which are a heavy burden on the national economy, was an urgent task that could not be ignored.

Nevertheless, there is no reason to say that the fleet under Khrushchev underwent some kind of "rout". On the contrary, it has undergone significant technical re-equipment. Ships with mainly artillery and torpedo armament were replaced by a new generation of them, equipped with guided missiles. And in this process, the Soviet Union not only not from the most developed countries, but at certain moments pulled ahead.

It is clear that this simply could not have happened if a person at the top of the power pyramid (especially considering the autocratic nature of power in our country at all times) would simply “dislike the navy”.

And nevertheless, it was under Khrushchev that the domestic navy suffered one of its most serious defeats. This happened during the Cuban missile crisis. I have already touched on this topic in a remark about A. Timokhin's article, also dedicated to this, no doubt, a key event, both in the context of the Cold War and from the point of view of naval practice. To my surprise, in the comments, many readers tried to challenge the very fact of this defeat. Therefore, I will repeat my argument again, once again.

The Cuban Missile Crisis occupies a very important place in the history of the Russian Navy, for it is practically the only case in the entire period of the Cold War when it had the opportunity to prove itself. However, this did not happen, and he was unable to fulfill the task that was entrusted to him by the country's top political leadership. The submarines, ordered to pass covertly to Cuba, were sighted by the American fleet and forced to surface. Surface ships were canceled altogether. As a result, the same American fleet, fulfilling the "quarantine" regime announced by the US President, had an unhindered opportunity to stop Soviet transports heading to the ports of the "Freedom Island", inspect them and not let them go further.

These are the facts that indicate that the tasks assigned by the country's top political leadership to the navy were not fulfilled during Operation Anadyr. And in order to understand the role played by our fleet in these events, it is they that are important, and not the questions that were often asked by the authors of the comments to my remark "Crisis manifestations over the Cuban missile crisis": did the Americans remove their missiles aimed at the USSR from Turkey? What could a meeting at sea of ​​Soviet and American warships on the way to Cuba lead to? Etc. For they do not deny the fact that the Soviet fleet did not fulfill the combat mission assigned to it, and this did not allow the implementation of the plan for the covert deployment in Cuba of nuclear weapons aimed at the United States.

It is necessary to fix and understand: why did this happen?

The authors of numerous "anti-Khrushchev" publications (including A. Timokhin, whose article was my reply) are inclined to blame everything directly on the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, his adventurism and lack of understanding of realities.

But is Khrushchev to blame for the fact that at the exercises of the Northern Fleet, which took place several months earlier, the admirals deliberately misled him, presenting the underwater launch of a ballistic missile from a diesel submarine as the already achieved combat readiness of nuclear carriers to perform such an operation? Or was it Khrushchev who initiated the cancellation of the trip to Cuba by surface warships, which turned out that our transports were unprotected when they met with the US Navy? Finally, it was Khrushchev who prevented the naval leadership from realistically assessing the capabilities of the US ASW, its ability to detect our submarines in the oceans?

The answers to these questions are obvious. And they show that attempts to portray the state of affairs in such a way that all the blame for the failure of Operation Anadyr lies with Khrushchev - this is a typical attempt to "switch the arrows" aimed at explaining all the failures of our fleet by external causes.

In this role, incompetent representatives of the political leadership alternately act, then representatives of the army striving to destroy a competitor, then Tukhachevsky, then someone else. The fleet itself is always so pure in its thoughts, so striving to fulfill its duty to the Motherland to the end - that it is simply not capable of any other, self-serving actions. As the saying goes, "if the native country lived - and there are no other worries" ...

Contrary to this extremely biased slogan far from the true state of affairs, competition between representatives of different branches of the armed forces is a completely natural phenomenon that takes place not only in our country. In the last part of the article, I dwelt in detail on the plot, which was called the "Admiral's Riot" in the United States. Its essence consisted in the desire of the naval elite by all means to get at its disposal a means of delivery to the goal of a nuclear weapons, which served in the post-war world as a guarantee of the importance of this type of troops in the national defense system.

Since in the early years these funds could only be aviation, the result of this struggle was the construction of a new generation of aircraft carriers for the US Navy, intended for basing jet aircraft - carriers of atomic bombs.

However, a few years later, a new system of sea-based strategic nuclear weapons appeared: nuclear submarines with submarine-launched ballistic missiles, which took up combat duty in the early 60s. From that moment, aircraft carriers lost their role in delivering the first nuclear strike and began to be mainly viewed as a tactical weapon system, whose purpose is primarily to participate in local conflicts, the outcome of which is determined by conventional weapons. Unfortunately, this "re-profiling" of the largest ships remained unnoticed in the USSR, which is why the confrontation with aircraft carrier strike groups was still seen as the main task of our fleet. This led to an important strategic mistake, the consequences of which cannot be overestimated. However, since this error was fully realized later, I will consider it in the next part of the article.


So, let's summarize the interim results.

The new leadership of the USSR, which came to power after Stalin's death, in terms of naval development, canceled the most senseless, heavy burdens on the economy, measures to create an armada of ships from the era that had already ended.

However, this reduction in no way meant the destruction of the fleet as such. Because it was in the Khrushchev era that he began to acquire a new look: the very nuclear missile, which is usually identified with the era of scientific and technological revolution.

But the leadership of the fleet, lacking real combat experience (especially in comparison with the army generals), as well as being in a natural situation of technical lag behind a potential enemy, did not always cope with their duties. And often, instead of improving the structure entrusted to him, seeking to increase combat readiness, he was engaged in outright fraud, as in the episodes I mentioned with a torpedo attack in an exercise in 1955 or with an underwater missile launch in 1962.

It also allowed other "punctures" (and this is - to put it mildly!), Resulting in the death of their subordinate personnel, as in the case of the Novorossiysk disaster. And in the case of the most significant operation, to which the forces of the fleet were involved - "Anadyr", its leadership also behaved unsatisfactorily, both professionally and morally. After all, the command, in fact, betrayed the submariners who were forced to surface at the request of the Americans in a deliberately hopeless situation, blaming them for disrupting the combat mission.

And so, in order to avoid considering these, no doubt, difficult and unpleasant issues, a win-win solution is used: the story that Khrushchev “did not like the fleet,” and from this, they say, all our problems in the water sector.

Fundamental reconstruction of thrust

And now, as it should have become familiar to our reader, let us turn to the topic of railways and outline the changes that took place on them during the same Khrushchev period.

Before proceeding with this, I will share one of my impressions formed after reading the comments to the previous parts of this article (more precisely, already a whole cycle).

Many of them welcome this part of my story and ask for it to be expanded. Well - I do it with pleasure! Moreover, it was in the second half of the 50s that, perhaps, the most radical and rapid changes in their entire history began on Soviet railways.

Но обо всем по порядку.

By 1955, the preconditions were formed for the next technical re-equipment of this type of transport. First of all, this concerned the electric power industry. By increasing the voltage in power lines up to 400 (and then up to 500) kilovolts, it became possible to transport large volumes of electricity over considerable distances: hundreds and then thousands of kilometers. This created new opportunities for transferring lines to electric traction, since now the regions of energy generation and its consumption could be geographically separated.

As a result, the construction of a whole cascade of hydroelectric power plants began, first on the Volga, and then on the deep rivers of the Urals and Siberia (Ob, Angara, Yenisei), the European and Asian parts of the country, the capacities of which replenished the emerging unified energy system of the country, from which, in turn, fed including long electrified railway lines.

By the same time, a high-power electric locomotive was created in the USSR. This was preceded by a rather curious story.

The first order for such a locomotive was made by the Soviet Union in March 1946 of the famous American General Electric campaign, since back in 1932 it supplied our country with electric locomotives for work at the Suram pass in Georgia. However, by 1948, when the Soviet order was completed, a cold war broke out between yesterday's allies, and the US government banned supplies to the USSR.

Then in our country at NEVZ, where before that only 6-axle electric locomotives were produced, an electric locomotive with similar characteristics was designed, which was named N8 ("Novocherkassk eight-axle"). It is interesting that after anti-government unrest broke out in Novocherkassk in 1962, the "core" of which was the workers of the electric locomotive plant, the letter "N" was removed from the name of their products, and all electric locomotives under construction in the country received the standard designation VL ("Vladimir Lenin ") with the corresponding digital index. In 1955, a pilot batch of these electric locomotives was successfully tested and was ready for serial production.

Н8 was designed for a 3 kV DC overhead catenary system. However, by the same time, a new promising AC power supply system appeared abroad (primarily in France). Due to the higher voltage in the catenary, it made it possible to increase the distance between the traction substations, which significantly reduced the cost of electrification, and also made it possible to increase the power supplied to the locomotives.

On the Moscow road, this system was used to electrify the Ozherelye-Pavelets section, the trial operation of which showed the system to work. Therefore, the initial voltage in the overhead contact network of 20 kV at the end of the 50s was increased to 25 kV.

Significant "shifts" took place in the domestic diesel locomotive construction.

Copied from the Lend-Lease "American" 1000-horsepower TE1, as well as the two-section (with a capacity of 1950 hp) TE2000 produced at the same Kharkov transport engineering plant since 2, were inferior in this indicator to powerful steam locomotives and therefore could not have them replace. A new diesel was needed.

It was also decided to take as its basis an American unit - a two-stroke (and therefore more compact and having a higher power density compared to four-stroke) Fairbanks-Morse marine engine installed on submarines. And also three American icebreakers delivered to the USSR under the Lend-Lease program, which continued to work with us in Murmansk after the war, had it. A group of engineers was sent to one of them, which is undergoing repairs in Leningrad, with the task of measuring this diesel engine and making a set of drawings for it.

So there was a Soviet analogue called 2D100 with a capacity of 2000 liters. from. A diesel locomotive TE3 was created for it, which also had a two-section layout. That is, the total capacity was 4 thousand liters. from. In 1955, he also went into series production. In fact, it was a full-fledged "killer of steam locomotives", surpassing those in all its technical characteristics, first of all - in terms of productivity and power.

It is important to note that in parallel there was a real "breakthrough" in the domestic oil industry: the highly accurate predicted fields between the Volga and the Urals were discovered, after which the production of "black gold" in the USSR increased significantly. This made it possible to consider diesel traction as economically justified, although in the pre-war years its widespread resistance was resisted, citing, among other things, the high cost of fuel.

The listed scientific, technical and economic achievements took place against the background of an acute struggle for power in the USSR, which, although not advertised, but in the closest way influenced the events taking place. The echoes of this struggle can be seen in the films of those years. Often, a "progressive" party secretary stands out from their heroes, whose antipode is a "retrograde" - an official. Thus, art workers fulfilled the installation on the advantages of the party leadership over the economic, received after the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, NS Khrushchev, defeated G.M. Malenkov, having achieved his removal from the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

From this moment on, the center for making the most important decisions has been shifted from government structures to party structures. In modern political language, the party, led by its incredibly ambitious leader, more and more actively “intercepted the agenda” from state bodies, which since the last years of Stalin's rule have formed the core of the state mechanism.

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, held in July 1955, adopted a resolution "On tasks for the further development of industry, technical progress and improvement of the organization of production." The plenum proclaimed the most important task of Party, Soviet and economic organizations in the field of industry to raise the technical level of production in every possible way. The main condition for solving this problem was declared to be a sharp increase in the rate of technical improvement in all industries on the basis of electrification, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, the introduction of the latest machines and devices (I apologize to the reader for this boring quote, which nevertheless allows you to feel the language of the then governing documents).

In pursuance of these intentions, the government at the beginning of February of the following year, 1956, adopted a resolution "On the General Plan for the Electrification of Railways." This plan provided for the achievement of a very ambitious task: in fifteen years (1956-1970) to electrify lines with a total length of 40 thousand kilometers, increasing their length 9 times. Thus, the stake was made precisely on the wider introduction of electric traction for the intensification of railway transportation.

And just a few days later, the XX Congress of the CPSU opened in Moscow. Usually it is primarily associated with the so-called "secret speech" of Khrushchev, dedicated to the exposure of Stalin's "personality cult". But this speech served only as part of Nikita Sergeevich's strategy to acquire sole power in the country. For this, as mentioned above, it was necessary for him to give the highest weight to the party bodies, the decisions they made, in order to show their advantage over the Soviet and economic bodies. It is within the framework of this strategy that the congress not only approves the government plan for the electrification of railways, but also decides on a sharp increase in the production of diesel locomotives. For this, the Lugansk and Kolomna locomotive factories were ordered to curtail the construction of steam locomotives and join the Kharkovsky in the production of TE3.

These decisions marked the beginning of the most radical technical revolution in transport, which is usually called "traction reconstruction", meaning that its most visible embodiment was the replacement of steam locomotives, which dominated on steel tracks for over a hundred years, with new types of locomotives - diesel locomotives and electric locomotives. But in fact, to reduce it only to this, albeit a very important factor, means to fall into a strong simplification.

After all, the transfer to electric traction created opportunities for an integrated electrification of adjacent territories. The fact is that in the mid-50s, for a significant part of Soviet citizens, the use of electric energy was still not generally available. Often there were settlements in which kerosene lamps and lanterns were still used for lighting. Others were already electrified, but the source of energy was local power plants (usually powered by a tractor diesel engine), which were turned off at night, plunging the surroundings into darkness.

The adoption of a large-scale plan for the electrification of railways made it possible not only to equip them with a contact network and traction substations, allowing the use of electric locomotives. But it was also supposed to supply power to numerous consumers at stations, settlements, industrial and agricultural enterprises located along such lines. In addition to significantly improving the performance of the railway itself, this measure also contributed to the improvement of the lives of the people living along it. For the second time in its history, the domestic "piece of iron" in the full sense of the word brought civilization with it to those lands in which it ran. She very quickly changed her own appearance and also changed the appearance of the areas in which she lay.

These changes were also observed in the composition of the car fleet.

After all, the range of cars used allows you to more clearly imagine the economic features of the era. I have already touched on this aspect in the previous parts. Let me remind you that covered freight cars dominated on the railways of pre-revolutionary Russia, the main cargo of which was grain. In the years of the first five-year plans, an increasingly significant part of the park began to be made up of gondola cars intended for the transportation of coal and ore, which were signs of accelerated industrialization. In a new era, among freight cars, platforms began to be more common, on which automobile and tractor equipment manufactured at factories, the geography of which had expanded significantly, were transported.

And the social orientation of the new economy was more noticeable. Thus, more wagons for the transport of products began to be produced. These were cisterns for the transportation of milk, on which, immediately after the morning milking, it was delivered to the cities by special milk trains (or by attaching them to the post and baggage trains); wagons for the transportation of live fish. At the same time, refrigerated trains and separate sections are replacing glacier cars, which were used to transport perishable goods, which have been in operation since the beginning of the XNUMXth century, this allows them not to make long stops for refueling with ice, which significantly increases travel time.

New trends were also felt in passenger transportation.

So, the passenger cars themselves have significantly changed their design to the so-called all-metal. They were distinguished by a number of innovations. For example, for the first time, an electric generator appeared under each carriage and therefore the candles that were lit in the car when the power supply was interrupted are forever a thing of the past. The carriage interior has also changed significantly.

First of all, this applies to the most massive type: the so-called non-compartment (or open) long-distance carriage. It was the development in the future of the legendary Soviet designer Yuri Borisovich Solovyov, the author of the appearance of many objects we know very well: for example, the screw cap of a vodka bottle. It was he who, immediately after the war, a 25-year-old graduate of the Polygraphic Institute and widely known in the circles of the then "golden youth", thanks to his acquaintance with Vasily Stalin, got the opportunity to cooperate with the Kalinin Carriage Works, which was preparing a new type of passenger car for production. The interior designed by him allowed each passenger to use comfortable and functional personal space during the day and night, which was reserved for him for the entire period of the trip. Therefore, the carriage began to be called "reserved seat" (from the German platskarta, that is, "seat map"). This name remains to this day.

One of the consequences of the fact that diesel and electric locomotives began to be used instead of steam locomotives, was the reduction of passenger train stops, since the long procedure for refueling steam locomotives with water is a thing of the past. Previously, passengers used this time to also "fill up with water": boiling water in special "still" available at almost all stations. Now there was often no time left for this, and sources of boiling water appeared directly in the cars. It was the legendary titanium: a continuous boiler, the supply of water in which was replenished automatically from the wagon tank. Now tea was constantly at the service of passengers, although the tradition of drinking it immediately after departure from the next station remained for many decades.

Hack and predictor Aviator

Summing up the overall result, we can say that the "Khrushchev" era became, perhaps, the most striking, positive period in the history of our country in modern times.

This affected the development of both the navy (contrary to widespread prejudice) and railways.

Unfortunately, the latter is not very well known to the general population, but only to a narrow circle of specialists. We express our hope that we were able to fix this to some extent.
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  1. -4
    22 June 2021 18: 15
    What kind of liberal akathist is this to a person who predetermined the tragic fate of the Soviet Union by his decisions ??
    1. +12
      22 June 2021 18: 49
      Famously, after four generations of general secretaries, you have figured out the culprit.
      1. +11
        22 June 2021 19: 03
        The author really wanted to whitewash Khrushchev, but the facts are that the decisions he made had a detrimental effect on the economy, politics, and the growing deficit.
        1. +4
          22 June 2021 19: 32
          Something is mixed here (in the article) don't understand what, like about the fleet, but I realized that an armored train, that's all.
          1. 0
            27 June 2021 23: 13
            It seems that the author does not quite understand what he is writing about ..
            For a start, during the Cuban missile crisis, nuclear submarines were used only as standard weapons, while ICBM transports followed a completely different course. And the fact is that nuclear submarines with combat-ready ballistic missiles with a flight time of 3-5 minutes are in the Caribbean. caused certain heads to cool slightly.
            Do you think that Khrushchev knocked on the UN rostrum with the heel of his boot without the right to do so?
        2. +2
          22 June 2021 20: 18
          a huge country with a huge variegated management and put forward a huge (third time!) number of ideas. everyone imagines himself a hero and become heroes. Who was Korolyov? how much did a breakthrough into space cost? rockets. probes, etc.?
          in the early 60's there were still cities with kerosene stoves, and the city of Komsomolsk (Ivanovsk region) was from 32g .. GOELRO plan. limited by the scale of the USSR - but an important stage of development ....... and the fleet is a small thing in that movement to the stars and personal toilet bowls. you have to pay for everything.
          now we are building little railways and a lot of cars - FOR WESTERN AUTOCORNS - is this lobbying? or a path to a brighter future? decide for yourself.
          but about the party and the economic asset: there are few real violent ones, and there are no leaders. If there are no leaders, the country has not become. the paradox does not come from the National Union of Artists, but from the initiative from below. from the dark masses .. bypassing engineers and other literate.
          direct democracy of the majority of the people, what the parish is like, and vice versa: what the people are like is the secretary of the district committee.
          1. +11
            22 June 2021 21: 12
            Quote: antivirus
            but about the party and the economic asset: there are few real violent ones, and there are no leaders. If there are no leaders, the country has not become. the paradox does not come from the National Union of Artists, but from the initiative from below. from the dark masses .. bypassing engineers and other literate.

            changes from below are called revolutions and changes from above are called Development, evolution, progress smile
            Khrushch was a fan of rockets. The Tsar built a bomb and began to develop means of delivery .... He no longer needed the fleet. His initiative was also the construction of buildings without foundations, as in the southern countries .. I read about it at Parshev. this initiative ended quickly as the buildings collapsed quickly. Khrushchev was a disaster in disguise.
            1. +4
              23 June 2021 14: 32
              Quote: aybolyt678
              Khrushch was a fan of rockets. The Tsar built a bomb and began to develop means of delivery .... He no longer needed the fleet.

              You are wrong. Khrushchev needed a fleet - but also with missiles.
              In fact, the Air Force situation was repeated in the Navy: all carriers of unguided weapons were declared obsolete by directives, but at the same time ships and aircraft with URO continued to be built quietly. Moreover, often even the base did not change - it is enough to recall the "rocketization" of the EM pr. 56, or how the Tu-16 and Tu-95 from bombers became missile carriers.
              1. +2
                23 June 2021 17: 32
                Quite right. And that's exactly what I wrote about in the article. But individual commentators do not seem to be able to understand the meaning of what they read.
        3. +4
          22 June 2021 20: 54
          My dear, you will know that after Khrushchev was pushed aside, practically none of his decisions were screwed up and canceled! Even if we recall the proverbial corn for which Khrushchev received the nickname "maize" is still grown and is one of the main crops for cattle.
          1. +15
            23 June 2021 01: 30
            And you, my dear, even from the above article, it would be worth noting that all the "ingenious decisions of Khrushchev", such as the rocket (and then the space) program, the creation of the country's air defense system, even the very electrification of railways and the creation of electric locomotives, these are all Stalinist decisions implemented and bearing fruit already in the years of Khrushchev.
            He ruined a lot.
            With the monetary reform, he robbed (burned out savings) and very sharply dropped the standard of living of the population.
            And with the pension reform and the revision of the wage tariff scale, he transferred entire categories of the population to the category of the poor and almost poverty. And these consequences were not eliminated under Brezhnev. Remember how much the engineers were paid with it? Constructors? Compared to workers? At the same plant, an engineer suddenly had a salary lower than that of an ordinary machine operator ... a metallurgist ... a miner ...
            This was not the case under Stalin.
            And the same cultural workers, artists and other bohemians ... salaries suddenly turned out to be ... just scanty ... This led to such a phenomenon as "left-wing concerts", and a large part of this fraternity began to rapidly reform ideologically ...
            Under Khrushchev, the population of the USSR became poor. And sometimes beggars.
            All enterprises of the non-state sector were also abolished and requisitioned - cooperatives, individual (private) sewing, footwear, furniture and radio equipment (including televisions) ... A person could no longer self-actualize and earn with his skill and talent, as he could under Stalin.
            It was under Khrushchev that the USSR began to acquire the features of a totalitarian society.
            Despite the external "thaw".
            At enterprises, they began to abolish the piecework wages more and more often, which before - under Stalin, on the contrary, was introduced by decrees from above.
            And about the Navy. To cut a bunch of ships on the stocks and in the completion, on which colossal funds and efforts have already been spent ... It was the classic Khrushchev STUPID!
            One of the clearest manifestations of tyranny and voluntarism.
            To me, then still a young lieutenant of the Air Defense Forces, elderly majors and colonels (and later generals) were by no means naval, but completely overland ones spoke with hatred of Khrushchev's tyranny, and especially emphasized the example of cutting new and unfinished ships into metal.
            It was not the generals who advised him to do this sabotage.
            It was STUPID!
            And sabotage.
            And then they cut not only ships, but also planes!
            And artillery pieces!
            In huge quantities.
            Because "the master wanted missiles."
            Rockets are right.
            But why should ships and planes with cannons be allowed under the cutter ?!
            Remember (or revise) the memories of Gryazev and Shipunov on this topic ... the memories of aviation designers of that time ... I'm not talking about the sailors ...
            Heavy cruisers criticized by critics?
            A series of great light cruisers?
            Which Stalin ordered?
            And the fact that immediately after WWII we found ourselves in a state of confrontation with the most powerful naval powers, critics did not notice?
            And they could only be resisted by the forces of the Navy. For there was no missile-carrying aviation yet.
            That is why a huge series of submarines was laid immediately after the war. The Navy and Kuznetsov personally insisted on the construction of aircraft carriers (before my eyes there was an example of their brilliant use by the Americans in the Pacific War) ... But the industry was not ready for this. That is why a large series of light cruisers (24 in order) was laid down, followed by heavy battle cruisers.
            Why did Stalin need battlecruisers?
            Yes, because there were no suitable missiles for ships yet, but nuclear ammunition in a 12-inch projectile could already be made. And the guns for these cruisers were special - for a 62 caliber barrel. With up to 60 km firing range. And the unprecedented power of the power plant - 280 l / s, which was supposed to provide a cruiser speed of 000 - 35 knots.
            Why are there so many?
            In order to choose the distance of the battle in the battle against the obviously superior enemy forces.
            And this power plant was just perfect for future aircraft carriers, which they also planned to build in the future, they worked on their projects and even created special deck attack aircraft for them ... with a turboprop engine and coaxial propellers ... with an engine arrangement like the Aircobra - behind the cockpit.
            And it's not worth shedding tears about the funds for all this, because under Stalin there was a sovereign financial system and the state itself financed all its development programs, without prejudice to other sectors of the economy and the social sphere ... In addition, we were then paid reparations by the country the former German bloc.
            We paid!
            Supplies of everything needed to restore our economy. A former employee of the State Planning Commission of that period told me this.
            But to take and cut all this - the wealth created by the hands of our people into scrap ... ships, planes, artillery pieces ... surrender to the enemy or abandon our naval and air force bases ... from some of our allies ... All this he - Khrushch carried out with furious zeal!
            And then, years later, a lot had to be created at first, almost from scratch, restoring teams and competencies ...
            All the "victories" that Khrushch ascribed to himself and ascribed to him by similar authors are due to the backlog from Stalin and his people's commissars.
            ... One adventure with the virgin lands of what cost our people ...
            1. +1
              23 June 2021 14: 11
              Cut a bunch of ships on the stocks and in the completion, on which colossal funds and efforts have already been spent ...

              Well, yes, in your words, it is "better" to spend the national money on the completion of the obviously outdated ships already at the moment of leaving the slipway?
              But why should ships and planes with cannons be allowed under the cutter ?!

              Then, that the prohibitive level of military spending doomed the country's inhabitants to live in poverty and pulled the economy to the bottom.
              Why did Stalin need battle cruisers? Yes, because there were no suitable missiles for ships yet, but nuclear ammunition in a 12-inch projectile could already be made. And the guns for these cruisers were special - for a barrel of 62 caliber. With up to 60 km firing range. And the unprecedented power of the power plant - 280 l / s, which was supposed to provide a cruiser speed of 000 - 35 knots.

              This is the ASM-N-2 "Bat" gliding bomb. With a warhead weighing 450 kilograms and homing. It could be used by all types of carrier-based aircraft used by the US Navy - from Helldiver dive bombers and Avenger torpedo bombers to Corsair fighters.
              It worked like this - the plane approached the target at an altitude of 4,5 kilometers and at a distance of 32 kilometers before it carried out a combat discharge. Then the bomb went to the target on its own. The aircraft did not enter the target's air defense guns. The bomb itself had a fairly small size and at the terminal section the speed of 480 km / h (130 m / s), which made attempts to shoot it down extremely problematic, to say the least.
              And most importantly, at the end of the 1940s it was already clear that the Bat was rapidly becoming obsolete - the era of anti-ship missiles was approaching.
              Therefore, starting from the end of the Second World War, the construction of battleships and battle cruisers began to be canceled "as if by agreement." The Americans themselves canceled the already begun construction of the last two ships of the Iowa project and completely stopped the construction of the Montana series.
              1. +1
                23 June 2021 17: 33
                You are absolutely right.
              2. +4
                23 June 2021 17: 50
                Quote: Terran Ghost
                Well, yes, in your words, it is "better" to spend the national money on the completion of the obviously outdated ships already at the moment of leaving the slipway?

                These were artillery cruisers and destroyers. Rocket armament for the fleet was then only being developed, it was still imperfect and cumbersome, and new projects were being developed for it.
                But you seem to want to say that in four fleets we did not need artillery ships? For the convoy and support of the amphibious assault? To support the ground forces from the sea flank in the seaside theater of operations? And these cruisers did an excellent job with representative functions, they were used for diplomatic missions (Khrushchev himself rode this to England and around the whole of Eurasia on this.
                We also needed new captains and admirals. With experience of service in distant sea and ocean zones, for WWII showed that we do not have such. They had to be trained on something, educated, given practice.
                And also, over time (because such cruisers served in our Navy until 1992), these cruisers could undergo modernization. On the shoulder straps of the 2nd and 3rd towers, it was possible to install PU SAM "Volna" or another suitable one. Over time, it was possible to install an anti-ship missile launcher.
                These cruisers had excellent characteristics for their class - excellent speed, seaworthiness, cruising range and autonomy, they had perhaps the best artillery at that time (they surpassed all their classmates in main battery range). These ships have done a great job in our Navy, operating in all regions of the world. They carried out escort and "tracking with weapons" for enemy AUGs, which could not break away from them at speed (our cruisers were excellent walkers), they were used as command ships of our operational squadrons, our submariners rested on board during long autonomous flights away from native shores.
                In a word, on FOUR fleets, these cruisers had enough tasks until the death of the Union.
                Quote: Terran Ghost
                Then, that the prohibitive level of military spending doomed the country's inhabitants to live in poverty and pulled the economy to the bottom.

                Is it under Stalin? belay
                The Soviet Union had a SOVEREIGN Financial System. He could afford to spend on whatever programs our industry could carry out. In particular, the balance of the money supply and the commodity coverage of cash liquidity were always ensured. Already by 1952/53. The Soviet Union came close to the complete saturation of the domestic market and the problem of overproduction.
                And do you know how Stalin was going to deal with this problem (overproduction), which plunged the capitalist countries into constant cycles of crises?
                He was going to gradually REDUCE the working day in the USSR - up to 5 hours a day!
                While maintaining the level of wages of Soviet citizens.
                So that a person has half a day left for self-development, receiving additional education, playing sports, children, and his own household.
                Read the latest works of Stalin, there all these questions have been worked out.
                Khrushchev drove the citizens of the USSR into poverty.
                - revision of tariff rates downward in many categories,
                - the implementation of the monetary reform, when not just a denomination was carried out, but the gold content of the denominated ruble changed downward, when money accumulations burned out, the real value of a number of goods increased, and the real purchasing power of the population fell sharply.
                - The closure, abolition and literal nationalization of all cooperatives, artels and private (individual) businesses, which together gave up to 18% of GDP and saturated the consumer domestic market (food, catering, footwear, sewing, construction, all sorts of hairdressers, etc., furniture. .. and even design bureaus - yes, for example, our famous helicopter design bureaus Mil and Kamov were founded as cooperatives on a government contract). It was then that the famous "Soviet deficit began, for the state industry did not feel well for the consumer market, and having lost its competitors, it became completely relaxed.
                - Agricultural reform - with the enlargement of farms, the abolition of the MTS, the exsanguination of the Central Chernozem region with personnel, equipment and financing in favor of the "development of the virgin lands" in Kazakhstan ... and chronic problems with food began. Well, at least I didn't have time to reorganize all the collective farms into state farms ...
                Quote: Terran Ghost
                This is the ASM-N-2 "Bat" gliding bomb.

                I know about her. Knew about it and in the General Staff of the Navy of the USSR.
                And they worked on naval air defense systems no less hard than on land ones.
                Quote: Terran Ghost
                Therefore, starting from the end of the Second World War, the construction of battleships and battle cruisers began to be canceled "as if by agreement." The Americans themselves canceled the already begun construction of the last two ships of the Iowa project and completely stopped the construction of the Montana series

                Well, this is not an indicator for us at all. Having ended the war, the United States was suddenly surprised to find that there was not a single Ocean Fleet left on the planet. The English fleet, even before the war, did not shine with the freshness of its park, by the end of the war it was completely worn out, the ships had exhausted their resources, and the finances were in a terrible state. British ships massively went to write off.
                And the other fleets of the great sea powers were either destroyed (French) or disarmed by the victors.
                The Americans were ALONE.
                And their fleet was simply monstrous in size and payroll.
                So the write-off of the old ones, the withdrawal of new ones to the reserve, the cessation of construction and the re-equipment of some combat units into auxiliary, non-combat and experimental ones was a completely natural result.
                But the USSR needed a fleet. We did not have time to build it before the war, our fleet and shipbuilding industry suffered huge losses, and now it was necessary to start almost from scratch.
                Not for ocean raids.
                To protect our highly extended sea lines.
                And how to keep the enemy at a distance greater than the range of his aircraft and artillery?
                Aviation and Fleet.
                Operating under the cover of their base aircraft, our battle cruisers could hit clusters of enemy ships with nuclear (and conventional) ammunition, using their speed advantage for a rapid approach and subsequent separation.
                And if such cruisers were used by Gorshkov for "Tracking weapons" for enemy AUG ... they would be even more fun.
                In addition, the development of already new projects of ships was underway, which, while serving in one group, would mutually complement each other. The presence in the order of ships with developed air defense and SSGNs with heavy anti-ship missiles under the surface of the waves would give our KUG much greater stability.
                Yes, and the Americans in the 80s returned to service their battleships of the "Iowa" type, modernizing them, installing air defense and missile launchers of the Kyrgyz Republic.
                Our battlecruisers would be younger in age and could receive similar upgrades.
                And if you are again about the obsolescence and backwardness of artillery ships, then remember (or look, they are still in service) our famous destroyers of the "Sarych" class. Which on the weight of a minute volley was second only to “Iowam”.
                And there is no need to talk about the "impoverishment of the people" from military spending. Two life examples from our history speak of the opposite - examples with Khrushchev (impoverishment and scarcity) and Gorbachev / Yeltsin (catastrophic impoverishment and loss of status and all positions in the world).
                But in the United States, they consider military spending, on the contrary, to be a driver of the economy, a source of its growth and an increase in the welfare of the population.
                And it was the same in the USSR!
                Under Stalin.
                We remember Industrialization and preparation for war. This is what (!) A low start we started, and after 10 years we took the SECOND place in industrial production, and the level of well-being of Soviet citizens just skyrocketed over the years.
                ... The war interfered with the plans of the 3rd Five-Year Plan to carry out a large-scale program of housing construction and the further development of the consumer sector of the economy.
                But Industrialization was of a mobilization nature! First of all, the basic branches of the economy were created, which were necessary to ensure the country's defense capability. But the Sovereign Financial System and the competent application of advanced economic theories, naturally led in the first 10 years of Industrialization an unprecedented growth in the welfare of the population.
                So do not repeat the enemy mantras, but study the true history of the issue.
            2. +2
              23 June 2021 14: 46
              Quote: bayard
              And about the Navy. To cut a bunch of ships on the stocks and in the completion, on which colossal funds and efforts have already been spent ... It was the classic Khrushchev STUPID!

              Artillery ships. The projects of which belong to the 40s, and even to the end of the 30s.
              What is the combat value in 1959 year artillery cruiser pr. 68-bis? Especially considering the fact that its short-range air defense was two generations behind, being at the pre-war level - MZA had neither SUAO nor power drives.
              Moreover, if the admirals were concerned about the sane project of modernization of pr. 68bis into URO ships, then the construction of the KRL would have continued. How the construction of the former artillery and torpedo EMs of the project 56, which became missile, continued.
              Quote: bayard
              And the unprecedented power of the power plant - 280 l / s, which was supposed to provide a cruiser speed of 000 - 35 knots.
              Why are there so many?
              In order to choose the distance of the battle in the battle against the obviously superior enemy forces.

              Especially good at 35 knots choose the distance of the fight against an aircraft with 500 or more nodes. smile
              How many aircraft carriers did the United States have at the end of the 40s?
              1. +2
                23 June 2021 18: 57
                Quote: Alexey RA
                Artillery ships. The projects of which belong to the 40s, and even to the end of the 30s.
                What is the combat value in 1959 of the artillery cruiser pr. 68-bis?

                Alexey, in the comments above your post, I have already answered these questions. I will only repeat that artillery ships were needed not so much for an oceanic war as for convoy services, escorting and supporting landings, and supporting ground forces from the sea flank in the seaside theater of operations. Later, our Sarych type EMs were designed and adopted for the same needs.
                And it was possible to modernize these cruisers in future years, when the industry would have suitable naval air defense systems, anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft gun mounts.
                In any case, in the event of a war, our fleet would have to deal with the containment of enemy fleets in BMZ under the cover of base aviation.
                And yet, under Stalin, future aircraft carriers were also designed, and the power plant from battle cruisers was the best suited for future high-speed heavy aircraft carriers.
                If you divide the planned series. of 24 pcs. cruisers pr. 68-bis for our four fleets (Northern Fleet, KBF, Black Sea Fleet, Pacific Fleet), then the number of artillery cruisers does not look excessive. But the industry has received good practice in building large series of large ships, and our sailors - DM and OZ ships, to gain experience on long voyages, organization of services, logistics, representative functions with a flag demonstration, diplomatic missions. You should not underestimate the importance of such an experience, which there was nothing to get on other ships then (and for a long time afterwards). These cruisers have become the forge of personnel for our Navy.
                Quote: Alexey RA
                Moreover, if the admirals were concerned about the sane project of modernization of pr. 68bis into URO ships

                The fact of the matter is that in the mid-50s and early 60s, the industry did not have systems that would make it possible to qualitatively modernize these cruisers, but later they already had them. After all, ships serve for a long time. Look at an example of the modernization of American Iowa-class battleships. In our case, battlecruisers, etc. 68 bis could be upgraded in a similar way.
                With a special desire, it was possible for 68 bis. on the shoulder straps of the two towers to install the SAM or PU SAM. And just the presence of artillery cruisers in the KUG order added striking power during amphibious operations in the DMZ. They also acted as command ships of operational squadrons, carried out "Weapon tracking" for enemy AUGs (having the ability to move for a long time at high speeds and defeat an enemy aircraft carrier with their artillery - do not sink, so disable the flight deck and air wing).
                THE FLEET IS LONG TO BUILD. And the stoppage of shipbuilding programs in the mid-50s led to the fact that our ocean-going fleet appeared only in the mid-70s. And the "specific" aircraft carriers and that - in the 80s.
                It was simply necessary to complete the already laid down ships, put them into operation and later lay the ships of the following projects - with missile weapons and developed air defense. And after the battle cruisers, lay aircraft carriers of the normal - classic type, as originally intended. Then, by the mid-70s, we would already have an ocean-going fleet with aircraft carriers capable of CONFIDENTLY operating in any area of ​​the world's oceans. This is exactly what was planned.
                But it was these plans that Khrushchev destroyed.
                Unable to think large-scale and comprehensively, he was constantly twitching from one extreme to another, with his adventurism almost destroying the state, knocking it off the rhythm of sustainable development, laying an innumerable number of mines at its foundation and all spheres of economy, politics and life. He destroyed the unity of the socialist camp and created all the prerequisites for the death of the state in the future.
                Quote: Alexey RA
                It is especially good at 35 knots to choose the range of combat against an aircraft with its 500 or more knots.

                If you carry out this "choice of distance" under the cover of base aviation in BMZ (while the fleet and aircraft carriers are not built), then you can completely choose for yourself. In the most extreme case, the main caliber ammunition contained shells with nuclear submunitions, which could also be used against the dense formation of aviation by targeting the radar (remember the Yamato which had similar, but not nuclear, shells in the main battery).
                Nobody would have sent our fleet to the DMZ for slaughter without aircraft carriers.
                And the aircraft carriers were planned.
                How specialized attack aircraft were developed for them.
                1. +1
                  24 June 2021 10: 16
                  Quote: bayard
                  I will only repeat that artillery ships were needed not so much for an oceanic war as for convoy services, escorting and supporting landings, and supporting ground forces from the sea flank in the seaside theater of operations.

                  Already built 14 KRLs were not enough for this?
                  The fleet is faced with the task of protecting the country from a nuclear missile attack, it must search for and destroy enemy SSBNs - and it builds artillery cruisers.
                  Quote: bayard
                  And it was possible to modernize these cruisers in future years, when the industry would have suitable naval air defense systems, anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft gun mounts.

                  The fact of the matter is that both projects for the modernization of the KRL pr. 68-bis in the KR URO and KR air defense of the Navy failed. If a normal project for rocketing the KRL were presented on time, then no one would cut anyone.
                  Quote: bayard
                  The fact of the matter is that in the mid-50s and early 60s, the industry did not have systems that would make it possible to qualitatively modernize these cruisers, but later they already had them.

                  It was possible to do as with 56-M, EM, U - first put what is, and then modernize it for new complexes.
                  In the end, it was possible to lay in the modernization of KRL from artillery in URO the same complexes that were laid in pr. 58.
                  Quote: bayard
                  With a special desire, it was possible for 68 bis. on the shoulder straps of two towers to install SAM or PU SAM

                  Projects 70 and 71. The Navy only needed to see the case through. But these perfectionists hacked down projects - and were left without CD URO.
                  Quote: bayard
                  If you carry out this "choice of distance" under the cover of base aviation in BMZ (while the fleet and aircraft carriers are not built), then you can completely choose for yourself.

                  That is, no further than 200-250 km from the nearest airfield (or even less if the adversary leaves for MV). Further, the reserve from the shore simply will not have time to reach the covered ships. To increase the effective coverage range, it is necessary to detect enemy aircraft at a greater distance from the ships - we need an AWACS aircraft, which we did not have then.
                  1. 0
                    24 June 2021 17: 16
                    Quote: Alexey RA
                    Already built 14 KRLs were not enough for this?

                    For four fleets in theaters very remote from each other?
                    Quote: Alexey RA
                    The fleet is faced with the task of protecting the country from a nuclear missile attack, it must search for and destroy enemy SSBNs - and it builds artillery cruisers.

                    Let's still go back to 1950, when the Navy building program was approved. And in 1955, when this program began to be hastily revised.
                    What missile attack? Nuclear - yes. But the carriers of nuclear weapons were enemy aircraft, and ballistic missiles were only being developed then, were imperfect and did not have an intercontinental range. Opposition to strategic, tactical and carrier-based aviation should have been provided by the Air Force and Air Defense, but not by the Fleet, which was essentially in its infancy. Especially above water.
                    And it was not oceanic by definition.
                    It is necessary to look at the real tasks that faced the country and the countries of the Socialist Bloc and their Armed Forces as a whole, in the case of the beginning of 3 MV.
                    Soviet troops were then stationed in Central Europe, the Warsaw Pact already existed. In the event of war, a swift offensive in Europe and the withdrawal of England from the war by massive nuclear bombings were planned. After the lightning-fast capture of Europe, a period of air war with the United States began, an exchange of nuclear strikes by strategic aviation and ICBM forces, which were just about to appear and were imperfect. And there were few of them.
                    Let's look at the operations to capture Europe and hold it.
                    And the main question in our case is whether the artillery ships will be useful to support the sea flank of the advancing troops, to support the landing forces, to capture the islands, strait zones, to prevent the landing of enemy landings with the support and cover of their own aviation?
                    Of course - YES.
                    Scandinavia, Danish straits and islands, Black Sea straits (Bosphorus, Dardanelles), development of offensive operations along the Mediterranean coast - Antalya, Greece, relying on Yugoslav bases and bases in Albania - Italy, with a consistent access to Suez and Gibraltar ...
                    Have you now imagined the scale of the task for the fleet?
                    And the place of artillery ships in such operations.
                    Moreover, all this had to be done very quickly in order to prevent the United States from organizing the transfer of reinforcements and organizing the supply of its troops in Europe.
                    At the same time, cover for the forces of the fleet should have (and were capable of this) to organize the Air Force and MA from coastal airfields (capturing those from the enemy during the offensive).
                    And this is only the European theater of operations.

                    And there was also the Far East.
                    Which for us was by no means limited to Primorye, Kamchatka and the Kuril ridge.
                    Our allies in the TVD Far East were China and North Korea.
                    Port Arthur became the main base of our Pacific Fleet again.
                    Our fleet there could rely on air cover from bases in Korea and along the entire Chinese coast.
                    ... smile What space for the use of artillery ships based on air cover from the coast.
                    Quote: Alexey RA
                    The fact of the matter is that both projects for the modernization of the KRL pr. 68-bis in the KR URO and KR air defense of the Navy failed. If a normal project for rocketing the KRL were presented on time, then no one would cut anyone.

                    And who in the world then - in the early to mid-50s, did not flunk such projects? Or did anyone have experience designing rocket ships?
                    Or were the missiles then so perfect that they were suitable for basing them (ships)?
                    Remember HOW MANY time was born the project of our nuclear-powered missile cruisers "Orlan"? When both anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missile systems were already quite perfect ...
                    No, this is not the reason that they could not offer modernization in a year or two, but in the hysteria and narrow outlook of Khrushch. As an addicted person, he lost his shores and broke so much firewood ... deciding to practically abolish (!) Aviation and artillery in favor of (then only imaginary) missile forces. Design bureaus, institutes, production facilities, personnel - everything was thrown into the rocket theme.
                    And in the Navy, too, a missile can-can was arranged.
                    And there was no one to tell this presumptuous figure the legendary: "Calm down d ..... k".
                    Quote: Alexey RA
                    It was possible to do as with 56-M, EM, U - first put what is, and then modernize it for new complexes.

                    Of course it was possible. Yes Moreover, 10 years after the ship was put into operation, it was time for an average repair, and by that time the project could already be sane, and the weapons systems would have appeared decent (and not lumps from the first pancakes). And most importantly, the Navy would receive a sufficient number of 1st rank ships - artillery, for which the tasks (see above) were quite enough.
                    Quote: Alexey RA
                    In the end, it was possible to lay in the modernization of KRL from artillery to URO

                    But this was not at all necessary to do. Even then, the industry was able to fit a nuclear charge into a 305 mm artillery shell. Have several such ships capable of throwing a nuclear weapon at a distance of 60 km. ... when there are no reliable sea-based missiles yet ... Yes, for the purpose of supporting the sea flanks of the advancing troops in Europe ... Such combat units would be expensive in their original form.
                    And by the 80s, they could be upgraded like Iowa - after all, ships serve for a long time. wink
                    But - the narrowness of thinking of the hysterical usurper, who broke all the plans of his genius predecessor ... and his own plans ... however, he was removed for them.
                    Quote: Alexey RA
                    Quote: bayard
                    With a special desire, it was possible for 68 bis. on the shoulder straps of two towers to install SAM or PU SAM

                    Projects 70 and 71. The Navy only needed to see the case through. But these perfectionists hacked down projects - and were left without CD URO.

                    Look at prospect 58, its dimensions, and then at KR pr. 68 bis. And just imagine in place of the 2nd and 3rd towers of the PU air defense system from the 58th project. So much for an air defense cruiser with powerful artillery weapons.
                    And in a pair, he could have been presented with another CR prue 68-bis, which instead of the 1st and 4th towers has a PU anti-ship missile system from the same 58 project.
                    But project 58 appeared later than the cut of the laid down 68 bis. , was implemented on a VERY small platform (VI like that of a modern middle class frigate), did not have artillery ... and was not suitable for the ocean.
                    Quote: Alexey RA

                    That is, no further than 200-250 km from the nearest airfield (or even less if the adversary leaves for MV). Further, the reserve from the shore simply will not have time to reach the covered ships.

                    And then our surface fleet, in the event of a war, would not have pushed in, but operated exclusively at the range of its base aviation and was engaged in supporting the sea flanks of the ground forces. Until our ocean-going fleet was built, we had to do just that. Only submarines operated in the distant and OZ.
                    Quote: Alexey RA
                    To increase the effective coverage range, it is necessary to detect enemy aircraft at a greater distance from the ships - we need an AWACS aircraft, which we did not have then.

                    To begin with, each ship (especially a ship of the 1st rank) had its own radar. It was enough to have a group of navigators on board to guide the base aircraft.
                    And of course AWACS aircraft were needed - both then and now.
                    But they do not exist even today, because the spiritual heirs of that very Khrushch are in power - dependent and narrow-minded.
      2. 0
        22 June 2021 19: 58
        It was the bald maize who ruined both the economy of the Union and its ideology. So how can he be innocent?
        1. +3
          22 June 2021 20: 10
          Quote: paul3390
          It was the bald maize who ruined both the economy of the Union and its ideology. So how can he be innocent?

          I haven't been to VO for half a year - but the texts and comments are still the same ... laughing
          and foreshadowing the indignation of the comrades, I hasten to say that it’s good that I didn’t go to VO for so long ... The devil pulled to look here again ... am
          1. -2
            22 June 2021 20: 18
            That's why I look - for half a year, somehow life on the forum has become more meaningful and calmer ... But that's what it was - you didn't come ...
  2. +9
    22 June 2021 18: 53
    Hack and predictor Aviator
    Our story is a complex, multifaceted topic to STUDY! It cannot be encompassed or appreciated in a swoop.
    Study carefully and in parts, periods, specific events, otherwise there is no way.
    1. 0
      24 June 2021 19: 50
      Quote: rocket757
      Hack and predictor Aviator
      Our story is a complex, multifaceted topic to STUDY! It cannot be encompassed or appreciated in a swoop.
      Study carefully and in parts, periods, specific events, otherwise there is no way.

      Is it possible to say, Victor, that many of Khrushchev's actions began to be examined in detail in this century? Under the USSR, did they not speak in detail?
      1. +2
        24 June 2021 19: 57
        We have, we have a "tradition", new leaders, strive not to stamp on the "bones" of their predecessors!
        It is very unpleasant to realize this, well, as it is.
        It is a rare case when this is not done ... and then, for this, there are real, political reasons, as a rule.
        1. 0
          24 June 2021 20: 04
          It seems to me that about Khrushchev is different. It was removed, but the shortcomings and miscalculations were discussed not in front of the people and together with them, but at some kind of closed meetings. And in this century, new authors began to "discover" most of all. First of all, for your own sake, look for sensations. About Khrushchev - very correct revelations. Podymov, Chichkin also devoted a series of articles here.
          1. +2
            25 June 2021 07: 33
            Quote: Reptiloid
            It was removed, but the shortcomings and miscalculations were discussed not in front of the people and together with them, but at some closed meetings

            Political expediency !!! The party cannot be wrong, the top leadership cannot arrange "cockroach races" among themselves, only "the best of the best" can nominate and lead ..... something like this, BUT, popular rumor runs ahead of the official line, information, and the most reliable source of information for citizens and not only, OBS !!!
            I doubt that something has changed in the world, in our political realities.
            1. 0
              25 June 2021 07: 40
              hi hi Apparently, the same thing is happening now! About shortcomings, mistakes, stupidity and other worst --- is not said ... after the fact --- not proven, the statute of limitations ...
              1. +1
                25 June 2021 07: 55
                Good morning soldier
                There are bumps, unexpected ... but they only emphasize the constancy of the main line.
                1. +1
                  25 June 2021 08: 08
                  I'm running away now. Until the evening!
  3. +8
    22 June 2021 18: 55
    All this is very interesting, but could you please write separately about railways and separately about ships.
    1. -4
      22 June 2021 21: 39
      Well, here I decided to combine these two topics - what are you going to do!
      1. +1
        25 June 2021 07: 49
        Quote: Exval
        Well, here I decided to combine these two topics - what are you going to do!
        hi What to do? Torment and read! laughing forgetting one thing or another ... first the whole article, all the comments, then the article in parts, comments in parts, then look into the books, then into the article ... wassat nothing, I will somehow master .......
  4. Alf
    22 June 2021 19: 01
    The deployment of mass housing construction has allowed many people to get separate apartments,

    But the very idea of ​​a quick construction of block housing was launched immediately after the end of the Second World War and the first "lagutenki" panels were built in 1948, even during the life of the "bloody tyrant" ...
    1. Alf
      22 June 2021 20: 30
      Quote: Alf
      The deployment of mass housing construction has allowed many people to get separate apartments,

      But the very idea of ​​a quick construction of block housing was launched immediately after the end of the Second World War and the first "lagutenki" panels were built in 1948, even during the life of the "bloody tyrant" ...

      Hey, the minus is moved, here's the proof.
    2. +7
      22 June 2021 20: 40
      The idea, of course, was launched, but it found its mass implementation in 1961 since the commissioning of DSK-1 in Moscow.
      In general, the idea of ​​a typical prefabricated residential building is not new. In the first quarter of the XNUMXth century, it was massively exploited during the development of St. Petersburg. The author of the projects was Dominico Trezzini.
      1. +7
        23 June 2021 02: 07
        And in the last years of Stalin's life, a program of direct government lending (interest-free and called a loan) was launched for the construction of individual housing. Loans were issued to people, building materials were written out at state rates, a person could hire contractors (private workers or an enterprise) for construction or build himself. For families with many children, part of the debt was written off over time.
        And this was already a personal home.
        And land plots were allocated.
        Free of charge.
        And the collective farmers added (cut) land to their plots for orchards and vegetable gardens. So that they could keep cattle, and sell meat, eggs, milk and other fruits of the earth in surplus on collective farm markets or hand them over to consumer cooperation.
        1. +5
          23 June 2021 02: 21
          Now no one will even dream about this - people are driven into mortgage slavery for decades by offering apartments at a huge price. But the demand for this is less and less every year.
          And it is extremely difficult to get even a garden plot of 6 acres for free - total corruption when the chairman of the cooperative sells what he should distribute for free at a meeting according to the charter.
          Or when local authorities arrange auctions for land and only the one who gives the most buys.
          There is practically no other way.
          And in our country, for example, a plot of 10 acres can cost as a 2-room apartment in the secondary market.
          Therefore, what kind of individual housing construction can there be? This can only be allowed by wealthy people like deputies, judges, officials, etc.
          The rest live in "Khrushchevs". Or in the mortgage apartments described above.
          And if it goes on like this, then I think the country will die out and degenerate. Moreover, without having anything in the national idea.
          In fact, only 10-15% of the population lives. The rest exist. Mostly in the housing stock built by the same Khrushchev.
          1. +5
            23 June 2021 06: 50
            Quote: Osipov9391
            And if it goes on like this, then I think the country will die out and degenerate. Moreover, without having anything in the national idea.

            Isn't it dying out?
            And this is despite the considerable influx of migrants from the post-Soviet environs and 2,5 million Crimeans since 2014. This is the policy of the party of consumers - the ruling and no alternative. For them, degradation is their goal and task. Gref won't let him lie.
            Quote: Osipov9391
            Mostly in the housing stock built by the same Khrushchev.

            The largest housing construction was still under Brezhnev. And houses under Brezhnev were built according to the best projects.
            And even under Stalin, a miner, having received a monthly salary and a bonus at the end of the year, could buy a car ("Victory") and the whole family still had enough to live for a month. For cars were inexpensive and wages were high. At least in the Donbass.
            And Donetsk before Khrushch bore the proud name of Stalin - the city of Stalino ... and the Stalin region.
            And under Khrushche, neither Stalingrad nor Stalino became in the USSR.
            But there were "Khrushchebs" ... and the norms of living space per person - 9 square meters. m.
            ... So much in European prisons per prisoner is supposed to ...
            Khrushchev was the one who was despised with all his heart in the USSR.
            1. +2
              23 June 2021 13: 35
              And what prevents for what year has it been stupid to collect from all over the country 15-20 people who are good at playing football to play in the National Team? Not for money but for the country.
              Or continue to support a coach with a salary of under 300 million rubles a year? The money that can be used to build dozens of stadiums and sports schools across the country in order to give simple talented boys a way into big football?
              Indeed, in small European countries this was decided long ago, and even amateur teams play better there than the Russian national team.
        2. Alf
          23 June 2021 18: 19
          Quote: bayard
          And in the last years of Stalin's life, a program of direct government lending (interest-free and called a loan) was launched for the construction of individual housing.

          1. +1
            23 June 2021 19: 19
            hi Means about the interest-free loan, the memory still let down.
            There, for this program, standard designs of these houses were developed.
            1. Alf
              23 June 2021 19: 30
              Quote: bayard
              hi Means about the interest-free loan, the memory still let down.
              There, for this program, standard designs of these houses were developed.

              We would have such a mortgage, and even the real cost of apartments-houses ...
              1. +1
                23 June 2021 20: 53
                Just before the collapse of the Union, within the framework of the Housing Program, Soviet citizens were also given land plots for building and interest-free loans for construction - but this already at individual enterprises.
                Now this is already impossible to imagine.
                ... And the talks of the Guarantor about the construction of "social housing" also remain more words.
                1. Alf
                  23 June 2021 20: 54
                  Quote: bayard
                  ... And the talks of the Guarantor about the construction of "social housing" also remain more words.

    3. 0
      25 June 2021 08: 15
      ....... first panels .....
      In Leningrad before the Second World War they tried it. And the very idea of ​​providing conditions, albeit not block housing, but construction from about 1925 in our city.
      At the same time and infrastructures ---- Palaces of Culture, Stadiums, Department stores, Administrative buildings, Enterprises, schools .......
  5. +12
    22 June 2021 19: 10
    For some reason, the author is very economical on illustrative material.
    The first order for such a locomotive was made by the Soviet Union in March 1946 of the famous American General Electric campaign, since back in 1932 it supplied our country with electric locomotives for work at the Suram pass in Georgia. However, by 1948, when the Soviet order was completed, a cold war broke out between yesterday's allies, and the US government banned supplies to the USSR.

    Electric locomotive type GE 2-D + D-2 406/546 8-GE 750-3300V, designed and built for the USSR.
    In the United States, they were called Little Joe.
    1. +1
      22 June 2021 21: 48
      I cannot accept this claim of yours. The article contains a photo of the first eight-axle electric locomotive N8, which entered our railways. "Amerikpneu", although it was designed according to the Soviet order, never entered the USSR. Why, then, is his photo?
      1. +15
        22 June 2021 21: 57
        I cannot accept this claim of yours.

        There is no photo in your article at all. Only in the screensaver of the photo of the cruiser of the project 58. Meanwhile, the illustrations in the technical article play an explanatory and complementary role, allowing to harmonize the balance between verbal and pictorial content.
        Or do you consider your articles to be the height of perfection?
        1. -1
          22 June 2021 22: 27
          And, I beg your pardon: only now I saw that the administration of the site did not post the photo with the locomotive, which I attached to the text. So it's not my fault. PS But you should not be rude and get personal in any case.
          1. +14
            22 June 2021 22: 34
            Where is the rudeness in my comment? Or do you consider the question of the article's assessment on the part of the reader unacceptable rudeness and personalization?
            Okay, I won't ask any more questions.
            1. -3
              22 June 2021 22: 37
              I did not see the assessment of the article in your response. Instead, it’s not a very ethical question about my own assessment of my writing.
              1. +11
                22 June 2021 22: 47
                And what is its unethicality? The assessment of the article on steam locomotives does not belong to the sphere of morality, nor to the sphere of morality. What is unethical here?
  6. +9
    22 June 2021 19: 25
    Maybe this is not entirely correct, but I have the impression that the level of texts in VO has recently decreased.
    Often, before starting to read, I start to check who the author is - whether the article was written, for example, by Samsonov or recently by Andrey Kononov.
    Yes, everyone has the right to express their opinion, but not everyone should waste time on crude propaganda (in the case of Samsonov) or simply on statements by a dilatant. Therefore, when I see an article with such content, I am very skeptical. Here, despite the scope for undoubted polemics, there is something to talk about! In my opinion, of course.
    1. -2
      22 June 2021 21: 50
      I still do not understand: did you like this article or do you refer it to the "statements of an amateur"?
      1. +2
        23 June 2021 08: 08
        Sorry if you took my comment for yourself. This was not my intention.

        I always read your texts with curiosity (by the way, I don't always understand the combination of the fleet and railways)

        As for Khrushchev, in my opinion, he didn’t even like the fleet so much that he simply didn’t know it.
        Circumstances meant that during his reign there was a huge reduction in the fleet, and in general perception this fell on his account.
        As you can read in one of the latest articles on military equipment, in turn, the expansion of the fleet of first-generation nuclear submarines (especially missile carriers) was irrational, and, in my opinion, this is due to Nikita Sergeevich's certain passion for missiles as a panacea for everything.
        This led to huge costs for ships, obsolete when they entered service, with little combat value.

        I do not entirely agree with the positive assessments of Nikita Sergeevich himself. Not only is he personally burdened with many things since Stalin's rule, but just as now Russia and other republics use the backlog of the CCCP in many areas after several decades, Khrushchev used the foundations built by Stalin (and, by the way, Beria).
        1. +1
          23 June 2021 08: 14
          It seems to me that in this article I have shown quite convincingly that it was Khrushchev who reduced the clearly outdated fleet that had no combat value, which he inherited from the Stalin era. And by the end of his reign, the USSR had a fleet of a completely new look, completely advanced. This does not mean that I dispute your opinion about the new generation nuclear submarines. But this, apparently, was a growing pain. On the other hand, as I also write, there are no excuses for admirals deceiving their Supreme Commander, openly "rubbing his glasses". This led, in particular, to the fact that the fleet did not fulfill the combat mission assigned to it during the Cuban missile crisis.
          1. +1
            23 June 2021 08: 21
            You're right. The fleet has been largely downsized since the second half of the 1950s. Regarding obsolete ships (often still tsarist construction, such as the gunboats Kars close to me), but from the point of view of the specifics of the USSR borders, leaving large ships (battleships and cruisers of Project 82) was a mistake (It should be noted that IOWA-type liners in the fleet The USA was used until the end of the 20th century.)
            1. +1
              23 June 2021 08: 31
              Speaking about the beneficial effect of reducing the fleet, I meant, first of all, the new, just laid down ships, and not the tsar's. The same TKR pr.82, in particular. As for the battleships, the fate of "Novorossiysk", also mentioned in the article, convincingly shows how our admirals could dispose of them - only to be rude to their own sailors. And why do you think that the rejection of large surface ships was a mistake - can you explain?
              1. +2
                23 June 2021 10: 02
                And why do you think that the rejection of large surface ships was a mistake - can you explain?

                After all, the WMF fleet kept the Project 68bis cruiser in service. Some were rearmed with missiles, some were only slightly modernized by strengthening light anti-aircraft weapons by installing 16 30-mm AK-230 cannons. (project 68A).

                "Stalingrad" and "Moscow" would not only be the best platform for the then large-sized missiles, but in the initial configuration they would have been good support ships for the landing (for example, in the Danish straits) due to the greater range of artillery shells and their incomparably greater destructive power than at 152-mm guns "Sverdlov".
                1. +1
                  23 June 2021 10: 15
                  Your point of view is clear. But after 1945, our fleet never landed troops and did not shell the coast. Those. it is simply impossible to imagine a situation in which this task would turn out to be relevant and the possibility of shelling the coast - in demand. And the majority of experts agree that the domestic industry simply did not have the technical capabilities worthy of the "Stalingrad". In other words, Stalin lived for a few more days - and with these cruisers they would have continued to "poke around", fulfilling the will of the leader, but in any case they would not have entered the ranks.
                  1. 0
                    23 June 2021 10: 26
                    But after all, our fleet after 1945 never landed troops and did not shell the coast

                    In fact, not, but in the end, such landings were planned (For example, the Polish fleet after 1945 was built mainly with the expectation of landing in Denmark). A significant number of landing ships were also built - Poland itself built 67 ships of the 770/771/773 project for the needs of the USSR Navy.
              2. 0
                24 June 2021 01: 16
                Speaking about the beneficial effect of reducing the fleet, I meant, first of all, the new, just laid down ships, and not the tsarist

                Those. to leave in service old, partially pre-war projects:

                Molotov - excl. 1972
                Voroshilov - excl. 1973
                Kirov - excl. 1975
                Zheleznyakov - excl. 1976
                Chkalov - excl. 1979

                and cut new, improved ones into metal:

                Shcherbakov - September 2, 1959, removed from construction with a technical readiness of 80,6%
                Admiral Kornilov - September 2, 1959 removed from construction with 70,1% technical readiness
                Kronstadt - September 2, 1959, removed from construction with a technical readiness of 84,2%
                Tallinn - September 2, 1959, removed from construction with a technical readiness of 70,3%
                Varyag - September 2, 1959, removed from construction with a technical readiness of 40,0%
                Arkhangelsk - September 2, 1959 removed from construction with a technical readiness of 68,1%
                Vladivostok - September 2, 1959, removed from construction with a technical readiness of 28,8%

                benefits of fleet reduction

                Data on Wikipedia
      2. +2
        23 June 2021 14: 50
        Quote: Exval
        I still do not understand: did you like this article or do you refer it to the "statements of an amateur"?

        I have no doubt that everything that you wrote is True, i.e. an opinion formed from the facts known to you. However, there is a concept of Truth, which is much broader and more absolute. The facts are interesting, the interpretation is not correct.
        1. +1
          23 June 2021 17: 35
          Suggest your interpretation - and we will certainly discuss it.
          1. +2
            23 June 2021 21: 53
            Quote: Exval
            Suggest your interpretation - and we will certainly discuss it.

            Thank you for the invitation to dialogue smile However, I do not want to be limited by the framework of the narrow topic that you have defined for yourself. It was interesting to read ... but I am more interested in the connection between economics and ideology. Socialism without ideology is like Capitalism without greed. The pace of development of the fleet and railways is what Khrushchev got from Stalin, and there is no need to attribute these merits to him. You are absolutely correct when you write that Khrushchev put the Party nomenklatura above the economic one ... This tradition was further aggravated. Khrushchev did not observe continuity. In 1949, Stalin brought more than 30 specialists into the Central Committee. Khrushchev removed them all from there. Khrushchev, with thoughtless statements and rudeness, quarreled with China (offered to send Stalin's coffin to Beijing), gave Crimea to Ukraine, stopped persecuting Bandera, and it is believed that he sympathized with them ... He did not delve into the essence of the issue, but listened to how it sounds. For him, the concepts of value and price were identical, and this is a gross mistake from the point of view of Marxist economic theory. Let me remind you that Soviet Power relied primarily on theory and not on Western loans in its development. The lack of development of the theory of socialist economy led in the future to the deepest ideological crisis of public consciousness of the inhabitants of the USSR. (remember, the crisis is in Greek court)
            There are 3 well-known episodes where Khrushchev was hysterical: 1 - a boot in the UN, 2 - a congress of fraternal parties - China, Laos, etc. 3 - an exhibition of avant-garde art. I think that in fact there were many more episodes, for example, he blew up a church in Leningrad ..
            The past can be remembered as a series of events, or as a chain of missed opportunities, and it is very important that there are fewer missed opportunities in this equation. smile
  7. +9
    22 June 2021 19: 30
    It was also decided to take as its basis an American unit - a two-stroke (and therefore more compact and having a higher power density compared to four-stroke) Fairbanks-Morse marine engine installed on submarines

    Fairbanks-Morse 38D8-1 / 8 vertical boxer diesel. The Americans also used it for installation on diesel locomotives.

    And this is his Soviet "relative" - ​​2D100
    1. -2
      22 June 2021 21: 59
      I am afraid that you are mistaken: the Americans used this diesel only as a marine one. This specialization of his turned into major shortcomings on the TE3 diesel locomotive.
      1. +11
        22 June 2021 22: 08
        I'm afraid

        You are needlessly afraid. Do not be afraid.

        Fairbanks-Morse FM Erie-built locomotive. They were equipped with ten-cylinder versions of the Model 38D 8-1 / 8 diesel.
        1. +3
          22 June 2021 22: 28
          Ok, I'll know. Thanks for the amendment.
        2. +3
          23 June 2021 07: 37
          It became interesting what caused such an "aerodynamic" design of this locomotive, and the above? Just a tribute to tech fashion?
          1. +3
            23 June 2021 08: 42
            Yes, to a large extent this is just a tribute to fashion. The first mainline diesel locomotives were created to replace steam locomotives in passenger traffic, and therefore, along with cars of "new outlines", with non-dry bodies made of stainless steel, should have evoked positive emotions in passengers.
          2. +6
            23 June 2021 09: 32
            I would say so - features of industrial design. And he, as you know, is a category that depends on time and national characteristics.

            Diesel locomotive of the American McKeen Company. 1911 year.
            1. +1
              23 June 2021 09: 37
              Strictly speaking, this is not a diesel locomotive, but a motor car. In modern terms, a railroad car.
              1. +3
                23 June 2021 10: 27

                GE boxcab from General Electric and Ingersoll Rand. The year is 1928.
                1. 0
                  23 June 2021 10: 31
                  This is a diesel locomotive, yes (one of the first). Those. TRACTIVE mobile unit, not SELF-PROPELLED, like not the previous photo. But they are weak to implement. In the mid-30s, when auto giants entered the locomotive industry and began to build passenger diesel locomotives, things went well.
  8. +5
    22 June 2021 19: 37
    The author somehow loosely combined the interests of railroad workers and admirals.
    Modernization of the car fleet does not qualify for a medal. This is a routine work in the spirit of the times. Nothing "heroic".
    The author was not convinced about the fleet. Here the article is qualitatively inferior to the studies of the naval tradition of Skomorokhov.
    I agree that the Americans won the Caribbean crisis. Khrushchev's infantile quest for "class solidarity" did lead to fatal costs.
  9. +9
    22 June 2021 19: 41
    Thank you Valery for an interesting article and an objective approach to our story.
    I am not familiar with the history of railways, but I agree with all the conclusions regarding the fleet.
    Article plus, definitely. good
    1. +5
      22 June 2021 21: 03
      Quote: Sea Cat
      but on the fleet I agree with all the conclusions.
      Article plus, definitely.

      Stalin needed a fleet ... to resist America, England, to become, among other things, a naval power. For Stalin, the war never ended. Khrushchev carried out a well-known reform of the army, which reduced its efficiency, laid a mine in ideology, destroyed the development of the fleet, canceled the reclamation of the Karakum Desert with the Kizilkum Desert, as a result of which the USSR should have had its own pineapple bananas, cut down the project for the construction of small hydroelectric power plants throughout the USSR ... Communism in Dogma, which is still mocked .... "Calm down" was not said for nothing. It was not difficult to drive on the Inertia of Stalin's socialist achievements
      1. +3
        23 June 2021 08: 14
        Stalin needed a fleet ... to resist America, England,

        By the beginning of the fifties, the British fleet practically ceased to exist, there were "cat's tears". As for the United States, it was simply pointless to chase after their industrial potential, seeing how during the war they dramatically increased their fleet and aviation. Everything is clear with the surface fleet, but they were able to make an underwater nuclear shield under Khrushchev, and this is the main thing.
      2. +3
        23 June 2021 14: 23
        Khrushchev carried out a well-known reform of the army, which reduced its effectiveness

        And what for is such an army that ruins its own country with exorbitant expenses on it, condemns the inhabitants of the country to live in poverty?
      3. +2
        23 June 2021 14: 54
        Quote: aybolyt678
        Khrushchev carried out a well-known reform of the army, which reduced its effectiveness

        He had no choice. The five-millionth army was more terrible for the USSR, which it was killing economically.
        Most people judge life with NSC by the 60s. But at the beginning of his reign, the situation in the country was. to put it mildly, shitty. Especially on the outskirts - on the same Far East in the stores for years there was no milk or vegetables.
        1. +2
          23 June 2021 20: 33
          Quote: Alexey RA
          on the same Far East in stores for years there was no milk or vegetables.

          I grew up in Magadan ... this is the Far East and the Far North in one bottle. In the Sun Valley, thanks to volcanic activity, in August there are cabbage and potatoes, hills are full of berries that are harvested in bags, the rivers and the sea are full of fish, at low tide, flounder with herring is collected in bags. There was a problem with milk, but caviar was the source of vitamins. it was not so scary. smile laughing
          1. 0
            24 June 2021 10: 43
            Milk in the north was a completely solvable problem, which for some reason did not begin to be solved either then or now. Even if you import grain and feed. Google "farms in alaska" - animal husbandry appeared there even before reindeer husbandry, almost from the era of the gold rush.
            1. +1
              24 June 2021 12: 05
              Quote: ycuce234-san
              which for some reason they did not decide either then or now.

              In Soviet times, everything was solved perfectly. I even managed to work on cows. There was such a state farm Omsukchan at the Omsukchan Gold Entertainment Factory.
              1. 0
                24 June 2021 18: 45
                The fodder issue could probably be resolved by the cultivation of lambs (spelled wheat) - these unpretentious cereals now grow among the Basques in the Pyrenees and there are archaeological finds in southern Sweden. The delivery of fodder could be much less in exchange for large areas of unpretentious fodder crops on the spot.
                1. +1
                  24 June 2021 22: 08
                  Quote: ycuce234-san
                  these unpretentious cereals now grow among the Basques in the Pyrenees

                  Do the Basques have permafrost?
                  1. +2
                    29 June 2021 14: 27
                    Wheat has roots up to 2 m deep.
                    Maybe they were not sure that they would be able to breed the right variety for which a thin surface layer of soil would suffice.
    2. +3
      22 June 2021 21: 59
      Thank you for your flattering words.
  10. +8
    22 June 2021 19: 51
    The author of the article is not entirely aware of the fact that mine clearance in the Baltic and the Black Sea was mainly carried out by boat minesweepers and, to a lesser extent, minesweepers of project 254 (in fact, the development of the German M 39 and M 43), and also widely used mine breakers obtained through reparations .. And it is somewhat rash to consider that the main thing is the BTSH of project 254. But many ships of a high degree of BG were slaughtered. Of course, the missile EM of Project 57bis is money down the drain. But the creation of Project 58 cruisers is an undoubted success. As can be recognized as a success, the creation of the Project 159 TFRs. But the artillery on the ships was in the corral and, as a result, by the 70s we had only 76.2 mm Ау AK 726. All forces were thrown onto the submarine)) )) And the author talks about the merits of the Secretary General. I would recommend the author to delve deeper into the issue of the Navy, and then maybe the conclusions will be different. Is there any fault in this N.S. Khrushchev - undoubtedly. And the conclusion that the era was positive, it is as anyone. Ditch the artels and private subsidiary farming and declare that everyone will eat in public catering. ))) Yes bungling was over the roof. And his displacement is the result of the fact that he got everyone, even in the immediate environment. As a guy who received a railway education, he would walk along the railway, but there is simply no strength.
    1. 0
      23 June 2021 15: 01
      Quote: Luty
      The author of the article is not entirely aware of the fact that mine clearance in the Baltic and the Black Sea was mainly carried out by boat minesweepers and, to a lesser extent, minesweepers of project 254 (in fact, the development of the German M 39 and M 43)

      Plus "hundred-tonnage" - project 253.
      Quote: Luty
      But the creation of Project 58 cruisers is undoubted success. As can be recognized as a success, the creation of the Project 159 TFRs.

      And of course Project 61.
      Quote: Luty
      But the artillery on the ships was in the paddock and as a result we had only 70 mm Ау AK 76.2 by the 726s.

      For ships of the frigate class (and these were built) - quite enough.
      Quote: Luty
      All forces were thrown to the submarine))))

      The SPs were not an end in itself. All forces were thrown into a guaranteed retaliatory strike against the United States. And so it turned out that in the 50s, the only way to somehow deliver SBS to the United States was SLBMs and SLCMs. ICBMs were still being developed, but few believed in the ability of the "strategists" to fly to another continent and drop a bomb.
      1. 0
        23 June 2021 16: 19
        AU AK 726 is very small for a ship in the ocean zone, as the ships of the 61 project were. And other guns were not exactly universal. And it was only in the 70s that the AK 100 appeared. And don't you think that the work of Khrushchev's son in the Chelomey Design Bureau influenced the success in the field of missile weapons of the Navy (specifically the anti-ship missile system)?
        1. 0
          23 June 2021 17: 36
          Quote: Luty
          AU AK 726 for a ship of the ocean zone, what were the ships of the 61 project, this is very little

          For a BOD with a displacement of 4500 tons, and even with a pair of air defense systems, this is normal.
          According to the mind, Project 61 should have been originally built according to the Indian version - without the aft AK-726 (replacing it with a helicopter hangar) and, possibly, with an anti-ship missile launcher.
          Quote: Luty
          And don't you think that the work of Khrushchev's son in the Chelomey Design Bureau has partly influenced the success in the field of missile weapons of the Navy (namely, anti-ship missiles)?

          A tradition established by Sergo Beria. smile
          1. 0
            23 June 2021 19: 30
            Yes, who Nikita Sergeevich remembered least of all about is Sergo Beria))). And with the armament of the P15M and Ka 25, you got excited, the ships began to build up from 62 to 73. And the Indian version from 79 to 87. And the first 61M Restrained in 1973)))) YOUR version is not convincing
            1. 0
              24 June 2021 10: 25
              Quote: Luty
              And with the armament of the P15M and Ka 25, you got excited, the ships began to build up from 62 to 73. And the Indian version from 79 to 87. And the first 61M Restrained in 1973)))) YOUR version is not convincing

              In fact, the original project 61 already had a helicopter runway, fuel tanks and an aviation ammunition cellar. It was the explosion of aviation fuel and aviation GB that put an end to the fate of the "Brave".
              For the normal basing of the helicopter, there was only one step left - to add a hangar.
              As for the anti-ship missile system, the Termites were put into service in 1960.
              1. 0
                24 June 2021 16: 27
                Let's be punctual, my friend. The P 15 M missile system was put into service in 1972. P-15 in 1960, but these are somewhat different complexes, albeit similar. In 1962, we had KA 15 out of helicopters)))) KA 25 began production in 1965, adopted in 1971. The hangar appeared on the RK project 1134 in 1965. 61's this could not be. So the Indian version is fine but at the time of the construction of the seiriya is not real. so there was no hangar on the last ship of Project 61M Restrained.
  11. +10
    22 June 2021 19: 59
    Copied from the Lend-Lease "American" 1000-strong TE1

    "American" RSD-1.

    Soviet TE-1.
  12. +8
    22 June 2021 20: 20
    Well, that's nice that the author does not forget us, otherwise I have already begun to worry - where is the bundle of the fleet and the railway that surprised me so much? But I liked the command of the Fleet under Khrushchev, the desire to hide, lie and embellish, taking advantage of the incompetence of many leaders, apparently in the blood of the naval commanders.
    1. +4
      22 June 2021 22: 19
      Thank you for the praise
  13. +6
    22 June 2021 20: 24
    So there was a Soviet analogue called 2D100 with a capacity of 2000 liters. from. A diesel locomotive TE3 was created for it, which also had a two-section layout. That is, the total capacity was 4 thousand liters. from. In 1955, he also went into series production. In fact, it was a full-fledged "killer of steam locomotives", surpassing those in all its technical characteristics, first of all - in terms of productivity and power.

    The locomotives were not easy to kill, especially with the 4000 hp.

    American steam locomotive Norfolk & Western Y Class, power 5600 h.p.
    1. +6
      22 June 2021 22: 21
      After the war, we built steam locomotives with a capacity of less than 3000 hp. An articulated P38 of greater power was created, but until 1956 only four of them were built, no longer went into the series
      1. +1
        22 June 2021 22: 32
        Even before the war, we built a steam locomotive FD with a capacity of over 3000 hp. And after the war they were not built, not because they could not, but because the roads were not ready for the operation of heavy locomotives.
        1. +5
          22 June 2021 22: 39
          Believe me, you are wasting your time trying to "enlighten" me on an issue that I have been dealing with for many years.
          1. +4
            22 June 2021 22: 43
            Nevertheless, despite many years of study, you do not know about the post-war Soviet steam locomotives with a capacity of over 3000 hp.
            And then, after all, it was not I who asked you questions, but you asked me, because your claims seem somewhat unfounded.
            1. +2
              22 June 2021 22: 46
              Serial post-war Soviet steam locomotives with a capacity of over 3000 hp. did not exist. And what question I asked you - do not remind me?
              1. +3
                22 June 2021 22: 52
                And it did not exist for what reason?
                I remind you - who started the discussion? Or should I not have answered?
                However, the conversation is clearly shifting from steam locomotives to the unproductive clarification "Who are you?"
                Therefore, all the best and creative success.
  14. +10
    22 June 2021 22: 14
    Now there is no time to comment on the article in detail, but I will vyak a little bit.
    Dear author, apparently not very competent in naval issues and in some places drives an outright blizzard. But that's not the point. The main thing is an attempt to rehabilitate Nikita Khrushchev as the leader of the Soviet state. Khrushchev's problem is not the hatred of the fleet, which is attributed to him by narrow-minded people, but the transformation of a powerful empire into an amorphous structure with a dull leadership from the plow and a population that swells as if not into itself.
    It was Khrushchev who consolidated the party's leading role in legislation.
    It was Khrushchev who made the highest party apparatus not subject to jurisdiction and punishment.
    It was Khrushchev who allowed the booze-machines-restaurant parties to the workers.
    It was Khrushchev who created the most powerful Ukrainian lobby, which pushed its illiterate representatives everywhere, which launched the mechanism of negative selection and ultimately brought the combine operator Gorbachev to the top seat, who could not utter a word Azerbaijan.
    I can also add a minimum of 10 points, but there is no time. Can someone continue?
    1. +1
      23 June 2021 02: 08
      Quote: MooH
      eventually led to the highest chair of the combine operator Gorbachev

      Gorbachev seems to have graduated from Moscow State University. Few of the Chinese manage to do this despite all the benefits provided by the Chinese leadership for successful graduation from this university.
    2. +3
      23 June 2021 07: 01
      Combineer Gorbachev graduated with honors from the law faculty of Moscow State University after school.
      He worked as a combine operator during the summer school holidays, and so successfully that he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
      An atypical biography for a Soviet schoolchild.
      1. 0
        23 June 2021 15: 00
        Quote: Avior
        Combineer Gorbachev graduated with honors from the law faculty of Moscow State University after school.

        maybe he had good grades, but he didn’t get any real knowledge there even for 20% of the program. This can be seen in his statements and deeds.
        In addition, Gorbachev was famous in the party not at all for his intelligence or character, but for the fact that he was a convenient organizer of spa trips.
        So you shouldn't have written the instruction on Moscow State University - it is a disgrace to this worthy university.
        1. -1
          23 June 2021 15: 40
          Nevertheless, it is a fact.
          I graduated with excellent marks.
          It was more serious in those days than it is now.
          1. 0
            23 June 2021 16: 28
            Quote: Avior
            It was more serious in those days than it is now.

            but it was not more serious. It is not for me to explain to you what an "automatic machine" is for the right person.
            In general, almost no one was in the university, except that I was a member of the national team, but even me machines often flew in. And Gorbachev could get most of the good marks just for attendance.
            1. 0
              23 June 2021 16: 54
              I am a student of a Soviet university.
              Nobody gave excellent marks for attendance, even at my provincial university, let alone at Moscow State University.
              Do not confuse with the present times
              1. 0
                23 June 2021 17: 06
                I studied at the elite mathematics department at NSU. received about 20 guns without much effort.
                And there knowledge was required very much and no less than at Moscow State University. This does not mean that he himself would not have passed, but the fact of massive machines is obvious. And the excellent students in general, 70 percent of subjects were closed with automatic machines, and for philologists and lawyers, this has always been much easier. Therefore, I am simply sure that most of Gorbachev's assessments are not deserved.
                and this is consistent with his own actions and words, where he demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the subjects for which he received a 5.
                1. 0
                  23 June 2021 20: 02
                  "Automatic" is not for attendance, as you wrote, it is a consequence of the teacher's understanding that the student is prepared and will pass the exam or test, and this does not mean that the grade is undeserved.
                  In what Soviet years did you study, excuse me?
    3. +2
      23 June 2021 14: 57
      Quote: MooH
      Can someone continue?

      In addition to purely strategic things, under Khrushchev there were many frankly stupid blunders that cost the union a lot of money and significant sacrifices.
      the development of virgin lands (minus the resources of a whole five-year plan), recognition of the flight to the moon, the conflict with China, the acceptance of the dollar for payments, and much more.
      Even without purely politics, Khrushchev took away from the USSR just gigantic resources that were not spent on something useful. We were able to restore the natural growth rates only when Brezhnev stopped this throwing. Even pursuing the same flawed policy, but without terrible mistakes and blunders.
  15. +2
    22 June 2021 22: 46
    27,5 kV in our country all the traction substations of Russian Railways to this day. this is purely their voltage class)
    thanks for the interesting work
    1. +4
      22 June 2021 22: 51
      Thank you for your rating. True, today we have far from all traction substations of 27,5 kV. Most are still 3,3 kV.
  16. +2
    23 June 2021 02: 01
    The article just mesmerized. It is clear and informative about the technical policy of those years. My father was a railroad worker and in this article I found a detailed presentation of his statements that I heard in my childhood and youth.
    1. +1
      23 June 2021 04: 05
      Thank you.
  17. +2
    23 June 2021 03: 20
    Two missed moments of the "Khrushchev thaw":
    military reform of the 60s
    and the flourishing of Soviet cinema.
    Probably, in the activities of the National Union of Artists there was some background that he personally needed, because it was with him that the debunking of the achievements of the USSR and the activities of the IVS began.
    With regard to agriculture, some of the achievements have become tangible both in the countryside and in the city.
    Here one cannot discount the “party-mindedness” of officials trying to grow corn in the Arctic Circle. But they ignored the development of greenhouses. And storage of vegetables allowed most of the harvest to be turned into ...
  18. +3
    23 June 2021 08: 25
    It is in the Khrushchev region that:
    - Monetary reform of 1961, the beginning of price increases.
    - The executions of Soviet citizens by the Soviet army, which was not even in the Second World War.
    - The abolition of all forms of entrepreneurship in the USSR, which deprived the category of citizens who are not able to work at factories according to the state. health, invalids of the Second World War, as it were, there were many, and contributed to the establishment of that very notorious deficit. Place of manufacture the cooperatives were occupied by speculators and shopkeepers.
    - XX Congress of the CPSU, at which Khrushch actually signed a sentence to the Union, the conflict with China, which was a little stunned by Khrushchev's stupidity. Under Mao, they themselves had various oddities, but they have enough intelligence, in principle, not to let the founder of the state be sown with mud.
    - Cuban Missile Crisis (it was not Khrushchev who brought the missiles to Turkey, but he greatly contributed to bringing it to what it turned out to be in reality)
    - The failure of housing construction, so that the problem was practically solved until the 90s, including by the forces of the same MHK, since the state could not Houses, you know, were built under Stalin, and of much better quality.
    - Closing a lot of state projects. importance, but they plowed up the virgin lands only so that in a few years it would be blown away by dry winds, they sponsored a bunch of local kings in the 3rd world.
    - Transfer of Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR. Which then also stole Sevastopol, although he is EMNIP in the owls. time was not part of the Crimea. Because of what we have so many problems now. Okay, at least the Karelian-Finnish USSR covered up, the only thing that is useful in reorganizing the internal. borders made.
    - Under Khrushchev, the party became the second power, although in the USSR, since the 1930s, they built a state that was normal in management structure (after the revolution there was no choice, the party was the only working structure), well, as a power, it could get into everything, but for nothing did not answer this.

    And that in Moscow some kind of festival took place, so the Soviet citizens are neither hot nor cold from this. Gagarin, or the world's first nuclear power plant - these are projects not started by Khrushchev, such things have been done for many years, and all this comes from Stalin.

    But what about the fleet? And what about the fleet? Due to greed, and Khrushch was quite greedy, it is possible to successfully cover up the battleship project, which, most likely, would not have been implemented anyway. But if Stalin at the age of 70 was unlikely to be an expert on the fleet, he was engaged in more important things all his life, and in general there are admirals for this, then Khrushch was not a great naval commander, I was surprised at one time that Khrushch, it turns out, was a general -the lieutenant was.
    1. 0
      23 June 2021 14: 24
      - XX Congress of the CPSU, at which Khrushch actually signed a sentence to the Union, the conflict with China, which was a little stunned by Khrushchev's stupidity. Under Mao, they themselves had various oddities, but they have enough intelligence, in principle, not to let the founder of the state be sown with mud.

      And when, at the XXth Congress of the CPSU, V.I. Lenin? ;)
      1. +1
        23 June 2021 14: 39
        Quote: Terran Ghost
        And when, at the XXth Congress of the CPSU, V.I. Lenin? ;)

        Pavlov, Zhukov and Yulin have an analysis of the reports at this congress on the Goblin Channel.
        Basically, it was a neat portion of anti-Soviet stuffing by the speakers of the "Yakovlev group." Including went to Lenin. The most offensive thing is that Gorbachev also walked through the roots, because now it is already clear that he did not read the theoretical works of Stalin and Lenin at all.
        Those. it was just a blatant contrived lie and no one said anything against it, except for a couple of speeches by especially honest deputies from the people who did not understand the theory, but sensed that something was wrong.
        1. 0
          24 June 2021 20: 10
          Quote: yehat2
          Quote: Terran Ghost
          And when, at the XXth Congress of the CPSU, V.I. Lenin? ;)

          Pavlov, Zhukov and Yulin have an analysis of the reports at this congress on the Goblin Channel.
          Basically, it was a neat portion of anti-Soviet stuffing by the speakers of the "Yakovlev group." Including went to Lenin. The most offensive thing is that Gorbachev also walked through the roots, because now it is already clear that he did not read the theoretical works of Stalin and Lenin at all.
          Those. it was just a blatant contrived lie and no one said anything against it, except for a couple of speeches by especially honest deputies from the people who did not understand the theory, but sensed that something was wrong.
      2. +1
        23 June 2021 17: 39
        It seems to me that you are trying to take frankly "garbage" statements seriously, trying to highlight in them a certain rational grain.
    2. +2
      23 June 2021 15: 14
      Quote: EvilLion
      - The failure of housing construction, so that the problem was practically solved until the 90s, including by the forces of the same MZHK, since the state could not. Houses, you know, were built under Stalin, and of a much better quality.

      In five years, as many square meters of housing were leased at the temporary detention facility in the country as were rented in a year under Khrushchev. It was no longer possible to build "Stalinkas" - they needed massive cheap housing, and just yesterday... Because the leadership understood that it has a great chance of getting an unpleasant question from the people - what kind of vegetable garden 15 years after the Victory, most of this winning people live in barracks, hostels or in rented "corners". And they would ask this question in the Russian folk manner - with fists and stones. Novocherkassk against this background would seem like an insignificant trifle.
      Quote: EvilLion
      but they plowed up virgin soil only so that in a few years it would be blown away by dry winds,

      We wanted the best, but it turned out as always. ©
      Without the virgin lands in the country, famine would begin. Another thing is that they raised virgin soil, as always, through one place - "come on, come on, forward and forward", the plowing plan was fulfilled and and exceeded, the collection plan was fulfilled and overfulfilled, but storage and transportation were forgotten. And about soil protection too. Yes, and the salt marshes were hotly hooked.
      1. +2
        24 June 2021 08: 19
        Quote: Alexey RA
        It was no longer possible to build "Stalinkas" - it was necessary to have massive cheap housing, and even yesterday.

        this is not entirely true. I, who graduated from the Construction Academy, know this issue well from the inside. The massive apartments themselves, which were called Khrushchevs, were certainly needed, but Khrushchev introduced a lot of utility, stinginess and other unhealthy elements into this process, such as the lack of thermal insulation and aluminum wiring and other joys.
        What was the reason for this? Firstly, they often built at random, and secondly, the resources for construction were often used only local and chaotically, and there are many such nuances.
        If Khrushchev had seriously approached the issue of the quality of housing, it would have been credited, but he made some kind of crap out of a very necessary megaproject, a suitcase without a handle. It seems like you need it and you won't throw it away, but living with it is also not very fun.
        Work on the mistakes was carried out by 1984 - then a second construction program with NORMAL building codes was created and housing turned out to be not more expensive, but much better. My family was lucky - just before the 90s we moved to such a house, but we could have started building like this 35 years earlier!
        You see, a person turned everything around him into a "collective farm" in the bad sense of the word.
        What's in the war, what's in social management ("calm down!"), What's in government, what's in international relations. And he also turned the housing program into a "collective farm".
        You ask - well, what is wrong? But nothing - thanks to the Khrushchev policy, our state set up a huge amount of the sad quality of infrastructure and then it fell down and became expensive to maintain, and during perestroika, when the money ran out, all this largely self-destructed.
        another point is the diversification of filling production. It's not enough to build a house - you need tools, finishing materials, toilets, furniture, etc. After the Khrushchev reforms, most of these elements were either of poor quality or in general were in short supply, and new things that were invented all over the world were very rarely put into production in the USSR. All this led to the fact that the standard Soviet housing resembled in appearance apartments from the slums of Naples. Look at old Italian films - you can see it well there. I doubt that Soviet society was striving for this. At the same time, another construction program was launched for the elite - the party and the hangers-on, with different norms. For example, I have such a house in my homeland. There, the staircase at the entrance is not a meter wide, but 6 meters wide, there are no apartments less than 100 meters wide. Here are the results of Khrushchev's reforms.
        1. +2
          24 June 2021 10: 32
          Quote: yehat2
          What was the reason for this? Firstly, they often built at random, and secondly, the resources for construction were often used only local and chaotically, and there are many such nuances.

          In short, the Khrushchevs were made for the possibility of building their existing resources with the available personnel on the existing base. What went into the concept - quickly and a lot.
          Quote: yehat2
          Work on the mistakes was carried out by 1984 - then a second construction program with NORMAL building codes was created and housing turned out to be not more expensive, but much better.

          There is little to do - to move the Soviet industry in 1984 to 1957. And to persuade the people to wait in the barracks for another five years.
          Quote: yehat2
          All this led to the fact that the standard Soviet housing resembled in appearance apartments from the slums of Naples.

          So Khrushchev is social housing.
          However, we can compare with the enlightened West. Do you recognize the character in the photo (without glasses yet)?
          1. 0
            24 June 2021 13: 57
            Quote: Alexey RA
            There is little to do - to move the Soviet industry in 1984 to 1957. And to persuade the people to wait in the barracks for another five years.

            you don't read carefully.
            Soviet industry could just as easily, and even more easily, build according to other building codes. There was no fundamental difference in resources and technology. Moreover, republics with a privileged position, for example, the Balts, often abandoned the typical buildings called Khrushchevs in favor of more comfortable ones. And only in the RSFSR everything was built up exclusively with typical cages with poor thermal insulation with very rare exceptions.
            Here is an example of my homeland - During the first years of Stalin, the city was built up with two-storey cottages. When Khrushchev's influence began to appear - typical five-story buildings. And under Brezhnev, 9 storeys and houses of a new generation (4-5 storeys) appeared.

            Example with ceiling heights. For builders, that 3 meters, that 2 with a tail - almost all the same. Labor intensity differed minimally. The difference in building materials is homeopathic. But they still built minimal ceilings. Who needed it, except for the former Komsomol members and their beautiful reports?
            Please note that I am not talking about Khrushchev as one person, but also about the caste of the party nomenklatura that he created for his support.

            Another example - firstly, I will clarify that we are not talking about 54 years, but also 15 years later, and so, with what fright when the economy was all right SUDDENLY, absolutely basic components were not enough for housing construction - normal wires for wiring, switches with normal contacts, insulating materials and even concrete ... and for concrete, our country has been the world leader in terms of volume for 25 years.

            And the last one is the question of economy. For the difficult conditions of 48-52, yes, the Khrushchev standards (in fact, it was not he who started and promoted this program, but he defined the conditions) the program looks very adequate. But why the hell were they built according to the same standards in 75? What was missing then?
            1. +1
              24 June 2021 14: 30
              Quote: yehat2
              Soviet industry could just as easily, and even more easily, build according to other building codes.

              The question is - in what quantities. This is a planned economy: you need to build the maximum number of square meters of housing from the planned amount of resources. The height of the same ceilings was increased - the consumption of building materials increased - the number of houses put into operation was reduced.
              Quote: yehat2
              Example with ceiling heights. For builders, that 3 meters, that 2 with a tail - almost all the same. Labor intensity differed minimally. The difference in building materials is homeopathic. But they still built minimal ceilings.

              EMNIP, with high ceilings there was a problem with the water pressure on the upper floor - it was necessary to additionally raise the pressure, which required additional pumps. And this is the additional money, resources and working time spent.
              Quote: yehat2
              Another example - firstly, I will clarify that we are not talking about 54 years, but also 15 years later, and so, with what fright when the economy was all right SUDDENLY, absolutely basic components were not enough for housing construction - normal wires for wiring, switches with normal contacts, insulating materials and even concrete ... and for concrete, our country has been the world leader in terms of volume for 25 years.

              Planned economy with manual drive. smile
              - Have you noticed that we regularly have interruptions with certain goods?
              - Of course, I go shopping.
              - Yes, comrades, there are shops in Switzerland! ... Oh, excuse me.
              - This is because these or those goods are not planned by such gullibles as you. Let me remake it.
              © Office romance.
              Quote: yehat2
              And the last one is the question of economy. For the difficult conditions of 48-52, yes, the Khrushchev standards (in fact, it was not he who started and promoted this program, but he defined the conditions) the program looks very adequate. But why the hell were they built according to the same standards in 75? What was missing then?

              This is a good question. And the answer to it, it seems to me, lies in the bureaucratic plane: the construction of "Khrushchevs" made it possible to report on the delivery of the maximum number of square meters with less consumption of building materials. Plus, no one wanted to leave the well-oiled chain of production and construction.
              1. +1
                24 June 2021 14: 40
                Quote: Alexey RA
                report on the delivery of the maximum number of square meters at a lower cost

                one of the problems was Khrushchev's introduction of profitability. The USSR was no longer building communism, but some kind of ugly version of communal capitalism.
                From here the savings on housing began. It is very useful to study how the Kharkov Tractor Plant built housing after the war - this is the description of the Goblin. There were no restrictions of the Khrushchev program, they built to the maximum.
                And when introducing profitability, everything rested on the price, litigation with profit and other things, people were already building not as it should, but as "profitable".
                Breaking of construction chains, by the way, was minimal. Our completely peripheral house-building plant simultaneously built standard panels and housing of the 1985 generation and did not experience any difficulties. There was no difference even in the composition of a typical construction team (crane operator, 2 slingers, 2 welders).
  19. +2
    23 June 2021 08: 47
    As a result, the construction of a whole cascade of hydroelectric power plants began, first on the Volga, and then on the deep rivers of the Urals and Siberia (Ob, Angara, Yenisei), the European and Asian parts of the country,

    Actually, this is part of Stalin's plan for the transformation of nature. And the Bratsk hydroelectric power station on the Angara was originally built for the sake of the atomic project (production of heavy water). And after the abandonment of the heavy-water neutron moderator (even before the creation of the dam), there was talk about the cancellation of its construction. Chief engineer Marchuk (who "plays the guitar") at his own peril and risk began to shut off the Angara in the winter, as a result, the hydroelectric power station was built, and now it serves private capital - the "effective" manager Deripaska.
    1. +2
      23 June 2021 08: 52
      Does your clarification in any way disprove what I wrote in the article?
      1. +2
        23 June 2021 08: 57
        My clarification says that the cascade of the hydroelectric power station is Stalin's, not Khrushchev's plan, about which you have nothing.
        1. +1
          23 June 2021 09: 10
          Please reread the article. And clarify: in what specific context is the Volga cascade mentioned there. Here's a hint: this context is purely technical, not political.
          1. +2
            23 June 2021 16: 47
            I reread it. In your article, the main message is that the National Union of Artists had great achievements, which boiled down to the fact that he ruined not all of Stalin's undertakings and projects, continued some of them and ascribed the result to himself.
            1. 0
              23 June 2021 17: 41
              You read poorly. But here, apparently, nothing can be done about it.
              1. +1
                23 June 2021 18: 30
                You read poorly. But here, apparently, nothing can be done about it.

                That's for sure. Well, you're out of luck for readers.
                1. +1
                  23 June 2021 18: 42
                  But why? Check out all the comments on both this article and the previous ones. On the contrary, I have very devoted readers. Yes, they are few and the most active here are people of a different kind: noisy and frankly stupid. But this is already the specificity of the site.
            2. +1
              24 June 2021 08: 31
              Quote: Aviator_
              I continued the part and attributed the result to myself.

              for example, reclaiming virgin lands is a continuation of Stalin's work, but completely ridiculous.
              That, instead of a gradual and rational land development, it grew into a completely surreal and terrible process, which ended with the destruction of the ecosystem over a huge area and huge losses. Do you remember the projects of turning rivers, from which the hair stood on end?
              1. +1
                24 June 2021 16: 04
                for example, reclaiming virgin lands is a continuation of Stalin's work, but completely ridiculous.

                You are greatly mistaken. The virgin land is Khrushch. In Stalin's plan for the transformation of nature, in addition to forest belts, there was a turn of part of the flow of Siberian rivers for the reclamation of the fields of the Orenburg region and the reclamation of the Non-Chernozem region. There is no virgin soil there and not close. Regarding the turn of a part of the river flow - the large industrial city of Karaganda is fed from the Irtysh, while nothing has changed in its lower reaches. Liberators at one time argued that after the selection of a part of the flow, all the lower reaches of the Siberian rivers will become swamps.
                1. +2
                  24 June 2021 16: 17
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  You are greatly mistaken. The virgin land is Khrushch. In Stalin's plan for the transformation of nature, in addition to forest belts, there was a turn of part of the flow of Siberian rivers for the reclamation of the fields of the Orenburg region and the reclamation of the Non-Chernozem region. There is no virgin soil there and not close.

                  the forest belts were just the main means of development, the plans were large, but due to the speed of landscaping, they were slow, and Khrushchev decided to do everything quickly.
                  In one of the plans drawn up under Stalin, the planned area of ​​virgin land development was comparable to the volumes under Khrushchev, but the plan was 40 years old, drawn up by competent agronomists, and not in 2-3 years.
                  1. +1
                    24 June 2021 16: 19
                    but the plan was 40 years old, drawn up by competent agronomists, and not in 2-3 years.

                    Here it may be, but Khrushch spoiled everything he could reach with his irrepressible enthusiasm. He even intended to quickly build communism, despite the fact that the five-year plan that had failed under him had to be converted into a seven-year plan.
  20. +2
    23 June 2021 14: 34
    Everything about Khrushchev and the fleet is pretty simple. The USSR, due to an unfortunate configuration of foreign policy, led a very costly defense scheme for the country and the Warsaw Pact countries. The country has experienced several mobilizations, conflicts and sad megaprojects like corn in the Arctic Circle and the development of virgin lands. All this greatly reduced the country's free reserves, because of which it was necessary to cut off important directions - this is assault aircraft, and the navy, and culture, and the civil engineering program and living standards, and the lunar program, and the storm project, and much more. Brezhnev, when he replaced Khrushchev, led the same policy, but without frankly stupid blunders, with a great emphasis on planning, and in fact, the budget for spending under him tripled. Actually, this is the whole connection.
    1. +1
      23 June 2021 16: 46
      Khrushch Kukuruzny did not waste time on local conflicts - he believed that the conflict would be one and immediately global. The military echoed him. As a result, the theory of small conflicts and weapons did not develop for them, there were improvisations all the time.
      1. +1
        23 June 2021 16: 49
        Well, this reproach is superfluous. Khrushchev was not at all against the military. The problem was that he could not adequately provide it, and cutting the military budget was not always reasonable. Even under Brezhnev, not all projects were implemented - a typical example is a dry t4 weaving airplane.
        1. +1
          23 June 2021 16: 57
          by no means all projects were implemented - a typical example is a dry t4 weaving airplane.

          So it is everywhere and everywhere and under any government. It was necessary to choose from T4 and Tu22, thanks to the Tupolev lobby, they chose his car, and then under the guise of "modernization" they made another plane altogether. I'm talking about the concept of a local war, it did not develop, but in reality there were a lot of them, and there will be many more, and in different theaters. And strategic nuclear forces are not needed there, although without them - nowhere, this is a guarantee of the very existence of the country.
          1. +1
            23 June 2021 17: 03
            Quote: Aviator_
            ... I had to choose from T4 and Tu22

            should not have. the problem grew not at all from Tupolev, but from Dementiev, and then after Brezhnev's coup, from the fact that everything was rearranged and shaky agreements disappeared.
            As a result, a very resource-dependent and expensive project got stuck and became doomed at the management level.
            In fact, Sukhoi was kicked for 4 years, do not give a base for the project to build an aircraft.
            1. +1
              23 June 2021 18: 34
              as a result, a very resource-dependent and expensive project is frozen

              Well, the creation of the "Bekfire" from the failed Tu-22 required no less money than the completion of the "Sotka". For some reason, I recall our "RRJ Superbudget" by Poghosyan. So Andrei Nikolaevich did his best, of course, not without Dementiev.
      2. 0
        23 June 2021 17: 43
        Quote: Aviator_
        Khrushch Kukuruzny did not waste time on local conflicts - he believed that the conflict would be one and immediately global.

        Not certainly in that way. The National Union of Artists believed that the priority for the USSR was to achieve "the inevitability of a retaliatory strike" - to end the situation when the USSR could be covered at any moment from any direction, and we had nowhere to reach the overseas foe and nothing (until the mid-60s it was that way). That is why priority was given to missiles and strategic weapons.
        EMNIP, NSKh spoke extremely negatively about tactical nuclear warheads precisely in the context of the fact that the development and production of them and their means of delivery takes away manpower and resources from strategic weapons.
        And both directions - a big war and small conflicts - the USSR did not pull under the National Union of Artists.
        1. +2
          23 June 2021 18: 27
          And both directions - a big war and small conflicts - the USSR did not pull under the National Union of Artists.

          Well, it's like pulling. The fact that he cut the IL-28, liquidated the Orenburg School of Navigators (1960), then even the Orenburg Flight School made 2 graduations in the Civil Air Fleet - it did not help us in the construction of strategic nuclear forces. The Orenburg flight was finally finished off by the EBN in the fall of 1993. The text contains an inaccurate retelling of the memoirs of the son of the NSH (a US citizen who recently died there), where the admirals showed the leadership how they would fight in the Mediterranean. In my opinion, it was a command post exercise. There, according to the testimony of his son, the NSX hysterics followed on the topic - "you broke everyone here, and then what to do"? In my opinion, what to do next should be indicated by the political leadership of the country, and with this the corn-grower had big problems, this is not "cargo communism" in 1980.
          1. +1
            23 June 2021 18: 44
            In the article I just mention this episode from the memoirs of Sergei Khrushchev. Only he refers to the exercises on the Black Sea in 1955.
            1. +1
              23 June 2021 19: 00
              Only he refers to the exercises on the Black Sea in 1955.

              Yes, I remembered, there they famously took the straits from the Turks.
              1. 0
                23 June 2021 19: 07
                Damn, what the hell is this! Well, take the trouble to read the text that you are struggling to discuss! There it was about a night attack by torpedo boats, which "conditionally" sunk the ships at the anchorage. And when Khrushchev asked the question: it turns out that the enemy boats will be able to torpedo them, too, stealthily approaching our ships? To which I heard: "No, we will detect them in advance with our locators and we will pick them up before they come close to the torpedo launch distance." After that, everything with our admirals became clear.
          2. +2
            24 June 2021 10: 39
            Quote: Aviator_
            The fact that he cut the IL-28

            For one simple reason - an airplane with only "cast iron" and without URO is not needed.
            But the Tu-16, having turned from a bomber into a missile carrier, continued to build quietly.
            Quote: Aviator_
            did not help us in any way in the construction of strategic nuclear forces.

            Money. The country's budget and military budget are not rubber, and the maintenance of regiments on outdated equipment does not raise the combat effectiveness of the Air Force, but the costs for them are above the roof.
            1. +1
              24 June 2021 16: 13
              Well, yes, the creation of economic councils instead of ministries and the general transfer of all production under the control of the state (liquidation of artels), the agricultural policy, which caused the flight to the city, caused damage comparable to the war. I'm not talking about foreign policy.
              For one simple reason - an airplane with only "cast iron" and without URO is not needed.

              The original version of the Tu-16 also had only "cast iron" (I'm not talking about the Tu-95 - a direct analogy with the TB-3 in the event of a conflict in the early 50s suggests itself). In local conflicts, the IL-28 has shown itself perfectly, there is no need for URO. Then there was simply the elimination of the Air Force, including personnel, which takes a very long time to recover.
  21. 0
    23 June 2021 22: 27
    Quote: aybolyt678
    I'm more interested in the connection between economics and ideology.

    Clear. No, it's a flop!
  22. +1
    24 June 2021 05: 20
    Quote: morose

    Those. to leave in service old, partially pre-war projects:

    and cut new, improved ones into metal:

    Those. to leave in service old, partially pre-war projects:
    and cut new, improved ones into metal:
    benefits of fleet reduction

    But what is surprising here? At a certain moment, a decision was made to abandon the completion of obsolete ships with purely artillery weapons in order to continue the construction of new missile and anti-nuclear submarines - isn't that logical?
    1. 0
      24 June 2021 14: 10
      According to the text of the CPSU anthem, everything is logical: to destroy to the ground and build a new one. Only the money has already been spent on scrap metal.
      And then, according to this harsh logic, instead of albeit "morally obsolete", but new ships (not only in terms of construction time, but also qualitatively improved), the oldest ones were also left in the ranks, incl. which had combat damage during the war.
      But the "sea power" of the United States was not too lazy to convert 6 light and 5 heavy cruisers into missile cruisers.
      1. 0
        24 June 2021 21: 17
        I repeat: they left the ships ALREADY in service, and refused to complete the NON-READY, but at the same time obsolete ships. This is logical. Yes, expensive. But the responsibility for this cost lies with those who made the decision to lay down such a large series of obsolete cruisers of the Sverdlov type.
        1. 0
          25 June 2021 00: 28
          Excellent! Under the slogan of economy, to successfully write off hefty sums for nothing, instead of new, more advanced ships, to leave the old ones in service for at least 10 years. Well, as each new power group traditionally does, blame their predecessors for their mistakes. Thanks for the clarification, no more questions.
  23. 0
    24 June 2021 10: 43
    Quote: Alexey RA

    So Khrushchev is social housing.

    Quite right. I will only add that this is housing temporary... Their service life was set very limited and this should have brought better and more durable housing to the hay. In fact, this is what actually happened.
  24. +2
    24 June 2021 13: 39
    Khrushchev not only took Crimea away from Russia and violated the article of the current Constitution at that time, but also laid the foundation for dissidence and dissent, sowed a grain of doubt !!! The second, after Khrushchev, was Gorbachev, who led the USSR to collapse, and as a result of all this, NATO was near the borders of Russia !!!
  25. +2
    24 June 2021 18: 02
    [Quote] This reminds of the "perestroika" cliché that the Great Patriotic War was won by the people in spite of Stalin, and not thanks to him. Today it is hardly necessary to explain in detail that such statements are trivial stupidity. [Quote]
    If you believe the official propaganda, TV and cinema, then one gets the impression that they won in spite of Stalin, the Communist Party and in spite of the Soviet system in general. This is exactly what the state is trying to instill in us, moreover, both the state guardians, starting with Putin, and ideological liberals such as Varlamov, Katz, Venediktov, etc. Here they are united in an effort to denigrate Soviet power.
    Just today, it is necessary to explain in detail that they won not despite Stalin, but precisely because the system built under Stalin turned out to be extremely strong and viable, that even such an enemy as the Wehrmacht, and such defeats as the catastrophe of 1941 and the battle of Kharkov in 1942 years were unable to defeat her.
  26. 0
    25 June 2021 11: 38
    this period was marked by the construction of a large number of obsolete ships: torpedo boats, small destroyers (traditionally called patrol ships in our country), destroyers, light and three heavy (battle) cruisers. Their real combat capabilities did not correspond in any way to the level of their time, but rather, corresponded to the beginning or, at best, the middle of World War II.

    1. In this period more than 99% of a potential aggressor and enemy were also beaten by these "obsolete" ships. But the USA and its allies had a lot of them, while the USSR had an unacceptably small number.
    It was necessary to have at least several hundred boats, several dozen decent destroyers, 15-20 light and 2-3 battle cruisers to defend the coast within the range of their coastal aviation.
    2. Development of new technology even under Stalin - new submarines, nuclear engines, rocket weapons, turbine engines and so on went faster in the USSR than in such maritime states as England and even the United States.
    3. Khrushchev certainly could not do everything and do everything wrong. But the fact that in such a decisive area as solid-propellant ballistic missiles the USSR lagged behind the United States is a considerable personal responsibility of Khrushchev. If Stalin beat alive, then he never allowed a decade behind the United States in this area.
  27. +1
    25 June 2021 11: 55
    It is very strange, but the "simple" people of Khrushchev NS. well, somehow I did not like it at all ...
    My grandfather worked as a miner and I can't help but share his opinion when serviceable steam locomotives were sent to the metal, carrying coal from the mine to the nearest station and replaced with diesel locomotives. Why if the coal is here, and the mine has only been operating for a couple of decades? Of course, the steel tread of technical progress takes place, but it does not justify jerking - throwing in different directions - wandering and making more than strange decisions.
    1. +1
      25 June 2021 20: 12
      I would say that the persecution of steam locomotives acquired the most unbridled form later, in the Brezhnev era. When the most traffic load of the mainline had already been transferred to electric and diesel traction, and it was necessary to report on the reduction of the steam landfill - according to this indicator, among others. the work of the railway workers was assessed. And there, yes - very short-sighted decisions were made. In particular, they consisted in the procurement for our lines of the M62 diesel locomotive, which was originally created for Eastern Europe with its weak track superstructure. However, this is a separate story. And in any case, it is clear that this was not done on the personal order of the "first person". But the very topic of "persecution of steam locomotives" is interesting, yes. A kind of analogue of the "great rail pogrom" in the United States.
  28. +1
    26 June 2021 08: 41
    There were many controversial points during the Khrushchev period ... steam locomotives left the scene, because they consumed 100 million tons of coal a year !! And clean, softened water of 30 million cubic meters annually ... the fleet has not become smaller, just missile weapons are much more effective. And the sinking of an Israeli destroyer by a rocket from a small boat presented the world with a fact. And the Caribbean crisis is a grand bluff, but the victory of the USSR is unambiguous !!! The missiles were delivered and the positions were equipped. At that time, the fleet did not have overseas supply points and bases, and without them, maritime operations off the coast of the United States are impossible. In those same years, the tsar was the bomb and the flight of Gagarin and the failure of the development of virgin lands ... the reorganization of the management of the country and industry ... the reduction of the army and navy and the relaxation of tension in the world ... albeit by the methods of threats and confrontation ...
  29. -1
    29 June 2021 22: 00
    "Along with the technological flourishing, these years were marked by an unconditional cultural flourishing. Here you can recall the" thaw ", and the Moscow Festival of Youth and Students, and the Moscow Film Festival, about other facts testifying to the country's greater openness to the world ... "
    "Khrushchev distributed several dachas to the lured writers, and they sang inhuman, rooster
    voices: "thaw, thaw ...."
    Victor Suvorov, "The Shadow of Victory".
  30. 0
    1 July 2021 12: 28
    Khrushchev is a litmus test, a lice test for any serious historian and political scientist. Authors, remarkable in other fields, stumble over him and destroy their authority. Why this is so, I do not know. This is worth the research. Therefore, LOW BOND TO THE AUTHOR. This is the best article on the topic in recent ... in general, what I read. I absolutely agree with the author. I myself did not live then, but both my parents made sure that I understood what this wonderful man managed to do, how the country exploded in all areas, getting rid of the chilling horror of life under Stalin, replacing it with a normal, joyful and free life which today we take for granted. This bore fruit immediately - we were catching up and overtaking America. And this is just 10 years. Which country did Khrushchev take? And which one did he leave? Then, for another 10-15 years, under Brezhnev, we went forward on the knurled one. And the standards of caring for the people were established by Nikita Sergeevich, the next one had to follow them. How did he do it? The answer is simple: he loved his people (Soviet then, all of us), and did what was best for the people. Therefore, everything worked out for him. That is why Putin does it today, and Sobyanin does not always succeed.