"You need to be able to hide": American general spoke about methods of fighting UAVs of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces


Intensive use drones by the Azerbaijani side, which has appeared on numerous videos, is of genuine interest to various publications specializing in military topics.

Everyone needs drones

This time, the Polish media resource Defense24 turned to retired American Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, the former commander of the US Army in Europe, for clarification. As the journalist noted, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh demonstrates the widespread use of unmanned aviation systems, and some types of UAVs were not previously used so actively, including loitering ammunition.

What will be the consequences for the ground forces in the European theater of operations, in particular for air defense?
The journalist asked.

Hodges explained that "three things come to mind." First, it was shown that efficiency can be achieved through the combat integration of UAVs of different types, which can be combined with cannon or rocket artillery.

In his words, the ability to identify targets and quickly attack is what Turkey has shown in Syria. A similar situation can be seen in Libya and Yemen, and now in Nagorno-Karabakh, where UAVs are now used by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces:

First, the main conclusion: all [allies] should have this opportunity, because UAVs completely change the usual balance of power.

Air defense discipline and combination

Secondly, "unprepared, undisciplined soldiers who are unable to defend themselves with adequate actions" interfere with effective combat.

Combat vehicles should not be in open areas, soldiers should not gather in groups, as if they think they are not visible. And it's terrible to see so many people die because of this. However, the Armenian side seems to be poorly adjusting to the situation, as are the Syrians.
- says Hodges.

In this case, it is necessary to be able to hide not only from the optical sensors of the UAV, but also from thermal detection means; reduce the electromagnetic signature generated by communication media. In particular, NATO command posts leave a significant mark as they have so many connections to the network.

We must work hard to improve our ability to avoid detection, implement appropriate methods
- emphasized the general.

The third is air defense. Obviously, we must develop systems, kinetic or non-kinetic, capable of containing UAVs.
- says Hodges, pointing out that no one will destroy drones with a Patriot or Aegis, and old portable air defense systems may be ineffective.

A combination of a laser, a jammer, an interrupter of the base UAV [visible, master], or [should be] able to take control of that drone is required. And the usual weaponwhich will also apply. Both artillery and missiles, but also non-kinetic weapons
- concludes Hodges.

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  1. +28
    2 November 2020 15: 29
    What can I say, the general is right.
    1. NTD
      2 November 2020 15: 33
      Quote: Alien From
      What can I say, the general is right.

      in the fact that he is right (advice), here they have been writing for 2 weeks already, how to fight with the drone. He said nothing new. He also described the defensive method. Just shouting halva-halva in the mouth of the Armenians will not be sweet. Their train has already left.
      1. +8
        2 November 2020 15: 52
        Some news on UAVs of "partners". In 2020, the Turks will adopt the Aksungur UAV, the range of Aksungur weapons is customizable and includes 12 missiles MAM-L (250 kg), a Mk 82 multipurpose bomb weighing 227 kg with a high-precision navigation kit and a long-range cruise missile Roketsan SOM (warhead weight 230 kg).

        More details and video here: https://soha.vn/tho-don-luc-che-uav-cuong-kich-dau-tien-trong-lich-su-tinh-an-goi-t-90-t-72b3 -nga-20201101160932084.htm
        1. +4
          2 November 2020 15: 59
          Quote: dorz
          Some news on UAVs of "partners". In 2020, the Turks will adopt the Aksungur UAV, the range of Aksungur weapons is customizable and includes 12 missiles MAM-L (250 kg), a Mk 82 multipurpose bomb weighing 227 kg with a high-precision navigation kit and a long-range cruise missile Roketsan SOM (warhead weight 230 kg).

          More details and video here: https://soha.vn/tho-don-luc-che-uav-cuong-kich-dau-tien-trong-lich-su-tinh-an-goi-t-90-t-72b3 -nga-20201101160932084.htm

          And what have we got there? I have not heard about this for a long time and there is a treacherous feeling that the headquarters in the field of UAVs Turkey has gone far ahead, if we consider not the characteristics of prototypes, but the material and tangible.
          1. -1
            2 November 2020 16: 27
            All developments of all kinds of weapons are planned in accordance with the prevailing and adopted military doctrine in the country.
            Who can tell me: what type of weapon does the drone refer to - offensive or defensive? That's right - to the OPENING military doctrine!

            So why are we shying away from the adoption of the OFFENSIVE military doctrine? Our military generals and retired specialists have long been saying that in the Russian Federation it is necessary to change the military doctrine from DEFENSIVE to OFFENSIVE!
            And even the RF Ministry of Defense seemed to agree with this. But the events in Nagorno-Karabakh show that the Russian military also mistakenly underestimated the NECESSITY of the transition from the DEFENSIVE to the OFFENSIVE military doctrine for too long.

            And even on the site "VO", as soon as I touched on this topic in my comments, from the participants flashed to me cons - "Mom, do not worry!".

            I believe that drones have a great future. And this is despite the fact that the Russian Federation has nuclear weapons and carriers for them!

            I fully share the opinion of our Russian military experts on the need for the Russian Federation to switch from our DEFENSIVE military doctrine to the OFFENSIVE one. and about 80% overrun on the lead in the creation of nastkpitelny armament.
            c Enough to think in illusions that the presence of nuclear weapons is all that will save the Russian Federation from an offensive by NATO and other Western armed forces. The Pentagon has long had other strategic opportunities against the Russian Federation, on which they are making their tactical bets in the victory over Russia.
            1. +8
              2 November 2020 16: 50
              I fully share the opinion of our Russian military experts on the need for the Russian Federation to switch from our DEFENSIVE military doctrine to the OFFENSIVE

              Great, now let's figure out where this will lead.
              Well, we can rivet the UAV.
              Reinsert the tanks.

              And what to do with the fleet? The offensive doctrine in front of our probable adversaries implies landing operations on another continent. And this, in turn, is dominance at sea. As they say, there are questions - No questions - Disperse.

              You think that the only trouble with the fleet, but not. Let's take the most successful - SNF. If the doctrine is offensive, then it is an offensive blow. So the flight time is minimal - it means either the submarine fleet, but most likely forward bases with nuclear weapons. I suppose everything is clear with this too.

              Take videoconferencing. With an offensive doctrine, it is necessary to somehow gain air superiority OVER the enemy's TERRITORY. How to do this if they have many times more fighters? And nothing can be done about it. Well, let's stay without panties and rivet the same amount. But not so much is needed, but much more. After all, you will have to fight against the enemy air defense.

              And so on for each branch of the army. So we can rewrite the doctrine if we want to get a filkin letter.

              But what is to be done? After all, you are right not to win a war by defense. The only way out is to cause ABSOLUTELY unacceptable damage. being on the defensive. And for this it is necessary that - it is correct to use NUCLEAR as a defensive weapon. Not when "there is a threat blah blah blah", but always when military expediency dictates it. Would the Georgians start shooting at our peacekeepers if they were sure that the commander of the peacekeepers could give the order to strike with a tactical charge on Tbilisi (as small as 100 kilotons at the residence of the gastukoedist)?
              And yes, for this it is necessary to rewrite the military doctrine, and then modernize the strategic nuclear forces and ALL tactical nuclear weapons. But this, in contrast to your proposal, is just within our capabilities. There would be political will ...
              1. +3
                2 November 2020 17: 16
                Quote: bk316
                If the doctrine is offensive, then it is an offensive blow.

                Why not? This is what we should strive for.
                Quote: bk316
                Take videoconferencing. With an offensive doctrine, it is necessary to somehow gain air superiority OVER the enemy's TERRITORY. How to do this if they have many times more fighters? And nothing can be done about it. Well, let's stay without panties and rivet the same amount. But not so much is needed, but much more. After all, you will have to fight against the enemy air defense.

                Before WWII, all these superiority in the number of weapons in technology were carefully calculated and scrupulously taken into account by all countries
                But we are talking not only about the quantity, but also about the quality of types of weapons, and Stalin attached great importance to this! It was not for nothing that Stalin pushed back the war with Europe and Germany with all his might.

                Your quantity can easily lose out to quality. And the creation of new types of weapons takes time and good qualified professional personnel - and at all stages of the creation of weapons. I know this well, because I myself worked at one time as a designer in a design bureau at a military-industrial complex.

                You, as a hurray-patriot, do not want to see the lag of the Russian Federation in this, but I, as a former specialist in the defense industry, see him and this causes me natural concern.
                Better to be stripped down to your underpants than to be the whole country corpse in the ashes. I don't take oligarchs into account.
                1. +1
                  2 November 2020 17: 52
                  Why not? This is what we should strive for.

                  Do not strive for this. You cannot survive in a global nuclear war.

                  You, as a hurray-patriot, do not want to see the RF lagging behind in this,

                  Why do I very much even see. This is why you should NOT adopt an offensive doctrine. We are not ready either quantitatively or qualitatively.

                  Over there, on the next branch, the old 26 convinces me that there is no need to do BRZD - God forbid violating the agreement, but you should strive for a preemptive strike. These are extremes - and the right decision is in the middle. For example where I suggested. laughing
                  1. 0
                    2 November 2020 18: 25
                    In the West, there has long been a military doctrine of local nuclear war.
                    And what do you think that it will not be used by the West and its RF should not be taken into account?
                    Quote: bk316
                    Quote: Tatyana.
                    You, as a hurray-patriot, do not want to see the RF lagging behind in this,
                    Why do I very much even see. This is why you should NOT adopt an offensive doctrine. We are not ready either quantitatively or qualitatively.
                    It seems that you don’t understand that the military doctrine, as such, determines the issuance of very specific technical assignments (TOR) for the development of weapons in accordance with the strategic profile of the country's military strategy for design bureaus and military-industrial complex plants.
                    There is no OFFENSIVE military doctrine in the country - there is no TK for the development of appropriate strategic OFFENSIVE WEAPONS! At the same time, over the years, in this regard, a strategic lag in offensive weapons from the West has been accumulating.
                    It's simple!
                    Quote: bk316
                    Over there, on the next branch, the old 26 convinces me that there is no need to do BRZD - God forbid violating the agreement, but you should strive for a preemptive strike.

                    A preemptive strike from the Russian Federation Russia must be foreseen if we want to survive! There is nothing special about this. Everything is elementary pragmatic.
                    As for treaties, the West did not care about treaties!
                    1. +4
                      2 November 2020 20: 23
                      You know, I like the doctrine of local nuclear war. Especially against opponents who also have nuclear weapons. But I have absolutely no idea how to implement it. How to convince an opponent to also use nuclear weapons locally.
                      1. +3
                        3 November 2020 01: 38
                        You know, I like the doctrine of local nuclear war.

                        I will hint to read about Soviet nuclear bombs. They have not gone anywhere ...
                        At one time, information was leaked to the bourgeois that one of them was laid while pouring concrete into a bank vault in New York. The bourgeois took it seriously. The work was suspended for three months, so that there it was felt through the reinforcement ... In the end, they decided not to disassemble, but to pour more concrete, maybe it will carry it ...
                        And this is not an anecdote.
                        Similar landmines were laid during the Soviet era on the territory of the Warsaw Pact countries and in the former republics in the west of the country. Now these are independent states ... So the topic is gaining interest.
                      2. +1
                        3 November 2020 08: 54
                        Are war moles doing the service?
                      3. 0
                        4 November 2020 09: 42
                        These land mines lived for three years, no more.
                      4. 0
                        4 November 2020 07: 06
                        I like this doctrine too, but only in the United States.
                  2. 0
                    3 November 2020 02: 16
                    Quote: bk316
                    This is why you should NOT adopt an offensive doctrine.

                    no, we certainly have a defensive doctrine, but it already contains the right to a preemptive strike in cases of security threats ... and how does this differ from an offensive doctrine? request
                    Quote: bk316
                    Over there on the next branch, the old 26 convinces me that there is no need to do BRZD - God forbid violating the contract
                    what kind??? belay that chtol from which the United States has already come out half a year?
                    1. +1
                      3 November 2020 15: 56
                      what kind???

                      So I write "what?"
                      Probably SNV-3 ....
                2. +5
                  2 November 2020 17: 55
                  Quote: Tatiana

                  You, as a hurray-patriot, do not want to see the lag of the Russian Federation in this, but I, as a former specialist in the defense industry, see him and this causes me natural concern

                  Cheers for patriots have no concern. They have no idea what a pitiful sight our industry and science are. They listen to Solovyov, watch TV and will certainly win everyone. They just haven't decided yet how many aircraft carriers to build, whether to continue making aircraft of the 5th generation, or immediately proceed to the 7th. They have posypniki growing on trees, electronics in the beds, and in the bins of the Motherland, 100500 engineers, designers, and technicians in lubrication lie in suspended animation.
                  These are people from parallel reality, what do you want from them.
                  Better to be stripped down to your underpants than to be the whole country corpse in the ashes.

                  You can even take off your panties, it's no use. Now all hope is in China.
              2. +4
                2 November 2020 20: 43
                Quote: bk316
                The only way out is to cause ABSOLUTELY unacceptable damage. being on the defensive. And for this it is necessary that - it is correct to use NUCLEAR as a defensive weapon. Not when "there is a threat blah blah blah", but always when military expediency dictates it.

                Indeed, we have only one choice - to use nuclear weapons at the slightest threat to our security, and you have defined the conditions for this quite correctly:
                Quote: bk316
                There would be political will ...

                This is what is decisive for Russia, and everything else is dregs, no matter how local "military experts" go out of their way, demonstrating their "smart thoughts" - "BEAT (nuclear) determines the consciousness" of even inadequate politicians in the United States.
              3. 0
                2 November 2020 21: 17
                Quote: bk316
                And what to do with the fleet? The offensive doctrine in front of our probable adversaries implies landing operations on another continent.

                Are you going to conquer the entire globe? Do we need it?
                Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East are enough for the eyes.
                Here the need for an ocean-going fleet is not seen at all. For the USSR, he was not a lifting burden, there is no question of the Russian Federation at all, due to the lack of resources.
            2. +3
              2 November 2020 20: 17
              Only 41 years have clearly shown that it is difficult to defend against an offensive doctrine. And it's expensive to sit without stepping. Delema however.
            3. 0
              2 November 2020 20: 45
              It is not clear what doctrine is and how it relates to the adoption of weapons. It is clear that weapons must be effective. Welcoming actions fit into the defense. No?
            4. 0
              3 November 2020 10: 09
              the Russian military has mistakenly underestimated the NECESSITY of the transition from the DEFENSIVE to the OFFENSIVE military doctrine for too long.

              Doctrine is strategy.
              Using drones is a tactic.
              Therefore, your thoughts on this matter are not correct.
              The defensive doctrine of the Russian Federation implies that we are not going to attack anyone, but if they attack us, then we will defend ourselves. And even when conducting defensive operations, not only can, but also offensive actions be carried out.
              The lack of drones, its own civil aviation, engine building, microelectronics, that is, what determines the country's technological development, is clearly independent of doctrines. Everything is much simpler. We cannot have this as an occupied country.
              1. 0
                3 November 2020 10: 59
                Quote: glory1974
                The lack of drones, its own civil aviation, engine building, microelectronics, that is, what determines the country's technological development, is clearly independent of doctrines. Everything is much simpler. We cannot have this as an occupied country.

                And what do you suggest in this case? How are you going to defend the Motherland and your people with the help of the Russian Armed Forces, if you propose to put up with it?

                By the way, in Article 15, clause 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the latest amendments to it, we have already changed. Changed historically a little late, really.
                1. 0
                  5 November 2020 08: 19
                  How are you going to defend the Motherland and your people with the help of the Russian Armed Forces, if you propose to put up with it?

                  I am not suggesting to accept. Where did you read this? I said that the doctrine has nothing to do with drones.
              2. 0
                3 November 2020 11: 21
                Quote: glory1974
                The defensive doctrine of the Russian Federation implies that we are not going to attack anyone. But if we are attacked, we will defend ourselves.

                I wonder how?
                Do you propose to act like Gorbachev? Namely:
                1. Drive the invaders only to the Russian borders and not go further to finish off the enemy in his lair?
                Sorry, but then in your opinion it turns out that Stalin, the USSR and the Kyrgyz Republic. The army was in Europe exactly "invaders" and liars in their purest form! This allows political and military speculators in the West to rewrite the history of the Second World War and WWII and to denigrate Russia precisely in its aggressive "sins."

                2. In your opinion, then the USSR had no right to leave its troops in the Eastern European countries of the same Europe liberated from the German Nazis and should have withdrawn them immediately after May 9, 1945? So what should be your way - according to the DEFENSIVE military doctrine?

                3. BUT preventive Israel's strikes against Syria, for example, what military doctrine do you refer to - OFFENSIVE or DEFENSE? After all, Israel, by and large, only expands its territory and does not leave from there and does not think to leave.
                1. 0
                  5 November 2020 08: 26
                  Where did you see my words about this?
                  Where did I write to drive the invaders to the borders? And so on, what did you write?
                  I wrote to you that from a military point of view, you think illiterate.
                  Defensive action does not involve sitting in trenches. Defensive action involves defending certain areas while attacking others. This is the ABC of the art of war, which is what Israel does.
                  And how is the presence of troops in Europe sideways to the defensive military doctrine?
                  Are Armenians invaders in Karabakh now or Azerbaijanis are aggressors? You don't have to answer the question, because it has nothing to do with the topic of "defensive or offensive operation".
          2. -4
            2 November 2020 16: 39
            Quote: Leeds
            And what have we got there?

            It is likely that ours are developing ground unmanned systems, some of which were tested in Syria.
            Such drones are harder to spot from the air, harder to hit, easier to hide. They cost, again, significantly less tanks, armored personnel carriers, and so on.
            A very elegant and asymmetrical answer, so to speak.
            1. +2
              2 November 2020 16: 54
              Quote: Sydor Amenpospestovich
              Quote: Leeds
              And what have we got there?

              It is likely that ours are developing ground unmanned systems, some of which were tested in Syria.
              Such drones are harder to spot from the air, harder to hit, easier to hide. They cost, again, significantly less tanks, armored personnel carriers, and so on.
              A very elegant and asymmetrical answer, so to speak.

              These are not the ones that are launched from a slingshot or from a running start? If yes, then I felt better, now it is clear that we have gone our own way and have gone far. Forward, naturally.
              1. -3
                2 November 2020 16: 57
                Quote: Leeds
                These are not the ones that are launched from a slingshot or from a running start? If yes, then I felt better, now it is clear that we have gone our own way and have gone far. Forward, naturally.

                It is not without reason that I selected the word "ground", i.e. which move along the surface.
                I hope you understand now.
          3. 0
            2 November 2020 17: 07

            1. +2
              2 November 2020 19: 55
              Four days ago, I watched the Sirius UAV flying towards the Kacha airfield. Handsome. Flying low did not have time to take a photo. Ours fly, study. are preparing.
          4. +2
            2 November 2020 17: 10
            Quote: Leeds
            And what have we got there?

            The first set of drone drone "Orion" tested in the SAR was adopted and put into service, according to rumors in Syria, shock drones-kamikaze are being tested ...

            1. +1
              2 November 2020 17: 40
              Quote: Insurgent
              Quote: Leeds
              And what have we got there?

              The first set of drone drone "Orion" tested in the SAR was adopted and put into service, according to rumors in Syria, shock drones-kamikaze are being tested ...

              Hopefully the rumors are justified. Well, it's time already. Although the goals there are now mostly defended in garages.
          5. +3
            2 November 2020 19: 43
            Quote: Leeds
            a treacherous feeling, the headquarters in the UAV field, Turkey has gone far ahead,

            With the same speed, and maybe even more, it can go back.
            List of companies that supply the complete set for the UAV
            Onboard ViaSat Modem Transceiver Carlsbad, California
            Antenna Comant Industries Fullerton, California
            Trimble Navigation GPS receiver Sunnyvale, California
            Fuel filter Hengst Camden, SC is a branch of a German company in the USA.
            MilesTek Lewisville tire hitch plug,
            Garmin Texas Olathe GPS Navigator,
            Optical unit Wescam Orlando, Florida - branch of a Canadian firm in the USA
            Radar altimeter. Intelligent Microwave Sensors Irvine, California - US subsidiary of a German firm
            Sealed fuel tank Boehringer Greenville, South Carolina - US subsidiary of a French firm
            Antenna radio transmitter and amplifier MicroHard Systems Calgary, Canada
            AeroShell Engine The Hague, The Netherlands
            Fuel Pump Andair United Kingdom
        2. 0
          2 November 2020 16: 02
          Quote: dorz
          Some news on UAVs of "partners". In 2020, the Turks will adopt the Aksungur UAV, the range of Aksungur weapons is customizable and includes 12 missiles MAM-L (250 kg), a Mk 82 multipurpose bomb weighing 227 kg with a high-precision navigation kit and a long-range cruise missile Roketsan SOM (warhead weight 230 kg).

          More details and video here: https://soha.vn/tho-don-luc-che-uav-cuong-kich-dau-tien-trong-lich-su-tinh-an-goi-t-90-t-72b3 -nga-20201101160932084.htm

          We have also started serial production of the Orion drone.
          The first serial sample of an unmanned medium-range aircraft complex with medium-altitude and long-duration unmanned aerial vehicles "Orion" manufactured by the Kronstadt Group was transferred to the Russian Ministry of Defense for trial operation in April 2020. The complex includes a command post and three Orion vehicles. In August 2020, the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Kronstadt Group signed the first serial contract for the supply of Orion long-duration unmanned aerial vehicles.

          1. +2
            2 November 2020 17: 00
            Orion is reconnaissance. Everyone grabs their heads on the percussion and their capabilities in the local theaters of the DB, which (potential and operating) are a lot, and say that we will not be useful, so we better concentrate on the modernization of the BMP-1 and landing on Mars - goat's nonsense.
            1. +1
              2 November 2020 17: 07
              Quote: Leeds
              Orion is reconnaissance. Everyone grabs their heads on the percussion and their capabilities in the local theaters of the DB, which (potential and operating) are a lot, and say that we will not be useful, so we better concentrate on the modernization of the BMP-1 and landing on Mars - goat's nonsense.

              In Syria, Orion was tested in a reconnaissance-shock version. Orion-RU, if memory serves. There is a video on the network.
              MOSCOW, November 2 - RIA Novosti, Nikolay Protopopov. High autonomy, guided missile weapons and the ability to bypass air defense - the Russian military is mastering the first Orion multipurpose UAVs. According to experts, these drones will significantly increase the strike capabilities of the army and take unmanned aircraft to a new level.

              NTV recently showed a military kit in action - two command vehicles and three Orion drones, which, apparently, have already taken up combat duty. Recall that the Ministry of Defense signed a contract for serial deliveries to the troops of a reconnaissance and strike UAV of a long duration of flight in August. And the first set was transferred to experimental military operation in the spring of this year.

              Orion can stay in the sky for up to 24 hours. Outwardly, it resembles the American MQ-1 Reaper - the same long and narrow wing and V-shaped tail. The UAV is designed not only for aerial reconnaissance and target designation, but also for delivering missile and bomb strikes. It takes on board up to 200 kilograms of combat load. Several types of ammunition with a caliber from 25 to 100 kilograms were specially developed for him.

            2. +1
              3 November 2020 02: 31
              Quote: Leeds
              Orion is reconnaissance. Everyone grabs their heads from drums and their capabilities at local theaters DB

              the Americans were the first to do it! have already decommissioned MQ-1 and are preparing to write off MQ-9 with the wording "not suitable for use in high-intensity conflicts (against Russia or China) and too expensive for low-intensity conflicts" request
        3. +8
          2 November 2020 16: 04
          A modern army should have UAVs in service and means to counter them. Karabakh proved it. The Armenians slept through the war of the terminators and will be punished for it. And the Russian Federation in Syria managed to fight off, although with shock drones we seem to be lagging behind.
        4. The comment was deleted.
      2. +18
        2 November 2020 18: 57
        Quote: MTN
        he described the defensive method

        Dodging and hitting projectiles is a losing tactic in advance.
    2. +7
      2 November 2020 15: 39
      He speaks very generally, which is already clear. Armenians need to work out a strategy in specific conditions, until it is clear that they have one. Not only do they have lasers, they don't have such an impression of conventional air defense systems. More precisely, the impression that they have nothing at all and nothing works.
      1. +11
        2 November 2020 15: 42
        Azerbaijan was preparing for the war of the 21st century. The Armenians were sleeping at that time.
        1. +2
          2 November 2020 16: 01
          Quote: Alien From
          Azerbaijan was preparing for the war of the 21st century. The Armenians were sleeping at that time.

          It remains to pay for it. Without our participation, I hope
      2. NTD
        2 November 2020 15: 58
        Quote: sevtrash
        Armenians need to work out a strategy in specific conditions, until it is clear that they have one.

        to begin with, they need to change Sorosyanovsky Pashinyan and put a pro-Russian one at the head of Armenia. Then cry to the whole world and collect a lot of dough. A lot of dough. Buy the latest radars, rab, Then again shout to the whole world that they are starving and get more dough from the diaspora, then buy TOP, Shell and means of close countermeasures against drones. And then we still cry, as much as possible, and collect more dough and buy the S-400, Next, sell Sushki (if they really are) and instead buy a MiG-35 with AFAR radar. The most effective method of fighting a drone is aviation. Next, open schools for operators ..... given that they have a population of 2 lemma, they need to transfer everything they can to the drone. In their case, the quantity does not roll, and therefore must work for quality.
        1. +1
          2 November 2020 16: 48
          Quote: MTN
          The most effective method of dealing with a drone is aviation.

          And the enemy also has air defense, which covers these drones.
          And if the enemy releases 100 drones, empty, such as cheap aircraft models, and one working reconnaissance drone, no aviation will be enough. Here, as they say, you need to think. And then aviation ... There is no time to think, you have to shake ... request
      3. +10
        2 November 2020 16: 06
        They ran out of air defense when they shot down Azerbaijani maize workers, converted to unmanned control. Not only did they use up the ammunition of expensive guided anti-aircraft missiles, they shot down, according to Armenian data, 25 aircraft, 16 helicopters, etc. Thus, out of 50 An-2s (it is difficult to distinguish An-2 from a helicopter, the speed and dimensions are similar), the Azerbaijan Air Force lost almost all maize workers, and the Karabakh air defense system opened its air defense systems, then destroyed by shock drones.
      4. +4
        2 November 2020 16: 19
        Quote: sevtrash
        Speaks very general

        His colleagues set the tactics of Ishilu & Co. taking into account the enemy's complete air supremacy. If you want details, look in that direction. The Babakhs held out in more difficult conditions for much longer than the Armenians. And they did not have air defense units at all, unlike the Armenians. And the front-line aviation worked on them like in a dash, and this, whatever one may say, is a completely different weight category.
      5. 0
        2 November 2020 23: 28
        He speaks very generally, which is already clear. Armenians need to work out a strategy in specific conditions, until it is clear that they have one. Not only do they have lasers, they don't have such an impression of conventional air defense systems. More precisely, the impression that they have nothing at all and nothing works.

        They have show-off and stupidity.
    3. +3
      2 November 2020 15: 46
      Quote: Alien From
      What can I say, the general is right.

      Well, that's it, a new military doctrine has arrived, drinks or rather the era - the era of drones! And how to deal with this monster - no one knows! On VO there were publications of some experts that tanks are no longer needed! Why, if their drones spank like an insect fly swatter? Maybe it is not the military-technical doctrine that matters, but the military themselves, who uses this technique?
      1. +5
        2 November 2020 15: 58
        One way is to build your own drones and be one step ahead.
    4. 0
      2 November 2020 16: 52
      Quote: Alien From
      What can I say, the general is right

      Dear forum users!
      This "brave" husband, exactly repeated your assumptions and conclusions about the means of combating UAVs, which you announced three weeks ago.
      Feel free to conclude contracts with think tanks on military topics.
    5. +3
      2 November 2020 17: 58
      Quote: Alien From
      What can I say, the general is right.

      He's right ... he just didn't say anything new! That is, he reported "known truths" (!) ... however, "some" forgot about it or, in general, "did not take it into their heads"!
  2. NTD
    2 November 2020 15: 30
    I doubt very much that this is an American general and that the American would reveal the secrets of how to fight against DRONES when they themselves do not go to the toilet without a drone. And the fact that he advised is generally tough and also will not openly support someone's side.
    1. +6
      2 November 2020 16: 12
      And that such a secret could be told by a retired American general, he got off with general phrases.

      In fact, he did not tell anything new and gray, about everything that he described, on VO from the first days in the comments, knowledgeable and unaware people spoke. (disguise, overcrowding of soldiers, lack of adequate air defense).

      Armenia slept or was engaged in the division of power. negative
      Azerbaijan has worked hard and updated its army for war in the 21st century. good
      Accordingly, this preparation is bearing fruit.

      Observers from the side, observe and shake their heads and draw conclusions accordingly. what
  3. +4
    2 November 2020 15: 30
    Yes, the American general is right. And apparently, such work was carried out under his leadership. It would be interesting to hear the opinions of Russian military leaders on this issue at the Russian Military District. Operating ...
  4. +2
    2 November 2020 15: 46
    As I said: Some were preparing for the war of the last century, others for the war of the present.
  5. -3
    2 November 2020 15: 51
    There is such a thing for the dugout --- drawings, you are.
    1. -4
      2 November 2020 15: 53
      yes you skurvilis - here and get
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      2 November 2020 17: 58
      But didn't you pereiashchili all the production, and pirich rotten, and who did not like freebies, and who saved you - eat for health and where is your courage, Russia fought for the fatherland - and you?
      1. -1
        2 November 2020 18: 06
        Not quite correctly said - peace is needed, and war is there, in those nasty pants, it's bad when they gloat - why I don't have a button - after the first time (we have all the coordinates) --- punish them
  6. +1
    2 November 2020 15: 54
    Star Wars. Episode X: Drone Attack
  7. -4
    2 November 2020 15: 59
    The American general stated the following unambiguously: "The main conclusion “Everyone should have this opportunity [large-scale use of UAVs], because UAVs completely change the usual balance of power.”

    Therefore, there is no need to distort his words and assert that the main thing is supposedly to be able to hide [underground, or better on the territory of third countries] bully
  8. +4
    2 November 2020 16: 14
    "You need to know how to hide"

    They should watch our old film, "Troubled Economy" !!! how a tutorial went b!
    And so, you need to study, prepare, do everything ON TIME!
    1. +3
      2 November 2020 16: 26
      Yes, cool movie and good tutorial even for today ... Greetings! hi
      1. +1
        2 November 2020 16: 37
        Hi soldier
        Many old films are pleasant to remember.
        Well sho, we are waiting for the upcoming EVENT !!!
        By the way, to prepare and improve your mood, you can watch a good movie ... "Volg - Volga" for example.
        1. +3
          2 November 2020 17: 05
          There is a long list, the main thing is that the lessons are learned correctly ...
          1. +1
            3 November 2020 09: 33
            Some films are so ... naive, if you look at it carefully. BUT, there is a LOT of instructive, worldly wisdom in them!
            1. +3
              3 November 2020 09: 36
              Naivety and simplicity does not negate wisdom and instructiveness ...
  9. +4
    2 November 2020 16: 15
    The most amazing thing is that UAVs have already been used for about 30 years in conflicts around the world. The same "Desert Storm" - the same - a bare open desert in which it is especially difficult to hide large armored vehicles.
    Karabakh is also an open treeless area - this is known to all parties to the conflict for a long time - and therefore the camouflage and tactics of war in a given theater of the DB must be extremely specific !!!

    What has Armenia been thinking about for 30 years ??? - unclear. But they were completely unprepared for modern warfare with the use of UAVs !!! Note - in Armenia, as in any country, large (by their scale) annual budgetary amounts for the army are provided !!! It turns out that the money for the army was simply thrown away by the Armenians in recent years ???

    By the way, the south of Russia is a steppe for hundreds of kilometers - an ideal battlefield for drones !!! Taking into account the use of UAVs, camouflage for such a terrain should be completely revised !!!
    1. +3
      2 November 2020 17: 12
      Quote: Selevc
      What has Armenia been thinking about for 30 years ??? - unclear. But they were completely unprepared for modern warfare with the use of UAVs !!!

      Moreover, okay, 30 years of world experience passed by Armenia - this is still someone else's experience. But in 2016, the Armenians themselves were shown how they will be at war with them in the near future. The same Azerbaijanis, the same UAVs, the same long-range ATGMs.
      So what? But nothing - if you take the footage of the conflict in 2016 and the war in 2020, then there is practically no difference. The 4 years that the Armenians had to prepare for a new war are completely loved by them.
    2. +1
      2 November 2020 17: 25
      Read Vasily Emelianenko - how he supported our Cossacks in the Kalmyk steppes on the Il-2 during the Second World War - just the south of Russia, which "the steppe is as flat as a table"! A very interesting and specific theater of operations.
  10. -4
    2 November 2020 16: 30
    Well, our country can supplement the general:
    one strike by Zircon on the Ministry of Defense of the enemy quickly solves the problem. bully
    1. +2
      2 November 2020 17: 01
      Quote: flicker
      Well, our country can supplement the general:
      one strike by Zircon on the Ministry of Defense of the enemy quickly solves the problem. bully

      Yes, Th is trifling, how we will embed and all in dust. The main thing is to find this ministry. And if the minesterstvo is farther than the Zircon radius, then we will obviously screw it to the Dagger. An aluminum sinkhole. wassat
      Beware of the enemy!
      1. -3
        2 November 2020 17: 10
        The main thing is to find this ministry.
        Thank you for highlighting the bug.
        Well, I think it'll get to the IDF somehow. bully
      2. 0
        2 November 2020 17: 18
        Quote: Beringovsky
        And if the minesterstvo is farther than the Zircon radius, then we will obviously screw it to the Dagger.

        To "Poseidon" same. And further - by inland waterways. smile
        1. 0
          2 November 2020 18: 19

          To "Poseidon" same. And further - by inland waterways. smile

    2. +1
      2 November 2020 17: 21
      It is your comment that is a vivid example of "shapkozakidatstva"
      1. -3
        2 November 2020 17: 49
        Is the Zircon strike a hat?
        Do you at least understand the meaning of this word (shapkozakidatelstvo)?
        If you understand, then try to compare the strength and quality of damage during the war from a hypersonic missile and from an attack drone.
        Suppose you are facing a war and what would you prefer to have: an attack drone that can disable some kind of howitzer or a hypersonic missile that can destroy an entire city (say, Haifa)?
        1. +3
          2 November 2020 19: 27
          Quote: flicker
          Is the Zircon strike a hat?

          President of the Union of Geopolitics of Russia, Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov humiliating and destructive commented on the capabilities of the most dangerous Russian supersonic missile "Zircon".
          Read it, there are many interesting things.
          Quote: flicker
          capable of smashing an entire city (say, Haifa)

          When you read this article, you will understand that instead of Haifa, you can get to Damascus.
          1. -4
            2 November 2020 21: 03
            Sivkov, you will give Ivashov as an example. laughing
            Academicians of Geopolitical Issues. The first vice-president of this Academy, the second president of the same fake Academy.
            Maybe for Israel these are authorities, but for Russia it is more of a "military decoration". bully
            Before the elections in the United States, they did not start testing Zircon at a distance of up to 1000 km, and they will launch it a couple of days after the elections.
  11. +8
    2 November 2020 17: 09
    The Americans also lack reliable ways to deal with attack drones.
    like all other countries.
    Just the case when a new offensive type of weapon overtook
    means of defense against it.
    1. +1
      2 November 2020 19: 01
      This is because none of the technologically advanced countries has seriously dealt with this. And why, if only you have drones? I am afraid that when we rivet the drones, our opponents will invent effective means of dealing with them. And catch up on a new one.
      Is it better to be proactive?
    2. The comment was deleted.
  12. +4
    2 November 2020 17: 20
    Well, in this case, you hear the opinion of a professional from a military point of view, without any politics - which is undoubtedly interesting! Well, the brevity and capacity of the general's comments and his comprehensive approach to solving the problem inspire respect. I have no doubt that specialists, both from NATO and ours, are studying the experience of this conflict in detail.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  13. +3
    2 November 2020 18: 00
    Stupid Armenians are not just learning to disguise themselves. They don't even have the sense to hide behind the smoke. Armored vehicles and smoke equipment are not used at all! They probably don't even know about the existence of smoke bombs. Although smokes also need to be able to apply laughing
    1. +2
      3 November 2020 00: 01
      They do not know when the blow will be on them, but you will not smoke all the time, this is not Iraq with oil wells
      1. +1
        3 November 2020 21: 04
        So you need to know! There is a consideration .. high-precision laser is guided, and not by probing anti-radar .. there is a laser signal reception, and the radar honor may signal when irradiated .. why the hell is not joking .. Maybe it will give time to understand what is on the sight ..
    2. The comment was deleted.
  14. 0
    2 November 2020 18: 04
    Over and over again quantity and offense have played out against quality and defense.
    Better defense is bigger and cheaper than offensive means. They will crush all defenses.
  15. +1
    2 November 2020 18: 32
    What, just hide? You still need to run well.
  16. +3
    2 November 2020 19: 32
    [quoteFighting vehicles should not be in open areas, soldiers should not gather in groups, as if they think they are not visible. And it's terrible to see so many people die because of this. However, the Armenian side seems to be poorly adapting to the situation] [/ quote]
    This should already become an axiom - in addition, practically all air defense systems were knocked out in the NKR.
  17. +1
    2 November 2020 20: 53
    He's damn right about poor quality soldiers (and commanders). These are the consequences of the collapse of the education system.
    1. +2
      2 November 2020 23: 33
      He's damn right about poor quality soldiers (and commanders). These are the consequences of the collapse of the education system.

      Poor quality of command and control and lack of strategy. Perhaps "cowardice" in making a serious decision.
  18. +1
    2 November 2020 22: 21
    Quote: author
    This time, the Polish media resource Defense24 turned to retired American Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, the former commander of the US Army in Europe, for clarification.

    Frederick Benjamin "Ben" Hodges III Awards

    no comments needed
    Lieutenant General - no one and no name to him. staff rat.
    In June 2002, Hodges assumed command of the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Brigade, leading it in Operation Iraqi Freedom. March 23, 2003 before the start of the operation, Sergeant Hasan Akbar attacked other soldiers in the brigade, killing two and wounding fourteen. Hodges received a minor shrapnel wound during the attack and testified before the Akbar military tribunal in April 2005.

    "and testified before the Akbar military tribunal in April 2005." all his military achievements
    Quote: Alien From
    What can I say, the general is right.

    and I will give these 10050 indications:
    - do not go to war (slip away, shirk, hide in the basement)
    - if you got a bribe to get to the rear of the deep
    -if failed, suck up to the commander
    and so on and so on ..
    Don't be Ben Hodges ... yu. like me pliz ...
  19. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      3 November 2020 21: 01
      Buy first you have to .. "and not praise"
  20. +2
    3 November 2020 10: 02
    Combat vehicles should not be in open areas, soldiers should not gather in groups, as if they think they are not visible. And it's terrible to see so many people die because of this. However, the Armenian side seems to be poorly adjusting to the situation, as are the Syrians.

    THOSE. it turns out that in vain the Armenian commanders were trained and trained with the NATO countries, since they did not learn anything and did not transfer experience to their subordinates ...
  21. +2
    3 November 2020 11: 04
    A terrible "hunt" for people in the trenches, of course ... never before in modern wars has it happened so coldly and prudently ...
  22. +1
    3 November 2020 20: 59
    There are experts in the electronic part here, evaluate! There is a consideration .. high-precision laser is guided, and not by probing anti-radars .. there is a laser signal reception, and the radar part, when irradiated, can signal something .. why the devil is not joking .. Maybe time will give understand what is in sight ..
  23. +1
    4 November 2020 13: 46
    The following logical conclusion suggests itself: only drones can fight against drones. Other methods are economically ineffective and tactically extremely weak. Therefore, it is necessary to move in the direction of equipping the units with security drones that destroy enemy drones even at the stage of searching for targets. This primarily applies to units with military equipment (armored vehicles, artillery, multiple launch rocket systems and OTKR). Roughly speaking, each tank platoon has a drone. Otherwise, it remains to rely on "hide and seek" or keep helicopters in the air, which in turn will become a target for enemy MANPADS on the line of contact.
    1. +1
      4 November 2020 13: 52
      It's strange that Hodges kept silent about anti-drones. These are the Americans, who are not fed with bread, but just give me the assurance of a new military-technical contraption! However, the natives are supposed to think only about "hide and seek". Ay, Hodges, oh well done!